Beyond the Basics Ksenia Zukowsky, RN, PhD, CRNP ❍ Section Editor 3.5 HOURS Continuing Education Managing Gastroesophageal Reflux Symptoms in the Very Low-Birth- Weight Postdischarge Tammy Sherrow , RN, MN ; Donna Dressler-Mund , BScOT(c) ; Kelly Kowal , RD, BSc ; Susan Dai , RD, MSc ; Melissa D. Wilson , BScOT ; Karen Lasby , RN, MN

ABSTRACT Gastroesophageal reflux and gastroesophageal reflux disease symptoms are common challenges for very low-birth-weight ( < 1500 g). These symptoms frequently result in feeding difficulties and family stress. Management of symptoms across healthcare disciplines may not be based on current evidence, and inconsistency can result in confusion for families and delayed interventions. The feed- ing relationship between infant and caregivers may be impaired when symptoms are persistent and poorly managed. An algorithm for managing gastroesophageal reflux-like symptoms in very low- birth-weight infants (from hospital discharge to 12 months corrected age) was developed through the formation of a multidisciplinary community of practice and critical appraisal of the literature. A case study demonstrates how the algorithm results in a consistent approach for identifying symptoms, applying appropriate management strategies, and facilitating appropriate timing of medical consulta- tion. Application to managing gastroesophageal reflux symptoms in the neonatal intensive care unit will be briefly addressed. Key Words: algorithm , evidence-based practice , feeding refusal , feeding relationship , gastroesopha- geal reflux , gastroesophageal reflux disease , growth faltering , multidisciplinary team , preterm infant , regurgitation

ery low-birth-weight (VLBW) infants strug- presents with irritability, arching with feedings, and gle with gastroesophageal reflux (GER) and frequent painful regurgitation. Healthcare providers Vgastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in are inconsistent in recommending GER management the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and beyond strategies and often quickly resort to pharmacologic discharge. feel helpless when their infant therapy. 1 , 2 In our practice, medications are sometimes

Author Affiliations: Mount Royal University, School of Mss Dressler-Mund, Kowal, Dai, and Wilson were Nursing and Midwifery, Calgary, Alberta (Ms Sherrow); supported in part by the Child Health Research Respiratory Home Care Clinic, Alberta Children’s Hospital Development Fund, Alberta Children’s Hospital and Alberta Health Services, Calgary (Ms Dressler-Mund); Foundation, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Early Child Development Team, Child Development Centre, The authors declare no conflict of interest. Alberta Health Services, Calgary (Ms Kowal); Perinatal Correspondence : Tammy Sherrow, RN, MN, Follow-up Clinic, Alberta Children’s Hospital, Alberta Health 61 Strathridge Cres SW, Calgary, Alberta T3H 3R9, Services, Calgary (Ms Dai); private practice and Alberta Canada ([email protected] ). Health Services, Calgary (Ms Wilson); and Neonatal Transition Team, Postpartum Community Health Services, Alberta Health Services, Calgary, Canada (Ms Lasby). Copyright © 2014 by The National Association of The work occurred in association with the Alberta Neonatal Nurses Health Services and Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. DOI: 10.1097/ANC.0000000000000141

