the Inside this issue: Norwegian A tongue-in-cheek look at how to live your most “hyggelig” life american story on page 11 Volume 128, #23 • December 1, 2017 Est. May 17, 1889 • Formerly Norwegian American Weekly, Western Viking & Nordisk Tidende $3 USD Little back in big Norway

What’s inside? Nyheter / News 2-3 Alle reiser er ein Victoria Hofmo « Business 4-5 omveg heim. » , N.Y. Opinion – Herbjørn Sørebø 6-7 Sports 8-9 In May 2015, this publication wrote about the pos- the intricate carvings that grace this wooden wonder. I sibility of moving the Norwegian Building, construct- had the opportunity to interview Kvaale about Project Research & Science 10 ed for the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair, back to Norway. Heimatt (going home) and the future of Little Norway. Arts & Entertainment 11 Two and a half years later, I am happy to report that it Taste of Norway 12-13 has become a reality. Victoria Hofmo: How did you find out about your Norway near you 14-15 The building has had quite a few moves. The first grandfather’s involvement with this stave church? was from Norway to Chicago, followed by a stint in Olav Sigurd Kvaale: In 1970, I got a gift from my Travel 16-17 Geneva, Wisconsin, as a movie house for the uncle Anders Kvaale. This was a photo of the Norway Norwegian Heritage 18-19 Wrigley family. In 1935, Isak Dahle had the building Building in Chicago. The bottom text of the photo said Norsk Språk 20-21 moved to Blue Mounds, Wisconsin, where he created that his father, my grandfather Peder Kvaale, did the Fiction 22 Little Norway, with the stave church housing a collec- dragon carvings on the portal of the stave church pavil- tion of over 7,000 related artifacts. ion in the World’s Fair 1893. It stated it was produced Puzzles 23 Five generations of the Dahle family worked to at Strandheim Brug in and it was placed in Bulletin Board 24 keep Little Norway open, but in 2012 the attraction the garden of W. Wrigley. closed due to financial issues. Scott Winner, Dahle’s $1 = NOK 8.1493 great-nephew, was never able to re-open Little Norway VH: What made you go to the U.S. to see it? updated 11/27/2017 and put the property up for sale. OSK: Ten years ago I was told that the Norway Build- The driving force behind the salvation, restora- ing was due to expire in Wrigley’s garden. I thought In comparison tion, and reconstruction of the building is Olav Sigurd 10/27/2017 8.1817 Kvaale, whose grandfather was responsible for many of See > little norway page 19 05/27/2017 8.3801 11/27/2016 8.5868 The Norway Building being assembled in its new home. Photos courtesy of Olav Sigurd Kvaale 2 • December 1, 2017 Nyheter fra Norge theNorwegianamerican Nyheter Europeisk musikkpris til Sigrid Åtte av ti politifolk ønsker å bære våpen fast Sigrid ble tildelt den I en ny undersøkelse fra Politihøgskolen svarer 80 prosent av politifolkene at de internasjonale EBBA- ønsker å bære våpen. I 2011 svarte kun 20 prosent ja. Politihøgskolens forskere prisen 22. november har spurt medlemmer i Politiets Felles­ Tom Arne Moe et al. forbund om politifolk alltid bør bære NRK våpen i tjenesten og har fått 5.000 svar, skriver Politiforum. Etter at 60 prosent EBBA hedrer ti nye artister eller grup- svarte nei og bare 20 prosent svarte ja per som har nådd publikum utenfor sitt eget på samme spørsmål i 2011, har vinden land det siste året. Bokstavene står for Euro- snudd. Nå sier hele 80 prosent ja til be­ pean Border Breakers Awards. væpning, mens kun 15 prosent sier nei. — Dette er veldig stas og veldig kjekt, I mars konkluderte Bevæpningsutvalget sier en glad Sigrid til NRK. med at politiets våpen fortsatt bør ligge Det er tredje året på rad at en artist innelåst i bilen. Kun tre politimestre er med base i stikker av med den høyt­ uenige, men forskerne mener utvalget har hengende prisen.­ sett for lite på hvordan politiet selv opp­ I fjor mottok Alan Walker EBBA. Året lever hverdagen. — Man må spørre seg Foto: Aleksander Båtnes / NRK før mottok også Aurora hedersbevisningen. Sigrid Raabe synger under Sommerfesten på Giske. hvorfor politifolk ønsker å bevæpne seg. Det var på direkten i P13-programmet Det er ikke fordi de vil bære våpen for «Stjernepose» programlederne Tor-Otto våpenets skyld, legger en av forskerne, Mjelde og Kjartan Ericsson kom med den ­­— Det har vært masse reising og festi- coverversjon av Leonard Cohen-låten «Ev- Bjørn Barland, til. Politihøyskolen har overraskende nyheten. valer. Låtslipp og EP-slipp. Samtidig må jeg erybody Knows» hentet fra musikken til fil- også gjort en generell meningsmåling, der Sigrid selv trodde hun bare var gjest i få lov til å skryte litt av teamet mitt og bandet men «Justice League». 49 prosent er mot og 46 prosent er for fast programmet, og visste ingen ting om prisen mitt. De er helt fantastiske! ­— Jeg skulle jo se den uansett, men det bevæpning. Politiets sikkerhetstjeneste på forhånd. I Storbritannia ble låten BBC Radio 1 blir jo litt ekstra spesielt nå. (PST) har anbefalt at politiet bevæpnes, — Prisen betyr jo at jeg og teamet mitt sin “Hottest Record in the World” og er også Den formelle utdelingen av EBBA- fordi de mener trusselbildet har endret seg må ha gjort noe riktig. streamet mer enn 37 millioner ganger. prisen skjer under en seremoni i Groningen i de siste årene med jihadistisk terror på eu- I EBBA sin omtale står det blant annet at Hun blir å se på Nobelkonserten den 11. Nederland 17. januar. Showet ledes av Jools ropeisk jord. Også fagforeningen Politiets Sigrid har en kraftig og allsidig stemme og at desember, mens en USA turne er kansellert. Holland og Sigrid skal opptre. Fellesforbund er for fast bevæpning. hun er født til å være en popstjerne. Neste år kommer også debutalbumet. (Aftenposten) Etter at Sigrid fikk sitt store gjennom- ­— Det er mye å gjøre, men det er jo English Synopsis: Norwegian singer and songwriter Sigrid was announced as the winner of the prestigious «» skapte kaotiske tilstander brudd med låten «Don’t Kill My Vibe» i vår verdt det. har den unge artisten hatt et travelt år. Akkurat nå er Sigrid aktuell med en European Border Breakers Award on Nov. 22. Det amerikanske handelsfenomenet Black Friday ser virkelig ut til å ha fått fotfeste i Norge. Mange sto i kø i flere timer 24. november utenfor Norwegian Outlet for å Flere soldater dør i Norge sikre seg noen kupp. I fjor handlet nord­ Vant 341 menn for 3,3 milliarder kroner bare på Black Friday, ifølge Virke. Det er nesten Men det er fortsatt det dobbelte av en vanlig dag i november i gjennomsnitt. I år anslår de at nordmenn ti ganger så farlig å vil handle for mer—3,4 milliarder. Black millioner være soldat i Afghan- Friday skjøt for alvor fart i 2014 og 2015 med godt over 50 prosent økning i omset- Oslokvinne slår istan som i Norge ning, ifølge Virke. I fjor var økningen på i dermed rekorden for overkant av ti prosent. Julie Anda Hovland (David Skovly, NRK) høyeste vinnerbeløp NRK

Vinmonopolet skal åpne syv nye utsalg i Vikinglottos historie 21 år gamle Hågen Skattum mistet liv- Styret i Vinmonopolet har besluttet å åpne et under en sprengningsulykke på Mauken butikker i i , Digerneset i Magnus Braaten skyte­felt i Indre Troms den 27. oktober. Skat- Skodje i Møre og , Sand i Sul- VG tum var sersjant i sitt første år i Hæren, og dal i Rogaland, Hovden i Bykle i Aust- ulykken skjedde under et sprengningskurs i Agder, Porsgrunn i , Sætre i Det nøyaktige vinnerbeløpet er nærheten av militærleiren Skjold. Hurum i Buskerud og Moss i Østfold. 341.285.000 kroner. Skattum er én av de 19 soldatene som — Vi er veldig fornøyd med å ha funnet Da Norsk Tipping ringte 15. november har mistet livet i Norge i perioden år 2000 og syv flotte steder å åpne butikk neste år. kveld, hadde ikke kvinnen rukket å sjekke frem til i dag. Foto: Fride Sørensen / Forsvaret Listen er en god blanding av små, mel- kupongen sin ennå. I samme tidsperiode har 18 soldater Flere norske soldater dør hjemme enn i strid. lomstore og store butikker. Fire kommer ­— Hun var ikke klar over hva som dødd eller blitt drept under risikofylte opp- i distriktskommuner uten pol fra før, og hadde skjedd, men hun hadde lagret num- drag i tjeneste, de fleste av dem i Afghani- vil ytterligere bedre tilgjengeligheten til meret vi ringer fra, så hun kunne se at det var stan. Det viser nye tall NRK har fått innsyn i. — Det er et dilemma, skal man trene på Vinmonopolet i distriktene. Vi prioriterer fra Norsk Tipping. Da min kollega fortalte Ettersom det er langt flere soldater som en måte som gjør at soldater har kampevne, også folkerike steder med mye handel, henne hva beløpet var, ble hun uansett helt tjenestegjør hjemme enn i utlandet, har Fors- så må man trene på risiko. Men man må være sier administrerende direktør Hilde Britt satt ut, sier pressekontakt Atle Onsrud Jen- varet regnet på risikoen av å være soldat i klar over hvilken risiko det er og jobbe alt vi Melbye. Vinmonopolet ønsker å åpne sen i Norsk Tipping til VG. konfliktområder kontra det å være i første- kan for at det ikke skal skje noe galt. butikkene i løpet av 2018. På Hovden i Han og flere kolleger har akkurat gjort gangstjeneste i Norge. ­— Vi mener at vi har veldig gode sys- Aust-Agder planlegges det noe helt nytt, seg ferdige med den nesten 30 minutter lange Gjennomgangen viser at det er ti ganger temer for å sikre at folk får den opplæringen nemlig pol med sesongdrift. Her blir det samtalen med rekordvinneren når VG ringer. mer risikofylt å tjenestegjøre i Afghanistan de trenger. Men det er vanskelig å på forhånd mulighet for utvidede åpningstider­ i høy- ­— Hun sa det kom til å bli en jul litt ute- enn å være i førstegangstjeneste i Norge. tenke seg til absolutt alt som kan gå galt. Det sesong, mens det i lavsesong kan være nom det vanlige. Umiddelbart så hun for seg Avdelingsdirektør i Forsvarsstabens treffer veldig tungt når det skjer ulykker, og stengt i perioder. — Med vellykkede er- ny bolig og ny bil, men dette er selvsagt nytt styrings­avdeling og tidligere HMS-direktør i vi er veldig opptatt av å lære av feilene som faringer fra Hovden vil vi kunne åpne for henne. Hun går i samtaler med våre råd- Forsvaret Eigil Gulliksen understreker at det skjer. Vi får ikke risikoen helt ned til null, men flere slike butikker i årene fremover, sier givere i morgen, sier Onsrud Jensen. er langt flere nordmenn i tjeneste i Norge enn vi vil ha den så lav som mulig, sier Gulliksen. Melbye. Ved utgangen av 2018 vil Vin- i utlandet. monopolet dermed ha 340 butikker, og 91 Se > Vikinglotto, side 21 — Man nå skille mellom absolutte tall Se > Soldater, side 21 prosent av landets befolkning bor i kom- og relativ risiko. Det er mye større risiko for muner som har eget Vinmonopol. English Synopsis: An woman won 341 million å dø i tjeneste i utlandet enn det er i Norge. English Synopsis: More Norwegian soldiers die in (Aftenposten) kroner on Nov. 15, breaking the record for the highest Men det er ikke risikofritt å være i tjen- service in Norway than abroad, but it is still 10 times amount ever won in the history of Vikinglotto. este i Forsvaret, påpeker Gulliksen. more dangerous to be a soldier in Afghanistan. theNorwegianamerican News December 1, 2017 • 3 Vigeland sculptures hunting This week in brief Earle Hyman, Grandpa Huxtable on The suspended Cosby Show, dies at 91 Earle Hyman, the admired stage, televi- fair game, EU rules Norway’s are sion, and film actor best known for play- ing ’s father on The Cosby Oslo’s famous Angry temporarily safe while Show, has died. He was 91. court investigates Hyman played hundreds of Boy and Monolith times, appeared often on Broadway, and received a Tony nomination. He also ap- monuments are free to The Local peared on stages throughout Europe. Despite his many accolades in the be copied for profit Wolf hunting in areas outside of the ani- U.S. and worldwide, Hyman was perhaps mal’s designated protected zones has been best loved in Norway. suspended after the World Wide Fund for The Local An admirer of Ibsen, Hyman took a Nature (WWF) sued the state at Oslo Dis- vacation to Oslo in 1957, eventually be- Oslo’s famous Sinnataggen (Spitfire trict Court. came fluent in Norwegian, and owned or Angry Boy) and Monolitten (Monolith) The WWF’s suit against the Norwegian property in that country. monuments are free to be copied for profit state asked the court to examine Norwegian “The only place I’m a star in the true after the city’s municipality lost a bid to re- laws on control of wolf populations and to sense of the word is Norway,” he told the serve rights to Gustav Vigeland’s sculptures. suspend hunting in the counties of Østfold, Los Angeles Times in 1988. “There they The decision, made by the Norwegian Oslo, Akershus, and while investi- come to see me and hope the play is all Board of Appeal for Industrial Property gations take place, reports news agency NTB. right. I’m the only foreign actor and only Rights on November 13, has also been tried Oslo District Court announced its deci- black actor who performs in both Norwe- by the EU’s EFTA freed trade court with the sion on November 21. The decision will be gian languages.” same result, reports NRK. put into effect immediately, Christian Hill- (Staff / The Hollywood Reporter) The decision means that the sculptures Photo: Lisabethwasp / Wikimedia Commons mann, advisor for the Rovviltnemnda (Wolf can be freely copied by anyone for the pur- Vigeland’s Sinnataggen is over 70 years old—and Advisory Board) in the relevant region, told British anti-terror expert warns Norway pose of making profit. well out of copyright. NTB. Norwegian sculptor Gustav Vigeland, WWF environmental policy department over security against vehicle attacks who created the statues, was born in 1869 leader Ingrid Lomelde told the agency that Nick Aldworth, head of counter terrorism and died in 1943—over 70 years ago, mean- being sold. the organization was now looking forward to with London Metropolitan Police, has ing his own rights over the works have ex- “I completely agree with this verdict,” further examination of the issue by the court. voiced his concern over security against pired, writes NRK. Oslo Municipality has Inger Berg Ørstavik, associate professor at “Oslo District Court has taken an impor- vehicle attacks on Oslo’s Karl Johans unsuccessfully attempted to prevent this gate boulevard. resulting in unlicensed copies of the statues See > sculptures, page 6 See > wolves, page 6 Aldworth said that he “shuddered” when taking a walk along the Oslo thor- oughfare in September. “The road has a very long and clear passage where there could be catastrophic comings-together Vikings conquer Disney World between vehicles and people,” the secu- rity expert told newspaper VG. Aldworth visited Oslo in the wake of Disney World wants fatal vehicle terror attacks in Barcelona, to showcase artifacts Stockholm, and London earlier this year. “What the Westminster attack shows us from the NTNU is that prevention saves lives,” Aldworth told VG. Security measures including University Museum physical barriers are currently installed in the area around London’s Westminster Steinar Brandslet parliament. NTNU Gemini Oslo City Council leader Raymond Johansen said that new security initiatives A ninth-century sword, a magnificent in the Norwegian capital are just around drinking horn, a stunning hammer of Thor, a the corner. “Oslo must be a safe city to fearsome spearhead, fishing-related objects, live in, and it is important for the city and a horse rattle to keep trolls at bay and council to continually assess how this can scare the enemy are all items being offered best be achieved,” he told VG. for display at Disney’s Epcot Center. (The Local) “We’ve been working with Disney for Photo: Julie Gloppe Solem / NTNU 11 to 12 years now. This is the third exhibi- This buffalo horn, probably from the , may soon be on display at Epcot. Norway’s low population growth tion we’re preparing with them,” says Asso- continues ciate Professor Jon Anders Risvaag at Nor- A further reduction in immigration and wegian University of Science and Technol- tative recently visited the museum and com- symbolizes the warrior Odin and is from a small decrease in the number of births ogy (NTNU)’s Department of Archaeology mented, “I feel like I’m 11 years old again!” Talsnes in Midtre municipality. The resulted in low population growth in the and Cultural History, which is affiliated with Risvaag says he recognizes that feeling sword is relatively solid for being over 1,000 third quarter of 2017. the NTNU University Museum. himself. Although he has every reason to be years old, which is one of the reasons it’s ac- The population grew by 12,500 in The new items are scheduled to appear a bit blasé after handling many of the mu- tually allowed to make the trip to the U.S. the third quarter as a result of an excess in an upcoming show at the Epcot theme seum’s historical objects for 20-some years, But Disney didn’t have carte blanche in of births of 5,700 and net migration of park at the Disney World Resort in Florida. Risvaag still gets excited when he comes selecting objects from the museum’s digital 6,900, according to new figures. Norway has its own pavilion there. across something particularly special. collection. “We have some of the items on A total of 16,800 persons immigrated Now a new audience will be able to ex- exhibit here in the museum,” Risvaag says. to Norway in the third quarter, the lowest Odin the warrior perience this excitement. Epcot welcomes The brutal spearhead offered for the figure since 2006. The net migration has The final selection of items to be loaned more than 11 million visitors a year. About Disney exhibition is a reminder that some of more than halved since the third quarter has not yet been decided, but a number of four million of them visit the Norwegian pa- these artifacts weren’t used for particularly of 2012, when total immigration peaked objects are good candidates. The 1,000-year- vilion. at 24,000. During the same period, 9,900 old sword got a grin when a Disney represen- A sword to be included in the exhibit See > epcot, page 10 persons emigrated. A total of 15,100 children were born This issue’s news from Norway is brought to you through a partnership with: in the third quarter, the lowest figure since the same quarter of 2005. A total of 9,450 persons died. The excess of birth was therefore 5,700, the lowest since 2007. (SSB) 4 • December 1, 2017 Business theNorwegianamerican Business News & Notes Norway’s first platform to be remote- of working and interacting offer new possi- Drones for Norway operated from land bilities and advantages. On November 9, the opening of the Vale- (Statoil) North Dakota’s SkySkopes partners with mon control room was celebrated at Sandsli in Bergen. Valemon will be the first platform Norges Bank recommends removal of Friendly International Consult in Statoil’s portfolio to be remote-controlled oil stocks from GPFG benchmark index from land. In a Nov. 16 letter to Ministry of Finance, “This is a vital milestone for Statoil. Norges Bank recommends the removal of We have had land-based surveillance and oil and gas stocks from the Government control of offshore operations for a long Pension Fund Global’s benchmark index. time; however, the remote control of Vale- In the bank’s view, this will make the gov- mon marks one important step forward on ernment’s wealth less vulnerable to a per- our digitalization journey,” says Gunnar Na- manent drop in oil and gas prices. kken, head of the operations west cluster in “This advice is based exclusively on Statoil. financial arguments and analyses of the Valemon is designed and constructed government’s total oil and gas exposure for such remote control. Statoil has current- and does not reflect any particular view of ly no other platforms of this kind, but this future movements in oil and gas prices or solution will undoubtedly be considered for the profitability or sustainability of the oil other small and medium-sized platforms in and gas sector,” said Deputy Governor Egil the future, and remote control will be a cen- Matsen. tral building block. Since the establishment of the GPFG, “Most of our production will still be Norges Bank has, in line with the require- ments in the mandate, advised the Ministry carried out on large, manned platforms, such Photo courtesy of Friendly International Consult as Aasta Hansteen and the Johan Sverdrup of Finance on the GPFG’s investment strat- The agreement between SkySkopes and FIC was made during Norsk Høstfest, the Scandinavian festival platform, but for somewhat smaller plat- egy. The bank’s advice has largely been held annually in Minot, N.D., where the drones were also available for visitors to test fly. forms and fields it will absolutely be con- based on how changes in the investment sidered. First, we must gain experience from strategy can be expected to affect return Valemon,” says Nakken. and risk for the fund in isolation. The fund Molly Jones “Thanks to new technology and knowl- now accounts for a much larger share of the The Norwegian American edge, we can utilize the advantages of our government’s wealth than before and is an smaller, standardized building blocks that integral part of fiscal policy via the fiscal At the end of September, SkySkopes and It’s a mutual culture—Scandinavian heri- are combined differently from field to field rule. For that reason, in the strategy plan Friendly International Consult (FIC) agreed tage—and a mutual interest in an industry for optimal resource exploitation. We want for Norges Bank Investment Management on a partnership to bring U.S. drones to Nor- of UAS,” said Dunlevy in an interview with to combine the best technology, below and 2017-2019, the Executive Board states that way. The agreement was made during Norsk Your News Leader. above water, to find optimal solutions for in the period ahead, it will adopt a broader Høstfest, the Scandinavian festival held an- “Permissions in the country of Norway every project, thereby ensuring safer opera- wealth perspective when advising the min- nually in Minot, N.D., where the drones were are great for practice for our pilots being able tion,” says Nakken. istry. also available for visitors to test fly. to fly beyond visual line of sight because our Onshore remote control of the Valemon (Norges Bank) With the ultimate goal of making the na- country does not currently allow those oper- platform is one example of how new ways tional energy grid more reliable and efficient, ations. And it’s a way to bridge the Atlantic,” SkySkopes creates unmanned aircraft to aeri- he added. ally inspect energy infrastructure. Its large According to FIC, Norway will also fleet is also used for the oil and agriculture benefit from the partnership. “For us, espe- industries, security, and training certification. cially within oil and gas, and also electric- North Dakota has become a national ity—you know, the power lines, inspections, leader in the Unmanned Aircraft Systems and possibly also other areas. The need is (UAS) industry, and SkySkopes was the first just as much in Norway as it is in the U.S.,” startup in the state legally approved by the said Erling Dahl, chairman of FIC. Sealift Inc. Federal Aviation Administration to fly un- Their partnership with SkySkopes is not manned aircraft for business purposes. The the Norwegian firm’s first experience work- company is based in Grand Forks but recently ing with organizations in the Midwest, how- • Ship Owners • opened an office in Minot, a city considered ever. FIC has also developed partnerships to be a prime location for UAS operations be- with the Minot Area Development Corpora- cause of its rural setting and open skies. tion and the Midwest Chapter of the Norwe- • Ship & Cargo Brokers • “Minot represents a military-friendly gian American Chamber of Commerce. community and is the perfect staging loca- SkySkopes is no stranger to working with tion for flight operations in western North Norwegian partners either. In fact, at Høstfest • Steamship Agents • Dakota,” said SkySkopes President and CEO in 2016, the company announced a partner- Matt Dunlevy. ship with Robot Aviation, Norway’s most im- Friendly International Consult is a Nor- pressive UAS manufacturer, which also has wegian business development firm that helps its U.S. headquarters in North Dakota. SMEs add value through new relationships “SkySkopes is a highly skilled profes- and international networks. In addition to sional operator that has experience in flying building international relationships, FIC also single and multi rotor as well as fixed wing offers project development and management airframes. We see them as a national leader support. The firm has developed a knowl- that has many certifications. It is a company edge base and contact network around the we appreciate very much working together world—from Europe and the U.S. to China with,” said Per Kristian, CEO of Robot Avia- and Russia—to best serve their clients. tion. “This is essential—another relationship Within the next year or two, Dunlevy between the state of North Dakota and the plans to have the SkySkopes team visit Nor- city of Minot and the country of Norway. way.

Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (Nov. 27, 2017) Winners Losers Norsk Kr. 8.1493 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change Dansk Kr. 6.2533 I.M. Skaugen 2.03 12.15% Oceanteam 1.32 -8.97% 68 West Main Street, Oyster Bay, New York 11771 Havila Shipping 0.13 8.33% Thin Film Electronics 1.93 -8.10% Svensk Kr. 8.3027 Phone: (516) 922-1000 Fax: (516) 922-6526 Nordic Nanovector 79.60 7.64% Insr Insurance Group 6.80 -7.98% Islandsk Kr. 103.11 Fjord1 44.70 6.43% BW Offshore Limited 27.10 -7.19% E-mail: [email protected] Canadian $ 1.2756 Siem Offshore 2.10 5.00% Seadrill 2.55 -6.59% Euro 0.8403 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit theNorwegianamerican Business December 1, 2017 • 5 Lending eyesight through technology Mobile app connects the visually impaired with volunteers to provide quick assistance

Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway

During the official opening of Oslo In- novation Week this year, the Oslo Innovation Award 2017 was awarded to Be My Eyes, a free mobile app designed to bring sight to the blind and visually impaired. The company is a nonprofit organization with more than 35,000 users and 500,000 volunteers world- wide. The premise is simple: a blind or vi- sually impaired person who needs help with a daily task, such as reading the expiration date on a milk carton or the departure board at a train station, contacts a sighted volun- teer through the iPhone’s video chat and gets help immediately. The idea behind Be My Eyes came from Danish Hans Jørgen Wiberg, a 50-year-old furniture craftsman who started losing his vision when he was 25. At that time, he gave Photos courtesy of Be My Eyes up plans to take over the family dairy farm. Top left: The company’s brand image illustrates the concept. He studied philosophy, had a family, and Above: One example of how a visually impaired user can take advantage of the worked as an upholsterer in his wife’s fur- service—by getting help seeing expiration dates. niture shop. He also volunteered at facilities Right: The team behind Be My Eyes was honored with the Oslo Innovation Award for the blind and visually impaired. at this year’s Oslo Innovation Week. Technology was advancing and en- abled the visually impaired to do things once thought impossible. Wiberg heard from blind individuals to live more independent lives. seeking help. If they choose to accept the a good opportunity for the busy, modern in- folks that they used FaceTime, an iPhone vid- How does it work? When you log in to call, a live video connection is established dividual with the energy to help others. Lend eo-conferencing tool, to seek help with simple the app, the main screen displays a button between both parties. If a volunteer is un- your eyes to the blind! tasks from sighted people. But they also felt that reads, “Connect to first available vol- able to answer a call, someone else will step they were overburdening family, friends, and unteer.” If you need visual assistance with in as the call is automatically forwarded to For more information, or to volunteer with neighbors with their constant requests. something, simply tap this button. Be My other volunteers until answered. Most calls Be My Eyes, visit With the press of a button, the app estab- Eyes will call a sighted volunteer who speaks are answered within 45 seconds. Due to the lishes a live video connection between blind your language and establish a video connec- size of the volunteer network and sophisti- Rasmus Falck is a strong and visually impaired users and sighted vol- tion using your phone’s camera and both cated matching technology, the app enables innovation and entrepre- unteers. Every day, volunteers are lending participants’ microphones. The sighted vol- the user to request assistance in their native neurship advocate. The au- their eyes to solve challenges both big and unteer will explain the things that you point language 24 hours a day. Whether the user thor of “What do the best small. With more than half a million volun- your camera at. The volunteers are called at needs support distinguishing between house- do better” and “The board teers across 150 countries, the company has random and the technology matches based hold products, reading instructions, or solv- of directors as a resource grown to become the largest online communi- on language and time zone, so you never ing a technical difficulty, the volunteers will in SME,” he received his ty for the blind and visually impaired. The app need to worry about disturbing anyone! help. masters degree from the harnesses the power of generosity, technol- The volunteers receive a notification on According to the founder, it takes only a University of Wisconsin-Madison. He currently ogy, and human connection to allow impaired their smartphone that a Be My Eyes user is few minutes to help and the app is therefore lives in Oslo, Norway.

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Visit us at Custom jewelry in NAW silver and gold featuring Norwegian filigree, Nordic designs and Scandinavian gemstones by Debra Carus [email protected] 971-221-8151 6 • December 1, 2017 Opinion theNorwegianamerican An opinion column about current issues in < sculptures From page 3 Norway and the United States the University of Oslo’s Department of Pri- Join the conversation! vate Law, told NRK. No exclusive rights to On the EDGE works of art can be held once copyright has expired, she said. Why not veganism? The case has also become important in principle, since it is the first of its kind, and the EFTA ruling has added European interest in the verdict, she added. Maya Lindemann “Both Gustav Vigeland the sculptor and Oslo, Norway Vigeland Sculpture Park must be considered part of our cultural heritage,” the Norwe- There are many reasons why one gian Board of Appeal for Industrial Property should be vegan, may it be ethical reasons Rights said in its verdict according to NRK. and justice for animals, the environmental Vigeland was Norway’s leading figure impact of animal agriculture, or simply in his art form in the first half of the 20th the health benefits of a -based diet. century. According to the Vegan Society, “Veg- Oslo Municipality said that it took conso- anism is a way of living which seeks to lation from the fact that no other third parties exclude, as far as it’s possible and prac- would be able to secure rights over the works. ticable, all forms of exploitation of, and The municipality will not be taking the cruelty to, animals for food, clothing, or case further. “We have been given an out- any other purpose.” come over this question and take it into con- Personally, I changed my lifestyle Photo: Tore Kubberød / Bil Bolig Fritid Magasinet (BBF Magazine) sideration. We will now continue with what around two years ago. I met an inspiring The first vegan store in Norway opened in Moss in 2016. is most important for us—showing who guy in New Zealand who introduced me Vigeland the artist was,” Rina Mariann Han- to the concept of human kindness towards sen, a member of the municipality’s culture all living beings. It did not take much to point that veganism is more than a diet—it Due to a growing demand for vegan committee, told NRK. convince me that eating animals was not a is part of something bigger, and that requires products, the quality and range of goods good idea, and after watching a documen- awareness. Veganism is about compassion in supermarkets is steadily increasing. Ac- tary about the impact of livestock on our for all animals; it revolves around justice and cess to plant-based products is getting bet- < wolves climate, my decision was final. consciousness. But how can we, as humanity, ter and vegans have more variety in their From page 3 Since then I’ve gone through a long be compassionate with animals if we cannot diet. The challenge of cooking delicious process of self-development and self-re- even manage to be compassionate among our food without animal products seems more tant decision by stopping the ongoing wolf alization. The most valuable lesson I have own species? We are living in a world where manageable, and that will hopefully mo- hunt. We are now looking forward to the learned is that there is not one right way our clothes and mobile phones are produced tivate more people to join the movement. case going to court, where judges will decide to live your life and that human beings under the sweat of children’s hands. The same At the end of the day, it is on all of whether Norwegian wolf administration is in are beautiful and kindhearted creatures. way we fail to account for the costs of glo- us individually to make positive change. breach of Norwegian law and international However, meat and other animal products balization, we fail to make the connection Some people are realizing that things obligations,” Lomelde said. are a substantial part of the diet for many between animals and the meat on our plates. in our world are headed in the wrong The court itself stressed that suspension people around the world. Due to a lack Even though more young people are de- direction. So who is going to do some- of hunting remains temporary for the time of alternatives, people rely on consuming ciding to change their lifestyles, the concept thing about it, if not us? We all have the being. animal products to ingest the essential nu- of being “vegan” still seems very extreme to power, through our actions and consumer Five animals have been shot since the trients needed to survive. most people. In Norway eating meat is a big behavior, to influence the ones in power. beginning of the season in the four counties In Norway, things are a little differ- part of the culture, and in many households a One way to help is to go vegan—for the in areas outside of zones in which wolves are ent. Even though the cold climate makes meal without meat is not an option. Especial- animals, for your own health, and for the protected by law, NTB reports. it difficult to grow food for most of the ly for the older generation, the idea of going planet that gives us everything. WWF’s case is based on its argument year, globalization and Norway’s strong meatless does not make sense and may even that the animal is completely protected and economy are making it possible to im- be conceived of as unhealthy. How can we Maya was born in Ger- on Norway’s own list of critically endan- port nearly all types of food and products alter our thinking and become more open to many and left home gered species, the agency reported as the trial from anywhere in the world. Although we an alternative, more sustainable way of life? two years ago to travel began two weeks ago. have the opportunity to live a healthy life I am happy to say that more people in solo around the world. The Norwegian state is supported in the and eat a balanced diet without having Norway are becoming aware of the negative She currently lives in trial by the Norwegian Agrarian Association animals suffering for it, the majority of us impact animal products have on the environ- Norway undertaking (Norges Bondelag), which has argued that still make the decision not to abstain from ment and our health. I hope that this aware- a bachelor’s degree in halting wolf hunting would have adverse animal products. Why is that? ness will increase and that Norway and its cit- International Environ- effects on food production. The Norwegian It is important for me to make the izens can become a model for other countries. ment and Development Studies. Owners Association (Skogeierforbun- det) and Association of Hunters and Fishers The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of The Norwegian American, and our publication of those views is not an (Norges Jeger- og Fiskerforbund) also sup- endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. port the state in the case. G G ive a little... et a little!A gift for... Psst! The Norwegians can be so hard to Name: NA makes a buy for! But we have the perfect Address: great gift! solution. This , when you City/State/Zip: give a six-month subscription ($35), Email: From... we’ll give you a gift: one month

