are British Medical Journal White with is uaed EX-SECRETARY BLAINE. marks ami almoat makes its industrial re- foo<1 j of her people who not represented —Tbe reporte gauz· brocaded gold for ball dresses. Atlanta I but who are tbemaelve·, her poet*, her an alleged recovery from hydrophobia at The Hartford Post remarks that generation—the Kxpoaltion. by, «ptlv and a Are have a shrewd suspicion that she even orators, her atateamen, her aoldlers Feshawur. Tbe patient, boy years Think or it. Ik life and health not worth OffcVorbiOcinocralSj "there in more politic»! animosity in the I· widow's mite to the Vir- her salnta. I thank yon for the had been bitten a mad and, The beet and re- than contributed her Sincerely, old, by bulldog, preserving? preventive -»« iws newspaper attacks upon Mr. Blaine storer, Is "Wells' Health Renewer,"sold election. [Laughter.] She has fur- heartineae with which yoa have received to alleviate hia sufferings, bis physician, by EVERY TUESDAY (astoriaccnts. A Mother»' fairness aud decency in treating the pub- ginia «II Drugglste. PUBLISHED nished President Arthur, who. In his short her name, and the great courtesy with Dr. John Buxton, of tbe Army Medical De- remedy for sleepless and irritable lic which have been ably consid- questions me as of Indian Mother of pearl satin Li the in term of service is cou<|iieriug public con- which you have welcomed her rep- partment, administered tincture novelty Children. The Recipe of Old l>r. ered in his recent State papers." wedding dresses. WATKINS, '· fidence with almost swiftness ; resentative. [Applanse. ] hemp. To the doctor's surprise the boy >· It. Ire- m and " unparalleled OK Pitcher, Morphine, Mr. Blaine has aimed at high diploma- a Court of the awoke well after ten hours' sleep. Gratefcl to Invamim.—Kloreston Co- Editor ic J Proprietor. not Xarcolio. l'ormula judge of the Supreme United perfectly published a of to cy. without posseting the ability of Am Ohio Ghost Stoky.—A heap The facts are logne is grateful invalids, l>ecause it is wah each bottle, l or State*, who, descending flom her own apparently reported up- Flatulency, to the refreshing without the effect of V>«»r \>r»r. third-rate village lawyer," according blood-stained gold awaita the Intrepid ad* on sufficient to warrant care- sickening T^rmt—^-.OO assimilating the food, Sour Stomac h, chief Justiceship, carried to bis new post authority most perfumes. of SftN Cti, l'ilot. how such a man can make venturer who has the nerve and m a Iranee. * le^tiietiD Strange a strength ful and' on the «trK'tlT * Feverishnc^N. W nus, and l>isor- I en ml nc, Indomitable Induatrr, inveatlgation experiment IfpaM I> Mi ao«:h«. great Diamonds are set in a row around the « ; ;< mvte. so much stir in the world, isn't It?—/ïo.«- to enter a cave near the village ο t Îk .-eet· wil. b« der I HoweK, Castoria has the and six feet lour of New gloomy part of medical meu. a«*luetion of «»«ij larg- pure heart, Eng- linger iu guard rings. n«t paid till th*«a4 of U· U>n Ifrrahl. Mount ten miles southeast of η,.ι If est sale of does she de- Xebo, Young- do"ar» wilt be charse·!. any article land thoroughness. Nor ytar two dispensed by to an un- THE GOVERNOH AND COUNCIL " Mr. Maine has shown enormous town, Ohio. It once belonged Pour On Oil." C<»ple· Λ»· *«»··. activity spise small things. Without flinching or Mingle Druggists, a his brief tenure of the State De- fortunate pedlar who was murdered by L. 1'. Follett, Marion, (>., states that during resorting to a draft, she will Instantly fill HOW KKCEKT KVKXTS STRIKK Λ MAINE MAX had from he has used Thomas Electric Oil, for H it*« of Adr^rtiaingt partment. In some respects his work has her in the auh companion. They sought refuge ABROAD. the <|Uota just assigned burns, and lias found nothing to equal it in ittut sonor*. coun- a in the cavo, and the unsuspect- Boston, 17, 18h2. b en of questionable value. But the service of the natioual House of Represent- tempest January soothing the pain and giving relief. fl.tf the treasure in his a r. roir Mk*flfM*«M««Ai i"*··!·. will reud with satisfaction his ing pedlar disclosed Mr. Editor·.—As uative of Maine, In- [< «-jut-nt we»-a,fc* try report atives—one messenger, one page and one t»r "*»1 aJdiUoaaL then off to terested in all that to I have An Interrogation point in diamonds is a Noiîr··—» upon the of the laws and trea- With her possession/and calmly dropped pertains her, Sfn-u: operations laborer. [Laughter.] great new Parisian brooch. 'ΚΙΓΕ SOTtCt*. Tired nature's sweet restorer had watched the last in its ΓΚ Wei De ties conferring eitra-territf>riality jurisdic- mother-heart she has and made her sleep. year's imbroglio t.* adopted >■«»·:·*·■»■ Ilea! B-:*'·, not had time to effect considerable re- Executive with a deal of Sick and bilious and all de- tVJ<-r· o! 1 WET DE Meyer tion upon our consuls in the East. The children who have any department good headache, ■ S own all the wuVa. MEYER CATARRH wandering < t oa I * when the wakeful in- Of stomach and bowel*. tire. I Ν Care, · whole as far as China and storation scoundrel anxiety. I predicted to some of your rangements *i»«" 1 V Constitutional Antidote for system, Japan come to her threshold. Plymouth Hock Is Γ» and Efecutor»· N'otloea, by Dr. Pierce's Pellets"—orantl bilious A :m r«· thi· terrible Mr. Blaine has serted a knife Into his focdfeilow's heart. Maine here, what would como of it Notice·, J.»1 malady. by Absorption* are concerned, is wroug. their as well as bets. Jon- people l'.» cents a vial. No cheap (■jafB'Mn'ner*' blarney-stone, the granules. wi"h I "<·*' a in atten- So far. so good, but unfortunately when Gen. l'Uleted waa declared Governor boxes to waste »! Ter τι-m vie SPURTS of discnstini; done the nation srrviee calling athan aud Jean and Gio- allow of virtues. Hy Drug- couimi!e4 kit eon«i lerahh Muro»| Patrick, [Frit/., f r » !' -Meai'iii· Sau3n, blood, with α total lack of consideration a and a tor lbo«e ©·νupvtng extce Crackling Pain* in the tion to it.—.Wtc York Herald. are of her by Republican Legislature, given gists. ,nfh ;in>e. ai»o. vanui, all alike Pilgrims origin- Fetid Breath, ran all over the and imbued 11 Deafnes*, and gold lavishly Council. I know the General ; Genoa lace is worn on 'the 1 «pace. Mr. Hlaine steps aside to the private sta- al stock, and for them, and for all who Republican point plain « in the I'lM'VmT. any Catarrhal can be ( β;-» f>·Γ »·Ιτ·Γΐ'·ιnf Complaint, the murderer's He I knew him all the I hav· fabric without fullness. eaiabilalteo person. thereupon through war; ■ at the to well exterminated tion. but with him it is no down. dweil below the skies, she demands the bit ma·!? lowing by Wei Do Meyer'» atepping ont of the cave, the known him ever he W I" Catarrh Cure. Tho moat one nun to whom skipped leaving money since; plays games. < » St.. N«*w Y ork Mr. Blaine Is of those of m the of God's child· that K. Ptnkhams' I Κ ·w» II Λ 10 >iirnr« important rights au, equality Druggists say Lydia Ν ork J. If since behind him, and not afterward, upon He believes in he if > « >. :l«on 8Ï New Vaccination. Other long playing games; wins, is the best Pu * Ml Discovery public p'ace brings only the opportunity ren, the blessings of liberty. These are Vegetable Compound remedy « New V «rk. M. M. PetlenKllI re- ϋ,η Part Κ remedies may relieve Catarrh, thi· his death bed, confessed the facts at Indirection ; the direct for female weakness that ever heard C. Kta·)· f »r use fulness : who honor and just all, by straight, they w Y»rk: T. cure· at greater public the fundamentals which she preaches j Co., It Mur any ttitgo before to of, for It universal satisfaction. Send V.-- M Petieailll t ·*·>.. St.. Cuniump· corded. Since then various attempts road to such α result lias no charms for gives Η St tion sets in. high ortlce as much as high office honor· the letters of In the words to Mrs. K. '.'33 Western -· ; Kori^e D >on. Pd them : whose stature is neither increased and lives of Adams and Gar- tortuous, twisting for H. ·.·■>■ Μ«·» One her sons, the Avenue, Lynn, Mass., pamphlets. A c ο., i"Vca:..Bt'ili>·, Delivered by Druggists, or D. B. by preferment by Sumner|and of velvet or ou satin by up the entrance to the cave, and a utalwart officiai life has been in at- Appliques plush & Co, lSii 1 η thereof. Mr. B'aiue ia as so often and so and spent unmanly icncuiiu Dewey Fulton St., Ν. Y., iuisbment gloriously spoken, are seen on opera cloaks. 81,00 This disagreeable ap- to embarrass his Council thim- η :h· colo-eU ni i attach· ! Trcatiacand re·· with the as he was still her faith. gho.st keeps guard. tempts by •n't; >.t rtara n« ρ complote. strong country to-dsy who, though dead, speak ^nonet ma! -tafe. They for nervous and bilious headaches, and e* i» sent, être *hf>aM be Ukea t< or out of who would stake his w <· τη adorn it, reputa- to I rcoue* ta n>; err.lite>: Blaine's tenure of ortlce was inspiration of her charltie·; they have recommended them my IHndf ; -Γ: ne ;·■· i·. ao t il the Secretary A Kkmi.mscknck or THE I II War.—During tion the declaration that it was even to medi- ;.r «e *hou 1 be ai>i»r.»ed i»l"tt. are to her upon believe them any other a ;b »e*k· an He- her literature; devoted superior ——— marked by extraordinary industry. they the civil war there was, or wrong- rightly a decent for a Fusion to cine I have used, and can recommend on and command for her thing jQovsmor side the exhaustive dlscussiou carried aervice; they respect a lamentable entertained them to one a cure for bil- e. ly, prejudice to ask a Council to aid any requiring al Carda, fi aud for themselves. do, Republican Proie**ioh with England oa the Clayton-Bulwer brevet rank and iousness." Price 81.0) against brigadier-gener- him in puttiug Republicans out of office, and the South American -rtK λ hkkkk κ. treaty imbroglio, Yes, .Mr. chairman, 1 am happy to bring als. Lincoln's estimate of the comparative No Is * whose terms had not expired, and puttiug wardrobe complete during lent Centaur stvera! documents are relative α 1-» presented you words of cheer from Massachus- value of the mules and gobbled without severe black dress. good brigadiers political opponents in their places. And It torne s at to the consular conns and International y Laic, etts. Her folk are her heart is up a confederate raider—the army mule happy; by a whole year ha* been this Not to uk Sneeze» at.—That BtmiL Mi. rela- " yet spent by pure, anomalies «xistiog in our diplomatic than her her Is was known as a brevet At Diaov K. Iltitt:· κ lighter purse: generosity affectionately man In to do that Those •weet, safe and effective American distil- S* > «: < j«. documents to trying just thing. tions. As these esist the go aud If should burn down horse"—is known to most readers; but lation of witch hazel, American Can- large just; you of us who are out of the State, amid all pine, EiiiTcaûïei show that the needs considera- ada and clover blossom, call- ^ jiniment. procedure she would build you up In minutes; there Is another story, scarcely less com- flr, marigold r' m< >t forty the clatter lie has raised, so discreditable The Powerful, to into ed Sanford's Radical Cure for Catarrh. A ble modification bring it conformity she lias a railroad at almost mau'a aud much less familiar. Ac- and Coutil lor at Law, .rd every plimentary, to the fair fame of the State, have never few doses instantly relieve the moat vio- IViK'tntling l'ain-relievinif with the of the Constitution. dur- Attorney requirements back door ; Horace Manu is still her ichool- to the annonymoua libeller, lent or head all Rt ιη>ιρ. Mi r ever cording heard of him In some effort In that sneezing cold, stop watery rued y devised man. It of the extra- except by This involves au examination msster; she has taken a an active acolouel, while from the nose and eyes, cure s it contract, together ing engagement, direction. The Council have resisted all discharges ô B« ».»K iothcs Plia» consular and and nervousness, and banish all «Ihysinflammation ordinary powers assumed by with certain citizens of the on hia men, received a ter- headache, it Kmpire State, bravely leading that his nomin- heals Wounds, and it cures law* for th· very properly, confirming danger of fever. Complete treatment for diplomatic ageuts to make to reform the civil service of the nation rible blow in the head from the fragment at Laic, Itll F.I'M ations to (111 vacancies, when the one dollar. and Counsellor VTIS.M, courts over which public Attorney government of they and make it as as her own ; she has of a shell, which completely exposed the ιο Μι. good Interests I'lTK-ti Seintien· Lumbago, Scalds* or required. Chenille ruches are trimmings preside, with the discretion of life Μ.Ί her face brain. He was carried to the rear, and styllah ('«•uji-wr lor New HaxprhÎre. Itiirux. Stiff Joint*, Cut », Swell· against Intemperance, though Their entire course, and I have watched for mantles. in The at ings. Pros! l>'t«s. Salt death their bauds. correspondence her Cochituatc has had rather an an- intrusted to the care of a surgeon, who -:.tn um-tv. t^uiiiv«>y. just it appears to have been the with and and closely, governed Ir Tai.i-s Its Ow » Stort. > Khouin, li«*h. and treats subject fullness, puts cieut and tlshlike smell ; she once resolved upon heroic treatment, I» Sprains («alls, [laughter] ami, so far as I know and of reus all the ma- by principle, Lancaster, Ν. II., Dec. 3,79. Lameness l'roui aiiy cau>e. Suf- in the possession Cong has a soft tide for the black man aud the removed the brain bodily to repair the Counsellors at has received the the I will that I think Law, this much believe, hearty approval By way. say ferers frun terial uecessary for α reform in the Ponca; to lacerations. While he was absorbed In that Me. rid—especially «heelings of ail honorable men of whatever Downs' Elixir the best cough remedy Hurt.field. of the political Ι'ΛΙ Ν IN Tin: RACK, perplexed and iuchoate branch pub- her meeting-houses, at;d yet has the freest this delicate operation, an aid-dc-cainp. I can And at our Druggists. We always ν iaKi Pt bl:c for oiroip Covxtt. lic Tim's. party. uae it. J. S. Peavet, Hitoar Fp\»t sun's Itrokrn service.—Ij-hia rniud of her own ; her water courses unconsious of the severity of the officer's (>i P. Ri«bkr. Ο. II Kruptions, opark- There came a when I 1 contracted time, however, 1'ub. Republican. (reacts Conls, Neu- Mr. Blaine left the State le in the sunshine with the goldeu wound, rode up with a message that Col- vr.iiKtK. Department profla feared that their actiou, All diseases arising from Billousuess or (lisliH-utctl at although fully ralgia, i*aKy limbs; and found himself a cit- of the wheels turn; and her indus- onel Diank was wanted immediately the use £ yesterday, private they to all familiar with tbe whols Torpid Liver, are quickly cured by rndt wnersot me- the justified at hordes, planters, i/.en for the tlrst time since he his tries are her civilization. I of Mechanically, like of Baxter's Mandrake Bitters. See notice Att and Counsellor Law, began May speak headquarters. facts, be mtsconstrued to their dis- nuy « '..ι -, merchants and might of Arnica and Oil Liniment in auother col- : ι career as u of the Maine one Fall brainless in the Interesting of ΚΙ professional political member of her workshops? I refer to pigeon surgical ·.I.n. an.I llial mal «rïi»n thpV TO. men everv w in thit umn. here, unite saying, in 1 v>y. Whatever t>c his with Inhabitants, the officer clambered Legislature may Hiver, which, only .*»υ,00υ experiment, gallant of Fusionists ( Ι.ΙΝΊΜΓΛΤ jected hie recent nominations TIITOX M, TATALK desire for and rest, Jt is has one-se\enth of all the In the into the saddle and rode away ; and when A of a circus in the west has F RANK H. 0„ present quiet spindle· for elective offices in Counties, proprietor Hepubiican lost several animals, among them a line I rings relief when all other I.:ni- that, with his active I'nited Slates and one fifth of those the having completed the re-ar- and scarcely probable nearly [surgeon, 't was fair and to demand that of a of wildcat that at- Physician Surgeon returned right \he specimen species ^or»»a> 'Itiltir. menrs. OK Extracts and Embroca- his natural qualities of iu New Nor ou this anniversary rangement of the wounded organ, Dar- temperament, England. will ofthe people should be reapected in tracted much attention in hi* show. have foiled. the I ...v ,,««■·, .vMinlr nr (la to It In he was astonished for the miss- »«·" tions leadership, and bis strong holii upou place position, win-like, he is now searching S. Λ au-l K*«ller < U»*« those nominations. There is not another to J "» At that mo- «·* ,1 Ο α β H Hi-» ι: U p. confidence anil htlection of the best ele- that sacred town of mouth, to to tlud the patient missiug. ing lynx. capital, I'ly a State in thia I nion the Governor of to-day, he 'will am of as ment hie attention waa attracted by ments of the Kepublican party, which 1 bound by tioa ancestry Bio Ke.m i.ts rno.M Litti.e C4i>«.— M. I». if aituated, but would instantly L). IlII.I. and similarly " remain in retirement. lie has not well as those of ofllcial Tlu-re ia sound of galloping hoofs, looking I)o you know?" remarked a man to his c. long lineage. have done that, both as a matter of princi- JUST OUT! a.*id «ru intensified on be- friend on Chestnut a or two jet pa>scd hi* fifiy-second birthday, no doubt that Samoset has gone, although round, his sarprlse Street, day and of Governor l'laisted did " a l*hr/sir!ttn - as if had λ Ireland's life. With his good health and good under grave discussion. There is not, it gayly nothing happened. ed:'" "What makes think so?" in- li Μ l> Morris Counties, from the you >LDKS shouted strongly Republican " its he be to continue to play is an left. If "Hi, colonel! ho, colonel!" the listener in astonishment. Well K. Λ r If IMMOIED uiay expectod believed, origiual Pilgrim own and of quired ranka of his political friends, an man- " him. You're see acted in such eruptire an important part in American politics for' the is there, she certainly the surgeon, pursuing "Stop. you they Mayflower men who would never have been elected as were. Save?" "i»h: Λ'· Surgeon, ! ner—so rtijiA-ly It l'hysician EIGHT-FLANGE to come.— V. Y. Tribune. rune no The Hock ia the about vour brains not in r*kiv vai>e. twenty years regular trips. forgetting which the were " the of the Counties upon yes. I save," replied other, "they mind about roared the by people »*- *· » r « ui*r » -p· *!tr. one of the first settler· of any account Never tbem," over, and to Λμμ..»· only " he to foist them. I that, boilAng merely resigned I ·» * !l lit.'· I>i>torr. DAV. hi· horse. I attempted hoped FOKEFATIIEUS' that still ami even hero, spurs te themselev·, I If such be the survives, that, following clapping the would suppose." |: M !.-K M been brevetted notwithstanding injuscice, they case, the National have ^ t»., the rest of Is uow under the don't want them—I've just difficulty might Fire-ProofSafes. Λ Χ. V. thin), nearly Γ »· (iOVKKXOK l.oXii IIKOUKI.YN, In be instantly confirmed by the Council, been averted by applying Swajne's Oint- sod. Betwe< Κ NORWAY MAtNf elephant, Riven of disorders. festival season of the year she, like agreeable and painful They giving newspaper aid market, with its factories clown, walks into the ring and sits down he had to affect fairness and a show titb- P. JOSM, crowds her tunity are generally produced by sedentary many another ancient mother, boots aud shoe· aud cotton \v for making lu a chair. Reaching out his trunk he of respect for the people'· will, by putting its, indigestion, costivcnrss, or intemper- DKVTI8T, ettchel, comes aw>y from the old home· which is of common occur· cloth, and good hempen cordage, a dinner bell on the tabic in front in names of nominal Republicans for He- ance. Thedisetse to picks up NoftwiT Villas·, Mi. stead and across the country with it· rence. and to effect t certain cure should journeys may ail good men escape! and of him and it for dinner. A servant Counties. The vote of rejection "*■**' rings publican treated local remedies. Τ-<»U> tB?erieJ o· ttold. 811τ·γ or take in the cheer of one of lnr be promptly by part good schooners, a little since the a was that out his *a >4β:μ·1 tlshiug rusty enter· with a loaded tray and places the dose brought petti- There is more sulttbl· by its won- Babfeat. and there is none fairer than nothing daughters, which 81Λ,ουυ,ΟΟο " clown blood to the action than Puni/.- Ex- Washington treaty gave square meal upon the table. The foSSing measles from the derful curative AiM BTULSSIC ISBTITUTE. that Brooklyn. She knows you young I η New in which the medicinal ^1 to the ion and stripped England then helps himself gracefully to skin. He repeated his list of Fusion tract Ointment, have a little behind her back elephant virtues of Pond's Extract, which are lot people sport of her but acllre enough to Council confirmed DeToted to Female alii» fisheries, yet the various dishes, picks up a champagne nominations, and the are tie.-asiyeiy fun of her very vtlutble in the above complaint, IÈ3 Safe u lie WcrB at her expense, make kcitting- make the ancient codfish which iu before the WATr«r<>*D. *6. cply 8-flar£6 hangs bottle tilled with water and empties it into them and he stands unfrocked in a state ol concentration. It is ad vis· * aud and at her odd mix- great Ρ ·Η \ Κ ν D., S»p«rLBUB l'Bg Fte' AND COXTAJSJSQ work frills, laugh Massachusetts House of a to use the hall of the his mouth. He then takes a napkin and of ten Hepubiican Counties us able in every Instance, however, i< rai e* MxrgroB. »#"AU !nter*»f·· the mo.in, tried every thing my have been in urely is us himself. Professor Arstingsal), He tumbled in but couldn't make answer; and Kn -**» ïjy mail i> rompC ν amended to. : but she knows, too, that in perhaps, justified boasting anything spectacles him to The j> t be digged for t'other. the rocks, of her her influence, her leader- bis trainer, propoaed teaching now I am going up among Bolt innermost souls honor her history, was a Inside Work, your you [ap- batoh of nominationa there's a wonderful echo, His second where F re war smoke a of tobacco, but Mr. Barnum they say M 'te »ecur« from Hirglar* than anv other her Dames lustrous in and , pipe ISAAC BAGNALL, that you still look to ber cup- ship, see if I that answer." Proof Sale, and no «î^-hk ii. repair· plause], of bold and defiant declaration to ten Repub- to eauMnake it is I have remarked that his performers and army leg lioiu or L« cks. board for best and most indeed, possible may already va Woolen your gingerbread charac- lican Counties that he would allow no .Manufacturer! a few of thein—those were men of exemplary M a tender cord mentioned especially employes »*»·"'. ·:γ·»(_" lATlN STT·. CoTTt'v wholesome simples, and that filled for a whole in either »" "Λ not be cancy to be year, L. »ι * t'llicil»)·· Pu tent on hand. I ter and Lia clown ahould M»·!, ruiif.