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1913-1914 •

North Carolina State library


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STAT. ".'STU' I UU I I :!.- Ilf.

:: "\ . :::':;:: .. : ':"...:...::1/ . '. . :'.; .l· ..:T? ·.. =j.:! '. : ;'; :. :': :":: ' " .. "...... : :':.: ..•. .:: ': ~:: .. : .::: ':: '. : ::.' CONTENTS ",1,011: NOIn"II CAIIQLI'f, L",IIAllT CO)lll lll81O ..... • l ..:-nu or TIl.\:

RIQ'OIJT or Till: Sa:u:r~HT ••••••••• 7 Aid to S ew J.lbrarie. ••••. 7 Alal.tance to 1.lbrarleti Already I::atabll. bed ...... •..•.. Reoraantutlon or ...... •...... ••.•. , •9 hl.lroetlon ...... 10 Publica lion. •...... 11 School 1.. lbrarles ...... 11 The Commlulon u a C('Dlral Bunlau ...... •••...... 13 Travellnl" Library System ...... •.... • •• _ ..... '" 14 Pacitqe Llbratlea ...... •...... ••...... 18 Tbe I''armer', Library...... 21 Contlu.lon ...... 22

A " I'KSUIX : J>ro~1IlI or Public Llbrnries...... 23 Summary of Llbrllry Condltlonl In North Carollnl...... 27 Library BulldlniP ...... •...... 30 Library Approprlatlonl ...... 31 Statlatlcs of Llbrarlea In Nonh Carolina...... 32


MEMBEHS A/II)()h,/rd. II .. 'Ic,: Sor/ II C(lryIlN(I L'lIrurll .t!.uociaholt: I.aUII:! H. WIl..!lOS 1 ~lbrflrhm of the UnIversity of North Carolina, Chapel H ili C. C, WKIO II T $ul.crlntendelll ot Wilkes Co ullty Schools, lIuntlng Creek

A"I/olrl/cd /).11 /Jle Governor: OK, CllMII _t.ll 1.1;"; SlllTll, Hnlclgh J:.'z 01}1cIO: J. Y. JOVSI:N SU I)Crhllendenl of Public Instruction, Ralclgh M Il . t~ O. SIU-:lIJlIl.,. State [.lbl'lldan. nale[gh 0l/1cl'r, : 1.0\118 n. WII.lIOS. ('hglrmon C. C. \\'.lIl IfT, \-ke-Cholrman I)K, CII.I.RI.J:lI 1.,7. SlIlTl •• Trrnllilrer i:.;c('('u/lrc 01/11(7': :\II SSIF. \\', L~' TIf""),I"'S, 8ccrt/ur.. Au!:F. 1l01>(1I K~, Auill/"nl 10 'he Rtcrelor.. U:TTER OF TRANSM ITTAL

CII .\I'Ill. 1I11.I~ :-:. c .. DC(lember 1, 1914. To 111(" 1I0norll/)/f' UK:II"I; C""IO, OOI:Cfnor. SII:- -I 1"1\'(, the honor 10 t"ml mlt here .... lth Iho third biennial ",port (1913·1911) of Ihe Sorth Carolina Library Commlulon, In accordance ".. It II tbe pro"I,lonl of chlpter 873, teCtlon 6, of the Public I ...... ·• of :-lorth Can;llhll. 19f)ll. Very rl"l~lrull)'. Lol:llJ R. WIL80~, ClIoirlltOIl.

North Carolina Library Commission REPORT OF TIl E SECRETARY Olltoon Myl In ht. )'lemoira, "EYI'ry man wbo rJ _ above the common L(>vc! b .. reteived twO educatIon,: the tlrllt from hi. uach(>rl; thl' It'COnd, more perlOlIl' IlIIl ImpOrtant, from hlmulf." H I, 'II'lIh lbl. lH!Cond edUc:ntLOII, lhAl which. mlln glv9 bLmlHlU, tblithe North carolina Library ('ommlRRlon II concerned. lUI work I, lib.... ,.,. lXU'o.Lon: or, Ihll promotion of. liberal Inppl)' of good boob. whh'b ,hall be (rei! 10 III. In ordu Ihlt enlT InhllblUlDl of tho Itate ,hall ba.. e • fair chance to rtad and Iludy, lIot 0011 10 II(hool, but oul,lde of the a(bool.. rnLvtrlllty 61('011011 I, by the INture mf'thod, IIb ..... ry estelliion I. by the book method. -rhl. thin! blennlal repOrt Slvet In acrounl of the 1'IIrioUI actlvl­ tiC!! of the Contml_lon and I detailed dt*:rlptlon of the method, which It (Omplo,.1 In a Ilnct're endea,'or to fulfill the purp~ for _hlrb It "'III erented. Tho .cllve work "'Ill be considered under the tollow!n.. hCllda: 1. Aid to new libraries 2. A_laUlnee to IIbrar!" alretldy ",IAbUahed 3. Work .. II «ntral buret!u ~ 'l'rlv~lIn« library .retem AID TO NEW I.IBRARI ES The .,.atem or free publle IIbrarl... now beln« eatabllahed 10 LMa country I, the moat Important development or mod­ ern tlmea.--lI'illfo ... Jt"IIPliI'D' nf'lluPI. The openln .. ot a Crcc I, a moat Important e\'ent In Any town. There II no way In which II community ran more bonC'flt Itllelr than In the eetnhllahment of II library which ehall be tree to all dlizenll-Willillll! Mr/(/Io,'f'/I. A library I~ not a luxury but one of the nec-eMarlea of IlfC'.-lI('ftf'll II'ord Brt... "er. The public library Ie an .dult IIChool: It 18 • petlletual Inti Ilfelon .. t"OnlinuRUoD dillS: It I. Ihe gl'i'Att'!lt !!duea­ tlonll fartor that we b.,'e: and the Is becoming our mOllt Important teachC'r and gulde.-.

IJQokl Ind o(hpr lultable mllltrill Ire no more \0 1& IIb... r)" tltlO a plH of brl,'kl II to I bulldln!:, or • 0101.0 of .utn 10 an Irmy, To .... · 1'I1','<.'lh", lb.. ro muat be Incb ar· Mln,I'nU'nl Ind 1lrJ;llnlu.llon Ibl\ Ihl IIr!',,! function can be pl'rform .. d prvmplly II.lId f'fnd{lltly, V.llhoul undue COIIt. Uut to -«urI' Ibll. ne.hhtr bulldlnl', uor melhod .. Dor 110Gb Ir.. or IU,'h IlUpremf' Imporlln... · .. I l"orou~hI)" Ible Ind v.'I'II·'ralnfd ebl.. t librarian. l'n. Ith'IHr 101l",ul.

1I N1l1l11nlulloD 0' I.I hrurl .. , Tb.. ImprOl(mf'nl of IIbrarh:.. Ilr{'jldy f1<'lbllfthl'd v.hleb an) not rtoDd .. rln" Hfkli"nl !ICn"ke 10 their (IIlroo. III III Importlnt .. tbe _tlhlh.hml'nt of ne'" IIbrarll!J. Th" Comml.~lon /1;1\'(''' I&llllllItane .. Ind eonn ... ·1 10 IIbrlrlanl Ind library boord. regarding ",aYI and mennl of rl'OrpnIUlt\on. and. If thl' Inllliution can posalbly alford It, f1'('ommt"ud" Il conlpelenl organl~ ... r" lu IIOme In61.n«'ll lhe work hUll been done by the Secrt'tary of Ihf' Commllllllon, thl. ser\"lce b(olDg I{hen without charKI' eld that In the nenr fUIur!! tho Commlnlon .... 111 btl nnnn· cllll1)" Ilbll' 10 om ploy nn Orltllnt't{'r who can Itl\'e her full limo to tht. work. Tho ~mnll 8Illnrl('l! 1IIlId In mOllt of Ollr public libraries entail Inexpt'rlellced IIbrarlana nnd fN'qucnt changee, 110 Ihat nlany vl"ltl nre nccl'Qllr>" 10 keep tho .... ork up to tht high standllrd wblcb the C'ommllll. InfoMl1aUon and In.,ructlon pertaining to 1','('1")' lIhue of IIbl'lU'Y admlnl.trallon hue bef'n frequenUy slven In thll ..-ay dnrln!!: the biennium. To tht' Stnt(' I.tbrlll" etlf\edlllly, the C-ommlulon haa given treely of III time nnd !!{'rvltes. Thl' ~rl{1lnlw.Uon of tho library which h&ll bl'<'n jl:olnjl: on for Beverlll yenra hal ~n done under the .Hreet a\ lprrvl ~lon of the Sec-relary, It WII.II not poutble to cnmpleto tho roor(tanlElltlen befor!' the IIbrlry mO\'ed InlO the new building, but t.nou/[h had bel'n don!' to make It \1OlIIIlble to tranlfer the book. In JO TUIIW J3'I:SNl.AL IhwOKT ()F TJlY. a .y.tematlc ",'ar and to Ihel"1l them properly In the new etacka. In IUlolber year lb. reor.anluttloD will ha.'. boon completed aud the State 1.lbrar), will be In a polIltlon to render efficient service to la pntrona and to undertake now linea of work. The greater part of the reorSlnlulllon of the State Vbrllry, a llbmry of 40,000 "0Iullle6, hilS ~n dono by the IIl111lstanl librarian, who hll.8 ilL tho I!runo time ('lIrrl(l(l on the elrculullon Iwd referoll«t work. Since the removal Into more ae<:e6lllble (IUartOri the refer­ ('nee work haa more thlU) double(1 and the need for morc help I, 1I10st urgent. It 16 to IX' hoped that the Leglehlture of 1915 will make adequate pro>'lllon for It.

