Coastal Gardens A planting guide for Geographe Bay Bunker Bay to Dalyellup.


style water-wise habitat Healthy & attractive urban landscapes

This guide provides simple yet inspiring garden advice for people living in the Geographe Bay coastal region from Bunker Bay to Dalyellup. Water-wise local native are suggested as attractive replacements for introduced plants that are harmful to our local coastal landscapes.

1 Using this planting guide 2 Discovering local plants 4 Garden escapees 6 Bay Care 8 Trees & tall shrubs 12 Medium shrubs 15 Ground covers, herbs & small shrubs 18 Grasses, sedges, tufties & bulbs 22 Climbers 24 Natural cottage garden design 26 Formal garden design 28 Japanese style garden design 30 Contemporary garden design 32 Bay friendly verge garden 34 Growing local coastal plants 36 Sourcing local coastal plants 37 Useful resources Using this planting guide

Getting started Our gardens are challenged with long-hot-dry summers, drought, water restrictions, and a changing climate. As a coastal resident you may also have to tackle salt spray, sand blasting, sandy or saline soils.

However, there is good news! You can have a waterwise garden that requires minimal fertilising and copes with our tough climate without compromising on style, by using resilient, local native coastal plants.

This guide shows you how to utilise the fantastic variety of native plants available to make a stunning garden. Taking you through step by step, you will learn what works best for a given area or need, how to incorporate them in different landscaping styles, how to maintain them, and where to buy. Information has also been provided on the traditional names and uses of these plants by the Nyungar people where relevant.

You will learn about plants to avoid which are known for becoming serious weeds in natural coastal environments. When buying future plants, you will be prepared to consider natives for the benefits they provide. You may also identify invasive plants growing in your garden and decide to replace them with recommended alternatives.

Using local native plants in your coastal garden benefits your wallet. Its an easy, rewarding way to look after our environment. We hope you enjoy discovering local coastal plants. Happy gardening from the SWCC team.

1 Discovering local plants

What is a Local plants are species that would naturally occur in your neighbourhood local plant? so they have evolved to suit local conditions. They are also called ‘indigenous plants’.

Why use Local plants have a huge range of benefits: local plants? Low maintenance. Drought tolerant. Require minimal watering = conserves our water supplies. Don’t need fertilisers or pesticides. Provide habitat, food and shelter for local fauna such as birds, butterflies and small lizards. Save you money and time. Adaptable for various landscaping styles, producing striking results. Native plants flower at different times of the year so you can have a flowering garden all year round.

Local plants are a great option for residents of coastal areas. They have adapted to survive the harsh conditions of sand and salt blasting, prolonged sun exposure, nutrient-deprived soils, and limited water availability. They are the best plants for your neighbourhood and the environment.

Request ‘local provenance’ plants from your native nursery where possible. Local provenance plants are grown from seed that is collected from healthy plants growing near the planting site in similar environmental situations.

Using plants of local provenance is important because local plants are genetically adapted to local conditions. Provenance plants decrease the risk of disrupting the gene pool of the local flora. How to use Local plants can be incorporated into your garden the same way as exotic local plants plants. They are suited to all landscaping styles, from formal to Japanese, contemporary to natural cottage, to courtyards and pots.

As you will discover throughout this guide, there is a local coastal plant for most garden situations. Plants featured include striking ground-covers, low shrubs, structured sedges and grasses, flowering creepers and trailers, bird- attracting shrubs and screening trees.

This guide also shows you which local species to use for particular effects, and makes friendlier recommendations for replacing plants known to become invasive coastal weeds.

Information on caring for local plants is provided on pages 34 - 35.

3 Garden escapees

Are you Weeds are plants growing where they aren’t wanted, and they aren’t just harbouring sour sobs and thistles! Some plants, even those deemed ‘beautiful’, escape known from gardens and become serious environmental weeds which pose a villains? major threat to the health and value of our natural environments.

Environmental weeds are trouble! They threaten our local native plants and environment. Can reduce habitat, shelter and food for native fauna. Can alter soil conditions. Clog up waterways and effect water quality. Harbour pest animals such as foxes, feral cats and rats which prey on native wildlife. Can alter coastal dune shape. Garden escapees are very costly to control and take resources away from other important issues.

Plants that cause problems often originate from regions with similar climates, such as the Mediterranean and South Africa. Thriving in similar conditions, they out-compete local natives as they don’t have the pests and diseases that controlled them in their original environment.

How do You might not realise you’re harbouring garden escapees, or might not know garden plants they ‘jump the fence’ to become problems. Garden plants can escape into become coastal natural environments naturally, accidentally and deliberately. invaders? Seeds can be spread by birds and other animals, wind, water (including stormwater) or humans (on clothing, shoes etc). Dumped garden waste containing seeds or plant cuttings can grow even several months later. Sometimes people deliberately plant garden plants in our natural coastal environments. Garden plants can grow through fences directly on the coast. You can Have a good look through this guide to check which common garden help! plants are nasties in the coastal environment. You might like to remove any you have and replace them with the indigenous plants suggested. Take this guide with you when you are making new plant purchases and don’t buy plants which are known to be a problem.

Here are some other easy things you can do: Use local native species in your garden. Dispose of your garden waste responsibly. Check with your local council before you plant into natural coastal environments. Join a local Coastcare group to learn more about our coast and lend a hand! Call the South West Catchments Council on 9780 6193, or visit for information on how to get involved.

5 Bay care

Fertilise wisely Fertilisers are products that release nutrients which assist plant health and growth. Nutrients such as nitrogen, potassium, phosphorous and magnesium are all important plant foods. These nutrients are absorbed by plants when dissolved. When fertilisers are used incorrectly they can actually be harmful to plants, gardens and surrounding waterways.

Excessive fertilising and overwatering can lead to nutrients being washed directly into waterways. High nutrient loads disturb the delicate balance of an aquatic ecosystem and can cause large algal blooms and fish kills.

The benefit of using local native plants is that they don’t generally require fertiliser (see page 35 for more information). For non-natives and lawns especially, you can help protect Geographe Bay and its important wetlands through responsible fertiliser use. This includes:

Don’t wash it away- Fertilise in spring. Fertilising in winter will most likely amount to the rains washing the nutrients past the root zone before they can be absorbed by the plants. Improving your soil- Sandy soils do not hold nutrients well, by adding soil amendments such as compost, minerals (such as clay; gypsum; spongelite and zeolite) and soil wetting agents your plants will absorb water and nutrients much more effectively. Fertilise Sparingly – The nutrient needs of plants vary depending on their size and type. For example, lawns only need fertilising once or twice a year, vegetables every few weeks and natives need much less fertiliser than exotics. Fertiliser only needs to be applied to the root zone, a good guide is within the canopy area of the plant. In sandy soils, slow release fertilisers work best. Use as directed- Application rates identified on the packet will most likely be the maximum amounts recommended. Know your soil – When soil pH is not suitable for a particular plant it won’t absorb nutrients. Finding out whether your soil is alkaline or acidic can assist you in choosing the right plants for your garden, as well as the right way to treat it if required. Easy to use soil testing kits are available from your local hardware store. Your local nursery can provide more information on how to raise or lower your soil pH.

For more information:

7 Trees & tall shrubs

DON’T PLANT a garden escapee!

Eastern State Wattles E.g Sydney Golden Wattle Acacia longifolia (NSW, VIC, SA, QLD) Flowers: winter to spring Reproduces: seed pods spread by birds, water and ants.

Sweet Pittosporum Pittosporum undulatum (NSW) Flowers: Creamy perfumed flowers with red orange fruits. Reproduces: Red seeds spread by birds eating the fruit. Problem weed along banks of waterways.

Victorian Tea-tree, Coast Tea-tree Leptospermum laevigatum (East coast Australia & Tasmania) Flowers: August to November Reproduces: seed (woody capsule)

Norfolk Island Hibiscus Lagunaria patersonia (Norfolk Island) Flowers: Pink hibiscus like flowers. Reproduces: Large pods of spiny hairs and red seeds. Can colonise coastal dunes.

Bracelet Honey Myrtle Melaleuca armillaris (Eastern States) Flowers: white brushes in spring/summer Reproduces: fine seed

Spanish Flag Lantana camara (North and South America) Flowers: Dense multi-coloured clusters in Autumn and Winter. Reproduces: Seeds spread by birds. GROW ME instead

Local Wattles Kileyung Acacia Tall shrubs to medium trees with yellow pom-pom flowers during spring and summer. Provides food and shelter for birds and insects. Can be short lived and fast growing. Edible seed and gum. Acacia cyclops dark green foliage, seeds have red ‘eye. Neat shrub; A. littorea has spiky ‘shark teeth’ foliage; A. rostellifera and A. saligna both small to medium trees to 8m high x 4m.

Hamelin Bay Mallee Eucalyptus calcicola Fast growing, compact small tree 6m high x 4m. Light green leaves, attractive buds, ribbed fruits and white flowers. Smooth bark. Availability can be limited.

Local Melaleucas Large shrubs to medium trees. Rough papery bark. Dense, compact foliage good for shade. Creamy flower heads early summer to autumn. Melaleuca huegelli large shrub to 5m, lime tolerant. M. cuticularis also to 5m often grows in moist areas. M. lanceolata medium tree to 8m, dense wood and foliage.

Dungyn, Olive-leaved Hakea Hakea oleifolia Sturdy, erect large shrub or small tree 8m high x 3m. Attractive dark, glossy prickly leaves. White flowers in spring and interesting, corky fruit. Smooth bark. Wind firm and adaptable. Good substitute for weedy olives. Availability can be limited.

Peppermint, Wanang Agonis flexuosa var. flexuosa Shrub or tree to 10m high x 6m. Long lived. Graceful plant, weeping habit, rough bark, masses of white flowers in spring and summer. Important habitat for possums and many native insects. Accepts pruning, adaptable in gardens. Many cultivars available. Leaves used for breath freshener or to make tea.

