Entry for beninensis (Planch.) Benth. [family ICACINACEAE]



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Page 1 of 3 Entry for RHAPHIOSTYLIS beninensis (Planch.) Benth. [family ICACINACEAE]

Herbarium Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (K) Collection Flora of Tropical East Africa Resource Type Reference Sources Entry from Flora of Tropical East Africa, page 1 (1968) Author: G. Ll. Lucas Names RHAPHIOSTYLIS beninensis (Planch.) Benth. [family ICACINACEAE], in Hook., Niger Fl.: 259, t. 28 (1849); Engl. in V.E. 3(2): 256 (1921), as “Raphiostyles ”; Sleumer in E. & P. Pf., ed. 2, 20B: 368 (1942); F.W.T.A., ed. 2, 1: 638 (1958); Boutique in F.C.B. 9: 275 (1960); F.F.N.R.: 221 (1962); Mendes in F.Z. 2: 347, t. 73 (1963). Type: , Cape Palmas, T. Vogel 46 (K, holo.!)Apodytes beninensis Planch. [family ICACINACEAE], in Hook., Ic. Pl. 8, t. 778 (1848); F.T.A. 1: 355 (1868), excl. var. #Rhaphiostylis stuhlmannii Engl. [family ICACINACEAE], in E.J. 17: 72 (1893), as “Raphiostyles”; T.T.C.L.: 252 (1949). Type: Uganda, Sese Is., Stuhlmann 1221 (B, holo.†, K, iso.!)Rhaphiostylis scandens Engl. [family ICACINACEAE], in E.J. 43: 183 (1909), as “Raphiostyles ”. Types: Tanganyika, E. Usambara Mts., Derema, Scheffler 146 (B, syn.†, EA, K, isosyn.!) & Scheffler 165 (B, syn.†, EA, isosyn.!) & Amani, Braun in Herb. Amani 1444 (B, syn.†, EA, isosyn.!) Information Scandent shrub or liane up to 15 m. long, often 5–6 cm. in diameter; branches glabrous, reddish-brown when young, becoming grey with age. Leaf-blade elliptic to lanceolate, 5–15 cm. long, 2–8 cm. wide, abruptly or gradually acuminate, cuneate to ± rounded at the base, glabrous, coriaceous, dark green above, paler beneath, with the midrib slightly impressed above, prominent beneath, and with 4–5(–6) pairs of secondary veins prominent on both surfaces; petiole 3–5 mm. long, canaliculate. Flowers few to many in ± axillary fascicles, pedicellate; bracts minute. Calyx 0.4–0.7 mm. long; lobes deltoid, ciliate. Petals free, white, drying black, linear, up to 7 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide. Ovary ovoid, up to 1 mm. long,

Page 2 of 3 glabrous or with a few hairs at the apex; style eccentric, filiform, up to 4 mm. long, glabrous or sparsely pubescent, persistent; stigma capitate. Fruit broadly ovoid, obliquely dorsi-ventrally compressed, up to 1.3 cm. long and 2 cm. wide and 1 cm. thick, red when mature, glossy black and characteristically reticulately wrinkled on drying. Fig. 3, p. 7. Range DISTR. U2, 4; T1, 3, 4, 6 westwards to and southwards to , Rhodesia and Altitude range 900–1350 m. Distribution TANGANYIKA Bukoba District: Katoma, Gillman 346! Lushoto District: Amani, 21 Dec. 1928, Oreenway 1066! Morogoro District: Turiani, Nov. 1954, Semsei 1932! UGANDA Ankole District: Mbarara,Oct. 1925, Maitland 881! Mengo District: Entebbe, Oct. 1937, Chandler 1953! Toro District: Kibale Forest, Mar. 1943, St. Clair-Thompson in Eggeling 5248!


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