INSUEANCEAGENCY PQ -REPRESENTS THE- ROYAL INSURANCE CO., of Liverpool. NORTH BRITISH, of London. CD LANCASHIRE, of Manchester, England. SUN FIRE OFFICE of London. And other first-class companies whose net (h KAAA CS ASSETS EXCEED UUU. 0 18 P. 0. Square, ,-OFFICES-Washington St., Brookline. CO J. H. BOOD7,

o3 movsxt sim mm msmamrim > eg w Whitening and Tinting Ceilings, OPP. RAILROAD DEPOT, BROOKLINE, MASS. P5 w GO 1-1 CHINA, GLASS AND LAMPS, w SIX FLOORS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. p~t p Jones, McDuffee & Stratton, FORMERLY & CO. w 51 to 59 Federal and 120 Franklin Sts., Boston, ps P p W. B. SEARS, PH P PH INSURANCE.



Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Work made to order and repaired.

Special Attention paid to Cleaning- and Repairing FURNACES AND RANGES.


ROONEY’S BLOCK, HARVARD SQUARE, BROOKLINE. ADVERTISEMENTS. 3 WILLIAM LINCOLN & SON, Agents for the Purchase, Sale and Leasing of REAL ESTATE. Brookline Fire Insurance AgeriGY. COMPANIES REPRESENTED. Liverpool, London & [lie Ins. Co., Liverpool, England. Commercial Union Assurance Co,, London, England, North British & Mercantile, London and Edinburg, England. Fire Insurance Association, (Limited), London, Eng. British America Assur’ce Co., Toronto. HOME, New York, CASH CAPITAL, $3,000,000.00 PHENIX, Brooklyn, CASH CAPITAL, 1,000,000.00 CONNECTICUT, Hartford, CASH CAPITAL, 1.000,000.00 SPRINGFIELD, F. & M. Springfield, CASH CAPITAL, 1,000,000.00 NIAGARA, New York, CASH CAPITAL 500,000.00 NEW HAMPSHIRE, Manchester, N. H., CASH CAPITAL, 500,000.00 PRESCOTT, Boston, CASH CAPITAL, 200,000.00 DWELLING HOUSE, Boston, CASH CAPITAL, 300,000.00 MASS. MUTUAL, Boston, CASH CAPITAL, 200,000.00 CITIZEN’S MUTUAL, Boston, OFFICES: Savings Bank, Colonnade Bldg., 41 Devonshire Street, BROOKLINE. boston. WILLIAM LINCOLN & SON, Agents. 4 ADVERTISEMENTS. CITIZEIS’ MUTUAL INSURANCE CO.,

INCORPORATED 1846. No. 8 Exchange Place, Boston. Amount at Risk July 1,1883, - $20,736,531.

ASSETS. Cash and Securities, $260,759.21 Deposits Notes in Force, 565,831.91 Total Available Assets, $826,591.12

Liabilities, Re-insurance Fund Reserved, $142,246.82.

Are now paying 50 per cent on 5 years and 40 per cent on all others at expiration. J. W. Peabody, Sec. & Treas. H. 0. Bigelow, Pres. MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, 28 State St., Merchants Bank Building, Boston. CASH CAPITAL, $200,000. Insurance of Dwellings and Household Fnriiiture only, AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE OR LIGHTNING. CASH DIVIDENDS TO POLICY-HOLDERS. CHAS. B. CUMINGS, Pres. JOHN M. CORBETT, Sec. Win. Lincoln & Son, Colonnade Bniini, Apts for Brookline. Shoe & Leather Insurance Co., 16 Congress Street, Boston, Mass. CASH CAPITAL, $000,000.

Join! C. AbDott, Pres. Charles A_. Puller, Sec. C. W. Kellogg, "Vice Pres. MARINE CERTIFICATES Issued, Payable in Sterling at the Co; nting House of Messrs. BROWN, SHIPLEY & CO., LONDON. A DVERTISEMENTS 5

Telephone No. 8027. COUSENS BROS.,

—DEALEKS IN— COAL, WOOD -AND- Bundle Hay, Office, opp. the Depot. Wharf at Long- wood, near Cottage Farm Station, BROOKLINE, MASS. Horace Cousens. John E. Cousens HiEisriE^r ooLLinsrs & go.. -DEALERS IN- PROVISIONS, GAME, FRUIT AND VEGETABLES, ALSO, BUTTER In Large and Small Packages. HARVARD SQUARE, BROOKLINE. Orders called for and delivered. Henry Collins. H. R. Head.

—Importers and Dealers in Choice— FABE1LT GROCERIES, FRUIT, TEAS, FLOUR, &c. Chapel Station, BROOKLINE, also, cor. Berkeley and Boylston Streets, under Hotel Berkeley, BOSTON.

P. EDWARDS. C. R. EDWARDS. GEO. WM. BALLOU & CO., BANKERS, 72 Devonshire St., Boston. ' 14 Wall St., New York. Receive accounts of Banks, Bankers, Corporations and Individuals upon favorable terms. Deal in Government Bonds and Standard Investment Securities Bond- ond Stocks boughtand so.d on commission at the New York,Boston and other Excnanges. GEO. WM. BALLOU, D. H. DARLING, WM. H. BINGHAM, NEW YOEK. A. S. WEEKS, BOSTON. 6 ADVERTISEMENTS,

Established 1848. KENRICK BROTHERS, PLUMBERS, -AND DEALERS IN- Furnaces, Ranges, Stoves, KITCHEN FURNISHING GOODS, &c. Washington Street, north of bridge. BROOKLINE. Special attention paid to Plumbing, Repairing, and Cleaning Furnaces and Ranges. Lawrence, Wilde

C. C. CHAPLIN, -DEALER IN- Boots, Shoes and Rnbhers, COLONNADE BUILDING, BROOKLINE. Larger Stock, Finer Goods, and Lower Prices than ever before. REPAIRING AND CUSTOM WORK promptly attended to. ADVERTISEMENTS. 7 GEORGE WALTON. DOG DOCTOR, And Dealer in Choice Breeds of DOGS. BUFFALO MEAT BOG BISCUITS,

Dog Medicines, Dog Muzzles, Dog Collars, Mange Cure and flea Soap.

The Oldest DOG DOCTOR in Boston. (Established 1846.)

Sick Dogs Visited at their Homes at the Request of Owners.

111 Kingston St.,Boston. Residence, 8 Edinboro St., Boston. THE CAMBRIDGE LAUNDRY.

One of the best equipped Laundries in the , and famous all over the country for fine work. Wagon is sent to your door when summoned by Postal Card. Address: Canihridie Landry, Solti SI., CAMBRIDCEPOET. STORY & WILBUR, (Formerly A. Wilbur & Co. Established 1821.) New England Emporium for ROOFING SLATES. We have the entire production of MERRILL'S CELEBRATED UNFADING BROWNVILLE MAINE SLATES. Also, the entire production of the UNFADING MONSON MAINE SLATES. Constantly in stock Purple and Black Welsh, Bangor, and Star Pennsylvania Black Diamond, Purple, Green and Red Slates. By cargo or square, for export and home market. Special rates by car loads from quarries Slate Dressihg and Punching Machine. Roofing Tin, Zinc, Solder, Slating Tools and Nails,Elastic Cement, Rosin Sized, Tarred and Dry Felts. All inquiries promptly answered. Slate Wharves, 529 Commercial St. (Near Old Charlestown Bridge), Boston. Joseph Story. S. A. Wilbur. 8 ADVERTISEMENTS ESTABLISHED 1831. CAPITAL, $1,500,000.

PHILIP L. MOEN, CHAS. P. WASHBURN, OHAS. H. MORGAN, President & Treasurer. Vice-President & Secretary. General Manager, WASHBURN & MOEN MANUFACTURING CO., WORCESTER, 3HA.SSSS.


Aud Manufacturers of Iron and Steel Wire of every description. PATENT STEEL THE BEST FENCE MATERIAL BARB FENCING. IN UBE.

Proof Against CHEAP, fire, mm, STRONG, And Flood, DURABLE. Iron and Steel Telegraph and Telephone Wire. Patent Steel Wire Pale Ties, Pump Chains, Chain Wire, Steel Wire for Springs, Needles, and Drills. Send, for Price Lists, Circulars and Descriptive Pamphlets on our Specialties. NEW YORK WAREHOUSE CHICAGO WAREHOUSE 16 Cliff Street. 107 & 109 Lake St. ADVERTISEMENTS 9 HIGHLAND FOUNDRY CO. Would call the attention of all who are about buying a



Either Cast or Wrought Iron, in six different varieties, from 13 to 27 inch grate: making the largest assortment to be found in Boston.


Also, Manufacturers of the celebrated SILVER MEDAL HOLLOW WARE.

All our Goods are warranted to give perfect satisfaction. -SSr

For sale by Agents throughout the Country WHOLESALE AND RETAIL

AT OUR Salesroom, 87, 89 ami 91 NORTH STREET, BOSTON.



Salesrooms, 118 and 120 Sndbnry St., and 13 Green St., near Bowdoin S<|.; Factory, 45 Pitts St., BOSTON-

DRAPER Ac HALLS, Boarding, Sale and Liyery Stables

Music Tuesday & Saturday Evgs. 83 & 97 West Dedham St., BOSTON. H. MACORQUODALE,


Copies or Enlargements from any description of Small Pictures, Photogi aphs, Daguerrotj pes, Ambrotypes, or Drawings, Finished in Ink, Oil, Crayon or Water Colors. C. K. CONLY, PHOTOGRAPHER, (Successor to WARREN.) 465 Washington Street, opp. Jordan, Marsh & Oo.’s, BOSTON, 3yCA.SS. Particular attention given to Copying and enlarging. Finisning in Crayon and Water Colors. Instantaneous Pictures of Children a Specialty. ADVERTISEMENTS, 11 THE RICHARD SMART CARPET BEATING COMPANY

6 BRIGHTON AY., Junction of BEACON ST.,


Established in 1852, near where the Public'Garden now is. We have been obliged to move 8 times to make way for the March of Improvement. We are now located about midway between the City of Boston and its The Oldest, and Best Establ i s fo¬ Largest, ment ot the kind most In Boston Oil Reliablb it England. beautiful suburb Brookline. Thanking many residents of Brookline for their patronage in the past, we extend an invitation to all others to give us a fair trial. As soon as you become convinced of the Superiority of our Machine Work over Out Door Work you will want NO MORE out door work.



Address R. SMART, Carpet Seating Company,

6 Brighton Avenue.

J. E. DOW, Manager 12 ADVERTISEMENTS M. CUMMINGS, Hack, Boarding and Livery Stable, TREMONT STREET,

Cor. Pond Avenue.

Public Carriages at tlie various Railroad

Stations in Brookline.

R. WOODWARD, HerieQsheer


Also, General Blacksmitliing of all kinds. Washington Street, corner High, BROOKLINE.

Having had an experience in Brookline of nearly Forty Years, he feels confident of being able to pb ase his numerous pat¬ rons and asks a continuance of tlieir liberal patronage. JAMES F. BURNS. HORSE SHOER, Boylston Street, NEAR WASHINGTON, BROOKLINE. Horses Shod on Safe and Careful Principles, with especial regard to Intelfering, Over-reaching, Stum¬ bling, etc. THOMAS MAHON, PRACTICAL PLUMBER, WASHINGTON STREET, Over tire Railroad Mite, BROOKLINE.

Estimates Given and Contracts Faithfully Executed. THE BROOKLINE DIRECTORY



FOR 1883-8T,

COMPILED AND PUP>LISHED BY w. yc. o-RiEiEnrouGEEa: & go.,


> ’ , 5 > J > * J > BOSTON. V u > , < > •* J Jo * *„ » ) u ’ •> J > * , > > J • ■> > * -> > J 3 } .im \ d, ■■ U. >— J ) J , J > i ° J 4 j j *>* M 1 } J * J > > > j i > J > > j , > j , BROOKLINE: EOR SALE kT TUft • NICHOLS-NEWS DEPOT, ,>>>>,’ !■;,/. ’> o WHYTE’S BLOCK, WASHINGTON' STREET.

PRICE, |1.50.

Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1883, by W. A. Greenough & Co., in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. 1^6^ - 18 ti tXH S>Cr'"c^*^ *



-o ESTABLISHED 1864. o- J-OHOsT EE^^K.TIST'a-TO^r, SCULPTOR AND DESIGNER OF Fine Monumental Work, IN' MARBLE AND GRANITE. Fine Polished Granite Monuments, Enclosures, &c., a Specialty. Wareroom and Office, 456 Tremont St., Boston. Works: Gore’s Wharf, Third. St., East Cambridge.


AND OTHER WORKS OF ART. Manufacturers of Mirrors and Picture Frames. No. 508 Washington Street, 3 & 5 Bedford Street, BOSTON.

Instantaneous Pictures of Children a Specialty.


In accordance with our usual custom we now present No. 8, of the regular series of the Brookline Directory to our patrons, with the confidence of its welcome reception by them, as well as by the public generally. We have taken the usual pains to have all information furnished made as correct and reliable as possible, and trust we have succeeded in so doing. Some means should be devised by which every building used for any purpose should have a number placed upon it, unless it is on some country road where it would be nearly impossible to have it done, as a number is a great assistance in finding a house and the person in it. As places grow in importance and population, the directory in¬ creases in value as a book of reference. A good directory is a great benefit to a place, not only to the citizens, but to strangers and visit¬ ors who are constantly referring to its pages for information of some kind. A directory of a city or town is not necessarily limited to that place, as we have orders from many other places for our books. We wish especially to call the attention of persons using the directory, to the importance of knowing the precise spelling of a name, before looking for it, as names pronounced the same, but spelled in various ways, wfill appear on different pages, and at quite a distance from each other. Our canvass shows an increase of names over that of last year, as will be seen by the figures given below: Names in 1883 . 2,941 Names in 1881 . 2,749

Increase over last edition, . . . 202 Our agents have received the usual courteous attention from all with whom they have come in contact while obtaining the informa¬ tion for this number, and with many thanks for the same We remain, very respectfully, W. A. GREENOUGH & 00., August, 1883. Editors and Publishers. 16 ADVERTISEMENTS ARTHUR DIX WELL, ART FURNITURE

— AND — INTERIOR DECORATIONS, No. 4 Park Street, . . . Boston.

Marks Adjustable folding Chair. ARTHUR DIXWELL, Agent, 4 Park St., Boston.

IF YOU WANT' THE Best Window Screen


Call at our offices and examine it before ordering else¬ where.

Thousands in Use.

Works on an entirely hew principle.

The Best is the Cheapest.

j Highly recommended by all who use them.

Koch’s Patent. Goes Outside and does not interfere with Outside Blinds. 4SF*Send for Illustrated Pamphlet. AMI-IIUCA X SCTREETsT CO., Room 16, Studio Building, Tremont Street, Boston, Mass. CO^TIEILTTS.

Page. Abbre viations... 31 American Legion of Honor.. 157 Boundary of the Town...... 27 Brookline Temperance Reading Room. 159 Business Directory..... 127 Business Directory of Patrons in other Cities... 19 Calendar... 23 Cemeteries. 28 Census of Massachusetts.Follows Miscellaneous Department. Churches.. . 154 Coach Time Table... 162 Country Club.. . 159 Faith Home for the Sick. 159 Fire Department. 152 Gas Light Company. 160 General Directory. 31 Grand Army of the Republic. 157 Halls, Buildings, etc. 26 Index To Advertisements. 18 Justices of the Peace. 163 Knights of Honor. 158 Letter Boxes.. 161 Masonic. 157 Medical Examiner. 163 Myopia Club. 159 Notaries Public. 163 Number of Families, Dwellings, &c., in the United States as reported by the last Census_End of Business Directory of Patrons. Old Ladies Home. 159 Police Court. 151 Police Department. 152 Post Office. 161 Preface. 15 Public Library. 154 Public Schools. 153 Railroad Stations. 27 Rates of Postage. 161 Royal Arcanum. 158 Savings Bank. 160, 176 Shaw Asylum. ... 160 State Aggregates of Polls, Property, &c., 1882.End of Census. St. Mary’s Catholic Lyceum. 160 Streets, Avenues, Places, etc. 25 Street Railroad. 162 Temperance Organization. 158 Town Offices. 28 Town Officers. 150 Water Works . 151 18 INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS


PAGE PAGE Abbott H. E. insurance agent.front cover Kenrick Bros, furnaces, ranges, etc.. 6 Allen E. F. gas piping, etc_front cover Lamb C. F. dry goods,. 30 American Screen Co. wire screens.... 16 Lincoln Wm. & Son, real estate and Austin Charles D. hardware. 2 insurance broker.. . 3 Babbitt William C. apothecary,front cover Lucas & Maher, carriage mnfrs. 167 Bacon Francis IT. grocer. 168 Mahon Thomas, plumber. 12 Baker B. F. painter. 168 McCarty P. expressing. 171 Boody J. H. painter.front cover McGregor James, gardener. 173 Brennan M. furniture, etc_front cover Morlock Jacob, baker. 166 Brookline Chronicle Spencer & Soule Neal B. W. carpenter. 165 editors and publishers. 165 Nelson Brothers, grocers_.... ,_ 166 Brookline Laundry, C. B. Yan Riper, Nichols C. H. newspapers. 23 prop. 172 Nichols News depot . 23 Brookline Savings Bank. 176 Noland Andrew, house & sign painter 168 Burns James F. horse-slioer. 12 O’Day Brothers, public carriages.168 Carroll D. J. blacksmith. 171 Chaplin C. C. boots and shoes. 6 Paine Bros, plumbers. 2 Clark T. E. stable. 171 Peirce & Richards, coal and wood.... Clements T. W. dentist. 172 foot lines general directory Collins Henry & Co. provisions.. 5 Percy Fred B. physician. 164 Cook John, mason . 169 Pree William, cutler and locksmith... 169 Coolidge & Brother, grocers. 172 Quinlan M. W. carriage and harness Cousens Bros, coal and wood. 5 manufacturer . 170 Cummings M. livery stable. 12 Robart Henry W. upholsterer. 171 Currier WarrenGh apothecary, .foot lines Robinson Thomas T. grocer,.. 170 Delano C. A., foot lines general directory Russell J. M. mason.‘. 173 Dewing & McClure, masons., .back cover Seamans J. M. & Co. grocers. 169 Edwards P. & Son, grocers. 5 Smith John, mason. 173 Finney William, grocer. 166 Spencer & Soule, publisher Brookline Foster William B. dentist. 172 Chronicle. 165 Gutterson Joseph D. undertaker. 167 Sullivan F. plumber. 166 Hankey Frank A. confectioner.167 Taylor E. B. fancy goods. 173 Hayes Julia Miss, baker... 167 Van Riper C. B. Brookline Laundry.. 172 James Horace, mason and builder.... 165 Yan Slyck D. B. physician. 172 Johnson Brothers, masbns . 165 Woodward R. liorse-shoer.(. 12 Johnson M. Brookline & Boston Ex¬ press.169


PAGE PAGE Abbott H. E. ins. agent.front cover Eichorn John, furs and skins.175 American Iron Post and Construction Emery W. H. & S. L. coal. 141 Co. 24 Fay Clement K. lawyer. 177 American Screen Co. window screens 16 Fernald G. M. D. bell-hanger . 178 Ballou Geo. Wm. & Co. bankers. 5 Fuller Horace W. lawyer. 177 Bowditch James H., forester. 28 Fuller Seth W. bell-hanger. 142 Burnham L. G. & Co. coal.141 Gerrish T. G. bitters mnfr. Lowell— 178 Calef Alden D. coal. 141 Graham & Downs, parcel delivery- 175 Cambridge Laundry, Cambridgeport 7 Greenough W. A. & Co. publishers... 172 Carpenter Geo. N. ins. agent, .back cover Gregory & Brown, paper-hangings... Citizens Mutual Ins. Co. of Boston_ 4 back cover Clapp Otis & Son, homeopathic books Hall F. Rockwood, lawyer. 177 and medicines. 22 Hamlin E. S. & Co. coal. 141 Cleary J. P. & Co. funeral directors . 174 Harrington John, Monumental works 14 Conly C. F. photographer. 10 Highland Foundry Co. stoves, &c.... 9 Copeland M. J. provisions. 175 Hobbs William, lawyer,. 176 Crafts Samuel D. mortgages, .front cover Hopkinson & Marden, wooden ware.. 174 Creesy & Noyes, carpenters. 179 Hosford Oscar & Son, provisions. 175 Cutler A. L. & Co. paints.142 Howland L. L. hay, straw, etc. 22 Dewing & McClure, masons., back cover Johnson M. express. 169 Dixwell Arthur, art furniture. 14 Jones, McDufCee & Stratton, crock¬ Draper & Hall, riding school. 10 ery.. front cover Dyer, Taylor & Co. hats, caps, etc ... 142 Lawrence, Wilde & Co., furniture_ 6 Edwards'P. & Son, groceries. 5 Lewando’s French Dye House.179 Eliot Amory, lawyer. 176 Lieben John, marble works .. .back cover J ) 1 1 )


PAGE PAGE Lincoln Wm. & Son, real, estate and Strawn D. G. dentist.back cover insurance brokers. 3 Tourjee E. director N. E. Conserva¬ Macorquodale H. photographer. 10 tory of Music,.miscellaneous dept Marshall Augustus, photographer_ 14 Tyler E. W. pianos.back cover Massachusetts Mutual Fire Insurance Viles & Smith, real estate and insur¬ Co. 4 ance . 179 Massachusetts Mutual Life Ins. Co... Yinal J. W. & Co. builders’ hardware 164 back cover Walton George, dog dealer. 7 Meredith J. M. real estate.back cover Warren M. C. & Co. bronzed goods, Morton & Chesley, carpenters.179 etc. 164 N. E. Conservatory of Music, . Washburn & Moen Mnfg. Co. iron & miscellaneous department steel wire, Worcester. 8 Notman James, photographer. Waterman Joseph S. & Sons, funeral back of book 22 directors .. 174 Palmer, Bacheldei & Co. watches,etc. West Paul, lawyer. 176 Ricker George F. & Co. carpet clean¬ Whidden, Curtin & Co. furniture.... ing, Cambridgeport.,. 142 back cover Wilkinson A. J. & Co. hardware. 164 front cover and 29 Williams Charles A. lawyer. 177 Shoe & Leather Insurance Co. 4 Williams Moses jr. lawyer. 177 Smart Richard, Carpet Beating Co... 11 Williams & Everett, engravings, pic¬ Smith Benj. F. undertaker.. 174 tures, etc. 14 Stewart S. A. & Co. carriages. 10 Woodward & Brown, pianos. Story & Wilbur, slate dealers. 7 foot lines in general directory


Annunciators. Braziers* Bods. Fernald G. M. D. 12 Brattle, Boston (see Washburn & Moen Mnfg Co., Worcester, page 178) Mass., (see page 8) Fuller Seth W., 22 Milk,Boston (seepage 142) Bronzed Goods. Warren M. C. & Co., 9 Dock square, Bos¬ Art Galleries. ton (see page 164) Williams & Everett, 508 Washington, Boston, (see page 14) Broom Wire. Washburn & Moen Mnfg Co., Worcester, Artist. Mass, (see page 8) Macorquodale H., 171£ Tremont, Boston, (see page 10) Buffalo Meat Biscuits (for dogs.) Bale Ties. Walton Georgq, 111 Kingston, Boston, Washburn & Moen Mnfg. Co., Worces¬ (see page 7) ter, Mass, (see page 8.) Builders. Bankers. Dewing & McClure, 35 Hawley, Boston Ballou Geo. Wm., 72 Devonshire, Boston, (see back cover) (see page 5) Burglar Alarms. Barb Fencing. Fernald G. M. D., 12 Brattle, Boston, (see Washburn & Moen Mnfg. Co., Worcester, page 178) Mass, (see page 8) Fuller Seth W., 22 Milk, Boston, (see page 142) Bedding. Butter and Cheese. Lawrence, Wilde & Co., 38 to 48 Cornhill, Boston, (see page 6) Edwards P. & Son, Berkeley cor. Boyls- Whidden, Curtin & Co., 1 to 7 Washing¬ ton, Boston (see paee 5) ton, Boston (see back cover.) Card Wire. Bell Hanger. Washburn & Moen Mnfg. Co., Worcester, Fernald G. M. D., 12 Brattle, Boston (see Mass, (see page 8) page 178) Fuller Seth W., 22 Milk, Boston (see page Carp enters. 142) Creesy & Noyes, 53 Wareham, Boston, (see page 179) Bitters Manufacturer. Boston, & Chesley, 108 to 114 E. Dedham, Gerrish T. G., 126 Pawtucket, Lowell (see Morton and 18 Broadway, New York, page 178) (see page 179) 20 BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF PATRONS

Carpet Cleaning. Crockery, China, and Glassware. Ricker Geo F. & Co., 613 Main, Cam- Jones, McDuffee & Stratton, 51 to 59 bridgeport (see page 142) Federal, and 120 Franklin, Boston (see Smart Richard Carpet Beating Co. 6 front cover) Brighton ave. Boston (see page 11) Dentist. Carpets. Strawn D. G, 28 Winter, Boston (see back cover) Whidden, Curtin & Co., 1 to 7 Washing¬ ton, Boston, (see back cover) Diamonds. Palmer, Bachelder & Co. 394 Washing¬ Carriages. ton, Boston (see page 22) Stewart S. A, & Co., 118 and 120 Sudbury, Boston (see page 10) Dog Repositories. Walton George, 111 Kingston, Boston, Cement (Elastic). (see page 7) Story & Wilbur, 529 Commercial, Boston Dyers. (see page 7) Lewando’s French Dye House, 17 Temple place, Boston (see page 179) Cleansers. Lewando’s French Dye House, 17 Temple Electric Bells and Annunciators. place, Boston (see page 179) Fernald G. M. D., 12 Brattle, Boston (see page 178) Clocks. Fuller Seth W., 22 Milk, Boston (see page 142) Palmer, Bachelder & Co., 394 Washing¬ ton, Boston (see page 22) Engravings and Pictures. Williams & Eveiett, 508 Washington, Clotlies Dine Wire. Boston (see page 14) Washburn & Moen Mnfg. Co. Worcester, Mass, (see page 8) Expresses. Graham & Downs, 72 Water and Wes+* 3 Boston (see page 175) Coal and Wood. Johnson M,, 38 Broad and 24 So. Market Burnham L. G. & Co. 75 State, 132 Boston (see page 169) Charles, East Chester Park, 13 Mt. Washington ave. Boston, 221 Bridge, Featker Bed Renovators. East Cambridge (see page 141) Ricker Geo. F. & Co. 613 Main, Cam- Calef Alden D. 408 Federal, Boston (see bridgeport (see page 142) page 141) Emery W. H. & S. L. 288 Federal, Boston Feltings, Rosin-sized, Dry and (see page 141) Tarred. Hamlin E. S. & Co. 254 and 256 Federal, Story & Wilbur, 529 Commercial, Boston Boston (see page 141) (see page 7)

Conservatory of Music. Fence Wire. New England Conservatory of Music, E. Washburn & Moen Mnfg. Co, Worcester, Tourjee, director, Franklin sq. Boston, Mass, (see page 8) (see page amongst public schools) Flour and Grain. Edwards P. & Son, Berkeley, cor, Boyls- Contractors. ton (see page 5) Creesy & Noyes, 53 Wareham, Boston (see page 179) Funeral Directors. Dewing & McClure, 35 Hawley, Boston Cleary J. P. & Co., 5 Pynchon, Boston (see back cover) Highlands (see page 174) Morton & Chesley, 108 to 114 E. Dedham, Waterman Joseph S. & Sous, 2302 Wash¬ Boston, and 18 Broadway, New York ington, Boston Highlands (see page 174) (see page 179) Furniture. Cordials. Dixwell Arthur, 4 Park, Boston (see page

Gerrish T. G. 126 Pawtucket, Lowell (see Lawrence, Wilde & Co., 38 to 48 Cornhill, page 178) Boston (see page 6) Whidden, Curtin & Co., 1 to 7 Washing¬ Corset Wire. ton, Boston (see back cover)

Washburn & Moen Mnfg. Co. Worcester, Furniture Spring Wire. Mass, (see page 8) Washburn & Moen Mnfg. Co., Worcester, Mass, (see page 8) Crinoline Wire. Furs and Skins. Washburn & Moen Mnfg. Co. Worcester, Eicliorn John, 73 Kingston, Boston (see Mass, (see page 8) page 175) BUSINESS DIRECTORY OE PATRONS

Galvanized Wire. Shoe and Leather Insurance Co., 16 Con¬ Washburn & Moen Mnfg. Co. Worcester, ! gress, Boston (see page 4) Mass, (see page 8) Interior Decorations. Gas Lighting. Dixwell Arthur, 4 Park, Boston (see page Fernald G. M. D., 12 Brattle, Boston (see 14) page 178) Iron Posts for Wire Fences. Fuller Seth W., 22 Milk, Boston (see page 142) American Iron Post & Construction Co. 31 Milk, Boston (see page 24) Gold and Silver Ware. Iron Wire. Palmer, Bachelder & Co., 394 Washing¬ ton, Boston (see page 22) Washburn & Moen Mnfg. Co., Worces¬ Edwards P. Si Son, Berkeley, cor. Boyls- ter, Mass, (see page 8) ton, Boston (see page 5) Iron and Steel Wire. Grain, Feed, «fcc. Washburn & Moen Mnfg. Co., Worces- Howland L. L., 1425 Tremont, Boston (see ten, Mass, (see page 8) page 22) Jewelry, Watches, etc. Granite Works. Palmer, Bachelder & Co. 394 Washington Harrington John, 456 Tremont, Boston Boston (see page 22) (see page 14) Lamps. Hardware (Builders’). Jones, McDuffee & Stratton, 51 to 59 Yinal J. W. & Co., 7 Dock square, Bos¬ Federal and 120 Franklin, Boston, (see ton (see page 164) front cover) Warren M. C. & Co., 9 Dock square, Bos¬ ton (see page 164) Landscape Gardener. Wilkinson A. J. & Co., 184 and 188 Wash¬ Bowditch James H. 60 Devonshire, Bos¬ ington, Boston (see page 164) ton (see page 28)

Hats, Caps, Furs,

Mattress Manufacturers. Marshall Augustus, 44 Boylston, Boston, Ricker Geo. F. & Co. 613 Main, Cambridge- (see page 14) port (see page 142) Notman James. 99 Boylston, Boston (see back of book) Medicines. Pianos. Gerrisli T. G. 126 Pawtucket, Lowell (see page 178) Tyler E. W. 506 Washington, Boston (see back cover) Metallic Posts for Wire Fences. Woodward & Brown, 592 Washington, Boston (see foot lines in general direc¬ American Iron Post & Construction Co. tory) 31 Milk, Boston (see page 24) Provisions. Mirrors. Copeland M. J. 70 and 72 F. H. Market, Lawrence, Wilde & Co. 38 to 48 Cornhill, Boston (see page 175) Boston (see page 6) Hosford Oscar & Son. 4 and 5 St. Charles market, Beach, corner Lincoln, Boston Mirrors and Picture Frames. (see page 175) Williams & Everett, 508 Washington, (see page 14) Publishers and Booksellers. Clapp Otis & Son,3 Albion building, Bea¬ Monumental Works. con, Boston (see page 22) Harrington John, 456 Tremont, Boston, Greenougli W. A. & Co. 31 Milk, room 39, (see page 14) Boston (see page 172) Lieben John, 17 and 19 Pynchon, Boston, Highlands (see back cover) Real Estate Agents. Mortgages. Crafts Samuel D., 17 Exchange place, Boston (see front cover) Crafts Samuel 1). 17 Exchange place, Bos¬ Lincoln Wm. & Son, 4t Devonshire, Bos¬ ton (see front cover) ton (see page 3) Meredith J. M. 4 Exchange place,room 1, Music School. Boston (see back cover) New England Conservatory of Music, E. Viles & Smith,28 School, room 41, Bos¬ Tourjee, director, Franklin sq. Boston ton (see page 179) (see page amongst public schools) Riding School. Music Wire. Draper & Hall, 83 to 97 W. Dedham, Bos¬ Washburn & Moen Mnfg. Co. Worcester, ton (see page 10) Mass, (see page 8)

Needle Wire. Rivet Wire. Washburn & Moen Mnfg. Co. Worcester, Washburn & Moen Mnfg. Co., Worcester, Mass, (see page 8) Mass, (see page 8)

Notaries Public. Rolling Mills. Fuller Horace W., 209 Washington, room Washburn & Moen Mnfg. Co., Worcester* 34, Boston (see page 177) Mass, (see page 8) Hall F. Rockwood, 39 Court, Boston (see page 177) Rooting Slate. Hobbs Wm., 4 State, Boston (see p. 176) Story & Wilbur, 529 Commercial, Boston Oil Paintings. (see page 7) Palmer, Bachelder & Co. 394 Washing¬ Round Iron. ton, Boston (see page 22) Williams & Everett, Washington, Bos¬ Washburn & Moen Mnfg. Co., Worcester, ton (see page 14) Mass, (see page 8)

Paints, Oil and Glass. Silver Plated Ware. Cutler A. L. & Co., 147 Milk, Boston (see Palmer, Bachelder & Co., 394 Washing¬ page 142) ton, Boston (see page 22)

Paper-Hangings. Slate Dealers. Gregory & Brown, 18 West, Boston (see Story & Wilbur, 529 Commercial, Boston back cover) (see page 7)

Patent Medicines. Slating Tools and Nails. Gerrish Thomas G. 126 Pawtucket, Low¬ Story & Wilbur, 529 Commercial, Boston ell (see page 178) (see page 7)

Photographers. Speaking Tubes. Conly C. F. 465 Washington, Boston, (see Fernald G. M. D., 12 Brattle, Boston (see page 10) page 178) Macquordale H. 171£ Tremont, Boston Fuller Setli W., 22 Milk, Boston (see page (see page 10) BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF PATRONS.

Spring Wire. Tinned Wire. Washburn & Moen Mnfg. Co., Worcester, Washburn & Moen Mnfg. Co., Worcester, Mass, (see page 8) Mass, (see page 8)

Stable. Undertakers. Draper & Hall, 83 to 97 W. Dedham, Bos¬ Cleary J. P. & Co., 5 Pynchon, Boston ton (see page 10) Highlands (see page 174) Smith Benj. F., 251 Tremont, Boston (see Steel Barb Fencing. page 174) Washburn & Moen Mnf£. Co., Worcester, Waterman Joseph S. & Sons, 2302 "Wash¬ Mass, (see page 8) ington, Boston Highlands (see page 174)

Steel Drill Wire. Upholsterers. Washburn & Moen Mnfg. C'o., Worcester, Ricker Geo. F. & Co., 613 Main, Cam- Mass, (see page 8) bridgeport (see page 142) Lawrence, ‘Wilde & Co., 38 to 48 Cornhill, Steel Wire. Boston (see page 6) Washburn & Moen Mnfg. Co., Worcester, Varnishes. Mass, (see page 8) Cutler A. L. & Co., 147 Milk, Boston (see Stone Wire. page 142) Washburn & Moen Mnfg. Co., Worcester, Veterinary Books. Mass, (see page 8) Clapp Otis & Son, 3 Albion building, Beacon, Boston (see page 22) Stoves, Ranges, &c. Highland Foundry Co., 87, 89 & 91 North, Watch Springs. Boston (see page 9) Washburn & Moen Mnfg. Co., Worcester, Mass, (see page 8) Teaclier of Music. New England Conservatory of Music, E. Weaving Wire. Tourjee, director, Franklin sq., Boston Washburn & Moen Mnfg. Co., "Worcester* (see page amongst public schools) Mass, (see page 8)

Teas, Coffee and Spices. Window Screens. Edwards P. & Son, Berkeley, cor. Boyls- American Screen Co., 110 Tremont, room ton, Boston (see page 5) 16, Boston (see page 16)

Telegraph Wire. Wire. Washburn & Moen Mnfg. Co., Worcester, Washburn & Moen Mnfg. Co., Worcester, Mass, (see page 8; Mass, (see page 8)

Tin, Zinc, Solder’,


1880 1870 Families. 0,945,916 7,579,363 Dwellings. 8,955,812 7,042,833 Persons to a square mile. 17 29 10.70 Number of persons. 50,155,783 38,115,641 Area in square miles.*2,900,179 3,603,884 Number of families to a square mile. .3.43 2 61 Number of dwellings to a square mile .... 3 02 2.43 Number of acres to a person. 37.01 48.14 Number of acres to a family. 186.02 244 89 Number of persons to a dwelling. 5.60 5.47 Number of peisons to a family. 5.04 5.09

* The area in land is surface only, and exclusive of the Indian Territory and tracts of unorganized territory, aggregating 69,830 square miles. 22 ADVERTISEMENTS. PALMER. BACHELDER & C0„

Importers, AVliolesale and Retail Dealers in

Hili safl


3STo. 394 "Washington Street,

JOSIAH G. BACHELDER, JACOB P. PALMER, JAMES A. LAIOHTON. BOSTON. NEW ENGLAND HOMCEOPATHIC PHARMACY. OTIS CLAPP & SON, No. 3 Albion Building, Beacon Street, BOSTON. ■\Vliolesale and Retail Dealers in HOMCEOPATHIC MEDICINES, Books, Family Cases, Vials, Corks, and all other articles in the Homoeopathic line. Veterinary Books and Cases for Stable use. Also, publishers and Dealers in Taehygraphic and Phonographic Works. BOSTON AGENTS FOR EPPS’ COCOA.. 4SP Send for Catalogue. -8R


4 Whyte’s Block, - Washington Street. 1 GO GO CO 1 i c ALENDAl n 1883 JANUARY. MAY. SEPTEMBER.

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Su Mo Tu w Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu w Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu w Th Fr Sa — — — — 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 — — — — 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 31 — — — — 25 26 27 28 29 30


Su Mo Tu w Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu w Th Fr 8a Su Mo Tu w Th Fr 8a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 — — — 1 2 3 4 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 119 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31 — 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 — — — — — 24 ADVERTISEMENTS THE AMERICAN BROOKLINE DIRECTORY. 25


Ackers avenue, from Brighton to near Reservoir place Alton Place, from St. Paul to Harvard Andem place, from Harvard square, opposite Davis ave. Ann, from Still to St Paul Aspinwall avenue, from Harvard, opposite School, to Brookline avenue, near Boston line Auburn, from Harvard to Park [district Avon, from Goddard avenue to Pond, at the line, J. P. Babcock from Harvard, near Beacon to Brighton avenue Beacon, from Boston line, at St. Mary street, to Boston line, Brighton district, near Reservoir station Borland, from Beacon to Chatham Boston, from Newton, junction of Pond, J. P., along the Boston line to Allandale, J. P. Bowman lane, from Newton, running parallel with Boston avenue, to Allandale street Boylston, from Washington at junction with High to Chestnut hill reservoir, Newton line Brighton, changed to Chestnut Hill ave. Brighton avenue, from the mill dam to Brighton line .Brook, from Aspinwall av. near Harvard, to B. & A. R. R. Brookline avenue, from Washington, opposite Walter av¬ enue, to Boston line Browne, from Powell to Pleasant Carlton, from Ivy to B. & A. R. R. Chapel station Chatham, from Kent to Hawes Chestnut, from Boston line, J. P. near High, to Walnut Chestnut Hill ave., from Boylston, at junction of Heath, to Beacon at Brighton line Chestnut place, off Chestnut, near Walnut Clyde, from Warren to Newton Colchester, from Kent to Hawes [ton line Corey hill, between Washington and Harvard, near Brigh- Cottage, from Warren to Perkins at West Roxbury line Cumberland avenue, from High near Irving to Pond av. Cypress, from Washington to Chestnut Cypress place, off Cypress, opposite Waverly place Davis avenue, from Washington at Harvard square, to Gorham avenue Davis Court, from Harvard square, near Davis avenue Dudley, from Kent to Hawes, Longwood [near Clyde Dudley, from Warren, near Unitarian church, to Warren, BROOKLINE DIRECTORY.

Dimmer, from St Paul to Pleasant East Carlton, east side R. R. opp. Chapel station Edge Hill road, from High, near Irving [High Elm place, from Walnut, n. junc. with Washington, to Emerald, from Brookline avenue to Pearl Englewood avenue, from Beacon to Boston line, Brighton district [to Ivy Essex, from Brighton avenue, near Cottage Farm station, Eairmount, from Dudley to Dudley, opposite the reservoir, near Warren Fay place, off Washington, near Railroad station Fisher avenue, from Boylston to Brighton street Flora, from Walter avenue to Juniper Francis from St. Paul to Kent Freeman, from Essex to Babcock Gardner road, from Washington above Park, to Tappan Goddard avenue from Cottage to Newton Gorham avenue, from Cypress, n. B. & A. R. R. to Tappan Green, from Harvard, near Beacon, to Pleasant Grove, from Newton to South Hammond, from Newton line, near Chestnut hill station, to La,grange street in Newton Harrison place, from junction Harvard and Harvard sq. Harvard, from Harvard square to Boston line, Brighton district Harvard avenue, from Harvard to Park Harvard place, off Harvard, between School and Harvard avenue [avenue Harvard square, junction Washington, Harvard and Davis Harvey, from Walnut to and beyond Irving Hawes, from Beacon to Colchester Heath, from Boylston, opposite Brighton, to Newton line, near Holyhood cemetery High, from Washington, junction Boylston to Chestnut, near Boston line, J. P. district Holden, east side Town hall, from Washington to Pierce Houlihan avenue, from Boylston, near Reservoir place Irving, from Walnut to Pond avenue Ivy, from Essex to St. Mary’s Juniper, from Morss avenue to Flora Kent, from Francis to Beacon Kerrigan place, from Boylston, between Washington and Cypress, and across the railroad track Linden place, off Harvard, near Pierce Linden place court, from Linden place to Aspinwall ave¬ nue, nearly opposite Perry Longwood avenue, from Longwood station to Harvard Marion, from Harvard to Beacon Monmouth, from Hawes to St. Mary’s BROOKLINE DIRECTORY.

Monmouth court, from Monmouth to railroad track, near Chapel station [Walter avenue Morss avenue, from junction Walnut and Washington to Mountfort, from Essex to St. Mary’s Mt. V ernon, from Bdylston, near Chestnut Hill avenue Mt. Walley, from Newton, opposite Clyde Newton, from Rond J. P. to Brookline in Newton Oak, from Heath, near Hammond Oak place, off Oak, near Heath Park from Washington, above Cypress, to Beacon Pearl, from Brookline avenue, near the common, to Wash. Perry, from Brook to Francis, near St. Paul Pierce, from Harvard, near School, to Prospect Pleasant, from Harvard to Brighton avenue, Boston line Pond avenue, from Washington, at Boston boundary line and running parallel with it, to Boston line, J. P. district Pound, from Heath to Boylston, opposite Reservoir place Powell, from Beacon, opposite Kent, to Freeman Prescott, from Ivy to Mountfort Prospect, from Washington to School Prospect avenue, from Summit avenue, near Beacon Reservoir place, from Boylston, opposite Pound, to Chest¬ nut hill reservoir Ridgeway, from Freeman, between Pleasant and Babcock Rockwood, from Goddard avenue to Rock wood in Boston, J. P. district School, from Washington, opposite Cypress to Harvard, opposite Aspinwall avenue Searle avenue, off Cypress, near Washington Second changed to Williams Sewall, from Cypress to Chestnut Sewall avenue, from Harvard, opposite Marion, to Kent Sewall place, from junction Sewall and Cypress to Sewall near Chestnut South, from Newton street to J. P. line Still, from Browne to Freeman St. Mary’s, from Monmouth, near Chapel station, along the Boston line, to Brighton avenue St. Paul, from Aspinwall avenue to Brighton avenue Summer, from Washington to Summit avenue, at Boston line, Brighton district [district Summit avenue, from Beacon to Boston line, Brighton Tappan, from Cypress to Beacon Thacher, from Pleasant to Dymoke Thayer, from Washington, opp. Prospect to Davis avenue Thayer place, from Thayer, northerly Toxteth, from Francis to Linden place Vernon, from Harvard to Marion 3 26 BROOKLINE DIRECTORY.

Villa lane, from Washington, bet. Pond ave. and Walter ave. to Pond ave. near Ward school-house Walley, from Irving, near High Walnut, from Washington to Boylston, near the reservoir Walnut hill, west of Newton street Walnut place, from Walnut, betweed Irving and Cypress Walter avenue, from Washington, opposite Brookline ave¬ nue to Flora Ward, from High to Pond avenue Warren, from Walnut, near Unitarian church, to Heath Washington, from Tremont, at Boston line, to Boston line, Brighton district Waverly place, off Cypress, opposite Cypress place Webster, from Harvard to junction Beacon and Park Webster place, from Harvard, near Harvard square White place, off Washington, next railroad track Williams, from Harvard, near Babcock, to Winchester Winchester, from Beacon, near Corey Hill, to Boston line, Brighton district

HALLS, BUILDINGS, ETC. Almshouse, Newton, opposite Grove Bond’s building, Juniper Chace block, Washington, near Harvard square Colonnade building, Washington, facing the bridge Davis mansion, Davis avenue, near Harvard square Delano block, off Washington, near No. 1 Hook and Lad¬ der House Driscoll’s block, Washington, opposite Pearl Erhard’s building, Washington, near Harvard square Goddard Hall, over 2 and 5 Guild block, Washington Guild block, Washington*, junction Boylston Guild Hall, in Guild block, Washington Hotel Adelaide, High, corner Walnut Hotel Kempsford, Walnut, near High [Washington Joyce building, Harvard square, between Harvard and Lyceum Hall, Washington, opposite Morss avenue Masonic Hall, School, corner Harvard [Colonnade bldg. Mechanics block, Washington, n. the bridge, opposite Post Office, Washington, near Harvard square Public Library building, Washington, near School Rooney’s block, Harvard square, between Harrison place and Andem place St. Andrew building, Davis avenue, corner Harvard square Town Hall, Washington, between Prospect and Holden Whyte’s block, Washington, corner Walnut BROOKLINE DIRECTORY. 27 I


BROOKLINE STATION, BOSTON & ALBANY R. R. Washington street. -lames C. Murphy, Station Agent.

BROOKLINE STATION, METROPOLITAN R. R. Walnut st., junction Washington ancl Morss avenue. Jacob Foote, Station Foreman; Wm. E. Long, C. W. Vroom, Starters.

CHAPEL STATION, B. & A. R. R. (BROOKLINE BRANCH), Carlton street. Mrs. Frank (I. Bond, Station Agent.

COTTAGE FARM STATION, B. & A. R. R, Essex street, corner Brighton avenue. Miss Nellie M. Cole, Station Agent.

CYPRESS STREET STATION, B. & A. R. R, Cypress street, corner Tappan. George W. Piper, Station Agent.

LONGWOOD STATION, B. & A. R, R. (BROOK¬ LINE BRANCH), Longwood avenue, near Boston line. Mrs. E. M. Croucher, Station Agent.

t RESERVOIR STATION, N. Y. & N. E. R, R. Brigh¬ ton street, near Boston line, Brighton district. Dennis F. Coleman, Station Agent.


Beginning at junction Brighton avenue (southerly line), and St. Mary’s street (easterly line), at Boston line, Brighton district, thence southeasterly, via Muddy Brook, to Chestnut street, thence direct to and beyond South street to Boston line, W. R., thence northwesterly to Newton line, near Hammond’s pond in Newton, thence northeasterly to starting point. 28 BROOKLINE DIRECTORY.

