Forging Tools for Your Computing Frontiers Summer 1982 Catalog

Software for Heath/Zenith, 8" CP/M® systems, and Osborne 1 ®

PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES WORD PROCESSING /80 2 .0 Compiler generates fast Eliminate embarrassing spelling assembly language code - now mistakes with compact 50,000 supports most C features word proofreader

The new 2.0 release of this powerful Check your documents for accurate programming tool is stronger than ever. spelling, with a program carefully craft­ Now includes full C structures, pointers ed to fit your machine and your budget. and arrays, all storage classes, and data Detects misspelled words in documents initialization. Compiles all C arithmetic created by most text editors and word and logical operators, and all control processors, including PIE, WordStar, statements, including while, if-then-else, Spell Binder, and Magic Wand. SPELL's switch-case, and goto. Lacks long and flexibility lets you simply list unknown floating data types. Includes source for words, mark them in your document for sample utility programs, and standard C easy ed iting, or add them to your dictio­ library providing random and sequential nary. Sophisticated algorithms and a file 1/ 0 , dynamic storage allocation and prefiX/ suffix table compress an effective selectable profile or trace of program dictionary of over S0,000 wprds into execution. Compiling in one pass, C/ SO fewer than 31 K bytes of disk space, far generates highly efficient SOSO assem­ smaller than other spelling programs. bly language code for either Macro-SO Fast in-memory lookup processes over or the AS absolute assembler. (AS is in­ 4,000 words per minute (2,000 on Heath/ cluded with C/SO, except HOOS ver­ Zenith and other2MHzsystems). Detects sions which use ASM.) Documentation 99.S% of misspellings while minimizing for compiler and library includes lan­ ENTERTAINMENT false reports of correctly spelled words. guage summary, and complements the You can add new words and prefiX/ language reference manual, Kernighan Dare the dangers of Colossal suffixes, even customize for British and Ritchie's The C Programming Cave with the original Adventure spellings. Requires 4SK. By Robert Language (not included). Requires 4S K. game Wesson. Order #221 ; format CS, CS, HS Order #202; format CS, CS, HS or OS. or OS. C/80 ...... $49.9S Brave the dangers and meet the chal­ SPELL ...... $49.9S lenges as you explore the magic realm of Colossal Cave. You are the adven­ Produce neatly formatted RATFOR adds structured turer seeking fabulous treasures, mythi­ documents with TEXT A-:f',,. programming features to cal adversaries to overcome, and initia­ 'f)o. Microsoft FORTRAN tion into the secret spells which operate TEXT provides the features of an expen- "~~ within the cave. The fantasy world is sive word processing program, and then ~ RATFOR adds the programming ease ·brought to surprising reality by your per­ some, at a fraction of the cost. Prepare and readability of structured program­ sonal computer as it vividly and amus­ files with PIE or any other text editor, ming and string macro capability, while ingly serves as your guide and advisor, then pass them through TEXT for format- retaining the efficiency, power and por­ describing the sights and sounds about ting. Performs fill and justification tability of FORTRAN. The RATFOR trans­ you. Enjoy the satisfaction of discovering (straight right margins), pagination, page lator produces programs which can be the rules within the cave, and solving headers, footers and numbering, indents, compiled and run by Microsoft FOR­ the puzzles which allow you to explore centering, underlining, bold print and TRAN. Keyed to the book Software new regions of this underground realm. more. New4.0 release includes multiple Tools, RATFOR accepts free format Solving all the puzzles of the cave en­ text accumulation buffers for automatic source statements, multiple-statement titles you to receive a free serial-num­ preparation of index and table of con- IFs, IF-THEN-ELSE, and struct ured bered Certificate ofWizardness, suitable tents. Escape sequences may be passed WHILE and FOR loops. Compact 1/ 0 lib­ for framing. The original Adventure pro­ through for printer control without af­ rary avoids huge object modules pro­ gram has inspired hundreds of computer fecting formatting. Inclusion feature duced by other RATFOR implementa­ game creations. Now you can experi­ allows incorporation of form letters or tions. Includes documentation, sample ence for yourself all the wonders of the standard paragraphs from multiple files. programs, and full source code for the original, plus new rooms and treasures, Outputs to screen, printer or disk file for RATFOR translator itself, written in RAT­ and an improved, expanded ending. Re­ complete flexibility. By Dr. Jim Gillogly. FO R. Requires Microsoft FORTRAN. quires 4SK, CP/ M 2.0 or higher. Order Requires 40K. Order #207; format CS, Order #213; format CS, CS, H S or OS. #222; format CS, CS, HS or OS. CS or HS. RATFOR ...... $39.9S ADVENTURE ...... $19.9S TEXT ...... $39.9S

