Kentucky's Financial Future

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Kentucky's Financial Future ¥SU ARCHIVES -3- tu MSU Clip Sheet • 1/ A sampling of recent artides of interest to Morehead State Univenity INSTffiJTIONAL RELATIONS MOREHEAD STAlE UNIVERSllY UPO BOX 1100 MOREHEAD. KY 40351-1689 606-783-2030 THE COURIER.JOURNAL, 1UESDAY, MARCH 1, 1994 A 'CHALLENGE' FOR HIGHER EDUCATION Educators ~d legislators are working working hard to make· sure ·they. use our support. A state's ability to gener- : hard in Frankfort to determine how Ken- our dollars wisely and to be even ·more . ate and retain quality jobs depends on:' tucky's education dollars will be spent responsive to the needs of the regions the availability of highly trained per­ during the next two years. It is arguably and the state they serve. _Changes .ate sons_ to hold those positions. Thus, a·' one of the most important discussions taking place with expanded adult re- quality higher education system is criti­ going on because finding the right an- training programs, more concentration cal to Kentucky's financial future. It swers is important to all Kentuckians. on research, and a dramatic change in very literally is the only way we will be ' The Kentucky Advocates for Higher training teachers to meet requirements able to compete regionally, nationally · Education, a nonprofit education sup- of the Kentucky Education Reform Act. and globally in years to come. port group, is concerned that we not The universities need to do even '. t, sacrifice the long-term future of our .' more. They are aware of that. The Ad­ J. DAN LACY, Chairman ·, state universities to short-term money vacates also are aware of that need, Kentucky Advocates for Higher Education, woes. Admittedly, as state tax dollars and we intend to help the universities Inc. are stretched thin, this presents a tre- identify areas. where they can be of Ashland, Ky. 41114 mendous challenge. even greater service. Lacy is vice president of corporate For their part, the universities are At the same time, we must continue communications for Ashland OiL . lExINGTON HERALD-LEADER, l.Ex!NGTON, KY. ■ TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 1994 •. LExJNGTON HERALD-LEADER, LEXINGTON, KY. ■ Hemenway withdraws TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 1994 ■ COLUMBIA. from nmning_for post Lindsey WIison ~nroliment rises: Spring enrollment at Lindsey Wilson College is up 15.2 percent, college officials said:The nuinber of resident students also has increased 32 percent, at OU; artother:"chosen> creating a crunch in student housing, said Lind­ sey Wilson President John Begley. Begley attrib- · BY DomE BEAN He 'was chairman of ' the UK • uted the higher ~ollment'to a ·1,0.6 percent · . : HERALD-LEADER Eoui:ATioN WRITER . English ~epartment from 1981 un- increase in the retention rate for resident stu- . · til 1986, when he left to become dents.,. :· · University of Kentucky Chan- deaµ of the, College of Arts and cellar Robert ?emenway_ droJ?ped Sciences at the University of Okla­ O!,lt of the i;unmng for Ohm Umver- homa. He returned to UK in 1989 s1ty pres1del)t yesterday,_. soon ". as chancellor. · ·before a n~w president was rlamed. · _, · · . Hemenway was one of three· . Asked yesterday about the fre- finalists interviewed during the . ·. quency_ of his job search~, Hemen­ weekend before the Ohio Universi- ,.. way.said ~e has not apph~ for the ty trustees named . Florida State · · pres1denc1es hut was nonun:ited for University Provost Robert Glidden . them. : . : . .._ as iµ; unanimoljs choice, .· .- . · . , Hemenway said. he is happy at The search marked the fourth- . • UK and does •not want to leave time since 1990 . that Hemenway · unless it ,is to. go to "an institution , has been in the running for a · that , wotild pro0de • some of the university presidency. Besii:!es be; ,:;same kind .of chJ!llenges.'; ,:-. : ing a .finalist for the Ohio. job;'.'·, , He declined to elaborate on his Hemenway has made the final. cut ' . vrithdrawal statement. which for positions at the University of •,-. thanked the Ohio University board Nern:35ka,_ the_ University·_of ~is-, .. of regents .for fori¥ght di~-­ soun and FIDnda State Umversity. : sions that helped him make his · Hemenway, a' former ji:nglish ;- ·decision. 0.. • " ,. • • __ • • . professor '!°d fonner-,cha~. of .', :· C~l ~ Eufiitg''er'. c~rt~m'. .UK's English department. 1s chan--_:,···" ? . • • ' al - cellDr of UK;s •Leidngton campus;"' ... an ~f Ohio Umv8!'511y's,board, so one of three top UK adniinistrative··; dechned. to comment ,on· ,Hemen- , positions,,· · He oversees· a1·1 aca dem1c · ·'·:. way's, withdrawal.. ,· ,. ·,, .. ,· programs and operatio~s, exclud-. :· · ;_;-, Hemenway· was 1name<l: a final-: mg those of j:he-UK Medical Center, · ist from a field of 120, she said. ~'He .and the community college system: , · was an outstanding candidate and He came to UK .in 1966 as · well-received on campus," she: said, associate English professor, moved · adding tha't' Glidden was.