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Letters to the Editor theNorwegianamerican Published since May 17, 1889 Do you have something to say? 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline, WA 98155 Tel: (206) 784-4617 • Email: [email protected] Write to us at The Norwegian American, Letter to the Editor, 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline, WA 98155, or email us at [email protected], subject line Publisher Letter to the Editor. Letters may be edited for , clarity, or length. Ragnar Meyer-Knutsen Editor-in-chief Emily C. Skaftun [email protected] Assistant Editor / Nyheter, Business, The Scandinavian way A significant part of the U.S. budget each make a difference when it comes to transfer Sports, Travel year is to fund the Army, Navy, Marines, and of economic processes, in practice it doesn’t Molly Jones [email protected] Dear Editor, Coast Guard. Norway spends very little on seem to bother nations very much—think Opinion Editor In response to George Lakey’s article in the military, allowing them to provide health how many capitalist innovations have trans- Linn Chloe Hagstrøm [email protected] the April 21, 2017, issue on Viking Econom- care and education. They know the U.S. will ferred well to countries with very different Taste of Norway Editor ics (“Questions about the Scandinavian way,” be there if the need arises. sizes and cultures! Daytona Strong [email protected] The U.S. remains the beacon of freedom It’s very common among professions to Advertising tions-about-the-scandinavian-way): in the world and is the reason people flood use the approach called “best practices.” If I Rhonda Staton [email protected] There are several factors that must be our borders to get a taste of that freedom. run into a problem designing a bridge or tak- Subscriptions considered when comparing the U.S. and Sincerely, ing account of ecological change in manag- [email protected] Norway. Dennis Hillesland ing my farm, I look at what others are doing 1) The U.S. is a large country with 325 August, Ga. that seems to work for them, and I try it. That Contributors million within its borders. Norway has only common-sense approach is very widespread, Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. five million. Dear Dennis, whether we’re talking about dentists’ prac- Julia Andersen New York, N,Y. Tove Andersson Oslo, Norway 2) The U.S. has a very diverse popula- I’m no expert, so I asked Lakey to re- tices or governmental responsibilities. In my Patricia Barry Hopewell Junction, N.Y. tion with many nationalities and languages, spond to your letter. Here’s what he wrote: book I simply point out a number of “best Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. whereas Norway is very homogenous with practices” that have had big pay-off among Terje Birkedal Anchorage, Alaska M. Michael Brady Asker, Norway the same culture and language throughout. Your letter raises a number of reason- the Nordic countries, resulting in more indi- David Burke Skoppum, Norway 3) The U.S. has 50 states and the states able issues in relation to the possibility of vidual freedom than Americans have, more Daughters of Norway Members Various vary widely in their laws and regulations. the U.S. adapting the Nordic model for our democracy, more shared abundance, and Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway Norway has one central government. own use. As I was writing the book, I gave less inequality. If we want more of those re- Christy Olsen Field Seattle, Wash. 4) The cost of living in Norway is much talks about Norway to a variety of groups, sults, then like any sensible dentist or farmer Sunny Gandara Beacon, N.Y. higher than the U.S. They have a high indi- and since they raised similar questions, I we’ll try stuff out and see if it works. Heidi Håvan Grosch , Norway Rosalie Grangaard Grosch Arden Hills, Minn. vidual tax base in order to fund health care was able to respond to those in the book. You If we don’t want the results they get, we Kari Heistad Edina, Minn. and education. may enjoy reading the book, which contains can stick with our situation: the next genera- Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. 5) I shudder when I read the words “for more detailed fact-based responses. tion having less hope for a secure economic Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. Roy Jorgensen Hopewell Junction, N.Y the common good.” That phrase is used in Briefly, I’ll just say that the U.S. has life than we have; less democracy (scholars Ilan Kelman Agder, Norway socialist countries and it denotes government already adopted a number of Nordic struc- have just re-classified the U.S. to the status Michael Kleiner Philadelphia, Penn. control and less individual freedom. tures, to our benefit. In New Jersey, for ex- of “flawed democracy”); more hunger and Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. 6) The U.S. was founded on individual ample, public schools are benefitting from opioid abuse; shorter life spans; and more Lexi Seattle, Wash. freedom. This has allowed us to be a world anti-bullying practices that work quite well inequality and its accompanying polarization. Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. leader in creating small businesses and to despite cultural differences. Of course the We can stick with that and call it “Amer- Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. market new inventions. The more govern- U.S. has long benefitted from social security ican exceptionalism,” but the people I talk Christine Foster Meloni Washington, D.C. ment is involved with regulations and taxes, and Medicare and national and state parks with from coast to coast seem to want the re- David Moe Sun City, Calif. the less freedom we have as entrepreneurs. and other protections of nature, all of which sults that the Nordics gained and are willing Maria Stordahl Nelson Seattle, Wash. David Nikel , Norway 7) And perhaps the most important fac- work splendidly in Norway. New York City to borrow from them what works. Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. tor in this debate is the U.S. military. If Nor- and the state of California got big pay-off Sincerely, Barbara K. Rostad Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho way or another European country were at- from their use of free higher education, when George Lakey John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. tacked, the U.S. would rush to their defense. they had it, and of course Norway still has it Author of Viking Economics: How the Judith Vinje Los Angeles, Calif. and benefits mightily from it. While I agree Scandinavians Got It Right—and How Dianna Walla Tromsø, Norway that scale and cultural difference ought to We Can, Too Linda Warren Washington, D.C. Jo Christian Weldingh Oslo, Norway

The Norwegian American strives to make its Bing Yan Plano TX 10. desember news report fair and accurate. If you have a ques- Kenneth Andersen Mill Creek WA tion or comment about news coverage call (206) 5. desember Alan Bates Shelburne VT 784-4617. • The Norwegian American reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for style, Pauline B. Anderson Malden WA Christy Olsen Field Seattle WA grammar, accuracy, and/or space, and the right Kiersten Bugge Silverspring MD Mary Fromdahl Bellevue NE not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor Aidan Davick Chicago IL Mary Johansen Alta CA taste, or not suited for publication in this newspa- per. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers Loren Kraetz Arlington WA B. Pollestad Misbee ND and letter writers are not necessarily those of The Rita Reierstad Leskovar Atlanta GA Norwegian American, and our publication of those John Robert Loken Mobile AL 11. desember views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, 1. desember Kim Nesselquist Kenmore WA Olivia Hope Gooler Florida NY suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be John Brock-Utne Stanford CA directed to the editor-in-chief. • The Norwegian David Gaw Scottsdale AZ 6. desember 12. desember American (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 2473-1293) is Nikki D. Haglund Lauderhill FL Ted Foss Seattle WA Scott Hallgrimson Seattle WA published every other week except the first issue Albert Hendrickson De Land FL Anya Haugland Seattle WA Norman Hecimovich Austin MN in August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline WA 98155 Hans G. Nordby Boston MA Tony Ness La Conner WA Mary Ingebretsen Deer Park NY • Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, Wash. and John M. Winge Starbuck MN Ron Rolla Kennewick WA Ingrid Lepsoe Maple Valley WA at additional mailing offices. • POSTMASTER: Tom Taggart Seattle WA Please send address changes to The Norwegian American, 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline 2. desember 7. desember WA 98155 • Annual Subscription Cost: US $70 Catherine Sattlethight Frerichs Janet McKee Seattle WA 13. desember Domestic, US $94 to Canada, US $212 to Norway Harriman NY Carla Endahl Woonsocket SD and all other foreign countries. Betty Hegge Seattle WA 8. desember Benita Saatvedt Columbia City OR SINCE MAY 17, 1889. Formerly: Ingrid Blockhus Bremerton WA Wenche Stokkeland Florida NY Norwegian American Weekly 3. desember Susan Mikels Jorgensen Nanuet NY Margot Lee Zaretzka Castro Valley CA Norway Times / Nordisk Tidende, Bergljot Haglund Cambridge MD Betty J. Larson Eau Claire WI Western Viking & Washington Posten Barbara Monson Pine River MN Joanne Olsen Stockton CA 14. desember Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah-Posten Edwin Peterson Madison MN Sten Flaata Jaw SK Canada og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota John K. Sjong Seattle WA 9. desember Scott Mayfield Mobile AL Posten, Norrona, and Skandinaven Michael Berge Tukwila WA Mary Thornton Strongsville OH 4. desember Paul Grimsbo Lake Mills IA Joanne Thorvaldsen Philadelphia PA NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Harald Dyrvik Shanghai China Jan Simonsen Pullman WA Eric Winsor Manakin-Sabot VA Mike Frerichs Harriman NY Emily Syvertsen Madison CT

Want to see your birthday in The Norwegian American? Email [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617. Must be submitted one month in advance to guarantee placement. NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed away? Please notify us! 8 • December 1, 2017 Sports theNorwegianamerican The secrets to Norway’s Olympic success In Feed the Flame, Paul Stuart traverses Norway to learn what puts the country on top

Molly Jones The Norwegian American

It’s a well-known fact that Norway is the most decorated country in the Winter Olympics—the country has taken 329 winter medals, after all. With one medal for about every 11,000 people, Norway is also the na- tion with the most Olympic medals per cap- ita. But what is it that sets Norway apart? In a recent episode of Feed the Flame, a show produced by the Olympic Channel, host Paul Stuart aims to answer that very question. “I’ve come to Norway to find out what motivates the young athletes trying to keep the winning streak alive,” he said. He trav- eled around the country, meeting with indi- viduals from a variety of backgrounds and industries, to discover more about Norwe- gian athletes and the programs that fuel their success. Of course, nutrition plays a crucial role in any athlete’s success. To learn about the Photo: Harry How / Getty Images food that nourishes the country’s Olympians, Norway’s women (Marit Bjørgen, center; , left; and Kristin Størmer Steira, right) took all three medals in the cross country 30K mass start Stuart met up with Ina Garthe, the Head of free in the 2014 Winter Olympics. the Sports Nutrition Program at the Norwe- gian Olympic Sports Center. “With athletes, you have to hold them element of a healthy diet, another popular to continue to compete on a high level, stay- themselves in order to plan their own train- back. You have to make sure they are not staple is brunost. Talking with Hege Thorson ing in the top five all the way up to the Olym- ing programs. pushing the limits. They just want to do Nordskar, a farmer of the infamous brown pics. “Your motivation has to be 100 percent “The best feeling is that we have this everything. We are really concerned about cheese, Stuart asked if all Norwegian ath- because if you’re not doing your best, you freedom. To be out in nature and not inside their diet—that they are covering every need letes eat brunost. have no chance,” he says. Even though he a gym, for example. It just makes me smile. to maintain muscle mass and to keep them “Yeah, I think so. I think they need to already holds the world record, Fannemel It’s freedom for me,” said Maren Sagland, a full,” said Garthe. “Their performance will have it,” she replied. “They put it in a bag admits that taking individual medals at the young cross-country skier at the school who go down if they don’t manage to cover all and bring it to all the countries they go be- Olympics is his ultimate goal. dreams of becoming a world champion or their needs.” cause they need this brown cheese. Because The same is true for countless young Olympic champion someday. Garthe also explains that a specific pro- there’s lots of energy in it.” athletes around Norway. And many of these With a new batch of young athletes pre- gram must be developed for each and every To get a first-hand look at the experience athletes are gathered at the Meråker School paring to become Olympians, it’s no ques- athlete depending on their needs and their of one of Norway’s prominent winter ath- in Nord-Trøndelag, a school attended by one tion why Norway continues to dominate the sport. For example, a cross-country skier letes, Stuart met up with Anders Fannemel. fifth of Norway’s Olympians. At Meråker, Winter Olympics. consumes 10,000 calories per day—four The ski jumper holds the world record with students train outside every day from morn- “The nation’s pride, coupled with fierce times that of a ski jumper. a record of 251.5 meters, but right now his ing to lunch and then have lessons in the self-determination, is what makes the people Norway is also known for some unique focus is on the 2018 PyeongChang Olympic afternoon. They are expected to take an ac- resourceful and their athletes formidable,” foods that distinguish it from other countries. Games. tive, independent role in their own training concludes Stuart. In addition to an abundance of fish, a crucial In order to make the team, Fannemel has and must find out what works the best for The Little Viking Scandinavian GiftS a touch of in southern California Wishing our great 28465 Old Town Front St. #104, Temecula, CA 92590 customers a God Jul! (951) 676-6800 | [email protected] Open Mon - Sat 9:30am - 5pm 2709 SAN PABLO AVENUE BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA 94702 510.705.1932 email [email protected]

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Christmas is coming! Photo: UiO, Mantas Grigaliunas Please place your Norwegian Food order early ∙ [email protected] ∙ (800) 639-0058 theNorwegianamerican Sports December 1, 2017 • 9 Sports News & Notes Kristoffersen in second Olympics: Norway has most gold Norwegian victory. Swedish Calle Half- The Norwegian alpine ski racer is off to a medals from Sochi varsson took third. After the new Russian disqualifications (NRK) promising start in the World Cup season for doping, Norway is now the nation with the most gold medals from the 2014 Sochi Slopestyle Skiing: Braaten wins in Olympics. Bobsledder Alexander Zubkov Stubai was stripped of his gold medals on Nov. Øystein Braaten won the World Cup in 24, and therefore Russia took only 10 gold Slopestyle in Stubai, , on Nov. medals. Norway took 11. 26. He had the best score in both runs. In (NRK) the first run he took 88 points, and in the second run he increased it to 91.40. Evan Athletics: Warholm named world’s McEachran of Canada came in second. “Rising Star” of the year (NRK) Only one month after being named the male “Rising Star” of the year in Europe, Biathlon: Tarjei Bø wins at Sjusjøen Karsten Warholm received the equivalent Tarjei Bø led from start to finish and won award from the International Association comfortably on the sprint in the IBU Cup of Athletics Federations—as world’s male at Sjusjøen on Nov. 25, reports NTB. He “Rising Star” of the year. It happened dur- missed once in the standing position and ing the IAAF Athletes Award in Monaco. was 23.7 seconds ahead of Fredrik Gjes- “One thing is to become the best in bakk at the finish line. Europe. Another thing is to win the corre- (NRK) sponding award in the world,” he said. (Norges Friidrettsforbund) Alpine Skiing: Svindal comeback Finishing 32 hundredths behind Beat Feuz Cross-Country Skiing: Klæbo with resulted in a third-place finish for Aksel Photo: rom@nski photo / Wikimedia Commons Lund Svindal in Lake Louise, marking a Henrik Kristoffersen racing earlier this year. superb victory Johannes Høsflot Klæbo beat the world comeback from his injury. The Norwegian elite and took an impressive victory on the impressed greatly and was beaten only by sprint in Ruka, , on Nov. 24. Pål Feuz and Matthias Mayer. (NRK) Jo Christian Weldingh Golberg took second to secure a double Oslo, Norway

