Council Newsletter

CITY MANAGER'S NOTES December 12, 2013

Upcoming Council Meetings City Council will meet on Monday, December 16, 2013. There is no Study Session scheduled. The Regular Meeting will begin at 7:30p.m. in Council Chambers. City Council will meet at Twin Dragon at 5:30p.m. for a holiday dinner. The agenda is attached.

There is no Study Session scheduled for Monday, December 23rd or December 30th due to the Christmas and New Year's holidays. The next City Council meeting will be Monday, January 6, 2014.

Informative Memoranda The following are memoranda in response to City Council's requests, as well as other informational items.

1. Articles concerning Chick-fil-A development, Holiday sales up in Arapahoe County, and Chick-Fil-A removing fructose corn syrup from ingredients. 2. News Release from Xcel concerning wind energy. 3. Investment Report, November, 2013. 4. Memorandum providing an update for the 2014 Business Summit. 5. Calendar of Events. 6. Tentative Study Session Topics. 7. Minutes from the Housing Authority meeting of November 6, 2013. 8. Minutes from the Public Library Board meeting of November 12, 2013.


irked by pl;mned Chick~fU~A·· Neighbors plaJ1 ~as been ap- call; com~ .• . ¢hick-fil~J¥~ aq::ess for sb.e ~d did nJt ~eturn ~e~hlng• py the planning and zoning Wonlla:rd fib A is ruilling .. . ·... · ..· .· . / . · .· }prpy~P, By Clayton her )leighbor!); · · ~e)lt.. .. commission··. plqp that ~y¢so:re ' · . ' ...... ·.· . new Chick-f"U-A development ... concemth.ath~s c<)me up r~garqing A right in the qJ.idq!~. qf:~ n~ighbor~ Wou.llqrd: J0~~954-2953, is slated to be built inEriglewoo9. on ~d ?:ol1mg w~s. thf:! qevel:: ·· Cla~t~rr th;lt ~~r!'!s. ~b9ut ~1:1cl} oth!'!:rt pl1:1xming unused portion of land de- 11ooq ope:r ,_Jropo~i)lg pu.rnpst~rs i:igl:lt a long Cummim;:s!lid,. .•. · .com/yhclayton · neighborhood complaints that BeverlY A.q:irna 'Street, s.qthey ar~ !Je- spite !:!ai.d th~t " '.. ·.· ~Y ll!!§ tr g1:1;:• aloxig ...... • . ' . fast-food restaurant will•''''" .slw ' ing moved iii Closer• to the :S,ite. the new . . rages. !llong it,/Sh s.o" can!i~rned change access to their residen<;:es. White said they also will be chang­ about tM a(ld~d t~.. ,.JS th¢#~wres;- The proposed 4.58o-s.qpare-foot ing the parking lot lighting tq cut­ taurant wW11:1 dtlve~t}l"rg}tghi will re­ restaurant is at the northwest cor~ 1 · offlights that will be downcast, CQIJ.tril:>pte to !llr!'!~qy Piickeq J:"oCid:: ner of Broadway an!=)rs ner :w4119 o:p.~ h.a,~ ~e~1neO. Acoma Street • She saicl sgme qf work, so they've tween Broaqway ;llld onto Da,rt:mouth the '·e(;onomics the use that a1ley to get aid. ·· . " _ . Developer A represe11tative frozn. Chick,.fil-:-A neighbors in July to hear that Chick- \- *

f·c- i ui ~ Your Business Holiday sales up overall in county weather/' Glideen said. · nice of. candy By Clayton Woullard Lola SalaZar,· owner Hub Reporter -· _Sugar Rush on Main Your store Lola's Friday in'Littleton, said Black survey .of Street of sales her Based on an informal- was the second best day County busjnesses,.holi~- since it opened. Arapahoe up, '·.store has done __ •look like· they :will be that is the mice day sales some· She said fueling previous 'years, though on Nov. _29 and that.the:,, from }·weather 'though- businessesarestillstrugglingto,get 'is getting better, levels. ;:, -· ->~economy taken mw~h of a­ to pre~Great 'Recession <""'she fmds she hasn't According to.the NatiomiliRet3ii the bad eftiiwmy be?;a!ls¢, expect hollaa,y::_,) sweets -~s~·en'- :Federation, th~y , - people ~tilkonsi~r be ·up 3•9 percent_,froiri-last .. : feel : - of money to mike'themselves =r:;~~~f~~1~}:J;,~kte.:mi~~~·p:r:es1dent -o'f •_the dQesthat;'!Salazar· -__ · •Greg )Reiiike, Mer- __- ___ good andcSweets ··,; Historic Downtown Littleton

are Friday,_ but,~ays people now they're ~lack pocket-:. year. He .sa@ they feel holi:lir)_g on -lP _their_ still on Decem::. startingto.&ft·out-ofthetecession, He said thef'live to ,pre--reces- books. kids com- but -they~re not :back sales with --· " · . :ber.:.Februa:ty' -aild minibers> with ClJ.ristma,~ money sion owner ofF ,iqg in ;_-: - •• -Russ Robinson -is a-sl()Yf statt. an eclectic_ offer~ ;;f}lin:k:sjt's'just Ca.5h, Hot Gr¥1dpa's-A,ttic, ->-:DanriY Cash .ofDaiUJ,y sci-fi, collectibles,'. -~treet'from Bon­ ing:ofitems· like .::;~auce; across ;the -_- Cornhusker ·_merchan.: -- Nebraska niiriia-• 'me BraeHobby:ShQp1n-Englewood, st:.iiriless steeliings'and the store being open dise, Sheet in said despite had gargoyles off Main Friday and ·saturday, ture Black Fri-- only for . He said on both day ever on Black Friday Littleton. Saturday the best 'before day and Small Business things -v0ll suffer sales 11umbers · "Other Cash said . two weeks'ago;·his the hot sauce will' fly," year. ' : __ · . .. Who consider the were up overlast_ 'bit about customers are spending a 'little essential. "People largely hot-sauce an a ·said Robinson, who owner ofJrrestibiles, more,'.' "More Laura Li, at on word of .mouth. shop -at_ the ·Streets relles becauseT've Clothing Friday people know I'm here SouthGlenn, said.bothBlack for tWo years." ··- _._· · were ·orily'been open and Smail :Busine5ls- Saturday owner The Pottery :years but:Sat­ · rqiD Glidden; betterthanprevid'tis Gallery in doWn.townLittle- was bettei·overall because studio business did . urday nearl'.) ton, said this year her hardforher:tobeatwhat on Black 'Friday· it's - qtiite a .bit better is :offering.~ _:' candlelight .Miley's ·- · because of the arihual · ·· · ':;'·: .. · .. ·.. _ ·, - . walk: ;_, , -. _, ~enougli people · ClaytonW~ull~~l:@g3-9S4::29$3~9t--- "It's· jusf-havirig and.:tt :was · --"'--..~=ridnu~> that weren't'in -a_ 'hurry' Chick-Fil-A Removing Artificial Dye, High Fructose Com Syrup Page 1 of3

December 9, 2013

' \. : IHUFFPOST l '1

Chick-Fil-A Removing Artificial Dye, High Fructose Corn Syrup


NEW YORK (AP) - Chick-fil-A says it's removing high-fructose corn syrup from its white buns and artificial dyes from its sauces and dressings as part of a push to improve its ingredients.

The fast-food chicken chain says the reformulated buns are being tested in about 200 Georgia locations, while the sauces and dressings will be tested starting early next year. It says it also removed a yellow dye from its chicken soup and that the new recipe should be in all restaurants by the end of this month.

It's also testing a new peanut oil, with hopes of a rollout early next year.

The changes come after blogger Vani Hari wrote a post in 2011 titled "Chick-fil-A or Chemical Fil-A?" on her site, It noted that the chain's sandwich had nearly 100 ingredients, including peanut oil with TBHQ, a chemical made from butane. Hari, based in Charlotte, N.C., continued writing about Chick-fil-A's ingredients.

Then last year, the company invited her to its headquarters to spend the day talking with executives.

"They took my concerns and started developing a road map of how to address them," Hari said. On Wednesday, she said she was notified about the changes in an email from the company.

Ingredients in packaged and fast foods are coming under greater scrutiny as more people look to stick to diets they feel are natural. Last year, for instance, PepsiCo Inc. said it would remove a controversial ingredient from Gatorade in response to customer demand, and recently confirmed to the AP that it was reformulating select varieties of its macaroni and cheese to remove artificial dyes.

Still, companies typically don't like publicizing such changes because it could bring unwanted attention over other ingredients or other products. Chick-fil-A, for instance, hasn't made any announcements about its recently reformulated products.

Jodie Worrell, who works in Chick-fil-A product strategy and development, confirmed the changes in an interview and said the company has been working on improving the ingredients in its foods for several years, starting with the removal of trans fats. High-fructose corn syrup was also recently removed from other dressings.

"We've been systemically going through (the menu)," she said.

David Farmer, vice president of product strategy and development, noted that Chick-fil-A would likely keep making changes.

"More and more these days, we've become a kind of food culture. People seem to care a lot more about what's in it, how it's made and where did it come from," he said.

Chick-fil-A, based in , has more than 1,700 locations in 39 states and Washington, D.C.

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tundranurse 38 Fans 12/9/2013 Breaking News: Chick-fil-A Removing Dyes, Corn Syrup and TBHQ in 2014

By Food Babe

Breaking News: Chick-fil-A Removing Dyes, Corn Syrup and TBHQ in "The changes come after blogger Vani Hari wrote a post in 2011 titled "Chick-fil-A or Chemical Fil-A?" on her site, It noted that the chain's sandwich had nearly 100 ingredients, including peanut oil with TBHQ, a chemical made from butane. Hari, based in Charlotte, N.C., continued writing about Chick­ fil-A's ingredients. Then last year, the company invited her to its headquarters to spend the day talking with executives."They took my concerns and started developing a road map of how to address them," Hari said. On Wednesday, she said she was notified about the changes in an email from the company." Background:

After writing several posts about how many controversial ingredients are used at Chick-fil-A (TBHQ- an ingredient derived from butane, artificial food dyes, MSG, living conditions of their chickens, etc). The fast-food giant reached out to me.