9 Trees & tall shrubs

GROW ME instead

Rottnest Island Pine Callitris preissii Medium to large tree 8m high x 5m, cypress-like habit and foliage, large warty cones, neat habit, dark green foliage. A native conifer. Fragrant wood and foliage. Good screen or windbreak. Tolerates lime and salt.

Pinkwood Beyeria viscosa Small tree 5m high x 3m. Neat habit, dull foliage, separate sexes, interesting pinkish new growth. Insignificant flowers. Very lime, salt and wind tolerant. Good in Mediterranean context instead of olives. Availability can be limited.

Basket Bush Spyridium globulosum Compact shrub 3m high x 2m, leaves glossy and dark green above and white and furry underneath. Masses of white perfumed flowers winter and spring. Important possum food. Tolerates most soils, lime and wind tolerant. Medium Shrubs

DON’T PLANT a garden escapee!

Mirror-bush Coprosma repens (New Zealand) Flowers: summer Reproduces: seed from fleshy orange/red berries

Myrtle-leaf Milkwort Polygala myrtifolia (South Africa) Flowers: spring Reproduces: long lived seed

Marguerite Argyranthemum frutescens ssp.foeniculaceum (Canary Islands) Flowers: spring Reproduces: seed

Broom Genista spp. (Mediterranean) Flowers: Yellow pea flowers much of the year. Number of different species, all weeds. Reproduces: Fine, long lived seed germinates massively

Pride of Madeira Echium candicans (Mediterranean) Flowers: Showy blue-purple spires. Grey whorls of foliage. Reproduces: Seed, vegetatively

11 Medium Shrubs

GROW ME instead

Lilac Hibiscus Alyogyne huegelii Upright shrub to 3m high x 1m. Large interesting bright green foliage and showy blue to purple or white flowers for spring and summer. Popular garden shrub that benefits from pruning as can grow spindly, hardy and adaptable, semi-shade or sun. Some beautiful cultivars available such as “West Coast Gem”, but wild forms are excellent and graceful garden plants. Kangaroo resistant. Availability can be limited.

Coast Saltbush Atriplex isatidea Shrub 2m x 2m with silver-grey foliage. Suitable for the most exposed coastal position as salt tolerant, lovely contrast in the garden when kept well pruned. Attracts butterflies and has edible leaves. Will grow in most soils. Full sun. Availability can be limited

Sea Box Alyxia buxifolia Neat compact habit, glossy foliage, small white, perfumed flowers in spring. Orange berries. Milky sap medicinal. Could be used in Mediterranean or formal context used for hedges. Tolerant in most soils, very hardy. Availability can be limited.

Southern Diplolaena Diplolaena dampieri Shrub to 2m, much less in exposed areas. Beautiful orange-red flowers in winter and spring, attract nectar feeding birds. Grey downy foliage, accepts some shade but does best in full sun. Not eaten by kangaroos.

Chorilaena Chorilaena quercifolia Dense to open shrub to 5m, much less by the coast. Interesting bright green, bristly oak shaped foliage. White to green flowers in spring that attract small honey eating birds such as spinebills. Beautiful and reliable shrub that grows in sun or shade, makes a lovely hedge. Foliage not eaten by kangaroos as it is very aromatic. Availability can be limited. GROW ME instead

Cut-leaf Hibbertia Ballion Hibbertia cuneiformis Upright shrub 2m high x 1m. Large, bright yellow flowers over a long period followed by very attractive orange fruits which provide food for numerous native animals. Hardy and adaptable, will accept most conditions in the garden. Tolerates shade and most soils.

Rigid Wattle Kileyung Acacia cochlearis Compact shrub 2m x 2m, spikey dark green foliage, yellow pom-pom flowers spring, edible gum. Lime tolerant, good screen plant.

Shining Fanflower nitida Erect shrub to 2m x 2m, less in exposed areas. Beautiful, glowing blue-purple fan shaped flowers in spring. Bright green, glossy foliage. Hardy and adaptable, will tolerate some shade. Flowers attract native bees and butterflies. Some lovely cultivars available.

Berry Saltbush Rhagodia baccata Sprawling shrub or groundcover 2m high x 3m with colourful fleshy foliage, tiny flowers and deep edible red berries eaten by birds and bobtail lizards. Attracts butterflies. Can be trained on a fence or clipped into a hedge. Good bird habitat

Coastal daisy Bush Olearia axillaris Upright shrub 2m x 2m. Woolly silvery-grey foliage, aromatic. White, daisy flowers occur along stems in summer and autumn. Benefits from pruning. Good screen, beautiful foliage contrast in the garden. Accepts some shade but best in full sun. Dwarf cultivars available. Can be used as a flavouring in cooking.

13 Medium Shrubs

GROW ME instead

Cockies Tongues, Indji Templetonia retusa Upright shrub 2m high x 1m. Spectacular brick red flowers (rarely yellow or cream) in winter to spring, which attract birds. Attractive dark green foliage which makes a lovely contrast in the garden. Hardy and lime- tolerant. Can be planted from seed.

Coastal Honeymyrtle Melaleuca systena Upright shrub 1m x 1m, fine furry leaves, pale yellow pom-pom flowers spring and autumn. Availability can be limited.

Grevillia vestita Grevillea vestita Upright shrub 2m high x 1m, white flowers intermittently over most of the year. Interesting spikey, light green foliage. Good bird plant.

Coastal Hopbush Dodonaea aptera, Horny hopbush D. ceratocarpa Compact spreading shrubs 2m high x 2m, glossy rounded foliage, insignificant flowers in winter, separate sexes, decorative papery fruits. Hardy.

Boobialla Myoporum insulare Open shrub or small tree 2m x 2m. Thick narrow pale green leaves and small white or pink flowers for a long period from winter-summer, followed by edible purple fruit. Fast growing hardy windbreak and shelter. Prostrate cultivar available. Ground covers, herbs & small shrubs

DON’T PLANT a garden escapee!

Aurora Daisy Arctotis stoechadifolia (South Africa) Flowers: various, spring to summer Reproduces: seed, vegetatively

Gazania Gazania sp. (South Africa) Flowers: various, most of year, mainly spring to autumn Reproduces: seed, vegetatively

Lavender Lavandula sp. (Mediterranean) Flowers: purple, most of year Reproduces: seed, vegetatively

Veldt Daisy Dimorpotheca ecklonii (South Africa) Flowers: Purple or white with black centre Reproduces: seed, suckers

Periwinkle Vinca major (Europe) Flowers: Blue Reproduces: vegetatively

Nasturtiums Tropaeolum spp. (America) Flowers: Variously orange, red, yellow Reproduces: Seed, vegetatively 1315 Ground covers, herbs & small shrubs

GROW ME instead

Dune Moses Acacia lasiocarpa Compact shrub, fine, ferny bright green foliage and masses of bright yellow pom-pom flowers in winter and spring. Can be short lived, very lime, salt and wind tolerant. Likes well drained soils. Good border plant.

Cushion Bush Leucophyta brownii Compact, rounded shrub to 1m. Silver-grey foliage with small, pale yellow ball-shaped flowers in summer. Great structural form, colour contrast. Responds well to regular pruning. Several cultivars available. Contrast plant. Full sun. Good border plant.

Barrier Saltbush Enchylaena tomentosa Low sprawling shrub or groundcover 0.3m high x 2m. Leaves small, blue-green, fleshy with fine hairy leaves. Small yellow flowers and yellow to red edible, medicinal fleshy fruits. Attracts native wildlife. Responds well to pruning (can prune seasonally if starts to dominate garden bed). Full-sun to semi-shade. Will climb and ramble. Salt and drought tolerant, suitable in most soil types. Availability can be limited.

Strawberry-leaved Guinea Flower, Ballion Hibbertia grossulariifolia or H. racemosa Prostrate ground cover 0.2m high x 0.5m. Large bright green, rounded textural leaves and large, bright yellow ‘buttercup’ flowers any month. Does best in shade to semi- shade. Attracts butterflies. Availability can be limited.

Coastal Pigface, Bain Carpobrotus virescens Thick, fleshy ground cover 3m high x 2m. Green leaves triangular in cross- section, large bright pink or purple flowers occur in spring. Attractive ground- cover, soil stabiliser. Suitable as trailing plant for pots or down walls. Ripe fruits are edible and flesh is medicinal, similar to aloe vera. Do not plant similar South African variety Carpobrotus edulis, recognisable by yellow flowers.

Tar Bush Eremophila glabra ssp. albicans Sprawling shrub or groundcover 0.5m high x 1m with silvery leaves. Tubular orange, red and green flowers. Several cultivars available including fully prostrate. Attracts birds, suitable to most soil types. GROW ME instead

Swan River Rulingia Commersonia (Rulingia) cygnorum Compact shrub 0.5m x 0.5m, crinkly bright green leaves with white starry flowers winter / spring. Good border plant. Availability can be limited.

Common Beaked Triggerplant Stylidium adnatum Erect perennial shrub to 0.5m. Pale pink to white “trigger” flowers late spring to summer on showy stems with attractive fi ne foliage. Suits sandy soils, sun to shade. Prune after flowering. Attracts native bees. Availability can be limited.

Coastal Pimelea Pimelea ferruginea or P. rosea Dense, dome shaped shrub 1m x 1m. Attractive symmetrical bright green glossy foliage and showy clusters of pale to deep pink flowers at ends of stems spring to summer. Hardy and reliable garden plant, suits exposed areas. Best in full sun. Prune after flowering. Several cultivars available. Can be short lived (3–5yrs).

Coast Bonefruit Threlkeldia diffusa Small shrub or groundcover to 0.5m x 0.5m. Small fleshy, pale green succulent leaves with purple tinge. Tiny flowers and red or yellow edible berries. Tolerates saline conditions and clay. Will climb and ramble. Grows in shade or sun.

Rock Thryptomene Thryptomene saxicola Small compact spreading shrub 0.5m high x 1m. Fine green foliage and masses of white or pale pink flowers over a long period from autumn to summer. Excellent cut flowers, fine reliable garden shrub. Several cultivars available.