Henrik Kristoffersen was in the lead and parts of the hill, and I gambled a bit by using the favorite to win after his second run in the a new type of boot, but it didn’t really matter. season-opening World Cup slalom in Levi, Regardless, it felt good starting the season eliteserien Finland, on Nov. 12, but Felix Neureuther with a positive experience like this, especial- proved too strong. The German beating ly when the whole team performs this well,” Norway’s Premier League Kristoffersen with 0.37 seconds and second he said, referring to his teammates, Sebastian runner-up Swedish Mattias Hargin with 0.45 Foss Solevåg and Leif Kristian Haugen, who results Standings seconds. finished in seventh and 15th place, respec- Kristoffersen is a Norwegian World Cup tively. Foss Solevåg was especially happy 11/19 3 – 2 Sandefjord Teams PLD PTS alpine ski racer and Olympic medalist. He be- with his race: “Seventh place is better than 1. Rosenborg 30 61 came the first to win the three classic slalom all my slalom races last season, so I’m very 11/19 Lillestrøm 0 – 1 2. Molde 30 54 races in Adelboden, Wengen, and Kitzbühel happy today. Kicking off the season this well 11/19 Rosenborg 2 – 0 Viking in the same season—accomplished at age 21 gives me the confidence and stability I need 3. Sarpsborg 08 30 51 in January 2016. During this run, he became to perform my very best the rest of the sea- 11/19 Sarpsborg 08 1 – 0 Aalesund 4. Strømsgodset 30 50 the most successful Norwegian in the history son,” he said when interviewed in the press 5. Brann 30 47 11/19 Stabæk 1 – 1 Sogndal of World Cup slalom competitions. zone. 6. Odd 30 42 Kristoffersen seemed reasonably happy Last year Kristoffersen was in conflict 11/19 Strømsgodset 2 – 1 Brann 7. Kristiansund BK 30 40 with second place when interviewed after with the Norwegian Skiing Federation about the race. “I think it’s a good start. I’m very his personal sponsorship with Red Bull, a 11/19 Tromsø 2 – 0 Haugesund 8. Vålerenga 30 39 9. Stabæk 30 39 happy with second place. I have been sick conflict that resulted in him being suspend- 11/19 Vålerenga 2 – 0 Odd the last couple of days, so I haven’t been able ed from the first months of competition and 10. Haugesund 30 39 to prepare as well as I would have wanted, probably cost him last season’s slalom cup 11/26 Brann 2 – 2 Tromsø 11. Tromsø 30 38 but I don’t think I would have beaten Felix to longtime rival Marcel Hirscher. Hirscher 11/26 Haugesund 2 – 3 Kristiansund 12. Lillestrøm 30 37 today either way,” he said. was fourth after his first run in Finland but 13. Sandefjord 30 36 Kristoffersen was in third place after his had a terrible second run and ended up 11/26 Molde 2 – 2 Sarpsborg 08 first run, behind Neureuther and Dave Ryd- 17th, 1.32 seconds behind Neureuther. After 14. Sogndal 30 32 ing from Great Britain. Ryding would have breaking his ankle in August, Hirscher might 11/26 Odd 1 – 0 Rosenborg 15. Aalesund 30 32 taken Great Britain’s first-ever slalom vic- need some time to reach his usual level of 11/26 Sandefjord 1 – 3 Lillestrøm 16. Viking 30 24 tory, but sadly (for every Brit interested in performance. alpine skiing) he didn’t reach the finish line With last year’s conflict behind him, 11/26 Sogndal 5 – 2 Vålerenga in his second run. While the day ended with Kristoffersen had a great start of the season 11/26 Viking 2 – 0 Stabæk frustration and despair for Ryding, it was a in Finland. “It’s always fun to be here with happy day for Neureuther. Neureuther, who the guys. We’re skiing fast and that’s always 11/26 Aalesund 4 – 3 Strømsgodset recently became a father for the first time, cool. Now I’m going home to my girlfriend celebrated his very first father’s day with a and my dog. I miss my girlfriend the most, victory in Finland. but my dog is a close second,” he said with To read more about football in Norway, visit Kristoffersen, who is one of the biggest a smile. Norwegian medal favorites in next year’s Olympic Games, said he was quite happy Jo Christian Weldingh grew up in Lilleham- with both his own physical form and his new mer, Norway, but is currently living in Oslo. The Scandinavian Hour equipment. “Something was good and oth- He has a BA in Archaeology from The Univer- er things weren’t that good. I think I might sity of Oslo and a BA in Business Administra- Celebrating over 50 years on the air! be able to improve my skiing in the steeper tion from BI Norwegian Business School. KKNW – 1150 AM Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST Subscribe to The Norwegian American! Streaming live on the internet at: (206) 784-4617 • [email protected] 10 • December 1, 2017 Research & Science theNorwegianamerican Profiles of Norwegian science: Conference debates northern topics and disseminated by the media? These questions fit directly into the Ilan Kelman wider remit of the Arctic Circle conference. Agder, Norway The gathering exists to support exchange of ideas and to feature the Arctic globally while The annual Arctic Circle conference is bringing together all sectors for interacting set in Reykjavík. Every October, over 1,000 and learning from each other. researchers, practitioners, and policy makers The conference is cross-cultural, ensur- converge on the Harpa Concert and Confer- ing that Arctic indigenous cultures play a ence Center to debate all topics northern. central and defining role. Featuring a Polish This venue showcases Norwegian sci- Arctic Research exhibition, an evening of ence. One project is “Science and Business Japanese entertainment, and networking ses- in Arctic Environmental Governance” (POL- sions run by governments such as GOV) running from 2016 to 2019. Led by and the , Arctic Circle welcomes Elana Wilson Rowe from the Norwegian everyone and makes wide links with, around, Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) in and beyond the Arctic. Oslo, it is funded by the Research Council A high-level presence draws crowds. of Norway. The plenary with Nicola Sturgeon, First Scientists from NUPI, the Fridtjof Nan- Minister of Scotland, was standing room sen Institute (FNI) in Oslo, and the High only. Several ministers and former ministers North Center for Business in Bodø join from Arctic countries sit on panels. forces with experts in the UK and Canada. Photo: Ilan Kelman Art plays an important role. Film, pho- This international expertise with circumpo- Harpa Concert and Conference Center in Reykjavík. tography, and music are ever-present around lar, interdisciplinary knowledge ensures that the conference. The government of Norway the project tackles, and solves, difficult ques- arranged the photography exhibition “On tions. part of this work on their own terms. Since the sessions. Exciting dialogue progresses Thin Ice: The Lance Expedition.” The project’s researchers presented their lands transcend international borders, among those who might not before have re- Norwegian science is central to these throughout the Arctic Circle’s days. A dedi- governments must cooperate. Many corpo- searched together. activities. Not just through POLGOV but cated POLGOV panel brought dozens of rate sectors seek Arctic opportunities. They Experimental governance appears in also due to the scientists from around the conference goers to an eighth-floor room are not always aware of what they must deal POLGOV through developing a ranking country who attended. Norway as an Arctic overlooking one of the harbors. The back- with, such as the climate, the environmental system for companies operating in Arctic re- country continues its world-class Arctic sci- drop of sea and majestically set sensitivities, and especially the peoples. Arc- source extraction, namely oil, gas, and min- ence for society. the scape for the deliberations. tic science provides many answers to their ing. The research focuses on the need for and The politics of regulation across the questions. process of developing an Arctic Corporate Ilan Kelman (www.ilankel- Arctic play a prominent role in POLGOV’s POLGOV inserts further innovation. Responsibility Index or Arctic Environmen- and Twitter @Ilan­­­- investigations. Oil spills and biodiversity One aspect is the powerful and poignant les- tal Responsibility Index. Kelman) is a Reader in highlight the predicaments facing all of the sons from . The two poles present So much about these issues relates to per- Risk, Resilience, and Glob- players, especially the people from and liv- so many differences and similarities. What ceptions. As POLGOV continues, the index al Health at University Col- ing in the region. How do science, business, could they learn from each other? How could and ranking will scrutinize expert perceptions lege London, England, and and government interact with each other and this knowledge be exchanged? of corporate operations in the Arctic. What a fellow at the University of address these topics in the Arctic without The polar regions have long been a stal- criteria are considered? What should com- Agder, Norway. His overall neglecting the people or the people’s leader- wart of Norwegian science. Reminding an panies enact for environmental protection in research interest is linking disasters and health, ship? Arctic conference of the possibilities from the Arctic? How does the public react? What including the integration of climate change into Indigenous peoples must be an integral Antarctica ensures a unique place within parts of indices and rankings are picked up disaster research and health research.

< epcot From page 3

pleasant purposes, but despite this fact—or sagas tells a different story. We can’t quite maybe because of it—they fascinate people. know how it sounded when new, because it no longer clangs, but we know that Vikings Buffalo horn attached rattles to horses’ harnesses to create One of the most beautiful of the muse- a sound that would scare their enemies. um’s 27 drinking horns—a decorated buffalo horn—has been made available for the ex- Increasing interest hibit. Norway once imported buffalo horns The exhibition at Epcot is intended to specifically to make drinking horns. show how the Norse gods were part of ev- This particular horn is newer than the eryday life. The gods also had plenty in com- Viking era, probably from the period 1300 mon with human beings. to 1600 C.E. But although its history has “They were neither good nor bad. They disappeared over the years, it was made in could be vengeful, they fell in love with each much the same style as in earlier times. Ac- other, and they dealt with each other—they cording to Risvaag, the horn was probably were a lot like human beings and represented made for “drinking ,” an expression for a lot of different qualities,” says Risvaag. a midwinter festival of feasting and drinking, Risvaag praises Disney for its profes- as related in a 13th-century Icelandic saga. sionalism. The company’s knowledge and This horn looks like it could still be attention to safety are top notch. Items in an used, unlike many of the older horns that are exhibition about Sámi culture that has lasted in much worse condition. four years will soon be returned. The interest in Vikings and Norwegian A hammer and a rattle cultural objects is on the rise with popular Another item offered is a beautiful ham- TV series like Vikings and Game of Thrones. mer of Thor discovered northeast of Trond- But Disney can claim much of the credit heim a couple of years ago. The object has for the increase with the great success of its such beautiful detail and is in such good con- film Frozen. Last year, the “Frozen Ever Af- dition that it could just as well be used today. ter” boat ride opened at Epcot’s Norwegian A metal rattle may seem benign just ly- Pavilion. Objects from the NTNU University Be our friend on Facebook! naweekly ing in place, but its use as described in the Museum will soon be joining it.

10-08 SON Bethany.indd 1 8/25/08 10:17:49 AM theNorwegianamerican Arts & Entertainment December 1, 2017 • 11 Film review: Same-sex love, , and Nørth psychokinesis in Thelma

Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash.

Photo courtesy of After the avalanche of recent books on Thelma tells the story of a young woman finding out she’s not what she thought she was. how everything is better in Scandinavia, some of us may be feeling a certain angst: Are we really Nordic enough? Do our homes Julia Andersen radiant sufficient hygge? How important are New York frozen weekend interludes at a remote hytte? How can we become more like the “almost After his English-language debut shots; and the coldness that was ever-present the meaning of life, and it is a lot more nearly perfect people”? Louder than Bombs last year, Joachim Trier in Kubrick’s films. Oslo, with its open, mod- upbeat than Louder than Bombs. Trier Fret no more: help is on the way, with (Oslo, August 31st; Reprise) returns to the ern, and cold exteriors, is, of course, a per- fans will enjoy the filmmaker’s signature this tongue-in-cheek volume (Nørth: How U.S. with his fourth feature film, Thelma. fect location for all these visual experiments. spectacular visuals and plenty of scenes to Live Scandinavian) by Brontë Aurell, a Presented at the 55th New York Film Festi- Other strong and interesting elements beautifully shot in slow motion. One Danish chef and writer who is married to a val in early October, this supernatural thriller of Thelma include flashing lights that are scene in particular, where Thelma gets Swede and lives in London. (Hygge alert! has already been selected as Norway’s sub- capable of causing actual epilepsy (the film into a lake, reminded me of the opening What should we infer about their Scandi- mission for an Oscar. comes with a warning), deafening silence, scene in Oslo, August, 31st when Anders navianity from the fact that they’ve jumped Thelma (Eili Harboe) is a student who and a wonderful performance by the natural- (played by Anders Danielsen Lie) gets in ship to the stiff-upper-lip UK?) just moved away from her religious family ly gorgeous and talented young actress Eili the water. If nothing else, this book will make living in a small town to study at Oslo Univer- Harboe. A couple of years ago, this frail girl Thelma is a movie about a battle be- you laugh. We read about how to dress like sity. There she meets her first love, who also played Jeanne D'Arc. There are moments in tween flesh and spirit, but Trier also lay- Swedes, Norwegians, and Danes (hint: tight happens to be a girl. Thelma is unexperienced Thelma when her character also evokes de- ers themes of religious beliefs, sexual trousers, practical hiking boots, and lots of and because of her religiousness, she is over- sire to burn her. orientation, teenage hormones, and con- black, respectively). We also find that Swed- whelmed by guilt. Thelma’s parents are strict, Trier illustrates the country girl’s step- trol (self-control, controlling others, con- ish homes should feature a few of those red overbearing, and very critical of her expand- by-step maturation with all the things that trolling one’s own feelings, and things wooden “Dala horses” and several candles; ing experiences. “Little knowledge does not devout Christians are not supposed to do. beyond control). Thelma is one of those Danish ones have black-and-white color make you better than others,” Thelma’s father In the beginning, Thelma is isolated and has films and characters that stirs discussion, schemes and modern furniture; and Norwe- tells her. When Thelma becomes nervous no friends; she then slowly begins meet- and many viewers will enjoy comparing gians are obsessed with their weekend hytte or afraid, she gets epileptic seizures, during ing people and experiencing college. She their personal experiences, beliefs, and (a remote cabin, even if it is a garden shed). which birds die, lights turns off, and people smokes her first cigarette on a dare, goes to emotions with those in the film. It’s fun reading about superstitions: in disappear. Thelma eventually realizes that she a nightclub, drinks beer. Then it progresses and , for instance, it’s bad holds an incredible power, and once she be- to a joint, accidental masturbation at a party, Thelma is now playing at select theaters; luck to let a piece of cake fall on its side as you comes more comfortable with who she is and and finally her girlfriend staying overnight. check your local listings for showtimes. serve it, and in Sweden, you must never put who she is attracted to, she learns to control it. Thelma anticipates the most exciting experi- your keys on the dining table. The chapters The religiousness of Thelma’s family ences for viewers who are still in college. on observing holidays, from the Norwegian Julia Andersen is a and her character, who possesses telekinetic The plot and overall atmosphere of Syttende Mai to Christmas and Midsummer, freelance writer based ability, echo Brian De Palma’s 1976 classic Thelma are very different from Trier’s previ- are entertaining and informative, especially in New York. She is a Carrie. Trier also borrows some of Stanley ous work. It is a lot more hopeful, there is an Columbia University since a few recipes are sprinkled in here and Kubrick’s techniques: perfect symmetry actual happy ending, and a good number of graduate and has a there. (We may have to try the Glögg recipe, (The Shining was so horrifying in many re- same-sex love scenes, plenty of great special particular affection for strictly for professional reasons.) spects because of its ideal geometry); fre- effects, and no depressing existentialism. He Scandinavian films. Enhancing this book considerably are quent use of wide-angle lens, long tracking questions religion, but there is no search for the very beautiful photos by Anna Jacobson, a Swedish/Danish photographer whose im- ages will make you wish for a return to the Old Country.

thank you Ya Betcha—Stan Boreson CDs, Melinda Bargreen is a It’s Christmas time at the Seattle-based writer and Swedish Table Runners, Ethnic composer whose career at The Seattle Times began Cook Books, Trolls, Gnomes, Viking Village for reading! in 1977. Her choral works German, Danish, Norwegian and Stanwood, WA include the “Norwegian Swedish Fun Christmas Gifts (360) 629-3006 Monday – Saturday Folksong Suite.” Melinda tusen takk Lefse, lefse, the best Ya Betcha! 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. contributes to many pub- Sunday 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. lications and is the author of Seattle Opera’s forthcoming 50-year history book. She holds Visit us online at Yust 1 hour B.A. and M.A. degrees from the UW, and a for å lese! North of Seattle! doctorate in English from the University of California, Irvine. 12 • December 1, 2017 Taste of Norway theNorwegianamerican Butter and spice for Sankta Lucia Day Saffron Buns (Lussekatter) are a delight on December 13 and beyond

Daytona Strong Taste of Norway Editor

The month of December, perhaps more than any other time of the year, is when I crave traditions. They have a way of keeping me rooted in time—helping me to be present as I savor the season and also to remember my place in a family with generations who have come before. With Norwegian heritage, my favorite food-related Christmas tradi- tions are the syv slags kaker—or seven sorts of Norwegian Christmas cookies—baking lefse, and making elements of the Christmas feasts that my grandparents used to serve. More recently I learned to make lussekatter, buttery saffron-scented buns traditionally served on St. Lucia Day, December 13. The day is marked in Scandinavia with light and children wearing flowing white robes tied with red sashes and carrying candles (see story on page 18). As most celebrations are accompanied by good food, saffron buns are Photos: Daytona Strong These buns are the simplest shape, properly traditionally enjoyed on St. Lucia Day. Saf- called julgalt. For more complicated designs, fron, a very special and expensive spice, visit is used in a variety of Scandinavian baked with-swedish-saffron-buns or play around with goods, especially during Christmastime. It’s your own shape. However you roll (the dough), the showcased flavor of these traditional buns, they’ll still taste delicious. which are soft and buttery and perfect with a cup of coffee, gløgg, or hot chocolate. Lucia buns, commonly known as lussekatter, can be formed in a variety of shapes. One of the most common and sim- plest is the S shape, which—as Magnus Nils- son points out in the new The Nordic Cook- book—is really called the julgalt, or Christ- mas boar. The real lussekatt shape has four curls, which I suppose could be interpreted as paws, each curling outward. There’s no shortage of ways to shape these buns. I’ve included instructions for the S shape, but feel free to get as creative as you’d like. The recipe I’m sharing with you today JUL & CHRISTMAS is quite traditional, flavored simply with saf- CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES fron and decorated with only a couple of JEWELRY | HOME & KITCHEN raisins or currants each. If you don’t mind playing around with tradition, you might want to try tossing a handful of currants into Wednesday, December 6, 2017 the dough, as does Anna Brones, coauthor of Fika: The Art of the Swedish Coffee Break. I tasted her lussekatter recently at an event, 6:30 to 8:00 pm and it’s definitely worth a try. Signe Johan- sen adds cardamom and replaces the currants with sour cherries in her book Scandilicious Ness Family Chapel inside Baking. No matter how you choose to make them, do be sure to wrap up a package of Karen Hille Phillips Center them to share with a Scandinavian (or any- one, for that matter) in your life. Fresh or for the Performing Arts, toasted, with butter or plain, they’re sure to bring a smile to their face. Pacific Lutheran Univeristy A version of this story originally appeared on Daytona’s blog, Outside Oslo: www.out- FREE Admission buns-lussekatter. Reception to Follow Daytona Strong is The Nor- wegian American’s Taste of Norway editor. She writes about her family’s Norwe- gian heritage through the lens of food at her Scandi- navian food blog, www.out- Find her on Facebook (, Twitter (@daytonastrong), Pinterest (@dayton- astrong), and Instagram (@daytonastrong). theNorwegianamerican Taste of Norway December 1, 2017 • 13

St. Lucia Saffron Buns (Lussekatter) Lucia buns are best served on the day they’re made as they have a reputation for drying out quickly. If you’re not going to eat them that day, freeze them immediately, recommends Anna Brones. Then when you’re ready to serve them, just defrost them for 10 to 15 minutes, wrap them in foil, and pop them back in the oven to reheat. If you happen to wind up with dried-out buns, toast them for breakfast the next day or make them into French toast, she suggests. ½ tsp. saffron threads 3 tsps. active dry yeast 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 1 tbsp. whiskey 1 tsp. salt 1 cup unsalted butter About 8 cups flour 2 ½ cups milk 64 currants or raisins

The night before baking, crush saffron with a tablespoon of the sugar in a small bowl. Pour in whiskey, give it a quick stir, cover with plastic wrap, and let the whiskey draw out the saffron’s color and flavor. The next day, melt the butter in a medium saucepan. Pour in the milk and bring to luke- warm over medium heat. Scoop out a half cup or so and place in a bowl. Sprinkle the yeast over, cover, and let sit until bubbles form, 10 to 15 minutes. In a large mixing bowl, beat one egg. Stir in the rest of the sugar, salt, the milk and yeast mixture, and the saffron. Take note of the brilliant color the saffron has added, almost like a dye. Pour in the rest of the milk mixture and mix well with a wooden spoon. Gradually add flour, thoroughly mixing as you go; it should still be sticky and moist. Turn dough out onto a lightly covered surface and knead for about five minutes until light and elastic. Take care to not add too much flour, either when mixing the dough or flour- ing the work surface, otherwise you’ll end up with dry buns; this is a very sticky dough, and a bench scraper can help pull it from the surface while you work. Return the dough to the mixing bowl. Cover with a tea towel and let rise in a warm place until doubled in size, about 1 hour. Line baking sheets with parchment. Cut the dough into 32 equal sized pieces. Roll each into a log, working from the center out, until they’re about the thickness of a finger. Form into simple S shapes by simultaneously rolling each end in opposite directions. Place the buns on the baking sheets, then cover with a damp tea towel and let rise again for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 400° F. Beat the remaining egg and brush it onto the tops of buns. Press raisins or currants into the crevices, two per bun if you’re making the S shape. Bake until golden yellow on top and cooked through, taking care not to overbake them or they’ll be too dry. Time will depend on size, but it should take 8 to 12 minutes. Transfer to the counter and place another damp tea towel over them while they cool to keep them from drying out. Makes 32 buns.

