Redalyc.Population and Life History Features of the Crab Aratus Pisonii
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Interciencia ISSN: 0378-1844 [email protected] Asociación Interciencia Venezuela Conde, J. E.; Tognella, M. M. P.; Paes, E. T.; Soares, M. L. G.; Louro, I. A.; Schaeffer Novelli, Y. Population and life history features of the crab aratus pisonii (decapoda: grapsidae) in a subtropical estuary Interciencia, vol. 25, núm. 3, mayo-junio, 2000, pp. 151-158 Asociación Interciencia Caracas, Venezuela Available in: How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative COMUNICACIONES REPORTS COMUNICAÇÕES POPULATION AND LIFE HISTORY FEATURES OF THE CRAB ARATUS PISONII (DECAPODA: GRAPSIDAE) IN A SUBTROPICAL ESTUARY J. E. Conde1, M. M. P. Tognella2, E. T. Paes2, M. L. G. Soares2, I. A. Louro2 and Y. Schaeffer-Novelli2 SUMMARY Population features of the grapsid crab Aratus pisonii, a similar in the two study sites: 1.63 individuals/m2 in Bertioga-D common inhabitant of the supralittoral zone of roots, branches and 1.41 in Bertioga-Cidade. Females were significantly more and canopy of several species of mangroves, were studied in abundant than males in a ratio of 1.168:1.00 in Bertioga-D, and two estuarine mangrove forests near Bertioga, São Paulo, Bra- 1.153:1.00 in Bertioga-Cidade. J-shaped sex ratio curves were zil. Crabs were larger in Bertioga-D (range: 8.85 - 26.20 mm), observed for both populations. Juvenile crabs were present at where a well-developed mangrove forest is present, than in both locations, but they were much more abundant in Bertioga- nearby Bertioga-Cidade (range: 3.80 - 20.85 mm), where Cidade (34.8%) than in Bertioga-D (3.9%), possibly as a conse- arbustive and stunted mangrove trees prevailed. Ovigerous fe- quence of the topography of each site. This study in a subtropi- males were present at both sites; the percentages in Bertioga-D cal estuary suggests that a conceptual model presented previ- and in Bertioga-Cidade were similar, 31.0% and 32.1%, respec- ously, relating population features of A. pisonii and structural tively; however, the mean number of eggs was larger in Bertio- characteristics of mangroves forests for various localities on the ga-D than in Cidade, 15,367 (maximum: 33,533) and 10,433, Venezuelan coast, could be extended. (maximum: 19,994) respectively. Abundances of A. pisonii were Introduction tropical estuarine areas mangals Crabs are one of the most strate topography and man- are remarkable for sheltering a important animal groups, so grove community structure, Mangrove woodlands once protracted catalogue of inverte- much for their high diversity in population dynamics, and life occupied some 70% of tropical brate species, thus being the some regions, as for their im- histories (Malley, 1978; Beever coastlines. Mangroves play a main vegetation in supporting portance in the flows of energy et al., 1979; Lacerda, 1981; key role in maintaining coastal biodiversity (Twilley et al., in these forests and bushes. As Giddins et al., 1986; Robert- stability and water quality, as 1996). Although mangroves a consequence of their diversity son, 1986; Warren and Under- well as in promoting soil devel- have received extensive atten- and roles, a growing interest in wood, 1986; Smith, 1987a, opment (Twilley et al., 1995). tion during centuries, most of the ecology of mangrove crabs 1987b; Díaz and Conde, 1988, In some arid regions, man- the research efforts have been has been arising in the last 1989; Camilleri, 1989; Conde groves provide true coastal oasis aimed at vegetational aspects, years (Lee, 1998). Progress has and Díaz, 1989a, 1989b; Con- for non-mangrove species and while much remains to be been made in knowledge on de et al., 1989; Neilson and stepping stones in otherwise learned about most of the asso- their feeding behavior, nutrient Richards, 1989; Robertson and barren expanses. Furthermore, in ciated fauna. cycling role, impact on sub- Daniel, 1989; Smith et al., KEY WORDS / Mangrove productivity / Life history / Stunting / Reproductive Effort / Brazil / 1 Centro de Ecología, Instituto Postal 21827, Caracas 1020-A, 2 Instituto Oceanográfico, Uni- Venezolano de Investigaciones Venezuela. versidade de São Paulo, CEP Científicas (IVIC), Apartado E-mail: [email protected] 05508-900, São Paulo, Brazil. MAY - JUN 2000, VOL. 25 Nº 3 0378-1844/00/03/151-08 $ 3.00/0 151 RESUMEN En dos manglares estuarinos próximos a Bertioga (São cias de A. pisonii fueron similares en ambos sitios; 1,63 indivi- Paulo, Brasil) se estudiaron las características poblacionales del duos/m2 en Bertioga-D y 1,41 en Bertioga-Cidade. La proporción cangrejo Aratus pisonii, un grápsido muy común en la zona de sexos se inclinó significativamente hacia las hembras, tanto en supralitoral de las raíces, ramas y dosel de varias especies de Bertioga-D (1,168:1,00), como en Bertioga-Cidade (1,153:1,00). mangles. El tamaño de los cangrejos fue significativamente