I n~ lrn clloll Ayldo from tbe inlltrU(ltlon given during \'llIlte to IIbrarle. and by C(lrreJIPOodene<:. tbe Setretar)' vlelll the lummer IehOOl1 for teach­ eN! find give. talk! oa lhe equlpmeM and management of Khool Ilbrflrlea. In 19 13 a !peclal COUTIIe In children's literature wal given at the aummer lehool of the Stale Normal and IndUlltrlal College at Grcenaboro, The vlalta to the lIIunllller JlChoolll not onl)' give t1u~ Sl\<'rctnry a chance to meet the teaehers of the stale and to ClItabllah tbe I)CrJlOllal touch but they allK) provide an opporumlty for Inler­ \'\(!WB "dlh teachers especially !nteretlted In tbe IIChool library, Thl. work will C\'elllually lead to more alld belief IIChool IIbrarle.. instruction la also gh'en In the Cemmlll6lon offtce to IIbrarlana of public IIbrariea from time to time, In September, 1914, Ihe &>cretary gII\'e a eeurse In elemcnlar)' cataloging 10 the librarians of the Concord Public Library and of the of Wln­ Iton,Salem. A newly appointed IUJIIIlstanl In a public IIbrar)' lpent a week In the Commlulon offl('e anel at another time the librarian of II collcge IIh rary wsa given llpeclal InatructlOIl. The auceeqful library 1& the well·admlnluered library and thla re(julrCll an efficient librarian. We feel, therefore, that there III no pllrt of our work more Important than Cho 118111~(ance given to IIbrarlanB. Tho Com· mlulon cannot mako IIbrarlanl, for much at library work II ttleh­ nlcal, requiring special training and experlel!te, but the Comml8ll10n call "Ive II certain amount of IIlIIIlaulnce ..... hlch ...·111 enable tbe Ilbrariana ot lIbrarlrl too Imall 10 afford regularly trained libra· rianll to better admlnlacer theIr IIbrarll!L Such IllItruction and IlIUIlslanre la onl)' "Ivrn 10 thollC aieadr In c.barge ot IIbrarlr. or under dellnlte appolntmcnt 10 library 11081t1onL The lIbrarian of a ooliclCr library look the summer OOUr1K! at lhe I"r .... York State Library S<-hool In 191-1 IIUlI al pT@6ent there are thrftl North Carolina )'oung ..... omrn attending library IIChoolll; one being lit the Stllll! 1.lbraT), school and tOliO Bl the library II<'hoo l Of the Carnegie 1.. lbrary of Atlanta, X. C. LraUIY Co ... "'IAJOS II

1'IIIIII1'allll n, The nl\ular pubJlC1lllonl of tbe CommhaloD Include the biennIal r"po" 10 tbe 1",,1.J'lu~. of which Ibb rq)Ort II tbe tbird. and thl" .\·flr'II. Cdroll"U Uhrllry lJullc:U .. , JUUN quartcrly. Tbil hullelln. which I, ..·nt to all IIb.... rJarl. In the Itlle Ind 10 o.nyone Intf'reeteti llIakllllt IppllCllllolI therHor, lI'n"iltI '" Il nwanl of communlcallon bo·! ...... o the ('omml.lon and Ihe IIbrnrll'll. and contnlna Informa­ lion .. to the aCllvltl" ot the ('ommlulon, IUII.f,:callona and aid, to IIbnulall". Ilema of lene .... ' lntt"ree:t In tbe IIb .... ry "·orld. and tbe Ilb.... ry ne .. a or our 0 ...0 Itllf'. Tb" mo.' Important ne ..' publlcallon" luued Ilote tbe lut reporl are wA Sdl"-""t Bibliography of Sorlh C'uollna." by Or, Stephen B. Wl!f'k ... and two leaftl't.. OO(! l'IIlllIetI "Sortb Carolina Patl,"e 1,lbrlrly" Ind th(! other '·Al\:rItUllurl' Ind Counlry Life," The Com, ml.. lon 11110 If!.ndll out \'arioul pamphlet. Illued hy the American I.lbrary A-.oclltlon Publlftbins Board and by the Leasue ot 1.lbmr)· Comnllnloo.. The following II a completl' III' of the publications luued bJ' the 1.lbrnr), Corumll8lon:

OIcolIlII Ueportl, 1909·19H Nortll Carolina Ubrnry DnllNln, December 1909·1914 A 8fo1~t I)lbllogrAllhy or North Carolina, by Dr, Stephen B. Weeka The !'ubllc Llbran·, (Circular 1'0. I.) Travellnl Llbrarle.. (Circular No.2.) Llu or book! ror IIbrlrlee. hlfCh ..::.hoola, lind debating IIOClelll'll F'n.'f! Dt>ba.ll' Llbraril'!!:. 1912,1913 Norch Carolina Llbrnr )" Commlllllion Twenty rroMonl ..·hy Xorlh Carollnll Rhould have t ravelhl, lIbrarl'" ~'r l't' Traveling Llbrllrlu ~'rC(' "ravellng LlbrurlCII; nulee for Circulation Agriculture and Countt)· Life North Carolina Package Llbrarle,; Material for deblte loaned by the Llbu.r)· Commlllion The ~"'rmer'6 Library

School U b r a r le~ The- dl'vl'lopmen( or IICboo l IIbrarl" I, a ,pedal feature of the .... ork. A dote connection hll bel.>n e61abllBhed .... lth the IChoola by glvln. ad.·lce on the carl' and use of school lIbrarlee. nulRtance In Itanlng the neceuarr record •• IIlId help In the It'leclion and pureha.ee of hook!!. The. InlltruCl lon gh'en to !ellche", at the lIummer aehooll hae already been dl'lI(lrlhed lIIull'r another head. A bulletin on 'chool llbnlrl(!l. "The Sthool Llbrll r)' lind 110'" to Use It," Wat "prepared by the Sc<:rctary. BIlIi pubLllhct1 and dllllrlbut('d by the SU lr('rlntcnd('nt of Publle InStruction to nil SChOOl1i In the stnte. Other IIterll!nTe on the H\lIJJ~t III dist r ibuted by the Comml8BIO D. and talka BI'il g\\"(,11 nl (eathc.,1" meeting' to arouse the Interl'tlt of 8uperlutend('ntl and teacher. In bulldln/l; up good IIC'hool IIbrarleL A IIpeeial etrort I, made to brlnl the public Kllool. and the Imblle IIbrarl~ Into ('10Ie ('(liipcralion. At the reqlle~t or the Department or ~;du('aUon the IIlIt of boob fer rural II('hooll hae been revised. or rather a new Itat baa been complied. It contAlna IIl1i8 or bookll for t wo $30 libraries and ror tliree $lG lupplerll('utnry libraries. During 19 16 the bulletin on !!Choot IIbl'llrl(,1I will 00 thoroughly revlsl'd and enlarged. Til E COMMISSION AS A CENTRAL BUREAU

Th.· ('omml Ion orne:. rYH ... Itntral bUTtaU; It d_ rOt the. IIbr.rtn. IIbl'llrhlll~. IUId library IUlt'''"u or thl' "alt' ""bal the oNh~r' or Ihn SUIWrlnrrndl'lIt or "ubiII' IDMrunlon doe_ tor tbo _hoot. lind educational Intert'RU. The CommlllllioD 1a II (ttHer for tho <'ollN:llon and dl.ltlbutlon of a'arll:llu relating to books and Ill,ol1ltl,.., Informallon !'Onel'rolD, library I,...". ol'lauiutioll, and manaluml-nt. tbe selpcllon and bU1ln~ or books. and regardlol t~hnl .... 1 Dl"Oblema or eruslllUtlon, ('aulocinr;, He.• " I't'adlly IvaU· abll.; and numf'toull IDQuiriu ('1)1I«rnlo. lhe many del.11I of IIbl'llry admlol.tralloD are tully and promptly an... en!d.