TOWN OFFICES, TOWN HALL. Selectmen’s room, Assessors’ room, School Committee room, Water Board room, Town Clerk, Town Treasurer and Collector’s room, Water Register, Civil Engineer and Supt. Streets’ room, Fire Engineer’s room.

POLICE STATION Prospect,- near Pierce school-house.

CEMETERIES. WALNUT HILL CEMETERY. Grove street, between Newton and South. Under the care of the Committee on Public Grounds. Chas. H. Drew, Chairman, ex officio; Charles S. Sargent, Charles H. Stearns, Willard A. Humphrey, Desmond Fitzgerald, Walter 0. Cabot, Theodore Ly¬ man, Trustees.

WALNUT STREET CEMETERY. Walnut street, corner Chestnut.

HOLY HOOD CEMETERY. Heath street, between Hammond and Newton line. Most Rev. John J. Williams, Pres.; Dr. John G- Blake, Boston, Vice Pres.; Denis H. Tully, Boston,. Treas.; Eneas Smyth, house Boylston street, Supt.; Dr. John G. Blake, Denis H. Tully, M. W. Quinlan, Brook¬ line, John Lyons, Boston, Joseph Cogan, E. Cambridge, N. Kenny, Boston, Trustees

JAS. H. BOWDITCH, K. 60 6c 62 Devonshire St., (Elevator), BOSTON, MASS. advertisements* 29 ESTABLISHED 1865.


55 Slate St, BOSTON,

Merchants’ Exchange Building.


The BOSTON STORE- of' Brookline.







_ # And Th read Store Goods.


Agency of Brookline Laundry and Barrett’s (old) Dye House. BROOKLINE DIRECTORY. 1883-84.

ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS DIRECTORY. Ab>, above; agt., agent; asst., assistant; av., avenue; b. or bds., boards; beti, between; bldg., building; blk., block; (B.), Boston; B. H., Boston Highlands; B. & A. R. R., Boston and Albany R. R.; B. G. L. Co., Brookline Gas Light Company; com. mer., commission merchant; c. or cor., corner; ct., court; h., house; lab., laborer; mkr., maker; Met. R. R., Metropolitan Railroad; mnfr., manufacturer; M. I. T., Mass. Institute of Technology ; n., near; opp., opposite ; pi., place; P. O., Post Office; pres., px-esident; r., rear; rd., road- Rev., reVerend; st., street; sec., secretary; sq., square; supt., su¬ perintendent; treas., treasurer; (U. S. A.), ; (U. S. N.), United States Navy; whf., wharf; whol., wholesale; wid., widow; W. R. AYest Roxbury. Where the name of a firm, corporation, or factory appears immediately after the name, it indicates the place of business. After the name of the street, the word street is omitted.

Abbott h. edward, insurance agent, Wash¬ ington, next to B. & A. depot, and (18 Post Office sq. B.), house Vernon near Park ABBOTT JOHN C. president BTookline Gas Light Co., and president S. & L. Ins. Co. (16 Congress, B.), house Harvard opposite Alton place Abbott John C. jr. student, (M. I. Tech., B.), boards J. 0. Abbott, Harvard Abell Edith Miss, h. Washington opp. Town Hall Abell Lucy W. physician, h. Washington opp. Town Hall Abercrombie Elizabeth Miss, boards W. H. Abercrombie’s, Linden place Abercrombie E. B. widow of Aziel, house Linden place Abercrombie, Hattie E. bds. W. H. Abercrombie’s, Linden place Abercrombie William H. house Linden place Adams Benjamin F. house Marion corner Harvard Adams Daniel D. mason, house rear Washington, opposite Public Library Adams David, clerk T. T. Robinson, Washington opposite Walnut, house at Boston Adams Express Co. James C. Murphy, agent, B. & A. R. R. station, Washington Adams Geo. H. (Washington B.), b. L. Adams, Winchester Adams John J. gardener, house Park near Marion


Adams John S. clerk Provident Institution for Savings (36 Temple ph, B.), bds. Mrs. West, Harrison place Adams Lucien, jeweller, (Washington, B.), house Win¬ chester Adams Matthew, coachman, house Bidgeway Aechtler John G. janitor Brookline Free Beading Boom, Washington n. B. B. bridge, h. 300 Heath, (B. H.) Ahern Morris, laborer, house Pearl near Emerald Aiken William M. architect, (5 Pemb. sq. B.) b. Miss. L. C. Head, Walnut near Walnut place Ajuria Manuel, student (M. I. T., Boston), bds. Mrs. West, Harrison place Allen edwabd f. gas piping and fixtures, St. Andrew bldg. Harvard sq. h. Prospect n. School Allen Howard Augustus, bds. Bufus S. Allen’s, Dudley Allen John H. carpenter, B. W. Neal, Boylston near Cy¬ press, house Washington near Harvard Allen Philip S. contractor, Green near Pleasant, house do. Allen Bufus S. house Dudley opposite the reservoir Allen S.B. clerk, 14 and 16 Summer, B.), b. N. Kingman’s, Washington Amend Conrad, farmer, house Newton near Hammond American screen co. window screen mnfrs. Washington near Harvard square, and 16 Studio building, Boston Ames Seth Mrs. house Kent corner Colchester Amory Charles W. treasurer, Amory Manufacturing Co. (60 State, room 3, B.) AMORY ELIOT, lawyer, (30 Court, rm. 20 B.) h. Walnut, cor. Boylston Amory Bobert, physician, house Colchester cor. Carlton, Chapel station, Longwood Anderson Joseph H. slater, h. rear Pearl n. Washington Anderson Wm. harness maker, b. W. Banney, White pi. Andrews Charles H. stoves, etc. (107 Blackstone, B.), bds. E. H. Clarke’s, St. Paul Andrews Edith A. school teacher (B.), bds. Boyston opp. Walnut Andrews Elizabeth Mrs. matron Faith Home for the Sick, Harrison place, house do. Andrews George F. editor, house Boylston opp. Walnut Andrews George W. (B.), bds. Boylston opposite Walnut Andrews Bobert D. architect, (B.) bds. Miss B. Young, Walnut Andrews Sarah, tvidow of Sidney, house Vernon n. Park Andrews Walter E. cotton (186 Devonshire, B.), house Walnut opp. Irving

AiADDCII Q PIIDDITD APOTHECARY, Harvard Square III A ft ft L11 Ul U U ft ft I L ft'} Brookline, Mass. BROOKLINE [g] DIRECTORY. 33

Andros Isabel W. school teacher, boards Mrs. R. S. S. Andros, Winchester Andros R. S. S. Mrs. widow, h. Winchester opp. William Arck Wall, laundryman Sing Lee, Washington, bds. do. Armstrong George E. lawyer, (B.), bds. Davis ave. near Cypress Armstrong George W. dining saloon and fruit stand, (B. & A. R. R. depot, B.), house Marion opp. Vernon Arthur Charles C. machinist E. S. Ritchie & Sons, house Washington opposite Guild block Arthur Jas. S. finisher, E. S. Ritchie & Sons, h. at Boston Aspinwall Land Co., Wm. L. Candler, treasurer, office (40 Water, room 9, B.) Aspinwall Thomas (Aspinwall & Lincoln), civil engineer and surveyor (7 Exchange place, rooms 48 and 49, B.), boards Wm. Aspinwall’s, Gardner road Aspinwall William, lawyer (51 Sears building, Washing¬ ton cor. Court, B.), h. Gardner road near Washington Aspinwall William H. student, boards Wm. Aspinwall’s, Gardner road Atherton George E. (High, B.), house High cor. Irving Atkinson Charles M. gardener J. L. Gardner, h. Warren Atkinson Charles M. jr. gardener, boards C. M. Atkinson’s, Warren Atkinson Edward, pres. Boston Mnfrs. Mutual Ins. Co. (Rialto building, 131 Devonshire, room 15, B.), house Heath, junction Boylston Atkinson Edward W. boards Edward Atkinson’s, Heath Atkinson George, treasurer Massachussets cotton mills, 60 State, B.), house Beacon, cor. Carlton Atkinson James S. boards George Atkinson’s Beacon Atkinson Richard S. architect, boards George Atkinson’s Beacon Augustine Frederick, laborer, h. Newton, near Grove USTIN CHARLES D. hardware and civil xV engineer, Harvard square, house Thayer Place Averill John S. clerk H. Collins & Co. Harvard square, boards A. W. Corey’s Washington Ayers John A. engineer E. S. Ritchie & Sons, house Chace Block, Washington

BABBIT HARRY E. clerk William C. Babbitt, Harvard boards do. BABBIT WILLIAM C. apothecary, Harvard, corner Aspinwall avenue, house do. Bacall Chas. H. real estate, (57 Tremont B.) h Cypress, n. Cypress place

PEIRCE «fc RICHARDS, GOAL AND WOOD Washingtou St., opp. Horse Car Stable 34 BROOKLINE []}] DIRECTORY.

Bacall Wm. K. house Francis near Perry Bachelder Charles W. house Prospect, opp. town hall Bachelder Maria C. widow of Josiah G. house Kent, near Longwood avenue Backus John J. paper carrier, (B.), house St. Mary’s near Brighton av. BACON FRANCIS H. grocer, 1 Guild Block, Washington, junction Boylston, rooms Charles Chase’s Washington, n. public library Bacon Henry, jr. clerk, (280 Causeway B.) house Harvard near School Bacon Thomas H. treas. Suffolk Coal Co. (22 Congress, rooms 4 and 5 Boston), h. Park, cor. Washington Badger Geo A. bookkeeper, (102 State, Boston) boards S. A. Badger’s Wright’s block, High Badger Samuel A. furniture (New York), h. Wright’s blk. High Badger, Wallis B. salesman (29 Milk, B.), bds. S. A. Badger, High Bailey Arthur H. carpenter 0. B. Delano, house Chace block, Washington Bailey David, coachman C. G. Chase, St. Paul, b. Boylston near Washington Baker Adeline M. widow of William, house Harvey, cor. Irving BAKER BENJAMIN F, house and sign painter Washington, corner Pearl, and town clerk, house Cy¬ press. n. Washington Baker Edward W. student, boards B. F. Baker’s, Cypress near Washington Baker George W. clerk, E. J. Curtis, Harvard, boards do. Baker James (Bakers & Humphrey), ship chandler, (99 Commercial, B.) bds. W. A. Humphrey’s Newton Baker J. Eliot, student, bds. W. A. Humphrey’s, Newton Baldes Fred L. hairdresser, J. C. Barthelmes, boards do. Washington Ball Apphia A. widow of Eben W. bds. S. A Badger, High Ball Emerson C. clerk E. W. Packard, Washington, boards E. W. Packard’s Harvard Bancroft Charles P. (Bancroft & Dyer), furniture, (180 Tremont, B.) house Cypress place, near Cypress Bangs Herbert H. undertakers’ materials, (76 Union, B.) house Walnut, corner Cypress Banigan Hugh, milkman, house Pearl n. Brookline av. Barker George H. carpenter Samuel Beal, High, house Elm Place, off Walnut Barlow Anna B. Miss, bds. Mrs. C. M. Barlow’s, Holden WOODWARD & BROWN PIANOS, THE BEST. BROOKLINE [g] DIRECTORY. 35

Barlow Caroline M. widow of Hart S. house Holden, near Washington Barnard Frederick, house Washington, near gas house Barnett Abbie L. widow of Robert, h. Heath n. Boylston Barrett Adelaide, widow of Theodore B. house Goddard avenue, near Cottage Barrett Jane Miss, house Boylston, near Washington Barrett Martin, brass finisher, E. S. Ritchie & Sons, bds. Patrick Barrett’s, Brookline av. Barrett Michael, stone-mason, h. Morss av., n. Walter av. Barrett Patrick, laborer, house Brookline avenue, near Boston line Barrett Patrick, jr. electrician, boards Patrick Bayrett’s Brookline avenue Barrett Thomas, laborer, h. Brookline av. opp. Emerald Barry Michael, laborer, house Boylston, near Newton line. Barry Thomas, laborer, h. Brighton near Acker’s av. Barry William, carpenter, h. Morss avenue, near Jupiter Barry William, laborer, h. Brighton, near Ackers avenue Bartlilemes John C. hairdresser, Whyte’s block, Washing¬ ton, house Washinton near Brookline avenue Bartlett B. Frank, police, bds. E. F. Proctor, Boylston Bass William C. clerk T. H. Dyer & Qo. Harvard square, house School opposite Prospect Batchelder Charles, clothes cleaner, (§,.), h. Washington ave. near Morss ave. Batchelder Maria C. widow of Jp^iafi G, h, Kent, n. Longwood ave. Bates Jacob P. (Cobb, Bates & Yerxa), grocer (686 Washington, B.), house Lopgwood ave. near St. Paul Baxter Benjamin F. driver Hose No. 2, h. 8 Linden place Baxter David F. clerk W, G, Currier, Harvard square, bds. B. F. Baxter, Linden place Beal Samuel, carpenter, High cor. Washington, house Davis avenue, between Cypress and Gorham avenue Beals George W. student (Cambridge), boards John W. Beals, Boylston Beals James H. (222 Franklin, B.), h. Park cor. Auburn Beals John W. (52 Pearl, B.) h. Boylston opp. reservoir Bean E. W. Miss, teacher Lawrence school Bean John, conductor B. & A. R. R. bds. W. C. Coleman’s, Davis court Bean John Durrell, Five Cents Savings Bank (36 School, Boston), house Davis avenue near Cypress Bean Mary A. Miss, librarian Public library, house Davis avenue near Cypress Beatty Margaret, widow of James, h. Brookline avenue opposite Pearl AGENCY FOR LEWANDO’S FKiJSESV* 36 BROOKLINE [B] DIRECTORY.

Beatty Thomas, coachman, house Boylston near High Beck Frederick, stock broker, (68 Devonshire, Boston), h. Davis avenue near Harvard square Beck John S. coachman J. L. Stoddard, Marion, bds. do. Beecher Carleton, bds. Rev. L. F. Beecher’s, Davis avenue Beecher Luther F. Rev. h. Davis avenue near Cypress Beecher Mary C. Miss, b. Rev. L. F. Beecher’s, Davis ave. Beede D. Edward, clerk J. M. Seamans & Co. boards H. K. Cormerais, School Bell James, coachman Samuel Thompson’s, Kent, bds. do. Bellamy Ann M. widow of William, house Hotel Adelaide, High near Walnut [h. Heath, Boston Bellows William M. driver Metropolitan R. R. station 13, Bending John, blacksmith M. W. Quinlan, High corner Boylston, house B. H. Benedict Henry I. printer, Chronicle office, rooms J. B. Brigham’s, Davis court Bengtsson Nils M. shoemaker C. C. Chaplin, b. Harvard pi. Bennett Eliza L. widow of Stephen H. h. Park n. Vernon Bennett Henry D. student (M. I. T. Boston), boards S. D. Bennett, Walnut Bennett Stephen D. (68 Devonshire, Boston), h. Walnut near Cypress Bennett Stephen H. student, b. S. D. Bennett’s Walnut Bentley David, Sec. M. P. Asso. (16 Hawley, B.), house School near Washington Bentley Robert L. painter B. F. Baker, h. Boylston near Kerrigan place Benton Austin W. (48 Congress, B.), h. Marion n. Beacon Berry Annie H. Miss, teacher Sherwin school (Madison square, Boston), boards James Berry’s, Kent Berry James, die-sinker (J. & J. Berry & Co., 68 Cornhill, Boston), house Kent corner Longwood avenue Bertsch Leo, brass finisher, E. S. Ritchie & Sons, boards Colonnade House Betch Henry, cabinet maker, C. W. Holtzer, h. Davis ct. Bingham John, laborer, h. Brookline ave. opp. Pearl Bird Albert H. (H. Bird & Co.), provisions (40 F. Market, B.), h. Webster, between Harvard and Park Bird George W. apothecary, Washington cor. Davis court, house Davis court near Washington Bird Harrison, (H. Bird & Co.) provisions, (38 and 40 F. H. Market, B.) house Harvard corner Beacon Birkmeier Philip, tailor (91 Dudley, B.), h. Sewall place Bishop Elias, gardener, J. Anson Guild’s, Elm pi. bds. do. Bishop Robert, cotton waste, (157 West Sixth, B.), house Linden place

Harvard Square, CURRIER’S DRUG STORE, Opposite Post Office. BROOKLINE []$] DIRECTORY. 37

Blaisdell John E. carpenter and builder, East Carlton, h. do. near Chapel station. Longwood Blake Arthur W. (Blake Bros. & Co.), banker (28 State Boston), house Cypress place Blakeley James, coachman, Mrs. John Reardon, Babcock, boards do. Blanchard Margaret N. widow, h. School near Prospect Blasdell J. C. Mrs. house St. Paul corner Sewall avenue. Blum Louis, electrician, C. W. Holtzer, bds. do. Boylston Boden Mary A. Miss, asst, matron day nursery, Washing¬ ton corner Walnut avenue Boit Robert A. insurance agent (40 Kilby, B.), house Hawes near Colchester Bokay Joseph, flagman B. & A.R. R., Juniper n. Morss av. Boland James, farmer, house Mt. Walley Boland John, laborer, house Pearl near Brookline avenue Boland John E. painter, Andrew Noland, boards John Boland’s, Pearl Bolles M. Shepard (Matthew Bolles & Co.), banker (70 State, B.), house Kent near Francis Bonacina Edward, jeweller, h. Boylston near Washington Bond Frank G. brakeman B. & A. R. R. h. at Chapel station Bond Frederick M. grain, hay and straw, Boylston near Washington, house Washington near Beacon Bond John S. with F. M. Bond, hay, etc. Boylston, house Washington near Beacon Bondorff Henry, florist, h. Boylston near Kerrigan place BOODY JAMES H. house and sign painter, Washington opp R. R. station, house Gorham avenue near Cypress Boothby Leonard, conductor Metropolitan R. R. boards A. E. James, Washington Bouve Geo. H. (Bouve, Daniels & Goss), wholesale cloth¬ ier (65 Summer, Boston), li. Perry, near Francis Bowditch Charles A. (Bowditch, Skillings & Co.), whole¬ sale millinery, (20 Summer, B.) house Walnut, near Cypress [nut, corner Warren Bowditch Elizabeth B. widow of Kathaniel I. house Wal- Bowditch Frederick C. conveyancer (28 State, room 46 B.) boards W. I. Bowditch’s, Tappan BOWDITCH JAMES H. landscape gardener, (60 Devonshire, room 24, Boston), and (Pomfret Centre, Conn.), bds. W. I. Bowditch’s, Tappan Bowditch William I. conveyancer (28 State, room 46, B.) house Tappan, between Cypress and Beacon Bowen Patrick W. horse-shoer and carriage smith, Boyls¬ ton, between Washington and Cypress, h. Boylston, near High


Bowen William H. blacksmith, b. P. W. Bowen, Boylston Bowes Mary Miss, telephone operator, boards Mrs. Rachel Bowes’, Washington Bowes Rachel Mrs. house rear Washington, opp. Public Library Bowes Wm. laborer, house Linden place, Court Bowker Arthur W. clerk Warren G. Currier, boards W. H. Bowker’s, Aspinwall avenue Bowker Edwin P. carpenter, W. H. Bowker, Washington, boards do. Aspinwall avenue Bowker Sarah, widow, bds. C. C. Chaplin’s, Harvard Bowker W. Henry, carpenter, Washington, near Town hall, house Aspinwall avenue, near Toxteth Bowker William C. carpenter W. H. Bowker, h. Aspinwall avenue, near Harvard Bowles Martin L. (Cabot, Bowles & Co.) broker (44 Kil¬ by, B.) house St. Paul, near Francis Bowles Ralph D. clerk (91 Federal, B.) boards M. L. Bowles, St. Paul [Bowles, St. Paul Bowles Robert L. student, (M. I. T. Boston) boards M. L. Bowman Alonzo, chief police, h. School, opp. High school Bowman Walter H. boards Alonzo Bowman’s School Boyd James, carpenter, h. Washington opp. Gas Works Boy den Addison, (42 to 48 Cornhill, B.) house Longwood av. near St. Paul Boy den Caroline, widow of Ariel, boards A. B. Crocker’s Webster place Boylan James, coachman J. W. Candler, High, bds. do. Boylan Matthew T. Rev. associate pastor St. Mary’s R. C. Church, house Linden place Boynton George F. (G. F. Boynton & Co.), dry and fancy goods, Washington, opp. High, house Davis av. near Cypress Boynton G. F. & Co. (George F. and John F. Boynton), dry and fancy goods, and gent’s furnishing goods, Washington, opposite High Boynton John F. (Geo. F. Boynton & Co.) dry and fancy goods, Washington, opp. High, house Davis av. near Cypress Boynton Ruth W. widow of John, house Davis avenue, n. Cypress Brackett Frank W. carpenter, boards Martha Brackett, Washington Brackett Serina, widow of Charles T. house Washington, opp. R. R. Station Brackett I. Lewis, (George Wm. Bond & Co.) wool (202 Federal, B.) house Pleasant, near Green WOODWARD & BROWN PIANOS. BROOKLINE []}] DIRECTORY. 39

Brackett John B. Rev. pastor Baptist church, house Davis avenue, corner Thayer Brackett Martha, widow of Nathaniel, h. Whyte’s block, Washington [Brackett’s, Pleasant Brackett Paul B. clerk, (202 Federal B.), boards I. L. Brackett Will N. salesman Kenrick Brothers, Washington bds. Martha Brackett, Whyte’s blk. Washington Braden Bridget, widow of Thomas, h. Pearl n. Washington Braden Edward, carriage painter, M. W. Quinlan, house Pearl, near Washington [bds. do. Bradford Robert, coachman, H, E. Raymond, Goddard, Bradley Michael, coachman, T. Lyman, Heath, bds. do. Bradshaw Jane C. widow of James, house Davis court Brady James E. manager W. U. Telegraph station Wash’n bds. Mrs. Fairfield’s Colonnade bldg. Brayden Edward, carriage painter, M.W. Quinlan, h. Pearl Breckenridge Lyman W. division supt. Telephone office, Harvard sq. bds. Colonnade Hotel Bredenmeyer Edward, gardener, b. C. J. Sander, Cottage Brennan James, mason H. James, house White place Brennan John, driver, Met. R. R. h. Washington opposite Walnut BRENNAN MICHAEL, upholsterer, Washington n. Harvard, h. at Cambridgeport. Brett Frank, student, boards Z. F. Brett, Harvard Brett Zenas F. salesman, (3 Winthrop square, B.) house Harvard, near Babcock Bridgman Albert L. bookkeeper at Brown Bros. Washing¬ ton, house Harvard, nearly opp. Linden place Briggs Henry P. (Briggs & Shattuck) wholesale grocer, (85 Broad, B.), house Irving, cor. High Brigham Joshua B. finisher E. S. Ritchie & Sons, house rear Davis court Brigham William, gardener, house White place Brockway Samuel J. house Park, near Beacon Broderick John, painter B. F. Baker, house Flora Broderick Mary widow, h. Brookline av. n. Pearl Broderick Maurice, laborer, h. Brookline av. near Pearl Broderick Michael, blacksmith, bds. M. Broderick; Brook¬ line avenue [line av. Broderick Patrick, man servant, bds. M. Broderick, Brook- Bronson John T. flour (156 State, B.) house Longwood av. near St. Paul Brookline Free Reading Room, Washington, near R. R. bridge. Brookline Gas Light Co. Washington cor. Brookline av. and (40 State, room 31, Boston)


Brookline Land Co. A. D. Chandler, treas. (150 Devon¬ shire, Boston) Brookline laundry, c. b. van Ripen, proprietor, Boylston, near High Brookline News Depot, Mrs. Charles H. Cilley, proprietor, Colonnade building, Washington Brookline Public Library, Washington, near School Brookline savings bank, w. e. Lin¬ coln, treas. Colonnade building Brookline Telephone Exchange, Joyce bld’g Harvard sq. Brookline Water Works, pumping station, Mt. Vernon, near Baker, W. R. [Fairmount Brooks Albert C. clerk (10 Federal B.) bds. W. J. Brooks, Brooks Edward G. clerk, E. J. Curtis, Harvard, boards Wilson House Brooks Gardner C. clerk (97 Summer, B.) bds. Harvard opp. Auburn Brooks George (Brooks & Young), shoe manufacturers’ goods (97 Summer, B.) house Harvard, opp. Auburn Brooks George K. (Brooks & Young), shoe manufacturers’ goods (97 Summer, B.) b. Thos. C. Brown’s, Harvard Brooks Walter J. publishers’ agent, (10 Federal, B.) house Fairmount Brower Mary Mrs. boards C. H. Rutan’s, Dudley Brown Adriana Miss, boards A. Kemp’s, Cypress Brown Atherton T. (John I. Brown & Sons) (185 Sum¬ mer, B.), stock farm, South, corner Grove, house 67 Winthrop, B. H. Brown Brothers (Cyrus H. and Thomas S. Brown), pro¬ visions, Washington, opposite High Brown Carrie L. Miss, boards Mrs. Z. L. Brown’s Wash¬ ington, opposite Holden Brown Charles S. (Clark & Brown), hack stable (22 Charles, B.) house Cypress, corner Sewall place Brown Charles W. paper hangings (18 West) h. Washing¬ ton, above Cypress Brown Cyrus H. (Brown Bros.) provisions, Washington, opposite High, house at Allston Brown Frank M. clerk (51 Federal, B.), boards Rev. H. N. Brown’s, Walnut Brown Howard N. Rev. pastor First Parish Unitarian church, Walnut, cor. Warren, h. Walnut, n. Warren Brown Jane, wid. of Wm. H. h. Walnut, opp. Elm place Brown John, carpenter W. H. Bowker, house Washington, near Pond avenue Brown La Monte, wood engraver (Temple Place, Boston), boards Howard N. Brown’s, Walnut

APOTHECARY, Harvard Square, WARREN 6. CURRIER, Brookline, Man. BROOKLINE [ J’, ] DIRECTORY. 41

Brown Merrill V. clerk, Coolidge & Bro. Beacon, boards W. D. Coolidge, do. Brown Thomas C. salesman, house Boylston, near Cypress Brown Thomas S. (Brown Bros.), provisions, Washington opp. High, house Harvard, near Baptist church Brown Z. L. widow of John T. house Washington, op¬ posite Holden Bruce G. Herbert, seedsman, h. Davis Mansion, Davis ave* Bruce H. Maria, widow of Benjamin, house Davis avenue, corner Thayer [opp. Elm pi. Brutcher James G. conductor, Metrop. R. R. h. Walnut, Bryant John, physician, house Walnut, corner Cypress Bryant Thomas G. tinsmith Kenrick Bros, rooms G. T. Davis, rear Washington Buck James, printer (Riverside Press, Cambridgeport), house Summit avenue, near Brighton line Buckingham Edwin B. pres. Am. Tube Works (97 State, B.), h. Essex, n. Cottage Farm station, B. & A. R. R. Buckley Abbie K. nurse, house Washington, opp. Public Library Burdett Frank W. (3 Winthrop square, Boston), boards H. S. Burdett’s, Harvard avenue Burdett Geo. A. student, b. H. S. Burdett’s, Harvard ave. Burdett Horatio S. (Burdett, Young & Ingalls), clothing (3 Winthrop sq. B.), h. Harvard ave. near Harvard Burgess Sophia Mrs. boards L. K. Storrs, Walnut Burgess William, gardener, H. E. Raymond, Goddard ave. boards do. Burgett Henry W. Manager Cushing Process Co. (214 High, B.), h. Francis, opp. Perry Burke Bridget, wid. of Michael, b. John Holioron’s, Pearl Burke Daniel, coachman, J. R. Coolidge, Dudley, b. do. Burke Dennis, laborer, bds. Timothy Burke’s, Pearl Burke Dennis 2d, laborer, boards Timothy Burke’s, Pearl Burke Martin, laborer, house Ackers ave. near Brighton Burke Martin jr. laborer, h. Reservoir pi. n. Boston line Burke Michael, blacksmith, T. Nagle, b. Thomas Burke’s, Pearl Burke Terrence, laborer, house Ridgway Burke Thomas, gardener, house Pearl Burke Timothy, laborer, Brookline gas works, house Pearl, near Emerald Burns David, wire maker, bds. Gilbert Logan’s, Ridgway BURNS JAMES E. blacksmith, Boylston. near Washington, boards P. Burns’, Chestnut Hill av. Burns John J. Mrs. h. Walter avenue near Moss avenue Burns John W. laborer, boards P. Burns’, Brighton Burns Matthew, house Walnut, near High

TEAS, Etc. PEIRCE & RICHARDS, Washington St., opp. Horse Car Stables. 42 BROOKLINE [ Q | DIRECTORY.

Burns Patrick, laborer, h. Chestnut Hill avenue Burns Patrick W. carpenter, Washington near gas house, house at Boston Burns Thomas J. laborer, boards P. Burns, Brighton Burt-, house Hawes corner Colchester Butler Mary, wid. of Michael, h. Boylston n. Kerrigan pi. Butler Susan B. Mrs. house Washington near Thayer Butler William H. apothecary, Colonnade building, boards Mrs. Fairfield’s, Colonnade building Butterworth Benjamin, salesman N. C. Thompson, Har¬ vard sq. c. Washington, bds. J. Thompson’s, Davis av. Buzzell John C., Longwood Express (34 Court square, Boston), house Harvard opposite Second

CABOT EDWABD C. (Cabot & Chandler), architect (60 Devonshire, room 23, B.), h. Chestnut near High Cabot Follen, merchant (89 Bedford B.), house Pleasant corner Egmont Cabot Francis, treasurer, Cabot Manufacturing Co. (51 State, room 16, Boston), house Heath near Boylston Cabot Frank (Weston Elec. Light Co., B.), bds. J. Eliot Cabot, Clyde Cabot George (Weston Elec. Light Co., B.), bds. Mrs.. Samuel Cabot’s, Clyde Cabot Harry, student, bds. W. C. Cabot’s, Heath Cabot John FI. house Edge Hill road, off High Cabot J. Elliot, house Clyde near Warren Cabot Louis, house Warren corner Heath Cabot Marianne, widow of Frederick, house Edge Hill road off High Cabot Samuel jr. mnfg. chemist, (70 Kilby, B.), house Edge Hill road near High Cabot Samuel Mrs. widow, house Warren corner Clyde Cabot Walter C. house Heath near Warren Cady John, laborer, house Cypress opp. Sewall place Cafley Thomas, laborer, house Brighton near Ackers ave. Cahill John T. clerk Brown Bros. h. Walter av. cor. Flora Cahill Joseph, carpenter, house Chestnut near Cypress Cahill Matthew, laborer, house Flora corner Waltex ave. Calef Wm. H. IF. house School near Washington Callanan John, coachman, T. P. Chandler, Washington, boards do. Campbell Adam, laborer, house Beservoir lane Campbell Hamilton, laborer, h. Boylston n. Washington Campbell John, laborer, house Heath corner Hammond Campbell Bobert M. superintendent almshouse, house do. Campbell William L. bds. T. B. Chandler, Washington


Candage R. G. F. marine inspector (13 Merchant’s Ex¬ change, Boston), house Harrison place Candler John W. (John W. Candler & Co.), commission merchant, (48 Congress, Boston), h. High cor. Irving Canfield Edward, driver Met. R. R., h. Juniper n. Moss av. Cantwell Catherine Miss, h. Boylston near Washington Cantwell James, carpenter, bds. Boylston n. Washington Cantwell James F. carpenter, bds. N. Cantwell’s, Boylston near Washington Cantwell John, carpenter, house Morse av. near Juniper Cantwell Lawrence, carpenter, h. Boylston n. Washington Cantwell Nicholas, carpenter, h. Boylston n. Washington Canty Joseph, printer, boards White place Canty Michael, stone-mason, house White place Carberry Thomas, carpenter, house White place Carey Henry G. teacher of music public schools, boards at Boston Carey Owen, laborer, house Boylston near High Carey Peter, laborer, house Pearl near Emerald Carey Thomas, laborer, house Boylston n. Kerrigan place Carley Michael, coachman A. Rolland, Harvard, bds. do. Carmody Johannah, wid. of Jas. h. Morss av. c. Juniper Carmody John J. clerk J. L. Guilfoyle, h. White Place Carmody John J. driver, M. Goodspeed, boards Mrs. J. Carmody’s, Morss avenue Carmody Michael, boards Mrs. J. Carmody’s, Morss av. Carmody Patrick H. carpenter, bds. Mrs. J. Carmody’s Morss avenue Carnes Frank A. boards G. W. Carnes’, Webster place Carnes George H. (G. W. Carnes & Co.), clothing (17 Hayward pi. Boston), bds. G. W. Carnes’, Webster pi. Carnes George W. salesman, (Oak Hall, B.) h. Webster pi. near Harvard Carnes Herbert W. bookkeeper (394 Federal, Boston), boards G. W. Carnes’, Webster place pARPENTER GEORGE N. general agent YJ Massachussets Mutual Life Insurance Co. (31 Milk, Boston), house Cypress corner Cypress place Carr James, gardener, C. H. Stearns, b. W. Carr, Juniper Carr William, gardener, C. H. Stearns, house Juniper, near Walter av. Carriero Joseph, hairdresser, P. Kieser, Washington, bds. 1 Walnut Carroll A. B. Miss, teacher Pierce School, b. at Dedham CARROLL DENNIS J. blacksmith, Hammond, n. Heath, house at Newton Upper Falls Carroll John, hostler F. C. Shannon, h. Boylston, Fay pi. KID GLOVES DYED & CLEANSED AT DELANO’S. 44 BROOKLINE [QJ DIRECTORY.

Carroll Martin, laborer, house Hammond, cor. Heath Carroll Michael J. driver Chemical Engine, No. 1, Carl¬ ton, h. East Carlton, near B. & A. R. R. Carroll Michael, laborer, house Pearl between Washington and Emerald Carroll Walter, coachman, house Cypress, cor. Chestnut pi. Carson Janies, coachman, F. W. Lawrence, Ivy, bds. Carl¬ ton, n. Beacon Carter James L. transfer agent, C. B. & S. R. R. Co. (36 Sears bldg. Washington, B.) house 7 Monmouth court Casey Jas. farmer, Walter C Cabot, h. Heath n. Warren Casey Mary A. widow of John, h. Sewall near Cypress Casey Michael, hostler, h. Boylston near Kerrigan place Casey Patrick, clerk, Pierce & Richards, Washington, bds. E. Cusick’s, Fay place Cassin Emma L. widow of Charles L. boards Mrs. West’s, Harvard cor. Harrison place Caton John, farm hand, house Pound near Boylston Cavenaugh William, coachman, C. F. Harrington, Linden place, boards do. Celfe Sarah, widow of Thomas, house Warren n. Dudley Chace Reuben A. painter and glazier, Washington near Harvard sq. h. Holden bet. Washington and Pierce Chamberlain Charles mer. (B.), bds. T. Howe’s, Linden pi. Chamberlain Susan Y. wid. of Thos. h. Beacon n. Tappan Chamberlayne Wm. man servant, H. A. Clark, Walnut, boards do. Chandler Alfred D. lawyer (Equitable bldg. 150 Devon¬ shire, room 51, B.), boards T. P. Chandler’s, Wash¬ ington opposite Cypress Chandler N. G. conductor Met. R. R. b. E. Morse, Walnut Chandler Sumner C. lawyer (40 Water, room 9, B.), bds. T. P. Chandler, Washington Chandler Theophilus P. lawyer, (Equitable building, 150 Devonshire, room 51, B.), h. Washington opp. Cypress Channing Walter, physician, (146 Boylston, Boston), also Boylston cor. Chestnut Hill ave. house do. Chapin Clayton M. clerk (84 South Market, B.), boards E. D. Chapin’s, Brighton avenue Chapin Edward D. produce (84 and 86 South Market, B.), house Brighton avenue near Babcock Chapin Herman, (Mass. Natl. Bank, B.), boards N. G. Chapin’s, Walley Chapin Horace D. lawyer and notary public (40 State, B.), boards N. G. Chapin’s, Walley Chapin Nathaniel G. treas. Eastern R. R. (Causeway,* B.), house Walley off Irving CURRIER’S DRUG STORE, h*"“%Xb.r BROOKLINE [Q] DIRECTORY. 45

CHAPLIN CHARLES C. boots, shoes and rub¬ bers, Colonnade building, Washington near B. & A. R. R. station, house Harvard opp. Harvard avenue Chaplin William B. hack and boarding stable, Beacon opposite Hawes, Longwood, house do. Chapman John N. Western Glass Agency (20 Central, B.), house Vernon near Harvard Chapman Lucinda D. widow of Jonathan, house Walnut, nearly opposite Irving Chapman L. Dana, clerk (374 Washington, B.), boards J. N. Chapman’s, Vernon Chase Charles, Brookline and Boston express (34 Court square, B.), and Washington opposite Hose No. 2 Co.’s house, house do. Chase Charles G. (22 Central, B.), house St. Paul near Alton place Chase Henry E. student, bds. H. L. Chase’s, Auburn Chase Henry S. (H. & L. Chase), bags and bagging (233 State, B.), house Alton place, corner St. Paul Chase H. Lincoln (H. & L. Chase), bags and bagging, (233 State, B.), house Auburn corner Park Chase H. Lincoln jr. student, bds. H. L. Chase’s, Auburn Chase Walter G. reporter (Cambridge), boards Charles G. Chase’s, St. Paul Chase William L. (H. & L. Chase), bags and bagging (233 State, B.), house Aspinwall ave. corner Toxteth Cheney Alfred A. jeweler and fancy goods, Harvard sq. near Harrison place, house do. Cheney Joseph A. clerk, A. A. Cheney, Harvard sq. b. do. Chester Henry C. clerk (134 State, B.), bds. W. R. Ches¬ ter’s, Walnut Chester Walstein R. (Palmer & Chester), lumber (134 State, B.), house Walnut, near Cypress Christie Ellen, wid. of James, h. Summer, n. Washington Christie Prank, laborer, bds. Ellen Christie’s, Summer Christie John, laborer, boards Ellen Christie’s, Summer Christie Josiah N. carpenter, house Thayer place Christie Lewis, carpenter, boards Geo. Harvey’s, Harvard Christie William, laborer, b. Mrs. E. Christie’s, Summer Chronicle (the), spencer & soule publishers, Joyce building, Harvard square Church Caroline A. widow of Ephraim M. house Harvard, near School Cilley Charles H. stationery and periodicals (Jamaica Plain) house Colonnade building, Washington Cilley Charles H. Mrs. stationery and periodicals, Colon¬ nade building, Harvard square, house do.


Clapp Helen Miss, h. Hawes cor. Monmouth, Longwood pLAPP JAMES WILKINSON, (Otis Clapp \j & Son), Homoeopathic Pharmacy (3 Beacon, B.), h. St. Paul cor. Francis Clapp Lucia D. widow of Joshua, house Hawes corner Monmouth, Chapel station Clark Burnham C. police, h. Whyte’s block, Washington Clark B. C. Mrs. employment office, Whyte’s block, Wash¬ ington, house do. Clark Eben, house Hawes corner Colchester Clark Edward B. clerk (405 Albany, Boston), boards H. N. Clark’s, Kent near Francis Clark Edwin, carpenter W. A. Goodwin, house Searle avenue, near Cypress Clark Eliza L. Miss, h. Perry near Aspinwall avenue Clark George E. carpenter, bds. E. Clark’s, Searle avenue Clark Henry A. rubber mnfr. (Phila. Pa.), house Walnut corner Boylston Clark Henry N. (H. B. Clark & Co.), lumber, (14 Kilby, B.), house Kent near Francis Clark Lyman J. salesman (169 Washington, B.), house Cypress near Washington Clark Samuel, western produce (37 Commercial, Boston), house Walnut near Chestnut Clark Sarah D. house Warren corner Dudley Clark Susannah B. B. house Warren corner Dudley CLARK T. EMORY, livery, sale and boarding stable, Pearl, near Washington, h. Washington near Harvard square Clarke Amasa (Brown, Steese & Clark), wool (Milton place, and 16 Merchant’s Exchange, Boston), house Harvard nearly opposite Auburn Clarke Eben B. (35 Oliver, B.) h. Hawes near Beacon Clarke Edward H. commercial traveller, house St. Paul Clattenburgh Jas. W. foreman I. Sargent, h. Fairmount Clear Patrick, laborer, house Chestnut near Sewall Clement Svend, finisher E. S. Bitchie & Sons, houseBoyls- near Kerrigan place Clements L. B. Mrs. physician, Davis avenue, house do. Clements Nathan, bds. T. W. Clement’s, Davis avenue CLEMENTS THOMAS W. dentist, Davis ave.. near Harvard square, house do. Clifford Albert, farmer, h. Newton at West Boxbury line Clucas John, upholsterer, H. W. Bobart, opposite Chapel Station, house at Cambridgeport Clune James, coachman C. 0. Foster, Beacon, boards do. Clune John, carpenter, house High near Walnut WOODWARD & BROWN PIANOS, THE BEST.


Cobb Albert A. (A. A. Cobb & Co.), merchant, (70 State, room 5, B.), house Walnut n. Cypress Cobb Cyrus, artist, (27 Studio bldg. Tremont, B.), house Harvard near William Cobb Henry I. clerk, (60 Devonshire, B.), boards A. A. Cobb’s, Walnut Cobb James J. agent, (Burkhart’s Brewery, Prentiss, B. H.), house Park, near Marion. Cobb John C. (A. A. Cobb & Co.), merchant, (70 State, B.), house 5 Monmouth, Chapel station Cobb Roscoe A. (Russ, Cobb & Co.), wholesale trimming Goods, (14 and 16 Summer, Boston), house Gotham avenue opposite Davis avenue. Coburn Jacob B. clerk, bds. Mrs. M. Brackett, Ash Cochran Edward, hostler T. E. Clark, Pearl, rooms do. Cochran Frederick, bds. Mrs. West, Harvard Codman Francis, boards J. M. Codman’s, Warren Codman James M. house Warren near Walnut Codman James M. jr. student, b. J. M. Codman’s, Warren Cody Alice, widow of William, h. Walter av. n. Flora Coffin Charles P. (209 Washington, B.), house Carleton, corner Ivy. Coffin Henry, coachman Geo. Dexter, Egmont, boards do. Cole George F. clerk, (44 and 48 Causeway, B.), bds. Mrs. Tabitha Cole’s, Cottage Farm station Cole Charles Porter, clerk, (82 State, Boston), boards Mrs. Tabitha Cole’s, Cottage Farm station Cole Nellie M. Miss, station agent, Cottage Farm station, boards do. Cole Tabitha, widow of Geo. B. h. Cottage Farm station Coleman Dennis F. station agent Reservoir station B. & A. R. R. house at Newton Coleman James H. advertising agent Boston Globe, (Wash¬ ington, Boston), h. Davis mansion, Davis ave. Coleman William F. crayon artist, (Marshall, Boylston, B.), h. Davis mansion, Davis avenue Coleman Wm. C. brakeman B. & A. R. R. h. Davis court Collicut Jesse A. conductor Met. R R. h. Boylston near High [boards (40 Hanson, Boston) Collingwood, Mary J. Miss, teacher Heath street school, Collins Daniel, laborer, h. Brookline ave. n. Washington Collins Henry G. travelling salesman, (339 Washington, Boston), boards A. G. Mather’s, School Collins Harry, (Henry Collins & Co.), provisions, Har¬ vard sq. n. Harvard, h. Washington, next Pub. Lib’ry COLLINS HENRY & CO. (Henry Collins and Harris R. Head), provisions, Harvard sq.