· the to the Universitv of Wvoming in - board's "'first and ·. unanimous 1968, then returned to uk in 1973. , · choice" among 'the three finalists. ' ' r 1-,l__ .....,;;,lf"~CJ~h:1..,:;..3~!~7~'1J...W~~.;.;;..,;.;;; __&.111 MSU Clip Sheet A sampling of recent arddes of interest to Morehead State University INSTI1\JTIONAL RELATIONS MOREHEAD STATE UNIVERSllY UPO BOX 1100 MOREHEAD, KY 4Q351-1689 606-783-2030 l.Exi~GTON HERAllJ.~DER.!...l.ExJNGTON, KY. ■ WEDN_ESDAY, MARCH_ 2, 1994 ■ EDUCATION Tec1cher preparation. bill · ·this earth and wanted to go into a classroom to teach world religion, .O es orw d he couldn't get into the classroom,". · ar I m V I Karem said. "The good Lord would t , would have four years to finish it. have to take an 18-month class." :ertificatio.n centers heate_d debate1Teachers who had not b~gun a ·Jels:u~::ter~:7 th~hbil! spark _ . master's program by the tune the go to the- centers to demonstrate bill became law would have to would make it easier for Jesus, ''but . BY LUCY MAY , their skills in order to teach in develop an individual professional he would have to have a portfolio," d I h · which is a collection of teachers' HERAJJ>.lEADER EouCATION WRITER 1· public schools. Under the bill, the , ~velopmen_t P an t a~ might or work and credentials. RT _ Lawmakers centers would be up and running · might not mclude getting a mas- FRANKFO b 1996 ter' The committee also approved ok an initial step yesterday to; Y · s. House Bill 176, which mirrors fed- volutionize how college students The Kentucky Education Assa- Sen. Tim Shaughnessy, D-Lou- era! law that protects the privacy :come teachers and how teachers ciation opposes the centers and isville, questioned whether the cen- of student records. The sponsor, tin experience that leads to higher would rather see those functions , ters . would get state money to Rep. Frank Rasche, D-Paducah, laries. performed at colleges and universi- duphca!e. the efforts of colleges and said it was necessary because of The Senate Education Commit--~ lies, said President Marne! Moor- umversities. parents' concerns about the securi- , approved Senate Bill 238, spon- I man.- · ' Gary 0>x, ex~tive directo~ of ty of student records kept on com- red by committee chairman Ed . th~ Councd on f!1gher Education, t . d D c th" h" h Id Sen. Gerald Neal, D-Lomsville, said that shouldn t happen because puers. ,r ,th · yn iana,d ti ic '£°~h asked whether the centers would the money colleges and universities it e r'recoTmmk eFn a onsTo h e : basically be testing teachers. 'receive will depend on how good a ,vemoti s · asto fleetorce on eac er , "ls thi s what tea ch ers are ra1s-· ·Job · · they do rather than·· therr· enroll- epara on 10 e · I ing hell about all over the country? ments The bill wa~ _approved ~er , That they've gone through school ~ David Karem D-Louisville •ated deb?te and indicati~n.s that ' and_ a\\ this and are being tested , argued ·that the bill should make it e committee could reVIs1t the agam? Neal asked. easier for people to get teaching easure to make some changes. The answer was yes. certificates without going through The most contentious part of Under the bill, teachers who colleges cif education. e bill appeared to be the creation have begun a master's program "If Jesus himself came back to "Educator Certification Centers." ,w and veteran teachers would THE COURIER-JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1994 Bill W(?Uld ·require tysting of teachers By MARK SCHAYER A CHANGE IN DIRECTION? Staff Writer Sen. Tim Shaughnessy, D-Louisville, asked-Gary Cox, ·· · FRANKFORT, Ky. - Some tea~h- executive director of the Council on Higher·Education, how ers would have to take tests to funding for .university teaching programs would .be affected pfl)ve they• can teach under a bill· under a bill to change the way_ teachers are trained and approved yesterday by, the Senate. certified. · · · • · · · • . , Education Committee. •- . " ,. • . · Cox: !'We're going to·fund higher education to meet the · · . Senate Bill 238 would set up Ken- needs·ot-the public schools.••· "' · ,,.u ., ... ,,,,_ , •. ·• .•.. ·"· tuc;ky Educator Certification -Cen- . .. Shaughnessy: "We've never funded higher education to ters where new teachers and those meet the needs of-practically anything in·this-state;" · -·- ·---· ·· · who want to improve their rank on -., ,,,;; . ,., a; . '·'"·· ' the-salary scale would be tested·on-· the classroom ·or the 'number· of· sue be studied further. their teaching ability. · . credit hours they_ have earned. , . "There are lots of unanswered The bill would d~ aWl!y with the "I'm convinced'·this is a better questions,~ ...said .. KEA_ President ~nt tea~her-certification system,' · way . to., ~each teachers how to. Marne! Moorman. ~•There'.s still. n~t which reqw,res teachera to complete - teach.''.
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