Razorcake Issue
was at a state university in southern California, talking four-foot-tall shower, all so he could afford to help open to a literature professor. Since I didn’t want to be up the zine store/art space Needles and Pens; and to hear IIbogged down in small talk, I figured I could talk about Joe say again and again how these little reading tours were books with her. I asked her, “What’s the last thing you our way of recreating the old ‘80s punk rock tours by read that got you really excited?” getting in the van and bringing underground books to “Oh, I don’t read for pleasure,” she said. “When I get people who have an appetite for them. home, I just watch TV.” The icing on the cake came in Seattle, when Joe and I Because I’m a writer, this comment really stung. If were hanging out in front of Confounded Books and this even literature professors don’t read, then who does? guy came up to us and said, “I’m so excited you guys are Books and zines mean the world to me, and for a minute, I here. This is like my Wrestlemania!” Any bad feelings I wondered if I was the only person left who felt this way. may have had or any remnants of the mundane tour week earlier, I’d been on a reading tour with three malaise were wiped away with that one little comment. of my favorite living writers: Mike Faloon, Joe For the rest of the tour, whenever people would ask us AAMeno, and Razorcake’s own Todd Taylor.
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