N.M. Rothschild. (Jun. 25, 1811). Incorporation: Rothschild Brothers, Manchster, disbanned, reformed as N.M. Rothschild [& Sons], No. 2, New-Court, St. Swithin's-Lane, London by Nathan Mayer Rothschild, No. 1276. The London Gazette. 1276 J

s otice i hereby given, that the Partnerſhip formerly HE P artnerſhip between Henry Pigeon and Williaña fubſiſting between Nathaniel Fenn, Joſeph Stevenſon, Dixon, of Southwark, Diſtillers, carried on under 1 Ine and John Knee Hewſon, of Botolph-Lane, London, Whole Firm of Pigeon and Dixon, having expired this Day ? Notice fale Grocers, (ſurviving Partners of Joſeph Stevenſon, de is hereby given, that the ſaid William Dixon hath retired from ceaſed, under the Firm of Stevenſon, Fenn, Stevenſon, and the ſaid Concern, which will in future be carried on by the Hewſon,), was diſſolved, on the 12th Day of May 1810, by ſaid Henry Pigeon and his Son Henry Pigeon, under the mutual Conſent ; from which Time the ſaid Buſineſs has Firm. of Pigeon and Son, by whom all Demands upon the been and will in future continue to be carried on in Botolph former Firm will be diſcharged, and to whom all the Debts Lane aforeſaid, by the ſaid Nathaniel Fenn and John Knee due to that Concern are to be paid.—Witneſs their Hands Hewſon only, under the Firm of Fenn and Hewſon : As this 24th of June 1811, Henry Pigeon. witneſs our Hands this 10th Day July 1811, of Wm. Dixon. Nath Fenn, - for ſelf. Henry Pigeon, jun. Otice i s hereby given, that the Partnerſhip which ſub - - - - joſ Stevenſon, for ſelf. l ſiſted between the underſigned Joſhua Walker, Tho John K nee Hewſon. mas Walker, Thomas Maltby, and John Need, (as Executors and Legatees in Truſt named in the will of Joſeph walker. Nath. Fenn, deceaſed,) and the undeſigned Richard Thompſon and Tho joſ. Stevenſon, mas Thompſon, in the Trade of Buſineſs of Cotton-spinner Executors o f Joſeph Stevenſon, deceaſed. and Manufacturer, carried on at Newcaſtle-under-Lyme, in the County of Stafford, under the Firm of Walker, Thompſon. Market D rayton, Shropſhire, June 25, 1811. and Co. expired on the 31ſt of 1)ecember laſt.—The ſaid Ri. HE Partnerſhip between us the underſigned Thomas chard Thompſon and Thomas Thompſon have ſince continued T Smallwood, Joſeph Loxdale Warren, and Richard the ſaid Trade or Buſineſs, and the ſame will henceforth be arman, as Bankers, at Market Drayton abovementioned, continued by them on their own Accounts, under the Firm is this Day diſſolved by mutual Conſent: As witneſs our of Richard Thompſon and Son.—Dated the 26th June 1811. Hands, Thomas Smallwood. joſ (Walker, Warren. - Thos. Walker, - jo. L. - Richard S pearman. 7 hor. Matly, John Need, June 2 5, 1811...... AKE Notice, that the Buſineſs heretofore carried on by Executors and Legatees of loſeph Walker, , t he underſigned Nathan Meyer Rothſchild, at Man R ichd Thompſºn." cheſter, under Firm Rothſchild -- the of Brothers, will ceaſe Thos. Thompſon. to be carried on by him from this Day, and any Perſon hav - ing Dealings with that Firm are required to ſend their De Y Q ºice is hereby given, that the Copartnerſhip hitherte mands of pay their. Accounts to N. M. Rothſchild, at his ſubſiſting between John Parſons, Cyrus Symes, and Counting-Houſe, in No. 2, New-Cºurt, St. Swithin's-Lane, Edward Mitchell, of the City of Bath, Common-Carriers to London. N . M. Rothſchild. and from and between the Cities of Briſtol, Bath, and Lon. don, being this Day diſſolved by mutual Conſent.—All Per London, J uly 11, 1811. ſons having any Clain, or Demand on the ſaid copartnerſhip Otice is hereby given, that the Partnerſhip carried on are requeſted to tranſmit Accounts thereof to the ſaid Cyrus N between the underſigned Thomas Halliday and George Symes and Filward Mitchell, at their Counting-Houſe, in Prickett, of the Old South Sea Houſe, Broad-Street, Lon the ſaid City of Bath, by whom the ſame will be diſcharged; don, Inſurance-Brokers, under the Firm of Halliday and and all Perſons indebted to the ſaid late Copartnerſhip are Brickett, expired on the 30th Day of April laſt. requeſted to pay the Amount of their reſpective Debts im Thomas Halliday. mediately into the Hants of the ſaid Cyrus Symes and Ed George P rickett. ward Mitchell, who are duly authoriſed to receive the ſame, and by whom the ſame Buſineſs will be carried on in future, Otice i s hereby given, that the Partnerſhip lately ſub under the Firm of Symes and Mitchell only : As witneſs out ſiſting betwixt James Rawſon the Elder, William Hands the 11th Day of July 1811, Rawſon, Richard Rawſon, and James Rawſon the Younger, john Parſºns. of the Borough of Leiceſter, Hoſiers and Worſted Spinners, Cyrus Symes. . was diſſolved by mutual Conſent on the 31ſt of May laſt, Edward M itchell. . fo far as relates to the ſaid Richard Rawſon, and that the Buſineſs will in future be carried on by James Rawſon the Nº. i s hereby given, that the Partnerſhip lately ſº Elder, William Rawſon, and James Rawſon the Younger.— ſiſting between Samuel Deverill, Benjamin Deverill, Witneſs our Hands this 9th of July 1811, and Samuel Kirkby, of the Town and county of the Town #. R awſon, ſen. of Nottingham, Brewers and Copartners, was on the 7th illm. Rawſon. Day of April in the Year of our Lord 18to diſſolved by mu Richd. R awſon. tual Conſent: As witneſs our Hands this 15th of June 1811, James Rawſon, jun. Saml. Deverill. ſ Benjn. Deverill. -- Samuel Kirkly. Briſtol, M ay 4, 1811. --

- t Otice is hereby given, that the Copartnerſhip between - N John Heath and John Robert Tozer, City N º. is hereby given, that the Partnerſhip lately ſub of the of ſiſting between Daniel Pontifex and William King Briſtol, Wholeſale Grocers, is this Day by mutual Conſent diſſolved. john Heath. don, of Saint John's-Square, Clerkenwell, in the County of Middleſex, Working Silverſmiths, carried on under the Firm. john R obert Tozer. of Pºntifex and Kingdon, in Saint John's-Square aforeſaid, was diſſolved on the 1ſt Day of July inſtant by mutualcon. HE P artnerſhip heretofore exiſting betwixt us the un ſent ; and that the ſaid Buſineſs wili in future be carried on T deſigned, as Merchants, in Liverpool, and carrying on by the ſaid William Kingdon, at No. 8, Saint John's-square Buſineſs under the Firm of Legh and Parton, is this Day aforeſaid ; and all Debts due and owing to and from the ſaid diſſolved by mutual Conſent.—All Accounts due to or from Partnerſhip will be received and paid by the ſaid william the ſaid Concern will be received and paid by John Parton, Kingdon: As witneſs our Hands this 9th Day of July 1811, the underſigned Harry Legh retirling from Buſineſs.-Wit Robert Davier, neſs our Hands this 25th Day of June 1811, By Power of Attorgey from the above Barry Legh. mamed 1)aniel Pontifex. John Parton. William K ingſon, ſitt. 16503.

º,” g; The L ndon subliſhed by authority. • *****:: * : * ~ From Cutstap July 9, to saturday July 13, 1811. T the Court at Whitehall, the 9th Day of July George Frederick Earl of Weſtmeath, Patrick Earl of Roſcommon. * 1811 P R E S E NT, {. Earl of Meath. enry Earl of Barrymore. His Royal Highneſs the PRINCE RECENT in Richard Earl of Cavan. Council. George Earl of Granard. H'. Royal Highneſs the Prince Regent having William Wentworth Earl Fitzwilliam, Francis Thomas Earl of Kerry. been pleaſed, in the Name and on the Behalf. John Earl of Darnley. of His Majeſty, to appoint Sir James Cockburn. Frederick Earl of Beſborough. Bart., Governor and Commander in Chief in and Henry Thomas Earl of Carrick. over the Iſlands and Plantations in America, com George Earl of Belvedere. monly called the Bermuda or Somers Iſlands, he Francis Rawdon Earl of Moira. Francis William Earl of Charlemont. this Day took the uſual Oaths appointed to be

taken by the Governors of His Majeſty's Planta. George Earl of Kingſton. - Robert Earl of Roden. ºr 1. - - tions. George Grenville Nugent Earl Nugent. . . --- John Earl of Glandore.. º

ELECTION OF A TEMPORAL PEER OF John Earl of Aldborough. - … . 1RELAND. , , . . . . Stephen Earl of Mount Caſhell. IN purſuance of an Aćt paſſed in the Fortieth Thomas Earl of Longford. * - - - - Year of His preſent. Majeſty’s Reign, intituled John James Earl of Farnham." . . . “An Aćt to regulate the Mode by which the Henry Lawes Earl Carhampton. . º John Earl of Mayo...... º * . . * Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, “ to ſerve in the Parliament of the United Kingdom john Willoughby Earl of Enniſkillen." ' “ on the Part of lreland, ſhall be ſummoned and John Earl of Erne. - “ returned to the ſaid Parliament,” I do hereby John Joſhua Earl of Carysfort.

Edmond Earl of Kilkenny. - give Notice that Writs, bearing Tefte this Day, Arthur Earl of Mountnorris. have iſſued for eleēting a Temporal Peer of Ireland

Robert Earl of Wicklow. . . - to ſucceed to the Vacancy made by the Demiſe of Richard . . . . Richard Viſcount Longueville, in the Houſe of Robert Earl of Londonderry. . . . . Lords of the United Kingdom, and to fit and vote on the Part of Ireland in the ſaid Houſe of Lords Somerſet Lowry Earl Beinore. " . Henry Earl Conyngham. of the United Kingdom; which ſaid Writs are ſe Francis James Earl of Landaff...... verally directed to the following Peers, being the Peers who ſat and voted in the Houſe of Lords of Charles Henry St. John Earl O’Neill. º º Francis Earl of Bandon. -- - - Ireland before the Union, and the Peers whoſe Richard Earl of Donoughmore. . . Right to vote on the Election of Temporal Peers of Ireland hath, on Claims made in their Behalf, been Dupre Earl of Caledon. … " Edmond Henry Earl of Limerick...... admitted, fince the Union, by the Houſe of Lords Richard Earl of Clancarty. . . . . of the United Kingdom, and that the ſaid Writs Laurence Earl of Roſs. are ready to be delivered at this Office. Charles William Earl of Charleville, Charles Marquis of Drogheda. Charles Viſcount Dillon.

Richard Marquis Welleſley. Thomas Viſcount Ranelagh. - - Thomas Marquis of Headfort. Richard Viſcount Fitzwilliam. Walter Earl of Ormond and Offor), Thomas James Viſcount Bulkeley. Edmond Earl of Coºk and Orrery. John Chriſtopher Viſcount Downe. T * . . . I 1268 J

John James Viſcount Strabane. º the Capture, on the ryth Ultimo, of a French Pił Richard Viſcount Moleſworth. ..] wateer Schuyt, of Six Guns and Twenty-four Mr. Richard Viſcount Chetwynd. (who left the Veſſel and eſcaped on ſhore), by th: George Viſcount Middleton. Yawl of the ſaid Gun-Brig.: Guſtavus Viſcount Boyne, And the Vice-Admiral at the ſame Time report

Joſhua Viſcount Allen. - the Capture of a Daniſh Row-Boat Privateer, car Henry Viſcount Palmerſton. rying Ten Men, by the Boats of the Victory. William Viſcount Aſhbrook. Arthur Viſcount Pungannon... Admiralty-Office, july 13, 1811. ames Viſcount Lifford. - ice-Ad M1RAL MURRAY, Commander in Chiet enry Welbore Viſcount Clifden. at Yarmouth, has tranſmitted to John Wil Thomas Viſcount Crcmorne. ſon Croker Eſq; a Letter from Captain Willes, of Hayes Viſcount Doneraile. His Majeſty's Sloop Leveret, giving an Account Thomas Viſcount Northland. of the Boats of that Veſſel having, on the 28th Henry Viſcount Harberton. Ultimo, captured, and afterwards deſtroyed, a Charles John Viſcount Mountjoy, Daniſh Cutter Privateer, of Six Guns and Twenty Men. --- A - Hugh Viſcount Carleton. -> Richard Viſcount Bantry. Admiralty-0ſ.ce, july 13, 1811. Henry Stanley Viſcount Monck. EAR-April R Al Otway has tranſmitted to John Viſcount Kilwarden. R John Wilſon Croker Eſq; a Letter which John Henry Viſcount Templeton. he had received from Captain Campbell, of His Ma Cornelius Viſcount Liſmore. ..] jeſty’s Sloop the Plover, giving an Account-of his Robert Viſcount Lorton. having, on the 6th Inſtant, captured off the Naze John Kinſale. of Norway, the Fegero French Privateer, of Tea Randal Baron Dunſary. Thomas , Guns and Fifty Men. -

* Richard Baron Caher. -

Andrew Thomas Baron Blaney. . Commiſſions ſºned by the Lord Lieutenant of the County Francis Seymour Baron Conway and Kiilultagh. . of Norfolk.

Mathew Baron Aylmer. - Charles George Baron Arden. Eaſt Norfolk Regiment of Militia. Hugh Baron Maſley. Richard Luffington, Gent. to be Enſign, vice Frank Robert Tilſon Baron Muſkerry. lin, promoted. Dated June 21, 1811. John Baker . 3d Eaſtern Regiment of Norfolk Local Militia. William Baron Riverſdale. Barkham Cony, Gent. to be Enſign, vice Secker, Richard Baron Sunderlin. promoted. Dated June 25, 1811. James Caulfield . George Baron Callan. Commiſſions in the Northumberland Regiment of Luke Baron Clonbrock. Militia, ſigned by the Lord Lieutenant. * Richard Baron Waterpark. Enſign George Reed to be Lieutenant, vice Pringle, Warner William Baron Roſſmore. promoted. Dated April 5, 1811. William . Enfign David Morton Bolton to be ditto, vice Potts, James Baron º reſigned. Dated June 3, 18 t. Charles Henry Baron Caſtlecoote. Enſign William Wilton to be ditto, vice Kirſopp, Clotworthy Daron Langford. appointed to 2 oth Foot. Dated June 9, 1811. John Baron De Blaquiere. Commiſſions ſigned by the Lord Lieutenant of the County lodge Baron Frankfort. of Angleſea Richard Baron Adare. Richard Edwards, Eſq; to be Deputy Lieutenant. Thomas . Dated July 4, 1811. *William Baron Enniſmore. Owen Anthony Poole, Eſq; to be ditto. Dated as 'Henry Baron Mount Sandfold. above. Henry Baron Dunally. Angleſ a Militia.

John Baron Tara. - H. Holton, Gent. to be Enſign. Dated June 1, Maurice Baron Hartland. 1811. - John . Angleſ a Local Militia. John Baron Norbury. William Hughes, Gent. to be Enſign. Dated June Frederick' Baron Aſhtown. 6, 18 1. THOS. BOURCHIER, Deputy Clerk of James Harris, jun. Gent. to be ditto. Dated June the Crown in Ireland. 7, ISI 1. (Crown and Hauper-Office, Dublin, -27th june 1811. Crown-Qſice, July 13, 1811. MEMBERS returned to ſerve in this preſent

P A R L 1 A MENT. - Admirally-Office, july 13, 1811. Shire of Edinburgh.

- ice-Admiral Sir JAMEs SavMartz has V tranſmitted to John Wilſon Croker Eſq; a Sir George Clerk, of Penicuik, Bart. in the Room Letter from Lieutenant Richard Templar, com of Robert Dundas, now Lord Wiſcount Melville,

manding. His Majeſty's Gun-Brig Earneſt, flating called up to the Houſe of Peers, - I ago I ... Tºwn of Wexfºrd Monmouthſhire, Saturday, Auguſt 3, at Monmouth. Robert Nevil, Eſq; in the Room of Peter Parker, Herefordſhire, Tueſday, Auguſt 6, at Hereford. Eſq; who has accepted the Chiltern Hundreds. Shropſhire, Saturday, Auguſt 19, at Shrewſbury. Staffordſhire, Wedneſday, Auguſt 14, at Stafford. Whitehall, July 13, 1811. M ID L AND c 1 RCU IT. The Lord Chancellor has appointed John Wallis Mr. Juſtice Groſ.. . . . , the Younger, of the Borough of Bodmin, in the Mr. Baron 7 homſon. - County of Cornwall, Gent. to be a Maſter Extra Northamptonſhire, Monday, July 22, at Northampton. ordinary in the High Court of Chancery.

Rutland, Friday, July 26, at Oakham. - Lincolnſhire, Saturday, July 27, at the Caſtle of Lincoln. Th; CIRCUITS appointed for the SUMMER City of Lincoln, The ſame Day, at the City of Lin ASSIZES, 1811, are as follow, viz. coln. NORT H E R N C I R C U 1 T. Nottinghamſhire, Thurſday, Auguſt 1, at Nottingham. Mr. Juſtice Chambre. Town of Nottingham, The ſame Day, at the Town Baron Mr. Wood. - of Nottingham. City of Tork, and County of the ſame City, Wedneſ. Derbyſhire, Saturday, Auguſt 3, at Derby. day, July 31, at the Guildhall of the ſaid City. Leicºſierſhire, Wedneſday, Auguſt 7, at the Caſtle of Torkſhire, The ſame Day, at the Caſtle of Mork. Ileicºffer. Durham, Tueſday, Auguſt 13, at the Caſtle of Borough of Leiceſler, The ſame Day, at the Borough

Durham. of Leirºſler. - Town of Newcaſtle-upon-Tyne, and County of the ſame City of Coventry, Saturday, Auguſt to, at the City

Town, Saturday, Auguſt 17, at the Guildhall of Coventry. - of the ſaid Town. IWarwickſhire, The ſame Day, at Warwick. Northumberland, The ſame Day, at the Caſtle of Mºrtºll-upon-Tyne. w EST E R N C I R C U IT. Cumberland, Friday, Auguſt 23, at the City of Car Mr. Baron Graham. * lſk. Mr. Juſtice Bayley. Hºffnerland, Saturday, Auguſt 31, at Appleby. Sºuthampton, Tueſday, July 23, at the Caſtle of Lancaſhire, Wedneſday, September 4, at the Caſtle IVincheſler. of Lancaffer. JWilts, Saturday, July 27, at New Sarum. Dorſet, Thurſday, Auguſt 1, at Dorchefter. NO R F O L K C I R C U I T. Devon, Monday, Auguſt 5, at the Caſtle of Exeter. Sir James Mansfield, Knt. Lord Chief Juſtice. City and County of Exeter, Same Day, at the Guild Mr. Juſtice Heath. hall of the City of Exeter. Buckinghamſhire, Monday, July 29, at Buckingham. Cornwall, Monday, August 12, at Bodmin. Bedfºrdſhire, Thurſday, Auguſt 1, at Bedford. Somerſet, Saturday, Auguſt 17, at Bridgwater. Huntingdºnſhire, Saturday, Auguſt 3, at Huntingdon. City and County of Briſtol, Thurſday, Auguſt 22, at Cambridgeſhire, Monday, Auguſt 5, at Cambridge. the Guildhall of the City of Brijol. Sºfºlk, Thurſday, Auguſt 8, at Bury St. Edmund's. orſall, Monday, Auguſt 12, at the Caſtle of Nor- | " CHESTER SUMMER CIRCUIT, 1811. twich. - Robert Dallas, Eſquire. City ºf Norwich, Same Day, at the Guildhall of the Francis Burton, Eſquire.

ſaid City. - Montgomeryſhire, Saturday, Auguſt 17, at Pool. Denbighſhire, Friday, Auguſt 23, at Ruthin. HOME CIRCUIT. Flintſhire, 'Thurſday, Auguſt 29, at Mold. Lord Ellenborough, Lord Chief Juſtice. Cheſhire, Wedneſday, September 4, at the Caſtle of Lord Chief . Chºſler. Hartfordſhire, Monday, Auguſt 5, at Hertford. B. R. E. C. O N C I R C U I T. Eſºx, Wedneſłay, Auguſt 7, at Chelmsford. Surrey, Monday, Auguſt 12, at King ſlon-upon The Honourable. George Hardinge. Thamer. Abel Moyſey, Eſq. S-ſex, Saturday, Auguſt 17, at Lewis. Prºffeigne, Monday, Auguſt 12. ***, Wedneſday, Auguſt 21, at Maid?one. Brecon, Saturday, Auguſt 17. Cardiff, Saturday, Auguſt 24. O X FOR D C I R C U IT. Mr. Juſtice Lazwrence. ISI.E OF ELY ASSIZES, Mr. Juſtice Le Blanc. Edward Chriſtian, Eſquire. Perłżire, Monday, July 22, at Abingdon. Wiſbeach, Wedneſday, July 17. ºforºbºre, Wedneſday, July 24, at Oxford. lºorcºfferſhire, Saturday, July 27, at IWorceſler. “...ºf ºir, The ſame Day, at the City of CHELSEA HOSPITAL. * -r-r-z r. July 11, 1811. Glaucº ºrſhire, Wedneſday, July 31, at Glouceſter. THESE are, by Order of the Right Honourable ***, ºf Gºurger, The ſame lja, at the City of the Lords and others, Commiſſioners for ma

Jer, - - Gºurº, naging the Affairs of the Royal Hoſpital at Chel [ 1270 ſea, to give Notice, That all Out Penſioners belong canie before me, One of His M jet's ing to the ſaid Hoſpital, reſiding in London, or Juſtices of the Peace for the County of within Twenty-five Miles thereof, are required to and made Oath that he was admitted an Out. appear perſonally and regimentally with their Inſtruc “Penſioner of Chelſea Hoſpital on the Day tions and Certificates of Admiſſion at the Secretary’s “ of 17 (or 18 ), from the Regiment O.Hee, in the ſaid Hoſpital, on the reſpective Days, “ of commanded by ; was then and in their different Claſſes, according to their fe aged about Years; ſerved in the Army veral Rates of Penſion, as undermentioned ; when Years; was diſcharged for "y Attendance will be given from Nine o’Clock in the and that he is no otherwiſe provided for by the Morning until Three in the Afternoon, for the Public but as a Penſioner of the ſaid Hoſpital, Payment of Half a Year's Penſion in Advance, to al per Day §. his Pay as a Chriſtmas next, with the Augmentation in Propor in the egiment of Militia), and now tion to their Diſability and Length of Service, ac lives in the Pariſh of , in the County cording to His Majeſty’s late Regulations in their of - Favour. “Sworn before me this Day of

- On Monday, the 15th of July. 18 .” "The Penfioners at 6d. per Day, from the different Regiments of Cavalry, Foot Guards, 1ſt Regi And ſuch of them as were admitted on account nient of Foot, with the remaining Regiments or of Blindneſs are ordered to tranſmit, with their Corps. Half-yearly Affidavits, a Certificate as to the State of their Sight, ſigned by an Army Surgeon, or

- On Tueſday, the 16th of july, other medical Perſon reſident in their Neighbour Thoſe at 9d per Day, from the ſeveral Regiments hood ; but in ſuch diſtant Parts, where a medical of Cavalry, Foot Guards, 1ſt Regiment of Foot, Certificate is impracticable, a Certificate from the with the remaining Regiºnents or Corps. Miniſter of the Pariſh to that Fact, and to aſcertain . On Wedneſſay, the 17th of july. the Continuance of their Blindneſs, will be ad Thoſe at it. per Day, from the different Regiments mitted. - - of Cavalry, Foot Guards, the 1ſt Regiment of The Affidavit, drawn according to the above Form, Foot to the 5oth incluſive. ſworn before, dated and atteſted by a Magiſtrate, is to be put up in a Cover, and fºnt by the General Poſt, On 7 hurſlay, the 18th of july. directed thus: “To the Right Hon. the Paymaſ. Thoſe at 1s per Day, from the ; it Regiment of ter-General of His Majeſty's Land Forces, Lon. Foot, with all the remaining Regiments or Corps; don,” marking on the Cover, “ Chelſea Penſioners' alſo the Pontiners from a y Regiment or Corps Affidavit,” and Counterparts or Duplicates of the at 1:... of d. and is. I d. per Day. ſaid Affidavits, are to be reſerved by the Out Pen º On Friday, the 19th of Žily. lioners reſpectively, to be exhibited to ſuch. Per The Penſioners at 1s. 1.4. 1s. 2d, 1s. 2%d. and ſons as ſhall be directed to pay them, together with

1s. 3d per Day: . . . . - their Inſtructions and Certificater of Admiſſion, in order . . On Saturday, the 20th of juſy. that their Claim to the Out Penſions may be fully Thoſe at Ir. 3%d. per Day, with thoſe at the dif verified, and their Perſons clearly identified. ferent Rates to 1s. 9d per Day incluſive. . . - And to the end that the Commiſſioners for the Affairs of Chelſea Hoſpital may be ſatisfied that the

