8th Grade Social Studies Lesson 3

Students will be reading a graphic text about the . They will then take a 10 question reading comprehension quiz over the graphic text. (8.1.24)

During this lesson students will demonstrate their mastery of the following learning targets; ● Identify the causes and effects of events leading to the Civil War.(Compromise of 1850)

During the lesson students will know they have mastered those learning targets because they are able to show they have fulfilled the following Success Criteria;

● Identify the causes and effects of events leading to the Civil War.(Compromise of 1850) ○ I can identify how the Compromise of 1850 led to the Civil War

Summary​: Students will read a graphic text about the Compromise of 1850 and answer 10 questions about the text.

Directions: 1. Step 1 - Read the following graphic text https://drive.google.com/file/d/1--fa6zgt5XOSXE4p_P4eZKLPmDuUvUaw/view?usp=sha ring 2. Step 2 - Complete the following quiz over the Compromise of 1850 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-MGyX0xXSLlEkPRSWBW6-lFXvh3MOB6S

Resources: Text - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1--fa6zgt5XOSXE4p_P4eZKLPmDuUvUaw/view?usp=sharing Quiz - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-MGyX0xXSLlEkPRSWBW6-lFXvh3MOB6S ​

In 1846, Polk gains the Oregon territory. More future northern free states. some panic for the south.

Then Polk's war with Mexico gains an even greater amount of land that could potentially become southern slave states. Wait a minute, say northern democrats who oppose the spread of slavery to any more of the lands belonging to the United States. David Wilmont, (d-PA) introduces an amendment to an appropriations bill to prevent slavery in the lands gained from mexico.

My Wilmont proviso will stop the relentless expansion of slavery in the U.S. by blocking its march westward into the lands where slavery was forbidden under mexican law.

David Wilmont

Those *^%$#@ Yanks are trying to kill the south.

We will not stand for this. These lands are slave territories per the You're trying to Compromise. pack the Senate! John C. Calhoun Hey guys! It's 1848, and I just found gold here in California.

By 1849, the gold rush is on. By 1850, California has enough population to skip the territory phase, write a state constitution, and apply for a place in the union as a free state.

I say, I say no way! Split California in two. One a free state and one a slave state.

John C. Calhoun I support the admission of California as one single free states in our union.

Taylor, as a southerner and especially as a plantation owners with slaves of your own, you are a disgrace.

You are a vile trader to the south, sir!

Let's just get it done. California comes in as a free state. Confusion and gridlock rule in congress. America's great compromiser, Sen. (whig, KY) puts together a package of bills he believes will be a compromise that can get Congress beyond this deadlock.

I have here on my lap a packet of five bills i'm putting together in one super-bill. I call it the omnibus bill. It's got a little something for everyone. and the good news is if we pass it everyone wins and we get past this legislative roadblock. Here's what I propose:

1. admit California as a free state

2. The other lands from Mexico will vote at the time the become states on whether they want to be slave or free.

3. $10 million to Texas if it give up its claims to disputed lands in New Every Mexico territory. That will pay off body votes for this. the late republic's national debt. Everybody gets something they want. 4. End the selling of slaves in the And, everybody gives District of Columbia, but people there something to the can continue to own slaves. other side. That's the way you do 5. a new fugitive slave law requiring compromise, those northerners to actively help in gentlemen! recovering and returning runaway slaves. Gentlemen, the omnibus bill is our way forward out of the political morass.

There is nothing here for the South. The constitution requires the return of fugitive slaves. Northers need to abide by the constitution; we need no fugitive slave law.

Everything remaining in the bill is a power grab by the north. The south has compromised since the start of the union. we can no longer compromise away our homes, property, and way of life to satisfy a lustful North.

Clay fails to get the majority needed to pass the omnibus bill in the senate. tired, ill, disgusted, clay packs his bags and heads home to his I, sir, and every good mansion, ashland, in . southern senator shall vote against this evil package. Stephen a. Douglas, (D. IL.) has been assisting clay. He now takes up the task of getting the bill through the Senate. He has national ambitions, he would like to become president. This is a chance to show national leadership.

What if I had the senate vote on each of the measures one I've got an idea for at a time? getting this done. Each provision of the omnibus bill has a majority itself. we'll just vote on each provision separately. That way, everyone can vote against the things he hates and only for the things he likes.

