Velayati: Iran will never allow Ukraine pursuing foreigners to inspect military sites 2 $1b agro ties with Iran 4

Number 5729 ● Wednesday September 13, 2017 ● Shahrivar 22, 1396 ● Zihijjah 22, 1438 ● Price 5,000 Rials ● 12 Pages ●

eader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khame- nei called on Islamic governments to exert political and eco- Lnomic pressure on Myanmar’s “cruel” government to make it stop a deadly crackdown on minority Rohingya Muslims in the Southeast Asian country. IIran’sran’s LeaderLeader California sues Trump administration 3 over plan to end DACA uurgesrges actionaction aagainstgainst MMyanmaryanmar ooverver RRohingyaohingya

Speaking on Tuesday, Ayatollah Khamenei urged practical meas- ures by Islamic governments to end the crisis in Myanmar, Press TV Ghafour, Ebadipour spark Iran’s 11 reported. “Of course, practical measures don’t mean military deployments. tiebreak triumph over Italy Rather, they (Islamic governments) have to increase their political, economic, and trade pressure on Myanmar’s government and cry out against these crimes in international organizations,” the Leader said. Myanmar’s government has laid a siege to a western state where the Rohingya are concentrated. There, horrific violence has been taking place against the minority Muslims, according to reports and North Korea says will Iranian eyewitnesses. Soldiers and extremist Buddhists have reportedly been killing or raping the Muslims and setting their homes on fire. The Myanmarese make US suffer over oil flows gain government says 400 people, mostly Muslims, have died in the latest bout of violence. The UN says the actual number likely tops 1,000. ‘vicious’ UN sanctions further ground Ayatollah Khamenei strongly criticized the silence and inaction of 806 new schools to open international bodies and self-proclaimed human rights advocates on 12 North Korea Tuesday condemned “vicious” new UN sanctions imposed those ongoing atrocities. in Iran in late September over its sixth and largest nuclear test, warning it would make the US The Leader said the crisis in Myanmar is a political issue and “suffer the greatest pain” it has ever experienced. in China, Europe should not be reduced to a religious conflict between Muslims and The new sanctions imposed unanimously by the UN Security Council Iran’s crude and condensate exports rose Buddhists, although he said religious prejudice may have been in- Monday ban North Korean textile exports and restrict shipments of oil slightly in August as lower deliveries from volved. products, AFP wrote. key competitors like Saudi Arabia and Iraq “This is a political issue because the party that has been carrying The resolution, passed after the US toned down its original propos- meant there was more demand for crude out the atrocities is Myanmar’s government, at the top of which is als to secure backing from China and Russia, came just one month after from some of Iran’s main buyers. a cruel woman who has won the Nobel Peace Prize. And with these Iraq MPs the council banned exports of coal, lead and seafood in response to the Total estimated export volume on incidents, the death of the Nobel Peace Prize has been spelled,” he North’s launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). Aframaxes, Suezmaxes and VLCCs from said. reject Kurdish Iranian ports in August rose almost 2.5 per- Myanmar’s de facto leader, Aung Sang Suu Kyi, who won the No- cent to 2.42 million barrels per day from bel Peace Prize in 1991, has taken almost no action to end the dead- 2.37 mbd in July, according to data from ly violence against the Rohingya in the country’s western Rakhine independence Platts trade flow software cFlow. state. Exports to Asia fell to 1.46 mbd in Au- Recently, she said widespread reports of brutal violence against gust from 1.55 mbd in July, with demand the Muslims were fake news. referendum from key customer India down sharply, al- Ayatollah Khamenei said the Organization of Islamic Cooperation though flows to China continued to rise. (OIC) should convene to discuss the crisis in Myanmar. The Iraqi Parliament voted on Tuesday to op- Europe’s share of Iranian exports grew The Leader said Iran has to be bold in making its stance known. pose an independence referendum planned sharply, with demand from Italy, France, “The world today is the world of oppression, and the Islamic Re- by Iraqi Kurdish leaders for later this month, the Netherlands and Greece all up, while public has to maintain for itself the honor of speaking out against prompting a walkout by Kurdish lawmakers. Turkey remained a key buyer too. oppression anywhere in the world, whether in territories occupied by Speaker Salim al-Juburi, a Sunni Arab, said Continued on Page 4 Zionists, or in Bahrain, or Yemen, or Myanmar,” he said. the vote required the government to “take all Continued on Page 2 steps to protect the unity of Iraq and open a serious dialogue” with Iraqi Kurdish leaders, AFP reported. AFP Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and other North Korea Tuesday categorically rejected the new measures, with Brexit bill passes first vote in British Parliament top officials have said repeatedly that the ref- UN Ambassador Han Tae-song saying in Geneva that the US had “fab- erendum planned for September 25 would ricated the most vicious sanction resolution” and warning of retaliation. British MPs voted in favor of a bill on parliamentary scrutiny. While most MPs have accepted that violate Iraq’s Constitution. “The forthcoming measures by DPRK (North Korea) will make the Tuesday to end Britain’s EU member- Labour lawmaker Chris Bryant said Brexit will happen, the shape of the Speaking to reporters on Monday follow- US suffer the greatest pain it has ever experienced in its history,” he told ship, a key moment for the govern- such powers would lead to “a dangerous European divorce remains unclear and ing a cabinet meeting, Deputy Prime Minister a disarmament conference in the Swiss city. ment’s Brexit strategy despite opposi- spiral of autocracy.” Prime Minister May has been under Bekir Bozdag said the referendum will add to US Ambassador Nikki Haley said Monday at the UN the tough new tion accusations of an unprecedented “It pretends to bring back power to pressure from all sides after losing her problems in the conflict-ridden region. measures were a message to Pyongyang that “the world will never ac- power grab. this country, but it actually represents parliamentary majority in the June snap Bozdag said, “This referendum is of no cept a nuclear-armed North Korea”. But she also held out the prospect of Lawmakers voted by 326 to 290 in fa- the biggest peacetime power grab by election. benefit to [Kurdish regional President Ma- a peaceful resolution to the crisis. vor of backing the legislation, after more the executive over the legislature, by The government plans to leave Eu- soud] Barzani, it is of no benefit to Kurds, it is During tough negotiations, the United States dropped initial demands than 13 hours of debate, which will now the government over Parliament, in 100 rope’s single market and customs union of no benefit to the people of the region.” for a full oil embargo and a freeze on the foreign assets of North Korean go forward for further scrutiny by MPs, years,” he told Parliament. after Brexit, but is seeking a transitional leader Kim Jong-un. AFP wrote. The resolution instead bans trade in textiles, cuts off natural gas ship- The bill is aimed at repealing the 1972 ments to North Korea, places a ceiling on deliveries of refined oil prod- law through which Britain joined the ucts and caps crude oil shipments at current levels. bloc, transferring in bulk around 12,000 It bars countries from issuing new work permits to North Korean la- existing EU regulations onto the British borers sent abroad – there are some 93,000. statute books. Under the measure, countries are authorized to inspect ships suspect- It is the next step in implementing last ed of carrying banned North Korean cargo but must first seek the con- year’s historic referendum vote to leave sent of the flag-state. the EU, after Prime Minister Theresa Joint ventures will be banned and the names of senior North Korean May formally notified Brussels of Brit- official and three entities were added to a UN sanctions blacklist that ain’s withdrawal in March. provides for an assets freeze and a global travel ban. May’s Conservative government won AFP It was the eighth series of sanctions imposed on North Korea since it Tuesday’s parliamentary vote, thanks to Kurdish leaders plan to hold the plebiscite first tested a nuclear device in 2006. its alliance with the Northern Ireland’s not only in the three northern provinces, Democratic Unionist Party (DUP). where they have long enjoyed autonomy, but ‘Concrete action’ The premier described the outcome also in other historically Kurdish-majority ar- as a “historic decision” which “gives eas of Iraq that Kurdish forces captured dur- South Korea welcomed the resolution while Japan’s Prime Minister certainty and clarity ahead of our with- ing the battle against the Daesh terror group. Shinzo Abe said the sanctions were much stronger than earlier measures. drawal from the European Union.” Tuesday’s vote in the federal Parliament He urged Pyongyang to take “concrete action” toward denuclearization. The main opposition Labour Party AP was held after 80 lawmakers asked for the is- The United States and its allies argue that tougher sanctions will pile had voiced its objection to the bill, ar- A total of seven Labour MPs, how- deal that would replicate existing ar- sue to be added to the day’s agenda. pressure on Kim’s government to negotiate an end to its nuclear and mis- guing that its provisions to smooth the ever, rebelled against the party line and rangements until it agrees to a new trade The planned referendum is non-binding sile tests. transfer of EU laws represent an unac- backed the bill. deal with the EU. but it has been criticized by Iraq’s Western Russia and China are pushing for talks with North Korea, but the US ceptable expansion of executive power. Although the legislation has passed Labour wants to remain in the single allies as a distraction from the war against rejects their proposal for a freeze on Pyongyang’s missile and nuclear Many EU regulations may need ad- its first test, Conservative MPs have market during the interim period follow- Daesh. tests in exchange for a suspension of US-South Korean military drills. justing as they are transferred, and the warned they could seek to amend the bill ing Brexit day, currently set for March It has drawn stronger opposition from pow- Chinese UN Ambassador Liu Jieyi again called for talks “sooner rath- bill proposes the broad use of existing as it comes under further scrutiny in the 29, 2019, while a eurosceptic group of erful neighbors, Iran and Turkey, who fear er than later.” “Henry VIII powers” that allow min- coming weeks, amid concerns about its Conservatives is pressing May to make that it will stoke separatist sentiment. isters to amend legislation without full constitutional implications. a clean break. Sept. 13, 2017 ICHTO head departs for China Head of Iran’s Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization Ali Asghar Mounesan left Tehran for China on Tuesday to attend the 22nd general 2 assembly of the World Tourism Organization, slated for September 11-16. National

Iran’s FM due in Russia today Velayati: Iran will never allow Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif is sched- uled to travel to the Russian city of Sochi today. Zarif is to hold talks with Russian officials, Iranian For- eign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qassemi announced. foreigners to inspect military sites Iran and Russia have increased their relations in econ- omy and fight against terrorism in recent years, IRNA re- ported. necessary, Velayati said, “In the previous agreements with the agency (IAEA) there was no talk of access to military sites at all; and if it were so, we wouldn’t have come to an agreement.” He also described the IAEA chief’s claim about having the right to inspect Iran’s military sites as “an invention of Mr. Amano.” Criticizing Amano for lack of inde- pendence in his decisions, Velayati said if the Japanese UN nuclear chief were real- ly independent, he would push for an in- TASNIM NEWS AGENCY spection of the Zionist regime of Israel’s The relations have improved following the implementa- nuclear facilities. tion of 2015 nuclear agreement between Tehran and P5+1 While the Israeli nuclear stockpile is group of countries, including Russia. the greatest threat to the Middle East, Both countries have signed several economic and mili- Amano is dragging his feet over the issue tary agreements in recent years. and has no clear answer for his conduct, They are also cooperating in fight against terrorist groups he deplored. in Syria which is grappling with foreign-backed extremists Last month, the US Ambassador to since 2011. the UN Nikki Haley traveled to Vienna to press the UN nuclear chief on her reading of Iran’s compliance with the Iran’s Leader urges action against Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the nuclear agreement be- Myanmar over Rohingya tween Iran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Ger- From Page 1 many), and asked if the IAEA planned to inspect Iranian military sites, some- UNSC meeting thing she has called for. n Iranian official underlined that imagination. have access to Iran’s military sites, Press In a letter dated August 19 but released The United Nations said on Tuesday 370,000 Roh- foreigners would never be given Speaking to reporters in Tehran on TV reported. on August 23, Iran’s Foreign Minister ingya Muslims have fled Buddhist-majority Myanmar Aaccess to the country’s military Tuesday, Ali Akbar Velayati, a top in- Asked about IAEA Director General Mohammad Javad Zarif warned about since the army launched a huge crackdown late last bases, deriding the notion that the UN ternational adviser to the Leader of the Yukiya Amano’s recent comments that US lack of adherence to the nuclear deal. month. nuclear watchdog sees no distinction be- Islamic Revolution, said no foreigners, his agency does not distinguish between Zarif has said that Haley’s visit to the But international pressure on Myanmar heightened this tween civilian and military sites in its in- including International Atomic Energy civilian or military sites in its inspec- IAEA undermines “the independence and week after United Nations rights chief Zeid Ra’ad al-Hus- spections as a figment of Yukiya Amano’s Agency (IAEA) inspectors, could ever tions and would ask Iran for access when credibility” of IAEA inspectors. sein said the violence seemed to be a “textbook example of ethnic cleansing.” The US also raised alarm over the violence while the Se- curity Council announced it would meet today to discuss the crisis. Iran bus crash kills 11 Masum hails Iran for Britain and Sweden requested the urgent Security Coun- A bus plunged into a ravine on a road northeast of capital Tehran on Tuesday morning, cil meeting amid growing international concern over the killing 11 passengers and injuring 27 others. ongoing violence. Firefighters and rescue teams were informed at 2:10 a.m. local time on Tuesday, helping Iraq fight terrorism The council met behind closed doors in late August to spokesman for the Tehran Fire Department said. discuss the violence, but could not agree a formal state- He added that the bus was carrying 38 people when it crashed on a road linking Teh- Iraq’s President Fuad Masum acknowledged Iran’s support for his country, ment. ran to the northern parts of the country, Tasnim News Agency reported. particularly in ‘fight against terrorism’, a statement by his office read on Tues- The UN special rapporteur on human rights in Myanmar The bus had veered off the road for unknown reasons and fallen at least 100 meters day. has said the latest violence may have left more than 1,000 into a ravine, Jalal Maleki said. The president appreciated Iran for supporting the Iraqi people and govern- dead, most of them Rohingya. The crash had ripped off the roof of the bus and passengers were strewn over the ment, especially in the battle against the terrorist group Daesh, IRNA report- Many refugees are hungry and sick, without shelter or area, he added. ed. clean water in the middle of the rainy season. The United Nations said 200,000 children needed urgent support. Exhausted Rohingya refugees have given accounts of atrocities at the hands of soldiers and Buddhist mobs who burned their villages to the ground. The Rohingya are denied citizenship and have suffered years of persecution in Buddhist-majority Myanmar.

