NJPHS NJPHS Journal Oyce Groot, Secretary E
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21_ NEW JERSEY 4 * 15th ANNIVERSARY YEAR * 1 NIPH O F--I (J) THE JOURNAL OF 1 972 Chir THE NEW JERSEY POSTAL HISTORY SOCIETY 4 L HISTORY SO ***************************************************************************************** Vol. XV No. 5 Whole Number 75 November 1987 ***************************************** ************************************************ - CONTENTS - New Jersey Station Agent (Ticketdater) Postmarks by : Brad Arch 82 Railroad, Express & Stage Schedule; April 25, 1849 - Newark Daily Advertiser 84 Governors of New Jersey by : William C Coles Jr. 85 New Jersey Post Offices & Postmasters 1789-1857 (continued) by: William C Coles Jr. 87 Passaic County Postal Markings (continued) by : Brad Arch 95 Secretarys Report, Notices, Auction Listings Supplement ************************************************************************* Affiliate 95 of the American Philatelic Society Affiliate lA of the Postal History Society, Inc. Chapter 44S of the North Jersey Federated Stamp Clubs, Inc. Annual Membership Subscription ,10.00 NJPHS NJPHS Journal oyce Groot, Secretary E. E. Fricks, Editor 8 Briar Lane 26 Windmill Drive asking Ridge NJ 07920 Clementon NJ 08021 erard Neufeld - President Brad Arch - Vice President 41-********1***###*1-#*###### * ##*# # ###* # #### # ##*# * -4 **## #########*********** * 999L0 is N >1331W111 VOT Idld AJ3NVI1 L 99ZT H3WW0S "8 VJVW *** a3S013N3 33110N smia *** oz6Lo im a2P-rd auP7 xet..12. gz XISIDOS 7VISOd XESEf MEN NEW JERSEY STATION AGENT (Ticketdater) POSTMARKS by : Brad Arch This type of marking when used as a postmark was used mostly in small towns where the postmaster was also the railroad station agent. Since the Post Office Department only provided handstamp postmarks at larger post offices, small town postmasters had to fend for thenselves, using either manuscript or purchasing a commercially available type with their own funds. The postmasters who were also employed by the railroads as station agents, made do with the ticketdaters provided by the railroads, saving themselves the effort associated with manuscript or the expence of purchasing a handstamp Catalog numbers listed here are those assigned by Charles Towle in the MPOS book "US Route b Station Agents Postmarks", but as can be seen here, many types are known that have not as yet been recognized. This compiler hopes that this dissemination of tracings and information will result in additional reports of uses of these markings, along with the reporting of any new types. Please send clear high contrast photocopies of any new markings to: Brad Arch 144 Hamilton Ave Clifton NJ 07011 Ails? QEDATCL tvpiA-1t.it co I,. • ottA 5'. 4* ItAI L RoAD -31' 4 J kali f' i JUN • qt MAY . • c) -: ANG DEC 4. 1$0.5 11 4 43 #6 41/ 23 $0 (to 167 cto 1767 't 1,113 16f ineahri.*.4. 44 , 0 Qo '8190 04"r (IS MAO). $0110,TMOIS OFFICE 243-S-4 175-S-1 242-S-4 Birmingham Bridgeton Bridgeville Bull's Island Camden otOLA ,Akt big), i, 4, • 'IP f. JP ‘If ,:t.: JUL . Ode . ‘`;141 LH* sA• RAI LROAD 0 23 30 %. 