Sanskrit Roots of the English Language
SANSKRIT ROOTS OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE A-, An-: not, without; << Skt. prefix (or upsarga) a- ( as in a-spasht, unclear, a- drishya, invisible, that which cannot be seen ) ) and an- ( as in an-achar, misbehavior, an-ant, endless, that which has no end, an-abhyas, without practice ) ) Derivatives: a-cephalous; a-cheira, a-chira; a-chondroplasia; a-gnostic, a-gnosia; a-gonic; a-graphia; a-mnesia; a-mnesty; a-moral; a-a- morphous; an-aerobe; an-algesic; an-alphabetic; an-archy; an-arthria; an-emia; an-esthesia; an-hidrosis; an-hydrous; an-ion; an-odyne; an- onym, an-onymous; an-ura; a-pathy; a-phagia; a-phasia, a-phasic; a-pnea; a-rgon; a-sbestos; a-sphyxia; a-sternal; a-stigmatism; a-sylum; a-syndeton; a-theist; a-tom; a-trophy. But Not - amoeba; ascetic; asparagus; astronomy; athlete; Anabaptist; anachronism; anagram. in- as in inin-cessant and un- as in un-developed cognate with a , aann a a and an seen in greek and in and un seen in latin and both gk and latin have taken from skt. a a or an asthenia. deuteranopia; hemianopia; protanopia; tritanopia, anis a a is alpha privative; analphabetic, alphabet, hybrid Abdomen: Ab-do-men, do <Skt. √ √dha, to hold, to support, to create. Abet: < Skt. √ √ bhid , to cleave; L. findere; Gm. bheid Accomplish: Ac-com-pl-ish,, adhi-sam-pur, ac- < ad-, ad- < Skt. Prefix adhi-, above, additional, upon; Skt. Sam, with, together, completely; Skt. √ √ pur, to fill as inin purna, -ish is a verbal suffix. acephalous – – without a head, as an organization, cephal <skt.
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