Mohammad Ali Rajabi

s Eleven people have been killed in the crash, and 27 others are seriously wounded, Masum, who received Iran’s Ambassador to Baghdad Iraj Masjedi, also em- ‛ Kurdistan the spokesman added. phasized the enhancement of cooperation between the two neighboring coun- According to the figures released by World Atlas in September 2016, Iran is fourth in tries in different spheres, according to the statement. referendum the list of countries with the highest road traffic death rates. The Iranian ambassador, for his part, stressed his country’s stance on sup- Iraq The estimated road traffic death rate per 100,000 people in Iran was 34.1. porting Iraq and promoting mutual ties between the two countries. Nearly two weeks ago, a bus carrying high school students overturned in Iran’s Masjedi added that it is in the two countries’ interests to open new horizons Parliament southern Hormuzgan Province, leaving at least nine people, including seven school- of cooperation. girls, dead and some 30 others wounded. Turkish deputy PM: Tehran-Ankara trade relations legal Turkey Deputy Prime Minister Bekir ister’s name is involved, the essence of Bozdag said that trade relations between the matter is this: The American judicial Turkey and Iran are legal according to system is being used to repeat what the both international and Turkish law. Fetullah Terrorist Organization tried to Bozdag made the remarks after US do during the coup attempt of Dec. 17-25 prosecutors charged a former Turkish (2013) (in Turkey) and failed,” Bozdag economy minister and the ex-head of said. a state-owned bank with conspiring to Bozdag said Caglayan protected Tur- violate Iran sanctions, Anadolu Agency key’s interests during that period and did reported. his duty according to national and inter- At a news conference on Monday, national laws. Bozdag defended former economy min- “There is a very different thing ister Zafer Caglayan against the charges. here… It is part of a very dirty game. “There is no commercial transaction There is no evidence; there are fabrica- [between Iran and Turkey] that is against tions,” he said. national and international law… It is defi- Bozdag also said some circles are try- nitely not possible to make [such a trans- ANADOLU AGENCY ing hard to harm Turkish-US relations, action],” Bozdag said. lating US sanctions against Iran. sanctions evasion. and they should not be tolerated anymore. An indictment was announced on Sep- The charges stem from a probe into “If you ask what is trying to be done The Iranian-born Zarrab was arrested tember 6 in New York charging Caglayan Reza Zarrab, a Turkish-Iranian gold trad- in the US over Reza Zarrab and now the on March 21 last year in the US on fraud and three other Turkish nationals for vio- er arrested in the US last year for alleged phenomenon that our honorable min- and Iran sanctions-related charges. Sept. 13, 2017 Deadly deluge At least eight people died in flooding after violent rains lashed the Tuscan 3 city of Livorno over the weekend, Italian rescue services said Tuesday. International

California sues Trump administration Irma’s US death toll rises Florida allowed some residents to return on Tuesday to areas hammered by Hurricane Irma’s high winds and storm surge, while the death toll rose in the second major hurricane to hit the United States this year. over plan to end DACA Irma, which had rampaged through the Caribbean as one of the most powerful Atlantic hurricanes on record, was down- alifornia on Monday sued the ad- graded to a tropical depression on Monday, Reuters reported. ministration of President Donald At its peak the storm prompted evacuation orders for 6.5 CTrump, challenging as unconsti- million people in Florida, the largest evacuation in modern US tutional the president’s plan to rescind history. a program to protect young immigrants Irma killed nearly 40 people in the Caribbean and at least brought to the country illegally from de- six in Florida and Georgia. portation. The lawsuit comes a week after 15 oth- er states, led by New York and Washing- ton, filed a similar legal challenge, the Los Angeles Times reported. California Atty. Gen. Xavier Becerra said Monday he decided to file a separate suit because the state and its economy will be especially harmed by the president’s action because it is home to a quarter of the 800,000 people in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, pro- gram. “I think everyone recognizes the scope A local Florida official said there had been more deaths yet and breadth of the Trump decision to ter- to be reported, particularly on the Florida Keys, where Irma minate DACA hits hardest here,” Becerra arrived as a Category 4 hurricane with sustained winds of up said after the other states sued. to 130 miles per hour (215 km per hour) on Sunday morning. Becerra’s lawsuit says the DACA Local authorities told around 90,000 residents of Miami program approved by former president Beach and from some parts of the Keys they could go home Obama is legal and that its repeal violates but warned it might not be prudent to remain there. due process rights and will hurt the state’s “This is going to be a frustrating event. It’s going to take economy. some time to let people back into their homes particularly in “It’s fully lawful, it’s totally American the repeal “may lead to the untenable out- ers.” ecutive director of the Claremont-based the Florida Keys,” Brock Long, administrator of the Federal in its values and it’s an unmitigated suc- come that the [Trump] administration will The lawsuit was criticized Monday by group We the People Rising. Emergency Management Agency, told a news conference. cess for California’s economy and the renege on the promise it made to Dream- Robin Hvidston, who heads a California She noted that President Trump delayed FEMA was continuing to rescue people stranded by flood- country’s economy,” Becerra said in a re- ers and their employers that information group seeking tougher enforcement of im- repeal of the program for six months to ing around Jacksonville, in the state’s northeast, he said. cent interview. they gave to the government for their par- migration laws. give Congress a chance to address the is- The lawsuit is joined by Maine, Minne- ticipation in the program will not be used “It’s misguided and premature and a sue, and that several Republican-led states sota and Maryland and argues in part that to deport them or prosecute their employ- misuse of tax dollars,” said Hvidston, ex- have sued to end the DACA program. Israel to impose ‘sanctions’ on Amnesty International

Israel plans to impose “financial sanctions” on Amnesty Interna- HRW: Saudi-led airstrikes in Yemen are war crimes tional over the human rights group’s call for the boycott of prod- ucts made in Israeli settlements. Human Rights Watch accused the Saudi-led coalition of shame” for violations against children in armed On July 3, an airstrike killed eight members of the Israel Hayom newspaper said in a report on Tuesday that the fighting in Yemen of war crimes on Tuesday, saying conflict,” she said. same family in Taiz Province, including the wife and Israeli Finance Ministry was poised to impose the sanctions on its airstrikes killed 39 civilians in- eight-year-old daughter, the organiza- Amnesty International’s Israel branch for upholding the Boycott, cluding 26 children in two months. tion said. Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel and The rights group said five airstrikes HRW said it interviewed nine fam- thus “violating” an Israeli law against the movement, according hitting four family homes and a gro- ily members and witnesses to five air- to Press TV. cery store was carried out either de- strikes that occurred between June 9 This summer the Britain-based Amnesty International urged a liberately or recklessly, causing in- and August 4, and did not detect any global ban on imports of Israeli products from Beit-ul-Moqaddas discriminate loss of civilian lives in potential military targets in the vicin- and elsewhere in the West Bank. violation of the laws of war, CNBC ity. “The international community must ban the import of all wrote. The war has killed more than goods produced in illegal Israeli settlements and put an end to the The coalition has repeatedly denied 12,000 Yemenis, displaced more than multi-million-dollar profits that have fueled mass human rights allegations of war crimes. It has been three million and ruined much of the violations against Palestinians,” Amnesty International’s Secre- carrying out strikes against Yemen impoverished country’s infrastruc- tary General Salil Shetty said on June 7. since March 2015, which has led to ture. “It’s time for states to take concrete international action to stop the death of many civilians. HRW called on United Nations Se- the financing of settlements, which themselves flagrantly violate “The Saudi-led coalition’s repeated curity Council to launch an interna- international law and constitute war crimes,” he said. promises to conduct its airstrikes law- tional investigation into the abuses at In July, Israel’s Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon vowed to use fully are not sparing Yemeni children its September session. “every means we have, including revoking tax benefits” to pun- from unlawful attacks,” said Sarah On Monday, the UN said it has ver- ish Amnesty over its anti-Israel campaign. Leah Whitson, Middle East director at ified 5,144 civilian deaths in the war Amnesty International has declined to comment definitively Human Rights Watch, in a statement. On August 4, coalition aircraft struck a home in in Yemen, mainly from airstrikes by a Saudi-led coa- on the report. “We expect that in a legal case as important as this, “This underscores the need for the United Nations Sa’ada, killing nine members of a family, including lition, and an international investigation is urgently the Finance Ministry will send a formal, orderly request based to immediately return the coalition to its annual “list six children, aged three through 12. needed. on established rules, at which point we will issue a response,” a spokesperson for the rights group said in a statement. Turkey orders French labor reforms: Why workers are protesting arrest warrants for over 60 French President Emmanuel Macron’s Other measures include streamlining Philippe Martinez, the head of the demonstrate,” the head of the CFDT, plan to overhaul the country’s complex workers’ committees, which are manda- Communist-backed CGT union leading Laurent Berger, told Franceinfo radio on Turkey issued arrest warrants for 63 people, including former National labor code, fulfilling a central campaign tory within large companies, and expand- Tuesday’s protests, said the reforms give Tuesday, explaining how he favored dia- Intelligence Agency (MIT) personnel, over alleged links to the US-based promise, sparked the first strikes and pro- ing the use of flexible “project contracts” “full powers to employers” and has called logue. cleric accused of orchestrating last year’s attempted coup, Anadolu news tests on Tuesday. which allow companies to hire people for for strikes and rallies. In Parliament, the opposition to the agency reported on Tuesday. While the 39-year-old centrist believes a specific job. The CGT has called another day of changes is being led by the radical France The police operation was launched in 21 provinces across Turkey, the that making the labor market more flex- Unbowed Party of leftist firebrand Jean- state-run news agency reported. ible will help drive down unemployment Luc Melenchon, which is planning a of 9.5 percent, opponents fear an erosion mass march in Paris on September 23. of worker protections, AFP wrote. The right and center-left parties in Par- What he hopes will be a signature re- liament have broadly backed the reforms. form entails a major overhaul of the more Hundreds of thousands of people dem- than 3,000-page labor code, which sets onstrated last year against plans by for- out workers’ rights, with some measures mer president Francois Hollande to push dating back over a century. through another round of business-friend- Macron, whose Republic on the Move ly reforms to labor law. party enjoys a comfortable majority in The union-led action forced the gov- Parliament, intends to fast-track the re- ernment to water down their initial pro- forms by executive orders, which are ex- posals, but despite months of strikes and pected to take effect late this month, even demonstrations, most of the measures before being ratified by Parliament in the cleared Parliament and became law. next few months. Macron is hoping to avoid a repeat Ankara says Fethullah Gulen, who has lived in the United States since The reforms will give small companies of the months-long, sometimes violent 1999, was behind the abortive putsch in July 2016. Gulen has denied in- in particular more freedom to negotiate protests unleashed by Hollande’s labor volvement, according to Reuters. working conditions with their employees, reforms last year which would sap his More than 50,000 people have been jailed pending trial for alleged ties rather than being bound by industry-wide political capital. The reform comes as to Gulen’s movement and some 150,000 people have been sacked or sus- collective agreements negotiated by trade In a further concession to companies, demonstrations on September 21. his approval ratings have plunged, with pended from jobs in the public and private sectors for the same reason. unions. multinationals, whose French operations But the leaders of more moderate un- recent polls showing that only around 40 Some of Turkey’s Western allies and rights groups have expressed con- A cap has also been set on the amount are struggling, will find it easier to lay off ions, including the CFDT – the biggest percent of French voters are satisfied with cern about the crackdown and suspect the government has used the coup of compensation awarded by industrial staff, while workers made redundant will private-sector union – and the hard-left his performance. as a pretext to quash dissent. courts in cases of unfair dismissal – a receive higher payouts. Force Ouvriere have adopted a wait-and- Macron described critics of the re- The government says the purges are necessary due to the gravity of the key demand of bosses who complain that Several unions also fear new measures see approach. forms this week as “slackers” — a remark threats it has faced since the failed putsch, in which more than 240 people lengthy and costly court cases discourage that would give employers greater leeway “We need to stop thinking that trade seized upon by his opponents and Tues- were killed. them from hiring. to launch voluntary redundancy plans. union action only makes sense when we day’s protesters. Sept. 13, 2017 Kish gas field development Anglo-Dutch oil giant Royal Dutch Shell on Tuesday met with officials from the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) to discuss the development 4 project of Iran’s Kish gas field, Shana reported. Domestic Economy

