
.. born unto you W~t 'rintt of 'turt NEWS Vol. 1, No.2 NASA Launch Operations Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida December 20, 1962

Bidders Meet To Discuss 1962 has been NASA's most 39 Crawler active and productive year at Cape Canaveral. NASA's Launch Operations Globe - girdling Center has asked for propos­ , als on a huge machine called a crawler-transporter which and shared the "l"':'.~.. spotlight with the mighty Sa­ will be used to move the Ad­ vanced and a turn rocket and a dozen or .1 I major part of its ground sup­ Photos Pages 4 and 5 q port equipment in a package , i to the launch site. so important spacecraft, from I Some 22 companies were Echo to Explorer and Tiros represented at a pre-proposal to Telstar. conference yesterday called by On July 1st, the Launch LOC's Procurement and Con­ Operations Center was acti­ tracts Office. vated, with Dr. Kurt H. De­ The representatives have bus as Director. until January 15 to submit Following is a month-by­ their proposal for the unique month report of significant machine. NASA _ Canaveral activities. AN ARTIST'S CONCEPT shows a No Estimate JANUARY crawler-transporter ca.rrying an M. E. Haworth, Jr., chief of An Echo ball 0 0 n was Advanced Saturn rocket a.nd its the Contracts Branch of P&C, launched at the Cape on Jan­ launcher-umbilical-tower. Amer­ said, "A definite contract will uary 15th on a vertical flight ican industry has bee,n asked by be executed on or before test, but the sphere ripped NASA's Launch Operations Cen­ March 1, 1963." apart during the inflation ter to submit proposals for the Haworth, answering an in­ process. unique piece of equipment by quiry from a company repre­ On January 26th a lunar­ January 15. A definite· contract sentative, declined to disclose aimed Ranger III spacecraft for the crawler-transporter is t'o the government's cost esti­ missed its mark by 23,000 be awarded by March 1. mate for the crawler-trans­ miles due to excessive accel­ porter. "This is a noncon­ eration, and went into a solar Orbiting Pigski.ns struction project," he explain­ . ed, "and the policy is not to Tangerine Bowl fans may release estimates on such pro_ FEBRUARY be in for a wide-open game, jects." Two weeks later, Tiros IV, full of launched footballs New The transporter-crawler will launched by a three _ stage Year's Day, as a result of a look something like a huge into a near-circular or­ Cape tour yesterday. square platform supported at bit, used a new type wide The Cougars and each corner by a military angle lens to transmit "strik­ IVliami of Ohio's Redskins tank. It measures 131 feet ·ing weather pictures of ex­ meet Saturday afternoon in long and 114 feet wide. cellent quality." Orlando's 17th annual TangeL It must be capable of mov­ Boosted by 109-D, ine Bowl. ing an erected Advanced Sa­ Friendship 7, wit h John Both squads may still have turn and its launcher-umbili­ Glenn aboard, successfully or­ space on their minds after he­ cal-tower (LUT) a distance of bited earth three times on ceiving a tour of NASA-Cape some three miles at a speed (See A BIG, Page 3) facilities Wednesday. (See BIDDERS, Page 7) Page 2 SPACEPORT NEWS December 20, 1962 SPOTL1[;

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CALCULATED RISK lt has been said that man is the only creature brought into this world who realizes that he must leave it. lt follows then that he should be concerned with the manner and time of his going. As a reaRoning creature, he is also aware that all endeavor involves an element of risk, and that the timeliness of his demise depends to a considerable degree upon his ability to calculate the risks involved in his actions and to formulate effective plans to circumvent them. Nowhere is this more clearly demon3trated than at the Cape. The fact that we have conducted our operations in an environment of extreme risk, with an almost incredible record of safety, is a tribute to the care and thought given by all NASA personnel to each minute detail. Ironic, isn't it, that in our "off duty" activities we appear to disregard or ignore a much greater risk? Experience has shown that we are ap­ proximately four times safer