Thl' &('t (reIUII!!: tbe Library C'ommlaloD ..,.. that every library In rhe atate. ah.1I make an annuat r,'pOtl to lhe Commlalon. lo'rcm tbl'8(' anllua' reporll tbe Comnll .. lon complies .. arlou. tables oC atatl~tltll ~arln, the title "Statlltlel of Llbrnrles In North Caro­ Hntl," The report complied Januar)' I, 19U, I, printed In full In tho AlIlI~ndb, Thus the ('ornmlllllion II able to furnish ,'.Iuable Informallon nnd data to tbe Ubl"llrlnns and ltultl'ft of our own Itate, to other stau!a, and to the l'nlted States lIoYunment, Very frequentl, a new libraI")', or one tbat la CQntemptaUnl\" lOme ehanse In rules and regu· latlona, wlahe. to kno", Ihe policy of olher IIbrarl~ on lhla point. It I. true that aueh InformaUon mlsht be obtained by ... rltlng to the IIbrarlana of Ihe varloua luaUtullonll. hUI a gf'8It savin, of lime and tnet" I, etl'eeted by havlu, the Informal IOn on tile In a (lcntrlli ottlC1! whlth Ia an:eulble 10 the entire profl'llllion. TIIUI.I)- DU:SNI.\L H£POItT OF TilE


"O.\>!T TO TU.Ht:I.lSG LrnK.\IlIl:8 lIero's to our tr&\'cllng IIbrl\rle.: the promoter. of clv­ lIIut!oll. the makel'3 of true home.: the moral uplifter. of eommunltlu; the IK'nt'factol"ll or our dilltriet IIChoola; true 1I11M1lonarle. In tho hOll1el! of the h!Olatcd: eoop<:l1I.lora wltb the tllltrict school IIbmry; dee.tlned to olle day becollle one of the 1II0st powerful Inlluencel III our Btnte.-Jfr,. l:.·(/l~'/Jra l'orler. e'lello, WI •. lI00kll u6etl to be a hlll,ury tOO costly for the IICllntlly Oiled pOCket. Now, without coat . •• a right recognl~ and lIuppllt:d b)· the atate ItM'U, the bUlllneu part of it managed by the ~I bralnll the Slate UTI furniBh. the book. go Inlo tbe highway. and b)"wa)"IJ. No fellr lIlal any ebeek ... 1\1 Rta)" the development of bookB ror the people. youllg and Old.­ Oregonian. J:o:vcry lound Instinct of ulillolIll\ preservation aut! patriot­ Ism dl:'mands for the mauetl of our people a fuller etluca­ tlon 10 train them to meet polltlea]. aoclal. and Industrial condition. that are Ilullually becoming more complex. To the lI1an UPOII the farm e\"en mote than to the msn In Ihe elty newa of the great mo,"emcuts of the world mUlt come by reading. • Is It 1I0ulbiC to deville any atldltlon to our ,yatem or popular education which will give IJO much Informlltlon, IJO cnrefully choBen, Ilt 10 small cost. 118 w\ll be plnetl by adding free traveling libraries to Il!-/o'rll"k lllile/lfll'.

The Statc of ~orlb Carolina mslntalns through the Nonh caro­ lina Library CommhlSlon a aystcrn or f~ traveling IIbrarle.. The gt'neral ua,"ellng libraries furnish the people ]I\'Ing on farms and In remote communltlu with good book, for genem] I"('adlng; tbe package IIbrlltlcl provide studelLla nnd club worketll willI mater ial for debate autl c]ub papers; and the reference department of the traveling I1brllry lIyatem supplies literature to Individual. and libra­ ries on !l.p4!(11l1 aubjedB to IItudy c]ubs. The books are free to an and any community may share the ad\'antages of the lravellng Jlbrar)" IY61em by complying ..·Itb the few regulations neccuary to III efDelent management.

Gel/erlll 1'ral Hlnl: I.I hraries

The farmer Cllnnot have II. ImloUe library Just around the corner, bUI It fr(!(' bookR sre II good thing for the men, women. Ilnd children who live In eiliu and lowns. BUI"(']y they ahould 1l]1IO be provided for 15

IlIOIIt' ..-110 live In tbe countr,.. Thl' lonll wlnler ",veninI' when thl'r\! ,,, nOlhln, to do on the f.rm and no allnu:tionl to take the 1X'Opie ...... ,. from llil'ir hom,.., afford ul'ellf>nt oppOrtunity tor the I'I.'8IdlnK' and .tut!)lnr or Jood boou. Tlol're I. reftalnlJ' no more IlromiMIoC neld tor I!dU ... tIOllal ... ork In "mnt... than pta~lnl tbe 110 I a.allable N'IIdlnl{ 10 ranD honl(lII. and thl, ran be done I~l etrt<'Ihl'ly b)' mf'tlllR of travellnl IIl.1rarlu. Al\hQUlh the act ('rt.. ,lng the L.lbrary Commlsa;loD (Ul"O the Cammlaloll perml.lon 10 npt'l'lIto traveling libraries It did not nlllku any apprOllrlntlon for the work. The l.,.('s'@lawro of 1913. howe".. r, Incl'('llll(>d the Il1lproprlatlon 5l,fiOIl In order tbat It mlsilt IlItrt till' lravelln, library work. A tra\'plllll1: library ... WI' make II up, 'I. box of book, ('ontain. In, twl1l"e<'tI Ihlrt"th'(' and fort1 "olum~, About oDe.thlnl of the book. a", for ehlhlrNI. onf'-tblrd or morl' a", 110"1'1 .. and the balance are the b<>!It and most ,""adable bookl of biography. lra.'d. lleienCt'. houlIl'bllld economic.. nll:rltulture. CIC. t;xperlcnce hall proved that IIbrarl('8 BO IJropnrllonl'd meet th(' nCC'l11l of the tlverag(' community, lind upon reqU!'81. II fiPM'lal rolle<:llon of book, on ngrlcullUrl', \m"el or lillY olher aubjed la InCluded In a 11'11(11'81 (m ...·llng library, SlJ(lC'lal Ilnentlon h' IIhcn to the .electloll of the rbUdren', book, and of nCllon F:acb library cont,lnll a frw of the old "andllrt! 1I0000eia IIDd 110m!' of Ihl' bNl N'(:('nl tl<'llon. Thl' ,landllTd la 'If,'pt u hlKh U p(III8lblll nnd thl' aim III 10 bave III these <:8RIJ only booka that will fllrnb,b p;ellulnl" In!plratloll, useful Informlltlon, or .... hol. IIOme rcereallon.

The boxCllllre 31 x ljl~ x 0 In<:hell. nnd are Hued .... Ith abelvCII 110 thaI Ih('y un be IItfil .. book('a8<'ll In the "lIrloulI t'(ImmnulllU to .. hl('h Ihey GO, They are ahlplJed hy freight. the charge!! vnrylng frnm twenly,nvl' 10 "'''I'nty,n.'e <:enl .. thl' aClUal amount deP<'ndllli upon the dl8lan<:e of the borrowers from Ralelgb. The role. lon"rnlllll; the 1000n of IIbrar!€'S are aa few and aim pIe as pollllhl(', Any rommunlty mBY obtain a library b)' llCeurlni Ibe alg­ natun'S of at 1('11111 ten realdentll ,.'ho thull form a library allllodallon, The RIIII()('lntlon ell'('\8 R pre~ldenl, a ae<: re\lIry and IIbmrhltJ, Rnd d~ld('1I ",h~rc the bookll ,hall be kf'pl. Ordlnnrlly. lhe poatofllce III tb(' beat plaC(', all el"er)'cne «oea there, hut If lble nOl feaalble, tbe mOllI dulmble Jllnre. nre lenl'ral alo",'. Jll:hoolll, and laRlly, private homes.. The appll(:llllcn for a tmvellng library mUe! b(' made on the eard. rurnl~bed b)' thl' LibraI')' C'ommlllllion. If It don not _m delllmhie to form a library "IH'ot:lnllcn the appll<'8!lon may be IIlgned by IIl'e tlllpa~'('rs or hy Ih(' ofll('('", of a F'arnl(,rB' I"nlon I..ocal, Dorrowel'll agr('(' 10 PII)" the fr('lll.ht bolh from lind to nnlclgh, to be reaponlli ble for the safe feturn of the bookll. nnll 10 Icnd them to Rll rl'llponllible PI'~DII In the ('ommnnlty ..dthont charke. A library mllY be kept 10 TUIRD BU:NNIAL H&j'OKT Olf THE

three 100ntll8, find, If deSired. renewed for ODe month longer. AI Il0011 fill one Itbnlry 1& returned another, CQnllllnlng an entIrely dif­ ferent collection of bookll, III Hent to take lIe place. Thull the peo­ ple of nny eontlllllulty, however remote. Inn), secure library prLvl­ leg\.'!! similar to those enjoyed by the realdcnlil of cities and towns having large public llbrllrica. The nut tra,'cllng 1ll)rar[etI werl' sent Ollt In February. 1(114, and sInce lbat Unl(' IIbrnrlCII have been sent to tbe follOwing counlies:

Anson DavIe 1'1I8b Scaufort Edgecombe Orange Buncombe GllstOIl l'alK!uollink Caldwell Grau,-Illo Randolph Caswell Guilford Sampson Catawba Halifax Stokes Cleveland IlurneL! Surry Columbus lIer\ford UnIon Craven Jackson Wake

some lnlllnncca IIbrtlrh~1I ha\'e been sent to only one p]ace in • county'" anll ]n others to @e\'ernl. Crnlwllle. CuUtord. and Samp!40n have more traveling Illations than lillY other cOllntiel', in a tew weeks two dozen more tnl.l'ellng libraries will be ready to senu out, making a tOlal ot sel'enly·IlI'e. But there Mhoulu be 8t least live hundred of these lInle IIbrarlell, all avernge ot flve to a county. The state spends thouffillda or dolllHS el'er,. year In trnlnlng lUI flllUre eiUzens 10 read. l'lavlng given them thla expenSive schooling for lib: or seven years ean It atrord to neglect them when II few ccnta per capita. annually woulu enable them to educate Ihemselvell throughout their UvC!i! or ('an It afford to leave the ~I\lantlt)' allU quality of their rending to chance? No Intel1lRent l'orth CarOlinIan can QUClltion the ImpoTlan('c to the state ot auppl),lng the countrY people with good lItemture, DILl 10 what extent do the people lake advantage at sueh an opoortunlty! Letters sre received daUy askIng about the tral'ellng lIhrary system and how to gN a library, although no conal6lenl effort hilS been mllde 10 Rdvl'rtlllC thelll. The d\!mnlld tor them has always been Rrenler than the supply, The work gTO"'R taRter thon we eRn keep up with It; tor. the I;I!ndlng of a. llbrRry 10 one plRee In a rount)' 16 Inl'arlably tollowed by iztqulrll'8 anti applkallons tram other localities In the ~ame ~ollnlY ond ndJollllng COl1ntlClI, If tbe lral'cllllg IIbmry ser\'lce Is to be of relll I'alue exchanges of lIbrnrles mnal be made regularly: that Is, as soon nil a. Ubmry [s retllrn<'d another must be sent to take lIS place, It Is (ar better to rurnlFh R Inn'eUng library station olready eslabllllhed with a constant Sll llpl)' of books than to drop thaI alation lind IICnd a library to a new one, Hen('c new stations CRnnot be establiShed lInl\! thc suppl)' or books ",'arrants It. 17

t~l(trto .. t. from ll'Ctf"1'1I ~IYf'd froll1 • ftow pl~ to _lIkb \ravel· 1111 IIb ... rl... b.v~ 1r01I" Ir" IIlvtll bt-loW' 10 abow b",,- IClad the ('Quoll")' IM'Opll' 11'(' 10 «('I ,Il0l1 book. and ho.- mUfh th .. ,. appre­ ('hufl them:

('J:lI~1L GMUI. -,\ m ..-odln" b)' lodl)", (r('llIbl the raae of books whlrh all our lIelJlhborhood hl"f' N1JOYI'd 1M) much. WI' wouhJ be ,lad 10 hive .nothl'r ('~. We hav,- II II .... ' mlny IIman boy. and Klrla who rf'rllllnl~ f'oJored the boob for tbem, I eoeloo;e • ahol1 11ft of bookl fOrnf' blH' rNjuu\t-d IIII' 10 I"k for . PI_ lIotU,. mt' a day or two b<-fore Iblpploll Ih(' Ir."l'lIolI library, .. we IIvf' ,Ix mil ... from the railroad and I will h ....,. to mill" Irrtongemf'OII for sellin. It OUI.

('1,.\1".\,\11 !llIu-A. WI' are If') Inllioll' to bUfO Ihp library. Uu(' • Mpanlll' room for. library In our IIChool building and ran cart' for thl' traveling library thE're.

Cor,,;!,/)· P]P.t.~ !Wild UI Inothrr Ubrar), liS &0011 II poalble: ~ other coUI'<:!lon or lubJ«1I dIvided JUll about lIa thla ollr.

LITTU-ru,. Il (,~'r :t,- " hr library hnl bf>rn o r great Ile n 'leo to the ~ommulllt)·. :I' II.m"',- I mllft Ihllllk you alld ('vrry olle 1'0llnec:tetl with the Llbrnr7 Com nil_Ion ror Ihr dC!lIl1htful hours I!pent In rending dur, Inl tllla rXI~mr'y rold lind lInplealllllLl w\nlrr. 1I0w every 011(' III thl' country Who rrlld the bookll l'nJo)"ed thl'm and are IMltdul Ihlt the !ood Old :\"onh StilI' I. rl'achLnr; Il. mllny IiOIII IIl1d dllughtertl Ihroulh 11:00II, ('I{'Iln boob_ God'a rlfhl!!lt blelllllnr;a attend hrr, If you ~Quld arranl:r In thl' I"OUnlry ro r a pl'rBOn 10 borrow i!l('veral boo'" at ollrr It would be II 1ft'll! bl'ncftl. Whl'n a prrson eomet! five mllftl Ol'('r bad roada 10 ll'l I book he would aur('ly rnJoy UlklnJt S(!1('ral Ilong lind readlnR Ihl'm all durlns the t",o "'I'('k. hI' I • • 1I0 ... ~'tt 10 kC('p th('m. ' wtLI ellden\'Of next f.1i to get mOn:! reader. and to .dv('rtlae Ih(' IIbn1 ry In 0111' or our eoullty pnpera. I am '('ndhlg ),011 a r('porl of the rlrculnllon of the booh. You III'e ofl.('n n n en tire fllmliy read Ih(' !lAme book whll(' t hey had II OIlL None k(' pt Ihe bookll Ol'ertlme: oflrn t hey would !J(' relurnoo long before the time Umlt expln:!d, I hope )'ou wtLI find lhe books all In Rood tond ll'on I hal'e \mprellft'd th(' fnrt Or ('an'fully earlng ror them and t','('r)·olle 8('('med to be ., thankrUI of the OppoMunlty to ru.d the lOOt! boo", tbey "'crt! wilLIng 10 do any "'ny yOU IIlIld. "lI;lln ltlt m8 tbllnk )'OU ror helpln,; to eu('ourl8e readlnl.

l locKllnUL-1 am ..ndtn,; by today'a rrelgbt tbe trunk or boob that I un a,uu re you we enjoyed ,'fry mu('b. We appreciate more Illln worda ean expn'tll your klndnea In letting U8 ha\'f~ the boob.

O XfOllD, 11 0t'Tr; 3.-PlcAft8 IJ(! nd ua Inotber calii' r lgbt IIway.

0 1,1',.1,- We would be plcalK'd to r('('clve anotber caR r lgM IIway. W e n il tbLnk It III nne.

ROC KY M OI'l~T, R'll'T!: 3.-1 bAve beell AUlhorized to a pply for a n. other tral'ellnfl: Il brll ry, Lalit ,,'Inter "'e bad library NO.7 and It WI' much enjoyed and .pprN" lnted In Ih'" comm nnlty, 18 TAlI(lIl.-We would be glad to reech-e another library at once. WI"'II.I'I"I:, noun: 2.-PlcIUlC MllIp Uli allother traveling library. eon· ,JBllng of children'. book., bIography, eelcllcc. travel, etc. 1'110 lie&.' liOn of Iho )'car 18 here when fannen hll\'c the mo8\. lelilUre for read­ Ing'. 110 wo would be glad to have another one of your free traveling IIbrllrle&.

A library JUSt relurnCtl rC IlOrl8 1\ cIrculation of onc huudred lIod nrl),; IltlOlhcr. forty-nine t('adcn: nod II circulation of ODO hundred find fOrl)'·lwO; lind II third. thlrtY-IleI"CU rClldcn (the pOpulation of lhe district 1. only nrty) lind II l'Irculatlon of one hundred and t .... cnl)-.fIlx. These tlgurctl. however. do not indicate the actual num­ !)(or of limes the booka ,,'ere read: fot. In mllDY Instancea. a book II borro"'ed by one memlM'r of II family and III counted only ODce but II I'f!ad by the entire family.

I'nrlinll:t' Ul.l rll r le~ A grent porLiou of the beIIt wrltlug lmd rcadlug-llterary, scientific, profeSijlonul. mill('ellnnoou8-eomes to ue now, at etnted Intervals, In I)U II<'T eOl'el'1l. The writer I1llpeaTe, lUI It were. In Ills shlrt-illeevCfl.-Olll1t'r 1I','Ndrll liD/me ••