SPECIAL NEWS Domestic Economy Desk Iranian oil flows gain further ground Iran calls for €5b trade with Pakistan Iran’s Vice President for Economic Affairs Mohammad Na- in China, Europe havandian called for boosting trade transactions with Pakistan to €5 billion. From Page 1 In a meeting with Pakistani Foreign Minister Khawaja Mu- hammad Asif in Tehran, Nahavandian called for expediting Sources and analysts noted that Iranian trade negotiations between the two countries and removing oil exports last month rose as demand for the obstacles to banking transactions, Mehr News Agency re- its crude, especially in China and Europe, ported. climbed, supported by favorable econom- He added, “Although the level of trade cooperation between ics. the two countries shows a 35-percent increase, we need to Moves by Saudi Arabia and Iraq to boost economic transactions in the post-sanctions era.” further reduce exports in August, both to The implementation of a two-way credit line of €500 mil- meet domestic demand and also as part lion between the two countries’ central banks and the opening of OPEC’s coordinated output cuts, bode of bank branches should materialize in the next three months, well for Iran. he underlined. The reductions have created a gap for Nahavandian added that the establishment of passenger and Iran to fill, while state-owned NIOC has cargo shipping lines between Iran’s Chabahar and Pakistan’s also reduced prices for some if its heavy Karachi, as well as a direct flights between the two countries crude grades, making them more eco- could lay the groundwork for long-term cooperation. nomically viable for refiners and pushing The Pakistani foreign minister called for expediting prefer- up spot demand. ential and free trade talks, noting gas and electricity coopera- Sources added that Iran’s additional tion between Iran and Pakistan would benefit the two sides as exports came from its onshore storage, well as the region. not necessarily only from additional pro- Iran-Pakistan-China trilateral cooperation on investment in duction. transport and energy will speed up, he promised. Flows to China, Europe climb Turkey-Iran trade relations Exports to Iran’s largest customer, China, were up slightly to 693,419 bpd in legal: Official August from 638,322 bpd — the highest volume Iran has exported to China this Trade relations between Turkey and Iran are legal according year, according to Platts data. to both international Chinese consumption has increased and Turkish law, said this summer on healthy spot demand, Turkey’s Deputy Prime buoyed by growing interest from both IRNA Minister Bekir Bozdag Chinese state-owned and independent re- dia were again Essar Oil and Mangalore buyer of Iranian crude, with 256,258 bpd mbd. who also doubles as gov- finers. Chinese companies have seen cuts Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited exported last month. “We hope to increase oil production ernment spokesman. in their term contract volumes from Saudi (MRPL). capacity in the coming months. We can “There is no commer- Aramco in the past few months, pushing As a result of lower flows to India, Production boost do that with [development] of the West cial transaction (between up demand for Iranian crude, which is of South Korea has now emerged as the Karun [oilfields] and also South Pars gas Iran and Turkey) that is a similar quality. second-biggest buyer of Iranian oil in Au- Iran’s oil production has also continued condensates,” he said. against national and in- At the same time, Indian demand for gust, taking 284,742 bpd. to rise in the past few months and is now The West Karun oil region is home to ternational law,” Bozdag Iranian crude has slowed this summer, In neighboring Japan, flows from Iran above its OPEC quota of 3.797 mbd. Iran’s shared oilfields with Iraq, includ- was quoted as saying by particularly from state-owned refiners, continued their downward trend, falling According to a recent Platts OPEC sur- ing Azadegan, Yadavaran and Yaran. The An indictment was announced Sept. 6 in New York charg- after the two countries faced a standoff by 43,162 bpd on the month. vey, Iranian crude oil production was at area’s oil production has reached 280,000 ing former economy minister Zafer Caglayan and three other over the development of Iran’s Farzad B Meanwhile, Iranian oil flows to Eu- 3.83 mbd in August, up 10,000 bpd from bpd, Zanganeh added. Turkish nationals with violating US sanctions against Iran. gas field. rope rebounded sharply in August, with July. The country also intends to issue for- The charges stem from a probe into Reza Zarrab, a Turk- Exports to India fell by 167,258 bpd 835,742 bpd sailing to the region, a rise The country’s Oil Minister Bijan Nam- eign bonds as part of plans to pursue ish-Iranian gold trader arrested in the US last year for alleged month on month to 264,742 bpd in Au- of almost 200,000 bpd month on month. dar Zanganeh also confirmed earlier this projects in its investment and technology- sanctions evasion. gust. Key buyers of Iranian crude in In- Turkey remains the region’s largest week that production was more than 3.8 hungry energy sector, Zanganeh said. Bozdag said Caglayan protected Turkey’s interests and did his duty according to national and international laws. “There is a very different thing here…It is part of a very dirty game. There is no evidence; there are fabrications,” he Russia to provide ¤1.2b said. Ukraine pursuing The Iranian-born Zarrab was arrested on March 21 last year in the US on fraud and Iran sanctions-related charges. for Iran power plant project He earlier faced an investigation in Turkey in 2013 on $1b agro ties with Iran charges of alleged illegal gold sales to Iran via Turkey, which Russia has taken the final step to grant a major loan to Iran for the devel- led to his detention. That case was dismissed in 2014. opment of a power plant in the country’s south thus moving close to a pledge of providing the Islamic Republic with over €2 billion for infra- structure projects. Iran to reconstruct Russia’s state-owned Vnesheconombank, or the VEB, signed an agree- ment to this effect with an Iranian bank over a loan worth €1.2 billion for the development of Hormuzgan thermal power plant in the Persian Gulf, Syria’s power lines, power plants Press TV reported. Based on the agreement signed in Moscow, the VEB would provide the Caretaker of the Iranian Energy Ministry Sattar Mahmoudi an- loan to Iran’s Bank of Industry and Mine over a period of five years. nounced that Tehran and Damascus have inked several agree- Russian President Vladimir Putin said in February that Moscow would ments to reconstruct Syria’s power lines and power plants. grant a total of €2.2 billion to Iran for two key energy-related projects. “Most of these contracts are related to the reconstruction of electricity equipment, power plants and transmission lines so that we can provide better services to the Syrian clients,” Mahmoudi said after a meeting with Syria’s Electricity Minis- ter Zahir Kharboutli on Tuesday, Fars News Agency reported. Kharboutli, for his part, underscored the Iranian compa- nies’ good capabilities for providing power plant systems

and equipment, and expressed the hope that these capabilities IRNA would be used for the reconstruction of his country. In relevant re- Agrarian Policy and Food Ministry of “In 2016, compared with 2015, exports marks in August, Ukraine expects trade in agricultural prod- from Ukraine to Iran increased by 32 per- Syrian Industry ucts between Ukraine and Iran to increase cent, while imports from Iran went up by 30 Minister Ahmad up to $1 billion by the end of 2017. percent. In January-May 2017, Ukraine’s al-Hamou under- Vasyl Antonenko, the chief specialist of exports to Iran increased by an additional lined that the en- the bilateral trade and economic coopera- 78 percent compared to the figure for the emies who have tion department of the International Coop- same period in 2016,” said Chyzhykov. supported the ter- eration Department of Agrarian Policy and He underlined that to increase trade be- rorist groups in Food Ministry of Ukraine, announced the tween Ukraine and Iran, the two countries the Arab country above during a meeting of Ukrainian-Irani- should refuse the mediation of third coun- will play no role an Business Forum, reported. tries in building a chain supply. in reconstruction “In the seven months of 2017, Iran Trade between Ukraine and Iran in 2016 efforts in Syria, ISNA IRNA ranked 8th among importers of Ukrainian totaled $745,082 million. welcoming the partnership of friendly states, especially Iran, agricultural products. It is expected that we In March 2016, Iran and Ukraine in this regard. Putin said the projects included the construction of Hormuzgan plant as will be able to reach $1 billion agricultural signed a memorandum of understating for “We don’t allow the enemies and the countries which have well as the electrification of a railway from Garmsar in eastern Tehran to products turnover by the end of this year expanding economic cooperation in vari- hatched plots (against the country) to participate in Syria’s re- Ince-Borun in the northeast of Iran. due to joint efforts of the businesses of both ous fields. construction and they will play no role,” al-Hamou said after Iran’s then-energy minister Hamid Chitchian announced in February countries,” Antonenko said. In May 2016, Iran’s Foreign Minister visiting the Iranian companies’ booths in the 59th Internation- the signing of a contract with Russia for the construction of a thermal In January-May 2017, Ukrainian exports Mohammad Javad Zarif said there are good al Fair of Damascus. power plant with the capacity of 1,400 megawatts in the southern Iranian to the Islamic Republic of Iran increased by opportunities for closer trade interaction He, meantime, underscored that “the friendly states and port city of Bandar Abbas in Hormuzgan Province. 78 percent compared to the figure for the between Iranian and Ukrainian companies allies will accompany Syria in reconstruction stage as they The project will be the first of a package of four thermal plant pro- same period last year. in a broad range of fields, including higher helped Syria to attain victory against terrorism”. jects that Russia is expected to develop in Hormuzgan. The two coun- This was announced by President of education, scientific and technological is- “The friendly states will be prioritized in cooperation dur- tries had earlier discussed the development of two more power plants the Chamber of Commerce and Industry sues, energy, power plant equipment, re- ing the reconstruction time and all necessary possibilities will in Tabriz, in northwestern Iran, and two others in Tabas, northeastern of Ukraine Gennadiy Chyzhykov at the newable energies, agriculture, cultural pro- be provided to them,” al-Hamou said. Iran. The costs for construction of the projects are estimated at over Ukrainian-Iranian Business Forum. grams and tourism. $10 billion. Sept. 13, 2017 South Korean household loans South Korea’s household loans extended by banks rose nine percent in August from a year earlier due to increased mortgages and other bank 5 loans, central bank data showed on Tuesday. TSE & Global Economy