On Monday, the 22d of jºy. - Thoſe at 1s. 934. to 2s. I 14d. per Day incluſive. Penſioners are the ſame Perſons who have paſſed º their Examination, it is hereby further directed, that On Tueſday, the 23d of ju'y. ſuch of them who have ſerved in, and have been diſ. The Penſioners from the Militia at 5d. per Day, charged from, any of the Regiments, or Independent with the Private Gentlemen who receive Annui Companies of Invalids, or Royal Veteran Batta ties from the late 1ſt and 2d Troops of Horſe lions, are not to mention in their Affidavits ſuch Guards, with thoſe Penfioners from the ſeveral Regiment or Company of Invalids, or Royal Ve ... Regiºnents who have been admitted on account teran Battalions, in which they ſerved laſt, but the of blindneſs, whether at 1 r. per Day or upwards, ) Regiment, Troop, or Corps of the Army from when the Hoſpital Surgeons will attend, for which they were firſt diſcharged and recommended, the Purpoſe of examining all ſuch Men, and re

and received at Chelſea Hoſpital. ' ' ' ' - port to the next Board upon any of them who The Penſioners are particularly to take Notice may appear to be recovered or improved in their that the Half-yearly Payments after Chriſtmas Sight, the Pa; ment of whoſe Penſion is then to are regulated, as to the Place of Payment, by the be ſuſpended, till the further Order of the Board. Muſters at Chelſea, or the Affidavits ſent as above, af And that all Out Penſioners belonging to the ter the Midſummer preceding; and that the Mid ſaid Hoſpital, who live at a greater Diſtance than ſummer Payment is in like Manner regulated by Twenty-five Miles from London, and thoſe in Scot the Muſters or Affidavits after the Chriſtmas pre

land and Ireland, are hereby required and com. ceding. - manded, after the 25th of December next, and after It is alſo ordered and dire&ted, that no Perſon who every ſucceeding 25th of June and 25th of Decem ſhall change the Place of his Abode given in at his ber, until further Orders, to apply to one of His Muſter, or ſpecified in his Affidavit aforeſaid, and Majeſty's Juſtices of the Peace in the Neighbour who may apply for his Penſion, (excepting to the hood where they reſide, and make the following Officers of Exciſe neareſt ſuch Place of Abode,) Affidavit, which the ſaid Magiſtrate for the County, ſhall receive the ſame, unleſs it appears, by the Cer City, Borough, or Riding, before whom the Pen. tificate of reſpectable Perſons, that ſuch Removal 4ioner appears, will ſign and date, viz. was through unavoidable Neceſſity, which he or they I 1271 I cºast foreſee or prevent; and that if any Pen- | CONTRACT FOR PITCH PINE TIMBER. fºr ſhall fraudulently attempt to receive a double either or at Navy-Office, July 4, 1811. Prment of the Penſion, at Chelſea Principal Officers and Commiſſioners of Hir |- T HE crerent Places, he ſhall be ſtruck off the Liſts: give on of which Frauds each Majeſty's Navy do hereby Notice, that ter the better Prevention Wedneſday the 17th. Jºſant, at One o’Clock, they will Peºtoner is required to produce his Inſtruciion Papers be ready to treat with ſuch Perſons as may be willing at the Time of Payment. to contrač for ſapºying His Majeſty's ſeveral Dock Laflly, it is notified, that none will be entered 7 ards, or any one or mºre of then, with Pitch Pine upon the Pay Liſts of the ſaid Hoſpital, or be entitled Timber, to be imported from South Carolina, Georgia, tº receive any Bencfit therefron, who ſhall not act or Florida. - - - agreeably to theſe Orders and 12irections, particu A Form of the Tinder may be ſºn at this Office, larly in ſending their Half-Yearly Affidavits to the No Tender will be received after One o’Clock on the Prºfer-General, as above directed, and to no Day of Treaty, nor any noticed, unleſs the Party, or an ºr Ǻre; which ſeveral of the Penſioners have Agent for kiz, attends. - of late either neglected to do, or ſent them irregu Every Tender muſt be accompanied by a Letter, ad larly to other Departments. dreſſed to the Navy Bºard, and /gned by ſºvo re N. B. The under-mentioned Perſons have been ſºonſºle Perſons, engaging to became to and with the inuck off the Liſt, viz - 1’erſon tendering, in a Sum, at the Rate of 4ccl. 9th Dragoons, Mark M'Laughlan, at 9d per fºr every 1 co Loads of Timber, for the due Per

Day, has been tried and found guilty of endeavour. formance ºf the Contra:. - ing to purchaſe Arms from a Soldier of the King's R. A. Nelſou, Secretary. County Militia. 9th Foot, John Wallace, at 6d. per Day, for re . Navy-Office, July 6, 181 (. George Hargraves, of the HE Principal Officers and Commiſſioners of His criving the Perſion of Majeſy’s Naty do hereby give Notice, that on 6:h Foºt, at 1s. 4d. per Day. - at Ten o’Clock 4th Royal Veteran Battalion, Roger Toole, at Friday the 2d Day of Auguſt next, 11 per Day, for making Complaints againſt Two in the Forenown, Commiſſioner Fanſhawe will put up Officers of the 1ſt Garriſon Battalion, which, upon to Sale, in His Majeſty’s 1 ard at Plymouth, ſeveral a Court of Enquiry held to inveſtigate the ſame, Loſs of Old Stores, conſifting of appeared to be unfounded. Old Rope, Shakings, Junk, Hammocks, Spun. Yarn, Boltrope, Buntin, Canvas, Iron, empty G. AUST, Secretary and Regiſtrar. Caſks, &c. &c. &c. all lying in the ſaid Yard. Perſons wiſhing to view the Lots, muff affly to , Whitehall, July 5, 1811. the Commiſſioner of the 1 ard for a Note of Admiſſion IVHereas it bath been humbly repreſented to His for that Purpoſe. Rºyal Highneſs the Prince Regent, that, on Sun. Catalogues and Conditions of Sale may be had here, day Evening, or early on Monday Morning the 17th and at the Yard. R. A. Neiſon, Secretary. Ultimº, ſºme evil-dipoſed Perſºn or Perſons did ma litiewſ, maim and ſlab a Cart-Horſe belonging to Contračts for the Carriage of Timber from Sher Mr. Padwick, ºf Coſham-Houſe, near Portſmouth, in wood and Alice Holt Foreſts. rºſºfarmre ºf which the Horſe iſ ſince dead; and, on Navy-Office, July 9, 1811. Sunday Evering the 23d Ultimo, or early the next THE Principal Officers and Commiſſioners of His Marring, a Cart-Mare belºnging to the ſaid Mr. Pad. Majeſly's Navy do hereby give Notice, that on wick was likewiſe mained and ſabbed; Wedneſday the 24th Iſlant, at One o’Clock, they will Hit Rºyal Highneſ, in the Name and on the Behalf be ready to treat with ſuch Perſons as may be willing ºf His Majeſty, fºr the better apprehending and bring to contrač for conveying by Land and Jºater Carriage ing to jºice the Perſºns concerned in the ſaid Felony, about 11o Loads of ſided Oak Timber from Sherwood is bereby pleaſed to prºmiſe His Majeſty’s moſt gracious Foreſ?, in Nottinghamſhire, to His Majeſty’s Yard at Pardºn to any one of them (except the Perſon or Per Deptford; and alſo for conveying about 640 Loads of fºr who affitally cut and mained the ſaid Cattle) who Oak Timber from Alice Holt Foreſ?, in Hampſhire, to ſhall diſcºver his, her, or their Accomplice or Accom Deptford 1 ard. flicts terrin, ſo that he, ſhe, or they may be appre: A Form of the Tender may be ſeen at this Office. &nded and convićied thereof. R. RYDER. No Tender will be received after One o’Clock on the Day of Treaty, nor any noticed, unleſs the Party, or Aed, as a farther Encouragement, a Reward of an Agent for him, attends. FIFTY GUINEAS is bereby ºffered to any Perſºn Every Tender muſt be accompanied by a Letter ad making/ach Diſcovery as aforeſaid, (except as is before dreſſed to the Navy Board, and ſigned by Two re ºrrºpted.) to be paid on the Convidion of any one or ſponſible Perſons engaging to become bound with the mºre ºf the Offenders by the ſaid Mr. Padwick. Perſon tendering, in the Sum of 200l. ſor the due the Foreſt Admiralty-Office, June 18, 1811. Performance of the Contrač for Sherwood Timber, and 50ol. for the Alice Holt Foreſt Timber. Nº. it hereby given; that a Seſſion of Oyer and Secretary. Terminer and Gaol Delivery, for the Trial of R. A. Nelſon, Cºncer committed on the High Sear, within the juriſ SUPERIOR CLASS OF SHIPWRIGHT &iºn of the Admiralty of England, will be held at APPRENTICES. jºice-Hall, in the Old-Baily, London, on Friday Navy-Office, July 8, 1811. the 19th Day ºf july next, at Eight o’Clock in the B'. His Majeſty's Order in Council, dated 20th Sºp *ſcrats;. J. W. CROKER, tember 1809, a Plan ºf Education was ºftabliſhed £0. 16503. B I 1272 I

at tºe Royal Naval College at His Majeſty's Dock Royal Exchange Aſſurance-Office, Yard at Portſmouth for a ſuperior Claſs of Apprentices July 9, 1811. to Shipwrights, and Twelve Perſons were admitted as THE Court of Direáiors of the Royal Exchange Students on the 1ſt Day of January laſt : Aſurance do hereby give Notice, rhat a General And it being determined that Five more Students Court of the ſaid Company will be holden at their ſhall be admitted, the Principal Officers and Commiſ. Office on the Royal Exchange, on 7 we/day the 16th of /ioners of His Majeſty's Navy hereby give Notice, that July infant, from Twelve till Two o’Clock in the *he Examination of Candidates will take place in His Afternoon, for the Election of a Sub-Governor, in the Majeſ?,’s Dock Yard at Portſmouth, on the 6th No Room of William Boſanquet, E/7; re/ºgaea: ; which vember next, at Eight o’Clock in the Morning; ana Ele?ion will be declared at ſuch Time as the Court that ſuch Perſºns as may be deſirous ºf becoming Can /hall appoint to receive the Report from the Scratineers. didates for Admiſſion, are required to ſend Notice of Samuel Fenning, jun. Secretary. their Intention to the Navy Board, or the Commiſſioner N. B. The Chair will be taken at 7:welve o’Clºck of the aforeſaid Yard, on or before the 1/? Day of that preciſely. Month. Printed Lifts of the Proprieters 74 alified to vote will The Cana'idates muff be at leaſt Fifteen, and not be ready to be delivered at the Office, on Sataraay more than Seventeen 2 ears of Age. the 13th Inſlant. The Plan of Education may be obtained on Appli cation at the Navy-Office, or at the Office of the Com Hoſpital for the Maintenance and Education of miſſioner of any ºf His Majeſty's Dock-2 ards ; where Expoſed and Deſerted Young Children.

alſo 1ſormation may be obtained aſ to the Nature of - July 1o, 1811. the Qaaſſications required of the Candidates, the Do AWAOtice is hereby given, that an adjourned General cument, they are to pro-face on twe Day of Examination, Meeting of the Governor, and Guardians of the the Salaries they will be allowed on being ad cited Hºſpital will be held on Wedneſday the 24th july in Students, and of the Offices to which they will be ſtant, at Ten o’Clock in the Morning preciſely. eligišle after they have ſerved the Term of Apprentice By Order, Jºip. R. A. Nelſon, Secretary. Morris Lieveſley, Secretary. London, July 9, 1811. London, July 1 1, 1811. Iriſh Life Annuities, with Benefit of Survivorſhip. 7Otice is hereby given, that Warrants /ºr the Di Otice is hereby given, that Payment of the Half vidend declared on the nominal Capital Stock of yearly Dividend, due at Midſummer laſt, together the G2 vernor and Company for working of Mines, Mi with all Arre...rs due to that Period, will cominence at itera, and Metals in that Part of Great Britain called the Houſe of Mºſes. Boldero and Co. No. 1 o, Cornhill, Scotian ', wril be ready to be a livered to the Pro. on Tueſday the 16th Infant, from which 194y the prietors on Tºur/ay the 18th 1://ant, and every Thurſ. Office will continue often for Payment of the ſame, from day thereafter till the whole is paid, at the San Fire the Hour of 7 m in the Forenzon to the Hour of ſwo in Office, in Bank-Street, Cornhill; and that the 7.ransfºr fºr 4-ternoºn, on every 7 weſłay, Wedneſay. Thurſday, Books ºf 19e ſaid Company, which are now /ºut, will and Frida, (Bank Holidays excºpted). The Defen be opened again on 4 hurſday the ſaid 8th of this in rares are to be produced, and alſ, Certificates of the ſtant july. - - John Richards, Clerk. Di : es of the Nomineer, containing the Names and ADeſtrºtons ºf the Nominees as in the Deſentareſ, London, July 1o, 1811. utherwiſe a perſºnal Appearance of the Nominee will AVoice is here', given, ºut an Accouf of Sales of te requires. And it is particularly requeſted, that the Hull and Stores, and of the Cago of the on the 19enſe ºf tºe Naminee the Debentures may French Frigate La Furieuſe, captured on the bºb juſy tº delive, ea is, to Ae tranſmitted to Jr. land, to 18 o'), by His Majeſty's Sloop Do the Č.”yenne, Wiſ render the Liº; cf Deaths complete, for the future ſian Mounſey, Eſq; Commander, ºw...!! #e a-livered into Jenefit and Rºgalation ºf each Cºaſt 5 and, as it the Ref: try of the High Court of .4%iralty, as di is expedient that the earlie? Information ſhould be rected by dº? of Parliament. 24tained of the Occurrences which affect a reverſionary George Redmond Hulbert and Henry Property, where ſo many individuals are concerned, it Mounſey, Agents. is further reque?, d of all Perſºns who may diſcover any London, July 11, 1811. Fraud or Infºton on theſe annuities, to give Notice ‘A’ Orice is hereby given, that an account will be where of with all cºnvenian: Speef, at jºſſrs. Loldero's *...* lodged in the Regiſtry for His Majº/,’s Grant of and Co. Tºe Puštic are reg.eded to take Notice, that 7 ºvo 7 birds of the Procºrds of the Dan'ſ ºe is *y the Act of Parliaº'ext provtzi tº for the Pa; nºnt of Jonſrue Catharina and Anna Maria, detained b, Hir theſe Annatiº, all Perſons neg'sci:ng to dº...and the *ayſ' Sºup Defence, Charles Ekins, £4; Captain, ſame for the Space of ſºrce I ca, f, ſºul for ever loſe

the 2d September 1 boy. - and forfeit *e yarue, aſ if his or her repeative No. Senhouſe and Davidſon, Hugh Stanger, and mines had teen dead at the Comºuen, em, at of the yard Thomas Alldridge, Agentſ. Three 1 ears. Bank of England, July 13, 1811. London, July 13, 1811. T iſ: Court of Directors of the Governor and Com Woffº is hereby given, that an A.J. it of the Sun pany ºf the Bank of England give Notice, *" of occo. intenaea to be diſtributed to the Military That a General ourt will be held at the Bank, on and Naval Forces under the Command of the late Ge Thurſday next the 18th Infant, at Eleven of the neral Hºlliam Grinfield and Commodore, nºw Rear- ** U.o. 4 in the Forenoon, being one of the Quartery Ge 4.3miral, Sir Samuel Hood, Bart. &c. who were pre ne, a Courts appointed by 1%. Charter. /ent at the Reduction of the Colonies of Demerara, E/e- Robert Beſt, Secretary. ***, and Berbice, in September 1803, being a ſºft | I 1273 l

Pºst as accºunt ºf the Boºty, &c. taken and con London, July 4, 1811. *** aſ Prize, will be regiſtered in the High Court AWOtice is hereby given, that an Account Proceeds of y Admiralty, agreeably to Aä ºf Parliament. the Ruſſian Weſſels Peter Metropolite, Neptune, William Tatum, Truſtee under His Majeſty's and Magnum Bro/irum, captured on the 4th jane Grant for the Army. 1809, by His Majeſty's Ship Nyaden, Frederick Cot John Daniel, Attorner to Sir Samuel Hood, trell, Eſq; Commander, will be depoſited in the Re Hruite for the Navy. giſtry of the High Court of Admiralty.

_- James Sykes, Agent. London, July 13, 1811. H Vº is hereby given to the reſpective Military and London, July 4, 1811. *" Natal Forces under the Command of the late Ge. M9tic, it herºy given tº tº Officer, and, Šip'; •rral William Grinfield and Commodore, now Rear Company of His Majeſty's Ship Sºannon, P. B. K. Airiral, Sir Samuel Hººd, Bart. who were preſent at Broke, Eſq; Captain, that an Account of His Majeſty’s rès Reasºiss of the Colonies of Demerara, Eſquibo, Grant for the Capture of the Probitas, on the oth 4-d #:”. September 1803, that they will be September 1807, will be delivered into the Regiſtry of paid ièeir ſeveral Prºportions ºf 6ocol. as a firſt Pay. the High Court of Admiralty, purſuant to dº? of =rt as accºunt ºf the Booty, tº c. taken and condemned Parliament. as Prizr, at the Office of Meſſrs. Goode and Clarke, Francis Wilſon, William M'Inerheny, and Nº. 6, Stanhºpe-Street, Newcaſtle-Street, Strand, on J. S. Richards, Agents. ** 18th Infant; where the Recalls will be made. William Tatum, Truſtee under His Majſty’s London, July 4, 1811. Grant for the Army. W9;is is hereby given to the Officers and Ships' John Daniel, Attorney to Sir Samuel Hood, Companies of His Majeſty’s Ships 7 remendous, Traffee for the Navy. Terpſichore, Grampus, and Pitt, who were actually on board, in june 1805, at the Capture of the Alexander London, July 13, 1811. Hamilton, that an Account of the Money remitted from Nº. is her by given, that a Diſtribution of His Meſſrs. Colt, Baker, and Co. of Madras, will be de Majºy’s Grant of Two Thirds of the Proceeds livered into the Regiſtry of the High Court of Admi ºf the Daniſh Ship Protidentia, detained by His Ma ralty, purſuant to 467 of Parliament. jº'. Ship. Aisée, j. W. Loring, Eſq; Commander, on Francis Wilſon and William M'Inerheny. tº ºf Auguſt 1807, will be made at No. 22, Nor /* Street, on Saturday the zoth Inſtant ; and where - London, July 4, 18 t 1. the ſame will be recalled, as aireded by Aºi of Par WOtice it hereby given to the Officers and Ships' liament. Companies of His Majeſty's Ships Tremendous, Ommanney and Druce, and John Roche, Grampus, Ter: £chore, and Pitt, who were on board. agenti. the 15th Auguſt 1805, at the Capture of the Tur London, July 13, 1811. burette, that an Account of the Money remitted from Nºit; is bereby given to the Officers and Company Henry Hall, E/7; the Agent at Madras, will be deli of His Majeſty’s Sàip A:five, R. H. Mowbray, ºvered into the Regiſtry of the High Court of Admiralty, Eſt; Captain, who were ačually on board, on the 4th purſuant to 43 of Parliament. Se:teaser i Soff, at the Detention of the Daniſh Weſel Francis Wilſon and William M'Inerheny,

Esſº-ºrdºn, that they ºv:ll be paid their reſpºut dºing Agents. - Prefertists ºf His Majeſty's Grant of One Fourth of Jack Part ºf the Cargo as was cºndemned to the Crown Voit; is hereby given to the Officers and Crew tº the Vice-Admiralty Court at Gibraltar, on Wed * * of His Majeſty’s Shºp Wirginie, Edward Brace, **ay the 17th I:/?ant, at No. 13, Clement’s 1nn : Eſ?; Commander, who were actually on board at the and that the Shares not then demanded will &e reca. e. Capture of the join/rue Ellen, Jenſin, Ma/ler, on the at the ſame Place every Monday and Thurſday for 1ſt September 1807. (His Majeſy's Ship Dryad in Three Mºnths. Hugh Stanger, Agent. Company,) that an Account of Sules of His Majeſty's Grant of Two ſhirds of the Proteeds received out ºf London, July 13, 1811. Court will be depoſited in the Regiſtry of the High Aotic, ir bereby given to the Officers and Crmpany Court of Admiralty, purſuant to Act of Parliament. 1. of His Magiy’s Sloop Port Mahon, who were Thomas Brace, N. A. Hunt, and John aizally on 3oara at the Capture of the Santiffna Roche, Agents. Care;as 22 Maria, on the 18th Auguſ? 1866, that the - London, July 9, 18 1. 2::===’s will be delivered into the Regiſtry of the High Aſoº is hereby given, that an ºccount of Sales of C--it y Zamiralty, purſuant to Act ºf Parliament. the French Ship La Caroline and her Cargo, cap John Atkins, Agent. tured by His Majeffy's Sloop L'Éclair, Charleſ Kentº Plymouth, July 1, 1811. thorne Quaſh, Eſq; Commander, on the 28th December Voic, is hereby given to all Perſons concerned, that 1808, will be regiſlered in the High Court of Auri ** a 2-eart sºlº, of the French Privateer La ralty, agreeably to A'5 of Parliament. - Glazºwie and ber Stores, taken the 22d November Cooke and Halford, Agents. 18 ºc, by His Majeſty's Shºp, Northumberland and Y otice is hereby given, that the Partnerſhip between Araaaa, and aſſo an Account of the Head. Money N Samuel Marder and Joſeph Marder, of Portſmouth, in the County of Southampton, Wine, Brandy, and Potter granted for the ſaid Capture will be depºſited in the Merchants, is diſſolved by mutual Conſent, the ſaid Joſepla Regiſtry of the High Court of Admiralty, agreeable to Marder having relinquiſhed the Concern in Favour of his 4a ºf Parliament: Son Samuel Marder : As witneſs our Hands this 8th July James Wilkinſon, of London, and Edmund 1311, Samuel Marder.

- joſeph Marder. Lockyer, ºf Plymouth, Agents. - ſ I 274 |

A V E R A G E P R I, C E S OF CO RN, By the Quarter of Eight Winchester Buſhels, and of O AT ME AL per Boll of 14clba. Avoikpurors, from the Returns received in the Weck ended the 6th of July 1811. IN 1. A N D cou NT I L S.

Wheat. Rye. Barley. oats. Beans. Peaſe. Oatmeal. Beer or Bºg s. d. s. d. d. 1. d. 1. d. , d. 1. d. s. a - 88 9 36 34 7 28 7 142 8, 49 9 Middleſex, - - Surrey, - - - go of 42 of 36 o' 39 847 6 52 o – - 8o 4 49 2 35 9 27 .4 38 9 43 3 ——— Hertford, - - - 74 9 4, 8, 30 925 in 4 3 44 o — — Bedford, - -

Huntingdon, - - , , ; 8 — 31 of 22 2/34 4. - - - 1 37 of 36 o — Northampton - - 74 8: 43 on 28 of 19 - ;6 6 —- 30 6, 24 6 38 o'. 63 7 — Rutland, - - - 76 7 41 5, 33 6. 23 1932 o 3 i r 44 6 Leiceſter, - - - $2 8 2 of 33 6.25 845 o – | — Nottingham, - - 86 Io | 4 - 6 26 4' 48 of 52 of 35 o JDerby, - -

Stafford, - - - || 88 3 38 1 28 846 11 44 4. - | 89 $ 62 2 43 833 ––– | 74 9 Salop, - - - 91 4 5 2 43 3 848 8; 48 8' 82 o Hereford - -

- 91 o' —– 44 2 34 11 47 1 of 44 8 - Worceſter, - Warwick, - - - | 89 9 — 44 7.3; 1947 9 46 o' 59 7 —

- 88 6 —— 37 2, 28 o' So 4 - Wilts, - -

- 93 2 –| 36 o' 29 4'46 of 44 o - Berks, - - - 86 I — 34 11 27 6, 41 2. 39 II — — Oxford, - - | — - 86 2 — 34 o' 26 3 4 o - Bucks, - -

Brecon, - - - lo3 5 —— 49 725 8, 57 2. - 92 6 – 38 5 33 lo 63 7 — Montgomery, - - 95 2 — 40 1 1 31 2 Radnor, - - piſtrićts, M A R ITIME COUNT 1 E. S.

