EXHIBITG My Family TV- KLEI Program Schedule

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EXHIBITG My Family TV- KLEI Program Schedule EXHIBITG My Family TV- KLEI Program Schedule HAWAII TIME Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Time 12:00 AM 12:00 AM 12:30 AM 12:30 AM Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie Movie 1:00AM 1:00AM 1:30AM 1:30AM 2:00AM Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program 2:00AM 2:30AM Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program The Jewish Jesus 2:30AM 3:00AM Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program 3:00AM 3:30AM Paid Program Paid Program . Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program 3:30AM 4:00AM Doug Kaufmann Know The Cause Paid Program Paid Program 4:00AM 4:30AM Doug Kaufmann Know The Cause Paid Program Paid Program 4:30AM 5:00AM Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program 5:00AM 5:30AM Financial Solutions With Todd Coontz Paid Program . Paid Program 5:30AM Irs Supernatural 6:00AM Lighthouse Changing Lives Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program '6:00AM wlth Sid Roth 6:30AM Joshua 24:15 Paid Program Paid Program 6:30AM 7:00AM Native Ways Latitudes Native Ways Latitudes Native Ways Rhema Church Lighthouse 7:00AM lfs Supernatural with Sid 7:30AM Talk Story Hawaii Truly Plnoy Talk Story Hawaii Truly Pinoy Talk Story Hawaii New Zoo Review 7:30AM Roth Ariel & Zoey and Ell 8:00AM Curiosity Quest Ell Real Life 101 Ell Beta Records Ell Passport to Explore Ell New Zoo Review 8:00AM . Too Ell Legacy Church (Local) Mustard Pancakes Ariel & Zoey and Ell 8:30AM Beta Records Ell Mustard Pancakes Ell Monsters and Pirates Ell AJ Time Travlers 8:30AM Ell Too Ell 9:00AM Taste of the Southwest Latitudes (Local) The Jewish Jesus 9:00AM 9:30AM Distant Roads Truly Plnoy (Local) Miracles Do Happen 9:30AM 10:00 AM Doug Kaufmann Know The Cause Native Ways (Local) Paid Program 10:00 AM 10:30 AM Doug Kaufmann Know The Cause Talk Story Hawaii (Local) Latitudes (Local) 10:30 AM 11:00 AM Truly Plnoy (Local) 11:00 AM Daytime 11:30 AM Native Ways (Local) 11:30 AM Western Movie 12:00 PM Crosswords Talk Story Hawaii (Local) 12:00 PM 12:30 PM A Place In The Sun Road Classics 12:30 PM Designs For 1:00PM Garden Travel For Your Home Heart of Health Laura McKinzie Traveler Steel Draams 1:00PM Living The Great Ride 1:30PM Celebrity Bowling Reel Amlnals 1:30PM 2:00PM Insider Exclusive Insider Exclusive 2:00PM Highway to Heaven 2:30PM Box Office America'· The Country Vlbe 2:30PM 3:00PM Judge Roy Bean 3:00PM Crook and Chase Crook and Chase 3:30PM Shot Gun Slade 3:30PM 4:00PM I Married Joan The Country Vi be The Country Vi be 4:00PM 4:30PM Ozzie Harriet My Little Margie Trouble with Father Mr. and Mrs, North Robin Hood Inside Music Row inside Music Row 4:30PM 5:00PM Star Watch Highway to Fame 5:00PM Route66 5:30PM Jimmy Houston Outdoors That's Boating 5:30PM :00 p LEI ews LE News KLE ews LEI ews LE ews 6:05PM Latitudes Talk Story Hawaii Latitudes Talk Story Hawaii Latitudes Bill Cosby The Comedy Shop 6:00PM 6:30PM Truly Pinoy Native Ways TrulyPinoy Native Ways Truly Pinoy Bill Cosby The Comedy Shop 6:30PM 7:00PM Fam Team Latidues (Local) Latidues (Local) 7:00PM 7:30PM Life's Little Miracles Truly Plnoy (Local) Truly Pinoy (Local) 7:30PM 8:00PM TheNewZorro Native Ways (Local) Native Ways (Local) 8:00PM 8:30PM The Blll Cosby Show Talk Story Hawaii (Local) Talk Story Hawaii (Local) 8:30PM 9:00PM The Great Outdoorsman 9:00PM The Worlds Movin' On Crook and Chase Funny Business D'aVincl's Inquest D'aVincl's inquest l'"unniest Moments Treasure Hunters Road 9:30PM 9:30PM Show 10:00 PM Music Mix USA . Music Mix USA Music Mix USA 10:00 PM Friday Night Funnies 10:30 PM Music Mix USA Music Mix USA Music Mix USA 10:30 PM 11:00 PM Cisco Kid Cisco Kid Cisco Kid 11:00 PM Friday Night Orive·ln The Adventures of Black The Adventures of Black 11:30 PM. The Adventures of Black Beauty 11:30 PM Beauty Beauty 6/28/2012 EXHIBITH 04,> HvciOcU,L'J SY.!In-r,tH'EiF!St;R »WEDNESDAY 6/27/12 TODAY ' .... -~--·-····· - ·-········· CAROLYN Over the years I have your goal, and replace it .ling the silent treatment.