]t &eeme lbet ="oMh Carolina ""al Ihe fiMlt southern "ute to send out Ilaeknge IIbrarlel; In fnet. Ihe~ ",'ere only a few Ilate. olleml­ Ing thcm .... ben Ihe Comml~IIOII began Ihe work sevnal yean ago. The tirsl IIbrarlf'll were prepared In responlle to many r('questa from all partl of the "ale ror literature on eurl'f!nt IIOClal and polltleal queBlloll8. Tbese requeIIll fame mOlltly from lIludenll. prlnclpall and luperlllleudClll1 of the rUn'll districts and of towns hB\'lng no public IIbrarlell. AI nil experiment the Commission prcpal'f!d a rew IlbrnrlCB on the sublecte In grentcI' demand. ThCfle collectlonB. which 80011 bcca.me kuown lUI debate Hbrnrlel. weTe loalled 10 Bchools lind to debating ijocletlea that would pay the t ransportlltlon chargoB both way .. The firat libraries were Icnt 0111 In the winter of 1911·1~12 and Iince that time the work hili Increased year by year. Statlillc. Brc IOmetlmcs mIsleadIng and unrolhtble and yet wo havo no better "andan! Ill' which to mt'alure reeults. From October, 1912, to April, 1913. IIbrarlea were !It'nl to 113 places In 62 counties. .'rom Deoc~bcr. 1913, to April. 1914, :!,560 plecee were sent out, an average or :!6 pleccs a dB)'; wblle In the month of NO\'('ml)('r, t9U. 1,000 plf:'«il ... ere 8ent ou\. Tbelle figurel do no~ Illdlcate, however, tbe aelul\' ulle tbat Ie made of the debate IlbrarlCII. for there I, no way of telUng how mllny people profit by theIr use In the vllrlous " Iacel. They lire not loaned to IndlvldulIls, bul to schools lind to debntlng eocietll!l!. which mClllts thllt cllth library sent out III used not merely by one JlCrllOn, but by II group of IIOOlIle. 1. SIII&.paJl+I'I and lQII!;Il110H Itt' Ihe 10_ Important r'ClQrs In tbe ronaatlon of public opinion but minT peOple do oot hll'e an oppor. tunil, of rradln, lin: bat pt'rlodltal. and few of el'('u the bell print Itll Ih(l Irlum"ntl pro and ['(ID lind ,h'e III the 'au... on both .hlN or any qucatlon. Out In tl'ery d~bote IIbmr)' prepilred by the 1~lbrnr)' CummlNlno In oll'ort I, mldo 10 furnltb literature d~lLllnll" "'llb the lubJ('(;1 In • lI('oeral 11'11), Ilnd liwo pamplllc!J Dud r€lpona wrlHcm from • parlllllUl .tandllolnt, If I)lmphl('l' laued by • lIIX'lcl, tormfd to prolIlote !lOme pIlnkular r"'ann are placed In I collC!("llon. 100 ,1110 .~ tbe publttatlDo, of tbe .ocltl)" oppoeed to rdorln, It lorb there lM'. The 11m 'I 10 ha"" tbe collection. t'Y('nI7 balanced. bUI In • re .. IOMtanCt'll nearly ,U tbe l!u:rature I,'ailible I, on 00(1 tide. Tbl, 'I Npec.lllly trua of IUl'h qUt'stlona .. Cblld "'bor and the C'on&('rvallon or Natu,..1 ltellOurce-. North Carollna'a I*eka«t' IIbrlrlt'l art' made liP not only or mala· Iloe Irltd('~. Ipl!t'Chel!, brlt'r" ne"·"]lB)l(.'r cllpllinp, II:O"('mmenl d()('unlt'ol. and l>aml.hlelll-"Bhlrt.~lecv(l" 1Iu.·l1IlUrc-but. In tl.e DIM' iorlt)' of CIISt''' aevel1l1 book, arc all

Ag.. leulture VII. Prof_lonl Arbitration. Industrial Arm)' (United Slate')' In('"realle Atilletlu CaplLal Punishment Central Dank Child Labor Co-educaUon ('ollege rral('mlll~ Commillllion Government COl"llputllOry Education Conscrvatlon of Natural ltellOurtt'l Conl'ict Labor Dltt'et Primaries Elght'hour Day Emplo),er', Liability Examination. Federal Control of Corporation, GOVl"rnDll'nt O..-nenlhlp of Railroad, Government O •.-ncnlhlp of Telephone and Telegraph 20 TUlIm BUtS~·IAI. lua'OIlT OJ THill: GrOOC(! lind HOlDe ImmlgrflllolL Income Tax Inh('ritancc Tax Inllillth'e lind nere~ndum Inluncllon~ Ireland. nome Rule MexIco. Annexation Mexico. Intervention of the United SIBlte MOilrot' Doctrine Mo\'lng PIClurell Munlclllu.l OlnJerllhlp NllpOleon Xa,'y (l'nlted Statt'll) IncreftlM! Old Ale Pen,lolla OIICU and Closed Shop Panama Canal. l-'orUncation pauama Canal. Toll, Parcel 1'000t Penn)' POlitago PhlllPillne Islandll. Independence I'retlldent. Term of ornce ProhlbiliOD Hecall Road. SellfilOI"ll. Election Ship Subsidies Short DnlJot Single Tax SoclalisIn Spelling Reform Suffrage. Property QuallficlUlon Sutlrage. F.dueatlonal QUllllflutlon Tariff Trade Unions TruIIIB "h'l~tlon Womnn Suffrage World Peace

Llternture to 1M! used In writing ('ommeneem('nt ellllan and speech .... a. well aa rec:ltaUon~ and oratlonll, III loanC'tl to the .tu· dents or the fUfOl ec:hool8. DurIng tIle month ot '\lIuch. 1914, ovef cleven hundrC'tl plcce!! were lIent out tor thIs IIUrllOlIC.

; .,': ;" " ::: " '.' ...... ", ::; : .. : ',,: : : ...... , .... :". .::: .. '" ... ,"...... '::: ::: :, ., " . '" .. . ', ...... '.'. . 21

Thl' fllrlner',. I.lhrury W[att'T II • lOGe that tbtl' IJI'!l reading that II of -orne "11110. both agrl. eullural aud lillY olher kInd that can be bnll.-t:. S. Mtlrt/II,

The COlllmlulon ('.nelldt .peelal IITh·lIege. to (armen., It main· lalna a _peeIB] colleHloD 011 Bt;rlcultu", and COUlllry life, (:oD8lallng or alll;ly tit In, tho malt hllporl&.llt and IlUpulnr being duplicated lUI min), llDl~ lUI I, ne<:eRtiatf to Uli"el tbe demand. A group ot leo book. from thla collection III loaned to a ).'1lrmers' Union Loenl for t ..... o monthll, or IIlnglu volumC(! are loaned to Indlviduill. (farmers) fOt one mOIHh, upon ret:elpt of allplleatlon llgned b)' an ofn~er ot • 1000al organhatlon or by a town or count)' ottlclal, Upon requelt a group ot ,Ix la Ineludll

1. Southern Field Cropil. Duggar .. CrOIUJ aud 11ethoda for Soli Improvement. Agee 3. ~'Irst Prinelpillfl of Soli ~'ertlllty. \,h'lon 4. Fenlllz('rL "oorheell 5. The Farmstead. Hobert! 6. CouDlrr LUo and the Countr)" S

Any community. club. or ~~armeMl' Cnlon Local mlly borrow the above collectloD of books b)" making Ilroper applicatIon therefor. Borrowers "1r'e(! to take good care or the books, to return t hem Ilromplly, Bnd to PBY the psrCt'1 POIIt botb "11'11)'11. The IIbrllT)" welghll about l",('nt)" l)(lunds, nDd the pOMage In Ihe first Bnd IIeCOnd zonllfl III 24 ~e nt s . IIntl In the tblrd zolle H een1~. 22


The North Cnl'Qilon 1~lbrnry COmmlMlon hal not aUempled to compete with IItntea that set 8111de from ten Ihou!W.nd to aevenlY­ Bve thouannd dollilu n year ror IIbrnr)' comml/lllioll work. but It hll3 attempted to eludy the nced8 of North Carolina nnd hllJl en­ deavored 10 npply It I limited fundi to the beat advantage and to ~nd('r tbe State the Inrgellt poIRlble rl'turn for the lIum given Inlo It I cbarge. Summarh.lng Ibe work or tb(' Nortb Carolina COnlmlllSlon, II d~rlbcd In the fOTcgolng report. we Bod tbat II 'I cncouraglng, atimulllUng. 11011 aa81BIIIIg in the CII!lIbllshmcnt of good IIbrarlel: thaI It 1& belplng to make old IIbrnrletl more ertkll'nt; Ihnl It I. llefvlng 113 a cenlcr for tbe colleetlon and dlll!rlbution of all klndl of Intonnatlon relating to book. and lIbrarlea; nnd, mOIl! Important of all. Ihlll It Ie making a begluuln« towarda supplying Ihe ruml pOpul!lllou with books hy mean. of Individual loans. p8cka.se 11· brnrlell nud trnl'('lIng IIbrnrh!e. The Commission JII espec-Ially 8nxloue 10 Impl'Ol'e tho Mcrdce whlel1 It II gh'lng the COUn1ry pe0- ple: to be able to Increase thc number of trlH'ellng lIbraricII 10 tbat Ibere ""Ill be an average of teu 10 a county. Out It 1& very evident Ibat It cannOI do tbls ....-llh an appropriation of onl,. $3,000 annuall)-. Hence tho COlllmlsslon most urgcntly rCCjUetltl that Itl approj)rlllUon be InC'f(!:lIlCd In order that It may lIl!'cl the dem8ndl mndo upon It and the uuusual opporluutltc8 prellenled at thla tlmo. UCllpecUuUy submlUed, MIS:'HE W. l£ATliERll l .... 8ccretofll. x. r LI Il.~KY' COaUtl~"IOS


A ..... rdN·O. -Th,. l'al'll' Ml'nlO.-Ial library I, tboroullhly Ilh'e and II.'ro.lnlf al a norm_I. ('fllI~I ..('nt 'I~_ Th .. numher of borrn_en alit! the elro!ulllilun IncrrllMI) every yenr, In 11111 Ihe Inll'rlor of tha hulldlnl! .., .. dou .. OVl'r and Ihl' .round, Ire IIc!ln" iml>roved lind ''''Autini'd from tNlr I/) ),,.ar IlI o"hnt U"'·... The I ... nd-II-llond IIbrar) I. honKet! In an nUrac­ live bulldlnll.' ~O lC 30 x Iii freL At onr fnd of .hl' rl"adlu,; roonl I. a I\:r .. 1I1 nrl'lllllC'f' "'-hleh addll much to I... tlracth'en .... and cbllrlll. Ilorr()w\'fll rt'<'<"Jrd their o"'-n lonna an.l Ihll IIttlr libra!')' 11raetlcally tolilt'& core of Itself. The ",11Or! ..YI thal altho boot. lire 1000t now 1I0d then and allu~ ~mr!lmeli. that on the wholl' an a~tonlablnJCly .. mill! number fnll to come back In goml condition.

