Palaeontological Society of Japan

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Palaeontological Society of Japan Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan New Series No. 84 Palaeontological Society of Japan December 30, 1971 Editor: Takashi HAMADA Associate editor: Yasuhide IwASAKI Officers for 1971-1972 President : Tokio SHIKAMA Councillors {* Executives) : Kiyoshi ASANO*, Kiyotaka CHINZEI*, Takashi HAMADA*, Tetsuro HANAI*, Kotora HATAI, Itaru HAYAMI, Koichiro ICHIKAWA, Taro KANAYA, Kametoshi KANMERA, Tamio KOTAKA, Tatsuro MATSUMOTO*, Hiroshi OZAKI*, Tokio SHIKAMA*, Fuyuji TAKA!*, Yokichi TAKAYANAGI Secretaries: Wataru HASHIMOTO, Saburo KANNO Executive Committee General Affairs: Tetsuro HAN AI, Naoaki AOKI Membership : Kiyotaka CHINZEI, Toshio KOIKE Finance: Fuyuji T AKAI, Hisayoshi I Go Planning : Hiroshi OzAKI, Kazuo ASAMA Publications Transactions: Takashi HAMADA, Yasuhide IwASAKI Special Papers: Tatsuro MATSUMOTO, Tomowo OzAWA " Fossils" : Kiyoshi ASANO, Toshiaki TAKAYAMA All communications relating to this journal should be addressed to the PALAEONTOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN c/o Geological Institute, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113, Japan Sole agent: University of Tokyo Press, Hongo, Tokyo Trans. Proc. Palaeont. Soc. Japan, X.S., Ko. 84, pp. 179-189, pis. 22, 23, December 30, 1!:'·11 586. THE GENERA NEPHROLEPIDINA AND EULEPIDJNA FROM NEW ZEALAND KUNITERU MATSUMARU Department of Natural Science, Saitama University, Urawa, Japan :=. "" - :/- 7 / I;' iJ• ~'":> i!J( I i',·j· ;,s t- 7 ;::r v !::" ·T· 1 7 },'r:,!:: ::r..- v !::" -r· ·i 7 l,<:t\ : -=- =>-- '/"- =;; / I:·O):ft.\/j • ,;-~Ji:',jil,j",I,',';O)rjJti/[llt&)J:t!J.I•,'iiJ·GifUI', ~t: lepidocyclinas ~t0!NL t.:ij:,~!,J~. )}:v)·-· :f.ii@~ (·~"L·II'Ifill Nephrolepidina orakeiensis (KARRER), N. hornibrooki MATSUMARL', sp. nov., N. howchini CIIAP:-.IA:" and CRESPIN, Eutepidina dilatata dilatata (MICIIE· LOTTI) (,:' ~,'(\j]IJ L 7':' .:::. 0) ·j ·t,, Nephrolepidina h.rl, t::.IMJ L "( IJ:. II ;j;.:f; J::. eFT- A I· 7 ~ T CO 'I' i-kl!tO)Jt!J.m ;J• •:., ,;·u 1',-j· ~:, N ephro!epidin a !:: lbli!d&~·]·l, f.!TfO) ;]:fili c, -& /.: :');)Ufil}~lf;f, ~IVJG!, K: )L If\ !lH Recently, VAN DER VLERK (1959, 1963l Introduction proved biometrically that there is a tend­ ency of the deuteroconch to enclose the The classification of the family Lepido­ protoconch with advance of age, that is cyclinidae has been established mainly on to say, from the lower horizon to the the structure of the embryonic chambers. younger. This tendency was designated Recently. with the progress of study on as embryonic acceleration of the lepido­ the lepidocyclinas, the structure of the cyclinas, and is important for studies on embryonic chambers has been classified the phylogeny of the lepidocyclinid spe­ into the isolepidine to nephrolepidine cies. types or the nephrolepidine to tryblio­ The writer examined some specimens lepidine types, and their degree of vari­ of lepidocyclinas from the Otaian, top ation within a species has also been Altonianjbasal Clifdenian and Waiauan studied. As the result, the lepidocyclinas stages of New Zealand for evaluation of with the isolepidine. nephrolepidine or the classification and evolution of the trybliolepidine types of embryonic cham­ family Lepidocyclinidae. In this article, bers should be reconsidered from the the New Zealand Nephro/epidina and Eu­ species level. lepidina are described in the systematics. The stratigraphic distributions of the and some species of the former genus two genera, Lepidocyclina with isolepi­ from Japan and Australia are compared dine type and Nephrolepidina with nephro­ with one another to interpret their phy­ lepidine type and with trybliolepidine logenetic interrelationship. type embryonic chambers. are known to have restricted ranges, but with over­ lapping one another. Acknowledgments Received Sept. 30, 1970; read Sept. 13, 1970 Deep appreciation is expressed to Dr. at Tokyo. N. de B. HORN !BROOK of the New Zealand. 