Derbyshire. Derbyshire
183 DERBY. DERBYSHIRE. [KELLY'S Denley Obarles, manager of Grand theatre, Babington lane Derby Furnishing Stores Limited, J4 London 'foad Denman Ann Maria (Mrs.), grocer, 33 Liversage street Derbyshire Friendly & Trade SOCIeties Hall Co. LiaI. Denston Lydia Harriet (Miss), dress maker, 328 Abbey st. (Rendle 'Varburton Moore, solic:tor), Victoria chambel'l, Denstone Thomas, grocer, 126 Dr8wery lan~ Market p!a('~. Denstone William, beer retailer, II7 Whitecross stl'eet Derby Gas Light &; Coke Company Riobard Fisher, sec.; Dent James, confectioner, 31 Osmaston road Charles Taylor, engineer &; manager; Rowland Fisher Deque Jerome &; Eugene, dining rooms, 51 St. Peher's st manager, Litchurch worl;:;); offices, 5 Friargate; worU; Derby Bakery Co. bakers &0 confectioners, Bridge street; Oa.vendish street &; Ford stref't; &; Litchurch 129 London road &; 20 Sadlergate; 228 Normanton I'd. Derby General Stores, & patent medicine dealers, &; shopkeepers, 31 Noel street 30a, 3I, 32 &; 33 Victoria stref't. Derby Eeaconsfield Club(J. W. Wilson, hon. sec. ),3 Full st Del"by High School for GirlS! (Miss Tuke, head mistress), Derby BOl'Qugh Asylum (S. Rutherford Macphail M.D. Osmaston road medical supt.; Harry J. Cooper, clerk), Uttoxeter road Derby HoSJiery Co. manufacturers of every kind of hosiery, Derby Brewery Co. (The) Lim. brewers kc. Nottingham 24 Sadlergate road &;c Derby Institute for Girl'! (The) (Miss H. Goudie B.A. 11 Derby Canal Company (The) Office (Sidney Burton, man· Miss G. M. Goudie RA. 'Principals), Irvine ko.WiIson st ager), Siddals road Derby Kilbun Colliery Co. Lim.(The),colli0ry propriewn Derby &; Chesterfield Reporter Newspaper (E. M. Pike Irong-ate &; coal merchants (Alfred E.P.Perman, agent, Lim.
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