1 16610 y . 88 PRIENOLD. DR 31 Mle i ,,,,- AU G 1 1 600AfiNv7 1 qlwrn9Z- ' 4i I \I.I.1....cy. tfAL Ow JUN. 25 69 121-5-8 121-S-8a 242-S-1 121-5-9 Charlotteburgh Charlotteburgh Flemington Freehold Godwinville og4( o.R R ,t:.,,, 67.6,4• ..I4 1 Sep 007 - $" i.:. i;';'-b % ' I ie kw 3 3 0 % 4 uteg o 0 P 1881 1692 MS — 26;3 li N 4. 4/NESPOO kt. sem) ti-1. • 41,,•f 1M 114 c4.' s of 243-5-2 Mainesport ,Harrington Millsboro Jamesburg Jersey City NJPH 82 November 1987 NEW JERSEY STATION AGENT (Ticketdater) POSTMARKS f".0.---.\,/ A vi UN 28 1893 I) AUG 'RAIN No. 7 91 2d LINE 242-S-5 243-S-1 243-S-3 Jersey City Jersey City Lambertville Masonville Masonville SE), 1t 1e7o MA TA WAN. 121-S-3 253-S-1 Matawan Maywood Merchantsville Montclair Mountain View rob, A h. 28 1865 N ,oniBrimit PW 0444 121-S-5a 121-S-5 253-S-2 Oakland Oakland Ocean Grove Ocean Grove Pompton Plains 11.6 AWN t o SKILLMAN. 24 1.1111 SEP 21 APL 12 82 241-S-2 242-S-2 242-S-3 Sea Bright Skillman Stone Harbor Titusville Trenton ° Lc 4, NI A ), 30 1881 Tu. 241-S-1 258.4-S-1 Tuckerton Westwood Whitings Wickatunk NJPH 83 November 1987 Fare 11.r First Claes Carp II; Second Clams ram $3. RAILROADS. Returning. the Lines leave Philadelphia front the foot oi; Walnutenvet. at C A. Al.. 9 A. Pd., And at 44 delock P. N. NEWARK DAILY ADVERTISER On Stindays the Lines leave N. York at 9A. 14., an.) 441'. NEW-JERSEY RAILROAD dr TIIANI4P-ORTA. Philadelphia/ " t; • • TION COMPANY. Fifty pound', of baggage will he allowed to each puw'ngcr hr April 25, 1849 this line, and pavarngere are evpreadi wentlnied from bailey :4 any thing us looteer but their %vetoing apporel. whielt irtIVIEWAENIEMERE At the risk of th.• owner SVININO AllitANORMF:NT. Philadelphia Baggage Orates ant oonvered from 697 19..c3liO il...11: Commencing April ld., 1549. without !win g opened by rho way. Each train la provInciele With Car in Which are Apartionnta nod Dement% llootnKi,5 I/Itom TIM Fool. Or Coatteen NT. NEWYORK. asstwalmomwsuiRIMISI M expressly tor the Liunole use. New York and PhlIndelphInt. EXPRESSEtii. LRA•R StriA, i nay. I 1.1.:Avr cliii.41091.91tta. F.1.1 ZA IIIRTI1T(111'N AND SOMERVILLE • • A. N. toot l'ourtlan,11 street A A. Al. toot Walnut atreet. RAIL 1111,511. 9 ' " Liberty DA 44 P.14 " " " 44 P. M. " (Bowsaw to Lewia) atlICIEWANAIMN NEWARK AND NRW YORK EXPRESS. New York and Newark. SDAIMER ARRAN(EMENT. PAC' K A141,-9 forwarded to all twirls of dm Halted States. Loser, New-York. CoMMENCINO MosioAr. APRIL 2n. isel The extension ot the Rail Mend from thenervitle to White', Particular attention guild to the Ctillertion and Proonent • M. Phila. Arco. 34 - Newark Arcommo. A. flow. (In mile.) is epee for travel, reducing the staging_ of Name, cheeks. Drafts. Hills &e. Jewelry and light valua- • " Newark " 41 Newark Arena,. ble parcels delivered personally. between the terminwi of the road and F.Astoll to 25 M " Newark " At N. ltruns. " - tweet...Newark, from Ward's, No. 