Chick-fil-A invited me to their headquarters to consult with them on how they could change their ingredients. I was reluctant at first, because not only did I disagree with their food preparation, I also disagreed with many of their other policies. The desire for the greater consumer good prevailed in my heart. I knew that I, just an everyday girl writing a blog, had a shot at changing the food policies of a major corporation with my corporate consulting experience (along with the help of many more voices supporting me - the Food Babe Army). Change has to start somewhere.

Off I went to the meeting. It was productive and positive, and after a year of follow up meetings directly with Chick-fil-A executives, Chick-fil-a has finally indicated to me that they are making several major changes I suggested.

This morning, I received an email from Chick-fil-A executives confirming these changes: • Successfully removed Yellow #5 and reduced sodium in our chicken soup recipe. Our new soup recipe is rolling out chain-wide now, and will be complete by the end of December. • We have successfully removed HFCS and artificial colors from several of our sauces and dressings. We will move into a testing and rollout phase with these new condiments in early 2014. • Testing peanut oil without TBHQ in multiple markets now with the hopes to rollout chain-wide in early 2014 • We are still in test with the cleaner label white bun. The test is being expanded to other markets outside of Georgia for possible chain-wide rollout by end of 2014. Still yet to come?

Chick-fil-A executives have indicated to me they are working with the supplier to remove artificial food dyes from their "Ice dream" product (the one they offer in kids meals instead of a toy) at a later date yet not determined and working on further nutritional improvements and innovations.

During my meeting with them, we prioritized my requests and my #1 request has still not been addressed, which is to provide safer and more sustainable chicken that is raised without anti-biotics and GMO feed and that is not grown in terrible living conditions.

Also, yet to be addressed is the use of MSG or Monosodium Glutamate in their sandwiches that makes their food unnecessarily addictive. NEWS RELEASE Contact: Erin Mathe f/ Xcel Energy~ 414 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 612-330-1915 December 12, 2013

Xcel Energy to expand wind energy power by 40 percent New wind power estimated to save customers more than $900 million and cut emissions

MINNEAPOLIS - Xcel Energy, the country's #1 wind energy provider, has received regulatory approval to expand its wind power use by approximately 40 percent, adding a total of 1,900 megawatts of new wind throughout its service territory.

"Wind power remains the most affordable renewable resource available to meet our customers' energy needs," said Ben Fowke, chairman, president and CEO ofXcel Energy. "With today's low prices, increasing our overall wind power capacity is an excellent way to protect customers from rising fuel prices."

The newly approved wind power projects are anticipated to reduce customer costs by more than $900 million over the length of the contracts.

Additionally, as a result of this wind power expansion, the company expects that more than 20 percent of its total energy mix will be supplied by wind, further reducing the environmental impact of energy production. The expansion, along with previous conservation, renewable energy and power plant improvement projects, puts Xcel Energy on track to reduce its carbon emissions by 28 million tons, or more than 31 percent, by 2020.

''Xcel Energy is among the nation's leaders in delivering affordable, clean energy from renewable sources," added Fowke. "Our wind power strategy improves the environment, while ensuring we continue to meet customers' needs for low-cost, reliable energy."

Xcel Energy has received accolades for its efforts to boost its wind power production. The American Wind Energy Association earlier this month recognized Xcel Energy as the Utility of the Year for the second time in five years for the company's commitment to new wind energy acquisitions and progressive wind integration efforts. Through use of a state-of-the art wind forecasting tool and system dispatch technology, Xcel Energy set a new record one early morning hour in May 2013, with more than 60 percent of its electricity in Colorado coming from wind energy. · State regulators throughout Xcel Energy's service territories have approved new wind power projects in:

• Upper Midwest: Four projects totaling 750 megawatts in Minnesota and North Dakota for a system total of about 2,600 megawatts. The additions will save Upper JY.(idwest customers about $225 million in fuel costs over 20 years.

• Texas/New Mexico: Three projects totaling almost 700 megawatts located in New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas, for a total of more than 1,500 megawatts in wind purchases. The additions will save Texas-New Mexico customers between $481 million and $590 million in fuel costs over 20 years.

• Colorado: Two projects totaling approximately 450 megawatts, for a system total of about 2,600 megawatts. The additions will save Colorado customers $231 million in fuel costs over 20 years.

Xcel Energy's pursuit of new wind power capacity was made possible by extremely competitive prices and the extended federal Production Tax Credit (PTC) for projects that begin significant construction activities by the end of 2013.

All projects are scheduled to be in service by the beginning of 2016.

Xcel Energy (NYSE: XEL) is a major U.S. electricity and natural gas company with regulated operations in eight Western and JY.(idwestern states. Xcel Energy provides a comprehensive portfolio of energy-related products and services to 3.3 million electricity customers and 1.8 million natural gas customers through its regulated operating companies. Company headquarters are located in Minneapolis. More information is available at

### --- ~------~-----~~-~-~-~ -~~~---~---~----~~~-~ ~~ -~

Cutwater Asset Management 1900 Sixteenth Street, Suite 200 ... Denver, CO 80202 Tel: 303 860 1100 . CUTWATER. Fax: 303 860 0016 A.SSET MANAGEMENT


Report for the period November 1, 2013- Novetnber 30, 2013

Please contact Accounting by calling the number above or email : Nith questions concerning this report.

( This report was prepared on December 5, 2013 ) '..!_._,-~

Fixed Income Market Review November 30, 2013

U.S. Retail & Food Sales Economic Indicators & Monetary Policy - Despite the partial govemment shutdown, U.S. retail sales climbed 0.4 percent in October, the biggest gain in 12/31/07- 10/31/13 three months. (See Chart 1) Households have more to spend with falling gasoline prices, and the wealth effect continues to improve with higher stock prices and home values. This gave retailers confidence heading into the holiday shopping season, but holiday sales are off to a bad start despite deep discounts by retailers. According to a survey by the National Retail Federation, purchases at stores and websites over Thanksgiving weekend fell 2.9 percent from last year, the first decline in the Black Friday shopping weekend since 2009. This will likely force retailers to keep offering discounts to attract consumers during the holiday shopping season. 1

Orders for U.S. durable goods, items designed to last at least tlu·ee years, fell 2.0 percent in October compared to a revised 4.1 percent gain in September. This was due to a decline in business confidence during the partial government shutdown that made some companies trim expenses. With political uncertainty, businesses appear to be less willing to invest amid growing concems that the economic recovery will remain slow in2014.2

According to the minutes from the October 29 111/30 111 Federal Open Market Conm1ittee (FOMC) meeting, the Fed suggested it could taper for other reasons TreasUIJ' Yield Curves than improvement in the job market. At a speech to economists on November 19'\ Ben Bemanke said "the target for the federal funds rate is likely to remain 10/31/13- 11/29/13 near zero for a considerable time after the asset purchases end, perhaps well after" the jobless rate breaches the Fed's 6.5 percent tln·eshold. He also indicated that the Fed will maintain its $85 billion in monthly bond purchases into 2014 to support the recovery. 3 As such, the tapering decision will likely -~ ~ fall on the shoulders of the next Fed chairman, Janet Yellen, who will take over :•• ... _[_ .. 7 - ·-:-.------...... after January's FOMC meeting. In her U.S. Senate confirmation speech on 111 November 14 , Yellen said that unemployment is "still too high" and believes "supporting the recovety today is the surest path to retuming to a more normal approach to monetary policy."4 ''...... tZJ••••I-••-•••••-········••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••...... Yield Curve & Spreads - U.S. Treasury yields were mixed in November as ...... I yields remained rather flat in the short-end and increased in the longer end of the yield curve-i.e., greater than five years.

~~:~:Lr::~.::t::::. :::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. ::: At the end of November, the 3-month Treasury bill yielded 0.05 percent, 6- l_LJ___..JL-l_J__ _.L____JL___ _.______._,_.10 month Treasury bill yielded 0.10 percent, 2-year Treasury note yielded 0.28 3 6 1 2 3 10 30 percent, 5-year Treasury note yielded 1.37 percent, 10-year Treasury note yielded 2.74 percent, and the 30-year Treasury yielded 3.81 percent. (See Chart 2)

Charts sourced from Bloomberg Finance LP Cutwater Asset Management

(Book Page 1) Additional Information November 30, 2013

The opinions expressed above are those of Cutwater Asset Management and are subject to change without notice. All statistics represent month-end figures unless otherwise noted.

A current version of the investment adviser brochure for Cutwater Investor Services Corp., in the form of the Firm's ADV Part 2A, is available for your review. Please contact om Client Service Desk at 1-800-395-5505 or mail your request to:

Cutwater Investor Services Corp. Attention: Client Services 113 King Street Armonk, NY 10504

A copy of the brochure will be sent to you either by mail or electronically at yom option.

In addition, a copy of the most recent version of the Firm's complete Form ADV can be downloaded from the SEC website at

1 National Retail Federation Survey dated December 1, 2013. 2 U.S. Durable Goods New Orders for October 2013. November 27, 2013 release. 3 "Press Release', Board ofGovemors of Federal Reserve System dated November 20, 2013 4 "Yellen Signals More Bond Purchases Until Recovery Improves." Bloomberg Finance LP. November 14, 2013.