Eſſex, • 84 of 32 of 34 : 29 $42 9 46 o -

1ſt & Kent, - 85 of 32 8 |26 849 of 47 o' -

Suſſex, - - - 8o 8 29 6 | 43 o - 2d Suffolk, - 78 6. 31 4 33 |35 4 37 3. 39 of 63 7 — Cambridge, - 7 I I I 28 8 19 io 37 4 |— 3d Norfolk, - 75 2. 34 o 29 io ||24 o! 36 8, 41 o - - 77 3. 39 of 39 & 29 939 4 - I - *:::::" - 48 o 3 I I 22 2 42 3 37 I 1 || – -4 York, - - - || 79 8 - || 83 1o 48 6|a; 12 Durham, - - - 76 | 5 i ol 35 4:25 5. 5o 8, 17 o' *{{ºliº, - - || 8 || 7 || 48 7 || 35 7 || 3 | 8 |—||— 6th Cumberland, - - 88 5 5o o 40 of 29 9 |—|| 23 4. 6t Weſtmorland, - - 88 7 — 30 2 155 o' 24 7– h Lancaſter, - 2 32 7 |—|| 24 6 7* Cheſter, - - - 84 - - 96 o' — 5o 1 |3o 6 | Flint, - Denbigh, - - - 92 8 — | 5 | 2 |31 7 |—| 55 1 I — O | | 8th Å. - - - - 24 - 86 8 — 44 o 25 O |—| 5 || 8 ||— Carnarvon, - - 88 4 – 45 2 29 6 — — 46 ſol— Merioneth, - 42 o Cardigan, - - - 94 o — - 79 10 — 41 8 19 lo | — 75 8! — Pembroke, - - || 98 8 — 55 2 || 8 o' i 9th Carmarthen, - - | 163 to — 48 of 26 lo Glamorgan, - Glouceſter, - - || 95 I -— 4o 3 |44 jo - I -

10th & Somerſet, - - 94 Io || – 26 848 8 ! - I - - Monmouth, - - I of 7

h Devon, - - - 97 11 —— 43 of 3 I lo - || 3: 6:—| 44 632 o' *}{..., - - - 86 8 — 36 o 3o o! Dorſet, - - rail #. • - - 83 – 35 9 28 2. ——— —

A W ERA GE of ENGLAND and WALES. - , 86 11 || 43 6 || 38 6 || 27 5 || 42 9 || 44 4 || 49 9 || – U 1275 I AcGREGATE AVERAGE PRICES of the Twelve Maritime Diſtrias of England and Wales, by which Exportation and Bounty are to be regulated in Great Britain. *:::: Rye, Barley, Oats, Beans, Peaſe, Oatmeal, Beer orbig.

per Qr. per Qr, per Qr, per Qr, per Qr, per § per Boil, per Qr. - 1. d. .*, J. º, r. d. t. d. 1. d. s. d. s. d. | 85 7 || 42 4 ||37 | 6 || 26 3 l 4 6 |44 5 || 46 1 I — , a

Publiſhed by Authority of Parliament, * - John James Catherwood, Receiver of Corn Returns,

THE AVERAGE PRICE of BROWN of MUSCOVADO SUGAR, Computed from the Returns made in the Week ending the 10th Day of July 1811, Is Thirty-ſix Sbillings and Eight Pence Three Farthings per Hundred Weight, Excluſive of the Duties of Cuſtoms paid or payable thereon, on the Importation thereof,

into GREAT BRitain. * : º

- - Grocerº’ Hall, - By Authority of Parliament, - July 13, 1811. Thomas Nettleshirp, Clerk of the Grocers’ Company.

YOtice is hereby given, that the Partnerſhip lately ſub Otice is hereby given, that the Partnerſhip lately car N ſiſting between Anne Brace Powell and Jane Stephens, ried on by us the underſigned George King Lacey and cf Old Cavendiſh-Street, in the County of Middleſex, Man William Lea, at No. 54, Pall-Mall, in the County of Mid tº-Makers, was this Day diſſolved by mutual Conſent: As dleſex, Engine-Turners and Jewellers, was diſſolved by mu witneſs their Hands the 24th of June 1811. tual Conſent on the 25th Day of May 1810: As witneſs | Anne Brace Powell. our Hands this 6th Day of July 1811, *. jane Stephens. George King Lacey. William Lea. WOtice is hereby given, that the Partnerſhip lately ſub Otice is hereby given, that the Partnerſhip lately car ſiſting between George Wingrove and James Waugh ried on between us, Matthew Murray, Francis Dy the Younger, of Lower-Street, Iſlington, in the County of Middleſex, Razor-Strop-Makers, was on the 28th of June mock, and George Baker, as Dyers, in Brick-Lane, in the Pariſh of Saint Luke, Old-Street, has been diſlolved by mu laſt diſſolved by mutual Conſent; and that all Debts due to and from the ſaid Partnerſhip are to be paid to and by the tual Conſent: As witneſs our Hands this 24th of June 1811, füd George Wingrove, at Lower-Street, Iſlington aforeſaid : Matthew Murray. As witneſs the Hands of the ſaid Parties this 9th Day of Francis Dymock. July 1311, George Wingrove. George Baker. james Waugh, jun. Otice is hereby given, that the Partnerſhip lately ſub N Otice is hereby given, that the Partnerſhip which lately ſiſting between Charles Chard and John Cole, of ſubſiſted between Robert Huntſman and William High-Holborn, London, Druggiſts and Chemiſts, is diſſolved Maltby, both of Aſſembly-Place, Mile-End, in the County by mutual Conſent; and all Debts due to and from the ſaid cf Middleſex, Chemiſts, under the Firm of Huntſman and Copartnerſhip will be paid and received by the ſaid John Maltby, was diſſolved by mutual Conſent on the 1ſt Day of Cole.—Dated this 1ſt Day of July 1811. - July inſtant: And it is hereby agreed between the ſaid Par - Char. Chard. ties, that all Lebts due and owing to and from the ſaid late john Cole. Concern will be received and paid by the ſaid William Maltby, Otice is hereby given, that the Partnerſhip heretofore who is ſufficiently authoriſed for that Purpoſe.—Witneſs the ſubſiſting between William Spear and William Cox, Hands of the ſaid Robert Huntſman and William Maltby of Upper Thames-Street, in the City of Londºn, Wholeſale this?;h Day of July 1811, Robert Huntſman. Stationers and Rag-Merchants, carrying on Buſineſs under JWilliam Maltby. the Firm of Spear and Cox, was diſſolved by mutual Conſent on the 16th Day of February laſt--The Buſineſs will be 'HE Copartnerſhip heretofore ſubſiſting between Benja continued by the ſaid Willian Spear, to whom all Debts due min Cape the Elder, John Cape, and Benjamin Cape the to the late Partnerſhip are to be paid, and by whom all Younger, of the Peacock Erewhouſe, ſituate in Gravel-Lane, Claims thereon will be diſcharged. Southwark, in the County of Surrey, Brewers, (and which IWm. Spear. ſurvived to John Cape and Benjamin Cape the Younger Wm. Cox. upon the Deceaſe of Benjamin Cape the Elder,) is hereby by mutual Cauſent, from the Day of the Date hereof, diſlolved N Ctice is hereby given, that the Partnerſhip lately ſub between the ſaid John Cape and Benjamin Cape the Younger; ſitting between John Craig, of Wynyatt-Street, and Notice is hereby given, that the Buſineſs will in future Iſlington-Road, and Richard Deane, of Red-Lyºn-Street, be carried on by John Cape on his own Accouht; and all Holborn, Twine-Spinners, carried on under the Firm of John Debts due to the late Partnerſhip are to be paid to the ſaid Craig only, was diſſolved by mutual Conſent on the 29th Day John Cape, who will ſatisfy all Debts due and owing from of June laſt : As witneſs our Hands this I oth Day of July the Partnerſhip to all Perſons whomſoever.--In Teſtimony 1811, - John Craig. whereof the Partiss have hereunto ſigned their Names this - , , Richard Deane. $th Day of July 1811, john Cape.

Aenj Cape. - London, July 12, 1811. Otice is hereby given, that the Partnerſhip between the Benj. Cape, underſigned James Soret and Ebenezer Leathley, un As Executor of Benjamin Cape, deceaſed. der the Firm of Sorct and Leathky, is this Day diſſolved by Anna Maria Cape, mutual Conſent. jas. Soret. As Exccutrix of Mr. B. Cape. Ebenezer Leathley. £0. 16503. C 1276 J

otice is hereby given, that the Partnerſhip formerly HE Partnerſhip between Henry Pigeon and Williaña fubſiſting between Nathaniel Fenn, Joſeph Stevenſon, Dixon, of Southwark, Diſtillers, carried on under 1 Ine and John Knee Hewſon, of Botolph-Lane, London, Whole Firm of Pigeon and Dixon, having expired this Day ? Notice fale Grocers, (ſurviving Partners of Joſeph Stevenſon, de is hereby given, that the ſaid William Dixon hath retired from ceaſed, under the Firm of Stevenſon, Fenn, Stevenſon, and the ſaid Concern, which will in future be carried on by the Hewſon,), was diſſolved, on the 12th Day of May 1810, by ſaid Henry Pigeon and his Son Henry Pigeon, under the mutual Conſent ; from which Time the ſaid Buſineſs has Firm. of Pigeon and Son, by whom all Demands upon the been and will in future continue to be carried on in Botolph former Firm will be diſcharged, and to whom all the Debts Lane aforeſaid, by the ſaid Nathaniel Fenn and John Knee due to that Concern are to be paid.—Witneſs their Hands Hewſon only, under the Firm of Fenn and Hewſon : As this 24th of June 1811, Henry Pigeon. witneſs our Hands this 10th Day July 1811, of Wm. Dixon. Nath Fenn, - for ſelf. Henry Pigeon, jun. Otice is hereby given, that the Partnerſhip which ſub - - - - joſ Stevenſon, for ſelf. l ſiſted between the underſigned Joſhua Walker, Tho John Knee Hewſon. mas Walker, Thomas Maltby, and John Need, (as Executors and Legatees in Truſt named in the will of Joſeph walker. Nath. Fenn, deceaſed,) and the undeſigned Richard Thompſon and Tho joſ. Stevenſon, mas Thompſon, in the Trade of Buſineſs of Cotton-spinner Executors of Joſeph Stevenſon, deceaſed. and Manufacturer, carried on at Newcaſtle-under-Lyme, in the County of Stafford, under the Firm of Walker, Thompſon. Market Drayton, Shropſhire, June 25, 1811. and Co. expired on the 31ſt of 1)ecember laſt.—The ſaid Ri. HE Partnerſhip between us the underſigned Thomas chard Thompſon and Thomas Thompſon have ſince continued T Smallwood, Joſeph Loxdale Warren, and Richard the ſaid Trade or Buſineſs, and the ſame will henceforth be arman, as Bankers, at Market Drayton abovementioned, continued by them on their own Accounts, under the Firm is this Day diſſolved by mutual Conſent: As witneſs our of Richard Thompſon and Son.—Dated the 26th June 1811. Hands, Thomas Smallwood. joſ (Walker, Warren. - Thos. Walker, - jo. L. - Richard Spearman. 7 hor. Matly, John Need, June 25, 1811...... AKE Notice, that the Buſineſs heretofore carried on by Executors and Legatees of loſeph Walker, , the underſigned Nathan Meyer Rothſchild, at Man Richd Thompſºn." cheſter, under Firm Rothſchild -- the of Brothers, will ceaſe Thos. Thompſon. to be carried on by him from this Day, and any Perſon hav - ing Dealings with that Firm are required to ſend their De Y Qºice is hereby given, that the Copartnerſhip hitherte mands of pay their. Accounts to N. M. Rothſchild, at his ſubſiſting between John Parſons, Cyrus Symes, and Counting-Houſe, in No. 2, New-Cºurt, St. Swithin's-Lane, Edward Mitchell, of the City of Bath, Common-Carriers to London. N. M. Rothſchild. and from and between the Cities of Briſtol, Bath, and Lon. don, being this Day diſſolved by mutual Conſent.—All Per London, July 11, 1811. ſons having any Clain, or Demand on the ſaid copartnerſhip Otice is hereby given, that the Partnerſhip carried on are requeſted to tranſmit Accounts thereof to the ſaid Cyrus N between the underſigned Thomas Halliday and George Symes and Filward Mitchell, at their Counting-Houſe, in Prickett, of the Old South Sea Houſe, Broad-Street, Lon the ſaid City of Bath, by whom the ſame will be diſcharged; don, Inſurance-Brokers, under the Firm of Halliday and and all Perſons indebted to the ſaid late Copartnerſhip are Brickett, expired on the 30th Day of April laſt. requeſted to pay the Amount of their reſpective Debts im Thomas Halliday. mediately into the Hants of the ſaid Cyrus Symes and Ed George Prickett. ward Mitchell, who are duly authoriſed to receive the ſame, and by whom the ſame Buſineſs will be carried on in future, Otice is hereby given, that the Partnerſhip lately ſub under the Firm of Symes and Mitchell only : As witneſs out ſiſting betwixt James Rawſon the Elder, William Hands the 11th Day of July 1811, Rawſon, Richard Rawſon, and James Rawſon the Younger, john Parſºns. of the Borough of Leiceſter, Hoſiers and Worſted Spinners, Cyrus Symes. . was diſſolved by mutual Conſent on the 31ſt of May laſt, Edward Mitchell. . fo far as relates to the ſaid Richard Rawſon, and that the Buſineſs will in future be carried on by James Rawſon the Nº. is hereby given, that the Partnerſhip lately ſº Elder, William Rawſon, and James Rawſon the Younger.— ſiſting between Samuel Deverill, Benjamin Deverill, Witneſs our Hands this 9th of July 1811, and Samuel Kirkby, of the Town and county of the Town #. Rawſon, ſen. of Nottingham, Brewers and Copartners, was on the 7th illm. Rawſon. Day of April in the Year of our Lord 18to diſſolved by mu Richd. Rawſon. tual Conſent: As witneſs our Hands this 15th of June 1811, James Rawſon, jun. Saml. Deverill. ſ Benjn. Deverill. - - Samuel Kirkly. Briſtol, May 4, 1811. --

- t Otice is hereby given, that the Copartnerſhip between - N John Heath and John Robert Tozer, City Nº. is hereby given, that the Partnerſhip lately ſub of the of ſiſting between Daniel Pontifex and William King Briſtol, Wholeſale Grocers, is this Day by mutual Conſent diſſolved. john Heath. don, of Saint John's-Square, Clerkenwell, in the County of Middleſex, Working Silverſmiths, carried on under the Firm. john Robert Tozer. of Pºntifex and Kingdon, in Saint John's-Square aforeſaid, was diſſolved on the 1ſt Day of July inſtant by mutualcon. HE Partnerſhip heretofore exiſting betwixt us the un ſent ; and that the ſaid Buſineſs wili in future be carried on T deſigned, as Merchants, in Liverpool, and carrying on by the ſaid William Kingdon, at No. 8, Saint John's-square Buſineſs under the Firm of Legh and Parton, is this Day aforeſaid ; and all Debts due and owing to and from the ſaid diſſolved by mutual Conſent.—All Accounts due to or from Partnerſhip will be received and paid by the ſaid william the ſaid Concern will be received and paid by John Parton, Kingdon: As witneſs our Hands this 9th Day of July 1811, the underſigned Harry Legh retirling from Buſineſs.-Wit Robert Davier, neſs our Hands this 25th Day of June 1811, By Power of Attorgey from the above Barry Legh. mamed 1)aniel Pontifex. John Parton. William Kingſon, -

[ £277 I

Frrace o'BRIEN BUTLER, Eſq; of Dunboyne Caſtle, Several Freehold, Copyhold, and Leaſehold Eſtates; ſituate * the county of Meath, as Aſſignee of all the Eſtate and in the Counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, and Eſſex, late the Pro Mºren of the Earl of Ormond and Oſlery, in the Lands of ºperty of James Crowe, of Lakenham-Houſe, in the ſaid Nºtarºn, ſituate in the Barony of Middlethird and County County of Suffolk, Eſq.; deceaſed, and containing altogether

• Tipperary, do hereby give Notice to all Perſons deriving upwards of 15oo Acres. - a Terants of the ſaid Lands, under a certain Leaſe thereot Particulars may be had (gratis) at the ſaid Maſter's Cham rade and executed by the late Duke of Ormond to John bers, in, Southampton-Buildings, London; at the Office of wels, bearing Date the 16th July 1697; and to all Aſſignees Meſſrs. Sandys, Horton, and Roarke, Solicitors, Crane-Court, thereºf, to pay me forthwith the renewal Fines and ſeptennial Fleet-Street, London; of Mr. Bridges, Solicitor, Red-Lion Parrents now due out of ſaid Lands, and alſo to nominate Square, London ; Mr. Geldard, Gray's-Inn-Square, London; tº re the Lives of Three Perſons to be ſubſtituted for the Meſſrs. Cullum and Wayman, Attornies, at Bury Saint d lises of the Three Perſons named in the ſaid Leaſt, and mund; Meſſrs. Forſler and Unthank, Attornes, Norwich; kong ſince deceaſed; and alſo to prepare and tender to me Meſſrs. Parſons and Orford, Attornies, Hadleigh; Meſis, a rew Leaſe of the ſaid Lands, to be executed purſuant to | Tindal and Perkins, Attornies, Chelmsford; Mr. John Joſe the Covenant for Renewal contained in the ſaid leaſe, or in lyn, Sproughton, near Ipſwich; at the King's Heat; and Default thereof I ſhall conſider all Right of Rencwal under Angel Inns, Norwich; the Angel, Bury ; the Place of Sale; the ſaid Leaſe as for ever barred and forecloſed-Dated this and at the plincipal Inns in the neighbouring Towns. .. zoth Day cf March 1811. PIERCE O'BRIEN BUTLER. Hereas Henry Lee Warner, late of Little Walſing ham, in the County of Norfolk, Eſq.; did, by his Eſtate of EDMUND TOWNSEND, of Maiden-Lane, Co Will and Codicils, charge his Eſtate with the Payment of vent-Garden, London. the Debts that might be owing either ſrom his the ſail Teſ tator's late Father Henry Lee Warner, deceaſed, or himſelf, 7Hereas by Advertiſement in the Gazette of the 18th W of May laſt Meetings of the Creditors and others at the Time of his the ſaid Teſta or's Deceaſe, and the lº-. ſaid late Father's Will, Teſta Eſtate were appointed held every gacies given by his or his the intereſted in this to be Will: Theriday, between. Ten and Twelve o’Clock, in the Count tor's And purſuant to an Order of the High Court of Chancery, made in the Matter of Daniel Henry Lee Warner, is: Henſe of No. 21, in Maiden-Lane aforeſaid; and ſuch whereby it is reſerred to John Campbell, Eſq; one of the Meetings having taken place, and Reſolutions and other Maſters of the ſaid Court, to enquire and ſtate to the Court Proceedings of fuch Meeting been entered in a Book, and the fame. or Copies thereof, been laid beſore the Commiſ what 1).cbts, and Incumbrances, which at the Time of the forers, the Aſſignee, or the Solicitor; and whereas two new Death of Henry Lee Warner, Eſq; the Teſtator in the ſaid Aſgrees were choſen the 6th Inſtant; it was reſolved this Order named, (which happened on or about the 12th Day of the July 1811, that ſaid weekly Meetings July 1864.) were charged upon or affected all or any Part Dry, 11th of the of the Hereditaments and Premiſes comprehended in and, be for the preſent diſcontinued, of which the Creditors and deviſed by his Will and Codicils, or any of them, or were all correrned are hereby informed; but that Mr. Townſend do adviſe with and aſſiſt the new Aſſignees, or their Solicitor, created or charged on the ſame, or any Part thereof, by the ſaid Will and Codicils, or any of them ; therefore all Perſons in all Matters relating to the Intereſt of the Creditors; and who now have any 1)ebts, Charges, or Incumbrances on the that ſhould it again be neceſſary, this Meeting do and will fid Hereditaments and Premiſes of the ſaid Henry Lee wrea Netice in the Gazette, reſume its Conſultations, with Warner, either as Creditors of him the ſaid Henry 1, e the Aſſiſtance of an Accountant as before, on the Affairs of Warner or his late Father Henry Lee was her, namely, his. Eſtate. the - Manors, Meſſuages, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, By Authority and Deſire of the Meeting, ſituate in the Counties of Norfolk, Wil’s, Lincºln, Somer EDM. TOWNSEND. ſet, and Kent, and who have not already proved the fame, THereas a Quantity of Deals, ſuppoſed to have been are, on or before the 29th Day of July inſtant, to come in, V mºlen, were ſound in Hughe's-Fields, in the Pariſh and prove their ſeveral Debts, Charges, and Incumbrances ºf Saint Nicholas, Deptford, in the County of Kent, in the before the ſaid John Campbell, Eſq; at his Office in South Month of January laſt, which Deals were then removed from ampton-Buildings, Chancery-Lane, London, or in Default, thence, and have ſince remained in the Poſſeſſion of the Com thereof they will be excluded the Benefit of the ſaid order. haules of the Pariſh of Saint Paul, peptford; we do there Hereas by a Decretal Order of the High Court of fore birtbr give Notice, that unleſs they are owned, and all Chancery, bearing Date the 27th 1)ay of November. charges and Expences attending the ſame are paid, within 1810, made in a Cauſe wherein His Majeſty's Attorney Feer-n Laws from the Date hereof, they will be ſold to General, at the Relation of Iſhmael Willians, William Be pav fach charges and Expences—Dated this 4th Day of van, and William Jones, on Behalf of themſelves and all Jul; * 1:11 THos. CROUCH, EWENSTUCKER, Conſtables. , other the poor Relations of William Evans, (who in the Year 1581 reſided in the Pariſh of St. George, Southwark, in the Merchant-Taylor, obeſels, in purſuance of a Degree of the High Court ºf County of Surrey, deceaſed.) is the in Ruſſell, formant, and Charles Humphreys Price, Richard Price, and I chancey, inade in a Cauſe Flaſhmam againſt Pococke, are Defendants, was referred to wºn the A, probation of William Alexander, Eſq; one of Vannam the it ſaid Court, in Lots. John Simeon, Eiq; one of the Maſter's of the ſaid Court, to the Maſters of the other A Fre-hold Dwelling-Houſe, Workſhops, &c. ſituate on inquire whether the Relators, or any of them, or any Pariſhes Perſons, are Poor Kinſmen or Kinſwomen, or the offspring Bºl. Hill, in the of St. George the Martyr and and Iſſue of Poor Kintmen-or Kinſwomen of the ſaid Wik sº. Peteck, in the City of Exeter, late in the Poſſeſſion of the Teſtator ſaid Order named, dwelling Henry Flaſhman, Cabinet-Maker, deceaſed, and atterwards liam Evans, in the Dwelling-Houſe, within the County of Brecknock —All Perſons claiming of Mr. Smith; and a Freehold in James to be Poor Kinſmen or Kinſwomen, or the Offspring and street. in the Pariſh of the Holy Trinity, in the ſaid City, Itſtle of Pool Kinſmen and Kinſwomen of the ſaid 'I', ſtator in the Occupation of Mr. Hedge. Printed Particulars whereof may ſhortly be had (gratis) at William Evans, dwelling within the ſaid County of Breck Southampton-ºvidings, cock, are forthwith required to come in and make out his, tºe aid Matter's chambers in Chan their Claim Claims, and prove their Kindled or way-Lºre, London; of Meſſrs. Clarkſon, Solicitº's, Etºx: her, or or the stand; and of Mr. Hine, Solicitor, Hall Relationſhip before the ſad Maſter Simeon, at his Chan street, in bers, in Southampton-Buildings, Chancery-lane, London, or saw.cafe, in the inner-Temple, London; alſo of Meſſrs. excluded the Pales and Jºnes, solicitors, at Exeter; and the Time and in Default thereof they will be the Benefit of

ſaid Order. - Pure of Sale will be duly advertiſed. Urſuant to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, made "To be peremptotily ſold, purſuant to a Decree of the in a Cauſe. Wetterman againſt Walton, the Creditors of High Court of Chancery, made in a Cauſe of Brown John Walton, late of Wakefield, in the County of York, sºaſt Trafford, with the Approbation of John Springett Merchant, deceaſed, (who died on or about the 23d Day of Harvey, Eiq: one of the Maſters of the ſaid Court, in diſtinºt Auguſt 1808,) are to come in and prove their Debts before Lois, at the G-orye Inn, in Thetford, in the County of Suf Charles Thomſºn, Eſq; one of the Maſters of the ſaid Cour, talk, on Thurſday the 12th of September 1811, at his Chambers, in Southampton-Buildings, Chancery-Lane, [ 1278 )

