
In this bibliography titles of journals are either written out or abbreviated according to the list provided by L’Année Philologique on-line (http://www.annee-philologique .com/files/sigles_fr.pdf). Abbreviations of specific editions are listed among the bio- graphical entries.

Acheilara, L. 2004. ἐν τῶ ἴρω τῶ ἐμ Μέσσω. Mytilene. Acosta-Hughes, B. 2002. Polyeideia: The Iambi of Callimachus and the Archaic Iambic Tradition. Berkeley. . 2010. Arion’s Lyre: Archaic Poetry into Hellenistic Poetry. Princeton. Adler = Adler, A. 1928–1938. Suidae Lexicon, i–v. Lipsiae. Agosti, G. 2001. Late Antique Iambics and Iambike Idea. In Cavarzere, Aloni, and Bar- chiesi (2001) 219–255. Akehurst, F.R. and J.M. Davis. 1995. A Handbook of the Troubadours. Berkeley. Albert, N. 2005. Saphisme et décadence dans l’art et la littérature en Europe à la fin du xixe siècle. Paris. Allan, W., ed. 2008. Euripides: Helen. Cambridge. Allen, T.W., W.R. Halliday, and E.E. Sikes, eds. 1936. The Homeric Hymns. Oxford. Aloni, A. 1983. Eteria e tiaso. I gruppi aristocratici di Lesbo tra economia e ideologia. Dialoghi di Archeologia Ser. 3, 1: 21–35. . 1997. Saffo. Frammenti. Florence. . 2001. What is That Man Doing in , fr. 31 v.? In Cavarzere, Aloni, and Barchiesi (2001) 29–40. Asheri, D., A. Lloyd, and A. Corcella. 2007. A Commentary on Herodotus Books i–iv, eds. O. Murray and A. Moreno. Translated from the Italian by B. Graziosi et al. Oxford. Asper, M. 2004. Kallimachos. Werke. Darmstadt. Atallah, W. 1966. Adonis dans la littérature et l’art grecs. Paris. Austin, C. and G. Bastianini, eds. 2002. Posidippi Pellaei quae supersunt omnia. Milan. Bakker, E. 1998. Fiktionalität und Medienwechsel im Altgriechischen: Von Homer zu Thukydides. In Verschriftung und Verschriftlichung: Aspekte des Medienwechsels in verschiedenen Kulturen und Epochen, eds. C. Ehler and U. Schaefer, 57–77. Tübin- gen. Barceló, P. 1993. Basileia, Monarchia, Tyrannis. Untersuchungen zu Entwicklung und Beurteilung von Alleinherrschaft im vorhellenistischen Griechenland. Stuttgart. Barns, J.W.B., G.M. Browne, and J.C. Shelton. 1981. Nag Hammadi Codices: Greek and Coptic Papyri from the Cartonnage of the Covers. Leiden. Barringer, J.M. 1995. Divine Escorts: Nereids in Archaic and Classical Greek Art. Ann Arbor.

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Barthes, R. 1979. A Lover’s Discourse. Fragments. Translated by R. Howard. London. Bassi, K. 1998. Acting Like Men: Gender, Drama, and Nostalgia in Ancient Greece. Ann Arbor. Bassnett, S. 2002. Translation Studies. Third edition. London. Bates, M.J. 1985. Wallace Stevens: A Mythology of Self. Berkeley ca. Battistini, Y. 1998. Poétesses grecques: Sapphô, Corinne, Anyté …. Paris. Baur, D. 1997. Chor und Theater. Zur Rolle des Chores in der griechischen Tragödie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Euripides’Elektra. Poetica 29: 26–47. Benedetto, V. di. 1982. Sulla biografia di Saffo. sco 32: 217–230. Benedetto, V. di and F. Ferrari. 1987. Saffo, Poesie. Milan. Benelli, L. 2015. The New Kypris Poem of Sappho: A New Reconstruction of the First Verses. zpe 194: 9–10. . in preparation. The New Sappho. Another Look (text presented at a workshop in Cologne, 9 July 2015). Benveniste, E. 1969. Le vocabulaire des institutions indo-européennes. Paris. . 1973. Indo-European Language and Society. Translated by E. Palmer of Benveniste (1969). Coral Gables fl. Benveniste.Indo-European_Language_and_Society.1973 Bergren, A. 2008. Weaving Truth: Essays on Language and the Female in Greek Thought. Washington dc. Bernal, M. 1993. Phoenician Politics and Egyptian Justice in Ancient Greece. In Raaflaub (1993) 241–261. Bers, V.,D. Elmer, D. Frame, and L. Muellner, eds. 2012. Donum nataliciumdigitaliter con- fectum Gregorio Nagy septuagenario a discipulis collegis familiaribus oblatum. Wash- ington dc. Natalicium_Gregorio_Nagy.2012 Bertrand, N. 2008. Les pronoms postpositifs dans l’ordre des mots en grec ancien: domaines syntaxiques, domaines pragmatiques. Lalies 29: 227–252. Berve, H. 1954. Wesenszüge der griechischen Tyrannis. hz 177: 1–20. Reprinted in Berve, H. 1968. Gestaltende Kräfte der Antike, 208–231. Second edition. Munich. . 1967. Die Tyrannis bei den Griechen. 2 vols. Munich. Bessone, F. 2003. Saffo, la lirica, l’elegia: su Ovidio, Heroides 15. md 51: 209–243. Bettenworth, A. 2014. Sapphos Amme: Ein Beitrag zum neuen Sapphofragment (Broth- ers Poem). zpe 191: 15–19. Bierl, A. 2001. Der Chor in der Alten Komödie. Ritual und Performativität (unter beson- derer Berücksichtigung von Aristophanes’ Thesmophoriazusen und der Phalloslieder fr. 851 pmg). Munich. Revised second English edition Bierl (2009). . 2003. ‘Ich aber (sage), das Schönste ist, was einer liebt!’ Eine pragmatische Deutung von Sappho Fr. 16 lp/v. qucc 103: 91–124. See also revised version under

