~s Nonh <Molina Slate Library N.a Doc. I: 1913-14 Raleigh c. ~ THIRD BIENNIAL REPORT OP THB NORTH CAROLINA LIBRARY COMMISSION 1913-1914 • North Carolina State library Gift of THIRD BIENNIAL REPORT 0' T H £ NORTH CAROLINA LIBRARY COMMISSION ... ' , .. 1913-1914 STAT. ".'STU' I UU I I :!.- Ilf. :: "\ . :::':;:: .. : ':"...:...::1/ . '. :'.; .l· ..:T? ·.. =j.:! '. : ;'; :. :': :":: ' " .. ". ... .... ..... .: :':.: ..•. .:: ': ~:: .. : .::: ':: '. : ::.' CONTENTS ",1,011: NOIn"II CAIIQLI'f, L",IIAllT CO)lll lll81O ..... • l ..:-nu or TIl.\:<II)1ITf"l,. .•. , RIQ'OIJT or Till: Sa:u:r~HT ••••••••• 7 Aid to S ew J.lbrarie. ••••. 7 Alal.tance to 1.lbrarleti Already I::atabll. bed .........•..•.. Reoraantutlon or Libraries .............•......••.•. , •9 hl.lroetlon ..... .......... ..................... 10 Publica lion. •................... .... ..... ..... ... 11 School 1.. lbrarles ............. 11 The Commlulon u a C('Dlral Bunlau ........ •••....... ... 13 Travellnl" Library System ... .. .........•.... • •• _ ..... '" 14 Pacitqe Llbratlea ............•..........••....... 18 Tbe I''armer', Library................................ 21 Contlu.lon .............................................. 22 A " I'KSUIX : J>ro~1IlI or Public Llbrnries... ..................... .. .... 23 Summary of Llbrllry Condltlonl In North Carollnl........ 27 Library BulldlniP ............•................. .......... 30 Library Approprlatlonl .......................... 31 Statlatlcs of Llbrarlea In Nonh Carolina.. ... ......... .... 32 51706 NORTIJ CAROLINA LIBRARY COMMISSION MEMBEHS A/II)()h,/rd. II .. 'Ic,: Sor/ II C(lryIlN(I L'lIrurll .t!.uociaholt: I.aUII:! H. WIl..!lOS 1 ~lbrflrhm of the UnIversity of North Carolina, Chapel H ili C. C, WKIO II T $ul.crlntendelll ot Wilkes Co ullty Schools, lIuntlng Creek A"I/olrl/cd /).11 /Jle Governor: OK, CllMII _t.ll 1.1;"; SlllTll, Hnlclgh J:.'z 01}1cIO: J. Y. JOVSI:N SU I)Crhllendenl of Public Instruction, Ralclgh M Il . t~ O. SIU-:lIJlIl.,. State [.lbl'lldan. nale[gh 0l/1cl'r, : 1.0\118 n. WII.lIOS. ('hglrmon C. C. \\'.lIl IfT, \-ke-Cholrman I)K, CII.I.RI.J:lI 1.,7. SlIlTl •• Trrnllilrer i:.;c('('u/lrc 01/11(7': :\II SSIF. \\', L~' TIf""),I"'S, 8ccrt/ur.. Au!:F. 1l01>(1I K~, Auill/"nl 10 'he Rtcrelor.. U:TTER OF TRANSM ITTAL CII .\I'Ill. 1I11.I~ :-:. c .. DC(lember 1, 1914. To 111(" 1I0norll/)/f' UK:II"I; C""IO, OOI:Cfnor. SII:- -I 1"1\'(, the honor 10 t"ml mlt here .... lth Iho third biennial ",port (1913·1911) of Ihe Sorth Carolina Library Commlulon, In accordance ".. It II tbe pro"I,lonl of chlpter 873, teCtlon 6, of the Public I ......·• of :-lorth Can;llhll. 19f)ll. Very rl"l~lrull)'. Lol:llJ R. WIL80~, ClIoirlltOIl. North Carolina Library Commission REPORT OF TIl E SECRETARY Olltoon Myl In ht. )'lemoira, "EYI'ry man wbo rJ _ above the common L(>vc! b .. reteived twO educatIon,: the tlrllt from hi. uach(>rl; thl' It'COnd, more perlOlIl' IlIIl ImpOrtant, from hlmulf." H I, 'II'lIh lbl. lH!Cond edUc:ntLOII, lhAl which. mlln glv9 bLmlHlU, tblithe North carolina Library ('ommlRRlon II concerned. lUI work I, lib.... ,.,. lXU'o.Lon: or, Ihll promotion of. liberal Inppl)' of good