M ore programming languages on fo ll owing pages. More games on fo llowing pag es: Software for Heath/Zenith, 8"CP/M® systems, and Osborne 1 ®


Save time and money with Now there's an economical way Your computer can be good automated recipe file to experiment with LISP "therapy"

Now your personal computer becomes Experiment with the You won't believe it's a computer! ELIZA a kitchen assistant with COMPUTER language to which Byte magazine de­ carries on a conversation with you, in CHEF, a versatile home data base that voted its August 1 979 issue. Based on plain English. Great for playing alone or makes page flipping and portion figuring the INTERLISP dialect, LISP/SO offers at parties, ELIZA is the perfect way to a thing of the past. Tell it the ingredients over75 built-in functions, including large show off your machine to friends. Not on hand, and COMPUTER CHEF will machine features like trace, file 1/0, and just a game, but a faithful recreation of quickly suggest recipes using them. string operations. Comes with a simple the original artificial intelligence program Saves you money by finding recipes for editor, file librarian, and formatted ex­ developed at MIT. You can play it or this week's supermarket bargains. When pression print routine, all written in LISP, program i~ using any text editor to modify you need more servings, or have less of and a 36 page manual. Also included the script or create completely new an ingredient than called for, COMPU­ are two artificial intelligence demonstra­ ones. Comes with the complete original TER CHEF automatically scales the re­ tion programs: a guessing game which DOCTOR script which converses like a cipe to fit your individual needs. Prints learns as it plays, and a simple version psychiatrist, and an improved version of recipes on your printer, so you never of the famous ELIZA psychiatrist program. DOCTOR. Documentation includes full again worry about dripping on the cook­ By Walt Bilofsky. Requires 4SK Order instructions for script writing, plus the book! Contains over 70 kitchen-tested #209; format CB, C5, H5 or 05. original ELIZA research paper. Requires recipes from salad to dessert, plus make LISP/80 ...... $39.95 40K Order #220; format CS, 05 or 05. even more use of all these capabilities ELIZA ...... $24.95 by entering your own recipes too. Re­ Macro assemblers for Z80 or quires 4SK, CP/M 2.0 or higher. By 8080 opcodes Marrietta&Jim Gillogly, Pamela Chavez, UTILITIES Michele Shumow. Order #224; format UV MAC is an absolute macro assembler. CS, C5, H5 or 05. SOSO version accepts same source files Locate changes, revisions in COMPUTER CHEF...... $29.95 as Heath ASM, plus includes macro document and program source capabilities. ZSO version accepts full files ZSO instruction set (Zilog mnemonics). ·~,.. Both support file inclusion, conditional Keep track of revisions with computer assembly, listing control, etc., and pro­ New Product precision using the AUTODIFF file dif­ duce absolute files. Selectable octal or ference detector. More than just a simple Announcements hex listing. Comparable to Heath ASM byte by bytecomparison, AUTODIFF in speed. Includes non-macro version, locates insertions, deletions and chang- To keep informed of our latest new AS, more than twice as fast on long as­ products, we recommend that Heath/ es in all types of data files. Lists dif­ semblies. CP/ M versions require 40K ferences between two versions of text Zenith computer owners consider sub­ Order #203 (ZSO) or #204 (SOSO); scribing to Buss (325 Pennsylvania Ave. or document files - perfect for locating format CS, C5, H5 or 05. SE, Washington, DC 20003), a newslet­ changes in program source code. Or UVMAC and AS ...... $29.95 ter published about every three weeks. lists a file with marks in the margin It is an excellent source of product and locating all changes, so you can check technical information. ABOUT THE revisions without rereading the whole document. Can compare binary data, We also announce new products on with ASCII and hex listing. Change re­ Micronefs HUG Bulletin Board. Our SOFTWARE TOOLWORKS ™ ports can be sent to terminal, printer, or Micronet account is [70305, 170]. It started in 1979 when several computer a disk file. Built-in filters allow optionally scientists became interested in personal corn· ignoring non-printing characters, display puters. We built H89 computer kits, then of control characters on output. Works AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE developed software tools for ourselves, pro­ with ASCII (non-document) files, and grams of the quality and responsiveness we document files produced by WordStar had become used to on larger machines. You may purchase The Software Tool­ and many other word processing pro­ works' products at many locations grams. Requires 4SK; not yet available The Software Toolworks is our way of sharing worldwide, including: for HOOS. Order#225, format CS, C5 or Germany: Heath-Zenith GmbH, Robert- both those tools, and the improvements and Bosch-StraBe 32-3S, 6072 new products we have come up with in re· 05 only. Dreieich/Sprendlingen. sponse to user requests. As our professional AUTODIFF ...... $29.95 Switzerland: Munot Engineering AG, associates have heard of our success in dis· Schaffhauerstrasse 37, CH-S222 tributing our software, a number of them have Save room on your disks; protect Beringen. also acquired personal computers and con­ sensitive files Scandinavia: Elektrokonsult, Kon­ tributed their creativity and expertise to our nerudgt. 3, P.O. Box B46, N-3000 product line. Two program package saves disk space Drammen, Norway. and provides security for sensitive data Italy: Advanced Equipment International Corp., Via Emilia Ovest 129, 43016 Although we are in business, we remain first PACK uses Huffman coding to compress S Pancraz 10, Parma, Italy. and foremost computer hobbyists. Therefore, files, saving 25 - 50% on text and Australia: Computerland (Sydney and we continue to make these programs avail­ program source. CRYPT takes a user­ other locations), and Warburton able at the kind of prices we would like to pay provided password and employs a Franki (Adelaide and other loca­ ourselves. tions). sophisticated Tausworth-Lewis-Payne based cipher algorithm to protect files But despite the low pri ces, this software is CP/ M is a registered trademark of Dig ital Research. solid. We use it ourselves, and sell only pro­ against unauthorized readers. By Dr. Osborne 1 is a reg istered trademark of Osborne Jim Gillogly. Order #206; format CB, C5, Computer Corp. PIE is a trademark of Th omas Gros· grams that meet our personal standards of ley. MUNCHKIN and Th e Software Toolworks are excellence. We are proud of these software H5 or 05. trademarks of Th e Software Toolworks, Ltd products, and hope you will enjoy using them. PACK and CRYPT...... $24.95 Software for Heath/Zenith, Osborne 1 ®, and 8" CP/M systems with H19/Z19 terminal


Full screen editor makes it easy Action maze game with arcade Full-featured ZenCalc comes to create and change text and excitement all set to do your taxes and more program files You run through a maze, evading crea­ This simple, easy to use calculating tool PIE 1.5 text editor is easy and natural to tures which try to gobble you up. But can be used to compute your budget, learn and use. The HB9orH1 9 screen is turn the tables by reaching a force point, record and project your investment re­ a window into a file. Cursor motion keys and you're energized to catch and de­ turns, even do your taxes. ZenCalc pro­ allow changes to be typed anywhere on stroy the baddies. Vary the skill level vides the most important capabilities of the screen. Function keys perform with user alterable parameters; even a two-dimensional "What if?" calculator character and line insert and delete, create your own mazes (which requires program, including formulas, labels, vari­ string search, move and copy single and ED-A-SKETCH program, not included). able column width, and print to line multiple lines, and scrolling oft.ext ir:i the By Robert Wesson. Requires Osborne printer or disk file. Yet ZenCalc is window. Powerful macro-eapability pro­ 1, HB9/ZB9 or H19. Order #217; format uniquely easy to use, with the cursor vides search and replace, more. Limited CB , D5 or 05. and function keys of the HB9/ZB9 or word wrap capability for rapid text entry. MUNCHKIN'" ...... $19.95 H 19/Z19 providing a true full-screen Requires HB9/ ZB9 or H19 terminal. Re­ editor"feel" in the work-sheet manipula­ quires 32 K; 4BK recommended. Not for tions. Simple keystroke commands all()W Osborne 1. Order #201 ; format CB, C5 operations on entire rows or columns to or H5. conveniently rearrange your data to suit PIE'" 1 .5 Editor ...... $29.95 Play championship chess with your needs. ZenCalc avoids complex full graphics restrictions on internal cross-referenc­ ing found in other spreadsheet programs; Now you have the opportunity to own a compact internal data format stores Create, save, display and full true world class micro chess program more values. Manual includes a step­ with full graphics. MYCHESS, best micro screen graphics editor by-step " hands on" tutorial, making it in the 1979 ACM .North American Com­ easy to get started. Comes with " tem­ puter Chess