LAWS 2017 SCR 15

SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 15 Whereas Dolores Atiyeh was a leading advocate of the mandatory immunization of children and helped secure approval of House Bill 2139 in 1981; Whereas Dolores Hewitt Atiyeh was born in and Portland, Oregon, on November 8, 1923, and lived in Whereas Dolores Atiyeh campaigned successfully Oregon her entire life, passing away on August 29, for Senate Bill 293 in 1983, calling for mandatory 2016, at 92 years of age; and seat belt restraints for children five years of age or Whereas Dolores Atiyeh was educated in Port- younger; and land public schools, graduated from Washington Whereas Dolores Atiyeh was a part of the Ore- High School and was recognized in Who’s Who in gon Easter Seal Society for many years, serving as American High Schools; and a board member, officer and member of the society’s Whereas Dolores Atiyeh was a scholarship honor House of Delegates; and student in art at the , where Whereas Dolores Atiyeh worked as a member of, she pledged the Alpha Chi Omega sorority; and and volunteer for, Arts Coalition Northwest, the Whereas Dolores and Victor Atiyeh married in Historic Preservation League of Oregon, the Oregon 1944 and raised two children, Tom and Suzanne; and International Year of the Child Commission and se- Whereas Dolores Atiyeh partnered with Victor veral committees of the Portland Art Museum; and Atiyeh as he served 20 years in the Legislative As- Whereas Dolores Atiyeh was inurned in Port- sembly; and land, Oregon, in a private ceremony on September Whereas Dolores Atiyeh, as the wife of Governor 3, 2016, and her life celebrated by friends and family Victor G. Atiyeh, served honorably as Oregon’s first at a public memorial on September 23, 2016; now, lady from January 8, 1979, to January 12, 1987; and therefore, Whereas Dolores Atiyeh was routinely cele- Be It Resolved by the Legislative Assembly of brated by her husband as “the wind beneath my the State of Oregon: wings”; and That we, the members of the Seventy-ninth Leg- Whereas on July 5, 2014, Dolores Atiyeh and islative Assembly, express our highest admiration former Governor Victor Atiyeh celebrated their 70th and profound gratitude for Dolores Atiyeh’s contri- wedding anniversary, just 15 days prior to his death butions to the State of Oregon, including her passion on July 20, 2014; and for young people and children, her leadership and Whereas Dolores Atiyeh personally championed promotion of child safety legislation and her un- numerous art, charitable and historic causes, espe- bounded love and support for her husband, children cially those in support of children and young adults; and five grandchildren; and be it further and Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be sent Whereas Dolores Atiyeh was the consummate to her children, Tom Atiyeh of Portland, Oregon, volunteer, working as a Cub Scout den mother, and Suzanne Atiyeh of Trinidad, California, and to along with serving in leadership positions with the the Governor Victor Atiyeh Collection in the Pacific Parent Teacher Association, the Girl Scouts, the University Archives in Forest Grove, Oregon. Japanese Garden Society and the Albertina Kerr Filed in the office of Secretary of State June 16, 2017 board of directors; and