London, on or before the 12th of Auguſt next, or in Default Wadeſon, Barlow, and Groſvenor, in Auſtin-Friars, London, thereof they will be peremptorily excluded the Benefit of the to aſſent to or diſſent from the ſaid Aſſignees compromiſing ſaid Decree. or compounding the Claims already made, and hereafter to be made upon the Bankrupt's Eſtate for Loſſes, or Averages Urſuant to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, and Returns on Policies of lnſurance underwritten by the made in a Cauſe Lord Monſon againſt the Earl of Eſſex, ſaid Bankrupt; and to the permitting or conſenting to the Creditors of the Right Honourable John Lord Monſon, the ſaid Bankrupt's Name being taken off any Policy or Po deceaſed, (who died on the zoth of May 1896,) are to come licies of Inſurance, on a Riſk or Riſks, now running or out in and prove their Debts before James Stephen, Eſq; one of ſtanding, and then allowing the whole, or any Part of the the Maſters of the ſaid Court, at his Chambers, in South Premium or Premiums for ſuch Inſurance to be returned or ampton-Buildings, Chanceery-Lane, London, on or before the 16th Day of Auguſt 1811, or in Default thereof they allowed in Account; and on other ſpecial Affairs. will be peremptorily excluded the Benefit of the ſaid Decree. HE Creditors who have proved their Debts under a Commiſſion of Bankrupt awarded and iſſued againſt Urſuant to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, John Hill, late of Uxminſter, in the County of Devon, Inn bearing Date the 25th Day of March 1811, made in a holder, Vićtualler, Dealer and Chapman, are deſired to meet Cauſe wherein Robert Hood and Mary his Wife are Plain. the Aſſignees of the ſaid Bankrupt's Eſtate and Effects, on tiffs, and William Obbard and others are Defendants, the the 3oth of July inſtant, at Eleven in the Forcnoon, at the Creditors of Daniel Wildman, late of Holborn, in the County Golden Lion Inn, in the Borough of Lyme Regis, in the of Middleſex, Honey-Merchant, deceaſed, are forthwith County of Dorſet, to aſſent to or diſſent from the ſaid Aſ: to come in and prove their Debts before Samuel Compton ſignees compounding, ſubmitting to Arbitration, or otherwiſe Cox, Eſq; one of the Maſters of the ſaid Court, at his Cham agreeing an Aćtion at Law brought by the ſaid Aſſignees bers, in Southampton-Buildings, Chancery-Lane, London, againſt the late Sheriff of the County of Devon, of any or in Default thereof they will be excluded the Benefit of Matter or Thing relating thereto; and particularly allowing the ſaid Decree. to the ſaid Sheriff, out of the Produce of the Sale made by him of the ſaid Bankrupt's Goods, the Sum of 14ol. for One Urſuant to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, Year's Rent paid by him to the Landlord of the ſaid Bank made in a Cauſe Lord Monſon againſt the Earl of

rupt; and on other ſpecial Affairs. - Eſſex, the Creditors of the Right Honourable John George Lord Monon, deceaſed, (who died on or about the 14th Day HE Creditors who have proved their Debts under a of November 1809,) are to come in and prove their Debts Commiſſion of Bankrupt awarded and iſſued againſt before James Stephen, Eſq; one of the Maſters of the ſaid John Turnbull, John Forbes, Robert Allen Crawford, and Court, at his Chambers, in Southampton-Buildings, Chan David Skeene, late of Broad-Street, in the City of London, cery-lane, London, on or before the 16th of Auguſt 1811, Merchants and Partners, (carrying on Trade under the Firm or in Default thereof they will be peremptonily excluded the of Turnbull, Forbes, and Company,) are deſired to meet the Benefit of the ſaid Decree. Aſſignees of the ſaid Bankrupts' Eſtate and Effects, on the 19th of July inſtant, at Twelve at Noon, at the Office of Urſuant to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, Mr. Henry Rivington, No. 1, Fenchurch-Buildings, in the made in a Cauſe of Brown againſt Trafford, the Creditors City of London, to aſlent to or diſſent from the laid Aſſig of James Crowe, late of Lakenham-Houſe, in the County of nees compromiſing and diſcharging the whole of their Claims Nortolk, Eſq; deceaſed, are, on or before the 7th Day of on the late Houſe of Thomas Huſſey and Co. of Demarara, Auguſt next to come in and prove their Debts, before John for a certain Sum of Money, and giving Time for and ac Springett Harvey, Eſq; one of the Maſters of the ſaid Court, cepting Security for the Payment of ſuch Sums of Money; at his Chambers, in Southampton-Buildings, Chancery-Lane, on other Affairs. London, or in Default thereof they will be peremptorily THE Creditors who have proved their Debts under a Com excluded the Benefit of the ſaid Decree. miſſion of Bankrupt awarded and iſſued forth againſt HE Creditors who have proved their Debts under a Rebecca Ford, late of the City of Worceſter, Milliner, Dealer Commiſſion of Bankrupt awarded and iſſued againſt and Chapwoman, are deſired to meet the Aſſignee of the George Phillips the Younger, late of Great Warner-Street, Eſtate and Effects of the ſaid Bankrupt, on Tueſday the Cold Bath-Fields, in the County of Middleſex, Braſs 16th Day of July inſtant, at Eleven o’Clock in the Fore Founder, Dealer and Chapman, are deſircd to meet the noon preciſely, at the Office of Mr. Welch, No. 28, Nicho Aſſignees of the Eſtate and Effects of the ſaid Bankrupt, las-Lane, Lombard-Street, in the City of London, in order. on the 18th Day of July inſtant, at Six in the Evening pre to aſſent to or diſſent from the ſaid Aſſignee ſelling or ciſely, at the Office of Meſſrs. Gale and Son, Solicitors, Bed diſpoſing of the ſaid Bankrupt's Eſtate and Eiſe&ts by public ford-Street, Bedford-Row, in order to aſſent to or diſient Auétion or private Contračt, and to the ſaid Aſſignee ac from the ſaid Aſſignees commencing, proſecuting, or defend cepting ſuch Security for the ſame as he ſhall think fit; and . ing any Suit or Suits at Law or in Equity, for the Recovery alſo to alient to or diſient from the ſaid Aſſignee paying the of or relating to any Part of the ſaid Bankrupt's Ettate and Expences of and occaſioned by a certain Deed of Aſſignment Effects; or to the compounding, ſubmitting to Arbitration, made and executed by the ſaid Bankrupt to certain Perſons, or otherwiſe agreeing to any Matter or Thing relating in Truſt for the Benefit of her Creditors, previous to the thereto; and on other ſpecial Affairs. iſſuing of the Commiſſion, and alſo certain Taxes paid by the Truſtees named in the ſaid Deed of Aſſignment; and ri THE Creditors who have proved their Debts under a to the ſaid Aſſignee paying or allowing to the Auétioneer Commiſſion of Bankrupt awarded and iſſued againſt out of the Proceeds of the Houſehold Furniture of the ſaid Oliver Beckett, late of the City of Wincheſter, Wine-Mier. Bankrupt ſold by him, the Sum of 3ol. paid by him for Rent chant, Dealer and Chapman, are deſired to meet the Alig. of the Premiſes lately occupied by thc ſaid Bankrupt, and nees of the ſaid Bankrupt's Eilate and Effects, on the 19th the Coſts of a Diſtreſs made by the landlord for the ſame; of July inſtant, at Twelve at Noon, at the Office of Metlis. and to aſkint to ol diſſent from the Aſſignee commencing, Farrer, Steadman, and Uhthoff, 22, Nicholas-Lane, [.on proſt cuting, or defending any Suit or Suits at Law or in don, to aſſent to or dilient from the ſaid Aſſignees proſecut Equity, tor Recovery of Protection of any Part of the ſaid ing a Suit commenced by them in His Majcity's High Court Bankrupt’s Ettate and Effects; or to the compounding, ſub of Chancery, againſt certain Perſons, claiming to be Mort mitting to Arbitration, or otherwiſe agreeing any Matter gagees, in poſſeſſion of the ſaid Bankrupt's Real Eſtate, or Thing relating thereto ; and on other ſpecial Affairs. iituate in the ſaid County of York; and on other ſpecial HE Creditors who have proved their Debts under a

Affairs. - - Commiſſion of Bankrupt awarded and iſſued againſt HE Creditors who have proved their Debts under a Francis Gilding, of Alderſgate-Street, in the City of Lon Commiſſion of Bankrupt awarded and iſſued againſt don, Upholder, Dealer and Chapman, are deſired to meet Brownlow Boºrdillon, of Walthamſlow, in the County of the Aſſignees of the Fſtate and Erietts of the ſaid Bankrupt. Eſſex, Inſurance-Broker, Dealer and Chapman, are deſired to on the 17th of July inſtant, at Twelve at Noon preciſely, meet the Aſſignees of the Eſtate and Effects of the ſaid at the Globe Cotſee-Houſe, in Fleet-Street, for the Purpoſe Bankrupt, on Tueſday the 16th of July intlant, at Eleven of aſſenting to or diſſenting from the ſaid Aſſignees exceut o'Clock preciſely in the Forenoon, at the Office of Meſſrs. ing a Releaſe of all their Claim and intereſt in and to an [. 1279 1

razºr ºrate at Arlington, in the County of Wilts being public Advertiſement, in conſ quence of an Agreement with th. Fºite in Queſtion in a Cauſe in the Court of Chancery, Samuel Wright the Younger, the Son of the ſaid Bankrupt, wºrn Joſeph Quincey and others are Plaintiff, and Ro for purchaſing the ſame by Appraiſement, which Agree brºt Fanny and another Defendants, and wherein Robert ment he now refuſes to fulfil; and alſo to aſſent to or diſſent Han and others, the ſaid Aſſignees, are Plaintiffs, and Sarah from the ſaid Aſſignees accepting of and from Francis Scurry Peary and others Defendants; alſo to aſſent to or diſſent an Agreement for a Leaſe of certain Premiſcs, with Power fºr the ſaid Athgnees entering into an Agreement for the to ſell and diſpoſe thereof to the beſt Advantage, and to ap releaſing of their ſaid Claim and Int, reſt to the above-men. propriate the Produce of ſuch Sale in Satisfaction at,d I)iſ. tiºned Eilate, apon ſuch terms as they ſhall think adviſeable; charge of a certain Debt due trom the ſaid Francis Scurly to and on other ſpecial Affairs. the Eſtate of the ſaid Bankru.jt, or otherwiſe to accommo date, compound, or agree with the ſaid Francis Scurry on F. Creditors who have proved their Debts snder a account of ſuch Debt at the Diſcretion of the ſaid Aſſigner; Commiſſion of Bankrupt awarded and iſſued againſt and alſo to aſſent to or diſſent from the ſaid Aſſignce com William Porter and william Macmith Porter, of Copthall mencing, proſecuting, or defending any Suit or Suits at Law Ceart, Thrºgmorton-Street, London, Merchants and Co or in Equity, for or relating to the Recovery or Protećtion Partners, (carrying on Trade under the Firm of William of any Part of the ſaid Bankrupt's Eſtate and F.Teółs; or to Peter and Company.) are deſired to meet the Aſſignees of the compounding, ſubmitting to Arbitration, or otherwiſe the ſaid Bankrupt's Eſtate and Fife&ts, on the 17th of July agreeing to any Mattei or Thing relating thereto; and on inſtant, at Fieves o'Clock in the Fortnoon, at the Office of other ſpecial Affairs. Meſſrs. Gregſon, Dixon, and Gregſon. Solicitors. in Angel THE Creditors who have proved their Debts under a Coart, Throgmorton-Street, London, to aſſent to or diſſent Commiſſion of Bankrupt awarded and iſſued againſt from the faid Aſſignees employing the ſaid William Macniſh Manaſſah Iſaac Goldſton, of Great Preſcott-Street, Good. Porter to colle&t and get in the outſtanding Debts due to, in the County of Middleſex, Merchant, Dealer ará ſettle and liquidate the outſtanding Concerns of the man's-Fields, Eſtate, and to their making and executing to him a Power and Chapman, are deſired to meet the Aſſignees of the ſaid to their making Bankrupt's Eſtate and Eff.6ts, on the 15th Dāy of July in of, Attorney for that Purpoſe, and likewiſe ſtant, at Five in the Aſternoon, at the Aldgate Coffet-Hºuſe, to him ſuch Allowance for his Trouble therein as they ſhall think proper; and alſo to aſſent to or diſſent from the ſaid in High-Street, Aldgate, in order to or diſſent from the Aſſig nees commencing, proſecuting, or defending any Suit or Suits, Afgrees commencing, proſecuting, or defending any Suit or at Law or in Equity, for Recovery of any Part of the ſaid $ºit, at Law on in Equity, for Recovery of any Part of the Effects; or to the compounding, ſub Fſtate and or to the Bankrupt's Eſtate and fid Bankrupt's Effects; compounding, mitting to Arbitration, or otherwiſe agreeing any Matter kºmitting to Arbitration, or otherwiſe agreeing any Matter or Thing relating thereto; and on other ſpecial Affairs, or Thing relating thereto; and on other ſpecial Affairs. HE Creditors who have proved their Debts under a Cem ECreditors who have proved their Debts undera Com awarded and iſſued forth againſt miſſion of Bankrupt awarded and iſſued forth againſt miſſion of Bankrupt William Eames, of Little Moorfields, in the City of Lon Jºhn Gray Gerard, of Baſinghall-Street, London, Merchant, non, and of Piccadilly, in the County of Middleſex, Stable are deſired to meet the Aſſignees of Dealer and Chapman, keeper, are deſired to meet the Aſfignees of the ſaid Bank the ſaid Bankrupt’s Eſtate and Effects, on the 17th of July of July intlant, at inſtant, at Twelve at Noon, at the Office of Mellrs. Pitches rupt's Eſtate and Effects, on the 16th Twelve at Noon preciſely, at the Office of Meſſrs. Bourdillon and Sampſon, No. 13, Swithin's-Lane, I.ombard-Street, and Hewitt, little Friday-Street, Cheapſide, London, in London, in order to attent to or diſſent from the ſaid Aſſig order to aſſent to or diſſent from the ſaid Aſſignees paying nees ſelling and diſpoſing of the Bankrupt's Eſtates, Pro in full or in part the Salaries and Wages of the Clerks and perty, Furniture, and other Effects either by public Auélion st private Contrač, as they ſhall think proper; alſo to au Servants in the Employ of the ſaid Bankrupt; and on other thoriſe the laid Aſſignees to employ one or more Perſon of ſpecial Aſſails. Perſons to manage the Affairs of and colled the outſtanding "I HE Creditors of Hannali Maddy and Thomas Tyndal, Eſtate Detts and Eff &s of the ſaid Bankrupt, as well in this Gough, late of the City of Herefold, Woolſtaplers, Country is in the Iſland of Jamaica; alſo to authoriſe the are requeſted to meet the Aſſignees on the 19th Day of July faid Afgrees to pay out of the ſaid Bankrupt's Eſtate and iuſlant, at Eleven in the Forenoon, at the City Arms Hotel, Efeſts ſuch Surn and Suns of Money as may have been ad in the City of Hereford, to conſult reſpealing relinquiſhing ranced upon Coffee and other Produce belonging to the ſaid a Purchaſe ſome Time ſince made by the Bankrupt of a cer Bankrupt, in order to releaſe ſuch Produce; alſo to authoriſe tain Mill with the Appurtenances of the Aſſignees of Francis the fid Aſſignees to ſettle and adjuſt an Account depend Oskley, a Bankrupt; and on other ſpecial Matters relating ing between the Eſtate of the ſaid Bankrupt and certain to the Bankrupt's Affairs. Perſons who will be named at the Meeting, and to refer the ſame repeatively to Arbitration, or otherwiſe as the ſaid *T*HE Crcditors who have proved their Debts under a Aſ grees ſhall think proper or be adviſed, and to inſtitute or I Commiſſion of Bankrupt awarded and iſſued againſt defend any Suit or Suits relating thereto, as they in their John Glover, of Liverpool, in the County of Lancaſter, Diſcretion ſhall think moſt beneficial for the Creditors of the Boot and Shoe-Maker, Dealer and Chapman, are requeſted fid Bankrupt; and alſo to aſlent to or diſſent from the ſaid to meet the Aſſignees of the ſaid Bankrupt's Eſtate Aſſignees commencing, proſecuting, or defending any and Effeóts, on the 22d of July inſtant, at Twelve at Noon, Aářon or Attions, Suit or Suits at Law or in Equity, at the Office of Mr. John Clements, in Temple-Court, Li for the Recovery of any Part of the ſaid Bankrupt's Eſtate verpool, to adent to or diſlent from the ſaid Aſſignees diſ and Effects; or to the compounding, ſubmitting to Arbi poſing of the Houſehold Furniture and Stock in Trade of tration, or otherwiſe agreeing and Matter or Thing relating the ſaid Bankrupt by public or private Sale; alſo to the ſaid thereto; and on other ſpecial Affairs. Aſſignees paying ſuch Wages as were due to the different Workmen in the Employ of the ſaid John Glover, at the HE Creditors who have proved their Debts under a Time of his Bankruptcy; and to make a proper and reaſon Commition of Bankrupt awarded and illued againſt able Allowance to the ſaid John Glover for aſſiſting in the Samuel Wright the Elder, of the Grainge Road, Bermondſey, Diſpoſal of his Stock in Trade; and to aſſent to or diſſent in the County of Surrey, Bricklayer, are deſired to meet the from the ſaid Aſſignees protecuting any Suit or Suits at Law Afgnee of the ſaid Bankrupt's Eſtate and Effects, on the or in Equity, to recover any Debt or Debts due to the ſaid 14 of July inſtant, at the Three Tuns Tavern, Saint Mar Eſtate; to conſent to any Diſpute or Diſputes being ieſt to garet-Hill, Borough, in order to aſſent to or diſſent from the Arbitration; and upon other Matters. at Law laid Aſſignees commencing or proſecuting any A&tion have proved their Debts under a ºr Suit in Equity againſt the laid Bankrupt, for the Reco HE Creditors who very of the Poſſeſſion or Value of certain Goods, Chattels, T Commiſſion of Bankrupt awarded and iſſued againſt stock in Trade, Utenſils, and Effects, being the whole of Edward I.ewis, of New Bond-Street, 1.ondon, Haberdaſher, the Property of the ſaid Bankrupt at the Time of his Bank Dealer and Chapman, are deſired to meet the Aſſignees of ruptcy, and left in his Poſſeſſion with the Conſent and Ap the Eſtate and Effects of the ſaid Bankiupt, on the 17th prºbation of the Creditors preſent at a Meeting called by of July inſtant, at Six in the Evening preciſely, at the £l0, 16503. D [ 1280 J office of Mr. James Mangnall, Warwick-Square, London, H E Creditors who have proved their Debts under z. in order to aſſent to or diffent from the ſaid Aſſignees com Commiſſion of Bankrupt awarded and iſſued again ſt mencing, proſecuting, or defending any Suit or Suits at Law Fdward Chambers, late of Wateringbury, in the County of or in Equity touching or concerning the ſaid Bankrupt's Kent, Grocer, may receive a Dividend of Two Shillings in Eſtate and Effects; or to the compounding, ſubmitting to the Pound upon their reſpeative Debts upon Application to Arbitration, or otherwiſe agreeing any Matter or Thing re Mr. Scudamore, Solicitor, Maidſtone, or to Meſſrs. Debary lating thereto; and alſo to aſſent to or diſſent from the ſaid Scudamore, and Curry, Solicitors, 14, Gate-Street, Lincoln’s- Aſſignees authoriſing ſome proper Perſon to colled the out Inn-Fields, London, for that Purpoſe. ſtanding Debts due to the ſaid Bankrupt's Eſtate and Effects, H. F. Creditors who have proved their Debts under a and to make ſuch Allowance and Compenſation for the Commiſſion of Bankrupt awarded and iſſued again ſi ſame as they ſhall think proper; and alſo to aſſent to or Balthazar Adams and Edward Adams, of Buckle ſhard, irº - diſlent from the Aſſignees paying and diſcharging any Sala the County of Southampton, Ship-Builders, Dealers a 1: d ries or wages due to the Clerks or Servants of the Bank Chapmen, are requeſted to meet the A-ſignees of the ſaid rupt; and on other ſpecial Affairs. Bankrupt's Eſtate, on the 17th of July inſtant, at Twelve HE Creditors who have proved their Debts under a Com at Noon, at the Office of Meſſrs. Wade ſon, Barlow, and miſſion of Bankrupt awarded and iſſued forth againſt Groſvenor, in Auſtin-Friars, London, to aſſent to or diſſent William Higginbotham Goodwin, of Liverpool, in the from the Aſſignees of the ſaid Bankrupts' Eſtate completing County of Lancaſter, Timber-Merchant, Dealer and Chap a Ship belonging to the Eſtate now on the Stocks, and pur man, are deſired to meet the Aſſignees of the Eſtate and chaſing Materials, and employing Workmen ſor that Pur Effects of the ſaid Bankrupt, on the 25th Day of July in poſe at the Expence of the Eſtate; and to the ſaid Aſſignees ſtant, at Eleven in the Forenoon, at the Houſe of Henry appointing and authoriſing ſome Perſon or Perſons to collect Forſhaw, the Globe Tavern, in Liverpool, to aſlent to or diſſent in and receive the Debts due and owing to the ſaid Bank from the ſaid Aſſignees commencing, proſecuting, or defend. rupts, and to the ſaid Aſſignees making to the Perſon to ing any Suit or Suits at law or in Equity, for Recovery of Pei ſons ſo to be employed ſuch Allowance or Compenſation any Part of the ſaid Bankrupt’s Eſtate and Effects; or to for the ſame as they may think fit. their compounding, ſubmitting to Arbitration, or otherwiſe HE Creditors who have proved their Debts under a agreeing to any Matter or Thing relating thereto; and on Commiſſion of Bankrupt awarded and iſſued again, it other ſpecial Affairs. Nathaniel Grigg, of Plymouth-Dock, in the Cou, ty of HE Creditors who have proved their Debts under a Devon, Tea-Dealer, Dealer and Chapman, are deſireſ tº, Commiſſion of Bankrupt awarded and iſſued againſt meet the Aſſignees of the ſaid Bankrupt's Eſtate and Ef Frances Young and Frances Handcock, both of South Shields, fects, at the King's Arms Inn, in Fore. Street, Plymouth in the County of Durham, Widows, Slopſellers, Copartners Dock, on Friday the 19th of July inſtant, at Five in the together, uſing the Firm of Young and Handcock, are deſired Atternoon, to aſſent to or diffeut from the ſaid Aſſignees to meet the Aſſignees of the Ettate and Effects of the ſaid ſubmitting to Reference or Arbitration, if they ſhall think Bankrupts, on the 5th of Auguſt next, at Eleven in the Fore proper ſo to do, and to whom and by what Means and when .noon, at the Roſe and Crown Inn, in the Market-Place, they may think right, a Queſtion touching and concerning in South Shields, in order to aſſent to or diſſent from the ſaid a Mortgage Security held by John Teed, of Plymouth, Eſq; Aſſignees ſelling by public Auétion or private Contrača, for on the Bankrupt's Leaſehold Eſtate, ſituate in Fore Stileet.

