SEGRAVE. 4*7 Rivers
JEAST GOSCOTE.] SEGRAVE. 4*7 rivers. But I am of opinion that these inconveniences marflies, in holes, obscure places, or' to the South and •will be mitigated, or easily corrected by good fires, as West, he utterly disproves: those winds are un- Leander Albertus reports of Venice, that graveolentia wholesome, putrifying, and make men subject to and fog ot the moors are sufficiently qualified by those diseases. The best building for health, according to innumerable smokes. Nay more, Thomas Philol. him, is in high places, and in an excellent prospect, Ravennas, a great physician, contends that the Ve- like that of Cuddesdon in Oxfordshire (which place I netians are generally longer-lived than any city in must, honoris ergo, mention) is. lately and fairly built lS Europe, and live many of them 120 years. But it is in a good air, good prospect, good soil, both for profit not water simply that so much offends, as the (lime and pleasure, not so easily to be matched."—And, and noisome smells that accompany such overflowed speaking of extensive prospects, he fays, " With places, which is but at some few seasons after a flood, us those of the best note are, Glassonbury tower} and is sufficiently recompensed with sweet smells and Bever castle; Red way grange; Walsby in Lincoln- 3i{pe&s\n{umvner,VerpingetvariogemmantiapratacoIore, shire, where I received a real kindness by the munifi- and many other commodities of pleasure and profit; cence of the right honourable my noble lady and pa- or else may be corrected by the site, if it be some- troness,
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