Championship, and winner ED-A-SKETCH is a tool for the creation plates" which automatically compute of the 19BO West Coast Computer Faire and editing of pictures and graphics dis­ your full IRS Form 1040 and itemized over such opponents as Sargon 2.5 and plays using the H19 or HB9/ ZB9 deduction Schedule A. Requires HB9/ Atari, is now available for your com­ graphics character set. Cursor motion ZB9 or H19 terminal, and 4BK of RAM puter. Nine skill levels tailor MYCHESS keys position the cursor at any point on (more recommended). Not for Osborne to any opponent Plays varying openings the screen, allowing typing of regular or 1. Order #223; format CS, HS or CB only. graphics characterS-in r:iormal or inv.erse frQm a " book" of over B50 moves. By Z-ENeAt.C...... $99.95 video. Powerful area operations such as Dave Kittinger, Requires Osborne 1, erase, fil l with any character, invert video, HB9/ZB9 or H19 and ZBO CPU, 4BK. and pick up and move, may be perform­ Order #21 O; format CB, C5, HS or 05. ed on any rectangular area of the MYCHESS ...... $34.95 screen. Eight disk formats make display­ ing saved pictures easy from programs written in BASIC, MBASIC, assembler, C, or any other language. Special " rela­ UTILITIES tive mode" saves picture segments for tOt\t, 'llo'fl ott-" Interactive disk patcher lets you display at any screen position. By Gail o<:l~ Play the INVADERS video action make system patches, repair Halverson. Requires HB9/ ZB9 or H19 damaged data terminal. Requires 40K. Order # 211 ; game format CB , C5 or H5. Here is a disk dump and patch program ED-A-SKETCH ...... $29.95 Thought your computer couldn't do this? Think again. Your screen becomes a that really lets you get your hands on fast-action video game. Alien creatures the bits. SUPER ZAP provides many try to land; you hold them off with your powerful features, .-yet combines menu SOFTWARE TOOLWORKS space cannon as you dodge their bombs. control with two dimensional screen Play it as it comes, or customize with 23 interaction for exceptional ease of use. T-SHIRTS user-variable parameters to increase Full screen display of disk records by the challenge; even design your own absolute sector number, or by file and Now availabl e direct from the manufacturer, graphics. By Robert Wesson. Requires sector. Displays data in hex, octal or th is fine shirt features a pi cture of Leonard, Osborne 1, HB9 or H19. Order #214; ASCII. Position cursor with function keys our H89, dreaming of a , and our format D5. and change any byte using any data motto, " Without Software, It's Just a Paper­ INVADERS ...... $19.95 format. Features include searching for weight." We originally designed it for out staff data format Features include searching and software authors, but we like it so much for data string in file or entire disk, dump we convinced the manufacturer to sell direct sector contents to line printer or data to you. You may order Software Toolworks T­ shirts from Tri- Arts, 7854 Lankershim Blvd., file, display and patch program file by North Holl ywood, CA 91605. Price is $6.50 memory address, clear write protect per shirt inc luding shipping in the continental FORMAT CODES flags. By Darvey Lavender. Requires United States. CA residents add tax. Specify CS: Standard 8" single density CP/ M disk HB9/ ZB9 or H19; not for Osborne 1. si ze: men's S, M, L or XL. (Th ese gold color H5: 5" hard sector HO OS disk Order #216; format CB, C5 (for CP/ M C5: 5" hard sector Heath/Zenith format CP/M disk 100% cotton shirts are top quality so they run D5: 5" hard sector dual format for both H DOS and 2.0 or higher) or HS. a tad larg er than most). All ow 3-4 weeks for CP/ M 05: Osborne 1 • 5" single density disk SUPER ZAP...... $24.95 delive ry. Order from Tri-Arts only; these Products also avai lab le in corresponding Heath/ (Note: HOOS version of SUPER ZAP does not yet shirts can not be ordered through The Zenith soft sector disk formats: specify format support dump to fi le, or track/sector access on other Software Toolworks. H5,-S, C5-S or 05-5. than 5" hard sector disks.) Software for Heath/Zenith systems only Software for HDOS only