Advances in Neonatal Care • Vol. 14, No. 6 • pp. 381-391 381

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prescribed without considering other factors, such as avoid long-term feeding issues. Persistent feeding dietary considerations, feeding skills, and practices and sleeping problems in preterm infants beyond 5 that can result in symptoms that mimic GER. The months of age have been demonstrated to be predic- purpose of this article was to provide an overview of tive of feeding problems at 4 and 5 years of age.10 GER/GERD and share an evidence-based GER algo- Gastroesophageal reflux disease is defined as reflux rithm for consistent assessment and care of VLBW of gastric contents that causes troublesome symptoms infants postdischarge to 12 months corrected age and/or complications, such as poor growth, food presenting with reflux-like symptoms. refusal, , abnormal posturing or arching (Sandifer syndrome), grimacing, esophagitis, irritability, sleep SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PROBLEM disturbances, chronic cough, hoarseness, dysphagia, and respiratory symptoms. 3,5,7,11,12 Morbidities of Gastroesophageal reflux and GERD have been well GERD in preterm infants include aspiration pneumo- investigated in healthy term infants and children. nia, , and exacerbation of respiratory However, insufficient evidence exists with regard to symptoms, including chronic lung disease.3 , 13-15 Reflux GER/GERD symptom identification and manage- esophagitis causes painful feeding experience and, in ment in preterm infants, especially the VLBW infant. response, infants will modify their feeding behavior to Reported incidence of GER in preterm infants varies avoid pain. 16 , 17 Feeding problems that begin with a from 22% to 85% depending on criteria used for physiological basis, such as GERD, may later develop diagnosis.3 , 4 Wide variation exists in the interpreta- a behavioral component. When the physiologic cause tion and management of symptoms. 1 resolves, the feeding problem may persist because of Gastroesophageal reflux is defined as the passage the learned behavioral response.18 Without timely of gastric contents into the esophagus with or without intervention, the noxious GERD sequelae may estab- regurgitation and vomiting. Gastroesophageal reflux lish feeding as a negative experience. is a normal physiological process occurring several -child interaction is affected by GERD con- times per day in healthy infants, children, and adults. 5 sequences, including low intake, feeding refusal, dif- Gastroesophageal reflux is common in infants, par- ficulty with introduction of solids, and problems with ticularly those born prematurely.6 The most common texture progression. 16 , 19-21 In a group of 63 infants sign of GER in infants is postprandial regurgitation, with remission of regurgitation by 1 year of age, feed- which can range from effortless spitting to forceful ing refusal, meal duration, and parental feeding- vomiting. Reflux episodes commonly occur with cry- related distress were significantly increased compared ing, defecating, coughing, and after meals when there with a control group. 20 In our clinical practice, we is increased abdominal pressure.7 , 8 For most infants, noted that parents became focused on feeding volume GER is self-limiting and resolves by 12 to 24 months and weight gain and often resorted to forced feeding. of age; symptoms typically start to improve because Parents told us that feeding was not pleasurable and of the maturation of esophageal and gastric motility. feeding challenges impacted how they were able to A more solid diet and upright posture attained with bond and attach with their infant. Figure 1 contains walking facilitate esophageal and gastric emptying, statements made by parents in our practice. Acierno contributing to resolution of GER.9 and colleagues19 reported similar parental concerns Other factors may contribute to GER-like symp- such as poor intake, oral aversion, disturbed sleep, toms in preterm infants. These factors include prob- and stress impacting family quality of life. Parents lems related to feeding management, feeding skill, described the difficulty maintaining a loving and gen- or infrequent stooling, and cow’s milk tle attitude while getting food into their infant who protein allergy (CMPA).7 Screening for underlying needed constant soothing. In addition to the struggles factors contributing to GER-like symptoms helps of living with GERD, families were often confused by direct an appropriate and a more timely interven- conflicting recommendations from healthcare profes- tion. Early resolution of feeding problems may help sionals. Without timely, consistent and evidence-based

FIGURE 1. • “I went to the Internet and was relieved to hear other cry when they feed their baby.” • “I fight with my baby until he is worn out and starts to sleep and then he will feed. The entire feeding takes 1½ hours.” • “My baby sometimes goes up to 8 hours during the day without feeding. I set my alarm at 3 am to get up to feed her while she is sleepy because that is the only way she will eat.” • “I have to hold his arms down and swaddle him tightly or he pushes the bottle away.” • “I use a circuit of distractions (toys, TV, verbal distraction) to feed my baby.” • “I worry that I am not enjoying my baby. I feel guilty, but I am so tired of the vomiting.” Living with gastroesophageal reflux disease.

