Forging Tools for Your Computing Frontiers Summer 1982 Catalog Software for Heath/Zenith, 8" CP/M® systems, and Osborne 1 ® PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES WORD PROCESSING C/80 2 .0 Compiler generates fast Eliminate embarrassing spelling assembly language code - now mistakes with compact 50,000 supports most C features word proofreader The new 2.0 release of this powerful Check your documents for accurate programming tool is stronger than ever. spelling, with a program carefully craft­ Now includes full C structures, pointers ed to fit your machine and your budget. and arrays, all storage classes, and data Detects misspelled words in documents initialization. Compiles all C arithmetic created by most text editors and word and logical operators, and all control processors, including PIE, WordStar, statements, including while, if-then-else, Spell Binder, and Magic Wand. SPELL's switch-case, and goto. Lacks long and flexibility lets you simply list unknown floating data types. Includes source for words, mark them in your document for sample utility programs, and standard C easy ed iting, or add them to your dictio­ library providing random and sequential nary. Sophisticated algorithms and a file 1/ 0 , dynamic storage allocation and prefiX/ suffix table compress an effective selectable profile or trace of program dictionary of over S0,000 wprds into execution. Compiling in one pass, C/ SO fewer than 31 K bytes of disk space, far generates highly efficient SOSO assem­ smaller than other spelling programs. bly language code for either Macro-SO Fast in-memory lookup processes over or the AS absolute assembler. (AS is in­ 4,000 words per minute (2,000 on Heath/ cluded with C/SO, except HOOS ver­ Zenith and other2MHzsystems). Detects sions which use ASM.) Documentation 99.S% of misspellings while minimizing for compiler and library includes lan­ ENTERTAINMENT false reports of correctly spelled words. guage summary, and complements the You can add new words and prefiX/ language reference manual, Kernighan Dare the dangers of Colossal suffixes, even customize for British and Ritchie's The C Programming Cave with the original Adventure spellings. Requires 4SK. By Robert Language (not included). Requires 4S K. game Wesson. Order #221 ; format CS, CS, HS Order #202; format CS, CS, HS or OS. or OS. C/80 ...... .. .... .. .. .. .. $49.9S Brave the dangers and meet the chal­ SPELL ..... .. .. ..... ...... .. $49.9S lenges as you explore the magic realm of Colossal Cave. You are the adven­ Produce neatly formatted RATFOR adds structured turer seeking fabulous treasures, mythi­ documents with TEXT A-:f',,. programming features to cal adversaries to overcome, and initia­ 'f)o. Microsoft FORTRAN tion into the secret spells which operate TEXT provides the features of an expen- "~~ within the cave. The fantasy world is sive word processing program, and then ~ RATFOR adds the programming ease ·brought to surprising reality by your per­ some, at a fraction of the cost. Prepare and readability of structured program­ sonal computer as it vividly and amus­ files with PIE or any other text editor, ming and string macro capability, while ingly serves as your guide and advisor, then pass them through TEXT for format- retaining the efficiency, power and por­ describing the sights and sounds about ting. Performs fill and justification tability of FORTRAN. The RATFOR trans­ you. Enjoy the satisfaction of discovering (straight right margins), pagination, page lator produces programs which can be the rules within the cave, and solving headers, footers and numbering, indents, compiled and run by Microsoft FOR­ the puzzles which allow you to explore centering, underlining, bold print and TRAN. Keyed to the book Software new regions of this underground realm. more. New4.0 release includes multiple Tools, RATFOR accepts free format Solving all the puzzles of the cave en­ text accumulation buffers for automatic source statements, multiple-statement titles you to receive a free serial-num­ preparation of index and table of con- IFs, IF-THEN-ELSE, and struct ured bered Certificate ofWizardness, suitable tents. Escape sequences may be passed WHILE and FOR loops. Compact 1/ 0 lib­ for framing. The original Adventure pro­ through for printer control without af­ rary avoids huge object modules pro­ gram has inspired hundreds of computer fecting formatting. Inclusion feature duced by other RATFOR implementa­ game creations. Now you can experi­ allows incorporation of form letters or tions. Includes documentation, sample ence for yourself all the wonders of the standard paragraphs from multiple files. programs, and full source code for the original, plus new rooms and treasures, Outputs to screen, printer or disk file for RATFOR translator itself, written in RAT­ and an improved, expanded ending. Re­ complete flexibility. By Dr. Jim Gillogly. FO R. Requires Microsoft FORTRAN. quires 4SK, CP/ M 2.0 or higher. Order Requires 40K. Order #207; format CS, Order #213; format CS, CS, H S or OS. #222; format CS, CS, HS or OS. CS or HS. RATFOR . ....... $39.9S ADVENTURE . .... ............ $19.9S TEXT . ..... .. ... .. .. .. ... $39.9S M ore programming languages on fo ll owing pages. More games on fo llowing pag es: Software for Heath/Zenith, 8"CP/M® systems, and Osborne 1 ® COMPUTERIZED COOKBOOK PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES ENTERTAINMENT Save time and money with Now there's an economical way Your computer can be good automated recipe file to experiment with LISP "therapy" Now your personal computer becomes Experiment with the artificial intelligence You won't believe it's a computer! ELIZA a kitchen assistant with COMPUTER language to which Byte magazine de­ carries on a conversation with you, in CHEF, a versatile home data base that voted its August 1 979 issue. Based on plain English. Great for playing alone or makes page flipping and portion figuring the INTERLISP dialect, LISP/SO offers at parties, ELIZA is the perfect way to a thing of the past. Tell it the ingredients over75 built-in functions, including large show off your machine to friends. Not on hand, and COMPUTER CHEF will machine features like trace, file 1/0, and just a game, but a faithful recreation of quickly suggest recipes using them. string operations. Comes with a simple the original artificial intelligence program Saves you money by finding recipes for editor, file librarian, and formatted ex­ developed at MIT. You can play it or this week's supermarket bargains. When pression print routine, all written in LISP, program i~ using any text editor to modify you need more servings, or have less of and a 36 page manual. Also included the script or create completely new an ingredient than called for, COMPU­ are two artificial intelligence demonstra­ ones. Comes with the complete original TER CHEF automatically scales the re­ tion programs: a guessing game which DOCTOR script which converses like a cipe to fit your individual needs. Prints learns as it plays, and a simple version psychiatrist, and an improved version of recipes on your printer, so you never of the famous ELIZA psychiatrist program. DOCTOR. Documentation includes full again worry about dripping on the cook­ By Walt Bilofsky. Requires 4SK Order instructions for script writing, plus the book! Contains over 70 kitchen-tested #209; format CB, C5, H5 or 05. original ELIZA research paper. Requires recipes from salad to dessert, plus make LISP/80 .... .. .. .... ... $39.95 40K Order #220; format CS, 05 or 05. even more use of all these capabilities ELIZA ....... ...... .. ... .. .. .. $24.95 by entering your own recipes too. Re­ Macro assemblers for Z80 or quires 4SK, CP/M 2.0 or higher. By 8080 opcodes Marrietta&Jim Gillogly, Pamela Chavez, UTILITIES Michele Shumow. Order #224; format UV MAC is an absolute macro assembler. CS, C5, H5 or 05. SOSO version accepts same source files Locate changes, revisions in COMPUTER CHEF. .... .. $29.95 as Heath ASM, plus includes macro document and program source capabilities. ZSO version accepts full files ZSO instruction set (Zilog mnemonics). ·~,.. Both support file inclusion, conditional Keep track of revisions with computer assembly, listing control, etc., and pro­ New Product precision using the AUTODIFF file dif­ duce absolute files. Selectable octal or ference detector. More than just a simple Announcements hex listing. Comparable to Heath ASM byte by bytecomparison, AUTODIFF in speed. Includes non-macro version, locates insertions, deletions and chang- To keep informed of our latest new AS, more than twice as fast on long as­ products, we recommend that Heath/ es in all types of data files. Lists dif­ semblies. CP/ M versions require 40K ferences between two versions of text Zenith computer owners consider sub­ Order #203 (ZSO) or #204 (SOSO); scribing to Buss (325 Pennsylvania Ave. or document files - perfect for locating format CS, C5, H5 or 05. SE, Washington, DC 20003), a newslet­ changes in program source code. Or UVMAC and AS . .. ...... ... $29.95 ter published about every three weeks. lists a file with marks in the margin It is an excellent source of product and locating all changes, so you can check technical information. ABOUT THE revisions without rereading the whole document. Can compare binary data, We also announce new products on with ASCII and hex listing. Change re­ Micronefs HUG Bulletin Board. Our SOFTWARE TOOLWORKS ™ ports can be sent to terminal, printer, or Micronet account is [70305, 170]. It started in 1979 when several computer a disk file. Built-in filters allow optionally scientists became interested in personal corn· ignoring non-printing characters, display puters. We built H89 computer kits, then of control characters on output. Works AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE developed software tools for ourselves, pro­ with ASCII (non-document) files, and grams of the quality and responsiveness we document files produced by WordStar had become used to on larger machines. You may purchase The Software Tool­ and many other word processing pro­ works' products at many locations grams.
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