at work than at home or enroute. Safety experts have stated that travel in heavy traffic requires an average of 200 decisions, either conscious or sub­ conscious, per mile of travel. Although we can make these decisions with the cold efficiency of the computer which dis­ gorges our pay checks, how about the others with whom we must share these decisions? Can we trust them to evaluate the calculated risk involved, and come up with an answer which '{ALL NIGHiIROLL, PiTCH AND YAW/" will be acceptable to us? Should we settle for a level of safety less than that which we accept at work? At this time of year, when even the most case-hardened of us feel that glow which only good will, (and good eggnog) TECH INFO ARTIST can bring, wouldn't it be a nice gesture to be a little more considerate of the other fellow? Universal Message DESIGNS NEWS LOGO Wouldn't it be nice to extend to him those little traffic Four years ago yester­ In the inevitable eleventh~ courtesies we have just about despaired of receiving? Most day a special Christmas hour shuffling at the printers of all, wouldn't it help us all to have a Merry Christmas? message by President Ei­ last week, a few paragraphs senhower was sent into an P. V. King of copy were "scrubbed." One earth orbit along with its of these gave credit to the Chief, Safety Office Atlas 10-B booster. artist who designed Space­ Although the ­ port News' logo - Cece Bibby Project Score - has out­ of Technical Information's lived its usefulness, the Graphics section. message it beamed, "Peace PEACE ON EARTH - AND IN SPACE on earth, good will toward Cece, of course, is well­ Timing on the announcement to the U.N. of a coopera­ men," has transcended cen­ known for her designs on Pro_ tive -Russian space exploration program fits per­ turies. ject 's spacecraft, the fectly into the Christmas spirit of things. most recent being the Sigma The program calls for peaceful scientific exploration of 7 that adorned outer space via a global weather satellite system, a world No Paper Next Week Wally Schirra's capsule. She explains the logo's fu­ geomagnetic survey and a passive , Spaceport News will not be ·Echo II. turistic arrow shape as sym­ published next week because bolic of NASA's ever-deepen­ The idea for the program was born when Soviet Chair­ of the long Christmas Holi­ ing penetration of space. To man Nikita Khrushchev cabled congratulations to President day. Our next issue will be prove her versatility, Cece Kennedy last February following Astronaut John Glenn's suc­ on January 3, 1963. also designed the more-down­ cessful earth orbital flight. The staff extends seasons to-earth Christmas art on our In the note, Khrushchev suggested the U. S. and his greetings to all NASA-AMR cover this week. country get together on outer space programs. The President employees. She's a talented girl. responded affirmatively, and in late March, Dr. Hugh L. Dryden, Deputy Administrator of NASA and Soviet Aca­ demician A. A. Blagonravov began preliminary talks. Once these areas of cooperation were determined, they were submitted and approved by the respective governments. SPACEPORT ~ A date to put the working groups together to implement the programs will soon be set. ~NEWS America and working cooperatively in space ----.... surely will be a solid step toward the overriding goal of ever­ Published every Thursday by the National Aeronautic~ anti Spat'. lasting peace on earth. Administration's Launch Operations Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida. December 20, 1962 SPACEPORT NEWS Page 3 A Big, Busy Year For NASA (Continued from Page 1) generated 1.3 million pounds February 20th, and re-en­ of t h l' U s t to successfully tered east of Grand Turk boost water - filled upper Island. stage 65 miles out. The up­ The oft - postponed flight, per stages were purposely de­ viewed on TV by an estimat­ tonated for a high - altitude ed 60 million Americans, cov­ water experiment (Project ered 81,000 miles in just un­ High Water). der five hours. The next day Ariel I, the Three days later, President world's firs t international Kennedy greeted Glenn at satellite, was launched into Canaveral's skid