-- the moſt Money or Price that may be had or gotten, all the in Plymouth-Dock, and upon which the ſaid John Teed ſeveral Freehold and Leaſehold Meſſuages or Tenements and claims to recover a much larger Sum of Money (that is to Premiſes, in, South Shields aforeſaid, or elſewhere, and all ſay 7oel, or thereabouts,) than the ſaid Aſſignees are adviſed * , Equity of Redemption of the ſaid Bankrupts, or either of that he the ſaid John Teed can recover by the ſaid Mort them therein, together with a Pew in the Chapelry of Saint gage Security, and muſt prove for under the Commiſſion ; Hilds, and alſo all the outſtanding Debts due to the ſaid alſo, in caſe of not aſſenting to ſuch Submiſſion : hen to aſ Bankrupt's Eſtate; and further to aſſent to or diſſent from ſent to and authoriſe or diſſent from the ſaid Aſſignees the ſaid Aſſignees commencing, proſecuting, or defending proceeding at Law or in Equity as they may be adviſed or any Suit or Suits at Law or in Equity, for the Recovery of ſee neceſſary, to get a Determination on the ſaid Queſtion; any Part of the ſaid Bankrupt's Eſtate and Effects; or to the alſo to aſſent to or diſſent from the ſaid Aſſignees in like compounding, ſubmitting to Arbitration, or otherwiſe agree Manner ſubmitting to Reſerence or Arbitration, or getting ing any Matter or Thing relating thereto; and on other ſpe decided at Law or in Equity, a Claim made by the Executors

cial Affairs. - of Mr. Mark Grigg, deceaſed, to the Benefit of a Mortgage HE Creditors who have proved their Debts under a Security for the Sum of 300l. on the ſaid Bankrupt's ſaid Commiſſion of Bankrupt awarded and iſſued againſt Leaſehold Eſtate, about which there are allo Doubts exiſting; Joſeph Trevitt, of Little Bolton, in the County of Lan alſo to aſſent to or diſſent from the ſaid Aſſignees paying and caſter, Cotton. Manufacturer, Dealer and Chapman, are de diſcharging the ſeveral Coſts and Charges of ſundry Meet ſired to meet the Alignees of the ſaid Bankrupt's Eſlate ings of the Creditors held before and after the iſſuing of a and Effects, on the 5th Day of Auguſt next, at Three in the Commiſſion of Bankrupt by Mr. Robert Sanders, Creditor to Afternoon, at the Swan Inn, in Bolton-le-Moors, in the the ſaid Bankrupt, for the Purpoſe of procuring a Settle faid County, to aſſent to or diſlent from the ſaid Aſſignees ment of the Bankrupt's Affairs by Compoſition, and pre ſelling by private Contračt the Houſehold Goods and Furni venting, if poſſible, a Bankruptcy; and of the ſeveral Coſts ture of the ſaid Bankrupt ; and alſo to the commencing, pro and Charges of the Solicitors employed in that Behalf, and ſecuting, or detending any Suit or Suits at Law or in Equity, of the neceſſary Deeds, Agreements, and Papers, relating for Recovery or any Part of the ſaid Bankrupt's Eſtate and thereto, and the Coſts and Charges of the ſaid laſt-men Effects; or to the compounding, ſubmitting to Arbitration, tioned Commiſſion, which, at the Inſtance of the Creditors ot, otherwiſe agreeing to any Matter or Thing relating there attending the ſaid Meetings, was not proceeded in ; and the tº: and on other ſpecial Affairs. Coſts and Charges of a Petition preſented by the ſaid Ro bert Sanders againſt another Commiſſion, which, in the * - HE Creditors who have proved their Debts under a Judgement of the ſaid Creditors, was ſued out againſt good Commiſſion of Bankrupt awarded and iſſued againſt Faith; and on divers other ſpecial and material Affairs. Aaron Bazley late of Okehampton, in the County of Devon, Grocér, Dealer and Chapman, are deſired to meet the Aſ HE Creditors who have proved their Debts under a ſignees of the ſaid Bankrupt's Eſtate and Effects, on the Commiſſion of Bankrupt awarded and iſſued againſt 22d of July inſtant, at Eleven in the Forenoon, at the Samuel Bunn, of Great Charlotte-Street, Blackfriar's-Road, White Horſe Inn, in Okehampton afor ſaid, in order to in the County of Surrey, Merchant, Dealer and Chapman, aſlent to or diſſent from the ſaid Aſſignees commencing are deſired to meet the Aſſignees of the ſaid Bankrupt's Eſtate a d proſecuting a Suit in Equity for Non-performance of a and Effects, on the 22d of July inſtant, at Twelve at Noon Contiaét ºntered into with the ſaid Aſſignees for the Pur preciſely, at Batſon's Coffee-Houſe, Cornhill, London, in chaſe of a Dwelling-Houſe, Part of the ſaid Bankrupt's order to aſſent to or diſſent from the ſaid Aſſignees employ Property; or to the ſubmitting to Arbitration or otherwiſe ing a Perſon to go to Ireland for the Purpose of commencing agrecing to any Matter or Thing relating, thcreto; and on any A&ion or Aétions, Sult or Suits, or ºdopting any other

other ‘pecial Affails. - - Proceedings at Law or in Equity, or otherwiſe as he may

- - - º * [. 128, l

tº adviſed in the Name of the ſaid Aſſignees, in reſpeat to and Chapman, (a Bankrupt,) to ſurrender himſelf and make tº-Tºcht or Debts due from certain Perſons in Dublin to the a full Diſcovery and Diſcloſure of his Eſtate and Efitéts, for ºf Bankrunt's Eſtate; and alſo to aſſent to or diſſent from Forty-two Days, to be computed from the 11th of Jund tº ſaid Aſgnees accepting a Compºſition in Satisfaction laſt; This is to give Notice, that the Commiſſioners in the ºf tech Debt or Debts ſo due as aforeſaid; and allo to aſſent ſaid Commiſſion named and authoriſed, or the major Part to or dient from the ſaid Aſſignees employing an Ac of them, intend to meet on the 23d of July inſtant, at Ten tomatant to inveſtigate and adjuſt the Accounts of a Broker in the Forenoon, at the George Inn, Deanſgate, Mancheſter; ºn has claimed a confiderable Sum due for Brokerage from where the ſaid Bankrupt is required to ſurrender himſelf be tº aid Bankrupt and otherwiſe; and on other ſpecial Af tween the Hours of Eleven and One o’Clock of the ſame faiti. Day, and make a full Diſcovery and Diſcloſure of his Eſtate and Effects, and finiſh his Examination; and the Creditors, HE Creditors who have proved their Debts under a who have not already proved their Debts, may then and Commiſſion of Bankrupt awarded and iſſued againſt there come and prove the ſame, and aſſent to or diſºn; Tº Buckley, of Kenning on, in the County of Surrey, from the Allowance of his Celtificate. * * s' - raker, are deſired to meet the Aſſignees of the ſaid - Bark grº's Eſtate and Effects, on the 15th of July inſtant, Hereas a Commiſſion of Bankrupt is awarded and s: sº cº lºck in the Evening preciſely, at the Gun Ta iſſued forth againſt Robert Rogers, of Liverpool, vers, Bºg gate, to aſſent to or diſſent from the ſaid Aſſig in the County of Lancaſter, Merchant, and he being de re-, fºg or diſpoſing of the Leaſe of the Bankrupt's clared a Bankrupt is hereby required to ſurrender himſelf Hºsſe, in Jean-Street, Walworth, by public Sale or private to the Commiſſioners in the ſajd Commiſſion named, or the Centrač, in ſuch Manner as they may think moſt adviſeable major Part of them, on the 2d, 3d, and 24th Days of fºr the Benefit of the ſaid Bankrupt’s Eſtate; and to aſſent Auguſt next, at Eleven in the Forenoon on each Day, at the tº or diſen tº cm their commencing, proſecuting, or defend Globe Tavern, in John-Street, in Liverpool aforeſaid, and ºrg ary S. it or Suits at Law or in Equity, for Recovery of make a full Diſcovery and Diſcloſure of his Eſtate and ary Part of the Bankrupt’s Eſtate and Effects; or the com Effects; when and where the Creditors are to come pre focring, ſubmitting to Arbitration, or otherwiſe agreeing pared to prove their Debts, and at the Second Sitting to any Mitter or Thing relating thereto; and on other ſpecial chuſe Aſſignees, and at the Laſt Sitting the ſaid Bankrupt is Ai-in required to finiſh his Examination, and the Creditors are to aſſent to or diſſent from the Allowance of his Certificate. E Creditors who have proved their Debts under a All Perſons indebted to the ſaid Bankrupt, or that have any Commit5bn of Bankrupt awarded and iſſued againſt of his Effects, are not to pay or deliver the ſame but to Fºr beth Shewen, of Threadneedle-Street, in the City of whom the Commiſſioners ſhall appoint, but give Notice to lot. i. Coffee-Houſe Keep: r, are deſired to meet the Aſ Meſſrs. Shephard and Adlington, Solicitors, Gray's Inn, figure, of the Eºlate and Effects of the ſaid Bankrupt, on London, or to Meſlis. Daltera and Topham, Solicitors, Li th-134 Day of July inſtant, at Ten in the Forenoon, at the verpool. 0ite of Mr. W. E. Allen, ſituate at No. 19, New Bridge Street, in the City. of London, to aſſent to or diſſent from W Hereas a Commiſſion of Bankrupt is awarded and the laid Aſſignets ſelling and diſpoſing of the Bankrupt's iſlued forth againſt William Sabine, of Goſport, in the Houſehold Furniture, Fixtures, and Stock in Trade to any County of Hants, Grocer, Dealer and, Chapman, and he Perſºn or Perſons by private Contraćt, at a Valuation ; and being declared a Bankrupt is hereby required to ſurrender to aſſent to or diſſent from the ſaid Aſſignees antholiſing and himſelf to the Commiſſioners in the ſaid Commiſſion named, empowering the ſaid Bankrupt to colle&t and get in all the or, the major Part of them, on the 16th and 27th Days of outſtanding Debts due to the ſaid Bankrupt's Eſtate, and to July inſtant, and on, the 24th Day of Auguſt next, at compourd for any Part or Parts thereof; or otherwiſe re Twelve of the Clock at Noon on each Day, at Guildhall, lative thereto. London, and make a full Diſcovery and Diſcloſure of his Eitate and Effects; when and where the Creditors are to HE Creditors who have proved their Debts under a come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the Second Sit Commiſſion of Bankrupt awarded and iſſued againſt ting to chuſe Aſſignees, and at the Laſt Sitting the ſaid Thomas Lewis, late of Ely-Place, Holborn, in the County Bankrupt is required to finiſh his Examination, and the of Middleſex, Merchant, Dealer and Chapman, are deſired Creditors are to aſſent to or diſſent from the Åilowance of to meet the Aſſigners of the Eſtate and Effects of the ſaid his Certificate. All Perſons indebted to the ſaid Bankrupt, Baakrupt, on the 18th of July inſtant, at One in the After or that have any of his Effects, are not to pay or deliver root preciſely at the Office of Mr Kirkman, No. 9, Cloak the ſame but to whom Commiſſioners ſhall appoint, but Lane, Q-ter-Street, Cheapſide, to aſſent to or diſſent from give Notice to Mr. Shaw, No. 10, Staple's Inn. the ſaid Aſſignees joining with the Mortgagee in the Sale cf the Leaf of the Bankrupt's late Houſe in Cornwall. Place, Hereas a Commiſſion of Bankrupt is awarded and loway, to a Purchaſer, by private Contraćt, at a Sum iſſued forth againſt Samuel Yates, formerly of Aſh inſuffrient to diſcharge the Amount for which the ſaid ford, in the County of Kent, (but now a Priſoner, in the Leaſe is pledged. King's Bench,) Dealer in Beer and Spirits, and he being de clared a Bankrupt is hereby required to ſurrender himſelf to Urſuant to an order made by the Right Hon. John Lord the Commiſſioners in the ſaid Commiſſion named, or the Eldon, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, for En major i'art of then, on the zoth and 27th Days of July larging the Time for Charles Sharood, of Brighthelmſtone, inſtant, and on the 24th Day of Auguſt next, at, Ten in the County of Suſſex, Vićtualler, Dealer and Chapman, (a in the Forenoon on each ilay, at Guildhali, London, and Bankrupt.) to ſurrender himſelf and make a full Diſcovery make a full Diſcovery and Diſcloſure of his Eſtate and ard Diſcloſure of his Eſtate and Effečts, for Forty-nine Days, to Effects; when and where the Creditors are to come prepared be computed from the 6th Day of July inſt.: This is to give to prove their Debts, and at the Second Sitting to chmſ; A lig Notice, that the Commiſſioners in the ſaid Commiſſion nees, and at the Laſt Sitting the ſaid bankrupt is required named and authoriſed, or the major Part of them, intend to to finiſh his Examination, and the Creditors are to aſlent to meet on the 24th Day of Auguſt next, at Ten of the or diſſent from the Allowance of his Certificate. All Per Clock in the Atternoon, at Guildhall, London; where the ſons indebted to the ſaid Bankrupt, or that have any of ſaid Bankrupt is required to ſurrender himſelf between the his Effects, are not to pay, or deliver the ſame ſº to hours of Eleven and One of the ſame Day, and make a full whom the Commiſſioners ſhall appoint, but give Natice toº Däcovery and Diſcloſure of his Eſtate and Effects, and finiſh Melits. Sweet and Stokcs, Solicitors, No. 6, King's Lepub

his Examination; and the Creditors who have not already Walks, Temple. , , , - ...... - .* . . . . .”-- . . . . .t droved their Debts, may then and there come and prove the ſºme," and aſſent to or diſſent from the Allowance of his W Hereas a Commiſſion of Bankrupt is awarded and

Certificate. - - iſſued-forth againſt Robert Wilton, of Friday-Street, London, Merchant, (trading under the Firm ºf Thºmas add uant to an Order made by the Right Hon. John Robert Wilſon) and he being dečared a Baškrupt # Lord Eldon, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain; hereby required to ſurrender himſelf to the Commiſſioners fºr Enlarging the Time for Robert Wainwright, of Man in the ſaid Commiſſion named, of the ſhajor Part; of them, ºtda, in the County of Lancaſter, Manufacturer, Dealer on the 20th and 27th Days of July inſtant, and on [ 1282 J the 24th Day of Auguſt next, at Ten of the Clock Auguſt next, at One of the Clock in the Aſternoon on each of the ſaid Days, at the Globe Tavern, in the Forenoon on each of the ſaid Day, at in I.iverpool Guildhall, aforeſaid, and make a full Diſcovery and Diſcloſure of his I.ondon, and make a full Diſcovery and Diſcloſure of Eſtate and Etle&ts; when and where the Creditors his Eſtate and FHe&s; when and where the Creditors are are to to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the Second come prepared to prove their Debts, at the Second Sitting to chooſe Aſſignees, and at the Laſt Sitting the ſaid Bankrupt sitting to chuſe Aſſignees, and at the Laſt Sitting the is required to finiſh his Examination, and the Creditors ſaid Bankrupt is required to finiſh his Examination, and the are to aſſent to or diſſent from the Allowance of his Cer Creditors are to aſient to or diſſent from the Allowance tificate. All Perſons indebted of his Certificate. All Perſons indebted to the ſaid Bank to the ſaid Bankrupt, or that have any of his Eiſe&ts, are not to pay or deliver the ſame rupt, or that have any of his Fffeóts, are not to pay ºr de liver but to whom the Commiſſioners ſhall appoint, but give the ſame but to whom the Commiſſioners ſhall ap Notice to Meſſrs. Crump and 1.odge, Solicitors, Liverpool, point, but give Notice to Meſſrs. Lavie, and Crowder, Garth, or Mr. Battye, Chancery-Lane, London. “Solicitors, Frederick-Place, Old Jewry. \ Hereas a Commiſſion of Bankrupt is awarded and Hereas a Commiſſion of Bankrupt is awarded and iſſued forth againſt Thomas Inman, of Bedale, in the itſued forth againſt Samuel Boys, now or late of County of York, Wine and Spirit-Merchant, and he being Drighlington, in the County of York, Clothier, Dealer and declared a Bankrupt is hereby required to ſurrender himſelf Chapman, and he being declared a Bankrupt is hereby re to the Commiſſioners in the ſaid Commiſſion named, or the quired to ſurrender himielf to the Commiſſioners in the ſaid major Part of them, on the 22d and 29th of July inſtant, and Commiſſion named, or the major Part of them, on the 14th on the 24th Day of Auguſt next, at Eleven of the Clock of Auguſt next, at Five o’Clock in the Aſternoon, and on in the Forenoon on each of the ſaid Davs, at the Black the 15th and 24th Ilays of the ſame Month, at Eleven Swan Inn, in Bedale aforeſaid, and make a full Diſcovery and of the Clock in the Forenoon, at the White Hart Inn, Diſcloſure of his Eſtate and Effects; when and where the in Adwalton, in the ſaid County of York, and make a full Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and 1Yiſcovery and Diſcloſure of his Eſtate and Effects; when at the Second Sitting to chufe Aſſignees, and at the Laſt and where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove Sitting the ſaid Bankrupt is required to finiſh his Examina their Debts, at the Second Sitting to chooſe Aſſignees, and at tion, and the Creditors are to aſſent to or diſſent from thc the laſt Sitting the ſaid Bankrupt is required to finiſh his Allowance of his Certificate. All Perſons indebted to the xamination, and the Creditors are to aſlent to or diſſent ſaid Bankrupt, or that have any of his Effects, are not to from the Allowance of his Certificate. All Perſons in pay or deliver the ſame but to whom the Commiſſioners ſhall debted to the ſaid Bankrupt, or that have any of his Eſ. appoint, but give Notice to Mr. George Morton, Solicitor, ſetts, are not to pay or deliver the ſame but to whom the Gray's Inn-Square, London, or Mr. Roger Martin, Solicitor, Commiſſioners ſhall appoint, but give Notice to Mr. Evans, Bedale. Hatton-Garden, London, or to Mr. Carr, Attorney, Go W Hereas a Commiſſion of Bankrupt is awarded and merſal, near Leeds. itlued forth againſt William Manning, of Boſton, in W Hereas a Commiſſion of Bankrupt is awarded and the County of Lincoln, Straw-Manufacturer, Dealer in Hats V iſſued forth againſt Thomas Clayton, of Man Dealer and Chapman, and he being declared a Bankrupt is cheſter, in the County of Iancaſter, Grocer, Dealer and hereby required to ſurrender himſelf to the Commiſſioners Chapman, and he being declared a Bankrupt is hereby re in the ſaid Commiſſion named, or the major Part of them, quired to ſurrender himſelf to the Commiſſioners in the ſaid on the 5th, 6th, and 24th of Auguſt next, at Eleven in the Commiſſion named, or the major Part of them, on the 23d Forenoon on each Day, at the Peacock Inn, Boſton aforeſaid, and 24th of Jnly inſtant, and on the 24th Day of Auguſt and make a full Diſcovery and Diſcloſure of his Eſtate next, at Two in the Aſternoon on each Day, at the Stal and Etfects; when and where the Creditors are to come pre Inn, in Mancheſter, and make a full Piſcovery and 1)il pated to prove their Debts, and at the Second sitting cloſure of his Eſtate and Fffe&s; when and where the to chuſe Aſſignees, and at the Laſt Sitting the ſaid Bank Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and rupt is required to finiſh his Examination, and the Cre at the Second Sitting to chuſe Aſſignees, and at the 1.aſ ditors are to aſſent to or diſſent from the Allowance of sitting the ſaid Bankrupt is required to finiſh his Exa his Certificate. All Perſons indebted to the ſaid Bank minations, and the Creditors are to aſſent to or diſſent from rupt, or that have any of his Effects, are not to pay or the Allowance of his Certificate. All Perſons indebted deliver the ſame but to whom the Commiſſioners ſhall ap to the ſaid Bankrupt, or who have any of his Effects, are point, but give Notice to Mr. Peter Tuxford, Solicitor, Boſton, not to pay or deliver the ſame but to whom the Commiſ or to Meſſrs. Lodington and Hall, Secondaries-Office, Temple, fioners inall appoint, but give Notice to Mr. John Robinſon, London. Attorney at Law, Mancheſter. Hereas a Commiſſion of Bankrupt is awarded and iſſued forth againſt Duncan Hunter, of Size-Lane, V 7 Hereas a Commiſſion of Bankrupt is awarded and I.ondon, Merchant, (Partner with Alexander Hunter and ! iſłued forth againſt Henry Godſall, of Sudbrook, in Robert Rainey, trading winder the Firm of Hunters, Rainey, the County of Glouceſter, Skinner, Dealer and Chapman, and Co.) and he being declared a Bankrupt is hereby required and he being declared a Bankrupt is hereby required to ſur to ſurrender himſelf to the Commiſſioners in the laid Com sender himſelf to the Commi'lioners in the ſaid Commiſſion miſſion named, or the major Part of them, on the 16th named, or the major Part of them, on the 18th and 19th and 27th of July inſtant, and on the 24th Day of Auguſt Days of July inſtant, at Seven o’Clock in the Aſternoon, next, at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon on each of the and on the 14th of Auguſt next, at Eleven of the Clock ſaid Days, at Guildhall, London, and make a full Difº. in the Forenocn, at the White Hart lun, in the City of covery and Diſcloſure of his Eſtate and Effects; when and Glouceſter, and make a full Diſcovery and Diſcloſure of where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their his Eſtate and Effects; when and where the Creditors Debts, and at the Second Sitting to chute Aſſignees, and at are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the Se the Laſt Sitting the ſaid Bankrupt is required to finiſh his cond Sitting to chuſe Aſſignees, and at the Laſt Sitting the Examination, and the Creditors are to allent to or diſſent ſaid Bankrupt is required to finiſh his Examination, and from the Allowance of his Certificate. All Perſons in the Creditors are to aſſent to or diſlint from the Allowance debted to the laid Bankrupt, or that have any of his Effects, of his Certificate. All Perſons indebted to the ſaid Bank are not to pay or deliver the ſame but to whom the Com rupt, or that have any of his Eſſe&ts, are not to pay or de miſſioners ſhall appoint, but give Notice to Meſſrs. Clow ºver the ſame but to whom the Commiſſioners ſhall appoint, der, Lavie, and Garth, Solicitors, Frederick-Place, Old but give Notice to Mr. James, No. 11, Gray's Inn-Square' Jewiy. i.ondon, or Mr. Thomas Okey, Solicitor, Glouceſter. Hereas a Commiſſion W łłeseas a Commiſſion of Bankrupt is awarded and of Bankrupt is awarded and V iſſued forth againſt Benjamin Thomas, itlued forth againſt Robert Rainey, of Size-Lane, of Liver London, Merchant, (Partner with Duncan Hunter pool, in the County of Lancaſter, Merchant, and he being and declared a Bankrupt is hereby required to ſurrender himſelf Alexander Hunter, trading in London under the Firm of to the Commiſſioners in the ſaid Commiſſion named, or the Hunters, Rainey, and Co.,) and he being declared a Bank rupt is hereby required to Kurrender himſelf to major Part of them, on the 8th, 9th, and 24th Days of the Com - I 1283 I

r;7--er; in the ſaid Commiſſion named, or the major he being declared a Bankrupt is hereby required to ſurrender Pr: aſ them, on the 16th and 27th Days of July himſelf to the Commiſſioners in the ſaid Commiſſion named, i-tº-1, and on the 24th Day of Auguſt next, at or the major p. of them, on the 20th and a 7th of July Færen of the Clock in the Forenoon, on each of the inſtant, and on the 24th of Auguſt next, at Eleven in the ºf Days, at Guildhall, London, and make a full Diſ Forenoon on each of the ſaid Days, at Guildhall, Lon cºvery and Diſcloſure of his Eſtate and Effects; when and don, and make a full Diſcovery and Diſcloſure of his Eſtate -here the creditors are to come prepared to prove their and Effects; when and where the Creditors are to come pre Deats, and at the Second Sitting to chuſe Aſſignees, and at pared to prove their Debts, and at the Second Sitting to chuſe the Liſt Sitting the laid Bankrupt is required to finiſh his Aſſignees, and at the Laſt Sitting the ſaid Bankrupt is re Examination, and the Creditors are to aſſent to or diſſent quired to finiſh his Examination, and the Creditors are ts from the Allowance of his "Certificate. All Perſons in aſlent to or diſſent from the Allowance of his Certificate. debted to the ſaid Bankrupt, or that have any of his Ef All Perſons indebted to the ſaid Bankrupt, or that have fees, are not to pay or deliver the ſame but to whom the any of his Effects, are not to pay or deliver the ſame but Carmiſſioners ſhall appoint, but give Notice to Meſſrs. to whom the Commiſſioners ſhall appoint, but give Notice. Urowder, Lavie, and Garth, Solicitors, Frederick-Place, Old to Meſſrs Turner and Pike, Solicitors, Gray's-Inn-Square. -Jewry. V He reas a Commiſſion of Bankrupt is awarded and YHereas a Commiſſion of Bankmpt is awarded and 'W iſſued forth againſt Aquila Shepherd, now or late of W idled forth againſt John Tomlinſon, of Mickley, Huddersfield, in the County of York, Cloth-Dreſſer, Dealer in the County of York, Dealer and Chapman, and he and Chapman, and he being declared a lankrupt is hereby being declared a liankrupt is hereby required to ſurrender required to ſurrender himſelf to the Commiſſioners in the Justicſ to the Commiſſioners in the ſaid Commiſſion named, ſaid Commiſſion named, or the major Part of them, on the e the major Part of them, on the 29th and 30th of July 26th and 27th of July inſtant, and on the 24th Day of Auguſt itlant, at the Black Bull Inn, Ripon, in the ſaid County, next, at Eleven in the Forenoon on each Day, at the King's- aii on the 24th of Auguſt next, at the Unicorn Inn, at Head Inn, in Huddersfield, and make a full Diſcovery and Ripon aforeſaid, at Eleven in the Forenoon on each Day, l)::cloſure of his Eſtate and Effeóts; when and where the Cre ind sake a full Diſcovery and Diſcloſure of his Eſtate and ditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the Lică.; when and where tile Creditors are to come prepared Second Sitting to chuſe Aſſignees, and at the Laſt Sitting the to prove their Debts, and at the Second Sitting to chuſe faid Bankrupt is required to finiſh his Examination, and Aſſignees, and at the Laſt Sitting the ſaid Bankrupt is re the Creditors are to aſſent to or diſſent from the Allowance q-red to finiſh his Examination, and the Creditors are to of his Certificate. All Perſons indebted to the ſaid Bank a lent to or diſſent from the Allowance of his Certificate. rupt, or that have any of his Effects, are not to pay or de All Perſons indebted to the ſaid Bankrupt, or that have liver the ſame but to whom the Commiſſioners ſhall appoint, any of his Effects, are not to pay or deliver the ſame but but give Notice to Mr. J. Battye, Solicitor, in Huddersfield, tº when the Commiſſioners ſhall appoint, but give Notice or Mr. Richard Battye, Solicitor, Chancery-Lane, London. to Mr. Cartman, Solicitor, Ripon, or to Mr. Hartley, Bridge Hereas a Commiſſion of Bankrupt is awarded and Street, Blackfriars, London. iſſued forth againſt William Hall and Allan Hinde, * Hereas a Commiſſion of Bankrupt is awarded and of Wood-Street, in the City of London, Silk-Manufacturers, W iſſued forth againſt Jabez Goodwin, of Ray-Street, Dealers, Chapmen, and Copartners, and they being declared Clerkenwell, in the County of Middleſex, Baker, Dealer Bankrupts are hereby required to ſurrender themſelves to and Chapman, and he being declared a Bankrupt is hereby the Commiſſioners in the ſaid Commiſſion named, or the required to ſurrender himſelf to the Commiſſioners in the major Part of them, on the 16th and 27th of July inſtant, fid Commiſſion named, or the major Part of them, on the and on the 24th of Auguſt next, at Ten in the Forenoon 16th and 17th Days of July inſtant, and on the 24th of on each Day, at Guildhall, London, and make a full Auguſt next, at One o’Clock in the Afternoon on each Day, Diſcovery and Diſcloſure of their Eſtate and Effects; when at Guildhall, London, and make a full Diſcovery and Diſ and where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their cloſure of his Eſtate and Effects; when and where the Debts, and at the Sucond Sitting to chuſe Aſſignees, and at Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts, the Laſt Sitting the ſaid Bankrupts are required to finiſh their at the Second Sitting to chooſe Aſſignees, and at the Laſt Examination, and the Creditors are to aſſent to or diſſent Sitting the laid Bankrupt is required to finiſh his Exa from the Allowance of their Certificate. All Perſons in mination, and the Creditors are to aſſent to or diſſent from debted to the ſaid Bankrupts, or that have any of their Ef the Allowance of his Certificate. All Perſons indebted to fećts, are not to pay or deliver the ſame but to whom the the ſaid Bankrupt, or that have any of his Effe&ts, are not Commiſſioners ſhall appoint, but give Notice to Meſſrs. to pay or deliver the ſame but to whom the Commiſſioners Maſon and Rogers, Foſter-lane, Cheapſide. ſhall appoint, but give Notice to Mr. Humphreys, Solicitor, Hereas a Commiſſion of Bankrupt is awarded and Takenhouſe-Yard, Lothbury. W#. againſt Edward Gyfford, of Upton-Place, Weſt ham, in the County of Eſſex, Builder and Surveyor, Dealer and Hereas a Commiſſion of Bankrupt is awarded and Chapman, and he being declared a Bankrupt is hereby re W iſſued forth againſt William Mounſher, of Carmar quired to ſurrender himſelf to the Commiſſioners in the ſaid —then Street, Tottenham-Court-Road, in the County of Commiſſion named, or the major Part of them, on the 16th Middleſex, Inſurance-Broker and Underwriter, and he being and 27th of July, inſtant, and on the 24th of Auguſt next, declared a Bankrupt is hereby required to ſurrender him at One o’Clock in the Afternoon on each Day, at Guild ſelf to the Commiſſioners in the ſaid Commiſſion named, hall, London, and make a full Diſcovery and Diſcloſure -er the major Part of them, on the 23d and 27th of July of his Eſtate and Effects; when and where the Creditors -inſtant, and on the 24th Day of Auguſt next, at Eleven are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the in the Forenoon on each Day, at Guildhall, London, and Second Sitting to chuſe Aſſignees, and at the Laſt Sitting make a full Diſcovery and Diſcloſure of his Eſtate and the ſaid Bankrupt is required to finiſh his Examination, Eftöv, when and where the Creditors are to come prepared and the Creditors are to aſſent to or diſſent from the Al to prºve their Delts, and at the Second Sitting to chuſe lowance of his Certificate. All Perſons indebted to the and at the Laſt Sitting the ſaid Bankrupt is ſaid Bankrupt, or that have any of his Effects, are not to required to finiſh his Examination, and the Creditors are pay or deliver the ſame but to whom the Commiſſioners to aſſent to or diffent from the Allowance of his Certificate. ſhall appoint, but give Notice to Meſſrs. Stratton and All Aſ Perſons indebted to the ſaid Bankrupt, or that have any port, Solicitors, No. 41, Shāreditch. - - ef his Effects, are not to pay or deliver, the ſame but to whom the Commiſſioners ſhall appoint, but give Notice to W. a Commiſſion of Bankrupt is awarded and Mr. Clarke, Sadler's-Hall, Cheapſide. iſſued ſouth againſt Samuel King. of Weſt Lexham, in the County of Norfolk, Money-Scrivener, Dealer and W I Hereas a Commiſſion of Bankrupt is awarded and Chapman, and he being declared a Bankrupt is hereby re iſloed againſt Edward Weaver, of Kenton-Street, quired to ſurrender himſelf to the Commiſſioners in the Brunſwick-square, in the County of Middleſex, Warehouſeman, ſaid Commiſſion named, or the major Part of them, on the *akr in Glaſs and Earthenware, Dealer and Chapman, and, zeth and 27th of July inſtant, and on the 24th of Auguſt