Serrate-leaved Guinea Flower Hibbertia serrata Upright shrub 1m high x.5m. Bright yellow buttercup flowers any month. Bright green serrated leaves. Neat habit. 17 Ground covers, herbs & small shrubs

GROW ME instead

Running Postman Kennedia prostrata Fast growing groundcover 0.2m x 2m. Crinkly trifoliate leaves. Large red pea shaped flowers all through foliage in spring. Sun or shade. Suitable to most soils. Can be grown from seed.

Guichenotia Guichenotia ledifolia Upright shrub 1m high x 0.5m, grey furry leaves, long trusses of papery pink flowers with a black centre. Availability can be limited.

Slender Myoporum Myoporum caprarioides Upright shrub 1m x 1m. Bright green foliage with small starry white flowers and pink or purple edible medicinal berries. Can make a good hedge in formal context.

False Boronia Phyllanthus calycinus Upright shrub 1m high x 0.5m. Dull light green foliage with white pendulous flowers in winter to spring.

Grey Saltbush Atriplex cinerea or A. hypoleuca Sprawling shrub 0.5m x 0.5m, insignificant flowers, silver grey foliage. Good soil binder, roots down as it spreads. Edible leaves. Very salt tolerant, excellent ground cover. A. hypoleuca is less robust, but a good ground cover with grey- blue foliage. Requires pruning in winter. Availability can be limited. GROW ME instead

Thick-leaved Fanflower Erect shrub 1m x 1m, much less in exposed areas. Beautiful, glowing blue-purple fan shaped flowers from spring to summer. Bright green, thick glossy foliage. Hardy and adaptable but can be short lived, will tolerate some shade. Flowers attract native bees and butterflies. Some cultivars available. Other species include Scaevola anchusifolia, globulifera and thesioides.

Snake Bush Hemiandra pungens Prickly leaved groundcover 0.5 high x 2m. Flowers mauve or white with spots inside throat. Several cultivars available, local form is upright.

Bower Spinach Tetragonia implexicoma Sprawling succulent 0.3m x 0.5m ground cover. Bright green, fleshy edible leaves. Yellow starry flowers any month.

Thomasia Thomasia cognate or T. triphylla Compact small shrub 0.5m x 0.5m. Small furry crinkly leaves and pink papery flowers in spring or summer. Thomasia triphylla is usually taller (to about 1m), and more robust with pink-purple flowers.

Common Sea Heath Frankenia pauciflora Compact small shrub 0.5m x 0.5m, fine greyish leaves, small papery pale pink flowers throughout the year. Very salt and wind tolerant. Good border plant. Availability can be limited.

19 Grasses, sedges, tufties & bulbs

DON’T PLANT a garden escapee!

Fountain Grass Pennisteum setaceum (East Africa & Middle East) Flowers: summer to autumn. Reproduces:wind borne seed.

African Iris Dietes spp. (South Africa) Flowers:blue to white, spring-summer Reproduces: Seed, germinates massively

Arum Lily Zantedeschia aethiopica - Declared Plant (Africa) Flowers: white, winter Reproduces: Seed, rhizomes Toxic, all parts. Illegal to sell and transport this plant.

Freesia, Ixia, Sparaxis, Lachenalia (South Africa) Flowers:various, spring-summer Reproduces: seeds and corms in movement of soil

Agapanthus Agapanthus praecox (South Africa) Flowers: Purple, blue, spring-summer Reproduces: seed, rhizomes

Wavy Gladiolus Gladiolus undulatus (South Africa) Flowers: white, late spring-summer Reproduces: explosive spread of cormels via water, movement of soil GROW ME instead

Blueberry Lily Dianella brevicaulis or D. revoluta Tufted clumping perennial 0.5m x 0.5m. Blue to purple branching flowers in spring which attract the blue-banded bee, and fine strappy foliage, suits a wide range of conditions. Bright purple edible berries are a feature, and they attract seed eating birds. D. revoluta similar and taller. More common in commercial nurseries.

Coastal Sword Sedge, Kerbin Lepidosperma gladiatum Sedge 1m x 1m, broad dark green strappy leaves. Brown flower heads winter to summer. Dark seed heads. Plant in clumps. Good accent plant, use in borders, foliage contrast. Good feature pot-plant. Sun or shade, tolerates dry. Edible tubers, also used to carry fish through their gills.

Knotted Club Rush, Tangil Ficinia nodosa Attractive evergreen clumping plant 1m high x 0.5m. Stems long, dark-green, cylindrical & upright. Flower heads brown ball-shaped, occur all year. Versatile plant. Use as accent, group plantings, pot-plants, around ponds. Tolerates salt spray & wet zones. Attracts butterflies. Full-sun to semi-shade, dry or wet. Traditionally used for making string and rope.

Sea Rush, Talin Juncus kraussii Very upright clumping plant 1m high x 0.5m. Dark green stems with branching seed head. Very salt tolerant. Suitable for most soil types. Attractive upright plant suitable for borders and ponds. Leaves are crushed and used as antibacterial medicine.

Prickly Conostylis Conostylis aculeata or C. candicans Clumping plant 0.3m x 0.3m. Flat bristly leaves and yellow pom-pom flowers in spring. Grey Cottonheads C. Candicans similar but with greyish furry leaves. Good border plants or in clumps for foliage contrast.

Coast Tussock Grass Poa poiformis Tussock grass growing to 0.5m x 0.5m. Thin blue-green leaves, bronze flowers and seed heads. Tight fine leaved foliage. Great in small or large group plantings, also rockeries, borders. Good table pot-plant. Shear back to rejuvenate. Full-sun very wind tolerant. 21 Climbers

DON’T PLANT a garden escapee!

Honeysuckle Lonicera japonica (Asia) Flowers: Cream, white, spring-summer Reproduces:Fruit (seed), vegetatively. Massive climber which smothers and blankets vegetation

Dolichos pea Dipogon lignosus (South Africa) Flowers: Purple, spring-summer Reproduces: Seed, rhizomes. Smothers other plants, can cover vast areas

Morning Glory, Ipomea indica (Asia) Flowers: Purple, pink Reproduces: seed, vegetatively Vigorous and destructive climber

Ivy Hedera spp. (Europe) Flowers: Greenish-white Reproduces: Fleshy fruit (seed), vegetatively All parts toxic. Self clinging via adapted roots (‘suckers’), will kill other plants that it smothers GROW ME instead

Australian Bluebell Billardiera fusiformis (syn. Sollya fusiformis) Sturdy climber or twining shrub 3m x 2m. Pendulous, bright blue to pale blue, occasionally white or pink bell-like flowers spring through to autumn. Excellent and manageable small climber, twiner and screen much loved by nesting small birds. Edible fruits when translucent. Makes a good hedge.

Climbing Lignum Muehlenbeckia adpressa Climber or sprawling shrub. Glossy, bright green, heart shaped leaves. Tiny flowers. Very hardy, can grow in very exposed areas. Availability can be limited.

Australian Bluebell Billardiera fusiformis (syn. Sollya fusiformis) Twining shrub to vigorous climber. Dark green trifoliate leaves. Masses of showy pendulous purple pea flowers in winter-spring. Hardy and adaptable to sun or shade, best pruned after flowering to keep from becoming woody. Prolific seeder and bird attractant. Suitable in most soil types, can be short lived. Can be planted from seed..

Augusta Kennedia Kennedia lateritia Fast growing vigorous twiner. Large trifoliate leaves, masses of brick red flowers with yellow eye in spring. Rare in the wild. Can be planted from seed.

Slender Clematis, Tuuruk Clematis linearifolia or C. pubescens Delicate to robust climber or twiner 4m x 2m. Large creamy white star like flowers in winter-spring followed by beautiful, long lasting silver, feathery seed heads on female plants. Spectacular contrast when grown with the native wisteria and/or coral vine. Easily grown from very fresh seed. Common Clematis C. pubescens similar with edible tubers.

Climbing Chorizema Chorizema diversifolium A light twining climber with wiry stems. Long rows of cheerful orange to apricot flowers in spring. Tolerates shade. Can be planted from seed. 23 Natural cottage garden design

A natural cottage garden is easy to achieve with local coastal plants. These gardens are relaxed and flowing, and are a wonderful place for local wildlife. To achieve a natural cottage garden, mimic the flow and mix of plant species in natural coastal areas. Allow plants to cascade over paths and lace through one another. Utilise weaving paths and rustic furniture. Add bird-baths, hollow logs, and nesting boxes to attract and support local wildlife.

Swale with 14mm quartzite 0 1 2 3 4 5 m gravel and habitat logs Trees & tall shrubs

Agonis flexuosa Hakea oleifolia Melaleuca huegelii

Medium shrubs

Bench Alyogyne huegelii Scaevola nitida

Ground covers, herbs & small shrubs Mulch Conostylis candicans

Leucophyta Pimelea Stylidium Carpobrotus White wash brownii ferruginea adnatum virescens sustainable pebble Phyllanthus Hibbertia Guichenotia Hibbertia calycinus grossulariifolia ledifolia serrata

Grasses, sedges, tufties and bulbs Flat sleepers set in gravel to give boardwalk Poa Dianella Lepidosperma Ficinia appearance poiformis revoluta gladiatum nodosa

Recycled hardwood Juncus kraussii timber post, upright 2m high Climbers

Billardiera fusiformis 25 Formal garden design

A number of local coastal plants can be grown into clipped hedges or shapes to form the basis of the formal garden. Sedges and grasses can be used in mass plantings and accent borders. Use local climbers or trailing plants in a feature urn, terrace or retaining wall. To achieve a formal garden style, emphasise symmetry and borders and use gravel or sustainable pebbles to create and highlight landscaping features.

