The London Gazette, 24 March, 1914. 2537

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The London Gazette, 24 March, 1914. 2537 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 24 MARCH, 1914. 2537 Anthony Francis, Earl of Westmeath. Thomas Charles, Viscount Clifden. Reginald, Earl of Heath. Edward, Viscount Doneraile. Arthur James Francis, Earl of Fingall. Robert Cornwallis, Viscount Hawarden. Frederick Rudolph, Earl of Cavan. Algernon William John Clotworthy, Viscount Henry Charles Ponsonby, Earl of Drogheda. Ferrard. Bernard Arthur William Patrick Hastings, Henry Power Charles Stanley, Viscount Earl of Granard. Monck. William Charles d© Muro, Earl FitzWilliam. Henry Edward Montagu Dorington Clot/- Henry Charles Keith, Earl of Kerry. worthy, Viscount Templetown. Ivo Francis Walter, Earl of Darnley. John Standish Surtees Prendergast, Viscount Charles John, Earl of Egmont. Gort. Edward, Earl of Bessborough. Hardress Standish, Viscount Guillaraore. Charles Ernest Alfred French Somerset, Earl Michael Constantino, Baron of Kingsale. of Carrick. Charles Aloysius, Baron Trimlestown. Charles John Brinsley, Earl of Lanesborough. Edward John Moreton Drax, Baron of Dun- Arthur Jocelyn Charles, Earl of Arran. sany. James George Henry, Earl of Courtown. Randal Pilgrim Ralph, Baron of Louth. John Horatio, Earl of Mexborough. Lucius William, Baron of Inchiquin. Henry Edwyn, Earl of Kingston. Arthur Kenlis, Baron Farnham. Osbert Cecil, Earl of Sefton. Constantino Charles Henry, Baron Mulgrave. Robert Julian Orde, Earl of Roden. William Charles, Baron Newborough. Arthur Vesey, Earl of Clanwilliam. Ronald Archibald, Baron Macdonald. -Edward George Augustus Harcourt, Earl Hugh, Baron Kensington. Mountcashell. John Thomas William, Baron Massy. William Randal, Earl of Antrim. Hamilton Matthew Fitemaurice, Baron Mus- Thomas, Earl of Longford. kerry. Lionel Arthur Henry Seymour, Earl of Grosvenor Arthur Alexander, Baron Hood. Portarlington. Josslyn Francis, Baron Muncaster. Dermot Robert Wyndham, Earl of Mayo. William Morton, Baron Auckland. Lowry Egerton, Earl of Enniskillen. John Edward Deane, Baron Kilmaine. John Henry, Earl Erne. Valentine Frederick, Baron Cloncurry. Hamilton John Agmondesham, Earl of Desart. Luke Gerald, Baron Clonbrock. Ralph Francis, Earl of Wicklow. Clarence Percy Rivers, Baron Graves. Rupert Charles, Earl of Clonmell. Derrick Warner William, Baron Rossmore. Charles, Earl of Leitrim. Frederick William, Baron Hotham. George, Earl of Lucan. Vesey, Baron Cremorne. Armar, Earl of Belmore. Rowland George Allanson, Baron Headley. James Francis, Earl of Bandon. Charles John, Baron Teignmouth. Henry James, Earl Castle Stewart. Arthur Edward Lowtiher, Baron Crofton. Richard Walter John, Earl1 of Donoughmore. Charles Austin Thomas Robert John Joseph, Eric James, Earl of Caledon. Baron ffrench. Valentine Charles, Earl of Kenmare. Frederic, Baron Henley. William Henry Edmond de Ver© Sheaffe, Earl Hercules Edward, Baron Langford. of Limerick. William, Baron de Blaquiere. William Frederick, Earl of Clancarty. Terence John Temple, Baron Dufferin and Archibald Brabazon Sparrow, Earl of Gosford. Clandeboye. William Edward. Earl of Rosse. Charles Henry Chandos, Baron Henniker. Sidney James Ellis, Earl of Normanton. Henry O'Callaghan, Baron Dunalley. Francis Charles, Earl of Kilmorey. John George Barry, Baron Clanmorris. Windham Thomas, Earl of Dunraven and Granville George, Baron Radstock. Mount-Earl. Frederick Oliver, Baron Ashtown. William, Earl of Listowei. Lionel Edward, Baron Clarina. William Brabazon Lindesay, Earl of Norbury. Frederick Archibald Charles, Baron Rendle- Uchter John Mark, Earl of Ranfurly. sham. Jenico Edward Joseph, Viscount Gormanston. Albert Edward, Baron Castlemaine. Edmund Somerset, Viscount Mountgarret. John Graham Hope Horsley, Baron Decies. Victor Albert George, Viscount Grandison. Charles John Spencer George, Baron Garvagh. Harold Arthur, Viscount Dillon. Richard Wogan, Baron Talbot of Malahide. Aldred Frederick George Beresford, Viscount Geoffrey Henry, Baron of Oranmore and Lumley. Browne. Hugh Richard, Viscount Downe. George Leopold, Baron Bellew. George Bagot, Viscount Molesworth. Edward FitzEdmund Burke, Baron Fermoy. Godfrey John Boyle, Viscount Chetwynd. Thomas Kane, Baron Rathdonnell. William St. John Fremantle, Viscount Midle- George Nathaniel, Baron Curzon of Kedleston. ton. J. Nugent Lentaigne, Gustavus William, Viscount Boyne. James Walter, Viscount Grimston. Clerk of the Crown and Hanaper, and Per- Walter Bulkeley, Viscount Barrington. manent Secretary to the Lord Chancellor George Edmund Milnes, Viscount Galway. of Ireland. Mervyn Richard, Viscount Powerscourt. William Geoffrey Bouchard, Viscount Mount- NOTICE. morres. COLONIAL STOCK ACT, 1900. Arthur Robert Pyers Joseph Mary, Viscount Southwell. (63 and 64 Viet. c. 62.) Yvo Richard, Viscount de Vesci. Addition to the List of Stocks under Section 2. Archibald Robert, Viscount Lifford. In pursuance of section 2 of the Colonial Maxwell Richard Crosbie, Viscount Bangor. Stock Act, 1900, the Lords Commissioners of A 2.
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