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approaches, infant symptoms escalated, and diagnosis weight gain helps identify those infants who are and treatments were delayed, resulting in heightened overfed. Many parents have difficulty transitioning family stress. from a regimented NICU feeding schedule to cue- based feeding at home or have difficulty learning to GER ALGORITHM DEVELOPMENT read their infant’s feeding cues. Parental concerns regarding weight gain, wasted expressed breast milk A multidisciplinary committee consisting of acute (EBM) or wasted expensive formula, may contribute care and community-based healthcare professionals to overfeeding. Forcing an infant to feed may esca- assembled to reflect on the current clinical chal- late to feeding refusal. Educating parents to use lenges faced in managing GER and GERD symp- moderately smaller volume feedings and, most toms in VLBW infants postdischarge. The commit- importantly, to recognize and respect infant’s feed- tee, consisting of clinical dietitians, occupational ing cues helps prevent overfeeding. 7 , 12 , 25 , 29 For some therapists, and community-based neonatal clinical infants, this strategy results in decreased regurgita- nurse specialists, used a community of practice tion and feeding refusal. 30 (COP) model. Communities of practice are groups Incorrect mixing of formula or fortified EBM can of people who share a concern or a passion for lead to increased calorie concentration and higher than something they do and learn how to do it better as average weight gain. Increased calorie concentration they interact regularly. 22 Each committee member increases osmolality, which may increase regurgita- encountered many VLBW infants (< 1500 g) post- tion.31 , 32 Reviewing the recipe helps identify parents discharge with significant reflux-like symptoms who are inadvertently mixing the recipe to a higher than impacting growth and willingness to eat. We noted recommended calorie concentration. For these infants, inconsistent advice from multiple healthcare profes- regurgitation and feeding refusal often resolves when sionals and a tendency to quickly resort to pharma- parents are counseled on correct recipe preparation. cologic treatment. Inconsistency in practice made it challenging to monitor response to interventions Constipation and was confusing for families. Our COP reflected Constipation has been identified as a contributor to on clinical trends, conducted a critical review of the irritability and regurgitation. 5 , 7 , 33 , 34 In our practice, literature, collaborated with local experts, and constipation or infrequent stooling often contributes developed an algorithm to guide our practice. Each to regurgitation and decreased feeding interest and step of the algorithm will be presented along with intake. Management includes assessing hydration the literature to provide rational for inclusion. and intake, increasing EBM if possible, reviewing formula recipe, offering sorbitol-containing juice MANAGEMENT ALGORITHM (prune nectar), and including higher-fiber foods (barley cereal) for infants eating solids.33 , 34 Some The algorithm begins with a screening assessment to infants require pharmacologic support as recom- rule out factors contributing to reflux-like symp- mended by their physicians to address constipation toms and determine the most appropriate manage- when other strategies are ineffective. 33 , 34 ment strategy. The algorithm continues with GER/ GERD management to minimize the negative impact Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy on growth and the feeding relationship and directs Cow’s milk protein allergy-associated GER is sus- the ideal timing of medical consultation and referral pected in infants with a family history of CMPA or if indicated. “Algorithms are written guidelines to symptoms such as diarrhea, blood in stool, atopic stepwise evaluation and management strategies that dermatitis, and rhinitis. 35 , 36 In this case, the algorithm require observations to be made, decisions to be follows the North American Society for Pediatric considered, and actions to be taken.”23(p241) The Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition and complete algorithm is shown in Figure 2. the European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, The screening assessment identifies several factors Hepatology, and Nutrition clinical practice guide- contributing to regurgitation, irritability, poor lines, which recommend a time-limited trial of weight gain, and feeding refusal in VLBW infants hypoallergenic and/or maternal cow’s ( Figure 3). These factors can exist independently or milk-free diet for infants receiving breast milk.5 contribute to GER/GERD. 5 , 24 , 25 Assessment of Feeding Skills Growth and Feeding History Assessment of feeding skills yields important infor- Growth and feeding history provides insight as to mation about the infant’s ability to coordinate suck- whether regurgitation is related to excessive ing/swallowing/breathing (S/S/B) during feeding. intake.5 , 7 , 25-27 Overfed infants tend to have more Sucking/swallowing/breathing incoordination and frequent reflux events.28 Evaluating for higher than feeding skill problems are common in the preterm anticipated intake for age and a greater than average infant. 18 , 37 , 38 Breastfed or bottle-fed preterm infants

Advances in Neonatal Care • Vol. 14, No. 6

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VLBW infant presents with 1 or more of the following: recurrent vomiting, irritability, poor growth, feeding refusal

SCREENING ASSESSMENT TO RULE OUT: Yes Educate parents re: cue-based feeding Overfeeding or forced feeding: Decrease volumes (total or per feeding) Does infant gain greater than average weight? Review recipe Are volumes in excess of guidelines for age? Is feeding non-cue based? Is feed (EBM/Formula) mixed incorrectly? Assess hydration & intake Review recipe A Yes Constipation or infrequent stooling: Increase fluid intake. Increase EBM if possible Does infant stool irregularly or is stool abnormal? Offer sorbitol-containing juice (prune) Does infant strain with stooling? Increase higher fibre foods (barley cereal) if on semi-solids

Yes Allergic family history/allergic symptoms: Consider time-limited trial (2-4 weeks) of hypoallergenic Atopic dermatitis, rhinorrhea, diarrhea , or blood in stool? formula/cow’s milk free maternal diet

Weak or uncoordinated feeding skills : Complete oral exam & feeding assessment Is infant dribbling milk? C Yes Ensure optimal positioning to prevent flooding Is infant squirming & arching during feeding? D B Use flow management strategies Does infant show signs of stress during feeding? Use external pacing If evidence of dysphagiaE consider referral for diagnostic swallowing evaluation & management (FEES or VFSS) Issues related to gastric tube (NG/OG) feedings: Does infant gag, retch, or regurgitate with tube feedings? Do tube feedings take >30 minutes? Yes Ensure correct tube placement Are feedings given too quickly? Review volume, rate, and mode of feeding Consider break mid-feeding No If no improvement, consider consult to Gastroenterologist

If no issues are identified in screening assessment or initial symptoms persist despite intervention, CONSIDER GER/GERD. Collaborate with physician regarding diagnosis, , and further management.

Visible and/or or silent reflux symptoms are presentF

Do symptoms impact growth, feeding, behaviour, and sleep?

