in comparing the specimen at Kew Herbarium and Sebastine, Regional Botanist, Southern Circle for all to Rev. Fr. H. Santapau, S.J., F.N.I., for the Latin the facilities. We thank Shri A. Basu, Botanical translation of the description and for the facilities Survey of India for all his help with the literature. and help. We are also thankful to Dr. A. S. Rao, Regional Botanist, Eastern Circle and to Dr. S. K. Mukerjee, Keeper, Central National Herbarium foi G. V. SUBBARAO AND G. R. KUMARI sending the specimens on loan and to late Dr. K. M. Botanical Surv:y of India, Coimbatorr


C. B. Clarke, while working on the able difference of opinion with regard to generic (Compositae) of India (Comp. 2nd. I I I, 1876) des- disposition of the subtribe of the cribed Awhalis cutchica on the basis of a single Asteraceae whose genera are very indistinctly specimen collected by Dr. Stoliczka from Kutch, separated, the limits being often more or less which form the semi-arid tract of India. Hooker arbitrary. in Flora of British India (3 : 284, 1881) retained For i~rrtherdetails; capitula of a few species be- cutchica C. B. CI. as a distinct species longing to Anaphalis; Gnaphnlium and with a note, however, expressing his doubt about the wete examined both at BSI Herbarium, Poona .'and retention of the species under the Anaphalis by Mr. W. C. Jeffrey in 1961 at Kew and subse- DC. Though he could make out the difference in quently by the senior author in 1964 at Kew and the involucre of this taxon in comparison to that of the taxon concerned agrees to some extent with other species of Anaphalis, due to insufficient mate- Gnaphalizim luteo-album Linn., G. l!liginosum rial available for his study (in fact only one speci- Linn., Leontopodizrm alpinum Cass., Helichrysum men as indicated above) no final opinion could be orientale (Linn.) Gaertn., H. buddleioides DC. and given by him on this issue. Since Dr. Stoliczka's H, apiculatum D. Don. However, Leontopodium collection during 1862-1868 (during which period is only doubtfully separate from on he made botanical collections in India as indicated mainly vegetative characters. Gnaphalzunz is, how- in Flora Malesiana I, Ser. I : 508, lg~o),no collec- ever, considered distinct from Helichrysum on tions of this taxon were made by any other workers the basis of containing more female florets than until the field parties of Botanical Survey of India bisexual ones per capitulum. But, as Hedberg started exploration work in Kutch area from 1956. (Afro-alpine ,vascular , 366, 1957) has There is, however, one specimen collected by 1. indicated, this distinction is unreliable and it Indraji as early as 1918 from Bhuj area, but the may be quite appropriate that the two genera specimen was identified as Gnaphalium luteo-album are united after a thorough revision based on wide Linn. Now on the basis of profuse collections from range of material. However, Helich'rysum and different parts of Kutch and from Northern Sau- Gnaphalium could be separated at present on general rashtra coasts, the study on the taxon has been morphological characters. Further analysis of taken up with a view to examine the correct iden- Anaphalis cutchica, covering the form, disposition, tity of the genus. While analysing the characters colour and texture of its involucral bracts besides in relation to those of closely allied genera like other characters, indicates that this taxon seems to ~naphalium,Leontopodium and Helichrysum, a be closely allied to some species of Helichrysum few species of the respective genera .have been than with %anyspecies of Gnaphalium. It also ap- examined and the co-operation of the Kew herba- pears to be some-what allied za tropical African rium was sought for clarifying certain ambiguous species Helichrysum glumnceum DC, and also to pints connected with the characterstic features of a few Middle-east species but clearly distinct from the genera concerned. There is, however, consider- them as verified at the Kew Herbarium. SH6RT C~MM~I~TI~NS: BULL. BOT. SURV. INVrA VOL. I 0(2), I 968

Loi' mm. 7

H~lich~ysumculchicurn (C. B. Cl.) R. Fao et Deal,. ]Figs. 1-11 : 1. Entire . 2. Idorescende with severalheads. 3. Single head with series of brgcts, 4. Outer bract (inside). 4a. Outer bract (outside). 5. Inner bract (inside). 5a. Inner bract (outside). 6. Bisexual Aower. ' 7r.A fkw hairs of pappus united at base. 8. Female flower. 9. Androecium,. 9a. Anther with lower part caudate. 10. %oecium. 11. Achene: SHORT COMMUNICATIONS : BULL. BOT. SURV. INDIA VOL. 10(2), 1968 227