Offshore wind power cheaper than new nuclear

nergy from offshore wind In the auction in 2015, is intermittent, nuclear energy the 1950s. But storage of surplus businesses will be created by the in the UK will be cheaper offshore wind farm projects won would still be needed. energy from offshore wind is projects announced today.” Ethan electricity from new subsidies between £114 and Tom Greatrex, chief executive still a challenge. Michael Grubb, professor of nuclear power for the first time. £120 per megawatt hour. of the Nuclear Industry Associa- energy policy at University Col- The cost of subsidies for new Emma Pinchbeck, from the tion, said: “It doesn’t matter how ‘Energy revolution’ lege London, called the cost re- offshore wind farms has halved wind energy trade body Renew- low the price of offshore wind duction “a huge step forward in since the last 2015 auction for able UK, told the BBC the latest is. On last year’s figures it only Onshore wind power and so- the energy revolution”. clean energy projects, BBC re- figures were ‘truly astonishing’. produced electricity for 36 per- lar energy are already both cost- “It shows that Britain’s big- ported. “We still think nuclear can be cent of the time.” competitive with gas in some gest renewable resource — and Two firms said they were will- part of the mix — but our indus- EDF, which is building the places in the UK. least politically problematic — ing to build offshore wind farms try has shown how to drive costs Hinkley Point C nuclear plant, And the price of energy subsi- is available at reasonable cost. for a guaranteed price of £57.50 down, and now they need to do said the UK still needed a ‘di- dies for offshore wind has now “It’ll be like the North Sea oil per megawatt hour for 2022-23. the same.” verse, well-balanced’ mix of halved in less than three years. and gas industry: It started off This compares with the new Bigger turbines, higher voltage low-carbon energy. Energy analysts said UK expensive, then as the industry Hinkley Point C nuclear plant cables and lower cost founda- “New nuclear remains com- government policy helped to expanded, costs fell. We can ex- securing subsidies of £92.50 per tions, as well as growth in the UK petitive for consumers who face lower the costs by nurturing the pect offshore wind costs to fall megawatt hour. supply chain and the downturn in extra costs in providing back-up fledgling industry, then incentiv- more, too,” he said. Nuclear firms said the UK still the oil and gas industry have all power when the wind doesn’t izing it to expand — and then The subsidies, paid from a needed a mix of low-carbon en- contributed to falling prices. blow or the Sun doesn’t shine,” demanding firms should bid in levy on consumer bills, will run ergy, especially for when wind The newest eight megawatt the French firm said. auction for their subsidies. for 15 years — unlike nuclear power was not available. offshore turbines stand almost “There are also costs of deal- Minister for Energy and In- subsidies for Hinkley C which 200 meters high, taller than ing with excess electricity when dustry Richard Harrington said: run for 35 years. ‘Truly astonishing’ London’s Gherkin building. there is too much wind or Sun.” “We’ve placed clean growth at This adds to the cost advan- But Pinchbeck said the turbines EDF added that energy from the heart of the Industrial Strat- tage offshore wind has now es- The figures for offshore wind, would double in size in the new nuclear plants would be- egy to unlock opportunities tablished over new nuclear. from the Department for Busi- 2020s. come cheaper as the market across the country, while cutting Grubb estimated the new off- ness, Energy and Industrial matures, as has happened with carbon emissions. shore wind farms would supply Strategy, were revealed as the Nuclear ‘still needed’ offshore wind. “The offshore wind sector about two percent of UK elec- result of an auction for subsi- Eyes will be raised at this sug- alone will invest £17.5 billion tricity demand, with a net cost dies, in which the lowest bidder However, the nuclear industry gestion, as nuclear power has in the UK up to 2021 and thou- to consumers of under £5 per wins. said that because wind power already received subsidies since sands of new jobs in British year.

Italian industrial China auto sales rise 5.3% production rises

Italian industrial production rose by 4.4 quarter, according to ISTAT. percent year on year in July from a year The ISTAT industrial index measures ago, national statistics agency ISTAT re- the volume of industrial production, ex- ported. cluding construction. In the January-July period of 2017, The fastest-growing sectors included the growth rate stood at 2.6 percent mining (+8.4 percent), machine and year-on-year. equipment manufacturing (+8 percent), According to Italian news agency and food, beverages, and tobacco pro- ANSA, Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni duction and automobile manufacturing commented, “Such data was unthinka- (both +6.9 percent). Major Currencies CurrencyTo USD Currency To USD China’s auto sales continued to in- went up 5.3 percent year on year in Au- crease in August, evidence of the gust, said the CAAM. Turkish Lira 0.2930 Chinese Yuan 0.1531 steady growth of the world’s largest Sales and production of new energy car market, data from the China Asso- vehicles maintained fast growth. Some Euro 1.1976 UAE Dirham 0.2722 ciation of Automobile Manufacturers 72,000 new energy vehicles were pro- (CAAM) showed. duced in August, up 67.3 percent year- British Pound 1.3192 Kuwaiti Dinar 3.3167 Some 2.19 million vehicles were on-year, and 68,000 were sold, up 76.3 sold last month — up 5.3 percent year- percent from the same period last year. Australian Dollar 0.8037 Iraqi Dinar 0.0008 on-year — maintaining momentum Earlier data from the China Passen- in July that saw sales rise 6.2 percent, ger Car Association showed China sold Japanese 100 Yen 0.0091 Saudi Riyal 0.2667 Xinhua wrote. 54,000 new energy passenger cars last Meanwhile, 2.09 million vehicles month, surging 25 percent month-on- were produced in August, up 4.8 per- month. ble just one or two years ago. Our coun- Sectors that experienced a slow-down cent from the same period last year, ac- The robust growth came as China Major Commodities try is finally experiencing a slow recov- include electrical, electronics, and elec- cording to the CAAM. has intensified efforts to encourage ery, which is not as slow as we thought.” tro-medical equipment manufacturing In the first eight months, total auto the use of new energy vehicles to ease In July 2017, the seasonally-adjusted (-0.6 percent), as well as textiles, ap- output and sales increased by 4.7 per- pressure on the environment, by offer- Crude Oil $47.07 Silver $17.83 industrial production index increased parel, leather and accessories (-0.5 per- cent and 4.3 percent year-on-year to ing tax exemptions and discounts for by 0.1 percent compared to the previous cent), ISTAT said. 17.68 million and 17.51 million vehi- car purchases, and ordering govern- Gold $1330.70 Platinum $991.70 month, and grew by 1.4 percent in the Italy’s sluggish recovery has been cles, respectively. ment organizations to buy more new Copper $3.06 Wheat $433.75 latest quarter compared to the previous among the slowest in the eurozone. The market share of domestic brands energy cars. Sept. 13, 2017 Volkswagen plans electric option Volkswagen, the world’s biggest carmaker, will offer an electric version of all its 300 models by 2030, becoming the latest manufacturer to move 6 away from petrol and diesel. Cultural Heritage & Environment

Air pollution cuts three years off AArcheologistsrcheologists findfind lifespans in northern China mmainain AAchaemenidchaemenid wwaterwayaterway iinn PPersepolisersepolis

he main valve of a water hall and the southern porch system dating back to the of the palace, he said, adding TAchaemenid era, which that a third waterway lay in the used to transfer surface waters southern yard of Tachar Palace from the west to the main net- and was used for discharging work in the south was discovered waters in the aforementioned in Persepolis, near Shiraz in the yard. GETTY IMAGES southern province of Fars. Pointing to the identification Research Institute of Iran’s of the branches on both sides of There are currently an estimated every additional 10 micrograms said, “They indicate that partic- Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts the waterway, Asadi said: “One 4.5 billion people around the per cubic meter of particulate ulates are the greatest current and Tourism Organization of these branches which con- world exposed to levels of par- matter pollution (PM10) reduc- environmental risk to human (ICHHTO) quoted the head of tinued towards the northwest ticulate air pollution that are at es life expectancy by 0.6 years. health, with the impact on life the team conducting the third of Tachar yard running under least twice what World Health The elevated mortality is entire- expectancy in many parts of season of excavations, Ahmad Tachar Palace had been used Organization (WHO) consid- ly due to an increase in cardi- the world similar to the effects Ali Asadi as saying that the ob- for disposing water in the roof ers safe. Yet, the impact of sus- orespiratory deaths, indicating of every man, woman and child jective of the studies was to ex- of the southern porch of the tained exposure to pollution on that air pollution is the cause of smoking cigarettes for several plore the waterways in Perse- palace.” a person’s life expectancy has reduced life expectancies to the decades. polis particularly the waterway Continued work in the south- largely remained a vexingly un- north. “The histories of the United in the southern yard of Tachar ern branch of Tachar yard could answered question — until now. “These results greatly States, parts of Europe, Japan Palace. lead to fresh understanding about IRNA A study published in the Pro- strengthen the case that long- and a handful of other countries Identifying the status of the the status of the waterways, es- ceedings of the National Acad- term exposure to particulates teach us that air pollution can be waterway compound of the un- pecially in the Hundred-Column Asadi pointed out that the ca- of Parse as it stood over the emy of Sciences finds that a air pollution causes substantial reduced, but it requires robust finished gate, and unearthing Palace, he added. nals with a height of about six centuries. Chinese policy is unintention- reductions in life expectancy. policy and enforcement.” some part of the wall of Persep- According to the archeolo- meters, which are carved in one According to him, most of ally causing people in northern Study coauthor Michael The study exploits China’s olis that had been buried in ear- gist, another branch of the wa- piece from the mountain, have the stone findings were ob- China to live 3.1 years less than Greenstone, the director of the Huai River policy, which pro- lier excavations in the southern terway is located in the eastern no regular structure. tained from the workshop in the people in the south due to air Energy Policy Institute at the vided free coal to power boilers side of the royal court were the span of the unfinished gate The excavations also aimed southern yard of Tachar Palace pollution concentrations that are University of Chicago (EPIC) for winter heating to people liv- other objectives of the studies, which runs from the south un- at identifying and unearthing a and the findings of the southern 46 percent higher, according to and the Milton Friedman Pro- ing north of the river and pro- IRNA wrote. der the Hundred-Column Palace part of the Persepolis wall, he wall were mainly scattered on fessor in Economics, the Col- vided almost no resources to- The waterway discharged and from the north towards the said, adding this would lead to the side during previous explo- These findings imply that lege and the Harris School, wards heating south of the river. water in the roof of the main northern wall of the royal court. restoring the original structure rations of the Persepolis. Sept. 13, 2017 Diabetes risk Men are more likely to develop diabetes if their wife is obese, but women 7 living with overweight men are not at greater risk, new research found. Health