Cutwater Asset Management

(Book Page 2) ~~~ ~-~-~~ ______, 'l

City of Englewood Activity and Performance Summary for the period November 1, 2013- November 30,2013

Amortized Cost Basis Activity Summary Detail of Amortized Cost Basis Return

Beginning Amortized Cost Value 41,946,577.10 Interest Accretion Realized Total Earned (Amortization) Gain (Loss) Income Additions Contributions 0.00 Current Holdings Commercial Paper 0.00 583.34 0.00 583.34 Interest Received 54,156.25 U.S. Treasmy 3,765.93 (2,258.26) 0.00 1,507.67 Accrued Interest Sold 15,180.55 U.S. Instrumentality 23,637.92 (3,572.44) 0.00 20,065.48 Gain on Sales 5,477.47 Corporate 7,414.59 (3,267.09) 0.00 4,147.50 Total Additions 74,814.27 Sales and Maturities Deductions U.S. Instrumentality 0.00 0.00 395.55 395.55 Withdrawals 92,831.04 Corporate 2,138.89 (1,008.02) 5,081.92 6,212.79 Total 36,957.33 {9,522.47) 5,477.47 32,912.33 Fees Paid 3,508.22 Accrued Interest Purchased 4,994.37 Loss on Sales 0.00 Total Deductions (1 01 ,333.63) Accretion (Amortization) for the Period (9,522.47) Ending Amortized Cost Value 41,910,535.27 Ending Fair Value 41,919,923.54 Unrealized Gain (Loss) 9,388.27

Annualized Comparative Rates of Return Summary of Amortized Cost Basis Return for the Period Total Po1·tfolio Excl. Cash Eq. Twelve Six Month Trailing Month Trailing Fo1· the Month Interest Eamed 36,957.33 36,957.33 Fed Funds 0.11% 0.09% 0.09% Accreti011 (Amortization) (9,522.47) (9,522.47) Overnight Repo 0.09% 0.06% O.D7% Realized Gain (Loss) on Sales 5.477.47 5.477.47 3 Month T-Bill 0.05% 0.04% 0.06% Total Income on Portfolio 32,912.33 32,912.33 6 Month T-Bill 0.08% 0.06% 0.09% Average Daily Historical Cost 42,098,587.86 42,098,192.03 1 YearT-Note 0.13% 0.13% 0.12% Annualized Return 0.95% 0.95% 2 YearT-Note 0.30% 0.34% 0.30% Annualized Return Net of Fees 0.85% 0.85% 5 YearT-Note 1.10% 1.41% 1.37% Annualized Return Year to Date Net of Fees 0.73% 0.73% Weighted Average Effective Maturity in Days 736 736

(Book Page:>) Amortized Cost Sullllllary - Page 1 Cutwater Asset Management City of Englewood Activity and Performance Summary for the period November 1, 2013- November 30,2013

Fair Value Basis Activit~ Summar~ Detail of Fair Value Basis Return Beginning Fair Value 41,920,198.49 Interest Change in Total Earned Fair Value Income Additions Contlibutions 0.00 Current Holdings Commercial Paper Interest Received 54,156.25 0.00 1,081.78 1,081.78 U.S. Treasury 3,765.93 (431.50) 3,334.43 Accrued Interest Sold 15,180.55 U.S. Instrumentality 23,637.92 23,823.67 47,461.59 Corporate 7,414.59 5,249.63 12,664.22 Total Additions 69,336.80 Sales and Maturities Deductions Commercial Paper 0.00 2.00 2.00 Withdrawals 92,831.04 Corporate 2,138.89 1,996.30 4,135.19 Fees Paid 3,508.22 Total 36,957.33 31,721.88 68,679.21 Accrued Interest Purchased 4,994.37

Total Deductions (101,333.63)

Change in Fair Value for the Period 31,721.88 Ending Fair Value 41,919,923.54

Annualized Comparative Rates of Return Summar~ of Fair Value Basis Return for the Period Total Portfolio Excl. Cash Eq. Twelve Six Month Trailing Month Trailing Fo1· the Month Interest Earned 36,957.33 36,957.33 Fed Funds 0.11% 0.09% 0.09% Change in Fair Value 31.721.88 31,721.88 Ovemight Repo 0.09% 0.06% 0.07% Total Income on Portfolio 68,679.21 68,679.21 3 Month T-Bill 0.09% 0.08% 0.12% Average Daily Historical Cost 42,098,587.86 42,098,192.03 6 Month T-Bill 0.15% 0.10% 0.00% Annualized Return 1.98% 1.98% 1 YearT-Note 0.27% 0.26% 0.12% Annualized Return Net of Fees 1.88% 1.88% 2 YearT-Note 0.43% 0.72% 1.22% Annualized Retum Year to Date Net of Fees 0.28% 0.28% 5 YearT-Note -1.30% -0.30% -0.12% Weighted Average Effective Maturity in Days 736 736

(Book Page 4) Fair Value Smmnary - Page 1 Cutwater Asset Management City of Englewood Recap of Securities Held November 30,2013

Weighted Weighted Weighted Unrealized Average Average % Weighted Average Historical Amortized Gain Final Effective Portfolio/ Average Mnrkct Cost Cost Fair Value (Loss) Maturity (Days) Maturity (Days) Segment Yield* Duration (Years) Cash and Equivalents 11,875.00 11,875.00 11,875.00 0.00 2 2 0.03 0.00 0.00

Commercial Paper 1,995,553.33 1,996,157.78 1,996,156.00 (1.78) 195 195 4.74 0.36 0.00

U.S. Treasury 4,094,218.76 4,031,960.65 4,045,155.00 13,194.35 818 818 9.73 0.61 2.20

U.S. Instrumentality 28,634,933.22 28,565,463.85 28,549,341.56 (16,122.29) 1,119 785 68.08 0.90 2.11

Corporate 7,324,056.20 7,305,077.99 7,317,395.98 12,317.99 646 646 17.41 0.67 1.75

Total 42,060,636.51 41,910,535.27 41,919,923.54 9,388.27 963 736 100.00 0.81 1.96

*Weighted Average Yield is calculated on a "yield to worst" basis. Portfolio I Segment Diversification

Cash and Equivalents 0.0% • Commercial Paper 4.7% • U.S. Treasury 9.7% • U.S. Instrumentality 68.1% Corporate 17.4% Total: 100.0%

(Book Page 5) Holdings Recap - Page I Cutwater Asset Management City of Englewood Maturity Distribution of Securities Held November 30, 2013

Maturity Historical Cost Percent Under 90 Days 6,029,277.00 14.33% 90 To 180 Days 4,031,242.22 9.58% 180 Days to I Year 6,016,907.56 14.31% I To 2 Years 6,603,183.13 15.70% 2 To 3 Years 6,808,335.10 16.19% 3 To 4 Years 7,089,004.00 16.85% 4 To 5 Years 5,482,687.50 13.D4% Over 5 Years 0.00 0.00% 42,060,636.51 100.00%

Maturity Distribution


& &OJ ~;..OJ ;..OJ ;..0 ~;..0 ()1)\0J ()1)\0J .J..e,'lf -l..e,'lf .J..0'lf .J..e,'lf .J..e,'lf .J..0'lf <:) '0<:) ,,_o 0'], ~ ~ <::> /,..<::> 01/i- " "'Q "'Q "'Q de, "'Q"' Qri)\0 ".<..; '], ~ ~ v« <:) '0<:) "

(Book Page ll) Holdings Distribution- Page l Cutwater Asset Management City of Englewood Securities Held November 30,2013

Historical Cost! Amortized Cost! Fair Value/ Unrealized Total % CUSIP/ Purchase Rate/ Maturity/ Par Value/ Accrued Interest Accretion Change In Fair Gain Interest Interest Accured Port Description Date Coupon Call Date Shares Purchased (Amortization) Value (Loss) Received Eamed Interest Cosl Yield

...... 11/30/13 0.000 . .. i2/02ll3 ii;lbs:oo I 1;875.00 . • • ;ll,875cOO • .. ti;87S;OO 0.00 ... 0.00 0.00 O.Q3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL (Cash and Equivalents) 11,875.00 11,875.00 11,875.00 11,875.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00

Commercial Paper

4497WIE28 .·· 11101/13 0.000 o5tei2ti4''''' :·•·:·:•Yi,ooo,Cioo.oo': ,;,.,,;, ;_ 998,382.22···•·· · ····998;648.89 998,781.00 .· 132.11 0.00 O.Od 0.00 2.37 0.32 lNG Funding 0.00 266.67 398.78 o6737JGRO 10/30/i:i 0.000 61!25ti4 997;375;00 {Ll3.89i . 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.37 0.39 Barclnys US Funding 0.00 316.67 683.00 TOTAL (Commercial Paper) 2,000,000.00 I ,995,553.33 1,996,157.78 I ,996,156.00 (1.78) 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.74 0.00 583.34 1,081.78

9ii8i&ivli-io 09/15/11 2.250. 61i3ili5 • i,ooo,'• ••...•.· .•• ,;061,'184:38 ];021,225;56 .. 1,024,062.00 2;836.44 0.00 i,834.24 7,520.38 2.52 0.41 T-Notc 0.00 (1,494.76) (1,680.00) ...... iJi2828SP6:; 08/29/13 0.375 • o4ti 5/is.. :·• •• · · · •· •· i;dtlo;ooo.oo:;:: ·:·• •'·:<1.oot;o9~,7s. ,· · 1,000;920:66 . ; •.. "})id2;422.00 . 1;501.34 0.00 309.06 484.20 2.38 0.31 .. 0.00 .. T-Note (55.i4) i56.00 91282iiQP8 •. 09/23/11 L750 05/3ii16 . 1;025;012:42 · · t;o33;:is 8;3.4658 1,434.69 48.08 2.49 0.73 T-Note 0.00 (822.77) 468.00 9IlS28UA6 .· ii/20/13 0.625 984,802:01 .. ···· .. ·' •'gss;:li2.oo.·· 509.99 ... :i,125.00 17.17 2.34 1.01 T-Notc 114.51 624.50 TOTAL (U.S. Treasury) 4,000,000.00 4,094,218.76 4,031,960.65 4,045,155.00 13,194.35 11,875.00 3,765.93 8,069.83 9.73 0.00 (2,258.26) (431.50)