- - - - E0, 16503. E º -- ‘. . z - - - * t º [ 1284 1

text, at Four o’Clock in the Afternoon on esch Day, at the Commiſſioners in the ſaid Commiſſion nam ...?, or the rna Swan lun, in the Pariſh of Saint Peter of Mancroft, in jor Part of them, on the 23d and 27th of July in ſtant, a 1, 3 or * the City of Norwich, and make a full Diſcovery and Diſ. the 24th of Auguſt next, at Eleven in the Fore-rroon on cloſure of his Eſtate and Effe&ts; when and where the Cre each Day, at Gu, Jhaiſ, lordon, and n, a k - a ſtril 1 hit .ditors are to cone prepared to prove their l)ebts, and at the cove: y and Diºclc ure of his £ſlate and 1. fests : when ar, i. Seeond Sitting to chute Aſſignees, and at the Laſt sitting the where the Creditors are to come prepai ed tº prove their ſaid Bankrupt is required to finiſh his Examination, and the ſhebts, and at the Second Sitting to chute Aſſignees, and at *Creditors are to allent to or diſlent from the Allowance of the 1.aſt Sitting the ſaid Bankrupt is required to finish his his Certificate. All l’erſons indebted to the ſaid Sank Examination, and the Creditors are to aſſent to or diff-nr rupt, or that have any of his Tſºts, are not to pay or from th: Allowance cf his Certificate. Ali Pe: ſons indebted deliver the fame but to whom the Commiſſioners ſhall ap to the ſaid 3ankrupt, or that have ary of his Fffects, are point, but give Notice to Meſſrs. Bica ſºlile, Alexander, and dot to pay or de : , ºr the fare but to who is t!; e Corn +Holme, Solicitors, New-Inn, London, or to Mir. Thomas Big Honºrs, ſi ji appoint, but give Notice to Mr. Raine, King's- nold, jun: bolicitor, Norwich. Bench-W.'ss, Temple.

Hiereas a Commiſſion of Bººk rººt is awarded and - y Hereas a Commiſſion of Bankrupt is a varied and iſſued againſt Abraham Page, of Faken hºn, in the \ iºted forth againſt John Damºn, 1...te ...... cad County of Norfolk, Brewer, Dealet and Chapman, (lately necdºc-Street, in the City of 1,01:don, bºt now of the J.ing's trading under the Firm of Abraham Page and German Page,) Bench. Priſºn, Mercºt, i.enier and Cha; nan, (Part ºr and he being declared a Bankrupt is lºcºeby required to fur with Frederick Damm, of Gottºnburg, carry in g on Trade render him elf to the Commiſſioners in the ſaid Commiſſion *ºr the Fiº of Frederick ind John Damºn.) and he beinz named, or the major Part of them, on the zotl, and 27th of declared a Bankrºp is next by triuired to ſurrender him. July inſtant, and on the 24th of Auguit next, at Five in the felt to the Commiſſiºners in the ſaid Coºn mition named, Atternoon on each Day, at the Rampant l or ſe Inn. in the or, the majºr Part of them, on the 16th and 27: I of fuly Pariſh of Saint Stephen, in Norwich, and make a full IX; ſco inſtant, and on the 24th Day of Auguſt next, at Eleven very and Diſcloſure of his fitate and Eſſeås; when and where o'Clock in the Forenoon on each of the ſaid I)ays, at Guild the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their l) bts, and hall, London, and make a full Diſcovery and Diſcloſure of Iris at the Second Sitting to chufe Aſſignees, and at the Laſt Sit !-ſtate and Eiſects; when and where the Creditors are to ting the ſaid Bankrupt is required to finiſh his Examina one prepared to prove their l)ciºts, and at the Second tion, and the Creditors are to aſſent to or dident from the ºtting to chuſe Aſſignees, and at the Laſt sitting the ſaid Allowance of his Certificate. All Perſons indebted to Bank at is required to finiſh his Examination. and the the ſaid Bankrupt, or that have any of his Effects, are Creditors are to alient to or diſſent from the Allowance of not to pay or deliver the ſame but to whom the Com his Certificate. All Perſons indebted to the ſaid Bankrupt, miſſioners ſhall appoint, but give Notice to Meſſrs. Blcaſ ºr that have any of his Effects, are not to pay or deliver the dale, Alexander, and Holme, Solicitors, New-Inn, London, or ſame but to whºm the Commiſſioners ſhall appoint, but give to Mr. Thomas Biguold, jun. Solicitor, Norwich. Noice to Melis. Rogers and Son, Mianchetter-Buiſdings,

Weſtminſter. - Hereas a Commiſſion of Bankrupt is awarded and iſſued againſt Theophilus Mitchell, late of the Town of King W Hereas a Commiſſion of Bankrupt is awarded and f illued forth againſt Henry Wel, ſter, of Roll's- ſton-upon-Hull, Chemiſt and Druggiſt, Dealer and Chapman, and he being declared a Bankrupt is hereby required to ſui Buildings, in the Liberty of the Rolls, Fetter-Lane, Lon render himſelt to the Commiſſioners in the ſaid Commiſſion don, Jeweller, and he being declared a Bankrupt is hereby Anamed, er the major Part of them, on the 18.h and 19th required to ſurrender him clf to the Commiſſioners in the 1)ays of Judy inſtant, and on the 24th Day of Auguſt next, ſaid Commiſſion named, or the major Part of then, on the at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon on each of the ſaid 16th and 37th ºf July inſtaur, and on the 24th of Auguſt “ 1jays, at the Neptune Inn, in the ſaid Town of Kingſton next, at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon on each or upon-Hull, and make a full Diſcovery and Diſcloſure of the ſaid Days, at Guildhall, London, and make a full his Eſtate and Eſſects; when and wheic the Creditors are Diſcovery and Diſcloſure of his Eſtate and Effects; whº to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the Second Sit and where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove 1:ng to chute Aſſignees, and at the Laſt Sitting the ſaid Bank their Debts, and at the Second Sitting to chute Aſſiºner, rupt is required to finiſh his Examination, and the Creditors and at the Laſt Sitting the ſaid Bankrupt is required to fin. are to aſlent to or diſlent from the Allowance of his Certifi his Examination, and the Creditors are to aſſent to or diſſent cate. Ali Perſons indebted to the ſail Bankrupt, or that from the Allowance of his Certificate. All Perſons indebt...i +have any of his Effects, are not to pay or deliver the ſame to the ſaid Bankrupt, or that have any of his Eileet, are but tº whom the Commiſſioners ſhall appoint, but give not to pay or deliver the ſame but to whom the Cºmm. Notice to Mr. Galen Haire, Solicitor, Parliament. Street, ſioners ſhall appoint, but give Notice to Mr. Bennett, Soli

Hull, or Mr. Leonard Hicks, Solicitor, Gray’s-Ina, London, citor, New-Inn-Buildings, Wych-Street. - * * * A/ Hereas a Commiſſion of Bankrupt is awarded and Wº: * Commiſſion of Bankrupt is awarded and W iſſued forth againſt George Dyſon, of Dob-Mill, near iſiued forth againſt William Brock and !!!enjamin Le Holmfirth, in the County of York, Cloth-Manufacturer, Meſurier, of Warnford-Court, Throgmorton-Street, in the Dealer and Chapman, and he being declared a Bankrupt is City of London, Merchants, Dealers and Ch pmen, and they

hereby required to ſurrender himſelf to the Commiſioners being declared Bankrupts are hereby required to ſurrender -- in the ſaid Commiſſion named, or the major Part of them, themſelves to the Commiſſioners in the ſaid commiſſion - on the 23d of July inſtant, and on the 3d and 24th of Auguſt named, or the major Part of them, on the 29th and 27th. next, at Ten in the Forenoon on each Day, at Guildhall, Lon of July inſtant, and on the 24th of Auguſt next, at One don, and make a full 19iſcovery and Diſcloſure of his Eſtate of the Clock in the Afternoºn on each Day, at Guild- - and Effects; when and where the Creditors are to come hall, London, and make a ſull Diſcovery and fiſcloſure of - prepared to prove their Debts, and at the Second Sitting their Eſtate and Effects; when and where the Creditors are **

to chute Aſſignees, and at the laſt Sitting the ſaid Bank. to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the second - - rupt is required to finiſh his Examination, and the Cre Sitting to chuſe Aſſignees, and at the Laſt Sitting the ſaid ditors are to aſſent to or diſſent from the Allowance of Bankrupts are required to finiſh their Examination, and the his Certificate. All Perſons indebted to the ſaid Bankrupt, Creditors are to aſſent to or diſſent from the Allºwance of or that have any of his Effects, are not to pay or deliver the their Certificate. All Perſons indebted to the ſaid Bank. fame but to whom the Commiſſioners ſhall appoint, but give rupts, or that have any of their Effects, are not to pay or de- -- Notice to Mr. Philip Hurd, King's-Bench-Walks, Temple, liver the ſame but to whom the Commiſſioners ſhall appoint,

M.ondon. - - but give Notice to Meſſrs. Willis, Fai, thorne, and Clarke

Hcreas a Commiſſion of Bankrupt is awarded and Solicitors, Warnford-Court, Throgmorton Street. > - iſiued againſt Henry Mewburn the Younger, late of º Wº: a Commiſſion of Bankrupt is awarded and * Lloyd's Coffee Houſe, in the City of London, Underwriter, itlued forth againſt Sergeant Bold, of Great wild. * Broker, Dealer and Chapman, and he being declared a Street, Lincoln's Inn-Fields, in the County of Middleſex, *- Baakrupt is hereby required to ſurrender himſelf to the | Coach-Smith, Dealer and Chapman, and he being declared * - *** - -- * - I 1285

-- - - - wºrk-it is hereby required to ſurrender himſelf to the' Tur Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion of Bankrupt cº-iſºners in the ſaid Commiſſion named, or the major awarded and iſſued, forth againſt John Samuel, of Fºr either, en the 20th and 27th Days of July inſtašt, Tenterden, near Aſhford, in the County of Kent, Watch ision the 24th Day of Auguſt next, at 'Twelve at Noon on Maker and Silverſmith, intend to meet on the 16th of July ºn Day, at Guildhail, London, and make a full Diſ intant, at H'en ºn the Phrenoon, at Guildhall, London, (by retrº and Dºctofore of his Bitate and Effº árs; when and Adjournment from the 9th of July inſtant.) to proceed to were tae Creditors are to come prepared tº prove their the Choice of an Athgºe or Aſſignees of the Eſtate and Ef lºts, and at the Second Sitting to chooſ: A ºignees, and at feds of the ſaid Batº, upt ; when and where the Creditors, the Lº Sitting the ſaid Bankrupt is required to finiſh his who have not alitady proved their Debts, are to come prº Exarestian, and the C. editors are to aſ at to or diſent pared to prove the ſame, and, with thoſe who have already fºr the Allowance of his Certificate. Ali l'e; ſons indebted proved their Debts, vote in ſuch Choice accordingly. tº the aid Bankrupt, or that have any of Iris Eſſexts, are H E Comuniſſioners in a Commiſſion of Bankrupt re: to pay or deizer the ſame but to whom the commiſ. awarded ºrd iſſued forth againſt Samuel Wall, of tº ºr inli arºint, but give Notice to Meſirs. Williamſon Satiſbºry, in the "County of Wilts, Linen-Diaper, Dealer are Rimmer, Solicitors, Clifford's it... * and Clºpthan, intend to meet on the 27th Day of July Hereas a Cemmiſſion of Bankrupt is awarded and intant, at Twelve of the Clock at Noon, at Guildhall, W ifued forti, againſt 'ſ homas Birrell, of Upper Baker London, (by 'Ajoun ment ſtom the 9th Day of July Street, Miary-le-Bone, in the County of Middleſex, Builder, inſtant,) to take the laſt Examii.ation of the ſaid Bank Iºlº and Chapman, and he being declared a Bankrupt rupt; when and where he is required to ſurrender him is barºv required to furrend: himſelf to the Commiſſioners ſett, and make a full Diſcloſure and Diſcovery of his in tº sºd Commi:5on named, or tke naier Part of them, Eſtate and Eſteć's, and finiſh his Examination; and the on the 16th and 27th of July inſtant, and on the 24th Day Creditors, who ha.e not already proved their Debts, are ‘to of Arreſt next, at Ten of the Clock in the For enoon come prepatcd to preye, the ſame, and, with thoſe who have ea each Day, at Guildhałł, i.ondon, and make a full Diſ already proved their Ijebts, aſleut to or diffent from the Al revery -uj Dicloſure of his Fliate and Eiicółs; when and towai ce of his Certificatc. - * * *- - where the Creditºrs are to come prepared to prove their > - Dests, at the Secºnd Sitting to chooſe Aſſignees, and at TT H E Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion of Bankrupt the Laſt sitting the ſaid Eaºkrupt is required to finish his awarded and iſſued forth againſt Samuel Seear, late Euarin-tºn, and the Creditors are to attent to or diſſent of Saint James's-Street, Weſtminſter, in the County of Mid for the Allowance of his Certificate. All Petions indebted dleſex, Confectioner, Dealer and Chapman, intend to mect tº the tº Bankrupt, or that have any cf his Effects, are not on the 19th Day of Auguſt next, at Ten of the Clock tº ray or deliver the ſame but to whom the Commiſſioners ia, the Forenoon, at Guildhall, London, (by Further Ad ſhall irºint, but give Notice tº Mr. Gude, Solicitor, New journment from the 9th Day of July inſtant,) in order to run'-Row, Lincoln’s-inn-Fields. - -- take the Laſt Examination of the ſaid Bankrupt; when and where he is required to ſurrender himſelf and make a HE Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion of Bankrupt full Diſcovery and Diſcloſure of his Eſtate and Effects, and awarded and iſſued forth againſt ‘I hon, as Hills, of finiſh his Examination; and the Creditors, who have not, the Alber-Mills, Weſt-Ham, in the County of Eſſex, Millcr; | already proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove, Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet on the 27th Day of : the ſame, and, with thoſe who have proved their Debts, allent,

July tº:, at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon, at Guild to or diſſent from the Allowance of his Certificatc. - r had, London, in order to receive the kroof of Debts under the ſlii Commiſſion. ... -/ H E Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion of Bankrupt. T awarded and illited forth againſt John Carter and He commiſſioners in a Commiſſion of Bankrupt John Ruſby, of Skinner-Street, in the City of London, T awarded and iſſued foºth againſt William Halladay, Mangle-Makers, Partners, Dealers and Chapmen, (carrying: st willing-street, in the City of London, Warehouſeman, on Trade under the Firm of Carter and Company,) intendº Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet on the 16th Day of to meet on the 16th pay of July inſtant, at Ten o'clock July inſtant, at Ten in the Forenoon, at Guildhall, London, in the Forenoon, at Guildhall, London, (by Adjournment. in ºrder w receive the Proof of a Debt under the ſaid Com from the 9th Day of July inſt.) in order to take the Laſt. miſſion. --- " * - . . . Examination of the ſaid Bankiupts; when and where they - - are required to ſurrender thenielves, and make a full Diſcovery: HE Commiſſioners in a Renewed Commiſſion of . and Í)iſcloſing of their Eſtate and Effeóts, and finiſh their Bankrupt awarded and iſſued forth againſt Thomas 'Examination; and the Creditors, who have not already Harris and John Price, of the City of Briſtol, Merchants proved their Debts, are ºg come prepared to prove the ſame, and Partners, (carrying on Trade-under the Firm ºf Harris, and, with thoſe who have proved their Debts, alient to or Price, and Co.) intend to meet of the zoth of July inſtant, at diffent from the Allowance of their Certificate. Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon, at Guildhall, London, in order to proceed to the Choice of an Aſfiguce or Aſſig : H E Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion of Bankrupt pets of the Eſtate and Effečts of the ſaid Bankrupt; when awarded and iflined againſt William Arnold: 1.udlow, and where the Creditors, who have not already proved their of Andover, in the County of Southampton, Wine-Mer Debts, are to come prepared to prove the ſame, and, with !chant, Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet on the 27th of thoſe who have already proved their l)ebts, vote in ſuch July inſtant, at Ten in the Forenoon, at Guildhall, London,

Choice accordingly. - - (by Adjournment from the 9th Inſtant,) in order to take the Laſt Examination of the ſaid Bankrupts when and where H E Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion of Bankrupt he is required to ſurrender himſelf, and make a full Diſco awarded and illued forth againſt William, Croſs, late very and ‘Diſcloſure of his Eſtate and Effects, and finiſh his of the City of Worceſter, and of Lombard-Street, º Examination; and --- the Creditors, who have not already Banker, Dealer and Chapman, (tormerly Copartner wit tº:- their bººs, are to come prepared to prove the ſame, Joſeph Glºrer, william Edwards, John Ernbury, and Thomas nd, with thoſe who have already proved their lebts, allent . Benitow, late of the City of Worceſte aforeſaid, Bank-rs, o oi diſient from the Allowance of his Certificate. * . . . - and aiio with the ſaid Joſeph Glover, William Edwards, John - Embury, Thomas Bembow, and David George Sandeman, ſate. H E Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion of Bankrupt of Lombard-Street aforeſaid, Bankers,) intend to meet on ther awarded and idued forth againſt John Lemay, of Penny 3rth of jals inſtant, at Eleven of the Clock in the Fore Fields, in the Hamlet of Poplar, in the Pariſh of Stepney, nºon, at Guildhall, London, in older to proceed to the in the County of Middleſex, Vidualler, Dealer and Chapman, Choice of a new Aſſignee of the Eſtate and Effects of the intend to meet on the 23d of July inſtant; at Eleven in the ſaid Bankrupt, in the Room of one of the preſent Aſſig Forenoon, at Guildhall, London, (by Further Adjournment rees, who has become a Bankrupt; when and where the from the 9th of July inſtant,) to take the Laſt Examination of . Creditors, who have not already proved their Debts, are to the ſaid Bankrupt; 'when and where he is required to ſur-. cons prepared to prove the ſame, and, with thoſe who have fender himſelf, and make a fall Diſcovery and Diſcloſure of ' alscady proved their Debts, vote in ſuch Choice accordingly." his Eſtate and Ffeds, and finiſh his Examination; and the . ſ 1286 I

Creditors, who have not already proved their Debts, are to H E Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion of Bankrupt, ‘come prepared to prove the ſame, and, with thoſe who have bearing Date the 19th Day of January 1804, awarded already proved their Debts, aſlent to or diſſent from the Al and iſſued forth againſt Abram Gompert Emdin, of Portſ lowance of his Certificate. | mouth, in the County of Hants, Shopkeeper, Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet on thc 16th Day of July inſtant. H E Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion of Bankrupt at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon, at Guildhati, awarded and iſſued forth againſt John Webb, late of London, (by Adjournment from the 8th Day of June Iaſt;) Stone, in the County of Stafford, but now of Modderſhall, in in order to make a Final Dividend of the Eſtate and Ef 'he Pariſh of Stone, in the ſaid County of Stafford, Dealer fečts of the ſaid Bankrupt; when and where the Creditors, in Corn and Flour, Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet on who have not already proved their Debts, are to come pre the 31ſt of July inſtant, at Twelve at Noon, at the Bell pared to prove the ſame, or they will be excluded the Be inn, in Stone, in the County of Stafford, (purſuant to nefit of the ſaid Dividend. Aud all Claims not then proved an Order of the Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain,) will be diſallowed. to take the Laſt Examination of the ſaid Bankrupt; when and where he is required to ſurrender himſelf and make Tº: Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion of Bankrupt, a full Diſcovery and Diſcloſure of his Eſtate and Effeóts, bearing Date the 19th of January 1811, awarded and and finiſh his Examination ; and the Creditors, who have iſſued forth againſt Francis Hill, of Wood-Street, Spitalfields. not already proved their Debts, are to come prepared to in the County of Middleſex, Weaver, Dealer and Chapman. prove the ſame, and, with thoſe who have proved their intend to meet on the 3d Day of Auguſt next, at Twelve Debts, aſſent to or diſſent from the Allowance of his Cer of the Clock at Noon, at Guildhall, London, in order tificate. to make a Dividend of the Eſtate and Effects of the ſaid Bankrupt; when and where the Creditors, who have not al H E Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion of Bankrupt, ready proved their Debts, are to come piepared to prove bearing Date the 27th Day of June 1865, awarded the ſame, or thcy will be excluded the Benefit of the ſaid and iſſued againſt John Bernard Houſeal, late of Streatham, Dividend. And all Claims not then proved will be ditat in the County of Surrey, Apothecary, Druggiſt and Che lowed. miſt, Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet on the 3d

Day of Auguſt next, at One of the Clock in the After - H E Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion of Bankrupt. uuou, at Guildhall, London, in order to make a Firſt bearing Date the 17th of November 1810, awarded and and Final Dividend of the Eſtate and Effects of the ſaid iſſued forth againſt Thomas Maynard, now or late of Mount Bankrupt; when and where the Creditors, who have Pleaſant, in the Pariſh of Saint James, Clerkenweil, in the not already proved their Debts, are to come prepared to County of Middleſex, Horſe-Hair-Manufactuer, Dealer and prove the ſame, or they will be excluded the Benefit of the Chapman, intend to meet on the 3d Day of Auguſt next, ſaid Dividend. And all Claims not then proved will be at Nine of the Clock in the Forenoon, at Guildhall, Lor diſallowed. don, to make a Dividend of the Ettate and Effects of the ſaid Bankrupt; when and where the Creditors, who have not al H E Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion of Bankrupt, ready proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the bearing Date the 2d of Auguſt 1810, awarded and the ſame, or they will be excluded the Benefit of the ſaid iſſued forth againſt John Pitt, late of Coleman-Street, in the Dividend. And all Claims not then proved will be diſal City of London, Auðtioneer, Dealer and Chapman, intend lowed. to meet on the 3d Day of Auguſt next, at Twelve of the Clock at Noon, at Guildhall, I.ondon, in order to make a i T H E Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion of Bankrupt. Dividend of the Eſtate and Effects of the ſaid Bank | bearing Date the 27th Day of January 1810, awarded rupt; when and where the Creditors, who have not already and iſſued forth againſt William Green, of Brown's-Lane, proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the ſame, Spitalfields, in the County of Middleſex, Dyer, Scowerer, or they will be excluded the Benefit of the ſaid Dividend. Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet on the 3d Day of And all Claims not then proved will be diſallowed. Auguſt next, at Twelve of the Clock at Noon, at Guild hall, London, to make a Final Dividend of the Eſtate and

