Editorial Board Members Research India Publications Head Office: B-2/84, Ground Floor, Rohini Sector-16, Delhi-110 089 (INDIA) Zvi Arad, Israel Phone No.: +91-11-65394240 • Fax: +91-11-27297815 Bijan Davvaz, Iran Website: www.ripublication.com • E-mail:
[email protected] Nanqing Ding, China Advances in Algebra (AA) Shaun Fallat, Canada Homepage: http://www.ripublication.com/aa.htm Tomas Sanchez-Giralda, Spain ISSN 0973-6964 Call for Papers Ronald Graham, USA Gerhard Hiss, Germany Editor-in-chief: Alexander Mishchenko, Russia Young Bae Jun Department of Mathematics Education Vladimir Retakh, USA Gyeongsang National University Eun Hwan Roh, Korea Chinju 660-701, Korea Seok Zun Song, Korea Takahiro Sudo, Japan Dear Colleagues, We would like to invite you to submit manuscripts of your original papers, for possible Michael Tsatsomeros, USA publication in Advances in Algebra (AA), which is a peerreviewed periodical covering various Thomas Vougiouklis, Greece aspects of theoretical and applied aspects of Algebra. All submissions should be made electronically to the Editor-in-chief through: (EIC:
[email protected]). More Zhe-Xian Wan, China information on the journal and the publishing process can be obtained at: Quanshui Wu, Shanghai www.ripublication.com/aa.htm The Advances in Algebra (AA) is an international research journal, which publishes Yang Xu, China top-level work from all areas of theoretical and applied aspects of Algebra. Areas and subareas Jianming Zhan, China of interest include (but are not limited to) Structure of finite groups and algebraic groups , Representation of finite groups, Combinatorics, Galois theory, Algebraic geometry, Ring Jiping Zhang, China theory, both commutative and non-commutative, super algebras, Quantum groups, Pu Zhang, China Combinatorial group theory and semigroup theory , Universal algebra, algorithmic and Formal language theory, theory of computation, theoretical computer science and more..