Gentlemen, we have five major bills to debate and then put to a vote this month. Let's get started.

Douglas' strategy works. All five parts of the Compromise pass as five individual bills.

However, one has to ask, if that's what it takes, is this really a compromise? President taylor dislikes the compromise of 1850. He says he will veto it.

On 4 July 1850, Taylor My fellow goes to the citizens, I memorial and give a big stand here speech. Hot and tired, proudly on Taylor goes back to the this our Presidential Mansion, a national day quaffs down a quart of at the great memorial to iced milk along with some our first pickles. The next day, president, Taylor is very ill. He gets General worse and eventually dies. Washington.

His vice President, Millard Fillmore from New York becomes President.

Gentlemen in Congress. I will gladly sign you Compromise of 1850. As you may have suspected, a "compromise" in which not everyone voted for all of the compromise is not really a compromise.

The North, the South, just about everyone is unhappy with the so- called "Compromise of 1850". The ink on Fillmore's signature is not dry before everyone is plotting to change the situation to their advantage. Southerners want all the lands of the United States open to Southerners have a powerful slavery. No more proponent in the person of Senator Missouri compromise. Atchinson, the pro slavery senator Every territory is a from Missouri who become President territory where slave Pro Temp of the Senate. owners can move and settle.

Northerners want to Senator Douglas, stop all expansion of if you want to keep slavery. Slaves in you chairmanship of slave states will the committee on remain slaves. There the territories, you will, however, be no will make certain new slave states. All that you Kansas territories are to be Nebraska act closed to slavery. repeals the These northerners Missouri become known as the compromise and Free soilers. opens all territories to slavery. By 1854 the Congress has undone the Compromise of 1850. Senator David Atchison forces the Kansas Nebraska Act to be very pro southern. The act creates outrage in the north and a contest to populate the new territory of Kansas. We will investigate that in greater detail in the future. 3/12/2020 Quiz: 8 - Soc Stud - Lesson 3 Quiz 8 - Soc Stud - Lesson 3 Quiz

This is a preview of the draft version of the quiz

Started: Mar 12 at 1:56pm Quiz Instructions

Use the link to answer each question.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tm1BoOxbSmIbMCBefq1ZuPI_yzY33quV/view?usp=sharing (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tm1BoOxbSmIbMCBefq1ZuPI_yzY33quV/view?usp=sharing)

Question 1 1 pts

In 1846 what area did Polk get from Britain?




Question 2 1 pts

What did Wilmont want to have happen to any lands gained from Mexico?

Make all lands slave.

Make all lands free.

Let the states decide if the lands would be slave or free.

https://msdlt.instructure.com/courses/173631/quizzes/395824/take?preview=1 1/4 3/12/2020 Quiz: 8 - Soc Stud - Lesson 3 Quiz

Question 3 1 pts

What did John C. Calhoun believe should happen to California?

He believed it should be returned to Mexico.

He believed it should be a free state.

He believed it should be a slave state.

Question 4 1 pts

What event in 1849 resulted in the increase in population in Mexico?

Mexican War

Gold Ruch

Mexican Cession

Question 5 1 pts

Look at the map on the third page. How many gold fields are shown on the map?




Question 6 1 pts

https://msdlt.instructure.com/courses/173631/quizzes/395824/take?preview=1 2/4 3/12/2020 Quiz: 8 - Soc Stud - Lesson 3 Quiz Some wanted California to be slave and others wanted it to be free. What was Calhoun's solution?

Split California into two states, one slave and one free.

Make California all free.

Make California all slave.

Question 7 1 pts

Which person worked out the compromise to admit California as a state?

President Taylor

Henry Clay

John C. Calhoun

Question 8 1 pts

Based the Compromise of 1850 California would be

a free state.

a slave state.

part slave and part free.

Question 9 1 pts

Based on page 6, which part of the Compromise of 1850 would cause southerners to support the compromise? https://msdlt.instructure.com/courses/173631/quizzes/395824/take?preview=1 3/4 3/12/2020 Quiz: 8 - Soc Stud - Lesson 3 Quiz

Ending slave trade in Washington DC

Fugitive Slave Act

California becoming a free state.

Question 10 1 pts

How did the Compromise of 1850 eventually pass?

President Taylor died.

Calhoun agreed not to start Civil War.

Clay forced the Senate to sign it into law.

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