boob. whh'b ,hall be (rei! 10 III. In ordu Ihlt enlT InhllblUlDl of tho Itate ,hall ba.. e • fair chance to rtad and Iludy, lIot 0011 10 II(hool, but oul,lde of the a(bool.. rnLvtrlllty 61('011011 I, by the INture mf'thod, IIb ..... ry estelliion I. by the book method. -rhl. thin! blennlal repOrt Slvet In acrounl of the 1'IIrioUI actlvl­ tiC!! of the Contml_lon and I detailed dt*:rlptlon of the method, which It (Omplo,.1 In a Ilnct're endea,'or to fulfill the purp~ for _hlrb It "'III erented. Tho .cllve work "'Ill be considered under the tollow!n.. hCllda: 1. Aid to new libraries 2. A_laUlnee to IIbrar!" alretldy ",IAbUahed 3. Work .. II «ntral buret!u ~ 'l'rlv~lIn« library .retem AID TO NEW I.IBRARI ES The .,.atem or free publle IIbrarl... now beln« eatabllahed 10 LMa country I, the moat Important development or mod­ ern tlmea.--lI'illfo ... Jt"IIPliI'D' nf'lluPI. The openln .. ot a Crcc public library I, a moat Important e\'ent In Any town. There II no way In which II community ran more bonC'flt Itllelr than In the eetnhllahment of II library which ehall be tree to all dlizenll-Willillll! Mr/(/Io,'f'/I. A library I~ not a luxury but one of the nec-eMarlea of IlfC'.-lI('ftf'll II'ord Brt... "er. The public library Ie an .dult IIChool: It 18 • petlletual Inti Ilfelon .. t"OnlinuRUoD dillS: It I. Ihe gl'i'Att'!lt !!duea­ tlonll fartor that we b.,'e: and the librarian Is becoming our mOllt Important teachC'r and gulde.-.<llr Woltn' BelllPll. Tbe Library Commluloo belpa .... 1.bIl8h. org'olze, and maintain I1ubU(' librllrles.. When tbls dull' Is ('o l'('(ull), considered It II seeo thM It r('prC'llents j\ fal'·retlrblnl[l: fleld of IIM!rvlce: and the character ot thl, IlI!rvlce I, one Ihnt calla tor 'killed and experienced worke .... There Is a general and rapidly growing Inlerel~ In libraries, but ,bI, Inlerut mUllt be properly dlrC<'led In order that our mulllplylnfl: , libraries aball be good libraries. Clubs, 8.$IIOClatLona. and (0\\1111 aTC ad,hlcd to polIlpone the t'lllflbilKilUlent of libraries until It 1M poIIlJlble to have some regulnr anpporl. and n tund to IHlrl'luure lurOelent books to make II. cn:dltablO beginning. Our II10gan III IIOt more llllrarit'll. llUt more flood IIbrnriu. Jr n town 18 lflrge enough 10 ~uppor t !I public IIbrllry the COlnmls­ ilion gladly respond, to rl'qucsta tor helll, and In 1101111.' hUIIDnCIlI! u'Ikce tho In!llatl,'c b)' brluglllg tho mlltter to the !luNHlon of locnl societies and lullucnllnl cltizl!uI. The pioneer !.ask of arOUII' Lng a 5entlmcnt III f.,'or of the library movement, of 01.111111111111 the needed funda, and of lli'<'urlllg II good collection of IJooki and II .nllable home for the IIbmr)', calli for ('Gurage. peralatence. aDd optimism on tbe pnrt of IhOll5e Int('rested, and the Secretary of the C'OIl1mllllon acth'ely ('OOPCn.H'1 In thll work. The Commlllion IM'nds campaign material. lunl artldea In the local pnper, writes ICLtel"1l to Influential dllZ('n8. helps to arrange for publi<' meetings, and doel en"rylhlng In ttll power to I!xplsln why a J)ublle IIbrnr)' wtlt help the town. und 10 line UII the ,'urloull organizations and