Collins James, laborer, h. Walter av. opp. Morss avenne Collins Mary widow of Peter h. Pearl n, Brookline av. Collins Mary J. widow of George, h, Pound, c Boylston Collins Michael, laborer, h. rear Emerald n. Pearl Collins Vernon, driver S. F. E. 1 Washington, rooms do. Colonnade House, Colonnade building, Washington, near B. & A. R. R. station, Geo, E. Perkins, proprietor Colston Charles, hostler at The Hawthorn stable, Harvard boards do. Comstock Lucy Miss, boards Mrs, R. A. West’s, Harvard, corner Harrison place Conant Annie F. widow of Rufus, boards C. H. Bacall’s, Cypress Conant Joshua, house Washington, opposite Prospect Conant Nathaniel, house Washington, opposite Prospect Connelly Margaret, widow of Edward, Carlton, house East Carlton, near Chapel station Connelly John, laborer, house Pearl, opp. Emerald Connerton Martin, laborer, bds. Michael Kennedy’s, Pearl Connor Henry, coachman Thos. Parson’s, Cottage, bds. do, Connor John, blacksmith, (B. & P. R, R. Boston,) house Walter avenue, near Flora Connor Wm, stone-mason, house Walter av. cor. Flora Connors Charles, house Morss avenue, near Walter av. Connors Patrick, painter J. B. Hand, bds. W. C Coleman’s Davis court Conry Daniel H. brick layer, boards Morlocks Hotel Conry James A, messenger Telephone Office, boards P, Conry’s, Pearl Conry John, driver, W. B. Chaplin, bds. do. Beacon Conry Michael, laborer, h. Houlihan av. near Boylston Conry Michael F, laborer, boards P. Conry’s, Pearl, cor, Brookline Conry Patrick, laborer, house Pearl, cor. Brookline av. Conroy Thomas, apprentice C. W. Holtzer, Boylston, h. (Donner B. H,) Conway Andrew, laborer, b. P. Conway’s Brookline av. Conway Bartholomew, laborer, boards P. Conway’s Brook¬ line av, Conway Johanna, wid, of Andrew, h. Pearl, opp. Emerald Conway John, man servant, b. P. Conway’s, Brookline av. Conway John J. plumber, bds Johanna Conway’s, Pearl Conway Patrick, gardener, house Kerrigan place Conway Patrick laborer, h. Brookline av. n. Pearl Conway Patrick jr. laborer, boards P. Conway’s, Brookline avenue Cook George D. mason, boards Morlocks Flotel

APOTHECARY, Harvard Square, WARREN 6. CURRIER, Brookline, Mass. /


COOK JOHN, mason and plasterer, Washington, opp. Pearl, house Morss av. near Walter av. Cook Horman H. conductor Met. R, R. house Davis av. Cook Richard, laborer, h. Brookline av. opp. Emerald Coolidge Charles, boards Miss R. Young, Walnut Coolidge David S. vegetable farm, Harvard, near Boston line, house do. Coolidge George H. clerk, Coolidge & Bro., Beacon, cor. Harvard, house Harvard, near William Coolidge Henry S. vegetable farmer, Harvard, near Boston line, house do. Coolidge James W. janitor Harvard street school-house, boards Mrs S, Coolidge’s Harvard Coolidge John G. student (H. XL Cambridge) boards J. R. Coolidge, Dudley [the Reservoir Coolidge J. Randolph, counselor-at-la\v, house Dudley opp. Coolidge J. Randolph jr. instructor (H. U. Cambridge), b. . J. R. Coolidge Dudley Coolidge Stephen G. vegetable farm, h. Harvard, near Boston line Coolidge Susan, wid. of David, house Harvard, n. Boston line, Brighton District Coolidge Wm. D. (Coolidge & Bro.) grocer and insurance

agent, BeaconDUdL/Uli vc. i JLJLCvi.Harvard, V Cll U.j 11.’h. Beacon,JJ vdivVyil j vc. • JLPark Cll OOLIDG-E & BROTHER, (William D. Cool- idge) grocers, Beacon, c. Harvard Cooney Isabel, widow, h. Juniper, near Flora Cooper Abby J. Miss, dressmaker, b. Thayer c. Thayer pi. Cooper Frances A. widow of Edward M. house Thayer cor. Thayer place Cooper Geo. W, telephone operator, (Bradford, Pa.) boards Mrs F. A. Cooper’s, Thayer Cooper Wm. A. clerk Edward Russell & Co. (81 Milk, B.) boards Mrs. F. A Cooper’s, Thayer Copeland Isaac C. clerk, (70 and 72 F. H. market, B.), b. M. J. Copeland’s Sewall avenue Copeland John M. clerk, (72 F, H. market, B.), bds M. J. Copeland’s, Sewall avenue n OPELAND MILTON J. provisions, (70 and \J 72 F. H. market, B.), house Sewall avenue, n. Long- wood avenue Corbett Alexander, coachman W. L. Pierce, Francis, near Perry, boards do. Corcoran Anna, widow of Henry, h. Flora, c. Walter av. Corcoran Michael, house Brookline avenue, near Pearl Corcoran William, laborer, h. Pearl, near Washington Cordley Frank R. asst, cashier (Hat. Exchange Bank, B.) house Harvard av. near Park nunior lirDlinUT BUTTER, at PEIRCE

Corey Alonzo W. police, h. Whyte’s block, Washington Corey Frank farm hand, bds. Timothy Corey, Washington Corey Harry, clerk, (10 Milk B.) boards Timothy Corey, Washington Corey James, farm-hand, bds. Timothy Corey, Washington Corey Mary A. Miss, h. Washington, n. Brighton line Corey Timothy, vegetable farm, Washington, near Boston line, Brighton distoict Cormerais Henry K. salesman, (374 Washington B.), house School, near Washington Costello Catherine, wid. of Miles, h. Juniper, cor. Flora Costello Michael, laborer, b. Catherine Costello’s, Juniper Costello Patrick, carpenter, W. A. Goodwin, Washington, house Boston Highlands Costello Richard, hostler, E. R. Knapp, Beacon, bds. do. Cotter Francis, painter, J. B. Hand, house Walnut, oppo¬ site Elm place Cotting Charles E. real estate (9 Tremont, Boston), boards C. U. Cotting’s, Hawes, Longwood Cotting Charles U. real estate (9 Tremont, Boston), house Hawes, corner Beacon, Longwood Cotton Frank B. boards C. W. Cotton’s, Kent Cotton M. F. insurance (31 Milk, B.) b. Rev. R. Thomas, Harvard Cotton Walter G. (American Tube Works), (97 State, B.), house Kent cor. Beacon Cotton Wm. C. treas. American Tube Works (97 State, Boston), house Kent, corner Beacon Coughlin John, laborer, house Pearl, between Washington and Emerald Coughlin William, laborer, house Pearl /COUSENS BROS. (Horace and John E. Cousens), V_y wood, coal and hay, office Washington, near B. & A. station, wharf at Longwood Cousens Horace (Cousens Bros.), wood, coal and hay, Washington, n. B. & A. station, h. at Kewton Centre Cousens John E. (Cousens Bros.), coal and wood (Brigh¬ ton avenue, Boston), house Brighton avenue, near Cottage Farm station Cowdrey Samuel, division master, Metrop. R. R. house Colonnade block, Washington Coyne Dennis C. gardener, Linden place, house do. Coyne James, teamster, town stable, house Brookline ave¬ nue, opposite Emerald Craft Ellen Miss, bds. Geo. Craft’s, South, corner Grove Craft Emeline H. Miss, boards George Craft’s, South Craft George, nursery, South, corner Grove, house do. ”SHED WOODWARD & BROWN PIANOS, BROOKLINE [(]] DIRECTORY. 51

Craft Sarah. Ann Miss, boards George Craft’s, South Craig Edwin P. clerk, post office, b. Mrs. Fairfield, Colon¬ nade building Craig Joseph, gardener, H. Scudder, Dummer, boards do. Crane James, coachman, house Ridgeway, near Freeman Crane Joshua (23 Court, room 12, Boston), house High, opposite Edge Hill road Crane Lewis M. (Lewis M. Crane & Co.), oils (14 and 16 Central, B.), house Harvard avenue, near Park Crane Timothy, gardener, house Sewall, near Cypress Cranton Herbert, carpenter, b. W. C. Coleman’s, Davis ct. Cranwell Edward jr. coachman, bds. Daniel Maney, Chest¬ nut Cranwell Henry, laborer, boards Daniel Maney, Chestnut Crawford Bridget Mrs. h. Brookline ave. opp. Emerald Creesy Frank L. law student, b. L. F. Creesy’s, Longwood avenue Creesy Fred W. boards L. F. Creesy’s, Longwood avenue CREESY LEONARD F. (Creesy & Noyes), builder (53 Wareham) and (Gilman, Tuttle & Co.) (86 Washington, B.), house Longwood av. n. St. Paul Crehan Bernard, laborer, h. Kerrigan place, cor. Boylston Crieden J. A. flagman, Cypress street station, B. & A. R. R. house at South Boston Croak Edward, stone-layer, h. Walter avenue, near Flora Crocker Ariel B. dry goods com. mer. (37 Avon, B.), house Webster place, off Harvard Crohan Frank, coachman, G. W. Armstrong, Marion, b. do. Crohan John, laborer, house Pearl, near Washington Cromie John, gardener, D. H. Rogers, Tappan, house do. Cronan Ellen, widow of John, house Pearl, between Washington and Emerald [Davis ct. Cronan Frank, painter J. B. Hand, bds. W. C. Coleman’s Cronan Michael, laborer, h. rear Emerald, near Pearl Cronan Stephen, laborer, b. Ellen Cronan’s, Pearl Cronan Stephen laborer, house Pearl, between Washing¬ ton and Emerald Crosby Edwin F. tinsmith, Paine Bros. Harvard sq. house Boylston, near schoolhouse Crosby Joseph B. carpenter, h. Harvard, opp. Harvard av. Crosby J. B. Mrs. dress and cloak maker, Harvard, opp. Harvard avenue, house do. Crosby Lewis, painter Andrew Noland, boards Benjamin Hill’s, Washington Crosby Patrick clerk, Brookline av. c. Emerald, h. do. Cross James, horse-shoer, Met. R. R. Co. Morss ave. h. Juniper, n. Flora


Crossen Hugh A. paper-hanger, h. Morss av. n. Juniper Crotty Jeremiah, carriage painter, M. W. Quinlan, house Morss avenue, cor. Juniper Croucher E. M. Mrs. tailoress, Longwood station, h. do. Crowley Cornelius, driver, W. B. Chaplin, Beacon, b. do. Crowley Jeremiah, laborer, h. Pearl, near Washington Crowley Mary, widow, h. r. Washington, opp. Pond ave. Cullinane Dennis, laborer, house Oak place Cullinane Michael, mason, h. Pearl, n. Brookline avenue Cummings Dennis, laborer, boards T. Crane, Sewall Cummings Mary, widow of Thomas, house White place U1UMMINGS MICHAEL, livery stable, Pond ave. c, Tremont, h. Walnut, next Met. R. R. station Cunniff John J. machinist (Whittier Machine Co. Tremont Boston), house Chestnut place Cunningham Frederic, lawyer (30 Court, room 15, B.)* house Ivy, near St. Mary’s Cunningham John W. laborer, house Fairmount [ton Cunningham Patrick, stone-mason, h. Pearl, n. Washing,- Cunnigham ——*— gardener, E. R. Knapp, Beacon, b. do. Curley Jas. H. machinist, h. Washington, n. Lyceum hall Curley Thomas, carriage trimmer, h. Juniper, n. Walter av, Curley Walter E. clerk F, H. Johnson & Co. Washington, boards J. H. Curley’s, do. Currier Caroline P. Mrs. house Walnut, near Cypress Currier Edward P. clerk (153 Milk, B.), boards Mrs. C. P. Currier’s, Walnut Currier Mary, widow, h. Harvard sq. June. Washington CURRIER WARREN G. apothecary, Harvard sq. li. over do. Curry Annie, widow of James, h Pearl, near Emerald Curry Cadwallader, savings bank com’r, (State House, Beacon, B.), house High, corner Cumberland avenue Curry Harry C. boards C. Curry’s, High Curry James, laborer, house Kerrigan place Curry John, laborer, house Pearl, near Brookline avenue Curry Mary, widow of Thomas, h. Pearl, n. Washington Curry Peter, coachman, D. W. Russell, Park, bds. do. Curry Simon, gardener, Mrs. J. Whitney, Plbasant, house Brookline avenue. Curtin Michael, laborer, house Juniper, near Flora Curtis Elijah J. (Curtin & Co.), provisions, Harvard, cor. School, house Harvard, near Aspinwall avenue Curtis John, coachman, J. L. Gardner, Warren, house Boylston, near High [School Curtis & Co. (Elijah J. Curtis), provisions, Harvard, cor. Curtis J. Gardner importer (30 Central, Boston), house Kent, near Francis

Harvard Square, CURRIER’S DRUG STORE, Opposite Post Office. BROOKLINE [D] DIRECTORY. 53

Curtis Thomas E. merchant (19 Central, Boston), house Longwood avenue, near St. Paul Cushing George S. (commission, Chatham, Boston), house Boylston, near Cypress Cushing Ira B. homcepathic physician, Washington, opp. Town hall, house do. Cushing James, coachman Robert Amory, house Walter ave. corner Flora Cushing Michael, hostler W. B. Chaplin, Beacon, bds. do. Cushman Albert, foreign agent Hoosac Line (5 Merchants Exchange, 51 State, Boston), house As- pinwall avenue, corner Perry Cushman Elizabeth, teacher Kindergarten school, boards Albert Cushman’s, Aspinwall avenue Cusick Andrew J. carriage painter M. W. Quinlan, house Boylston, near Washington Cusick Ann, widow, h. off Brookline ave. near Emerald Cusick Bartholomew, house Fay place Cusick Edward, laborer, house Fay place Cusick Francis P. hostler, b. James Cusick’s, Flora Cusick James, carpenter, house Flora, corner Walter ave. Cusick James B. laborer, house Brookline avenue, n. Pearl Cusick James T. currier, house Boylston, n. Washington Cusick Michael, gardener, h. Washington, near gas house Cusick Michael L. carpenter, h. Boylston, n. Washington Cusick Thomas, carpenter, boards Janies Cusick’s, Flora Cusick Thomas J. restaurant, Washington, cor. Morss av. house do. CUTLER ABRAHAM L. paints and oils (147 Milk, Boston), house Chestnut, corner Chestnut place Cutler Charles F. clerk (Cutler Bros. & Co. 89 Broad, B.) b. George Cutler, Chestnut Cutler Frank H. clerk Carter, Rice & Co. (252 Devon¬ shire, Boston), boards A. L. Cutler’s, Chestnut Cutler George, druggist (Carter Bros. & Co. 89 Broad, B.), house Chestnut, near Walnut CUTLER WILLIAM S. paints and oils (147 Milk, Boston), h. Chestnut, near Walnut Cutting Charles F. (82 State, Boston), house 1 Monmouth

DABOLL CHARLES, brakeman N. Y. & N. E. R. R., bds. W. C. Coleman’s, Davis court Dacey Michael, laborer, house Chestnut, near Cypress Dacey Michael jr. clerk C. D. Austin, Harvard square, boards M. Dacey’s, Chestnut Daggett Fannie L. Miss, teacher. Sewall street school, bds. W. E. Daggett’s, Harvard


Daggett Mary J. Miss, midwife, Harvard opposite Catho¬ lic church, boards do. Daggett Willard E. house Harvard opp. Catholic church Daley Daniel, conductor Metropolitan R. R. boards A. E. James, Washington Daley John, cutter, (Maccular, Parker & Co. B.), h. Wal¬ nut n. High Daley John, horse trainer, house Goddard avenue Daley Patrick, coachman, house Boylston near High Dallas Horatio N. clerk Eitchburg R. R. freight depot (Boston), house Pleasant near Green Dalton Edward, coachman, boards M. Dalton, Chestnut Dalton John, painter, bds. M. Dalton, Chestnut Dalton Michael jr. plumber T. Mahon, house Chestnut near Cypress Dalzell William, laborer, house Brookline ave. near Pearl Dana Charles W. clerk (145 Franklin, Boston), boards D. D. Dana’s, Powell Dana Dennison D. treas. Douglas Axe Co. (217 Federal, Boston), house Powell corner Freeman Dana Mary H. wfidow of Henry F. house Mrs. H. W. Howe’s, Warren near Clyde Dana Richard H. clerk Douglas Axe Co. (217 Federal, Boston), house Francis near Perry Dana William J. wood engraver (27 Tremont Temple, Boston), house Harvard opposite Auburn Dane Edward S. (Isaac Rich & Co.), fish (35 Commercial, Boston), house Kent corner Beacon Danforth F. Albert, driver Chase’s express, boards Mrs. F. A. Cooper’s, Thayer Danforth Lucius N. clerk G. F. Joyce & Co., Harvard square, rooms F. 0. Leonard, Searle avenue Daniels Alexander, servant J. W. Candler, High, bds. do. Daniels David H. supt. Schools, office Town hall, house Washington opposite Public library Daniels Frank W. clerk Hawley, Folsom & Martin (27 Otis, Boston), boards D. H. Daniels’, Washington Daniels Harry R. stock broker, (76 Devonshire, B.), bds. Mrs. I. Woodward’s, Walnut Daniels Philip F. varnisher E. S. Ritchie & Sons, Har¬ vard, house Washington opposite School Dargan John, laborer, h. Houlihan ave. near Boylston Darragh Lizzie, wid. of Wm. h. Boylston n. Washington Dashuck Jacob, cigars and confectionery, Washington near Pearl, house do. Davenport Betsey, widow of F. W. bds. John Ruggles’, Beacon WOODWARD & BROWN PIANOS, THE BEST. BROOKLINE [D] DIRECTORY. 55

Davis Elizabeth, widow of Benjamin B. house Davis ave. near Harvard square Davis Elizabeth S. widow of P. Stearns, house Tappan, between Beacon and Cypress Davis Ginery T. engineer B. & A. E. E. house rear Wash¬ ington near Harvard square Davis Johanna, widow of Michael, house Washington opposite Pond avenue Davis John, laborer, house Kerrigan place Davis Mary S. widow of Eobert S. house Cypress place Davis Michael, laborer M. E. E. h. Washburn opp. Pond av. Davisson Mary, widow of Clarendon, boards Paul West’s, Harvard avenue Dawes George G. (33 Summer, B.), h. Boylston n. Cypress Dawes Lucy Miss, b. Geo. G. Dawes’, Boylston n. Cypress Dawes Mary E. wid. of George M. boards Geo. G. Dawes’, Boylston Day Moses H. (Sewall & Day Cordage Co.), cordage mnfr. (497 Parker, B.), house Waverly place Dean Lucy M. Miss, clerk E. A. Hanker, b. do. Harvard sq. Deane Abby Miss, teacher languages, High school, boards T. Singleton’s, Harvard Dearborn Geo. F. sergeant police, h. School opp. Prospect Dearborn Wm. house Walnut near Walnut place Dearborn William G. coal (21 Exchange place, B.), house Walnut near Walnut place Dedrecksen Hans, carpenter, b. J. N. Christie’s, Thayer ph Dee Maurice, laborer, h. Boylston between Washington and cypress Delano c. a. Mrs. dry and fancy goods, Har¬ vard square, boards 0. B. Delano’s, Washington Delano Charles E. carpenter 0. B. Delano, Washington, boards do. [boards do. Delano Clarence A. carpenter 0. B. Delano, Washington, Delano Geo. H. carpenter, 0. B. Delano, house Delano’s block, Washington near Thayer Delano Oliver B. carpenter, Washington n. Thayer, h. do. Delano Wm. H. carpenter 0. B. Delano, boards do. Delahanty Eichard, boot and shoe maker, Whyte’s block, Washington, house do. Denny Emily P. widow of Francis P. house Hammond between Newton and Boston line Denny Wm. S. (17 Milk, B.), house Park opp. Harvard av. de Senavcoeur Phillippe, professor of French, Boston Lat¬ in School, house School, opposite Prospect Desmond John Mrs. house Juniper, near Flora Desmond Patrick, laborer, bds. James Donovan, rear Pearl

BLANKET WRAPS, for Toadies and Gents, THE FAMOUS Made to Order at DELANO’S. Harvard Sq. 8 56 BROOKLINE [])] DIRECTORY.

Devine Margaret, wid. of Patrick, h. Sewall, near Cypress Devine Patrick, laborer, honse Boylston, n. Washington Devine William, carpenter, b. Margaret Devine, Sewall pi. Devlin Joseph, laborer, honse Morss ave. near Walter ave. Devol Daniel E. glassware (149 Blackstone, B.), house St. Paul Dewing Charles H. broker, house Webster, corner Park Dewing R. Sylvester (Dewing & McClure), mason, 5 Guild block, house Davis ave. near Washington DEWI1VG & McCIiURE (R. Sylvester Dewing andN. W. McClure, masons (35 Hawley, B.), and 5 Guild block, Washington Dews Joseph, cassimere mnfr. (220 Devonshire B.), house Cypress, corner Cypress place [Monmouth Dexter Duncan D. paper mnfr. (43 Federal, B.), h. 10 Dexter George, treas. Pepperell & Laconia Mnfg. Cos. (30 Kilby, Boston), h. Egmont, cor. St. Paul Dexter Jona. L. salesman (88 F. H. market, B.), house Harvard, corner Beacon Dillon George, gardener, C. U. Cotting, Hawes, boards do. Dillon Margaret Mrs. house Pearl, near Emerald Dillon Patrick, driver Met. R, R. house Andem place Dinsmore Warren A. engineer (Oldtown, Me.), house Col¬ onnade block, Washington [n. High Dimond Henry C. hand stamps (22 Milk, B.), h. Boylston, Dimond William H. clerk (118 Federal, B.), h. Boylston near High Dizer Silas C. (M. C. Dizer & Co.), boots and shoes (26 South, B.), house St. Paul, near Francis Doane Daniel, house Linden place, North corner Doane Hillman P. restaurant (27 Congress, B.), b. Daniel Doane’s, Linden place Dockray George J., N. E. agent Great Western Dispatch, (95 Milk, B.), house Davis avenue, opposite Thayer Dodge Theodore Col. (U. S. A.) h. Heath, cor. Boylston Doherty John, shoemaker J. Rooney, bds. Wilson House Dolan Ann, widow of Patrick, house Sewall, cor.. Cypress Dolan John, laborer, boards Ann Dolan, Sewall Doloff Abner P. (Doloff & Howe), carpenter (rear 16 Bedford, B.), house Boylston, opposite schoolhouse Dolloff Irvine M. carpenter (rear 16 Bedford, B.), boards A. P. Dollof’s, Boylston Donahoe Charles G. hairdresser P. Reiser, boards Thomas Donahoe, Boylston Donahoe John T. clerk Brown Bros. bds. Thomas Dona- hoe’s, Boylston Donahoe Martin, laborer, house Brookline ave. near Pearl


Donahoe Patrick, laborer, boards Martin Donahoe, Brook¬ line avenue [Kerrigan pi. Donahoe Tlios. gardener, J. H. Sturgis, h. Boylston, opp. Donald Win. A. (Hallowell & Coburn) wool com. mer. (127 Pederal, B.), h. 7 Monmouth, n. Chapel station Donlen Thomas, laborer, h. Kerrigan place, off Boylston Donlon Andrew, laborer, h. Brookline ave. near Emerald Donlon Edward, painter, house Boylston, cor. Kerrigan pi. Donovan Daniel, groceries, house Pearl, opp. Emerald Donovan Dennis, B. Gas Light Co. h. Emerald n. Pearl Donovan Janies, laborer, house off Pearl, near Emerald Donovan James, laborer, house Pearl, near Emerald Donovan James E. carriage trimmer M. W. Quinlan, h. High, near Walnut Donovan James J. plasterer, boards James Donovan, off Pearl, near Emerald Donovan Jeremiah, laborer, house Pearl, near Emerald Donovan John, hostler, boards James Donovan, Pearl Donovan John, laborer, h. rear Brookline av. near Pearl Donovan Joseph, brakeman, house White place Donovan Joseph, lamplighter, h. Juniper, near Morss ave. Donovan Julia, widow of Michael, h. Sewall, near Cypress Donovan Mary widow, of Timothy, house Walter avenue, near Flora Donovan Michael, laborer, h. r. Emerald, near Pearl Donovan Michael J. plumber, Kenrick Bros. Washington, boards at Boston Highlands [Villa lane Dooley Mary, widow of Thomas, h. Washington, opposite Dooley Thomas F. plumber (Boston), house Washington, opposite Villa lane Doran Enoch E. farmer, bds. Wm, Doran’s, Acker’s ave. Doran Levi, salesman E. H. Johnson & Co. Washington, house Lyceum hall building, do. Doran William, fruit and vegetable farm, Ackers av. h. do. Dornay Jeremiah, feeder Met. B. B. station 13, h. Juniper Dorr Nathan, carpenter, house Washington, opposite Town hall Dorr Sydney B. cigar mnf. Washington, opposite Town hall, boards do. Douglas William, laborer, house Kerrigan place Dow Charles H. boards C. B. Dow’s, Newton Dow Charles B. milk and vegetable farm, Newton, be¬ tween Hammond and South, house do. Dow Edmund S. student, bds. C. B. Dow, Newton Dow Frank A. milkman, bds. C. B. Dow’s, Newton Dowling John, Carpenter, house Thayer place Downer Frederick, fireman, B. & A. B. B. h. Thayer pi.

PEIRCE & RICHARDS, GOAL AND WOOD. Washington St., opp. Horse Car Stables. 58 BROOKLINE [P] DIRECTORY.

Downer Martin, Kenrick Bros. b. James Brennan’s White place Doyle George H. leather (76 High), h. Summit avenue, Corey Hill [ton Doyle James, plumber, house Brookline ave. n. Washing- Doyle James, ice man, b. Michael Doyle’s, Cypress Doyle Matthew, painter B. F. Baker, house Boylston, near Washington Doyle Michael, stone-mason, h. Cypress, near Sewall Doyle Peter H. clerk at the Hawthorne, Harvard, bds. do. Draper Charles H. cashier First National Bank (17 State, Boston), house Harvard avenue, corner Park Dresser Edwin D. (Winkley, Thorpe & Dresser) stationer, (111 Devonshire, B.), h. Prospect av. n. Summit ave. DREW CHARLES H. lawyer, (82 Devonshire, room 26, B.), house Gorham avenue, near Cypress Driscoll Bridget, widow of Dennis, h. Emerald, n. Pearl Driscoll Daniel, teamster town stable, boards Mrs. Bridget Driscoll’s, Emerald Driscoll Dennis, carpenter, bds. J. Driscoll’s, Harrison pi. Driscoll Frank, clerk (477 Washington, Boston), boards Mrs. Bridget Driscoll’s, Emerald Driscoll James, blacksmith, li. Boylston, n. Washington Driscoll James, contractor, Washington, opposite Pearl, house Harrison place Driscoll James jr. carpenter, J. Driscoll, h. Harrison pi. Driscoll Jeremiah, carpenter, b. J. Driscoll’s, Harrison pi. Driscoll Jeremiah A. house Pearl, near Washington Driscoll Jeremiah L. clerk P. M. Kelleher, h. Morss ave. Driscoll John, driver, F. C. Shannon, house Pearl Driscoll John T. hostler, b. Jeremiah Driscoll’s, Morss av. Driscoll Michael, superintendent streets, office Town hall, house Harrison place Driscoll Michael, clerk, bds. Bridget Driscoll’s, Pearl Driscoll Timothy, assistant, J. Driscoll’s, Harrison place, boards do. [Boston Driscoll Timothy, blacksmith, P. Duffy, Boylston, bds. at Driscoll Timothy, laborer (Custom House, B.), bds. John Cook, Morss avenue Drohan Edward, boards Wm. Drohan’s, Juniper Dr oh an John W. laborer, boards Wm. Drohan’s, Juniper Drohan Michael, laborer, boards Wm. Drohan’s, Juniper Drohan William, laborer, house Juniper, corner Flora Dudley George W. teacher of singing (154 Tremont, B.), house Beacon, corner Winchester [h. do. Duffiey Daniel, gardener, A. Lowell, Warren, cor. Heath, Duffiey Michael, plumber (5 Park square, Boston), house Boylston, near school-house


Duffy Ann, widow of Michael, house Pearl Duffy Arthur J. salesman, Bernard McCann’s (13 Fulton, Boston), boards P. Duffy’s, Boylston, near High Duffy George, blacksmith, P. Duffy, Boylston, boards do. Duffy Mary, widow of Thomas, house Boylston, corner Kerrigan place Duffy Patrick, laborer, house Emerald, near Pearl Duffy Phillip, horse shoer and carriage smith, Boylston, near Washington, house Boylston near High Dugault Augustus, carpenter, b. P. Kieser’s, Washington Duggan James, laborer, house Sewall place Duggan Thomas, gardener, A. B. Gove, Avon, boards do. Duggan Thomas, laborer, bds. James Duggan, Sewall. pi. Duncklee Charles T. lawyer (5 Tremont, B.), h. Beacon, near Washington Dunn Hugh, laborer, house Sewall, near Cypress Dunn John 0. machinist, house Juniper, near Flora Dunton Thomas, stone-mason, boards Morlocks Hotel Durkee William, druggist (Berkeley, B.), house Walnut, near Chestnut Dwight Charles Mrs. house Warren, near Walnut Dwight Eliza A. wid. of Henry, h. Cypress, opp. Sewall pi. Dwyer Benjamin, farmhand, house Boylston, opp. Pound Dwyer James, carriage painter, M. W. Quinlan, house Kerrigan place, off Boylston Dwyer Janies, laborer, house Boylston, opposite Pound Dwyer James, steam-fitter, bds. M. Cronan, near Emerald Dwyer Jane, widow of Patrick, house Kerrigan place Dwyer Thos. laborer, b. Mrs. Jane Dwyer’s, Kerrigan pi. Dyer Charles H. salesman (14 and 16 Summer, B.), boards T. H. Dyer’s, Gorham avenue Dyer Matthew, painter B. F. Baker, house Boylston Dyer Thomas H. (T. H. Dyer & Co.), provision dealer, h. Gorham avenue, between Cypress and Tappan Dyer Thomas H. & Co. (Thomas H. Dyer and Arthur C. Williams), provisions, Harvard square

EAGER HENRY B. (82 Devonshire, room 29, B.), house Summit avenue, Corey hill [sq. Eaton Charles, civil engineer, b. Wilson House, Harvard Eaton Hannah A. widow of Win. h. Marion, n. Harvard Eaton William, clerk (56 Franklin, B.), boards Mrs. H. A. Eaton’s, Marion Eddy M. M. Miss, teacher High School Edgar John, coachman W. F. Hall, h. Harvard square, near Davis avenue Edgerly James W. real estate (42 Winchester, B.), house Irving, corner Walley


Edgerly John H. W. student, b. J. W. Edgerly, Irving Edgerly Truman C. mason H. James, house Boylston, near Washington [High Edmond Clarence W. b. Mrs. Edmond’s, Hotel Adelaide, Edmond Emma H. Mrs. Hotel Adelaide, High Edwards Anna E. Miss, teacher Pierce school, boards H. K. Cormerais, School Edwards Charles E. (P. Edwards & Son,) grocer, bds. P. Edwards’ Maple ave. Edwards Henderson J. lawyer, (257 Washington B.) h, Davis Mansion, Davis avenue Edwards J. E. Mrs. widow of Erskine, house Longwood avenue near Harvard [av, Edwards Pierpont, (P. Edwards & Son), grocer, h. Maple EDWARDS P. & SON, (Pierpont and Charles E. Edwards) grocers, opp. Chapel station Edwards Samuel D. inspector Custom House, (296 State, B.), house Harvard, cor. Harvard place Egan Bridget, widow of Thomas, house Brookline avenue, opposite Emerald IUCHHORN JOHN F. furrier, (73 Kingston, B.) J h. Newton, near South. Eichhorn John E. jr. clerk, (73 Kingston, B.) boards J. E. Eichhorn, Newton Eldredge Edward D. South Boston Iron Co. (57 Foundry, S. B. boards H. G. Eldredge’s, Monmouth Eldredge Henry G. salesman (16 Kilby, B.), h. Monmouth, cor. Carlton, Longwood Eldredge William A. clerk, (61 Broad, B.) boards H. G. Eldredge, Monmouth Elliot Charles, gardener, boards A. S. Jones, Walnut Elliot Amory, lawyer, (30 Court, B.) boards H. A. Clark’s Walnut Ellis Chas. D. b. L. Fred Rice’s Harvard av. c. Harvard Ellis Arthur H. clerk G. F. Boynton & Co. Washington, bds. Mrs. Fairfield’s Colonnade building Ells Edward, carpenter, bds. Mrs. Annie Woods’, Prospect Ells Frederick, carpenter, bds. R. Ells, Park Ells Richmond M. carpenter, h. Park, near Marion Emerson Edward D. mnfr. soda water (Tremont, B.), h. Warren, near Dudley Emerson Elijah C. house Davis avenue, near Thayer Emerson H. E. Miss, bds, Mrs. S. Emerson’s Fairmount Emerson Susan, widow of Samuel, house Fairmount Emerson William, coachman, h. Boylston n. Washington Emerson William Ralph, architect (5 Pemberton sq. rooms 23 and 24 B.), house Walnut n. High

Harvard Square, CURRIER’S DRUG STORE, Opposite Post Offioa. BROOKLINE [ p ] DIRECTORY. 61

Emery Chas. W. house Powell, cor. Beacon Emery William, painter J. H. Boody, house Washington, near Harvard Emmes Eliza, widow of Samuel, bds. S. Emmes, Harvard Emmes Samuel, (1382 Tremont, B.), house Harvard, near Williams [vard Emmes Samuel, jr. dental student, (B.) b. S. Emmes, Har- English John, house Newton n. Grove Estabrook Edward L. iron founder, (Second cor. C., B.) h. Colonnade blk. Washington [pi. Estabrook Etta L. Miss, clerk, E. B. Taylor, b. at Jamaica Estabrook Henry W. cigars and tobacco, (Estabrook & Eaton, 222 Washington, B.) h. Toxteth, n. Francis Estes Dana (Estes & Lauriat), publisher (301 Washington house Englewood ave. Evans Ann Mrs. hou&e Kerrigan place Eveleth Harlan F. bookkeeper, (14 and 16 Summer, B.) bds. J. E. Eveleth’s, Winchester Eveleth Julius E. (Buss, Cobb & Co.) dress trimmings and fancy goods (14 and 16 Summer, B.), house Win¬ chester, near William

FABEN MABTIN, hostler W. B. Chaplin, Beacon, b. do. Fabyan George F. (Bliss, Fabyan & Co,) com. mer. (100 Summer, B.) h. Summit av. Corey hill Fagan William house Heath, cor. Hammond Fahey John, gardener C. A. Henderson, Brighton, house Boylston* near Houlihan avenue Fahey Thomas, laborer, h. Boylston near Houlihan av. Fairfield Annie Mrs. boarding-house, Colonnade building Faith Home for the Sick, Harrison Place Fallen John, laborer* house Cypress, opp. Sewall Farley Patrick, coachman, W. S. Denny, Park, bds. do. Farnum Charles B. (Farnum, Fish & Co.) hides and lea¬ ther, (58 and 60 South B.), h. Francis cor. Perry, Longwood Farnham D. S. head assistant Ward School Farnsworth Edward M. jr. clerk, (Kidder, Peabody & Co. B.) h. Edge hill road Farnum Lois N. Mrs. widow, h. Harvard ave. n. Harvard Farrell Bobert, butler B. Schlesinger, Warren, bds. do. Farquhar Joseph, roofer (John Farquhar’s Sons, 20 East street B.), house Prospect, opp. Pierce school Faulkner Zenas, teamster, boards J. W. Clattenburgh, Fairmount Faxon Charles E. assistant Arnold Arboretun, Cottage, corner Warren, house at Jamaica Plain


FAY CLEMENT K. lawyer (5 Tremont, rooms 9 and 10, B.), house Linden place, off Harvard Fay Frank T. com. trav. house Washington, opp. Villa lane Fay Harry F. (Fay & Co.), cigars (101 Devonshire, B.), h. 4 Monmouth, near Chapel station Fay Henry J. salesman, (558 Washington, B.), house Harvard, near Webster place Fay John coachman W. H. Hill jr. Marion, boards do. Fay Michael, laborer, house Juniper Fay Sarah, widow of Harrison, h. Linden pi. off Harvard Fehmer Carl, architect (87 Milk, room 46, B.), h. Walley, off Irving Ferguson John, farmer, house Sewall avenue, near Kent Ferguson John jr. gardener, Beacon, boards do. Ferris Edward M. physician, h. Longwood av. n. Harvard Ferris Lynde R. student, boards M. C. Ferris’, Alton pi. Ferris Mortimer C. (Dane, Dana & Co.) (41 South Mar-- ket, B.), house Alton place, corner Harvard Fessenden Charlotte A. wid. of Benj. B. house Cottage, near Goddard avenue [den Field D. Frank, carpenter, house Washington, opp. Hol- Fillebrown Edward, merchant tailor (418 Washington, Boston), house Harvard, near School Fillebrown Frank E. engraver J(149 A. Tremont, rm. 54, B.), bds. E. Fillebrown’s, Harvard Fillebrown Walter M. clerk (451 Washington, B.), boards E. Fillebrown’s, Harvard [High Finan Patrick, foreman (33 Otis, B.), h. Walnut, near Finn Thomas, laborer, house Pearl, near Emerald Finnegan Bernard, coachman W. C. Cabot, Heath, house Houlihan avenue Finnerty Edward, farmer, house Hammond, near Heath Finnerty John, laborer, house Cypress, near Chestnut pi. Finneral Timothy, cutter, house Boylston near High Finney Robert W. clerk Wm. Finney’s, Harvard, boards do. Harvard place IpiNNEY WILLIAM, grocer, Harvard cor. School, house Harvard place off Harvard Fish Charles, farm hand Charles Faulkner, house off New¬ ton opposite almshouse Fisher George J. purchasing agent Eastern R. R. house Heath corner Boylston Fiske Francis S. clerk (Bankruptcy office, U. S. Court House, Tremont, B.), house Monmouth opp. Mon¬ mouth place, Chapel station Fitzgerald Daniel, coachman T. Howe, h. Linden place Fitzgerald Desmond, supt. Boston Water Works (Chest¬ nut hill reservoir, B.), h. Washington near Cypress WOODWARD & BROWN PIANOS, THE BEST. BROOKLINE [f1] DIRECTORY. 63

Fitzgerald Edward S. student, b. N. Fitzgerald’s, White pi. Fitzgerald James, carpenter, b. W. C. Coleman’s, Davis ct. Fitzgerald Nicholas J. shoemaker J. Rooney, Harvard sq. house White place Fitzgerald Nicholas B. inspector Telephone office, boards N. Fitzgerald’s, White place Fitzgerald Patrick, gardener S. Howe’s, Linden place, bds. D. Fitzgeralds, do. Fitzpatrick Edward, molder, house Juniper near Flora Fitzpatrick John, gardener, house Sewall ave. near Kent Fitzpatrick Martin J. carriage painter, Lucas & Maher, h. Washington cor. Walter avenue Fitzpatrick Michael, servant Mrs. Samuel Cabot, Clyde, boards do. Flaherty Charles, laborer, house Pearl near Emerald Flanagan Kate, widow of Michael, house Pearl Flanagan Martin, laborer, house Emerald corner Pearl Flanagan Mary, widow of Joseph, h. Emerald cor. Pearl Flanagan Michael, laborer, house Pearl near Emerald Flanagan Michael, laborer, h. Brookline av. c. Washington Flanders Frank H. police, h. Thayer near Thayer court Flannery Patrick, laborer, h. Houlihan ave. off Boylston Fleming David, painter J. H. Boody, Washington, house at Hyde Park Fleming Patrick, laborer, house Sewall place Fleming Patrick, laborer, h. bet. R. R. track and Pearl Flint Lizzie Miss, house Perry near Francis Flint Lotta Miss, house Perry near Francis Flood Frank, mason, bds. Walter ave. opp. Morss ave. Flood Joseph, carpenter, bds. Walter ave. opp. Morss ave. Flood Kise, coachman James Rothwell, Longwood ave. house Boylston near High Floyd Edward E. (Floyd Bros. & Co.), merchant (93 Sum¬ mer, B.), house Harvard cor. Linden place Flynn Hannah Mrs. house Emerald corner Pearl Flynt Sophia F, Mrs, house Prospect av. near Summit av. Fogarty Catherine, wid, of Henry, h. Morss av. n. Juniper Foley John, salesman, (B.), h. Boylston n. Kerrigan pi. Follan Bernard, laborer, h, Houlihan av. near Boylston Foote Edwin, driver Metrop, R. R. boards J. A. Foote, Boylston Foote Jacob A. foreman Metropolitan R. R. station, house Boylston near Washington Forbes Fayette F. supt. Brookline Water Works, office at Town hall, house School opposite Prospect Ford J. Henry, coachman Mrs. E. B. Bowditch, Walnut, boards do.

Mon rDDjrrrn regatta boquet perfume, for UlLlDiIA I £U sale at DELAflfO’S, Harvard Sq. 9 64 BROOKLINE [f1] DIRECTORY.

Forsyth George H. travelling agent Boston Belting Co. (222 Devonshire, B.), h. St. Andrew building, suite D, Davis avenue Forsyth Mary Mrs. boards C. N. Bowell, Heath Fossa Giobatta, bricklayer, h. Pearl near Emerald Fossa Louis, fruit stand B. & A. R. R. station, house Pearl near Washington Foster Chas. H. clerk W. C. Babbitt, Harvard cor. Aspin- wall, ave. house at Boston Highlands Foster Chas. H. W., Boston Sugar Refining Co. (Lewis, E. B.), boards Charles 0. Foster’s, Beacon Foster Charles 0. (Chas. 0. Foster & Co.), com. mer. (11 India, B.), house Beacon near Summit avenue Foster william Bradford, dentist, Colonnade block, Washington, house do. Foster Wm. H. (56 Sears building, 199 Washington, B.), house Brighton avenue near Babcock Fowler Charles G. driver Metropolitan R. R. station 13, boards E. Morse’s, Walnut corner Washington Fowler Elizabeth, widow of Geo. F. h. School n. Prospect Fowler Frances H. teacher of elocution, house School near Prospect Francis Geo. Hills, student, b. Dr. T. E. Francis’, Davis av, Francis Nath’l A. lawyer, b. Dr. T. E. Francis’, Davis av. Francis. Tappan Eustis, physician Davis avenue near Harvard square, house do. [near Walnut Fraser Peter G. carpenter B. W. Neal, house Elm place Fraser Samuel, coachman, house Flora Fraser Lena Miss, second asst. Day nursery, Washington cor. Walnut ave. boards do. Frawley John, laborer, house Brookline ave. near Pearl Frawley Patrick, laborer, house Pearl, between Washing¬ ton and Emerald Freckelton Joseph, coachman J. Reece, Still, bds do. Freeborn John, laborer, house Juniper, near Flora Freeman Forbes, boards W. F. Weld. Avon Freeman Watson, (79 Milk, room 26 B.) house Pleasant, near Green French Alexis H. civil engineer, Town hall, h. Cypress, corner Cypress Place Frome Charles, coachman, A. Mason, Summit av. bds. do. Frost C. M. Miss, teacher Longwood school Frost Morrill (Frost & Dearborn) restaurant, (8 and 10 Pearl, B.) h. Vernon, cor. Harvard Frye M. P. Miss, teacher Pierce School, boards at Boston FULLER BENJAMIN A. G. lawyer (10 Pem¬ berton square, room 8, B.), house Harvard, near Har¬ vard avenue

APOTHECARY, Harvard Square, WARREN B. CURRIER, Brookline, Mass. BROOKLINE [fj] DIRECTORY. 65

Fuller Edward L. (Colburn, Fuller & Co.) boots and shoes, (124 Summer, Boston), house Carlton, opp. Colchester

FullerL-L^-L HolmanA A JL 11 LCvA 1 travellingU1 Ch V ^ J.-LJ.1A salesman,O CA)±.\^ O XALtlMA j bds.LUIO • Morlock’siUUIlUOZi O hotel TILLER HORACE W. lawyer (209 Washingt’u r room 34, B.) house Walnut, near Cypress Funk E. R. wid. of Geo. W. bds. F. Donner, Thayer pi.

GAFF AY JOHN, coachman, H. M. Whitney Boylston, boards do. Gaffey Daniel, coachman, h. Cypress, near Chestnut pi. Galbraith Alexander, gardener, h. Fairmount, n. Dudley Gallagher Anthony, laborer, house Sewall, near Cypress Gallagher Dominick, laborer, house Sewall, near Cypress Gallagher James, laborer, house Juniper, corner Flora Gallagher James jr., plumber, house Brookline ave. near Washington Gallagher James F. porter, (1751 Tremont, Boston), house Washington opposite Villa lane Gallagher John, gardener, b. M. Gallagher’s, Fairmount Gallagher John, laborer, C. N; Rowell, Heath, boards do. Gallagher Martin, laborer, house Fairmount, n. Reservoir Gallagher Martin jr. cabinet maker, bds. M. Gallagher’s, Fairmount * [Pearl Gallagher Michael, clerk, boards Terrence Gallagher’s, Gallagher Patrick, boards Terrence Gallagher’s, Pearl Gallagher Patrick H. hostler M. Goodspeed, Washington, house Pearl, near Washington Gallagher Terrence, laborer, house Juniper, cor. Flora Gardiner Annie Li Mrs. h. 2 Monmouth ct. Chapel station Gardiner Chas P. boards W. H. Gardiner’s Clyde Gardiner John Hayes, student, bds. 2 Monmouth court Gardiner J. Tudor, clerk, (44 State B.) b. 2 Monmouth ct. Gardner Elliot C. dental student, T. W. Clements, Davis avenue, boards do. Gardner Harrison (Geo. C. Richardson & Co.), com. mer. (178 Devonshire, Boston), h. Colchester, cor. Kent Gardner John L. merchant, (22 Congress, Boston), house Warren, near Walnut Gardner Philip F. conductor B. & A. R. R. h. Colonnade bldg. Washington Garrignes Chas. F. chemicals and dye stuffs, (101 Milk, B.), house Marion, n. Park Gates George W. medical student, boards A. E. McDon¬ ald’s, Linden Place Geary Owen, carpenter, house Boylston, between Wash¬ ington and Cypress [Fairmount Geddes James, U. S. D. vaults (40 State, Boston), house

PEIRCE «fc RICHARDS, COAL AND WOOD. Washingtonington StSt., opp. Horse Car Stahles 66 BROOKLINE [(}] DIRECTORY.

Geddes James jr. student, b. James Geddes, Fairmount Geddes William, carpenter, (B.) h. School, n. Prospect Geelin David J. carpenter, W. A. Goodwin, Washington, house Boston Highlands George Andrew J. teacher High School, boards D. H. Daniels’, Washington George Emma A. teacher Ward school, Pond av. boards Miss M. P. Alden’s, Harrison place Getchell Dorcas, widow of Isaiah, boards I. S. Getchell’s, Harvard Getchell I. Sumner, carpenter, Beacon, opposite Summit avenue, house Harvard, near Second Gibbs John, house Washington, next public library Gibbs John H. salesman (134 Federal B.) h. Walnut, near Cypress Gibson Adelia C. Mrs. dressmaker, Chace’s block, Wash¬ ington, near Harvard square, house do. Gilbert Milo H. coachman J. G. Mitchell, Gardner road, boards do. Gilchrist James, (Hubbard Bros. & Co.), banker, (60 Dev¬ onshire, Boston), house 2 Monmouth Gilfoye Jeremiah, house Washington, opposite Pearl Gillespie Bernard, carriage-painter, h. Juniper, n. Flora Gilson Arthur W. carpenter, h. Washington near Brighton line Gilson Clara E. clerk (Jordan, Marsh & Co. B.) bds. E. L. Haskell’s, Washington [Haskell’s Wash’n Gilson Mary E. clerk (Jordan, Marsh & Co. B.) bds. E. L. Glancy Peter H. painter, house Chestnut, near Cypress Gleason Bridget, widow of John, h. Chestnut place Gleason Hannah,, widow of Michael, house Washington, opposite Villa lane [Washington Gleason James, police, boards Mrs. Hannah Gleason’s, Gleason James, carpet maker, b. Mrs. M. O’Dea’s Wash’n Glennan Michael, laborer, house Boylston, near High Glynn John, farmer, Goddard avenue n. Avon, house do. Goddard Abijah W. vegetable farm, Goddard avenue near Avon, house do. [Walnut near High Goddard Benjamin, merchant, (44 Kilby, rm. 12, B.), h. Goddard Elizabeth, wid. of Chas. h, Chestnut n. Walnut Goddard Louisa M. Miss, house Walnut near High Goddard M. Louisa Miss, bds. Chas.- Goddard’s, Chestnut Goddard Julia Miss, house Warren opposite Cottage Goddard Nathaniel, merchant (44 Kilby, Boston), house Walnut near High Goddard William, moulder (108 E. Dedham, B,), boards James H. Wentworth, Chestnut Hill ave. ESTYmS„ED WOODWARD & BROWN PIANOS. BROOKLINE [({ ] DIRECTORY. 67

Godfrey Charles J. clerk T. H. Dyer & Co. boards Mrs. Fairfield’s, Harvard square Goldsmith Leroy, clerk Brown Bros. bds. Mrs. Annie Woods’, Prospect Goldsmith, Sophia P. widow of George W. house Davis avenue near Harvard square Goode Bessie Mrs. matron Longwood laundry, St; Mary’s near Brighton ave. house do. Goode Samuel J. asst. Longwood Laundry, St; Mary’s, house do. Goodhue Francis A. commercial traveller, (43 Kilby, Bos¬ ton), house Marion near Park Gooding Charles S. draughtsman, (89 Court, B.), house Marion near Beacon Gooding Josiah, student, bds. Mrs. J. Gooding’s, Harvard Gooding Josiah Mrs. house Harvard opposite Marion Goodnough Benj. F. farmhand X. Goodnough’s* South, boards do. Goodnough George W. farmer, Newton, boards X; Good- nough’s, South Goodnough Xanthus, cider vinegar manufacturer and farmer, South between Newton and Grove,■ house do. Goodnough X. Henry, boards X. Goodnough’s, South Goodnow William, boards L. Stone’s, Linden place Goodspeed Monroe, livery stable, Washington opposite Town hall, house Marion near Harvard Goodwin Asahel J. machinist, boards W. A. Goodwin’s, Washington Goodwin Eliza, widow of Bichard, house rear Washing¬ ton opposite public library Goodwin Frank (Howe & Goodwin), dye stuffs (52 Kilby, Boston), house Pleasant near Green Goodwin Willard A. carpenter and builder, Washington opposite Town hall, house rear Washington, opposite public library Goodwin William, carpenter, b. E. Feed’s, Keservoir lane. Gookin C. W. Miss, teacher Ward school Gooley Thomas F. painter A. Noland, h. Boylston near Washington Gordon Charles W. clerk (49 Bromfield, B.), house Wash¬ ington opposite Bailroad station Gordon C. Warren, bds. C. W. Gordon’s, Washington Gorman James, hostler B. Schlesinger, Warren, bds. do. Gould Arthur C. (A. C. Gould & Co.), publisher (4 Ex¬ change place, B.), house Francis opposite Perry Gould Sarah A, widow of Corbin, h. Francis opp. Perry Gove Arthur B. (B.), h. Avon near West Boxbury line dcai ruciicu noru/n c AIVI> WASH SILKS» at nCAL LN&UOn Until lLO KEL VAO’S, Harvard Sq 68 BROOKLINE [ (r| DIRECTORY.