strip, after orbit by a Delta. the spaceman's motorcade The 132-pound spacecraft from Patrick Air Force Base. carried six British experi­ At Hanger S. ceremonies, ments to make integrated Kennedy awarded NASA Dis­ measurements in the iono­ PRESIDENT KENNEDY and his party were given a Saturn briefing tinguished Service Medals to sphere. in September by Major Rocco Petrone (left), Chief, Heavy Space Ve­ Glenn and Robert R. Gilruth, MAY hicles Systems Office. Left to right are NASA Administrator James Director of . On the 8th, NASA's first E. Webb, Vice President Lyndon Johnson, LOC Director Dr. Kurt H. MARCH Atlas- shot, aimed for Debus, President Kennedy and AFMTC Commander, Major General On the 7th OSO I (Orbiting a 300-mile altitude, exploded L. I'. Davis. Solar Observatory) was loft­ 55 seconds after launch. ed into space by the reliable Nine days later, the first Agena B vehicle swerved off feet countdown on the MA-8 Delta booster. in a series of 80 Nike smoke course. vehicle. The 458-pound satellite im­ rocket probes to determine AUGUST On the 18th, Atlas-Agena mediately began sen din g wind patterns over Canaveral Mariner II was sent on a B, carrying Ranger V, was back signals on 's ra­ was launched. It soared 80,­ 182,000,000 mile flight to launched, attained parking or­ diation in the ultraviolet, x­ 000 feet and laid down a following a successful bit, and then re-ignited on its ray and gamma ray regions white smoke screen for photo­ Atlas-Agena B launch at Can­ way to the . The space­ from its position above study. averal on the 27th. The re­ craft's solar cells did not pro­ filtering layer of the earth's Following an almost fault­ cord-setting spacecraft car­ vide power, however, making atmosphere. less cormtdown, Aurora 7, ried six ex peri men t s. It it impossible for reception of APRIL piloted by Scott Carpenter, passed within 21,000 miles of flight-path correction signal Ranger IV was launched three times circled earth for Venus last week. and rendering its by an Atlas-Agena on the a distance of 81,200 miles. SEPTEMBER cameras useless. Three days 23rd. It traveled 231,486 The flight on the 24th was On Sept. 11th President later, its bat tel' i e s dead, miles, and crash-impacted on highly successful. Kennedy made his second trip Ranger V passed within 450 the moon's dark side three The same day, the House to Canaveral within seven miles of the moon on its way days later. of Representatives approved months for a thorough in­ into a solar orbit. On April 25th, Saturn SA-2 NASA's fiscal- '63 budget of spection of facilities. He Explorer XV, a 98-pound $3.67 billion. toured several NASA installa_ satellite designed to study , JUNE tions and was briefed on the the artificial radiation belt On the 19th, a Delta boost­ Saturn program by Major created by U. S. high-altitude SPAtE ed i Tiros V into an elliptical Rocco Petrone and on Mercu­ nuclear e x p los ion s, was orbit to send back pictures of ry by G. Merritt Preston. launched on the 27th atop a cloud formations and detect Chosen from a field of 253 Delta. ALMANAC the origin, formation and applicants, nine new astro­ NOVEMBER A CHRONOLOGY OF movement of hurricanes, ty­ nauts were announced on the Carrying a 95-ton EVENTS IN SPACE phoons and other storms. 17th. They were Neil Arm­ of water in its dummy second EXPLORATION AND JULY strong, AF Maj. Frank Bor­ stage, a third Saturn, SA-3, RESEARCH. Telstar, the first inter­ man, Navy Lt. Charles Con­ followed its two predecessors continental communications rad, Navy Lt. Cdr. James on a highly successful flight Five Years Ago satellite, was lofted into space Lovell, AF Capt. James Mc­ into space on November 16th. Dec. 19, 1957 - The first on the lOth atop a NASA­ Divitt, Elliot See, AF Capts. It went a distance of 270 using all-inertial guid­ Delta booster. Thomas Stafford and Edward miles. This was the first ance was launched from the A rigidized Echo-type bal­ White and Navy Lt. Cdr. John .launch with a fully fueled Cape. Thor-, Thor-Agena, loon, nicknamed Big Shot, Young. first stage. Thor Delta and Delta launch was propelled on the 18th 922 The next morning Tiros VI Generating 1.3 million vehicles