The London Gazette, November 7, 1865
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THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 7, 1865. Beaumont, Baron Hotham. the advice and consent of any two Members of the Richard, Baron Cremorne. Council to make from time to time, such Orders Charles, Baron Headley. and regulations as may appear to be necessary to Charles John, Baron Teignmouth. prevent the introduction of the cattle disease, Edward, Baron Croftpn. commonly known as the " cattle plague," into the Anthony, Baron Henley. said Isle. John, Baron de Blaquiere. The Lieutenant-Governor therefore by virtue Frederick, Baron Dufferin and Clandeboye. and in exercise of the powers given by the said John, Baron Henniker. Act, hath ordered as follows :— Thomas Townsend Meredith, Baron Ventry: 1. That from this date no animal, or the skins, H6nry, Baron. Dunalley. hides, horns, or hoofs of any animal shall be John Charles Robert, Baron Clanmorris. imported into this Isle, or into any particular port Granville Augustus William, Baron Radstock. or ports thereof, provided that this Order shall Alan Legge, Baron Gardner. not extend to skins and hides brought into Great Frederick Mason Trench, Baron Ashtown. Britain, from India, South America, or Australia. Eyre, Baron Clarina. 2. That from this date no animal, or the skins, Frederick William Brook, Baron Rendlesham. hides, horns, hoofs, or parts of any animal, shall Richard, Baron Castlemaine. be exported from this Isle, to that part of the Charles, Baron Garvagh. United Kingdom called Ireland. John Douglas, Baron Bloomfield. 3. That in this Order the word " animal" shall James, Baron Talbot de Malahide. be interpreted to mean any bull, cow, ox, heifer, Robert Shapland, Baron Carew. steer, calf, tup, sheep, wether, or lamb. Geoffrey Dominick Augustus Frederick, Baron Dated at Government House, Isle of Man, Oranmore and Browne. the 18th day of October, 1865. Denis St. George, Baron Dunsandle and Clan- conal. * Patrick, Baron Bellew. Thomas, Baron Clermont. Edmund Burke, Baron Fermoy. India Office, November 3, 1865. William, Baron Athlumney. Ralph Smith Cusack, Secretary of State for India in Council Clerk of the Crown and Hanaper. hereby gives notice,— That the amount for which Tenders for Bills of Exchange will be received at the Bank of England, on Wednesday, the 15th instant; on the terms stated in the Advertisement issued from this NOTICE TO MARINERS. Office on the 10th November, 1863, will be (No. 62.) MEDITERRANEAN—WEST COAST OP Rupees 35,00,000, of which not more than MOREA. Rupees 10,00,000 will be drawn on the Govern- Revolving Light on Cape Katakolo. ment of Bombay. Dufferin. THE Greek Government has given notice, that on and after the 17th day of September, 1865, a light would be exhibited from the lighthouse re- cently erected at Cape Katakolo, the south, point of the peninsula forming Katakolo Bay, on the OTICE is hereby given, that a separate west coast of the Morea. N building, named the Surrey Tabernacle, The light is a revolving white light, which situate at Wansey-street, in the parish of Newing- attains its greatest brilliancy once every two ton, in the county of Surrey, in the district of minutes. A faint light will be seen .for 1m 30s; Newington, being a building certified according to followed by a total eclipse for 10|8; a bright law as a place of religious worship, was, on the flash for 9s; and then a total eclipse for 10£s. 27th day of October, 1865, duly registered for The light is elevated 149 feet above the mean solemnizing marriages therein, pursuant to the level of the sea, and should be seen in clear Act of 6th and 7th Wra. IV., cap. 85, being sub- weather at 17 miles. stituted for the building known as the Surrey The illuminating apparatus is dioptric or by Tabernacle, situate at the Borough-road, in the lenses, of the 4th order. parish of St. George the Martyr, in the county of The tower stands at 779 yards within the south Surrey aforesaid, now disused. point of the peninsula, and its position is given at Witness my hand this 30th day of October, lat. 37° 38' N., long. 21° 18' 50" East of Green- 1865. wich. Chas. J. Rowsell, Superintendent Registrar. By command of their Lordships, Geo. Henry Richards, Hydrographer. OTICE is hereby given, that a separate Hydrographic Office, Admiralty, London, N building, named St. Paul's Chapel, situate 25th October, 1865. in Hawley-road, Kentish Town, in the parish of Pancras, in the county of Middlesex, in the This Notice will affect the following Admiralty district of Pancras, being a building certified Charts-.—Mediterranean Sea, Nos. 2158 and according to law as a place of religious worship, 27186; and Ionian Sea, Nos. 207 and 1680. was, on the 31st day of October, 1865, duly registered for solemnizing marriages therein, pur- suant to the Act of 6th and 7th Win. IV., cap. 85. PROHIBITION OF THE IMPORTATION OF CATTLE Witness my hand this 3rd day of November, AND SHEEP INTO THE ISLE OF MAN. 1865. Joseph Ivimey, Superintendent Registrar. HEREAS by an Act passed by the Legis- W lature of the Isle of Man, entitled " The OTICE is hereby given, that a separate Cattle Diseases Prevention-Act, 1865," the N building named the Wesleyan Chapel, Lieutenant-Governor is authorized by and with situated at the west side of Water-street, in the B 2.