No Yes

Uncomplicated GER Suspected GERD Suspected


Parent education regarding natural course of regurgitation/reflux

Ensure environment free of second-hand smoke

Positioning Management - ensure optimal positioning to prevent flooding during feedingC - hold upright post feeds for 20 -30 minutes - upright infant carrier preferred to sling carrier - burp in upright position - avoid flexing hips during changes. Roll side to side or use a wedge

Scheduling LEGEND A. Constipation: hard, dry stools, which are - well paced feedings to avoid gulping and flooding painful to pass, with frequency less than - smaller more frequent feedings normal for age. - increase burp breaks B. Stress during feeding: gaze aversion, finger splay, increased work of breathing, If no or minimal improvement furrowed brow, eyes widening, shutting down/falling asleep.

COLLABORATIVE CONSERVATIVE STRATEGIES C. Positioning: Breast- reclined, mother and infant lying side by side, or Investigate growth faltering elevated football position. Bottle- elevated side-lying, or upright cradled position. Increase caloric density to decrease feed volume D. Flow Management: Breast- pre-pumping or unlatching baby during letdown. Consider decreasing caloric density to determine if concentration contributing to regurgitation Bottle- match nipple flow rate to infant skill. Consider alternate post discharge preterm formula E. Dysphagia: coughing, choking, sneezing or Consider time-limited trial (2-4 weeks) of hypoallergenic formula/cow’s milk free maternal diet gagging during feed, wet/gurgly voice quality. Congestion during and/or after feed, history of frequent respiratory illnesses, eye watering/face reddening If no or minimal improvement during feeding, audible, forceful swallows.

F. Reflux: visible regurgitation (effortless or Inquire about pharmacologic therapy trial with physician projectile), arching or abnormal posturing, excessive crying/irritability, grimacing, dry swallows, gagging, coughing, during or post feeding, mixed hunger cues, bottle refusal, variable intake cycle (big feed followed by successively smaller feedings If no improvement with conservative management/pharmacological therapy, throughout the day), sour breath, and consider referral to Gastroenterologist. disturbed sleep.

Management algorithm. Reprinted with permission from the Alberta Health Services, 2013.

Copyright © 2014 National Association of Neonatal Nurses. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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VLBW infant presents with 1 or more of the following: recurrent vomiting, irritability, poor growth, feeding refusal

SCREENING ASSESSMENT TO RULE OUT: Yes Educate parents re: cue-based feeding Overfeeding or forced feeding: Decrease volumes (total or per feeding) Does infant gain greater than average weight? Review recipe Are volumes in excess of guidelines for age? Is feeding non-cue based? Is feed (EBM/Formula) mixed incorrectly? Assess hydration & intake Review recipe A Yes Constipation or infrequent stooling: Increase fluid intake. Increase EBM if possible Does infant stool irregularly or is stool abnormal? Offer sorbitol-containing juice (prune) Does infant strain with stooling? Increase higher fibre foods (barley cereal) if on semi-solids

Yes Allergic family history/allergic symptoms: Consider time-limited trial (2-4 weeks) of hypoallergenic Atopic dermatitis, rhinorrhea, diarrhea or blood in stool ? formula/cow’s milk free maternal diet

Weak or uncoordinated feeding skills : Complete oral exam & feeding assessment Is infant dribbling milk? C Yes Ensure optimal positioning to prevent flooding Is infant squirming & arching during feeding? D B Use flow management strategies Does infant show signs of stress during feeding? Use external pacing If evidence of dysphagiaE consider referral for diagnostic swallowing evaluation & management (FEES or VFSS) Issues related to gastric tube (NG/OG) feedings: Does infant gag, retch, or regurgitate with tube feedings? Do tube feedings take >30 minutes? Yes Ensure correct tube placement Are feedings given too quickly? Review volume, rate, and mode of feeding Consider break mid-feeding No If no improvement, consider consult to Gastroenterologist

LEGEND A. Constipation: hard, dry stools, which are painful to pass, with frequency less than normal for age.

B. Stress during feeding: gaze aversion, finger splay, increased work of breathing, furrowed brow, eyes widening, shutting down/falling asleep.

C. Positioning: Breast- mother reclined, mother and infant lying side by side, or elevated football position. Bottle- elevated side-lying, or upright cradled position.

D. Flow Management: Breast - pre-pumping or unlatching baby during letdown. Bottle- match nipple flow rate to infant skill.

E. Dysphagia: coughing, choking, sneezing or gagging during feed, wet/gurgly voi ce quality. Congestion during and/or after feed, history of frequent respiratory illnesses, eye watering/face reddening during feeding, audible, forceful swallows.