were developed from miles into space in an infla­ sailed into' orbit atop the pounds of thrust, the rocket the original Thor. tion test. The largest man­ ever-reliable Delta vehicle. By reached a peak speed of 4,000 made object ever sent into mid - afternoon, the satellite mph. Three Years Ago space, the 13-story balloon was transmitting useable pic­ DECEMBER Dec. 22, 1959-NASA, with was visible from Cape Can­ tures for weather forecasting. As 1962 drew to a close, a the cooperation of the Can­ averal for 10 minutes. OCTOBER three - stage Delta lofted adian government, launched On the 21st NASA selected Explorer XIV, a satellite NASA's RELAY communica­ the first Javelin, a four-stage a design for the advanced to study natural and man­ tions satellite into orbit on ', from Wal­ Saturn launch complex north­ made radiation in space, was Dec. 13th. lops Island. It rose to an alti­ west of the Cape, featuring a I a u n c h e d from Canaveral On Dec. 14th, Mariner II tude of 560 miles. 2,500 - ton crawler - mode ve­ aboard a Delta on the 2nd. breezed within 22,000 miles Dec. 31, 1959-Mercury as­ hicle recommended by LOC. Several hours later, on Oct. of Venus and, despite some tronauts completed basic and On July 22, Mariner I, 3rd, Astronaut Wally Schirra earlier problems, began to theoretical studies in their aimed for a Venus flyby, was piloted his Sigma 7 space­ transmit data to give man his training program and began destroyed after 290 seconds craft through a six - orbit first close look at our neigh­ practical engineering studies. of flight when - flight following a near per- boring planet. Page 4 SPACEPORT NEWS December 20, 1962


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EXPLORER MARINER ECHO Page 6 SPACEPORT NEWS December 20, 1962 Mariner Probe Best Ever; Mute RELAY Earth Scientists were elated with X-15 MODIFIED data relayed to earth by the record-setting Mariner-II, but FOR 'FOLLOW ON' were disappointed at RE­ TESTING PROGRAM LAY's muteness. Initial modifications to the Mariner II, launched here X-15 aircraft have been made August 27th, sent back in­ by , formation on the cloud cover and the experimental aircraft and surface of Venus from 36 has been returned to NASA's million miles in space. Flight Research Center, Ed­ RELAY, NASA's active re­ wards, Cal. peater communications satel­ The modifications, for the lite, suffered a power loss, "Follow On" program, enable however, following its success­ the record-setting X-15 to ful orbit last Thursday. carry new equipment for fu­ On the most successful in­ ture research flights. terplanetary probe ever, Mar­ "Follow On" is a two-year iner-II scanned Venus for 42 series of flights in which the minutes Friday. X-15 will be used as a test bed Scientists at Cal Tech's Jet for future scientific research Propulsion Laboratories will projects. be studying data received Under the modification a from the flyby for several window has been installed in weeks. the under side of the aircraft's The odd-shaped spacecraft fuselage, and a camera moun­ passed within 22,000 miles of ted on the inside of the X-15's Venus. Closest point in the structure. pass occurred at 3 :01 p.m. This project will be used to study the optical degrad­ NASA officials said Mar­ ation resulting from observa­ iner's observation system t ion s through hypersonic worked perfectly, and called boundary layers and shock the historic mission an un­ waves. qualified success. CAPE VISITOR Dr. Edward C. Welsh (left), executive secretary of It was the closest a space­ the 'National Aeronautics Space Council, and Dr. Kurt H. Debus, LO'C Scheduled for next month or in February, the first craft ever came to another Director, a,re given a pre-launch briefing on RELAY by Robert Pickard, planet. Russia sent a probe (right) GSFC Spacecraft Manager for the project. flights will be made at differ­ ent altitudes and speeds. past Venus some time ago but it didn't pass as close: The "Follow On" program and its radios were silent. will probably add 35 flights to the aircraft's schedule. X-15 No. 1 has already Graphics Contract Goes made 32 flights in the basic To California Company program of aerodynamic