Ore,"rd.-H hi. df'O.lh In l,n~ Lawnde. Jlumc ",·III .. d hi. IIbrar)' 10 thl' to.1I of 1I",\'II.rd Thl, col!l'CtlUIi or about WII book. ,Imilly led ""lIh Uhrary Unreau fnrnltuft', Silecllli IITh'lIegclI h I\.\'O been cxtended 10 the clly and countY leacbef'll, alld the educnUonal collection hlill been IItrenlP-hened. A del)()llt IllUllon hall beeo ('Rtnbll.hed at the Southern Hell Tclc­ I)hollo Compauy fo r the benefit of the opernlora. 1913 ""Ill! we banner )'ear In clreul_tlon and regtRlrallon. "ii,G48 booka were I~sued. !lnd there ""ere Ui60 new r e,:ISlratlonL Chnrlol1e (colored IIbrnr)'I,-,\ltho hnndlcapped by lack (lr fllnd& the IIhrar), III doing good ",'ork. O\'er ~OO nc"" borro""er, ",'ere added TUllm HI.~SSl.\L Ib:I'()IlT 01' TilE

In 1913-191-1, Rml this H'ur eon~lderahle .... ork III being done vdUI the county IIChoolll. ('O llrord..--The mOllt .11lgnlflcnnt lIOInt8 of Ilrogrellll, all reported by the librarIan, are: (IJ The purchase ot a mOBt dulrnblll and conllllooloua home ror the lI brnry, ut n COM or $3,250. It Is no .... entirely frlle rrom all IndebtednesII. (21 The Increue In the IHLlllber at borrowerll, Altho the number of books Is constantly Increnelng the numhcr of borrowHs Is IncreashlK cven more railidly nnd al­ most ~uRla Ihll number or boOks In the "brar)" (3) The Increased uumber of I'hdtore to the rencllng. room, HI A marked Improve­ llIeUI In tbe rete~nce t.!ellRrunent, A urenuoua effort III being madll to make this departmeut meet the ueeds or Lbe ))COllIe, lIurlllUI1..--The man all(lllflcani bit of progreM 111 the DurhRm Public Library Is the RllprOllrlatlon of UOO per year (rom the county ror rural e~teuslou, A demand for bookR trom county residents WWl creAted. nnd :11 thll patronage grew It became more tllan could be handlcd wllhout nd dlttonRI he]I/, Wllh the helll or the county ILn assistant on half time was secured find lho work Is Ilrogrellsing nicely. The number of borrowers has nlmost doublct.! during the pfln two years, For the ]nllt three years 1.000 nlLllle~ hal'e het'-II added ench year, There Is a corresponding Intrease In lhe number of bookll circulated and the I) roportion of non-flctlon Cllrculated hall 11Ic r!'alllld frOIll nve to flrlCi!cn Iler cent. The IItI"TI!.T)' clubs of the city dl"lleud upon the IIbrnry for all tbelr refClrenCle work. conllultlng- With the librarIan IX'fore their Ilrogrsma are made out, They ule the material the library hal aud 8ul1tlly bQoks they need Ibat the IIbnr)' tan not furnl.h. ket'-Il theln In the library during the year, and In mOM calles al tho end of the club year the bookR fi re donnt<'d to tbe IIb rflry, Getting tho clubs to huy aud then donate the boob to the IIbrflry hRe Intcrutcd nIRllY a clUb member who otherwlso would hfl"o no InterCllt hi the lIhmrJ'. t'a' "f' lIe,JIle..--The llbrflry of the Ch'lc Association 18 a sub,crlp­ tlon librarY, the dues beIng $l.IiO 0. year. Dur]ng the ])lUIt two year. 53 ne"'" members \I'e re added, (:rl" .. n~llOro..--The Greenllooro library now ownll ]:?,:?SO \'oluml"lI, having added 3,13:? of thlll number .Ince 1912. Thl, addition In­ cludes 1.000 \'olumes In the Morehead Gra)' COllection. a collection formerly recort.!ed lUI a loan, Itl"ference ""'ork hUll IIteadn}, Improved In the librnry while lUI elrculf1l1on wu ~S,OH volumCII ror 191:?-13 find 31.90~ volumes for 1913-11. each being larger thall Grcenllboro's circuilltion for nny Ilreced lng }'ear . t;n ullual cXllNlse haR been Incu rred for the ])urchlllle of 'Idcl ltlonlll _ha]vlng neceasar)' tor boOkll and neW8])aller file., Tho annual nil- S. f'. I.I"II"-T ('OMMJIllOIOS

... rol,na,II'o ot tb" ('Ity w..... I~d on ;\Iar I. 1'13. from U.O\}II 10 '3,:1(101 Thr IIbtllnan. In~tf'1Il1 or 1"'0 now con~IIII1I" Ihfl ala". a ,radu­ ate rrOIll the 1.1101'11'" Tr&lnlnj( ~h(>fll or Atlanl. h • ...tng w.-n added Jul, I. 19H, T"·,, rl':i\UU'. or hhrlorlcul InU!r ... t In Ih" IIbr.o·'a aeOvllle. dU('­ Inc \hl' lX"rlud ha,'1l ~n 111 a :\orth Carolina. lIory honT hi \913 lIIu_tl'lll(><1 by doll~ .... hlrb "'main II Ilf'rmant'1I1 "sblblt In Ibl' ehll­ dtl'n'a fo<,m. aod I:!J • 0".. 1 "alu.ble iIIltt In rour IlOrll'lllltl /}( dlll­ lln.nl~hl!1l Oul\ford t'llilIen~ Co'-ernor John .\1. )IOrf·h"ad. (low'roor Jon!\lhan Worth, (;o\,ernor AlfrNl "oore Sealea Rnd COl. Jullu. A. Gray. Thp8(' IlOrttalta ... en! Ilre&!'nlM to thl' Ilbrarr by the four famllli'll alld uO\'t'lIt'tI with alll,ro... rlaIP t'l

IIf'1'd l' r ~u n, [JII'. -Tht' n""" (':Iorn"gl ... Itllr.ry "'Ill compiNt'd In Juoe lind Ol~nt'd to tht' IlIIblie Sl'IIICmlo('r 21. 1911 The building. "'hl('h II or bnck. C08t '10.000 and h.. a book tapaclty of (;,000 volumH. Thl' lown .PllrOllnlllH 1 •• n,)I) aonu.lly for Ita IIUPllOr!. The "bran' III (rl'l' 10 all realdl'ntll of lIenderllOnvllle but tranalenlJl pay II f~ for lhll UIIl' of book .. II ld",rr,- The Hickory Ubran' la Olll'n l"'ery da,y from 3 to (i p. 10_ Thl' lawn approllrlall'll SI~1l a year for 1'- aUllllOrL kln_lan.-The 10"0 al'pnlprlatea UZ.50 Ilt'r month 10"·lIrd" the lIullllOrt or the lIhrnry nnd $15 Ilt'r year for elect rIc IIl:ht-l\, "mem­ benhlp tel' of $1.1iO fI, Yl'lI.r III chlU'get! ror Iho UIM! ot booka. lfo nlrtat-The Cora A. Sioue llemorlal I\llrllr,. 00" hn o"er S.OOO ,·olumce. .\ rental collCCtlon .,'" elltabllahM last )'ear and III IIfovln,; to be an t'xcellent ,,'n)' of lIu llplelllcnllol; tho meagre book fund, ,"" " , IIt ru.-l)nrlng the lla~L year the enUre delll on the building pnrehucd aevl'1'lI1 yt'JU'lII 1111:0 "·IUI .... I... ed out nnd the Ubran· II oow honted In Il ,·ery nttrlloctl\'e hnme of 1111 own, A IlI'nnancnl IIbrllr)' bulldlnj( ha"lng 11('i!0 8\lCurtd and all debll pllld. the IIbrllory cnn no1l' tum IIU of It II enel'!tlea and funda to the !len'lce of lUI pntronll.