- H E Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion of Bankrupt, Effects of the ſaid Bankrupt; when and where the Cre bearing Date the 22d Day of November 1810, awarded ditors, who have not already proved their Debts, are to and iſſued forth againſt Edward Benyon, of Fenchurch come prepared to prove the ſame, or they will be txcluded Street, in the City of London, Hardwareman, Dealer and the Benefit of the ſaid Dividend. And all Claims not then Chapman, intend to meet on the 3d Day of Auguſt next, at Twelve at Noon, at Guildhall, London, to make a proved will be diſallowed. Dividend of the Eſtate and Effects of the ſaid Bankrupt : H E Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion of Bankrupt, when and where the Creditors, who have not already proved bearing Date the 3oth of Oétober 1809, awarded and their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the ſame, iſſued forth againſt Joſeph Roberts, of Garden-Row, Saint or they will be excluded the Benefit of the ſaid Dividend. George's-Fields, in the County of Surrey, Baker, Dealer aud And all Claims not then proved will be diſallowed. Chapman, intend to meet on the 3d Day of Auguſt next, at HE Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion of Dankrupt, Ten in the Forenoon, at Guildhall, London, in order to make a Further Dividend of the Eſtate and Effects of the beating Date the 2d Day of June 18to, awarded and iſſued againſt Evan Evans, of the Town of Neath, in the ſaid Bankrupt; when and where the Creditors, who have County of Glamorgan, Shopkeeper, Dealer and Chapman, not already proved their Debts, are to come prepared to: intend to meet on the 3d Day of Auguſt next, at One in prove the ſame, or they will be excluded the Benefit of the the Afternoon, at the Buſh Tavern, Briſtol, to make a Final ſaid Dividend. And all Claims not then proved will be diſallowed. * - --> l)ividend of the Eſtate and Effects of the ſaid Bank rupt; when and where the Creditors, who have not already H E Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion of Bankrupt, proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the bearing Date the 6th of February 1808, awarded and ſame, or they will be excluded the Benefit of the ſaid iſſued' forth againſt James Makeham, of Upper Thames Dividend. And all Claims not then proved will be dit Street, London, Cheeſemonger, Dealer and Chapman, intend allowed. to meet on the 16th Day of July inſtant, at One of the T H E Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion of Bankrupt, Clock in the Afternoon, at cidº, London, (by Adjourn bearing Date the 26th of November 1810, awarded and ment from the 25th Day of June laſt,) in order to make a iſſued fortſ againſt John Keough, of King-Street, St. James's- Final Dividend of the Eſlate and Effects of the ſaid Bank Square, in the County of Middleſex, Taylor, Dealer and Chap rupt ; when and where the Creditors, who have not al man, intend to meet on the 3d of Auguſt next, at Twelve at ready proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the Noon, at Guildhall, London, to make a Dividend of the ſame, or they will be excluded the Benefit of the ſaid Di Eſtate and Effects of the ſaid Bankrupt; when and where the vidend. And all Claims uot then ploved will be diſallowed. Creditors, who have not already proved their Debts, are to conse prepared to prove the fame, or they will be excluded Tº: Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion of Bankrupt, the Benefit of the ſaid: Dividend. And all Claims not then bearing Date the 27th of January 1897, awarded prºxidºſiſ, be diſallowed and iſſued againſt William Oſler, of Birmingham, in the


- [. r:

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- : - . . . . - cºnty of Warwick, Baker, Dealer and Chapman, intend |where the Creditors, who have not already proved their tº mºst on the 30th of July inſtant, at Eleven of the Clock, ºebts, are to come prepared to prove the ſame, or they will ; : . Forenoon, at the Royal Hotel, in Temple-ºw. iu be excluded the Benefit of the ſaid Dividend. And alſ Birmingham aforetatd, in order to make a Dividend of the . Claims not then proved will be diſallowed. Eate and Effects of the ſaid Bankrupt; when and where T H E Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion of Bankrupt. * Gººditors, who have not already proved their ºbts, are hearing Date the 10th Day of April 1810, awarded to come prepared to prove the ſame, or they will be ex and iſſue i againſt William Gough, of Cranbourne-Street, ...e3 the Benefit of the ſaid Dividend. And all Claims in the Pariſh of Saint Ann, Weſtminſter, Mercer, Ogaler and roſthen prayed will be diſallowed. Chapman, intend to meet on the 3d of Auguſt next, at Ten H E commiſſioners in a Commiſſion of Bankrupt. in the Forennon, at Guil ſhall, London, to make a Divi tºing pate the 5th Day of January 18, , awaº dend of the Eſtate and Effects of the ſaid Bankrupt; when ... iſſued forth againſt Thomas Lax, of Halifºx, in the and where the Creditors, who have not already proved their coºrs of York, Merchant, intend to meet on the 1 oth of Debts, are to come prepared to prove the fame, or they will Awsum next. at Eleven in the Forenoon, (and nºt º' the excluded the Benefit of the ſaid Dividend. And all claims as before advertiſtd,) at the intlant, Talbot. - :8: of jºy not then proved will be diſallowed. - Irºn, in italitar atoretaid, in order to make a Firſt and of Bankrupt, in, biºlend of the Eſtate and Effects of the ſaid ºf Commiſſiºners in a Conimiſſion Bººkrupt; when and where the Creditors, who have not bearing Date the 24th of November 1816, awarded to prepared to prove and iſſued forth againſt John Willats, of Gracechurch-Street, alread, proved their inebts, are conse and of the foultry, in the City of London, Hardwarennan, a famº, or they will be excluded the Benefit ºf the ſaid Stick and Umbrella-Maker, Dealer and Chapman, intend to pºnd. And all claims not then proved will be dial meet on the 2d of Auguſt next, at Eleven of the Clock in

lºwed. - the Forenoon, at Guildhall, london, in order to make a H E Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion of Bankrupt. Dividend of the Eſtate and Effects of the ſaid Bankrupt, bearing pate the 8th of November ºo, awarded and when and where the Creditors, who have not already proved fººd forth againſt Charles Pou'ton, of Reading, in the their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the ſame, or they cºunty of Berks, Cabinet-Maker and Upholſterer, intend will be czcluded the Benefit of the ſaid Dividend. And all º, m. on the 16:h Day of July inſtant, at Eleven in the Claims not then proved will be diſallowed. º for noon, at Guildhall, London, and not on the 13th of Aº nºt, as advertiſed by Miſtake, (by Adjournment from Tº E Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion cf Bankrupt, tº id inſtant,) to make a Dividend of the Eſtate and Effects bearing Date the 14th of December 18:o, awarded o, the tail B.nkrupt; when and where the Creditors, who and iſſued forth againſt Alexander Goffen otherwiſe Goffin lsº nºt already proved their Debts, are to cºme prepared Mingay, of Kingſton-upon Thames, in the County of Surrey, to prove the ſame, or they will be excluded the Benefit of Ironmonger, Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet on the tº ad Dividend. And all Claims not then proved will be 3d 1)av of Auguſt next, at 'ſweive of the Clock at Noon, at Guildhall, London, (by Adjournment from the 9th dialowed. - Day of July inſlant,) in order to make a Dividend of the r:- H E Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion of Bankrupt, Eſtate and Effects of the ſaid Bankrupt; when and where of January 1811, awarded and i bearing Date the 31ſt the Creditors, who have not already proved their Debts, are ::ſed forth againſt Thomas Eddiſon, of Romford, in the to come prepared to prove the ſame, or they will be ex county of Eſſex, Linen-Draper, Dealer and Chapman, in cluded the Benefit of the ſaid l)ividend. And ail Clains nät tººd tº meet on the 3d of Auguſt next, at Eleven of the ' - then proved will be diſallowed. - clºck in the Forenoon, at Guildhall, London, in order to make a Dividend of the Eſtate and Etſcºts of the ſaid Bank. H E. Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion of Bankrupt, rupt; when and where the Creditors, who have not already bearing Date the 20th Day of December 18ro, awarded and iſſued againſt Samuel Tipper, of Leadenhall-Street, in proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the ſame, ... they will be excluded the Benefit of the ſaid Dividend. the City of London, Bookſeller and Stationer, Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet on the 10th Day of Auguſt Andall Claims not then proved will be diſallowed. next, at l'en of the Clock in the Forenoon, at Guildhall, HE Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion of Bankrupt, London, in order to make a Dividend of the Eſtate bearing Date the 26th of January 1811, awarded and and Effects of the ſaid Bankrupt; when and where the iſſued againſt Robert Mayers, of Mancheſter, in the County Creditors who have not already proved their Debts are of Lancaſter, Grocer, Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet to come prepared to prove the ſame, or they will be ex on the 14th Day of Auguſt next, at Two of the Clock | cluded the Benefit of the ſaid Dividend. And all Claims

in the Aſternoon, at the Dog Tavern, in Mancheſter not then proved will be diſallowed -- aforeſaid, in order to make a Dividend of the Eſlate. and Effects of the ſaid Bankrupt; when and where the Cie; T H E Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion of Bankrupt, ditors, who have not already proved their Pebts, are to bearing Date the 3oth Day of October 1809, awarded come prepared to prove the ſame, or they will be excluded and iſſued againſt John Cuff the Younger, of Barking, in the the benefit of the ſaid Dividend. And all Claims not then County of Eſſex, Brewer, Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet on the 9th Day of Auguſt next, at . Twelve of roved will be diſallowed. the Clock at Noon, at Guildhall, London, in order HE Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion of Bankrupt, to make a Dividend of the Eſtate and . Effects of the T. Date the 26th Day of February 1810, awarded ſaid Bankrupt; when and where the Creditors, who have. ' and iſſued forth against Henry. Herve, of Cheapſide, in the not already proved their Debts, are to come prepared to city of London, Jeweller, Dealer and Chapman, intend to prove the ſame, or they will be excluded, the Benefit of the meet on the 3d Day of Auguſt next, at Twelve o'Clock ſaid Dividend. And all Claims not then proved will be at Noon, at Guildhall, London, in order to make *. Fur diſallowed. Effects of the ſaid Bank ther Dividend of the Eſtate and T H E Commiſſioners in-a Commiſſion of Bankrupt, rupt; when and where the Creditors, who have not already the 14th of November 1809, awarded and proved their Debts, are to come prepared to preve the bearing Date ſame, illued againſt Thomas Kendrick and James Whitworth, in or they will be excluded the Benefit of the aid Dividend the Pariſh of Mancheſter, in the County of Lancaſter, And all claims not then proved will be diſal owed. - - Cotton-Manufacturers, Dealers, Chapmen, and Copartners, H E Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion of Bankrupt, intend to meet on the 7th Day of Auguſt next, at Two bºaring Date the 8th of Junc 1810, awarded and of the Clock in the Afternoon, at the Palace Inn, in , . iſed forth againſt James Roſe the Elder, and James Role Mancheſter, in the ſaid"County of Lancaſter, to make a the Younger, of Symon's-Wharf, Tooley-Street, Southwark, Firit and Finai Dividend of the Eſtate and Eff.6ts of the , h the county of Surrey, Proviſion-Merchants, Wharfingers, taid Bankrupts; when and where the Creditors, who have Dealers, Chapmen, and Copartners, intend to meet on the not already proved their Debts, are to come prepated to in the prove the ſame, or they will be czcluded the Benefit of the 31 Day of Auguſt next, at Eléen 6'clock Fore. ſaid Dividend. And ali Claims not then proved will be diſ - noon, at Guildhºll, London, in order. Ko make a Dividend - - * ." of the Eſtate and Effeds of the ſaid. Bankrupts; when and allowed, - -- £30, 16593. .F [ 1288 H

H E Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion of Bankrupt, in the Forty-ninth Year of His preſent Majeſty, his Certifi cate will be allowed and confirmed as the ſaid A &ts direct, - bearing Date the 3d Day of May 1864, awarded and "iſſued forth againſt Grace Reding, Widow, and William unleſs C, u e l'e ſhewn to the contrary on or before the 3d

Reding, both of Andover, in the County of Southampton, Day of Auguſt next. - J men. Drapers. Dealers, and Copartners, intend to meet on the 6th of Auguſt next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, W 7 Hereas the ačing Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion at the Maſon's Arms, in Andover aforeſaid, to make a Final of Bankrupt awarded and tººed forth again ºf t}ividenti of the Eſtate and Etle &s of the ſaid Bankrupts; when Alvyander Carſºn the Younger, late of the Iſland of N1 alta, and where the Creditols, who have not already proved (Partner with Alexander Carſon the Elder, David Party, their Debts, are to come pro pared to prove the fame, or and \\ illiam Coºk carrying on the Buſineſs of a Merchant, tley' will be excluded the Benefit of the ſaid Divideud. at Liverpoºl, in the County ºf Ivºr:catter, have certified to And a!! Clims not then proved will be diſallowed. the lord High Chancellor oſ (, , eat Brit; in, that the ſaid : Alexander C.rton the You"ger hath in all I'lºngs conformed Hercas the aqing Commiſſioners in the Commiſſion himſelf accordi: ; to the Directions of the everal Acts of of Bankrupt awarded and iſſued ſo th againſ, Parliament made concerting lºank; up is ; "I his is to give holin Gray Gerard, of Bafinghall-Street, i.endon, Mc, chant, Notice, that, lºy virtue of an Act paſſed in the 11 ºr in Dealer and Chapman, have certified to the Right Hon. Year of His late Alajetty's Reign, and alſo of ano; tıcr A&. John Lord Eldon, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, patied in the Forty-ninth Year of His prº-ſeat Miajeſt: 's that the ſaid John Gray Gerard hath in all Things con Reign, his Certificate will he allowed and co-firmed as tire formed himſelf according to the Directions of the ſeveral ſaid Acis direct, unleſs Cauſe be the wi. to the contrary 153, A&ts of l’arliament made concerning Bankrupts: 'l'his is to or before the 34 of Auguſt next. give Notice, that, by virtue of an Aćt patied in the Fiſth Year of His late Majeſty's Reign, and alſo of anot'ici Att Hereas the aëing Commiſſioners in the Commiſſion, paſſed in the Forty-ninth Year of His preſent Majeſty's of is ankrupt awarded and iſłued forth again it Reign, his Certificate will be allowed and confirmed as the Hannah Nutter, Widow, John Netter, and 'l'homas Wake, ſaid Aéts direct, unleſs Cauſe be hewn to the contrary on all now or late of Huddersfield, in the County of York, Merchants, Dealers and Chapmen, and Copatners, (trading

or before the 34 of Auguſt next. - under the Firm of Richard Nutter and Sons,) have certified V Hercus the aëting Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion to the Right Hon. John Lord Eldon, 1.ord tigh Chancelior of Bankrupt awarded and iſſued ſoith againſt of Great Britain, that the ſaid Hannah Nutter hat]; in all Alſred Charles Smith, late of Kennington-Green, (but now 'l'hings conformed herſelf according to the Directions of the a Priſoner in the King'-Bench Priſon,) both in the County ſeveral Acts of Parliament made concenting Bankrupts; of Surrey, Merchant, Dealer and Chapman, have certified This is to give Notice, that, by vitue of an Aćt paſſed in the to the Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, that the Fifth Year of His late Majeſty's Reign, and alſo of another iaid Alfred Charles Smith hath in all Things conformed him Act paſſed in the Forty-ninth Year of His preſent Majeſty's felf according to the Directions of the ſeveral A&ts of Par Reign, her Certificate with be allowed aud confirmed as the liament made concerning 13ankrupts; This is to give ſaid Aéts direct, titleſs Cauſe be ſhewn to the coutrary on or Notice, that, by virtue of an Aćt p iſled in the Fifth before the 3d of Auguſt next. Year of His late Majeſty's Reign, and alſo of another Aćt paſſed in the Forty-ninth Year of His preſent Majeſty's V } Hereas the acting Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion Reign, his Certificate will be allowed and confirmed as the of Bankrupt awarded and iſſued forth againſt ſaid A&ts direét, unleſs Cauſe be ſhewn to the contrary ou or Hannah Nutter, widow, John Nutter, and Thomas Wake, all now or late of Huddersfield, in the County of York,

before the 3d of Auguſt next. - Merchants, Dealers, Chapmen, and Copartners, (trading un Hereas the aëting Commiſſioners in the Commiſſion der the Firm of Richard Nutter and Sons,) have .# tº of . Bankrupt awarded and iſſued forth againſt the the loud High Chancellor of Great Britain, that the Samuel Bottomley, of Salford, in the County of Lancaſter, ſaid Thomas Wake hath in all Things conformed him Liquor-Merchant, have certified to the Lord High Chan ſelf according to £irections of the ſeveral Aćts of Palliament cellor of Great Britain, that the ſaid Samuel lottomley made concerning Bankrupts; This is to give Notice, that, hath in all Things conformed himſelf according to the Di by virtue of an Act patied in the Fifth Year of His late Ma. rections of the ſeveral Aéts of Parliament made concerning jeſty's Reign, and alſo of another Act palled in the Forty Bankrupts; This is to give Notice, that, by virtue of an Act ninth Year of His preſent Majeſty's Reign, his Certificate. paſſed in the Fifth Year of His late Majeſty's Reign, his will be allowed and confirmed as the ſaid Acts direct, unleſs. Certificate will be allowed and confirmed as the ſaid A& Cauſe be hewn to the contrary on or before the 3d of Aa. divects, unleſs Cauſe he ſhewn to the contrary on or before guſt next. the 3d of Auguſt next. Hercas the ačting Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion of

- | Herº: the aëting Commiſſioners in the Commiſſion V...Bankrupt awarded and iſſued forth againſt Jonae W of Bankrupt awarded and iſlued forth againſt Jo'n than Sills, of Hambro' Wharf, Loudon, Merchant, (together. Hardman, late of Blackhcath-Hill, in the County of Kent, with Joſeph Sills and John Winter Pidgeon, his Painers.) Vićtualler, Dealer and Chapman, have certified to the have certified to the Right Hon. John Lord Edon, Lord Right Honourable John Lord Eldon, Lord High Chancellor. High Chancellor of Great Britain, that the ſaid Jonathan aſ Great lyritain, that the ſaid John Hardman hath in all Sills hath in all Things conformed himſelf according to the Things conformed himſelf according to the Direátions of Direétions of the ſeveral A&ts of Parliament made concerning the ſeveral Acts of Parliament made concerning Bankrupts; Bankrupts; This is to give Notice, that, by virtue of an This is to give Notice, that, by virtue of an Aćt paſſed Aćt paſſed in the Fifth Year of His late Majeſty's Reign, in the Fifth Year of His late Majeſty's Reign, and alſo and alſo of anºther Að paſſed in the Forty-ninth Year of of another Aćt paſlod in the Forty-ninth Year of His preſent His preſent Majeſty's Reign, his Certificate will be allowed. Majeſty's Reign, liis Certificate will be allowed and confirmed and confirmed as the ſaid Acts direct, unleſs cauſe be as the ſaid Acts direct, unleſs Cauſe be ſhewn to the contrary ſhewn to the contrary on or before the 3d Day of Auguſt on or before the 3d of Auguſt next. next. Hereas the aëting Commiſſioners in the Commiſſiou. W Hereas the atting Commiſſioners in the Commiſſion of Bankrupt awarded and iſſued forth , againſ of Dankrupt awarded, and iſſued forth againſt John Ellery, late of Orange-Row, Kennington-Road, in the John Winter Pidgeon, of Hambro' wharf, London, Mer. Pariſh of Newington, in the County of Surrey, Chemiſt.and chant, (together with Joſeph Sills and Jonathan sills, his Apotheeaty, Dealtr and Chapman, have certified to the Partners, have certified to the Lord High Chancellºr of jº, Hon. the Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, that Great Britain, that the ſaid John Winter Pidgenrr hath in all the ſaid John Ellery hath in all Things conformed him Things conformed himſelf according to the lirections of the ſelf aerording to the Direétions of the ſeveral Acts of Par ºveral Acts of Parliament made concerning Bankrupts; liarest made eoncerning Bankrupts; This is to give. Notice This is to give Notice, that, by virtue of an Åa paſſed in that, by virtue of an Aćt paſſed in the Fiºth, Year of the Fifth Year of His late Majeſty's Reign, and alſo of jºirºt: Majeſh's Reigh, and alſº of another Aa palled another Aét palled in the Forty-nintu-Year of His preſent

- -- f 1289 |

-- Mº', Reign, his Cºtificate will, he allowed and cen made concerning Barkrupts; This is to give Notice, that’ firmed as the aid A&ls direct, unleſs Cauſe be ſhewn to the by virtue of an AA patied in the Fifth Year of His late Ma cºntiary on or before the 3d of Auguſt next. jeſty's Reign, and alſo of another Aët palled in the Forty ninth Year of His preſent Majeſty's Reign, his Certificate V Hereat the ağing Connaiſſioners in the Commiſſion will he allowed and coufirmed as the ſaid Aas direct, unleſs at Bººk unt uwaided and iſſued ſortlr againſt Joſeph cauſe be ſhewn to the contrary on or before the 3d Day of: Sills Hambro' Whart, 1...,ndon, Mierchant, (together with of Auguſt next. Jºnathan sills and ſoºn Winter Pidgeon, his Partners.) have - tenſied to the 1.ard High Chaucellor of Great Britain, that Hereas the aëing Commiſſioners in the Commiſſiºn. the ſaid Joſeph Sills hath in all Things contormed him of Bankrupt awarded and iſſued forth. againſt ſelf accºrding to tile Directions of the ſeveral Acts of John Prebble the Younger, of the Pariſh of Saint Mary Parliament made concerning Bankrupts; This is to give ișow, in the County of Middleſex, Miller, 1)ealer and Chap-- virtue Aćt patied the Fiſth Year Notice, that, by of an in man, have certified to the Right Hon. the floid High º: His late Majeſty's Reign, and alſo of another Act paſſed Chancellor of Great Britain, that the ſaid Jolin Prebble the in the Forty-ninth Year of His preſent Majeſty's Reign, his Certificate will allowed and confirmed as the ſaid A&ts Younger hath in all Things conformed himſelf according . be to the Directions of the ſeveral A&s ol Parliament made firea, unleſs Cauſe be ſhewn to the contrary on or before concerning Bankrupts; This is to give Notice, that, by ** 34 of Auguſt next. virtue of an Act pailed in the Forty-ninth Year of His pre - W Hereas the aëing Commiſſioners in the Commiſſior ſent Majeſty's Reign, his Certificate will be allowed and cº \ of Bankrupt awarded and iſlued forth againſt firmed as the ſaid Aét direas, unleſs Cauſe be ſhewn to the contrary before the Day Auguſt next. cornelius wildgooſe, of the Out Pariſh of Saint Philip and on or 3d of - -º Jacob, in the County of Glouceſler, Coal-Merchant, Dealer ind Chapman, have certified to the Right Honourable Hereas the acting Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion Lord High Chancellor Great liritain, that the of Bankrupt awarded and idited fortly againſt the of ſaid - cornelius widgooſe hath in all rhings conformed himſelf ac: Heay Houghton, of King's Arms Yard, Coleman-Street, in carding to the idirections of the ſeveral Atts of Parliament : the city of London, Merchant, (Partner with John Hum made concerning Bankrupts; 'This is to give Notice, that. |- phreys and John Philip Calvick.) have certified to thc by virtue of an Act paſſed in the Fifth Year of His late Ma Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, that the ſaid ;tity's Reiga, his Certificate will be allowed and confirmed Henry Houghton hath in all Things, conformed himſelf ac as the ſaid Aét directs, unleſs Cauſe be ſhewn to the con cording to the Directions of the ſeveral Aës of Parlia . tray on or before the 3d Day of Auguſt next. ment made concerning Bankrupts: Twis is to give Noticº.-, - - - that, by virtue of an Aćl paſſed in the Fifth Year ºf His Wºº, the atting Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion late Majeſty's Reign, his Certificate will be allowed and of Bankrupt awarded and iſſued forth againſt confirmed is the ſaid Aa directs, unleſs Cauſe be ſhewn to william Cooper, of the Minories, in the City of Loudon, the contrary on or before the 3d of Auguſt next. silk-Mercer, have certified to the Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, that the ſaid William Cooper hath in all Herea; the acting Commiſſioners in a £ommiſſion Things conformed himſelf according to the Directions of the of Bankrupt awarded and iſſued forth againſt ſeveral A&s of Parliament made concerning Bankrupts; ohn Humphreys, of King's-Arms-Yard, Coleman-Street, This is to give Notice, that by virtue of an Aćt paſſed in in the City of London, Merchant, (Partner with Henry the Fifth Year of His late Majeſty's Reign, and alſo of ano Houghton and John Philip Carvick,) have certified to the ther Aa paſſed in the Forty-ninth Year of His preſent Ma Right Honourable John Lord Eldon, Lord High Chan jeſty's Reign, his Certificate will be allowed and confirmed cellor of Great Britain, that the ſaid John Humphreys as the ſaid Aéts direct, unleſs Cauſe be ſhewn to the con hath in all Things conformed himſelf according to the Di rary on or before the 3d cº Auguſt next. reaions of the ſeveral A&ts of Parliament made concerning Bankrupts; 'I his is to give Notice, that, by virtue of an Aćt W Hereas the ading Commiſſioners in the Commiſſion paſſed in the Fifth Year of His late Majeſty's Reign, his of Bankrupt awarded and iſſued forth againſt Certificate will be allowed and confirmed as the ſaid Aét di Robert Bainton, of lombard-Street, in the City of london, rečts, unleſs Cauſe be ſhewn to the contrary on cr before the Proviſion-Dealer, have certified to the Lord Iłigh Chancel of Auguſt next. lor of Great Britain, that the ſaid Robert Bainton hath in all 3d - * ‘A’..ings conformed himſelf according to the Direáions of the ſeveral Aéts of Parliament made concerning Bankrupts; Włº, the aëting Commiſſioners in the Commiſſion This is to give Notice, that, by virtue of an Aćt paſſed of Bankrupt awarded and iſſued forth againſt in the Fifth Year of His late Majeſty's Reign, and alſo William Rigg, of liverpool, in the County of Lancaſter, aſ another Aſt paſſed in the Forty-ninth Year of His Merchant, have certified to the Right Honourable John preſent Majeſty's Reign, his Certificate will be allowed Lord Eldon, Lord'High Chancellor of Great Britain, that and confirmed as the ſaid A&ts direét, unleſs Cauſe be ſhewn the ſaid William Rigg hath in all Things conformed him. to the contiary on or before the 3d of Auguſt next. ſelf according to the Direčtions of the ſeveral Aćts of Parliament made concerning Bankrupts; This is to give V 7 Hereas the aéling Commiſſioners in the Commiſſion Notice, that, by virtue of an Aćl paſſed in the Fifth #. of Bankrupt awarded and iſſued forth againſt of His late Majeſty's Reign, and alſo of another Að paſſed: Thomas Wilſon, of Higham, in the County of Suffolk, in the Forty-ninth Year of His preſent Majeſty's Reign, his Miller, Dealer and Chapman, have certified to the Right Certificate will be allowed and confirmed as the ſaid A&s Hon. the Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, that the dirgét, unleſs Cauſe be ſhewn to the contrary on or beforé conformed Auguſt next. ſaid Thomas Wilſon hath in all Things himſelf the 3d 9ſ -- - - according to the Direétions of the ſeveral Aćts of Parlia ment made concerning Bankrupts; This is to give No X7 Hereas the ačing Commiſſioners in the Commiſſion tice, that, by virtue of an Aćt paſſed in the Fifth of Bankrupt awarded and iſſued forth againſt Year of His late Majeſty's Reign, and alſo of another Chriſtopher Wildman, of Great Newport-Street, Long-Acre, A6 paſſed in the Forty-ninth Year of His preſent Majeſty's in the County of Middleſex, Silverſmith, Dealer and Chap Reign, his Certificate will be allowed and confirmed as man, have certified to the Right Hon. John Lord Eldou, the aid A6ts direét, unleſs Cauſe be ſhewn to the contrary Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, that the ſaid Chriſto on before the Day of Auguſt next. or 3d - pher Wildman hath in all Things conformed himſeiſ ac cording to the Direétions of the ſeveral Acts of Parliament W Hereas the adting Commiſſioners in a Commiſſion made concerning Bankrupts: This is to give Notice that, of Bankrupt awarded and iſſued forth againſt by virtue of an Aćt paſſed in the Fifth Year, of His kłº Williams, of New Compton-Street, Saint Giles's, late. Majeſty's Reign, and alſo of another Aët paſſed in the Eaker, Leier and Chapman, have certified to the Right Hon. Forty-ninth Year of His preſent Majeſty's Reign, his Cer the Lºrd High ChanceHo. of Great Britain, that the ſaid tificate will be allowed and confirmed as the ſaid A&is di Jolº willians hath in all Things conformed himſelf as rett, unleſs Cauſe be ſhºwn to she contrary on or before