U.S. Instrumentali1y

:ii:i3XWKVO .• · 03/28/1 L.: .·· ·. 2.375 ;(Wl4(i4 · ... · J;doo,ooo.oo:;•··· •··· :;~,o3o,62tl.oo 1;002,914.84 •. . 1,006,414.00 . 0.00 .1,979.17 5,079.86 2.45 1.32 FHLB 0.00 (848.99) (i,98'7.00) ...... 3134G2UA8 11/30/11 1.000" 08/20/14 l,OdO; ··········1,007,SOO,OO 1,001;976.86 1,005,821.00. 3,844.i4 • 0.00 833.34. ;.·. 2,805.56 2.40 0.72 FHLMC 0.00 (226.36) (703.00) ...... : .... :· · ...... : .· .. ·.·.·· .·.·· ....··· ; 3!3370JS8 07/28/i 1 09/12114 •.. ; · •• .•;•: : ·;. •.J,Ot 1,56o.oo. ·.. :•• J,002,884,94 •. , 1,oo9,328.oii 6,443.06 0.00 i,l45.83 • .3,017.36 2.41 1.00 FIILB 0.00 (303.68) (1,156.00) 3[35GOJlA4 .Call 02/01/12 .0.750 01/30/15 i ,ooo;iibo:oo · • . •·' ,oo4,962.oo I ,000,408.40 1,000,720.00 311.60. b.oo 625.00 2,520.83 2.39 0.50 FNMA 01/30/14 0.00 (204.19) (378.00) ...... 08/23/12 0.500 1112o115 · i,iioo,obo."oo >. 999,68o.oo .. ·. 99<},805.68. 1,001,647.00 .. • .. •2;841.32 ···:2;SOO,OO 416.67 152.78 2.38 0.51 FHLB 0.00 8.11 297.00

(Book Page l) Holdings - Page I Cutwater Asset Managemenl City of Englewood Securities Held November 30,2013

Historical Cost/ Amortized Cost/ Fair Value/ Unrealized Total % CUSIP/ Purchase Rate/ Maturity/ Accmed Interest Change In Fair Gain Interest Interest Accured Port Description Dale Coupon Call Date Purchased Value (Loss) Received Earned Interest Cost Yield 3134G3MK3 Call 02/24/12 '1.000 02ii4116 1,004,140.00 . 1,001,567.00 1;085.60 0.00. 833.33 2,694.44 2.39 0.79 FHLMC 02/24114 0.00 (740.00)

3i34G3SEI CalL :: os/25/12, ·. o3/21/16 "'''';Ooq.oo i 003 4ro:oo ' , I ;000,564.06 ; 1,002, I 56.00 .. 1,591.94 0.00 833.33 1,944.44 2.39 0.81 • '• O.iio ' · · ·· ······· (I53.S3) {732.ilo) FHLMC 03/2I/14 31:i3EAWZ7 ' .··:' Cai1 O'iiJiit2 0.799. 07/li/I6 i;pbo;OQo,oq• ; · · ·' · ·.· •·• tooii.s6()'oiJ ' · ·· ' · l;ooo,ooo.oo I;ooo.o33.oo 33.00. 0.00 658.33 3,072.22 2.38 0.79 FFCB 1211 I/13 0.00 0.00 (31.00)

:ii:i38DS57 Oil(iO .IO!i)!16 ;:. :> ... , 642;SS7.l4 642;857.14> 642,488.78 (36836) '375.00 ,, 625.00 1.53 0.70 FHLB 12/11/13 0.00 0.00 230.14 .3134G4liK7 . Call::'.· .. 10/24/13. 0.500V , .;, , '... :.I 0/24/16 . . i ;OOO;OOo;bo tooo,o,oo.oo.: ··' •'•I;ooo,ooo.oo····· · ····,·· .. ·... 1;oo1.4•n,oo;· 1;443.oo 0.00 416.67 513.89 2.38 0.50 ' HILMC I0/24/14 0.00 0~00 . (37.00)

3 i35GOES8, 11/30/1 i' . 1.375 llil5l16 t,qoo,ooo.oo •.' 1,001,245:70 1;021, 754:00 20;508JO 1;145.83 611.11 2.38 1.33 FNMA 0.00 (34.60) 913.00 3135GDES8. . dii29/I3 L3i5> Ii!J5/16 i ,300,Q00.00 ·····•·· i;332,I33.63 1;325,039.19 . 1,3:28,280.20 . :i,241.01 8,937.50 I ,489.58 794.44 3.17 0.71 FNMA 0.00 (695.54) 1,i86.90 ...... :it:isoilucs Cail 06/07/I 3 '1.000 02113/i 7 1;'i,l25 · ii3il0/17 •.. ·.: i ,O.Od;,DOQ..OQ:, , l,oo6,07o:oo,, .::.:• ·1;oo4;I09.72 .··. I;OI0,878,00: 2;531.25 2.39 1.00 FHLB . 0.00 (10:i.i7) 1,074.00 09!l3ti:L : · ' . 03/i:i!I 1 ··J,ooo,

(Book Page 8) Holdings - Page 2 Cutwater Asset Management City of Englewood Securities Held November 30,2013

Historical Cost/ Amortized Cost/ Fair Value/ Unrealized Total % CUSIP/ Purchase Rate/ Maturity/ Par Value/ Accrued Interest Accretion Change In Fair Gain Interest Interest Accured Port Description Date Coupon Call Date Shares Purchased (Amortization) Value (Loss) Received Earned Interest Cost Yield 3135GOWB5 Call 04/i8113 1.200 64118118 I ,000,000,00 1 ;000,000,00 986,605.00 (13,395.00) 0.00 1,000.00 1,433.33 2.38 1.20 FNMA 01118114 0.00 0.00 1,179.00 3133ECMF8 Cali 04/26/13 0:980 04/24118 i,soo,ooo.oo i Ms.soo.oo 1,498,680.10 .••• i ;473,44S.50 (25,234.60) 0.00 i,225.00 1,510.83 3.56 1.00 FFCB 04/24114 0.00 24.67 (393.00) j!JSGOXMO call o5t30t13 1.125 05/25/18 t,ooo;ooo.oo . . · 999;750.00 999,'775.40 986,846.00 (12,929.40) 5,468.75 937.50 187.50 2.38 1.13 FNMA 02/25/14 0.00 4.12 6,573.00 3130A05N6 Cail 111011U 2.000 09/26/i8 ' · 995,ooo,oo · •.. i,boi,676A5 1;001,067.66 1,002,565.98 i;498.32 0.00 1,658.34 3,593.06 2.38 1.25 FHLD 09/26/14 1,934.72 (608.79) 889.53 TOTAL (U.S. Instrumentality) 28,537,857.14 28,634,933.22 28,565,463.85 28,549,341.56 (16,122.29) 27,281.25 23,637.92 49,940.26 68.08 2,040.14 (3,572.44) 23,823.67


4781GOAX2 .05/20/11 1:200 05/15/14 1,,000,000.00 . ; .·. ·. 998,830.00. 999,823.05 1,oo3,828.oo 4,004.95 6,000.00 1,000.00 533.33 2.37 1.24 Johnson & Johnson !l.oil 32.i7 (665.00) .. &9i33PiiJo 04ii2113 0.875 •. ·.. ··. 07i17/15 . l,soO,ooo,oq ._, .... 1,511,625.00 1;508,345.79 1,5HJ,2i2.00 1,866.21 0.00 i,093.75 4,885.42 3.59 0.53 Toyota Motor Credit 0.00 (422.22) (388.50) ·::<··· ·. , ... · 369604DE2 10/30/12 0.850 Hi/09/i5 j ,bbti,

GRAND TOTAL 41,77 4, 732.14 42,060,636.51 41,910,535.27 41,919,923.54 9,388.27 54,156.25 34,818.44 78,644.12 ]00.00 2,040.14 (8,514.45) 29,723.58

V = variable rate, current rate shown, average rate for Cash & Equivalents

(Book Page 9) Holdings - Page 3 Cutwater Asset Management City of Englewood GASB 40 -Deposit and Investment Risk Disclosure November 30,2013

Maturity S&P Moody Par Value I Historical %Portfolio Market %Portfolio Weighted Avg CUSIP Type Coupon Date Call Date Rating Rating Shares Cost HistCost Value MktValue Mkt-Dur(Yrs) FNMA

3 I 35GOI-IA4 U.S. Instrumentality 0.750 01/30/2015 Ol/30/2014 AA+ Aaa I ,000,000.00 1,004,962.00 2.39 I ,000, 720.00 2.39 0.17 3135GOUC5 U.S. Instrumentality 1.000 02/13/2017 02/13/2014 AA+ Aaa 1,000,000.00 I ,000, 100.00 2.38 I ,00 I, I 85.00 2.39 0.21 3136GOWX5 U.S. Instrumentality 0.500 08/2412017 02124/2014 AA+ Aaa 1,000,000.00 I ,000,000.00 2.38 1,000,618.00 2.39 0.24 3136G03Z2 U.S. Instrumentality 0.750 10/30/2017 10/30/2014 AA+ Aaa 1,000,000.00 999,000.00 2.38 1,002,458.00 2.39 0.92 3 135GOES8 U.S. Instnunentality 1.375 ll/15/2016 AA+ Aaa 2,300,000.00 2,334,223.63 5.55 2,350,034.20 5.61 2.90 3135GONX7 U.S. Instrumentality 1.000 03/13/2017 12113/2013 AA+ Aaa I ,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 2.38 998,421.00 2.38 3.22 3135GOPUI U.S. Instrumentality 1.000 10/11/2017 01/11/2014 AA+ Aaa I ,000,000.00 1,001,000.00 2.38 991,979.00 2.37 3.77 3136G05QO U.S. lnstnunentality 0.700 I 112712017 02/27/2014 AA+ Aaa I ,000,000.00 999,900.00 2.38 996,265.00 2.38 3.91 3136GIBG3 U.S. Instrumentality 0.750 0 l/30/20 18 01/30/2014 AA+ Aaa 1,000,000.00 999,750.00 2.38 993,015.00 2.37 4.06 3135GOWB5 U.S. Instrumentality 1.200 04/18/20I8 Ol/18/2014 AA+ Aaa 1,000,000.00 I ,000,000.00 2.38 986,605.00 2.35 4.25 3135GOXMO U.S. Instrumentality 1.125 05/25/2018 02125/2014 AA+ Aaa 1,000,000.00 999,750.00 2.38 986,846.00 2.35 4.36 12,3oo,mio.oo 12,338,685.63 29.34 12,308, I 46.20 29.36 2.58