Go wen John C. carpenter, boards Colonnade house Go wen Stephen W. carpenter, B. W. Neal, boards William C. Coleman’s, Davis court Grace Peter, coachman L. M. Crane, Harvard av. bds. do. Grady Mary, widow of John, h. Washington opp. Pearl Grady Patrick, laborer, house Pearl near Emerald Graham Henry J. police, h. Washington near Harvard Graham Jane, widow of John, h. Washington n. Harvard Graham John M. pres. International Trust Co. (Milk cor. Devonshire), house Davis avenue cor Thayer Grantham Geo. coachman A. Whittemore, Carlton, b. do. Gray Alvin 0. hairdresser, Wash. n. R. R. bridge, house at Boston Gray Nathan H. furrier (B.), house rear Boylston near schoolhouse Gray Samuel S. stockbroker, (48 Congress, room 3, Bos¬ ton), house Mountfort corner Essex Green James, workman J. Shield, Harvard square, house at Boston Highlands Green Jos. F. admiral (U» S. N.), h. Pleasant n. Beacon Green John, carriage painter M. W. Quinlan, h. Emerald near Brookline avenue Green Patrick, laborer, bds. Hugh Banigan, Pearl Green Thomas, coachman Jerome Jones, Corey hill, b. do, Greene Benjamin H. house Marion near Harvard Greene George F. merchant, (44 Kilby, Boston), house Marion near Harvard Greenough Charles P. lawyer (39 Court, room 23, Boston), house 1 Monmouth court, Chapel station GREGORY SAMUEL H. (Gregory & Brown)* paper hangings (18 West, B.), h. Ivy cor. Essex Griffin Andrew, laborer, h. Brookline ave. opp. Emerald Griffin Daniel J. brass finisher E. S. Ritchie & Sons* Cypress, house at Boston Griffin Gerald T. carpenter, bds. Ann Griffin’s, Thayer Griffin Henry G. clerk (239 Franklin, Boston), boards Ann Griffin’s, Thayer Griffin John E. clerk, (488 Washington, B.), boards Ann Griffin’s, Thayer Griffin Ann, widow of Michael, h. Thayer n, Washington Griffin Patrick, laborer, house Pearl opposite Emerald Griggs Chas. R. paper hanger E. B. Taylor, Washington cor. Davis, house at Dedham Griggs George, lawyer (28 State, room 44, Boston), house Harvard corner Green Griggs Thomas, vegetable farm, Washington near Park Griggs Thomas B. vegetable farm, Washington opposite Gardner road

Harvard Square, CURRIER’S DRUG STORE, Opposite Post Office. BROOKLINE [f[] DIRECTORY. 69

Griggs William J. vegetable farm, Harvard opposite Babcock, house do. Grimes Herbert P. brakeman B. & A. R. R. house School near Harvard Gross Willard Y. janitor Town hall, h. Holden, opp. Town hall [wood ave. Grossmith Charles W. perfumer, h. Beacon, opp. Engle- Grush Charles Granville, clerk F. H. Johnson & Co. Washington, rooms Wilson House Guild E. C. Miss, teacher Ward school, Pond avenue Guild J. Anson (59 South, B.), h. Elm pi. off Walnut, near Washington Guild Susan Miss, b. Mrs. S. Coolidge, Emerald n. Harvard Guilfoyle Jeremiah L. restaurant, Washington, opp. Guild block, Washington Gutterson Edwin N. clerk E. J. Curtis, Harvard, near School, house School, near Harvard Gutterson Joseph d. furnishing under¬ taker, Harvard, near Aspinwall avenue, house do.

HAGERTY FRANCIS, laborer, Brookline ave. n. Pearl Hagerty James, coachman, W. H, Lincoln, h. Sewall ave.' neat Kent Hagerty John, laborer, house Pearl, near Emerald Hagerty Thomas, blacksmith, J. F. Burns, house Pearl Haines Abby P. Miss, teacher Boylston street primary school [R. R. Hale Josiah L. physician, Chestnut Hill ave. n. B. & A. Haley David, house Brookline avenue, near Pearl Halfenstine Adam, tailor, White place, house do. Halfenstine Frank L. carpenter, boards A. Halfenstine’s, White place HAUL F. ROCKWOOD, lawyer (39 Courtroom 15, B.), boards S. Hall’s, High, opp. Edge Hill road Hall Henry M. carpenter and builder, Washington, near Walter avenue, house do. Hall John C. laborer, house East Carlton, near Chapel station, Longwood Hall Margaret, widow of James, house rem* Emerald, near Brookline avenue Hall Samuel, house High, opposite Edge Hill road Hall Thomas B. lawyer (75 Stafe, room 16, B.), house Ivy, near Essex Hall Wm. F. (77 State, room 1, Boston), house Harvard avenue, near Harvard Halloran Stephen, laborer, house Pearl, near Emerald Hamberger Francis, basket maker, house Brookline ave. near Washington

TEAS, Etc. PEIRCE «fc RICHARDS, GROCERIES, Washington St., opp. Hors* Car Stabler 70 BROOKLINE [H] DIRECTORY.

Hamlen Nathaniel P, (Willett, Hamlen & Co.) (19 Cen¬ tral, Boston), house Warren, opposite Clyde Hammond M. 0, Miss, bookkeeper, M. W. Quinlan, boards at South Boston Hand Chas. F, painter, J, B. Hand, "\Vashington, opp. B. & A. R. R. station, house Boylston, near High Hand George B. painter, J. B. Hand, Washington, house Fay place Hand James B. house and sign painter, Washington, opp. B. & A. R. R. station, and Beacon, near Pleasant, house Andem place Hand Robert W. painter, J. B. Hand, b. do. Andem place HANKEY FRANK A. confectioner and caterer, Harvard square, corner Davis court, house Colon¬ nade building Hanlan James, gardener, house Brookline ave. near Pearl Hanlan Wm. painter, bds. Jas, Hanlan’s, Brookline ave, Hanly Michael, laborer, h. Walter ave. opp. Morss avenue Hanrahan Michael, laborer, h. Brookline ave. near Pearl Hanrahan Patrick, laborer, h. Brookline ave. opp. Pearl Harding Edgar E. fireman B. & Albany R. R. house rear Harvard, opp. Harvard avenue) Harding Willis E. driver Adams Express, boards F. H, Flanders’, Thayer Harmon David I. vegetable farmer, Newton, near Pond, at Boston line, house do. Harriman Nathan R. teacher High school, house Summit avenue, Corey hill Harrington Andrew J. produce (12 Mercantile, Boston), house Beacon, near Harvard Harrington Charles A. clerk (39 South, B.), bds. Charles F. Harrington’s, Linden place Harrington Charles F. (A. Thompson & Co.), leather (39 South, Boston), house Linden place Harrington Dennis, wheelwright M. W. Quinlan, High, corner Boylston, house Juniper, corner Flora Harris Charles A. boards Mrs. N. Harris’, Vernon Harris James H. farmer, h. Walter ave. opp. Morss ave. Harris Nathaniel Mrs. house Vernon, near Park Hart J. F., (A. T. & S. F. R. R.) h. Goddard ave. n. Avon Hartigan Patrick, laborer, house Fay place Hartigan Thomas, farmer, L, Cabot, Warren, house Brighton, near Boylston Hartman Celia, widow, house Chestnut place, c. Chestnut Hartnett John, laborer, house Pearl, near Emerald Hartnett Maurice, laborer, house Brookline avenue Hartnett William, coachman, h. Chestnut, near Cypress WOODWARD & BROWN PIANOS, THE BEST. BROOKLINE [H] DIRECTORY. 71

Harvey George, carpenter, h. Harvard, c. Harvard place Harvey Joseph, electrician C. W. Holtzen, b. George Harvey, Harvard Harwood Albert S. man. E. Russell & Co. (54 Exchange, Lynn), house Saint Andrew building, room E. Davis avenue Harwood Edward E. (Bradford, Thomas & Co. B.), house Harvard avenue, near Harvard Haseltine Harriet Mrs. widow, h. Chestnut, near Walter Haseltine John F. clerk (36 Bedford, B.), b. W. B. Hasel- tine’s, Chestnut Haseltine William B. (82 Devonshire, room 35, B.), house Chestnut near Walnut Haseltine William S. messenger American Express Co. (244 Washington, B.), b. W. B. Hazeltine’s, Chestnut Haskell Edwin L. farmer, house Washington, n. Beacon Hastings Joseph B. house Clyde, near Warren Hastings Levi W. milk farm, Clyde, n. Warren, house do. Hathaway Frank, brakeman B. & A. R. R. boards Mrs. Fairfield, Washington Haven C. A. Miss, b. Thos. T. Robinson’s Cypress place Haven Charles F. (L. R. & F. S. Ry. Co. Equitable bldg. Boston), boards Marion, near Beacon Haven Frank, paints and oils (689 Washington, B.), house Marion, near Beacon Haven Mary H. Mrs. b. Thos. T. Robinson’s Cypress place Hayes Augustus A. house Monmouth, near Carlton, Long- wood Hayes James, laborer, house Pearl, near Emerald Hayes Jeremiah F. teamster, house White place Hayes Joseph jr. (Hayes, Gage & Co.), shoe store sup¬ plies (43 Lincoln, B.) h. Brighton av. n. Cottage Farm Station HAYES JULIA MISS, baker and confectioner, 2 Guild block, Washington, rooms do. Hayes Patrick, blacksmith, house Juniper, near Flora Hayes S. Dana Mrs. house Hotel Kempsford, Walnut Haynes Clark L. house Boylston, near Cypress Haywood Fred, house Kerrigan place [Warren Head Charles D. stock broker (68 Devonshire, B.), house Head Harris R. (H. Collins & Co), provisions, Harvard square, boards E. S. Smith’s, Clyde Head Lydia C. Miss, house Walnut, near Walnut place Healy James, coachman, R. C. Winthrop, house Boylston, near Washington Heard Lucy B. widow, h. Washington, opp. the Library Heath Frank S. carpenter, house Boylston, n. Washington


Heath Mary H. Mrs. h. Washington, opp. public library Heath Thomas, laborer, house Juniper, near Flora Heath William F. h. Washington, opp. public library Heeney Henry S. electrician, C. W, Holtzer, house Don- ner, Boston Highlands Henderson Charles A. British consul (13 Exchange place, room 7, B.), house Chestnut Hill av., near Boylston Henley Christie, baker, house Newton, n. W. Roxbury line Henderson Harvey, coachman, Col. Dodge, Heath, bds. do. Hennessey Michael C. stone-layer, house Morss avenue, near Walter avenue Hennessy Thomas, hostler, b, Michael Kennedy’s, Pearl Henry John J. (Henry & Hatch), boots and shoes, com, (82 Summer, B.), h, Toxteth, n. Francis, Longwood Henry J. D. Mrs. boards John J. Henry’s, Toxteth Hews Clarence, laborer, house Pearl, near Emerald Hickey Annie Miss, bds. Old Ladies’ Home, Harvard Hickey Maurice, carpenter, house Boylston, n. Hammond Hickey Patrick, laborer, house Pearl, near Emerald Hicks Rose, widow of Michael, house White place Hicks Thomas, clerk J, M. Seamans & Co. boards Mrs. Rose Hicks’, White place Higgins John, teanaster, boards Martin Higgins’, Pearl Higgins Martin, laborer, house Pearl, near Emerald Higgins Patrick, teamster, boards Martin Higgins’, Pearl Higginson Elizabeth C. Miss, h. High, c. Edge Hill road Hildreth George p. carpenter, b. Wilson House, Harvard square Hill Benjamin, gardener, house Washington, near High Hill Benjamin C. coachman, b. B. Hill, Washington Hill Edward B. manager Railway Clearing House Asso¬ ciation, office (Lowell depot, B.), boards Mrs. S. S. Winchester, Harvard [Hill’s Brookline ave. Hill Edward H. driver Metropolitan R. R. boards Mrs. E. Hill Eliza, wid. of Thomas, h. Brookline av. opp. Emerald Hill Eugene E. coachman, bds. Benj. Hill’s, Washington Hill Thomas, teamster, Cousens Bros. bds. Mrs. E. Hill’s, Brookline avenue Hill Warren M. salesman, (161 High, B.), bds. W. H. Hill’s jr, Marion Hill William H. house Beacon, near foot Corey Hill Hill W. H. jr. (Richardson, Hill & Co.), banker and treas. Boston & Bangor S. S. Co. and Standard Rubber Co. (Simmons bldg. 40 Water, B.), h. Marion, n. Vernon Hillen Owen, farmhand, house Pearl, near Emerald Hilton Thomas B. hairdresser, Washington, opp. B. & A. R. R. station, h. at Cambridgeport


Hinkley Cornelia Miss, Kindergarten, teacher, Ms. Rev. W. H. Hinkley’s, High Hinckley Henry C. carpenter, house Washington, opposite Villa lane Hinkley Willard H. pastor of the New Jerusalem church, h. High, n. do. Hitchings Geo. F. R. R. contractor, In Marion, near Park Hoar D. Blackley, lawyer (60 Devonshire, room 13, B.), bds. Ji E. Hoar’s Beacon Hoar J. Emory, teacher High school, School, c. Prospect, house Beacon, opposite Park Hobbs Marland C. student (H. U. Cambridge), bds. William Hobb’s, Harvard avenue HOBBS WILLIAM, lawyer (4 State, B.), house Harvard avenue, near Harvard k Hoben John, laborer, h. rear Emerald, near Pearl Hoernle Jacob H. traveling salesman (Lewis, Brown & Co. B.), bds. J. C. Hoernle’s, Newton Hoernle John C-. baker (317 Harrison ave.), house Newton, near Pond Hoernle William H. traveling salesman (Brown, Durrel & Co. B.), bds. J. C. Hoernle’s, Newton Hogan John, shoemaker, Washington, next to depot, house Kerrigan place. Hogan Margaret, widow of Patrick, house Pearl Hogan Patrick, laborer, house Pearl, near Emerald Hogan Patrick, laborer, house White place Hogan Peter A. gas fitter, bds. Mrs-. M. Hogan’s, Pearl Holleron Edward, variety store, Pearl, n. Emerald, h. do. Holloian Ann, widow, bds. J. Mealey, Chestnut Holloran Charles, laborer, house Hammond, near Heath Holloran John, laborer, house Pearl, near Emerald Holloran John, laborer, bds. Patrick Holloran’s, Boylston Holloral Patrick, laborer, h. Boylston, n. Houlihan avenue Holloran Timothy, house Heath, near Holyhood cemetery Holloran William, laborer, house Hammond, near Heath Holmes Elijah S. billiard hall, Harvard square, house Harvard, corner School Holmes Harriet Miss, nurse, b. Henry Holmes’, Walnut Holmes Henry, house Walnut near High Holmes Mary Mrs. dressmaker, Walnut, near High, h. do. Holds worth Annie, widow, h. Boylston, near Washington Holt Mercy A. widow of John, b. Daniel Munroe’s, Harvard Holtzer Charles W. electrician, Boylston, between High and Cypress, h. do. Holyhood Cemetery, Heath near Hammond Honey James, gardener, house Boylston, near Washington

rDirC TEAS, Etc. PEIRCE &, RICHARDS, L if IL V « Washington St., opp. Horse Car Stahles. 74 BROOKLINE [H] DIRECTORY.

Honey Stephen, hostler M. Goodspeed, boards Jam.es Honey’s, Boylston Hook Adeline L. widow of Geo. G. h. Newton n. Pond Hook Frank, boards Mrs. G. G. Hooks, Newton Hook Fred, boards Mrs. G. G. Hooks, Newton Hoole Charles, painter J. H. Boody, house Boylston, cor. Kerrigan place Hooker Lydia Mrs. bds. Mrs. Elizabeth Davis’, Davis av. Hooper Charles J. student, bds. Joshua Crane’s, High Hooper James B. (99 Chauncy, B.),h. Essex, n. Brighton av. Hooper William E. Home Savings Bank (Tremont, cor. Boylston, B.), h. r. Washington, opp. Public Library Hopkins Patrick, laborer, h. Chestnut, n. Cypress HOPKINS ON WI, L. (Hopkinson & Marden), wooden ware, 15 and 16 Faneuil Hall sq. Boston), house Searle av. off Cypress Horrigan Bridget, widow, h. Emerald, n. Brookline av. Horton Jas. W. clerk F. H Bacon, 1 Guild block, house Whyte’s block, Walnut HOSFORD EUGENE T. (0. Hosford & Son), provisions (4 and 5 St. Charles market, Beach, cor. Lincoln, B.), removed to 19 Burlington av. Boston HOSFORD OSCAR, (O. Hosford & Son), provi¬ sions (4 and 5 St. Charles market, Beach cor. Lincoln, B.), removed to 19 Burlington av. Boston Houghton Andrew J. brewer (Hallock, B.), house Kent, near Longwood Houghton Joseph D., carpenter, h. School, cor. Harvard Houlehan Catharine M. h. Washington, near the bridge Hovey E. C. (70 State, B.), h. Walnut, near Irving Howard Allan McB., clerk (73 Kilby, B.), boards C. T. Howard’s, Cypress Howard Alonzo P. Merrimac Chemical Co. (73 Kilby, B.), house Mountfort, near St. Mary Howard Annie E. Miss, house Thayer place Howard Charles T. Merrimac Chemical Co. (73 Kilby, B.) house Cypress, near Waverly place Howard Frank, teamster F. M. Bond, Boylston, bds. do. Washington Howard Harry, student, bds. A. P. Howard, Mountfort Howard Patrick, teamster, town stable, house Sewall, near Cypress Howard Perez B. com. mer. (75 Summer, Boston) house 10 Monmouth court, Chapel station Howe C. A. Miss, teacher Ward school Howe Charles, painter, A. Noland, Washington, house at Jamaica Plain


Howe Charles W. man-servant, Mrs. N. I. Bowditch, War¬ ren, bds. do. Howe Hannah W. widow of John, h. Warren, n. Clyde Howe James, coachman, J. H. Sturgis, boards do. Howe Pierce, student, (Harvard University, Cambridge) b. Thomas Howe’s, Linden place Howe Reginald H. Rev. rector Church of Our Saviour, h. 6 Monmouth court, Chapel station Howe Thomas, merchant, (114 Pederal, B.) house Linden place in winter, at Nahant in summer Howes Henry C. (Howes & Winchester), expressman, hi Boylston, corner Reservoir place HOWES & WINCHESTER, iHenryC. Howes and Frank L. Winchester), Brookline Express, Boyl¬ ston and 75 Kilby, Boston) Hoxford Charles, coachman, W. B. Wood, Auburn, b. do. Hubbard Charlotte C. widow of Gardner G. house Col¬ chester, near Hawes, Chapel station Hubbard Eliot, bookkeeper, (68 Devonshire B.) h. Hawes, corner Monmouth Hubbard Francis S. bds. Mrs. C. C. Hubbard’s, Colchester Chapel station [Chapel station Hubbard John G. boards Mrs. C. C. Hubbard’s Colchester Huggan John R. carpenter, h. Juniper n. Flora Hughsen S. S. clergyman, bds. A. Wellington, Cypress Humphrey Willard A. vegetable and fruit farm, Newton, near Clyde, house do. Humphrey William F. (Weltch, Humphrey & Co.) ship broker (129 State, B.) h. Aspinwall av. opp. Toxteth Hunnewell Emeline A. widow of Joseph W. house Wal¬ nut, near Cypress Hunnewell Francis, treasurer, Beacon-street Land Co. and New Hampshire Land Co. (48 Congress, room 13, B.), house Beacon, corner Washington Hunnewell Frank S. bookkeeper (70 Kilby, room 65, B.), boards Francis Hunnewell’s, Beacon Hunnewell Walter W. artist, bds. Mrs. E. A. Hunnewell’s, Walnut, near Cypress Hunt Eliza, wid. of Joel B. h. Boylston, n. Reservoir ph Hunt Thomas G. employment office (Blackstone, Boston), house Davis avenue, near Cypress Hunting Charles F. clerk, E. J. Curtis, house School Hunting Henry H. clerk, J. M. Seamans & Co. Harvard square, house School, opposite prospect Hunting Horace P. clerk, boards H. H. Hunting’s, School Hunting Sarah, widow of Reuben, boards E. S. Holmes’, Harvard DRESS LININGS OF ALL KINDS, AT DELANO'S. 76 BROOKLINE [J] DIRECTORY.

Hurd Benjamin, salesman (274 State, B.), h. Linden place Hurlburt Fanny C. Miss, house Walnut place off Walnut Hurlburt Mary Miss, house Walnut place Hurley Edward, laborer, h. Emerald, n. Brookline avenue Hurley Margaret, widow of Cornelius, h. Emerald, near Pearl Hurley Michael, laborer, h. Pearl, near Emerald Hurley Timothy, laborer, h. Brookline av. n. Washington Husk Charles, coachman A. W. Blake, Cypress pi. house (88 Chestnut, Boston) Hussey Charles F. h. School, bet. Harvard and Prospect Hussey George F. cashier (B. & Bangor S. S. Co. Lincoln whf. Boston), boards Charles F. Hussey’s, School Hussey John E. A. clerk (53 Devonshire, room 5, Boston), boards C. F. Hussey’s, School [ton, n. Harvard Hutchins Charles A. driver Chase’s express, h» Washing- Hutchins John F. expressman Chase express, h. Thayei ph Hyde George W. clerk, (119 Federal, B.), b. W. J. Hyde’s, Newton Hyde Mary E. Miss, teacher Heath street school, primary department, b. W. J. Hyde’s, Newton, opp, Clyde Hyde Wm. J. vegetable farm, Newton, opp. Clyde, h. do. Hyden John, coachman F. Beck, Davis avenue, boards do. Hyland Julia, widow, h. Boylston, cor. Kerrigan place Hyland Margaret E. Miss, b. Mrs. J. Hyland’s, Boylston

ILG LUCY MRS. widow, b. C. A. Henderson, Brighton Ingalls E. Herbert (Burdett, Young & Ingalls), clothingj (3 Winthrop sq. B.), house Harvard ave. n. Park Irving Jane Miss, boards Old Ladies’ Home, Harvard Irving Mary Miss, boards Old Ladies’ Home, Harvard

JACKSON ANDREW B. steel (Fort Hill sq. B.), house Gorham avenue corner Cypress Jackson Henry B. commission merchant (163 F. Hill sq; Boston), house Gorham ave. corner Cypress Jackson Henry W. (Francis Henshaw & Co.), stock broker (51 State, B.), house Kent near Francis Jagel William, stone mason, h. Boylston n. Kerrigan pi. Jagel William jr. clerk, bds. W. Jagel, Boylston James Albert E. employee B. & M. R. R. (B.), house Washington opp. High James Charles H. (N. N. & C. H. James), leather (17 South, B.), house Waverly place James Florence A. Miss, music teacher, Waverly pi. b. do. JAMES HORACE, mason and builder) 3 Guild block, Washington, house Waverly place

Harvard Square, CURRIER’S DRUG STORE, Opposite Post Office. BROOKLINE [J] DIRECTORY. 77

James Wm. H. clerk (17 South, B.), boards H. James5, Waverly place Jaquith Harley J. (70 Pearl, B.), h. Marion near Beacon Jellison Julia T. Miss, matron Shaw asylum, Cypress cor. Walnut, boards do. Jenks Jos. clerk (Devonshire, B.), b. E. Russell, Pleasant Jenks Martha, widow, boards E. Russell, Pleasant Jenney Alexander S. architect, bds. N. S. Jenney, Walnut Jenney Noah S. (S. Jenney & Co.), oil refiner (2 Central wharf, B.), house Walnut near Cypress Jennings William, laborer, house Emerald near Pearl Jewell J. Arthur, clerk B. C. Chaplin, bds. J. D. Long’s, Washington Jewett Clarence F. (211 Tremont, B.), house Cypress corner Gorham avenue Jewett Corrinna Miss, boards F. A. Jewett’s, Dudley Jewett Francis A. clerk Monroe Felt & Paper Co. (179 Devonshire, B.), house Dudley near Warren JOHNSON BROS. (Patrick and Richard Johnson), masons and contractors, Boylston cor. Washington Johnson Catherine, widow of Richard, house Pearl near Brookline avenue Johnson Felix, stone mason, h. Pearl n. Brookline avenue Johnson Francis H. (F. H. Johnson & Co.), fish, Wash¬ ington, house at Cambridgeport Johnson F. H. & Co. (Francis H, Johnson), fish dealers, Washington opp. Colonnade House, and (114 F. H. market, Boston) Johnson Geo. F. carpenter. Sanpiel Beal, h. Harrison pi. Johnson George H. carpenter. Samuel Beal, boards G. F. Johnson’s, Harrison place Johnson George P. fish dealer* 4 Guild blk. Washington, house Linden place Johnson John, gardener J, C, Abbott, Harvard, bds. do. Johnson John, clerk T, J. Cusick, h. Walter avenue near Morss avenue JOHNSON MICHAEL, Brookline and Boston Express, order box at George F. Joyce & Co.’s, and (38 Broad, B.), hoqse Pearl near Emerald Johnson Patrick, (Johnson Bros.), mason, Boylston corner AYashington, house Harvard near Linden place Johnson Itichard, (Johnson Brothers), mason, Boylston cor. Washington, bds. Mrs. C. Johnson’s, Pearl Johnson’s Express, M. Johnson, proprietor, order boxes at George F. Joyce & Co.’s, Harvard square, and (38 Broad and 24 South Market, Boston) Johnston Leonard F. driver Hose Co. No. 1, h. School near Prospect


Jones Artemas S. house Walnut near Cypress Jones Caroline Miss, h. Davis avenue near Harvard sq. Jones Christopher J. carpenter, boards E, Jones’, Pearl Jones Edward, laborer, house Pearl near Emerald Jones Geo, clerk, C, H, Nichols, b, Edward Jones’, Pearl Jones G, Ripley, clerk (95 Milk, Boston), boards Justin Jones’, Harrison place Jones Jerome (Jones, McDuffee & Stratton), (120 Frank- lin, Boston), house Summit ave. Corey hill Jones Justin, editor and publisher (4 Liberty square, Boston), h, Harrison place off Harvard Jones Luther G. clerk Nelson Bros, boards W. C. Cole¬ man’s, Davis court Jones Moses jr. carpenter, h. Cypress opp. Gorham ave. Jones Susan C, Mrs. house Cypress opp, Gorham avenue Jones Theodore, student (M. I. Tech, B,), boards Jerome Jones’, Summit avenue Jones Thomas J. student, boards E, Jones’, Pearl Jones William R, physician (120 Tremont, B,), h. Davis mansion, Davis avenue Jones Winthrop B. salesman (45 and 47 Eederal, Boston), boards J. Jones’, Harrison place Jordan Katie, widow of Patrick, h. Pearl n, Washington Jowdry John, painter J. H. Boody, Washington, house Boston Highlands Joyce George F. (George E. Joyce & Co.), grocer, Harvard sq. c. Harvard, house Washington, n. Harvard sq. Joyce George F. & Co. (George F. Joyce), grocers, H ar- vard square, corner Harvard Joyce G. Fred, teacher (Wolfboro, N. H.), b, George F, Joyce’s, Washington Joyce John, hostler Met. R. R. b. Thomas Joyce’s, Pearl Joyce Thomas, hostler, Metropolitan R, R, station 13, house Pearl, near Washington

KAISER JAMES, brass finisher, b. W. C. Coleman’s Davis court [Pearl Kane Mary, widow of Patrick, h. Brookline ave, n. opp, Karcher Daniel, waiter, J. Morlock, house Fay place Keany Bernard J. salesman (192 Kneeland, Boston), house Harvard, corner Yernon Keefe Ann, widow of Daniel, house East Carlton, near Chapel station, Longwood Keefe John D. laborer, house East Carlton Keefe Joseph, painter J. H. Boody, house Washington, opposite Guild block • Keegan Thomas, plumber, b. H. J. Graham, Washington WOODWARD & BROWN PIANOS, THE BEST. BROOKLINE CK] DIRECTORY. 79

Keegen John, gardener, C. U. Cotting, Hawes, h. Ridge¬ way Keegen John jr. plumber, house Ridgeway, n. Freeman Keenan George L. book agent, boards Mary A. Keenan’s, White place Keenan Mary A. widow of John M. house 10 White place Keenan Michael, mason, house Boylston, near Washington Keenan Thomas, laborer, h. Boylston, between Washing¬ ton and Cypress [h. do. Keiser Peter, hairdresser, Washington, opp. Guild block, Kelleher Morris, gardener, house Kerrigan place Kelleher Patrick A. printer, Chronicle office, boards Richard Kelleher’s, Sewall [h. do. Kelleher Patrick M. restaurant, Washington, cor Pearl, Kelleher Richard, gardener, house Sewall, near Cypress Kelleher Richard jr. gardener, b, R. Kelleher’s, Sewall Kelleher Thos. jeweler, b. Morris Kelleher’s, Kerrigan pi. Kelleher Thomas, ledgeman, b. R. Kelleher’s, Sewall Kelley Barnard, coachman C. W.Lewis, Harvard av. bds. do* Kelley Carleton F. clerk T. T. Robinson, boards Peter Reiser’s, Washington Kelley Dennis, hostler Reservoir Hotel, bds. do. Kelley James, laborer, boards Patrick Kelley’s, off Pearl Kelley James H. painter M. W. Quinlan, High, corner Boylston, house Boylston, near High Kelley John, laborer, h. Brighton, near Ackers av. Kelley John, coachman, Rev. R. Thomas, Harvard, b. do. Kelley John, coachman Francis Hunnewell, Washington * cor. Beacon, bds. do. Kelley John, laborer, house Chestnut, near Sewall Kelley John, teamster, boards Pi Kelley’s, rear Pearl Kelley John, blacksmith J. F. Burns, house Pearl Kelley John, laborer, house Sewall, near Cypress Kelley John, gardener B. Schlesinger, Warren, bds. do. Kelley Lawrence, laborer, house Sewall place, rear Sewall Kelley Lizzie, widow of Redmond, house Walter avenue, opposite Morss avenue Kelley Mary Miss, teacher Heath street school Kelley Michael, coachman H; S. Burdett, Harvard av. house Brook, cor. Perry Kelley Michael, currier, h. Walter av. near Morss avenue Kelley Michael, teamster, bds. Patrick Kelley’s, off Pearl Kelley Patrick, laborer, house Morss av. near Walter av. Kelley Patrick, laborer, house yard, off Pearl Kelley Paul, laborer, house White place Kelley Thomas, gardener B. Schlesinger, Warren, bds. do. Kelley Thomas, laborer, house Hammond, near Heath KID GLOVES DYED & CLEANSED, AT DELANO’S. n 80 BROOKLINE [K] DIRECTORY.

Kellom Arthur H. clerk Nelson Bros. bds. Mrs. Fairfield's, Colonnade block. Kelly John B. carpenter, h. Boylston, near Kerrigan pi. Kelly Philip, laborer, h. Brookline av. near Boston line Kemp Arthur, house Cypress, opposite Sewall place Kemp Arthur E. salesman, (5 Winthrop sq. B.), boards A. Kemp’s Cypress Kemp Charles E. farmer, b. Arthur Kemp’s, Cypress Kemp Fred. N. boards Arthur Kemp’s, Cypress Kendall Henry A. house Dudley, cor. Fairmount Kendall Henry P. draughtsman, b. H. A. Kendall’s, Dudley Kendall Hugh F. clerk (27 Kilby, room 7, B.), house Cot¬ tage, near Goddard av. Kendall Richard I. boards H. A. Kendall’s, Dudley Kennard Martin P. asst, treas, U. S. Treasury (room 32, P. 0. building, Boston), h. Walnut opp. cemetery Kennedy Mary Miss, house Boylston, near High •Kennedy Michael, coachman, house Pearl Kennedy Patrick, stone-cutter, h. Boylston, n. Kerrigan pi. Kenney Patrick L. coachman J. M. Glidden, Clyde, h. do. Kenrick A. Eugene, (Kenrick Bros.), stoves, tinware, etc. house Aspinwall avenue, near Harvard Kenrick Alfred jr. (Kenrick Bros.), stoves, etc. Washing¬ ton, house Aspinwall avenue, corner Perry Kenrick bros. (Alfred jr. and A. Eugene Kenrick), stoves, tin ware, etc, Washington, opposite Colonnade building [ington Kenrick David A. carpenter, house Delano block, Wash- Kenrick M. Frank, plumber, Kenrick Bros. Washington, house McDonald’s block, 6 Linden place court Keough Robert, coachman, Mrs. E. P. Salisbury’s, Cypress, boards do. Kerrigan Michael, laborer, h. Houlihan aVe. off Boylston Key Addison W. clerk, P. Edwards & Son, chapel station boards at Forest Hills Key Freeman L. clerk, P. Edwards & Son, Chapel station, boards at Forest Hills Kickham Clarence, carpenter, Cypress, n. Chestnut place Kilduff Mary, widow, house White place Kiley Elizabeth, widow, house Walter avenue, near Flora Kiley Michael, laborer, house Pearl [lands Kiley Robert, blacksmith, T. Nagle, b* at Boston High- Killian William, gardener S. Williams, Washington, b. do* Kilnan Fanny, widow of John, h. Pearl, n. Brookline ave. Kimball Arthur W. clerk (19 High, Boston), boards Mrs* E. Hunt’s, Boylston Kimball Moses, Boston Museum (28 Tremont, B.), house Kent, corner Longwood avenue

UfADDm G OIIDDirD APOTHECARY, Harvard Square, TV Annul Ul UUnnlCnj Brookline, Mass. BROOKLINE [JJ DIRECTORY. 81

Kindergarten and Day Nursery, Washington, cor. Walter avenue King Catherine, widow of Felix, house East Carlton, near Chapel station, Longwood King Janies, gardener, H, Y. Poor, house Washington, near the bridge Kingman A. Augustus, printer, Nat, Hist. bldg. (Berkeley, corner Boylston, B.), house Park, junc. Webster and Beacon Kingman Abner Mrs. house Edge Hill road Kingman Bradford, lawyer, (383 Washington, room 30, B.), h. Washington, opposite public library Kingman Martin, house Washington, corner Thayer Kingsbury Mary E. Miss, teacher Harvard school, house Holden, opposite Town hall [do. Kingston James, coachman, W. B. Thompson, Summit, b. Kirk John W. carpenter, Boylston, near Cypress, h. do. Kirk Joseph M. carpenter, B. W. Neal, rooms James W. Horton’s, Walnut Kirk Patrick, laborer, boards M. Kennedy’s, Pearl Knaf Conrad, screen-maker (Am. W. Screen Co,), house Boylston, near Washington [cor. Tappan Knapp Eugene B. wool (155 Franklin, B.), house Beacon, Kneeland John, laborer, house Juniper, near Morss ave. Knight Albert M. pres. Baw Hide Mnfg, Co. (167 Tre- mont, B.), house Davis Mansion, Davis avenue Knox Delia A. Mrs. dressmaker, h. School, near Harvard Knowlton William, h, Davis Mansion, suite C., Davis ave, Koch John (American Screen Co.), Washington, opposite Town hall, house do. Koch John jr. (American Screen Co.), Washington, opp. Town hall, house do. [Washington Koch Theodore (American Screen Co.), bds. John Koch’s,

LACY JOHN, laborer, house Juniper, near Flora Lahey Daniel, coachman, B. Schlesinger, Warren, bds. do, Lahey John, blacksmith, B. Woodward, Washington, h. Boylston, near Kerrigan place Lahey Michael, laborer, h. r. Boylston, n. Kerrigan place Lahaff Margaret, widow of John, h. Boylston, n. Houli¬ han avenue Lahaff Michael, laborer, h. Boylston, n. Houlihan avenue LAIG-HTON JAMES A. (Palmer, Bachelder & Co.), jeweler (394 Washington, Boston), house Davis avenue, near Harvard square Laighton William B. clerk (26 High, B.), bds. James A. Laighton’s, Davis avenue


Lalley John, gardener, J. M. Glidden, Clyde, boards do. Lally Catherine, widow of Patrick, house Brookline ave. near Washington Lally Michael, coachman, H. V. Poor, Walnut, boards do. Lally Patrick, laborer, house Pearl, near Emerald Lally Patrick, laborer, house Pearl, near Washington LAMB CHAS. F. dry, fancy and gents’ furnish¬ ing goods, Colonnade building, Washington, n. Har¬ vard square, boards Colonnade House Lamb Henry W. Spiral Tubing Co. (250 Charles, B.), bds. Mrs. Elizabeth Lamb’s, High Lamb Mary, widow of Lawrence, h. Pearl, near Brook¬ line avenue [Hill road Lamb Elizabeth, widow of Salem T. h. High, n. Edge Landers James, house High [Walnut ph, off Walnut Lane Mary E. widow of Calvin, boards G. M. Towle’s, Lane Paul clerk Colonnade House, boards do. Lane Walter L. (F. A. Leigh & Co.), (40 Water, Boston), house 3 Monmouth court, Chapel station Langdon Henry G. coachman Joseph H. White, Boylston, house do. [Davis ct, Langley George W. carpenter, boards W. C. Coleman’s Langley Mary A. Mrs. b. Old Ladies’ Home, Harvard Lanman M. Alice, assistant librarian, Public Library, bds, 0. Verney, Washington Lannan John, laborer Brookline Gas Light Co. house Brookline avenue, near Emerald Laprie August, bricklayer, house Juniper, near Walter av, Larkin Mary A. widow of Patrick, h. Juniper, n. Flora Larkin Patrick, laborer, house Pearl, between Washingtou and Emerald Larkin Thomas, laborer, house Juniper, corner Flora Latmair Andrew, farmer J. W. Beals, Boylston, bds. do, Laughton Frances E. D. Miss, h Walnut, opp. Elm place Laughton Mary Miss, house Walnut opp. Elm place Laule Gustave S. shoemaker, C, C, Chaplin, Colonnade block, house at Boston Highlands Lawrence Amos A. (Lawrence & Co.), merchant (68 Chauncy, Boston), house Prescott, corner Ivy Lawrence Francis W. house Ivy, near Carlton Lawrence Justin, house Harvard, near Auburn Lawrence William, B. h. Carlton, cor. Ivy, Chapel station Learnard Sarah E. widow of Daniel S. boards H. W, Burgett’s, Francis Leavitt Charles, boards Jacob Dashuck’s, Washington Leckie Charles D. prop. The Hawthorne, Harvard, near Boston line, boards do. E8TASSHEB WOODWARD & BROWN PIANOS. BROOKLINE [Jj] DIRECTORY. 83

Leland J. D. house 9 Monmouth court, Chapel station Lee Sing, laundry, Washington, near High, house do. Lemis John, coachman, boards Michael Lemis’, Freeman Lemis Michael, gardener, C, W. Amory, Powell, house . Freeman, near Babcock Lemner Charles, carpenter, Boylston, n. Kerrigan place Lennon William, organ-maker, house Juniper, n. Flora Leonard Fernando A. foreman (40 Lincoln, B.), h. Searle avenue Leonard Francis 0. (40 Lincoln, B.), h, Searle avenue Leonard Hannah M. widow of Jacob, house Searle av. Leonard William G. pastor M. E. Church, Cypress, house 232 Dudley, Boston Highlands Lewis Charles W. lumber corn, mer. (77 State, B.), house Harvard avenue, near Harvard Lewis Emma T. Mrs. teacher Boylston street school, bds. F. 0, Leonard’s, Searle avenue Libby Laura N. widow of Hezekiah, h. Prospect avenue, near Summit avenue [gas house Liddy Eliza, widow of Patrick, h. rear Washington, near Liddy James, laborer, h. Boylston, near Kerrigan place Liddy John laborer, gas works, h. Pearl, n. Brookline av. Lincoln Albert L. house Harvard, cor. Webster place Lincoln Albert L. jr. lawyer (209 Washington, room 30, B.), house Cypress place, near Cypress Lincoln Charles D., water register and clerk of selectmen, house Davis avenue Lincoln Edwin H. (Aspinwall & Lincoln) civil engineer, (7 Exchange pi. room 48, B.), house Harvard, near Webster place Lincoln Charlotte A. L. widow of Henry, h. Dudley n. Kent LINCOLN WM. (Wm. Lincoln & Son), real estate and insurance agent (41 Devonshire, B.), and chair¬ man board of assessors, h. Cypress place LINCOLN WM. & SON (Wm. and Wm. E. Lin¬ coln), real estate and insurance agenfs, office at Savings Bank, Colonnade bldg, and (41 Deyonshire, B.) LINCOLN WM. E. (Wm. Lincoln & Son), real estate and insurance agent, Colonnade building and (41 Devonshire, B.), also sec. and treas.* Brookline Savings Bank, house Cypress place LINCOLN WILLIAM H. (Thayer & Lincoln), shipping merchant (114 State, B.), house Dudley, corner Kent, Longwood Linscott William, laborer, h. Chestnut, near Cypress Littell Kobert S. (Littell & Co.), publisher (31 Bedford, B.), house Alton, near Harvard


Little Susan G. Miss, h. Alton, bet. Harvard and St. Paul Little Frank Ernest, clerk, (72 Franklin, B,) bds. J. A, Little’s Prospect Little Henry A. express driver, b. J, A. Little’s, Prospect Little James L. jr. (James L, Little & Co.), com. mer, (160 Congress, B.), bouse Goddard ave, cor. Cottage Little Joshua A. mason, house Prospect n, Washington Littler Geo. compositor, Chronicle office, h, Kerrigan pi, Loday Timothy, laborer, house Pearl corner Emerald Logan Gilbert, wire maker, Cottage Farm, house Ridge* way near Freeman Logan James, gardener Miss S. G, Littell, Alton place, house Brook corner Perry Long Eliza L. clerk M. L. Swift, Harvard square, boards J. D. Long’s, Washington Long Garrett, gardener, house Newton near Pond, at Boston line Long Harry Y. stock broker (51 State, room D, Boston), house Tappan near Beacon Long Ivory A. carpenter, (108 E. Dedham, B,), house School opposite Prospect Long Jeremiah, gardener, bds. Garrett Long’s, Newton Long John A. pressman Investigator office (Appleton., Boston), boards Garrett Long’s, Newton Long, John H. clerk, (Post Office, B.) bds. J. D, Long’s, Washington, opposite Public library Long Jonathan D. sexton Baptist church, h. Washington, opposite Public library [Washington Long Joseph M. student (Cambridge), bds. J. D. Long’s, Long Maria Mrs. bds. Jas. Scott, Sewall Long William E. starter Metropolitan R. R. station, bds, J. D. Long’s Washington Lord George A. engineer, (Boston University, B.), h. Lin¬ den place Loring Emma L. h. off Walnut, bet. Chestnut and Warren Loring Fannie L. Miss, music teacher, h. off Walnut, between Chestnut and Warren Loring Thatcher, President N. D. & W. Co. (22 Central B.), house Irving, cor. Walley Love James, milkman, house Ackers av. near Brighton Lovell George, farmer, b. Mrs. Mary Lovell’s, Washington Lovell Mary, widow of John, h. Washington, n. Boston line, Brighton district [ington Lovell Richard S. farmer, bds. Mrs. Mary Lovell’s, Wash- Loveli, Wm. J., vegetable farmer, Washington, near Boston line, Brighton district, boards do. Lovering James C., (226 Washington, B.), house Davis av, opposite Thayer

Harvard Square, CURRIER’S DRUG STORE, Opposite Post Office. BROOKLINE fjj] DIRECTORY. 85

Lowell Augustus, treas. Boott cotton mills, (60 State B.), house Warren, corner Heath Lowell Percival (60 State Boston), boards A. Lowell’s, Warren, corner Heath Lowry Margaret Mrs. house Juniper, corner Flora Lucas Patrick (Lucas & Maher), carriage manufacturer, house Washington, opposite Pearl LUCAS & MAHER, (Patrick Lucas and James H. Maher), carriage manufacturers, Washington, opp. Pearl [near Kent Lundberg Gustaf, iron, (38 Kilby, B,), house Colchester, Lunney Charles^ floorman M. Goodspeed, boards Mrs. M, A, Lunney’s, Andem place [Emerald Lunney Charles, plumber (B.) boards James Lunney’s, Lunney James, laborer, house Emerald, near Pearl Lunney John, gardener E. I. Thomas, Harvard avenue, house Fay place Lunney John, painter J. B. Hand, house Fay place Lunney Mary A. widow of Wm. h. Andem place, near Washington Lunney James, hostler, boards Fay place Lunney Patrick, laborer, h. Ackers avenue Lunney Wm. clerk (114 Faneuil Hall Market, B.), boards Mary A* Lunney’s, Andem place Lyford Nathaniel, house Vernon, near Harvard Lynan Charles W, concreter, boards Mrs. M, Bracket’s, Washington Lyman Theodore, house Heath, near Warren Lynch Bridget, widow1 of Cornelius, h. Heath, cor. Oak Lynch Cornelius, conductor Metropolitan R. R. boards E. Morse, Walnut Lynch David, painter, h< Boylston, near High Lynch Deglan, ledgeman, h. Emerald, near Brookline av. Lynch Ellen, widow of John, h. Pearl, near Washington Lynch James, brick layer, boards M. Lynch’s Morss av. Lynch James J. grocer, Brookline av. corner Emerald Lynch James J. laborer, boards Mrs. E. Lynch’s, Pearl Lynch John, laborer, house Morss av. cor. Walter av. Lynch Mary Mrs. h. Brookline avenue, n. Pearl [do. Lynch Michael, coachman W. I. Bowditch, Tappan h. opp. Lynch Michael, coachman, h. Cypress, opp. Sewall place Lynch Michael, laborer, house Morss av. opp. Juniper Lynch Michael jr. laborer bds. M. Lynch’s, Morss avenue Lynch Owen, stone layer, house Brookline av. near Pearl Lynch Patrick, driver Metropolitan R. R. bds. Michael Lynch’s, Morss av. Lynch Patrick, laborer, bds. Mrs. Ellen Lynch’s, Pearl


Lynn Samuel, laborer, house Juniper, near Flora Lyon Levi T. carpenter, h. Thayer pi. opp. Town hall Lyons Janies P. baker 2 Guild block, house Flora Lyons John, ledgeman, bds. Patrick Lyons’, Sewall place Lyons John E. painter J. B. Hand, h, Morss av. n. Juniper Lyons Joseph W. mason, house Morss aw n. Walter av, Lyons Patrick, laborer, house Sewall place, n. Cypress Lyons Thomas, plumber, bds. Patrick Lyons’, Sewall place

MACALLISTER R. MRS. house Walnut cor. Chestnut MacDonald Claude A. groceries and provisons, Wash, cor.) Walter, and Washington, n. Lyceum hall, h. do. MacDonald Elizabeth, h. Washington n. Walter avenue MacDonald Roderick, clerk Hogg, Brown & Taylor, (477“ Washington, B.), h. Prospect, n. Washington MacDonald William, clerk, bds. Elizabeth MacDonald, Washington [Whyte block, Walnut Mackenzie Samuel, painter and glazier, Fay place, house Mackey Bridget, widow of John, h; Brookline av. oppo¬ site Emerald Mackey John, laborer, h. Brookline av. opp. Emerald Madden Daniel, laborer, b. John Madden’s, Brookline av. Madden Daniel, laborer Holyhood cemetery, h. Oak place Madden Daniel, jr. boards Daniel Madden’s, Oak place Madden John, laborer, Brookline Gas works, h. Brookline avenue, near Emerald Madden Mary, widow, house Juniper, near Flora Maddick John, painter, J. H. Boody, h. Washington, n* opposite Pond av. Madore Joseph, carriage smith and horse shoer, Boylston, near Kerrigan place, house Boylston, between Wash¬ ington and Cypress Magee William, gardener, D. S. Coolidge, Harvard, b. do.- Maguire Daniel, laborer Holyhood cemetery, boards Tf Maguire’s, Heath Maguire Terrence, laborer, house Heath, near Hammond Maguire John, carpenter, h. Walter av. n. Morss av. Mahan Bridget, widow, house Chestnut n. Sewall Mahan Ella Miss, clerk, C. F. Lamb, bds. Thayer place Mahan George, carpenter, bds. M. Mahan’s, Thayer placd Mahan James, carpenter, house Juniper near Flora Mahan James F. bds, M. Mahan’s Thayer place Mahan Michael carpenter and builder, Walter avenue, opp. Morss avenue, house Thayer place Mahan Thomas carpenter M. Mahan, Walter avenue, bds. M. Mahan’s, Thayer place Mahon Thomas painter, M. W. Quinlan, b. (at B. H.) WOODWARD & BROWN PIANOS, THE BEST. BROOKLINE [JJ] DIRECTORY. 87

Mahan Thomas, gardener, h. Boylston n. Kerrigan pi. Mahan William H. carpenter, bds. Morlock’s Hotel Maher James H. (Lucas & Maher), carriage maker, Wash¬ ington, opp. Pearl, house Washington opp. Pearl MAHON THOMAS, plumber, Washington, on the bridge, house Juniper, near Flora Mahoney Bartholomew, laborer, house Pearl Mahoney Daniel, inspector, (Custom House, Boston) house Thayer place Mahoney David, laborer, b. Patrick Mahoney’s, Brighton Mahoney Dennis, laborer, house Pearl, near Emerald Mahoney Joanna, widow of Daniel, house rear Harvard opposite Harvard avenue Mahoney John laborer, house Hammond, near Heath Mahoney John J. painter, house Freeman, between Plea¬ sant and Babcock Mahoney Mary, widow of Dennis, house Fay place, oft Washington Mahoney Michael, laborer, house Pearl, near Emerald Mahoney Patrick, laborer, h. Brighton n. Ackers avenue Mahoney Thomas, laborer, bds. B. Mahoney, Pearl Malanney Patrick, farmer L. Cabot Warren, b. T. Hartigan Brighton Malone Bernard, laborer, h. Summer, near Washington Malone John, carpenter, boards B. Malone, Summer Malone M. E. Miss, teacher Pierce School, bds. Walnut Malone Thomas J. coppersmith, house White place Maloney Bridget wid. of Hugh, milk dealer, h. off Pearl Maloney Jas. laborer, house Pearl, between Emerald and W ashington Maloney James, plasterer, house Chestnut, near Cypress Maloney John, painter, h. School near Harvard Maloney John, herdsman, bds. Bridget Moloney, Pearl Maloney Michael J. driver M. B. B. h. Pearl n. Emerald Maloney Patrick, farmer, b. Mrs. B. Maloney’s, off Pearl Maloney Thomas, laborer, h. Walter avenue, n. Flora Maloney William, painter, bds. James Maloney’s, Pearl Maney John, gardener, h. Harvard, n. Linden place Maney John A. driver, bds. Donner, Boston Highlands Maney John F. clerk F. H. Bacon, boards John Maney’s, Harvard Mangan Jane, widow of Thomas, house Pearl, between Washington and Emerald Mangan John, laborer, bds. Jane Mangan, Pearl Manley Alden A. police, house Harrison place Manley Herbert, gardener, Geo. F. Andrews, Boylston, boards do. KID GLOVES DYED & CLEANSED AT DELANO’S, 12 88 BROOKLINE [J[] DIRECTORY.