0 1 2 3 4 5 m Trees & tall shrubs

Melaeuca huegelii

Medium shrubs


Bench Chorileana quercifolia

Ground covers, herbs & small shrubs 110mm x 220mm linear paver divider Coastal Pigface

Birdbath feature Hibbertia Carpobrotus Pimelea Leucophyta serrata virescens ferruginea brownii 14mm dolomite gravel Grasses, sedges, tufties and bulbs

500mm x 500mm Lepidosperma Billardiera charcoal pavers gladiatum fusiformis

27 Japanese style garden design

Local coastal plants are well suited to the minimalist style and reflective feeling of Japanese gardens. Aim to create a garden that mimics the natural balance and flow of nature. Clumps of local grasses can be used to compliment raked gravel areas. Incorporate natural elements such as plants with graceful habit, water features, stepping stones and gravel areas to achieve your Japanese-style garden.

0 1 2 3 4 5 m Medium shrubs

Templetonia Hibbertia retusa cuneiformis Ground covers, herbs & small shrubs Mulch

Recycled wooden Phyllanthus Leucophyta Pimelea Carpobrotus Stylidium bench calycinus brownii ferruginea virescens adnatum

110mm x 220mm Grasses, sedges, tufties and bulbs linear paver divider

Feature sculpture Juncus Ficinia Dianella Lepidiosperma Poa kraussii nodosa revoluta gladiatum poiformis Clay or plastic lined wet/dry stormwater Climbers fed pond coated with quartzite gravel at a maximum of 200mm depth Clematis Hardenbergia linearifolia comptoniana 14mm quartzite gravel

Table & chairs

400mm x 400mm charcoal pavers

29 Contemporary garden design

Contemporary gardens feature bold modern designs, with an emphasis on contrasts of colour, texture and form. Many local coastal plants offer excellent colour and texture for these bold designs. To develop your own contemporary garden, create interesting garden bed shapes using a mix of plants and landscaping materials that provide strong contrasts. A simple outdoor setting suits the contemporary garden design.

0 1 2 3 4 5 m Trees & tall shrubs

Hakea oleifolia

Medium shrubs Dolomite gravel

Olearia Hibbertia axillaris cuneiformis

Ground covers, herbs & small shrubs Table & chairs Conostylis Enchylaena Pimelea White wash candicans tomentosa ferruginea sustainable pebble Grasses, sedges, tufties and bulbs

110 x 220mm linear paver divider Dianella Ficinia revoluta nodosa

14mm quartzite gravel


800mm x 300mm paver stepping stones

31 This demonstration garden PAINT EXISTING TREATED showcases some of the key PINE RAMP. COLOUR TREES ‘WOODLAND GREY’ low nutrient and water efficient

S landscape approaches in TOP UP SERVICE AREA the South West of Western INFORMAL WITH COMPACTED CONGREGATION/ WAITING GRAVEL Australia that can be applied AREA - NATIVE COARSE GRIND on a range of property scales MULCH SURFACE TREATMENT Agonis flexuosa Metrosideros excelsa Eucalyptus caesia Xanthorrhoea preissii TO REDUCE RUNOFF EXISTING BOUNDARY FENCE including your own backyard.

S REMOVE EXISTING The key principles of this low nutrient POOR TREE SPECIMEN (Eucalyptus erythrocorys) demonstration garden include: & REPLACE WITH Agonis flexuosa TO TIE IN WITH 1. Utilising local native tree and EXISTING STREET TREESThis demonstration garden shrubs which are well suited to the PAINT EXISTING TREATED showcases some of the key Hovea elliptica TREES Pimelea ferruginea Poa poiformis PINE RAMP. COLOUR local soils and climatic conditions. ‘WOODLAND GREY’ low nutrient and water efficient PERMEABLE SURFACES CUT & REMOVE They are water efficient and require SHRUBS & GROUNDCOVERS S SUCH AS GRAVEL landscape approaches in EXCESS ASHPALT & MULCH REDUCE TO NEATEN minimal fertilising if any. TOP UP SERVICE AREA SURFACE RUNOFF the South West of Western INFORMAL PATHWAY EXISTING SIDE ACCESS ROAD WITH COMPACTED BUSSELTON CONGREGATION/ WAITING GRAVEL Australia that can be applied 2. Utilising course grade second AREA - NATIVE COARSE GRIND 1.8m HIGH SLATTED COMMUNITY & TIMBER SCREEN TO on a range of property scales grind native mulch and organic MULCH SURFACE TREATMENT YOUTH CENTRE Agonis flexuosa Metrosideros excelsa Eucalyptus caesia Xanthorrhoea preissii TO REDUCE RUNOFF COMPACTED GRAVEL HIDE RUBBISH BINS PATH TO BIN STORE EXISTING BOUNDARY FENCE including your own backyard. soil amendments (i.e. no inorganic fertilisers etc.) not only help Anigozanthos flavidus Anigozanthos manglesii Anigozanthos ‘Gold Fever’ Anigozanthos ‘Spring Blossom’ S REJUVENATE REMOVE EXISTING The key principles of this low nutrient EXISTING TURF - suppress weeds but maximises POOR TREE SPECIMEN LARGE NATIVE SHRUBS RETAINED FOR (Eucalyptus erythrocorys) TO HELP SCREEN demonstration garden include: OUTDOOR moisture retention around the roots & REPLACE WITH Agonis BUILDING (Adenanthos EVENTS sericeus & Ricinocarpus and insulates the plants during flexuosa TO TIE IN WITH 1. Utilising local native tree and EXISTING STREET TREES tuberculatus) NATIVE HEDGE hot weather. Only native organic shrubs which are well suitedSCREENING to the ALONG ADJOINING FENCELINE Hovea elliptica mulchesPimelea should ferruginea be used. Poa poiformis local soils and climatic conditions. REMOVE EXISTING POTENTIAL TO REDIRECT PERMEABLE SURFACES MEDIAN TURF & REPLACECUT & REMOVE WATER FROM DOWNPIPESThey are water efficient and require 3. Incorporation of vegetated SHRUBS & GROUNDCOVERS Dampiera linearis Calytrix flavescens SUCH AS GRAVEL Conostylis aculeata Conostylis candicans WITH NATIVE MULCHEXCESS ASHPALT INTO VEGETATED SWALES swales helps to capture stormwater, & MULCH REDUCE TO NEATEN minimal fertilising if any. SURFACE RUNOFF BUSSELTON PATHWAY EXISTING SIDE ACCESS ROAD VEGETATED MOUNDS increase groundwater recharge 2. Utilising course grade second MASS PLANTED WITH 1.8m HIGH SLATTED COMMUNITY & REMOVE EXISTING POOR LOCAL NATIVE SPECIES and also reduces the amount of TIMBER SCREEN TO grind native mulch and organic (Hypocalymma spp., YOUTH CENTRE TREE SPECIMEN (Juniperus water and nutrient runoff into our COMPACTED GRAVEL HIDE RUBBISH BINS Pimelea ferruginea, sp.) & REPLACE WITH INTERPRETATIVE PATH TO BIN STORE soil amendments (i.e. no inorganic Kennedia prostrata, Agonis flexuosa TO TIE SIGNAGE BOARD waterways. Local native sedges IN WITH EXISTING STREET fertilisers etc.) not only help AnigozanthosHovea elliptica,flavidus Anigozanthos manglesii Anigozanthos ‘Gold Fever’ Anigozanthos ‘Spring Blossom’ REJUVENATE TREES Darwinia citriodora) and rushes are planted within the EXISTING TURF - suppress weeds but maximises LARGE NATIVE SHRUBS MAIN ENTRANCE swales to assist with improving water RETAINED FOR Darwinia citriodora Kennedia prostrata Ficinia nodosa Gastrolobium praemorsum TO HELP SCREEN moisture retention around the roots OUTDOOR quality by stripping the nutrients BUILDING (Adenanthos EVENTS

