Oklahoma Library Commission
REPORTS OF THE OKLAHOMA LIBRARY COMMISSION July 1, 1924 - June 30, 1925 July 1; 1925 - June 30, 1926 and Survey of Libraries of Oklahoma of the^ Oklahoma Library Commission July lit, 1924 <- June 30th., 1925 and ^uri^ of Libraries of Oklahoma 1926 KLAHOMA PRINTING CO., QUTHRIE, QKL.A. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To His Excellency, Hon. M. E. Trapp, Governor of Oklahoma: The Oklahoma Library Commission has the honor to submit its sixth annual report, covering the fiscal year, July 1, 1924 to June 30, 1925. Respectfully submitted, M. A. NASH, President. OKLAHOMA LIBRARY COMMISSION M. A. NASH, President. State Superintendent of Public Instruction. R. T. BLACKBURN, Ada. MRS. TOM C. WALDREP, Shawnee. JESSE L. RADER, Norman. MRS. RAYMOND TOLBERT, Oklahoma City. MRS. J. R. DALE, Secretary. MISS H. ELAINE BOYLAN, Assistant Secretary. MRS. J. R. JACKSON, Traveling Library Director. MISS MARGURETTE McGUIRE, Reference Librarian. MISS FRANCES BLACKMER, Stenographer. Office: Room 331 State Capitol Oklahoma City C ON T E N T S Section I. Report and Library Survey for year 1924-25. Section II. Report and Library Survey for year 1925-26. SECTION I. Page Letter of Transmittal - r- 2 Commission Members and Staff 3 General Report, 1924-25 7-17 What the Commission Has Been Doing — - 7 Legislation, Certification of Librarians 9 Children's Book Week 13 State Penitentiary Library Survey 15 Library Conferences .... 16 Summer Library School 17 Traveling Libraries -- 18-26 Statistics 19 Survey of Stations by Counties 20 Traveling Art Exhibit 26 Individual Loan and Reference Department 26-29 Publications, 1925 30 News of Oklahoma Libraries ...
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