Regular weigh-ins may help Stomach cancer breakthrough on horizon: prevent college weight gain No one likes looking at their weight on a scale every day, but that may be just the trick that college students need to ward off the dreaded ‘Freshman 15,’ a new study suggested. Cell investigation Researchers at Drexel University and the University of Pennsylva- nia found that female freshman students lost more weight when they weighed themselves at least once a day, while those who didn’t failed to shed any could lead to new treatment pounds at all, UPI reported. An estimated 70 percent tomach cancer and – has the potential to have a of freshman college students gastrointestinal can- domino effect that disrupts cell gain weight at school. Scer cures could be on growth and function, causing The average is four to eight the horizon after a scientist cells to go awry and turn can- pounds. Their weight gain pledged to investigate how the cerous.” is much greater than in their disease disrupts the growth of Coleman’s team will study counterparts in the general healthy cells. both human tissue and cells population, the study authors A scientist at the University donated by cancer patients in a noted. UPI of Birmingham has received a bid to discover new treatments For the new study, the re- £1.4 million award from Can- for patients. searchers tracked nearly 300 women. The students’ height and weight cer Research UK to carry out Coleman said, “If we can were measured at the beginning of the study, and again at six months research that could discover find out more about how oxy- and at two years. how cancer ‘steals the keys’ genases become faulty and the The researchers also had the students fill out questionnaires. from the body’s locksmiths, consequences of this in cancer College students who weighed themselves at least once daily lost wrote. cells, we may be able to identi- weight over two years, although not a lot. Dr. Mathew Coleman, of fy and develop new drugs that Study researcher Diane Rosenbaum, who was a graduate student at the Institute of Cancer and target the cellular processes Drexel at the time of the study, said, “The losses ... were modest, but Genomic Sciences at the Uni- they control. still significant, especially keeping in mind that these women were not versity of Birmingham, is set “Or, we may be able to de- part of a weight-loss program. to receive £1.4 million over cell growth and cell function. attaching an oxygen molecule oxygen molecules to other velop drugs that act as a ‘skel- “We did not expect that, in the absence of a weight-loss interven- six years to find out more However, if these proteins to specific parts of other pro- proteins properly. eton key’ that does their job for tion, folks would be losing weight.” about three specific proteins become faulty, it can affect teins, which generally turns “This means the door re- them. It’s not clear, though, whether there was a cause-and-effect relation- that are thought to have a role how they work, causing them them on. mains shut, and certain pro- “We’re incredibly grate- ship between daily weighing and weight loss. in cancer. and important cells to go out “This is a bit like a lock- cesses are ‘locked out’. ful to the patients who do- “It is possible that the relation between self-weighing and weight Although this research fo- of control. smith putting a key in a lock “We think that this can lead nate their tumor samples to might be driven by scale avoidance among those who experienced cuses on gastrointestinal can- Coleman said, “The proteins — once the door is opened, it to abnormal cell growth and research; their contribution weight gain,” the researchers wrote. cer such as stomach cancer in our cells all have different ‘unlocks’ processes in a cell function, which can lead to is making a real impact in al- According to Meghan Butryn, an associate professor at Drexel Uni- and cancer of the intestines, roles. that ensure it develops nor- cancer. lowing researchers like me to versity, “Regularly weighing yourself can motivate you to engage in their findings will likely be “We are interested in three mally and that everything is “It’s as if cancer has sto- understand cancer. healthy eating and exercise behaviors, because it provides you with able to be applied to other tu- particular proteins, which are properly controlled. len the keys from these lock- “We’re also extremely evidence that these behaviors are effective in helping you lose weight mor types. all enzymes that act as ‘lock- “We have found that these smiths. thankful to the people who or prevent weight gain. The proteins in our body smiths’ for other proteins. enzyme ‘locksmiths’ be- “What is amazing is that support Cancer Research UK “Similarly, if you see weight gain on the scale, that information can play a range of roles, including “Usually, these enzymes, come faulty in cancer, mean- such a small thing — not being because without them, our motivate you to make a change.” controlling energy production, called ‘oxygenases’, work by ing they’re unable to attach able to place a ‘key’ in a ‘lock’ work would not be possible.” The study was published online in the Journal of Behavioral Medi- cine.

Whole grains decrease colorectal cancer risk

Eating whole grains daily, such as week), such as beef. “Factors such as maintaining a lean brown rice or whole-wheat bread, ● Being overweight or obese. body weight, proper exercise, limit- reduces colorectal cancer risk, with ing red and processed meat and eating the more you eat the lower the risk, Lowering risk with fiber, activity more whole grains and fiber would found a new report by the American and grains lower risk substantially. Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) “Moreover, avoidance or cessation and the World Cancer Research Fund The report concluded that eating ap- of smoking also lower risk.” (WCRF). proximately three servings (90 grams) This is the first time AICR/WCRF of whole grains daily reduces the risk Fish, fruits, vegetables, emerging research links whole grains indepen- of colorectal cancer by 17 percent. evidence dently to lower cancer risk, science- It added to previous evidence show- reported. ing that foods containing fiber de- The report found other links be- Diet, nutrition, physical activity creases the risk of this cancer. tween diet and colorectal cancer that and colorectal cancer also found that For physi- were visible but not as hot dogs and other clear. processed meats There was limited consumed regularly evidence that risk in- increase the risk of creases with low this cancer. intake of both non- There was strong starchy vegetables evidence that physi- and fruit. cal activity protects A higher risk was against colon cancer. observed for intakes Edward L. Giovan- of less than 100 nucci, MD, ScD, lead grams per day (about author of the report a cup) of each. and professor of nu- Links to lower- trition and epidemiol- ing risk of colorectal ogy at the Harvard TH cancer was with fish Chan School of Public and foods containing Health, said, “Colo- vitamin C. rectal cancer is one Oranges, straw- of the most common berries and spinach cancers, yet this report are all foods high in demonstrates there is vitamin C. a lot people can do to cal activity, people who are more The research continues to emerge dramatically lower their risk. physically active have a lower risk of for these factors, but it all points to the “The findings from this comprehen- colon cancer compared to those who power of a plant-based diet. sive report are robust and clear: Diet do very little physical activity. Here, Alice Bender, MS, RDN, AICR and lifestyle have a major role in colo- the decreased risk was apparent for director of nutrition programs, said, rectal cancer.” colon and not rectal cancer. “Replacing some of your refined The new report evaluated the scien- In the US, colorectal cancer is the grains with whole grains and eating tific research worldwide on how diet, third most common cancer among mostly plant foods, such as fruits, weight and physical activity affect both men and women, with an es- vegetables and beans, will give you colorectal cancer risk. timated 371 cases diagnosed each a diet packed with cancer-protective The report analyzed 99 studies, in- day. compounds and help you manage cluding data on 29 million people, of AICR estimates that 47 percent of your weight, which is so important to whom over a quarter of a million were US colorectal cancer cases could be lower risk. diagnosed with colorectal cancer. prevented each year through healthy “When it comes to cancer there are Other factors found to increase lifestyle changes. no guarantees, but it’s clear now there colorectal cancer include: “Many of the ways to help prevent are choices you can make and steps ● Eating high amounts of red meat colorectal cancer are important for you can take to lower your risk of (above 500 grams cooked weight a overall health. colorectal and other cancers.” Sept. 13, 2017 P ower of thought A new brain-computer interface application that allows music to be 8 composed by the power of thought has now been developed by scientists. Science & Technology

Fire ant venom could be used for skin treatments A new study from Emory and Case Western universities found that compounds from fire ant venom could reduce skin thickening and inflammation in psoriasis. Cassini: Saturn Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin disease that is treated with topi- cal sterioids that can cause skin thinning and bruising, UPI report- ed. probe turns towards its death plunge UPI Pictured are skin sections from mouse psoriasis model, after treatment with solenopsin analog or control cream. Cassini began its study of the ringed planet in 2004. Researchers used mouse models of psoriasis to test the com- pound solenopsin, the main toxic component in fire ant venom, he international Cassini space- exhausted and NASA is determined called Huygens on its surface in 2005. instruments at the end that can sense which chemically resemble ceramides, the lipid-like molecules craft at Saturn has executed the the spacecraft will not be permitted to It returned a remarkable image Saturn’s near-space environment, such necessary for maintaining the barrier function of skin. Tcourse correction that will send just drift around Saturn uncontrolled; of rounded pebbles that had been as its magnetic field, or can sample the The study, published in Scientific Reports, showed solenopsin it to destruction at the end of the week. it must be disposed of properly and smoothed by the action of flowing liq- composition of its gases. decreased skin thickness from psoriasis 30 percent compared to The probe flew within 120,000km of fully. uid methane. In the final three hours or so before control groups. the giant moon Titan on Monday — an The agency called Monday’s last en- This hydrocarbon rains from Titan’s ‘impact’ on Friday, all data acquired by Dr. Jack Arbiser, professor of dermatology at Emory University encounter that bent its trajectory just counter with Titan the ‘kiss goodbye’. orange sky and runs into huge seas at the spacecraft will be relayed straight School of Medicine, said, “We believe that solenopsin analogs are enough to put it on a collision path with Earl Maize, the Cassini project man- northern latitudes. to Earth, bypassing the onboard solid contributing to full restoration of the barrier function in the skin. the ringed planet, according to bbc. ager at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Labo- Cassini also spied what are pre- state memory. “Emollients can soothe the skin in psoriasis, but they are not suf- com. ratory in Pasadena, California, said, sumed to be volcanoes that spew an Contact with the probe after it has ficient for restoration of the barrier.” Nothing can now stop the death “Cassini has been in a long-term rela- icy slush and vast dunes made from a entered the atmosphere will be short, Researchers created two solenopsin analogs that resemble cera- plunge in Saturn’s atmosphere on Fri- tionship with Titan, with a new rendez- plastic-like sand. measured perhaps in a few tens of sec- mides but can’t degrade into S1P, or sphingosine-1-phosphate, that day. vous nearly every month for more than Cassini scientist Michelle Dough- onds. The signal at Earth is expected can convert ceramides into an inflammatory molecule. Cassini will be torn to pieces as it a decade. erty from Imperial College London, to drop off around 11:55 GMT. Engi- Researchers found that the mice treated with solenopsin analogs heads down towards the clouds. Its “This final encounter is something UK, said, “There will be an effort in neers will be able to be more precise also had 50 percent fewer immune cells infiltrating the skin and components will melt and be dispersed of a bittersweet goodbye, but as it has the days up to Friday to try to squeeze once they have looked at the position when the compound was applied to immune cells in a culture they through the planet’s gases. done throughout the mission, Titan’s out every last scientific observation. of the probe after Monday’s change in decreased the cells’ production of the inflammatory signal IL-22 Ever since it arrived at Saturn 13 gravity is once again sending Cassini “We’re now running on fumes. course. and increased production of anti-inflammatory IL-12. years ago, the probe has used the grav- where we need it to go.” “The fact that we’ve got as far as we Curt Niebur, the Cassini program The study showed that the solenopsin analogs turned down ity of Titan — the second biggest moon Closest approach to the moon’s sur- have, so close to the end of mission, is scientist at NASA Headquarters in genes that are turned up by current treatments. in the solar system — to slingshot itself face occurred at 19:04 GMT. spectacular. We’re almost there and it’s Washington, DC, said, “The Cassini Arbiser added, “This may be compensatory and a mechanism of into different positions from which to As the probe passed Titan, it gath- going to be really sad watching it hap- mission has taught us so very much, resistance to anti-psoriasis therapy, and it suggested that the sole- study the planet and its stunning rings. ered some images and other science pen.” and to me personally I find great com- nopsin compounds could be used in combination with existing ap- It has been a smart strategy because data that will be streamed back to Earth Besides a last look at Titan, scien- fort from the fact that Cassini will con- proaches.” Cassini would otherwise have had to on Tuesday. The investigation of the tists want to get a few more pictures of tinue teaching us right up to the very fire up its propulsion system and drain 5,150km-wide moon has been one of the rings and the moon Enceladus, be- last seconds.” its fuel reserves every time it wanted to the outstanding successes of the Cas- fore then configuring the spacecraft for The Cassini-Huygens mission is a Study shows impact of make a big change in direction. sini mission. its dramatic scuttling. joint endeavor of NASA, and the Euro- global warming on coffee production As it is, those propellants are almost The spacecraft put a small robot The idea is to use only those pean and Italian space agencies.