sericeus & Ricinocarpus GRASS TREE and insulates the plants during HIGH STREET HIGH from the collected water. tuberculatus) NATIVE HEDGE (Xanthorrhoea preissii) hot weather. Only native organic SCREENING ALONG RETAIN 4. Reducing the total area of lawn ADJOINING FENCELINE EXISTING mulches should be used. REMOVE EXISTING POTENTIAL TO REDIRECT Metrosideros and replacing it with suitable local MEDIAN TURF & REPLACE excelsa 3. Incorporation of vegetated WATER FROM DOWNPIPES Conostylis aculeata Conostylis candicans nativeDampiera trees linearis and shrub planting.Calytrix flavescens WITH NATIVE MULCH INTO VEGETATED SWALES PERMANENT BANNER swales helps to capture stormwater, POSTS (TO CITY OF Lawn requires lots of water and BUSSELTON DETAILS)VEGETATED WITH MOUNDS increase groundwater recharge application of fertiliser to thrive, so Hypocalymma augustifolium Calothamnus sanguineus Leucophyta brownii Melaleuca incana nana INFORMAL COMPACTEDMASS PLANTED WITH Bay Friendly Verge Garden REMOVE EXISTING POOR LOCAL NATIVE SPECIES and also reduces the amount of LOW GROWING NATIVE GRAVEL ACCESS PATH EXISTING FOOTPATH by reducing the total area of lawn, TREE SPECIMEN (Juniperus (Hypocalymma spp., water and nutrient runoff into our GROUNDCOVERS REQUIRING Pimelea ferruginea, MINIMAL MAINTENANCE SO WON’T sp.) & REPLACE WITH INTERPRETATIVE the overall amount of nutrients is Kennedia prostrata, IMPINGE ON FOOTPATH (Conostylis Agonis flexuosa TO TIE SIGNAGE BOARD waterways. Local native sedges Hovea elliptica, spp., Anigozanthos spp.) reduced. Careful consideration IN WITH EXISTING STREET LOW GROWING NATIVE TREES Darwinia citriodora) and rushes are planted within the SWALE PLANTED WITH NATIVE SEDGES PLANTING TO ENABLE CLUSTERS OF ORNAMENTAL needs to be made to ensure MAIN ENTRANCE & RUSHES (Ficinia nodosa, CLEAR SIGHTLINES TOswales to assistGUM with TREES improving (Eucalyptus water BUSSELL HIGHWAY SIGNAGE & BUILDING Darwinia citriodora Kennedia prostrata adequateFicinia nodosa lawn is still providedGastrolobium for praemorsum A demonstration ‘Bay Friendly’ verge garden has been established at the corner of Orthrosanthus polystachyrus & quality by strippingcaesia) FOR the ENHANCING nutrients Patersonia occidentalis)TO CAPTURE VISUAL AESTHETICS ALONG 0 2 4 6 8 10m outdoor activities. GRASS TREE STORMWATER RUNOFF AND ENHANCE HIGHLY VISUAL FRONT Hypocalymma robustum High Street and Bussell Highway in Central Busselton.STREET HIGH from the collected water. Orthrosanthus polystachyrus Patersonia occidentalis (Xanthorrhoea preissii) GROUND WATER RECHARGE VERGE AREA RETAIN 4. Reducing the total area of lawn EXISTING Metrosideros This demonstration garden and replacing it with suitable local excelsa LEGEND VEGETATED SWALE - HELPS TREAT PAINT EXISTING TREATED showcases some of the key native trees and shrub planting. PROPOSED TREES PERMANENT BANNER STAGE 1: PROPOSEDTREES WORKS SURFACE STORMWATER RUNOFF ONSITE PINE RAMP. COLOUR POSTS (TO CITY OF Lawn requires lots of water and ‘WOODLAND GREY’ low nutrient and water efficient RUBBISH BIN STORAGE BUSSELTON DETAILS) WITH STAGE 2: FUTURE DESIGN COMPACTED GRAVEL LOW NUTRIENT DEMONSTRATION GARDEN Hypocalymma augustifolium Calothamnus sanguineus Leucophyta brownii Melaleuca incana nana landscape approachesELEMENTS in application of fertiliser to thrive, so S INFORMAL COMPACTED S PARK BENCH SEATING GRAVEL ACCESS PATH LOW GROWING NATIVE TOP UP SERVICE AREA the SouthEXISTING WestFOOTPATH of ENTRANCEWestern TURFby (REJUVENATED) reducing the total area of lawn, INFORMAL GROUNDCOVERS REQUIRING WITH COMPACTED EXISTING BOLLARD BUSSELTON COMMUNITY & YOUTH CENTRE CONGREGATION/ WAITING MINIMAL MAINTENANCE SO WON’T the overall amount of nutrients is GRAVEL Australia that can beVEGETATED applied MOUND COARSE GRIND NATIVE AREA - NATIVE COARSE GRIND IMPINGE ON FOOTPATH (Conostylis REDIRECTION OF STORMWATER on a range of property scalesspp., Anigozanthos spp.) MULCHreduced. Careful consideration MULCH SURFACE TREATMENT LOW GROWING NATIVE Agonis flexuosa Metrosideros excelsa Eucalyptus caesia Xanthorrhoea preissii LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN (REV A) JUNE 2013 BY JOSH BYRNE & ASSOCIATES TO REDUCE RUNOFF SWALE PLANTED WITH NATIVE SEDGES PLANTING TO ENABLE CLUSTERSEXISTING BOUNDARY FENCE including OF ORNAMENTAL your own backyard. needs to be made to ensure & RUSHES (Ficinia nodosa, CLEAR SIGHTLINES TO GUM TREES (Eucalyptus BUSSELL HIGHWAY SIGNAGE & BUILDING adequate lawn is still provided for S Orthrosanthus polystachyrus & caesia) FOR ENHANCING Patersonia occidentalis)TO CAPTURE VISUAL AESTHETICS ALONG REMOVE EXISTING 0 2 4 6 8 10m outdoor activities. STORMWATER RUNOFF AND ENHANCE HIGHLYThe VISUAL key principles FRONT of this low nutrient POOR TREE SPECIMEN Orthrosanthus polystachyrus Patersonia occidentalis Hypocalymma robustum GROUND WATER RECHARGE VERGE AREA (Eucalyptus erythrocorys) demonstration garden include: & REPLACE WITH Agonis flexuosa TO TIE IN WITH 1. Utilising local native tree and EXISTING STREET TREES LEGEND shrubs which are well suited to the VEGETATED SWALE - HELPS TREAT PROPOSED TREES STAGE 1: PROPOSED WORKS SURFACE STORMWATER RUNOFF ONSITE Hovea elliptica Pimelea ferruginea Poa poiformis local soils and climatic conditions. RUBBISH BIN STORAGE PERMEABLE SURFACES STAGE 2: FUTURE DESIGN COMPACTED GRAVEL LOW NUTRIENT DEMONSTRATION GARDEN CUT & REMOVE They are water efficient and require SUCH AS GRAVEL ELEMENTS SHRUBS & GROUNDCOVERS EXCESS ASHPALT S PARK BENCH SEATING & MULCH REDUCE minimal fertilising if any. ENTRANCE TO NEATEN TURF (REJUVENATED) SURFACE RUNOFF BUSSELTON PATHWAY EXISTING SIDE ACCESS ROAD EXISTING BOLLARD BUSSELTON COMMUNITY & YOUTH CENTRE COARSE GRIND NATIVE 2. Utilising course grade second 1.8m HIGH SLATTED COMMUNITY VEGETATED& MOUND REDIRECTION OF STORMWATER MULCH TIMBER SCREEN TO YOUTH CENTRE grind native mulch and organic LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN (REV A) JUNE 2013 BY JOSH BYRNE & ASSOCIATES COMPACTED GRAVEL HIDE RUBBISH BINS PATH TO BIN STORE soil amendments (i.e. no inorganic Anigozanthos flavidus Anigozanthos manglesii Anigozanthos ‘Gold Fever’ Anigozanthos ‘Spring Blossom’ REJUVENATE fertilisers etc.) not only help EXISTING TURF - suppress weeds but maximises LARGE NATIVE SHRUBS RETAINED FOR TO HELP SCREEN OUTDOOR moisture retention around the roots BUILDING (Adenanthos EVENTS sericeus & Ricinocarpus and insulates the plants during tuberculatus) NATIVE HEDGE hot weather. Only native organic SCREENING ALONG ADJOINING FENCELINE mulches should be used. REMOVE EXISTING POTENTIAL TO REDIRECT MEDIAN TURF & REPLACE 3. Incorporation of vegetated WATER FROM DOWNPIPES Conostylis aculeata Conostylis candicans Dampiera linearis Calytrix flavescens WITH NATIVE MULCH INTO VEGETATED SWALES swales helps to capture stormwater, VEGETATED MOUNDS increase groundwater recharge MASS PLANTED WITH REMOVE EXISTING POOR LOCAL NATIVE SPECIES and also reduces the amount of TREE SPECIMEN (Juniperus (Hypocalymma spp., water and nutrient runoff into our Pimelea ferruginea, sp.) & REPLACE WITH INTERPRETATIVE Kennedia prostrata, Agonis flexuosa TO TIE SIGNAGE BOARD waterways. Local native sedges IN WITH EXISTING STREET Hovea elliptica, TREES Darwinia citriodora) and rushes are planted within the MAIN ENTRANCE swales to assist with improving water Darwinia citriodora Kennedia prostrata Ficinia nodosa Gastrolobium praemorsum quality by stripping the nutrients

GRASS TREE HIGH STREET HIGH from the collected water. (Xanthorrhoea preissii) RETAIN 4. Reducing the total area of lawn EXISTING Metrosideros and replacing it with suitable local excelsa native trees and shrub planting. PERMANENT BANNER POSTS (TO CITY OF Lawn requires lots of water and BUSSELTON DETAILS) WITH application of fertiliser to thrive, so Hypocalymma augustifolium Calothamnus sanguineus Leucophyta brownii Melaleuca incana nana INFORMAL COMPACTED LOW GROWING NATIVE GRAVEL ACCESS PATH EXISTING FOOTPATH by reducing the total area of lawn, GROUNDCOVERS REQUIRING MINIMAL MAINTENANCE SO WON’T the overall amount of nutrients is IMPINGE ON FOOTPATH (Conostylis spp., Anigozanthos spp.) reduced. Careful consideration LOW GROWING NATIVE SWALE PLANTED WITH NATIVE SEDGES PLANTING TO ENABLE CLUSTERS OF ORNAMENTAL needs to be made to ensure CLEAR SIGHTLINES TO & RUSHES (Ficinia nodosa, GUM TREES (Eucalyptus BUSSELL HIGHWAY adequate lawn is still provided for Orthrosanthus polystachyrus & SIGNAGE & BUILDING caesia) FOR ENHANCING Patersonia occidentalis)TO CAPTURE VISUAL AESTHETICS ALONG 0 2 4 6 8 10m outdoor activities. STORMWATER RUNOFF AND ENHANCE HIGHLY VISUAL FRONT Orthrosanthus polystachyrus Patersonia occidentalis Hypocalymma robustum GROUND WATER RECHARGE VERGE AREA