Manley Michael P. carpenter, h. P>oylston, n. Houlihan av. Manning C. P. Miss, teacher Pierce School, boards Miss M. *P. Alden’s, Harrison place Marcyes Nathaniel F. painter, house Brookline avenue opposite Emerald Margeson Milton, carpenter, W. H. Bowker, Washington, house at Boston Highlands Marshall John K. (143 Milk, B.) h. Winchester n. Beacon Marston Edward C. student, b. Edw. 0. Marston, Boylston Marston Edwin 0. cabinet maker E. S. Bitchie & Sons, house Boylston, between Cypress and High Marston Geo. F. police, house 5 Linden place court Marston Jessie H. at public library, bds. E. 0. Marston’s, Boylston Martin Collins, coachman W. B. Strong, Park, bds. do. Martin Wilhelmenia, milliner and dressmaker, Washing¬ ton, n. Harvard sq. house do. Martin Thomas, laborer, house Cypress cor. Sewall Marvin William T. B. (T. B. Marvin & Son), printer, (49 Federal, Boston), house Harvard, corner Harvard av. Mason Alan G. student, (Harvard College, Cambridge), boards Henry Mason’s, Harvard Mason Albert, (Judge Superior Court, Court House, B.), house Summit avenue, Corey hill Mason Edward, mason, house Walter ave. near Flora Mason Edward P. clerk Mason & Hamlin Organ and Piano Co. (154 Tremont, B.), boards Henry Mason’s, Harvard Mason Geo. W. clerk T. T. Mason, boards T. T. Mason’s, Harrison place [Mason’s, Harvard Mason Harry L. student, (Exeter, N. H.), boards Henry Mason Henry, treasurer of the Mason & Hamlin Organ and Piano Co. (154 Tremont, B.), h. Harvard c. Green Mason John W. law student, b. Albert Mason, Summit av. Mason Marvin, hack driver, house Elm place [son place Mason M. E. Miss, music teacher, b. T. T. Mason, Harri- Mason Thomas T. furniture, upholsterer, etc., Harvard square, house Harrison place Mason Wm. bricklayer, house Pearl near Emerald Massey James, coachman, house Juniper near Flora Masury John W. confectioner F. E. Hankey, Harvard square, boards do. [ington, house do. Mathews Ashael G. pianoforte tuner, School near Wash- Mattey Edward, coachman Mrs. F. Cabot, Edge Hill road, boards do. [Vernon near Park May George W. stockbroker (76 Devonshire, B.), house May George, butler B. C. Winthrop, Warren, b. at Boston ■ *-——--- lA/ADDri] 0 PIIDDIKTD APOTHECARY, Harvard Square, 9VMnriLil I3i UUnnlLllj Brookline, Mass. BROOKLINE [J{] DIRECTORY. 89

Maynard Charles H. (Linder & Meyer), commission mer. (21 Pearl, B.), h. Francis n. Kent, Longwood station Me Adam James, carpenter, house Juniper n. Morss av. McAdams James, carpenter, h. Flora cor. Walter ave. McAdams Joseph, mason, boards James McAdams, Flora McAdams Joseph, laborer, h. Kerrigan place c. Boylston Me Andrew James, stone cutter, b. T. Lunney, Acker’s av. McAndrew Thomas, stone-cutter, T. Lunney, Acker’s av. McAvoy Edward, clerk J. Rooney, Harvard square, boards P. McAvoy’s, White place McAvoy Patrick, farmer, house White place McBurney James, watering carts, h. Pleasant c. Freeman McBurney Jas. jr. coachman Henry Mason, Harvard, b. do. McBurney Rose, wid. of Chas. h. “ Southwood,” Warren McBurney Win. boards James McBurney’s, Pleasant McCaffrey Hugh, carpenter, house Brookline opp. Pearl McCaffrey James, farmer, Geo. Dexter, Egmont, house Ridgeway near Freeman McCafferty Patrick, farm hand A. T. Brown, South corner Grove, boards do. McCann Samuel, laborer, h. Walter ave. near Flora McCarthy Catherine Miss, h. Boylston n. Kerrigan place McCarthy Daniel, laborer, house rear Pearl opp. Emerald McCarthy David, attendant B. W. Works, gate house, Walnut corner Boylston, h. Brighton n. Acker’s ave. McCarthy John, coachman, h. Boylston n. Kerrigan place McCarthy John, laborer, house Pearl near Emerald McCarthy John, coachman FT. P. Hamlen, b. do. Warren McCarthy John, laborer, house Pearl corner Emerald McCarthy Julia, Mrs. h. Walter ave. opp. Morss avenue McCarthy Patrick, laborer, h. Pearl n. Brookline avenue McCarthy Peter, coachman, h. Cypress near Chestnut pi. McCarty Andrew J. harness maker M. W. Quinlan, Boyls¬ ton corner High, house B. H. McCarty Michael, carpenter, b. Walter av. opp. Morss av. MCCARTY PATRICK, general express and job¬ bing, h. Boylston near Kerrigan place McCauley Thomas, coachman, Chas. Storrow, Higq, b. do. McCauley Richard, Mrs. h. Morss av. near Walter ave. McCausland Charles B. sergeant of police, house Aspin- wall avenue near Harvard McClure David, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Washing¬ ton opp. Guild block, h. 2 Linden place court McClure Newell W. (Dewing & McClure), mason (35 Hawley, B.), and 5 Guild block, Washington, house School near Prospect McGlure William J. clerk Stett, Trousdale & Co. boards Linden place.

on a i nun iiinnn peirce & richards, IfUAL ANU Wllulil Washington St., opp. Horse Car Stables 90 BROOKLINE [I] DIRECTORY.

McCollough Elizabeth Miss, bookkeeper, 1 Guild block, house at Boston McCord Annie Miss, house Harvard cor. Harvard place McCormack Augustine E. clerk, (Charlestown), bds. John M. McCormack’s, Boylston McCormack James, varnisher, h. Hammond near Heath McCormack John M. house Boylston n. Kerrigan place McCormack John J. night inspector (Custom House, B.), house Chestnut near High McCormack Patrick, laborer, house Pearl n. Washington McCourt Francis, clerk J. Rooney, bds. do. Harrison pi. McCue Patrick, laborer, house Acker’s av. near Brighton McCue Thomas, contractor, Acker’s av. n.‘Brighton, h. do. McCullough Alexander, farmer and milkman, house High near Ward McCullough Samuel, gardener A. W. Benton, Marion, house School near Harvard McCullough Thomas, house Washington opp. Walnut ave. McDavitt Daniel P. hairdresser J. C. Barthelmes, boards P. McDavitt’s, Linden place court McDavitt John J. plumber (B.), house White place McDavitt Patrick, coachman M. C. Ferris, house 7 Linden place court McDermott Bernard, gardener Mrs. R. C. Winthrop, War¬ ren, house Boylston near Kerrigan place McDermott Bernard H. boards B. McDermott’s, Boylston near Kerrigan place McDevitt John, plumber Kenrick Bros, house White place McDonald Archibald E. physician (34 Parmenter, B.), house Linden place McDonald Barney, laborer, house Sewall place McDonald Charles F. dentist (266 Tremont, B.), boards A. E. McDonald’s, Linden place McDonald James, gardener J. P. Bancroft, Cypress place, boards do. McDonald Raymond A. music teacher, Linden pi. bds. do. McDonald Rufus *C. physician, boards Dr. A. E. McDon¬ ald’s, Linden place McDonough Mary, widow of Joseph, house Boylston between Washington and Cypress McDonough M. E. Miss, dressmaker, Boylston near Wash¬ ington, house do. McElroy Robert, janitor John Panter, h. Andem place McGarrell John, butler J. L. Gardner, Warren, boards do. McGarry Patrick, laborer, house Flora McGarry Thomas J. junk dealer, Brookline avenue, house Villa lane corner Washington


McGee George, laborer, h. Kerrigan place off Boylston McGee Thomas, lamp-lighter, house Flora McGinness Angus, carpenter, house Juniper cor. Flora McGivney Jas. H. molder, b. Margaret Riley’s, Boylston McGonagle Richard, gas fitter, house Juniper near Flora McGowan Ellen, widow, h. Brookline ay. n. Washington McGrady Michael, laborer, house Reservoir place near Boston line, Brighton district McGrath James, laborer Brookline Gas Works, house Pearl near Emerald McGrath James, plumber Kenrick Bros., Washington, boards Mrs. M. McGrath’s, Pearl McGrath John, painter, boards Mrs. M. McGrath’s, Pearl McGrath Mary, widow of Patrick, bds. Thomas Quinlan jr.’s, Walnut McGrath Mary, widow of Terrence, house Pearl McGrath Patrick, clerk George P. Johnson, Washington, house Boylston near Washington McGrath Terrence, electrician, b. Mary McGrath’s, Pearl McGrath Thomas, time keeper, (B.), boards Mrs. Mary

MC GREG OK JAMES, gardener and florist, Ridge¬ way near Freeman, house do. McGreil Michael, laborer, house Boylston opp. Pound McGuire Daniel, blacksmith D. Carroll, Hammond, house Heath McGuire John, coachman H. S. Chase, Alton pi. house School near Harvard Mclnerney Daniel, laborer, b. Jas. Mclnerney’s, Chestnut Mclnerney James, laborer, house Chestnut near Cypress Mclnerney John, laborer, house Chestnut near Sewall McIntosh Frank H. flagman B. & A. R. R. house Whyte’s block, Walnut McIntosh J. T. carpenter, boards Geo. Harvey; Harvard McKeeman Lizzie Miss, house White place McKenney Jos. teamster, h. East Carlton, Chapel station McKenzie E. J. teacher Pierce school, bds. Mrs. Winches-r ter’s, Harvard McKenzie Daniel, carpenter, house School near Harvard McKeon George, laborer, h. Brookline av. opp. Emerald McLaughlin Owen, laborer Holyhood cemetery, house Hammond near Heath McMahan Bridget, widow of Daniel, hon.se Washington opposite Pond avenue McMahan Martin Mrs. h. rear Washington near gas house McMahan James, laborer Brookline Gas Light Co. house rear Pearl, near Emerald


McMahan John, coachman, house Chestnut, cor. Sewall McMahan Patrick, clerk Cooliclge & Bro. boards Thomas McMahan’s, Kerrigan place McMahan Thomas, laborer, h. Kerrigan pi. r. Bojdston McMahan Thomas F. clerk F. H. Bacon, Guild block, bds. Thomas McMahan’s, Kerrigan place McMahon John B. clerk C. A. McDonald, Washington, n. Lycfeum hall, house at Boston Highlands McManus Bridget, wid. of Patrick, h. Villa Lane, n. Pond avenue McManus Patrick, laborer, house Newton, near Pond at Boston line McNamara Ann, wid. of Michael, h. Walter av. cor. Flora McNamara Daniel, laborer, h. Boylston, above Cypress McNamara Dennis, laborer, boards Margaret McNamara’s, Brookline avenue McNamara Frank, plumber, b. Jas. McNamara, Boylston McNamara James, farmer Moses Williams jr. Walnut, house Boylston McNamara John, laborer, house Emerald, opp. Pearl McNamara John, shoemaker C. C. Chaplain, bds. John Lynch’s, Brookline ave. McNamara John P. plasterer, bds. Margaret McNamara’s, Brookline avenue McNamara Margaret, widow of John, h. Brookline ave. near Washington McNamara Michael, foreman W. B. Chaplin, Beacon, b. do. McNamara Michael J. gasfitter, h. Brookline ave. corner Washington McNamara Patrick, laborer, h. r. Brookline av. n. Pearl McNamara Patrick, helper, bds. Daniel McNamara’s, Boylston McNamara Thomas, laborer, house Brookline avenue, corner Washington McNamara Thomas, laborer, h. Boylston, n. Houlihan av. McNeilley Matthew, coachman I. j). White, Beacon, bds. do. McNeilley Matthew, sexton Harvard church, Harvard, cor. Park, house Washington, near Park McNeilly Bobert, gardener Miss L. T. Bice, Park, bds. do. McNeilly Samuel, coachman H, L. Chase, house Fay pi. McNulty John, laborer, house Boylston, cor. Hammond McShane John, tailor, Washington, opp. Villa lane, h. do. McQuade Elizabeth, widow, h. School, near Harvard Mead Morris, coachman L. K. Storrs, Walnut, h. Linden pi. Meade William, coachman, h. Walter av. near Flora Mealy Edward, laborer, li. Kerrigan place

Harvard Square, CURRIER’S DRU6 STORE, Opposite Post Office. BROOKLINE [1{] DIRECTORY. 93

Mealy Edward, plumber, boards Mary Mealey’s, Boylston Mealy Edward jr. police, b. Edw. Mealey’s Kerrigan pi. Mealy Edward J. student, boards J. Mealy’s, Chestnut Mealy Francis, jobber, h. Sewall place Mealy Honora, widow of Edward, house KerriganX place Mealy John, laborer, house Chestnut, near Sewall Mealy Mary, wid of Michael, h. Boylston, n. school-house Meany Daniel, laborer, h. Cypress, cor. Chestnut Meany Michael, laborer, house off Pearl, near Emerald Meany William, laborer, house off Pearl, near Emerald Mee George, weaver, h. Boylston, near Washington Mee Patrick, coachman T. C. Brown, Boylston, bds. do. Meehan Bernard W. laborer, b. Dennis Meehan’s, Brighton Meehan Dennis, laborer, h. Brighton, n. Ackers avenue Meehan Thomas, laborer, h. Sewall near Cypress Melcher Geo. S. electrician (71 Sudbury, B.) b. W. K. Melcher’s, Linden place Melcher Maria Miss, dressmaker, Linden place, boards W. K. Melcher’s do. Melcher Wm. K. carpenter and builder, h. Linden place Melcher William K. jr. clerk Jordan, Marsh & Co. (38 Avon, B.), b. W. K. Melcher’s, Linden place Mellen Charles, stevedore, h. Washington, near Gas house Mellen George M. bds. T. T. Mason, Harrison place Melvin Clarence L. carpenter, h. Chace blk. Washington Meredith Francis, wid. of Samuel, h. 2 Hawes n. Chapel station Meredith j. morris, real estate and mortgages (4 Exchange place, room 1, B.), boards 2 Hawes, Chapel station Merritt Anna B. Mrs. b. A. B. Smyth’s, Francis n. Perry Messenger Ezekiel, carpenter J. L. Little jr. h. Harvard pi. Messenger Frazier, clerk W. Finney, Harvard, boards E. Messenger, Harvard place Metcalf Theodore (Theodore Metcalf & Co.), apothecary (39 Tremont, B.) h. Dummer, cor. St. Paul Miles Charles E. (B.), house Vernon, near Park Miles Jonas M. lawyer (23 Court, B.), boards H. James, Waverly place Miley Daniel, wood carver, h. Washington, opp. Guild bl’k Miley Mary, widow of James, li. East Carlton, n. Chapel station, Longwood Miller Elizabeth M. widow of Wm. h. Clyde, n. Warren Milliken Abel, laborer, h. Reservoir pi. near Boston line Mills Arthur, general freight agent, (B. & A. B. B., Bos¬ ton), house Irving near Walnut Minihan Daniel, laborer, house rear Pearl near Emerald

TEAS, Etc. PEIRCE & RICHARDS, Washington St., opp. Horse Car StahJes. 94 BROOKLINE [JJJ DIRECTORY.

Minehan John, laborer, house Sewall corner Cypress Mink Oliver W. asst. Treasurer U. P. R. R. (44 Equitable bldg. Devonshire, B.), h. Davis ave. opp. Thayer Miskell John, farm-hand Mrs. Samuel Cabot, boards do. Miskell-John, laborer, h. Fairmount opp. the reservoir Miskell Michael, laborer, house Fairmount Miskell Patrick, plumber T. Mahon, bds. John Miskell’s, Fairmount Miskell Thomas, foreman Mrs. Samuel Cabot, house Clyde near Warren Miskell Timothy, laborer, boards M. MiskelPs, Fairmount Miskell Timothy, hostler, Country club, boards do. Miskell William, helper J. F. Burns, boards M. MiskelPs, Fairmount Missett Thomas, laborer, house off Pearl near R. R. Missert John, laborer, h. Brookline av. near Washington Mitchell John G. tailor (B.), h. Gardner road n. Tappan Mitchell Mary, widow, h. Boylston near W ashington Mitchell Michael, laborer, h. Boylston near Washington Mitchell Patrick, painter B. F. Baker, bds. Mrs. Kelley’s, Walter avenue Mitchell Rosser, coachman, house Andem place Monks Frank H. treas. Herdic Coa^h Co. (35 Congress, Boston), house Monmouth corner Carlton Mooney John, laborer, h. Brookline ave. opp. Emerald Mooney Margaret, widow of Luke, h. Reservoir place Moore Emory B. receiving teller First National Bank (17 State, Boston), house Kent near Longwood avenue Moore Daniel, tinsmith Kenrick Bros., Washington, house at Cambridge. Moore John, vegetable peddler, boards Patrick Moore’s, Washington Moore John, laborer, boards M. Ahearn, Pearl Moore Patrick, vegetable peddler, h. Washington n. Pearl Moore Wm. D. painter J. H. Boody, house Aspinwall av. opposite St. Paul Moore William H. laborer, h. Kerrigan pi. off Boylston Moran Edward, laborer, house Sewall near Cypress Moran Lawrence, laborer, li. Houlihan ave. off Boylston Moran Mary, widow of Thomas, house Emerald near Brookline avenue Moran Michael, farm hand Dr. Walter Channing, Boylston, house Boylston near Reservoir place Moran William, laborer, boards Lawrence Moran’s, Houlihan avenue Morlock Frederick, clerk J. Morlock, house Fay place MORLOCK JACOB, proprietor Morlock’s hotel, and baker, Washington opp. Walnut, house do. WOODWARD & BROWN PIANOS, THE BEST. BROOKLINE [Jf] DIRECTORY. 95

Morlock’s Hotel, Jacob Morlock, proprietor, Washington opposite Walnut Morrill David B. vegetable farmer, Harvard, on Boston line, at Brighton, house do. Morris Lawrence J. Rev. pastor St. Mary’s R. C. church, Harvard cor. Linden place, h. Linden pi. n. Harvard Morrissey John, shoemaker, Brookline ave. near Boston line, house do. Morrissey John, laborer, h. Juniper near Flora Morrissey Patrick, coachman E. R. Knapp, Beacon, b. do. Morrissey Thomas, laborer, house Sewall near Cypress Morrisson Wm. D. janitor public library, h. Boylston opp. schoolhouse Morrow Alexander, teamster T. T. Robinson, h. White pi. .Morrow William, gardener, h. Linden place near Brook Morse Charles W. watch maker and jeweller, Harvard square, house Prospect near Washington Morse Eben, driver Metropolitan R. R. station 13, house Walnut cor. Washington Morse Edward W. clerk, (113 Devonshire, Boston), house Harvey corner Irving Morse Eugene S. clerk (139 Cross, Boston), boards Joshua A. Little’s, Prospect Morse Fitz Albert (H. & A. Morse & Co.), coal (14 Kilby, Boston), house 6 Monmouth cor. Monmouth court Morse Frank A. clerk E. W. Packard, Washington, boards W. A. Morse, Washington Morse Fred A. fireman B. & A. R. R. b. Colonnade hotel Morse Willard A. house Washington near Harvard MORTON FRANCIS F. (Morton & Chesley), car¬ penter and builder (108 East Dedham, B.), house Chestnut Hill ave., cor. Englewood avenue, Brighton Morton Francis M. carpenter, (108 East Dedham, B.) h. Chestnut Hill ave. n. Reservoir station, B. & A. R. R. Mountain Ellen, widow, h. Brookline ave. opp. Emerald Mowry Oscar B. lawyer (82 Devonshire, room 14, B.), h. St. Paul near Longwood avenue Mulcahey John, bds. P. Mulcahey’s, Walter avenue Mulcahey Patrick, laborer, house Walter ave. near Flora Mulcahey William, bricklayer, h. Pearl near Emerald Muldowney Catherine, wid. of Thos. h. Juniper, n. Flora Muldowney Charles T. harness maker, bds. Mrs. C. Mul¬ downey’s, Juniper, near Flora Muldowney Francis F. plumber, Kenrick Bros. Washing¬ ton, boards Mrs. C. Muldowney’s Mulhern Margaret, widow of Edward, h. Boylston near Kerrigan place


Mulholland James, coachman, John Wales, Monmouth, bds. do. Mullen Mary A. Mrs. h. Newton, near Grove Mullens William, laborer, h. Boylston n. Houlihan av. Mulry William, laborer, h. Pearl, between Washington and Emerald [place Mungovan Eliza, wid. of James, h. Boylston, n. Kerrigan Mungo van Hannah Miss, bds. J. G. Mungo van’s, Boylston Mungovan James G. plumber (17 La Grange, B.), house Boylston, between Washington and Cypress Munroe Charles T. tailor (Washington, cor. Bromfield, B.) house School n. Harvard Munroe Daniel, house Harvard, near Green Munroe W. B. house Aspinwall av. Muns Michael, laborer, house Sewall near Cypress. Murphy Bridget, wid. of John, h. Morss av. n. Walter av. Murphy Cornelius, driver M. W. Quinlan, house Flora, corner Walter avenue Murphy Cornelius, laborer, h. Brookline av. n. Pearl Murphy David B. clerk, T. H. Dyer & Co. Harvard square boards Cornelius Murphy, Flora Murphy Elizabeth, widow of Patrick, house Juniper, near Flora Murphy James C. station agent, B. &A. B.R. station, Wash¬ ington opposite Guild block Murphy John, carpenter, house Juniper, corner Flora Murphy John, man servant, L. A. Creesy, Longwood ave. boards do. [bds. do. Murphy John, coachman, Mrs Emily Denny, Hammond, Murphy John, house Goddard av. Murphy John H. boot and shoemaker, Washington, opp. Colonnade building, house do. [line Murphy John H. gardener, h. Chestnut Hill av. n. Boston Murphy Mary, widow of Patrick, house Reservoir place, near Boston line, Brighton district Murphy Michael, coachman, h. Linden place, n. Brook Murphy Patrick, bootmaker, h. off Walter av. n. Flora Murphy Patrick, laborer, bds. Cornelius Murphy’s, Brook¬ line av. Murphy William, laborer, house Sewall, near Cypress Murray Henry J. cigars and tobacco, Guild block, Wash¬ ington, house Walnut opp. Elm Murray Hugh, laborer, h. Brookline av. opp. Pearl Murray Hugh, jr. laborer, house Brookline av. opp. Pearl Murray John, laborer, h. Pearl, near Emerald Murray Michael, laborer, h. Houlihan av. off Boylston Murray Michael, laborer, boards J. Murray’s Pearl

UfADDrU D PHD DIC'D APOTHECARY, Harvard Square, TV Anntll Ul UUnmtnj Brookline, Mans. BROOKLINE [Jf] DIRECTORY. 97

Murray Patrick, laborer, house Pearl, n. Washington Murray Patrick, painter, J. B. Hand, h. Boylston, near Washington Murray Patrick, painter, J. B. Hand, h. at Eoxbury Murray Patrick, laborer, h. Brookline av. n. Boston line Murray Patrick, hostler, Metropolitan R. R. boards M. Rattigan’s, Boston Highlands Murray Robert, gardener, h. Ridgeway, n. Freeman Murray Thomas, laborer, house Oak place, off Oak Murray Thomas H., Globe reporter (238 Washington, B), house Ridgeway, near Pleasant Murray Thomas J. police, house Pearl, near Washington Muse George, carpenter, house Harvard place Muzzey Lowell M. civil engineer (B.), boards J. D. Long’s Washington, rooms Edwin Clarke’s, Searle av. Myers Forrest E. student, bds. Faith Home, Hamilton pL Myers Jacob, gardener E. C. Emerson, Davis av. h. do.

NAGLE THOMAS, blacksmith, Washington, near Pearl,, house Morss avenue, opposite Juniper Nagle Patrick, car painter, h. Walter av. near Flora Nash Francis J. (Nash & Bowers), grocer (40 School, B.), house Auburn, near Harvard Nash Samuel Y. (24 Federal, B.), h. Marion, between Har¬ vard and Park NEAL BURTON W. carpenter and builder, Boyls¬ ton near Cypress, house near do. NELSON BROS. (H.H. &John G. Nelson), grocers Colonnade building, Washington Nelson George E. foreman R. C. Winthrop, Warren, near Dudley, house do. Nelson Geo. E. gardener R. C. Winthrop, Warren, bds. do. Nelson Henry H. (Nelson Bros.), grocer, Colonnade build¬ ing, house Webster place Nelson John G. (Nelson Bros.), grocer, Colonnade build¬ ing, boards H. H. Nelson’s Webster pi. Nevers H. A. Miss, teacher of sewing in schools, rooms B. Kingman’s, Washington opposite public library Newcomb George L. driver Hook & Ladder No. 1 Wash¬ ington, n. Thayer, h. Washington, opp. School Newcomb J. F. carpenter, house School n. Prospect Newcomb Leonard E. janitor school-houses, house Pros¬ pect, cor. School Newcomb-, b. Mrs. Annie Wood’s, Prospect Newell Charles M. house Walnut, near Walnut place Newell Samuel, laborer, h. Brookline av. n. Pearl Newman Marshall P. tailor (R. Newman & Son), (633 Washington, B.) bds. R. Newman’s, Beacon


Newman Robert (Robert Newman & Son), draper and tailor, (633 Washington, B.), house Beacon, opposite Hawes, Chapel station Newton Sarah D. teacher Lawrence School, b. Mrs. Phelps, Aspinwall avenue Newton Sarah D. Miss, teacher primary school, bds. Mrs. H. M. Phelps’, Aspinwall avenue Nichols B. F. (B F. Nichols & Co.), fishing rods, (153 Milk, B.), bds. Mrs. Caroline P. Currier’s, Walnut Nichols Charles h. cigars and tobacco, Whyte’s block, Washington, h. near do. Nixon Jane Miss, h. Washington, opp. Town hall Nixon Mary Miss, h. Washington, opp. Town hall Nixon Nancy Miss, h. Washington, opp. Town hall Nolan Felix, h. Sewall, near Cypress Nolan John, letter carrier (P. 0., Brookline), h. Thayer pi. NOLAND ANDREW, painter, Washington, near Town hall, h. Harvard, cor. School Noonan John, laborer, h. Pearl, near Washington Noonan Patrick, mason, b. Morlocks Hotel Noonan Patrick, laborer, h. Brookline ave. near Pearl Norron Charles, gardener, h. Boylston, n. Kerrigan place Norton Mary C. wid. of Constant, b. C. F. Hussey’s, School Norton Michael, laborer, h. Boylston, opp. Pound Norton Patrick, laborer, h. Brookline av. opp. Emerald Noyes Augusta Mrs. widow, bds. C. E. Miles, Vernon Noyes George D. lawyer, (60 Congress, room 6, B.) house Walnut, cor. Cypress [b. do. Nyhan Daniel, gardener Dr. A. Shurtleff, High, cor. Irving, Nyhan Dennis, laborer, h. rear Pearl, opp. Emerald Nyhan Timothy, farmer, house Heath n. Hammond Nyhen John, teamster B. Gas Light Co., h. Pearl, n. Emerald .

OBEIRNE JAMES, provisions, Walter avenue, h. Walter avenue, near Washington O’Brien Catherine Miss, h. Broookline av. opp. Emerald O’Brien Catherine, wid. of Richard, h. Brighton, near Ackers avenue O’Brien John, laborer, house Brookline av. opp. Emerald O’Brien Lawrence, gardener, h. Cypress n. Sewall O’Brien Michael, laborer, h. Morss av. near Juniper O’Brien Timothy, blacksmith M. W. Quinlan, boards Wm. C. Coleman, Davis court [opp. Ward O’Connell Elizabeth W. widow of James, h. High, nearly O’Connell John, shipper, (B.), bds. J. Salmon’s, Brighton O’Connell Joseph J. police, h. High, nearly opp. Ward WOODWARD & BROWN PIANOS, BROOKLINE [Q] DIRECTORY. 99

O’Connell Wm. W. police, h. High, nearly opp. Ward O’Connor Bartholomew, carriagesmith, h. Villa lane, near Pond av. [nor’s, Pearl O’Connor Bartholomew, hackman, bds. Cornelius O’Con- O’Connor Cornelius, laborer, h. Pearl, cor. Emerald O’Connor Dennis, coachman E. C. Wilson, Harvard, b. do. O’DAY BROTHERS, (Michael and Thomas O’Day, public carriages, Morss av. cor. Walnut [ton O’Day John T. b. Mrs. M. O’Day’s, Boylston, n. Washing- O’Day Mary Miss, b. Mrs. M. O’Day’s, house Boylston, n. Washington O’Day Mary, wid. of Timothy, h. Boylston n. Washington O’Day Michael, painter, b. Mrs. M. O’Day’s, Washington, near gas house O’Day Michael, laborer, h. Brookline av. opp. Emerald O’Day Mary, widow of Michael, h. Brookline av. near Washington O’Day John, laborer, h. Juniper, corner Flora O’Day Mary, wid. of Thomas, h. Washington, n. gas house O’Day Michael (O’Day Bros.), public carriages, Morss avenue and Walnut, bds. J. O’Day’s, Juniper O’Day Patrick, coachman Mrs. Celia Hartman, Chestnut place, bds. do. O’Day Patrick, coachman, bds. John O’Day’s, Juniper O’Day Thomas laborer, b. Mrs. M. O’Day’s, Washington, near the gas house O’Day Thomas (O’Day Bros.), public carriages, Morss av. and Walnut, h. Juniper O’Dea Dennis, gardener, h. Brookline av, cor. Washington O’Dea Michael, carriage painter, bds. Mrs. M. O’Dea’s, Washington O’Donnell Edward, gardener E. S. Dana, Kent, bds. do. O’Donnell Patrick, hostler, b. Daglen Lynch, Emerald O’Donnell Thomas, coachman, h. Boylston, near Pound O’Grady Michael, gardener J. L. Little jr. O’Grady Patrick, stone mason, h. Pearl, n. Emerald O’Hare Ellen, widow of Michael, h. Brookline av. near Boston line O’Hare Hugh, laborer, h. Brighton, n. Boylston O’Hare John, laborer, h. Kerrigan place O’Hare John, laborer M. W. Quinlan, h. Pearl n. Emerald O’Hare Patrick, teamster M. W. Quinlan, bds. John O’Hare’s, Pearl O’Hearn Ann, widow of Cornelius, h. Pearl, n. Emerald O’Hearn Daniel, laborer, bds. Timothy O’Hearn’s, Heath O’Hearn James, laborer, h. Houlihan av. off Boylston O’Hearn James, laborer, h. Boylston, n. Reservoir pi.

mrJUAnilC BLANKET WRAPS, for Eadies and Gents, rAIflUUu Made to Order at DELAKO’S, Harvard Sq. 100 BROOKLINE [P] DIRECTORY.

O’Hearn Mary, widow of Michael, h. Emerald, n. Brook¬ line avenue [do. O’Hearn Michael, gardener H. M. Whitney, Boylston, h. O’Hearn Michael jr. clerk, b. Michael O’Hearn’s Boylston O’Hearn Thomas, laborer, h. Morss av. n. Walter av. O’Hearn Timothy, laborer, h. Heath, n. Hammond O’Hearn Wm. clerk, b. Michael O’Hearn’s Boylston O’Leary Patrick, trader, h. Pearl, n. Emerald Old Ladies’ Home, Harvard, between Pierce and School Olmsted Frederick Law, landscape architect, h. Warren, n. Dudley Olmsted John C. landscape architect h. Warren n. Dudley Olsen Peder (Bliss, Fabyan & Co.), com. merchant, (100 Summer, B.), h. Summit av. Corey hill O’Mealy Honora, widow of Albert, h. Kerrigan place O’Mealy Patrick, coachman, house Kerrigan place O’Neil James, shoemaker, Washington near the bridge, boards Walter avenue opp. Morss avenue O’Neil John, laborer, house Sewall near Cypress Orcutt Hattie Miss, boards Mears Orcutt’s, Washington Orcutt Mears, police, house Washington near B. B. bridge Orcutt Mears, policeman, h. Whyte’s block, Walnut O’Bourke, Michael, teamster, h. Juniper near Morss ave. O’Bourke Thomas, laborer, house Pearl near Emerald Orrock John M. Bev. editor Messiah’s Herald (74 Knee- land, B ), house Winchester opposite William Osgood Anna Miss, teacher Ward school Otis J. Orville, clerk Cousens Bros, boards William C. Coleman’s, Davis court Ouimet Arthur, coachman F. W. Welch, Warren, house Chestnut near Cypress Ouimet Evariste, coachman, Julia Goddard, Warren, b. do. Owens Catherine Miss, house Andem place n. Washington Owens Mary Miss, dressmaker, Andem place near Wash¬ ington, house do.

PACKABD C. HEBBEBT, clerk Nelson Brothers, house Colonnade building, Washington PACKARD EDWARD W. grocer, Colonnade building, Washington, h. Harvard opp. Linden place Packard Eugene J. clerk E. W. Packard, Washington, boards do. Harvard opp. Linden place Page Lizzie Miss, house Carlton corner Beacon Page Mary Ann Miss, house Carlton corner Beacon Paige Albert S. police, house School near Washington Paige Hannah E. wid. of John S. h. School n. Washington |[)AINE BROS. (Henry K. & Isaac Paine), stoves, A furnaces, etc. Booney’s block, Harvard square

Harvard Square, CURRIER’S DRU6 STORE, Opposite Post Office. BROOKLINE [P] DIRECTORY. 101

Paine G. Henry, clerk Paine Bros. Harvard square, boards Henry K. Paine’s, Washington Paine Henry K. (Paine Bros.), stoves, etc. Harvard square, house Washington corner Beacon Paine Isaac (Paine Bros.), hardware, Harvard sq. bds. H. K. Paine, Washington Paine Lillie C. Miss, house Vernon corner Park Paine Robert Treat, h. Washington opposite Town hall Paine, see Payne Palmer Charles L. hou^e and carriage painter, Washington opposite public library, house do. Palmer George F. switchman B„ & A. R. R. house Boyls- ton near schoolhouse PALMER JACOB P. (Palmer, Bachelder & Co.), jeweler (394 Washington, B.), house Harvard ave., between Harvard and Park Palmer Robert M. clerk, (114 State, B,), bds. Mrs. West’s, Harrison pi. [nue, h, Washington near Holden Ranter John, real estate, St. Andrew building, Davis ave- Parker Alice Q. Miss, house Hawes corner Colchester Barker Alice W. widow of John D. jr. house Walnut cor. Boylston [hoqse Francis corner Toxteth Parker Benjamin W. merchandise broker (11 Central, B.), Parker Charles E. (Gay & Parker), coal merchant (30 Kilby, B.), house Carlton corner Monmouth Parker James C. D. prof, music 1ST. E. Conservatory of Music (East Newton and 149 A Tremont, B.), house Monmouth, near Essex Parker Lucy C. widow of William, house High Parker Mary E. Mrs. bds. J. A, Foote, Boylston Parker Mary F. Miss, house Hawes, corner Colchester Parker William L. clerk (75 State, room 2, B.), house Hawes, corner Colchester Parsons Theophilus, supt. Holyoke mills (Holyoke), bds. Thomas Parsons’, Cottage [ave. Parsons Thomas, h. Cottage, between Warren and Goddard Patterson Alexander, blacksmith, P. Duffy, Boylston, boards do. Patterson James, porter (477 Washington, B.), house Har¬ vard place, off Harvard Paul Etta D. Miss, teacher, Pierce grammar school, Pierce, boards C. P. Trowbridge’s, School Pay John, butler, T. Lyman, Heath, boards do. Payne John W. carpenter, h. Whyte’s block, Washington Peabody Margaret R. widow of Wm. A. house Colchester, Chapel station Peabody Robert S. (Peabody & Stearns), architect (60 Devonshire, B.), house Edge Hill road, off High


Pearson Charles L. com. mer. (195 Atlantic avenue, B.), house Colchester, near Kent [ington Peck Catherine, wid. of Luke B. h. Whyte’s block, Wash- Peck Louisa P. widow of Moses, h. 4 Linden place court Peck William B. bds. Mrs. L. P. Peck’s, 4 Linden place ct. Peirce Benjamin L.(Peirce & Bichards,) grocer, Washing¬ ton Peirce Henry (Wason, Peirce & Co.), wholesale grocer (61 Chatham, B.), house Harvard, corner Webster Peirce Henry E. Mrs. boards Henry Peirce’s, Harvard, corner Webster Peirce William 0. boards H. Pierce’s, Harvard Peirce William A. tailor, house Juniper, n. Walter avenue PEIRCE & RICHARDS (Benj, L. Peirce and Wm. S. Bichards), grocers, Washington, opposite horse car station Percy Arthur S. student, bds. F. B. Percy’s Cypress PERCY FRED B. physician, Cypress near Cypress place, house do. Perkins Alfred H clerk (230 Washington, B.), boards Mrs. D. G. Perkins’, St. Paul Perkins Anderson, clerk (1 City Hall avenue, Boston,) boards Joseph B. Crosby, Harvard, opp. Harvard av. Perkins C. A. machinist, (B.), h. Colonnade building Perkins Chas. F. lawyer, (82 Devonshire, room 26, B.), and Searle av. n. Cypress, house do. Perkins D. Gr. widow of E. C. h. St. Paul, c. Sewall av. Perkins Edward, clerk, (B.) bds. St. Paul c. Sewall av. Perkins G-eorge E. prop. Colonnade House, Washington, house do. [corner Sewall avenue Perkins John B. clerk, (84 Hawley, B.) house St. Paul, Perley William H. (Chas. Letts & Co.) real estate, &c. (28 School, room 14, B.) h. Washington, opp. B. & A. B. B. station Perrin Lewis real estate, (B.), h. Walnut, n. Warren Perrin Mary B. Miss, h. Walnut near Warren Perry Edward S. T. plasterer, h. Washington opp. Pearl Perry William A, (53 Wareham, B.) boards L, F. Creesy, Longwood ave. Peterson George fireman B. & A. B. B. bds. G. T. Davis, rear Washington [bldg, Washington Pettengill Mary, widow of Thomas S. house Colonnade Pettes George W. (Boston) house Perry n. Francis Pettes George W. jr, at (Custom House, B.)bds. Perry, n. Francis Phelps Harriette M- widow of Daniel W. house Aspin- wall avenue, near Harvard WOODWARD & BROWN PIANOS, THE BEST. BROOKLINE [P] DIRECTORY. 103

Philbrick Edward S., civil engineer (12 West, room 20, B.), house Walnut, near Irving Philbrick Eliza Mrs. house Walnut near Irving Phillips C. F. widow of Moses D. house Harrison place Phillips Edward H. clerk, (119 Milk, B.) house St. Mary’s near Brighton av. Phillips Irad, gardener, Dr. T. E. Francis, Davis av. b. do. Phillips James, gardener, bds. A. M. Wilson, Harvard sq. Phillips James J. coachman, house Bidgeway Phillips John F. (J. A. & W. Bird & Co.) dyes, drugs, &c. (119 Milk, Boston), bds. Mrs. C. F. Phillips’, Harri¬ son place Phillips W. Edwin, clerk, G. F. Joyce, bds. Mrs. H. M. Phelps, Aspinwall av. [n. Washington Pickett David, laborer, B. Gas Light Co. h, Brookline av., Pierce Abby L. Miss, boards J. D. Long’s, Washington Pierce Dean, (40 State, room 28, B.), h. Chestnut Hill av., near B. & A. K. B. Pierce Jacob W. (40 State, room 28, B.) boards Mrs. M. B. Pierce’s, Chestnut Hill ave. Pierce Mary B. widow of Jacob W. house Chestnut Hill av. near Beservoir station Pierce Peter W. real estate and commission (12 P. 0. square, room 3, B.) h. School, n. Washington Pierce Quincy, bds. W. P. Pierce’s, Chestnut Hill av. Pierce Wallace L. (S. S. Pierce & Son, B.) h. Francis, near Perry [Beservoir station Pierce William P. insurance, house Chestnut Hill av. near Pigeon Michael, laborer, house Walter avenue, near Flora Pinner James, coachman, house Sewall, cor. Chestnut Piper George W. station agent, B. & A. B. B. b. Morlock’s Hotel [B.) house Perry, near Francis Plimpton Arthur W. wholesale millinery, (26 Summer, Plimpton Theodore A. wholesale millinery, (26 Summer, B.) house Francis, n. Aspinwall av. Plummer Gordon, (Wm. F. Johnson and Co.), hides and leather, (244 Purchase, B.) Longwood ave. n. St. Paul Pocklington Eleanor, widow of John, house Washington, opposite High Pocklington Emma Miss, dressmaker (Tremont c. Temple Place, B.) bds. Mrs. E. Pocklington’s, Washington Pocock A. A. manager Country Club park, house do. Pons Charles A. upholsterer, house Delano block, off Washington [Pierce and School Poole Mary M. Miss, bds. Old Ladies Home, Harvard, bet. Poor Henry Y. editor Poor’s Manual, (Hew York), house Walnut, opp. Unitarian Church


Pope Charlotte F. Mrs. b. Mrs. S. F. Flynt’s Prospect av. Porter William H. H. hardware, (23 Pearl, B.) h. School, near Prospect Post Eliza, widow, house Walnut, nearly opp. Irving Post Office, Washington junc. Harvard sq. Potter Lucinda Mrs. house Harrison place Potter Lucy A. Miss, seamstress, house Thayer place Potter William W. (Potter & Watson), boot and shoe mnfrs. goods (108 Beach, B.), h. Kent c. Longwood Power Maria R. Mrs. nurse, house Andrew place Powers Julia, widow of James, h. Emerald, near Pearl Powers Mary, widow of Robert, h. Brookline avenue, cor. Washington Powers-, painter J. H. Boody, Wash’n, h. at Boston Pratt I. Lowell, metals, (52 Fulton, Boston), house Plea¬ sant, near Beacon [ton avenue Preble Geo. H. rear admiral U. S. N. h. Essex, cor. Brigh- Preble Geo. H. R. clerk (36 Central, B.) boards G. H. Preble’s, Essex PREE WILLIAM, cutler and locksmith, Harvard, near Harvard square, house 1 Linden place court Prentice James A. section hand B. & A. R. R. house 3 Linden place court Prescott Emily, widow of F. W. h. Pleasant, near Green Preston Andrew W. salesman (93 South Market, B.), h. Harvard, near Aspinwall av. Price Lewis S. coachman Mrs. Samuel Cabot, Warren, h. Clyde, near Warren Priestley John, coachman John Utley, St. Paul, bds. do. Proctor Eugene F. mason, h. Boylston opp. School house Pugsley John, express driver, house White place Putnam Joshua H. (J. H. Putnam & Wheeler) boots, shoes, etc. (65 High, B.), h. Davis av. n. Harvard sq.

QUIMBY BENJ. F. teamster, b. T. C. Quimby’s, Heath Quimby Thomas C. vegetable farm, Heath, n. Oak, h. do. Quincy Chas F. (17 Temple pl.'B.), h. Kent opp. Francis Quincy George G. Willard & Quincy, fancy goods, (383 Washington, B.) h. Longwood av. n. St. Paul Quinlan James, laborer, h. Brookline av. near Emerald QUINLAN MICHAEL W. carriage mnfr. High corner Boylston, house High, corner Irving Quinlan Thomas, gardener, h. Boylston, n. Washington Quinlan Thomas jr. carriage painter, h. Walnut n. High Quinn Francis, painter, boards James Quinn’s, Chestnut Quinn James, florist, Chestnut, near Sewall, house do. Quinn James F. police, bds. Jas. Quinn’s, Chestnut


Quinn John, Mrs. J. coachman, Taylor, Brighton, bds. clo.