~ ing your habits might be too tried to ignore the pouting, with the goal of being true to Then, greet any tantrums as big a job for you to be the HAX but l am basically a peace­ yourself. That is the only follows: (I) "Suit yourself." one who helps him break " keeper, and want to know if relatio~hip Do ·' way to get a to (2) nothing. his. You probably stand a there is a more amiable way work without bleeding one Silence and pouting could better chance with the guid­ to defuse the tension.­ of you dry. be what he grew up with: ance of a good therapist, but HowtoSayNo \Vhat he needs is for peo­ and learning healthier ways please know that if your Dear How: The way to ple to air their resentment could take a while, even boyfriend doesn't see the Woman can no longer say no is with the conviction before it's too late for hlm to with companions who know problem with his huffing and that you have every right to make amends. I've filled how to be kind, judicious puffing, then please see that ignore boyfriend's pouting say no. The best peacekeep­ columns on the ills of the and firm. Tf you, meanwhile; · there's no peace here to be • ers aren't the softest ones; silent treatment, but I'll con­ were raised to seek .condlia­ kept. That is, not unless you Dear Carolyn: l am guilty like going to the grocery they're the ones who are dense here: It invalidates tlon at all costs, then break- breakup. of occasionally resenting my store instead of out to din­ open to other viewpoints you. Tolerate it, and you in­ boyfriend because he does ner. Gel1erally I give in, but if while letting others kno:w validate yourself. not take it well when I say 1insist that groceries must there are lines they cannot So, give him a chance to Carolyn Hax, a columnist with the Washington Post. nms no. He pouts when I tell him be bought, he stops speak­ cross. see and fix the problem.. For Mondays, Wednesday.> and Fridays :Write her care of l want to do something ing to me and ieaves So, stop treating your e.xample: "I'd like to be able Utashington Post, Style Plus, 1150 15th & Nw, Washington, other than what he wants- abruptly. boyfriend's good mood as to go buy milk without get- DC 20071; or email her at wasbingtonpost.com. " MqVIES ;sPQi\~SA NEWS WEDNESDAY PRIMETIME ® -Broadcast ClJ -Oceanic Analog 0- Oceanic Digital HT- HaWalion Telcom JUNE 27, 2012 •-··--·:J•'J--R:H--:•:.Il'l--:~{1-~l:.ll'li-~Jjl:j_l--{1·:.11'1--ltit:{l--fi·:.II'J--Il~il.. C"i! KHON EJ 3 3 IKHON2 News !Wheel ci !So You Think You Can Dance r;t 'Meet the Top 20' (N) iHaw.\iii Bases !Two and Halfo IKHON2 News j:35lnside£d. r;t j:os BigBang 1;1 1:35 2'6M~ri r;i @ KITV lliJ 6 4IKITV4News jMet-Mothe~Q jTheMiddleQ jsuburgatoryo JModeroFam~;~ JModeroFam~;~ JFinaiWitn!!Ss(N) jKJTV4Newsat)llp.m.. o jNightlllieQ, ]:25Kimmei(NJ @. KFVE lliJ 5 S·ITMZ Q IHawaiiNews o !Burn Notice 9"Hot Property" !Burn Notice o 'Brotherly LO\Ie' · jHawali Nem Q JExtra·t;! JTMZ 9 jFami!y Guy o JKing-Queens o •I Paid Program r;t @ KGMB.O 7 7 jNews Now jThe Insider r;t jOogs in the City(N) !Criminal Minds r:;; "A Thin Line' jCSI o "TrendsWrt.h Benefits" !Hawaii Newsr:;; 1.:35 David !.etteimim o (Nl l:35lateShow C.i.J) KHET m 10 11 BBCNcws~;~ jPBSNcwsHourQ jleahey~;~ NatUre... jNova Nature'sGiants~;~"Camei"(N) jLongStciryo Leahey~;~ @ KHNL 9 8 8 NBC News 1;1 jEnt.Tonight Q S,'witilillln!iii:OJY!l1iilctr!ai~'~:S,'>. ,. America's Got Talent 1;1 (N) Hawaii News Q Tonigh~ Show J. Leno r;t {N) LateNight (NJ Q!) KWHE. m 11 14 Magnum, P.l. o "The Look" Hawaii 5-0 Q "F.O.S. Honolulu" Word ol life o jSumrall~;~ !The Harvest Show 9 life Today o Paid Program ~;~jTap In 1;1 Wisdom Keys Q C?ID KIKU. 11iJ 9 20 5:30 Express 1;1 jDoko Ga TV Soko Ga Shiritai o Mystery Theater 1;1 jPaid Program t;1 Windward jPaid.Program Q Paid Program Q I(][) KAAH g 26 25 Joseph P.rince 1;11End of Age o Praise the Lord Q 1Good News r;1 J!.· Duplantis r;1 jEaster Creflo Dollar ~;~j Praise the lord r;1 (;}2) KBFD 0 4 6 Paid Program Q (M) KPXO fiJ 27 jCold Case 9 "The Promise'' NEWS CNBC @) 116 176 Biography jAmer. Greed "Crash for Cash" Worldwide Exchange o CNN m 113172 Piers"'Morgan TonightQ 'TA"~de-rs-on_C_oo_p_e_r_3_6_0,...1;1---+--~--'-'---=--+-:--.=---,-'-,.-:--.....;o.--l--:-----:=:-,-'- Early Start ~SPAN @it 59. 51 Key Capitol Hill Hearings --~-· m-109178 ilanlihy---·---- Oritiie'ReCOrdQ___ The F~-.--·--------'Red Eye With Greg Gutfeld o FOX & Friends First MSHBc fill) 107 175 The Rachel Maddow Show o The last Word ~;~ IHardball With Chris Matthews r;1 The Ed Show Q The Rachel Madoow Show o First Look 1;1 )way Too Early i SPORTS ~ ESPM EJ 222 70 Sp.ortSCenterQ .
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