S landscape approaches in TOP UP SERVICE AREA the South West of Western INFORMAL WITH COMPACTED CONGREGATION/ WAITING GRAVEL Australia that can be applied AREA - NATIVE COARSE GRIND This demonstration garden on a range of property scales MULCH SURFACE TREATMENT Agonis flexuosa Metrosideros excelsa Eucalyptus caesia Xanthorrhoea preissii TO REDUCE RUNOFF PAINT EXISTING TREATED showcases some of the key EXISTING BOUNDARY FENCE TREES including your own backyard. PINE RAMP. COLOUR ‘WOODLAND GREY’ low nutrient and water efficient S S REMOVE EXISTING landscape approaches in The key principles of this low nutrient POOR TREE SPECIMEN TOP UP SERVICE AREA the South West of Western INFORMAL (Eucalyptus erythrocorys) demonstration garden include: WITH COMPACTED CONGREGATION/ WAITING & REPLACE WITH Agonis GRAVEL Australia that can be applied AREA - NATIVE COARSE GRIND flexuosa TO TIE IN WITH on a range of property scales 1. Utilising local native tree and MULCH SURFACE TREATMENT EXISTING STREET TREESThis demonstration garden Agonis flexuosa Metrosideros excelsa Eucalyptus caesia Xanthorrhoea preissii TO REDUCE RUNOFF EXISTING BOUNDARY FENCE including your own backyard. shrubs which are well suited to the PAINT EXISTING TREATED showcases some of the key Hovea elliptica TREES Pimelea ferruginea Poa poiformis PINE RAMP. COLOUR local soils and climatic conditions. ‘WOODLAND GREY’ S low nutrient and water efficient PERMEABLE SURFACES CUT & REMOVE They are water efficient and require REMOVE EXISTING SHRUBS & GROUNDCOVERS S SUCH AS GRAVEL landscape approaches in TheEXCESS key principlesASHPALT of this low nutrient POOR TREE SPECIMEN & MULCH REDUCE TO NEATEN minimal fertilising if any. (EucalyptusTOP UP SERVICE erythrocorys) AREA SURFACE RUNOFF the South West of Western demonstration garden include: INFORMAL PATHWAY EXISTING SIDE ACCESS ROAD & REPLACEWITH COMPACTEDWITH Agonis BUSSELTON CONGREGATION/ WAITING flexuosa TO TIE INGRAVEL WITH This demonstration garden Australia that can be applied 2. Utilising course grade second AREA - NATIVE COARSE GRIND 1.8m HIGH SLATTED COMMUNITY & 1. Utilising local native tree and EXISTING STREET TREES PAINT EXISTINGMULCH SURFACE TREATED TREATMENT showcases someTIMBER of SCREENthe keyTO on a range of property scales grind native mulch and organic TREES YOUTH CENTRE Agonis flexuosa Metrosideros excelsa Eucalyptus caesia Xanthorrhoea preissii PINE RAMP.TO COLOUR REDUCE RUNOFF COMPACTED GRAVEL HIDE RUBBISH BINS shrubs which are well suited to the EXISTING BOUNDARY FENCE including your own backyard. Hoveasoil amendments elliptica (i.e. no inorganic Pimelea ferruginea Poa poiformis ‘WOODLAND GREY’ PATH TO BINlow STORE nutrient and water efficient local soils and climatic conditions. fertilisers etc.) not only help Anigozanthos flavidus Anigozanthos manglesii Anigozanthos ‘Gold Fever’ Anigozanthos ‘Spring Blossom’ S S PERMEABLE SURFACES landscape approaches in CUT & REMOVE TheyREJUVENATE are water efficient and require EXISTING TURF - SHRUBS & GROUNDCOVERS REMOVE EXISTINGTOP UP SERVICE AREA SUCH AS GRAVEL the South West of Western The keyEXCESS principles ASHPALT of this low nutrient suppress weeds but maximises INFORMAL LARGE NATIVE SHRUBS minimalRETAINED fertilisingFOR if any. POOR TREE SPECIMENWITH COMPACTED & MULCH REDUCE TO NEATEN CONGREGATION/ WAITING SURFACE RUNOFF TO HELP SCREEN OUTDOOR moisture retention around the roots (Eucalyptus erythrocorys) GRAVEL AustraliaBUSSELTON that can be applied demonstrationPATHWAY garden include:EXISTING SIDE ACCESS ROAD AREA - NATIVE COARSE GRIND & REPLACE WITH Agonis BUILDING (Adenanthos EVENTS on a range of property scales 2. Utilising course grade second and insulates the plants during MULCH SURFACE TREATMENT flexuosa TO TIE IN WITH 1.8m HIGH SLATTED COMMUNITYsericeus & & Ricinocarpus Agonis flexuosa Metrosideros excelsa Eucalyptus caesia Xanthorrhoea preissii TO REDUCE RUNOFF tuberculatus) 1. Utilising local native tree and EXISTING STREET TREES TIMBER SCREEN TO EXISTING BOUNDARY FENCE includingYOUTH CENTREyour own backyard. NATIVE HEDGE grind native mulch and organic hot weather. Only native organic COMPACTED GRAVEL HIDE RUBBISH BINS SCREENING ALONG shrubs which are well suited to the soil amendments (i.e. no inorganic PATH TO BIN STORE ADJOINING FENCELINE Hovea elliptica mulchesPimelea should ferruginea be used. Poa poiformis S local soils and climatic conditions. fertilisers etc.) not only help Anigozanthos flavidus Anigozanthos manglesii Anigozanthos ‘Gold Fever’ Anigozanthos ‘Spring Blossom’ REMOVE EXISTING REMOVE EXISTING The key principlesPOTENTIAL of this low TO REDIRECT nutrient REJUVENATE PERMEABLE SURFACES MEDIAN TURF & REPLACECUT & REMOVE WATER FROM DOWNPIPESThey are water efficient and require 3. Incorporation of vegetated POOR TREE SPECIMEN EXISTING TURF - SHRUBS & GROUNDCOVERS suppress weeds but maximises Conostylis aculeata Conostylis candicans Dampiera linearis Calytrix flavescens SUCH AS GRAVEL LARGE NATIVEWITH NATIVE SHRUBS MULCH EXCESSdemonstration ASHPALT INTOgarden VEGETATED include: SWALES RETAINED FOR (Eucalyptus erythrocorys) minimal fertilising if any. swales helps to capture stormwater, & REPLACE WITH Agonis & MULCH REDUCE TO HELP SCREEN TO NEATEN OUTDOOR moisture retention around the roots SURFACE RUNOFF BUILDING (Adenanthos PATHWAY EXISTING SIDE ACCESS ROAD EVENTS VEGETATED MOUNDS increase groundwater recharge flexuosa TO TIE IN WITH BUSSELTON 1. Utilising local native tree and and insulates the plants during EXISTING STREET TREES sericeus & Ricinocarpus 2. Utilising course grade second MASS PLANTED WITH 1.8m HIGH SLATTED COMMUNITY & LOCAL NATIVE SPECIES and also reduces the amount of tuberculatus) shrubs which areREMOVE wellNATIVE suitedEXISTING HEDGE to POOR the hot weather. Only native organic TIMBER SCREEN TO grind native mulch and organic (Hypocalymma spp., YOUTH CENTRE TREESCREENING SPECIMEN ALONG (Juniperus Hovea elliptica Pimelea ferruginea Poa poiformiswater and nutrient runoff into our COMPACTED GRAVEL HIDE RUBBISH BINS local soils and sp.)climatic & REPLACE conditions. WITH Pimelea ferruginea, ADJOINING FENCELINE soilINTERPRETATIVE amendments (i.e. no inorganic mulches should be used. PATH TO BIN STORE Agonis flexuosa TO TIE Kennedia prostrata, waterways. Local native sedges PERMEABLE SURFACES CUT & REMOVE They are water efficient and require SIGNAGE BOARD REMOVE EXISTING POTENTIAL TO REDIRECT IN WITH EXISTING STREET SHRUBS & GROUNDCOVERS Hovea elliptica, SUCH AS GRAVEL fertilisers etc.) not only help Anigozanthos flavidus Anigozanthos manglesii Anigozanthos ‘Gold Fever’ Anigozanthos ‘Spring Blossom’ MEDIAN TURF & REPLACE EXCESS ASHPALT WATER FROM DOWNPIPESREJUVENATE TREES Darwinia3. Incorporation citriodora) of vegetated and rushes are planted within the & MULCH REDUCE minimal fertilising if any. Conostylis aculeata Conostylis candicans Dampiera linearis Calytrix flavescens WITH NATIVE MULCH TO NEATEN INTO VEGETATED SWALESEXISTING TURF - suppress weeds but maximises SURFACE RUNOFF MAIN ENTRANCE swales helps to capture stormwater, swales to assist with improving water LARGE NATIVE SHRUBS PATHWAY EXISTING SIDE ACCESS ROAD RETAINED FOR Darwinia citriodora Kennedia prostrata Ficinia nodosa Gastrolobium praemorsum BUSSELTONTO HELP SCREEN moisture retention around the roots OUTDOOR2. Utilising course grade second VEGETATED MOUNDS increase groundwater recharge quality by stripping the nutrients 1.8m HIGH SLATTED COMMUNITYBUILDING (Adenanthos & EVENTS MASS PLANTED WITH TIMBER SCREEN TO sericeus & Ricinocarpus grind native mulchGRASS TREEand organic and insulates the plants during and also reduces the amount of YOUTH CENTRE REMOVESTREET HIGH EXISTING POOR LOCAL NATIVE SPECIES from the collected water. COMPACTED GRAVEL HIDE RUBBISH BINS tuberculatus) (Xanthorrhoea preissii) TREENATIVE SPECIMEN HEDGE (Juniperus soil amendments (i.e. no inorganic hot(Hypocalymma weather. Only spp., native organic water and nutrient runoff into our PATH TO BIN STORE SCREENING ALONG Pimelea ferruginea, sp.) & REPLACE WITH INTERPRETATIVERETAIN 4. Reducing the total area of lawn ADJOINING FENCELINE mulchesKennediaAnigozanthos should prostrata be flavidus, used. Anigozanthos manglesii Anigozanthos ‘Gold Fever’ Anigozanthos ‘Spring Blossom’ REJUVENATE Agonis flexuosa TO TIE SIGNAGE EXISTINGfertilisers BOARD etc.) not only help waterways. Local native sedges IN WITH EXISTING STREET Hovea elliptica, REMOVE EXISTING POTENTIAL TO REDIRECT EXISTING TURF - Metrosideros and replacing it with suitable local suppress weeds but maximises Darwinia citriodora) and rushes are planted within the MEDIANLARGE NATIVETURF & REPLACESHRUBS RETAINED FOR TREES excelsa 3. Incorporation of vegetated WATER FROM DOWNPIPES Conostylis aculeata Conostylis candicans nativeDampiera trees linearis and shrub planting.Calytrix flavescens TO HELP SCREEN MAINmoisture ENTRANCE retention around the roots WITH NATIVE MULCH INTO VEGETATED SWALES OUTDOOR PERMANENT BANNER swales helps to capture stormwater, swales to assist with improving water BUILDING (Adenanthos EVENTS DarwiniaLawn requirescitriodora lots of waterKennedia and prostrata Ficinia nodosa Gastrolobium praemorsum POSTS (TO CITY OF and insulates the plants during quality by stripping the nutrients sericeus & Ricinocarpus BUSSELTON DETAILS)VEGETATED WITH MOUNDS increase groundwater recharge application of fertiliser to thrive, so Hypocalymma augustifolium Calothamnus sanguineus Leucophyta brownii Melaleuca incana nana