· Hinged Cap, trembles from heart to at which she keep· constantly elephant CLAIM »Ï your eyes NOT Y 411% A CC»TO|i C'UTH DKK*4I>0 aad Ko Li your unless he could thruet into place WE DO have refered to her as one Inch to demoralize tbem, by settiog County, Saksapaium.a will eure every- l**t>iae. Four-Wheel Locks, the of the breezy hUle aad cool might just permitted of that Hoop's thought his own henchmen, in utter disregard on the and HANOVKK, MR. taller thsn of her even when them bad While this ludicrous but the (act that purity aea beaf hes where she nestled fathers any sisters, examples. thing. Iron your the will, lie taken that blood the vigor and Inside Linings, of the lib- and of animal Intelligence people'· having vitality of the depend or venerable fireside she stoops ; might have spoken amazing display that disease and mothers, of her the Council bad but one duty to health o( the whole system, and A. ('. JONES, Corners. is exhibited a dozen other elephant· position Solid of noble aons aud erality of her capital and the intelligence being is often the sign that An$le and t»i« great family While the Governor could for- of various kinds only in same Three of them perform. and of her labor ; have count- are busy the ring. nature is to remove the disturbing SMITH ai:d machinist, in lb · ?ia:e in who have clustered around it; diguity might trying The»e Safe* aie Dow being t-oM daughters a he was the Governor of· State, acd conclusion railroad· of New Mexico and the are at see-aaw, one is rolling get cause, we are naturally led to the l'art». .Maine. who it have out into the world ed the playing from gone not a I wu to ace that life and vigor to Û\M t \» the with bis forefeet, primarily^of part?, glad that a remedy gives n UKKc'<>. *rai n>a-btB«irT.»"e«»» NUMBERS, and her West as a product of her ge- barrel around ring rug r* m LARGE her thrift, her enterprise generally scrofula and other im- »"r» ·)4κ>1 ïii*. hi»«··jr aa>l t"Ol· carrying a the Conncll were mindful of their higher the blood, eradicates "-t» New another Is the handle of large : ♦· rrw· ij,-. ι ». m ι dril » ntl an*' AÛD OtVB TIIB and who nius ; might have suggested that the turning as Hoop's Sarsaparilla « virtues wherever they went; of th« from it, ■ to the State. Each branch purities r*pn. >«vlrg mo· f »b4 th»»»hinif ira while atill others are standing on doty the means of r-1 and establish England idea—whatever that Is— is tho organ, undoubtedly does, must be pre- » p· of all kiaé·,cm*. platel· ti· ough they erect colleges 1· in any 4 l"· Greatest Satisfaction, at the of Executive department justifiable diseases that would occur '■·»i ·. Α<· η·*»>τ i«b 1 prompt y repaired to life-blood and muscle of the on their head· top high pedestals. venting many s*-aei c ommon schools like hers all the way very republic, «sa *t.fr ρ | of dor U>or. er. reasonable effort to secure the filling of without it* use; hence the field of Its useful- the Ιΰυ-t FmUhed, and that Massachusetts is New Rev. Mr. Pentecost, the celebrated evang- we are Briax Highly and a England; I* an extended one, and the 1'acific coast, though they give offices their own friends. That ness quite hare named those famous fields— elist, while witnessing tbe scene yesterday by political warranted in recommending it for all de- First- to literature and a Garfield to might which are caused Agents Wanted;.; Ht st Bryant jour de- is a to But duty to the whole rangements of the system •«6v.« oo; Lccti»in. !»*ed tor rimi'ara. Made,and Cheapest hal. with us and if in company with several clergymen, duty p*rty. ol the blood. are still all her own. forgotten rarely, ever, by an unnatural state W. the presidetey, yet demands that the interests A.Mt«m. L. » \KUAlt ever and Bun- clared it to be the moat display people public p»wi>i V*r»*. Class SAFE are in recalled—of Concord, Lexington delightful Some »f her boys getting along made to suffer. The first rote of instinct that he had •hall not be Suffer with Salt-Rheum ? Kmmerson. Longfellow, ker Hill ; and might have enlarged upon something beyond Why year·. Phillips, to be ca- of the Council rejecting these partisan i produced. the unfamiliar of the character, pur- ever conceived tbe brute creation Messrs. C. I. Hoon & Co., Lowell, Mass. S.iEAf CAUSE lF HUMAN IEEKÏ the Holmes aud Whittier, have all passed the topic to Celebrated Sale· haen, MANHOOD other day about putting my of those Counties. could not help scratching, which of course to Said Etta, the public sentiment time I com- ι after aome se- you would not do in New York. The old their way Sunday-«chool. made them worse. At the '"»r#»n tk« \·| U re treatment. »■ Great lections from the l'salms, summer of they il, need in all his naked by Mf-AtaK, laTolaetarj Governor stood exposed and I was obliged to them ·ηβ, »n>! 1MIORTAST to have it she finds snd verse." discharged, keep ltapoter.ry. Ser»ou·» I»«bil:ty. nee that time CHEAT ASH I he was but he was not spoken. Rather, was .it,· and ai that content, quit· wu to see the Council with linen cloths. The skin -iirtit» to M t'>B»uep· " the I glad bandaged disease '■ riife 2earr«Uy; ! ί*κκο\ tMt.Ms bare beeu made. loves to find her outalde and I haven't forgotten mine," replied partisanship drawn so tight the heat of the i·; sot »u»: and Ph»»lcai clear that David, a king and warior, would glory herself, by iep»y. M*nta', ordi-r to any otbrr concern, [ a of that duty I over they would crack open Àr ι.νκκ· Before your "It 'Blessed are the dreas- had just appreciation higher that ii stooped ^;Ί··ν.·Τ. -Br ΚΟΒΚΚΓ J. Cl ι ·. with a in the and prosperity and civil- other. is, tears Into The Μ •end tor prices and descriptive ata.'ogu care to ba fonnd in company (Quaker happiness and and bring my eyes. *UTb,>ro' lïMf t«re«B Rook Ac. owed the State as State Councillor· actually me so much that I con- τ''">· ization of the whole of which she maker·." first bottle benefited trnowurd tuihor, ι· thie a b» this spirit peace only an article on "free the ♦ j'1 iB»e.('ien^e«ot playfullness —The editor wrote confirmation of those nomination·. many others may learn ""-.ajl'T r«.inut«gero<«« »urji«·! bur r st., liKertate which always value of Hood's aud receive as «ι,. sun aud of liberty—«ni» qtietum— for the and when h· let Fusion Karsaparilla ^y-'x β<μ, iBatrument·, nu·, or cor- 04 reading masses," c*n well afford to your as I I "'·*·» will contribute her They much benefit have, am, [» uut * ido.1v of eun at < aoe cer »(>«TOT. MAM. him and in the others will to the ways loyal support, which in found the transposition of a space the have the full and respon- Very truly vours, ;"a »t'l 'ffrrt *l by <* b < h rtery euifrrer. »■ > of her the of by Governor glory S. 8. MOODY. ;im>r ; be found on file at Om. in the the the song· poet·, eloquence MltS. hle eoo<)itiori lu*7 be, cer« bi«- Xf Α ·ρΊΓ1> iiiJjr last hour kindle eye though song advocate "free «■ may ■*TTTCJ made blm reading of Counties to be officer- No. 70 Broadway. Inio ΓΛΓΙιΙV |v K'.«ke!l & Co'* Nt-MaiMiYr her the wisdom of her paper sibility forcing "h*ap!y, i>riTal«lT. and radically m where ad*erti«!ne fainted from the But there orators, statesmen, Jau. is;». ! hi» ΐ<· ρίΝΐηκ Purnm iiu Νι·πκο •hall have lip. he not know which of those Lowell, Mass., 15, l.«»'i8, PAJU4 BILL, NORTT1ERX IMPER!AL FIRK Prior to lê5ï, the dominant party, in NEWS OF THK WEEK. ASSURANCE COMPANY, or LllNDONCOMPANY ' Maine, bad been the democrat alact- INSURANCE party, OF LONDON. ι«.ο· w : The floods in the South·1**·! TRUTHFUL. • υ ooo»un ANG Capital «|(à for a series of Saturday WILD oo C^fcrî) their candidat·, long * 9° I Ai· ap 9 0.·««·"aâ'ftOU.OO» veara. by large majorities. estrone The remarks of the Rom I a· Λ Thrilling Story of Actual Life* upon «kfStoiprtiM hid bean caused a sensation ia STATEMENT ΓΑΒ13, MAINE. FEBRUARY 28, IMS. The Whig· and flroe eoU partie· Skobeleff. STATES BRANCH in 'ûOTTED j 1882 unable to break thdf lie», « rout· their enwalrope, and Indignation Germany. JANUARY a town of «u 4>ef0r· their Pico, Peruvian Importance, ASSIT f 8. forces, and »«e powartaa* IMPKBIAL Decision·. Mckert by a band of munrauders aud 800 NwiiratR< Newspaper h» *he old demo- |WHU UO parly away. The break persons, manv of them foreigners, were nil 1. Any person «ho take· a rap«r regularly Real K«UUJ unincumbered- 7 M M 87 *lï 7»l direct··! to hi* name or waa the flrat that led to killed. Boa 1», &i rom the office—whether cratic party, atep Uaited SUie* («owrnment It ail or whether he haa eubaerlbetl or aot— : of Portland Stale n.«7 |t7J,V,« l) With •teel cruisers, and several torpedo boats h ι m on a to New Mexico. story INCOMK 1ML Supplement. advocate —In thi« It had by recently trip Ai newspaper doing and rams.—-#100,000 was appropriated in the far • ι»"·.* ,Ι,ε j constant of wild and adventures Ca»b f.r PremiumJ, 27. ΛΛ .1* Jî m u to the whole democratic press of the for the sufferers the Mia- succession strange ι ut ι;κπ bucaN party. fight by Congre.se by j else Uteraat. tu Mil » Ml 0I1QB0! came near and character nowhere State, and was a powerful sgency In giv- eissippi Inundation. There | of scenery Kcata, South-west—descriptive 5U |S-iη* an·! Brokerage, t more or let» discussed forth· last evidence here offered Is sufficient to vu nominated 37.7WI W* •17,7(i| *; ion The Friday: KoacoeConkling otBce Pal.l for R«larl«*a at I Kxpen·»·. 19.471 rtl U said that Its here that the the President for Justice of the Supreme | raxei, 41 twenty years. It has been establish the fact aasumcd, by Paid Or Ν alloua I. Stale aod L«aai β M 7i and Coart ; the nomination caused considerable ; All other pajmenta etpeodiiurea, _ was in others have movement which led to origin Pennsylvania, first cooperative HA »·> I surprise, to say the least. Ex-Senator , IIUl.fAV · 711-, jn and «till others in of the claimed it in ohio; the formation Republican party Sargent was nominated Minister to (1er-, that M ichigan originated in old Oaford. In 1*52, maDj. Congress will allow Dr. Bliss & South Paris Maine, in Pree- ! Yort WHEELER SHURTLEFF, Agents, iu luto different for bis services attending New extended 925,000 Our fnemls iu Franklin County, that movement Weekly. Τ II 4 W CmhIoii: <.WFIIt, Agi Fryrburjr yit. good 8. Il .4 A1', Agi, ldent Garfield : Drs. Aenew and Hamilton A. this Mate, have said it was born there. 1 of the State, that Maine, following JACK, Til Κ POET NCOIT, parts 01.Y0»> each, and the oth«ra less amounts, «\iPTAIX none the of Oiford think on the question of time, go the lead of republicans though all cet liberal compensation. in llicstoivof been an actor flrat hoisted the ; The House on Elections holds a and well-deserved place >>a< k beyoud 1Ό4. llaviog County, republican flag j Committee report- prominent IIOLDKYS DRU(i STOKE, in until ed the 1'tah seat vacant. in the political scenes of those days, I pro- that other states followed, turn, the truth of his- the old banner floats over every State in PARIS. pose, briefly, to xiudicate Τκμγκκατγκ* Last Wkf.k at 7 a. j*.— SOUTH J.J· P. tory. and show that the great Republican thet'nlon. Sunday, 2®, cloudy; Monday, 17®, clou- MERCILESS BEN, in the arty ot this country had its origin dy; Tuesday, 10®, cloudy; Wednesday, im. HOLDEN'S NEW LINE OF MEDICINES. — oi Trilje Km bmcan Town Com mi Tt km snow; 10s, Fri- Tin* Terror the of Oxford, in the State of 10®, Thursday, cloudy; Apuelie Holden'a Hyrup of Marrapa- good county ® 12 ° clear. Compound We are to ace that the 14 cloudy ; Saturday, wiih wounds, a in irk of their hatred rura of never glad Republican j day, who lives, covered rlila wlih lodld· f'oiaadunt. For pr*T*otlon ar.d UitJi Maiue. Political or^aai/atious yet ·!··> Chat State are uni- in chronic etW■ am'· «Dit cbroaic; lvNci«fi' to well defined piau«. —The Adtrrtistr supporta toward the »rroialr>u· «(1er· the Gout. originate. pursuant manner of elect- ('oiiquero!!· tiot>· of IN· »k!n. Srrofii'» «nil in the time and caudidate for of Port- Huit». 1 utr.or*. formulated in alvance. In this country formity Republican Mayor linn· (urh a· Himplf* W« wuh Ht·· hltkrjr Hm··'· wh b fl xjd ih» rouo- ha« b#>en issued inr.liPih»! bl'trr 1 m circular recommending Mirh a· ir*. a» U l· a l'iirrl) can be best advanced Kur all billon· liiiordrr·. I>J»P*P«I*· on nd. and which by dlen »re pre»»·! *a-h tioulr ml w* |r> that the Town Committees ; Itiliou· lira !arb··, Hour »lom«Ch, Jaundlrr. Nrr to It wlib auj H.itrr tL»i κ m action New «juestlous. Republican ant>oun<1e<]. way they from the Monday next after the Spring entire eontinent, voit must he wide awake fur on the 7th of July. the Ia IS J, I think, day election, "lhis would give a desiraoit HrMfjnii *emt»»crat e County Convention, uniformity, and by carefully selecting : Feinnle College. oflT'ers. met <»u nate Senators an 1 County the most men for the Commit- (ι ρ TOKsrv, η. ι». r. l η.. Proîdîst. energetic of tbi« Inrtitution will com- and MERCILESS BEN, Ttir Spring Terni town can be italr- FOR i'ars Hill. Every plantation tee* the interests of the party j mence un Mon.lev Ma'rh II and continue DRY 600DS CHEAP CASH, of this irrn wrikt. The nri«le«i D-partni»ot will be un- was The members advanced. man who ne\ er make represented. greatly the der tbe dnectluu ol l'rof. I. \ Torren·. In order to room two ou* cation were divided iQto w.ufS— a Foe or W a i'Vinid. F. Α. Κ··ΒΙΝ*θΝ, secretary. —We failed to call attention, la-it week, <1 roii^eil K. W. S -neward. for a stock O'Nell W. H>biu· S|mih .UI.K, large Spring on· of which supported j the race in the lield of lietion. Kenta Util F*h. Il, lrt-1 to the insurance advertisement of Wheel- Without it leads I shall offer for tho next : tr ! I.ν' in Kawson, for the Senate, e\eej»tion M but so and lm- will J. er and Shurtleff, prominent Remember that4fc .11 KIM Ί iLKSS appear some ami the other. .James Walker and John | sixty days special portant an announcement could not have M \KU YOltk IVHKkLY. llolmsD. Thi* dit .■•ton of sentiment orig- ^ inXo. 17 of the 33 Per « eut Interest in fall and win- to attract due attention. The Com- bargains the failed inated .n the action of a portion of has an Immense and income, is the embodiment of nil that ia ter goods, including four re-nom- pany capital NEW YORK WEEKLY in («oiling «ίον. Hubbard's THE in party, to meet all contracts, ac-. m η 11 t κι Ίΐι. i"ii. atiit |·ιιΐ«· ΐιι»·ι·ηΤ* and cannot fail rha··»·· I··. Can l>4 »aved if fou are In want of a good warm cases Ladies Gents and aatl.>n. l>r. John Hubbard, that year, to the bond. YORK WEEKLY cording THE NEW ··Ι «·1· rcMinui was the democratic can lidate for fttiv fTtrilv rircli·. rvcti in that children's regular n»<>r< f>>r thaii dem- YORK WEEKLY |>*}« innnuiM.Tiptit Governor, aad over twenty thousand a Lovell « ho I THE NEW Alvah Kastman. boy > tllllls till· UNDERFLANNELS, HOT )< It mal <>Γ ltd i'Ilk>v ocrats bolted his nomination, on account learned his trade in this othce, h.vs be- ι FRO* ,'h> of the Maine Liquor Law. //< I in the World. approval come editor of the Anoka City and Sketch OVERCOAT Jô cent s to $LOO in Th« rahj, Greatest Story Paper frire. aad voted for Anson (». Chandler. at Anoka Minn, \>e published City POWDER Two thousand Chandler w;ug of the convention, support- are to learn of his success. He voviKs si:\t fhkk. yards pleased 1 Pure. si'KcniKX ed Walker and Holrnau. and the HubbarJ was a deserving boy whom we have pre- Absolutely Best brown sheetings at *»s- Thl« never varie·. A tr«rrel 01 puriijr, Also Suits, *:pc K"bi :« >n an 1 Kawson.—Κ L. dieted would make a mark in the world powder I TO MAIL SUBSCRIBERS: Heavy j • irengiti ιο ί wbo>»o en»··. More rctaoaica TERMS 7 1-2 c , worth 9c., one others, led the • the ordinary and e«nnot be · Μ Ιο « !. of Fryeburg. and if health and life were kind·. spared. with ih· mullitule of 1 >«r W»l. *2 « Sô.00 case remnants bleached of «"tni>e.it:on months, { sta^i ]7·ί<% opies former f >rces. while F!bri)o.ph\te iKiwd^r·. ft fnr I.. 1). Tubbs, the young Sold m i-anj. Ho» AL ΒλΚ1>ι> PoWPER Jo. Hl.00 I IO.OO cotons at worth 11 c Water: >rd, aal other·», led the latter. popular nnln •I months copies. 8c., Pentist of Norway has decided to remove New \ v>rk Ν 30.00 The il0 each. &(\ * I. ■ "M ·., n'... In> h» «nnrvirî r»f the Store, SingleCoph's &cM ies' Cloaks and Cloak- —Town Reports have kept us ao busy j cuti ; ou to rcguî&r nominations. and during the past week that th;s#|>iper and material All letters should 1»' addressed t·» Woolens for men Dyes Coloring For the m >nUi of F#iieary nod Ma cb, 1».', ings; nu on the vote of the Chau- V5 e shall do bet- laid table. by mav be dry reading. warranted pure and of the l>y buying of and boys wear. l>r men. This, and other out- ter however when the rush of work S SPR MKT. t NTKKKT \ 8MITII, Irregular, job best At GERKY'S FRANCIS BlnniifU, Mnrtiiiy·», nn<1 η full ■;« on th· of the ma- quality. rage proceeding* pert is over. FRANCIS S. SMITH * l'î'oprietoiN. line ol llon»e krrpin|f 4à»u?, 2î> A :π ι to*<> St., X.Y. κ<·ιμΙ». snow storm of last so we need not 1\<) liox 27ÎI week, Bird Feed iront I tir. I» §1 ΙΛ will· λ w tl«k- per jnrd to nonruato n< *cηn.t^»r.a! r-niMy Cages, Cups, a Court of Probate hold at Pari* chroniclc the event. TIIK »ut>»erlber hereby >:lv·* puolie notice that OXroKU.SM:—At F. «llkv^iultii VrlTfi* imhI · ringr* wit til ii ηπΊ lh» of ou lh« s at anil Seeds of all • he hn been the Hon.Judge of for C<d Trstaaient 0' Nail· ». Oag'»od late ot Ilo-iery. ■? Bu kûe'.J. «ho was then Presl- WAsntXiirON. 1). 0.. Feb. Ï0, direct· »he therefore rf : Paris. to of «aid div< a»ed to make Im lrnt»'l fhe line lor I'rob I·· T<> the EOltorof the <>*fonl lvinmr»t South indebted the e«tate (Jo kIo More. ut 11 the Senate, Hon W. who have demand· Ordered, That thr lalil Executor five notion dry presided. of mediate payment and th<>»e any Some two weeks since this section tamr to to all person· Interested. bv ra r*ï< ; ami Dr. Tho's. GREAT B· secretary order to l>e 11»r*·«· weeks Hurcea-irel» In WI be hrld.it Paris on res It w*a an euthu>ia»tlc ou tiie ùulious. Til Κ sunterlberit hereby five public noti»e that la 1.1IJ CoUtfi lulrd TllCMtkJf of Ma ch fell, but soon and nine th»j clock th» I ««III now lakt Ihl· α nil le of the very disAppeAred. ihev ha*e b.-en dulv appointed by ihe h-uorable next, at of in forenoon, aud OVERCOATS. op pnr >' CHtwUoat CMfOMd, very largely, and • hew it any why (lie aaid Itislru thank niv nunjr I u«t nirr· la Olfur < ·· for ten days past we have beeu having de- Judfe of l'r· b iU> f«r the County of Otiord, nuit, th·-) lift, rrtuentiu). true democracy of the county x»«um*-d the tniatof tdinlnNtratom of the e-tate of ment should not 0· proved, approved and allowe< lor ihelr literal patron·*» alue* I <>p weather. WU.KEU lite of Kumior.l. a* the la»t Will anc»a«tft bv κίνΙη/ bond Judge, HEAVY ALL KINDS kltpln| in- k true ropy—att»at: H.CDavih. Kosruier. SDITSTF •ama ai low ri In m··*!· a γλιιιΙιιιι»«'· I he re f »re all — prl· than Moore, of Stoncham. were nomiuated law direct* ;they r*<|i»*t« p?r«on« AT — assault on the editor of the of till dee eared to make Im of mui·· Vary It «pu I (ul I) Republican bj debt t-d to thu etuie s»:—\i a Ciuit of Probate held at for the Senate, and William Bolster, an· who have de UOCKOKO, .W. the in which C. A. So ■iielUte piyroent, any Paru. within and for the County ol" Oxford Soteldo brothers, tticreoa te cxblbi'. thu aim·' to STO WELL'S were ad· maa'l· on the third r 1'KITKN JILL. teldo m attempting to shoot C M. It* P. I.U NT. widow ol John ». I ur t.latr «1 a f ti This LUNA WALK Κ It. SORWAY V ILL Mitl. !. mak :>g ill county NEW ui D xtleId, dert-ax d. having pi cm η ted bet the editor, mortally wounded his brother, li*-'. Elm Febratry 2!, p«lt it ion or m allowance cut of tbe personal ca (MITUIVU t kK λ handsome voto. Ε !sha polled ■ ri:rmi : BOOHS, The assault ■·· tale ot >a>d d Knrthe Month of and Mjrb. R-raeui- who lived about lifty hour». I it κSab* iii if hereto / » l'ii'»'·ο SoUm 11·At Kebjary was nominated the II >n. Ju of « >kui Ktu. Hint Raid petitioner give not re to all ber at the Winter, vko by Whig· arrest of A. ho h»« h-en duly appelated br the l*e was made ou accouut of the or ln'ero»te-l » thl· 1 ail perm by causing copy of ordrr a * » I'rebnte fx the Coaatr ot Otfjrl, aa>um;d .cntlv { ic· I npou this ticket, 10 li" ub i«i ed time week* aucc in the SOUTH PARIS CLOTH ISO M Soteldo, in a bagnio, in Hooker's the trust of Viin'r. of the t«Ul«of 1 sdvely \ jr., Oxford Democrat. a at Par w»-. λ· ! Waiker -ia i II .mm were FKANK IV. Me Κ Κ λ S late of Lor··!!, n-paper printed STORK, 1 >iν while in a row. and con- is, that they mav al a Prol ate Court to be Uion, eugaged in taidC »BHv, de «.»» >·i bv gviug bold a· the appear Maaonlc WALL 1 (I'adtr (fall) at PAPERS ία count'· t and held at said ,ο the third u-d hy a very small majority, law dlree ·. b·· thcefore t«ou-Mt» »!l ρι-imi In- Paria, Tuesday st appearance before the Police Couit of Murch el η ine o'clock In the lorenoon <,uent debted to the estate ol «il l decetAed to make im next, the in. \* session uf the there We have recede I oar ami kiiow cause, 11 South Maine. legislature, —an account of which in the news lerdiate m l ΙΊο«« wh » Ιιινβ *nj de- any tU<-> hitvu, against Paris, appeared piytneat, the fame. η » hoice of Governor. the mind· thereon tortillait Ίι· nm to '•eiijg by peo- | Α. M Soteldo. R column of the J.'tyubiic. deserted their party aDd voted for the A true o >py—Attest : II C. I)»vi*. Ki-(l>t*r. soap Jr., approached an employe of the Jfy'ufc- NEW PAPERS Febrt.ary SI, l*!».' for also all the Wt inn udate. Wb. G. for («ov- S :λ OXFOICD. a»: —At a Court of 1'rotiate t Id at 10c.; choice Crosby, lican anei offered him $0 to procure him The «nberiber hereby cive· Public ·ιΐ that II >n. Jul*· Paris, within and tor the County of Oxfonl en tv was » tel. ThU she ha» been dulv app inte I bv tbs at low Norway 00 the third luesdav ol Frbruarv. A. D., At Ger- the original copy of the account, lie ver? uf Pro·»*·.* f>r thi County ofOtford, un I «« im id IMS grades prices. < F 1 Π K. HHK1.D w ido'» ot iv«t >u it d. 1 not elect ah its ibe ΐπ··ι of A Irainlnrttoron ths e«ati <»f ANNA Kibi i- Re though the fact to the editor, (·. Kifiu lute 01 lietlicl deceased. I No. 2 Odd properly reported LK*'IS \V. Β HOWS, la'.e or" Ur »*nd«ld. J 1 ld, havn.g ry's Dru# Store, η wa> death of the old derao- AND ►» her for in allowance out 01II e the j nted petition m;t:ees, BORDERS, d-e»*»e I b>al th« pn and he it on the of the In «ai 1 County. by cîvku | published moruing 1er-' ual E»taie of «aid drcetH : Fellows So. Paris. cratlc in Oxford law direct»; he the-efore rn l«'i a'l p5«-40i4 in- Block, party County. That the Potiti >r.er notice to assault.—hence the assault. C. A. Soteldo FOR letit *1 to th·· '«ttie ol και J ilee -ame to published aucce»»l*ely Where»·, Ctleb L. Morrill "f Snmii'r in thj «s? noniiuateil the democrats, at their the Oxford Democrat at that I C'onntv of « by m the action of the Grand PEHLKVS BBOWS. printed Paria, they ixw»d an·! Si* te of Mi Ine, by hi· deed ; la mi Timet») m r λ jail awaiting at a Probate Court to be held at Pari* ο Couvertiou. at for Governor. SPRING TRADE. 21, is 2 may appear Mortagagw, tiled iheiJI day of JanutrT Α. I». I Bangor, February in -aid Countv the thud of Jury. ,011 Tuesday Murrh next, | l-Ta, an>l r«-copied in Oxlord Ke*Ut>y of l>edi·, at V o'clock in the forenoon un>i shew exuae il Th> nvntion was a drunken. disgrace- The close of the Guiteau trial appears to TIIE LARGEST ASSORTAIENT any B'Hik lk2 |>air>· IK, conveyed to tie nibnerlbwr two PIANO OR ORGAN, J have tbe same > -In we litive they again·', eMato lure of land wMh ilia bal ding·* thereon fui eû'i.r. ofthe left it and ilie bf*l style* It The long winter are near, siwl eieif Many delegate# l.ave let loose all the roughs in town, and A. FKYE, Ju'ge Htuat'-d in nld Sumner and l»· ni In !.»