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. 2007a. Literatur und Religion als Rito- und Mythopoetik: Überblicksartikel zu einem neuen Ansatz in der Klassischen Philologie. In Bierl, Lämmle, and Wessel- mann (2007a) 1–76. . 2007b. Mysterien der Liebe und die Initiation Jugendlicher: Literatur und Religion im griechischen Roman. In Bierl, Lämmle, and Wesselmann (2007b) 239– 334. . 2008. Der neue Sappho-Papyrus aus Köln und Sapphos Erneuerung. Virtuelle Choralität, Eros, Tod, Orpheus und Musik. display/2122 . 2009. Ritual and Performativity. The Chorus in Old Comedy. Translated by A. Hollmann. Hellenic Studies 20. Cambridge ma and Washington dc. http://nrs . 2010. Sappho in Athens. Reperformance and Performative Contextualizations of the New Cologne Papyrus, or Old Age and Rejuvenation through Chorality.Athens Dialogues E-Journal. athensdialogues.woa/wa/dist?dis=36 . 2011a. Enigmatic Hints at the Hidden Meaning of Two Central Homeric Pas- sages. The Derveni-Author as Homeric Philologist in PDerv. col. xxvi. In Tracing Orpheus. Studies of Orphic Fragments. fs A. Bernabé, eds. M. Herrero de Jáuregui et al., 393–398. Berlin and Boston. . 2011b. Fest und Spiele in der griechischen Literatur. In Festivals and Contests (= ThesCRA vii), ed. A. Chaniotis, 125–160. Los Angeles. . 2011c. Prozessionen auf der griechischen Bühne: Performativität des einzie- henden Chors als Manifestation des Dionysos in der Parodos der Euripideischen Bakchen. In Medialität der Prozession: Performanz ritueller Bewegung in Texten und Bildern der Vormoderne = Médialité de la procession: Performance du mouvement rituelentextesetenimagesàl’époquepré-moderne, eds. K. Gvozdeva and H.R. Velten, 35–61. Heidelberg. . 2012. Traumatic Dreams: Lacanian Love, Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut, and the Ancient Greek Novel, or, Gliding in Phantasmagoric Chains of Metonymy. In Bers, Elmer, Frame, and Muellner (2012). .Traumatic_Dreams_Lacanian_Love_Kubricks_Eyes_Wide_Shut.2012 . 2013a. Dionysos in Old Comedy. Staging of Experiments on Myth and Cult. In Redefining Dionysos, eds. A. Bernabé et al., 366–385. Berlin and Boston. . 2013b. Maenadism as Self-Referential Chorality in Euripides’ Bacchae. In Choral Mediations in Greek Tragedy, eds. R. Gagné and M.G. Hopman, 211–226. Cam- bridge. Abridged and revised English version of Bierl (2011c). . 2016. Visualizing the Cologne Sappho: Mental Imagery through Chorality, the Sun, and Orpheus. In The Look of Lyric: Greek Song and the Visual. Studies in Archaic and Classical Greek Song. Vol. 1, eds. V. Cazzato and A. Lardinois, 307–342. Leiden.