3134G3MK3 U.S. Instrumentality 1.000 02/24/2016 02/24/2014 AA+ Aaa 1,000,000.00 I ,004, I 40.00 2.39 1,00 I ,567.00 2.39 0.24 3134G3MZO U.S. Instrumentality 1.100 02/24/2017 02/24/2014 AA+ Aaa 1,000,000.00 1,007,640.00 2.40 I ,00 I ,877.00 2.39 0.24 3134G3SEI U.S. Instnuncntality 1.000 03/21/2016 03/21/2014 AA+ Aaa I ,000,000.00 1,003,4 I 0.00 2.39 I ,002, 156.00 2.39 0.31 3I34G2UA8 U.S. Instrumentality 1.000 08/20/2014 AA+ Aaa 1,000,000.00 1,007,500.00 2.40 1,005,821.00 2.40 0.72 3134G4I-IK7 U.S. Instrumentality 0.500 10/24/2016 10/24/2014 AA+ Aaa 1,000,000.00 I ,000,000.00 2.38 1,001,443.00 2.39 0.90 3134G3J68 U.S. Instrumentality 0.900 09/18/2017 AA+ Aaa 1,000,000.00 994,800.00 994,300.00 2.37 3.72 6,017,490.00 6,007,164.00 14.33 1.02


3133XWKVO U.S. Instrumentality 2.375 03/1412014 AA+ Aaa 1,000,000.00 I ,030,620.00 2.45 I ,006,4 I 4.00 2.40 0.29 313370JS8 U.S. Instrumentality 1.375 09/12/2014 AA+ Aaa 1,000,000.00 1,011,560.00 2.41 1,009,328.00 2.41 0.7S 3130A05N6 U.S. Instrumentality 2.000 09/26/2018 09/26/2014 AA+ Aaa 995,000.00 1,001,676.45 2.38 1,002,565.98 2.39 0.82 313380L96 U.S. lnstnunentality 0.500 ll/20/2015 AA+ Aaa 1,000,000.00 999,680.00 2.38 I,002,647.00 2.39 1.96 313380S57 U.S. Instrumentality 0.700 10/11/2016 12/11/2013 AA+ Aaa 642,857.14 642,857.14 1.53 642,488.78 1.53 2.83 U.S. Instrumentality 1.125 AA+ Aaa 1,000,000.00 1,006,070.00 2.39 I,OI0,878.00 2.41 3.21 5,637,857.14 13.53 5,674,321.76 13.54 1.57


3133EAWZ7 U.S. Instrumentality 0.790 07111/2016 12/11/2013 AA+ Aaa I ,000,000.00 I ,000,560.00 2.38 1,000,033.00 2.39 O.G3 3133ECMM3 U.S. Instrumentality 0.600 04/25/2017 AA+ Aaa I ,000,000.00 996,210.00 2.37 993,182.00 2.37 3.36

(Book Page 10) GASB 40 -Page 1 Cutwater Asset Management City of Englewood GASB 40 -Deposit and Investment Risk Disclosure November 30,2013 Maturity S&P Moody Par Value I Historical % Pmtfolio Market %Portfolio Weighted Avg CUSIP Type Coupon Date Call Date Rating Rating Shares Cost HistCost Value MktValue Mkt Our (Y rs) 3133ECPJ7 U.S. Inslrumcnlalily 0.690 05/16/2017 05/16/2014 AA+ Aaa 1,100,000.00 I ,091 ,024.00 2.59 1,093,049.10 2.61 3.41 3133ECMF8 U.S. Instrumentality AA+ 1,473,445.50 3.51 4.28 4,559,709.60 i0.88 2.94


912828MHO U.S. Treasury 2.250 01/31/2015 AA+ Aaa I ,000,000.00 I ,061 ,484.38 2.52 I ,024,062.00 2.44 1.15 912828SP6 U.S. Treasury 0.375 04115/2015 AA+ Aaa 1,000,000.00 1,001,093.75 2.38 1,002,422.00 2.39 1.37 912828QP8 U.S. Treasury 1.750 05/31/2016 AA+ Aaa 1,000,000.00 1,046,953.13 2.49 1,033,359.00 2.47 2.44 912828UA6 984,687.50 2.34 985,312.00 2.35 3.93 ISSUER TOTAL 4,094,218. 76 9.73 4,045,155.00 9.65 2.21


459200GU9 Cmporate 2.000 0 l/05/2016 AA- Aa3 1,500,000.00 1,554, 795.00 3.70 1,545,127.50 3.69 2.05 ISSUER TOTAL I ,500,000.00 1,554,795.00 3.70 1,545,127.50 3.69 2.05

Tovota Motor Credit

89233P6JO Corporate 0.875 07117/2015 AA- Aa3 1,500,000.00 1,511,625.00 3.59 1,510,212.00 3.60 1.62 ISSUER TOTAL I ,500,000.00 I ,511 ,625.00 3.59 1,510,212.00 3.60 1.62


931142DEO Cmporate 0.600 04111/2016 AA Aa2 I ,225,000.00 1,229,506.20 2.92 1,227,071.48 2.93 2.35 ISSUER TOTAL 1,225,000.00 1,229,506.20 2.92 1,227,071.48 2.93 2.35

Procter & Gamble

742718DS5 Corporate 1.800 ll/15/2015 AA- Aa3 I ,000,000.00 I ,026,830.00 2.44 I ,025,699.00 2.45 1.93 ISSUER TOTAL 1,000,000.00 I ,026,830.00 2.44 I ,025,699.00 2.45 1.93


369604BE2 Cmporate 0.850 10/09/2015 AA+ Aa3 1,000,000.00 1,002,470.00 2.38 1,005,458.00 2.40 1.8-1 ISSUER TOTAL 1,000,000.00 1,002,470.00 2.38 I ,005,458.00 2.40 1.8-1

Johnson & Johnson

478160AX2 Corporate 1.200 05/15/2014 AAA Aaa 1,000,000.00 998,830.00 2.37 1,003,828.00 2.39 0.46 ISSUER TOTAL 1,000,000.00 998,830.00 2.37 1,003,828.00 2.39 0.46

(Book Page 11) GASB 40 - Page 2 Cutwa!er Asset Management City of Englewood GASB 40 - Deposit and Investment Risk Disclosure November 30,2013 Maturity S&P Moody Par Value I Historical %Portfolio Market %Portfolio Weighted Avg CUSIP Type Coupon Date Call Date Rating Rating Shares Cost HistCost Value Mkt Value lvlkt Dur (Y rs)

lNG Funding

4497WIE28 Commercial Paper 0.000 05/02/2014 A-1 P-1 1,000,000.00 998,382.22 2.37 998,781.00 2.38 0.00 ISSUER TOTAL 1,000,000.00 998,382.22 2.37 998,781.00 2.38 0.00

Bnrclays US Funding

06737JGRO Commercial Paper 0.000 07/25/2014 A-1 P-1 1,000,000.00 997,171.11 2.37 997,375.00 2.38 0.00 ISSUER TOTAL I ,000,000.00 997,171.11 2.37 997,375.00 2.38 0.00

lnt Receivable

Cash and Equivalents 0.000 12/02/2013 11,875.00 11,875.00 0.03 11,875.00 0.03 0.00 ISSUER TOTAL 11,875.00 11,875.00 0.03 11,875.00 0.03 0.00

GRAND TOTAL 41,774,732.14 42,060,636.51 100.00 41,919,923.54 100.00 1.95

Highlighted totals are issuers representing 5.00% or more of the portfolio's market value

(Book Page 12) GASB 40 - Page 3 Cutwater Asset Management City of Englewood Securities Pm·chased November 1, 2013 - November 30,2013

Purchase Maturity/ Par Value/ Principal Accrued CUSIP/ Description Date Rate/Coupon Call Date Shares Unit Cost Cost Interest Purchased Yield Commer·cial l'aper

4497WIE28 11/01/2013 0.000 05/02/2014 I ,000,000.00 99.838 998,382.22 0.00 0.32 JNG Funding TOTAL (Commercial Paper) 1,000,000.00 998,382.22 0.00

U.S. Treasury

912828UA6 11/20/2013 0.625 1113012017 I ,000,000.00 98.469 984,687.50 2,954.23 1.01 T-Notc TOTAL (U.S. Treasury) I ,000,000.00 984,687.50 2,954.23

U.S. Instrumentality

3130A05N6 Call 1110112013 2.000 09/26/2018 995,000.00 100.671 1,001,676.45 1,934.72 1.25 FHLB 09/26/2014 3133ECPJ7 Call 1112112013 0.690 05/16/2017 1' 100,000.00 99.184 1,091,024.00 105.42 0.93 FFCB 05/16/2014 TOTAL (U.S. Instrumentality) 2,095,000.00 2,092, 700.45 2,040.14