Mflclllis behind the mOI'emcnt. II ndvllK'l nnd counsels; It fur­ IlIBhl!s lists of books ror RMlt \lUrchllse, and Iclla how and wherc to bll)' Ihem; It ul;1018t8 In the IM'lectlon or a librarian, and showII tlie lthrarlan, It untrllillcd, how to organize the library according to Dlodern Ilbrar)' methods. At the beglnnlul;' or the year 1913 there were 31 public llbrurl<'8 In Xorlh Carolina; Ihere are now ~5, The chapter OIL "Progre81 in I'obllc Llbrarleli," printed in Ihll report, II a summary or the im­ portant phaJ!l!1l Of progretlll and de,'clopment In the "ariOUI IIbrariea. as c,'ldenced by IncrealM'd aplIToprlallonl, Impro,'ed methodl ot or­ ganiutioo and udmlnllirntion. more liberal privileges to borrow_ ('MI, and better alld more ('xtended publicity method!!, In other word8, librarians IIro endCII\'orlng to make Ihe public Ilbrnr), 11 .. llal force In the ch'le and intellectual lite ot the communlt)', a ud the center ot a11lhe uCtlvitle6 thnt make for soelal erAelen cy. Some, In fllct most. of the HbnITIRn8 Iirc handlcaplled by IInlll.lI apllroprla, lion!!, IIICIt or fUlIIllltanco lind. III a few inqt.ancea, by lack of appre. elation on Ihe part of palrOnB. bnt they nTe pushing IIlffidHy for. ..'ard and each )'t'ar the retlUltll aN' more encouraging and gmtlf)"lng. ASSISTANCE TO Ll8RARIES /HR EADY ESTABLlSIlED IJQokl Ind o(hpr lultable mllltrill Ire no more \0 1& IIb... r)" tltlO a plH of brl,'kl II to I bulldln!:, or • 0101.0 of .utn 10 an Irmy, To .... · 1'I1','<.'lh", lb.. ro muat be Incb ar· Mln,I'nU'nl Ind 1lrJ;llnlu.llon Ibl\ Ihl IIr!',,! function can be pl'rform .. d prvmplly II.lId f'fnd{lltly, V.llhoul undue COIIt. Uut to -«urI' Ibll. ne.hhtr bulldlnl', uor melhod .. Dor 110Gb Ir.. or IU,'h IlUpremf' Imporlln... · .. I l"orou~hI)" Ible Ind v.'I'II·'ralnfd ebl.. t librarian. l'n. Ith'IHr 101l",ul. 1I N1l1l11nlulloD 0' I.I hrurl .. , Tb.. ImprOl(mf'nl of IIbrarh:.. Ilr{'jldy f1<'lbllfthl'd v.hleb an) not rtoDd .. rln" Hfkli"nl !ICn"ke 10 their (IIlroo. III III Importlnt .. tbe _tlhlh.hml'nt of ne'" IIbrarll!J. Th" Comml.~lon /1;1\'(''' I&llllllItane .. Ind eonn ... ·1 10 IIbrlrlanl Ind library boord. regarding ",aYI and mennl of rl'OrpnIUlt\on. and. If thl' Inllliution can posalbly alford It, f1'('ommt"ud" Il conlpelenl organl~ ... r" lu IIOme In61.n«'ll lhe work hUll been done by the Secrt'tary of Ihf' Commllllllon, thl. ser\"lce b(olDg I{hen without charKI' el<I'ept thn! Ihe Jlbrarl('ll 110 aided v;ere II#kl'Il to pill' bt'r Io<'ai Upelll('" Tbe Concord Public Library and tht!: IIbrar)" of Salt-m Acadtm)" and ColIl'lIe arc! among the largor IIbrarl... that hive been «i"(n .Id of thlll dunaCler durillg the bll'lllllal period. Tht!: ~relar)" apent -am" time In bulb pla~ elaQlfylng and aholf·lllnlo!!: tbe booka and InMrucUng Ihe librarian" Thl' pa('kal{t' and tho trl\"ellng library work hn,'e Incrt"a.tl&d aD rapidly, bO"'I' .. or, tilat II i. now ImpOlu.tble for the Comminlon lO rlnder I llch l('r\"lce. All Ihal ean no..- be done I. for tbe &o-I:rl'tary to \'I~lt und in'P«'1 the library lind Iny out Illanl for relirganlzaUon.
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