tuberculatus) NATIVE HEDGE GRASSINFORMAL TREE COMPACTEDMASS PLANTEDhot weather. WITH Only native organic HIGH STREET HIGH from the collected water. LOCAL NATIVE SPECIES and also reduces the amount of LOW GROWING NATIVE REMOVE EXISTINGSCREENING POOR ALONG (XanthorrhoeaGRAVEL preissii) ACCESS PATH EXISTING FOOTPATH by reducing the total area of lawn, TREE SPECIMEN (Juniperus (Hypocalymmamulches spp., should be used. GROUNDCOVERS REQUIRING ADJOINING FENCELINE RETAIN water and nutrient runoff into our sp.) & REPLACE WITH Pimelea ferruginea, MINIMAL4. Reducing MAINTENANCE the total SO areaWON’T of lawn the overall amount of nutrients is INTERPRETATIVE EXISTING REMOVE EXISTING POTENTIAL TO REDIRECT Agonis flexuosa TO TIE Kennedia prostrata, waterways. Local native sedges IMPINGE ON FOOTPATH (Conostylis MEDIAN TURF & REPLACE SIGNAGEMetrosideros BOARD 3. Incorporation of vegetated and replacing it with suitable local WATER FROM DOWNPIPES IN WITH EXISTING STREET Hovea elliptica, Conostylis aculeata Conostylis candicans spp., AnigozanthosDampiera linearis spp.) Calytrix flavescensreduced. Careful consideration excelsa LOW GROWING NATIVE WITH NATIVE MULCH INTO VEGETATED SWALES TREES Darwinia swalescitriodora helps) to capture stormwater, and rushes are planted within the SWALE PLANTED WITH NATIVE SEDGES PLANTING TO ENABLE CLUSTERS OF ORNAMENTAL native trees and shrub planting. needs to be made to ensure PERMANENT BANNER MAINVEGETATED ENTRANCE MOUNDS & RUSHES (Ficinia nodosa, CLEAR SIGHTLINES TOswales to assistGUM with TREES improving (Eucalyptus water BUSSELL HIGHWAY POSTS (TO CITY OF increase groundwater recharge DarwiniaLawn citriodora requires lots Kennedia of water prostrata and adequateFicinia nodosa lawn is still providedGastrolobium for praemorsum MASS PLANTED WITH Orthrosanthus polystachyrus & SIGNAGE & BUILDING caesia) FOR ENHANCING BUSSELTON DETAILS) WITH This demonstrationquality by stripping garden the nutrients showcases some of the key low nutrient LOCAL NATIVE SPECIES Patersonia occidentalis)TO CAPTUREand also reduces the amount of VISUAL AESTHETICS ALONG application of fertiliser to thrive, so Hypocalymma augustifolium Calothamnus sanguineus Leucophyta brownii Melaleuca incana nana REMOVE EXISTING POOR INFORMAL COMPACTED 0 2 4 6 8 10m outdoor activities. TREE SPECIMEN (Juniperus GRASS TREE (Hypocalymma spp., STORMWATER RUNOFF AND ENHANCE LOW GROWINGHIGHLY VISUAL NATIVE FRONT Hypocalymma robustum HIGH STREET HIGH GRAVEL ACCESS PATH water and nutrient runoffand into waterour from theefficient collected water.landscape approaches in the South West of Orthrosanthus polystachyrus Patersonia occidentalis Pimelea ferruginea, GROUND WATER RECHARGE EXISTING FOOTPATH VERGE AREA by reducing the total area of lawn, sp.) & REPLACE WITH INTERPRETATIVE(Xanthorrhoea preissii) GROUNDCOVERS REQUIRING Agonis flexuosa TO TIE Kennedia prostrata, waterways. Local native sedges MINIMAL MAINTENANCE SO WON’T RETAINSIGNAGE BOARD Western4. AustraliaReducing the that total area can of lawnbe appliedthe on overall a range amount of of property nutrients is scales IN WITH EXISTING STREET EXISTING Hovea elliptica, IMPINGE ON FOOTPATH (Conostylis TREES Darwinia citriodora) and rushes are planted within the spp., Anigozanthos spp.) reduced. Careful consideration Metrosideros LOW GROWINGLegendLEGEND NATIVE includingand yourreplacing own it with backyard. suitable local The key principles of this low nutrient excelsaMAIN ENTRANCE PLANTING TO ENABLE swales to assist with improving water needs to be made to ensure SWALE PLANTED WITH NATIVE SEDGES CLUSTERS OF ORNAMENTAL VEGETATEDnativeDarwinia SWALEtrees -citriodora andHELPS TREATshrub planting.Kennedia prostrataPROPOSED TREESFicinia nodosa Gastrolobium praemorsum CLEAR SIGHTLINESSTAGE TO 1: PROPOSED WORKS SURFACE STORMWATER RUNOFF ONSITE PERMANENT BANNER & RUSHES (Ficinia nodosa, quality GUM by strippingTREES (Eucalyptus thedemonstration nutrients BUSSELL HIGHWAY garden include: adequate lawn is still provided for POSTS (TO CITY OF Orthrosanthus polystachyrus & SIGNAGE & BUILDING caesia) FOR ENHANCING Lawn requires lots of water and GRASS TREE RUBBISH BIN STORAGE

BUSSELTON DETAILS) WITH STAGE 2: FUTURE DESIGN COMPACTED GRAVEL HIGH STREET HIGH LOW NUTRIENT DEMONSTRATION GARDEN Patersonia occidentalis)TO CAPTURE from theVISUAL collected AESTHETICS water. ALONG 0 2 4 6 8 10m Hypocalymmaoutdoor augustifolium activities. Calothamnus sanguineus Leucophyta brownii Melaleuca incana nana (Xanthorrhoea preissii) 1. Utilising application local of native fertiliser to tree thrive, and so shrubs which are well suited to the local INFORMAL COMPACTED STORMWATER RUNOFF AND ENHANCE ELEMENTS HIGHLY VISUAL FRONT S Hypocalymma robustum LOW GROWING NATIVE PARK BENCH SEATING Orthrosanthus polystachyrus Patersonia occidentalis RETAIN GRAVEL ACCESS PATH GROUND WATER RECHARGE EXISTING FOOTPATH VERGE AREA TURFby (REJUVENATED) reducing the total area of lawn, ENTRANCEGROUNDCOVERS4. Reducing REQUIRING the total area of lawn EXISTING soils and climatic conditions. TheyEXISTING are BOLLARDwater efficient and require MINIMAL MAINTENANCE SO WON’T BUSSELTON COMMUNITY & YOUTH CENTRE Metrosideros and replacing it with suitable local the overall amount of nutrients is VEGETATEDIMPINGE MOUNDON FOOTPATH (Conostylis COARSE GRIND NATIVE excelsa minimal fertilising, if any. REDIRECTION OF STORMWATER LEGEND spp.,native Anigozanthos trees spp.)and shrub planting.MULCH reduced. Careful consideration PERMANENT BANNER LOW GROWING NATIVE LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN (REV A) JUNE 2013 BY JOSH BYRNE & ASSOCIATES PLANTING TO ENABLE VEGETATED SWALE - HELPS TREAT needsPROPOSED to TREESbe made to ensure POSTS (TO CITY OF SWALE PLANTED WITH NATIVE SEDGES STAGE 1: PROPOSEDCLUSTERS WORKS OF ORNAMENTAL SURFACE STORMWATERLawn requiresRUNOFF ONSITE lots of water2. Utilising and course grade second grind native mulch and organic soil & RUSHES (Ficinia nodosa, CLEAR SIGHTLINES TO GUM TREES (Eucalyptus BUSSELL HIGHWAY BUSSELTON DETAILS) WITH application of fertiliser to thrive, so adequateHypocalymma lawn is augustifoliumstill providedCalothamnus for sanguineus Leucophyta brownii Melaleuca incana nana INFORMAL COMPACTED Orthrosanthus polystachyrus & SIGNAGE & BUILDING caesia) FOR ENHANCING RUBBISH BIN STORAGE STAGE 2: FUTURE DESIGN COMPACTED GRAVEL amendments (i.e. no inorganic fertilisers etc.) not only help suppressLOW NUTRIENT DEMONSTRATION GARDEN GRAVEL ACCESS PATH Patersonia occidentalis)TO CAPTURE ELEMENTS VISUALLOW AESTHETICS GROWING ALONG NATIVE 0 2 4 6 8 10m outdoor activities. EXISTING FOOTPATH by reducing the total area of lawn,S PARK BENCH SEATING STORMWATER RUNOFF AND ENHANCE GROUNDCOVERSHIGHLY VISUAL FRONT REQUIRING Orthrosanthus polystachyrus Patersonia occidentalis Hypocalymma robustum GROUND WATER RECHARGE ENTRANCEMINIMAL MAINTENANCEVERGE AREA SO WON’T TURF (REJUVENATED)the overall amount of nutrientsweeds is but maximises moisture retention around the roots and IMPINGE ON FOOTPATH (Conostylis EXISTING BOLLARD BUSSELTON COMMUNITY & YOUTH CENTRE spp., Anigozanthos spp.) COARSE GRINDreduced. NATIVE Careful consideration LOW GROWING NATIVE VEGETATED MOUND insulatesREDIRECTION the OFplants STORMWATER during hot weather. Only native organic mulches MULCH SWALE PLANTED WITH NATIVE SEDGES PLANTINGLEGEND TO ENABLE CLUSTERS OF ORNAMENTAL needs to be made to ensure LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN (REV A) JUNE 2013 BY JOSH BYRNE & ASSOCIATES & RUSHES (Ficinia nodosa, CLEAR SIGHTLINES TO GUM TREES (Eucalyptus BUSSELL HIGHWAY should be used. VEGETATED SWALE - HELPS TREAT PROPOSED adequateTREES lawn is still provided for Orthrosanthus polystachyrus & SIGNAGESTAGE & BUILDING 1: PROPOSED WORKScaesia) FOR ENHANCINGSURFACE STORMWATER RUNOFF ONSITE Patersonia occidentalis)TO CAPTURE VISUAL AESTHETICS ALONG 0 2 4 6 8 10m outdoor activities. 3. Incorporation of vegetated swales helps to capture stormwater, STORMWATER RUNOFF AND ENHANCE HIGHLY VISUAL FRONT RUBBISH BIN STORAGE STAGE 2: FUTURE DESIGN COMPACTED GRAVEL LOW NUTRIENTHypocalymma robustum DEMONSTRATION GARDEN Orthrosanthus polystachyrus Patersonia occidentalis GROUND WATER RECHARGE ELEMENTS VERGE AREA S PARK BENCH SEATING increase groundwater recharge and also reduces the amount of water ENTRANCE TURF (REJUVENATED) EXISTING BOLLARD and nutrient run off into our waterways.BUSSELTON Local native COMMUNITY sedges and & YOUTH CENTRE COARSE GRIND NATIVE LEGEND VEGETATED MOUND REDIRECTION OF STORMWATER MULCH VEGETATED SWALE - HELPS TREAT PROPOSED TREES rushes are planted within the swales to assist with improving water STAGE 1: PROPOSED WORKS SURFACE STORMWATER RUNOFF ONSITE LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN (REV A) JUNE 2013 BY JOSH BYRNE & ASSOCIATES RUBBISH BIN STORAGE quality by stripping the nutrients from the collected water. STAGE 2: FUTURE DESIGN COMPACTED GRAVEL LOW NUTRIENT DEMONSTRATION GARDEN ELEMENTS S PARK BENCH SEATING ENTRANCE TURF (REJUVENATED) 4. Reducing the total area of lawn and replacing it with suitable local EXISTING BOLLARD BUSSELTON COMMUNITY & YOUTH CENTRE COARSE GRIND NATIVE native trees and shrub planting. Lawn requires lots of water and VEGETATED MOUND REDIRECTION OF STORMWATER MULCH applicationLANDSCAPE of fertiliser CONCEPT to thrive, PLAN (REV so by A) JUNEreducing 2013 theBY JOSHtotal BYRNE area of& ASSOCIATES lawn, the overall amount of nutrients is reduced. Careful consideration needs to be given to ensure adequate lawn is still provided for outdoor activities.