Screening assessment: Management of reflux-like symptoms. Reprinted with permission from the Alberta Health Services, 2013.

with S/S/B incoordination that results in flooding can vated side-lying position or elevated cradled position present with squirming, arching, and feeding refusal. to prevent flooding.37 , 42-47 Strategies to manage S/S/B These signs are easily confused with symptoms of incoordination during or bottle feeding reflux. The infant’s rapid feeding or gulping may resolve flooding and regurgitation in many infants. result in regurgitation postfeeding. 39 , 40 It is important Infants presenting with symptoms of dysphagia to identify and treat S/S/B incoordination with flow should be referred for diagnostic evaluation of swal- management strategies, external pacing, and posi- lowing utilizing Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of tioning for breastfed and bottle-fed infants. Flow Swallowing or Videofluoroscopic Swallowing management strategies for the breastfed infant Study.48 , 49 Dysphagia can be associated with GERD or include prepumping the breast and releasing the related to other causes (neurological, structural, and infant from the breast during letdown. 41 External respiratory). 7 , 49 , 50 Refluxate can penetrate into the lar- pacing can be done by releasing the latch to prompt ynx or airway. 31 , 49 , 51 Infants with dysphagia regardless the infant to take shorter sucking bursts and addi- of the underlying association should receive a diagnos- tional breaths. The infant’s mouth should remain in tic swallowing assessment to determine whether they contact with the breast allowing the infant to re-latch can safely protect their airway.49 and resume feeding when ready.41 Positioning strate- gies include having mother reclined, mother and Enteral Feeding infant lying side by side, or positioning the infant in Issues related to enteral feeding are found to contrib- an elevated football position. 41 Strategies for bottle- ute to regurgitation in infants requiring tube feeds at fed infants include the use of slow flow nipples, discharge. Symptoms of gagging, retching, and external pacing, and positioning the infant in an ele- regurgitation may be related to tube-feeding method

Advances in Neonatal Care • Vol. 14, No. 6

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AANC-D-13-00097.inddNC-D-13-00097.indd 385385 118/11/148/11/14 10:4310:43 PMPM 386 Sherrow et al

and rate of feeding. Interventions include ensuring GER.5 , 7 , 21 Conservative therapies are effective, inex- correct tube placement; reviewing volume, rate, and pensive, noninvasive, and avoid the use of pharmaco- mode of feeding; and offering a short break mid- logic therapy. 3 , 5 , 54 , 55 First-line conservative strategies feeding to allow some stomach emptying. 7 , 39 In our consist of parent education, positioning management, experience, infants with feeding tubes benefit from and feeding scheduling. These strategies may have a frequent venting similar to burping in the oral fed positive impact on reflux symptoms. infant. Enteral feedings delivered slowly by feeding pump are considered for infants who do not tolerate Parent Education bolus gravity feedings. Longer feeding durations and Parent education and reassurance regarding the natu- 5,7,30,56 slower flow rates have been associated with ral course of GER in infants is recommended. decreased frequency of GER. 39 Long-term placement Although GER may resolve spontaneously, we rec- of a nasogastric feeding tube has also been associ- ommend, in the interim, parents be counseled on ated with increased regurgitation and esophagitis.3 , 52 strategies to minimize reflux and associated discom- Therefore, our goal was to wean from nasogastric fort. Education also includes awareness that exposure feedings as soon as oral feeding skills support to second-hand smoke contributes to excessive crying growth. In rare cases where long-term tube feeding and irritability in infants, which may or may not be 5,55,57 is required, infants should be referred to a gastroen- related to GERD. Our COP developed a parent terologist for consideration of gastrostomy tube teaching tool to provide information on symptom placement (with or without fundoplication). identification and various strategies to manage reflux in both acute and community healthcare settings. GER/GERD IDENTIFICATION AND Positioning Management MANAGEMENT Positioning management strategies are important for GER/GERD management. Techniques to prevent For those infants without resolution of symptoms fol- flooding, as previously discussed, are important to lowing the screening assessment and accompanying implement as rapid feedings may further contribute management strategies, it is appropriate to consider to GER/GERD by increasing the likelihood of regur- GER/GERD. The algorithm continues with screening gitation.39 , 40 Principles of positioning management for visible and silent reflux and determines whether are aimed at decreasing intra-abdominal pressure.58 symptoms negatively impact growth, intake, feeding, Burping in an upright supported position, either behavior, or sleep (Figure 4). Symptoms include vis- over the shoulder or in an upright sitting position, ible regurgitation (effortless or projectile), arching or decreases the risk of regurgitation. Avoid having the abnormal posturing, excessive crying/irritability, gri- infant in a slumped sitting position. Holding the macing, dry swallowing, gagging, coughing (during infant upright after feeding for 20 to 30 minutes or postfeeding), mixed hunger cues, bottle refusal, reduces the incidence of GER/GERD. 5 When it is not variable intake cycle (big feed followed by succes- possible to hold the infant upright, we recommend sively smaller feedings throughout the day), sour an infant seat that maintains an open hip angle and breath, and disturbed sleep. 5,9,11,21,53 prevents increased abdominal pressure (eg, bouncy If visible and/or silent reflux symptoms are present, seat). Parents are advised to avoid using the car seat infants were categorized into the following 2 groups: for purposes other than travel as this position has been found to exacerbate GER/GERD. 11,30,55,59,60 1. Uncomplicated GER suspected : These infants Another positioning concern we have identified is present with effortless regurgitation and/or related to minimizing flexing the infant to reduce the painless vomiting with no other symptoms and incidence of GER/GERD. Using a wedge and rolling are often referred to as a “happy spitter.”5 the infant to the side for diaper changes and choos- 2. GERD suspected : These infants demonstrate ing an upright infant carrier over a sling style carrier symptoms and behaviors that impact feeding, may decrease GER/GERD. intake, growth, and sleep. 5 Parents should position their infant supine for Both groups of infants are initially managed using sleep. Prone and side-lying (lateral) positions are not first-line conservative strategies. However, the advised because of the associated risk of Sudden infants with suspected GERD require close monitor- Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).5 , 61 , 62 For infants ing and may need to advance to multidisciplinary from birth to 12 months with GERD, the risk of collaborative strategies. SIDS generally outweighs the potential benefits of prone and lateral positions for sleep. 5 FIRST-LINE CONSERVATIVE Infants with dysphagia are at risk for aspiration of STRATEGIES refluxate.31 , 49 Minimizing the risk of aspiration by limiting the migration of refluxate up the esophagus Conservative lifestyle approaches are recognized as is the clinical reasoning for considering an elevated the appropriate initial management of uncomplicated head-of-bed position for sleeping. However, this