re­ search. It has been flown to A $160,000 contract has an altitude of 246,700 feet been awarded by LaC to a (nearly 47 miles), and at California company for repro­ speeds of 4,104 mph. duction and photographic pro­ cessing services. NASA Chief Research Pilot Joseph A. Walker set both re­ The small business "set cords. aside" contract is with Econ­ omy Blueprint and Supply Co., Division of Continental Security Tops Offices Graphics Inc., Los Angeles. In Christmas $ Drive The company was one of 56 solicited by LaC's Procure­ LaC Security led all NASA­ ment and Contracts Office. AMR offices with 100 percent participation in the Christ­ Under the contract, Econo­ mas contributions-for-the­ my Blueprint and Supply will needy campaign which ended provide reproduction proces­ yesterday. sing services for reports tech­ nical forms, bulletins, etc., in NEEDY FAMI'LIES will benefit from a $50 donation to the Salvation The drive was set up to col­ support of all NASA pro­ Army by the NASA Women's Social Club. Here Capt. Vernon R. lect money that otherwise grams at AMR. Hall accepts the check from Mrs. Mary Coleman, treasurer of the would have gone for employee grou,p. Other officers are Mrs. Ellburta Williams, president; Mrs. interchange of Christmas The initial period of the Pauline Rudolph, vice president, Mrs. Dorothy Parker, secretary; and cards. contract is from December 20 Mrs. Mary Ann Settle, chaplain. Membership in the club, which More than $500 was receiv­ 1962, to June 30,1963, with a~ meets the second Tuesday of each month, is open to all women em­ ed and will be turned over to option to NASA to continue ployed by NASA or NASA contractors. the Salvation Army. the services as required. December 20, 1962 SPACEPORT NEWS Page 7 Work On Saturn Engine Test Stands Begins At Work on a $30 million con­ struction project for three new F-l test stands has begun at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. The single-position stands will be used for testing all F-l engines prior to their de­ livery to NASA for installa­ tion in Saturn C-5 rocket boosters. Each C-5 will use five of the 1.5-million-pound thrust engines. Construction at Edwards is being done under the direc­ tion of the Corps of Engine­ ers, Los Angeles District, for the Marshall Space Flight Center. The three new additions SEASONAL SOCIALS for NASA·AMR people began early this month and are continuing through Sat­ will make a total of five test urday. Technical Information's dinner-dance, above, typifies the holiday festivities. Heavy Space stands at Edwards. It will Vehicles Systems, Technical and Scientific Staff, a nd Light/Medium Space Vehicles Systems will wind· be the largest concentration up the parties next Saturday night at the Officers Club. of static testing facilities in the country. The first stand is to be completed in late 1963. All Yule Gratuities Policies Hard Luck For Hill three will be capable of test­ Russ Hill, acting chief, ing engines with up to 2.5 miL Stated By Legal Office Technical Reports, deser­ lion pounds thrust. ves a hard luck award. He The test complex will have NASA employees have indirectly (Le.; by mail or lost a heartbreaker last all necessary support facili­ again been cautioned against through a third party) they week in the newspaper ties, including a blast resis­ accepting gratuities during should be returned to the sen­ name contest. tant control center, instru­ the Christmas season. der; except that: Hill penciled in the name mentation tunnels, electrical LOC's Legal Office has is­ (1) Advertisement articles "Spaceport News," identi­ support buildings, pre-test sued the following announce­ of nominal value, (such as cal to the one submitted by buildings, observation bun­ ment regarding the accept­ calendars and inexpensive ball winner C. A. Whiteside. kers and off-stand and on­ ance of gifts: point pens) may be retained. He had it typed, for neat­ stand propellant systems. "Experience has s how n (2) Perishable items which ness, and somehow it came during the Christmas season can not be feasibly returned out "Spacecraft News," for BIDDERS MEET that some of the NASA em­ should be given to a charitable