mayor Las curvas de proporción de sexos asumieron forma de J en en Bertioga-D (ámbito: 8,85 - 26,20 mm), en un bosque de man- ambas poblaciones. Probablemente debido a la topografía de los glar bien desarrollado, que en Bertioga-Cidade (ámbito: 3,80 - sitios de estudio, los juveniles de esta especie representaron 20,85 mm), en el que dominaban mangles arbustiformes y 34,8% en Bertioga-Cidade; mucho más que en Bertioga-D, donde achaparrados. En los dos sitios se encontraron hembras ovígeras apenas alcanzaron 3,9% del total de individuos recolectados. Este en proporciones similares: 31,0% en Bertioga-D y 32,1% en estudio, llevado a cabo en un estuario subtropical, sugiere que Bertioga-Cidade. Sin embargo, el número promedio de huevos puede extenderse un modelo conceptual que relaciona las varia- por hembra fue mayor en Bertioga-D (15.367; maximo: 33.533) ciones en poblaciones de A. pisonii con las características estruc- que en Bertioga-Cidade (10.433; máximo: 19.994). Las abundan- turales de los manglares de la costa venezolana. RESUMO Aspectos populacionais do caranguejo Grapsidae Aratus 1,63 individuos/m2 em Bertioga-D e 1,41 em Bertioga-Cidade. pisonii, habitante comum da zona supralitoral de raízes, troncos Fêmeas foram significativamente mais abundantes que os ma- e galhos de diversas espécies de mangues, foram estudados em chos com razões fêmeas/machos de 1,168:1,00 em Bertioga-D, e dois manguezais na região estuarina de Bertioga, São Paulo, 1,153:1,00 em Bertioga-Cidade. Curvas de taxas entre sexos do Brasil. Os indivíduos foram maiores em Bertioga-D (8,85 - tipo forma de J foram observadas nas duas populações. Juvenis 26,20 mm), caracterizada por um manguezal bem desenvolvido, estavam presentes nas duas áreas, mas muito mais abundantes que na área próxima à cidade Bertioga-Cidade (3,80 - 20,85 em Bertioga-Cidade (34,8%) que em Bertioga-D (3,9%), possi- mm), dominada por arbustos de mangue pouco desenvolvidos. velmente como consequência da topografia de cada área. Os re- Fêmeas ovígeras ocorreram nas duas áreas com percentuais si- sultados deste estudo em um estuario subtropical sugere que o milares (31,0% e 32,1% respectivamente). Entretanto, o número modelo conceitual previamente apresentado, relacionando carac- medio de ovos foi maior em Bertioga-D que em Bertioga-Cidade terísticas populacionais de A. pisonii e características estrutu- (15.367; máximo: 33.533 e 10.433; máximo: 19.994, respectiva- rais das florestas de manguezais de várias localidades da Vene- mente). A abundância de A. pisonii foi similar nas duas áreas: zuela, pode ser extendido para outras regiões. 1989; Wilson, 1989; Warren, coast (Garth, 1960; Chace and 1990; Lacerda et al., 1991; Mi- Hobbs, 1969; Beever et al., cheli et al., 1991; Emmerson 1979; Branco, 1991; Conde, and McGwynne, 1992; Miche- personal observations). A. li, 1993a, 1993b; Davie, 1994; pisonii has been found in a Frusher et al., 1994; McIvor wide spectrum of habitats: and Smith, 1995; McGuinness, river mouths, estuarine and 1997). But in spite of this en- marine habitats, and hypersa- larging body of information, it line lagoons, where it is asso- is considered that there is little ciated with several species of quantitative information on mangroves, including Rhizo- community structure and popu- phora mangle, Avicennia ger- lation dynamics (Twilley et al., minans, A. schaueriana, La- 1996). Particularly, the factors guncularia racemosa, and the that regulate populations of tea mangrove, Pelliceria rhizo- mangrove crustaceans are still phorae. In some of these habi- poorly known. tats, Aratus has shown consid- Most of the information erable plasticity in body size available on population dy- and life history traits (Conde namics and life histories has and Díaz, 1989b, 1992a; Con- been provided by several en- de et al., 1989; Díaz and Con- tries dealing with the Neotro- de, 1989). In low productivity pical mangrove crab Aratus mangroves that grow in hyper- Figure 1. Map of the Brazilian coast showing the study sites in the pisonii (H. Milne Edwards saline lagoons in the western State of São Paulo. A: Bertioga-Cidade. B: Bertioga-D. 1837) (Brachyura: Grapsidae). coast of Venezuela, popula- This crab is one of the few tions of undersized individuals brachyurans with an amphi- of A. pisonii, including unusu- mangroves growing in river Aratus, such as maximum American distribution, ranging ally small ovigerous females, mouths (Conde, 1989; Conde body size, reproductive effort, from eastern Florida and most were observed (Conde et al., and Díaz, 1992b). Based on and sex ratios, to mangrove of the Antilles to Santa 1989; Conde and Díaz, these relations, Conde and productivity, as inferred from Catarina (Brazil) on the Atlan- 1992b); while the largest indi- Díaz (1989b) sketched a con- forests structural characteristics tic coast; and from northern viduals and highest reproduc- ceptual model that relates a (Conde and Díaz, 1989b).