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Photo by lyashenko 14 • December 1, 2017 Norway near you theNorwegianamerican What’s going on in your neighborhood? Calendar of Events Arizona Maryland courses, and an array of delicious desserts. There NST Snorre Chapter Christmas Party Norwegian Juletrefest ASA Scandinavian Christmas Fest are brunch and dinner seatings both days, with Dec. 15, 6:30—11:00 p.m. Dec. 10, 2:00 p.m. Dec. 9, 5:30 p.m. Saint Lucia performances at each seating. Space Houston, Texas Phoenix, Ariz. Potomac, Md. is limited. For reservations, call (212) 686–4230 Old and new members are invited to Chef Come celebrate the holiday season with one Join the ASA at St. James Episcopal Church! The or visit Søren Pedersen’s place. Menu includes svine­ of Norwegians Worldwide Phoenix Chapter’s Saint Lucia pageant will take place at 5:30 p.m. cid=581806b6c7&mc_eid=d7b356b8b1. ribbe, medisterkaker, and much more. Cost most popular events! Join in on the fun with in the sanctuary, followed by the bazaar in the is $50 for members and $75 for new mem- singing and dancing, kids’ crafts, raffle prizes, parish hall. There will also be coffee, gløgg, and ohio bers, which includes 2018 membership. Fes- and our traditional julegrøt, gløgg, and sweets. goodies; dancing; visit from Santa; Nordic danc- Edvard Grieg Lodge Julefest tive attire. Find more info and pay atwww. A special North Pole visitor will have treats for ers; and raffle drawing. Visit www.scandinavian- Dec. 9, 4:30 p.m. the children! Please bring your favorite holiday for more info and ticket prices. Mason, Ohio 2017-christmas-party/. dessert. At Trinity Lutheran Church. Free. The night begins with appetizers, bake sale, and Minnesota butikk. Dinner and a short program and singing Bosque Juletrefest follows at 5:00 p.m. Please bring a side dish to Dec. 16, 2:00—5:00 p.m. colorado Wonderland: Twin Cities share. Bring an ornament or two to hang on the Clifton, Texas Scandinavian now—Jan. 7 tree for the evening. Cost is $5 for adults and $3 Everyone is asked to bring a snack to share. Dec. 13, 6:00 p.m. Minneapolis, Minn. for children 6 to 11. At Mason United Method- There will also be a exchange; Colorado Springs, Colo. You will find familiar buildings and landmarks ist Church. RSVP to Esther Charlton at (513) 923- please bring a gift (cost less than $15) for the This program will be about Scandinavia Christ- created by everyone from professional bakers 3798 or [email protected] by Dec. 5. event. At the Bosque Museum. mas traditions as shared by different members. to first-time gingerbread enthusiasts. At Norway Come early to participate in the potluck pre- House. $5 for adults; children and members free. ceding the meeting at 6:00 p.m. Bring some oregon UTAH Vikings: Beyond the Legend food to share. At Fjellheim Lodge. A Doll’s House Oregon’s Nordic Ski History now—Jan. 1 now—Dec. 10 now—Dec. 29 Salt Lake City, Utah Fjelldalen Lodge Lutefisk Dinner St. Paul, Minn. Portland, Ore. The exhibition features more than 400- ar Dec. 16, 2:00 & 4:30 p.m. This classic Ibsen drama about a marriage gone Learn about the history of Nordic skiing, from tifacts. The beautiful, immersive exhibition Highlands Ranch, Colo. horribly off track will take place on the third floor its roots in Scandinavia to its prominence in the includes video projections and over a dozen Feast on lutefisk, lefse, kjøttkaker, potatoes, of the historic James J. Hill House. Tickets cost PNW! Includes reproductions of both histori- interactive displays that will help you experi- and more. Servings at 2:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. $15. Discount price of $10 for seniors, students, cal and contemporary ski equipment. At Nordia ence the daily life of the people. At Also a Norwegian butikken with gifts and a and active military. Reservations can be made at House Gallery. Free and open to the public. the Natural History Museum of Utah. kransekake raffle. Raffle tickets purchased at the door; three for $5 or $2 a ticket. Dinner Thor Lodge Norwegian Christmas Party costs $20 for adults and $8 for 12 and under. Julefest Dec. 9, 3:00—6:00 p.m. Washington Call Marilyn Speas at (303) 973-2158 to RSVP Dec. 7, 6:00—10:00 p.m. Salem, Ore. Lutefisk at The Farmhouse Restaurant before Dec. 13. At Christ Lutheran Church. Minneapolis, Minn. Everyone is invited to join us for this all-ages Dec. 10, 12:00—6:00 p.m. A fun evening with Nordic food, music, and en- event that includes a visit from the Julenisse! Mt. Vernon, Wash. Fjellheim Lodge Julebord tertainment at Gallery 13. Cost is $60 or $30 for Make sure that you bring a wrapped and tagged Featuring lutefisk, pickled herring, lefse, cook- Dec. 17, 2:30 p.m. students. Tickets at gift for every child under the age of 18 that you ies, and much more. Cost is $36.95 for adults, Colorado Springs, Colo. fest-2017-tickets-39174577215. RSVP by Dec. 4. bring. There will be musical performances, a $33.95 for seniors over 60, and $12.95 for kids Enjoy a wide selection of Norwegian holiday group of Dickenson Carolers, singing, and food. under 12. Traditional Nordic music will be per- foods and desserts, caroling, and special en- I Remember Mama At the Salem Masonic Lodge. formed by the Leif & Sunnie Accordion Duo tertainment. Cost is $20 for members, $22 for Dec. 7, 7:00 p.m. from 2:30 to 6:00 p.m. For more info contact non-members, and $8 for children 5 to 12. Call Minneapolis, Minn. Broder Broder Soder Julbord Terry Brazas at [email protected]. Kathie Godsil at (719) 229-9289 prior to Dec. 14 Ingebretsen’s is presentingI Remember Mama at Dec. 15, 6:00 p.m. to make reservations. Limited spots available. the Riverview Theater. Tickets cost $3 and will be Portland, Ore. Children’s Christmas Party sold at Ingebretsen’s. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. For Celebrate the holidays Nordic-style with Broder Dec. 10, 1:00—3:00 p.m. District of columbia more info, call (612) 729-9333. Restaurant’s take on a traditional julbord dinner. Seattle, Wash. Join the Leif Erikson Lodge, the Seattle-Bergen Private Confessions Tickets cost $65 and can be purchased at www. Sister City Association, and the Karmøy Club! Dec. 6—9 Nordic Julekonsert Dance around the , sing your Washington, D.C. Dec 17, 2:00 p.m. favorite songs, and enjoy cookies and sweets. Ingmar Bergman’s wife and muse, celebrated Minneapolis, Minn. Concert: Scandinavian Chorus Live entertainment, fun and games, and a visit director Liv Ullmann, expands Bergman’s 1996 Featuring the voices of the Mindekirken Choir, ​Dec. 17, 4:00 p.m. from Santa! Cost is $8 for adults and $1 for film into a stage adaptation of poignant, family Norwegian Glee Club of Minneapolis, American Portland, Ore. children. At Leif Erikson Lodge. “confessions.” At the Kennedy Center. Swedish Institute Male Chorus, American Swed- The Portland Scandinavian Chorus presents their ish Institute Cloudberries, Pauline Fjelde Daugh- annual Christmas concert. At Nordia House. Sug- ters of Norway Damekor, and “Kvinnekor” Wom- gested donation of $10. 100th Anniversary of LEL Murals florida Dec. 13, 6:00 p.m. Gulf Coast Vikings Jultrefest en’s Choir. Freewill offering with refreshments after the concert. At Mindekirken. Seattle, Wash. Dec. 8, 5:00 p.m. pennsylvania Celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Leif Fort Myers, Fla. Bondelandet Lodge Juletrefest Erikson Lodge murals, which represent the The lodge will provide boiled potato sausages, Vonheim Lodge Torsk Dinner Dec. 15, 6:30 p.m. Dec. 19, 6:00 p.m. highlights of Norway’s history painted by potatoes, Swedish meatballs, and ham. Please Lancaster, Penn. Sverre Mack and Yngvar Sonnichsen. RSVP for bring a Scandinavian appetizer, side, or dessert. Minneapolis, Minn. Celebrate with a juletrefest and roast pork jule- Enjoy delicious Norwegian food like rømmegrøt, dinner by calling (206) 783-1274. For more Hardanger fiddler Karen Solgård will entertain. bord complete with Norwegian desserts and the info, email [email protected]. At the Plantation at Somerset. Call Maxine at lefse, and more. Please bring a favorite Norwe- making of woven paper baskets. Bring a side dish. gian pastry. Santa will be here with a gift for each (239) 405-4026 to RSVP. Usual $5 donation. There will be a fee. Guests are welcome. Ques- Lutfisk/Lutefisk Dinner child. Call Marilyn at (763) 420-9980 if you are tions? Call Jeanne Addison at (717) 793-7428. bringing a child. A raffle will be held for donated Dec. 15, 6:30 p.m. illinois items. At Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd. Seattle, Wash. Bjornson Male Chorus texas Enjoy lutefisk Swedish or Norwegian style. Dec. 15, 6:30 p.m. NST Viking Chapter Juletrefest Meatballs are on the menu too. Live music. Elk Grove Village, Ill. Missouri Dec. 9, 5:00—9:00 p.m. To RSVP, contact [email protected] or All are welcome to join the Bjornson Male Cho- Norwegian Society of St. Louis Julefest Dallas, Texas (206) 283-1090 or visit by rus for a Christmas dinner and music at Avalon Dec. 17, 5:00 p.m. Enjoy food, traditions, music, and silent auction! Dec. 12. Cost is $30 for Swedish Club blue card Banquets! Cocktails will start at 6:30, followed St. Louis, Mo. Please bring a side dish. At Central Lutheran members and $35 for guests; $5 more for late by dinner at 7:30 p.m. Cost is $35 per person. The cost is $16.99 for adults; children are wel- Church. RSVP by Dec. 5 at www.norwegiansoci- RSVPs and at the door. At the Swedish Club. To RSVP call John Lee at (847) 741-4210. come. At the IKEA store. Reservations must be made by Dec. 8. Payment should be sent to Ann Wisconsin Pott at 605 Oak Springs Trail Drive, Ballwin, MO iOWA NST Juletrefest The Story of Mittens 63021-7785. For more info, contact Paul Tweeten Koselig Exhibit Dec. 11, 3:00—6:00 p.m. now—Dec. 30 at [email protected]. now—April 22 Arlington, Texas Stoughton, Wis. Decorah, Iowa Please bring an appetizer, side dish, or dessert The Selbu mitten is unique in many ways, but Come get koselig with Vesterheim and discover new york for eight to 12 people. Be sure to bring a present especially because its origin is well document- the Norwegian secret to surviving winter. Visit Holiday Julebord for the to give to your children. Decorate, ed. We have gathered Selbu mittens for this this exhibit to experience koselig in a series of Dec. 9 & 10 dance, and sing carols around the tree. Please exhibit from descendants of Norwegian im- immersive “living room” environments and New York, N.Y. RSVP. At Lutheran Church. migrants in the Stoughton area. At Livsreise. learn about this uniquely Scandinavian way of Join Scandinavia House for the annual Julebord life and how it permeates every part of Norwe- presented by Smörgås Chef. This lavish buffet gian culture. offers a wonderful variety of appetizers, main Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 to be added to The Norwegian American! Check for complete listings Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. theNorwegianamerican Norway near you December 1, 2017 • 15 It’s scholarship time Celebrating history: Get working on your applications for Sons Leif Erikson Lodge of Norway Foundation grants for 2018 now murals turn 100

Special Release Leif Erikson Lodge

The murals adorning Seattle’s Leif Er- they were displayed there until it closed. ikson Lodge represent the highlights of Nor- When Leif Erikson Hall opened in Ballard, way’s history and were painted by Sverre the murals remained divided between the Mack and Yngvar Sonnichsen. At the lodge’s two organizations. Later Valkyrien Lodge December 13 meeting, a presentation about gave their murals to Leif Erikson Lodge so Norway Hall, the South Lake Union building they could be displayed together again. The that celebrated its centennial in 2015, and the murals have been restored in recent years. artists and influences that went into its paint- We are happy to share their story with the ings will be given. Ballard community! Gerhard Munthe, who illustrated the Throughout the murals, the words of works of , was a well- Norway’s national anthem, “Ja vi elsker,” known artist in Norway who had many simi- can be found. Here in “The Oath” a section lar themes in his work. Many of his pieces of verse 8 is written: were woven into large tapestries, which the “Og som fedres kamp har hevet det av Photo courtesy of the Sons of Norway Foundation The Sons of Norway Foundation awards 25 scholarships to promising students each year. The pro- lodge’s murals resemble. Photos of the newly nød til seir, også vi, når det blir krevet, for grams promote cultural exchange and support higher education to help students follow their dreams. discovered Viking ship Oseberg are shown dets fred slår leir.” along with the Saga mural where Sonnichsen Translation: And as the fathers’ struggle depicts the sinking ship. has raised it from need to victory, even we, Special Release In December 1917, the murals were when it is demanded, for its peace will en- Sons of Norway Foundation originally unveiled at Norway Hall, having camp (for defense). been created for specific spaces in the build- The Sons of Norway Foundation awards consideration shall be given to military vet- ing. Most of the murals represent concepts Celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Leif 25 scholarships to promising students each erans. Applicants must be current members such as “Hard Times.” Erikson Lodge murals on December 13, year. The programs promote cultural ex- of Sons of Norway or children or grandchil- When Norway Hall was sold in the 2017, with a 6:00 p.m. dinner and program change and support higher education to help dren of current members. The application 1980s, its murals were divided between Leif following. Leif Erikson Lodge is located at students follow their dreams. Although ap- deadline is Jan. 15, 2018. Erikson Lodge 2-001, Sons of Norway, and 2245 NW 57th St., Seattle, WA 98107. Res- plication deadlines vary from Jan. 15 to April The Douglas Warne – Rolf & Wenche Valkyrien Lodge #1, Daughters of Norway. ervations for dinner can be made by calling 1, 2018, it is not too early to think about ap- Eng Scholarship creates an opportunity for These two organizations were the original (206) 783-1274. For more information, write plying. In 2018, scholarships will be offered qualified applicants to attend educational owners of Norway Hall, and when the new to [email protected]. through the following Foundation funds: institutions in Norway and assists with the Norway Center was built in Queen Anne The King Olav V Norwegian-Amer- costs of tuition, room, and board. The dead- ican Heritage Scholarship was so named line is Jan. 15, 2018. when His Majesty King Olav V of Norway The Astrid G. Cates and Myrtle Bein- gave the Foundation permission to name hauer Fund offers scholarships to individu- his honor a fund to underwrite activities in als who are current members of Sons of Nor- which American and Norwegian heritages way or children or grandchildren of current are explored, studied, and shared by appli- members in Sons of Norway Districts 1-6. cants who meet the fund’s criteria. The ap- Furthermore, applicants must have a certifi- plication deadline is Jan. 15, 2018. cate of completion from high school and be The Oslo International Summer enrolled in postsecondary training, vocation- School Scholarship assists students attending al or trade school or college, or have proof the six-week University of Oslo summer pro- of enrollment prior to receiving funding. The gram that offers a wide range of undergradu- application deadline is March 1, 2018. ate courses focusing on Norwegian language, The Nancy Lorraine Jensen Memo- culture, and society, as well as a number of rial Scholarship Fund was established to graduate courses with a broad international encourage young women to enter the fields focus. Applicants must be current members of of science and engineering. Applicants must Sons of Norway or children or grandchildren be American citizens aged 17-35 and a cur- of current Sons of Norway members.The ap- rent female Sons of Norway member or the plication deadline is Jan. 15, 2018. daughter or granddaughter of a current mem- The Helen Tronvold Norwegian Folk ber of the Sons of Norway. The application High School Scholarship supports the Sons deadline is April 1, 2018. of Norway Foundation’s objective to provide The Orel and Marie Winjum Memo- cross-cultural experiences for youth. Folk rial Scholarship assists with college tuition high schools (folkehøgskoler) allow students costs for American citizens of Norwegian not only to study theory but also to practice and/or German heritage who have been ac- Photo courtesy of Leif Erikson Lodge their chosen field, from music to language to cepted or are enrolled in an accredited four- This section of the mural is called “The Oath.” sports to the arts. Applicants must be current year college or university or two-year com- members of Sons of Norway or children or munity college in the . The ap- grandchildren of current members. The ap- plication deadline is March 1, 2018. plication deadline is Jan.15, 2018. The Helen Tronvold Adult Learner The Sons of Norway Foundation is dedicated Headed south for the winter? Scholarship supports the Sons of Norway to funding activities that preserve and pro- Foundation’s objective to provide cross-cul- mote Norwegian heritage, positively affect Call us to have your address change tural experiences for adult insurance mem- members, and make Sons of Norway commu- automatically to your winter address bers. Applicants must be current Sons of Nor- nities more vibrant places to live. For more way members aged 40 and over who own a information about Sons of Norway Founda- so you don’t miss a single issue! Sons of Norway annuity or insurance product. tion scholarships, contact scholarships@ Call (206) 784-4617 or email The application deadline is Jan. 15, 2018. call (800) 945-8851, or check out The Lund Fund Scholarship is to be the web site at [email protected] to set up used for study abroad at any accredited, Each scholarship may have specific criteria your snowbird account. postsecondary education institution. Special that applicants must meet. 16 • December 1, 2017 Travel theNorwegianamerican Norway’s roads less traveled: The Odden Rural Life Tour through Norway