^ust. with the de» that another, are worst. Two murder* conveyed Morrill l>y Oil they doing their vor j Itonuar aod ill- »»m*î c inveyed to John M. ! pian» or oniai «. at. .i.lat" should be into the rtelJ. that ss:— Vt a of put ha\e followed very closely on that trial, assort- OXFOKD, Court Probate, held at Lane by Ο i»er H >nn<-y m Mortgage on the Mill Call before the Pail*. within nod for the Count ν of day id a t> and whirn deed I» ·- lor hla to make home < ould Pub- early Oxford, April IH?i, reeor chi)iJr«n, pleasant they conscientiously su;>p_>rt. and third one, as on Saturday on the 111 srd Tnecday ol F«b., A D ltv2. td with ntld Olfunl Iter.ord» 15 > >k probably the ment ΙΟ pig·· 1*0 was for a : is broken Κ CT K'l IS Ai'miiilmat· r on ihr estate reference b>-ing had to the aim·* \OU CAN LI Y riRHT CLA-6 PU** lic sentiment in the party, ripe one of the drivers cu the lor » more loll night Metropoli- of M Micella lat· or of AM) (»Ut,Λ S». WM llnidy Pan·, inthid dcac iptiou the premise* and givra to reeure but there was uo one who would * r revolt, tan Street Κ. K. was attacked, knocked : iun:y, iIciiimiI. liav ng presented hi* account the pay m-nt 01 fp»>, and wherea· the condition* η titration td the tsiaie ol said nr« WHEELER 8 Ml SIC SToUK take the to lead oH »f Adm deceased ola»hldeed lir >ken I o'atm a foree|o.i>re of responsibility down at corner 13 F street*, the »arae the of and lor allowance : the agreeably t> 'he r'a'lite in eue*» caae And a: the m< u who cal". .1 the Nor- N. D. BOLSTER, Ordered, Ttiit the said Administrator gtve nonce provided, »ud give thia notice for tha' urt your roonev'· worth every "®« fB: .«.Caith, cash-box seized and the rascal made his puryxe. kaJ >0 all persona Interested liy cau-mg a ropy ol tliif JOHN M. LaNK. liniment* of »|| kink· constantly cn haa«l convention. measures, to Id on ea»v way inaugurated escape; it is feared the driver will not re- >rder be published three week" auecersirele in Sumner, Feb. 11, 16*2. the Oxford Democrat at Purl· w .ch rtsui'.e i in a Mass State printed that they calUhg cover. In addition to the above, one lady, PARIS. nav at a Piobate Court to be held ar Ρ MONTHLY IIiaT4Lr.MF.1T*. SOUTH I. W. appear .«ri» NOTICE. PENNEY, u third OU l> mnni'Di* in l'are wai «aid the next liken rx'hani··. Convention. The call for the same a Mrs. Connell. was shot while County.on Tuesday ol,Match standing « k.c 1» MAXUKACTCKKK of it 9 o'clock In'the forenoon and «how rnu-« if any }t«>· I·, Piiau Γΐ'Τ'Π, Mu· l·· Holder· ar>l ! in Feb. 24, 82. »f written by your correspondent, who, a: her parlor window with her babe in her .hoy have all. the •toe should not he al.owrd. In-lrt'cli n Hook· for rale cheap. S*o t fO' K. A. FRYE, Ju PRENTISS u-tr«t«-t im* 0.11·· «ι <| lie » fill ai < late Hon. Rufua S. lge LIBRARY CORP'ON. pire ompany w:,h tMe arms. She lived but four hours, and the Jdd AUCTION. A true eopr —atteat II C Dvvia. Keel-ter. ronfortn Hy with tbe prayer of nrven petition- Fellow* Block. had It IlfPROVED STEAM ENGINES. er· in« m'«r* of ibf above \V. Stevens, wer;t to Portland, printed labe was so the of its In corporation tor a J. WHFKI KIC. injured by falling THE Sul>«erll>er a lmini+tratnror lhrd hereby give·· duly appointed Judge coipor ϋ··η t.· uieei ai tbe n hool bowae day*. De»lra : Kxellenee In School notice that b« will sell at publio auction it th Combining with Kle*»nee of Probate for the bounty of Oxford and aasumedthe District ». lrt In Η·>η Au-ou 1' Morrill was nominated Ν in» town o| Part* on «atu Col. A. 1>. Meacham died on house of thn 1 (lie Ctiartes K. »f Effl 'niry and Durability—Em :ru»t of A Imi i«ir»t>r ι·η the rtatate of Lhe -day Friday. lweilin< Virgia, all Workmanehip; eleventh d ty of March n?*t at one o'clock the in Steam \ι l act on 1 f. r Governor, by acclamation, He will be recollected as th«» associate of the tollowing »it : lia·! in anv r«a' .'«tale in Runiford od I to (he bejt results ; | η aald Couutv dooviae 1 giving bind aa the law Firit. article*, ■ Monday Α|>· Ccgineering give by To ehuoae a > t'reaidcnt of aid Coipj a- GRAND TRUNK R. E. .>w._,' S'.ate election received 11.027 and Thomas iu the ril 3rd χ d. 1*2 at i o'clock r. m li-ect»j he therelor· re-jueata all peraou» who are tion. j Geueral Canby Major SIZE· nUILT FROM 4 TO JO II. P. JOHN L THO**S u iebted to the uat.tte of aaid dee· a*e 1 to make Im Second To vuUa, and the Demo- chno«e a Clerk and one Director to Winter Arraafiwial. defeating Pillsbary lava bed* of when they were bru- AdmtniH.ptoi ol aaid Estate. n-'diatr payment aud thoie who Lave any demand· take th* Oregon, ( place of th>»e deceased <)■ an ! »f!»r «VI. and until further notie*. FOR hereon to exhibit the aaui' to Third. Τ·· lately 17, cratic the and was SIZES NOW READY j Oil all other itraiK'i.· In the >>ovd of I raina will ran «a follow* party. murdered by Modoce, as: —At a Court of ii Alii, es a. it Lack. tally J.XKOHL·, Probate held a (Ulcer* wblch ma ihen be lound Morrill waa elected Gov- wlihlu a:id for the «>! DELIVKBV exla'ing QOIKO ντβτ. The next year. himself left for dead by the Indians, with fane, County Oxford IMMEDIATE FobrjWT 21, Fourth. To do aby otner bualnem wbicb on th# third Tee* day of Sep A. l>. 1®1, may ernor. properlv c.«.m·· nefore auch meeting. Kxprps»train» for I.ewUtnn.wlll leave Portlaiâ some half-dozeu wounds,—but he recov- THE of Lort>u> U. Admin THESubacriber givr· public uotieethat it 7 10 petition Iterry, nereoy llKRUICK Ο 'Π ELL, Librarian. a.m., lir'S an·! ft : 1Λ ρ m i*traior of the estate of Ann" le ha· been bv the lion. Jti of It will be thus seen, that the conventiou ered to an acconnt of the affair. ON Mary Deerin* 5 and 15 Horse Powers. duly ap|iointe·! Igu Weat Sumner, Feo. 15, i(«J For South Paru, Norway. Montreal. (.hica<® give ateotSnn Francisco. California. dwis the first license to sell and coevev certain Norway, organized The appointment of Hon. John C- New Bg lor real ec 1 be iru«t of Adml.iiatralor of tbe fc>la!e of .ewlaion 1Λ7 p. m.. South Pan* at Î37 v>r «•e described In hi* on flk· in ihc YRITE FOR FULL PÀRTICU- « f the democratic : petition Probité IIA.N.NAII t-lOAK. Icle Itumloid, va? ;»:H0 p. m and Uorham at 3:1ft p- m r»-v !t 3zaiD«t old party Indiana, to be First Assistant ot if Secretary Dflicelor the pajmeitf debt» and incidental α »aid County, decea.-ed, by giving bond at the Mixed train* lor .South Pari·, Norway an·! l»*' of PRICES &C. aw ne therefore all in lam ® that th.s revolt led to the nomination j{ the Treasury is well received. Mr. N. ;hargca. LARS, direct*; re^ueata peraona will leave Portia· 1 at 7 :l" a. m„ ami < Ρ Okdekkd, That th· «aid Peitloner give notice letted to the eataieof «aid deeeaned to make im Maine >«uib Paria at lu a αι. ami m. the demoralization of that Co. 7:4u p. Morrill, anl to the much in ι ο all p. r.ou" interested bycauslug an nlittrart of Ala* dealer In Steam Β >i!er* of every descrlp. Dt-diaie payment; and ihoae who have any de Steamship brings position experience OOIXO EAST. ii« peti:i >a with this order tie re >n to be t ami necond hand At Boston Pricks.) aaad* th-sruoa, 10 exhibit th·· aime to auJ t ie subsequent union of demo- been U. S. publish- Ion. New ( leml-Weekly Line to New York party. government affairs, having ni three week iuccesiively in the Oxford L>emo< Boiler Pump*, Feed W»ter Heater*, Insptra- JOHN E. fKGAR Κxprea· traîna for Portland will leave Lewi»· soiler-» which 1 x»t at Pari·, thit iniv at a St ι-am Waters'* and IS·.'. on at 7:lti a. m., 1 ..'»;*nd 4 :tt p. m. crat*, Whigs, and;ree origin- Treasurer as the successor of Treasurer printed they ap>«ar t >r«, Steam Traps, Gauges, Feb. airy 21, 'robatt Court to be held at Pjrlsin «aid Connty, c ther Governor». Valve», Steam Pip·, and all for Sonlh Parla, Norwav, Lewi «ton. Portia·» al^ made the of ΙοβΟ »n ml [toatoo at ν a. m 8<"·,η tip republican party. -•pinner, and during the campaign the tbird luesday ol Maieh next at 9 o'clock I inda of s:enn Fittlnga. TilK mb*e»ll>er herebr gives public notice >hat will leave trorham Mi α and ehew cause nted 'aria at 1·:Ι3 a. n>.. and ΐυΛ- a. ■ no convention the forenoon II any they hare I 'ie baa been duW appo by ih'i ΙΙΰβ. Jn *ge f Morwiy at Ha·', there been Norway of the State Com- ALI. KINDS or KEPAIKS DOSE WITH DISPATCH. »'·' «ras chairman Republican J vby the same should not be (.'ranted I 'ribaie f >r the Cuuiu. ot Oxford aud anaumed tbe Mixed iraina lor Poitland ami Lewnton would have been no Portland R. A. >r of the rat «le of rave tiorham at H i" ·■ m'· i there mittee of Indians. KKYK, Judge. ruat of AdminiatrAt S:ti a. a., and Atraecopy—attest : U.C. Κ !«AKKF.lt laie. kwth Pari· at β:1υ·. œ., and ·:!* p. m. no IUvi·,Register. ALKXANDKIt iSewrrr, collection ie Is" '·, aud union ay I'ortland ( >XIORl>. s«:—At a Court of Probate bald at a of !s54. The J. W. PENNEY, lirtei» ; be therefoie nq»ea a I |κτ«οη« who are Will until further notice leave JOSEPH HICK.hON. U-neral Mana*er. in the fal' elections republi- idvertised. There teeius to be a determ- Paria, withto and lor the of Oxford, on Franklin Whart1 County ndehted to the eaule of aald drceaied to mxke •ortland, everv MONDAY and the third Tuesday ol A. D. 1862. THURSDAY, can in Maine, wjs really an.l sub- him before the Ilia Kebruary, mmedlaU; aodthoaewbo have any de- 4β P. M·, and leave Pier Sê party ination to keep public. TUE of (j. Abb >U, Ad FUIS UK pavmeut, F.aat River, New Notice of Foreclosure. petition <.>eurge ■UK thereon to exhibit the nine to fork, every MONDAT and the ' nanda » at « formed at Augusta, in winter of State i* miniatrator of the estât·* ef William I. Ab Κ. BAKKKK. M. THURSDAY Whereaa, Ira F. Swift olhumnir, in the Coant* stantially >η .*η policy while Secretary ON Kl><*AU r 01 M>ttι late of I'ptoo, in said County, deceased, During tbe « Oxford and S:ate of Maine, by hi· <*<«> of ; w'ier. a isoioa of Maine Demo- February 21, 1882. anmaer month· *· W»4 by a tine ventilation, and he is vigor· trai log for license to sell and cotvev all the theae steamer· 1 (ortgige dated U14 Olleeeih of t>clolKr· jetting ] rill toucb at on day state of Baid ilere.ued to tbe Vineyard Haven their pa*· ι ». ihi'j and record, d crats. free -oilers, and free soil Whigs, the New York Tribune necessary piy ΤΗ Κ Subscriber notice ti at age to and from New in Oxroid Bemitry jusly defeuded by estimated at dve hundred dollars. hereby glvea poblic York. Price, I Ok e'i'*r· lebte has the lion. uirroom·. lacladinf 182, Pane 2»5, c >nvt-y«il to the »nb of the fût· been duly appointed by Judge fViO. tbivelv in th· Oxford Oc. 75c. between New York b ν Joseph κ. Pule uer, and m and William Pitt Fetsenden, elected to the sfaction of sll the of the comtry, per Μ Α ΚΙ A L GOFF, late of Peru, nd Maine, Uooda deatined occupied people a at In said beyond Portland a awell < I»® >emocrat, newspaper printed Paria, deceaaed bond ai the law r New York F Canwil», ocntan lng ne aei* ni'.e. And th·· same coin- ontains 2i and 24 j iaid County by Rirlnff forwarded to deitiuauon at onoe of I *· L\ S. S political | u order that there may be to < oanty, that they may appear at a Probate Court, envelopes Fr m Dec. to 1 ire or liven to secure ih« something he therefore reqneata all per»on« in.l· bt-d 1·.», let, no J^··, pa^eint 1 > at on the third Ireet·; May passenger* wtll nd the condl'ioia ot Iwmir broken ; 1 be held Paria, Tuesday of llareb c aaid deceaaed to make immediate e taken thia line. .ai 1 deed biuati·»" cam·» within one vote of , the late Administration ; and heets of > the eatnte of by th·· D electing he credit of lext, at nine o'clock in the lore-noon, aod ahow paper—at Gerry's ί demand· there HENRY laro onra only nervation." betrothal npon her hand. (•easts, birds reptiles, «rich a brass y ]· is now Tho north wiiul in Lot and the south η series Elaine was too a woman the and ail the kind that it burned 1.3'JO Louth, aud ruderneath «itli the ]\A*nn$t rparu ? much of She had showed it to her mother who bition purposes, pretentions liliimtian towel, Vanish to bo seen at the Patent Museum, South oold. it* of world to be embarraased, anil nho was and to Fisher who jf prt ut showmen to tho not- of Jrawers with all the paraphernal pleased, Algy eontvary when· the Ad minion to a circus is always 81. V luit λ lift- br.t ο'nstaut toiling the at his easo said were on terms of from these zoological es- Kensington, London, banging- ; the trade—and ha* his queue unplatted. graciously put organist nothing. They withstanding, are most crave· of : board "electric Sidewalks unanimous!/ to Lia Vit the uioruin; a rninuto Overcoats and linen dusters of au Ljkethe>l< wdn>p lyiug on a Turkish launge, smoking a shapely hands in Lie thin feverish lishment would i*suo it* price lii-t, yellow-fever region, there eiist of which material tho greater part sua shiuos il ans*? summer and winter. is com Wbeu »ho scented cigarette, aiul his flngt re. Then he looked for one semi-annual cironlar is issued by Ha- fnugoid plants not described. panions, ordinary ( hinaman's pig tail composing previously and morning, the year tho color of sermon. moment into the dark and asked in th« ruling prices for Ho maintains that it is to thei«e Fog, night in mourning, What in life bat constant h©|n-U Into stiushine "Who?" up in deference to yonr go it, gives degrees growth, blue. The being ('hang<->l f dark sitting heard or seen. her visit. Elaine wis not so mnch is to the valne of animals : of the disease is duo. which process the "IT.at wiil forth nu îoly ? displeased, pagation was never known to fall in the (during operatedof gush rhinoceros, two, ono ' Bnow as in α kind "Why, the orgar.ist; he plays with him as with herself, and she gavo Double-horned A learned Swiss has pointed ont that upon closes his eyes, if, $2 250 each. tho soothing What i< Jifc bit con-tant striving divinelv, anil has the most a cold answer and left him. with horns six inches long, a or other tall tr«»o if its city. ho was interesting poplar nmy, are but flees abound. trunce, enjoying as ? two fi male lionj from Mosonitoee few, on his With tin· riegged damp soil, Coal read wood and coal. by '■ 'r bi-< his for said SI,020 for »he lot. jard signs barber his razor, Que is millions, "Ob, the organist ! Why, I think he pardon her petnlance, and he Abyssinia, a conductor to protect a houso ; to scalp) the sharpens gri>^.i> lions six old lightning are seventy-live cents in Tt* η!: -:χ·ιat another's iloor. is music mad ; but he does play wt 11, eravely : Pair of lVreiau years and he thinks ho has verified tho con- Pineapple» which is a big lump of metal shape 8250 each. SI each. and iu bize doesn't ho ? He's the tchoolmaater und "I was of 91,000. Capo lionesses, examination of a number of like a butcher's chopper, w! it wo make thinking yonr hnppineps jecture by in full blast \v;.at 1- life ? J:>t it, of one Theaters and side-ehows ir to that general factotnru of the village ; has and I hail no right—to—forgive we.'" A happy family consisting individual ca*ee of lightning stroke. In not very much riimil weapou. Ι·. 11 ha' *Mnc ofvou will *ay; ono femalo Den- ho a small fortune in charitv, A went through her heart with tnalo Abyssinian lion, tho whero tho houses Sundays. Yet with lfs keenly rluirpened edge s spent private pang case, howover, is a Then Ι'·1 #· k rs >v au 1 iurhin<\ a black a First of day) holiday. on tho ) And wonld take off his coat and shoes (he a air tigrew, pair of bears, tree of May (May takes off tiio shortest hairs head, words, melancholy franght pal etanda between the and piece are tire noth- Erv beauty fa.1.·» awar. and a of Danish All daily papers cents, on tho to marrow and give them to a tramp if with fobs of overwhelmed her striped hyena, pair a well or stream, tho the ears, mid eyebrow. paision feod water, pond, less than that used in money. ιιγοπλ^Ι " ho he them. He isn't an infinite at) of s about fifteen months old, from tho ing a cban shave," thought needed yearning dogs, shortest path for the lightning or The Chinaman gets spirit, for tho lot. Mercnry seldom reaches eighty Lin face is traver.-^d ^uite right—a sort of fanatic, you thirsty soul for sweet waters took pos- anil sleep together, $2,000 troe to the wet-conductor msv bo ♦hat is, tLe whole of India down to MIZFÀH. know." session of her in that moment slio had from and Africa, 8350 I goes forty. the razor, and his head is shaved, ; Leopanls through tho house nro nse«l for by 8175. Windmills largely yard on which α βη«11 "IIow strange!" said Elaine, coolly; a of a lost heaven and snatched per pair; single, the re- save at tho crown, glimpse 8100 0. Shaler Smith has applied and supplying steam power. tho "sueh men ar»> so rare that at the that her within t^totlod aud striped hyenas, irrigation circular is left, constituting The TW. Leonard Austin was «oate.l they ought golden hcop kept sults of tho observations of several Street ions and ball matches patch tho to be at so much a head. a circumscribed limit each. procès.' for a Ami ··;«* in bis confort exhibited estimation of tho amount on Sabbath foundation pig-tail. at a lnxnri breakfa>t of two α years to the are common socctaoles the a Meanwhile I shatl want to hear that A few after this a and Happy family polar bears, cars uro «Laved iiipidc and outside, ■Kl·· h»oht 1 r oftablitbneDt, but for days great of prefcsnro that has been exercised by Trade winds blow every afternoon of out in the black bear and a bulldog, 8000. little hr.cet style not a'one ; his annt, * lovely music every day." terrible excitement broko wind in of νιο- delicately .shaped the tim·· being Female Polar bears, $250 each. ; the gusts extraordinary frcm the southwest. and cunningly a:ul bit "You shall. I will tell him you wish little town on the coast. A vessel had storm of which blado being inserted, fasbirnable New \ rk laly, each. ι lence. The mofct violent The sun shines every day for eight aud can the time from his to off a sick Female Thibet Vers, 8125 twisted ronnd in het it, and he take in the night put a oecurrod at East St. is a and dexteronsly consin KUiue, » lOlleaodhriroee stopped UK) each. he has record months and the other four the sky black old woman and red tlannel and nnknown man, who wandered from lirowu bears, S removing all hair*, but producing vr« r»« 1lis ; Mian Elaine alpaca in when a locomotive round, t>»ll rigl:*, guests black and female Louis, 111., 1871, waterspout. of so pro- sufferers." door to door a ; it was Malo panther leop- of the common effect deafness was bis vis α vis in a rose colored cash seeking refuge was blown over a wind pressuro the live on the in ard together, 8000. j by Ono-third population well iw among a wattean "On second I believe I don't Fisher who took him and per- at verbial among Chinese,as mere mernintf rolor pair. pounds European plan, the with care, said Elaine. "You needn't men- mitted him to dio in his bod. In few «bras, was in 1377 their neighbor», Japanese, a costiroe tbat ex*otlv harmonized eaeh. St. Charles, Mo., destroyed at restaurants. to I wonld a terrible broke Male zebras, 8*550 ing in similar harmful treatment anira) tion it to hini. Very likely days raging fever out, a of 84 3 a brick for indulge ber dark, statue- jn»> beauty Female zebras. S725 ( acb. by pressure ; dwelling Costa fifty cents a month cartage over, tl with the amWt get tired of it if I heard it too often. and Mrs. Remicke hurriedly packed her in a force tho ear. Tho «having being i>tTk She na* tr.flwg air. at Marshtield, Mo., 1880, by of ashes from your door. a few What books are these, cousiu, any new trunks and rode as fist as horses would Wild llamas, S250 per j hiiir is and being paid c< Ve in her delicate ar.il coetly en]· of 58 per square foot. Railway cents is colled four bit*, wLild repltited, barbe* ac- Double backt d lluetrian camels, 8700 pounds Fifty struts Hie little novel» ?" carry her to the railroad station, from tho a cash, off merry and looking at her con^in—by marna#» trains maj be blown track, 12 1-2 rents is a bit, and ten cents one "Not answered with her and per to tell his l.cst good ttory to wme — lashea here," Leonard, companied by daughter of from under dark drooping pair. Baestrian cam- and bridges prostrated by pressures short bit. a "thoi-o are These two were not W hite double-humped elso.—AU the Yrnr Round. Their met, bn* Elaine waa an adopt laugh, Paley'e theology nephery. going. from *24 to 31 pound» per square foot. Potatoes, onions and all kinds of eyee am dar« els, $H75 per pair. lier. Leonard did and l>ick*H philosophy. I locking Elaine irWn't hold tho so him and be was at Elaino'i pair. shells, is found principally in the in the least eml«arra««sed. And yet she hay high, your very angry ; pressure tliat would do the damage. water front, building their neita on tope large won't Do never she understood American tapirs, 8"00 per pair. teas. There ere tome fume in ar d sheep get any. ycu obstinacy. When finally Indiau was critically examining weighing Chamois 8250 j>or pair, of warehouses. which make talk to them without l>ooks or )v»pcr Τ his cowardice, sho drew goats, a England, him, noticing hi* elegant velvet dress- pusillanimons 8CLTD lETBOLLUM. Chineee are to pay poll- Ilirmingbam, our 83(H) j>er jmir. required wo million buttons from tho ait you know, Elaine, church the ring ho had given her from her Ivingnroos, or become «>venty-t ing gown, hi* soft wl.iU» hands, "Why, $100 tax, but not allowed to vote yearly doe· not be lie v? iu an «motional reli- Pelicans, African, jht pair. According to a St. Petersburg j aper> the*e shells. Many of the islands about habitnal of bixnry alsvit him, and say. finger. of all 810 has citizens. e themselves would said. "I have no Small monkeys classes, a Gorraau, IIerr P. N. Dittmir, aro covcred wuh the finest "His Master Lad net gion. The poop "Take it," sho fifteen cents to or California ing to hers.'f each. aol.ed tho of Costs Brooklyn The diver* !" not understand it." further use for it. You are free." practically problem live min- shells in tho world. p«>url where to lav Hi* head Hcakes, from Africa and India, solid—a Oakland, and takes twenty tc "Hu*ks ! hmks," answered Elaine. When it was known that Fisher Asia, rendering petroleum problem in thfl Honth seas dive from forty The l>v. Mr. An -'in had approved ol Algy to utes. ins was 815 to 8250 each, according length. studied chcmiste of late the «helK and can remain "Dow tired mu*t get of them. was and M Remicke hii considerably by on feet for his ci n*m in one comprehensive glance, they dying, concludes with the Saloons of ferries are the upper fifty that were but not The circular in view of the largo of transport. water on»· and one minutes : Leonard, I don't like expression, nurse, eioited, question a lunch under quarter a: \ wis asking himself people statement that animals not ou hand in llustia deck, while tho tir*t contains Our church.' It in net ours. I remem- Death had marked him A company bas Leon formed but at the nose often r^ults. her? She is hand- surprised. long counter and bar. bleeding "^hall I marry will be on short notice. to work the η hen .won.eu are better ber «heu 1 was at school. I said one for his own, and no one worried now procured pateut completed. tho Iu many places tho some. well educated and an heiresa- The of New York also does a of the substance will The notorious "sand lot" adjoins diver.