Republican Journal: Vol. 56, No. 21
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The Republican Journal VOLUME 56. BELFAST, MAINE, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1884. NUMBER 21. The Law of the Hoad. A Voice from HSaveu. FARM. GARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD. Just at that time, an assistant was need- Maine Politics and Politicians. all parties that the vote on the amendment may | Tariff Talk. land, and now sought to gain control of Ameri- be constitutional amend- REPUBLICAN JOURNAL ed in the Third Church. The re- non-partisan. Kvery can commerce by dinners and banquets; and l'nix tii thk Kight.—The most im- I shine in the light of (toil. people MURAT HALSTEAD ON MR. BLAINE. 'h er this <!■ partnieut brief suggestions, facts ment that has "been submitted thus far. lias XOTKWOKTHY S1’KF.<HF.S >N 1 Hit MORRISON free trade was only strongly agitated by gentle- His likeness stamps my brow. membered the remarkable young :unl are in-l from portant law ot the road is, that when two preach- Murat Halstead has written the let- gone to the people without any attempt of RII.I.. Ml'RINl.KY. «>t OHIO. Hol.HS CP THE men fumigated, perhaps! by the postprandial 1TH1.1SHKI* Ev EKY THl R8DAY MORNING BY THE ! experience- liousekeep- tlie shadows of death feet have following Through my er who had so startled them with his to control the vote- of the • of ( ers, farmers and gardeners. Address Agri- in vehicles from ter liis political parties SHARK." MR. ItAloN OK CT. odors Cobden lub dinners. [Applause and persons coming opposite trod; explaining change of opinion regarding members cultural editor, dournal Itiice. Belfast fervid zeal. A word here and a word of their organization on tin* question MARKS lIKWool. I I.Y. F1NF.KTY OF CHICA- laughter.] Maine.] directions are about to meet, each shall And 1 in now. Mr. Blaine: reign glory of its or This wiil make GO "('.OKS FOR" Hilt “The advocate of free attributed to Journal Co. heart is there, and the thing was done. The call adoption rejection. 1K.YDKRS. ships Republican Publishing bear to the of tlie mid- N'o breaking here. the vote on Decoration. reasonably right Cincinnati, May 10,1884. the prohibitory amendment the different causes the destruction of our merchant Color in No keen and was Out* of Ilio best dle oi' travelled of the road, so thrilling pain. given. Eight years ago I advocated the nomination voice*of tin* individual voters of the State, and speeches in favor of a pro- marine, but confronted them with the portion No wasted elteek. where tin- tear. history inscription Terms. In advance,$2.00a year; frequent “But I shall shirk said Mr.' the will to the a in till decorative work is at that can each other without my work," for Presidency of General Bristow, and oj>- give result special value. [Lewi— tective tariff ever delivered in Congre--. -ays fact that England, the perjured apostle of Ne- within the vear, at the expiration of the Color they pass Hath rolled, and left its stain. to his kind friend. She had re- Mr. Blaine Now 1 am not ton Journal. had for bribe of cotton sus- once the most under control and interference. A traveller is not I Have found the of Heaven. Conge posed incidentally. the Wa-hington correspondent of the Boston gro emancipation, question retptired joy to toil in of tained ea .se of in States advertising Terms. For one '.oneinch j moved him to her house when he devoting myself favor any particu- MAINE'S DELEGATION TO CHICAGO. the slavery seceding square, most to mi the side of the road all 1 am one of the angel band: began Journal, was that of of who of In for one and 25 difficult to determine keep right lar nomination, my McKinley Ohio, with the of the of the leugth column,; $1.00 week, satisfactorily, a crown of is to on a though expressed prefer- hope placing produce 1 : To my head gold given. recover, and be lay pallet under A meeting of the Maim* Republican iriii- : -r ea>-h sun*equent insertion. A fraction of when the existence of eeitain I the time he can drive where he pleases ence is for John Sherman, and l am not assail- delegate-, spoke an hour ami a half, and had an attentive South at her mercy. Applause.] Now she especially And a harp is in my hand, the like tin1 of his old lean elected to go to Chicago, was held in* a ire >-barged as a tull one. or where the is best, so as he trees, ghost ing either Mr. Blaine. President Arthur, Sena- Vugiista desired to eon'rol tin- American