6297 Revista Filosofie Nr 2 Tipar.Indd
SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONScientifi c contribution OF of MEDICALmedical scientists SCIENTISTS in middle ages in Azerbaijan IN MIDDLE AGES IN AZERBAIJAN Farid ALAKBARLI, Vuqar MAMMADOV, Aida BANDALIYEVA, Department of Information and Translation of the Institute of Manuscripts of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Azerbaijan Medical University Rezumat Azerbaidjanul este o țară la intersecția a numeroase culturi, religii și civilizații. Ca ur- mare, medicina antică a fost influențată de diferite sisteme de vindecare, cum ar fi: turcă, iraniană, semitică și greacă. Locuitorii antici ai Azerbaidjanului au manifestat anumite cunoștințe în domeniul medicinei. Institutul de Manuscrise al Academiei Naționale de Științe din Azerbaidjan (IMANAS) conține o colecție de 390 de documente ale medicinei timpurii, inclusiv 363 de manuscrise ce datează din secolul IX, incluse de UNESCO în Registrul Internațional al Programului „Memoria Lumii”. Cuvinte-cheie: istorie, manuscrise medicale, farmacie, spital, farmaceutic. A zerbaijan is a country at the crossroads of numerous cultures, religions and civilizations. Th erefore, ancient Azerbaijani medicine was infl uenced by various healing systems, such as Turkic, Iranian, Semitic and Greek medicine. Ancient inhabitants of Azerbaijan had certain knowledge in the fi eld of medicine. New era in medicine began aft er the invasion of Arabs and the spread of Islam in Azerbaijan. Th e development of various sciences, including medicine in Azerbaijan, occurred when Islam was introduced (7th century AD). Th e great empire created by Arabs and named Khalifat rapidly merged various cultures of the Islamic domain. Since then, the Azeri, Turkish, Persian, Indian, Greek, Arabic, Turkish schools of medicine deeply infl uenced each other. Various scientifi c traditions located within the boundaries of this common empire led to an unprecedented era of mixing infusion in all branches of science [1].
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