A recent study by the University of Vermont (UVM) found global warming could reduce coffee growing areas in Latin America by as much as 88 percent by 2050. Long sitting periods may be just as harmful as daily total Researchers from the University of Vermont’s Gund Institute for Environment found climate change will continue to negatively im- A new study found that it isn’t Mortality risk was calculated for could reduce your risk of death, pact coffee production, as well as bee populations, essential to cof- just the amount of time spent sit- those with various amounts of although we don’t yet know pre- fee farming, UPI wrote. ting, but also the way in which total sedentary time and various cisely how much activity is op- Taylor Ricketts, director of the UVM’s Gund Institute for Envi- sitting time is accumulated dur- sedentary patterns. timal.” ronment, said, “Coffee is one of the most valuable commodities on ing the day, that can affect risk Those with the greatest The study was the largest to Earth, and needs a suitable climate and pollinating bees to produce of early death. amount of sedentary time — link objectively measured sed- well. The study, published in An- more than 13 hours per day entary time and sedentary pat- “This is the first study to show how both will likely change under nals of Internal Medicine, found — and who frequently had sed- terns with mortality risk. global warming — in ways that will hit coffee producers hard.” that adults who sit for one to entary bouts of at least 60 to 90 Study coauthor Monika Saf- The study, pub- two hours at a time without consecutive minutes had a near- ford, MD, chief of the Division lished in the Pro- moving have a higher mortality ly twofold increase in death risk of General Internal Medicine ceedings of the rate than adults who accrue the compared with those who had and the John J. Kuiper Professor National Acad- same amount of sedentary time the least total sedentary time and at Weill Cornell Medicine, said, emy of Sciences, in shorter bouts, medicalxpress. the shortest sedentary bouts. “This study added to the grow- is the first to ana- com reported. The researchers also found ing literature on how dangerous lyze the coupled Keith Diaz, PhD, associate suggested that sedentary pat- period of seven days in 7,985 that participants who kept most long periods of sitting are for effects of climate research scientist in the Depart- terns —whether an individual black and white adults aged over of their sitting bouts to less than our health, and underscores a change on coffee ment of Medicine at Colum- accrues sedentary time through 45. 30 minutes had the lowest risk growing awareness among clini- and bees at the bia University Medical Center several short stretches or fewer On average, sedentary behav- of death. cians and researchers that sitting national or conti- (CUMC) and lead investigator long stretches of time — may ior accounted for 77 percent of Diaz said, “So if you have a really is the new smoking. nental level. of the study, said, “We tend to have an impact on health.” the participants’ waking hours, job or lifestyle where you have “We need creative ways to en- UPI Researchers think of sedentary behavior as The researchers used hip- equivalent to more than 12 to sit for prolonged periods of sure that we not only cut back on A coffee farmer picks fresh coffee cherries in predict much just the sheer volume of how mounted activity monitors to hours per day. Over a median time, we suggest taking a move- the total amount we sit, but also Colombia. New climate research suggests Latin America will face major declines in greater losses of much we sit around each day. objectively measure inactiv- follow-up period of four years, ment break every half hour. increase regular interruptions to coffee-growing regions, as well as bees, coffee regions “But previous studies have ity during waking time over a 340 of the participants died. “This one behavior change sitting with bursts of activity.” which help coffee to grow. than previous as- sessments, with the biggest impacts in Nicaragua, Honduras and Venezuela. The dramatic, dinosaur-to-bird transi- The researchers confirmed this find- On the positive side, researchers project a slight increase in cof- tion that occurred in reptiles millions of ing by looking at embryos of lizards, al- fee suitability in Mexico, Colombia, Costa Rica and Guatemala years ago was accompanied by profound Scientists track brain-skull ligators, and birds using a new contrast- — mostly in mountainous regions where temperatures can support changes in the skull roof of those ani- stained CT scanning technique. coffee growing and robust bee populations. mals — and holds important clues about transition from dinosaurs to birds Bhullar added, “We suggest that this Pablo Imbach, of the International Center for Tropical Agricul- the way the skull forms in response to relationship is found across all verte- ture, said, “If there are bees in the coffee plots, they are very ef- changes in the brain — according to a and the brain enlarges. some aspects of skull development. brates with bony skulls and indicates ficient and very good at pollinating, so productivity increases and new study. “We were surprised that no one had di- Bhullar and his colleagues set out to a deep developmental relationship be- also berry weight. It is the first time scientists have rectly addressed the idea that the under- trace the evolution of brain and skull tween the brain and the skull roof. “In the areas projected to lose coffee suitability, we wanted to tracked the link between the brain’s de- lying parts of the brain — the forebrain shape not simply in the dinosaurs closest “What this implies is that the brain know whether that loss could be offset by bees.” velopment and the roofing bones of the and midbrain — are correlated or some- to birds, but in the entire lineage leading produces molecular signals that instruct The study identified some strategies to improve coffee growth skull, wrote. how developmentally related to the over- from reptiles to birds. They discovered the skeleton to form around it, although and bee pollination, including the increase of bee habitats near cof- The findings appeared in the journal lying frontal and parietal bones.” that most reptile brains and skulls were we understand relatively little about the fee farms where bee diversity may decrease. Nature Ecology and Evolution. Matteo Fabbri, a graduate student in markedly similar to each other. precise nature of that patterning. Policy makers could also prioritize farming practices that reduce Co-senior author Bhart-Anjan Singh Bhullar’s lab, is the first author of the It was the dinosaurs most closely relat- “Ultimately, one of the important mes- climate impacts on coffee production where bees are thriving, and Bhullar, an assistant professor of geolo- study. Although previous studies have ed to birds, as well as birds themselves, sages here is that evolution is simpler protect forests and main shade trees, windbreaks, live fences and gy and geophysics at Yale University and shown a general relationship between that were divergent, with enlarged brains and more elegant than it seems. native plants. assistant curator of vertebrate paleontol- the brain and skull, associations between and skulls ballooning out around them. “Multiple seemingly disparate chang- Lee Hannah, senior scientist at Conservation International, said, ogy and vertebrate zoology at the Yale specific regions of the brain and indi- Bhullar said, “We found a clear rela- es — for instance to the brain and skull “We hope the models we have created to make these projections Peabody Museum of Natural History, vidual elements of the skull roof have tionship between the frontal bones and — could actually have one underlying can help to target appropriate management practices such as forest said, “Across the dinosaur-bird transi- remained unclear. forebrain and the parietal bones and mid- cause and represent only a single, mani- conservation, shade adjustment and crop rotation.” tion, the skull transforms enormously This has led to conflicting theories on brain.” fold transformation.” Sept. 13, 2017 Air pollution in India The India’s National Capital Region (NCR) residents are losing out on 9 almost six years of life because of the dangerous air pollution levels. Society

Employee outsourcing Over 3.5m refugee children hides slaves in the workforce Failure to monitor outsourced recruitment is resulting in companies inadvertently employing victims of modern slavery, according to new research led by our School of Management. Interviews with experts in business, NGOs, trade unions, law miss out on school firms and the police showed that while companies can increasingly trace where their products come from, many are in the dark about ore than 3.5 million refu- the backgrounds of their staff, wrote. gee children did not have the The research, conducted with the University of Sheffield, sug- Mchance to attend school in the gested that layers of outsourcing, subcontracting and informal hir- last academic year, UNHCR, the UN Ref- ing of temporary staff are to blame. This, say the researchers, en- ugee Agency, said in a report. ables victims of slave labor to be hidden within the workforce of Entitled ‘Left Behind: Refugee Educa- companies and organizations, even those with the best of intentions. tion in Crisis’, the report said that, global- Statistics recently released by the National Crime Agency showed ly, 91 percent of children attend primary that the number of people reported as potential victims of slavery school, but for refugees that figure is just and human trafficking in the UK has more than doubled in the past 61 percent, and in low-income countries three years, with 3,805 people referred for help in 2016. less than 50 percent, wrote. The researchers concluded that the key issue in tackling modern It said there are 6.4 million refugees slavery is understanding the labor supply chain — the often unregu- of school age — between five and 17 — lated networks through which contingent and sometimes forced or among the 17.2 million refugees under trafficked workers are recruited, transported, and supplied to busi- UNHCR’s mandate. ness by third party agents. “In 2016, only 2.9 million were enrolled Lead author, Professor Andrew Crane, director of Center for in primary or secondary education. More Business, Organizations and Society, explained: “Companies have than half of them — 3.5 million — did not little hope of detecting modern slavery practices unless they adopt a go to school,” it continued. new approach that focuses specifically on their labor supply chains In a statement, Filippo Grandi, the UN — they need to be able to trace the origin of their employees in the High Commissioner for Refugees, said: same way as most now can for their products. “The education of these young people is “Twenty years ago most high street retailers did not have a clue crucial to the peaceful and sustainable where the products they sold actually came from. Since then, there development of the countries that have has been a revolution in responsible business practices and compa- welcomed them, and to their homes when nies have invested millions of pounds to trace the source of their they are able to return. Yet compared to other children and adolescents around the world, the gap in opportunity for refugees is growing ever wider.” As refugee children get older, the ob- worldwide. stretched. School-age children are supposed to get stacles increase: Only 23 percent of ado- The report called for education to be This is the second annual education re- 200 days of school per year. lescent refugees are enrolled in secondary considered fundamental to the response to port from UNHCR. “Despite the overwhelming support for school, compared with 84 percent glob- refugee emergencies, and for it to be sup- The first, ‘Missing Out’, was issued in the New York Declaration, one year on, ally. In low-income countries, just nine ported by long-term planning and reliable advance of the UN General Assembly’s refugees are in real danger of being left percent of refugees are able to attend sec- funding. Summit for Refugees and Migrants last behind in terms of their education,” said ondary school. It urged governments to include refu- September. Grandi. For tertiary, or post-secondary, edu- gees in their national education systems The New York Declaration for Refugees “Ensuring that refugees have equitable cation the situation is critical, it added. and highlights some of the efforts made and Migrants, signed by 193 countries, put access to quality education is a shared re- The percentage remains at one percent towards implementing such a policy, even education at the forefront of the interna- sponsibility. It is time for all of us to put for refugees, compared with 36 percent in countries where resources are already tional response. words into action.” products and tackle the myriad sustainability issues they found there. To prevent the misery of modern slavery from blighting our workforces companies must apply that same focus to their staff.” IOM, the UN Migration Agen- supplies that we need to save The study showed that most incidences of forced labor were sev- cy, has appealed for $26.1 lives immediately, and to plan eral steps removed from the core workforce at the producer compa- million to meet the immedi- ahead,” said IOM Bangladesh ny. Within the agricultural sector these employees could potentially ate needs of some 313,000 Chief of Mission Sarat Dash. only be on site for a matter of days or weeks, making it difficult for newly-arrived Undocumented New arrivals To date (10/09), 313,000 producers to detect abuse. Myanmar Nationals (UMNs) people are estimated to have Companies thought they were able to shield themselves from mod- now sheltering in seven sites crossed the border into Bang- ern slavery because of the investment they had made in responsible in Bangladesh’s Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh ladesh from Myanmar since product sourcing but in reality their focus on tracing the product sup- District. the latest outbreak of violence ply chain does not equip them to easily trace where workers have The Flash Appeal, covering on August 25. Large numbers come from, or the types of exploitation they have been exposed to. the next three months, seeks from Myanmar of people are still arriving One CEO of a UK hotel chain explained to researchers: “We have $15 million for shelter and es- every day in densely packed pretty much solved traceability of the food served in our restaurants. sential non-food relief items, sites, looking for space, and I can tell you the farm where the steak on your plate came from, together with management of reach 313,000 there are clear signs that more probably even the name of the cow. But we have no idea where the the sites. Another $5 million will cross before the situation workers came from that work in our kitchens.” will go towards water, sanita- stabilizes. The workers in these kitchens may well have been supplied by tion and hygiene, and $3 mil- New arrivals in all locations unscrupulous agents who subject workers to highly exploitative lion towards healthcare, Ip- are in urgent need of life-saving employment practices, such as withholding their passports, forcing snews reported. Plan) by all ISCG agencies op- IOM to respond to humanitar- significant and is likely to in- assistance, including food, wa- them to work for little or no pay, threatening them or their families, Another $3 million will erating in Cox’s Bazar. ian emergencies as quickly as crease as people continue to ar- ter and sanitation, health and or tricking them into racking up huge debts through deductions for provide protection for peo- IOM recognized the urgency possible, before international rive from Myanmar. protection. accommodation, food, transport and other ‘services’. Some will ple living in the camps and of the relief operations in Cox’s donors agree to fund them. “The number of arrivals and According to planners, a even have paid to get the job in the first place. the remaining $100,000 will Bazar by adding another $1.5 The UN Central Emergency the speed at which they are rapid, comprehensive multi- pay for to coordination by the million from its revolving Mi- Response Fund (CERF) has coming — averaging 20,000 sector response is now needed, Inter Sector Coordination gration Emergency Funding already allocated $7 million day for the past 16 days — is including 60,000 shelters, 4.5 More than half of Americans Group (ISCG). The IOM ap- Mechanism (MEFM) to the $1 across multiple agencies in re- extremely challenging. The million liters of water per day, peal is part of a broader appeal million already allocated last sponse to the ISCG appeal. But MEFM is allowing us to bring 15,000 latrines, and 1.5 million have battled obesity (ISCG Preliminary Response week. The mechanism allows the funding shortfall remained in the technical experts and the kilograms of rice per month. A new study is pointing to the growing health crisis surrounding obesity in America. Researchers at Boston University say that more than half of all men and women in the country have been obese at some point in their lives. The study found that Segregation’s unexpected link with black health in history 50.8 percent of men and 51.6 percent of women Racial housing segregation had some unexpected re- rural areas. in the US had battled lationships with how long both blacks and whites lived For black adults, living in segregated urban and rural obesity. The research- historically in the United States, a new study suggested. areas was associated with a longer lifespan. For example, ers also discovered that Using data from North Carolina from 1909 to 1975, re- urban black females living in highly segregated areas lived the chance of Americans searchers found that racially segregated areas generally had about five years longer than those who lived in neighbor- developing chronic con- higher mortality rates, in both urban and rural areas. But, hoods with average levels of segregation. For black men, ditions like diabetes, con- surprisingly, blacks sometimes lived longer in segregated the result was even more pronounced — nearly 10 years. gestive heart failure, and stroke were higher among people who had areas than they did in more integrated environments, while In rural areas, blacks also lived longer in more highly been obese at some point, reported. whites had shorter lifespans in segregated rural areas, osu. segregated areas. “The results suggest that a much larger fraction of the population edu wrote. Logan said he suspected that segregation may have been is affected by obesity than is reflected by statistics on current weight The study is the first to be able to measure the effect of protective of health for blacks historically because, in an era status alone,” researchers wrote in their findings. segregation on health in rural areas and one of few to look at before antibiotics, they would have less exposure to deadly The results reportedly confirmed the link between obesity and the historical effects of segregation, said Trevon Logan, co- infectious diseases. the risk of early death. Lead researcher Andrew Stokes and his team author of the study and professor of economics at The Ohio “In a period with a lack of access to quality healthcare, countered an argument, known as the ‘obesity paradox’, which State University. Their measure used complete census manuscript files especially for black people, less exposure between races claimed that being obese can actually reduce the risk of early death. “The study shows that the effects of segregation apply to identify the races of next-door neighbors. In rural areas, could have had large, positive effects on black health,” he Stokes’ team also noted that Americans who had lost the weight not only to the present, but also to the past,” Logan said. where there may not be traditional neighborhoods, this al- said. were still at an increased risk of chronic disease. “More importantly, we found that segregation was relat- lowed the researchers to be the first to measure racial seg- “Segregation would not have the same protective effects “The results clearly suggest that the formerly obese group is im- ed to health outcomes in rural as well as urban areas.” regation. today that it did before antibiotics.” portant to consider as a separate entity,” Stokes said. Logan conducted the study with John Parman, associate The researchers used this segregation data along with For whites, the results were different. The data suggested The researchers added that people should be broken up into three professor of economics at the College of William and Mary. death certificates from North Carolina to see how segrega- that whites in segregated urban areas may have lived longer groups when studying the obesity epidemic: Those who are current- Their results appeared online in the journal Social Science tion was related to mortality in both urban and rural areas than those in more integrated areas, but the results were not ly obese, formerly obese, or never obese. and Medicine. for blacks and whites. entirely consistent. The findings draw a comparison to the health effects smokers deal The researchers used a measure of historical segregation Results showed that whites lived roughly 10 years longer However, white men and women in segregated rural are- with even after quitting the habit. The study notes how former smok- they developed that allows them, for the first time, to ana- than blacks during the time studied. But findings differed by as did tend to die at slightly younger ages than those in more ers are still at risk for disease years after lighting their last cigarette. lyze segregation in rural communities. levels of segregation and whether people lived in urban or integrated areas. Sept. 13, 2017 Spanish proverb Don’t leave the old road for a new trail. 10 Entertainment