ENTERTAINMENT EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE Fight exciting space battles in Action video game for Learn to program in BASIC full graphics the entire family Your H89/ Z89 or H19 screen becomes ~ a computerized classroom for this You've drawn the duty at the Delta 'l>f:; Easy to learn, with many variations and course in BASIC programming fo r be­ Pegasi IV space station, where grain levels of difficulty, SNAKE is the perfect ginners. Proceed at your own pace as barges await transport to the starving game for all members of the family. The the computer teaches, reviews material, hordes of Earth. Raiders swarm in to SNAKE moves about the screen, avoid­ tests you, even provides additional ex­ steal the barges, and it's up to you to ing obstacles and eating food which planation whenever you go wrong. You fight them off with your remotely piloted appears at random for a short time. As it learn by actually programming, as five laser equipped robot ships. The two­ grows, quick reflexes and mental anti­ integrated laboratory exercises lead you dimensional action is fast and furious - cipation are needed to avoid a fatal step by step through both sample pro­ especially when the pirate juggernaut collision. Increase the challenge by grams loaded from disk and your own sails in to challenge you! Comes with speeding up the SNAKE, adding obsta­ hands-on programming exercises. Full three space station assignments provid­ cles, or moving to the Advanced Game graphics displays provide an effective ing different levels of difficulty, or use with bridges and a tunnel. The Pro­ and entertaining presentation of course ED-A-SKETCH (not included) to create gressive Game dares the real expert to material. Uses Benton Harbor BASIC; new ones. By Dr. Jim Gillogly. Requires pile up huge scores by keeping the material covered applies to Microsoft H89 or H19, 48K. Order #218; format SNAKE moving in the face of ever-in­ BASIC as well. Requires H89 or H 19, 05. creasing obstacles. Sophisticated score­ 48K For 5" HOOS systems. Order # 219; SPACE PIRATES ...... $19.95 board allows everyone to compare their format H5 only. best scores. By Gerald Klunn. Requires INTRODUCTION TO 48K of RAM. Order #226, format 05 BASIC PROGRAMMING ...... $29.95 Discover for yourself why Air only. Traffic Controllers wanted SNAKE ...... $19.95 psychiatric benefits UTILITIES UTILITY PROGRAMS This challenging action game tests your Keep track of all your files with skill as an Air Traffic Controller. Your Access MICRONET, SOURCE, master catalog system; plus H89 or H19 becomes a radar screen timesharing; transfer files filled with aircraft under YOUR guidance. between computers handy utilities Flight plans - landing,.takeoff or transit ­ As your disk library grows, the Master are radioed to you. Guide all 26 aircraft REACH turns the H89 into a remote Catalog System keeps track of your safely through and you win. Violate FAA timesharing station. H89 acts as a dial­ files. It forms a catalog by reading the ru Jes with a " near miss" and '.iOU' re up terminal, transfers fiJes between H89 directory from each disk owned. Print FIRED. Made it? Try it FASTER! Every and remote computer to H89 printer. options produce a listing, on printer, game is different. " Belongs in the AD­ Operates at speeds up to 9600 baud, console or a file, of all files, those VENTURE class ... Not for children -- of full or half duplex. Supports communica­ satisfying " wild card" conditions, or with any age!" - H8SCOOP. By Dr. Jim Gillogly. tion between two H89' sXOFF-XON pro­ specified flags or creation date limits. Requires H89 or H19. Order #208; tocol for IBM equipment. Requires serial Five utility programs are included. FIND format 05. 1/ 0 port; for H89 only. Order #205; selects lines in specified text files which AIRPORT...... $19.95 format C5 or H5. contain a specified string or patterns. REACH ...... $19.95 CHANGE replaces one string or pattern in a file with another. CM P does a byte by byte compare of two files. CHECK prints the CRC checksum of specified files, for checking validity of copied or FORMAT CODES transmitted files. And FDUMP is a byte CS: Standard 8" single density CP/ M disk by byte file dump with up to five select­ HS: 5" hard sector HDOS disk CS: 5" hard sector Heath/ Zenith format CP/ M disk able formats. Order #212; format H5. DS : 5" hard sector dual form at for both HDOS and CP/M Catalog System; 05: Osborne 1' 5" si ngle density disk Utility Programs ...... $24.95 Products also available in corresponding Heath/Zenith soft sector disk formats: specify format HS·S, CS -S or DS-S. Printer spooler lets you continue working while printing Don't Jet your printer kick you off your computer. SPOOL-N-GO allows printing of files and program output while you keep working, just as on large time­ sharing systems. Simply copy or direct program output to device SP:. HOOS returns with its prompt; you then run any program while listing continues with virtually no degradation in computer response. Employs user-allocatable spool area on any disk drive; occupies <=rJie Software <=roolw6rk$™ less than 3K of RAM. For most serial interface printers including Diablo, H14, Walt Bilofsky, Prop. 14478 Glorietta Drive Epson. H8 requires H8-4. From Barnard Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 Software Services. Order # 215; format (213) 986-4885 H5 only. Hours: 10 AM. - 5 P.M. Pacific Time M o n - Fri SPOOL-N·GO ...... $29.95