zzfi is the Djettions of the ſeveral A^* of Parliament Auguſt next. -- * the 3d of - . [ 1296 l INSOLVENT DEProRs. but late of the King's-Head Inn, in the Borough of Southwark, in the County of Survey, Gent. ... 1. Priſoners charged for Debts under 2dool. David Davies, (fued by the Name of David Davis) formerly of No 4, Sºni, Street, Chelſea, in the County of Middleſex, but - H E following Periors being Priſoners for late of No. 13, York Place, Lambeth, in the County of Sur * Debt in the reſpective Gaols or Pritons here rey, Geist. after mentioned, and having been charged in Joſeºn I ſha cod, formerly of Camden-Street, Walworth, in the Cuſtody, on the Firſ. Day of May One thou ot::::y of surrey, but inte of Eaſt-iane, Wa:worth aioreſaid, ſand eight hºlred and cleven, for the Non Watch-Jini her, - *yment of a Lebt, or Debts, Suº or Sun' of Thºma, Dewdney, formerly and lite of Reigate, in the County #. nºt exceeding in the Wiele tºe Sun of Survey, Siro-Keeper and Labou “r. Thomas Eiº on, of No. 4, Three-Crown-Coºrt, Saint Marga of wo Tººfa d. Pounds, do hereby reſpectively ter's Hi' ºr the Porough of Southwar k, in the County ºf Sør give this Public Notice, That they inte:d to take roy, I lop-i &or, but late of No 5c, H. xton-Square, Hoxtºn, the Beº-it of an Act, pated in the Fifty-fift in the Cºurty of Middleſex, Hop-Merchant. Tºon., ii.all, formerly of Eaſt Lane, Walworth, in the County Year of His preſent Maeſty's Reign, intº uſed, 4, of Sºrrey, and late of Bermondſey-Street, in the County cf złł for ºr Keliºſ of certain '?"ſolven ºctºr, in Eng. Sºnrºy, Snoemaker and Shon-Keeper. land . And they do hereby give Notice that true Edward. Hopkins, formerly of George-Row, in the Pariſh of Ber and periect Schedules, containing Diſcoveries of all mondſey, in the County of Surrey, and late of Parker's-Row, their Real and Perſonal Eſtates, hereafter to be in the Pariſh and County aforciaid, lighterman and Corn

Meter. - ſworn to, are now ready to be, delivered to any Cre Wilſºn, Lyon, formerly of Ely-place, in the Pariſh of Saint ditors applying for th: ſame, in Manner as by the George, Southwark, in the County of Surrey, but late of ſaid Act is directed, to the Keepers or Gaolers, or Proſpect-tºlace, in the Pariſh and County aforeſaid, Gent. their 1)eputics, of the laid Friens. . . . Thomas Purnell, ſo merly of Paradiſe-Street, in the Pariſh of Saint Mary Rotherhithe, in the County of Surrey, and late Priſoners in HORSHAM Gaol, in the of Albion-Street, in tire ſaid I’ariſh, Braſs-Founder. Daºdick Leverton, (ſued by the Name of Deddick Leverton,)

- County of Suſſex. fºrmerly of the Sugar Loaf, Little Elbow-Lane, in the City Firſt Notice. of London, late of the Diſtiller's Arms, in White-Street, in the Borough of Sosthwark, in the County of Surrey, Vic John Tidey the Elder, late of Worthing, in the County of Suſſex, tuiller. Builder. George Paſſmore, (ſued by the Name of George Paſmore,) for : John Hidey the Younger, late of Worthing, in the County of merly of the Bloſſoms-Inn, Lawrence-Lane, Cheapſide, in

Suſſex, Schoolm::ter. - - the City of London, and late of No. 69, Broad-Way, in the James Slater, late of 13righthelmſtone, in the County of Suſſex, Pariſh of Saint Mary Rotherhithe, in the County of Surrey, Su veyor, Maſter Mariner. - - º - - - - Thomas Prendergaſt, formerly of the Irancr Temple, London, Priſoners in the County Gaol, in the Pariſh and late of George-Street, Blackfriars-Road, in the County. of Saint Mary, Newington, in and for of Surrey, Gent. Thomas Quick, formerly of Brick-Street. Borough-Road, in the ...the County of Surrey. County of Surrey, afterwards of Union-Row, Kent. Road, in the County aforeſaid, and late of Windmill-Row, Camberwell, Firſt Notice. - in the County aforeſaid, Lath-Render. Richard Andrews, formerly of the Royal Oak, Kent-Street, James St. Ledger Stretch, (ſued by the Name of James Stretch,) Southwark, in the County of Surrey, but late of No. 16, Lower formerly of Brooke's-Place, Kennington, in the County of Green-ſtreet, Saint George's Fiela's, Southwark aforeſaid, Milk Surrey, but late of Cowley-Street, Weſtminſter, in the Countv of Middleſex, Gent. man and Cowkeeper. - - James Barber, formerly of Orange-Street, Red Lion-Square, in William Salter, (ſued by the Name of William Slater.) formerly the County of Middleſex, afterwards of Banners'-Street, Saint of Proſpect. Place, in the Pariſh of Saint George the Martyr, Luke's, in the ſaid County of Middleſex, and late of Batterſea, Southwark, in the county of Surrey, and late of Southamp in the County of Surrey, Baker, Saw-Grinder, and File- | ton-Street, Camberwell, in the County atoreſaid, Carpenter. Cutter. John Morriſon, (ſued by the Name of John Morrinſon,) for charles Banks, formerly of Dordon, in the Pariſh of Poldſworth, merly of Wandſworth, in the County of Surrey, and late of in the County of Warwick, and late of Clapham, in the County York-Street, in the Borough of Southwark, in the ſaid County

of Surrey, Shopkeeper and Gardener. - of Surrey, Brewer's lerk and Shop Keeper. William Bird, formerly of the Green Man, Balls'-Pond, Iſling William May, formerly of Shaldſord, in the County of Surrey, ton, in the County of Middleſex, but late of the Swan, at Ken and late of Worneiſh, in the county aforeſaid, Gardener and nington Common, in the County of Surrey, Viètualler. Shop. Keeper. Noble Barron, (ſued by the Name of Noble Barran,) formerly of William Oliver, formerly of Fore-Street, Moorfields, in the Snargate-Street, Dover, in the County of Kent, and late of City of London, and late of Thomas Street, Lock's. Fields, . Saint Paul's-Place, Walworth Common, in the County of Sur Walworth, in the County of Surrey, Shop Keeper. rey, Mariner. John Frederick Schrader, (ſued by the Names of J. Schrader, Henry Beſt, formerly of Adam-Street, Portman-Square, in the and John Schrader,) formerly of Harvey's Buildings in the County of Middleſex, but late of Lark-Hall, in the Pariſh of Strand, in the City and Liberty of Weſtminſter, in the Lambeth, in the County of Surrey, Carpenter. County of Middleſex, late of Kennington Green, in the Clement Briggs, (ſued by the Name of Clement Brigges, other County of Surrey, Gent. , wife Sir Clement Brigges, Bart) formerly of No. 1, Royal Cornelius Southall, formerly of Tooley-Street, Southwark, in Row, Lambeth, in the County of Surrey, but late of No. 35, the County of Surrey, and late of Bowyer-Lane, Camber

Surrey. Road, in the ſame County, Gent.'. * well, in the ſaid County of Surrey, Hatter. - Jºes Brooks, formerly of Great Surrey-Street, Blackfriars Mary Skinner, formerly of Berwick-Street, Golden Square, in Road, in the County of Surrey, and late of George-Street, the County of Middleſex, but late of Newington-Cauſeway, Postman Square, in the County of Middleſex, Muſician. in the County of Surrey, Upholderer. James Cotsford, formerly of Porteous-Place, Bermondſey New Philip Stevenant, formerly of Stangate, in the Pariſh of Saint Road, in the County of Surrey, and late of Walworth-Road, Mary, Lambeth, in the County of Surrey, late of Marſham in the ſaid County, Hair-Dreſſer and Coal-Dealer. ; Street, in the Pariſh and County aforeſaid, Jeweller. Thomas Valentine Crump, (ſued by the ſeveral Names of Tho Iſaac Themas, formerly of Neptune-Place, in the Pariſh of mas Valentine Crump, Thomas V. Crump, Thomas Vincent Saint Mary, Lambeth, in the County of Surrey, and I te of Crump, and Thomas Crump,) formerly of Edinburgh, Scot Norfolk-Place, Saint George's Fields in the Borough of South land, and late of Reigate, in the County of Surrey, Mariner. wark, in the County aforeſaid, Tallow Chandler's Broach-, Edvald Clarke, formerly of Sydenham, in the County of Kent, I Maker. t 1291 j

* ºr Tear, fºrmerly of the Minories, in the City of Lon John Lawleſs, formerly Seaman in His Majeſty's Service, but ... sº late of Blackfriar's Road, in the County of surrey, late of Mutton-Lane, Clerkenwell, in the County of Mid xiriter, (ued by the Style or Title of Richard Tear, dleſex, Chimney-Sweeper and Soot-Dealer. -

Eq. - Robert Lunn, formerly of Marchmont-Street, Brunſwick-Square, hº wight, formerly of Briſtol, in the County of Somerſet, in the County of Middleſex, and late of Lilly-Street, Saffron set lite ºf Croydon, in the County of Surrey, Bookſeller Hill, in the ſaid County, Paper-Stainer and Butcher. rºd Auctioneer. Thomas Longhurſt, formerly of Water-Street, Blackfriars, in the witute warringtºn, formerly and late of Eaſt-Lane, Walworth, City of London, and late of Wapping New Stairs, in the a the County cf Surrey, Milkman. County of Middleſex, Shopkeeper. . . - - John Moffat, (ſued by the Name of John Moffatt,) late of Priſoners in the Priſon of His Majeſty's Queen-Street, Golden-Square, in the County of Middleſex, Palace-Court of the MARSHALSEA. and formerly of Great Titchfield-Street, in the Pariſh of Saint Mary-le-Bone, in the ſame County, Taylor. . Firſt Notice. Stephen Miné, late of Ealing, in the County of Middleſex, and Rºert Abraham, (ſued by the Name of Robert Abrahams,) for formerly of Crown-Court, Soho-Square, in the ſaid County,

Profeſſor of Languages. - - rets of Bov-Stree", Covent-Garden, in the City and Liberty Robert Wellard Malpas, formerly of Upper Eaton-Street, Groſ ºf Weſtminter, in the County of Middleſex, and late of venor-Place, in the County of Middleſex, and late of Wood Charlie Street. Bedford. Row, in the ſaid County, Gent.

ſtock-Street, Oxford-Street, in the ſaid County, Clerk. - Wir. Altın, (ſued by the Name of James Allman,) formerly Thomas Rogers, formerly of Somers Town, in the County of ºf New-Street, Dockhead, in the pariſh of Saint John, Horſ Middleſex, and late of York-Street, Weſtminſter, in the ſaid !-rºwn, in the County of Surrey, and late of Locks-Fields,

County, Carpenter and Joiner. - Walscºth, in the ſaid County, Shopkeeper and Victualler. Joze Rodrigues Setuval, (ſued by the name of Joxe Rodrigues Wriam Biggs, formerly of Ealing, in the County of Middleſex, Setuval.) formerly of Short-Street, Moorfields, in the County

ind ute of Aeton, in the ſaid County, Baker. - of Middleſex, and late of London-Street, Fitzroy-Square, in Ivrº Beaumont, formerly of Rocheſter-Row, Tothil-Fields, … the ſaid County, Book-keeper. in the County of Middleſex, and late of Carey-Street, Lam Robert Woolſey, formerly of Kentiſh Town, in the Pariſh of beth, in the County cf Surrey, Painter and Glazier. . . . Saint Pancras, in the County of Middleſex, and late of Hamp Thºu; Blade, formerly of Great Quebec-Street, Saint Mary-le den-Street and Union-Street, both in Somers Town, in the Bone, in the County of Middleſex, and late of John-Street, ſame Pariſh and County, Gent.

Miry-le-Bone aforeſaid, Painter and Glazier. . - William Wainwright, formerly of Eaſt-Lane, Bermondſey, in Peter cock, formerly of Vineyard Gardens, Clerkenwell, in the the County of Surrey, and late of Gate-Street, Lincoln’s-Inn Certy of Middleſex, and late of Breeks-Row, in the Pariſh Fields, in the County of Middleſex, Accountant and Vic of Saint Pancras, in the ſaid county, Capaliere Maker. -- - tualler. - sº-calceſey, formerly of Church-Street, Bethnall-Green, in William Whitehead, formerly of Duke-Street, Saint George's, the County of Middleſex, and late of No. 7; Wood's-Build Hanover-Square, in the County of Middleſex, and late of ings, Certain Road, Shoreditch, in the ſaid County, Tallow Paddington-Street, Saint Mary-le-Bone, in the ſaid County,

* Chandler. . ------Cabinet-Maker. - - - same Bickerton, formerly of Bedford-Street, Covent-Garden, William Chambers, formerly of Saint Catharine's-Street, in the in the County of Middleſex, and late of Bellmount-Row, Pariſh of , and County of Middleſex, and late of Vaulhall, in the County of Surrey, Baker. Back-Church-Lane, Whitechapel, in the ſaid County, Vic Eacroſs, formerly of Percy-Street, Mary-le-Bone, in the tualler. cruity of Middleſex, afterwards of Briſtol, in the County of sºmeºt, and late of Titchfield-Street, Mary-le-Bone, in the Priſoners in His Majeſty's Priſon of the

county of Middleſex, Spinſter. -- - Geºrge Champion, formerly of Eſſex-Street, Hoxton, in the ...... FLEET. conty ºf Middleſex, and late of Poland-Street, Soho, in the - * ſaid County, Gent. * Firſt Notice. Rºtari Corrock, late of Blackfriars-Road, in the County of John Carpenter, formerly of King-Street, in the Pariſh of sºmey, and formerly of Suffolk-Street, in the Borough of Saint James, Clerkenwell, and late of Wynyatt-Street, in the s-ºrirk, in the ſaid County of Surrey, Clerk. ſame Pariſh, both in the County of Middleſex, Watch-Caſe Wºm chrk,(ſued by the Name of William Clarke.) formerly Maker. cf Atthar-Street, Shoreditch, in the County of Middleſex, and William Grueber Douglas, formerly of the Iſland of Malta, in lite ºf Rºſe-Lane, Spitalfields, in the ſaid County of Middleſex, the Mediterranean, and late of Saint Martin's-Lane, in the Hat-Maker. County of Middleſex, Lieutenant in the Army. Prick connell, (ſued by the Name of Patrick Connel) for John Temlett, late of No. 10, Cold Bath-Square, and of No. 7, merly of church-Street, Saint Giles's, in the County of Mid Greenhills-Rents, Smithfield-Bar, both in the County of dleſex, and late of Sergent-Street, Woolwich, in the County of Middleſex, Paper Stainer. -

Kent, Shopkeeper. - John Fiſh Bruce, formerly of No. 24, Catherine-Street, in the Jºhn Gºſing. (ued by the Name of John Goſtling) formerly of Pariſh of Saint George's in the Eaſt, in the County of Mid Cumberland. Street, Shoreditch, in the County of Middleſex, dleſex, and late of No. 4, Church-Road, Commercial-Road, and late of Socrates’-Place, Shoreditch, in the ſaid County, in the Pariſh and County aforeſaid, Maſter Mariner.

Coach-Maſter. - Iſaac Saqui, formerly of Petticoat-Square, Petticoat-Lane, Ald Tºrris Hickſon, formerly of Great Pultney-Street, Golden gate, in the City of London, Dealer in Oranges and Lemons, Sºute, in the county of Middleſex, and late of Bow-Street, and late of No. 49, Petticoat-lane, Aldgate, in the ſaid City, Cºvent-Garden, in the ſaid County, Bootmaker. Butcher, and Dealer in Oranges and Lemons. Hºrs: Hatfield, (ſued by the name of W. Hatfield) formerly Moſes Meyers, formerly of Off-Alley Alley, Buckingham c: Gee-Street, Goſwell-Street, in the County of Middleſex, Street, in the Strand, in the County of Middleſex, and late of ard lite ºf Goſwell-Street, in the ſaid County, Watchmaker. New North-Street, Red Lion-Square, in the ſaid County, liac Haynes, late of Southampton-Place, Camberwell, in the Fruit Saleſman. cocº, ºf surrey, and formerly of Locks-Fields, Walworth, Thomas Hamilton, formerly of Warwick-Square, Newgate in the ſaid county, Baker. Street, in the City of London, and late of No. 54, Skinner Wiiam Hammenton, formerly of King-Street, Golden-Square, Street, Snow-Hill, in the ſaid City, Jeweller. in the county of Middleſex, and late of No. 10, Lower Shad Phillip Phillips, formerly of Paternoſter-Row, Spital-Fields, in well, in the ſaid County, Baker. the County of Middleſex, and late of Well-Street, Mile Margaret Henlon, (ſued by the Name of Margaret Hanlen,) End New Town, in the ſaid County, Watch Finiſher. fºrmerly cf Swan Yard, in the Strand, in the County of Mid James Green, formerly and late of Birmingham, in the County dieſex, late of Clement's-Lane, Clare-Market, in the ſaid of Warwick, Tobacconiſt. County, Broker. James Neal, late of Marſhall-Street, in the Pariſh of Saint Andrew Kauffmann, (ſued by the Name of Andrew Kauffman,) James, Weſtminſter, in the County of Middleſex, but laſt of \re of Ruſſell-Court, Covent-Garden, in the County of Mid Broad-Street, Carnaby-Market, in the ſaid Pariſh and County, deſex, and formerly of Plumbers’-Row, Whitechapel, in the Painter and Glazier, ſaid County, Muſical Inſtrument Maker. William Baker, formerly of Criſpie-Street, Spitalfields, and late J30, 16503. G [ 1292 J of Green-Street, Bethnall-Green, in the County of Middle Priſoners in the KING's-BENCH Priſon - ſex, Weaver. * - - Thomas Benfield, late of Mercer-Street, Jyong Acre, in the Pa in the County of Surrey. > riſh of Saint Martin in the Fields, and County of Middleſex, but laſt of Long Acre, in the ſaid Pariſh and County, Coach Firſt Notice.

Harneſs Maker. * - William Grint, formerly of No.6, Angel-Court, i John Membry, late of Wynſham, in the County of Somerſet, in the Pariſh of Saint Clement Danes, in the ë. but laſt of Perceval-Street, in the Pariſh of Saint James, dleſex, but late of No sº, Wyºn Street, in º. Clerkenwell, in the County of Middleſex, Victualler. Saint Mary-le-Strand, in the ſaid County, Yeoman. Alexander Simpſon, late of No. 3, Tower-Street, in the Pariſh Thomas Coſter, late of Camberwell, and afterwards of Wal of Saint Giles in the Fields, in the County of Middleſex, and worth, in the County of Surrey, Gent. - formerly of Earl-Street, in the Pariſh and County aforeſaid, William Miell, late of Bedford-Street, Bedford-Row, in th

Leather Seller. - County of Middleſex, and laſt of Meeting houſewi.

George Glover, formerly of Rathbone-Place, Oxford-Street, in Snows-fields, in the County of Surrey, Gent. - the County of Middleſex, Grocer and Tea Dealer. John Airey, late of the Town and County of Newcaſtle-upon Joſeph Bradley, formerly of Wych-Street, Drury-Lane, in the Tyne, Gent. - County of Middleſex, and late of London-Street, Fitzroy Thomas Harvey, formerly of Wynyatt-Street, in the Pariſh of Square, in the ſaid County, Gent. Saint James, Clerkenwell, and late of Barton-Street, Weſt Hewton Clarke, Student, late of Holborn, in the County of minſter, both in the County of Middleſex, Gent. Middleſex, and formerly of Bride-Court, Bridge-Street, in the Nathaniel Beckford, formerly and late of Croydon, in the County ... City of London. . . of Surrey, Gent. Jacob Ergas, (ſued by the Name of John Ergas,) late of Jer Richard Pritchett Bousfield, formerly of Wilſon-Street, Finſ. myn-Street, in the Pariſh of Saint James, in the City of bury-Square, and late of Croſs-Street, Finſbury-Square, both Weſtminſter, and formerly of Bennold-Street, in the Pariſh in the County of Middleſex, Silk Broker. … and City aforeſaid, Gent. William Algar, formerly of Marſham-Street, weſtminſter, in Henry Peter Adams, formerly of No. 5, and late of No. 3, the County of Middleſex, and late of Canterbury-Place, in Eſſex-Court, Middle Temple, London, Gent, in the Pariſh of St. Mary, Lambeth, in the the county ºf Charles Swain, late of No. 42, Margaret-Street, Cavendiſh Surrey, Gent. Square, and of No 1, Saliſbury Place, New-Road, Mary-le Thomas Pearce, formerly of Harrow-Read, Paddington, in the Bone. County of Middleſex, and late of the Borough-Road, in the Anthony Daffy Swinton, late of Saliſbury-Square, in the City County of Surrey, Half-Pay Captain of Royal Marines. of London, Medicine Wender. Bernard O'Reilly, formerly of Snargate-Street, in the Town of Dover, in the County of Kent, and late of No. 8, North ... Row, Sant James's-Market, in the Pariſh of Saint James, N. B. If any Perſon in the foregeing Liſt of º, Weſtminſter, in the County of Middleſex, Gent. |Pioner mall ind, on the Peruń of higºu, The Honourable and Reverend Auguſtus Barry, Clerk, formerly that there is an Error, ſuch Error ſhall, upon Notice, of Great Portland-Street, but fince of Charlotte-Street, Portland-Road, in the County of Middleſex. be reëtified in the next Gazette Gratis.

. . Printed by ANPRRw Strahan, Printers Street, Gough Square, London. [ Price Three Shillings and Sixpence. I