American Airlines flight canceled Seagull waddling into bakery Have you seen this seagull? up to the counter than rushing after scorpion spotted on board Described as white, of short away once it has the goods in its stature and with a distinctive beak, wrote. merican Airlines con- Or Believe it or not. American patch on its lower back, the bird It seems like it has done this firmed a flight from Cal- Airlines is canceling my flight was seen choosing a packet of before, as it is well acquainted Aifornia to Phoenix was because they found a ‘scorpi- salt and vinegar crisps then leg- with how to use automatic doors. canceled for an unusual reason on’ in the plane!” one traveler ging it out of Greggs — the larg- Witnesses saw the crime at ― a scorpion was spotted on wrote on Facebook. “I suppose est bakery chain in the UK. a bakery on Kings Street in the board the plane. I should be happy it is not a Video footage center of South Shields, New- Airline spokeswoman Les- bomb!” shows the bird castle. lie Scott said the Boeing 737, Scott said the plane was taken strolling Gordon Lindsay, who filmed which had been due to depart to a maintenance facility in the the incriminating footage, said: Sacramento at 10:40 a.m. Sun- Dallas/Fort Worth area to be fu- “It clearly just saw its opportu- day, had been in Phoenix the migated after the crew was un- nity and just went for it. previous day, and that’s likely able to determine whether the “It grabbed a packet of salt and where the scorpion scorpion was still aboard the vinegar crisps ― it seemed boarded, UPI re- flight. clear that he knew what flavor ported. Flight delays attributed to he wanted. Passenger scorpions are rare, but not un- ‘The staff at the time were Jim Zuber said heard of an Ecuador-bound filling up the coffee machine UPI he and more United Airlines flight out of and they didn’t see him until he than 100 fel- the airline decided to cancel the flight. Houston’s George Bush Inter- was leaving ― so there wasn’t low passengers was deter- “The flight was canceled be- continental Airport was delayed much they could really do. were told while mining the cause we want passengers and for several hours in May when a “They were quite surprised, waiting to board that best course of crews to feel comfortable,” scorpion was purportedly seen and so was I. the flight crew had spot- action. Scott told the Sacramento Bee. crawling out from the sleeve of “I just thought it was unbe- ted a scorpion on the plane and The airline eventually “This is one for the books. a sleeping passenger. lievably cheeky.” The seagull is thought to be still at large. NORTH NEWS Getting visas to enter Turkmenistan can Fearing that the hole would lead to the prove tricky ― MailOnline Travel was re- release of poisonous gases, the team de- cently denied entry. Photographer takes cided to burn it off. But for those forbidden access to the It was hoped that the fire would use all PPICTUREICTURE OOFF TTHEHE DDAYAY mysterious former Soviet country, a stun- stunning drone the fuel within days, but the gas is still ning new video offers an insight into what burning today. The flames generate a the place has to offer, footage of golden glow which can be seen for miles wrote. around Derweze, a village with a popula- Intrepid explorer and photographer Jay tion of about 350. Tindall recently went on a trip through the Turkmenistan The site is about 161 miles north of Ash- landlocked state and he hit some unusual gabat. In April 2010, the country’s presi- spots, including the ‘sin- dent, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, visit- ister’ capital of Ashgabat ed the site and ordered that the hole should and the burning 226ft- be closed but this is yet to happen. wide Gates of Hell crater. Summing up his trip to Turkmenistan, Footage from his trip Tindall, who runs Travel Company Re- reveals how the nation of- mote Lands, said: “Turkmenistan is one of fers a mesmerizing mix of the most isolated places in Central Asia ― scenery. known for the driest desert in the world. The Video of the capital, capital is so empty it seems almost sinister. Ashgabat, shows it look- DAILYMAIL.CO.UK “Monuments and buildings rise high in ing eerily empty. The gleaming stone pla- the skyline, brutalist and imposing. Sharp, zas are decked out with giant Soviet-style Derweze. strong edges dominate the plane above. statues, a reminder of times gone by. The giant hole of fire, in the heart of the “But here, too, are people who live and And there are dozens of gargantuan Karakum desert, was made by geologists suffer just like anyone else. They walk buildings, with opulent gold-leafed domes more than 40 years ago, and the flames lonely in the desolate streets, laughing in striking a contrast to the grey skies. Mean- within have been burning ever since. the shadow of mountains. while, fountains triumphantly froth away Soviet geologists were drilling at the site “Outside the city, the world is differ- in manicured gardens. in 1971 and tapped into a cavern filled with ent; the desert is unforgiving. The wastes Tindall drove north to explore the rug- natural gas. seem to go on forever ― thirsty sand and ged landscape. After stopping to admire But the ground beneath the drilling rig empty skies. Only an arresting, daunting VALENTIN FLAURAUD/EPA a mix of rural villages and red rock can- collapsed, leaving a hole with a diameter place like this could be home to the Gates ‘A Story of the Future’ by artist Saype. The artwork covering approximately 6,000 square meters was produced with over 600 liters of biodegradable paint made from natural pigments, water and a milk protein and is part of the yons, he ended up at the Gates of Hell in of 70 meters. of Hell.” celebration for the 125th anniversary of the Glion Rochers-de-Naye train line, Les Rochers-de-Naye, Switzerland.

Global Word-Fit 4 letters BOISE MANAMA BONN GHANA SSudokuudoku IRAN HAITI 7 letters LIMA IDAHO BAHRAIN Sudoku was inspired by the table devised by Iranian mathema- MALI INDIA HOUSTON tician Khwarazmi. Fill 9×9 grid with digits so that each column, OHIO ITALY NAIROBI each row and each of the nine 3×3 sub-grids that compose the grid, OMAN JAPAN contains all of the digits from 1 to 9. ROME MALTA SUVA MIAMI 8 letters UTAH PARIS HONOLULU SPAIN ILLINOIS 5 letters ACCRA 6 letters 9 letters ARUBA DUBLIN ARGENTINA

Yesterday’s solution Sept. 13, 2017 Kobe’s big night Christmas is coming early for Kobe Bryant – the Lakers are planning to retire his jersey before the Warriors game on Dec. 18, TMZ Sports 11 reported. Sports Ghafour, Ebadipour spark Iran’s tiebreak triumph over Italy

mir Ghafour and Milad Eba- world. Tonight, we made the first sur- We’re so happy to start with a victory; dipour’s fiery performance prise. We have opportunities to make it’s very important to us. We played Asparked Iran’s 3-2 (25-19, 23- surprises in the coming days as we play with a lot of pressure and had oppor- 25, 28-26, 29-31, 15-11) win over Italy USA, Brazil, France and Japan. tunities to close it out in the fourth set, in the FIVB Men’s World USA won the Olympic bronze med- but couldn’t do it. In the fifth set, we Grand Champions Cup at the Nippon al, Brazil won gold, Japan are very played with fewer mistakes but I can’t Gaishi Hall in Nagoya, Japan, on Tues- strong when it plays on home court, say I’m satisfied with the team; we can day. and France is World League champion, play better volleyball. Ghafour and Ebadipour registered so every day we have an opportunity to We had a bad World League, so 21 and 20 points to lead the Iranian of- make a surprise. Today, the difference we had a lot of pressure. I’ve played fense, while and Oleg between our team and Italy was that a long time for the national team and Antonov made 23 and 18 points to they made a lot of errors – they took a had good days and bad days, but our command the Italian side. Iran benefit- lot of risks – but they also made a lot of youth and junior teams have been ted from the 42 turnovers of Italy, fivb. blocks. But we have good defense and playing really well in their World org reported. a good counterattack. We didn’t reach Championships. The youth team won Amir Ghafour scored 21 points in Iran’s 3-2 win over Italy at the FIVB Volleyball Men’s World Grand Champions Cup in Nagoya, Japan, Iran prevailed once more in its sec- that level when we played in the World the gold medal and we’ve been play- on September 12, 2017. ond tiebreak encounter with Italy. Four of Iran’s five wins at the World Grand Champions Cup have come in five sets. Iran last beat Italy at world level was at the 2014 FIVB Volleyball Men’s World Championship in Poland, where it claimed a 3-1 win. Italy gave away many points to Iran on its turnovers, which helped the lat- ter take the opening set win at 25-19. Italy bounced back to win 25-23, but Iran came up with good digs to coun- terattack and secure the third set at 28-26. In the fourth set, heroics in crucial moments led to an Italian win at 31-29. Iran’s scoring spurts at the start of the tiebreaker, helped it pull away and complete the victory.