"Inr huut.- The library ('()nlalnll 1.600 "olumee. It III Ol~n every ntternoon from !l to 6 tor the c:lreullltlon of booka to lIubll<'rlbera ,,·ho lire thc K\Il'RlII of Pln{'huflt and III half rate to the employeell of the village. Tht' reading room la free to all. Ualt h: h..-The InterIor of the Olivia naney Library WIUII done over during the Bummer or 1911 and the red carpet repleced by cortlcene, Thl' nunlber of borroweu In 1913 WIUII 4.7en a !i:rutlfylnl!; Incrt'IUI4! In llip c:lrcula· tloo durIng the I.. at )'ear and the rental col1nctlon Is provlnJ!; "ory 'rIlIlW Bn:SNIAI. REN)RT 0" T ilE

popuilir. In Allrll, 1911. a reading room "111"8.$ olH!ned lind the libra ry II now milking a llJoCClli1 etrort to lJund up II good teterenco eollec­ tlon. A lyceum counle w.. /o:1\"('u Inst year tor the IlUrllOse of rail­ Ing fund!! for new bookl. 1'lnll ~lJlI rr,-The SnIiebm'y Public library, which hll.!J b('en n lub- 1Klrl ptlon IIbrIlTY, will , hortly become n free pulJllc IIbtnry; not, Ilo\\"e\"er, tbro muul<-llInl uld but by the c.lT"orts of public /lJlitHed eltl;!;en •. The count,\" hilI oon\"('·tted the old courthouse Into II com­ munity ceuter and given the library lhe use of two rooms, one a rending room aud lhe other a book room. The library III klOpt OIH!U all dll)" Salurdlly no thal the eountr)' people Olay hll'·e the benefit of It_ SuulllllO tl.-The IIbrllr)' WIUI Ol)ened In tbe summer of 1912. The Ileo])le l1:enerlilly are w~ry much Interested In It nud the work bo. progte,;8t'd Slf'odlly. A f{OOCl delll or referenee work III done aud the eireulation "'·eTRgell 3~ or to IL ,lay. \\ 1I111lrl)::lon._ During Iho aummer of 1914 n gradUll.le of the At­ Il1nlll I-Ibrary schoo] \\"116 lOngnged 10 brIng the catn]og up to dnte and to gh'e the lIbrll.rlnn JlS much he]l) nnd Inlltrllcl10n a. 1I0811ble In modern IIbrnry method.. The library Is doing el:eellent work wilh Ihe !lchools, lind na fast al flllHla Ilcrll1ll Is binding the !.lest IJII1!;a:dnel. Whl !!"h/ II- Snlf'll1..--I'rCI'IOU8 to :llny, 1913, the library \\"a. known BlI the ('arueg!e PlIblle Llbrnry of Winston, On the abo,·e date Win. 8ton and Sa]em conlJOlldntcd aud the name W!Ui changed to the Caru<'gie 1,lbral")' of \\"In''on·Sa]ell1. nerore thnt time Salem wa. not entitled to free nse at the library bllt there were IL fc"· ~1Ib­ scrlbers who Ilnld $1 pe r )'enr. l'nfonunately. altho therc hM been a big Illerense In the number ot p:UtOlla slnee the consolidation Of Wln aton and $ai<'lll. there ha ~ been no additional 1I111)rO llrlation. The allllrOllrlntion of $1.1;00 Iler yenr from the city hna not been Incr<'lUIed since the ollenlng of tho library In 1906. There has been II. deCided Increase In elrculllUon of book. and referc.llce work for Ihe 1'l1.li1 two year. as s hown by the following ngur<.'8: Clrell]nUon from I ~emb<'r. 191:!. to Deecmber, 1913. ZI,7(i3: from I)cc.E,mb<'r, 1913, to Deeember. 19U. !6.H7. a ..... In or 1,69~. Heferenl'e "'ork from l>eeember. 1912. to Decemb<'r , 1913, 7SI; from December. 1913. to l)ecember, 1911, 1,950. on Inereal!e of 1,166. The children's hour Is one of the mOBt In terest!ns: lind progtt'S8lve f",nlurel Or the work. The ntteud nnce hns grown atelldll)' for the VWlt )'ear from 10 or Hi each month to :;0 nnd jri Jlml III Chrlatnlllll ](iO. X. C· LllIUn ( ·

SUMMARY Qt. LIBRARY CONDITIONS Publlt' 1.lbran .,. Numlll!r ; "'ree. 24; l ubllcrlptlon. ~ I Total, 41i. 1.lbrary lIulhllnga; CarnellI'. Ii; OtbH. 16 Total. 21. Trained Librarian.: r.. MalntalnC!d by la.r.allon or appropriation.: 20. ('oullty t::Clen.IOD; 4. (,"'ul1 IIbrar) prl'rI1!'Kei e:ltendf!d 10 aU (Ounty r("Sldrntl.) IArll~t Public LlbrarlN: 1"oh..... ' OU .. la Itaney Library Raleillb. ...• l UllS Gfl'otnlboro Public Llbrar, tI.7IS I"ck )lemorlal Llb... ry. AIlht'Vll le .••••• • , •... , •• . 11,660 ('amegle 1~lbrary . Charlotte •• 7,288 WllmlDllon Publle Llbrar,' .,. 6,65 4 ClLrnegle Llbrar)" Wlnlton·Salem 6.06 4 2. College 1.lbrarletl. 1.lbrl1r), Bulldlngl; Carnegie, 7. 0lher,4. Total, 11. TralnC!d Librarian.: 8. Largl'lll ('.QlIege Llbrarl('ll: 1'011.",(', Untvrrfllty or ~Otth Carolln. .., ...... ••. 67.45Z Trinity College Library ...... •...... H ,Gr.3 DavldllOn ColIl't;e Library...... 23.688 Wake FOrNt College ..... 19.000 Stale Nonnal ColleJe ...... 10.298 Salem Aeademy and Col1ege ...... •...... 10,000 3. Llbrarll'll for Colored People Nu01lM'r: Public. I ; aehool and I'olh.'ge. 8. Total, 9. Library Bulldlngl: Publ\l'. I : echool lind (Qilele. 3. Total, t . Trnln('d Librarian.: I. 4 RUI1lI School Ltbrnrlell. Nllmlll!r. }o'ebruary I, 19H: Original S3fl IIbrar'el. 3,389 ; num· ber of volumes. 231,230 realdellt· ~Ir. J. Frank Wilkes, CharlOlle. Second \'Icc-I'resldcnt- ;\11l1li UCllie D. Cald"'ell, 1,lbrarian Greenllboro Publlr 1.. lbrnr~', SeerNllry-~lIsl1 ~ I ary B. Pnlnll.'r. L1brarhm Carnegie Library. Cbarlotte. Trelllll.lreT-;\lrs. ,\, "', Grlf[glI, LIbrarian Durham Public Library. 8. Library Comm.lll8lon (Cr('ated by I.cgblature of 1909). Headquarters: Sew State BulldlnJt. Raleillh.

~ I embcra of Ihe COl.llmlnlon: Dr. Lonla Il. WIlIIOII., Chairman, Dr, J, Y. Joyner. Dr. Charlel \..c(! Smith. T realureT. Mr. Miles O. Sherrill. Mr. C. C. Wright. Executl\'c Starr: ~!l1l8 ~tlnnle W. lRIHh{'rmun, Sl'('retary, MIIIII Allee Rodg('rs. A881111.8n1 to 1he Secretury. PurPOSe: To eucourage and alUll" In the ('lllabllsbmcnt of new \Ibrarles. To Improve IIbrarlee already etllabLlshed, Tn lIerve 86 a eell.ll'r for the collection and dletrlbutlOIl of Itatlalln and Inforlllation rehlltnJi; to booke nnd libraries. To IIlIpply the rllral polllliation with library fac-tlIt l{'II, T hlH III nccomJlII~hed b)' the operation of \'llrlOll8 kinde of t raveling lIbrn rlel!. (See allo\'e und('r Tra\'ellng 1,lbrnrll'tl. ) 'S. C. LIPa..t.aY CO,.,.JuJOS ,.