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. 2016 forthcoming. Lived Religion and the Construction of Meaning in Greek Literary Texts: Genre, Context, Occasion. Religion in Roman Empire 2: 10–37. . Ch. 14, this volume. ‘All You Need is Love’: Some Thoughts on the Structure, Texture, and Meaning of the Brothers Song as well as on Its Relation to the Kypris Song (P. Sapph. Obbink). In Bierl and Lardinois (2016) 302–336. . Ch. 15, this volume. Sappho as Aphrodite’s Singer, Poet, and Hero(ine): The Reconstruction of the Context and Sense of the Kypris Song. In Bierl and Lardinois (2016) 339–352. Bierl, A., R. Lämmle, and K. Wesselmann, eds. 2007a. Literatur und Religion i. Wege zu einer mythisch-rituellen Poetik bei den Griechen. MythosEikonPoiesis 1.1. Berlin and New York. . eds. 2007b. Literatur und Religion ii. Wege zu einer mythisch-rituellen Poetik bei den Griechen. MythosEikonPoiesis 1.2. Berlin and New York. Bierl, A. and A. Lardinois, eds. 2016 = this volume. Bing, P. 2009. The Scroll and the Marble. Ann Arbor. Blanchard, M. and A. 1975. La mosaïque d’Anacréon à Autun. rea 75: 268–279. Blok, J. 2000. Phye’s Procession: Culture, Politics and Peisistratid Rule. In Sancisi- Weerdenburg (2000) 17–48. Blondell, R. and K. Ormand, eds. 2015. Ancient Sex: New Essays. Columbus oh. Blum, R. 1991. Kallimachos: The Alexandrian Library and the Origins of Bibliography. Translated by H.H. Wellisch. Madison wi. Blundell, S. 1995. Women in Ancient Greece. Cambridge ma. Boardman, J. 1980. The Greeks Overseas. Their Early Colonies and Trade. London. (First edition Harmondsworth 1964, fourth edition London 1999). Boedeker, D.D. 1973. Aphrodite’s Entry into Greek Epic. Ann Arbor. . 1979. Sappho and Acheron. In Arktouros. Hellenic Studies Presented to Bernard M.W. Knox on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday, eds. G.W. Bowersock et al., 40–52. Berlin and New York. . Ch. 8, this volume. Hera and the Return of Charaxos. In Bierl and Lardinois (2016) 188–207. Boedeker, D.D. and D. Sider, eds. 2001. The New Simonides: Contexts of Praise and Desire. Oxford and New York. Boehringer, S. 2007a. L’homosexualité féminine dans l’antiquité grecque et romaine. Paris. . 2007b. Comparer l’incomparable. La sunkrisis érotique et les catégories sex- uelles dans le monde gréco-romain. In Le choix de l’homosexualité. Recherches iné- dites sur la question gay et lesbienne, ed. B. Perreau, 39–56. Paris. . 2010. Un élan infini: Sappho, Tithon et Aurore. À propos de ‘Sappho and the Crack of Dawn’ (1990) de John J. Winkler. In Figures de la rupture, figures de la continuité chez les Anciens, ed. M.-L. Desclos, 43–63. Paris.

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. 2012. Le genre et la sexualité. États des lieux et perspectives dans le champ des études anciennes. Lalies 32: 145–167. . 2013. ‘Je suis Tithon, je suis Aurore’: Performance et érotisme dans le ‘nouveau’ fr. 58 de Sappho. qucc 133: 23–44. . 2014. Female Homoeroticism. In A Companion to Greek and Roman Sexualities, ed. T. Hubbard, 150–164. Malden ma. Boehringer, S. and C. Calame. Ch. 16, this volume. Sappho and Kypris: “The Vertigo of Love” (P. Sapph. Obbink 21–29; P. Oxy. 1231, fr. 16). In Bierl and Lardinois (2016) 353– 367. Bourriot, F. 1976. Recherches sur la nature du génos. Paris. Bowie, E.L. 2012. The Sympotic Tease. In TheMuseatPlay.RiddlesandWordplayin Greek and Latin Poetry. Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 30, eds. J. Kwapisz, D. Petrain, and M. Szymanski, 33–43. Berlin. . Ch. 6, this volume. How Did Sappho’s Songs Get into the Male Sympotic Repertoire? In Bierl and Lardinois (2016) 148–164. Bowra, C.M. 1961. Greek Lyric Poetry from Alcman to Simonides. Second edition. Oxford. Braun, T.F.R.G. 1982a. The Greeks in the Near East. In The Cambridge Ancient History iii.3: 1–31. Second edition. Cambridge. . 1982b. The Greeks in Egypt. In The Cambridge Ancient History iii.3: 32–56. Second edition. Cambridge. Bravo, B. 1977. Remarques sur les assises sociales, les formes d’organization et la termi- nologie du commerce maritime grec à l’époque archaïque. dha 3: 1–59. Breitenberger, B. 2007. Aphrodite and Eros. The Development of Erotic Mythology in Early Greek Poetry and Cult. New York and London. Brelich, A. 1969. Paides e parthenoi. Rome. Bremer, J.M. 1981. Greek Hymns. In Faith, Hope, and Worship: Aspects of Religious Men- tality in the Ancient World, ed. H.S. Versnel. Studies in Greek and Roman Religion. Vol. 2, 193–215. Leiden. Bremmer, J.N. 1990. Adolescents, Symposion, and Pederasty.In Sympotica:ASymposium on the Symposion, ed. O. Murray, 135–148. Oxford. Broger, A. 1996. Das Epitheton bei Sappho und Alkaios. Eine sprachwissenschaftliche Untersuchung. Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft 88. Innsbruck. Brooten, B.J. 1996. Love Between Women: Early Christian Responses to Female Homoeroti- cism. Chicago. Brown, A.L. 1978. Alcman P. Oxy. 2443 Fr. 1 + 3213. zpe 32: 36–38. Brown, C. 1983. From Rags to Riches: Anacreon’s Artemon. Phoenix 37: 1–15. . 1984. Ruined by Lust: Anacreon, fr. 44 Gentili (432 pmg). cq 34: 37–42. Bundy, E.L. 1986. Studia Pindarica. Reprinted from University of California Publications in Classical Philology, 18.1–2, 1962. Berkeley and Los Angeles. http://repositories