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If no issues are identified in screening assessment or initial symptoms persist despite intervention, CONSIDER GER/GERD. Collaborate with physician regarding diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and further management.

F LEGEND Visible and/or or silent reflux symptoms are present

C. Positioning: Breast-mother Do symptoms impact growth, feeding, behaviour, and sleep? reclined, mother and infant lying side by side, or elevated football No Yes position. Bottle- elevated side- lying, or upright cradled Uncomplicated GER Suspected GERD Suspected position.

F. Reflux: visible regurgitation – effortless or projectile, arching FIRST LINE CONSERVATIVE STRATEGIES or abnormal posturing, excessive crying/irritability, Parent education regarding natural course of regurgitation/reflux grimacing, dry swallows, gagging, coughing, during or Ensure environment free of second-hand smoke post feeding, mixed hunger cues, bottle refusal, variable Positioning Management intake cycle (big feed followed - ensure optimal positioning to prevent flooding during feedingC by successively smaller feedings - hold upright post feeds for 20-30 minutes throughout the day), sour breath, - upright infant carrier preferred to sling carrier and disturbed sleep. - burp in upright position - avoid flexing hips during diaper changes. Roll side to side or use a wedge

Scheduling - well paced feedings to avoid gulping and flooding - smaller more frequent feedings - increase burp breaks

If no or minimal improvement

COLLABORATIVE CONSERVATIVE STRATEGIES Investigate growth faltering Increase caloric density to decrease feed volume Consider decreasing caloric density to determine if concentration contributing to regurgitation Consider alternate post discharge preterm formula Consider time-limited trial (2-4 weeks) of hypoallergenic formula/cow’s milk free maternal diet

If no or minimal improvement

Inquire about pharmacologic therapy trial with physician

If no improvement with conservative management/pharmacological therapy, consider referral to Gastroenterologist.

Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) manage- ment and referral. Reprinted with permission from the Alberta Health Services, 2013.

strategy has not been evaluated in the literature. In breaks using external pacing during feeding prevents our clinical practice, because of concerns of main- gulping. Large feeding volumes placed at infrequent taining safe head-of-bed elevation at home, meeting intervals may lead to gastric distension and delayed current SIDS sleep protocol, and the lack of vali- gastric emptying, which may worsen reflux.39 Smaller, dated research for elevated supine position, any more frequent feeding is a common recommendation exception to supine flat sleeping position is by physi- for infants with frequent regurgitation. 9 , 39 , 51 Smaller cian order only. Further research is needed to evalu- volume feedings decrease both the total duration and ate the safety and efficacy of elevated supine sleeping the length of the longest episode of acid reflux. 63 In position to prevent aspiration and reduce discomfort addition, burping the infant during feeding after every from GERD in this population. 1 to 2 ounces may help reduce reflux symptoms.7