wagons; and educates riders and trainers ( Christine Foster Meloni Odden Tours include impromptu stops Washington, D.C. that focus on Norway’s growing apprecia- tion of its heritage. That afternoon’s pause This article is the final installment in the found us in the quiet edgewater village of “Norway’s roads less traveled” series. The Stryn. We stared in awe at the half-finished author is Christina (Tina) Keune, who par- recreation of the full-sized Viking era Mykle- ticipated in the sixth Odden Rural Life Tour bust ship excavated in 1874. Slated for com- in August 2017 and describes her wonderful pletion in the spring of 2019, it will measure experience below. 100 feet long and 21 feet wide. This rivet- built vessel is being built by local craftsmen Appetites for both traditional Norwe- whose boatbuilding ancestors go back centu- gian food and Norwegian folk art are ful- ries ( filled for travelers on an Odden Rural Life From Viking ships one day to - Tour. Led by husband and wife team, Philip climbing trains at Flåm the next, our bus then and Else Bigton of Barronett, Wisconsin, delivered us to the legendary Stalheim Hotel participants on this sixth tour “focused on in the Sogn region. The next morning a Stal- rural life, folk arts, and how people live in heim guide took us through a medieval log modern Norway as well as how they lived at home and a school building in their collec- the time of immigration to North America.” tion, providing insight into the daily routines The August trip lasted 12 days. Our mod- of their inhabitants. ern coach brought us to historic farm manor A visit to the new Hardanger National houses, artisan studios, music venues, and Park Museum on the mountain plains in Eid­ facilities preserving wooden masterpieces fjord was an unexpected bonus addition to on land and sea. The route from Oslo took the tour itinerary. us north through Lillehammer and westward The road to Bergen took us through the through the Otta Valley to Geiranger and Åle- world’s longest and coolest tunnel, Lærdals- sund. We then proceeded south through the tunnelen. Once there, we enjoyed an orienta- Nordfjord region to the classic Stalheim ho- tion to Bergen and took a city tour. We spent tel that hosts not only international guests but a very special afternoon at Troldhaugen also its own rich collection of traditional ver- (trold­, the home of famous com- nacular buildings and a museum of folk art. poser Edvard Grieg, with an artistic lunch After we arrived at Gardermoen Airport, followed by a memorable piano program. our roomy bus whisked us out to the scenic A day to explore the city on our own ended countryside where we were warmly greeted with a final group dinner when we were able with cakes and coffee at the home and studio to celebrate our new friendships. of Arve Mosand, a master carver, cabinet- The Oddens are meticulous tour orga- maker, and silversmith. Later, we were wel- nizers and leaders. Based on years of rela- comed to a sumptuous dinner at the historic tionships, this trip achieved its goal of dem- manor house, Gjestrum farm, for rural Nor- onstrating and explaining Norway’s unique wegian hospitality at its best, and spent the Photo: Tina Keune past and present cultural traditions with an first night in Lillehammer. This reproduction of the Myklebust Viking ship will be completed in 2019. emphasis on warm hospitality. Lillehammer offers two major attrac- tions: the spectacular ski jump built for the Information about the 2018 Tour of Norway 1994 Olympics and the Maihaugen Muse- The famous historic Elveseter Hotel was the early ingenuity of Norwegian enterprise and Sweden may be found at www.norsk­ um, complete with relocated farms, village our overnight destination. It hosts a myriad dating back to Viking times and the dramatic buildings, and the museum/concert hall fa- of famous 19th-century genre art comple- span of technology. cility. Philip gave an excellent explanation mented with collections of silver, textiles, On Day 7 we headed for some of Nor- Christina Keune has been a professional of many of the structures, thanks to his rich and carvings that have served as inspiration way’s most spectacular west coast scenery. heritage artist of traditional Norwegian and background in all things wood. Later, we to both Philip and Else during their careers as The afternoon surprise was a stop at the early Swedish folk art since 1983. She has pur- rode toward the Rondane National Park to master carvers. The dining room decor was 1900s cultural hall impeccably maintained to sued independent folk art studies, traveling spend the night at the Venabu Fjellhotel. We reminiscent of a Viking setting, but the food the period. It shares its hillside with a sheep to Norway 11 times. She maintains a studio relaxed after dinner to local folk tunes by an was definitely generous and modern. farm owned by a Norwegian national trea- in Arlington, Va. Please visit her website at accomplished fiddler. On our way to Ålesund, we paused for a sure named Arne Sølvberg. He and his wife, On Day 4 we proceeded through the spectacular view of Geiranger, a World Heri- Asbjørg, presented a masterful program of Otta valley via Vågå for a stop at Stokk og tage Site. We then boarded a car ferry that music and dance. Arne plays four instru- Christine Foster Meloni is Stein. The owner Edvin Espelund acts as the landed us at Hellesylt’s Galleriet ments starting with a reed pipe, followed by a professor emerita at The government’s representative to advise farm ( to see a collec- Hardanger fiddle, a conventional fiddle, and George Washington Uni- owners how to preserve their old buildings. tion of life-sized figures carved in panels a recorder. The performance was crowned versity. She has degrees He himself also builds new structures. depicting the classic Peer Gynt Norwegian with a catered buffet. in Italian literature, lin- Our next stop was the lovely 12th-cen- folk story. A welcome dinner was served at On Day 8 horsing around at the Fjord guistics, and international tury stave church in Lom in County. our modern harborside hotel in picturesque Horse Center at Nordfjordeid was the morn- education. She was born in We then were treated to coffee and cake up the Ålesund. We toured both a modern and hu- ing activity. This recently expanded facil- Minneapolis and currently road at the farm of Kristian Sulheim, whose mane fish-processing factory and the Sunn­ ity safeguards, promotes, and develops the lives in Washington, D.C. She values her Nor- family has owned it for several generations. møre Museum. Together they demonstrated breed; offers mountain rides on horses or wegian heritage.

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Phone: 206.292.1747 • Online: • Email: [email protected] theNorwegianamerican Travel December 1, 2017 • 17 Icelanders get their kicks on Route 66 An iconic American road trip with a Nordic perspective

M. Michael Brady Asker, Norway

Editor’s preface: Last spring, M. Michael Brady, correspon- dent for The Norwegian American and Oslo-area resident, learned that Moeidur Bernhardtsdottir (who goes by her nick- name Moa) and her husband, Thorarinn Ørn Sævarsson (known by his middle name), members of the Icelandic diaspora promi- nent in Norway (as well as in Canada and the USA), were planning a late summer drive of Route 66. As the couple has a penchant for visiting curious places on their summer vacations, Brady realized that they would have a Nordic perspective on the experience that has become synonymous with American culture. So he asked them to take notes and photos that via an interview after their re- turn could become an article in The Norwe- gian American. This is the result. Photos: Moeidur Bernhardtsdottir About a year ago, we viewed Bagdad usually driving an average of four to five Above left: Ørn at Café, a 1987 German comedy-drama film hours a day. Muscle Beach, Santa set in a café and motel in the remote town of Our first brush with the fame of days Monica, California. Bagdad on the historic Route 66 highway in gone by came when we stayed at the El Ran- Above: Ørn with a the Mojave Desert in California. We agreed cho Hotel & Motel in Gallup, New , sculpture of a cowboy that it would be an ideal place to visit on our built by a movie mogul and opened in 1937 leaning on fence at the Grounds for Sculpture 2017 summer vacation. So we researched as a base for film productions. Then we drove park in Hamilton, N.J. Bagdad Café to find that the original build- on to spend a night at La Fonda on the Plaza, Left: Bagdad Café in ing was no more, as after being bypassed a historical luxury hotel built in 1922 and the Mojave Desert was by Interstate 40 in 1973, Bagdad was partly known locally as the grand dame of hotels in the initial spark for the razed and now is a ghost town. So the film Santa Fe, New Mexico. We went on to stay a trip. had been shot at the Sidewinder Café in night at the Blue Swallow Motel in Tucum- Newberry Springs, 50 miles west of Bagdad cari, New Mexico, built by a local carpenter on Route 66. It became a tourist destination before World War II and now listed by the a wine list only to be told, “this is no wine we strolled through the artistically amazing after the release of the film and capitalized National Register of Historic Places in New country.” We thought “welcome to the Bible Grounds for Sculpture park in Hamilton. on its fame by changing its name to the Bag- Mexico. Then we went on to stop and take Belt” and ordered beers. On August 1 we arrived in New York dad Café. No matter that it wasn’t the origi- photos at the midpoint of Route 66 in Adrian, Further on, we stayed a night at the Wag- City after having driven 2,900 miles across nal building; it was the one in the film that Texas. It was in Texas that we enjoyed inci- on Wheel Motel, Café and Station in Cuba, the continent in two weeks and three days. we would visit. And visiting entailed driving dents of the sort that stick in the mind for Missouri, that has been feeding and housing Along the way we had seen landscapes, ur- Route 66; why not, then, go all the way? life. Upon entering a small-town eatery to travelers since the late 1930s. In Saint Lou- banizations, peoples, and cultures in vari- Earlier this year, when we first men- have lunch one day, one of the locals there is, we left Route 66; instead of following it eties not found elsewhere. Would we do it tioned to friends that our summer vacation greeted us by asking “Wow! Where you guys northward through Illinois to Chicago, we again? Perhaps, at least parts of it; after all, would be to drive Route 66, we found our- from?” We laughed; apparently our efforts to headed eastward, through Granville, Ohio, to it’s still there. selves explaining why we chose to traverse fit in inconspicuously had failed; we were Pennsylvania, where we visited Fallingwater, a part of North America almost as sparsely observable strangers. After ordering dinners a house designed by architect Frank Lloyd *First quoted in , March populated as the wilderness of our home one evening in a restaurant, we asked for Wright, and then on to New Jersey, where 18, 1923. country. Our explanation was simple and convincing. We quoted famed Himalayan mountaineer George Mallory’s justification of why he sought to climb Mount Everest*: Roam with Moon & The Norwegian American “Because it’s there.” We can’t decide! Which ot these finalists do you think should win a copy ofMoon Norway? Indeed Route 66 is there. Around the world, it’s the icon of American motoring. So we reasoned that the best way to experi- ence Route 66 was to be cultural chameleons. #2 We would be tourists, leisurely driving a big American car, sampling local culture along the way. So we started on July 15, partway into the traditional Norwegian fellesferie (general staff vacation) when many smaller businesses, such as our medical specialist clinic in Oslo, close down and let all their employees go on vacation. In Santa Monica, California, we rented a big car, a Chevrolet Camaro convertible, and as it was a muscle car, ceremonially we began our drive by visiting Muscle Beach on the south side of Santa Monica Pier, now re- garded to be a cultural landmark, the place where the 20th-century fitness boom began #1 #3 in 1934. Then we drove eastward to New- berry Springs, to the Bagdad Café, which fulfilled our expectations from the film of Vote by emailing [email protected] being a remote place. We were on our way, 18 • December 1, 2017 Norwegian Heritage theNorwegianamerican A victory for light in winter’s dark gloom Saint Lucia is the Italian saint filling in for Freya as defender of light in Scandinavia

Some scholars believe that the celebra- tion of Saint Lucia Day may have its origins Terje Birkedal in Norse pagan conceptions of the struggle Anchorage, Alaska between light and darkness. One 19th-cen- tury Lutheran pastor suggested that Saint On December 13, thousands upon thou- Lucia was really Freya, the Norse goddess sands of Scandinavians will be celebrat- “dressed up” as a Christian saint. Freya used ing Saint Lucia’s Day. Why would large to cross the heavens in a chariot pulled by numbers of Swedes, Norwegians, and other two blue cats, which might explain why the Scandinavians celebrate the feast day of an Saint Lucia Day buns are called lussekat- Italian saint who died in the fourth century? ter (light cats). As a goddess she was asso- Mostly Lutheran Scandinavians usually pay ciated with cats and light. She was thought little attention to saints of the Christian pan- to ignite the northern lights when she took theon. Even odder, this Christmas-season her cat-drawn chariot out at night. Freya was event involves the solemn singing of an Ital- also the owner of the famed magical neck- ian Neapolitan tune entitled “Santa Lucia.” lace called Brisingamen, which represented There is a mystery here and I tried to the essence of fire and shone like the sun. solve it, but it is a deep one and I think I Freya was known as the “shining bride of the was only partially successful in untangling gods.” the strands of the Lucia story, especially its Others link the Saint Lucia celebration connections to ancient pagan Scandinavian to the ancient worship of Frigg, the wife of beliefs and practices. Odin, who some believe was perhaps just Although it has deep roots in the Scan- Photo: Bengt Nyman / Flickr another personification of Freya. Frigg could dinavian past, the celebration of Saint Lu- A Sankta Lucia celebration in Stockholm in 2011. both foresee the future and change the fates cia in its present form is a relatively recent of mankind with her spindle and spinning tradition, one that can be traced back only wheel, and she gave birth to Balder, who was to the middle of the 18th century. The first public contest to choose a citywide Lucia Norwegian takes on Christmas elves). During the Norse god of light. There is some specu- recorded celebration of Saint Lucia’s Day plus her attendants, and the celebration of the procession, Lucia and her retinue sing the lation that the legend of lussi and her band of is from a manor house located in Västergöt- Saint Lucia’s Day moved from the family song “Santa Lucia.” After the end of the pro- demons represents a Medieval Christian in- land, a province of west-central Sweden. On home to every school, village, town, and city cession, Lucia leads the attendants, star boys, version of the story of Freya/Frigg and their December 13 of 1764, the oldest daughter of in the country, including those in Swedish- and tomten or nisser in other songs, usually companion gods. the house rose up early and donned a crown speaking areas of Finland. Denmark did not Christmas carols and songs about Saint Ste- No matter the exact sources of the cel- of lingonberry branches complete with nine embrace Saint Lucia’s Day until 1944 when phen, which are sometimes initiated by the ebration’s ancestral roots, Saint Lucia’s Day burning candles and a white shift with a it was promoted as a way “to bring light in star boys. Following the opening procession, in present-day Scandinavia is less about red sash. She then went from room to room a time of darkness” during the German oc- Lucia and her followers often visit retirement worship of Saint Lucia of old and bringing morning greetings and breakfast to cupation. Norway only began to observe homes, senior care centers, and hospitals to more about the ancient and continued Scan- the members of the household and then going Saint Lucia’s Day after World War II, and cheer the inhabitants and give out lussekatter dinavian obsession with light and dark in out to the barn to feed the animals as well. like Sweden and Denmark, it wrote its own buns and pepperkaker. the depths of winter. Both the Swedish and For many years it remained a local unique lyrics to accompany the original Nea- So what are the deep roots of this rela- Norwegian opening verses of “Santa Lucia” Christmas custom and was unknown to most politan Santa Lucia tune. tively new celebration in the Scandinavian confirm this emphasis on matters of light and Swedes until 1893 when the celebration of Today Saint Lucia’s Day, with some past? First, it is important to note the date of dark. Here is a translation of the first verses Saint Lucia was featured in a public perfor- minor variations, is celebrated by holding a Saint Lucia Day. It is December 13, which of the Swedish version of the song: mance at the famous Skansen open-air folk procession led by the “Lucia,” the lussebrud in the Medieval Julian Calendar was consid- museum. Soon thereafter many Swedish (Lucy Bride in Swedish), who wears a crown ered the shortest day of the year and thus the Night walks with a heavy step families began their own observance of Saint of lingonberry branches fitted out with four solstice, a dark and dangerous time when the Round yard and hearth Lucia’s Day, but at first it remained a family to nine lit candles and a white gown with a Scandinavians of old thought the sun actually As sun departs from affair where the oldest daughter brought cof- red sash around her waist. The white gown is stopped its annual circuit of the heavens. In Shadows are brooding fee and sweet buns called lussekatter (“light supposed to symbolize the virginity of Saint this in-between time, awful things could hap- There in our dark house cats,” S-shaped saffron buns—for more on Lucia and the red sash the blood of her mar- pen and demons, gnomes, trolls, and spirits Walking with lit candles this see the recipe on page 13) to the mem- tyrdom. Carrying a single candle, she leads a of the dead roamed the earth, often snatching Santa Lucia! Santa Lucia! bers of her family. In 1924 a Swedish musi- procession of similarly white-clad and sashed people who dared to go outside. This horde of cian wrote Swedish lyrics to an early 19th- girls, also carrying single candles, who repre- evil beings was led by the enchantress Lussi, The same theme of a foreboding darkness century Neapolitan tune about Saint Lucia sent her attendants. Joining with the girls in who had the ability to fly down chimneys and lit up by Lucia’s halo of candles is also found and singing the Swedish version of this song the procession are boys with tall conical hats whisk away bad children. in the first lines of the Norwegian version: became another tradition associated with the and wands with stars at their end; these are Until well into the 19th century, Norwe- day. the star boys or magi. Many processions also gians would hide away in their houses on the Black night is falling in stalls and homes In 1927 a Stockholm newspaper held a include tomten or julenissen (Swedish and night of December 13 and paint crosses on The sun has gone away, the shadows are their doors. If they could afford them, they threatening also lit candles throughout the night to ward Into our dark house enters with lit candles off the lussiferda (Lussi’s horde of follow- Santa Lucia! Santa Lucia! Christmas GreetinGs! ers). In Sweden, villagers often held torch- light parades and then set massive bonfires What is clear from the lyrics of these Reserve space for your personalized greeting in our annual Christmas Issue to discourage Lussi and her band from de- songs is that Saint Lucia has been adopted scending on their houses. According to Pro- by Scandinavians as the personification of Name:______fessor Kathleen Stokker, author of Keeping the light that wards off the enveloping dark- Christmas: Yuletide Traditions in Norway ness of winter in Northern Europe. She gives Message:______and the New Land, one of the original sym- hope for the sun’s rebirth after the passing City, State:______Phone:______bolic functions of Lucia’s halo of lights was of the longest night of the calendar year. to scare away any evil demons that may have Lucia’s name means “the luminous” or “of God Jul og entered the house prior to the morning of De- the light,” making her the perfect saint for Merry Christmas! cember 13. the job in a Christian Scandinavian world— Godt Nyttår til Well before the celebration of Saint Lu- a job that may have been filled in more an- Bjorn and nina alle venner! cia became the vogue in Sweden, it was com- cient times by her pagan predecessors Freya steffensen Ola og Berit nordmann mon for groups of children and young people or Frigg. Santa Lucia’s Day on December 13 Staten Island, N.Y. to go from house to house as lussegubbe on now marks a joyful gateway to the Christ- Blue Mounds, Wis. the night of December 13, in a more be- mas season with a celebration of life and $15 for small ad $25 for large ad nign embodiment of the more fearsome lus- light that illuminates the dark gloom of the siferda. They would sing songs in return for Scandinavian winter and gives delight to Deadline: DeCemBer 4 – mail this form today! treats, and if old enough, drafts of aquavit. both children and adults. theNorwegianamerican Norwegian Heritage December 1, 2017 • 19 The Search for Thor by Randi Millman-Brown