a near miss at a share of (Continued from Page 1) ployees are confronted with organization of the recipient's the $75 prize. of one mile an hour, climb a the problem of what to do choice, with notification of five per cent grade and keep about small gifts which are such action to the donor. the whole package level. offered by parties with which When a NASA employee MSFC Agena Program The transporter-crawler it­ NASA has or may have busi­ finds it awkward to handle a Switched to Cleveland self will weigh upwards of 5.5 ness. gift situation, the installation million pounds and will be The acceptance of· gratui­ personnel office will provide NASA's Agena program, a about 20 feet high in its low­ ties which might be inter­ assistance as appropriate. workhorse in the launching of ered position. It will have a preted as being intended to When a gift is returned by heavier space scientific pay­ between-the-trucks clearance influence an employee's of­ the individual, his action loads, has been transferred of eight feet above the ficial action is uniformly should be a matter of record; from the Marshall Space ground. agreed to be poor practice and a copy of his letter, returning Flight Center, Huntsville, to An integral part of the Ad­ is prohibited by General Man_ his gift, should be forwarded the Lewis Research Center in vanced Saturn's launch Com­ agement Instruction. 3 - 7 - 3 to Personnel Office. Cleveland. plex 39, the crawler mode of dated Aug. 31, 1961. NASA installations occas­ In announcing the shift, transportation was selected Compliance wit h NASA sionally receive identical gifts NASA Associate Administra­ after consideration was given policy regarding the accept­ for general distribution to tor Robert C. Seamans, Jr., to water, rails, and pneumatic ance of gifts, and gratuities is various staff members. The said it allows MSFC to wholly tires. essentially the responsibility receipt of such gifts should concentrate on Saturn vehicle The Advanced Saturn will of each NASA employee. be reported by mail rooms to development. be assembled vertically in a When offered a gift or gra­ the appropriate officials of huge Verticle Assembly Build­ tuity NASA employees will the installation. Such officials Lewis now has two Atlas­ ing to be constructed at Com­ based vehicles, Agena and be guided by the following: will arrange for return of plex 39 on Merritt Island. Centaur, which are essential Then, it will be placed on the A. When the offer is made gifts, and include a cour­ in person to NASA personnel to NASA's program of space crawler-transporter along with all gifts should be courteously teous explanation of NASA's sciences. the LUT and moved to one of declined. policy regarding acceptance of The transfer will be com­ four launch pads from which B. When gifts are received gifts and gratuities. pleted within three months. the rocket can be fired. Page 8 SPACEPORT NEWS December 20, 1962 'PURELY PERSONAL I Accounting The Mercury Social Club climaxed the year with a Tops FMO's Christmas dance at the Cocoa Armory. The party, attended Decorators by 400, sported a five-man combo and stage entertain­ Financial Management Of­ ment. fice held a Christmas decora­ A $100 door prize was won tion contest and Accounting by W. C. Bohn. Winners of and Budget finished one-two. lesser amounts in the drawing Each office received a large, included R. Midyette, W. gift-wrapped package of cake, Combs, L. D. Gibbons, and cookies and candy. R. L. Butler. Theme of the contest was The armory also was the "Christmas i s Christmas choice of 400 Facilities Office wherever you find it." personnel for another Christ­ Accounting's winning entry mas party. Entertainment included a perky pair of red ranged from music of the bootees hanging in their en­ Allffil. White Band to sleight­ trance way, a frosty pink tree, of-hand by Joseph Schertz, bright red poinsettias and a Facility Program Officer. CHRISTMAS SPIRIT is evident among these Financial Management fat little snow man. Schertz, who was billed as A gold angel gracefully per­ "Darnell the Magician," was Office employees following judging of their decoration contest. Eleanor -Crossman of