Termini Grammatici 語法專用詞

** 字母 letter

元音 voiced letter 短音節 short syllable 輔音 consonant letter 末音節 last syllable 音量 vowel length 長元音 long vowel 倒數第二音節 syllable next to last, penult 短元音 short vowel syllable 倒數第三音節 antepenult syllable 音節 syllable 音節之長短 quantity of syllable 重音 accent 長音節 long syllable

**詞 word

詞根 root 前綴 prefix 詞幹 stem 後綴 suffix 詞尾 ending 詞組 phrase


語法 grammar

略語 abbreviation

** A 詞類 parts of speech

動詞 、名詞 、代詞 、形容詞 、 副詞 、前詞 preposition、 連詞 、歎詞

* 動詞 verb

變位法 conjugation 合成動詞 (性質) 不全動詞 外動動詞 (功能) 內動動詞 有定動詞 主動動詞 active verb 無定動詞 verb 受動動詞 passive verb 無位動詞 助動詞 漸成動詞 (結構) 情意動詞 attentive verb 異態動詞 (意義) 半異態動詞 Semi-deponent verb 請求動詞 verb of petition 例外動詞 anomalous verb 命令動詞 verb of commanding 移動動詞 verb of motion 知覺動詞 verb of feeling 位 person 分離動詞 verb of separating 第一位 first person 怕之動詞 verb of fearing 第二位 second person 說之動詞 verb of saying 第三位 third person 疑問動詞 verb of doubting 數 number 語態 voice 單數 singular number 主動語態 active voice 複數 plural number 被動語態 passive voice 分詞 語氣 mood 獨立分詞 absolute participle 無定語氣 infinitive mood 依賴分詞 joined participle 命令語氣 imperative mood 現主分詞 active present participle 直述語氣 indicative mood 將主分詞 active future participle 情意語氣 subjunctive mood 全被分詞 passive perfect participle 將被分詞 passive future participle 時 tense 現在時 present tense 動名詞 將來時 future tense 屬格動名 genitive gerund 常過時 imperfect tense 與格動名 dative gerund 全過時 perfect tense 賓格動名 accusative gerund 未過時 future perfect tense 奪格動名 ablative gerund 先過時 pluperfect tense 敍述之時 historic tense 目的動名詞 accusative supine 已過之時 past tense 賓格目動名 ablative supine 相對之時 relative tense 奪格目動名 時態序列 sequence of tenses

* 名詞 substantive noun

(性質) 陰類 feminine gender 固有名詞 proper noun 陽類 masculine gender 抽象名詞 abstract noun 無類 neuter gender 集合名詞 同屬名詞 common noun 格 case 具體名詞 concrete noun 變格法 declension (意義) 呼格 vocative 群眾之名詞 noun of group 主格 nominative 多寡之名詞 noun of quantity 屬格 genitive 度量之名詞 noun of measure 與格 dative 物質之名詞 noun of materail things 賓格 accusative 生物之名詞 noun of living things 奪格 ablative 正格 direct case 類屬 gender 偏格 oblique case

主語屬格 subjective genitive 奪格 ablative case 賓語屬格 objective genitive 時候奪格 ablative of time 全體屬格 genitive of the whole 地方奪格 ablative of place 分段屬格 partitive genitive 由來奪格 ablative of origin 物主屬格 genitive 工具奪格 ablative of means 主動屬格 genitive of agent 形態奪格 ablative of manner 價值屬格 genitive of price 主動奪格 ablative of agent 優劣屬格 genitive of quality 緣何奪格 ablative of cause 比較奪格 ablative of comparison 與格 dativus 限制奪格 ablative of respect or limitation 得益與格 dative of advantage 分離奪格 ablative of separation 得損與格 dative of disadvantage 比量奪格 ablative of difference or 意向與格 final dative measure 物主與格 dative indicating possessor 價值奪格 ablative of price 優劣奪格 ablative of quality or 賓格 accusative description 伸延賓格 accusative of extent of action

*代詞 pronoun

人位代詞 連上代詞 物主代詞 possessive pronoun 疑問代詞 interrogative pronoun 反射代詞 相應代詞 correlative pronoun 指示代詞 pronoun 泛稱代詞

* 形容詞 adjective

平比級形容詞 positive degree adjective 多寡之形容詞 adjective of quantity 比較級形容詞 comparative degree 動形容詞 adjective formed from adjective 形容代詞 adjective used as noun 極比級形容詞 superlative degree adjective

* 數詞 numeral

基數 cardinal number 倍數 multiplicative number 序數 ordinal number 次數副詞 numeral adverb 分數 distributive number

* 前詞 preposition

* 副詞 adverb

(結構) 轉化副詞 derived adverb 原形副詞 primitive adverb (功能) 無限定副詞 indefinite adverb 連上副詞 relative adverb 疑問副詞 interrogative adverb 詢問質詞 interrogative particle 多寡副詞 adverb of quantity 否定質詞 negative particle 代名副詞 pronominal adverb

*連詞 conjunction

(性質) 比較連詞 comparative conjunction 同等連詞 coordinating conjunction 讓步連詞 concessive conjunction 異等連詞 subordinating conjunction 條件連詞 conditional conjunction (功能) 緣何連詞 causal conjunction 聯合連詞 copulative conjunction 意向連詞 final conjunction 分斷連詞 disjunctive conjunction 結論連詞 conclusive conjunction 反對連詞 adversative conjunction 效果連詞 consecutive conjunction 時候連詞 temporal conjunction