Scheduling Strategies COLLABORATIVE CONSERVATIVE Scheduling strategies during and between feedings are STRATEGIES used to manage reflux. Clinical observations suggest that less gulping during feedings can decrease the fre- If first-line conservative strategies resulted in minimal quency of regurgitation. Scheduling imposed breathing to no improvement, then it is recommended to proceed

Advances in Neonatal Care • Vol. 14, No. 6

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AANC-D-13-00097.inddNC-D-13-00097.indd 387387 118/11/148/11/14 10:4310:43 PMPM 388 Sherrow et al

with collaborative conservative strategies. These strat- Formula change may be advised in cases where egies include investigation of growth faltering (or fail- CMPA-associated GER is suspected. 5 , 25 , 35 , 36 Cow’s ure to thrive), altering caloric density, and considering milk protein allergy and GER share many of the same alternate formula. A multidisciplinary team consulta- symptoms, epidemiology, and natural history, which tion is needed to facilitate collaborative strategies. present a challenge in distinguishing the conditions.5 , 36 In 16% to 59% of cases, CMPA and GER coex- Growth Faltering ist.35 , 66-69 Given this association, there is strong evi- Infants with growth faltering are referred to our clin- dence for implementing a 2- to 4-week trial of hypoal- ical dietitians for a nutrition assessment. The assess- lergenic formula (extensively hydrolyzed or amino ment involves careful review of feeding and growth acid formula). 5 , 68 A hypoallergenic formula eliminates history, serial monitoring of growth, and collabora- coexisting allergy as a contributor to both crying and tion with the infant’s pediatrician to investigate regurgitation in infants with GERD. 35 , 55 , 66 , 70 Cow’s organic and nonorganic causes of growth faltering. A milk protein allergy-associated GER may be transient team feeding observation is also considered. In our in nature, and hypoallergenic formulas may not be practice, the feeding team may include occupational nutritionally adequate for preterm infants; therefore, therapists, dietitians, nurses, physicians, and psycho- future reintroduction of cow’s milk protein (CMP) social support. Interventions for growth faltering aim with symptom evaluation is warranted. Symptom to provide adequate nutrient intake to support recurrence following reintroduction of CMP affirms appropriate growth, which may include the use of CMPA-associated GER.35 , 66 , 71 For infants receiving EBM fortified with infant formula or high-calorie breast milk, a trial of a maternal CMP-free diet is infant formula, high-calorie foods for infants eating considered. 5 , 68 Mothers providing breast milk need solids, and the use of enteral tube feeding as needed. teaching and support for a nutritionally adequate These guidelines are consistent with the North CMP-free diet.68 If CMPA is ruled out, it is recom- American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, mended that infants go back to using more nutrition- Hepatology, and Nutrition/the European Society for ally adequate postdischarge preterm formula and Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and have mothers discontinue the CMP-free diet. Nutrition recommendations for infants with recur- rent regurgitations and poor weight gain. 5 Educating Thickened Feedings families on positive feeding interactions is paramount Thickened feedings have been shown to improve for management of growth faltering.25 symptoms of regurgitation and vomiting but did not affect the occurrence of reflux episodes.5 , 59 , 72-74 Caloric Density However, the efficacy of thickened feedings, the Changes to caloric density are considered for infants type of thickener, and the safety of thickened feed- with poor growth caused by energy and nutrient loss ings in the treatment of GER/GERD in preterm from regurgitation. Increasing the caloric density of infants remain unclear. The use of thickeners may the feeding is an appropriate strategy for volume sen- be associated with necrotizing enterocolitis.75-77 sitive infants.5 , 39 , 64 However, some infants respond to Commercially thickened formulas are not nutri- higher caloric density with increased regurgitation, tionally adequate for the preterm infant because of abdominal discomfort, constipation/infrequent calorie, protein, and mineral composition. 74 We stooling, or reduced intake. Higher caloric density have excluded the use of thickened feedings as a increases the osmolality of the formula, which can be reflux management strategy, pending further inves- associated with worsening GER.32 , 65 Therefore, tigations into the efficacy and safety of this practice. infants already on a higher caloric density formula experiencing worsening GER symptoms may benefit Pharmacologic Therapy from a trial of lower caloric density. Any changes to Pharmacologic therapies may be considered for per- caloric density require careful monitoring of growth, sistent complications of GERD to buffer gastric acid, feeding volume, and hydration status. reduce gastric acid secretion, or alter gastrointestinal motility. 5 , 7 Relative risk, benefits, and indications for Formula Changes pharmacologic therapy are unclear in preterm An alternate postdischarge preterm formula may be infants.5 Pharmacologic treatment in the preterm considered, despite evidence suggesting that symp- population should be used with caution and is toms of GER do not decrease with a change from reserved for those who fail conservative management one cow’s milk formula to another for most and have significant GERD. 3,6,7,50,78 There are 3 basic infants.5 , 7 , 25 , 39 Clinically, parents reported reduced classes of medications used in the treatment of irritability, gassiness, and regurgitation in a subset GERD—H2 -receptor antagonists, proton pump of infants trialed on an alternate postdischarge pre- inhibitors, and prokinetic agents.5 Acid suppression term formula. For this reason, we consider this inter- (H 2 -receptor antagonists or proton pump inhibitors) vention and continue to monitor outcomes. is associated with necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm

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infants, increased incidence of acute gastroenteritis, and in some cases increased risk of sepsis, pneumo- FIGURE 5. nia, and other . 5 , 79 , 80 The impact of chronic use of acid suppressants on vitamin and mineral absorption in infants and children has not yet been evaluated. 3 If conservative strategies fail to improve symptoms, pharmacologic therapy should be consid- ered. A therapeutic time-limited medication trial with reassessment every 2 to 3 weeks is recommended. 5 Families should be encouraged to report changes in symptoms of visible and silent reflux to their physi- cian to determine the impact of medication on the child’s intake, growth, feeding refusal, and sleep. GASTROENTEROLOGIST REFERRAL

Gastroenterologist consultation may be valuable when severe symptoms do not resolve with conserva- tive treatment or pharmacological therapy. The refer- Baby Sara at 4 months adjusted age. ral should include feeding history, growth charts, results of an upper gastrointestinal study (if avail- able), and the outcome of any conservative or col- Sara’s mother would desperately offer the bottle until laborative strategies trialed. In our practice, the dieti- Sara tired of refusing, gave up, and fed part of the tian is available to partner with the gastroenterologist bottle. Sara fed best when drowsy or asleep. Feedings to monitor enteral feeding regimens, alternate for- were taking more than an hour. Sara’s family began mula trials, and caloric density adjustments. Between to dread feeding and often shed tears after she regur- visits to the gastroenterologist, our team members gitated a full feeding they had worked so hard to may liaise between the family and gastroenterologist achieve. Despite the family’s persistent efforts, Sara’s to communicate concerns regarding growth and weight gain and weight to length ratio dropped. impact of GERD on intake or feeding behaviors. With these new symptoms, the nurse recognized Team members continue to provide family support the need for multidisciplinary collaboration; the and monitor for new or escalating symptoms. dietitian and occupational therapist became involved and the pediatrician was notified. The team sug- APPLICATION OF THE ALGORITHM: gested a trial of an alternate postdischarge preterm BABY SARA’S CASE STUDY formula; however, regurgitation and feeding refusal continued. The next step was a 2- to 4-week trial of Baby Sara (Figure 5) was born at 28 weeks’ gestation a hypoallergenic formula and maternal cow’s milk- and 1200 g and discharged home at 38 weeks. free diet. Within 2 weeks of a CMP-free diet, regur- Postdischarge, she presented with multiple moderate gitation decreased to occasional wet burps and no to large regurgitations per day. Her mother described major spit ups. It took an additional 5 weeks for Sara as irritable and uncomfortable after feeds with Sara and her family to begin to enjoy feeding. multiple dry swallows, squirming, and arching. Sara’s In this case study, the algorithm guided the prac- family was challenged and stressed with feedings. A titioners through a stepwise approach to treating consistent evidence-based approach was needed to GER/GERD symptoms. Cow’s milk protein allergy assist Sara and her family. was identified as the underlying cause. With CMP On completion of the algorithm screening, the elimination and parent support, positive feeding nurse ruled out overfeeding, forced feeding, consti- behaviors (good hunger cues and eagerness to feed) pation, and family history of allergies. She deter- returned, resulting in improved weight gain. mined that Sara demonstrated good feeding coordi- nation and had no evidence of flooding during IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE feedings. The nurse suggested the first-line conserva- tive measures, which included parent education, This stepwise approach will assist clinicians to iden- positioning management, well paced feeds, burp tify reflux symptoms to determine the most appropri- breaks, and symptom monitoring. ate management strategy and to identify timing of Over the next month, Sara continued to regurgi- medical consultation for preterm infants following tate frequently and started to become very fussy at discharge. Although the algorithm was developed for the sight of the bottle and during positioning attempts the postdischarge preterm population, it has implica- for feeding. She adamantly turned her head away or tions for use in other settings. The algorithm lends placed her hands in front of her face to disengage. itself to assessment and conservative management of

Advances in Neonatal Care • Vol. 14, No. 6

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AANC-D-13-00097.inddNC-D-13-00097.indd 389389 118/11/148/11/14 10:4310:43 PMPM 390 Sherrow et al

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