the winning Accounting branch, assisted by ched on a lovely golden tree joined later by Santa Claus featured Budget's entry. Also (Alias Bernard Torrence) and FMO Chief Lewis Melton (right), cuts into the first prize p-ackage of cakes, cookies and candy. included was a bronze rein­ the girls from Joey's Twist deer display. Lounge. Birthday Bulletins Competition was keen a­ Senior propulsion engineer 21 Employees R.eceive mong all offices and each de­ Gerry Tritto, celebrates a coration rated an honorable birthday , and Hugh Safe Driving Awards mention. Voucher section set up a Weston, Chief, Vehicle Sec­ Donald W~ Hardin, acting tion, adds a year on Decem­ king-sized fireplace complete chief, Support Services, has with chimney. Their entry ber 30. From the Facilities presented one and two-year Office comes word that Nor­ also included a white sleigh safe driving awards to 21 loaded with packages. man Perry and John Parks, Management Services, Inc., Jr., will cut the cake on the employees. Decorating the office of 21st and 28th respectively. Financial Management Chief Quick Trips The awards were made Lewis Melton is the figure of Georgia "Crackers" plan­ available by the Aetna Cas­ Santa before a fireplace and ning trips home for the holi­ ualty and Surety Insurance illuminated by glowing lights. days include: Dick Phillips, Company. Pauline Rudolph's cashier's Bill Harris, Eugene Sweat, Management Services pro­ cage is decked out with red and Bobby Spires; all of Pro­ vides NASA with various candles, a lovely miniature curements and Contracts. transportation services. manger scene and her name Other end-of-year tripsters to Drivers who received two­ sake, the red-nosed reindeer. southern states will be Kay year awards were E. T. Brink­ Payroll set up a silver tree Tate, Byron Driskill, Thomas man, R. K. Carlton, E. L. Hol­ with blue ornaments. Davis, M. E. Haworth, and comb, R. G. Imbt, C. J. Lamar, Finally, in the FMD lobby Sue Weakly. ­ R. B. Lomax Jr., J. O. Smith is Santa himself. It is T-5 George Read, of P&C, is in and A. E. Streit. and counting for his trip New York and to around the world. watch pro-basketball ,and One year award winners in­ SANTA'S HELPER, 18-year-old hockey, Carole Seanor, Dick cluded A. W. Brown, E. S. Joyce Joseph (37-24-36, was first McCoy, and Liz Wheeler also Caldwell, E. M. Cave, J. B. Runnerup in Cocoa's Miss Merry Savings Bond Drive plan to make the sojourn Cox, L. D. Dinkins, J. W. Christmas contest. She's the Adds 14 New Members northward. Fields, J. R. Frank, J. W. daughter of Mrs. Frances Joseph, With the completion of the Killingsworth, J. B. Marn, W. Field Projects Branch Office. NASA-AMR's savings bond Mariner II mission last week, P. Putnam, V. D. Smith, H. drive added 14 members dur­ many JPL employees are tak­ M. Thompson and H. E. Tred­ ing the week, boosting the ing full advantage of the holi­ way. NASA NEWCOMERS total of new participants to days before tackling next NASA-AMR added six new 35. year's probes. next week. Dan Lestmeister employees during the week. With the 170 members al­ Out-of-state visits are sche­ and Albert Kempson, Jr., ex­ Facilities: J.' J. Ashcroft, ready enrolled here, it adds duled for Margaret Giustino, pect to see Christmas quite and George Link. up to 26.6 per cent total em­ James Lowery, Dorothy Page white in the mid-west, but Instrumentation & Plan­ ployee participation. and Delbert Tosh. Avron Raymond Marek and Glenn ning, A. W. Newman. Langley leads all centers Bryan and J. A. McKerley Graham will look for sunshine Launch Support: Claude with 59.5 per cent. will be in Miami during tHe in the Lone state. Visi­ Wolfe. Local chairman Wally Hud­ Orange Bowl Festival, while tors to southeastern states Procurement & Contracts: gins of Personnel urged all George White is taking his will be Bernard Torrence, Gladys Reed. who are interested to contact family to St. Augustine. Jack Bing, Ruby Legg, Nor­ Technical Information Of­ their office bond representa­ Facilities Office people will man Perry, James Rivers and fice: Monica Krugman, Harry tive for details of the bond be spread from Ohio to Robert Revels. Handley and Gene Aubry. program.