·» Ί would the world for a over Elaine she had nursed all the city The transformation divers thiu tho mtn. All the and would do day give pieoe ; : ha-> been well bron jh? up, business in stock from ten cents city hall. enn would of and the dear old teacher sick bv tnrns and were inclined to selling surplus not cost more than about per oil their bodies, JTse .4 hot bread,' they < cable street railroads me credit as a wife, bnt—" Park and flfors for of treat- miles of cause : -The world is not old who came tho Central garden, Tho mcde Twenty blister them. The real ton 1'ke th* ar.d said deify her. The minister, thirty-six pound·». steam quickly "And how do place, stopped Rale » of rorul nt and chemist» by stationary engines. u in to child.'" from the next to the dead, pair llonpal tigern ment is not yet disclosed, operated of Is to be dieeasc Mrs. H αύ-ko broke the yours give, my village bnry Chinese do all the washing, pearl* thonght Leonard!" ·· each; bWbok antelope, 8375; m small of the solid perform ar»> found how yon are, cousin a strango fcivico ono san- 81,125 to «hi samples thooTster, because they only si!, nee Why, energetic performed raise all tho vegetables by asking. sable deer, 8175; Indian deer, 8175; have been sent Lavo not been housework,cook, o shells are fall of nuall mine ; since when have you renounced even ; he stood Algy Fisher's potroleum m tho^o who. The Kev. Mr. Armstrong shrugged bright by axis emus, and manufacture nearly all the cigan this man to this ib«x, 8200; deer, 8150; pair able to makoontthe natureof the foreign worm ( r where their La? " nre the and vanities of this wicked death bed and married holes, growth Lis shoulders. The poor pompe 815 each; in a and shoes. people tboro were no $300; golden pheasants, substances that arc add-d proportion been stunted. Almost all the pearl world ?" woman, and dissenting α ham or sack of Trne, I bate time for • to twelve feet Must wholo and stupid. them at all— African snakes, eight of or at most threo cent, to buy rs nre troubled icarlct 1 *b»ter, 1 have not renounced voices. Again a ring, but this timo old two, per sold. or.it·. by h* d then» ar.· a few rood families 825 to 875; Imbxms, 815 to Ttio flour. No smaller quautity into the study they have renounced mo by l>ecoming and tarnished, rostedon Elaine's finger, lonj?, solidify the petroleum. reporter or shrimp, who works hw way here whom I find c< rgenial associ- each. saw Salaries of clerks and salesmen gen- with and it l»ore on 817.50; flying fox·*, 87.50 of the St. paper tho and tame and meaningless. Oh, Leonard, it had l*H»n his mother's, Petersburg than in New York. shell, causii g great annoyance pain. ation. Otherwise it ax-nld be verv it is of α wino erally are lower 1 had snch plans of a summer here, the inside the single word, Mizpah. product, he Kays yellow Las during the iu'-t eighty year? dull." of The number of judges, generals, (Vylon to do a noble work, be fo/a remembrance between SCIENTIFIC. culor, acd has the consistency very derived a million doll us from tho |>earl " helpir g yon helping "Let this is aston- Hut work." bis can be kucaiL.-d with colonels, majors aiid captains Lave yon intermpte, clay, be of the boits plumed long cream are f oar ce. they flowers of rhetoric t»r»· wxsied on thee»1 uiur, iun ι·υif. Uio ic U.dini IIIU «η», Ice saloons Γι (W)() tishine w« nt him to his hiesta and and tbo (lark «raii'iyA&s.*, |>uiYurA£«;u Willi lingers. out, leaving "That is the church, of stoat una women is and as oulv Ulk i* under- wtui after u little, when hot Νamber iiesuy sbjut ] plain àn cigarette. woman who there Huyi like raoet vegetable prou note, mill it υtjly boats, each containing thirty lit I have not nnch spirituelle preaches had to remarkable. stood them, seoj»e ho said—she contains much material which is solu- ran down, tliut tho (lump mon. The must beautiful in the " "The little termagant,** every Sunday is the pastor of Alispah ; drops in tbo pearl for mv intellect water. On this material its out. Tho of fire is Hoses bloom yards year wit* as tu!l as Le. but men like to call her adoro and you would ble in l>o blown danger world it :n iL.'co*, weighing tw«nty- .litl ν·->η brintr talent* (teople ^ier its le^s tliau with ronnd. French orewn ••Why yonr womeu ]ittle--"l-d9n't believe I will- never for a Rail ex- nutritive value tit jx mis, ami removal considerably liquid carats. I» the know, oulj pathetic aro the size of nuts. eight Low ?" a.*kod Etaice. with a tone the The duct can be Orsters hickory a? as h jn«t ; what an m.comfortable wife ever in her great dark eiriously injurie» |>r< easily is a i>earl la%je pigeon's projOM. pression present by dampness petroleum. White are as scarce us black iu jewels of sarcasm in her voice. to reform some- when η by the addition pigs valued at Ιλ*ο X. he would make, trying ejee, that she had passed through to crop. liquethd quired egg, £H,(.nK). ί'ορο is mcr« a ami I ho i i the East. a tot "The ly stepping-stone or s J) the time." In Like Foncino, about of vinegar, process rapid. a of Venetian jeweler place tl ing Kitm-lxvlj tragic α history." Italy lying mountains are all bought pearl to Utter," i Lor consin from in time or» bc'ow Hills and peaked s^nsething n'plit The little village on the sea shore •'Miïpali! Mirpah, what a pretty fifty miles distant ISome, among The vinegar separata* 970,000. a* 1 r 'rrn the a Une, : uoove. It in not like vo'eaooes. tabic, •■tately a nd ami "What the mountains of Abrizcio, has been uud the petroleum OF prvtty pictnreeqae place, name," said my friend, smiling, the mf>on is to ehine ARTICLES PAPLRr cr, with the ease aLil «race of acres oi I whether tho sarao can be When supposed davs in atmut a motto an altar cloth!"—Afr». drained ami 4J.IMK) stated vinegar we are f<)f E..ine spent waudering sweet for oompletcly street are ehnt off. To the indebted ce >s < culture in his manner. the lake ! the lights Japanese f it -somctim<* with hrr handsome min- land reclaimed. The water in used repeatedly. that can be made the small in Mclittyne. Lending acd borrowing money upon the discovery paper Il·· j <-'>1 oat to study re'itive, oftener alono ; she was in 1871 was feet deep. It for human i'tfriul ecvont}-Ave is α business. into hnndreda of articles the !a k (f the l:fMe Gothic stone two to this work. A =10 HAMPER. honor legitimate c: t -tant and object of aduiirn MONKEYS. look years complete Atlanta were to of study iu different pa-ts of use. At the exposition <: :·>!·! î mt the bread she met, an uccouut of tlio and cu- Temperature of taon to the primitive people in the (î.irdens, Uno of drieil gram* skius, In quaint ten at the seen a most extraord nary variety ■ \ pound will be t a 1 liu! of » and Elaine weeper Z<»ologieal commu- tho city vary degrees life foj V, ^tndiini her as if she liud t>een in a white-hot will rions ways of the Kphr.i'a (Ta ) been ma<1e frcin who wh'lt on the floor of the cage, placed retort, pro- same articles which had τ to ont the folds of kneeling hoar. .t up tairs Λ.Λο m in «oven three hundred in the aine, appears «orne trvelons bright-winged tropical attacked a fierce l«- Jure minutes nity, 0»er, basins, tubs, life, which she had ηροη the teacher, was coal. to take a Took at tho other largo build· will run -he met Algy Fisher, yonn^ in the same compartment with, and imoke than that from pit COMTOBTAbLE BEDS. A ear wlieel made of paper cLv v frv :a Soratccn anl L< n? Η ranch. child to its home, and on our two and lea ling s^-me truant afraid of, the grrat bal>oou. Marble is considered to l»o I ing, way passed dilapi- milei without breaking S!.»· wa,s tired of the dreadfnlly generally of which nation has its own 2,400,000 not exactly life, a suw dated little one Every opinions or and then or |er peril f.ife. however, Riven by of very cheaper, rraa, bat t>ha tirod and in service uot time Conrad Seiasel, tlio founder of titnexe for the comfortable repose A note of time strength to the rescue, and tcrc ms aud bites in which a marble slab at one hide of a by strength. twisted and giving by con- much η surpiiaiug h r lift' am> rg fashions him. Ho looked thin and man the cloister. Tho second tho occupants very depends up will not tear oven re of bo detracted tho bitUton tlhit the loor in tho Alhamlra of Grenada has Ephrata the Hank of England f f. She felt a piired was came as that idea of what constitutes ftnfa liy. lelicate and Elaine saw that he effect his out of vent we now to, detignated occupant's three handled and was enabled to eecape, not, l>een bert considerably shape wai Ihongh twenty-nine witLin her cf doing some or tho Sisters' is iu its comfort. A Persian ambassador the capability ai ·1ιη rtnifiort wMm without having run great risk nt without 'Saron,' house, weight is su. from •offering, however, by weight, a where a pounds ponded gr, at w >rk. lut feared to offend her remonstrated with enporineumb. I external very much liko its shown into bedroom grand bo so Iv ia her walk and r»f his life, according to the opin- ι breaking. Tho ebb is t«-n feet high, appearance end of it. Paper can corapressed frî'-r. !s and make herself ridiculous. losing and state bed had been prepared him. who attended him. broad and two inches thick. mate, Be'.hauia--hugo, oppressive, canopied hard that it will tear a chisel into piecee ion of tho surgeon nine inches it was u throno TLi* cousin had l>een htr • in black and for him. He pet companion Yon are killing yourself in the have mtmorifli, and ! gloomy, sheathed shingles, supposed if the hitter is held against it. Or.e of wrote Monkeve long contracts tiavo beftl received his in ι1βτ> P-.^g pa«t, and when he hare no Large recently with little iquaro windowe. The i in his audience chamber, is that it can service of this people; yon Home of them can inflict cruel punish- of lito dotted the great values of paper u-k .*L>riu00 J more with the Eastern custom r»*new tî »»ir she r.vra ; it at vicinity been altered to suit the uses of in accordance as well friendship—perhaps "My life is not my ly tapping ! in these ores wo hear, 48^ the servants' bedroom·* cheapt than time will be short, i iulphnr is, noticed a hamper ; it.s size, iu on inquiring for of our forest friendship. ; my one of his follow-prijoners, contain aboat huge danger from the wasting S was him everywhere ill-treating per cent, and they 2J j»er the of and it comes out that the Russian ; shefonnd more work to do other men." her. Whenever fact, with dimensions beds, than there was before the various disappointed Lare %tu and he never forgave of After the compared of trees liv;: ί in 6nrrounded wri: her cent, copper. roaf-ting, was of the ( Linose servants aro in the habit lyins any- Stoves luxuty, by jnst naid 1 aine ging hands, *aw on future or even : the door, suggestive uses of were di-covered. "Oil," he her occasions, is to bo extracted tho ilnut on the tlocr, on paper antilul things as she had idle ; is a copper by tho ball much where—in the passage, d are so incom- Michel* always "and I 6taL«i her» nil the day when be heard her voice, be flew into puzzle, impribontd ivory arc made of paj>er ai *nd mats at the room doors, or even on eeeD, and with the soft effeminate can do?' in one Douglas process. too for the apertures of the incas- tho is to uuru there nothing 1 passion and rolled al>ont in rage, largo bustible that it impossible tarter of one who to see î bat cabin on the Ia his address l>efore the British As- cell. How was this overgrown bas- tho in the sitting rooms—gener- even to make a expected ; do you iustance her gown through the ing carpets ♦hem. It is possible "Plenty seizing ut recent liftv- so narrow aa n^ar us to the stoves in a out sociation of Science its ket ever ally possible of ; in short it has l«· u =an Js ?' his and tqueezed through 1 steam paper the ski»·» liars of cage, «earing piece seamen. Beds havo been engine aro at the door— lirst annual meetiug, Sir John Lubbock, an ? It never wuh. An indue- the winter the linen tibe·· from Ρ » N-ds of caet "Where tho children it was of stout material. — been found that Ou" ry J" of it, although opening sorts of commodities was drowned Iho President, said : up the bent somo stuffed w th ull er nil m where—when? the man that Of auother whose place of "Summing trious nun, npon doing good which the best pa| is made sot a soldier of the as she had monkey, rt-s tilts been ob- horseh ur, what i.s culled Cross a princijtal which have and usefnl work lor the monastery, feathers, wool, us ko mankind is ?" exile was in the West Indies, crueler of the future be vidaablo hop J to Ûr. 1. She never thought of yesterday children need tained in tho last half-century, wo may in her for and flock, which is un omnium g/alwum "Vod ! go there ; those is not known. This individual, plied cell, many days as wood or iron. th« in o:.in:i*y between her wishes and revenge mention and above tho accumula- 1 toweavo for do- ull sorts of shavings, hay tied to a was often robbed (over weeks, her busy hands, productions, FINE FLOWERS. henelf—ahe knew she wanted a help." kept stake, of of in tho south of w 11 ieuder, he has been was tion of facts) the theory evolution, meetic needs that extraordinary piece straw—and Europe "lint my eonsin, surely of hi·» food by the crows. This ; of Mexico in the dower market Hid had η t found rne. the of man, and the far greater She did not discover, the soft and elastic dried leaves greatest there Γ he himself. He lay quite antiquity wicker-work. the round the Mr». Γ. af once into how revenged the wtu has also been in the world. All year >micke planned the to be oi tho world itself ; until she had finished it, that it maize ; dried seaweed "Yes ! he read twenty-third still on the vad pretended intiquity j moint foith b:ilJiant blossoms, lomestio J< .ils, ard left Elaine to gc ground correlation of the forcée and to the used, but it is apt to become t^rdvns bring to them last night, bat you—yon approached physical much too largo pass through ; beautiful children of this where to late in the morn- psalm dead, liy degrees and is therefore not desirable. the fragile, plea-ed to do." The artful the conservation of energy ; spectrum door of her cell. And thero it remains. with use, find something their thefts. zone. All hNtoriacs who write clad in a sin β short drese of wilj and repeated to celestial cno of the seasons when were troj ic ing, le navy stirred but let tho analysis and its application I In hops "Thank τοπ," she answered, softly, little fellow never of c of the Mexicans as Mexicans, of tin' cloth, with snn hat to the higher algebra and tho BOLD MAN. abundant in Ε j it is related sj>eak plumed will !" crows steal to their hearts' content until plm.ics, j gland ci flowers as one of their she stro'.lid ont and soon found "I try tho innumer- that ho sold tho feathers from their love match, cabin dooi When he was modern geometry, lastly, of i farmer She the rongh he was sure of them. According to the Hrjtrm Atlanta, and characteristic*. Nor is this her way to the chnrch. poshed and able of scienco to practical all the l>oda in his honso replaced principal wi'h her white hand, sure that one was within reach of his applications wielder oi the in the ■> *h« heard the open jeweled Texas,the champion pistol v.ith In another jear or trait diminished present genera- *vached it, tho room, dirt at it and life-as, for instance, iu photography, Joe I them hops. stood in the midst of Angers he made a grab caught in a close fight is Captain Peevey, und the tion. F:om tho days lA'foro the cruel low roll of the organ isd snatch of iho locomotive aud electric 1 when tho failed, price combined, When ho had hold of the luck- engine α citizen of Arkansas, residing j two, hops merciless aud desolation, which, it. got most formerly tho rami wen» all through that sweet .«acred music filled the air and tc the aud was a bccamovery high, hope Conquest, such u of misery less he sat down and deliberately telegraph, speclrtscope, clote to the Choctaw line. He when Mexicans l>oro the into her was a wave presented spectacle bird, and the telo- I from their and fetched time, the heavy «auk encounters he was known only of sap. At tho present in almost numberless The last ι boy nothing happens, year hope plentiful supply and, ehort, eh* could jU'tdi'Cern him. we t< that was while pinks, in bellows at chcrch. did us no Perhaps ought a of ooru and I intern I be wounded, and trying time the tree is fall of foliage, though For cents one not« were r< th« org injury. raise good crop varieties. twenty-five may verl>eratiug through bnt not the a in the Indian was the in order to be correct historically, some of the corn for a ο f to arrest desperado other one on the mountain except a ar- La>h.tl and vault- 1 ae she laid This beginning, add, to trade yoke every nearly always bay large, elegantly space work ; Fiahei bull was on the other side ol Peevy is now a are bare of leaves. end, of Elaine's good Algy that the oxen, and I know an old man in St Territory. Captain the evergreens hoquet, composed of the most her hand softly on hie shonlder. email an where he is ranged her to do and praisi the fence. We never try experiment that owns an old mar s citizen of Oregon, reported flowers, the of which, in "Yon have me a teal gave plenty Charles county exquisite price given pleasure, was satisfied. One withont the to killed five who for doing it, bnt she of that kind taking propel and he wants to trade her for a yoke ο I have roughs recently the New York, would vary, according to the consm. I can never listen to ordinary away beforehand.—New York attacked him. Tet with all this he is The are· of ground covered by one her fine garments dropped oxen. Walt, when I raise tb< ι from S3 to $5*or $6. In the full music I— by precautions Now, an is acres ; New season, again. beg your pardon." too fine for > said to be a and of St. Lotus 40,000 from her as being preeen! Hi raid. corn and the oxen I will make th pleasant companion city flower season one may often buy for six Tor it was the face of a stranger thai bat the get Fork covers 26,401 ; Cincinnati, 15,360; mother was the old mare and then I wil 1 unswerving friend. a cents as manv flowers as was intel- ose; her displeased, when can' I trade for and quarter turned toward her; a pale, mistrees. Leonard There are some day· you San Francisco, 26,880 ; Philadelphia, j was her own ι her home and raise mule colts- can 1)0 of in a of ordi· as coun- girl and other dar bring disposed parlor lectual face, unlike the florid and bided hie time. lar np a cent, then what art 82,803; Brooklyn, 13,338; Chicago, j his conn-el a t ) and Walt, the first mule colt I eel Pay what yon owe, you size. tenance of Leonard Austin ae could kept for the when can't get hold οt cent very 4,416. [ nary He did some graceful things you shall have the money." worth you'll know. 22,797 ; Boston, possibly be eerm and you imagined. and better jns, lay up. "I—I am the organist," he said, poor, preachcd FLOATIHG WIT. FAflHIOI HOTES. no- SELECTED. that our to correct those and coloriées OF — MHLBKL. Twenty-four boon after vague HIGHT IMPUDENCE. Customers. Ntirseri Muring to-night on former »wt, via in Mr. tions of him that have Bonnets a little smaller. "Seedy" hero installed Bishop's office, appeared. with grow oa It has been found that, potatoes, wane. men with a wheellsurrow war »««· town and Tina is due to the ie on the A 1"he unU> my appears, directing a large business in legal profession. Latest Dodffr Adopted by Home Spruce bot the lowest The rage for old gohl his career interests the heaviest groee crop, Ixiforo him. \im! uih! its aivt tear» He filled that situation for But after all, early new satoena ie satinette. inemori·*»—hope· country. Young Men. is The name for one can net return, produced by farm-yard U id to manT and to be well known a much wider circle. We not all be A in the country M y nunββ back Sorrel. Tears, got cobweb boy r manure. Porcaloa «how pretty int- that lie wiw getting in the legal profusion. A brother of but we can all do great thing* playmates now no On»· afternoon last week a writer of the erne. That iMtthlnl war steed'· mor·. for was one of a firm of iv the which from an spruce A speaking .... mn to sea. Several mentl mine, who years fudges, perseverance popular w the com- away ui.m a in the wonders whether the of tazc, the That mothrnugh .ianjjt· r* safely bore, solicitors in Lincoln's Inn Fields, re- office-boy made this man a clerk, a young visited cottage ocean telegraph, The capote, good ward the hoys met, ami ρ and offered the salt water had Vm, the rui'l* and IwttW row, him well at this counsel, and a Do hut measure imtmrbs of Newark. TT. J., news transmitted throngh ing bonnet. wantal to know if the other thrrsigh mend»ers period, by judge. l*» own overcame in his busi- for wile hi eds (if the and what will bo fresh. and «hell will was ; "I wit For dauntless war» goo·I Sorrel. meeting him sometimes in his the difficulties he amaryllis, Shrimp pink pink noa. "Yes," the replv Ho waa ami sometimes in ness with the of rising in any he called the wash rag plant. After all Oscar Wilde does not look ranch worn. and wont on a whaling ei|) chambers, jndgee' difficulty ont, " When the war his fine head or and and a fluent talker. The our best ended. chamber*. My brother says he conld art, profession, honorable walk, good-looking, half the gnv that one of young Peacock-feather embroideriee enjoy wit 11 mj father. ear. whine and the of tho home was amused bin witti- in a of II·· ImmI upon h'* chilly bed, not help noticing him. for he bristled down with despondency's lady by men, with knee-spruug legs |»air favor. in fivn y«>ars old. Hin cism* and He high Géorgie VihI noon he ftlumberari with the ilea. candle molil trowaers does. of r«l tak»»* the undroHMed him for a hath be had recommendations from Tli* newest kIuuIo had he looke«l a who have and health, never von «aid that mile* in cir Am ho «to And m> breath lelt |>oor Sorrel. of law, though only l>oy. youth London in about thirty of Turc. him to bed. dar- several well known florists, all of whom uanie putting ι The Sest of the j »io is that the olerk I <|Uitil at "those twin jailers of the has 1'2,'HH· streets ho "Now, mamnm AVh\ he so die? ctuuference,and nearly is the rival of shrimp f.»ro her, mid, «fid ignobly tron fortune." had bin wom'erfnl wash-rag ·. afterward tnrned ont to l»e four veers ing heart, low birth and purchased terraces and lanes ; and there Eglantine pink dear," «aid she ret bullet» squares, kid." "Yes, my lie that oft heard fly, who took him See what becomes of those two need a. and shell piuk. a older than that solicitor bug- are over 4,000,000 persons living within Bilk*. know what kind ot knf the he would a new catw'ns hn»k like yon hil»· -hell» ban·» through «iilphumtw ■«ky. for a ltears when the stout ui single- These seeds, said, develop from The boy. champi a radius of fifteen miles Charing luuinms/' "No, darling." did thev Sorrel Τ as as heart Penteverance take fine stalk after l»eing two are finished. Ay. »hy t-par· He was now amongst books well aud the giant plantai day» Cross. They finely in soil. If η > water was thrown are ad- nakitL" and studied the princi- them the throat. dry Seersucker «tripes imitated went to Stout h<>r*e' he bore me o'er the soil lawyers, closely by The of the chemical A l>enevolent lady the the tho3e lines upon the soil the stalk wonld in several report Municipal in the new American ples of law while practice was«harp- Why, very year chilling the month of mirably prints. »pr»' .said to l>o < >n main ■ weary march of toil. a a a laboratorv of Paris for who was in the courts. were first to the Hulwer hours forth mi, white, and short family ening him. He mnch given public by put of 4 of The first wrajm will be fonnd them half clad] While the bot ran made the blood bial; of loveliness Det*mU»r shows that sample· spring wg. She and luse cited there in and Rol»ert Lush his yellow flower exquisite with tabs in front. the every argnment Macready, paid wax and visite mantle*, long not a morsel of ff>od in But it all w«*nt Sorrel. As each of these three flower· hurst into wine which purchased analyzed and thisie Scotch ginghams show of which it was for sugar in a perma the new excitement amot He. t.io. h.M charged with flying feet. He fell in love with oue of them, pro- hearted Perseverance there is no known