GRAND TOTAL 4,095,000.00 4,075, 770.17 4,994.37

V =variable rate, current rate shown, average rate for Cash & Equivalents

Purchases - Page I Cutwater Asset Management (Book Page ·1 :l) .- 0-= ~~~~== ·~-- -·-··-· ---- . ------_ _l__L-----'-

City of Englewood Securities Sold and Matured November 1, 2013 November 30,2013

Amortized Cost Fair Value Sale or at Sale or Maturity at Sale or Realized Accrued Sale/ CUSIP/ Maturity Rate/ Maturity/ Par Value/ I Maturity Maturity I Chg.ln Gain Interest Interest Interest Description Date Coupon Call Date Shares Historical Cost Accr/ (Amort) Price Fair Value (Loss) Sold Received Earned Yield

Commercial PaJlet· 4497WOYIO 11/01/2013 0.000 11/01/2013 1,000,000.00 996,736.11 1,000,000.00 100.00 1,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 lNG Funding 0.00 2.00 TOTAL (Commercial Paper) 1,000,000.00 996,736.11 1,000,000.00 I ,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00

U.S. lnstrumentalij,X 3133EC3U6 Call 11/01/2013 0.280 11/21/2014 1,000,000.00 999,250.00 999,604.45 100.00 1,000,000.00 395.55 1,244.44 0.00 0.00 0.32 FFCB 12/21/2013 0.00 0.00 TOTAL (U.S. lnstmmentality) I ,000,000.00 999,250.00 999,604.45 1,000,000.00 395.55 1,244.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

CorJlorate 59217GAMI 11/20/2013 2.000 01/09/2015 1,000,000.00 1,027,020.00 1,013,317.46 101.71 1,017,060.00 3,742.54 7,277.78 0.00 1,055.56 0.81 Met Life Glob (609.71) 2,874.00 06406HBT5 11/21/2013 1.500 01/31/2014 600,000.00 611,292.00 600,906.94 100.23 601,392.00 485.06 2,750.00 0.00 500.00 0.71 Bank of New Yor (255.47) (460.20) 36962G4X9 11/21/2013 2.100 01/07/2014 500,000.00 506,185.00 500,335.68 100.24 501,190.00 854.32 3,908.33 0.00 583.33 1.57 GE Capllal (142.84) (417.50) TOTAL (Corporate) 2,100,000.00 2,144,497.00 2,114,560.08 2,119,642.00 5,081.92 13,936.11 0.00 2,138.89 (1,008.02) 1,996.30

GRAND TOTAL 4,100,000.00 4,140,483.11 4,114,164.53 4,119,642.00 5,477.47 15,180.55 0.00 2,138.89

(1,008.02) 1,998.30

V =variable rate, current rate shown, average rate for Cash & Equivalents

Sales - Page I Cutwater Asset Management (Book Paoe 14) City of Englewood Transaction Report for the period November 1, 2013- November· 30, 2013

Date CUSIP Transaction Sec Type Description Maturity PAR Value/Shares Principal Interest Transaction Total Balance

Il/01/2013 3130A05N6 Bought INS FHLB 09/26/2018 995,000.00 1,001,676.45 1,934.72 (1,003,611.17) ( 1,003,611.17) 11/01/2013 3133EC3U6 Call INS FFCB 11/2112014 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,244.44 1,001,244.44 (2,366.73) 11/01/2013 4497\VOYJO Maturity CP INGFunding 11/01/2013 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.00 1,000,000.00 997,633.27 11/01/2013 4497WIE28 Bought CP ING Funding 05/02/2014 1,000,000.00 998,382.22 0.00 (998,382.22) (748.95) 11115/2013 3135GOES8 Interest INS FNMA 11/15/2016 2,300,000.00 0.00 15,812.50 15,812.50 15,063.55 11115/2013 478160AX2 Interest COR Johnson & Johnson 05/15/2014 1,000,000.00 0.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 21,063.55 11/15/2013 742718DS5 Interest COR Procter & Gamble 11115/2015 1,000,000.00 0.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 30,063.55 11/20/2013 313380L96 Interest INS FHLB 11/20/2015 1,000,000.00 0.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 32,563.55 11120/2013 59217GAM1 Sold COR Met Life Glob 01109/2015 1,000,000.00 1,017,060.00 7,277.78 1,024,337.78 1,056,901.33 11/20/2013 912828UA6 Bought TSY T-Note 11/30/2017 1,000,000.00 984,687.50 2,954.23 (987 ,641. 73) 69,259.60 11121/2013 06406HBT5 Sold COR Bank ofNew York 0113112014 600,000.00 601,392.00 2,750.00 604,142.00 673,401.60 11/21/2013 3133ECPJ7 Bought INS FFCB 05/16/2017 1,100,000.00 1,091,024.00 105.42 (1,091,129.42) (417,727.82) 11/21/2013 36962G4X9 Sold COR GECapital 01/07/2014 500,000.00 501,190.00 3,908.33 505,098.33 87,370.51 11125/2013 3135GOXMO Interest INS FNMA 05/25/2018 1,000,000.00 0.00 5,468.75 5,468.75 92,839.26 11/27/2013 3136G05QO Interest INS FNMA 11/27/2017 1,000,000.00 0.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 96,339.26 11/30/2013 Bought CE Int Receivable 12/02/2013 11,875.00 11,875.00 0.00 (l1,875.00) 84,464.26 11/30/2013 912828QP8 Interest TSY T-Note 05/31/2016 I ,000,000.00 0.00 8,750.00 8,750.00 93,214.26 11/30/2013 912828UA6 Interest TSY T-Note 11130/2017 1,000,000.00 0.00 3,125.00 3,125.00 96,339.26

Portfolio ActiYity Total 96,339.26

Net Contributions: o.ool Fees Charged: 3,508.221 Net Withdrawls: 92,831.041 Fees Paid: 3,508.221

Transactions - Page 1 Cutwater Asset IV!anagemenl (Boo!< Page 15) City of Englewood Securities Bid and Offer for the period 111112013- 11/30/2013

Trans Settle Description Call Date Broker Par Value Discount Price YTM/YTC Competitive Bids

BUY ll/Ol/2013 FHLB 2 09/26/2018 09/26/14 JPM 995,000 100.671 1.86/1.25 RBC- FHLB CALL 2%09/18-09/14@ YTC 1.22 MER- FFCB 2.08%09/18-09/14@ YTC 1.13

BUY 11/0l/2013 INGFDG 0 05/02/2014 BAS 1,000,000 0.320 99.838 0.32 UBS- UBS FINANCE 05/02/14@ YTM 0.20 CIT- FHLB DISC 05/02/14@ YTM 0.06

SELL 11/20/2013 MET 2 Ol/09/2015 MOR 1,000,000 101.706 0.49 RBC@ 101.649 JEF@ 101.605

BUY 11/20/2013 T-Note .625 11130/2017 UBS 1,000,000 98.469 1.01 JviOR@ 98-15.75 JEF@ 98-15.75

SELL 11121/2013 BK 1.5 01/31/2014 MOR 600,000 100.232 0.30 JEF@ 100.228 RBC@ 100.18

BUY 11/21/2013 FFCB .69 05/16/2017 05/16/14 MGK 1,100,000 99.184 0.93/2.39 MOR- FHLB CALL .67 05/17-11/13@ YTM 0.89 UBS- TSY NOTE .625 05/31/17@ YT!VI 0.78

SELL 11/21/2013 GE2.1 Ol/07/2014 MIZ 500,000 100.238 0.23 JEF@ 100.227 MOR@ 100.222

Securites Bid and Offer- Page 1 Cutwater Asset lvlanagement (Book Page 16) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~-----~------~---

City of Englewood Upcoming Cash Activity for the next 45 days

Maturity Next Transaction Date Transaction CUSIP Description Coupon Dale Call Date Par I Shares Principal Interest Total 01/05/2014 Interest 459200GU9 IBM Corp 2.000 01/05/2016 l ,500,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 01/11/2014 Interest 3133EAWZ7 FFCB 0.790 07/1112016 12/11/2013 1,000,000.00 0.00 3,950.00 3,950.00

(Book Page 17) Upcoming Cash Activity- Page 1 Cutwater Asset l'vlanagement ·END OF REPORTS

New York Office Colorado Office 113 King Street 1900 Sixteenth Street, Suite 200 ... Armonk, NY 10504 Denver, CO 80202 Tel: 866 766 3030 Tel: 303 860 1100 . CUTWATER. Fax: 914 765 3030 Fax: 303 860 0016 A.SSEf MANAGEMENT

For any questions concerning this report please contact accounting either by phone or email to

(Book Page 18) Summary Statement

November 2013

City of Englewood

1 000 Englewood Parkway Englewood, CO 80110-2304 U.S.A.

COLOTRUST PLUS+ Average Monthly Yield: 0.12%

Beginning Income Income Average Daily Month End Contributions Withdrawals Balance Earned Earned Balance Balance YTD

C0-01-0074-8001 General - 8001 5,993,359.33 644,472.37 2,000,000.00 526.73 5,384.64 5,562,726.16 4,638,388.49

·CClc01-00;4~8~65 •.