BAFFERTY MICHAEL, laborer, house Brighton, near Ackers avenue Raftery James, laborer, bds. H. O’Hare’s, Brighton Raftery John, gardener, boards Geo. E. Nelson’s, Warren Randall Harry, student, (M. I. T. Boston), b. Mrs. West’s Harrison Place [court Ranlett Frank, carpenter, boards W. C. Coleman’s, Davis Ranney Thomas, carriage painter, M. W. Quinlan, house White place Ranney William, harness maker M. W. Quinlan, High c. Boylston, house White place Rattigan Michael, watchman Met. R. R. house Tremont, Boston Highlands Raull Edward, bds. F. McIntosh, Walnut Raull George, bds. F. McIntosh, Walnut Rausch Anna, wid. of Conrad, h. Harvard pi. off Harvard Rausch E. A. Miss, teacher Ward School, bds. Mrs. Anna Rausch’s, Harvard place Raymond Edward A. Mrs. wid. h. Beacon, c. Summit av. Raymond Henry E. (Raymond & Ayer), importer teas, (45 Broad, Boston), h. Goddard av. n. Rockwood Read Frederick F. insurance (20 Central, B.) bds. H. K. Comerais, School Reardon John, laborer, h. Boylston, near Newton line Reardon John Mrs. house Babcock, near Harvard Reardon William, hostler B. Gas Light Co. house Pearl, opp. Emerald [cock, near Harvard Reardon William, tallow, etc. (So. Market, B.) h. Bab- Reece John, president Reece Button Hole Machine Co. (24 Reeds block, B.), h. Still near Freeman Reed Chester W. with E. W. Reed, Reservoir pi., bds. do. Reed Eben W. contractor and milkman, Reservoir place, corner Boylston, house do. Reed John J. carpenter, h. Chace block, Washington, n. Harvard square [Boston Reed Michael F. hackman, F. C. Shannon, bds. Downer, Reservoir Hotel, Miss Priscilla Roberts, prop. Beacon, opp. Englewood av. [Cottage Revere Laura, wid. of Edward H. R. h. Goddard av. cor. Reynolds Francis, laborer, h. Flora, near Walter av. Reynolds James F. wood turner (Boston), boards F. Rey¬ nolds’, Flora Reynolds John, laborer, boards F. Reynolds’, Flora Rianhard John V. L. sec. N. E. Weston Light Co., (18 P. 0. Square, B.), h. Walnut, opp. Irving pn/ii nun u/nnn peirce & richabds, uUAL AElU TvUUUl Washington St., opp. Horse Car Stables 106 BROOKLINE [J{] DIRECTORY.

Rianhard Thomas M. with Weston Electric Light Co. (B.) bds. J. Y. L. Rianhard, Walnut Rice Lydia T. Miss, house Park opposite Auburn Rice L. Fred, architect and civil engineer (9 Pemberton sq. Boston), h. Harvard av. corner Harvard Rice Stephen, hostler A. W. Blake, Cypress pi. bds. do. Richards Dexter 1ST. (5 Winthrop sq. B.) h. Colchester, n. Kent Richards Francis C. (I. D. Richards & Sons), wines, etc. (87 State, Boston), h. Chestnut cor. Chestnut place Richards Harry, student, bds. F. C. Richards’, Chestnut Richards John S. florist, Clyde, between Warren and Newton, house do. Richards William S. (Peirce & Richards), grocer, Wash¬ ington, house Washington, opposite High Richardson A. L. Miss, teacher, Ward school, bds. Boston Richardson A. Maynard, salesman, (72 Summer, B.), h. Prospect avenue, near Summit avenue Richardson Edward B. clerk, Custom House (B.), house Hotel Kempsford, Walnut [n. Kent Richardson Francis M. widow of Henry L. bds. Dudley, Richardson Harold H. architect (Albany, N. Y.), house Cottage, near Warren [Boylston Rick Frances, widow of John G. boards C. W. Holtzer’s, Rick Geo. J. electrician C. W. Holtzer, bds. do. Boylston Ricker Oliver P. trav. salesman (275 Franklin, Boston), house Davis mansion, suite F, Davis avenue Riley Edward, coachman, Harrison Gardner, Kent, b. do, Riley Margaret, widow of Patrick, house Boylston, near Washington Riley Patrick, laborer, h. Kerrigan place, corner Boylston Ring Ellen, widow, h. Washington, near Walter avenue Ritchie Andrew M. (E. S. Ritchie & Sons), Cypress, house Walnut, near Walnut place Ritchie Edward S. (E. S. Ritchie & Sons), Cypress, house Cypress place, near Cypress Ritchie E. S. & Sons (Edward S., Thomas P., John and Andrew M. Ritchie), mnfrs. philosophical apparatus, Cypress, opp. B. & A. R. R. station and (87 Franklin, Boston) [Ritchie’s, Walnut Ritchie John (E. S. Ritchie & Sons), Cypress, bds. A. M. Ritchie Thomas P. (E. S. Ritchie & Sons), Cypress, house Francis, corner Perry [ave. Roach John, laborer, b. Mrs. Margaret Roach’s, Brookline Roach Margaret, widow of James, milk dealer, house Brookline avenue, opposite Emerald [ington Roahan Margaret, widow of Thomas, h. Pearl, n. Wash-


ROBART HENRY W. upholsterer, opp. Chapel station, house at Cambridgeport Roberts Lewis A. (Roberts Bros.) publisher, 299 Washing¬ ton, B.), house Cypress place Robertson Patrick, laborer, boards M. Ahearn, Pearl Robertson William A. lumber surveyor, (B.), house Wal¬ nut, near Elm place Robeson Andrew, house Davis avenue, near Cypress Robinson Ered H. clerk, T. T. Robinson, boards do. Cyp¬ ress place Robinson Henry H. clerk (9 Tremont, B.), boards B. F. Adams’, Marion, corner Harvard Robinson Samuel A. house Washington, near Beacon ROBINSON THOS. T. grocer, Washington, opp. Walnut, house Cypress place Roche Michael, laborer, h. Heath, n. Holyhood cemetery Rochford Henry, billiard table maker (3 Tremont row, B.), boards Mrs. McQuade’s, School Rockwood J. Edwards (Frost Bros. & Co.) (18 Chauncy, B.), house Harvard avenue, near Harvard Rogers Chas. E. bookkeeper (B.), h. Washington c. Beacon Rogers Daniel H. clerk, office State treas. (State House, Beacon, B.), house Tappan, near Gardner road Rogers George, clerk (217 Federal, B.), h. High, n. Irving Rogers George F. baggage master, B. & A. R. R. station, boards Chas. E. Rogers’, Washington, corner Beacon Rogers George R. pres. Mercantile Marine Ins. Co. (58 State, B.), house Perry, near Francis Rogers Harriet, widow of Lewis, carpet fitter, house Washington, near the bridge Rogers Johanna, widow of Peter, h. School, cor. Harvard Rogers John K. (Boston Type Foundry), type founder (104 Milk, B.), house Kent, opposite Colchester Rogers Samuel L. laborer, boards Mrs. H. Rogers’, Wash¬ ington, near the Bridge Rohan Bridget, widow of Patrick, h. Boylston, near High Rolland Augustus (24 Purchase, Boston), house Harvard, corner Babcock Rollins George A. (82 Devonshire, room 29, Boston), bds. Mrs. R. A. West’s, Harvard Rollins George M. butler, R. C. Winthrop, Warren, h. do. Rooney Barney, coachman, John G, Stearns, Pleasant, boards do. Rooney Bridget, widow of Peter, house Boylston, near Kerrigan place [station Rooney Catherine, wid. of Wm. h. Brighton, n. Reservoir Rooney Hugh T. coachman, W- H. Wilder, Park, h. do.


Rooney James, boots and shoes, Harvard square, corner Andem place, h. Harrison place, near Harvard square Rooney James C. clerk J. Rooney, boards J. Rooney’s, Harrison place. [bds. do. Rooney James F. farm hand P. Rooney, Chestnut Hill av. Rooney Mary Miss, house Boylston n. Kerrigan place Rooney Patrick, vegetable farm, Chestnut Hill avenue corner Ackers avenue Rothery John, h. Colchester near Hawes, Chapel station Rothwell James, (clothing, James Rothwell & Co.), (100 Arch, B.), house Longwood avenue near St. Paul Rothwell Wm. H. (clothing, James Rothwell & Co.) (100 Arch, B.), h. Longwood avenue corner St. Paul Rountry Katie Miss, fruit and confectionery, Metropolitan Railroad station, Walnut, house at East Boston Rowan Charles, coachman W. H, Hill, Beacon, bds. do. Rowe Lizzie Miss, dressmaker, Holden opp, Town Hall, house do. Rowell Charles FT. milkman, h. Heath near Hammond Ruggles Cyrus W. postmaster Harvard square, h. Harvey cor. Irving Ruggles John, discount clerk National City Bank (61 State, B.), h. Beacon cor. Carlton, Chapel station Runkle John D. professor of mathematics, Institute Tech¬ nology (187 Boylston, B.), house High opp, Irving Rush Dennis, laborer, h. Washington opp. Pond avenue Rush John J. boards Dennis Rush’s, Washington Russell Daniel W. real estate and insurance (246 Wash¬ ington, room 2, B.), house Park opp. Auburn Russell Edmund, mason, house Washington opp. High Russell Edward (18 Milk, B.), h. Pleasant near Beacon Russell Francis H. clerk (85 Devonshire, room 3, B.), h. Davis avenue near Harvard square Russell Henry M. boards M. Russell’s, Walnut Russell josiah m. mason, Washington next depot, boards Colonnade house Russell Lucy A. school teacher (Medfield), bds. E. Rus¬ sell’s, Washington Russell Marshall, house Walnut nearly opposite Irving Russell Michael, laborer, h. r, Emerald n. Brookline ave. Russell Richard, oil cloth printer, boards W. Dalzell, Brookline avenue. Russell Thomas, laborer, house Pearl opposite Emerald Rutan Charles H. architect, h, Dudley opp. the reservoir Rutan Frank, boards C. H. Rutan’s, Dudley Rutan William L. clerk Norcross Bros. (Huntington ave. bridge, B.), boards C. H. Rutan’s, Dudley

Harvard Square, CURRIER’S DRUG STORE, Opposite Post Office BROOKLINE [ S ] DIREOTORT. 109

Ryan John, laborer, house Pearl near Washington Ryan Matthew B. laborer, house Sewall near Cypress Ryan Patrick, carpenter, house Pearl between Emerald and Washington [Washington Ryan Patrick, laborer, house Pearl between Emerald and Ryan Patrick, laborer, h. off Walter avenue near Flora Ryan Patrick J. laborer, boards Patrick Ryan’s, Pearl Ryan Patrick M. waiter Ignatius Sargent, Warren, house Boylston near High Ryan Stephen, coachman J. E. Eveleth, Winchester, b. do. Ryan Timothy, laborer, h. Boylston near Kerrigan place Ryan William, porter (B.), house Walter ave4 near Flora

SABIN CHARLES W. (Sabin & Page), saddlery and hardware (107 Federal, B.), h. Harvard aVi n. Harvard Sabine George K. physician, Irving cor. Harvey, house do* Salisbury D. Waldo, treas. Brookline Gas Light Co* (40 State, room 31, B.), house 42 Mt. Vernon, Boston Salisbury Elizabeth P. widow of Stephen, house Cypress near Washington Salisbury William C. G. real estate and notary public (7 State, room 3, B.), house Cypress near Washington Salmon Edward W. clerk (77 Devonshire, B.), boards J; Salmon’s, Brighton Salmon John, liquors (77 Devonshire, B.), house Brighton near B. & A. R. R. [Brighton Salmon John J. clerk (77 Devonshire, B.), bs J. Salmon’s, Salmon Kate, widow of Thomas, h. Pearl near Emerald Salmon Peter, gardener, house rear Davis court Salmon Robert, electrician (22 Milk, B.), b. J * Salmon, Brighton Salmon Thomas, gardener Mrs. E. A. Raymond, Beacon, house Beacon near do. Salmon Thomas C. gardener, b. J. Salmon’s, Brighton Salzgeber John (E. S. Ritchie & Sons), h. Andem place Sampson Helen M. Miss, bds. H. Bird, Harvard Sanborn Alfred G. foreman Gas Works, house Gross blk. School opposite Prospect Sanborn Martha Miss, dressmaker, b. A. G. Sanborn, School Sander Charles J. gardener I. Sargent, Warren, house Cottage opposite Goddard avenue Sanderson Albert H. gardener Edward Atkinson, house Reservoir place, between Boylston and Boston line Brighton district Sanderson Harvey E. gardener, house Reservoir place Sanderson Nellie F. Miss, bookkeeper E. J. Curtis, boards A. H. Sanderson’s, Reservoir place.

TEAS, Etc. PEIRCE & RICHARDS, Washington St., opp. Horse Car Stables. 110 BROOKLINE [ SJ DIRECTORY.

Sargent Charles S. director Arnold Arboretum, house Chestnut place Sargent Ignatius, house Warren Sargent Ignatius jr. boards I. Sargent’s, Warren Sargent Wyer G. general store (Sargentville, Me.), house Clyde corner Newton Saunders Villa A. Miss, music teacher, house Holden opp. Town hall [Saville’s, Boylston Saville Elmer E. clerk (32 Summer, B.), boards E. E. Saville Erank E. clerk (32 Eranklin, B.), house Boylston near High Saville Jane E. Mrs. house Boylston near High Saville Bichard L. (Saville, Somes & Co.), wholesale gro¬ cer (274 State, B.), house Alton place, near Harvard Saville William, salesman (274 State, B.), house Vernon, corner Park Sawyer Herbert, gardener, house Cypress, n. Chestnut pi. Sawtell Bichardson W. foreman Western division Bos¬ ton W. Works (Beacon, B.), h. Brighton, near Beser- voir station [do. Say brook Walter, man-servant W. H. Hill jr. Marion, b. Schlerkert Anton, baker J. Morlock, Washington, bds. do. Schlesinger Barthold (Naylor & Co.), iron, steel, etc. (6 Oliver, B.), house “Southwood,” Warren street Schneider Erank, wheelwright, house Newton, n. South Schneider George, baker J. Morlock, Washington, b. do. Schmalz Charles, hairdresser P. Keiser, Washington, b. do. Schweinfurth Albert, architect (60 Devonshire, B.), bds. A. S. Jones, Walnut Scott James, laborer, house Sewall, near Cypress Scott John E. liquors (54 Long wharf, B.) h. Walnut av. Scott B. conductor Met. B. B. b. E. A. James, Wash’n. Scudder Charles W. treas. Boston Natural History Society (4 Post-office square, B.), house Linden place Scudder Henry B. house Dummer Scudder J. M. Miss, artist, b. C. W. Scudder’s, Linden pi. Scudder Winthrop S. clerk Houghton, Mifflin & Co. (4 Park, B.), boards Charles W. Scudder’s, Linden place Seamans Erank E. (J. M. Seamans & Co.), grocer, Har¬ vard sq. cor. Davis ave. h. Harvard, near Harvard sq. Seamans Frank M. messenger Board of Selectmen, boards E. E. Seamans’, Harvard Seamans Harry, student, boards E. E. Seamans’, Harvard Seamans James M. (J. M. Seamans & Co.), grocer, Har¬ vard sq. cor. Davis av. house Cypress, cor. Searle av. Seamans Jessie C. Mrs. bds. Mrs. B. A. West’s, Harvard SEAMAN'S J. M. & CO. (James M., Frank F. and Manning Seamans), grocers, Harvard sq. c. Davis ave. WOODWARD & BROWN PIANOS, THE BEST, BROOKLINE [g] DIRECTORY. Ill

Seamans Manning (J. M. Seamans & Co.), grocer. Harvard sq. c. Davis ave. b. J. M. Seamans, Cypress Searle Frederick A. printer (262 Washington, B.), house Walnut place, corner Wain at Searle William D. clerk (352 Washington, B.), boards F. A. Searle, Walnut place Sears Issac H. shoe mnfrs.’ goods (105 Summer, B.), house Babcock, near Brighton avenue QEARS WILLIAM B. insurance (55 State, B.), O house Prospect, opposite High school [pect Sears William B. jr. student, bds. William B. Sears, Pros- Seaton Worthington W. leather 18 High, B.), house Davis avenue, near Cypress Seaver-William J. (Briggs & Shattuck), wholesale grocer (85 Broad, B.), house Longwood avenue, c. St. Paul Seaverns Charles T. jeweler (392 Washington, B.), boards H. G. Seaverns’, Webster Seaverns Henry G. (Seaverns & Co.), com. fruit (93 South Market, B.), house Webster, near Beacon Seaverns Lucy S. widow of Thomas, house Harvard, near¬ ly opposite Babcock Senancour Phillippe de, teacher of French (Latin school, B. ), house School [Washington Shailer Mary J. widow of Hezekiah, bds. Thomas Griggs, Shannon Cornelius, wheelwright, h. Sewall, near Cypress Shannon Francis C. stable keeper, Washington, opposite Pearl, house do. Shapleigh James H. (John A. Emmons & Co.), merchan¬ dise broker (22 Broad, B.), h. St. Paul, c. Sewall ave. Shapleigh Richard W. merchant (7 Exchange pi. room 16, B.), b. Mrs. R. A. West’s, Harvard, c. Harrison place Sharkey James, gardener A. W. Blake, Cypress pi. h. do. Sharp Edward, clerk (374 Washington, B.), boards S. A. Robinson, Washington [School, h. do. Shattuck Lizzie H. button-hole maker, Washington, opp. Shaw Asylum, for mariners’ children, Cypress n. Walnut Shea Francis A. bookkeeper (24 Reed’s blk. B.), boards J Reece, Still Shea James, laborer, boards Maurice Shea’s, Boylston Shea John J. salesman Jordan, Marsh & Co. (55 Bedford, B.), boards Jeremiah Shea’s, White place Shea Jeremiah, foreman M. Driscoll, supt. streets, house White place Shea Maurice, farmer, house Boylston, near Hammond Sheean John, hostler, house White place Sheehan David, farmer J. H. White, Boylston, boards do.

Mnri CDDATCn regatta boquet perfume, for UlLlDIiA I tU sale at DELMO’S, Harvard Sq. 15 112 BROOKLINE [S | DIRECTORY.

Sheehan Johanna, widow of William, h. r, Brookline ave. n. Emerald Shepard Arthur F. b. Sf P. Shepard’s, Colchester Shepard Henry F. h. Hotel Adelaide, High, cor. Walnut Shepard S. Prescott (Morse, Shepard & Co.), wholesale dry goods (5 Winthrop sq, B,), h. Colchester, near Carlton Shepard Walter P. clerk purchasing agent’s office, E. R. R. (B.), boards S. P. Shepard’s, Colchester Shephard George, painter, house Juniper, near Flora Sherry Michael, laborer, boards H. O’Hare’s, Brighton Sherry Patrick, coachman, h. Kerrigan pi. n. Boylston Sherwood William H. teacher of music (157 Tremont, B.), house Washington, opposite School Shewell Thomas R. (Leach, Shewell & Sanborn), publisher (87 Franklin, B,), house Tappan, opp. Gardner road Shields John, mnfr. fishing tackle, Harvard square, near Davis avenue, house Waverly place [erly pi. Shields John W. with John Shields, Harvard sq. h. Wav- Shillady James, milkman, house Juniper, near Morss ave. Shurtleff Augustine, physician. High, cor. Irving, h. do. Simms Charles, coachman A. S. Young, Sewall av. bd. do. Simon Lewis, upholsterer H. W. Robart, Chapel Station, h. at Roxbury Singleton Thomas C., discount clerk Suffolk National Bank (60 State, B.), h. Harvard, nearly opp. Auburn Sinnick Hannah Miss, house Chestnut, corner Sewall Slack Mary R., widow of Lewis, house Marion, n. Beacon Small Frank E., plumber Paine Bros., Harvard Square, bds. E. F. Crosby, Boylston [do. Small John, coachman G. W. Torrey, Harvard ave., bds. Smiley Robert A., painter B. F. Baker, h. White Place Smith Arthur, taxidermist, h. Boylston, bet. Chestnut Hill ave. and Reservoir Place Smith Baxter P,, author, boards E. Clark’s, Searle avenue, near Cypress Smith Bigelow, carpenter, bds. J. N. Christie’s, Thayer pi. Smith Charles, h. Boylston, between Chestnut Hill ave. and Reservoir place Smith Charles, carpenter, bds. J. N. Christie’s, Thayer pi. Smith Story, house Monmouth, near Carlton Smith Delia Mrs., grocer, Boylston, n. Kerrigan pi., h. do. Smith Edmund S., florist, Clyde, between Warren and Newton, house do, [Andem place Smith George P., night watchman B. & A. R. R., house Smith Horace E., clerk Henry Collins & Co., Harvard sq., boards H. Collins’, Washington

APOTHECARY, Harvard Square, WARREN 6. CURRIER, 15rook.line, Mass. BROOKLINE [§] DIRECTORY. 113

SMITH JOHN, mason, Fay place, near B. & A. depot, and Boylston n. Kerrigan place, house do. Smith Mary D., widow of James, boards Henry Collins’, Washington, next public library Smith Mary J. Miss., h. Walter ave., cor. Flora Smith Stillman J., lightning-rods, h. Pearl, n. Washington Smith Thomas, coachman D. M. Richards, Colchester, bds, do. Smith Thomas, carpenter, (B.), h. Juniper, cor. Flora Smith Walter, butler H. H. Richardson, Cottage, bds. do. Smith Walter L., herdsman, house Chestnut Smith William A., painter J. B. Hand, boards William C. Coleman’s, Davis court Smyth Abiel B., depot carriage, Longwood R. R. station, house Francis, near Perry Smith Eneas, supt, Holyhood cemetery, house Boylston, opposite Kerrigan place Snyder Gottlieb H., driver Kenrick Bros., boards Mrs. V. Snyder’s, Boylston Snyder V., widow of Andrew, house Boylston, between Washington and Cypress Solan Michael, laborer, house Kerrigan place Soule Charles C. (Soule & Bugbee), law publisher, (37 Court, B.), house Davis av. n. Harvard square SOULE ELLIOT F. (Spencer & Soule) publisher the Chronicle, Joyce bldg., Harvard square, h. Colon¬ nade bldg. do. Southack George Mrs., widow, bds. S. Emmes, Harvard Spaulding Charles F., supt. Brookline Gas Light Co., h. Washington, opposite Town Hall Spaulding Charles S., clerk Brookline Gas Light Co., bds. E. B. Richardson’s, Hotel Kempsford SPENCER C. A. W., (Spencer & Soule), editor and publisher Chronicle, Joyce bldg., Harvard square, h. Colonnade bldg. do. Spencer Edgar, carpenter, bds. A. S. Page, School Spencer Frederick E., carpenter, house Washington, opp. Holden SPENCER & SOULE, (C. A. W. Spencer and Elliot F. Soule), publishers The Chronicle, Harvard sq. Spiers James, coachman, house White place Splane John, shoemaker (Boston), house Boylston, be¬ tween Washington and Cypress Stafford William, carriage painter, h. Juniper, near Flora. Staigg Richard M. Mrs., house 4 Monmouth place Stanfield Robert, driver J. M. Seamans & Co., h. White pi. Stanford Thomas, laborer, house Boylston, opp. Pound on a i Alin iA/nnn peirce & richards, UUAL AllU WUllUl Washington St., opp. Horse Car Stables. 114 BROOKLINE [g] DIRECTORY.

Stanwood Edward, editor (Boston Daily Advertiser) house High, opposite Irving Stapleton Tobias, coachman J. D. Stnrtevant, Cypress, boards do. Stark Louis K., cutter Leland, Bice & Co. (101 Arch, B.), boards H. C. Dimond’s Boylston Starkweather Archibald, inspector (Custom House B.), h. Davis Mansion, Davis ave. Stearns Benjamin G., farmer Caroline E. Stearns, Boyls¬ ton, boards do. [ant, corner Beacon Stearns Charles H., farmer and nurseryman, house Pleas- Stearns Francis G-., farmer and milkman, Boylston, oppo¬ site Beservoir, boards do. Stearns George M., clerk Brookline Gas Co., house Wash¬ ington, near Beacon Stearns Caroline E., widow of George W., Boylston, opp. the Beservoir, house do. Stearns James P., cashier Shawmut National Bank (60 Congress, B.), house Pleasant, near Beacon Stearns John G. (Peabody & Stearns), architect (60 Dev¬ onshire, room 19, B.), house Pleasant, near Beacon Stearns John J., teacher, bds. Caroline E. Stearns, Boyls¬ ton Stearns Lucy M. Miss, cashier Brown Bros., boards G. W. Stearns’, Boylston [Stearns’, Boylston Stearns L. S. Miss, teacher Ward school, boards G. W. Stearns Nancy Miss, house Sewall avenue, cor. Harvard Stearns William, house Sewall avenue, near St. Paul Steese Edward (Brown, Steese & Clarke), wool (Milton place, B.), boards J. D. Sturtevant’s, Cypress Stetson A. Henry, machinist, Joyce building, Harvard sq. boards W. A. Stetson’s, Walnut Stetson William A. (Hall, Stetson & Co.), leather (169 Summer, B.), house Walnut, opposite Irving Stevenson A. B. Miss, house Walnut place Stevenson F. G. Miss, house Walnut place Stevenson M. C. Miss, house Walnut place, off Walnut Stevenson Bobert, gardener, Mrs. M. S. Davis, Cypress place, boards do. Steward John, coachman, house Washington, n. the B. B. Stewart Edwin, butler, B. Schlesinger, Warren, boards do. Stewart James A. plumber, Paine Bros. Harvard square, house Boston Highlands Stiles Thomas, hostler, A. J. Ward, Tappan, near Gard¬ ner road, boards do. Stillman John M. chemist (East Boston Sugar Befinery), boards A. Wellington, Cypress ESTAi!£J?HED WOODWARD & BROWN PIANOS, BEOOKLINE [§] DIKECTOKY. 115

Stillman Joseph F. snpt. Bay State Sugar Befinery (49 Eastern avenue, B.), house Beacon, near Carlton Stillman Oscar B. supt. Boston Sugar Defining Co. (Web¬ ster, cor. Lewis, E. B. ), h. Walnut, corner Harvey Stitt George, clerk, G. F. Joyce, boards Mrs. H. Stitt’s, White place Stitt Helen Mrs. milk dealer, house White place Stitt James (Stitt, Trousdale & Co.), provisions, house High, nearly opposite Ward Stitt, Trousdale & Co. (James Stitt and Jacob Trousdale), provisions, Washington, opposite Guild block Stoddard JohnL. lecturer, house Marion, corner Vernon Stodder Hattie Miss, Kindergartner, Washington, corner Walter avenue, house Walnut [Walnut ph Stodder Henry F. (288 Washington, B.), h. Walnut, opp. Stone Leonard, receiving teller State National Bank (40 State, Boston), house Linden place Storey Chas. W. lawyer, h. Walnut, near Irving Storey Moorfield, lawyer (40 Water, room 58, Boston), house Edge Hill road, off High Storrow Charles (Charles Storrow & Co.), cotton buyer (186 Devonshire, rooms 7 and 9, Boston), house High corner Edge Hill road Storrs E. K. Mrs. house Walnut Storrs Leonard K. Bev. rector St. Paul’s Episcopal church, house Walnut, nearly opposite Irving Strain Charles, laborer, house Walter ave. opp. Morss ave. Strane John, laborer, house Boylston, opposite Pound Strong William B. pres. A. T. & F. S. B. B. Co. (95 Milk, room 28, Boston), house Park, cor. Harvard avenue Stuart John A. boards Washington [Juniper Stuart Wm. coachman, bds. Mrs. Martha Truesdale’s, Sturgis John H. (Sturgis & Brigham), architect (19 Ex¬ change place,, rooms 8, 9 and 11, Boston), house Boylston, near the reservoir Sturgis John H. jr. clerk, N. Y. & N. E. B. B. (Boston), boards J. H. Sturgis’, Boylston Sturgis Bussell jr. house Gardner road, near Tappan Sturtevant John D. mnfr. woolens (16 Merchants Ex¬ change, B.), house Cypress, corner Waverly place Suburban Telephone Co. L. W. Breckenridge, div. supt. Joyce building, Harvard square Sullivan Daniel, coachman, B. A. Cobb, Gorham av. b. do. Sullivan Daniel, coachman, bds. James Sullivan’s, Pearl Sullivan Daniel, laborer, house Pearl, near Emerald Sullivan Daniel, laborer, house Boylston, near High Sullivan Dennis, laborer, house Boylston, near High

Aptiinv MD’I ruf/lftinn’c freiych dye house, at AOlNUI rUniLtlVANUU O DELAIS0»S, Harvard 8q. 116 BROOKLINE [§] DIRECTORY.

Sullivan Dennis P. clerk at the Hawthorn, Harvard, b. do. Sullivan Eugene, laborer, house Brookline avenue Sullivan Eugene, plumber, E. Sullivan, boards do. Chest¬ nut, opposite Cypress SULLIVAN FLORENCE, plumber, 5 Guild block, Washington, near bridge, house Chestnut opp. Cypress Sullivan James, laborer, house rear Pearl, near Emerald Sullivan Jeremiah, at city engineer’s office (City Hall, School, B.), house off Pearl, near Emerald Sullivan Jeremiah, laborer, h. Morss ave. opp. Juniper Sullivan John, teamster, house Brookline ave. near Pearl Sullivan John, coachman, W. Whitman, Washington, boards do. Sullivan Mary, widow of Peter, house Pearl, n. Emerald Sullivan Michael, blacksmith, T. Nagle, boards at Boston Highlands Sullivan Mortimer, house Pearl, near Washington Sullivan Thomas F. plumber, F. Sullivan, boards do. Chestnut, opposite Cypress Sullivan William F. brakeman, B. & A. R. R. house Washington, opposite Pearl Summers William, teamster, Town stable, house Brook¬ line avenue, near Emerald Summers William J. shoe stitcher, bds. Wm. Summers’, Brookline avenue, near Emerald Sumner Samuel C. engraver (Portland, cor. Sudbury, B.), house Washington, opposite Public library Swain William, carpenter, b. J. N. Christie’s, Thayer pi. Swales Frank, coachman, W. F. Weld, Avon, house God¬ dard avenue [b. do. Swanson John A. coachman, Mrs. M. B. Pierce, Brighton, Sweeney Mary, widow of Michael, h. Pearl, cor. Emerald Sweeney John, carpenter, house off Pearl, near Emerald Sweeney John, laborer, house Pearl, near Emerald Sweeney John jr. laborer, bds. John Sweeney’s, Pearl Sweeney Thomas, gardener, house Ackers avenue Sweeney Timothy, hostler, boards John Sweeney’s, Pearl Swift L. M. Miss, dry and fancy goods, Harvard square, boards B. Kingman’s, Washington

TAAFE JOHN jr. coachman, Mrs. E. Warren, Heath, boards do. Taffe John, gardener, house Heath, near Warren Taffe William, gardener, house Heath, near Warren Taft William L. coachman Mrs. E. B. Bowditch, Walnut, house Fairmount

Harvard Square, CURRIER’S DRUG STORE, Opposite Post Office. brookline [X] directory. 117

Taft William W. clerk (44 State, B), boards William. L. Taft’s, Eairmount Taggart Hugh, farm hand, house Fay place Talbot George N. (403 Washington, Boston), house 5 Monmouth court, Chapel station Talbot Thomas H. lawyer (28 School, room 9, Boston), house Webster place off Harvard Tappan John G. house Edge hill road near High Tarrant John, laborer, house Morss ave. near Walter ave. Taylor Annie Miss, dressmaker, rms. E. Clark’s, Searl av. Taylor edgar b. crockery, paper hangings, etc. Washington cor. Davis ave. h. at Jamaica Plain Taylor Frank S. boards W. H. Taylor’s, Dudley, opposite the reservoir Taylor Geo. clerk (69 Chauncy, B.), b. Harvard c. Pierce Taylor Elizabeth H. widow of Isaac, h. Harvard cgr. Pierce Taylor Jessie, widow of John, house Brighton near Res¬ ervoir station Taylor John, driver M. W. Quinlan, beards J, Madden, Brookline avenue Taylor John F. painter, Washington near Pearl, house Juniper near Flora [School Taylor M. F. teacher Ward school, b. W. H. H. Porter’s, Taylor Washington i. (Dyer, Tayior & Co.), wholesale hats and furs (36 Chauncy, Boston), house Walnut corner Cypress Taylor William H. house Dudley opposite the reservoir Terry Priscilla D. Miss, boards Mrs. H. N. Tobey’s, foot of Linden place Thayer Charles, painter, h. Boylston near Washington Thayer William E. conductor B. A. R. R. boards Mrs. M. Brackett, Washington Thayer Ziber, bds. Mrs. L. 1ST. Libby’s, Prospect avenue Thom George S. repairer fire alarm telegraph (City Hall, B.), boards W. C. Babbitt, Harvard Thomas Edward I. (60 Sears building, 199 Washington, cor. Court, B.), house Haryard avenue near Park Thomas Patrick M. coachman, house 12 White place Thomas Reuen Rev. pastor Harvard church. Harvard corner Marion, house Harvard opposite Green Thompson Frank H. clerk (12 Gore, East Cambridge), boards S. R. ThonipsonJs, Summit avenue Thompson John, upholsterer, Harvard square corner, Washington, house Davis ave. near Harvard square Thompson Nelson C. furniture and upholstery, Harvard sq. cor. Washington, h, Davis ave. n. Harvard square Thompson Samuel R. bark machines, (12 Gore, East Cam¬ bridge,), house Summit avenue near Beacon nuninr UCDUnilT BUTTER, at PEIRCE & RICHARDS, UnUlUL VLnmUil I WasIiingt’nSt., op. Horse Car Stables, 118 BROOKLINE [X] DIRECTORY.

Thorndike Charles (Browne & Thorndike), lawyer (47 State, B.), house Pleasant cor. Brighton avenue Thurber Ira H. machinist, house Washington opposite B. & A. B. B. station Tierney Patrick, coachman Dr. S. C. Martin, house Park Tilley James B. foreman A. T. Brown, South corner Grove, house do. Tobey Hannah 1ST. Mrs. house foot of Linden place Tobey Lucy M. Miss, (28 Temple place, Bf), house foot of Linden place [corner Walter avenue Todd Hannah M. Miss, matron Day Nursery, Washington Todd Thomas, boards I. H. Sears’, Babcock Tompson Edward W. E. lawyer (28 School, room 27, B.), h. Francis near Kent [house Kent corner Francis Tompson Samuel, lawyer (47 Court, room 3, Boston), Tooker Geo. W. B. janitor Hotel Kempsford, house do. Tooker Wm. A. clerk, b. G. W. B. Tooker’s, Hotel Kemps¬ ford [boards G. W. Torrey’s, Harvard avenue Torrey Charles, clerk E. K. Potter, (55 Chatham, Boston), Torrey George W. (Geo. W. Torrey & Co.), wholesale grocer (244 South Market, B.), h. Harvard av. n. Park Toussaint Winand, (Emerson Piano factory, Boston), h. Aspinwall ave. near Toxteth [ington Towle Agnes, widow of Mathew, h. Whyte’s blk. Wash- Towle George M. (28 School, room 58, Boston), house Walnut place off Walnut [block, Washington Towle James, driver Buzzell’s Express, house Whyte’s Towne Frances B. wid. of Wm. H. h. High n. Edge hill rd. Towne Geo. E. (31 Bedford, Boston), house Edge Hill road, near High [Chapel station Townsend Benjamin B. journalist, house 9 Monmouth, Townsend Frank A. bds. John Townsend’s, Walnut Townsend John, merchant (27 Doane, room 9, B.) house Walnut, nearly opposite Unitarian church [h. do. Townsend Thaddeus J. vegetable farm, Heath, near Oak Toy Thomas, coachman, B. Schlesinger, bds. do. Warren Train Fanny G. widow of Samuel F. house Chestnut place near Chestnut Train Samuel P. (Train, Smith & Co.), importing and com. merchant (24 Federal, B.), boards Mrs. F. G. Train’s Chestnut place Train Stephen G. felting, etc. (24 Federal B.), bds. Mrs. F. G. Train’s, Chestnut place Trainor Mary, widow of John, h. Boylston near High Trousdale Jacob B. (Stitt, Trousdale & Co.) provisions, Washington, house High, opp. Ward Trowbridge Charles P. Boston City Express, (34 Court square, Boston), house School, corner Washington WOODWARD & BROWN PIANOS, THE BEST. BROOKLINE [U, V, W] DIRECTORY. 119

Trull Washington B. physician and surgeon, Washington near Park, house do. Truesdale Martha Mrs. house Juniper near Flora Tufts James, coachman P. Olsen, Summit av. boards do. Turley Thomas J. tailor, Boylston n. Washington, h. do. Turner Fergus B. collector B. Gas Works, house Gorham avenue, near Davis avenue Tuscher John R. blacksmith, house White place Twichell Geo. P. physician, boards Mrs, C. F. Phillips’, Harrison place Twichell Ginery Mrs. house Harrison place Twichell Jeremiah, waiter, house Boylston n. Washington Tyler Grenville C. salesman, (155 Summer, B.), h„ Marion cor. Park Tyler Thomas H. wool broker, (158 Summer, B.) house Williams near Harvard Tyler William B. student, bds. Thos. H. Tyler, Williams

UPHAM MARY L„ widow of Henry, house Freeman cor. Pleasant

VAN RIPER CORNELIUS B. prop. Brookline Laundry, Boylston n. High, h. at Boston VAN SLYCK DAVID B. physician, Harvard, opposite Harvard avenue, house do. Yass Elizabeth, widow of John, h. Cypress, cor. Walnut Yass William J. florist, Cypress, cor. Walnut, h. do. Yaughan George D. house Waluut, near Chestnut Yerney Osavius, carpenter 0. B. Delano, h. Washington opposite gas-works VILES ALDEN E. (Yiles & Smith), real estate and insurance, (28 School, room 41, B.) house Gorham av. near Cypress Yinton Hammond (Freeman & Yinton), ins. agt. 32 Kilby B.) h. 8 Monmouth court, Chapel station Yon Arnim Alfred K. clerk (B.) bds. T. F. Yon Arnim’s, Prescott Yon Arnim Theodore F. house Prescott, cor. Mountfort Yose George L. professor of engineering, (Mass. Inst. Technology, B.), h. Gorham avenue Yroom C. Wallace, starter Metropolitan R. R. h. Davis ct.

WADLEY GEORGE A. house Yernon, near Park Wadley William H. clerk (43 Equitable bldg. B.), bds. G. A. Wadley’s, Yernon Wadsworth Harry L. bds. H. C. Wadsworth, Pleasant DRESS LININGS OF ALL KINDS, AT DELANO’S. 16 120 BROOKLINE [\V] DIRECTORY.

Wadsworth Henry C. h. Pleasant, cor. hummer Wadsworth Susan, widow, h. Beacon, near Tappan Wakefield Mary, widow of Gideon, boards W. B. Chaplin, Beacon Waldo-, h. Hotel Adelaide, High near Park Waldron Mary, widow of William, h. Boylston n. High Wales George R. (John Wales & Co.), (239 Franklin, B.), boards John Wales’, Monmouth Wales John, (John Wales & Co.) agents Cleveland Rol¬ ling Mills, (239 Franklin, Boston), house Monmouth, corner Carlton Wales Joseph H. h. Washington, near Gardner road Walker John, tinsmith, Kenrick Bros. b. Mrs. Fairfield’s, Colonnade blk. Wall Patrick, laborer, house Pearl near Brookline av. Wallace Albert, fireman B. & A. R. R. h. rear Harvard, near Harvard ave. Wallace Anna Mrs. widow, bds. John Taylor’s, Juniper Wallace William E. currier, h. Boylston near Washington Walsh John, driver Met. R. R. bds. Mary Walsh, Juniper Walsh Mary, widow of Thomas, h. Juniper, near Flora Walsh Thomas, hostler, boards Mary Walsh’s, Juniper Walter Frank (Walter & Wait), coal, (21 Exchange Place, B.), h. Marion, n. Harvard Walter Frank jr. clerk (78 Devonshire, B.), boards F. Walter’s, Marion Ward Andrew J. bookkeeper (448 Federal, B.), house Tappan, near Gardner road Ward Grace W. Miss, boards James H. Ward’s, Warren Ward James H. coachman I. Sargent, house Warren, near Cottage Ward James H. jr. boards J. H. Ward’s, Warren Ward Thomas, laborer, house Pearl, near Emerald Ward Thomas P. piano maker, (791 Tremont, Boston), boards J. H. Ward’s, Warren Ware Charles P. h. Walnut, nearly opp.- Walnut pL Warren Almira L. widow of John, h, Warren, n. Dudley Warren Charles B. clerk (9 Dock square, Boston), boards M. C. Warren’s, Harvard avenue Warren Cyrus M. chemist, h. Walnut place, off Walnut Warren Edward R. student, b. Cyrus M. Warren, Walnut Warren Elizabeth, widow of J. S. h. Heath, cor. Pound Warren Frank C. boards Mrs. A. L. Warren’s, Warren Warren Mary Miss, Old Ladies’ home, Harvard, between Pierce and School WARREN MOSES C. (M. C. Warren & Co.), hardware (9 Dock sq. B.), h. Harvard av. n. Harvard

lA/ADDm C PIIDDITD APOTHECARY, Harvard Square VVAflnLI? Ol uUrsnlLnj Brookline, Ma«g. BROOKLINE [W] DIRECTORY. 121

Warren William R. student, boards C. M. Warren’s Wal¬ nut place Wason Elbridge (Wason, Pierce & Co ), wholesale grocer, (61 Chatham, Boston), h. Harvard cor. Alton place Waterman Rachel P. widow of Joseph M. boards J. H. Boody’s, Gorham avenue Waterman Thomas, physician (146 Boylston, B.), house Pleasant nearly opposite Browne Waterman Wm. E. salesman R. H. White & Co. (518 Washington, B.), boards C. P. McCausland’s, Aspin- wall avenue Watkins Albert H. portable gas attachments, (37 Harri¬ son avenue, Boston), h. Hotel Kempsford, Walnut Watkins John, (37 Harrison avenue, B.) h. Washington, corner Holden [ington Watson Albert E. file cutter, (B.), h. Boylston near Wash- Watson C. Herbert (Brewster, Cobb & Esterbrook), ban¬ ker (35 Congress, B.), bds. T, A. Plimpton’s, Perry Watson Ephraim, foreman Theodore Lyman, boards Pound corner Boylston Watson Malachi, gardener, h. Brookline ave. opp. Pearl Watson Nicholas, foreman B. F. Baker, Washington cor. Pearl, house Fay place Watson Peter, laborer, b. Malachi Watson, Brookline ave. Watson Robert, boards Mrs. E. Stitt’s, White place Watson Robert J. police, h. Delano block, Washington Watt James, carpenter, b. Wilson House, Harvard square Way Charles G. artist, house Longwood av. cor. St. Paul Webb Stephen P. Mrs. house Irving cor. Harvey Webber Charles F. market man J. H. Webber, Reservoir av. near Boston line, Brighton district, boards do. Webber John H. vegetable farmer, Reservoir place, near Boston line, Brighton district, house do. Weber Joseph, brass finisher E. S. Ritchie & Sons, house at Somerville T17 EEKS ALLEN S. (Geo. Wm. Ballou & Co.), VV banker, (72 Devonshire, B.), house Harvard near Harrison place Weinstein Emma Miss, operator Telephone office, boards R. Weinstein’s, Boylston [Boylston Weinstein John, express driver, boards. R. Weinstein’s, Weinstein Rupert, boot and shoe maker, Boylston near Washington, house do. between High and Cypress Welch Bernard, lamp-lighter, h. School near Harvard Welch Francis W. house Warren near Dudley Welch Jennie M. Mrs. h. Cypress corner Gorham avenue Welch, Michael, laborer, h. Pearl near Washington punipr tcac 9. pnrcrrc peirce&kichakds, UnUlUL \ts\0 & bUrrttOl Washington Street. 122 BROOKLINE [W] DIRECTORY.

Weld Wm. F. house Avon near Boston line, J. P. Weld-, physician, h. Goddard ave. near Cottage Wellington Avery, house Cypress cor. Sewall place Wellman Arthur G. bookkeeper, (B.), boards Mrs. M. G. Wellman’s, Linden place [Linden place Wellman Francis L. lawyer, bds. Mrs. W. A. Wellman’s, Wellman M. G. widow of Wm. A. house Linden place Wells Frank, physician (16 Sears bldg. B.), house Hawes corner Colchester Wells Henry B. com. mer. cotton goods (40 Bedford, B.), house Longwood avenue corner St. Paul Wells Horace, laborer, house Juniper Wells John S. salesman (40 Bedford, B.), boards H. B. Wells’, Longwood avenue Wentworth James H. sawyer (108 East Dedham, B.), h. Chestnut Hill av., near B. B. station Wesson David W. student, b. E. B. Wesson’s, Davis ave. Wesson Elijah B. manager (88 and 90 Pearl, B.), house Da¬ vis avenue opposite Thayer WEST PAUL, lawyer (8 Congress, room 20, B.), house Harvard avenue near Park [Harrison pi. West Buth A. widow of David A. house Harvard corner Western Union Telegraph Co. office at B. & A. B. B. station, Washington, James E. Brady, manager Wetmore Laura Mrs. b. F. A. Jewett’s, Dudley n. Warren Wetmore Laura E. Miss, boards F. A. Jewett’s, Dudley near Warren [Dudley near Warren Wetmore Sidney, law student, boards F. A. Jewett’s, Whalen James M., clerk M. Whalon, boards 14 White pi. Whalon Michael, coal and wood, rear Pearl, near B. & A. B. B., house 14 White place Wheeler Leonard H., agent Eclipse Wind Mill Co., (40 Oliver, Boston), house Hotel Kempsford, Walnut Wheelan Michael, foreman (484 Washington, B.), house Juniper, near Flora WHIDDEN THOMAS M. (Whidden, Curtin & Co.), furniture (1 to 9 Washington, B.), house 3 Monmouth [Freeman Whighem Bobert, servant E. D. Sawyer, h. Pleasant, cor. Whipple Charles K., h. Pleasant, near Green Whipple Leonard J., farmer Charles Faulkner, Mt. Wal- ley, house off Newton, opposite Almshouse Whitcomb Charles M., American Bell Telephone Co. (95 Milk, B.), h. Monmouth, nearly opp. Monmouth place White Andrew, milkman, house Cypress, near Sewall White Francis A., house Warren, corner Cottage White F. Winthrop, student, bds. F. A. White’s, Warren


White Isaac D., house Beacon, opposite Tappan White Joseph F., student, (M. I. T. Boston), bds. Joseph H. White’s, Boylston White Joseph H. (White, Payson & Co.), wholesale dry goods (30 Bedford, B.), h. Boylston, op. the reservoir White Joseph L., house Brighton, near Boston line, Brigh¬ ton district [L. White’s, Brighton White Lincoln, carpenter, (108 E. Dedham, B.), boards J. White William H., student, boards F. A. White’s, War¬ ren, corner Cottage White William Orne, clergyman, h. High, cor. Chestnut Whitford Richard C., brass-finisher E. S. Ritchie & Sons, boards Chace Block, Washington Whitman John jr., (31 Bedford, Boston), house Perry, near Francis Whitman William, treasurer (40 Water, B.), h. Washing¬ ton, above Cypress Whitney Annie Mrs., widow, boards Thomas E, Curtis, Longwood ave. Whitney Charles L. B., (Gaston & Whitney) lawyer, (28 School, room 1, B.), house 8 Monmouth Whitney Harriet M., widow of Aaron D., boards B. Baker’s, Cypress Whitney Henry M,, agent Met, S. S, Co. (India wharf, Boston), and president Hancock Inspirator Co. (34 Beach, B,), house Boylston, opposite reservoir Whitney John H,, salesman H. Collins & Co,, Harvard square, rooms A. A, Cheney’s, Harvard square Whitney L. C., widow of Jas. S., h. Pleasant, cor, Beacon Whitney Prudence, widow of Joseph, bds. J, E, Eveleth’s, Winchester Whittemore Augustus (Whittemore, Cabot & Co,), whole¬ sale dry goods commission (89 Bedford, Boston), h, Carlton, Chapel station Whittemore Lewis D., watchmaker, bds, J, D, Crosby, Harvard [boards do, Whittier George W., coachman W, C, Cotten, Beacon, Whittle Wm. C. horse-shoer and carriage-smith, Washing¬ ton, n. gas house, h. Downer, cor, Tremont, (Boston) Whyte Oliver, house off AVashington, opp. Public library Whyte Susan G. Miss, off Washington, opp. Public library Wiggins Arthur H. conductor, B, & A, R. R. house 9 Lin¬ den place court Wight-, furrier, house Gardner road Wilber Flora A, widow of Chas. L. house rear Boylston, near School house Wilcox Elmer, coaohman, G. F. Fabyan, Summit av. b. do. KID GLOVES DYED & CLEANSED, AT DELANO’S. 124 BROOKLINE [W] DIRECTORY.