iraterial composed being process obtaining heather mixture* that apj>ei«r in Tho great is was The limits. of getting soiled. Tho form. This reanlt said «ehool-childrcn of New Haven, And followed up the dire retreat, |H«mi |«e*ce. two hundred in the world. I courts ; his gesta are for mankind. Such quietly and deprives tendency first of silks yon to-dayj pounds The importations spring toe arotr : no more out of the house. He then went to tallize. "< >h." and ho shuffled his 1' man siTect* yew life. have saved it, a little at a time, for my an iusta ce of single-hcartedness, j>er have moire grounds with geometric and success another house in the where he tho "I wanted to h««ar th«j That wiih all nohleiio*» wa» rife; two daughters. Here is your share, my severance, and proportionate in vicinity, The return of the Chinese students, flowered damawe designs. floor, a woman to one dollar for seems «ο brave Sorrel' Then he his of odds is not for one narrow induced |*y so much is said, it ΗΟΓΟΟΟΙΙ." Anil good tught. children." gave daughter spite about which red rosebuds in chene eflcct* man six after he had that that Largo » — anil she handed it but the An old seeds, guaranteed was the fact A lut·I fortune left Edrrord S. Crtamrt one hundred jnmnds, island, globe. occasioned |«artly bj of aro among M|>ondthrift one of the seed® would to on a ground shrimp pink t«· to the on the The sentis it to tho young in both hemi- each develop tha Chinese government wished and «us advisedI hv1 >y fta friend to ptilρ bridegroom spot. Another whom | the new sateens for spring wear. minister smiled and thev with theted goo«l approval, spheres acquirements. new tlie fellow to swindle notified The stvle of figure* on the j m sat down to what tine folks call break- ties lie in the way, never shirk «.hem, attempted them have l>een called into the service and sterility. "Why," said tho PERSEVERANCE. the and then it was discovered sat««eon are in small flowers, leave*, and fast ; but they culled it dinner; and ij but think of Kol*ert Lush and trample police, of telegraph lines just completed, and thrift, "thon» is not a single jwu that several of the wash-rag swindlers stems in mole or cfleet*. was. ou them. If impossibilities encounter others will enter the army, the navy and jardiniere road through tho whole farm." iîarlk rkvuk's HTfcKT «OUÏ. were in the One after- com- After dinner and the usual ceren o- you, up hearts and at em. oj>erating city. the arsenals. designs in mele effects, in the reason I wish yon to l>( to .Fa|>anes«· very more who would noon detectives endeavored entrap and flowers, von li niea. the bridegroom nw»e, and surprise I One thing to themi The I Mike of Westminster is thinking bining lanterns, fans, birds, Maid tho other. "It will take but w< re not suc- a : "1 am to liobert Lush in all essentials. one of them, they to covcr the of French foulard*. it." On a certain day in the year 1819, Mr. them little. He said sorry copy of tiding his t>ower as a landlord in- grounds to run through but I have a busi- fr'»n> with cessful. in Chitty, un attorney in Shaftesbury, was leave you. particular Though impregnated infancy duce the tenants under him iu I#ondon Pretty combinations of color A prisoner who ha* hoen ronvirt he ness to attend to. It will take me m honorable ambition, he rememl»cred are brown leaving h.s office for the day, when just to consume their own smoke. He has and dot* or designs a dozen timoM, is MULBERRY TREC8. J grounds least 9plac«-d ij a one his Creator in the of his ; to roae color was met at the door by respectable hour." days youth sent out a private commission inve-.ti- on cream, blue on main*, and dock. "Your worship, I Mhoiihl If • course there «as a look or two in- nor did he him when tho world I live in Bower, Neb near a colony woman and a chubby faced boy *vith a »f forget k'ate the matter, and if they report on pearl. liavo ease f«>r a ue.| ou in- of citizens who my poMt|>oued the woman every female its honors him, and those l.ussian MennoniWv, be made one aero bright eye. He knew slight- terchanged. especially l>y poured favorably, it will probably The of many of the new is ill." lint von ea|| in of w hich lived in Their reb grounds lawyer a that a small stationer" there ; bnt the confidence sidious temptations prosperity formerly Germany. of a Westminster lease ly widow kept present of the conditions sateens are of shrimp shell pink, with votjr band» in tÎiiH man's ρ was too to he and liave hurt the soul far oftenerthan "low ι convictions were such that thev pink, in the town. She her him great disturbed, gious emit no smoke. • ^.iv in shop opened tliat one's chimneys cream, shades, and dark colors, What in yonr counsel youj Mr. I this was his first birth and iron fortune." He flourished could not serve In the army. About tlie |>earl business at once. "Oh, Chitty. eccentricity. Tin» Vesuvius railway having l>een and also black. fens»· ? "Precisely mo, vor honor he · He left them, went to Inn, in a age, he lived and died Ι-SfKï the German government in- »\ you my Robert ; gives (tray's put skeptical yet year it is now am to know." brought serve or Some of the new American im- is what I curions so on him to be a but and Gtsl.— lF»v|7y. sisted that should leave successfully accomplished, print* hh no {«once, his heart is set l»eing l>arnster; years fearing llnrp*r'$ they ascent to the U to make the new Scotch of arithmetic a I have dinner* did. After some he the Tlie czar of llnssia offered projx»seil itaU· the *tri|>ed ginghams iWeeaor (to in a office. But there! weary years country. of .Ktna in lawyer's in and offer- crater Mt. Sicily equally ea*y so well as to be from m-MiiiN young μ··1ιο| to him. took the oaths at Westminster, and va- LATEtST DOQ STORY. them a tract of land Russia, undistinguishabl promising not pot the money apprentice a similar A has l»een to them from by plan. company them. "Three from six, how many?" we could tind cated that act his in ed exempt military duty. (hily thonght perliaps you by place Bishop' Kotart Goggin, a constable of Mid· formal at Palermo for out this h« and was a this offer, and have lived carrying Iiave dot*, no." "Come, now, suppo^ you some or other for him, it it was office, included, panj>er some They accepted New black silks large polka place salary dletown, S. I., has liad for days The will reai-h almost f je« Kussia to seven »po, when project. railway and leavos on th<> pu pi Γ* bright· ever eo small." Then she broke —for an afternoon. But work that has in up years moons, crescents, plaid ι»ρρ|.·κ"— off, an in .Instice to the summit c»f the mountain, whence to 'Give mo can |«ast application pending to the l"nit«-d State*. satin and satin de "ami I said you three,'! and lookinl and the been long and tedionrly prepare·' « S. they emigrated satin, merveilleux, apjicalingly. boy's (Wy court at Tompkinsville, I., a fine view In» had of Malta, left ?" "1 f«e executed and adverse cir- There are several colonies in Kansas, may Sicily, many would yon have cheeks and were with expec- a a snriace*. eyes quickly, f<»r tlie replevin of dog from brother and a °f the southern end of the Lyon that had : tir^H con- and l>akota. The j»ortion "No, no ; I tation. cumstances, when Perseverance Nebraska mull>erry Plain in solid colors to match you forget constable named liiciiard Healey. Italian sateen, to me thro»·." "lint I turn Iwaie al- tree was introduced invo their colonics peninsula. you give aouj Most to>vns at that time poe quers them, round and statement was for the of sat»1*·:!*, an· shown country Goggin's that of is a grounds printed to in Itnssia bv the czar for the purpose A magistrate questioning tramp of give 'eru you." Kww il t wo solicitors that might l«e «"all lies. he owned a dog, a ant] for skirt·» of costumes to Is· comi»osod years large silk culture and to facilitate rainfall. whoso indicates that he has ed : the old established man, The et clerk and young barrister had 1 bearing j the two stnfls. tyjvs ferocious bulldog, which had proved of as if OBUGINO MAN. eow»sl with and He his subjects to buy these M>en better days. "You look you AN \»1ι.<««· Hrm for generations had dene plow»sl and such j*ain assistance to him in the compelled French Swi«s great capture n a ho remarks. The new embroidensl In'ttor rid of that labor that he with tree* ·>( the government. Kach land- had bu gentleman," "You hail get st4 the f«acitic and lucrative bumnm— reaped comparative of A month ai?o the animal effects in ronrnl prisoners. holder was forced to a certain the with a m'tslin^ have lace spots hat ; 11 In· livelier without settlements. mort- case. Half the managing clerks in Ijou- plant "Yes," says prisoner, sigh,; pip·· you wills partnor*hi|M. ami iU> lawful owner beard and between which t knew him and l>elievcd in him. disap|H>aml, numlier. After cultivating them until "οηι*Μ I was worth several millions." geometric patterns, •Mid a built, red-fared tgfs, etc and the sharp practitioner, don of it until within the com- and flower powerfully nothing value voluntari- "( ia m bled, eh ?" "No, sir." aro introduced dot* and leaf other is he nnnrlv d λ at had the ear of their fhev learned their they "Hjtiandered driver the day, who was the 1er of the two litiga- They employers, menccment of last week, when, tossing of to draw and them, and learned that it in riotous livtng, eh?" "No, sir." denigrs embroidery. over ι» deli -ate looking gentleman tion, and h »d to shake tlie plum tr»*e and brought him pleadings Healer's residence, he heard the familiar ly propagit«sl to mako. His l>ook, too, silk culture was not tho considera- "Then to what vice were you addicted ?" The new dress linens for spring a ear l'ark row. New York. Tho pedewt instead of sitting under it .uu} opening motions bark of his pet from the adjoining lot. only him clients; and he was soon tion in raising them. They found the "Friendship, sir." come in delicate tones of color, figured had to skip in a very undignified his mouth for windfalls. Mr Chitty brought On jumping over the fence he saw his as a counsel and timls r verv desirable for fuel. It also At the an Indian in tne weaving in geometric and |»olka rior to es<*ape. va J. in full carver junior a common ils Klawack cannery, Ko «log. "housed in kennel." and in Senior counsel soon furnished the finest material forcal>inot one some others with offen- dot designs for ovenlro ûm-s, plain "You want vour neek wrung Hut tl··sharp practitioners are very special pleader. he «learn lied it. and the |*>or fellow day, atiusing found that could his work. Fence made from the wood h-arned from the stuffs to match h»r skirts. lie Maid, as lie gained the « apt 4o lw« psul-Dutnrml. and so, liH>king they rely ujH>n hard to to him. He posts sive epithets whites, badly," struggled get spoke an ν down his name as a .student for the bar. would outlast those made from onee fell W» A trader new a* well as all the new walk anil looked after tho trick »t th« pleading widow and the learning to who declined to the they at fighting. The prints, Healey, give dog ver hturd him and Iov. he felt dis|M>s*tl to oblige them, paid away his wife's dowry in the fees, other timlier. inquiriug what lie said U> them, they gvMsls for the coming wnnon, com»· in The dri pulled up. tre<· soon most once, ν and returned within the hour. The be«-amo Uie highly didn't when t«»r skirts and *ver- his horse at ..n ! rather Try he conld not He said "Your honor," said Healey, "the dog replied they kuow, only separate piece* of timU r. It also cos- it?" lie asked i i- « is a small snd he had no Next the married clerk was at the prized any Kussian white men used those words went that "Will you wring office, day hestw there was my dog, and is my dog. they dress»*», showing coni|«>site as and entered on a two- liore marketable edible fruit. When the so Is· a* as ever. tones. «lerk's vacant : "and indeed if 1 office usual, I have had him for eleven I to fighting, and the Indians thought tumes will f.ishionable grutT place years. took a few minutes as a till five ; Mennonites came to this was the for them to The had. he :> too voting whv, he is a mere fold life. He worked clerk for two an·! then re- country they that pro|*sr thing elaliorate of gentleman 1 tnissinl him days Very pi» ar.. old are now twenty f.>et high, and large man; but I II flatten your no*e, r11 Ih>t, giving month ilay. night. by "It was my man well be followed by some continental Itack*, «loilys, small faMo-coven», etc.. vfMimT ,·τ»ηιι<1>> of ilm he.ite existence. dorg yon recaptured, for fence Tho llus.sians it, said Mr. enough posta. was It ia til» Ιιι-Mt to Murk ill till· l· 111·! "Vou don't look then," alive !" roared Goggin; "don't yon think nations. The government request- and on»· without η in read that thev often reach the bight of It that the proposal suiti Chitty. |«r*Uel my » Ill.tu Miw» 111^ «r»j| say ed for ικτηιΐΗΗίοη to hold » lottery in up|»eiirod incredulously. : \|(l^ Here art· tlu* imtliioDalik colors in : he Iwumi· a f»«et, and are from three to five f»vt th«> for in seconda I "Indeed but lie i*. sir," said the ing and writer, fifty a* re- driver, thirty experience "Had the dog which claim to Ih> order to of hoc h articles : (irav bine you U1 lllillUCMT. 1 !»··> IMMI IIUIV ΓΗ »i||f mu*-i dispose urgtcvliminil, nian. ! widow : "h<> never looked hi·* age, a*:d and a which as npriug goo»ls stood before th.· tra*ple-iookiug pminml masterpiece, vonrs any distinguishing mark about mained unsold ut tin» national exhibi- mustard shade*, the of onr courts lie- η hen two old. an 11 In-ar overt garnet ibwlra, jMiirl "Now tlutU'ii my nom;," ho «aid %»»ites a Kvitifnl hand." regarded prat-tic·' him?* tho court. years tion. refused on moral ground*, ami bron- n u and went the exjtens*» of pnri'haaing ami t*h«*ll counsel, ind The author, with fmit. and farmers «'am·· several lee, shrimp pink*, sapphire It was done before tho wonl* wei said Mr. Chitty, turning dogged. judges. white tail," replied (ioggin. h11 the goods themselves in order to ami dark blues. book wa* miles to it for dmcrL It va- shades, greens, *<•11 ont of liin mouth, and lie on h "Well, thank von hit, all the sac:e," though hi* entitled "practice,' purchase tin· ri«k of an inimorul lay "Whv, that's my dorg," |>ersisted avoid example. wear some a and ries :u flavor from sub acid to nrpot. The new silks for spring Imck in the ; the oi lu said the widow, with the |>atienoe of allows) qualities of jurist, "and he would have eaten gutter expression Healrv, you luive satin *urfar«m«cted bnt unscientific The l«uk is white. Tli»· Men- hlood-l>es|>attorcd "COme, soberly Hrmly if he had not l«een tied when you cam·· grayish HINT TO MANAGK&8. and blunder*. nonitca also use it as a It cream, ami Mark, over which are scat- of miiu'lo*l and touMiueiiL detain the gentleman." legislature juilicial over tlie fence." hedge plant. the a thin kind pain Among .lapan««se very iimn ί > So her»« was a stud· nt of Inn, makea a beautiful and stands t«P'il small geometric designs, jxdka "What did von strike tliHt for S turned itaT with («ray's von hedge, i* which the they disap|»oint- "Each of claim the dog," mid tho of jwper made, ponaesseH in white or ν 1 to he in that Inn a as well as any tree. Prof. Ifirtl dots, creecenta, «ml moons a. to a nt imiselessness when handled. It would seizing gentleman eej»eci»lly. according priced that of the Chittv s.,id. in a his crude studies, instructing mature i·* mon» nuih from rutting* trusting with ground. "liiOtOM) he asked nie to strike hinij Then Sir. hesitating established ago. I will ctit the propagated be a most delightful innovation if thin long dog with he is ac- rou wan tho "aiul an h·* w;tv, "To lx> sure. there is a counsel, and correcting the them than any mull»erry which know," reply, vacancy, judge» in two, and cive each of yon half." I»a|i6r could be used for the prolamines NEW KMBKOIDKRY. at whose he attend»· 1 The McunoiiiteN have inter look«*l like an honest, good-nature· 1 l.ut it is not the sort of thing for selves, chaml»eni ho to quainted. an· furnished to the of yon." "That would cruelty animal·*.'* which |>atn>ns a n· in a» an ested themselves in the silk bm»ne#«, AfTasene i* wly-iuvent»··! material I didn't like to ••What > it, sir?" asked the widow. daily, cap hand, attorney's elerk. aini foting fellow, disoblige thundered iîoggin, who Iwjlievcd tho theater* and concerta. The pn«*nt ίιι *-N\ » an There's an intellectual for and hâTo cocoons for sale. 'Vr. Λ*. Γ. for roaftubliug appear hiin." 11. we want hotch-potch was embroidery, office-boy. serioua. of the |H'(i(i)e who prepsre programmes but h Mat < f not justice ance tin·· chenille, instead Tho look'··! at the truck "An What do yon say, you. All tlii^ did in lue Iuu qualify court directed that the seems to he to th·· noiseiit and }>olii*emart orti'-e-ltoy Tho then dog procure round. Arraacne m m.«le in 1 ►«»th «ilk I it is a zeal. accuracy, and learning. l»e- man, who rone slowly, aud without mak- suppose beginning, They l»e brought in and thus be afforded au most mttlesome paper the market af* of U'atiti- to that he l>e re NOBLE CHARACTER. and wool, in a great nurulwr com I mounted the >eet of »ir. What will he have to doT" gan request might t iften it occurs» that a ing any plain of recognizing his lawful fonts, programme r* It them in cases, and op|K>rtunity The most man in Ameriea, tnl c«^l« and uluklw. produces very bin wapiii uni] pfln'tivn work, anil extremely said t ie .•arr\ papers umI tluit is not what he junior counsel Browne the animal in at Is·. In such cases it in hut rii'ht that "Well," policeman, improsa· Htinry lugging a hold on the heart* it ι» suited fur no i> Look at has that k»r ; and ko much for nerseverance. and with stronger well; especially workiug as he walked "there's aft»r him—he got the end of a stout chnin. the not the record of ivoir, away, his than other η an, apace occupied by flow· rs ami Arra- ♦ \ a Time rolled its ceaseless and of any large foilage plant*. for tastes." ® of his fixed on counselor's wig course, "Muzzle him Î muzzle him !" com· countjmen what 1κ> to l»« sung or accountin' his may exj»ected sene l>e used m short a* a coun- a sdk was at his Now a celebrated ninety-socond abuiiM length», vou may ; and sweeping gown lis|H>sal. manded the court, who noticed that the lerMitly should Ικ> filled with interest- tlepend ' It is olten a of dis- performed needlefuls Wcome is not the can not afford to mibject long im|>overished TABLE try attorney's office stepping- popular junior always haer in learned hut not he this There is chance the foumlation. A very mistaken «lea so least then· i·» n· precedent reported." eloqueut, may order the broke from him. country. of all th*· noise it involvea. ular t:isto, ami ethereali/ing, to Mpenk, dog tripping making with Home the ruin himself hv the But the on one Peter exint* persona re»|iwtiiiK manners customs of our read· "I .a, no, sir," said widow; "he change. him and him on the argument point. ("ooj»er instead of thin the is to tdl it tlie and up. prostrating man. He has practice it cannot be used man whose career I am is our richest made the arrasene, which is, that a onlv wants to t'irn an honest and remarkable epit- it a few ere, that we below few hinta upon penny, tioor. Pouncing on the cat it killed with advertisement* and with it give did not hesitate ; he still wisest and most investment*. for working through thick materials; • >e among law |wi|«erH." omizing profitable more or lew* inferior All that tahlo etiquette. immediately. over a of a jokea. a* to onward. And so one Year year, for quarter i« quite mur embroider velvet, Macaroni shonld 1·ο out into short ay; to write 'em and sell 'em, ( pushed morning •'Rover! Hover!" roared but by relate* to what is on is in an "Ay. Cioggin, lias a going put or felt with arrnsene an with silk to the lord chancellor sat fer an hour in the century, he enjoyed broadening plush and eateu with an but nut dust 'em. the brute glared savagoly at him. exceedingly small compass. The tirst pieces («ht, graceful and Mr. Robert Lush income of the from or crewel, and tin· work can be done in "For that matter, sir. I believe he'd queen's l>ench, "Dash ! Dash !" calle-i and Dash purest happiness theater whj will esehew the motion, not th·· Heidey, results of his manager much lew* time. ïlworliwljiv yard. rather W the dust itself in office was one of her lieniticeut great "Institute," very aro held on a fork while your appointe·! majesty's answered by a suggestive snarl. The prenent objectionable plan of providing Oranges learned in the and then whose bv the thousands, eall The foundation» generally employe»! of than hide at home with me." counsel, law, eve on a man pupils, an medium instead of a In-'iig and the facetioua dog's fastened young on his advertising pro- jtecled, style off- and there, the chancellor's invi- him blessed and invoke venerable for embroidery are unbleached linen of Here slie turned angry with her by named James on whom he will l»e entitled to the juice into the eyee of your host McGuinnese, (?od. Panics do gramme justly a even as Bol- *piirting a out from the hejd the blessings of goo·I make—that known spring for half moment. tation, step|»ed among tawned with evidence of affection. thanks of the The model in an revoir. every not nor affect his in- community. tou ι» a material much in iw π». aDd took his s^t within the diminish disasters sheeting "And I would," said young master, juniors, "He left me a week the will l»o on the «oft noiseless Stones in cherrieti and other fruit ago," explained come of from the programme for toilet seta, stoutlv. his mother's bar. St» much for f enteveranoe. happiness contempla- doily*. night-drew· should η of Ik· on tho table-doth, indorsing hyber- young man. and contain only what is of im- placed this the of his tion of the career of the army of pros- I>aper, Machete, chair back·*, and one y.ird square ltole very boldly, though his own mind From |>oint outline "He ain't mine—but lie's wonderfully mediate interest to those who hold it. but slid quietly and nnoatentatiously ο was and men whose fortunes table cover*. IJolton sheeting being wa« not of that kind which originates carver is known everyliody. He "I he perous worthy into the of your or like him," said Goggin. thought estate pocket noighlHir, of iu lfMi."» one of the of are due to his bounty. And his we recommend it* use to metaphors, similes, and engines in- ap|>oinied judges was." inexpensive, noiftelemly tossed under the table. the and after in —unlike some others—is one that he DETECTING METALLIC 8UB3TANCEd. beginner*. are other material* accuracy in general. queen's bench, sitting "Nor mine," admitted Τ1ιφ·> If, by mistake, you drink out of your Healey. can with him" when he leaves the are for foundation* for sav no olnjerved Mr. that court some was to "take The effort of Profa«wor Bell to locate which "Then I more," year», promoted Amid great merriment the dog was employed linger bowl, laugh heartily, and make I» a ot A few world that is so much letter for his hav- various such as Homan satin, C'hiity ; "onlv mind, it is half a crown a lord justice appeal. d:iys transferred to the of McGuin- the ball in President Garfield's body by purpose*, some facetious remark, which will custody lived in it. twilled is he died lamented and revered bv ■ ing means an induction balance silk, hroecatine, k—that all." ago nes*.