C0-01-0074-8006 2012 WATER BONDS 1 ,859,863.52 0.00 0.00 176.10 4,786.11 1,859,957.83 1,860,039.62

··.··· ·· .. ············ 102,500~0()

C0-01 -0074-8008 2009 WATER BONDS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total 8,171,495.35 644,472.37 2,000,000.00 732.89 10,625.67 7,740,956.49 6,816,700.61

Ernail: [email protected] Tel: (877) 311·0219 I (303) 864·7474 Fax: (877) 311·0220

Page 1 Memorandum City Manager's Office

TO: Mayor Penn and Members of City Council THROUGH: Gary Sears, City Manager Alan White, Community Development Director / FROM: Darren Hollingsworth, Economic Development Manager X_ DATE: Decemberll,2013

SUBJECT: Business Summit 2014-Update

ACE Feedback

At the October 7, 2013 study session Council discussed the 2014 Business Summit. At that time Council asked for feedback from members of the Alliance for Commerce in Englewood (ACE) about recommendations and suggestions for the proposed 2014 Business Summit. At the October ACE meeting the group formed a sub-committee, which met on Friday, November 8 and presented its recommendations at the regular ACE meeting on Thursday, November 14. It is worth noting that ACE did not have enough attendees to constitute a quorum, but ACE did have a full discussion around this topic. Below is a summary of the key discussion points.

• ACE' members were in full agreement that there was benefit with the 2013 Business Summit and agreed that City Council should consider putting together another event for 2014.

• Timing for the event was suggested to be mid to late April. This timeframe was suggested to avoid conflicts with spring break and allows time to confirm speakers.

• ACE suggested that the hours of the event should start around 7:00 AM and conclude by lOAM. This timeframe allows for the businesses owners and representatives to get back to their business.

• Regarding content and format, ACE suggested that the event carry a theme or have a particular focus. Below is their suggested format:

o Networking o Economic Speaker - Someone who can provide a national or statewide perspective that would provide a broad perspective. Business Summit 2014- Planning December 11, 2013 Page2

o Local Speaker -ACE brainstormed topics and possible speakers. ACE discussed the topic of healthcare and suggested that someone from Colorado Counts Healthcare Exchange speak about the impacts of the Affordable Care Act on small business. Other possible local speakers include: Multifamily housing expert; Small Business Administration representative; or the State's Demographer. o Update on development projects in Englewood and information about Englewood's economic development programs. o City Council Question and Answer Session. ACE thought that the question and answer session with Council was constructive and a great opportunity for businesses to hear about all of the business-related activities in the community.

• ACE suggested that networking should be a more significant component of an event of this nature and suggested a format change to accommodate this request. ACE would like to hold the morning networking portion of the event in the Community Room, then the speaker's sessions would be held in Hampden Hall.

• ACE supports the idea of information booths being a part of the event. They further went on to suggest the use of the Community Room for booths, refreshments and networking. ACE thought that hosting the entire event in Hampden Hall did not provide a conducive venue for networking, but was a great venue for the speakers. Suggested vendor booths are as follows:

o City of Englewood booth with local economic development programs. o Small Business Development Center booth with information about technical assistance and training programs. o Service Core of Retired Executives (SCORE) booth a program to assist small businesses through mentoring. o Booths from the sponsoring Chambers of Commerce.

Next Steps

ACE suggested that enhanced efforts should be made to market the 2014 event, particularly to Englewood businesses. ACE further recommended the development of a survey instrument to gauge feedback on the event and seek recommendations for future events. At the December 12 ACE meeting the group will discuss these topics.

Please provide any feedback on possible speakers by January 17 so that staff can initiate scheduling and make further preparations for the event. If Council would like to discuss this topic further please let staff know and this topic will be placed on an upcoming study session for further Council discussion. CITY OF ENGLEWOOD 2013/2014 CALENDAR OF EVENTS

Mon., Dec. 16 Cancelled Study Session

7:30p.m. City Council Meeting, Council Chambers

Tues., Dec. 17 Cancelled Planning and Zoning, City Council Conf. Room/Council Chambers

Wed., Dec. 18 Cancelled Local Liquor and Medical Marijuana Licensing Authority, telephone poll

Mon., Dec. 23 Cancelled Study Session

Tues., Dec. 24 City Hall closed - Christmas Eve

Tues., Dec. 25 City Hall closed - Christmas Day

Mon., Dec. 30 Cancelled Study Session

Tues., Dec. 31 City Hall closed- New Year's Eve

Wed., Jan. 1 City Hall closed- New Year's Day

Cancelled Local Liquor and Medical Marijuana Licensing Authority

Mon., Jan. 6 6:00p.m. Study Session, Community Room

7:30p.m. Council Meeting, Council Chambers

Tues., Jan 7 7:00p.m. Planning and Zoning, City Council Conf. Room/Council Chambers

Wed., Jan 8 7:00p.m. Board of Adjustment and Appeals, Council Chambers

6:30p.m. Englewood Urban Renewal Authority, City Council Conference Room

Thurs., Jan 9 11: 30 a.m. Alliance for Commerce in Englewood, City Council Conference Room

6:30p.m. Transportation Advisory Board, City Council Conf. Room

Mon., Jan. 13 6:00p.m. Board and Commission Interviews, City Council Conf. Rm.

Tues., Jan. 14 6:30p.m. Keep Englewood Beautiful, City Council Conf. Rm.

Wed., Jan. 15 6:30p.m. Code Enforcement Advisory Committee

7:00p.m. Local Liquor and Medical Marijuana Licensing Authority, City Council Chambers 12/10/13 Mon., Jan. 20 City Hall closed - Martin Luther King Day

Tues., Jan. 21 6:00p.m. Study Session, Community Room

7:30p.m. Council Meeting, Council Chambers

Weds., Jan 22 7:00p.m. Planning and Zoning Commission, City Council Conference Room/Council Chambers

Mon., Jan. 27 6:00p.m. Study Session, Community Room

Mon., Feb. 3 6:00p.m. Study Session, Community Room

7:30p.m. Council Meeting, Council Chambers

Tues., Feb 4 7:00p.m. Planning and Zoning, City Council Conf. Room/Council Chambers

Wed., Feb. 5 7:00p.m. Local Liquor and Medical Marijuana Licensing Authority, City Council Chambers

Mon., Feb. 10 6:00p.m. Study Session, Community Room

Tues., Feb. 11 3:00p.m. NonEmergency Employees Retirement Board, Public Works Conference Room

6:30p.m. Keep Englewood Beautiful, City Council Conf. Rm.

Wed., Feb. 12 7:00p.m. Board of Adjustment and Appeals, Council Chambers

Wed., Feb. 12 6:30p.m. Englewood Urban Renewal Authority, City Council Conference Room

Thurs., Feb 13 11:00 a.m. Alliance for Commerce in Englewood, City Council Conference Room

3:00p.m. Police Officers Pension Board, Public Works Conference Room

Mon., Feb 17 City Hall closed - President's Day

Tues., Feb. 18 6:00p.m. Study Session, Community Room

7:30p.m. Council Meeting, Council Chambers

Wed. Feb. 19 7:00p.m. Local Liquor and Medical Marijuana Licensing Authority, City Council Chambers

Wed., Feb. 19 7:00p.m. Planning and Zoning, City Council Conf. Room/Council Chambers

Mon., Feb. 24 6:00p.m. Study Session, Community Room

12/10/13 TENTATIVE


December 16 Regular Meeting Holiday Dinner- No Study Session Scheduled

December 23 Christmas Holiday week- no meeting scheduled

December 30 New Year's Holiday week - no meeting scheduled

January 6 Study Session & Regular Meeting Financial Report Home Occupations Council Policy concerning Abstentions BID Distribution Fire Study Update

January 13 Study Session Board and Commission Interviews

January 21 Study Session & Regular Meeting - Tuesday Security Camera Update South Platte Working Group 2 Proposed Improvements Citizen of the Year Selection Board and Commission Appreciation Celebration Discussion

January 27 Study Session Comprehensive Plan 2014 Citizen Survey PIF /CIP Update Citizen Engagement/MindmixerI Webstreaming/Nextdoor Network ServiCenter oil room and equipment wash bay Kent Place right-of-way and easement dedications Board and Commission Reports

February 3 Study Session & Regular Meeting Colorado & County Legislators - tentative RTD Representatives - tentative

12/10/2013 February 10 Study Session WWTP Farm Lease

February 18 Study Session & Regular Meeting- Tuesday Chamber In-Kind Funding

February 24 Study Session City Council Goal Setting- Mid-February Board and Commission Reports

March 3 Study Session & Regular Meeting

March 10 Study Session NLC Conference in Washington, D. C. - 3/8 to 2/10/14

March 17 Study Session & Regular Meeting

March 24 Study Session Board and Commission Reports

March 31st No meeting scheduled- 5th Monday

April 7 Study Session & Regular Meeting

April14 Study Session

April21 Study Session & Regular Meeting

April28 Study Session Board and Commission Members Reappointment Discussion Board and Commission Reports


Public Comment Process Motel Calls for Service US Legislators City Council Technical Allowance Metro Fire Training Center Options



The Regular Meeting of the Englewood Housing Authority Board of Commissioners was called to order at 4:04p.m. on Wednesday, November 6, 2013 at 3460 South Sherman Street, Suite 203, Englewood, Colorado, 80113, by Chair Jennifer Haynes.


Members Present: Jennifer Haynes, Chair Jarrod Schleiger, Vice Chair Beverly Bradshaw, Commissioner Judith Browne, Commissioner Evelyn Vaughn, Commissioner Paula Grimes, Alternate Commissioner James Woodward, Mayor Pro Tern & Council Liaison

Members Absent: None

Also Present: Renee Tullius, Executive Director Jerry Graber, Administrative Manager Geula Sherman, Financial Services Manager Jim Hamit, Operations Manager


There were no scheduled visitors.


There were no unscheduled visitors.


The Minutes from the meeting held October 2, 2013 were discussed. A correction was noted for page 3 of the minutes, "master bedroom" should be "master bathroom".


Ayes: Haynes, Bradshaw, Browne, Vaughn Nays: None Abstained: None Absent: Schleiger

Chair Haynes declared the motion carried.