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Burkert, W. 1983. Homo Necans: The Anthropology of Ancient Greek Sacrificial Ritual and Myth. Translated by P. Bing. Berkeley and Los Angeles. (Originally published 1972 as Homo Necans. Berlin). . 1985. Greek Religion. Translated by J. Raffan. Cambridge ma. (Originally pub- lished 1977 as Griechische Religion der archaischen und klassischen Epoche. Stutt- gart). . 1987. Ancient Mystery Cults. Cambridge ma and London. . 1992. The Orientalizing Revolution: Near Eastern Influence on Greek Culture in the Early Archaic Age. Cambridge ma. . 2004. Babylon—Memphis—Persepolis: EasternContexts of Greek Culture. Cam- bridge ma. Burnett, A.P. 1983. Three Archaic Poets: Archilochus, Alcaeus, Sappho. London. . 1988. Jocasta in the West: The Lille Stesichorus. ClAnt 7: 107–154. Burris, S. and J. Fish. 2014. , 13–14 and a Marginal Annotation Attributed in psi 123 to Nicanor. zpe 189: 29–31. Burris, S., J. Fish, and D. Obbink. 2014. New Fragments of Book 1 of Sappho. zpe 189: 1–28. Buzzi, S. and A. Aloni, eds. 2008. Nuove acquisizioni di Saffo e della lirica greca: per il testo di P. Köln inv. 21351. Alessandria. Caciagli, S. 2009. Sapph. fr. 27 v.: l’unità del pubblico saffico. qucc 91: 63–80. . 2010. Il temenos di Messon: uno stesso contesto per Saffo e Alceo. Lexis 28: 227– 256. . 2011. Poeti e società. Comunicazione poetica e formazioni sociali nella Lesbo del vii/vi secolo a.C. Amsterdam. . 2014. Case di uomini, case di dèi. Per un contesto di Alc. fr. 140 v. qucc 108.3: 57–92. . 2015. Per un nuovo testo di Sapph. fr. 2 v. Eikasmos 26: 31–52. . forthcoming. L’usage du mythe chez les poètes éoliens: trois exemples. . Ch. 20, this volume. Sappho Fragment 17: Wishing Charaxos a Safe Trip? In Bierl and Lardinois (2016) 424–448. Cairns, F. 1971. Horace, Odes 1.2. Eranos 69: 68–88. . 2007. Generic Composition in Greek and Roman Poetry. Ann Arbor. Calame, C. 1977. Les chœurs de jeunes filles en Grèce archaïque i: Morphologie, fonction religieuse et sociale. Rome. (English translation Calame 2001/1997). . 1995. The Craft of Poetic Speech in Ancient Greece. Translated by J. Orion. Ithaca ny and London. (First edition in French 1986). . 1997. Diction formulaire et fonction pratique dans la poésie mélique ar- chaïque. In Hommage à Milman Parry. Le style formulaire de l’épopée homérique et la théorie de l’oralité poétique, ed. F. Létoublon, 215–222. Amsterdam. . 1998. Éros revisité: La subjectivité discursive dans quelques poèmes grecs. Uranie 8 (= Figures d’Éros): 95–107.

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