Pudeaegartaft - - 7‘At Qated ?Ewe./ C11ND Frop Christ 171 by FRANK B

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Pudeaegartaft - - 7‘At Qated ?Ewe./ C11ND Frop Christ 171 by FRANK B Those who are given to while lies soon become color blind. MISSIONARY PREMILLENNIAL BIBLICAL BAPTISTIC GOD'S GOODNESS Ezameptet Paid Girculation 7n Fill stales and 7n Many Foreign Gauntries "To the law and to the testimony; if they speak not according to this word it is because there is no light in them."—Isaiah 8:20. Irnt -4-,UME 16, NO. 40 RUSSELL, KENTUCKY, NOVEMBER 4, 1950 WHOLE NUMBER 646 Is Your Conscience A Safe Guide! 1/Y PASTOR W. B. DAVIDSON he that judgeth me is the Lord." as a Jew and as a Christian. He un- Calvary Baptist Church Goodspeed translates this couldn't possibly be right Tampa, Florida passage as follows: "I for my der -both conditions. part care very little about be- Can your conscience be right 4.1 have good con- lived in all ing examined by you or by any when it will consent for you to d flee until this before God human court. I do not even live at the two extremes of 4111."- --Acts 23:1. offer myself for investigation. life? Could Paul's conscience have been right at all times I. For while my conscience does INTRODUCTION. Our text not trouble me at all, that does when he at one time was per- Znsists of words of the people that the not prove that I am innocent." secuting the very a Postle Paul concerning his life (The N e w Testament. An he later sought to protect? .1a1 Jew and as a Christian. American Translation, by Ed- II. CONSCIENCE DEFINED. s.,se saYs that his conscience was gar J. Goodspeed). agusfactory to himself, both as The dictionary defines con- thIew and as a Christian; but Paul's conscience as a Jew science follows: "The moral e Apostle Paul did not ac- led him to live just the opposite sense or consciousness within his conscience as a guide life from what it led him to oneself that determines wheth- if con- we are to accept what He live as a Christian. As a Jew er one considers one's own '4'cl to the Corinth and his conscience consented unto duct right or wrong." te saints at corded in I Cor. 4:3-4; "But his persecution of the Chris- This definition of conscience Ith as pert Me it is a very small thing tians, but as a Christian, he substitutes man's judgment for transfers Thou crownest the year with thy goodness; and thy paths not ha 114 I should be judged of you, preached the faith that he once the Word of God. It wilderness: ourselv pef man's judgment; yea, I sought to destroy. But, Paul infallibility from the Scriptures drop fatness. They drop upon the pastures of the demns not Mine own self. For did not claim his conscience as to each and every man. If each and the little hills rejoice on every side. The pastures are clothed rit an,'nowl nothing by myself; yet a safe guide; although he said man is to be his own judge of with flocks; the valleys also are covered over with corn: they )37 putt I not hereby justified; but he had a good conscience—both (Continued on page four) shout for joy, they also sing."—Psalm 65:11-13. irit's us ho, mind at in c'if4 Pudeaegartaft - - 7‘at qated ?ewe./ C11ND FroP Christ 171 By FRANK B. BECK Devil, piety, constant prayer, And in the last three years resistably led to preach on it eastor of dancing and h.. To 11 of The North East condemnation DON'T FORGET they have made an increase of this morning, by the Holy Church bewailing his iniquities and re- over 658,000 eans tts Baptist members. And Ghost. N. Y. joices that they fear God a lit- though predestination is and 111 Millerton, still If I really proclaim the pure tle less and love Him a little found in the excellent creed of ness, 4 ofIn the September 12th issue Gospel of the grace of God I more. And it rejoices that the Presbyterians, in the Westmin- must include predestination. No ;nesS. the Look magazine (1950) is Presbyterian church has put the ister .11f befa 1,40 Confession of Faith, it is Gospel more fully presents the article called: "The New hated doctrine of predestina- sinfully silenced. .ist. t h e Presbyterian way of salvation and no Gos- Ch°k in tion into the far background of Why am I preaching on pre- ?. was a 1-Urch" by Lewis W. Gillen- pel more fully calls upon men its theology. And if this be a destination? Because it not only if as In this write-up bitter de- to exercise faith in the Son of true report, then the silencing has been held by Bible believ- chara elation is made against the God, than the Gospel of St. * on the preaching of God's pre- ing Presbyterians, but also by the to!'le doctrine of God's eternal John. And NO Gospel speaks destination was the beginning Baptists. The Philadelphia Con- self 4:edestination. Along with this more Strongly of GOD'S PRE- of their down fall. For when fession of Faith, The New DESTINATION or 2nt da ,;tack some interesting election. 