'It He O B Server

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'It He O B Server The Student Union is investiga­ Student Union is a student oriented “ safe." He noted that the compli­ The third plan is to provide ting four alternatives for summer organization, we will attempt to cated price sysfcm prevepts Stu- student^ vVith free three line ads in Summer storage. These are: the Air Freight provide.St,v he added, V ' :doht-'Union front printing up any the Observer for storage. SU will Service, storage in the South Bend Ling also said that Student Union price list. However, he said a 100 pick up the bill. Today is the area, storage similar to last year's recommendations have strongly pound trunk going to New York will deadline for these ads, which will and free personal ads in the discouraged summer storage. Ind cost around $22. He also added be printed in Tuesday's edition of storage Observer for storage. addition, he noted that no other that this service would be especial­ the Observer. Last .year. Bekins M oving Co. university that he knows of pro­ ly suited to the needs of seniors. The last alternative is to continue failed to bring back 8 ol the 15 vides such a service. Student Union plans to print up a with last year's service. Student trucks loads it had stored. When K.C. Nolan, Service Commis­ list of storage places in the South Union has checked with Bekins Van possibilities students demanded refunds, the sioner has contracted Air Freight Bend area. Some South Bend Lines and Woodworth Storage and company was reluctant to make Service to be here from May 5-12. warehouses have empty space av­ Transfer. Neither company has payment on their claims. This service will help students who ailable for storage. yet replied, pondered Commenting on last year's pro­ want to send things home. AFS Student Union has investigated Ling said, “ Now that they blem, Walt Ling, Associate Direc­ trucks will transport students’ the possibility of storing goods on (Bekins) know how many people tor of Student Union, said, “ Stu­ items from the bookstore to the campus. However, the Adminis­ will be storing, they can make dent Union is reluctant to provide airport. Deliveries should take two tration will not allow campus adjustments." But. he noted that by Jim Hershey this service this year because of days. facilities to be used for reasons of Student Union is reluctant to repeat last year's service. Staff Reporter past problems. However, since Ling described this system as security and insurance. 'iThe Observer Vol. x, No. 122 ^ ______________________ university of notre dame st m o ry s college________________________________ Friday, April 23, 1,76 George Wallace stops off, holds press conference, criticizes Jimmy Carter W allace but el'd not because they invoked m\ name in almost every viewed his being in a wheelchair as speech he made," Wallace said. a health problem. Wallace claimed that Carter even " I hat has been ver> d ifficu lt to endorsed him for the vice-presi­ overcome. Wallace said. 'I can dency in 1972. but “ times have understand people's concern, but I changed." "He thought I was a have no health problems." very great man in 1972," Wallace "I know that the media is trying added. to make it appear that as a result of Multinational corporations would the fact that I do not get around like be discouraged from moving out of I used to, that we are not going to the country to "utilize slave labor" do that w ell," Wallace commented. if he is elected president. Wallace He pointed to a recent poll which said. Such actions arc "costing showed his running second to jobs in Indiana and all over the Carter in popular vote with 1.2 country and in the long run work in million votes to Carter's 1.8 mil­ the disinterest of the American lion. people," he charged. This same poll showed Sen. He said he would ask Congress Henry Jacson with 550,000 votes to eliminate tax incentives for and Morris Udall polling 474,000 companies to move overseas and in votes across the nation. cases where corporations obviously utilize cheap, foreign labor for "pure profit" there should be Charges ambiguity "restrictions." by Phil Cackley and Don Rcimer Criticizes Welfare Senior Staff Reporters This man won the annual Mr. Campus contest last night. We know In the press conference, held in only that his name is Tom and he lives in Cavanaugh Hall. (Photo by an airplane hangar near the ter­ Governor George Wallace said Eric Jardslrom) minal, Wallace said that Democra­ Wallace criticized welfare pro­ yesterday in a press conference tic frontrunner Jimmy Carter is grams as giving "something for held at the South Bend airport