312 Broad at, at 9 o'clock 10 " Newark " 61 Iteherey " I.entre New York, ; A. AL. and 2 P. M. 114$" Newark " 7) Newark " foot 01 ('nortIlimit.st. at 9 o'clock A. Loaves New York, from Adams & Co's, No. 10 Wall at., at II, N. J. It. .R. from II P. AL New Rnow. Fri.t. Ill Wednesday night,. N., and 2 sod A o'clock P. AL II o'clock A. N., and A P. M. In27 _ 21 " Reliwny Aecom. fly Steamlemt, pier No. I, North River. at S A M., and I and A All Train., imirked thus t a op nt*Chestnut at. SWIM) In irth LOWIN9t o clock P. M. RetnrwInM Newark. will Leave Newark 1.1ght linekotte Expreoo, Leave Newark. White Noise. Freight train. at Si A. AI., nt.S4 and 1.40mr.te Leave Newark fnun 'retiree's, corner Broad am) Market ata LRAVK MAtIRRPIV. DEPOT. LRAVIt ettIONPT ST. MRWARK North Branch. 4 " 5 4Ont 1 at 9 A. At.. mind I'. M. 6.40 A. M. N. !trona Freight Somerville. &Wen ties " Learns140.6 Wail at.. from Darden'. Express Office. at II 74 " Rahway Aceont. 7 ?Am. A M. Bound Brook. 4 • G.Ant 21 o'clock. A. M.. and SP. M. • • Newark Accom. 7.•wm. do. 2fyin 2.4thit " Small Parretti Mr Belleville. Orange, Clinton and Bloomfield, 84 " N. linius. " forwarded. Weattield 9 ' Newark " 3) " Cheeks. Notes. Drafts. 11111s for collection. Jewelry, and all Eliznbeihrown, 6 " 71 1111 IN " Newark " 10.70m. dn. Sr Slam v win Dein ceadineini on the arrival eT :hp ears light vnitiabh• Parcels delivered personally. j9 12 M. Nowak. " i L'ohn. du. WNW Holm. by thee o'clock A. M. train I New York, 1.!- I91' P. N. Philadelphia Mall. convey passenger. to Eamon. Allentown, Wilkeebarre. and 2 ' Newark Aceinn. 1.50m. P. Af *Klett Chunk. l'enn.: soil to Fleminatim. Lebanon. Clinton. do. Helleville and Netwnrk Expreas. 4 " Rahway " 3.Hltn. Itriektown. Juatown, NeW110111111111/1W11. Atm.. N. .1. e • " Newark " 6.20tn. del. _ (la ernmarion MIA Adams's Newark awl leek York Express.) P4 7 " Newark " 6.51m. do. RAmA PATEItS4)91 AND PAT ERSIIN latavx net.txvIntat. 1.1ta VIC NICWitalt. 6 10,10 " Philminiphia Mall. INUISSIIN RIVER. RAIL HO A OMy Mansion lionae 71 A, id. end Arlions'a, 316 Breed et., and II " Weilimsdny MOIL 1. M. Trittim'a. cur. Broad Imil Mar. ON SOISDAVR-1.Pnve New York at 9 A. M. and 44 P.M.: Pet sta., e A. M. and Al P.N. Nowak tit Ili A. M.' and A I0111. P. M.• for New York. IOALNITWAPMPAPOI Philadelphia Trains stop at Market at. Depot only. _ Expreaa Trainor Ferric* and stcambeat.m. New York and Ellsabetktown. Wm leave Jersey City from the petea, of the Pederson we; Mullikin River Hall Road, on tho .,l Ii,,' Ferry Roar: LILAVR MEW YORK. LItAVIlt 111.11MIRCItTOWN. whirl, InAirps New York, (foot of f 'onttlandat.) at g A. Ad and STEAMER PAS,‘.% I e-Vapt..1. CAPS • °Week, A. AL Phila. Acco. G.mso• Aid. N Bruns. Freight. S P. Depot. on tu and sHe. W Maeda Fdll, " " Phil*. Mail. 7 " liahwey Aerion M., nail ntrtve at Suttfrn*. the Erie Kell Road tti 9 front the host will run as billows :- I P. fie New Bruns. Freight. " " time to meet the trains (•ia Piermenti who h ea, re Leaving Centre at. Wharf, Newark. at) o'clock A.