Designed by prominent garden experts Josh Byrne and Associates, this project was made possible by the South West Catchment Council, GeoCatch and the City of Busselton through funding from the Australian Government’s Caring for Our Country program and the Government of .

33 Growing local coastal plants

When to plant Planting is best done in the cooler months of autumn and winter. The ideal time to plant is after the first autumn rains when the soil is moist, and plants have ample time to establish roots before the warm weather kicks in.

Watering Water-in your new plants. Over the first summer they may need an occasional deep watering, but no more than once a week. After their first summer, they should cope on rainfall alone. Prior to severe heat waves, give your plants a thorough watering, so water penetrates deep into the soil.

Your aim is to establish strong, deep root systems which are water-efficient and drought tolerant. Over-watering leaches nutrients from the soil and creates excessive growth, less flowering and shorter-lived plants.

Be mindful of current water restrictions and the prescribed watering days allocated to your street or lot number.

Mulch & A layer of mulch added to your garden can reduce evaporative water loss gravels by more than 70%!1 Organic mulch keeps soil temperatures down, which benefits root density, suppresses weed growth, and helps to promote good soil structure and productivity.

Apply 5–10 cm of mulch or gravel, creating a bowl shape around the plant to help retain water. To avoid plant disease, keep mulch away from plant stems.

Phytopthora The introduced plant disease Phytophthora cinnamomi has devastating dieback effects on our native plants, including banksias. You can help reduce the spread and impact of phytophthora dieback on your garden by asking for dieback-free materials including soil, gravel, potting mix, mulch and plants: And of course, don’t spread dieback into the bush! 2

1 SA Department for Environment & Heritage – 2 South Coast NRM Coastal garden Guide- Albany, Denmark and Walpole

Fertilising Fertilisers are not usually needed with local native plants. If you decide to fertilise, seek advice from your local nursery, as products with high levels of phosphorus can harm some local native plants. You will want to avoid rapid growth that makes your local plants leggy, weak and short-lived. If anything, a low phosphorous slow release fertiliser applied once a year in spring should be sufficient.

Maintaining Pruning is beneficial for many local plants. Most species will appreciate your local a light trim to keep their shape, promote new growth and encourage plants flowering. Pruning is best done after flowering, usually late spring or early summer. Young plants can be pruned lightly and regularly. Older plants can be refreshed with a more extensive prune after flowering. Replace old plants that die or become straggly.

Potted local plants need a little more care than those planted out in gardens. Water your pot plants more regularly in summer, and apply a low- phosphorus fertiliser in spring and summer (check with your local nursery which product is best). Don’t over-apply fertiliser as it can harm local native plants. Some plants may need re-potting in the future.

Sustainable You can help the environment by using sustainable and locally sourced landscaping materials, and avoid materials taken from natural ecosystems, such as moss rocks, river stones, fallen logs and red gum mulch.

More More information on native gardens can be found from the Botanic information Gardens and Parks Authority, or from the WA Wildflower Society www.

For further information on building frog-friendly gardens visit

35 Sourcing local coastal plants

Unfortunately, not all nurseries in the Geographe Bay region stock local coastal plants. Refer to the details below or contact the South West Catchments Council on 9780 6193. Ask your local plant nursery for plants that are of ‘local provenance’ meaning native plants, endemic to the area, which are grown from seeds or cuttings collected from your local area, catchment or neighbourhood. These plants have adapted to local conditions, so are the best plants for your garden. In late spring-early summer, you can often place orders for plants with your local nursery in advance of collecting them in late autumn in time for planting. Placing advanced orders is recommended if you want large quantities of plants, or you do not want to be faced with using substitute and possibly less suitable or desirable species. Many growers are also able to supply plants for commercial orders such as councils, schools, other nurseries, industries and landscapers. Please note: Some plants may not suit all conditions, locations and soil types. Discuss your garden design and species list with your local native nursery.

Local Native The Tube Nursery - Blond St, Cowaramup Nurseries Ph: 9755 5509, [email protected] Geographe Community Landcare Nursery 366 Elizabeth Ave, Busselton Ph: 0429 644 885, [email protected] Boyanup Botanical Nursery Lot 14 Sth Western Hwy, Boyanup Ph: 9731 5470, [email protected] Nindethana Seed Service Useful resources

These resources are complementary to this guide. From picturesque images of our local coastline, to more in depth gardening resource material, they may provide further inspiration and information. Happy planting!

Internet South West Catchments Council GeoCatch Department of Environment and Conservation’s Flora base City of Busselton’s Nature Verge Wildflower Society of Western Australia Sustainable Gardening Australia Water Corporation

Books Coastal Plants: Perth And The South-West Coast Region – Elizabeth Rippley and Barbara Rowland, 2004. Western Weeds: A Guide to Weeds of Western Australia, 2nd ed - Hussey et al. 2007 Coastal Plants, a guide to the identification and restoration of plants of the Perth region – Kingsley Dixon, 2011. Find that flower, a colour guide to the wildflowers of the cape to cape track and Leeuwin- Naturaliste National Park - Jane Scott, 2009. Field Guide to the Wildflowers of Australia’s South West, Augusta - Margaret River Region 3rd ed - Jane Scott & Patricia Negus, 2013. Bushland Weeds, A practical Guide to their management - Brown, K and Brooks, K. Woody Weeds of the Cape Naturaliste to Cape Leeuwin Region – CCG 2009.

Acknowledgements Text: Claire Lock, Rural Solutions SA. South West Catchments Council gratefully acknowledges the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board for allowing their Coastal Gardens Planting Guide to be adapted for the Geographe Bay area of the South West Region. We also acknowledge and thank the following people who donated their images for this guide: Ron Sandercock, Doug Fotheringham, Nick Fewster Ben Moulton, Caroline Taylor, Tony Flaherty, Sharn Lucas, Bill Doyle, Mike Bayly, Jackie Miles, Cathy Willis, Ian Hackett, Forest and Kim Starr, Greg Hoskins, Barbara Harley, Adrienne Markey, Bill James, Jeremy Akerman, Jenny Stevens, Janet Dufall, Capes Catchments Group, Margaret Moir, Richard Clark, Blair Darvill, Deb Rooks, Brian Walters. This book would not have been possible without the information and advice provided by Richard Clark and Rod Cary and assistance from Lisa Massey, Gerard Mullen, Zac Webb, Mathilde Breton, Graham Sly and Josh Byrne and Associates. Thanks also to South Coast NRM, WA Wildflower Society and Greenskills for sourcing text in their Albany- Walpole Coastal Gardens Guide. This book has been produced by Blair Darvill, through funding from the Australian Government’s Caring for our Country and Government of Western Australia. Financial contributions were also gratefully received from the Water Corporation. 37 Bunker Bay to Dalyellup


Peppermint Bunker Bay Grove Beach

Dunsborough Busselton

Produced by: South West Catchments Council PO Box 5066 Bunbury, WA 6230 Phone 08 9780 6193

Printed on 100% recycled Australian-made paper

The advice contained in this publication is intended as a source of information only. While all due care has been taken in compiling this information, contributors to this publication do not guarantee that the publication is without flaw and therefore disclaim all liability for any errors or omissions, loss, damage or consequence which may arise from any information given in this publication.