—Ν. V. Krprrss Mail. of electric honeycomb change the course of conversation, and the which is eriti- the of Another oat «-ake cloth, linen, The terms were accepted, and Master legal profession, very is fresh in memory all. tapestry, platted renew the friendly feeling among the ou dutie*. cd. and does not l»e»to* its VENNOR'S PREDICTIONS. for metallic substance» serge, diagonal cloth, felt of various Kottert enteral his hnmble respecte CONVERSATIONAL P01NT8. plan detecting uionil>er* of the party. snow- flannel, Holland. Nain- He was and lightly. February likely to enter with in the human laxly has been submitted colora, cricketing lu drinking, when get to tho steady, j>ersevering. push- aud yon I knew as counsel. Do not manifest impatience. storms at to west Prof. to the French acad of sook muslin, satin, plush velvet. ing. In less than two years he got him only queen's many points, chiefly by Bell my lM>ttom of tho glass, do not throw jour to rain as : to l»e a clerk. From I had him against me once, but oftener Do not engage in and southward, these turning sciences. The method is follows in vonr bre-ith like promoted copying argument. FAL3E TEETH. head back and draw on the 4th and 5th. MAKING this in «In·* <*otin«e he became a sni»*rior for me, because my brother thought Do not another when storms toward and "A tine needle is inserted near where the exhaust of a Imth-tub in order to get interrupt speak· visited a even the best The 5th will usher in a week other of is A reporter recently factor)' clerk. Fie studied, pushed, and per- him then lawyer ing. probably the ball (or pieco metal) suit- the hist drop, as it engenders a feeling of and floods west 1 in this where false teeth are made wvered, till at last he t>ecame a fair and the most zealons at the l>ar, and al- of mildness, with rains to Ih». The needle is connected city the most among Do not And fault, though you may posed the million. In trie of man- depressing melancholy and Mr. head retained him if he could. During and south, viz., in Ontario, Western and wire with on« terminal of a telephone, ! by process the practical lawyer, Chitty'· ways criticize. by silex and in their gueata. gently states. A break of a 011 ufacture the clerk. And so much for the j>eriod I knew him j»ersonally Mr. Middle general up while metallic plate laid the skin feldspar, If cannot an invitation to j>en*everance. are tit a red yon accept a un Do not talk of your private, personal, in the of sections. crude state, submitted heat, He remained some years in this posi- Lush had «till plump, wrinkled the winter majority is connected with the othor terminal. do not write on the aud matters. and then euddenlv thrown into cold Hup|H«r, your regreta trusted his and cheek and a bright eye. His family The 11th and 12th will probably bring When the of the needle reaehea back of a check with a blue lead tion, by employers, singularly point the effect to render th£m pool to a of and set be- water, being too ; for besides his voice was full, mellow and ; Do not apj»ear notice inaccuracies return colder blustery weather, the ball, an electric current is np Thia is not u ricochet. respected special penetrating more pencil. regarded of others. snow and rain in some easily pulverized. Having been sifts as » law clerk, he was strict in it filled the court without apparent sjieech-in with falls, quar- tween that ami the metallic plato, pro- A note to host tine in and the wa simple your informing eflort, and accorded well with his commence a conversa- ters The week between the 11th and a sound in the The gryund very water, morals, and religious without parage. style Do not always ducing telephone. him that y >nr washerwoman refuses to to alternations of ter evaporated, the two materials men- In those days country attorneys could of eloquence, which was what Cicero tion by allusion to the weather. 18th is likely give needle may be inserted in several places relent ia Hiiflicient. with snow and rain the be tioned are dried and silted. The kaolin not tu the and back to calls the teni|>eratuui genns loquendi. an mildness spent with little pain, and pain may On at the draw Hy metropolis Do not when narrating incident, is washed free from These acting yourself table, relied on I»n was heard whenever the l>ull was reach- ready molding was to several country ed by its right successor, in language Do professional high winds gales. in tin; front -Cm. fair Journal. Bishop agent southern room. The molds are in two yard. so tit and order so lucid that he rooted tepics that the company generally can- more marked in western and ed." piece*, attorney*. and are made of one-half of the ami w conviction in the mind—tan- not take an interest in. sections of and will terminate brass, Well! Chitty had a heavy case coming gr« country, A CHOICE. series in colder weather and lieavv teeth or sections l.eirg on either side. un at the assises, and asked Bishop to tum nexnraqne pollent. Do not be absent minded, requiring generally ENTERING A CONVENT- and The materials are tin»t Hunting in Kilkenny «till goen on, come for once in a and I never heard him at Xisi Prins, but the to what lias been said snow falls toward the 25th ii*»tli coloring placed down, way. help sj»eaker repeat Marshal McMahon'a niece, Mlle, de the wood-be fox hunters are he could do of March. in the exact position and quantity re- though him in did so, and in •hould think nothing ill, that understand. and entry a person. Bishop you may days la >Selle. has become Benedictine nun. and the of the tooth and themaelvea hunted from covert to covert the cuse, was with yet would be greater at convincing of quired, body working delighted Do not s]>ej»k per COSTLY CLOAK. The ceremony of receiving her into the is in bands of land loeguers, armed with at disrespectfully the gum inserted luni|>s correspond- by s clerk. Before leav- than juries right was Chitty managing judges persuading sonal when anyone order j»erforme«l by Dom Conturier, to the size of the teeth. The sticks an«l staves. the would apj»earance« present the roWof a Philadelphia ing molds Capt. Hartopp, Mr. he wanted or wrong ; for at this lie same Concerning The ing, he told Chitty sadly pastime have the defects. the Benedictine father. young lady are master, from his may : It was a fur coat which cost the then close·!, and are dried l>eingan imj»ortBtion Eng- a clerk he could on. have had to escape from the force of lady they by managing rely not use was robed as for a bridal during the does nwt think it to whereas Do vulgar terms, slanf; phras- owner It was a circular of a slow heat. When land; necessary Would h« him, and with own understanding, I have $5500. a perfectlj dry they oblige part of or lan- tirst of the service, in satin are He is blatant and es, words double-meaning, Siberian sable, of the choicest skins, portion taken out and sent to the trimmer*' give way. very popular among this voua g man i Chitty made rather a known counsel, admired, costume trimmed with rare laee, and guage that will bring a blush to any- shaded and fitted to make a room. The trimmers remove all |«arti«»s, and conciliatory, too, and said that man was w hom native fluency had secured perfectly imper- wry face, young flippant one. she waa ablaze with the family jewels— when the occasion demanda. A that of the fection's and send them in trays of lire ]**»*- a "I don't know what I should against difficulty. pattern j>er|>endicular stripes, her inheritance. When she pearl. Do not intersperse roar conversation rich liair to at the special to the furnace, where, re- ant was caught lashing a hound one without him ; he is alter He was allable to clients, and I shading lighter clay having do why, my with word* and deep, changed her dress she reap|ak, surprised to Then had the clerk and disturb the just short carry were The entire they in, put proportions Do not to force into the families present. lady's Mich., cut button from her cloth- see the ]*easaut shake the hand in notice. I some who knew another in comj»aHy about matters which try yourself every open the question to him. hope lawyer of others. If their fort η tie l»ecomes the property of the con- and to and will the company know nothing of. confidence they give ing swallowed them, in an ineffec- preference becoming better acquaint' "Sir." said he. "it is the ambition of him well as counsel judge give general it. rent into which she retire*. as as to confidence never lx»trav I tual to commit suicide. ed with *he clenched fiat. lis his distinctive features, if it is i It is almost whisper. I attempt I Tjjy heart to go tn London." only impolite Nor TEN DOLLARS IPEI* TON SAVED COl Ν Γ\ LOCALS. WAT.—Mr. Francis M. Noble, about The Marri on· have 12 oxen and 10 horeei OXFORD jI of at I BT USING 35year· age, North Norway, slipped from Puzzle to Elll· river, Ando on some Ice I logging —The «now the div of the snow storm ver. Μ. Feb S3 largeet and ; 4 soon dislocated a shoulder. Dr. F. A. Til- met with at PHOSPHATE. lut ; Marriona' four-ox teamater DOLLAR the sea*on came Tuesday ton attended BAUGH'S TWENTY-FIVE rm of liiui. The Doctor returning I accident the While ·8β PER TON" OF 2000 LBS. between home iu otherday. attempting PRICK. ofseow falling Tuesday the t\. uitur, found the road and l»r i·· Addre·* to bridle lila βleil at the top of a very ateff on eari or bo»t 11 Phll»1elphU. Head for Clrc· «bowtag gaaruteed îTi.cbe· morning; but for- >»torm such that he had to go on fi>ot sud wenl tnj Wednesday place, hia ozeu started, and away W-ad his horse three or four Pa. «« omitted. miles, sud got oxen, sled and down the mountain at 4 Sole the usual blow home loga BAUGH SONS, Manufacturers, Philadelphia, tun*»«fc? pretty well fatigued. Snow various· a break neck the but *rrive apeed, wrecking aied, m ah faiw *° w^,ne*d*y l.v estimated at 1$ to 24 Tb# luches. Drifts tortnnately the oxen became detached froro HATCH & FOOTS two to feet ι eight deep.—Jour. the aied tongue and left the road and cami BANKERS, Β. T. ALLEN, Ε Adam·, of So. Andorer, out of it oxen unharmed. Had not tha got Br·, la WILL ITHKKT. HEW YOBK, ^LewU mo- 1'akih.—The Baptist Social Circle will from tnuat have been to have discovered perpetoal away the altd they Ν. γ. CARRIAGE & SLEIGH MANOFCTURER, o· MEMBERS STOCK EXCHAN8E, 'claims on * ®whiM held in the next killed. Co,, Maine, and is hard et work Vestry Wednesday Buy aid Mil Mock·, li rait· A fioverwment tacurl- MUton, Oxford t,',n All Joaiah Garnett, with one of 6 1-2 ami «a*· adtoncei on tamt Four and tbe evening. are invited. pair lie·, ifrt^uirtd. embodiM applies diecovery. feet four one Sat- Par Oat Infereat allowed oa subject te wMCh A son years old oxen, at load, depodu, I hâve oow on bMd, a of Andrew Hall bad his hand bad- check at · fght. υ» has made the object spécial atudy urday, hauled from Puzzle, Andover, to ly mutilated by an ax while small the «even Τ".'· chopping yard, largo apruce trcea, which You will find it for your £«««- w.kh! oue last week. Dr. Morse •caled 2,000 feet.—Journal. 100 K^*e Qled ,Mt Saturile>' niKht' Jay if to Sleighs, Mrs. interest, intending or retail. There are 75 of dressed the wound and to save the ROCKLAND ME. For tato ftt «boleMJe a brief Illness pleurisy. hopes East la low for $16 f»eh, tS more from tftr Κγμγοπρ.— A J. Knight, eaq a Stove, or in olit style aleifh* fingers which were severed buy Range, Th· Lartmtand Beit School th· Stat·· to Theae are all oftbe beat make who from the — «lelghs \0i)over youu.* man attended n«arly aah C»ere· Bookeeplnf, limine»· •40 f r,:<, working up large «juauittiee of brown RegMlar from well selected white oak timber, and are war- hand. this to call be- Rutin··· Haine·· Corres- at evening. Hpring, Arithmetic, Writing, ranted lo every Kumford, Tuesday thla wluter. Most of it la made into wag- Grammar and ·ΐιι- particular. th. Drama J. H. Kavrson has two now brands of ci- March let. at pondence. «polling. Ipulal on the fore tbo — Ornamental himself afterward wrong on thills for Lewtaton He con- 41·· Nariaatio·, Peamantbip, '~n I found gars, in Boston. partita. Short hand Writing, orally,or by mall. Six mon a recently purchased He Store of TAYLOR »^°aM ,tu ,y lt>cl1 s«>er*phy. the waste for the competent InsUuctori. î*nd forCurularand m· MR. JAMESW. v*l. thinks will have a run. templates working up they big • bat loroier «tudente fay of the Institution. MASON BROS. would announce to the of OXFOBD COUN- little. Mr. H. Parla Hill MTg Co. Hia lumber ia very people F. Morton, Agent of Paris Hill A TEA It aad to a«enta thai he haa taken the etoro formerly occupied came home from Grafton. THE CREA URE FOR expen··· TY, \v II Talbot flue, and gives great satisfaction to the Maine. Ont il t free. Addre·· P. O. Lone O'Ukion. M f'g Co ha* just returned from a vsca- Norway, VICK· by was w.»rkin* in the wood·, with OHT, Α·|μΙ·, Main·. he ti >n. Lewieton contractors. $777 ,hwt He visited New York, Chicago and «ed foot last w. ek. but think· he will ! IVV ΕΚΤΗ Ε KSI Hood for oar Select lût of I , ,n other of Interest. New A IN NORWAY, point* Simnf.k.—Utun. Irish & Marshall are A Local «paper·, Geo. P. Howell Co 101 t.) return βοοη. an moUtur·, PILESltchin*, wone it Ν. Y. whore be haa a full line or » Me IJCHINB(tlo(inr, Bpruc* St., juat y The was Symptom* opened I'niversalist Circle κι» M tf were about Poor, one of the oldest and postponed doing quite a business getting out cord night ; pin-worm* rrtwlloj yr pvn la*t ou the rectum ;ib«priTU· par ware often aflected. A* a J Wednesday, account of the atorm. and at cltlwn· of this place, died pulp wood for the Forest Paper Co. pjeaaant, economical and poaitlr· cur·. flWATKl'l ENTIRELY NEW m,it respected It will be hell this. i* to article in the mark·! Monday, evening, with Yarmouth. to from Oi*t***t eeperler any aged 90 tears ; all but They propose ship or Mod Ac eta. la S-ct. I Monday moruing. Mr. Ceo. F. Sold b; Stamp·. Wheels Hammond. Hartford 2,300 cords. From Swift river Pa. Bwatw κ * Ion, Pblla., Ρ» of which had been ·ρ·ηί In this Carriage ffxtn W. Κ has Perkiu» just purchased a new will drive down to Canton about FALL & WINTER SUITINGS, several Ue had beeu un· they 1,· Will be Manufactured at P°r year· of hor>c*. pUce span He tninks he now has as 2i«t. So. 2. import-1 all be over the Falls A 1* I'tK is auce are now how can shipped Rumford GEO. A. HALL & V Lui* S Abbott, of S>. Andover, studying they HI RIXUM. CO., a best their Buckfleld KaMroad, it will furnish quite βΓΟΧΟΒ*, < HA· ALSO the Stale formal School at improve dairies, and thereby ob- I »tt»nJiiU Ml>|* »KINS. FINE TOI- revenue for that and reliable South Maine. tain the greatest results. Mr. S. it. Ellis enterprising LET AMI SIIAVIHO Waterford, nfft'*rS, January 21,14SJ. A LA KG Ε LINE OF Firm a busi- KOI NI» Is engag^l in road, which Is already doing good Cures Rheumatism, Lumbago, Cllll.llRKVfl COJIBA.IIRl'SII J* Τ ^ma« cut hi» foot quite bad- extensively butter-making. *M>C KMC 4BKS, ΤΟΙΙ.ΚΓ AI»I> POCKET Mr an in- and Kolicc. He the and Is winter- ness, with certain indications of Lame Back, Sprains Bruises, COMII!» I'AIMH, OIL*. VAHM«llk< Ti'llE I'AIMTH, N a few ketps largest dairy, »: Ε Poor'· 'gS'Q* *mp daya Colds. COLo··. 1> AMI· ACADAMT Tbia i· to lorbld all or tru«t- crease. I learn from the station at Asthma, Catarrh, Coughs, OIL JAPA», HOARD, p«r»on· harboring ing fourtitn cows. Mr. Kills liss exer- ageut of family or other Sore Throat, Bum·, DRAWING l'A 1ER ! In κ any member my any per- Goods, » ace. Diphtheria, Furnishing son* oo ac count a* I «hall no debt· of cised n.uch csrc Hint Sumner, that the receipts for outgo- my pay ; here of late ; in his cows. Frost Tooth, Ear, and WHITEWASH It has '>een quite sickly selecting Bites, PAINT, tbelr contracting after lb la date. He ins for the month of November, all and aches. JACOB A. LlBBY. ; See. says the Jerseys excel all others In freight, Headache, and pains Artlid, and Ikarl·· Hats, Gaps, throat and lung distemper* prevailing. Clatkaa, Hair, Porter, Feb. 3d. 1>»2. at that station was of $540.00. Tîie V*~»« internal and e*terr.»l remedy In Braab··, J.'nd floan- rlchntsaof milk, although they may not upwards The mv« ierale of tiie the world. Ercry bottle guar:rtrtd. them iu he considers The Co. ruu two trips daily, and occasion- Shoulder And failure; owing. probably, to the surpass quantity; yet rttirr, m m. hd »too. Trui»fi, Brace·, ciiHya are to run a train in Α " them the best for butter He ally obliged special KOSTLK, Xll.Bt Iff ΓΟ., rrop rt, Supportera. Pocket Book*. Port- »n w. but few to trip the making. MEN. Kp appeared 81'FFAt.O. H. Y.. V. S. moaalfd nnd SKINNY Prices to Soil tie Tire. use « a both summer and order to clear the line of accumulating Puree*. Window If tt'n Iircr Tror.bl toe creamery winter. CocsttpoUoa, Dyepei ;i#!st fkrtastic sli'de· and Fixture·, Box PUoe, Srr.' iî.s Ι*·»™. (v ι iur.j ai:d sen·!* his IIay ford and Paper· δ, Night butter dlrtclly to Boston, freight. Superintendent· au. ι..' Ηπαι.~ι &> feet long,that will square, and Addrfit Card·, Pa!rltation,"V»'c! It*;.Lwru me a A iproce. are de- Envelope·, 111 cun. \ last week. dairying Letter and Bill Head·, iiuled int tbe :!lage BE NOT DECEIVED quantity. Sexual I>«bUity. AhaNutocurefor J. W. TAYLOR, for some and cau be relied upon all who patron- Blank-Book· οΓ all in Diat. No. 1. time, successfully. He sey* good by statement·, Tbe achool. begin· " spnax | ize the road. The of our to be an klndv.Blnnk u.ilker* are not coctlued to any one breed, paralyzation Plasters claiming Note·.Keeelpt·,and Maine. ■est week. S· By Deed·. Norway Village, but be'..c\e* thit lierai seldom industries" is not a popular song just Draft·, Attorney· Blank·, feeding Ac.,School Feb. IS.—The Feetiv·!, now. Give us new. on Allcock's Mortgage· Book·,and Bctrki Weight ; fa sis to pay the farmer, iu the end. something improvement Sloccm. writing paper, for Teacher·, and „>■ ·, h wns to come off. as noted In the Mr. Τ J. tV hltehead has been taking or- Scholars. week, at the Water ! Porous Plasters. ptv.sFAT last Spont ders for stotk in this E. St MNF.R. Feb. 25 —A successful nursery viciuity. very SCHOOL CHALK, 1CRAYON8, has been changed : will be M enta:η House, Mr. Whitehead hashed lar^e experience term of school under the direction of Mrs. Allcock's is the on evening. Feb. -.'«th. at original held Ti.eaday in this business, and I y this knowledge Laura F. Fogg of Peru, has just closed at ΙΝΚ,ΡΕΝβ, AMD Patteea Hall. m ill be able to supply hi« patrons with the Kant Sumner. Mrs. Fogg baa taught 28 and Porous Plas- B- thel Literary Club met unit/ genuine Bvthcu—Th· liest of atock. terms, and is a very etlirient and thorough κ. PHOTOGRAPH ο. V ->ί«τ e*minc, Feb 20th. at the re*i- FIRST PREMIUM. Mr. C A. who ha* been suffer- teacher. The were not all other Porous iSerrous and Ν Τ Τ rue. After listening Curtis, following pupil· ter; so-called — A5D— Debility WeakDMW^ftboilH imifDr braUreFunotinn. (Icaradoudy Crlne.atopJ Merrill'· aew pattern Ο. K. PLOW, wio· flra * from j some lut is abaent one : Alice W. Ileal·!. Henry •οtheaecretarv r»; >rt. quotations ing for time from g trouble, day loMio«And ca<-apon In *am.\ Th' jrrat Ro L· aad second premium· in PLOWING MATCH a w^re called for. an I Hattle Bon- are Be- llahle Toole for -τ nearly able to go out but little. His many friend· W. Bonney, Sadie 1). Bonnav. Plosteis imitations. AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Uent«rd Debility Specta· Sbikes;>eare nVrakseaa. Aoumplet* Hejuvenator forExfl with a Baaki, Poem·. Blklaa. EakMMd Maine State 1881. #»f*v per*τ present responded ν ou return of the ne?, Fannie BNbee. Fred Bisbee. Artie J. •rrap Faintn.-a*. Ex<-«wecfl. A'l>ajKirv Fair, earnest hop· that the and Hai^kar· Laél«a bauatiuc. mind <>f th» world's ureat.-*t ware o tin in. Plrtnraa, Toil·» Seta, Fourni» j«n from the f and LAjf, Ague, Chill·, Wcekaeaa. £<■ This Plow doe· not lap the furrow, I· a thor- warm seascu. 1. s hiaith will im- Russell. Our schools have been and Nmurhc Cap·, Bark Has··, ο from Hamlet, which rapidly generally ■ I at dnurgteta, <>r br exprewa. prepaid, draft and to bold. •oet. Th·· reading Writing Btik· Fine To barra at.lgare,and ough pulverizer, easy very >■**? wi« to aacceasftil. reedpt off!». £ S. WELLS, Jeraty N. J. .we.! the notation». listened prove. Sec that an Confectionary. Kaaore, Rbeara aeleeare Qty, Oxford, Sept. 13,1W1. I you get Dalla more than r-«ual interest Tbe di«- The district school, after a successful, Inches of anow at one fell and Paekat knlrta. ffu and China ASK ΪΌΐί F. C. Mkrbill: Twenty-five Dear 8ir,—The Ο. K- Plow, (No. 15) which I a·* η »" I erit»ci*m< following the read- Feb. 17. term of eleven weeks, closed swoop will do for the roads. The Job of PLASTER bought of joe. work· admirably. It not ooly wc-e at anil instructive. ALLCOCK'S ao | niat^J completely Invert· the s«d, bot pulverize· It Mr. Wheeler, member υΓc!a«s out was the hardest for yeara. the >ket.-se4 ..ftbe life of Mr*. Pllllwtt Bar l"lys*r*G. breaking a· to greatly reduce the labor of preparing No. has hsd the which we has eject- DRUG STORE, ground foi or lowing. "" "be »nthnrf«« i.ftbeeve- Bridgton. ehsrg»· past Bualneaa ia among teamstera. guarantee NOYES* planting rt~: Γ·' ϊ lively Your· Trulr. -- and an entertain- : w^r(i Mi·· C'»rs B'irnsm winter. The scholar* gave Slocih. XORWAY, MA WE. 8. 8. SMITH. » T e follow ng «election· ft >m ed more and cures (Member of the Maine (toard of AgricuUare p· T-· ment >>n Thursday exening con*i»ting of quicker Can ka bud at BOTTOM PBICK· υ.. ο- wr :i"ir· were next re^ J friend· of Kev. J. S. for Oxford County.) ^e|_. ik« ..I-·.· U*» Waterkord —The ha faraealnc aamad gaoda together with la A v>nrt Mrt»." h? Mi«« Ad* Twitchell; Richards and wife of Water ford, from than other external Kem- thauaanda of athar· tea numaraua The Ο. K. PLOW is manufactured by * Ν >> -half of the any mcntlan. All drag· Md madlclnea war· 1- ul." ? MIm LUI* Holt: 'Cow- term Κ ΚΊΚ in school,! both the First and 8econd met h parishes, rant'd atrlrlljr para. F. C. MERRILL, Mr'· » V «» \ e* Β Π ·ρ; and presented tLe teacher w ith a flue silver at the parsonage at Wateiford Flat in South Paris, Me, b* Miss N*H> number*, on the afternoon of Β·".» ta 'V LM»%" napkin ring, neatly engraved; an a token routing Paris Hill Company 15c. boxca <-leari out Rata. Mkv», RnacbeaJ w«ir-· chos- the 7th intt, au.I took immédi- Manufacturing Char i>r The select.one well Thursday, SOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS. ahows tbo of File*, Anta, Mo*iiiitrtea. lUd-Hugs. InarcttJ of love and r« from the echo lap·. The fallow id* atairmtDl aludmg (i< OVERCOATS, *pect at·· and of the Manse. Hkunk. WVaacl. I'rwa, pht r*. Chipmunks •o.—J· **r. complete possession tba Company. Jinnarv 1.1*»!: HATS, CAPS. GRXT.'S FURS- Mr Wheel» r, though tskrn by surprise, Tills done, their flr»t art In the exercise Amount |»vp*il<1 on which the hfUle· wt* being the with now chairs, out Oar «took ha* arrive·! for the Kail and Winter to h.m the term. Mr. parlor turning A PLACE FOR YOUR PERIODICAL·, kindi>Ms<* during Oiv* us a and we will do tn It rr>n* the ri»er wbl>wn down, thr old ones into the sittiug room and ad4 ao oruAaral for jour houM, oil la o·#, Campaign. rail, you of was a his scholars. food. uxl w rk w»< on account Wheeler favorite with \ other of the house. the THE NOYE8 DICTIONARY HOLDER. j 1 parts Presently f u :>w 10 'ι w Stock in, Κ Thompson's chlmn.-v an J better than that he himself a tables In the dining room and kitchen Capital paid pcOTcd Amount owlnjf on onte· ai d account· *i. V'mn V.*n dnrirz th* gale. Thi- * until on faithful teacher. were made to expand and grow they id excc·· oi manufactured gooU *7 L COREY & »·."·'*· ! t.me Mr Thomp* >n has had stretched to their utmott capacity; and hand. 13,371 CO., in,'.et uj t h own ilnWTl. then stood groaning uuder their f\erin- ludtvidcd aurplua, S« iπι Pakis Winter."