10 lorl~t, Ih •• ('ommlMJon d~ fur tbe IIbrarl" .nd libra!"), Inuor· _'- or tbe SUlle ... battbe oftke 01 Superlntend.,nt (It I"ublle In~lrue­ tlull dOH for tbo «b001.. II 1.lbr.r1 ,.1'0,1;1'(. ••• Slnt~ IILe full (It 19()!l nrlt>{·o nl'''' publll' libraI'll" bave be4:·n ". labU.hed; a ntuu\)('r of old on!!. lIa~,' bc<'n Imprmn 111'1('1), reorpnll:ed Ilrfi)rdlnK 10 lUodern IIbl'lll'}' methoda; • ,GOd pubill" IIbral'}' IIII' hll bf'f,1I pll«'d upou tbe IIatule boou; the appropriation of Ibt Library ('omml88lon hu bet-n doubloo and a !Lumber of IIbrarl'- han) fIel'uroo InereUl.>d ap­ proprlatlona; eight IIbrarl" h,ve Requlrt'(l b(llldlll," makln,. II. lotll of 31 hou~ In bulldlnp ull('d (oJ[l"lullvel), for library purpollN; boou b ...e bffon made Ivallable to country tom, lILunltlet by meanl of pat'ka,.. an,1 tl'1lvellng IIbrarlN: IIbrar1 l)rlvllege. have ~II e.lleml~1 by fonr public IIbrarlee 10 aU Ihl'l people of their retlllf!(:llvl) c:olllllluoltlt!l and mallY olhfr minor d('tllila hllvf> !)foen worked out which ,how Ileady nd· vnnccment. 0111 tluH whleh I. mollt encountglng, that .... hleh mM.lll moat for library de.'elopment and library ('.Ilenlllon In North Carolina II th~ ract thllt a I;eneral intt'-rCtlt hna been a'j\'"lIcnt'd In the IIbrar)' movement Dnd that the public II be­ ginning to appl1't'ille the t'duCllllonal, mornl and l50Cial tunc­ tlonll or the Ubi'll!,)', The IIrCRt't'1it "'ork thlt any library 01' librarian can do, th81 tht'- Library Commiulon ean attt'-mpt, II to 'j\'RIll! R campaign ror public recognition or the library u an education.' InstitutIon, lind u I public: lnltltutloll d_TVlng and requiring publle IUPPOrl. 30 TIIUIIl DUISNI AL RRPOKT 01' T irE I.IUR,\RY BUILDINGS ...... lc~' O"ildi". ~'.. Dd At-dHn, . ... Pall'" lbmorlal 1lbraQ>_ ..... r..ooo .... loll. lbf)" E. p ...... MMville. r .... k )I.... oria! Llbn.1)'. )It. c..o. W. p""t. 1IL ....1 ... O.,..k... LeDd-... llud 1Jhn.'1'_ ••• _ •• Don-II.,.... n ",urd ...... 1~,I~ .... I.Conf<"dtn\e)l ....ori.t l.ib"",. .. _ ...... 800 V.D.C. CIuopellilU \;nl.,....!tyof NortIlC.",liu l.ib""'l N.'" lIfr. C • .--.i•. Diddle l'nl .....hy ...... _..... 25.000 )1•. C.rn.fli• .ad ...b­ ..rtpd ...... c...... t.. 1.. "',,1')'_ • 0.000 )I •. C.",,",~,

CoLo,""" [Jb.at)'. ' ... 1' ...... 1 CiI,. of Cluotiotw. -.. ,; 1',,1>11. I.Ib,a'7_ •• 3.UO ..••.•.. Do... ti...... [).vld..,~ CoileI<' [,lbr.'1_ 20,000 &0,001) M•. C ...... ~.

Durhln .• " ubU. lJb•• ,)'_ ,... 10,000 Don.llo..... ", Trinity Collel•. , .... 100.000 ll •. Ju. 8. Ouk•. "'I"~bli' Lib•• .,.. ~ ... 12.&00' )I •. C.'''''II•. S .... te Sor",.1 Coil ...... 23.000 :II •. C.__ ~. Guilfon!. Guilford Coll ••~ l.ib.. .,. 18.000 10.000 IM, C ...... p. ...<1 don.· '[D.....

u....Jer.opv,u .. I'ubl" IJbnt.I)f. 10.000 ~.OOO )It. C...... I.ood!tor ...... Good-\\,II ~·... IJbr... y_ !,500 Le .. oir._ •••••.•..•• PI_. Ubraty. Pn...... riLlt. R Y loIcAd<..,.. '.500 12.000 M... lb.,. &_ ("" A-"""·. s..booIl. t...... nrida..... lJbraty ...... IScllool for lbo BUDd.) o [v;. ItAM)" Ubrur._ .... 16.0001 )It 11 B . R....,.-. C ...... ~__ Libn.. ,. .. l,OOO Illr. C ...... II •.

&lUbv.f)'.. _ LivI8pU)'" coUrp .••.•...... j M •. C...... , .... 1Oa1...u.. ••• _ Juu. fl. 0"""" IJb.. r)' •. .... 3.000 Dou.&I1" ..... Tholll.... ille ... __ .. Tb_yillo OrpbaDt.&o ...... -- ...... ' Tlyoa••.••••••. IAnl" I ~b''''f...... Don.tlo..... W.y.... vill ...... lI"o.y_vlll. Uh.. .,...... 10,000 SulHoripuon .. W ....lQ

. . . :'. '" ",: :. : ..... " . .' ". ..: :: . , .... 31


A_".I s......

r_ ),1 ....001.1 1Jbrar}', \~ C ...... 101 Ubt."" CbIo,Iot~. ::::J. •. '::: I ~:: •• ",... "". Charlolle Colo"'! IJbn..,._ •...•...... • _. T ...... eo.....,,,1 .... bll .. Libra",_ lIS To.... . o..rb.J, ... I"'bile UI.or.".. l,toO To...... d County.

Chie '-hu.., F.,.,u.... llJe. ~ •. y To.... 0 ...... 100 To..... 00Id"'-'> ....bll~ UlIo-torT._ ~" T_ O~PublICU...... ,. .. ,.- To.... O... nllo Fooblio Ubno". _ ••.•. .. To•• • 1I~.rilIo Public Ubr.",_ I.GOO Tow.. 111011....,. Llhraty. IJO Tow •• o-i-WLU y". Ubrary,~. UO C...... ,,.. S .. s.n. Ci ....lall •• LIbr."._. tOO I Tow.. . 01,,·1. ltoo ...,. Ubn."" R&J.ICh ...... •.•..... ',000 I Tow •.

Ilddonlloo r..bil~ 1.lbr."...... • ...... • ....1 160 To.... . ea.-""cl. ~'..... IJb..".. Rud",rfo.d Co""...... 1 Tow .. . W.. hI""oal ' ubU. UImo.,...... _•.• _...... _...... 1&0 CoIIIIOJ'. ~'il",llII[to .. ''ubl", Llbr • .,...... _ ...... 1 ' ,J'OO Tow ... c...... lJiIn.,.. IIl...,.,,,-.!!aiIoa>._ ...... 1.600 Tow ... STATISTICS m' U BRARlES IX NORTH CAROLIN,\-PUBLIC L IBlt.\RI~ ( ARR.lIICEO AlPHABETICAlLY U/IOER PUCE) (Abbf.,.. i&tl.,..., F .• F'roto; 1' ...... -- to ...... be.. , Fr.. Fro- tOl" me .." .... : 8.. Sal>oo ci I ...... u· ,~" ~ :-:A ... o. l ....Au "'- .! !~ .a" ! • ~ ,.->OM -. "II ! H .... -<:!: ~" i] " . U "' .., .\benl .... n...... •••. . \ II.loO r.c" ~'.",ori.1 Ub• .."...... 1 1001 ", 2.702 ll ... ~:',b... n. Jo_. '!l,"uillo'.. ..•.• NO: ""'''''''illo I.U".ry•••.••.•••.•••.. lil3 • '"~ .. '.'" I " '" ; • .blMlnl,., ...••.....••... 15.762 r ...k ) Iomorial Ubrvy...... l$7i II.••. + ·i.;&cl · ·~;i· 'ii:itO :'iJ I.OU .... n ...... \ldl. J..-. , • Blo";Dllt""t .. ... ''''0,1 .•. 1/ ..." l.ibr.ry• •• _ •••• ,. 1t.S-v..... 8111Tanl. 1,100 T ..n.yln..u. (,,,,,ft'd. j,f.,toorial ""IOI~ , 1·08O · , "loin. A. II. C.Jd•• 1l • '" I r ...... '" C.nb.",,· •. " ,• N.OIl C • .,...PO Ubnoy_ , , ,. UI)I 62 ~.17~ )la.ry D. PAlmer. Cha,IOI"'.•. -...... " '.'" 44."S 0" c--d ...... 11l C"..-.I rubti~ • ...•. 1011 , ..~ '.~ 1.181 ,,- JoInLJ.O. Lo ...... • Du,h.m PablU.. •••. _._ ••• _••..... ),I,.. 1.;!Li&n On"". " • Duth.m.•.•.. 15.!II , t.Oll ., I.SS! »" ..... 21.Ul l'.,....-mo.. 0 .. 10 Ubnoy .•..••..••. .• . ,"" 1:'. ~'•. u lI ... CbM.r...... " '.00 .. • '" -";; Ftoo .. kUo. ... ~·.. nklia 1'"bEU ... ,." 0'. K_"" Robl....,o. o."oaE.. 10.000 o ..."nl_ Publi •. ,,.. S.I'•. 127 I.~~I 0.112 1..... 10 lII.k~. ... 0 " , 2.0111 • .. " Obklobnro .• 1.107 (JoIdobo.o l'ubUe... ,.. , •• , 6.1:1 J.""I.· Ro)·.U. • "', . I). (,.4h.~1l • " O_aoboto .• 16.811.1 O ..... , ..b -.H 1• H ! -<-". ~, lH ...

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