'Li very they dropped that hated word: Hampshire Confession of Faith lie ternents are made. If this be If I turn to the Epistles to "predestination" from their vo- uphold predestination or elec- and true report of this de- study salvation, NO Epistle ii cabulary they began to rob the tion and they are strictly Bap- of by John speaks more thoroughly of sal- eal founded Redeemer of His authority and tist Confessions. According to m. thoviin, Christians everywhere vation than the Epistle to the when that happens all Divine Prof. W. J. McGlothin, French, fe hl d weep bitterly and pray Romans, and NO Epistle speaks t its authority goes. Belgian, German, Swiss, Dan- more strongly of GOD'S PRE- a restoration to God. not strange to staniP Therefore it is ish, Hungarian and Russian DESTINATION and election. If he said article makes a in this report that the iem j read Baptist Confessions all likewise I turn to the Epistles for in- ht c:.e,kerY of soberness, refutes that hushed the hated church maintain the hated doctrine of struction on victorious, 1 in wa" I tl'ional prohibition, laughs at from its holy liv- word, predestination, predestination. ing I cannot ten rtiet ott Presbyterian's former fear HOLY 1. Thanksgiving is just around help but turn to ithout lips is NO LONGER a Ephesians and evil, his wariness of the WORLDLY! The the corner. I am preacning on predestina- yet in the very church, but because it is a BIBLE doc- (Continued on page three) aan if that very seldom tion writer says 2. Plan to attend services with The 0 their preachers trine. does one of us on Thanksgiving Day. our 111°Iir against such "world- I am preaching on predesti- spoke A speak out 1.8.11L,C)W CAN THESE "smoking, drinking, nation because it is shamefully She ly" sins as 3. Our annual Thanksgiving STUDENT DAMAGES '101 'rillsIGS BE?" dancing and gayety in general." offering for TBE, which is denied and ignored in many It a church dea- otherwise fundamental church- PLYMOUTH ROCK ° " his No more may needed more this year than Y was .the question that con be yanked before a court of es. sted Plitt ever before. A Dartmouth College student Ir'sl asked by Nicodemus the "taking a nip (of I am preaching on predesti- faith ot, ieht elders for was fined $25 and given a stern he came to Christ. liquor) before dinner." 4. Remember to be thankful. nation because I have been ir- ad tc34esus had already explained warning from Judge Amedeo V. I/N PN GI IN Nu NG Sgarzi, in t save5'nsii th,,him the difference between Plymouth District fore Court, for 4•natural birth and the tampering with Ply- em 1.1ritual birth. He had told mouth Rock—the stepping stone of the Pilgrims. itlekc'clemus that, "That which naftist Iutptt The student LL, of the flesh is flesh, and -164e -v3First was arrested when Which is born of spirit is residents complained a 40,11'4," young man on top of Plymouth He Nm,P11.•••11110...1.8*11111.4.....*•111.1.1111...1111.inG.GIGGG.N.............*NGGNNG.G.G.G.N.G.GInG.GIG.G.....p had already told 01.0 .111••••••IIIIGNIIIIINII numN aitkodernus the absolute neces- Rock was trying to chip it with another rock. Q4,_Y Of being born again. Then ge orieice Judge thgle this question, "How can "FOLLOWING JESUS" Sgarzi lectured him 2onfid,ell ,trse things against damaging "a sacred be?" con- rock with 'ely 0!"elie question has been asked "Then said Jesus unto his had been journeying together. as to how much they knew which the whole 4 all country is eet of ages the time of disciples, If any man will come I am satisfied that our Lord of- cerning Him. concerned." since "Whom hislis• Men devised one after me, let him deny himself, ten looked upon those whom He First of all, He said, An infinitely more sacred —44 have Son of ting kr after another to account and take up his cross, and fol- had chosen, at least from a hu- do men say that I, the Rock than Plymouth Rock is they tnd th, What they believe to be low me."—Mt.
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