—- i'MÀ M*« lUn-nh Fuller. residing In this —1"Good-bye, load. <»ue would have ij .4dr. rti**r. creasing supposed I»,(MS τ ι»·· '* xt) 1 broke her arm aod dislo- that the intended to winter In their Vaine of taxable property a* flxed by Mr NaV.au Crorkctt. who baa been si< k party and Assetaora unknown. IRON «τ the tbe the STEEL, newly captured quarters, by way CBOCKKTT, some la on the KoKtiKB M- Rr wn. the mail carrier Mw-n time, street agaiu. provision was stored in. No ammunition f'JiffiU» Treasurer. that Mr. "*r: a ar 1 tfrmor* r*-p«»rtH It i» estimated tu.it fully eighteen inches wa* visible, but it was secretly conveyed iisîfi Oxford ** Pari» Kb. 1.1, law aae oeorge It K* ! of I Termor*, met with a sever* »» as was afterward evident in the I'ertonaily appeared before of NW fell Hd | thither intneo Hardware, during lue-djy Tuetday SÎijSSli Treasurer of the above company c:-ient η the l*'h :u*t. Mr. were cracked and the of Crocket', Suturdey, jokes that squibs and ma.le oaih to the trulli of the abote slate Heavy AND on ««me *" Keith ws« ·>η t:ie Kern putting night. λ it au I pleasantry ilred off, during the eve- f=JiïliV m tr — mcnt him made. w wood-, by < Α Γ of the m>>re 11 S WKI'ilIT, ? ces that '.a.J ϊ*·«*η bl«»wn (Γ t ;i«* enterprising ning. The abouudit);; fuilues* of the com- J Λ h 8. Chapi*'· Drair-Piiu-A kiii ·>. he Ml from the roof to the to et- ticeable. a nook or of the I bare I but most of sia' t<*.Oravrl. '!ffl<-tilty — people ιι du· u ally ne a ■' e tire fret. or was left or Gleet, Brick 125 4 127 COMMERCIAL g: V »tan« «>f twenty store room kiuheo, of af huklinfr p.-"wiii^ Urine, ST., y the comfort·» of their own fireside. pantry, atock Inaction. Turbid Urine, '·.* » rjf η t e ice. Hi· hip was badly uuoccupied. As ih«· hour for supper drew Ihist. Ooaorrbœa, PORTLAND, 1 he total of the South l'an» Milky and other depoalU. Stricture, SUmriiif _ o.-okrii at he ww seri other· | receipts uear the seemed determined to cele- Whiten, msly ir.lcred party c C c > 3martiru. Irritation. Inflammation, » PI AMOS «e. H s woYfry is doabtftal. Dramatic Ciub at il l'arit Minstrel Troupe brate tfit ir νI tory iu ,·ι grand bauquet, [mining or Itiseaaed Itiaehanre·, l'aine in the FARM FOR SALE IN NORWAY. Mr« hr<>ke a few owners of th»- AVU Ba-k an I ThijrLi, l>rma-;iijr Down, pni>!4Qff, BiTlbrd. who h»-r l*g were about ν.·7 m». This ι* and invited the late Said farm contain· *) icm of «ooK* be u»o>a*antlf or irhool and Post-clHce. For further H I...ca· in near the weather on both wu«« such a with Buchu-paiba, lu raet-i of Impur· particular· has his ature. night*. consfutrd. Ί hf*n spread supper from n">w un- on or A. Fro«t near the And liiv.iv.I IhechaiYCti With Syringe, fi, at sail addre·· Lha- prem- i bsld nicelv A. : c kuow how til I »h*ll or very large eag'e. Mr. (ieo. lirggs. while handling as only the ladles of Waterford Miji,?IS ChrUtnia·. iruorista *·'Γ-1 by erprMW, j repaid, for ise», offer to the people of FREELAVD HOWE. ·η ι Mtck vi'niit staud Thi« of his thumb ! t>> Such η Such au abun- B,Kh bv express, prepaid, on eertpt ot snsj'|>ed the cord prepare. variety! Oxford Conntv a bet- Heal Κ-tale A|<«nt, Norway. Main·· "'«■s· and unruly(cow. and such (ar'itreil (>*car lfsyford dance! Such tempting viands, ter atoek of Piano· hy in two. He wis etherized and the two "· l>rr .1, on the shore of Anass*gun- delicious coffee ! < >h— h ! Captors aud cap- aud Organ·, Piano aud Na- Inetructlon t l.tk». Th·· m»"a«uremrnt of the en.!* of the cord s» we«t Pian:>* Organ·. FftYUii k·., Mains, Feb. 23.— Feb. 1*. customed. within and f»r the count' ο Oxford, the Geo. Wood·, tbe Ma*on X and soou succeeded iu remov- Paris, 8mi b American, Fine HAVANA aid DOMESTIC Ci£an· order of the senior deacon of the ■ A D. 1 ed Frye- to <" the of snow from iu fiout Fir»t Church called the company older the petition o( Alfrel le. adm nlatrator dasa and reliable. Mend for catalogue. ** ing great body late of and near." targ temperance a>sociation, at the New the nature and intent of the or itie ettite ο' I aie C. Morrtil. "Royal" Oxford iwn a and explained Os of his store, beside* lending helping Riu-ktield, in *ai I county deci««el, graying for W. J. WHEELER, Church. A severe storm commenced in Invasion—that it was meant iu good part rrat i«ut<> de. I. ο. tt. r. HLO CK, haud to some of his license t» niln4oosvey certain lie 3, neighbors. the occu- t on lllo ια th* Probité «>f· South Pari·, Mai··. TUB tùe averti > >n and only to cheer and encourage •«nb«! >c h1· i^'ition DISCOUNT! of tht same day and contin- was ·ιι $10 Mr. l·'. I. Ntarbird's horse which of the Mause whom no one proposed fier to Ν l'htn M >rrill of Ruckfl-.:i;h U>wustuan°s address on was to be bestowed. Other his petition with this onler pub- -y has been somethiug mcccislvelv in the Oxford The Grand Truck Co.'s yard were said, until lished three we receive order· for CbrUima· NEW F« a v sal M usual. prepared gathering. ex- was called who then Ccentv η the third Tuesday of March next,at » elers. Si.00 per day is the price paid being present, upon, rcLiniKT o'clock Id the loiecoon and aliow c.iu-e if any they rP^HÎTiTiûgîiM| at K-v. Dr. Mason's, where made the of the evening. He was tra hands speech bave the same aliouxl not t>c g an'ed PHOTOGRAPHS. •τ even why w-r- euterta a# I Dr Mviou's ac- ex- followed Mr. Richard· who thee It. A. are varied ami by The Directors of the new shoe shop by FUYE, Judge. The ty leu of frame· thle year, Sewing Machine, for their II C to mike a pre· -'· « and there thanked the invaders Atruejopy-attest Davis. Kegletc··. very beautiful. Now if with abroad, which he per- with the jou than AT THE BBDLCEU I KK Ε OK [' tr.p I>r»s« themselves entirely satisfied them his At ELIXIR aent of tbi· kind, and «bat more acceptable and gave blessing. OXF >Ul>. a·: —At a Court oi 1'rebate beta all call at -'Tz.· ;n ;»·_>. presence your beautifully framed, plea»e manner in which Mr. Willis has Mr. Center led iu l'an*. within and forthe of Oxford, oa IS WARRANTEO portrait eiti< ieut his request Rev. prayer County rooma, and order. » &·««· of A. D. lH+i. my ftlve your Ml ♦ .ce «m .te an this week exercises of the evening the thl»d Tue«d»y February, 'υ Rrllav· tba CBOCP in thirty alnote» now come If ;, excitement his work, and are ccnfideat that which closed the Ad. The daya are ao short pleaM early. poshed THE ρ» tilijn of Charles V. M irtiu. rtcithed The Aicmt who takes ιυν place wil >ell *t the two more of converse, ο RelWTta COU Μ OS COLL· Immediate bave a to be and tw '.a the τ 11 occasioned run- An hour or pleasant uiinietrat r ol the estât*· o( Elbrli.<« O. Ki·1 you picture enlarged 40 an·! 4.1 dollar·. Now ia life, by will be at the time design- »r come with It. Remember established price, the ready ON at one*. in color pleaae shop ect., was and all went Held, lato ot It-ihel, in etid county, dcceaesd, ο R«ll«T« tb· ASTUMA plain, your time. IO.OO saved is IO.OO earned. No i*»v 'st* Charles from No singing enjoyed we have a month more to work up picture· Geurj;· 1. Mr. James ln-eiiM· to sell anil all or so only extra for 3 month* credit if dealred. I ated iu the contract—March home well with their prajlnn lor convey Γο Oor· all COVQUS bWor* ulceration tor Chilttma·. charge appareutly pleased rt ni e«tate as un be n-oessary to aaaigned the world to t<· a Sew lloaic !7"ri i.ad his foot u the found- much of the y T. challenge point badly irjured by is setting visit at the ro Oar· SOUK ΤΒΛΟΛ or one Curt;s busily engaged parsonage. pay the debu at three hundred dol- that ha· not gIvea peruct satisfaction. it»wiy >rse, l>y being drawn in under boiler, while A. C. Junes, There were aeveuty persons present;— lar#. ο Car· Bomnmm of 8Jng»eaoe8peaktn J. U. P. BUBNHAM. that bas ever been out of Order. ation for the U. W from ordered, That the «aid Petitioner fire notice .'· Looaan a COVGU. BROWS, Agent, be horse* feet. A Citizen. to be us«d those from the upper parish driviug alwaya Room· near TBS BEAL· HOt'lE. is the piping to all Interested by causing an abstract of South Pari·, Ma. es·j arranging four to six miles over an untrodden road person· Γο alwaya caoa· tba patiaat to Mas JMjr I«rmy, Hal··. Mr. L. 11. Swan la iietition with this order thereon to be publish- in the building. a That was "o AT mill·, Feb. 1Μ&.—The heating through blinding snow-stoim. ed three week* nucceailvely in the Oxford Demo- alwaya produce BX8T tilQBT. 31st, at · of West I'aris is still retained in putting a good showing, and but for tbe storm crat printed at Par)·, that they mar appear Sild by all dsalsn In Madidnsa ANNUAL STATEMENT t:..» place closed iaat week, after Probate Court to be held at Pari· In aaid County Mr. S. has been others of course would have beeu there too. or ruE on the touch. >n the third Tuesday ot March next at nine o'clock 1 IIUI, JNIW ft UU, PnfriaUn. I term of twelve weeks. The finishing us that of •Ures'.iog Mr. Richards tells furniture, in the forenoon and shew cause If any they hare since the work began. The Barllaft··! Tt. ■•>r 's holar* reg sterol w:iatwenty- employed cash and edible· some fifty dollars' worth ahy the aa.ne .-huu Id not be framed. will be with an elevator and that the in K. AFKYE.Judge. WORMS! COMPANY T e building supplied was left evening, HOME INSURANCE av^raji· attendance wu twenty behind; A truecopy—attest : U.C. Davik.Register USE KAWSON'd Each room there was manifest the beet of NEW YOKK. a: of the most modern pattern. which only wo^. l Uave beeu more it the a Court of Probate held at and W. from toward everybody, OXFOKD, se:—At Η^ΤηΤτκΤκΠχΪκ^ΙΙΙ A· made to the Inanraace Commissicner of the after a foreman, feeling everybody within and for the county of Oxford on k the will !>e looked by Pari* a Court or Fro bate hew at State of Maine on the First day of 'J -j cough had not fot into will be remembered, and with great lBt*i OXTOBD, »·:—At over- long the third Tuefday of Feb A. D of on ο esq., will be general Pari·, within and for tbe County Oxford, POWDERS 1ΝΘ3. The were not A. Frothiugham, him aud his And M. PKUKINS executrix on the WORM JANUARY following achoiar· pleasure, by family. third Tueadsv of Kebruarr, ▲. D. 1881. F. Is of Pcikiua late ot In- the seer. which Mr. eminently Mr. Kditor. if there is another parish with- estate Cyrus Paria, of Eltaha aid John Bartlett, FOR OO one-half position HAKKIKi ac- TUB petition all la 93,000,000 day Stephen Llbby, laid countv, l'ecease-t, having tireaented lier A. Talk Capital paid and exp«- the circulation of paper, the mem- »« ret le· en tbe bond of Xamah Harria, for Pr·- !>otb business tad, in your coun ι οι ailmini«l>aikn il the Estate of Mid de B«««m lataratd "*ge Adelbert An- qualified. by ONtiiiar dia* of John H. Harri* and Haiti* M. Harri· OO Woodsum, Bryxut, bers of which are not in the habit of doing for allowance: mlami, 1.043.T33 It is the shop ;easrd in aald ccuotf that » and rience, to till. «xprcted notiee minora of lieihel prating ill CATTLE. Reeerve far La····, 34S,liOft 30 I>utha'me, Lill an Fairbauka, so advise them from me, Ordered, That the (aid Executrix giro aa HORSES, repaid first of annually, please tuev may be diaoharged from further liability Ι,βΟβ,ΙΚΟ OO before the to all per- as Interested by causing a copy of this RatSerplua, irr;e Ikjtid aui the wtre not will be in full operation to try like that described above sureties on a«ld bond. following something order to be three weeka successively In Used in* Tiiem. is. Our verdict is it published Ordered, That the aald Petlt'ra. gm notice No POISON ••,οοβ,ηοο «Ο «■':t one an 1 see how it t ie Oxford Democrat at Paris, that they CAin aiikts, I.inni· Herrick. Albina Apr!·. good printed to all Interested by cauaingan abstract day Mr. Samuel F. at a Probate Court to be held at Paris per«on· -A- Two weeks ago to-day pays.—.VtW. ntay appear of their with thta order thereon tobepub- Of ASSETS •*rme. and Albert Wo^lsum. l.tur» ι:a said on the third Tueaday of Marrli next, petition SUMMARY a sudden shock of County llahed three week· la the Onord was seized with at tf o'clock in the forenoon and show cauKe if any successive!/ United State· available for the pay- y received rank. Briggs Democrat at Paila, that they may appear CUKE Held la the the prize for higheet was have why the same should not be allowed. printed WARRANTED, of lo»ses Eire and for the protection of the nerves. The shock fiey at a Probate Court to be bald at rarls in laid ment by r: » I paralysis U. A. FKYK, Judge. of Policy Ifoldei· of Eire Insurance : .anil, L;.. an Fi.ruauk- and Char'.e· Mr. County on tbe third Tuesdav of March next, at t Oil MONEY REFUNDED and did not disqualify A true eopy—attnst Π C. Da via. Kaeiater. in Bank·, t 130,172 31 ■ at first m forenoon aad «how cause U any they Cash k. a' slight j&QN7ERRy o'clock tbe received prize* for leaving off un- not be Bond· and Mortage·, beta* flret lien to bis business Til Ε Subscriber hereby gives public notiee that have, why tbe aame ihould granted. CO : -» : Hrigg* from attending on Real Estate, (worth $34»)0,Τ9υ) 1 the times it been the lion. Judge οι Κ. Α. ΓΒΥΚ, Judge. greatest number of now confined be haa duly appointed by value.) 4.U7'.< SoO oo a He Is true ; H. C. Da via, United State· Stock·, (market *;· til about week ago. Probate for the County of Oxford, and aaiumed A copy—itteat Regiater. CASE. IN EVERY Bank and Railroad Stock· and Bonds. »pel!inf class»». in a de- the trust of Executor of the estate of ου and has lost, great I a Court of Probate held at (market value), IK4.C25 Almoxzo Κ. Βκυαχγ. Teacher. to his house kIKOCil KOSTfcK, late ol Newry, OXFORD,aa:—At THOUSANDS OF is, to Parla within and for the County of Oxford State and Municipal Bond·, (market use of his limbs, and say in said County, deceased, by giviog bond aa the to gree, the on tbe third Tueaday of Kebruary. A. D. 1882. value), 121,730 it ifcw directs: he therefor· requeata all persons (iuardian of V.;xi, —sin· e critical condition, Tilt ition of John C. Iri*h. Loan· on Stock·, on demand, Turi».i*y ηο<·η p'utup the least, in a very !ssï who are indebted to the estate of aald de cense J to pet HORSES ARE SUFFERING WITH THEM, payable * t'jM*· ι r iab minor of BuckfleW, in aaid Mi value ol Collateral··, v't of slow aa*e ip-A&iLroR too:·! uj«r«ttitk<»9t and those who have Cyrus (market fal'en at Mexico. sun shone V'ii:k*«u«4 »a«Kta make immediate payment; ON to and certain BY W8.750 oo the 60») it.ft, to f>r lieea«e sell convey PUT ÛP #311 ^«i7JO) >ome roKD.-Lvt Sunday fftle'"4« iU I» cwotoie* it· color*! plat·*. demanda thereon, to e>hib't the am# ty prayiDg 10 portion of the harness ao dir^ti··.,» κ any described in hi· on fl'e in tbe on l*t IF*!, &6,8I'J breaking the snow MM ·'»«* filldticrifi»··, FOSTEH. real estate petition latere·! doe January. » bot as iu July, and passed •(«Mil Ρ nu, ENOCH town of Buck- of iieavy load of on to a ο I** ruiet kft V «-flabl# w4 $·*!«, Probate ofllce and *i usted in said Premiam· uncollected and in hand· spruce ν It. pair ··'. lbvaluftt &*!. S«Lil fat Febiuary 21, 1838. to be W» ^ dr:*»-n ttut TlMf, Hold at public or private tale the proceeds Ace·», *>,«» hy Mr. Hicks, who wa? 1 CO.. Detroit. Mich. of ta D. M. FEKKY THE Subscriber hertby glvea uotioe put out and secured on intereat for tbe benflet J. H. Real Eclate, i^W IU;ing lumber for the Lewistoo Steaa publie RAWSON, :liat he haa been duly appointed by the Honor raid minor. Co said notice to PROPK1LTOK or as killing one of hi· horse· aud in ami :>le Ju i^e of Probate for the Coujly ol Oxfold. Ordered, That the petitioner five TOTAL·. |·,·Μ,βοη Trusses, Supporters an abstract of hi· and a»-uuied the trustof Administrator ol the ea all persons interested by causlug . Pkici (LOO Fks Packaok. Norway Dot — m aaarvu. SI, 1S8î. A tneoopy—attest Register. ha«> fisherman can't pick bia IN GOOSES COCK- Y ou can't starve a town goat. OHIO OF IfOTHKR catch 'era. Stones In The HORSE. Kidneys food does Whin ibe muscles lack firmness and the U< Bladder Fiptlltd-L(a| MaflT«rtag*f The nnhtppy mortal whose u will svstem nse Wbeat STATEMENT and tsslmllate perfectly hi deficient In stamina, ov«r ••••f Rtal Latkjr >aa. the illustra- not digest " " Trojre'e P«apl*-A Accidentally, looking Wheat Bitters." Bitten· find Immediate relief In Ta* lions of tome archeologlcsl pottery BEST I cam· across on de Old britchea luhs a long tail coat. 1 i· by no mean? a mange thine that Dr. Ken- of anclmt Ktruria, UNDER OATH. wld a block oo don't brag *>D been rmietrd for twenty >β·ι· A dorg rbould bave recilveu the following latter. a of ««THAVB nedy the of fragment an obminnte «kin JiKlw, eall«d by •ltuitioo. Furs 1 M< »<>Γΐτο»—15c. bo* 'Rough representation Awlth Tkilitkitl By reading it you will s e tn one minute why PttrlMk. mut other· 1 bed- the upper of an archaic rase—am- II. D.'· eproer.eommcne· on Kits" a hoc se free from (lie·, portion m▼ and. in ol nil I eould Ίο. keep* Jam«e Anilrt«> «a» ibintM. me m n-a'p «pit» on of little but a hand- -killiitl it»l')w- Vour health the purity your roaches. raU. mice, lc. 1HM. with, nota fir), «im the help of the t»i««l doctor·. depends blood, buy·, T«OT, S. ΐ Λ|>rll 9th, phora— < but tiirelv extended urti! ■ 'ear «κ Ifcl· win- who this are taking brain Dr. D. Atnnfdk, li umtout Α' Γ some a real cock kor*'. IT blood. realize and thin c< rn youth, riding Now, m» entire η In form if iirj People A crow la fust-rat· band to * a 'late I lia-l for ter It eo»*rid per» DKAK 8IK : l'util ilkla NMl been ana. with the beat result*. at the least this broken vase M-a'e·. Kor the I»k| il.re·· year· I liMre liood's Sarsapanlla •eteral year· mOered gre*tl» iioa gravel, eilM· calculation, all the NERVE rudiment. For lil·· 10 ilo any labor, and «nil-rliitt lutemely Important to Travri lii- by the (lotto·» the bnckdu»t Ave r« lie a cr·.—Special r. In the latt*r pari of 1UOIMM 4.III.Y TtoTin, to be found elsewhere la Kaforile h'» the winter in. »kin e« mine teed eracking open. Dr. κi.i.N κ r< Great Nerve Restorer At* I'.P'I AHI.K AND an 1 aller n»mg *bo«it one and one-bait bottle·. I for UELUlt· this issue. of the Roman Institute of Archieology I tried a'mooi, lui wuM b<· thoiiahl all Norte Diseases. Τίιβ Fhoephstee of the Whcutro :·Λ voided a »i«»ne nota ihe Hiaditr, ot an ovalahape errry thing, marvel of the age for ^ r«*ll«f TUo l.';h of Jane I atarU-d yMuable fooJ property, aad are, ofan inch and rough on Ira nurface. 1 and the ol. without any free. Send to 931 Arch wfcin ain't so In the dark. 7-ltf long, the year 1874. I consulted them, Hi·) Hut I All (Its stopped erly the raMt aeeepubU λ sunflower Wmt. In h ipoa I coti'd |»M llflll prepare·!, aotrL„1 pretty •end Ton the larg«-U piece that jou may ie« ol U» bulk! the and «a* »o low I thought I Pbllada., l'a. with which up ayatfn. what il I» s nee then 1 have felt uo is the result : retehed I>ftnacli cured. krhidl bear etrrjr diy warl( I>yspepsla. pain. The on this of pottery a· Tara· Mich where I bail a aliter hand* kin sing αν thankfulne·» »o l irft'ltude lor ·ο painting fragment Ι,*η·Ιη£. Heap ob pentenchery lit», aatlin order to anreatcknm eral I.lver Boils, e\pre»» Une l>r. treated ne nbmt two * m,-*; lability. Complaint, ».gnal a ileiivcrai.cc (row a terrible 4tteMe. Too a an animal, or firing. fue'-rate. BlIKDroUHKALIU. represents youth riding Lut did ine no go· d. All thought I bad hymns Humors, Chronic Diarrhœa.Nervous Afec« have my consent to u»e tbl· letier, tboii'd joe week·, W>.e*t Bi'tenari pro pared, >, .1 a like the the but a ^livrt lime to li«e- I oarne't'y to tlons, Female and all diseases w i»h to do »o. for the benefit oi eihor anfferera. rather chimicrs, , piaifJ Mcrt but ty eo'.v.ti Λ r.r.4 are r.-het Conipliluts, illr. Crackrd through the *k a all orer my back. Kminent indorse Ailamson't wh tie the atarch C. W. Your· truly. whose forward physicians phoeptu»!»"·. aad .mpj, Dr. in a bad state of the blood. the part limb», |<«: badly Thaw A- BENSON, originating JAMES AM'KEWS. gryphon, centaur, I aero»» my rlba. aim·, Ii'mia, Botanic Ha I ta m a* the .safest and most ter an eliminated. mak· La •I ■·! teWMraat oi UM too earn·· cIT Ung< r mil· des·! and to w liich la Μΐι· 'Γ~_ proprietor I I* a tho hinder a cock. •woltn. nil· ever Klrc« itba»U, added Ui« b« ... So. 10 Marahal St, lllll.p is horse, and part as old effectual for and Cold·· Nebbcr cliin a oalv tree after chunky· bant ui bone, balr detd, dry an t lili lrti remedy Coughs ehoUeat médicinal qnailtlc·, ne-taur» ! ! and Deal- Mti r. lei· i>l**l>rated ami Cham- When we eon» dor that the acdicino which did Ils is prancing with his ctjulne legs, the •(raw. Oh, my Ciod how I did ►infer discovered. Sold by Druggists jnakelteb-:.!.·»..! It Celery pen*. a » l t Ui tue taete and m .·.· "Jlj alater. lira k H. Daria, tod mal part rts. ftil, j,>iea ne· tbU cervlce for Mr. An Irew» conta oaly oue dol- tail era at 3.» and 75 with the f .i-i d ar.rt cock wings half open, and^the spread ; of a box ot Cnticura n the bon»· She w mldn'l founded omile Pills. bitter* which are acid l>eath to mice. rats, roaches and ants : lar a bottle. It would *eera that per«on* afflicted sal'l Wo Will C'uiienr.·».' Mine wan alcoholie m oat. The clothed with a mantle gi·· up try to j mm. l-urika! A cotton is de best look- Merfiala· doubly eifcelir· ■ ftTlrl*'·'» γεημιν*tor. like lathlon can atlord the of youth.( I on one h*nd and therr nigger's patch wh^natd* ψ 'Hifcfît ΛΙίί r«itsox'« K* Barns, grana- tn cxpen>e letting applied eo ee to nc-uriah while it ash- at ii*alion food, aonacta « ■» «■· tb.·» fasteucd round ueck of a dark wa* rcllet ; »t tb te*rlft!o b.irnlag in' he kin t< Mlnltil by Uw t»»ea·' household* cleared in a it· virtue·. tiet it of or addref· ιρρ-d glass git. (Sold by dni*«lete, ft .00 t. » ries and single jour druggltt, Jtis the word *ot the per Harr aii«t«e4. k*«t Irtiilt·! to th· with Ironi go. Tney linmcdIxtely WTtgAT B1TTKHH CO, Mr No fear of bed smells. Best and l>ati*i Kom'out. S. Y. "Dr Kee- color, lined with purple, curbs him Vt nt Π Be Cutlriira T Neeefl. hi»· Ιττ»! fVom ih*:r aw· in Ik· night. Dr. Kennedy, l'UUcUM ltc»o (blood pu Ο, from harm- de- ao'l (treat akin μ,ι» com- The Hiuiikst Raxk—Made s Ili^iii 'V. ϋ·ΓΤ<ιβ* Hfi-UfV. Sf« cheapest vermin killer in the world. Sold ned»'· l aïotltî R-tne ly" for rale by all drug· his bridle. The severe but accurate Ciitictirii So»p(thi· » Ke«oivcnt to th" of ι· « «'«. Slfr»'1*! ■»< ip< meuced Ukiug ne tabic apooniiilof less materials, and needs S»f»ju«r»»«. >*»th a t»y adapted everywhere. 1st·. the black of the auimal a had a t>aili twe a la:fwt tt ni IrttuW «hnl l»ct sign, figure upon three time* day, after meal·; fading and falling hair. Parker's Hair < rr water MMd UUinri Λ ->o a-le»' j| ffi ·< ·, a»·I tt· M no kind of floats roun loose on lection and day. iboil bl*o4 km, »»p rank as an Perlitcness reddish the cut lines, t Balsam has taken the highest tonhl hut h«» a III Pi r» I he-·" ·|ι·Μ·τ«. ground, lluely ueely, appiud uticuru morning tied veiling. Ι·κ m ftL\«ON-9CCI.KIT AIPC1AI the brightness of the coloring point it out Kcaillt, r· turned tu my hone m J mt tlx Mick» elegant and reliable hair restorative. Adamson's us a· ! > .-urc tb· time tkiu ruiootli Balsam V'Lk PILL»» ar» l·» 1'iiui I left, and my j rrpartl f\pr*e»iy and » Ne'ira«:«. as of archaic Greek art, assuredly thl« «heel ol |Ι·<(· kH·, VmiiW H^a-faetie Terrible Itching and scaly humors, ul- i>apor. You k^n pray for rain, but you had bet- 5.