The distinction among the three genera Anupha- ovate-oblong, slightly longer than the outer, both lis, Helichrysum and Gnaphaliurn are presented outer and inner transparent, glabrous inside and below briefly : with small, oval, white-cottony hairy patch at the ------bottom on outside. Female florets on periphery Anaphalis DC. Helichrysum Mill. Gnaphalium Linn. only, papillate, fertile, few, usually 6-7 ; corolla corr. Pereoon ----A- ---- smaller, fragile, filiform, minutely tootlied ;- style uniform with two arms of stigma at top ; ovav 1. All bisexual All bisexual Less than half florets-sterile florets-fertile bisexual florets- finely hairy. Bisexual florets at the centre only, fertile papillate, fertile, slightly more in number, usually 2. Female florets- Female florets- Female florrts- 8-10 ; ccxolla larger, 3-toothed, trumpet-shaped ; multi-seriate uni-senate, rarely two- multi-seriate stamens 5, syngenesious, anthers sagittate, lower two-seriate part of lobe slightly caudate ; style slender with 3. Style with slightly Style with two Style wid two short two arms of stigma at top and slightly swollen at notched stigma arms of stigma arms of stigma base ; ovary finely hairy. Achenes oblong, verru- 4. Pappus hairs- Pappus hairs~bar- Pappus hairs-scab- cose; pappus hairs uniseriate, barbellate, connate scabrid, free at bellate or plumose, rid,slightly thickened the base connate at the base at, the base, free or at base. connate at the base Specimens examined : KUTCH: On the bank of river Khatrod, near Jandaria hill, Bhuj, 1. Zndraji s.n. on 1-10-1918; ~undra-~andvi,lain I 1744, on The various characters found in Anaphalis cut- 3-2-1937 ; Dhinodhar, Jain 46964, on 20-10-1958; chia C. B. C1. are identical with those of the genus Kata Dungar, Jain 61828, on 7-4-I&; near lake Helichrysum. It would, therefore, be most appro- Bhorasar, Bhuj, RoEZa Rao 103097, on 2891964 ; priate that Aryaphalis cutchjca C. B. C1; with the St6wer s.n. in 1958. SAURASHTRA: Byet island, off prksent taxonomic unckrstanding of Gnaphalieae the northern coast of Saurashtra, near' Okha, Ansari should be transferred from Anaphalis DC. to Heli- 54265, on 2e12-1959; Bet Dwarka, off the northern chryszim Mill. corr. Persoon, a conserved generic coast of Saurashtra, near Okha, Rolla Rao toz8g2, nanie. [vide: Jnt. Code' -~ot,Nomenclature, 318, on 23-9-I 964. rg61-H~lichrysrtm P. Miller, Gard. Dict. Abr. ed. Distribution : From the material so far available 4;. 1754 (original spelling "Elichrysum," the first it is evident that the species is mostly confined to orthographic variant based on the same type) corr. the semi-arid region of Gujarat State, particularly Persoon, Syn. PI. 2: 414, Sep. 18071. Kutch and northern coast of Saurashtra adjoining- Kutch. It would be -of considerable intereit if the Helichrym cutchicum . (C. B. Cl.) R. Rao et Desh.. species is recorded further north and south of the. comb. nov. present range of distribution along the arid zone of Anaphalis cutchica C. B. C1. Comp. Ind. 111, India and Pakistan. 1876 ; Hooker f. in F1. Br. Znd. 3 : 284, 188I. Plant diffuse herbjr about 40 cm high, clothed ACKNOWL6DGEML;NTS with. white; cottony, adpressed hairs. , Roots with t'~root pt~%ent, about 'ro-~~,,cmlong. Leaves The authcirs are thankful to the Director, Royid sessile, oblanceolate or linear, white-tornentose be- Botanic -Gatden, Kew for giving facilities for study neath but with hose, cottony hairs on upper sur- at Kew Herbariilm by the senior author and to face, cm lhg,, i-10 cm broad. Inflorescence Mr: W..C: Jaffrey, Kew Herbarium for his valuable multiple head: terminal, very rarely axillary, very opinion, on the subject and to Dr. H,Santapau, shortly branched at tip in cymose pattern with heads for encouragement 'and facilities provided for &is grouped in cluster ; peduncle 2-15 cm long, rarely work. uptd i-$' tfi; 'Heads;~hite* &isiening, he~erogim- ous ; involucral bracts, many seriate, scarious, outer ROLLASESHAGIRI RAO AND U. R, DESHPANDE smaller, ovate, irregularly. toothed at tip, inner ~otanical'~urvq of India, Poono