markets and curtains, carpets, upholstery, or all of ! going long i have learned the song sine-. It was decided for the audience throughout. Many Democrats found they self. tor Edmunds or General them Thursday. delegation the commerce as turns to the when he meets Logan, holding dominate of this continent she them must he considered in the treat- j right another Whom Jesus hath set free to leave’Boston at 7 o'clock Friday. ;»u. their way to the Republican side and listened Tm : 'ii•-wing are authorize'i agents for the Jour- ! it now ?" was all in high esteem. Perhaps I have changed May already did the commerce of the ocean. It vehicle. If the And the walls of Heaven still “Can you take up again over the Boston A New York nal' merit of the walls, ceiling, and wood- middle and glorious ring 1 to have Albany. Central from the to the end. t«* usually her my policy. profess profited bv eight beginning Among them would not d<» damn the protective system with K M e®, No. *. Washington St., Boston. travelled of is With my new horn melody! only answer. A Hudson River, Lake Shore, and Michigan work: and when these portion the road very years' enlargement of experience. During were Carlisle, Morrison. Mills, Dor- the cry of ‘War taxes.’ \\'e had a large sur- 1 < tv an ? existing things' No sin. no no Southern Railroad. will at the Herbert. >, w.-.-nington street, grief, pain— He knew he could not. He had scarce- those ever They quarter are at war among theuiseh es as to and for this or other reason years 1 have been more deeply than plus, hut our navy remained unbuilt, our coast B SI011. coloi. muddy, any Safe in my home: Grand Pacific Hotel, on arrival in sheimer, Raton ami others to happy to breathe. convinced that there is no reasonable of Chicago, many belonging almost del* ncelrss. and all w.-re which M. I’etten>,:i.l A Co.. V state st., Boston, and ate the side of ly strength hope if done tin? problem •> still more troublesome ; persons travelling along My fears all tied, my doubts all slain. June first. both Jo n ’i “The is a sheer doing any good with the Democratic party, and factions. Nearly all the Republicans should be done in time of peace to prepare f<»r i;r<>aduay, the road, then the one who is on the left hour of come. mission impossibility,” Cl* R RK N T COM M E N I S. buf m s.ich instances our wall, My triumph 1 have lost faith in he no a Horace I>' 1»l». J Washington st., Boston. ■• the efficacy of independent were on hand, and war, there would complaint of large ol Alt! friends of mortal years. she resumed. The work in our church they frequently interrupted 1 11. 1 ’. !»• iw k:.i A Co., lo spruce st.. New M>rk. and wood-work must be made loestah- side the road i> in duty bound to turn movements. I have had a share in the labor of The following are the preferences of tin- the true. surplus. 11 B.a 1 4i Park it- u New York. The trusted and is You will have time to rest. And, their champion with i'he K", ms nut. In .Massachusetts it was held that light. holding party consultations with a few excel- students at the State College, at Orotio, for hearty applause, “C uba was now knocking at the door of lib- iish the necessary relate by analogy : Ye are still in the vale of tears walking indeed, have deserved this success. lent citizens, with the view of both Presidential candidates: For Blaine, id : Fd- tone of comment among the Democrats showed for from the The or when the of the road which is you shattering erty refuge Spanish tyrant. si BMjKIBFlls remitting or to or contrast, both, unity of expression part But 1 wait to welcome you. the money desiring 1 am it is to I know great political organizations of the countrv. inunds, s; Bayard 4: Butler 1: Tilden 1, and that tle v felt the force of remarks. vigilance of the government eould not always : a- a idro*s of imi?l stale the e wrought lor is hidden l)o l no. glad coming you. McKinley's paper* '-hanged, in t: whole .-rheme being the lit si de- travelling by snow, forget—oil. and 1 want to time to better Conkling 1. prevent the of r dli' < to h the web j lour are to spend my purpose. One departure revolutionary expedi- wlii« paper has been sent,a* and a is For memory’s golden chain. ministers who ambitious step free trader said: "It was a sideratuiii. However such a path eeiteu and travelled on In this I perceive no occasion for public Paragraphs setting forth the good points of powerful tions to C uba, and view of the af- a- the "lli'-e to which it Is l-> go.