The Africa Integrated Climate Risk Management
FP162: The Africa Integrated Climate Risk Management Programme: Building the resilience of smallholder farmers to climate change impacts in 7 Sahelian Countries of the Great Green Wall (GGW) Multiple Countries | IFAD | B.28/02 24 March 2021 GENDER ASSESSMENT AND ACTION PLAN The Africa Integrated Climate Risk Management Programme: Building the resilience of smallholder farmers to climate change impacts in 7 Sahelian Countries of the Green Great Wall (GGW)” Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal and The Gambia December 2020 Introduction 1. Across sub-Saharan Africa, the agricultural sector remains critical to local and regional economies. It is the basis for food security and an important source of employment, particularly for women. Rural women are the backbone of rural development and national economies, as they make up almost 50 percent of agricultural labour force. In Burkina Faso and Mali, for example, an estimated 93 percent and 78 percent respectively of active women work in agriculture (World Bank, 2020). High levels of rural poverty coupled with a fragile agro-ecological environment impacted by climate change and climate variability make the contribution of women's productive activities to the household and community a crucial element in the survival of the rural population. They work primarily in smallholder production and receive a significantly lower share of income in comparison to men. They bear the greatest blunt of climate change and climate-related disasters, as they have limited access and control over all land, productive resources and information (SCPZ, AfDB, 2019). 2. In addition, natural disasters do not affect all people equally. Marginalized populations, including women, tend to be disproportionately negatively impacted.
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