A. Narrative Executive Director Renee Tullius noted that the narrative report in the Board Packet for November discussed changes to the plans for the triplex so that the units could be sold individually in the future and so that current appraisals will more accurately reflect market value. New plans and drawings were distributed to the Board. Jim Hamit explained the changes and how the width of the units will be 25 feet wide for the center unit and 18 feet wide for the end units. A few of the changes are not shown on the current set of plans, including that the laundry room is now on the first floor, there will be brick on the front of the units, porches are not shown on the elevation drawings, there will be one 2 car garage on the south and two 2 car garages on the north.

Director Tullius said that EHA is still waiting on the land plat survey. Jim Hamit explained that changing from a triplex to 3 units will require 3 water and sewer taps, versus the original plan for one single water and sewer tap. This results an additional cost of approximately $14,000. Jim Hamit explained that the per unit construction cost is now about estimated at $120,000 per unit versus the previous cost estimate of$108,000 per unit.

Related to the single family home, EHA legal counsel has reviewed the contracts and one attachment was missing. Plans will be finalized after a review of the lighting. The final

2 drawings will be submitted to the state for review and approval, which will take approximately 4 weeks. It will take approximately 3 or 4 weeks for the factory to build the house.

A subordination of lien was requested from the city but EHA has not received a response yet.

The popping noises from the Orchard Place thermostats were discussed. Jim Hamit explained that the Johnson Controls Energy Performance Contract installation included a hybrid system of electronic thermostats, with a transformer and separate pneumatic air valve to control the hot water heat. At the time of installation pneumatic thermostats with pneumatic air valves were not available. Some of the parts are now wearing out and the wholesale price is around $135 per valve. IfEHA changes the thermostats to a fully electronic system, the parts are much less expensive. EHA anticipates the 100% electronic system will be more cost effective and operate quieter. The hybrid system is installed at Orchard Place; Simon Center has a different type of system.

The archived files at Orchard Place were dried-out; some of the papers were crinkled, but remain eligible. The files have been refilled and re-boxed. The water pipe has been replaced in that room, also the files are no longer stored under the water pipe.

B. Financial Reports

Geula Sherman reported that EHA account reconciliations were completed according to the budget revision. The 5% pension contribution match was restored retroactively. The collection for damages by a previous Orchard Place resident will be pursued. We have some success in recovering amounts owed unless the resident has passed away, then it can be hard to collect from the estate. The duplexes have a good history of recapture of amounts due from previous residents.

Vice Chair Schleiger asked about the plans for leasing up additional Section 8 HCV program participants and how many are anticipated. Director Tullius estimates that 20 to 25 is the target but it is unknown if we will be able to achieve that target. There are approximately 2,500 on the wait list so that is not an issue. Participants are having difficulty find units they can afford because the rental market is tight and rental prices are high. Geula Sherman added that the cost per voucher depends upon bedroom size and monthly cost is largely dependent upon voucher holder's household income. Clients pay 30% of their adjusted income toward the rent. Director Tullius noted that Section 8 landlords did inquire during the government shutdown if they were going to receive payment. EHA did and does have adequate reserves to cover a shortage should it occur.

3 C. Occupancy Report

There were no questions about the Occupancy Report.


A. Responses to RFP- Audit Firms

Director Tullius reported that EHA mailed Requests for Proposals for a 3 year auditing services contract to 10 firms; 4 proposals were received.

The lowest price proposal was for $39,560 from a two person firm. Uncertainty about the ability to complete the audit in a timely manner and submit the required information electronically into the HUD REAC system and the Bureau of the Census system should one principal be unavailable was noted.

The second proposer did not indicate recent experience auditing housing authorities. Their price was $42,000.

A third proposer, ERA's current auditor bid $49,500. They have 15 professional staff plus administrative support staff and include other housing authorities as current clients.

The fourth proposer bid $74,900. The firm is very large and very qualified. They audit several housing authorities. The cost is significantly higher than the other proposals.

EHA's review committee recommended Swanhorst & Company for the three year contract to audit both EHA and SHA.


Ayes: Haynes, Schleiger, Bradshaw, Browne, Vaughn Nays: None Abstained: None Absent: None

Chair Haynes declared the motion carried.


The same couple that has provided Thanksgiving Dinners to our Section 8 participants in the past has offered to provide Thanksgiving Dinners again this year. The Santa to a Senior program will be offered to EHA residents again this year.


A. Commissioner's Choice

Commissioner Vaughn noted that the issues related to handicapped parking have been resolved- one resident that caused problems has moved away and the other one does not drive anymore. The resident Thanksgiving Dinner for Orchard Place will be provided by Black-Eyed Pea restaurant and the cost to the residents will be $5.00 per plate.

Commissioner Browne expressed that the field trip to see the installation of modular housing in Deer Creek Canyon was very worthwhile.

B. Director's Choice

Director Tullius and staff met with Steve Clarke of S.B. Clarke Company related to the HUD RAD (Rental Assistance Demonstration) Program.

RAD was initially designed for public housing programs with units that need major capital renovation. EHA's building are in good condition without major capital needs. EHA has an EPC (Energy Performance Contract) with long term financing. RAD would require the refinancing of that debt. Steve Clarke explained that refinancing the debt would require both Orchard Place and Simon Center to be part of a tax credit partnership. The partnership would need to be awarded tax credits and obtain new financing based on the tax credits. The proceeds would be used to pay off the current financing and to make repairs and capital improvements to the buildings. The RAD program would release EHA from most of the HUD Public Housing compliance requirements however it would add a new layer of compliance related to the new partnership tax credits and the new financing.

5 C. Council Communication

Mayor Pro-Tern Woodward noted that this will be his final report and his final meeting. The Urban Renewal Authority project on Acoma and Englewood Parkway will share parking with businesses on Broadway and could really help to enliven those businesses on Broadway.

The Shriners building is proposed to be redeveloped into private housing with an additional4 cottage type units built on the adjacent property.

The proposed project for the Masonic Building is still trying to get approval and financing.

Kent Place is out of the ground and progressing nicely. King Soopers at Belleview & Federal has been very busy. The collected sales taxes have exceeded all projections for the partial year that they have been open.

The election last night resulted in Steve Yates elected as the at large council member.

Police and fire issues account for 42% to 47% of Englewood's budget. Regionalism in the form of partnerships was discussed. Englewood's dispatch and radio systems will require major upgrades. Regionalism can reduce duplicate needs and provide cost effective solutions.

Recreational marijuana will not be manufactured or sold in Englewood.


Chair Haynes noted that an Executive Session to discuss real estate matters was scheduled immediately following the regular meeting.


Chair Haynes declared the regular meeting adjourned at 5:15p.m.

Jennifer Haynes, Chair Renee Tullius, Executive Director Englewood Housing Authority Englewood Housing Authority Board of Commissioners Board of Commissioners

7 . &~ p~ 2~ 2?oa>ut ' 1000 Englewood Parkway, Englewood, CO 80110 • ' 303-762-2572 MINUTES Englewood Public Library Board November 12, 2013

Call To Order/Roll Call

Chair Mark Adams called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

PRESENT: Mark Adams, Michael Buchanan, Philippe Ernewein, Michelle Mayer, Tom Kelly, Julie Grazulis, Duane Tucker

ABSENT: Cristine Challis (excused), Stephanie McNutt (unexcused), Jill Wilson (excused), Amy Martinez (excused)

Also Present: Dorothy Hargrove, Director of Library Services and Deb Parker, Recording Secretary.

Mr. Adams welcomed the new School Board liaison, Duane Tucker. Introductions and welcomes ensued.

8-13 -That the minutes of the meeting of October 8, 2013 be approved as presented.

Moved by: Mr. Buchanan Seconded by: Ms. Mayer The Motion passed unanimously.

Monthly Statistical and Financial Reports

Ms. Hargrove noted that circulation activity continues to increase. She also explained that the number of Holds Filled reflects activity primarily due to the additional materials being requested by our patrons from other Marmot member libraries. It will be of interest to track this metric over the next year.

Other Old Business- Members discussed the fund usage as voted for at the last meeting. Ms. Hargrove also shared the status of the upcoming construction timeframe.

Discussion of the draft Confidentiality Policy, and the similarities and differences of the sample policies provided by Ms. Hargrove from other entities, were covered. Ms. Hargrove will bring information on the City's website and Facebook policies to the next meeting. The agreement was made to continue the discussion on privacy issues at the December meeting.

New Business

Library Board Chair Report- Mr. Adams thanked the members again for their dedication to the Board and the Library. He shared that he recently recommended the continuation of Michael Buchanan as a

. - 1 - member of the Board.

Library Director's Report- including updates to the Strategic Plan

Ms. Hargrove discussed activities in support of each of the strategic initiatives in the Library's Strategic Plan. Highlights included • The successful Teen program at the high school. Our staff hopes to work more with the high school in the future to continue building that relationship and encouraging teens to take part in more activities at the library and school alike. • STEM programs have been well attended so far and we hope to continue the momentum and build on this programming. • Adult programming with local author, Francine Matthews and the Active Minds presentation on Ghosts of Colorado were well attended. • Our outreach to Maddox for storytimes continue to be successful. • The Library has received a $7,000 grant from the State for the purchase of early childhood literacy materials • She shared the new read along Playaways that will soon be available for checkout. • The Career Help Center has assisted 660 people since opening this program to the public.

Other New Business

Ms. Parker shared that Meet the Faces - Colorado Author Open House is in the review stages for next year's event on April 2ih. There are many great submissions and the final list will be made available by mid-January.

She also shared that the Englewood Schools will once again have their student art show and reception in the library during the month of April 2014.

Ms. Hargrove encouraged the Board to take time to look at the beautiful pastel artwork hanging throughout the library. The display is from the Pastel Society of Colorado.

Members' Choice

Library Board members shared updates on their personal and professional activities.

There being no further business, Mr. Adams adjourned the meeting at 8:38p.m. The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 10 at 7:00 p.m.