The search continues

My previous two articles provided some I found my way to Oscars Gate, which was information about my research into the mys- only a few blocks north of the palace. Al- terious death of my great-uncle Thor Jensen though I couldn’t get into the apartment, I in 1941. was able to imagine them sitting in the living While my research trip started in Oslo room, drinking “kaffe” and talking before he this past summer, I began investigative work left for Hammerfest. I have a letter that Hilda Photo courtesy of Olav Sigurd Kaale three years ago. Online resources through wrote to Thor in Hammerfest on January 5, Scott and Jennifer Winner, previous owners of the building now known as Thamspaviljongen. and research libraries were 1941, where she laments the loss of most of helpful for obtaining genealogical and his- his furniture en route. I learned that the ship, torical information. In May of this year, I the Arnfinn Jarl, was bombed and sunk by < little norway contacted the national archives offices in the British on December 27, From page 1 Oslo, Tromsø, and Trondheim, and made ar- 1940, just a few hundred kilometers west of rangements to visit these archives during my Oslo. Hilda describes contacting the insur- the building produced in Orkanger should be We took a lot of photos; we thought it was visit. I also contacted hospitals, police sta- ance company to try to get reimbursement taken care of. I googled and found it was in the last time we would be in Little Norway. tions, crematoriums, church offices, and mu- for the loss of “26 pieces of furniture.” Hilda good shape as the main attraction in the mu- While on my trip in the USA, I wrote seums that potentially had information about also writes in this letter that she hopes he seum Little Norway. I relaxed and thought an article about our visit and the building for my great-uncle’s untimely death during the “puts up some curtains” and also hopes he about visiting Little Norway with my wife, the History Team. I underlined that Nazi occupation of Norway. found the “shoe-brush in the laundry bag,” May Britt, when I retired. Together with my the building was at risk, and we would lose a I used a detailed spreadsheet to cata- (remember Thor was 36 years old at this cousin Sigrid Stenset and her husband, Odd- piece of our history if it were lost. I hoped that log the names of places, people, addresses, time—his mom was still taking care of him). mund, we decided to go for a holiday to USA somebody from Orkdal would obtain funds to emails, and phone numbers of contacts in I flew from Oslo to Alta on June 20, in September 2014. bring it home. We considered the building to Norway. I needed organized information in 2017—a driving distance of approximately Shortly before leaving we discovered be a treasure for the municipality of Orkdal. order to keep track of the correspondence I 1,800 kilometers but a flying time of two that Little Norway was closed. After some received. Several archivists provided me with hours. From there I booked the ferry to Ham- struggle we got in contact with the owner, VH: How did you raise the funds? other sources to contact, and the number of merfest, retracing the route that Thor took Scott Winner. He had consistently said no to OSK: The total project cost was NOK 4.6 people to keep track of would easily get out when he began his fateful three-week hiking all who wanted to see the museum after it million. We got started with two million NOK of hand without using a spreadsheet. This, of trip through Finnmark in July of 1941 (but was closed down. For two years, in fact! given by the municipality of Orkdal. This was course, evolved as the trip progressed. we haven’t gotten to that story yet). enough to buy, dismantle, and bring the build- As I described last month, I started my VH: Can you describe what you were think- ing back to Orkanger. In addition we got mon- research in Oslo at the Resistance Muse- Randi is an art historian, photographer, ing when you first came upon it? ey and services from private people, compa- um and the Museum of Contemporary Art. part-time genealogist, and writer living in OSK: I thought the building was equal to the nies in the area, the County Council, and the While in Oslo, I planned to visit the grave- Ithaca, N.Y. She can be contacted at rmill- photos on the home page of Little Norway. Norwegian Department of Culture. The most yard where my great-grandfather Conrad [email protected]. It was very strange to see colors on the drag- important was the 20,000 hours donated by and Thor were buried, Vestre Gravlund, just ons and other ornaments; it was not like what the volunteers, the project’s motor! north of the Vigeland Sculpture Park. I hoped we Norwegians expected. It should be dark graveyard officials could locate the gravesite wood all over. VH: How did you celebrate when the project records (they did) and that it might include a It was a relief at last to see the building was completed? cause of death (it didn’t). This was frustrat- and to have a close look and touch my grand- OSK: The municipality of Orkdal and the ing but not unexpected, leading me to recon- father’s dragon carvings. The portal was big- mayor Oddbjørn Bang invited all the volun- sider my next steps. ger than I imagined. I wish that my grand- teers for a nice dinner before the opening of Thor lived in his own apartment before father could see us, preserving the crafts- Thamspaviljongen, which is the name of the 1939 but inexplicably moved into his mother manship from his life. He was most proud building in Norway. There was music, song, Hilda’s apartment on Oscars Gate in May of of having this project realized. And I thought speeches, and gifts. 1939 and lived there with her until he left for the Americans and mostly Scott Winner and Hammerfest in December of 1940. This must his family had taken good care of this beauti- VH: How is the building being used? have been difficult, as he was 35 years old ful building. OSK: Thamspaviljongen will be open for all at the time. After visiting Vestre Gravlund, and have many uses. After the opening, we VH: I read that you recognized your grandfa- four in the project group became responsible ther’s carvings. How did you identify them? for the operations of the pavilion. The mu- Photos courtesy of Randi Millman-Brown OSK: I did not recognize my grandfather’s nicipality of Orkdal became the owner of the Right: Apartment building on Oscars Gate. patterns. My grandfather was 20 years old pavilion at the same time. Below: The Vestre Gravlund register lists Thor, when he carved this portal. This portal was The Sunday after the opening there was but no cause of death. the only job he did in dragon-style carvings! a christening. The following week there were Somehow the general manager of three concerts and one flower show. Many Strand­heim Brug, Christian Thams, had got- have reserved the building for confirmations ten information about my grandfather’s skill. and birth celebrations. Four hundred school- On one of the first days in November 1892, children and other groups have been guided Thams arrived in the courtyard of my grand- through it. It is now open every Saturday for father’s farm. He rolled out the drawing of tours. the dragon portal for the Chicago pavilion on the floor and said, “Can you make this portal Project Heimatt created a joyous ending in dragon carvings, Peder? You must finish it for this unique piece of Norwegian and Nor- in three months!” wegian-American history. Hopefully, the per- severance from both sides of the Atlantic that VH: Why did you believe that the building led to this success can serve as a model for Subscribe to The Norwegian American! should be sent to Norway? preserving other pieces of our shared history. OSK: When Scott Winner and I went up to (206) 784-4617 • [email protected] the Norway Building, he told me the whole To learn more about this stunning building property with all buildings had been for sale and its new home visit news • business • sports • opinion • recipes • & more for two years! It was difficult to sell, he said. projectheimatt. 20 • December 1, 2017 Norsk Språk theNorwegianamerican Norwegian Language Corner Abbreviation blues NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES and TROLLS A taxing example of the peril of translation

Volume 1 With 18 classic folk tales, fairy tales and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, “Tuss og Troll” is now serialized in The Norwegian American’s Norwegian Language Corner. The stories are from the collections of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, Johannes Farestveit, and Nana Rise-Lynum. Translated by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad Raneng. Illustrated by Solveig Muren Sanden and Jens R. Nilssen. “Tuss og Troll” was edited, designed, and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad.

Image: Språkrådet ( is a very useful site for language learners and translators, with one of its resources being a long list of abbreviations spelled out—but even there you won’t find RF.

M. Michael Brady Asker, Norway

Abbreviations not obvious or not spelled Delving into the history of taxation in out upon first use can confuse, particularly in Norway reveals that RF entered the language translation between languages, as between as an abbreviation for Riksskattestyrets for- Norwegian and English. Consider the two- mular (National Tax Administration Forms), letter abbreviation RF. In technology, it’s where Riksskattestyret for 70 years (1913- unaltered in translation, as it’s the short-form 1983) was the name of the agency that today technical term for the same words, in Norwe- is known as Skatteetaten. So RF is a historical gian (Radiofrekvens) and in English (Radio abbreviation that was retained in 1983, per- Frequency). haps because then, well before today’s ubiqui- In Norway, RF also is an abbreviation tous online availability and filing of forms, the more commonplace than its use in technol- task of changing RF to something else on the ogy. It’s the prefix to the designation num- paper taxation forms held in tax offices across bers of the many taxation forms issued by the country was viewed as being too big to be Skatteetaten (literally “Tax agency,” the Nor- worthwhile. One might speculate what would wegian equivalent of the IRS in the USA), have happened had the change of name taken such as the Skattemelding for formues- og place today. inntektsskatt, RF-1030 (Tax return for wage earners and pensioners, RF-1030), the equiva- Originally published in Norwegian on the lent of IRS form 1040, conveniently available Clue dictionaries blog at 7 mils støvelen The 7 League Boot in English translation at del 5 av 6 part 5 of 6 Forms-and-Services/Etater/The-Norwegian- Tax-Administration/Tax-return-for-wage- Snart kom dei fram til løa på fjellet der Soon they arrived at the hay barn in earners-and-pensioners. M. Michael Brady was educated as a scientist and trollet venta. Guten hadde trudd at prinses- the mountains where the troll was wait- Despite that prevalent usage, RF in its sa skulle bli redd når ho såg trollet, men ing. The boy had thought that the princess with time turned to writing taxation sense is not defined in any Norwe- jenta let seg ikkje skremma. would be frightened when she saw the and translating. gian dictionary or language reference and — Ja, no kan eg endeleg fara vidare, sa troll, but the girl did not scare. consequently not explained in English. In that trollet då han hadde fått på seg sjumilsstøv- “Aye, now I can finally travel on,” said lane. Sola hadde gått ned. the troll after he had put on the seven- sense, RF may well be Norway’s most famil- — Kva ærend hadde du eigentleg, sa league boots. The sun was gone! iar yet most obscure abbreviation. guten. “What task were you trying to do?” — Eg har ikkje fått sove på 300 år, sa asked the boy. Legend of Siljatjern Seter: trollet, — og no har eg høyrt at det skal “I have not slept for 300 years,” said Life, love and faith on finnast ei slags rot i eit land langt borte, og the troll, “and I’ve heard that there can be a Norwegian mountain dairy at den som et av den rota, skal sova godt. found a type of root in a land far away, and By Gunlaug Nøkland — Men du treng då ikkje dra den lange he who eats from the root, will sleep well.” • Bilingual English Norwegian text turen for å få sova, sa prinsessa. — Legg deg “But you don’t need to go on that long SAVE • Hardcover, 6″x 9″, 448 pages 6 ned i høyet att, så skal eg syngja for deg, og journey just to get sleep,” said the princess. 0% • Recipes & pictures of old seter life • Was $29.95, now only $11.95 plus då sovnar du heilt sikkert. “Lie down in the hay again, and I’ll sing for $4.95 S/H in USA Prinsessa la hovudet til trollet i fanget, you; then you are bound to fall asleep.” og song dei fagraste og varaste voggeson- The princess put the head of the troll Legend of Siljatjern Seter tells the story of Mette agreeing to take a summer job as a gane du kan tenkja deg. Og snart sov trollet in her lap, and sang the most beautiful and budeie (dairy maid) on an old-fashioned så det dura i den vesle løa. gentle of lullabies you could ever imagine. demonstration dairy called Siljatjern (Silja’s — Ja, det var noko til voggesong, sa And soon the troll slept so heavily that the pond) Seter. Now you can experience life guten. Det var ikkje fritt for at han vart noise boomed in the little barn. as your ancestors lived in Norway before they immigrated to America. trøytt, han òg. “Aye, that sure was some lullaby,” said — Berre legg hovudet ditt i fanget mitt, the boy. And it certainly could not be de- Call, send check or visit website du òg, sa prinsessa. Og snart sov alle tre. nied that he was tired as well. Astri My Astri Publishing Phone: 563-568-6229 “Just put your head in my lap, you too,” Deb Nelson Gourley [email protected] 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 said the princess. And soon all three were asleep. Subscribe to The Norwegian American! Tuss og Troll 2-vol set (206) 784-4617 • [email protected] $35.95 with FREE shipping in USA. news • business • sports • opinion • recipes • & more theNorwegianamerican Norsk Språk December 1, 2017 • 21

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Da sprengningsulykken på Skjold leir skjedde demonstrerte Ingeniørbataljonen tungt bærbart mineryddingsutstyr da ulyk- ken skjedde. Forsvaret har stanset all bruk av utstyret inntil videre. ­— Det er åpenbart at mineryddings­ Man! That was a And please don’t tell me You are Thanks! My pleasure! utstyret gikk av før det skulle. Nå må under­ disastrous shift! I’ll hear the microwave good! søkelseskommisjon finne ut hva som skjedde, Please tell me ping any second! Sweet, Dad! you’ve made dinner! Nice work! sier talsmann for Hæren, oberst­løytnant Ole Hello! What do you take me for? Johan Skogmo. Forsvarets granskingskommisjon jobber Lunch med å få svar på hva som forårsaket ulykken. by Børge Lund En rapport er ventet på nyåret. Ifølge Forsvarsmateriell er ikke mine­ On th... ryddingssystemet byttet ut etter at det ble anskaffet på slutten av 90-tallet. ­— Utstyret er ikke modifisert siden an- skaffelsen. Systemene kontrolleres av Fors- varsmateriell etter en fastlagt syklus, dette kalles tilstandskontroll, opplyser Jannicke Hauan Strand i Forsvarsmateriell til NRK.