that conducting a campaign based on nothing," and called for a reduc­ he would be doing much better in “ politics of ambiguity." tion of government intervention in the primaries if he were not Group concretizes “ I think his problem later on will the lives of the common people. He confined too a wheelchair. Wallace be people will like to know just said, however, that there should be also commented on multinational what he means. He says just social concern for those who are corporations, Jimmy Carter and enough to satisfy some conserva­ entitled to it, citing specifically the welfare during his hour-long stop. senior trip pians tives and just enough to satisfy blind. Arriving at the Michiana Region­ some liberals and then you go "I think the American people arc al Airport shortly after 12 noon, by Bob Brink fare, a game ticket, and one Avis home and night and wonder what tired of this promising, promising, Staff Reporter rent-a-car with unlimited mileage Wallace briefly addressed a crowd he really means," Wallace re­ promising," the Alabama governor of over 100 people on hand to greet for every four students. marked. asserted. "Those who promise him. He was officially welcomed to The trip will kick off with a Wallace noted that this is good everything are really promising South Bend by Mayor Peter J. When the Irish football team Senior Trip Night at the Senior Bar politics, "it’s worked so far (for n o th in g ." travels westward next november to Nemeth and St. Joseph County so that everybody going can get a Carter)," but people will want to "I'm not going to make all the Democratic Chairman W. Joseph face Southern Cal, they won’t be chance to meet each other. On know eventually how Carter stands promises in the world,” Wallace Wednesday, Nov. 24 buses w ill Doran. travelling alone. As part of next on the issues. continued. "B ut 1 promise you one After his speech, Wallace shook year's Senior Trip, several hundred take the students to St. Joseph’s Carter's criticism of Wallace in thing, that I will pay more attention hands and signed autographs for Notre Dame and St. Mary's seniors Airport, from where they will fly to this campaign year annoyed the to those who produce and work, the crowd, many of whom held w ill he at the Los Angeles Coli- Los Angeles. The students will Alabam a Governor. " In 1970 when bumper stickers and posters sup­ (Continued on page 5) scium to cheer the Irish. then take buses to the Holiday Inn he ran for governor of Georgia, he Organizers for the trip met in Hollywood, where they will stay porting the governor. Wallace then yesterday to further plan the event for four nights. Trip participants held a short press conference and to respond to a letter in will return to South Bend late before departing at I p.m. for Terre yesterday’s Observer that com­ Sunday, Nov. 29. Haute. The South Bend visit was plained about the $50 non-refund- The Senior Trip organizers are one of five campaign stops in able deposit that must be paid planning many activities for the Indiana and Kentucky yesterday. when signing up for the trip. Those students during their stay in South­ handling the organization of next ern California. They are planning Handicap hinders campaign year's trip are Mike Miller, senior lo sponsor beach parties, and are trip chairman. Bob Tully, senior trying to obtain discount tickets to class president-elect, Ken Girouard Disneyland. “ If 1 had not been in a wheel­ senior class secretary-elect, Br. The Senior Trip committee so far chair I would have carried Florida John Benesh, director of student has chartered three planes with easily," Wallace claimed. "And I affairs, and John Reid, assistant space for 48I persons. Out of these would have even carried Massa­ director of student affairs. 481 spots, 80 are reserved to St. chu setts." According to Miller the trip, Mary’s students, fifteen for the The Alabam a governor cited an open to seniors-to-be-only, will cost cheerleaders, five for the senior NBC-New York Times poll taken in approximately $255, although this class officers and the trip chair­ Florida the night before the pri­ may be raised slightly if airline man, and five for certain admins- mary. The poll stated that two out expenses increase. This sum of every five of those polled said covers motel accomodations, plane (Continued on page 12) that they had wanted to vote for the observer Friday, April 23, 1976 UpS6t by t3X IflWS On Campus leaves S Irid .tv, a p ril 23 eV i* STOCKHOLM. Sweden (AP) - friends in France. French sources with tax fraud involving $750,000 12:1") pm - travelogue, "australia" by dr.
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