Wilder William H. (Parker, Wilder & Co.) (4 Winthrop square, Boston), house Park, corner Vernon Wilkins William, cabinet-maker, house Fay place Williams Arthur, president Oriental Powder Mills, and (R. Williams & Son), merchandise broker (13 Broad, Boston), house St. Paul, near Aspinwall avenue Williams Arthur jr. India goods (141 Milk, Boston), bds. Arthur Williams’, St. Paul Williams Arthur C. (T. H. Dyer & Co.), provisions, Har¬ vard square, house Thayer place WILLIAMS CHARLES A. lawyer (18 P. 0. square, room 5, Boston), h. Walnut pi. off Walnut Williams E. R. Mrs. nurse, bdsr Peder Olsen, Summit ave. Williams George, servant Faith Home, Harrison pi. b. do. Williams Mary, widow of Moses B. house Walnut place, off Walnut WILLIAMS MOSES JR. lawyer (18 P. 0. sq. room 5, Boston), house Walnut place off Walnut Williams Samuel, woolens (31 Avon, B.), h. Washington corner Park Williamson Henry, farmer, house Heath, near Warren Willis Burton R. police, house School, near Prospect Wilson Alexander M. boarding-house, Harvard sq. h. do. Wilson Charles H. painter J. H. Boody, house Washing¬ ton, opposite High Wilson Edward C house Harvard, opposite Vernon Wilson James, real estate agent and collector, boards A. M. Wilson, Harvard square Wilson M. William, house High, near Ward [b. do. Wilson William, coachman Harold Richardson, Cottage, Wilson Wm. G. coachman H. H. Richardson, h. White pi. Winch George, clerk (130 Federal, B.), boards J. R. Winch, Longwood avenue Winch Joseph R. (Winch Bros.) boots and shoes (130 Federal, B.), h. Longwood ave. near St. Paul Winchester Edmund, clerk (20 Kilby, B.), boards Mrs. S. S. Winchester, Harvard Winchester Elizabeth H. widow of Stephen S. house Harvard nearly opposite Harvard avenue. Winchester Frank L. (Howes & Winchester), expressman, house Boylston, corner Reservoir place Winslo\y Andrew J. locomotive engineer Brookline branch B. & A. R. R. house Harvard, near School Winsor Alfred (Alfred Winsor & Son), com. mer. (103 State, B.), house Walnut, corner Walnut place Winsor Ann Maria, wid. of Alfred, h. Walnut, n. Cypress Winsor Walter T. (Alfred Winsor & Son), (103 Sttae, Boston), b. Mrs. A. M. Winsor’s, Walnut, n. Cypress

Harvard Square, CURRIER’S DRUG STORE, Opposite Post O/Hce. BROOKLINE [\Y] DIRECTORY. 125

Winters Thomas, laborer, house Heath, near Oak Winthrop Robert C. house Warren, near Dudley Wiswall C. A. Mrs. house Searle avenue Wiswall Emma L. Miss, teacher Chestnut street school, boards Mrs. C. A. Wiswall’s, Searle avenue Withington Caroline D. widow of Joseph, house Walnut, nearly opposite Irving Withington Moses, town treasurer and collector, Town hall, house Beacon, near Washington Wood Charles H. (31 Bedford, B.), house Davis avenue, near Harvard square Wood Helen M. Mrs. matron Old ladies home, Harvard, between Pierce and School, boards do. Wood Rufus K. (Cook & Wood) hardware (287 West Broadway, S. Boston), bds. Wm. Wood’s, Babcock Wood William, carpenter and builder, (96 Beverly, B.), house Perry, between Aspinwall av. and Francis Wood Wm. h. Babcock bet. Brighton av. and Freeman Wood Wm. B. treas. Continental mills, and (Brown, Wood & Kingman), dry goods com. (31 Bedford, B.) house Auburn, near Harvard Wood William H. student, bds. Wm. Wood’s, Perry Woodbury A. Frank, clerk Geo. W. Bird, Washington, corner Davis court, boards do. Woodbury Mary J. widow of William P. house Washing¬ ton, near Harvard square [Harvard square Woodbury William P. bookkeeper, house Washington, n. Woods Alexander, laborer, h. Pearl, near Washington Woods Amelia A. Miss, asst, librarian, public library, h. School, near Washington Woods Annie W. widow of John S. h. Prospect, n. School Woods Chas. E. com. traveler, h. Brighton, cor. Beacon Woods Eunice M. widow of John, bds. Annie W. Wood’s Prospect near School Woods James, laborer, house Heath, near Hammond Woods Michael teamster Town stable, Cypress, c. Sewall, house Juniper, near Morss av. WOODWARD ARTHUR S. (Woodward & Brown, pianos, (592 Washington, B.), b. Mrs. Cyn¬ thia S.- Wbodward’s, Walnut Woodward Elson, gardener Louis Cabot, Warren bds. do. Woodward Geo. B. sec. John Hancock Life Ins. Co. (16 Sears building, 199 Washington, B.), house Babcock, nearly opposite Freeman [Irving Woodward Cynthia S. widow of Isaac, house Walnut opp. WOODWARD ROYAL, blacksmith, Washing¬ ton, corner High, house Walnut, near High

TEAS, Etc. PEIRCE & RICHARDS, GROCERIES, Washington St., opp. Horse Car Stables. 126 BROOKLINE [YJ DIRECTORY.

Worthley Elizabeth S. widow of Daniel, house Perry, n. Aspinwall avenue [near Aspinwall avenue Worthley Geo. H. banker, (28 State B.), house St. Paul, Wright David, coachman, J. L. Little, Goddard av. b. do. Wright Elizabeth, widow, bds. Wm. Griggs, Harvard Wrightington Benjamin T. h. Erancis, cor. Perry Wrightington Charles W. (Potter & Wrightington), fish and canned goods (197 Atlantic avenue, B.), house Erancis, corner Perry

YOUNG AMOS. S. (Burdett, Yorfng & Ingalls), cloth¬ ing (3 Winthrop sq. Boston), house Sewall avenue Young Edward, leather and shoe findings (157 Summer, B.), house Prospect, opposite High School Young Edward P. clerk (157 Summer, Boston), boards Ed¬ ward Young’s, Prospect Young Frank D. clerk (97 Summer, B.), boards J. D. Young jr.’s, Washington [Young’s, Sewall avenue Young Frank H. com. mer. (56 Summer, B.), boards A. S. Young Fred S. clerk (153 Summer, Boston) boards A. S, Young’s, Sewall ave. Young Harry, clerk, (3 Winthrop sq. B.), h. Sewall av. Young John W. coachman, house Chestnut, corner Sewall Young John D. jr. (Brooks & Young), shoe manufactur¬ ers’ goods (97 Summer, B.), h. Washington c. Prospect Young John W. coachman, John Townsend, Walnut, b. do. Young Bosa Miss, h. Walnut, opp. Walnut place



A Classified List of all Trades, Professions and Pursuits in the

Town of Brookline fox* tlie yeai‘s 1883 and 1884, arranged

Alphabetically fox' eacli Trade, tlxxxs exhibiting

at a glance the full addx*ess and Special

Business of her citizeixs.

Agricultural Implements. AUSTIN CHARLES D. Harvard.square, (seep. 2)

Apothecaries. BABBITT W. C. Harvard, cor. Aspinwall av. (see front cover) Bird George W. Washington, cor. Davis court Butler William H. Colonnade building, Washington CURRIER WARREN G. Harvard square, junction Washington, (see foot lines general directory)

Architects. Aiken William M. Walnut AUSTIN CHARLES D. Harvard square, (seep. 2) Rutan Chas. H. Dudley

Bakers. > HAYES JULIA MISS, 2 Guild block, Washington, (see page 167) MORLOCK JACOB, Washington, opp. Walnut, (see page 166) 17 128 BROOKLINE BUSINESS DIRECTORY.

Billiards. Holmes E. S. Harvard square

Blacksmiths. (See also Horse Shoers,) Bowen P. W. Boylston, bet. Washington and Cypress CARROLL DENNIS J. Hammond, near Heath, (see page 171) Nagle Thomas, Washington, near Pearl WOODWARD ROYAL, Washington, corner High, (see page 12)

Boarding-Hotises. Brackett Martha, Washington, cor. Walnut ColmanW. C. Davis court Fairfield Annie Mrs. Colonnade building Kelley Lizzie Mrs. Walter av, near Morss av, Wilson A. M. Harvard square

Boots and Shoes, CHAPLIN C. C. Colonnade building, Washington, (see page 6) Kooney James, Harvard square, corner Andem place

Boot and Shoe Makers. CHAPLIN C. C. Colonnade building, Washington (see page 6) Delahanty R, Whyte’s block, Washington Hogan John, Washington, opposite Guild block Morrissey John, Brookline avenue, near Boston line Murphy J. H. Washington, opposite Colonnade building O’Neil James, Washington, near the bridge Rooney James, Harvard square, corner Andem place Weinstein R. Boylston, near Washington

Builders. (See Contractors, also Carpenters and Builders.)

Butter and Cheese. BACON F. H. Washington, corner Boylston (see page 168) COOLIDGE & BRO. Harvard, cor. Beacon (see page 172) BROOKLINE BUSINESS DIRECTORY, 129

EDWARDS P. & SON, opposite Chapel station (see page 5) FINNEY WILLIAM, Harvard, corner School (see page 166) NELSON BROS. Colonnade building, Washington (see page 166) PACKARD E. W. Colonnade building, Washington (see back cover) PEIRCE & RICHARDS, Washington, near depot (see advt. foot lines in general directory) ROBINSON T. T. Washington, opposite Walnut (see page 170)

Cabinet Makers. Mason T, T. Harvard square, near Washington McClure David, Washington, opposite Guild block ROBART H. W. opp. Chapel station (see page 171) Thompson N, C. Harvard square

Carpenters and Builders. Beal Samuel, High, corner Washington Blaisdell John E., E. Carlton, near Chapel station, Long- wood Bowker W. H. Washington, near Town hall Delano 0. B. Washington, near Thayer Getchell I. S. Beacon, opposite Summit avenue Goodwin W. A. Washington, opposite Town hall Hall H. M. Washington, near Walter avenue Kirk John W. Boylston, near Cypress Mahan M. Walter avenue, opposite Morss avenue Melcher W. K. Linden place NEAE B. W. Boylston, near Cypress (see page 165)

Carpet Bitter. Rogers Harriet Mrs. Washington, near bridge

Carriage Dealer. CLARK T. E. Pearl, cor. Washington (see page 171)

Carriage Manufacturers. LUCAS & MAHER, Washington, opposite Pearl (see page 167) QUINLAN M. W. Boylston, cor. High (see page 170) 130 BROOKLINE BUSINESS DIRECTORY.

Carriage Smiths. Bowen P. W. Boylston, bet. Washington and Cypress CARROLL D. J. Hammond, near Heath, ( see p. 171) Duffy P. Boylston, near Washington Madore Joseph, Boylston, near Kerrigan place Nagle Thomas, opposite Driscoll block, Washington Whittle Wm. C. Washington, near gas house WOODWARD R. Washington, cor. High (see p. 12)

Carriage Trimmers. LUCAS & MAHER, Washington, opposite Pearl (see page 167) QUINLAN M. W. Boylston, cor. High (see p. 170)

Caterer. HANKEY FRANK A. Harvard square (see p. 167)

Cigars and Tobacco. Dashuck Jacob, Washington, near Pearl Dorr Sydney B, (mnfr.), Washington, opp. Town hall Murray H. J. Guild block, Washington NICHOLS C. H. Whyte’s block, Washington (see page 23)

Civil Engineers and Surveyors. AUSTIN CHARLES D. Harvard sq. (see page 2) Prench Alexis H, office at Town hall

Clergymen. Beecher Luther F, (Baptist), Davis avenue, near Cypress Boylan Matthew T. (Catholic), Linden place Brackett J. B, (Baptist), Davis avenue Brown Howard N. (Unitarian), Walnut, near Warren Howe R. H. (Episcopal), Monmouth court Hughsen S. S. (Episcopal), Cypress, corner Sewall place Morris L. J. (Catholic), Linden place, near Harvard Orrock John M., Winchester, opposite Second Storrs Leonard K. (Episcopal), Walnut, n. opp. Irving Thomas Reuen (Congregationalist), Harvard, opp. Green White William 0. (Unitarian), High, corner Chestnut BROOKLINE BUSINESS' DIRECTORY. 131

Coal and Wood* COUSENS BROS, office Washington near B. & A. depot (see page 5.) FINNEY WILLIAM, Harvard corner School (see page 166) Whalon M. office and yard rear Pearl, east of R, R, station

Coffins, Caskets, etc. GUTTERSON JOSEPH D. Harvard near Aspirn wall avenue (see page 167)

Confectioner. HANKEY FRANK A. Harvard square cor, Datis court (see page 167)

Confectionery. HANKEY FRANK A. Harvard square (see p, 167) HAYES JULIA MISS, 2 Guild block, Washington (see page 167)

Contractors. Allen P. S. Green near Pleasant COOK JOHN, Driscoll’s blk. Washington (see p. 169) DEWING & McCLURE, (35 Hawley, B,) and 5 Guild block (see back cover) Driscoll James, Washington opposite Pearl Hitchings Geo. F., Marion near Park JAMES HORACE, 3 Guild block, Washington (see page 165) JOHNSON BROS. Washington cor. Boylston (see page 165) McCue Thomas, Ackers avenue near Brighton Reed Eben W. Reservoir place corner Boylston

Crockery, China and Glass Ware. BACON FRANCIS H. Washington cor. Boylston (see page 168) COOLIDGE & BRO. Harvard corner Beacon (see page 172) FINNEY WILLIAM, Harvard corner School (see page 166) PACKARD E. W. Washington (see back cover) 132 BROOKLINE BUSINESS DIRECTORY.

Crockery, China and Glass Ware. (Con.) ROBINSON T. T. Washington opposite Walnut (see page 170) TAYLOR E. B. Washington cor. Davis av. (see page 173)

Curtains and Curtain Fixtures. BRENNAN M. Harvard sq. (see advt on front cover) ROBART H. W. opp. Chapel station (see page 171)

Cutler. FREE WILLIAM, Harvard near Harvard square (see page 169)

Cutlery. AUSTIN CHARLES D. Harvard sq. (see page 2)

Dentists. CLEMENTS T. W. Davis avenue near Harvard- square (see page 172) FOSTER WILLIAM BRADFORD, Colonnade building, Washington (see page 172)

Dressmakers. Cooper Abbie J. Thayer cor. Thayer court Crosby J. B. Mrs., Harvard opposite Harvard avenue Fogarty Catherine, Morss avenue near Juniper Gibson Adelia C. Mrs. Chace’s block, Washington near' Harvard square Holmes Mary Mrs. Walnut near High Knox Delia A. Mrs. School near Harvard Martin W. Mrs. Washington near Harvard square McDonough M. E. Miss, Boylston near Washington Melcher Maria, Linden place Owens Mary Miss, Andem place near Washington Rowe Lizzie Miss, Holden Sanborn Martha Miss, School opposite Prospect

Dry Goods. Boynton G. F. & Co. Washington opposite High DELANO O. B. MRS. Harvard square corner Har¬ rison place (see foot lines general directory) LAMB C. F. Colonnade bldg., Washington n. Harvard sq. see inset Swift L. M. Miss, Harvard square BROOKLINE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 133

Electrician. Holtzer Charles W. Boylston near High

Employment Offices. Clark B. C. Mrs. Whyte’s block, Washington Hill B. Mrs. Washington near High Holmes Mary Mrs. Walnut near High

Expresses. Adams Express Co. at B. & A. R. R. station, Washington Buzzell J. C. office Chapel station, also (34 Court square, Boston Chase Charles, Washington opp. Hose No. 2 Co.’s house (91 Kilby, Boston) GRAHAM & DOWNES, office Brookline News Depot, Colonnade bldg., R. R. stations, Longwood and Chapel; (Boston offices 72 Water and 3 West streets,) (see page 175) Howes & Winchester, Boylston and (75 Kilby, Boston) JOHNSON’S EXPRESS, Brookline and Boston, order boxes at Geo. F. Joyce & Co.’s, Harvard square, and Lyceum Hall bldg, and (38 Broad and 24 South Market st. Boston) (see page 169)

Fancy Goods. Boynton G. F. & Co. Washington opposite High Cheney Alfred A. Haivard square, n. Harrison place CURRIER WARREN G. Harvard square (see foot lines general directory) LAMB C. F. Colonnade building, Washington, n. Har¬ vard, square, (see inset) Swift L. M. Miss, Harvard square, corner Washington T A YE OR E. B. Washington cor. Davis avenue, (see page 173)

Farmers. Brown Atherton T. South, corner Grove Coolidge David S. (vegetable), Harvard, near Boston line, Brighton district Corey Timothy, (vegetable), Washington near Boston line^ Brighton district Doran William (fruit and vegetable), Ackers avenue Dow C. R. (milk and vegetable), Newton, between Ham¬ mond and South Ferguson John, Sewall avenue, near Kent 134 BROOKLINE BUSINESS DIRECTORY.

Farmers. ( Continued,) Glynn John, Goddard avenue near Avon Goddard A. W. (vegetable), Goddard avenue, near Aypn Goodenough Geo. W. Newton Goodenough Xanthus, South, near Newton Griggs Thomas (vegetable), Washington, near Park Griggs Thomas B. (vegetable) Washington, opp, Gardner Road Griggs W. J. (vegetable), Harvard opp. Babcock Harmon D. I. (vegetable), Newton, n Pond, Boston line Hastings Levi W. (milk), Clyde, near Warren Humphrey W. A. (vegetable and fruit), Newton n. Clyde Hyde W. J. (vegetable), Newton opp, Clyde Lovell Wm. J. (vegetable), Washington, near Boston line, Brighton district [Brighton Morrill David B. (vegetable) Harvard on Boston line at Nyhan Timothy, Heath, near Hammond Quimby Thomas C. (vegetable), Heath near Hammond Rooney Patrick, (vegetable), Chestnut Hill ayenue, cor, Ackers av. Stearns C. H. Pleasant, cor. Beacon Townsend T. J. (vegetable), Heath, near Hammond Webber J. H. (vegetable), Reservoir pi. n. Boston line

Fish and Oysters. Johnson F. H. & Co. Washington, near Railroad bridge Johnson Geo. P. 4 Guild block, Washington

Fishing Tackle Manufacturer. Shields John, Harvard Square, n. Davis avenue

Florists. McGREGOR JAMES, Ridgeway, near Freeman, (see page 173) Quinn J. Chestnut, near Sewall Richards J. S. Clyde, bet. Warren and Newton Smith E. S. Clyde, between Warren and Newton Yass William, Cypress, near Walnut

Flour and Grain. BACON FRANCIS H. Washington, cor. Boylston, (see page 168) Bond Frederick M. Boylston, near Washington COOLIDGE & BRO. Harvard, cor. Beacon, (see page 172) BROOKLINE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 135

EDWARDS P. & SON, Chapel station (see p. 5) FINNEY WILLIAM, Harvard, corner School, (see page 166) NELSON BROS. Colonnade building, Washington, (see page 166) PACKARD E. W. Colonnade building, Washington, (see back cover) ROBINSON T. T. Washington, opposite Walnut, (see page 170)

Fresco Fainter. NOLAND ANDREW, Washington near Town Hall (see page 168)

Furnaces and Fanges. KENRICK BROS. Washington, north of R. R. bridge (see page 6) PAINE BROS. Harvard square (see page 2)

Furniture. Mason T. T., Harvard square McClure David, Washington opp. Guild block Thompson Nelson C. Harvard square cor. Washington BRENNAN M. Harvard square (see line front cover)

Gardeners. GUTTERSON J. D. Harvard near Aspinwall ave. (see page 167) McGREGOR JAMES, Ridgeway near Freeman (see page 168)

Gas Fitters and Fixtures. ALLEN E. F. St. Andrew building, Harvard square (see line front cover) PAYNE BROS. Harvard square (see page 2)

Gas Light Co. Brookline Gas Light Co. Washington corner Brookline avenue ; John C. Abbott, president; D. W. Salisbury, treasurer, 40 State, Boston; Chas. F. Spaulding, supt.

Gents9 Furnishing Goods. Boynton G. F. & Co. Washington opposite High LAMB C. F. Colonnade building, Harvard square, (see inset) 136 BROOKLINE BUSINESS DIRECTORY.

Grocers. BACON F. H. Washington cor. Boylston (see p. 168) COOLIDGE & BRO. Harvard cor. Beacon (see page 172) EDWARDS P. & SON, opp. Chapel station (see page 5) FINNEY WIBEIAM, Harvard cor. School (see page 166) Joyce Geo. F. & Co. Harvard square corner Harvard Lynch J. J. Brookline avenue near Emerald Macdonald C. A., Washington corner Walter avenue and do. near Lyceum Hall NELSON BROS. Colonnade building, Washington (see page 166) PACKARD EDWARD W. Colonnade building, Washington (see back cover) PEIRCE & RICHARDS, Washington opposite horse car station (see foot lines general directory) ROBINSON T. T. Washington opposite Walnut (see page 170) SEAMANS J. M. & CO. Harvard square corner Davis avenue (see page 169)

Hairdressers. Barthelines John C., Whyte’s block, Washington Gray Alvin 0. Washington near Railroad bridge Hilton T, B. Washington, opposite B. & A. R. R. station Keiser Peter, Washington opp. Guild block

Hardware, AUSTIN CHARLES D. Colonnade bldg. Wash¬ ington cor. Andem place, (see page 2) PAINE BROS. Harvard square (see page 2) ROBINSON T. T. Washin gton opp. Walnut (see page 170)

Harness Makers, LUCAS & MAHER, Washington opposite Pearl (see page 167) QUINLAN M. W. junction Boylston, High and Wal¬ nut (see page 170)

Hay and Straw. Bond F. M. Boylston near Washington COUSENS BROS. Washington near B. & A. R. R. depot (see page 5) BROOKLINE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 137

ROBINSON T. T. Washington opposite Walnut (see page 170)

Horse Healer. CLARK, T. E. Pearl, cor. Washington (see page 171)

Horse Shoers. Bowen P. W., Boylston, bet. Washington and Cypress BURNS JAMES F. Boylston, n. High (see page 12) CARROLL D. J. Hammond, near Heath (see page 171) Duffy P., Boylston, near Washington Madore Joseph, Boylston, near Kerrigan place Nagle Thomas, opposite Driscoll block, Washington Whittle William C., Washington, near gas house WOODWARD R., Washington,' corner High (see page 12)

Hotels. Colonnade House, George E. Perkins, proprietor, Colon¬ nade building, near railroad station MORLOCK’S HOTEL, Jacob Morlock, proprietor, Washington, opposite Walnut (see page 166) Beservoir Hotel, Beacon, opposite Englewood avenue The Hawthorn, Chas. D. Leckie, proprietor, Harvard, near Boston line

Insurance Agents. ABBOTT H. EDWARD, near B. & A. depot, Washington, and (18 P. 0. Square, Boston) (see front cover) Coolidge William D., Harvard, corner Beacon LINCOLN WILLIAM & SON, Colonnade build¬ ing, and (41 Devonshire, Boston) (see page 3)

Interior Heeorators. BOODY J. H., Washington, opposite B. & A. R. R. depot (see front cover) NOLAND A., Washington, near Town Hall (see page 168) BRENNAN M., Washington, near Harvard square (see line front cover) Hand J. B., Washington, near railroad bridge 138 BROOKLINE BUSINESS DIRECTORY.

Jewelry, Watches, JEtc. Cheney, Alfred A., Harvard square, near Harrison place Morse Charles W., Harvard square

Junk Dealer. Mc’Garry Thomas J., Brookline avenue, opp. gas works

Kindergarten and Day Nursery• Stodder Hattie A. Miss, Washington, corner Walter ave.

Kitchen Furnishing Goods. KENRICK BROS., Washington, opposite Colon¬ nade building (see page 6) PAINE BROS., Harvard square, (see page 2)

Land Companies. Aspinwall Land Company, William L. Candler, treasurer, (40 Water, room 9, Boston) Brookline Land Company, Alfred D. Chandler, treasurer, (150 Devonshire, room 51, Boston)

Landscape Architects. Olmstead Frederick L., Warren, corner Dudley Olmstead John C., Warren, corner Dudley

Laundries. Lee Sing, Whyte’s Block, Washington, near High Longwood Laundry, St. Mary’s cor., nr. Brighton avenue VAN RIPER C. B., Boylston, near High (see page 172)

Lawn Mower Sharpener and Kepairer. PREE WILLIAM, Harvard, near Harvard square (see page 169)

Lawyers. Coolidge J. Randolph, Dudley Chapin H. D. Walley, and (40 State, Boston) Cunningham Frederic, Ivy, and (30 Court, Boston) Drew Charles H. Gorham avenue, and (82 Devonshire, B.) Edwards Henderson J. Davis avenue, and (257 Washing¬ ton, Boston) BROOKLINE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 139

ELLIOT AMORY, Walnut and (30 Court, Boston), (see page 176) FAY CLEMENT K. Linden place, and (5 Treinont, rooms 9 and 10, Boston) (see page 177) FULLER HORACE W. Walnut, (209 Washing¬ ton, room 34, Boston) (see page 177) HALL F. ROCKWOOD, High, and (39 Court, Boston) (see page 177) Hoar D. Blakely, Beacon HOBBS WILLIAM, Harvard avenue, and (4 State, Boston) (see page 176) Kingman Bradford, Washington, opposite Public library Lincoln Albert L. Jr. Cypress place Mason Albert, Summit avenue, and (150 Devonshire, room 65, Boston) Perkins C. F. Searle avenue, and (82 Devonshire, Boston) Storey Moorfield, Edge Hill road, and (40 Water, Boston) Talbot Thomas H. Webster place, and (28 School, room 9, Boston) WEST PAUL, Harvard avenue and (8 Congress, corner State, Boston) (see page 176) WILLIAMS CHARLES A. Walnut place, and (18 Post-office square, room 5, Boston) (see page 177) WILLIAMS MOSES JR. Walnut, and (18 Post- office square, room 5, Boston) (see page 177)

Library (Circulating). Public Library, Washington, near School

Locksmith. FREE WILLIAM, Harvard, near Harvard square (see page 169)

Machinist* Stetson A. Henry, Joyce building, Harvard square

Masoris. Canty Michael (stone), White Place Connor Wm. (stone), Walter avenue COOK JOHN, Driscoll's block, Washington (see page 169) Cunningham Patrick, (stone), Pearl DEWING & McCLURE, (35 Hawley, Boston), and 5 Guild block, Washington (see back cover) 140 BROOKLINE BUSINESS DIRECTORY.

Masons. (Continued.) Doyle Michael (stone), Sewall, near Chestnut JAMES HORACE, 3 Guild block, Washington (see page 165) JOHNSON BROS. Washington, corner Boylston (see page 165) RUSSELL J. M. Washington, next depot (see page 173) [173) SMITH JOHN, Boylston, n. Kerrigan pi. (see page

Midibife. Daggett Mary J. Miss, Harvard, opp. R. Catholic church

Milkmen, Banigan Hugh, Pearl Hastings Levi W. Clyde, near Warren Love James, Ackers avenue, near Brighton Maloney B. Mrs. off Pearl McCullough A. High Reed Eben W. Reservoir place Roach Margaret, Brookline avenue Rowell C. N. Heath, near Hammond Shillady James, Juniper Stearns Francis G. Boylston, opposite the reservoir Stitt Helen Mrs. White place White Andrew, Cypress

Milliner, Martin W. Mrs. Washington, near Harvard square

News Dealers, Brookline News Depot, Colonnade building, Washington NICHOLS NEWS DEPOT, Whyte’s block, Wash¬ ington (see page 23)

Newspaper, CHRONICLE (THE), Spencer & Soule, publishers, Joyce’s building, Harvard square (see page 165)

Notaries Public. Chapin H. D., Walley and (40 State, Boston) Drew Charles H., Gorham av. and (82 Devonshire, Boston) FULLER HORACE W., Walnut and (209 Wash¬ ington, room 34, Boston,) (see page 177) ADVERTISEMENTS. 141 E. S. HAMLIN & CO., (Successors to BOSWORTH & HAMLIN),

—DEALERS IN— Hard and Soft Coal and Wood,

Wharves, Nos. 254 & 256 Federal Street,


——■—— ■ ■ wu ——|———————mw————— W. H. S. Ij. Emery,

-DEALERS IN- HARD AND SOFT COAL, AV< ><>!>. BARK, ETC. Wliarf, No. 288 Federal Street, opposite Beacli Street,

WILLIAM H. EMERY. STEPHEN L. EMERY. BOSTON. ALDEN I >. CALEF, (Successor to Moses French Jr.), -DEALER IN- English, Anthracite and Smith’s

WOOD .ADtsTID SPRUCE POLES. Hard & Soft Wood Sawed & Split in usual lengths for Kindling. Wharf, 408 Federal Street, Boston. L. G. BURNHAM & CO., Anthracite & Bituminous


133 Charles St. East Chester Park, & 13 Mt. Washington Av., Boston, 331 Bridge Street, East Cambridge. 142 ADVERTISEMENTS. A. Li. CUTLER


LADIES FURS. 36, 38 & 40 Ctoiincy Street, BOSTON.




New Machines Patented March 30, 1883. City Rights For Sale. CARPETS TAKEN UP AND LAID. Mattresses, Feather Beds, &c., Re-made & Steam Renovated. 613 Main Street, next door to Post Office, Cambridgeport, Mass. BROOKLINE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 143

HALL F. R., High, opposite Edge hill road (39 Court, mvmBoston) (see page 177) HOBBS WILLIAM, Harvard avenue and (4 State, Boston) (see page 176) Kingman Bradford, Washington, opposite Public library

Nurseries. Craft George, South, corner Grove Me GREGOR JAMES, Ridgeway, near Ereeman (see page 173) Stearns Charles H., Pleasant, corner Beacon

Nurses, Holmes Harriet Miss, Walnut, near High Buckley Abbie K., Washington, opp. Public library Power Maria R. Mrs., Andem place

JPainterst BAKER B. F. (house, sign and ornamental), Wash¬ ington, cor. Pearl (see page 168) BOOBY J. H., Washington, opp. Colonnade House (see front cover) Chace R. A., Washington, near Harvard square Hand J. B., Washington, opp. B. & A, R. R. station, and Beacon, near Pleasant Mackenzie Samuel, Pay place, cor. Washington NOLAND A., Washington, near Town Hall (see page 168) Palmer Charles L., Washington, opposite Public library Taylor John P. (house, sign and ornamental), Washing¬ ton, near Pearl

-Paper Hangers. TAYLOR E. B., Washington, corner Pavis avenue (see page 173) DIC KIM30K

Paper Hangings. TAYLOR E. B., Washington, corner Davis avenue (see page 173)

jPhilosophical Instrument Manufactory. Ritchie E. S. & Sons, Cypress, near B. & A. R. R. station and (87 Pranklin, Boston) 144 BROOKLINE BUSINESS DIRECTORY.

Physicians. Members of the Massachusetts Medical Society.. Amory Robert, Colchester, corner Carlton, Longwood Channing Walter, Boylston, cor. Chestnut Hill avenue Francis T. E., Davis avenue, near Harvard square Hall Josiah L. Chestnut hill avenue Sabine George K., Irving Shurtleff A., High, corner Irving Trull Washington B., Washington, near Park VAN SLYCK D. B., Harvard, opposite Harvard av= enue (see page 172)

Other Physicians. Clements L. R. Mrs. Davis avenue, near Harvard square Cushing Ira B. (homeo.), Washington, opp. Town hall Ferris E. M., Longwood avenue, near Harvard PERCY FRED B. Cypress, near Cypress place

Piano-forte Tuner. Mathews Asahel G., School, near Washington

Plasterers, Whiteners, and\Colorers. COOK JOHN, Driscoll’s block, Washington (see page 169) DEWING & McCEURE, (35 Hawley, Boston), and 5 Guild block (see back cover) JAMES HORACE, 3 Guild block, Washington (see page 165) JOHNSON BROS. Washington, corner Boylston (see page 165) RUSSELL J. M. Washington next depot (see p. 173)

Plumbers. Keegen John jr. Ridgeway KENRXCK BROS. Washington north of R. R. (see page 6) MAHON THOMAS, Washington on R. R. bridge (see page 12) PAINE BROS. Harvard square (see page 2) SULLIVAN F. 5 Guild block, Washington (see page 166)

Printers. SPENCER & SOULE, Joyce building, Harvard (see page 165) BROOKLINE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 145

Provisions• Brown Bros. Washington opposite High COLLINS HENRY & CO. Harvard sq. (see p. 5) Curtis & Co. Harvard near School Dyer Thomas H. & Co., Joyce building, Harvard square MacDonald C. A., Washington cor. Walter avenue, and Washington near Lyceum Hall O’Beirne James, Walter avenue near Washington Stitt, Trousdale & Co. Washington opp. Guild block

Public Carriages. CUMMING-S M. at B. & A. depot, also Met. R. R. station (see page 12) O’HAY BROS, Metropolitan R. R. station, and B. & A. R. R. (see page 168) Shannon Francis C., Washington opposite Pearl Smyth Abiel B., stand at Longwood Railroad depot

Publishers. SPENCER & SOULE, Joyce bldg. Harvard (see page 165)

Heading Hooms. Brookline Free Reading Room, Washington near Railroad bridge Public Library, Washington near School

Heal Estate. LINCOLN WM. & SON, Colonnade building, and (41 Devonshire, B.) (see page 3) Panter John, St. Andrew building

Hestaurants. Cusick Thomas J., Washington cor. Morss avenue Guilfoyle J. L., Washington opposite Guild block Kelleher Patrick M. Washington cor. Pearl

Savings Bank. (See also Miscellaneous Department.) BROOKLINE SAVINGS BANK, Colonnade building, W. H. Lincoln, president, Wm. E. Lincoln, secretary and treasurer (see page 177) 19 146 BROOKLINE BUSINESS DIRECTORY.

Screen Manufacturers. AMERICAN WINDOW SCREEN CO. Wash- ington opposite Town hall, and (16 Studio building, Boston) (see page 16)

Seamstress, Potter Lucy A. Miss, Thayer place

Slaters. JAMES H. 3 Guild block, Washington (see page 165) RUSSEEE J. M. Washington n, R. R. (seepage 173) SMITH JOHN, Boylston (see page 173)

Stables. Chaplin W- B., Beacon opposite Hawes, Longwood CLARK T. E. Pearl cor. Washington (see page 171) CUMMINGS M. Pond ave. near Tremont (see p. 12) Goodspeed Mr, Washington opposite Town hall Shannon Francis C., Washington opp. Pearl

Stoves, Ranges and Tinware. KENRICK BROS. Washington north of R. R. bridge (see page 6) PAINE BROS. Harvard square (see page 2)

Surveyors. AUSTIN CHAS. D. Harvard square (see page 2) French Alexis H. office at Town hall

Tailor ess. Croucher E. M. Mrs., Longwood station

Tailors. Halfenstein Adam, White place opposite the depot McShane John, Washington opposite Villa lane Turley T. J., Boylston near Washington

Taxidermist. Smith Arthur, Boylston bet. Brighton and Reservoir place BROOKLINE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 147

Teas, Coffee and Spices. BACON FRANCIS H. Washington cor. Boylston (see page 168) COOEIDGE & BEO. Harvard, corner Beacon (see page 172) EDWARDS P. & SON, opp. Chapel station, (see page 5) FINNEY WILLIAM, Harvard, corner School, (see page 166) NELSON BROS. Colonnade building, Washington, (see page 166) PACKARD E. W. Colonnade building, Washington, (see back cover) PEIRCE & RICHARDS, Washington opp. Horse Car station (see foot lines general directory) ROBINSON T. T. Washington opposite Walnut (see page 170)

Teacher (Elocution). Fowler Frances H. School, near Prospect

Teachers (Music). Fay Harry F. 4 Monmouth, Chapel station James Florence A. Miss, Waverly place Leonard F. 0. Mrs. Searle ave. Loring Fanny L. Miss, off Walnut, between Chestnut and Warren Mason M. E. Miss, Harrison place NcDonald Raymond A. Linden Place Saunders Villa A. Miss, Holden Sherwood Wm. H. Mr. and Mrs. Washington, near School, and (157 Tremont, Boston)

Teamsters. Hayes Jeremiah F. White place McCarthy Patrick, Washington, near R. R. Quimby Benj. F. Heath, near Oak

Telegraph Office. Western Union Telegraph Co. at B. & A. Railroad station Washington 148 BROOKLINE BUSINESS DIRECTORY.

Telephone Exchange. Suburban Telephone Co. L. W. Breckenridge, div. supt. Joyce bldg. Harvard square

Tile Masons. DEWING & McCLURE, (35 Hawley, B.) and 5 Guild block, (see back cover)

Toilet Articles. BABBITT W. C. Harvard, cor. Aspinwall, avenue (see front cover) CURRIER WARREN G. Harvard square (see foot lines general directory)

Trunk Repairer. FREE WILLIAM, Harvard, near Harvard square (see page 169)

Umbrella and Tarasol Repairer. PREE WILLIAM, Harvard, near Harvard square (see page 169)

Undertaker. GUTTERSON JOSEPH D. Harvard, n. Aspinwall, avenue (see page 167)

Upholsterers. BRENNAN M. Washington n. Harvard square, (see line front cover) Mason T. T ,-Harvard square, near Washington McClure David, Washington opp. Guild block ROBART H. W. opposite Chapel Station, (seep, 171) Thompson N. C. Harvard square, corner Washington

Vinegar Manufacturer. Goodenough Xanthus, South, near Newton

Wall Taper. TAYL OR E. B., Washington corner Davis avenue (see page 173) BROOKLINE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 149

Window Glass« AUSTIN CHARLES D., Harvard square (see p. 2)

Window Screen Manufacturers, AMERICAN SCREEN CO. Washington, n. Har¬ vard square, and 16 Studio bldg. Boston, (see page 16)

Wooden Ware, AUSTIN CHARLES D. Harvard square (see p. 2) COOLIDGrE & BRO. Harvard, corner Beacon (see page 172) FINNEY WILLIAM, Harvard, corner School (see page 166) PACKARD E. W-, Colonnade building, Washing¬ ton (see back cover) PAINE BROS. Harvard square (see page 2) BROOKLINE



Financial year closes February 1st. Town election in March.

Town Clerk-*-Benjamin F. Baker.

SELECTMEN, SURVEYORS OF HIGHWAYS AND BOARD OF HEALTH. Chas. H. Drew, Chairman; Chas. F. Spaulding, Clerk j Oliver Whyte, Francis W. Lawrence, John K. Bogers. Meetings every Monday at 4 o’clock p.m. Assessors—William Lincoln, Chairman; William D. Coolidge, J. Anson Guild. Treasurer and Collector—Moses Withington Auditors—Geo. H. Worthley, Wm. E. Lincoln, Chas. A. W. Spencer. Superintendent of Streets—Michael Driscoll BROOKLINE DIRECTORY. 151

Commissioners of Sinking Fund—Thomas Parsons, Aus¬ tin W. Benton, Charles D. Head, Treasurer. Park Commissioners—Francis W. Lawrence, Theodore Lyman, Charles S. Sargent. Overseers of the Poor—Charles H. Drew, Chairman ; Oliver Whyte, Mrs. Henrietta G. Codman, Francis W. Lawrence, Charles F. Spaulding, John K. Rogers, Mrs. Elizabeth Cabot. Meetings every Wednesday at 4 o’clock P.M. Constables—Eben W. Reed, G. F. Johnson, D. C. Mur¬ ray, W. Y. Gross, B. C. Clark, G. F. Dearborn, Burton R. Willis, Thomas J. Murray, Charles L. Palmer Fence Viewers—William K. Melcher, Jonathan D. Long. Surveyors of Lumber and Measurers of Wood and Bark— William D. Coolidge, W. K. Melcher, F. H. Bacon, John E. Cousens. Field Driver—Eben W. Reed. Pound Keeper—Eben W. Reed. Sealer of Leather—S. A. Robinson. Sealer of Weights and Measures—Willard Y. Gross. Committee of Walnut St. Cemetery—Joseph D. Gutter- son.


Charles H. Drew, Chairman ex-officio ; B. F. Baker, Clerk ; Moses Withington, Treasurer; Chas. H. Stearns, Walter C. Cabot, Charles S. Sargent, Desmond Fitzgerald, Willard A. Humphrey, Theodore Lyman. Meet second Monday of each month, at p.m,


Police station, Prospect street^ Trial Justice—Charles H. Drew.

BROOKLINE WATER WORKS, Water Board—Oliver Whyte, chairman ; Francis Hun-, newell, William J. Griggs. Water Registrar—Charles D. Lincoln Supt. of Water Works—-Fayette F. Forbes. Meet first Tuesday in each month, at 4 o’clock p.m. 152 BROOKLINE DIRECTORY.


Chief of Police—Alonzo Bowman. Sergeants—Geo. F. Dearborn, Chas. B. McCausland, Burnham C. Clark. Court Officer—A. S. Page. Patrolmen—M. Orcutt, W. W. O’Connell, George P. Marston, T. J. Murray, B. R. Willis, Joseph J. O’Connell, Alonzo W. Corey, Robert J. Watson, Alden A. Manley, Prank Bartlett, James Gleason, Henry J. Graham, James F. Quinn, Edward J. Mealey, jr., Prank H. Plander. Truant Officer—L. B. Newcomb.


George H. Johnson, Chief Engineer; A. E. Kenrick, A. Noland, Asst. Engineers; A. E. Kenrick, Clerk. Meet first Monday in each month, at 7.30 o’clock p.m., at Town hall.

STEAM FIRE ENGINE, NO. 1. Connected with Hose Company Number 1.

Washington street, near Boylston. Leo Bertsch, Engineer; John A. Ayers, Fireman; Ver¬ non Collins, Driver. Meet first Monday in each month.


Three members. Carleton street, near Beacon. M. J. Carroll, Driver.


Ten members. Washington street, near Boylston. James W. Horton, Foreman; Geo, Harvey, Asst. Fore¬ man; L. P. Johnston, Driver| Edward F. Crosby, Clerk. Meet first Monday ip each month, BROOKLINE DIRECTORY. 153

HOSE COMPANY NO. 2. Eleven members. Washington street, opposite Town hall. J. C. Gowan, Foreman; J. Walker, Asst. Foreman; B. F. Baxter, Driver; F. A. Morse, Clerk. Meet first Monday in each month.

HOSE COMPANY NO. 3. Volunteer, twenty members. Carlton street, near Chapel station. J. Keegan jr., Foreman; J. C. Hall, Asst. Foreman; M. E. McLaughlin, Clerk. Meet first Monday in each month.

HOOK AND LADDER COMPANY, NO. 1. Thirteen members.

Washington street, opposite Town hall.

H. K. Paine, Foreman; J. F. Hutchins, Asst. Foreman; Geo. L. Newcomb, Driver; F. F. Forbes, Clerk. Meet first Monday in each month.


School Committee—Albert Mason, chairman ; W. T. R. Marvin, secretary; Michael Driscoll, Rev. Howard N. Brown; Rev. L. J. Morris, Dr. D. B. Van Slyck, Rev. Leonard K. Storrs, Rev. J. B. Brackett, Prof. John D. Runkle. Meet second Monday in each month, at p. m. Superintendent and Principal of Grammar and Primary Schools, D. H. Daniels, salary $2500. M. Driscoll, chairman Finance Committee; salary $100. W. T. R. Marvin, secretary School Committee, salary $200. Committee on Teachers—Rev. Leonard K. Storrs, Albert Mason, Rev. J. B. Brackett. Committee on Finance—Michael Driscoll, D. B. Van Slyck, H. N. Brown. 20 ADVERTISEMENT

Institution of the most Generous and Liberal Culture,


The largest and most splendidly equipped Conservatory and College of Music in the world, in the heart of Boston, confessedly the Musical and Art Centre of America, with One Hundred In¬ structors, Music Booms, Offices, Becitation Booms, Etc., for 3,000 Students. The Best Home Accommodations For 550 LADY STUDENTS, at low prices, under the special care of Preceptress, Matron, Lady teachers, Besident Lady Physician, and the Director. For full particulars, apply to E. TOURJEE, Director, BROOKLINE DIRECTORY.

Committee on High School—W. T. R. Marvin, John D. Runkle, Rev. J. B. Brackett. Committee on Grammar Schools—Albert Mason, L. J. Morris, H. N. Brown. Committee on Primary Schools—Michael Driscoll, D. B. Van Slyck, L. K. Storrs. Committee on Examinations—John D. Runkle, W. T. R. Marvin, L. K. Storrs. Committee on Drawing and Writing—L. J. Morris, W. T. R. Marvin, John D. Runkle Committee on Music—D. B. Van Slyck, Michael Dris¬ coll, H. N. Brown Committee on Evening Schools—L. J. Morris, Michael Driscoll, John B. Brackett: 4

High School—J. Emory Hoar, salary $2,700, Prin¬ cipal. A. J. George, salary $1,500; W. Deane, salary $1,000 ; M. P. Frye, salary $800, Assistants.

Pierce School—Marietta D. Paul, salary $1,000 ; E. J. McKenzie, salary $700; F, Swanton, salary $625; C. A. Howe, salary $625; A. B. Carroll, salary $625; M. E. Malone, salary $625 ; E. A. George, salary $625; S. L. Harris, salary $625 ; Anna E. Edwards, salary $625 ; E. M. F. Bosworth, salary $550, Assistants.

Ward School—D. S. Farnham, salary $1,700, Head Assistant. S. J. Gowen, salary $625; F. C. Guild, salary $625; E. M. McRoberts, salary $625; E. A. Rausch, salary $625 ; M. F. Taylor, salary $625 ; A. L. Richard¬ son, salary $625 ; H. L. Carr, salary $550, Assistant Teachers.

Engine House—A. Taylor, teacher, salary, $550.

Sewall School—F. L. Daggett, salary $625; E. L. Wiswall, salary $625, Teachers.

Lawrence School—S. D. Newton, salary $625; E. W. Bean, salary $625, Teachers.

Heath Street School—M. J. Collingwood, salary $700, Head Assistant. Mary Kelley, salary $625 ; M. E. Hyde, salary $625, Assistants.