‘Surprising strong teams’ Iran coach Igor Kolakovic keeps an eye on his team against Italy in Nagoya, Japan, on Obviously I’m very disappointed with They’ve been playing at a high level very disappointed because we wanted Iran coach Igor Kolakovic: Tonight, September 12, 2017. the result. We’re very disappointed for many years now. Today they de- to start in a good way but we were un- we played against a great opponent, we couldn’t win in the tiebreak. The fended more than us and better than able to win today. one of the best teams in Europe. At League. Every set was close. I’m so ing in the World League for the last start of the match wasn’t so good, we us, which made it an even and tough It was a very even match but in the the start of the season, we lost 3-0 to happy we finished with the victory, but few years so now we are playing with were too tense and couldn’t play good match. They also counterattacked very most important parts, especially de- them. Today, we had the opportunity we played a tough five sets and we need the strong teams of the world and we volleyball. But after that, we kept our well and generally played better than fense and service, Iran did better than to win 3-1 but missed out on that, but to be fresh for Wednesday. learn a lot from them. hopes up and were able to take the sec- us. us. I’m happy with the victory. We arrived ond and fourth sets. I think we could have done some- here with some hopes and dreams and ‘Happy with win’ ‘Iran deserves victory’ We couldn’t win today but Iran de- Buti congratulates Iran thing on the tiebreak but Iran played would like to make some surprises served the victory. The fact that Iran very well and I want to congratulate against stronger teams than us in the Iran captain Mir Saeid Marouf: Italy coach : did so well is not something new. Italy captain Simone Buti: We’re them.

massive 54 percent debunked the myth Thirty-four percent of readers in Af- ed. South Americans were unanimous, that football fans from the continent are rica – a continent accustomed to losing however, in their love of the soundtrack more interested in games taking place its brightest talent at an ever-decreasing to each goal. on the other side of the world. age – however, said they wanted to see In a continent where radio played Asian fans also voiced their fondness the ‘wonderkid’ find the net. Indeed, such a huge role in the early devel- for experiencing excitement digitally Africa was the only continent that pre- opment of the game, the region un- surprisingly boasts the most excited What makes a great goal? What type of commentators in the world, and South strikes are the most memorable, which American fans insisted those calling mean the most, and which echo loudest Messi’s dribbling or Ronaldo’s screamers the action brought an extra dimension in history? to those special moments. Goal and UEFA Champions League Thirty-one percent of Goal users a slick passing move. and, in a region where individuals are ferred seeing a goal from a youngster Back in the old continent, 41 per- sponsor Nissan wanted to find out, so from around the world cited long- Having established what type of goal championed more than anywhere else, rather than an established star. cent of users in Europe – where the we put that question to you, our users. range shots as the game’s most exciting you find most exciting, we wanted to they categorically backed the idol – South America, meanwhile, the game is undoubtedly at its highest The results were intriguing, and re- goals. Unequivocally the most exciting know who you love to see scoring. The with a region-high 43 percent of users region which continues to produce standard but still has to import its in- flected the cultural and geographical type of goal to our global users, howev- idol was popular across the board, with backing the superstar. football’s greatest individual talents, dividual talent from South America differences between the way those of er, were those that arrived via magical 37 percent of global users saying they Indeed, there were some interesting predictably lauded the solo goal most, – preferred team interplay to individ- us around the world consume the beau- solo-runs, with 35 percent preferring wanted to see the star of the show. results when we broke down our feed- with a whopping 45 percent insisting ual moments, stating their excitement tiful game, reported. goals of individual brilliance; ostensi- And of course, almost everyone back geographically. Spectacular shots they were the most exciting type of around great passing moves and ruth- But there were some things on which bly preferring Lionel Messi's dribbles agreed that nothing is more exciting from distance proved the most popular goal. less counterattacks. a general consensus was found. For to Cristiano Ronaldo's bullets. than a stoppage-time goal in a final. among European users, while indi- Interestingly, South Americans told The bigger the club, the more goals example, everyone loves a screamer Our global audience also agreed that Globally, there was also a consensus vidual goals were most enjoyed among us they valued no origin of a goal more are enjoyed in Europe, it appears, – regardless of the adjective we use to team play provided the best origin of that great goals are best experienced football fans from Africa – a region that than that which begins with a pattern of where 22 percent said they liked noth- describe them. Football is, after all, a any goal, with 40 percent stating their live at the stadium – which was par- has always cherished the genius of the team passing – though at just 27 per- ing better than seeing the giants hit the universal language. preference for a strike that arrived after ticularly interesting in Asia, where a game’s great dribblers. cent it was the continent most undecid- net. Sept. 13, 2017 Mark Twain 12 If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything. Art & Culture

806 new schools to open License Holder: Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) Managing Director: Sadreddin Mousavi Editor-in-Chief: Kambakhsh Khalaji in Iran in late September Editorial Dept. Tel: +98 21 88755761-2 Editorial Dept. Fax: +98 21 88761869 Art & Culture Desk Subscription Dept. Tel: +98 21 88521954, +98 21 88748800 ICPI Publisher: +98 21 88548892, 5 Advertising Dept. Tel & Email: +98 21 88500617 - [email protected] A total of 806 new schools will be launched across Iran as of We b s it e : September 23 which marks the beginning of the academic Email: [email protected] year, said the deputy minister of education. Printing House: Iran Cultural & Press Institute Also the head of the Organization for Development, Reno- vation and Equipping Schools of Iran, Mohammad-Taqi Naz- Add.: Iran Cultural & Press Institute, #208 Khorramshahr Avenue Tehran/Iran arpour added $228.57 million was extended to ensure on-time Iran Daily has no responsibility whatsoever for the advertisements and promotional material printed in the newspaper. completion of the projects. He said that once the new schools are inaugurated, the number of classrooms across Iran will increase by 4,185. “Half of the 131,000 class- rooms in the country which were in need of retrofitting have undergone the required chang- es.” In addition, he added, 70 per- IRNA cent of the Iran’s classrooms which required renovation have been restored. He hoped that the remainder would be renovated and reconstructed by the end of the Sixth Five-Year Economic Development Plan (in 2022). Underlining the importance of equipping schools with mod- ern air conditioning systems, Nazarpour said steps have been taken to this end. “Currently, 70 percent of the classrooms have central heat- ing systems while the remaining 30 percent meet the basic standards in this respect.”

MEHR NEWS AGENCY ‘Nobody’ wins Special Jury Award The Ninth Iran Independent Animation Celebration was held in Tehran on Monday night. Late animator Vahid Nasirian was commemorated and animator Mahin Javaherian (R) received a lifetime achievement award. in Serbia Art & Culture Desk Iranian animated film FM spokesman Iranian animated short film ‘Nobody’, directed by Elham To- roqi, won the Special Jury Award at Animanima International acclaims Iran’s Animation Festival held in Čačak, western Serbia, from Sep- tember 5 to 9. The Iranian animated film received a €300 cash prize in ad- nominated for top award in India National Cinema Day dition to the award, Mehr News Agency reported. Art & Culture Desk poems written by the great Per- ries of the animated film from Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qassemi felicitated to the sian poet Abolqasem Ferdowsi Shahnameh.” grand family of Iranian cinema on the occasion of the 18th Iran’s ranian animated movie (c. 940–1020) — in a number of The first episode of the ani- National Cinema Day on Tuesday, September 12. ‘Hezar Afsan’ (One Thou- episodes, Mehr News Agency mated movie has won a number In his message, Qassemi said, “During its one hundred years Isand Tales) has been nomi- reported. of awards at Iranian festivals. of life, Iranian cinema has produced unprecedented, admirable nated for the Best Animation The directors of the anima- Saffar, one of the directors of and everlasting cinematic works that will forever remain in the Award at Calcutta International tion are Abbas Jalali-Yekta and the animation, is also its pro- memory of those who share a passion for the culture and art of Cult Film Festival. Asghar Saffar. ducer. this land.” CICFF is an official member of the British Film Institute, in London, and of the Film Soci- ety of Lincoln Center, in New York. CICFF is a monthly live screening film festival with an annual live screening mega The panel of jury for granting the award to the Iranian ani- event in the City of Joy sched- mated movie said: “Our Special Award of the Jury goes to a uled this year for December cinematographic jewel with a sad story, for precise elaborated 2017. The monthly live screen- views of cinematic means of expression, componented with ings take place at the end of brilliant hand-drawn animation. A bitter sweet story about nev- each month at Indira Cinema er giving up.” (one of the most prestigious ‘Nobody’ is about a white cat that makes several attempts to film venues of Kolkata). get food, but no one pays attention to him. Eventually, when CICFF’s sole purpose is the cat was quite desperate, a small white bird, which appears to develop a film culture that

to have gone through the same steps, helps the cat. inspires and brings together The Serbian festival has been held since 2007 under the aus- cross-cultural innovations that He added, “The impressive and effective presence of Iranian pices of the City of Čačak and Ministry of Culture of the Re- The animated film depicts Commenting on ‘Hezar Af- enrich people’s lives with en- cinema in numerous international film festivals has presented a public of Serbia. free adaptations of a number of san’, Jalali Yekta had earlier tertainment and services that in- clearer and more profound image of Iranian culture and art to the tales narrated in Shahnameh — said, “A one-year-long research form, educate and entertain. world.” an extensive collection of epic was carried out to select the sto- Qassemi expressed gratitude to all the members of the great and hardworking family of Iran’s cinema who have improved the status of the Iranian nation and art in international arenas using the diplomacy of art and cinema and presenting an accurate im- Box office monster ‘It’ scores record opening age of the realities of Iran. Iran has observed National Cinema Day on September 12 each Stephen King wrote ‘It’. Warner Bros. and and likely would have done better but for film, ‘Annabelle: Creation’, which took $4 year since 2000 when the country hosted a festival dedicated to New Line made ‘It’. And audiences seem the impact of Hurricane Irma on Florida million. It is part of the popular ‘Conjur- the 100th anniversary of the cinema of the Middle Eastern state. to love ‘It’. moviegoers. ing’ series of movies. The history of Iran’s cinema dates back to 1900 when the The new freaky-scary film by that ti- Coming in second — but left far back And in fifth was ‘Wind River’ from the fifth king of the Qajar dynasty, Mozaffar ad-Din Shah Qajar, tle broke records over the weekend as in the dust — was another new release, Weinstein Co., at $3.1 million. It stars Jer- who reigned from 1896 to 1907, instructed the royal photogra- the largest September opening and larg- ‘Home Again’ from Open Road Films, emy Renner and Elizabeth Olsen as fed- pher Mirza Ebrahim Khan Akkas-Bashi to purchase filmmaking est opening for an R-rated horror film in with a take of just $8.6 million. eral agents trying to solve a murder on an equipment to document the Iranian ruler’s visit to Europe. North American theaters, industry data In third was a movie that had clung to Indian reservation. The first public screening in Iran took place in 1904. The first showed on Monday, AFP reported. a box office lead for three straight weeks, Iranian feature film, titled ‘Abi and Rabi’, was produced in 1930 ‘It’, starring Bill Skarsgard as a creepy ‘The Hitman’s Bodyguard’ from Lions- Rounding out the top 10 were: by Ovanes Ohanian. The first Iranian sound film was ‘Lor Girl’ clown who terrorizes children in a sleepy gate, which netted $4.8 million. made by Ardeshir Irani in 1933. The first Iranian female film- Maine town, pulled in $123.4 million, indus- The action comedy stars Ryan Reyn- ‘Leap!’ ($2.4 million) maker is Shahla Riahai who made ‘Marjan’ in 1956. try monitor Exhibitor Relations reported. olds as a bodyguard hired to protect a ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ ($2 million) Iranian cinema’s first and only Palme d’Or was awarded to Ab- The movie, from Argentine director notorious hitman played by Samuel L. ‘Dunkirk’ ($1.9 million) bas Kiarostami’s ‘Taste of Cherry’ in 1997. The first Academy Andy Muschietti, comes amid one of the Jackson. ‘Logan Lucky’ ($1.7 million) Award for an Iranian film was awarded to Asghar Farhadi’s ‘A slowest cinematic summers in years — Next was another Warner Bros. horror ‘The Emoji Movie’ ($1.1 million) Separation’ in 2012. Weather 32 44 27 34 13 31 21 32 17 32 14 21 24 10 28 21 37 23 17 12 24 12 Ahvaz Borujerd Rasht Semnan Arak Tehran Bishkek Istanbul Amman Minsk Moscow