-r* :·«»·· l'ar»!y· », >l*«ar»a and lu4i the 111 RAM E. ( ARPENTEE, 35 cents. Hew Trial cer*. sore and cured It was found iu Ktruria, ter de hoc on de crab grass. Pricc Sir; 10 a « scrofulous swellings original. try rrti c*m or l»T«i>et>· >. ao>%oru to iKioro uieilin· l!rb d»v of J*nuxrj\ Ml a currall, bat onlr for ih »«e »|<μι»Ι J aonaea. | treat skin enres' and Cuticura I in· a. m. urriaowtLL. Young men, and middle aged ones, suf- Β··Ι externally, the Ktruftcun Museum of Florence. .Jut-uce oi the 1'eece (Ol 4.11·, 1 bev cnUn k>i opin. ■WllhlMWIWlliU'. Resolvent Ask fering from nervous and kindred 'Turt,J INM ritilaie the Writ tad vblood purifier) internally. debility <~urr« than alt rf to this fantastic animal ■ The Greek gave send three for l'art e tie· in ih « » ure coD»;i^at.<>o by curm< or rrmotirg me j sboat them at your cimiiiiu weaknesses, stamps COL·»·, ( druggists. ••Ι #t»nt· eau M of Κ. Tîitr hiTf λ charrrlej «·Λκί upo· the name of or horse-cock, Krmediee aie l'or »ale by ail 1'iireof VII Of Dime Series Hooks. AddWM hippalectryon, drnyti'tl. ΑΙΤΠΚΛ, 6.· akin, an. a 1οτ«Ιν i^ulelmx t-ffrot vp >n the Kipe mush melons trabcl is <11 U t Κ A. a lue'ilr mal Jelly. »iiiali boiea, jOC. ; World's Dim-ensary Medic At. Λ*ιο» u- "••■ream..,,, ; t:> u· mee'ly by to its double nature; but there • II .!»· '«. itrrtai at ate m bv feeding it* tea signify I Urne boxe· #1. ( tin i:a K> «ι i.vi m (lia new I Ifl » w <"Λ·*β at «orb- night. Tiox, Ν. V. BnoxruiTit. • e l lui··· •ao.l hmrT. *—·. xarTlnc confusion classic scholars of HI·**! I'm ill r, jwi boil 1··. IVTICI'M ||Μ)|> Buffalo, i4Un great among n|r ·.. the *0 * Tf'V rnUe or create nerïe matter and five I ci ν a t. Toil», τ miai·. ·.' ·>·., net in ils nu ;mai. .· an η A imtllee'mt tla· a< ; ar. 1 :.!i'«Yanoy to the p»rre». I Fooikh Mistakk.—I>on't make the1 antiquity In regard to it, for some believe SIIAVIM» MIAI·, I.V· ; m bar· tcak from] a he »itm* pr | »y»t.-m ne*'eei cock, others a gryphon, others ^ * » auperb '!<· «i in «acb year *ln>i'l» a ncnre loo I. Il experience when we say that Parker's i^tick am» Si ιικ —Many people drag cBorr, ♦'»< )>e.i .« u,. '»· or | Their 'el to for bo othrr vurpo·' Mi rralt a b«I, · Ginger Tonic is a sterling health restore- coat of arms, others a sea-monster. themselves about with atrength, buy. t>. : "iace frer. S >M b* an j failing tive which will do all that is claimed for 1 BENSON'S MORE nrosc from the fact that thcro that are Into A and t>> W Κ PIIILLIPS Λ CO., ro»t- difference feeliug they steadily sinking DAMHON'd ;t. We have used it ourselves with the Ciin- laod, Milne. l*?r-rai IrtS». w«s no attached to their graves, when by ualog Parker's THROAT, f mythological legend ■ «>TA\IC »a!« bv a J V>rwaj. J. A. Kawaoa happiest results for Kheumatism and when ger Tonic would And a cur* commen- Buckùeul, \ M. Oirry,!*o. l'aria. this animal, as there was about the Fega- they w->rn out by over-work See adv't.— CAPCiNE cing with the first dose, and vitality and IJVFLI EAZA, Tv if.*. sus of or the and back i*0U6H ficllerophcn, byppagryphon, strength «juu kly eurely coming HOARftESE··. BALSAM so that it never became a common type In to them. •oea not l>e stars are just as bright as dey was dry up tn, rule· j It is In his come- V is warranted to relieve the Croup in thirty And their o^ccllont roput:ition in- only by , ■teall irritation·. I»le»«u j I Was Dis«;i jtf.d A HI» ALL aud Chkrn b» tboLti.vii minutes To relieve a common Cold worthies'» imitations. The dies. among the classical Greeks, that we imme-1 jureti by with d>>r»e«l bv Mn Dei.; diatelv To reliexe Asthma at once: To the learned doctors after swallowing p&j, tlnd mention of this animal. In his com- AFFECTIOX· at)» and by th« pre·» ϋ, Public arc cautioned buy- their m^llclnes in vain for over a cure all before ulceration : cure against costly »ure lo rail for Coughs To ί a of The which Is satire upon ar of OF Sore Throat : To cure Hoarseness of I ing Plasters having. irnilar sound- edy Frngt, y« for the relief catarrh in my head, TUE slug- Sanford s Radical Cure. ADAMSON'S ere or : the decline of tragic art, he Introduces e ■ e when I cured n*ing six bottles speakers To always looaen a Cough ing names. Sco that tho v.ord Λ II· dJM I' alli > leln VI' I n. >>t VI.» myself by TUROAT mi lam "/C w Πι a t C dJ·, law· Um he*4 a· Bitters. Mv wife is now taking «OTITIC Τ·> cause the patient to rais* freely : To al- C A P C Iliii id .V.schy'us and disputing befor« ofSulpbur cor.-ectly spclit-d. bv m«i;ic. »u ]>< wnt< η d rrh ir«c· In iu he pom I th« m nervous Mule ΛΧΤΧ» weva rest at aat- for debility.— Sjrinutr, produce night To Hades as to who should occu- il. J m » eit· ill. Kin η· I·· ► ill- lira·! gite Bacchus in .«, μ ll [ l.oictll. '.•faction to all who use it. I'ure· .Nertii· lleaiUe- COSftt'WPTIOlV. ·ικ> TV. Regulator as a cure for Heart I)is- adds that he had been and arda roD'umption puzzled kept all from a skin vr^irii * ··, i» ni un ease. Phrsiciana recommenJ and with- n: ado in Plantera 'n* b"ttle Itailkal Cure, one be χ Γα tan liai S'il I yond description disease, It, awake whole to fiod out -Tf ;vi.. u»e Conat^ la hua- j nights trying rent util one lir.Aauimd'· Inhaler in >m ini k'ire. which on his hands, head and out doibt is the known If r.ioro a appeared -» w jtT» as only remedy. Ono is worth than dozon " ••f all il It i I A»k f. λ I ; * Ind J what sort of a bird the ι'··?1 u.'Ki-:·, j face, and his The » affected with Heart 1>ι*«»*« in form, equestrian nearly destroyed eyes. !. I> t, « I.UT V»\ any o: other kind. It kt.(I KK. WliKH Λ Γι Π hit IU>»t-4|lir«Nr> acribed for all forms of the disease In positively " » : How op· VEGETABLE BALSAMIC ·*■ pci ta > orga&aof tb* body | chylus replies ignorant you r» Kesolveut Mood or old. Send f«»r a remedies will not oven rehove purilWi internally. !.. » rca:or» 1 youug free pamphlet ! y» It wis painted as a :>ign upon the ships." Cuticura and Cuilcura ( the skin dMrut'.ui tki to F. K. IngaUs. Concord. Ν. H. Price, j Price 143 eeuts. Soap great ! ^aîîhf τ af- cure· and was Τη tfcia VV and βΐ per bottle. For sale all A little further on Euripides derisively externally, cured, and hat o. by Bewaro of Plasters mado are aoi _alrd fr-jm chcap " remained well to this iruggists firms that he had never gone so far as to perfectly day. with lend poisons. as had S.τ. ιί < <·. arc only to be found embroidered in I'er- Riit:rMàTi< «es son. τ !.. c α -».nc ta· Duiamj. "My Toumkstki» Β*· κ." Di»*a»e», when taken in AmMEAD'S Mediated ( 031 nd BUNIOM PLASTER. «Lin rarrwL* a·. 1 »:.viudb· 1 h«*»e ailments follow from lit» r torpid Ι» the exclam itlon ο Γ more than one poor People dit of consumption simp- ir.l costive bowels the bowel-and From these passages we loaru that tin fr ; skin, ιηηη or womsn. !>·> bctaute of w!icn the EDICINE. ti hard-working you ly neglect, TPA· !ney> failing in their proper wi»rk. an cock-horse vu a naval and abo know symbol, wl.y It aches? It \* becsnse your u»e of thi· remedy wouli ! I SliM M8i. ι· ri ! i»on is formed timely ρ In the blood, which that it was not of («reek but of Orienta, kidney* are over-tasked snd n»ed «length- λΜ I mrm. *ta* * The occasion of these acute riiaeaaes have cured them at once In of this the tl.jur«j riding ening, and yoursystem n«l» to Iwrleans- \ action of origin. proof n- !nej-Wort produces healthy ed of bad humor·. " the I'iftij'onr umr* of r d the cock-horse in the Etruscan Kidney-Wort -oretive orj»-ans, and throws «if tlu fragment " medicine vou need. It art* like a »tant u*e prove» the fact that no •henmalic poi*-»n. efflcieut in is drissed in uot (iretk, costume. " Equally Asiatic, «•hsrm." says a well known physician I ha« atood the to»', or cough remedy L.i«iuid I»ry form.—lnterOetan. ffflni i** fut n»*\rr km w it to fall. I or fà 4 Mftim, Super** Magaxiut I.i«|U! dry like II mr κ /.' / é ι r — sol J 1 hi ireA. by Druggist* Itoeim Γ<·»( I'll V* >· »·. ! $! I>eb«e martin says you can git richer r&- «·>· r«. At)' )>« y *11 ίο sz-S " honey. »"»>» 11{·I v«»n receive rartl Mr<. 1 ■ ®v ! j A FEW VKUBAL EKKORS. my ye»." r*Mr· ,-and I have Sk\ ci: ε I Li vr « ι>λ kkc o.mk. C., »»e«*n to return Tour *H»t Dr. Baxter's Mandrake ·· " expecting call. I >y t' Tr·.* I,. F. At wood Medi- xreO The of the more cotn- using ν^γ following example* thl<* Ν »nr of the terrible thins* that 1 al· ii e. Bewar>> f a '· inn- cheap. spurious mou errors in the use of words are tsk« ο wav·· k< ρ r>fl Mrs It looks ESitt!-:iî>5 ati"(i," i V y putting repeatedly by one Wmxi, hut she ι|ιι·»ιι'1 feel that Will cure it from "The 1 Vr'-»ia Udrte.1! p^r yrv-- only nine Liver ents : Complaint*. Indigr>:!ur.. Λ eolilDipbtlieria. IT wire tnroat Π..ΛΤ tot Wm to a >'<.ttle. or four cent·, for content*. THE WONDER OF HEALING! Ayrrs Os TlllKTY Day·' Tki *l We wtll «end I and all di*ea»e» tr ftriaing u.i··;. t ii.*»» X .ib 1 ! :i Γ i'jdff·· of I ·- Τ'"· l'»irucl " pr J'tl.· Court ruled that A" Ρα+ΟΥΜ"·!! latbo.^nlyspe. Accord, for as, the information I>r Dye's Electro-Voltaic B*lt· Β ounit»*. I'rice et» Lett. χ i.l!v t (iHti. t.* t. Ut tlCtt VtlvCU Χ il· give; per footit rla. " Head, ft Oar" Catarrh « ere."-!-· ill) accorded him." AppHsncc* η ι.·> .Ν·» -jf iHci:.» lut» •••••γ u.nt·ttion." The True ·'I. F 1 t·· tri"· t Mir; lu ciKLCuliUlu· ail It·· to \ men ami Ν·*η dim ·*«·πρ*Ι wti}<-k **j> I r«-|·*·· ;s thirty «lay·» ins older person· a, 1 ιλ·- It* for irritate; to »|«ili kl) »»ircl> IfJj te .<>.1 Moll· ne Sears the F χIrnrlι Aggravate, aggravate who nre aflVctel with NervoU* IIKXRT Jk JOIIMMIM l'IltK) UtVIV ΓΛΙ.\ large ridpa- Debility. KILL.ICK. 'il- ented "L. F." trade-mark. !>mhI Nr· ;■* il- ι· rjuu*< rrmt f ù»is La) t£ vtmJ, u aui.flo at«i Vitality, itr.. gnarnnteclne speedy AKNICA AND OIL Mrra TinusuJi«N 0' Uv» Rheumatism. The wli Imagines that he staaif- Neuralgia. ·· manhood A'»o for >- As. for that ; uot as 1 for "not Rheumatism Nenralgia, uot I* ( Ν (»■!■ r*· lli·· ·«· kuow," I : λ iS/iprHnwnl. t«art fr·>πϊ the world < I lion ïam v-unvleo nany w« of tluwc dutr< L M ΊΊ {' !r ? > .t: 1- L. >;ρ<>η the pedestal Ptraly«is. Liver ami Kidney Difficulties. (»rly j 1 e»t is ■ Ml Biirari that I know." |LI.\ΰ for .liait and lira*!. wfcfW U 1st l«-»l Kin-vi η '«a niperior w.irth and intellect, not Ruptures. and many other Diseaees. Illus- β \oca- A :< η *>\tr». :s fntrn v> !i&ur>* t- MUnoaUls nfTn|Uent'T au^irrst* to tlie «»th»»r fellow* Î Avocation, fjr vocation; a inau tr »Τ· «1 pamphlet «ent free. Addroil \ oltalc Κ The mo>.t prrf«Tt 1 η eve: r»*.ul as t· ,o*s: Hemorrhages. «· -. a· J srnsM hen trying to do a mother's dot> h' rlrtiiyi· 1*0, U fpeet&j ciLtruuid tlou i" hi* business; avocations are tiling# Belt Co.. Mar-hall. Mich. compounded. True ;cc. j'X· | fo Ri' "tu '· ii » uark 1 rrr>.»»lv for ID.! at Π»Ί· f\jt StU Kt»n*b*r». i» y t;* ..t t»«tv n-tc )ftr«. Ui 1 na»· thirty-cine eg.;* fiat him 1» employ Incidentally. «r for rest or » 11â.M)h>*k Ykk>i Ηομπ v. » «un» cura. la Balance, remainder. I suits Y citizen» who t rt> >«λγ· hat· u«nl Γ*υ< Kri IT*. ktiJ prcDl^ly. It U Ivlay dat^vruuj. r y hav been stuns hy îaur.· fa r » * LJ ί· τ raiil· au 1 ·»·Γ· \Y!. » : ·· Is ν : :iat w <■ » or lJlin.l, ·Γ Ilch- Charactt r, for : one may hme I been snd who wart to niak«· out that the IL-.*! IKart.·* sr. «**■». -2 Hilea, KlftJiaf reputation MRS. LV0I1 £ PINtHlM. OF LYNN. MISS. it !» îuc At. at kuuwa a H »»· ι»»»η\··>1 i».t; ti-fc· f- js: tTiara that is lag. gn mnnlj. owner of hive of bees I* in a ral'vf ir *ι.1# ai» I ρο<·ιιΙ. Why. Mr* a κοο*1 r« but a bad character, ra & t» ot)- » putatiou, £ and Jrr S lit* an w ·γ Wo·· J· rVww ΗλΠ W< there, what a 1er rirrrt.Old tarri Open Itnaneial a I.^lkr UIi ch^n^e wbfn way t\ery time bee it to au β LfUin.lltlUll·*. I It* action tb< w li nit aI rtmarlabie. a id the two worJs should never be cor.· The Dose pops .V Y 1 s «w her r w«> to uj^'U outsider. J 's-t. b» akin «allow am' Î3 — As — Finall only 1 hi*!1 ;! F»:·· »b ··- tJksr Artnity Κι: η tin. it f forty I 11 f.e .·*· .· It;.H ; Γ ;r.fler. ai inon snd Carriage and at tan a>i i.U TJ: 1 CV. Tnkr iiuolht-r r-ί ■· ^ Hire, ifran<· artrr k:. *tni U lu faL. K-i*-.·* jtrrparatun. when it Is meant that the poor ι. a ;· atop op g.-rous. only Η don't Wait, γ r Owr llWM lit I not Ik· without them. JI u otter au t fellow is himself iu dauger-a very Λ. Γ. OitDW at £ CO., C'LcinistJ 450 «» ■·«· w ik4 !» j>l :t η«τ· Depot. rooms, fitted up at a cost of :·«». »r. 1 h·»· Ki'icuLTit» \s:> τυιιχτ aBTtcxca. > * ». w ■ « I.aTrr;:i< B «É «■ -»< IK |4> κ W I'lUt. ν· a f.i er ·η h r··- ent on·· TiiiHion dollars, reduced to $1 and lm nv>i iKiri>k Ν *ι thing. up- t:»e ;r< POND'S EXTRACT 50c.. $1.00, $1.75. Solo ioz V. 5. Λ Caiiailû. » *. «-i. heard, he sa I he never Proprietor; wards Γ il r· ir Κ » Ifc» »·« Demean, for debase, disgrace or humble. per day. European plan. Eleva l'f», r*t-t V· » il t t I· « a ;·.· ra a- tore f ire. \\ Tolct Cream 1.00 Catarrh Cure. 75 with.-ut ft— hat <Γ\«- * tor. Restaurant with the be»t à Ρ ÏUHn*. SJliX To demeau one's self is to behave f end two »ΐ:ιΠ'ΐ to Λ. 1' supplied Lii»rt) .;rk d.>es with their OmMMh 50 Plaster 25 merely r t·» : '»· -* I kit'wxirtrtliLua they d*ad men?" I. λ: ·. Χ:». St.UU'ihe Horse cars, stages and elerated railroad «. ·ι·Ι miMiVr it tb· .: I : ·· 25 hhalcf Glaji50cJ. -1.00 oje's whether well or 111. hMI lite. I'll teil )C : LpSa:»c self, i'a:;c) <. arda free. to all Families can live better 1 I» I. IU..W Τ jutt depots. for ^ ; Tc iet 3 Cakes'·. 5C Saw I 25 y ι■;.·· «m .η lung bla< k baxea and Soajrf Syringe Dirt, for earth or loam. lees money at the firnnd Union [Iotel than I »«··.·*· » ν 'V· < h τ «. »c1 niy Ϊ irect» em." Otntmnt 50 Mediated Paper ·... 25 *t other » .· » I any drst-class hotel I «.I Λ >« Douate, Tor give. lu the » --Λ » ν K:t il. \ Family Syringe, $1.00. «. .i mllrr tak as to the criu-i- city. te» <&«*■ »U OCU.I >«*«b Γκ IV» Soi'M» A NI» ;r -, r. a 1 I -, 21 and 2C of cur New Execute for ^ WtLL. pi»'ea 1", hang, applied U7%1 -T II «:*- ·!« ki t »L.iU rath bottle. ν ** Γα^_; k«.kvtii]iaLi<-« that When Brown r i*lt « fr m C »bi ·.·:. lv na!. It is the seutence, not the man, complained of a rush of ·'* »x.r,A.,Manh Κ IIH ■"Γ'· -* i?"ore KkvPampbutt ·μτιι Hirronrorom ·1 "·**:Γ«1.»· LtrL. II. V Mood to the head. Foes endeavored to — »f· t h· — I'iEH) }M. 1>. Dear ·. » t 1 t twra iiirtea v> Sir—My i'KtrjULàTlv.VibUM YVXZ us ai riocxnox Tu is executed. sse f» ·. » 1- his mind U*! )vU aik.uld w'io ha I been il! fo ·■ t- by using your lut li· her··. 1 *·» / >,* £)<<■ >.' t-· r *e there is no more healthiness or ur.- t a 1 -t a:.4 rr I vour l'ai» l'res-ription. My neic<* was al-o ion «η I » ^ Uk Hv: «B·! <*a ·κ iter. ire 1 its '..-e. alter a or How Long Wuri.p ir Takk to s W r· « « by several to that, It Cocxt »:»a r.r It »a(i a wotj- pbysiciai ti altblness although may t l * -h !t ci" 1 U» <•1 falle ! t »lo her auv PARKER'S Mil l.toNK?—Over two million volumes k:.· Uae good. uot be wholesome as an artile J. Mfc.ru W.N. the tlrst of its Issue. II ν wht-a »^··Γ>"ΐΙί1βι; ·*!*' fall* day es::""" > r BALSAM. for ill. These can vesetaele '! tMi»r A bptti·· r Λ diets Illy, tlixurrs only be equaled the f t!S Au perfect by Kiu Ή tn t t t·» Λ l&Al oli. iaùy wiio does not belie\e in the enormous suis of I« a IWtlv·· > ΊΓ» ·-J t Uï tnjï.tlefai.tîyper Iiiugurate, for begin. Swayne's Ointment for >U"UiJ t»* WittlOUL > :cation «·Γ the sexes wsa reioice·! tie filmed and harm- Itching Piles, which is used as ferall tkoec Γ.ΙηΓ.Ι I «mpl.tal· 1>J TfrA—— urates· U Γ. a iJC., %©«., nbd il.OO ■· less. Removes f >r kid îves. universally to tind that Kids, gl * •o common toourb«*t f« mul·* ρβ,ιιΐϋΐ^·· p^r brttj>\ «y although the gir's remedy for stopping the itchins at -Un d ruff, icitore» night <. .1 s · teach. It w.:i .-ur· erit:n It the wtrnt form f i y ;u st.ii., nary seemed toi e and Learn, for « hen one thinks PERRY A natural color that worms are crawl- "■ DAVIS SON, P-wetof», pin I'lal:>t«, a!] uearian tr aU··, Ir.ffan.i ^ laying Kuae sort of a geme r the ;jrtvrr'>b.i Jnc*> for or ins about the rectum. R. I. togetht Liable, likely apt. To calculate the and r:.« :.t>. «r. ! Providence, Ί a thor ties 10 CVft'.l ft.ld $1 tioa, falling had alouy rxtent of its sale in ■* '' wisely hung \MCl »t dlUgf aU. L >an, for lend. actual fleures, would S;ler&knma, and la j*rt'.iula.-'y *··*. .* between them. involve the Inlmr of a et or life-time. Will you Chang» IJfa. l'ants. for (better bti.'j to!" t·1""*1 pantaloous, "hlbkblui to ΠΟΒΚΤΟΝ the It wlî! * as au where plent ftel triltrtt »«i!>rna < I Plenty adjective, Eut κ ex LiXBa, which terminate there, with Mix* B- WW has a (urMlmiliati, and inses is »xceftk-û*ll·. UUI| toy said to hav·· been made occaiioned bv hun»or in the Ki.v«AS City, It ctrr» C!u*:.ag, Πι»' pioptrlili ι m-ant. AroLtsx hT. I'atl, Lxavkxwobtb, >v ·" omach. T4 Gi'O'ue This reminds us Several cases, with allthechar- ti &oJ weftU. Aiamox, Cocxcil Bn-rrs end Oxaba, the con- Washington. General Debility, sleepleaaaeaa, Deçuel·- Heal, for very; as. real uice," "rra. hat a :ter:stka of thes».· t, have been UUC'Ial ( KXTBKS fix πι w hich radiate Philadelphia dea'erin bric-a-brac has complaint *· bubble rau*i~V > irt i by Hood's Sar*a[»anlU. Other cores PARKER'S p.vtty." soap blown by George when nine Τ Lit fcal.uif (>f bearing down. EVERY LINE OF ROAD icara oh'. and backache, la always permantt.t:» fected by this ηκ-dicine are %o wonderful Upside, for live; residence, for house. Northern Minnesota, Dakota. Manitoba lt wtUaiailtliBMajul Mkderallrlrevt:-°t*' at the simplest statement ο / them afforda that pene'rati -1 GINGER TONIC Ketlre, for go to bed. and the «ontinent iruni the Mlatoun liiver lo (he l'a- A GItE b-irtnony with theUwa that cavernl!*" ,e bvst that it comhir; m curative tT BI.ESSING TO * » proof rare Aa Medicine that Never Intoxicate» CIUC blopc. The MOTHERS For the cor»of wf eitiar rents and Invigorating Sel Join or ever, for seldom if ever or Kidney Complaît» when once u* «ks: <* oes run Tfce Best Cough day." iVhen the child is in or the fora of pill*. also In » THE WORLD R)R iKithly Why Timothy cnxxKtrriox*! >o hud, vill X<> should b· wttbvut LYMA t surmised. give Which mtal» are aenretl tf un· relieve Colic, pain and family Sore lOO DOLLARS summons e Dixixo Cab*, upon flatulence, pre- Tliroat, Bronchitis, Summons noun), for (tl excellence. at the low rate of Seventy-tub 'ent fever, UVtlt PILLSL They cere cooatlpatl found m Tooic (the »nrpa«aed and avoid that PaiJfw anything injurious Ginger Ckmc bacii. wlth^iinplc nine for healthful iiOujmeiit. painful opera- and of tbe llrer » pent· per Loi. —The Ue\ lieu. II. Tim of Bourbon, or cure. ion of torpidity Influenza, Asthma, yer or for a failure to help etw'een Chicago. Peoria, klllwiokee lancing the gums, which "»· m a- Mold by all llrug*»·»·. d.. "Both wife owe »Λτ. u 11 n« at 4rsl*rt Jrt jr·. tare* uTtaxbvrtac St. Paul and M 1m· art Klver points; end always | says: mysel t' and M of kind. Minneapolis uakes the next tooth Ilia· St»4 w llm 4 Cu 1»J bjSl.S.T. Those kind applts, for.that connections at all of Intenection with oilier harder to come Whooping Cough, J,! ir li\es to Shdoh's Codm Cure." clote pointa and ;mptlon for occur. roads. hroogh sometimes causes WOXDERKn, 1VRTRI wdl Transpire, not dlrcctlr to even death. and Why you cough wh _>n Shiloh's Cure We ticket (do forg't tbU) place Ua vkuli one cio »J Croup, Manitoba. )epend upon It, mothers, It will re«t aojr J " for or indecent. of lmpurtame In Iowa, Minnesota. I'akota, give 11 aiveimmediaUi relWf. Price 10c., 50c. Vulgar, immodest t t-h. Idah·.. ο and affection of the UUAY'M ÛPCCIF1C lVKOICINi Kan*a«, Nebraska, Illack llilla, Wyoming, yourselves immediate relief and THE McTAMMANY Every j d Nevada, Oregon. V> Territory. Col- 81. Without, for uuless. California, aaldngtoii icaith to your lufants. A v< TRADEMARK The ••catTRADE MARK orado, Arizona and New Mexico. ry able ined- UrjranetKi, Meiopeani aad AntonuM Orf^w· Are ma.i« misera'» as fal you 4e by Indigestion. English K-ra· A* liberal arrangement» regarding baggage any writer, who enjoys a large and lucra- «dv. Λη un- " other line, ad rat··» of fare alwai» a* low aa competi- THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, >cstipation. Diz/.ines.· », Loss of : There are in- ive practice, save Appetite, —A Florida paper says but a lit h#· i»f h·.· comfort. the |c, «-tire f ·γ tor·. who itimlfch "rubbing gums V low Skin/ Slailob's. is a fntlirg and ta«'k> f free. rlth a Including Vitalizer pes- S· lu nal Wenk Itvidaals In town who will have no- Ik>?« sportsmen soothing lotion, is the every Ticket». ucd folder» at all principal ticket office* only true It ve cure. ne"*S|«ermatir- maps method for children to do with anything they can't boss." In the I nlted Mali» tnd Canada. teething, poisonous CONSUMPTION. >-hi »h's Catarrh 1 (emi dy a positiTe rtoeslmpotencr .hlug rugs should never ami all l>i«f*«t< be Introduced Into Cl re for 1) Λ'· know other fellows In town who *R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, heir H PHYSICIAN WRITES· Catarrh, ria and Canker »i h every P»m delicate stomachs. WELL-KNOWN phthe that lollow TUc Pr*· t at 1 Cm Uautiw, Ota. Tkt. aoJ Act., "Λcap ne'» Teeth- ^ i>uth. ·< Self the CUca«e. Chicago. i<7 Cure." is not ar.d leave îhe cau.-e i|Ueno«oi ?an't boss any thing except thing they prepared It piepvaunu, l c iave nothing to do with. Philadelphia, sold by all lead- rfume. l'rice : ·· BEFORE TAIIW.of Memory. AFTER TAIÎI6 jg ^c. and 5<λ ·. Apothecaries at 20 cents a ! it, c'c.trse» t'-c l_r.j* and allip irritatio·. iveruai LaaMi iae Pain in tnc Rack, ΙΗιηη·-»* l>ottle. Shiloh's Cure will lmmed »tely relieve Pr»mature '>l«t an-t many other IM·· —It Is that if a man lives to FREE χ λ\ rraovi.-.; the aiu of c^mplaist.** Vison, Age. "estimated STOPPEDinrrdow imxai. ami BroncWtie. ra»es that le*«t ro Insanity or Coneunption and 1M> NOT BK DECUVIO iruJeabcaï» oup. Whoopi eg Cough two of he at InnM * ews» ReitarKl,' .A. fc-y Grave. lereuty years age, passes CARD. Send for of Muitt.·*· For Dyspepsia a0d Liver C4i mplalnt, you Prema'uie L-P-iaiNESGREAT T··» all who are Circular*. CUatofne· >a^ mnùar n^nies. Be surr you get our panapblet, whirh w< In »u(Trrtrg from the errors and ir. ve a J bottle WFtill pertiealaraln east twenty-four years sleep. So, you NE3VE RC3T0REfî rti»e-eiion» of youth, nrrtoaa /. McTAMMAXT priute guarantee on every ieeir»· to send free bymail to every one β®-ΤΙι· weakae»·. OR. WLSTAR S BALSAM e/l Tta μ* A S rivivr. IXFCtcr >s VjHturt •r»y, l> a* of earl; Intenter tod MannCictnrer Worcefier- OF VILO CHERRY, 0f Shiloh's V dis to cure. Me«lictne t« sold I)ν all at ·' a man Is a sort of fellow j/or mtnho'vl, A··.. I wil I rend a Ualizer. Itaeverf. Speciilf drttfrgUta *e, pretty good at will cure recipe " yon. FREK ΟΓ AG EST* WASTED. for or wl>l I» « » ith the of on the A Nasal e ^ch bottle or »ix package· $5, as be i. A> f'tltcjkT r«at CllAKGR. Tbta si^uture I. BUTTS %-rapper. Injector free witll [>er paekige, ►ne-third of the time, bad he may llxratuiLJl/"i remedy was <1i»t-ovarM a em? free mail on re««ipt Of the money, by ad Tra'liainitttlhl N>t'>>frect» by la ice SO eta. by ifrtUitjy'jiLS. »uib America. Sea·! a mitatiooarv &0 C«ats and St.OO m Bottle. ot Shiloh's Catarrh Ft us u,*irw.-vprtiMi-e. Ki-r dr.^ne, telf.addre*i*i 10 Keinedy. Inaelng he two-thirds. Let be char- esvetbi* good wmaopE»' ,. _*** remaining « ·■: "n·, « t > Ji _ theRav. Joacra T. res· 1« Frejured by SETH W. FOWL Ε & SONS, Be*. For sale J. IL Pi uri· H1U, TUB GBAT MED1CIN Ε CO., P, ti, cait e»i· ΙΐΜΝΚ,Η Isnas, Nation D. tor mail lo any by Bawaor^ ArcbSLlti^Ul, bU,ia. ^ffnncipulfirugjiAt. vri City. A'iw color», Ukigf, '·'· *E So. ΙΟβ Mala Slieeet, Bctfalo,*. Τ table. Ρα*ι». |HuM-»i wU by ■jr"jH aaU ι.ί»ι 1er» jwi■ »iIj. d A. M. Gerry, South Paria. X Îl'.tju;.' Mai mi ExvKLort CO.,