* 歎詞 interjection

** B 語類 parts of sentence

* 主語 subject 無人位主語 impersonal subject * 定語 attribute * 謂語 predicate 主動定語 attribute of agent 物主定語 attribute of possession * 賓語 object 全體定語 attribute of partitive 直接賓語 direct object 解說定語 explicative attribute 間接賓語 indirect object 優劣定語 attribute of quality 內在賓語 internal object

*狀語 adverbiale *表語 praedicativum

** C 句類 sentence

* 說法

直接說法 direct speech 間接說法 indirect speech

* 詞組

主格無定語氣詞組 nominative with 賓格無定語氣詞組 accusative with infinitive infinitive 獨立奪格詞組 absolute ablative

* 句

(結構) 比較句 comparative sentence 簡句 abbreviated sentence 准許句 concessive sentence 單句 simple sentence 情意句 sentence in the subjunctive 複句 compound sentence 效果句 consecutive sentence 主句 principal sentence 疑問句 dubitative sentence 從句 subordinate sentence 評論句 declaratory sentence 前句 antecedent sentence 意向句 final sentence 後句 consequent sentence 勸勉句 hortatory sentence 中句 intermediate sentence 命令句 imperative sentence 接句 conjunctive sentence 虛事句 sentence contrary to fact 獨立句 independent sentence 限制句 limiting sentence 依賴句 dependent sentence 比量句 sentence of measure (性質) 形態句 sentence of mood 內在依賴句 internally dependent sentence 否定句 negative sentence 連上句 relative sentence 願望句 optative sentence 依賴句 sentence within parentheses 可能句 potential sentence 無定語氣句 infinitive sentence 禁令句 prohibiting sentence 分詞句 participial sentence 實事句 real sentence 將被分詞句 sentence 主要句 governing sentence 動名詞句 gerund sentence 演說句 rhetorical sentence 目動名詞句 supine sentence 時候句 temporal sentence (功能) 條件句 conditional sentence 主語句 subjective sentence -實事條件 fulfilled condition 屬語句 objective sentence t -可能條件 condition may be fulfilled 副語句 adverbial sentence -虛擬條件 unfulfilled condition 定語句 attributive sentence 問句 question 直述句 indicative sentence -單問句 simple question 情意句 affective sentence -雙問句 double question 肯定句 affirmative sentence -直接問句 direct question 廣單句 amplified sentence -間接問句 indirect question (意義) -疑惑問句 dubitative question 緣何句 causal sentence -演說問句 rhetorical question

** 簡稱 **


無定語氣 現主無 active infinitive present 全主無 active infinitive perfect 將主無 active infinitive future

現被無 passive infinitive present 全被無 passive infinitive present 將被無 passive infinitive present

命令語氣 現主命 active imperative present

直述語氣 現主直 active indicative present 將主直 active indicative future 常主直 active indicative imperfect 全主直 active indicative perfect 未主直 active indicative future perfect 先主直 active indicative pluperfect

現被直 passive indicative present 將被直 passive indicative future 常被直 passive indicative imperfect 全被直 passive indicative perfect 未被直 passive indicative future perfect 先被直 passive indicative pluperfect

情意語氣 現主情 active subjunctive present 全主情 active subjunctive perfect 常主情 active subjunctive imperfect 先主情 active subjunctive pluperfect

現被情 passive subjunctive present 全被情 passive subjunctive perfect 常被情 passive subjunctive imperfect 先被情 passive subjunctive pluperfect


分詞 現主分詞 active present participle 將主分詞 active future participle

全被分詞 passive perfect participle 將被分詞 passive future participle

動名詞 屬格動名 genitive gerund 與格動名 dative gerund 賓格動名 accusative gerund 奪格動名 ablative gerund

目的動名詞 賓格目動名 accusative supine 奪格目動名 ablative supine


單呼陽 singular vocative masculine 單主陽 singular nominative masculine 單屬陽 singular genitive masculine 單與陽 singular dative masculine 單賓陽 singular accusative masculine 單奪陽 singular ablative masculine

複呼陽 plural vocative masculine 複主陽 plural nominative masculine 複屬陽 plural genitive masculine 複與陽 plural dative masculine 複賓陽 plural accusative masculine 複奪陽 plural ablative masculine

單呼陰 singular vocative feminine 單主陰 singular nominative feminine 單屬陰 singular genitive feminine 單與陰 singular dative feminine 單賓陰 singular accusative feminine 單奪陰 singular ablative feminine

複呼陰 plural vocative feminine 複主陰 plural nominative feminine 複屬陰 plural genitive feminine 複與陰 plural dative feminine 複賓陰 plural accusative feminine 複奪陰 plural ablative feminine

單呼無 singular vocative neuter 單主無 singular nominative neuter 單屬無 singular genitive neuter 單與無 singular dative neuter 單賓無 singular accusative neuter 單奪無 singular ablative neuter

複呼無 plural vocative neuter 複主無 plural nominative neuter 複屬無 plural genitive neuter 複與無 plural dative neuter 複賓無 plural accusative neuter 複奪無 plural ablative neuter