Harvard Street School—A. M. Osgood, salary $625 ; M. E. Kingsbury, salary $625, Teachers. 154 BROOKLINE DIRECTORY.

Boylston Street School—E. W. Cook, salary $625 ; E. T. Lewis, salary $625, Teachers.

Longwood School—C. M. Erost, salary $625, Teacher.

NEWTON STREET SCHOOL. D. A. Kelley, Teacher, salary $450.

SPECIAL TEACHERS. Henry G. Carey, music, salary $600 ; M. J. Fur bush, drawing, salary $250; H. A. Nevers, sewing, salary $550.

PUBLIC LIBRARY. Washington street, corner School. Thomas Parsons, President; B. E. Baker, Secretary; Charles D. Head, Treasurer; Augustine Shurtleff, Chas. H. Drew, R. G. F. Candage, George M. Towle, James M. Codman, Benjamin F. Baker, T. E. Francis, Wm. B. Has- eltine, William Aspinwall, Rev. Howard N. Brown, Trus¬ tees; Miss Mary A. Bean, Librarian; Miss Amelia A. Woods, Asst. Librarian; Miss M. Alice Lanman, Asst. Librarian; Wm. D. Morrison, Janitor. Open on every secular day throughout the year except the six legal holidays, February 22nd, Fast Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas. Hours from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Number of books in library, 27,089.

CHURCHES. FIRST PARISH CHURCH (UNITARIAN). Organized November 6, 1717. Walnut street, corner Warren. Rev. Howard N. Brown, Pastor; H. D. Chapin, Trea¬ surer; Charles H Stearns, Clerk; A. W. Goddard, Deacon; Moses Williams, chairman ; Geo. D. Noyes, Henry Y. Poor Miss Martha C. Stevenson, Miss Susan B. R. Clark, Ex¬ ecutive Committee; John W. Kirk, Sexton. Sunday Services—Preaching at 10.45 a.m. Sunday- school at 12 m. Pastor acts as superintendent.

HARVARD CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Harvard street, corner Marion.

Rev. Reuen Thomas, ph.d., Pastor; Wm. Lincoln, Ho- BROOKLINE DIRECTORY. 155

ratio S. Burdett, Edward I. Thomas, D. D. Dana, John K. Marshall, Jacob B. Palmer, Deacons; Henry B. Eager, Treas.; H. E. Abbott, Clerk ; Wm. Wilder, H. S. Burdett, John Panter, J. H. Shapleigh, W. B. Strong, L. J. Clark, Henry Peirce, Chas. W. Scudder, trus.,' H. E. Abbott, clerk, Prudential Committee; Matthew McNeilly, Sexton. Sunday Services—Sunday-school 9.30 a.m., Charles G. Chase Superintendent; Church services at 10.30 a.m. and 7.30 p.m.; Prayer-meeting, Eriday evenings at 7.30 in win¬ ter, 8 in summer ; Young people’s meeting at 6.30 Sunday evenings.

BETHANY DEPARTMENT HARVARD CHURCH. Goddard Hall, Guild block, Washington st., near Boylston. Services free to all.

Sunday Services—Sunday School at 2 p. m., John K. Marshall, Superintendent; D. D. Dana, Assistant Supt. Preaching services 3.30 p. m. ; Prayer-meetings Saturday evenings at 8 o’clock.

CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOUR (EPISCOPAL). Corner Carlton and Monmouth streets. Rev. Reginald H. Howe, Rector; Samuel L. Bush and S. H. Gregory, Wardens; A. A. Lawrence, T. P. Ritchie, Charles Thorndike, W. H. Lincoln, W. L. Chase, A. P. Howard, F. W. Lawrence, H. Vinton, J. L. Carter, J. Clarke, Vestrymen. Sunday Services at 10.30 a.m. and 4 p.m.

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Harvard corner Pierce Street. Organized June 5th, 1828.

Rev. John D. Brackett, d;d., Pastor; Thomas Griggs, George Brooks, Thomas B. Griggs, George F. Joyce, L. F. Creesey, Deacons; B. F. Baker, Cleric; Geo. Brooks, Treasurer; R. G. F. Candage, Treas. Denevolent Objects, R. G. F. Candage, Chairman; D. S. Coolidge, Geo. Brooks, Thomas B. Griggs, H. Lincoln Chase, Prudential Commit¬ tee; George F. Joyce, Treasurer; John D. Long, Sexton. Sunday Services—-Sunday School at 12 m., H. Lincoln Chase, Superintendent; Services at 10.45 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Prayer-meetings Monday and Friday evenings at 7.45. 156 BROOKLINE DIRECTORY.


Cypress street, corner Washington. Rev. Wm. Leonard, Pastor; William Woods, Sec. and Treas.; E. Doran, Supt. Sunday School. Sunday Services—Sunday-school at 12 m., E. Doran, Supt.; Preaching at 10.30 a.m. ; Prayer-meeting 7.30 p.m. ; Class meetings Tuesday evening; Prayer-meeting Thursday evening.

CHURCH OF THE NEW JERUSALEM. High street, corner Irving.

Rev. Willard H. Hinkley, Pastor; A. L. Cutler, Treas¬ urer; Albert Mason, Chairman; Wm. B. Haseltine, A. L. Cutler, D. H. Rogers, Church Com.; Rufus K. Wood, Clerk. Sunday Services—Services at 10.45 a. m. ; Sunday- school at 12 m. ; Rev. W. H. Hinkley, Supt.; Vesper services from Easter to Summer vacation at 5 p. m. Con¬ versational lectures at private houses, 7.30 p.m. from September to Christmas ; Confirmation class at 3 p.m. from Christmas to Easter.


Colchester street, nearly opposite Hawes. No services held.


St. Paul street, corner Aspinwall avenue.

Rev. Leonard K. Storrs, Rector; Henry S. Chase, Senior Warden; Thomas Parsons, Junior Warden; C. K. Fay, Clerk; D. Blakely Hoar, Treas.; David McClure, Sexton. Sunday Services—Sunday-School at 9.15 a.m. Rev, Leonard K, Storrs, Supt, Services at 10.30 a.m. and 3.30 P. M., from October fist to May,

CHANNING FREE CHURCH, Washington street, corner School. No services at present. BROOKLIKE DIRECTORY. 157

ST. MARY’S CHURCH OF THE ASSUMPTION (CATHOLIC). Harvard street, corner Linden place.

Rev. L. J. Morris, Pastor; M. T. Boylan, Associate Pastor; James Driscoll, jr., Sexton. Services.—Mass every morning at 6.30 and 7 ; High Mass Sundays at 10 30 a.m. ; Mass, 7 and 8.30 a.m. ; Ves¬ pers at 3.30 p.m. ; Sunday-school 9 a.m. and 2.30 p.m.

MASONIC. BETH-HORON LODGE. Masonic Hall, School street, corner Harvard.

Chartered September, 1871. T. W. Clements, W. M.\ C. A. Bowditch, Sr. W.; L. M. ‘ Crane, Jr. W.; J. A. Guild, Treas.} F. H. Bacon, Sec,; A. G. Sanborn, Sr. D.; A. Bowman, Jr. D.} H. W. Burgett, Marshal; G. F. Dearborn, Sr. S.; F. F. Morton, Jr. S.; G. P. Johnson, I. S. ; Levi Doran, Tyler; R. G. F. Can- dage, Chap.; Geo. M. Stearns, Organist. Regular communications second Tuesday in each month.

AMERICAN LEGION OF HONOR. COREY HILL COUNCIL, NO. 33. Meet second and fourth Tuesday in every month, at Masonic Hall. A. Noland, P. Com.} E. W. Packard, Com.; C. W; Morse, V. Com.} A. Kenrick, jr., Orator} T. H. Dyer, Sec.. M. F. Kenrick, Col.} E. N. Gutterson, Treas.} A. B. Tyr- ell, Con.} T. S. Brown, Chap.} A. H. Wood, War.} C M. Atkinson, jr., Sen.-

GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. C, L, CHANDLER POST 143. Instituted 1871. Meeting second and fourth Wednesday evenings of each month, in Town hall. 158 BROOKLINE DIRECTORY.

T. W. Clements, Com.; A. G. Sanborn, Sr. Vice Com.; William Free, Jr. Vice Com.; D. B. Van Slyck, Surgeon; E. F. Allen, Quartermaster; Wm. E. Long, Officer of the Day; John Sweeny, Officer of the Guard; T. T. Mason, Chaplain; W. Y. Gross, Adjutant; H. K. Paine, Quarter¬ master's Sergeant; F. B. Turner, Sergeant Major.

KNIGHTS OF HONOR. BROOKLINE LODGE, NO. 459. Instituted Feb. 8, 1877. Meets second and fourth Monday evening in each month, at 8 o’clock, in Masonic Hall, School street, corner of Harvard. E. W. Packard, P. D.; John H. Allen, D.; J. F. Hutchins, V. D.; E. J. Curtis, A. D.; W. M. Bellows, Chaplain; W. H. M. Bellows, Guide; M. F. Kenrick, Reporter; A. Kenrick jr., F. R.; E. N. Gntterson, Treas¬ urer ; E. G. Brooks, Guardian; C. H. Wilson, Sentinel.

ROYAL AROANUM. SAGAMORE COUNCIL, NO. 181. Chartered Sept., 1878. Meet at Masonic Hall, corner School and Harvard streets, 1st and 3d Wednesday evenings of every month. F. H. Bacon, Regent; A. G Sanborn, Vice Regent; A. Noland, Orator; A. B. Crocker, Past Reg.; H. W. Bur- gett, Secretary; Wm. Pnmey, Collector; C. A. Bowditch, Treasurer; J. H. Sliapleigh, Chaplain; Arthur C. Wil¬ liams, Guide.

SONS OF TEMPERANCE. PIERCE DIVISION, NO. 86, S. OF T. Instituted March 27, 1861. Knights of Honor Hall, Masonic building, School. Meets every Wednesday evening as 7.30 o’clock. G. W. Baker, TV. P.; Mrs. F. A. Cooper, W. A.; Mrs. L. J. Gutterson, R. S. ; Mrs. H. E. Kenrick, A. R. S.; BROOKLINE DIRECTORY. 159

M. E. Kenrick, F. S.; Mrs. S. B. Kenrick, Treas. ; J. D. Long, Chap.; Miss M. E. Kenrick, Con. ; Mrs. J. M. Kenrick, A. Con.; Mrs. N. J. H. Kenrick, I. S.; Geo. F. Hitchings, 0. S.; E. N. Gntterson, P. W. P.

BROOKLINE TEMPERANCE READ’G ROOM. Washington street, near Railroad Bridge. Mrs. Charles H. Stearns, Manager and Treasurer; John G. Aechtler, Janitor.

COUNTRY CLUB, Clyde Park. Alfred A. Pocock, Superintendent; Simeon C. Dike, Clerk; Walter A. S. Thompson, John J. Orrell, Waiters ; Patrick Tighe, Porter j Henry Danby, Stable Foreman; Robert Shilling, Groom.

FAITH HOME FOR THE SICK. Hamilton Place. Mrs. Elizabeth A. Andrews, Matron ; Miss Mattie J. McDowell, Assistant.

MYOPIA CLUB. Clyde Park. John E. Radigan, William Crossba, Timothy J. Misk- ell, Frank Seaoury, Hugh A. Allen.

OLD LADIES HOME. Harvard street, between Pierce and School. Mrs. Helen M. Wood, Matron ; Miss Elizabeth Guild, Mrs. R. C. Winthrop, Miss Martha Stevenson, Managers; Miss Martha Stevenson, Treasurer. 160 BROOKLINE DIRECTORY.

ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC LYCEUM. P. A. Hogan'Pres.) M. J. Sullivan, Vice Pres.) Janies Lynch, Cor. See.) John J. Mulcahy, Pec, Sec.) J. B. Maud, Treas.

THE SHAW ASYLUM. FOB MARINER’S CHILDREN. Established, 1877. Cypress street, near Walnut.

BROOKLINE GAS LIGHT COMPANY. Washington, corner Brookline avenue. John C. Abbott, President; D. W. Salisbury, Treasurer, (40 State B.); Chas. F. Spaulding, Superintendent.

THE BROOKLINE SAVINGS BANK. Colonnade building. Incorporated February 24, 1871. Interest on deposits computed from Second Monday in January and July. Bank open for deposits and drafts Monday and Satur¬ day, from 5.15 to 8 p.m. officers. W. H. Lincoln, President) Charles D. Head, Alfred Kenrick, jr. Thomas Parsons, Vice Presidents ; Wm. E. Lincoln, Secretary and Treasurer ; W. H. Lincoln, Chas. D. Head, A. Kenrick, jr., Thomas Parsons, B. F. Baker, J. Anson Guild, James Driscoll, Horace James, Martin Kingman, B. W. Neal, Thomas P. Ritchie, C. H. Stearns, M. Williams jr., James P. Stearns, H. M. Whitney, Nath¬ aniel Lyford, Trustees. BROOKLINE DIRECTORY. 161


Harvard Square. Cyrus W. Ruggles, Superintendent; Edwin P. Craig, Clerk.', J. Nolan, C. E. Bassett, D. Lally, J. F. Eichorn, Wm. Ward well, carriers. Letters Delivered, 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Letters Collected at 8 a.m. and 3 p.m.

SUNDAY MAILS.-10.30 A.M. Office open Sunday—12 to 1 o’clock.

RATES OF POSTAGE. For every letter or written communication of any de¬ scription, the weight not over half of an ounce, any dis¬ tance within the United States, 3 cents prepaid; 2 cents after Oct. 1st, 1883, and for each additional \ ounce, or fraction of the same, add one rate. Each drop-letter placed in the post-office for delivery, weight not exceeding one-half of an ounce, 2 cents; and for each additional \ ounce, or fraction of the same, add one rate, or 2 cents, prepaid. Books, newspapers, periodicals, circulars, and other printed matter, maps, prints, engravings, etc., for each 2 ounces, or fraction thereof, one cent; packages not to ex¬ ceed four pounds in weight, except single books, when sent by order of Congress. Book manuscript, when ac¬ companied by proof-sheets (corrected or not corrected), and blanks, one cent for each two ounces, or fraction thereof. Mailable matter, such as not mentioned above, seeds, cuttings, bulbs, roots, scions, flexible patterns, samples and sample cards, phonographic paper, letter envelopes, postal envelopes, blank paper, may be transmitted by mail, one cent, for each ounce, or fraction of the same, weight of package not to exceed four pounds avoirdupois.

Mails leave Brookline for Boston 8, 10.15 a.m., 1.30, 4, 5, 8.15 p.m. Arrive—7, 11 a.m., 12.30, 2.45, 5, 7.30 p.m. Sunday mail closes for Boston 2.15 p.m.

STREET LETTER BOXES. Tremont street and Village lane, Railroad Station, High opp. Irving, Walnut and Cypress, Warren and Dudley, Warren and Clyde, Heath and Boylston, Washington and School, Harvard and Aspinwall ave., Washington and 162 BROOKLINE DIRECTORY.

Beacon, Park and Marion, Beacon and Harvard, Longwood ave., Kent street, Colchester street and Chapel station, Essex street Cottage, Farm station.


BROOKLIKE DIVISION, STATION 13. Walnut street, near Washington. Division Superintendent—Samuel Cowdrey. Station Foreman, Jacob Foote. Early morning cars leave at 5.40 and 6 a.m., then every ten minutes until 7, then every seven or eight minutes until 8. From 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. every ten minutes. From 1 to 5.15 p.m. every seven or eight minutes. From 5.15 to 5.45 every four minutes, then every ten minutes till 8.30, then every 12 minutes till 10.30, and last car at 10.50 Leave Boston 40 minutes after these hours.


TIME TABLE. Leave Brookline — Coaches leave Coolidge’s Store, Brookline, at 8 a.m., and every hour until 5 p.m. The coach will leave Beacon, cor. of Marion street, ten minutes before every hour, passing through Marion, Park, Harvard avenue, Harvard street, Pleasant, Brown to Bea¬ con street, thence to Boston, via Beacon street to Charles, Boylston, Tremont, West, Washington to Franklin street, and return by the same route. Returning, the coach will stop at No. 51 West street, C. P. Grimmer’s, florist. Leave Boston — Leave Franklin street near Washing¬ ton street at 9 a. m., and every hour until 6 p. m. Sunday Coach — Leave Brookline at 9.30 a. m., and 12.10 p. m. Leave Boston, Arlington street, head of Commonwealth avenue, at 10 a. m. and 12.40 p. m. The coach will pass through Beacon street to Dart¬ mouth, Commonwealth avenue to Arlington street, and re¬ turn by the same route. E. T. Northend, Proprietor. BROOKLINE DIRECTORY 163

JUSTICES OP THE PEACE. Abbott H. Edward Head Charles D. Amory Robert Hobbs William Aspinwall Thomas Hooper William E. Aspinwall William Jones Jerome Atkinson Edward Kennard Martin P. Bacon Thomas H. Kingman Bradford Baker Benjamin F. Lawrence Francis W. Beals James H. Lincoln Albert L. jr. Bolles M. Shepard Lincoln Charles D. Bowditch William I. Lincoln William E. Candage Rufus G. F. Littell Robert S. Chapin Horace D. Little James L. jr. Chase H. Lincoln Lyman Theodore Coffin Charles P. Mason Albert Coolidge William D. Meredith J. Morris Cotting Charles U. Miles Jonas M. Crane Joshua Noyes George D. Daniels David H< Parsons Thomas Dearborn William G-. Perkins Charles F. Drew Charles H. Pierce Peter W. Duncklee Charles T. Pierce Quincy Edgerly James W. Raymond Henry E. Edwards Henderson J. Searle Frederick A. Eliot Amory Sears William B. Fay Clement K. Shurtleff Augustine Floyd Edward E. Stodder Henry F. Francis Nathaniel A. Talbot Thomas H. Fuller Horace W. Thomas Edward I. Griggs George Tompson Samuel Harrington Charles F. Weeks Allen S. Harwood Albert S. West Paul Haseltine William B. Williams Moses jr. Withington Moses

NOTARIES PUBLIC. Drew Charles H. Worthley George H. Kingman Bradford


BARNSTABLE COUNTY. Dighton. 1,817 1880. 1870. Easton.. 3,668 Barnstable. 4,793 Fairhaven. 2,626 Brewster. 1,259 Fall River. 26,766 Chatham. 2,411 Freetown. 1,372 Dennis. 3,369 Mansfield.. 2,432 Eastham. 668 New Bedford. 21,320 Falmouth. 2,237 Norton.. 1,821 Harwich.. 3,080 Raynham.. 1,713 Mashpee. 348 Rehoboth.. 1,895 Orleans. 1,323 Seekonk. 1,021 Provincetown. 3,865 Somerset.. 1,776 Sandwich. 3,694 Swanzey. 1,294 Truro. 1,269 Taunton. 18,629 Wellfl*et. 2,135 Westport. 2,901 2,724 Yarmouth. 2,423 DUKES COUNTY. BERKSHIRE COUNTY. Chilmark. 476 Adams (1).5,639 12,090 Cottage City (3) .... • • • • Alford. 430 Edgartown (4). 1,516 Becket.... 1,346 Gay Head. 160 Cheshire. 1,758 Gosnold. 99 Clarksburg. 686 Tisbury.1,501 1,536 Dalton. 1,252 Egremont. 931 ESSEX COUNTY. Florida. 1,322 Amesbury (5). 5,581 Great Barrington ...... 4.540 4,320 Andover. 4,873 Hancock. 882 Beverly. 6,507 Hinsdale. 1,695 B oxford.. 847 Lanesborough. 1,393 Bradford. 2,014 Lee. 3,866 Danvers. 5,600 Lenox. 1,965 Essex. 1,614 Monterey. 653 Georgetown. 2,088 Mount Washington... 256 Gloucester. 15,389 New Ashford. 208 Groveland. 1,776 New Marlborough... 1,855 Hamilton. 790 North Adams (2).... • • • • Haverhill. 13,092 Otis. 960 Ipswich. 3,720 Peru. 455 Lawrence. 28,921 Pittsfield. 11,112 Lynn. 28,233 Richmond. 1,091 Lynnfield. 818 Sandisfield. ... 1,103 1,482 Manchester. 1,665 Savoy. 861 Marblehead. 7,703 Sheffield. 2,535 Merrimac (6). • • • • Stockbridge. 2,003 Methuen. 2,959 Tyringliam. ... 542 657 Middleton. 1,010 Washington. . .. 453 694 Nahant. 475 West Stockbridge.... 1,924 Newbury. 1,430 Williams town. 3,559 Newburyport. .... 13,470 12,955 Windsor. 686 North Andover. .... 3,228 2,549 Peabody. .... 9,033 7,343 BRISTOL COUNTY. Rockport. 3,904 Acushnet. 1,105 1,132 Rowley. 1,157 Attleborough. 6,769 Salem. 27,117 Berkley. 744 Salisbury. 3,776 Dartmouth. 3,367 Saugus.. 2,247 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS

Swampscott. 1,846 Granby. 863 Topsfield. 1,213 Greenwich. 665 Wenham. 985 Hadley. 2,301 West Newbury. - 1,989 2,006 Hatfield. 1,594 Huntington. 1,156 FRANKLIN COUNTY. Middlefield. 728 Ashfield...... 1,063 1,180 Northampton.. 10,160 Bernardston. 848 Pelham.. 673 Buckland. 1,946 Plainfield. 521 Charlemont. .... 932 1,005 Prescott. 541 Coleraine. .... 1,769 1,742 South Hadley. 2,840 Conway. 1,460 Southampton. 1,159 Deerfield. 3,632 Ware. ..4,783 4,259 Erving.. 579 Westhampton. 587 Gill. 653 Williamsburg. 2,159 Greenfield. 3,689 Worthington. 860 Hawley. 672 Heath. 613 MIDDLESI 2X COUNTY. Leverett. 877 Acton. 1,593 Leyden. 518 Arlington. 3,261 Monroe. 201 Ashby. 994 Montague. 2,224 Ashland. 2,186 New Salem. 987 Ayer (9). « • • • Northfield. 1,720 Bedford. 849 Orange...... 3,187 2,091 Belmont. 1,513 Rowe. 581 Billerica. 1,833 Shelburne. .... 1,615 1,582 Boxborough. 338 Shutesbury. 614 Burlington. 626 Sunderland. 832 Cambridge. 39,634 Warwick. 769 Carlisle. 569 Wendell. 539 Chelmsford. 2,374 Whately. 1,068 Concord. 2,412 Dracut. 2,078 HAMPDEN COUNTY. Dunstable..... 471 Agawam. 2,001 Everett. 2,220 Blandford. .... 977 1,026 Framingham. 4,968 Brimfield. 1,288 Groton (10). 3,584 Chester... 1,253 Holliston. 3,073 Chicopee. 9,600 Hopkinton...4,571 4,419 Granville. 1,293 Hudson. 3,389 Hampden (7). • • • • Lexington.. 2,271 Holland. 340 Lincoln. 791 Holyoke. 10,763 Littleton. 983 Longmeadow. 1,342 Lowell.. 40,928 Ludlow. 1,136 Malden. 7,367 Monson. 3,204 Marlborough. 8,474 Montgomery. 318 Maynard (11). • • • • Palmer. 3,631 Medford. . 7,554 5,717 Russell. 635 Melrose. 3,410 Southwick. .... 1,097 1,100. Natick. 6,404 Springfield. ....33,536 26,703 Newton. 12,825 Tolland. 509 North Reading.... «,.., 895 942 Wales. 831 Pepperell.,... 1,842 W estfield. 6,519 Reading...... 2,664 West Springfield ... 2,606 Sherborn. 1,062 Wilbraham (8). 2,330 Shirley (12)..... 1,366 1,451 Somerville.. 14,685 HAMPSHIRE COUNTY. Stoneham. 4,513 Amherst. 4,035 Stow (13). 1,813 Belchertown. .... 2,345 2,428 Sudbury (14).■ . 1,178 2,091 Chesterfield. 811 Tewksburv. 1,944 Cummington. 1,037 Townsend. 1,962 Easthampton. 3,620 Tyngsborough. 629 Enfield. 1,024 VV akefield.. .5,547 4,351 Goshen . r,,.. 368 W altham. 9,065 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS

Watertown. 4,326 SUFFOLK COUNTY. Wayland. 1,240 Boston. 250,520 Westford. 1,803 Chelsea.*.. 18,547 Weston...... 1,261 Revere (23). • • • • Wilmington. 866 WinthroD. 852 Winchester. 2,645 Woburn. 8,560 WORCESTER COUNTY • Ashburnham. 2,172 NANTUCKET COUNTY. Athol. 3,617 Nantucket. 4,123 Auburn. 1,178 Barre. 2,572 NORFOLK COUNTY. Berlin. 1,016 Bellingham. 1,282 Blackstone. 5,421 Braintree. 3,948 Uni ton... . 902 1,014 Brookline.. 6,650 Boylston. 800 Canton. 3,879 Brookfield. 2,527 Cohasset. 2,130 Charleton. 1,878 Dedham (15). 7,342 Clinton. 6,429 Dover. 645 Dana... 758 Foxborough. 3,057 Douglass. 2,182 Franklin. 2,512 Dudley. 2,388 Holbrook (16). • • • • Fitchburg. 11,260 Hyde Park. 4,136 Gardner. 3,333 Medfield. 1,142 Grafton. 4,594 Medway. 3,721 Hardwick. 2,219 Milton. 2,683 Harvard.. .. 1,341 Needham. 3,607 Holden. 2,062 Norfolk. 1,081 Hubbardston. 1,645 Norwood (17). • • • • Lancaster. 1,845 Quincy. ....10,571 7,442 Leicester. 2,768 Randolph (18). 5,642 Leominster. 3,894 Sharon. 1,508 Lunenburg. 1,121 Stoughton. 4,914 Mendon. 1,175 Walpole. 2,137 Milford...... 9,890 Weymouth. 9,010 Millbury. 4,397 Wrentham. 2,292 N ew Braintree. 640 Northbo rough. . 1,676 1,594 PLYMOUTH COUNTY. Northbridge.,,. 3,774 Abington (19). 9,308 North Brookfield... 3,343 Bridgewater. 3,660 Oakham. 860 Brockton (20). • • • • Oxford. 2,669 Carver. 1,092 Paxton..... 646 Duxbury.. ... 2 195 2,341 Petersham.. .1,111 1,335 East Bridgewater ...... 2,713 3,017 Phillipston. 693 Halifax. 619 Princeton. 1,279 Hanover. 1,628 Royalston. 1,354 Hanson. 1,219 Rutland. 1,024 Hingham. 4,422 Shrewsbury. 1,610 Hull. 261 Southborough. 2,135 Kingston. 1,604 Southbridge. 5,208 Lakeville. 1,159 Spencer. 3,952 Marion. 896 Sterling. 1,670 Marshfield. 1,659 Sturbridge. 2,101 Mattapoisett. 1,361 Sutton. 2,699 Middleborough. 4,687 Templeton... 2,802 Pembroke. 1,447 Upton. 1,989 Plymouth. 6,238 Uxbridge. 3,058 Plympton. 804 Warren. 2,625 Rochester...... 1,043 1,024 Webster. 4,763 Rockland (21) ...... • • • • Westborough. 3,601 2,862 Scituate. 3,350 West Boylston •••• 1,842 South Abington (22) .2,969 • • • • 1,770 South Scituate. 1,661 Westminster. Wareham’. 3,098 Winchendon. . 3,721 3,398 West Bridgewater... .. 1,663 1,803 41,105 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS.


H CO O o Q • • o r+ H £4* o >-»• 3 CO CO CD o S’ L880.. CO CO ^ » Cens - ft • • £30 • • 0, g CD • • S g m• • • • p- : » • • • . p • £ . p . ® • . * Barnstable.... 14 14 31,840 32,144 32,774 Berkshire. 32 32 69,363 68,270 64,827 Bristol. 16 19 139,074 131,087 102,886 Dukes. 6 6 4,269 4,071 3,787 Essex. 29 35 244,161 223,342 200,843 Franklin. 26 26 35,990 33,696 32,635 Hampden. 20 22 104,440 94,304 78,409 Hampshire.... 23 23 47,344 44,821 44,388 Middlesex.... 49 54 317,901 284,112 274,353 Nantucket.... 1 1 3,777 3,201 4,123 Norfolk. 24 24 96,352 88,321 89,443 Plymouth ...... 1 26 27 74,034 69,362 65,365 Suffolk. 2 4 389,024 364,886 270,802 Worcester.... 56 58 226,243 210,295 192,716

Total. ... 21 324 341 1,783,812 1,651,912 1,457,351

(1) Town divided in 1878, See foot note to (14) Town divided in 1871. See foot note to North Adams. Maynard. (2) Set off from Adams and incorporated (15) Town divided in 1872. See foot note to April 16. 1878. Norwood. (3) Set off from Edgartown in February, (16) Set off from Randolph and incorporated 1880. February 29, 1872. (4) Town divided in February last. See foot (17) Set off from Dedham and Walpole, note to Cottage City. February 23, 1872. (5) Town divided in 1876. See foot note to (18) Town divided in 1872. See foot note to Merrimac. Holbrook. (6) Set off from Amesbury, and incorporated (19) Town divided in 1874 and 1875. See April 11,1876. foot notes to Rockland and South Abington. (7) Set off from Wilbraham, and incor¬ (20) Name changed from North Bridgewater porated March 28, 1878. and incorporated March 28, 1874. Part of town (8) Town divided in 1878. See foot note to annexed to South Abington and part of South Hampden. Abington to Brockton, April 24, 1875. The (9) Set off from Groton aud Shirley, and in¬ population of North Bridgewater by census of corporated February 14, 1871. 1870 was 8,007. (10) Town divided in 1871. See foot note to (21) Set off from Abington and incorporated Ayer. March 9, 1874. (11) Set off from Stow and Sudbury, and in¬ (22) Set off from Abington and East Bridge- corporated April 19, 1871. water and incorporated March 4, 1875. Other (12) Town divided in 1871. See foot note to changes in 1874. See foot note to Brockton. Ayer. (23) Name changed from North Chelsea by (13) Town divided in 1871. See foot note to act of March 24, 1871. The population of North Maynard. Chelsea in 1870 was 1197.

S T _A_ TE.

AGGREGATES OF POLLS, PROPERTY, ETC., 1882. Total valuation.$1,684,213,423 Increase.35,973,447 Total value of real estate. 1,189,524,370 Increase real estate.39,558,543 Personal estate.•.494,689,053 ♦Decrease.3,585,096 Polls.482,844 Increase.13,637 Tax on Polls.'.$955,380 Number of dwelling houses.285,373 Number of acres assessed.4,494,559 ♦Decrease in personal estate caused by taxing mortgaged real estate to party in whose name the estate stands, and exempting mortgagee. 164 ADVERTISEMENTS.

M. C. WARREN Ac CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in

CUTLERY AND CARPENTERS’ TOOLS. Nails, Lead, Zinc, Sash Weights, Pulleys and Lines. NO. 9 BOCK SQUARE, BOSTON. M. C. WARREN. WM. H. WARREN* J. W. VINAL & CO., Jobbers & Retailers of Builders’ Hardware & Carpenters’ Tools, Complete Stock. All Grades. Low Prices. -AGENTS FOR THE CONDIT ICE HOUSE DOOR FASTENINGS. Largest Stock and Variety of Ice House Trimmings in the city. No. 7 DOCK SQUARE, BOSTON. A. J. WILKINSON & CO., 184 and 188 Between Washington State Street Street. AND 23 and 25 Devonshire Dock Square, Street. BOSTON. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. Hardware, Tools, Machinists' and Manufacturers' Supplies. FRED B. PERCY, PHYSICIA1T , CYPRESS, NEAR CYPRESS PLACE, Brookline, Mass. advertisements. 165

CARPENTER AND BUILDER, Boylston Street, near Cypress, Brookline, Mass.'

BUILDING and JOBBING in all its branches promptly at¬ tended to, and at REASONABLE RATES.



PLASTERING, WHITENING, COLORING and JOBBING gen¬ erally, promptly attended to. J\ o. 3 Guild Block, Washington Street, BBOOKLINE, MASS, House, Waverly Place. P. O. Box 499. THE CHRONICLE, An Independent Weekly Journal of Local Events, with Ab¬ stracts and Brief Chronicles of the times. Its columns are filled with fresh and interesting local news and carefully selected liter¬ ary gossip, instead of stale rehash.—Woonsocket (R. I.) Daily Reporter SPENCER & SOUEE, Publishers. Office, Joyce Bldg. Harvard Square, BROOKLINE.


Drains Laid and Repaired.

(lffim? finilfl’s Blnii mm Washimrtmi and tolxtnn SMs I

P. O. BOX 829. 166 ADV^RTrSEMENTS F. SULLIVAN, PLUMBER, -AND DEALER IN- Bath Tubs, Water Closets, Pumps,


5 Guild Block, Washington Street, - - BROOKLINE, MASS. Estimates prepared and contracts faithfully executed. Orders solicited and promptly attended to. WM. FINNEY, -DEALER IN- Staple and Fancy Groceries, CROCKERY & GLASS WARE, BUTTER AND FLOUR A SPECIALTY. Cor. Harvard & School Streets, Brookline, Mass.

JACOB MORLOCK, BAKER, Fresh Bread every morning and afternoon. CAKES AND PASTRIES Of every description constantly on hand; also, WEDDING CAKE.

At Store Washington Street, opp Walnut, BROOKLINE.


m Coffins, Caskets, Grave Clothes, Coffin Trimmings and all articles used in the burial of the dead. Also, Gardening in all its branches.


St. Andrew’s Bldg., Washington St.,

BIROOICLXIUE, lyCASS. MISS JULIA HAYES, Bread, Pastry, Fancy and Wedding Cake ZB-AJKIIEIR,, No. 2 Guild Block, Washington Street,* BROOKLINE. HOT BROWN BREAD & BAKED BEANS Every Sunday Morning.

LUCAS 4c MAHER, Carriage Manufacturers,


Opp. Pearl St., Brookline, Mass.

Repairing Promptly Attended to. 168 ADVERTISEMENTS. FRANCIS H. BACON,

Best Brands of Minnesota, St. Louis & Southern Flour, GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, BUTTER AND CHEESE. Cor. Washington and Boylston Streets, BROOKLINE. O’DAY PUBIiIG CARRIAGES,

Stands at Horse Car Station and B. & A. Railroad Station. Stable, Boylston St., Brookline. 33. h\ BAKER, House, Sign and Decorative

Washington Street, corner Pearl, BROOKLINE.

ANDREW NOLAND, House, Sign and Fresco Painter, Shop on Washington Street, Above New Town Hall. BROOKLINE.

P. O. Box, 339. Order Boxes at Chapel Station and Longwood.

Whitening and Coloring; Ceilings and Cornices Tinted to match Wall Decorations; Gilding; Particular attention paid to Parti-Coloring; Also, HardWood Finishing, and Wall Painting in En-Caustic. First-Class Work at Reasonable Charges, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Building:, Brookline,and38BroadSt.24SouthMarketSt.,Boston. FINE GROCERIES,FLOOR,OATS, Corner ofWashingtonStreetandDavisAvenue, BE/OOKLINE, - IMI.A.SS- Orders BoxesatGeorg:eF.Joyce&Co.’sStore,HarvardSquareandLyceumHall LAWN MOWERS Sharpening: Scissors,andallkindsoftools.UmbrellasParasolsTrunks CUTLER &LOCKSMITH, and Valisesrepaired.SkatesLawnMowersSharpened. Citizens willpleasenoticethatImakeaspecialtyofHoning:Razors, j. M.SFA>IA>SSc-Co., BROOKLINE, -MASS. Driscoll’s Block, WashingtonStreet, JOHNCOOK, CORN, MEAL.,FEED,HAYANDSTRAAV. WILLIAM FREE, BROOKLINE ANDBOSTON. 5 HarvardStreet,Punter’sBuilding:, All OrdersPromptly Attendedto. BROOKLINE. 31. JOHNSON,Proprietor. ADVERTISEMENTS. EXPRESS. DEALERS I1V (Established 1845.) JOHNSONS 169 CO c*o 170 ADVERTISEMENTS. THOMAS T. ROBINSON, (Successor to M. RUS8ELIj)» -DEALER IN— STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES, GRAIN, MEAL, FLOUR, HAY AND STRAW, Crockery and Hardware.




Upholsterer and Cabinet Maker, CHAPEL STATION, LONGWOOD, BROOKLINE. SLIP COVERS FOR PARLOR SUITS made to order. All kinds of WINDOW SHADES made to order, and laundered to look as good as new. P ARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVEN TO pairing Upholstery & Carpeting-, Pol¬ ishing and Re-seating* Chairs. Awnings made to order and put up. The Oldest Established Express Business in Brookline. P. McCARTY, EXPRESS & GENERAL JOBBING, Teaming and Expressing done to order. Special Attention paid to moving Furniture. Office, Washington St., next B. Sc A. R. R. Residence, Boylston Street near Washington Street. D. J. CARROLL, BLACKSMITH, Horse Shoeing, Carriage Work and General Jobbing. HAMMOND ST. near HEATH ST., CHESTNUT HILL.

T. E. CLARK, Livery, Sale and Boarding ^STABIiE;^ Cor. Pearl & Washington


Near Steam and Horse Car Stations. 172 ADVERTISEMENTS. BROOKLINE Established 1854. LAUNDRY GOOLIDGE & BROTHER, Boylston St., near High. —DEALERS IN— Groceries, Floor and Grain, Collars & Cuffs a Specialty. Earthen & Wooden Ware.

Family fori Solicited. We make a specialty of Lace Curtains & Window Shades Choice Teas, Pure Coffees and DONE UP EQUAL TO NEW.

All work is done by hand and an experience of Spices. 25 years warrants the proprietor in assuring sat¬ isfaction. ENGLISH PICKLES AND SAUCES, A lady always in attendance to receive ladies’ clothing. BUTTER. CHEESE AND FRESH EGGS. 7VorJt Called for and Delivered. Cor. Harvard & Beacon Sts., C. B. VAN RIPER, P. 0. Box, 256, Proprietor. BROOKLINE. BROOKLINE. TELEPHONE CONNECTED. Goods delivered free in any part of the town. D. B. Van Slyck, M. D. OFFICE HOURS, 8 to 9 A. M., 2 to 4 P. M. BROOKLINE, MASS.

TELEPHONE 8086. T.MimMIS. Dr. Wm. Bradford Foster, NTIST, DENTIST Colonnade Bldf., Harvard Sq. Office & Residence, Davis Ave., [House formerly occupied by Dr. Clements.] Anaesthesia produced for the painless extrac¬ First house on the right from tion of teeth, by the use of Ether, Nitrous Ox¬ ide or Laughing Gas, and chilling the gums. Harvard Square, Office open evenings. W. A. GREENOUGH & CO., COMPILERS AND PUBLISHERS OF DIRECTORIES AND MAPS, No. 31 Milk Street, BOSTON, MASS.


-AND Slatini, Tinning GeneralRooflnc. JOBBING MASON.

Excavations, Stone and Brick ALL, ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Work, Plastering’, Whiten¬ ing and Slating.

Residence, Boylston Street, Office, opposite Railroad Depot-


P. O. Box, 816. P. O. Box, 413.

i:. ii TAYLOH

—ALSO- China, Crockery, Glass, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Washington Street corner Davis Av., BROOKLINE. JAMES McCRECOR, FLORIST AND GARDENER, Plants, Flowers & Trees for sale.

Gardens, Grounds, and Conservatories kept by the day or con¬ tract. Job Gardening of all kinds.


Telephone, 5721. JOSEPH S. WATERMAN & SONS, Funeral Directors and Embaliers, 2302 Washington Street, Boston Highlands.


vT. IP. OLEART & CO., funeral directors,


Opposite Police Station 10, BOSTON HIGHLANDS. Residence cor. Oscar & Terrace Sts. J. P. Cleary. Joseph W eckerle.

Telephone No. 4824. Benj. F. Smith,

(Successor to FRANKLIN SMITH & SON.) FURNISHING UNDERTAKER, Coffin Warehouse, 251 Tremont Street,

Corner of Seaver Place, - - BOSTON. HOPKINSON & HARDEN, (Successors to LINCOLN & HOPKINSON),

-Wholesale Dealers in- WOODEN WARE Willow and Tin Ware, Brooms, Brushes, Mats, Cordage, French, German and American Baskets, Lawn and Camp Tents, Clothes Dryers, Wringers, &c. 15 & 16 Fanueil Hall Square, South Side, BOSTON.

Wra. L- Hopkinson. Alvah N. Marden. ADVEKTISKMEWTS. 175 GRAHAM Sc DOWNS’, DELIVERY, For Brookline, Longwood and Chapel Station. Office, Brookline At Brookline News De¬ pot, Colonnade Building-. Order Boxes at R. R. Station Longwood, and Chapel Station. Boston Offices: 72 Water St. & 3 West St. Boston Departure5: Water St. 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. West St. 10 A. M. aud 4 P. M. G. W. Graham. G. A. Downs. M. J. COPELAND, -Wholesale and Retail Dealer in-

Tripe, Tallow, Sausages, Pigs’ Feet, &c. Nos. 70 & 72 Faneuil Hall Market, Boston.

Residence, Sewall Avenue, Brookline.

% Beet Pori, Mutton, Poultry & YeietaWes, Stalls, 4 and 5 St. Charles Mkt., cor. Beach & Lincoln Sts., BOSTON, Goods Delivered in Boston or Brookline Free of Charge. JOHN EICHORN,

Manufacturer and Dealer in FURS & SKINS, 73 KINGSTON ST.,




No. 4 State Street, corner of Washington, BOSTON.

Residence, Harvard Av., near Harvard, Brookline. ___ _ AMORY ELIOT, * J-. ^AttoriieY and Goiifiseller at Law#

30 Court Street, (Room 20.) Boston.

4 '« Itesidence, Walnut Street corner Boylston, Brookline. PAUL WEST,


No. 8 Congress Street corner State, BOSTON.

Residence, Harvard Av., near Park St., Brookline. i^— a———A——————w^m Brookline Savings Bank, Colonnade Building, Brookline.

WM. II. LINCOLN, President. Witt. E. LINCOLN, Treasurer.

Open for Deposits and Drafts from 5.15 to 8 o’clock every Monday and Saturday evenings. The quarters begin tne second Mondays of January, April, July and October. ADVERTISEMENTS. 177 MOSES WILLIAMS Jr., & GHAS. A. WILLIAMS, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, 18 POST OFFICE SQUARE,


T?T?arr»Ti’NrnTi’a f Moses Williams, Jr., Walnut below old Boston Reservoir, b NOJto. | cha8. a. Williams, Walnut place off Walnut Street. HORACE W. FULLER, COUNSELLOR - AT - LAW,


No. 209 Washington Street, (Room 34), BOSTON.

Residence, Walnut near Cypress Street, BROOKLINE. CLEMENT K. FAY, Attorney & Counsellor at Law, NO. 5 TREMONT STREET,

B003IS 9 and 10, - - - BOSTON.

RESIDENCE, LINDEN PLACE, OFF HARVARD STREET, BROOKLINE. F. ROCKWOOD HALL, Attorney & Counsellor at Law, AND NOTARY PUBLIC, 39 Court Street, - - BOSTON, Residence, High Street, opposite Edge-Hill Road. 178 ADVERTISEMENTS. IDIR,. GERRISH’S

Lancaster Tonic Bitters, A Family. Medicine. Effectually and Permanently cures Headache, Nervousness, Canker, Dyspepsia, Flatulency and Pains in the Stomach, Water Brash, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Costiveness, Constipation, Bilious¬ ness, Jaundice, Worms, Piles, Rheumatism, Skin Diseases, Diseases of the Liver, Kidney and Bladder Complaints, Female Diseases, prevents Indigestion, gives Iron to the Blood, is peculiarly adapted to the prevention and cure of Fever and Ague, Bilious, Remittent, and Intermittent Fever, and Restores Health to the Debilitated. Sold only by Druggists. FOR Restaurants, —AND— HOTELS, Saloons. CONCENTRATED STOMACH BITTER A PERFECT STOMACHIC. The Best Tonic and Corrective of the Digestive Organs in the World. Unequalled in Delicacy of Flavor and promptness of action. Cures Headache and Dyspepsia, j Increases the Appetite, Prevents Indiyestion, .GERRISH’S Gives Iron to the. Blood, DR <3 TON 1C O Restores Health to the Debilitated. BITTE R Unequalled as a Morning Tonic. JgipTt Rouses the Functions to Action and An Elegant Diffusible Stimulant Tonic. Strengthens the Whole system. PREPARED BY THOMAS G. GERRISH, JSR.GERBSSH’S lOWIEI,!,, 3VCA.SS. [[glP’Send for Circular..,^! cot aL A Delicious, Sweet, Aromatic Eliminator, of Scrofula, Mercurial Dis' t in the system. G. M. D. Fernald,

Hotel & House BELL 12 Brattle Street, BOSTON.

Electric Bells and Electric Annunciators put up in the Best manner. Bells of all kinds and speaking Tubes, with Whistles, put up at short notice. Foot Bells for Dining-Rooms. ELECTRIC GONG STRIKERS for stables. Telephone, No. 6739. ADVERTISEMENTS 179 MORTOXT & CHESLEY, -PROPRIETORS OF THE- Architectural Wood Works, < -AND- CARPENTERS AND BUILDING CONTRACTORS. Also, Manufacturers of all kinds of WOOD MOULDINGS, HARDWOOD DOORS, HOUSE and STORE FIXTURES, made to order. Lumber Kilndried and Worked in any form at short notice. 108 to 114 EAST DEDHAM STREET, F. F. MORTON. I . HOQTAN W. P. CUESLEY. \ -DWkJ -L . NEW YORK OFFICE, 18 BROADWAY.

1 Ji


ALDEN E. V \Yv v. H.

Person! rj ■)


Dresses & without

Lawando’s i — J. 11. MEREDITH, Heal Estate £ Mortgages, ‘STJS&S 1

to Massachusetts Mutual Life Ins. Co. o E. W. BOND, President. M. V. B. EDGERLY, Vice President. J. A. H ALL, Sec’y. CD KNPOHSED IN o PAID UP AND CASH VALUES K\^CtiYlpOLl€ Y. m Liberal Contracts for the Insured, participation in profits, undoubted se¬ CO curity, are what the MASS. MUTUAL gives to Policy Holders. co MASSACHUSETTS If OS-FORFETl THE UAH THE BEST KNOWN". to

res CO Baltimore. New York.


For nearly fifty years bef 'i'2 the public, Uiese instruments have, by their excellence, at¬ & tained an unpurohar.c i pre-eminence which esiablislies them the unequalled in • Tone, Touch, Workmanship ami Durability. E. W. TYLER, Special Age;r% K0C Washington Street, Boston. H a H DEWING & McCLURE, e ONS, g ro DUILDEIRS # OOMTRAGTORS, oo All Brauch.es of the Mason’s Btisic.es:- piomptly attended to. BRICK AMD T? \5 V#r>RR A SPECIALTY. H 33 HAWi. 803T0IT* Brookline Office, 5 Guild Block. ti H E. . PACKARD, & DEALEE IN & V 1PLE AND cn *)


Colonnade Bldg*,, Harvard Sq., Brookline. ro o Thomas M. Wiiidden. John Curtin. A. H. Seaveh. oo WHIDDEN, OYTRTIN & CO. «S Furniture, Bedding & Carpets, Hos. 1, 3, 5 and 7 WASHINGTON STREET, Corner HAYMARKET SQUARE, , . . BOSTOM.