Juven Tours ravel ...Which suggests that we should On the contrary? That We Don’t& Just TourT Norway... Like that, yes! bet everything on one card! makes no sense? On th... Argh! You’re just saying that to avoud saying something! Let yourself go! We Meet the People! Rather on the contrary! On the contrary! On the contrary can be On the contrary! And if I’m used for everything. not mistaken, you want to say on the contrary right now! Announcing norwAy 2018 Hjalmar by Nils Axle Kanten AntArcticA with hurtigruten Aboard the brand new ship That guy has no class! “MS Roald Amundsen” hurtigruten coAstAl voyAges “The World’s Most Beautiful Voyage” Daily departures from Bergen or Kirkenes norwAy And world wAr ii May 14-25, 2018 Carrol T. Juven, Guide norsk høstfest norwAy tour “A Hands Across the Sea” – Sister City Tour May 28-June 10, 2018 Carrol T. Juven, Guide norwAy luxury tour June 18-July 1, 2018 Carrol T. Juven, Guide

So, you got an iPhone and You do nothing but whine I can do very viP norwAy tour became as nutty as the about how fancy they are! well without Bah, snobbish! July 9-20, 2018 rest of the Apple Disciples! that snobbish It’s about Carrol T. Juven, Guide Apple stuff. function, design, and esthetics! norwAy luxury tour ii July 23-August 9, 2018 Our 42nd Annual Tour Carrol T. Juven, Guide Han Ola og Han Per by Peter J. Rosendahl, with new translations by John Erik Stacy Best of norwAy tour The Fjords of August 13-25, 2018 Carrol T. Juven, Guide

Family Reunions—Genealogy & Tours Hotel, Auto Rental, Rail & Air Tickets Call or Write for Brochures Juven Tours & Travel, inc. PO Box 1266, Fargo ND 58107 1-800-343-0093 My goodness, Per, Email: [email protected] Cleopatra has gone! Good gracious, someone Caesar is gone too! has taken our car! 22 • December 1, 2017 Fiction theNorwegianamerican Fingertips fiction by Darin Z. Krogh

Alden was not the kind Jack of guy who delivered meals to the homebound. He hated old people. His charity service was a cover. He volunteered because Dag Jensen’s elderly parents received Meals On Wheels each weekday. Dag’s parents lived in a run-down ranch house at the end of a dirt road out just outside the city limits. Any approach- ing car could be seen long before it arrived at the house. Mom and Dad Jensen had done a poor job of raising their only son, Regi- nald. Dag drank too much, hustled wom- en and sold cars, new and old, at the same San Bruno dealership for twenty years. That was rare stability in the car business. Sometimes Dag didn’t come to work for several days; people figured he had some- thing dirty on Ralph Worthington, who owned the dealership. Dag also gambled. He won and lost thousands. His reliability gave him long action with the bookies; several allowed Illustration: Inkshark him to bet thousands on the cuff. Dag had always paid his gambling debts even if it meant mortgaging his home or selling his assets. Dag was up and index finger when he finally located him. porch. He had a leather collar around his Dag’s brains splattered onto the cards. down financially over the years. He floated Jack had been delivering meals on this ankle that was clipped to a rope knotted to His head dropped onto the middle of his along because he was good at peddling same route for three weeks hoping to catch a porch pillar. solitaire game. cars and worked his ass off to pay his gam- a glimpse of Dag at his parents’ house. He Old Arvid Jensen watched Jack get Jack pulled the pruning clippers from bling debts. But he had lost that job six had spent two weeks driving other meal out of the car. He always asked the same his pocket and with one hard squeeze, months ago. Maybe he lost his blackmail districts waiting for Dag’s parents’ route to question, “Does that car have air condi- the specified index finger dropped off hold on Ralph Worthington. Whatever, come open. tioning?” Dag’s hand. Jack picked the finger up and he quit paying his debts. Rumors had him Dag’s father, Arvid Jensen, was always Jack always answered, “Yes.” Every dropped it into a baggie. hiding out at his parents’ house. standing out on the covered porch when time. Mrs. Jensen came running from the Jack Alden had been hired to bring Jack Alden drove up the long road with Arvid had the same cat jumping up kitchen. When she saw her son’s head Dag’s right index fingertip to Nate Wil- the lunch. Jack figured the old man wasn’t on him. Every time. resting in a growing pool of blood, she liams. Williams was a sore bookie who pos- waiting for the free meal. Arvid suffered Jack always asked, “Is that your cat?” screamed. sessed a copy of Dag’s driver’s license with from dementia. He didn’t know what he The old guy always answered, “No, Jack had no choice but to shoot the the fingerprint. Nate also had a stack of was waiting for. Mom Jensen was usually she lives up the road a ways. But she comes old woman. He turned to see Arvid stand- Dag’s bad paper. He wanted the fingertip in the house. She was slow to answer the down here and spends the day. Then goes ing at the open door. His mouth was wide to certify a point to other potential no-pays; door and almost never came out on the home at night.” open and eyes blinking hard, several times Do not trifle with Nate Williams. The pen- porch. Jack had time to look in windows “I had a wife like that,” Jack always in succession. alty was up to and including death. for any sign of the couple’s errant son. commented. Jack pushed the old man aside and Jack carried a pair of pruning clippers The same ritual took place each time The old man always chuckled like he’d walked out onto the porch to retrieve the in his back pocket to remove Dag’s right Jack arrived. The old man never left the never heard it before. He seemed to get it, meal boxes. There was no need to shoot over and over again, dementia or not. the old man. Arvid’s attention had turned Jack climbed the steps carrying the back to petting the cat. Luxury Log Home food containers past the old man. He Jack placed the meals in the back seat didn’t knock on the door; instead he and started up his car. As he backed out, Deluxe Scandinavian Log Home! walked around the corner of the porch and the old man shouted, “Does that car have Fully furnished with premium log peeked in through a side window. Voilà! air conditioning?” furniture—turnkey! There was Dag sitting at the dinner table. Jack smiled and shouted, “yeah. It gets • Sewer and water His back was to the front door and he was cold as hell in here.” • Adjacent to the golf course playing what appeared to be solitaire. • Near Grand Rapids, Minnesota Jack sat the meals down and went Darin Z. Krogh is a lifetime • A steal at $519,900 back to the front door. He slowly turned Spokane resident, aged but (651) 483-0766 • [email protected] • the knob. not decrepit. He has stories When the door was wide open, Dag published in various news- shouted, “Pa, shut the goddamn door!” papers, anthologies, and But he did not turn around to face the magazines during the last Vesterheim 25 years. He lives high on door; he kept his eyes on the cards laid out the national Norwegian-American museum and heritage center the Sunset Hill overlooking before him on the table. • The largest collection of Norwegian-American artifacts in the world the daily lives of Spokane citizens below. Darin Three steps later, Jack had a gun at the • A national center for folk-art classes • Open all year in Decorah, Iowa took eight years to graduate from a four-year back of Dag’s skull and pulled the trigger. college. He is curious but innocent. theNorwegianamerican Puzzles December 1, 2017 • 23

Norwenglish Crossword by Andrew R. Thurson Puzzles by Sölvi Dolland

Directions: Translate English words to Norwegian, or vice versa, before posting in the puzzle. #24 / 92 “Norsk overtro”

Across/ 38. Bevæpne Vannrett 39. Passende 1. (Make) spots 41. Disturb 7. Fiord 42. The wagtails 12. Minske 43. Rasjon (2 wds) 45. Slappe av 13. Surer 46. Behandler 14. Step 15. Knipling-lik Down/ 17. Telegraf (fk.) Loddrett 18. Menyer 1. Fasten 19. Agreed 2. Skjult 20. One 3. Donkey 21. Berømt 4. Dunk 22. Giggle 5. Cow 23. Redsel 6. Apple sauce 25. Comprehend 7. Fiender 26. Ligger 8. Christmas 27. Say (var.) 9. The Orient 28. (Vare) baller 10. Strikke om 30. Brain igjen 32. Forbruker 11. (To) dress 22. (Vare) messer 29. Forsikre 37. Manks 33. Sivene 13. Jage avgårge 24. Ecstatic 30. Helbrede 39. Arie 34. Nei 16. Suspects 25. Nærer 31. Sette Røttet 40. Te 36. SSW 18. Hopper 27. Bashful 33. Slåbrok 41. Out 37. Stønner 21. Suitor 28. Busses 35. Varsler 44. Are (meas.) Norsk-Engelsk Kryssord by Ed Egerdahl of the Scandinavian Language Institute Ed Egerdahl wrote these puzzles for Scandinavian Language Institute’s classes at Seattle’s Nordic Heritage Museum. It’s possible a few of the clues will make more sense if you remember that—there may be some Seattle-centric answers. There’s definitely some wacky humor, and if you find yourself uncertain about a two-letter answer, try “Ed.” (N) = skriv på norsk. Otherwise, the answers are in English.

VANNRETT 65. gjør 124. bruke vann til å forberede (N) 1. brød eller kjøttpudding form 66. enda flere av 20 vannrett 125. har satt fyr på lyset (N) 5. mange hoppende villdyr med 67. øl serverings sted mange lange hår 68. både menneskelige og LODDRETT 10. spesialitet av 8 loddrett og hvorfor umenneskelige ting 1. vitenskapelige arbeidsrom vi er her (N)! 69. tar til retten 2. glemme, ta ut 15. Med 111 vannrett—høyt elsket 70. svakt belyst eller dum 3. opera navn hoved-by for vikinger i dag! 71. stygt, slengord for å ta buksene 4. julefest adjektiv 19. en fransk venn ned! 5. det folket bor i (N) 20. ord som absolutt best beskriver en 73. forkortelse for veier eller gater 6. bakparter på båter forferdelig situasjon (N)! 74. Sonnys tidligere partner og kone 7. Mayberry adresse fra fjernsyn 21. kvinne navn 75. Hassel, Mandel eller Pea serien 22. den “første” julesang 76. blander av 10 vannrett pluss 63 og 8. se 10 vannrett 23. prøver seg i en auksjon 66 loddrett 9. forberedte torsk på en måte 24. forkortelse for vanlig, normal 78. første navn i en annen verdens 10. i området 25. den ikke så “lille” o.l. byen gjort litt krig kamp 11. ål-formet dyr i frosk familie mindre (N) 79. etter-jul pris 12. øverste kant 27. det faller om høsten (N) 80. vinter sko 13. retning fra 25 vannrett til 15 28. Vigelands verk 81. tank påfyll vannrett 30. en gate i gamle Roma 82. 111 til Keiser Augustus 14. klare og brune siruper 31. mange av 20 vannrett 83. også (merkenavn) 33. internasjonal kommunikasjon eller 84. spansk “ei” 15. når Ernies partner spanderer?! Addams’ familie fetter 85. gjespe stort (N) 16. himmelens slekt med den virkelige 34. en liten sangfugl 86. holde opp 71 vannrett (N) 59. julegriser eller de som forteller 82. stappe full av 35. amerikansk fotball kaster 87. eggetoddi sprit 17. Shakespeare konge (var hans dumme vitser 85. naturens kode 38. gressløk 88. tegnefilm blanc stemmemann fornavn Norman?) 60. en som arbeider med gulrøtter 86. julegenser stoff 41. gå foran 89. gammeldags hesteridere med 18. tidligere GM bil 63. vi absolutt må ha den riktige 90. fisk, mus og fugl spiser 42. en sterk vind lange, spissete staver 26. eggelegger kombinasjon av 10 vannrett og dette 91. fortalte om 43. øverst på huset 91. grense betaling 29. hvor du er når du går fra 5 loddrett 64. koster ingenting 92. den du liker best 47. miste, kan ikke finne 92. bli mindre og mindre (N) 65. to som synger sammen 94. påske verb 48. lyd som kommer når det smerter 93. det beste man kunne tenke seg 30. Middeløst land 66. dette er vist (av og til) av 62 og 96. Aske for Askeladdens jente form 49. Herr Cronkite når han hopper over 95. blir brun i 16 loddrett 32. 20 vannrett en gang til (2 ord) 76 vannrett, for ikke å snakke om 8 97. lite grann noe?! 96. kjølig 34. motsatte av kraftig loddrett! 99. horoskop avdeling 51. en eneste 97. store bøker (kryssord ord) 35. Bibel brev skriver 67. en nervøs, liten puff-hund 100. mors ektefelle (N) 52. denne + forrige = 2 98. fortelle om 36. hver eneste 68. braves, falcons, hawks, og kanskje 101. skynde seg 53. du finner den på biblioteket 100. slutte å være tomt 37. små sofaer scarlett 102. Karl Johans vei 52. høy, lang 101. den mannen (N) 38. synonym for 10 loddrett 69. i slekt med 80 vannrett 103. student (N) 55. en skotsk lue 102. romskip navn 39. gjorde skarpere 70. møbler dekning hos oss! 104. fetter, onkel, nevø, sønn 56. menneske eller uttrykk? 105. orkester 40. den gjør ’burtsdags kaken 71. dolphins, heat, vice og kanskje en 105. unger (N) 57. var ikke i rett tid (N) 106. gikk som en and fullkommen (N) orkan 106. militære damer 58. Gudbrandsdals sted med en 110. gammeldags 20 vannrett 41. veve maskin 72. hadde 107. oversettelsen av 57 vannrett stavkirke (N) 111. se 15 vannrett 42. at noe er i veien (N) 73. hvor Mo i Nordland er (dette har 108. akkurat samme som 122 vannrett 59. den som har gjester 115. Nordens største flyselskap 44. indianer tromme ingenting med Larry og Curly å gjøre!) 109. tannlege forkortelse 60. der vi er 116. den henger utover et vindu 45. adjektiv å beskrive noe enda (N) 112. å være syk 61. Nobels store oppfinnelse for kort 117. begynnelse for –fon eller –graf dummere enn dette kryssordet! 74. politimenn (slengord) 113. litt over halvparten av 82 62. istedenfor en fin nyttårs 118. Nidelven er et eksempel 46. småpenger blir ikke mindre 75. bruke en hammer vannrett resolusjon, skal du få dette kryssordet 119. Pavens lov papir 48. humør 76. komme ut fra (med glede for eks.) 114. Peggy, Pinky eller Gypsy fra ham! 121. nynork form for stein (N) 49. utrolig stort 77. ti ganger 46 loddrett 115. skyld, udyd, ondt 63. hulahoop er, men norsk klasse og 122. samme pris, høyde eller samme 50. naturens stereo høreapparater 79. i dårlig humør 120. en lærer som vil stå på hode for kryssord er ikke! nummer poeng 53. snakke tull 80. flere av 67 vannrett deg?! 64. i full fart 123. en som får besøk av 102 vannrett 54. blande salat 81. irriterende sterk frekkhet !Rå ttyn tdog 24 • December 1, 2017 Bulletin Board theNorwegianamerican

Announcing Sangerfest 2018 Norwegian American notes Work with us! ing, the job entails: It’s with a lot of mixed feelings • Administrative work that I announce that after nearly • Editorial work four years, Molly Jones is leaving • Website posting and social The Norwegian American. Don’t let media me get started on how badly her • Proofreading (both English absence will be felt around here, and Norwegian) or I’ll go on all day. • Translating Norwegian to But our loss could be your English gain. Are you a lover of Norway If you feel you’re qualified for and the written word? Do you read some or all of this job—perhaps Norwegian? Do you live within half of which must be done on- driving distance of Shoreline, site, send your resume to naw@ NOW, as Wash.? Do you want a job? Do it We’re looking for either one Molly’s last day is December 4 and magical person or two or more some of these roles need to be slightly more ordinary people to fill filled right away. Molly’s big shoes. Broadly speak- The Luren Singing Society will be hosting the 62nd Biennial Norwegian Singers Association of America Sangerfest at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa, May 31 to June 2, 2018. Ten Midwest Norwegian American Male Choruses make up the NSAA. They gather every two years to celebrate Norwegian and Scandinavian music and traditions with special concerts, banquets, and tours. This year the Brødreroster Male Chorus from Hamar, Norway, will also participate. Brooklyn Høst Fest The Grand Concert is held on Saturday evening. Over 250 men accompanied by an orchestra sing familiar Scandinavian songs and American favorites under the direction of Dr. David Judisch, a retired faculty member from Luther College. More information for registration and tickets is available at

Submitted by Roger L. Buhr, President, Norwegian Singers Association of America

Viking ship visit

Photos: Arthur DeGaeta Herring, hunting, and other harvest traditions were all part of the Scandinavian East Coast Museum’s new annual event. Attendees were greeted by an autumnal room (space donated by Lutheran Church) bedecked in an abundance of pumpkin and golden hues. In the background were the strains of iconic Nordic and American tunes, spun by Heritage Music maestro Sean LaFleur. Local Senator Martin Golden stopped by and all began the event with a skål. The party included hunting games: archery and pin the tale on the moose. The moose was played by Bob Carlsen, who organized the games and provided funny prizes. There was also a Smørgåsbord Raffle held with over a dozen prizes. Proceeds from this event will be used to continue the SECM’s community programming, especially their annual Photo: Al Benson Viking Fest held in May. Montgomery resident Vi Skogen, right, demonstrated making lefse at St. Olaf Lutheran Church in Montgomery in early November. The demonstration highlighted Sons of Norway Polar Star Submitted by Lagertha Aslaug Lodge 5-472’s annual Taste of Norway fall festival.

Back by popular demand! WOODEN SPOON God Jul, Merry Christmas SCANDINAVIAN SHOP A Taste of Norway: Flavors from The 1617 K Avenue, Plano, TX 75074 • (972) 424-6867 Your one-stop shop for all Norwegian American cookbook: things Christmas: Now in its second printing, a collection of recipes from the pages of The Nor- Norwegian candies, cheeses, wegian American. This beautiful spiral- fishballs, Tee-shirts, crystal, bound cookbook covers main courses, flags, decals, pewter, Thor’s soups and sides, and of course sweets. It hammer, Advent candles, even has a few drink recipes! Gjetost, lefse, lutefisk, $34 + shipping and all things Norwegian Email [email protected], Stop in, call in, or order on-line call (206) 784-4617, or buy it at: [email protected] •