179 180 Kuniten~ JI!IATSUMARU Geological Survey, for his kind offer of orakeiensis, sp. nov., Trybliolepidina aff. New Zealand lepidocyclinas from the howchini, Miogypsina cf. irregularis and Otaian, top Altonian/basal Clifdenian and Amphistegina lessoni. The planktonic W aiauan stages and to Prof. Kotara foraminifers from thi3 locality belong to HA TAl of the Institute of Geology and the range zone of Catapsydrax dissimilis. Paleontology, Tohoku University, for his kind helping in various ways and for reading of the manuscript, to Prof. Emeritus Dr. Shoshiro HANZA wA, Prof. Kiyoshi ASANO and Associate Prof. Ta­ mio KOTAKA of the same Institute, To­ o• hoku University, for their kind advice JAPAN .and criti::i:om during the present study. Localities, stratigraphic Positions and Ages The lepidocyclinas treated in this study are from four localities (Text-fig. 1). The descriptions of the larger foraminifers, stratigraphic position and· age of each locality are according to FINLAY (1947) and HORNIBROOK (personal communica­ o• tion). Locality 1. N18/569 (=GS733, same locality, but different collection times), south head of Hokianga Harbour on the ,, west coast, north of Auckland, North Island. The larger foraminifers from the "Orbitolite" bed at this locality are Eulepidina sp., Nephrolepidina orakeiensis, Miogypsina cf. irregularis and Amphiste­ gina lessoni. This bed belongs to the Otaian stage and has been correlated with the Aquitanian of the European ·standard stages. The bed has yielded such planktonic foraminifers as Globo­ 0 S CAL E 1000 KM .quadrina dehiscens, Catapsydrax dissimilis .and Globigerina woodi. Locality 2. NS0/825, Whakoau Stream, Text-fig. 1. Index map showing the local­ north of Gisborne on the east coast of ities of New Zealand lepidocyclinas. 1: the North Island. The larger foramini­ Auckland, 2: Gisborne, 3: Greymouth, 4: fers from the sandstone at the base of Pourere. The localities of Nephrolepidina the massive mudstone (Otaian), at this from Japan and Australia are shown by locality are Eulepidina sp., Nephrolepidina solid dots. .586. Nephrolepiclina and E1depiclina 181 Locality 3. S44/559, Alexander St .. Zealand lepidocyclinas occurred from the Greymouth on the west coast of the South Otaian, Altonian. Clifdenian and W aiauan Island. The larger foraminifers from stages. the base of the Blue Bottom Formation JENKINS (1966) established planktonic at this locality are Nephrolepidina sp., foraminiferal zones and judging from Trybliolepidina aff. batesfordensis. Hetero­ his zoning, the Otaian, Altonian, Clif­ stegina 2 spp., Cycloclypeus cf. posteidae denian and Waiauan stages are repre­ .dodekaseptus, Gypsina cf. howchini and sented by Globigerina woodi connecta, Amphistegina lessoni. The age of this Globigerinoides trilobus trilobus, Globi­ formation is at the boundary between gerinoides glomerosa curva and Globo­ the New Zealand top Altonian and basal rotalia mayeri mayeri zones, respectively. Clifdenian stages, corresponding almost HOR:\IBROOK (1967, fig. 4) correlated the to the base of the Langhian and at or New Zealand planktonic foraminiferal just below the earliest occurrence of zones of JENKINS with the Caribbean ·Globigerinoides glomerosus. planktonic foraminiferal zones of BoLLI Locality 4. F5938, Pourerere. east and BLOW. The New Zealand stages from ~oast of Dannevirke, North Island. The their respective planktonic foraminiferal larger foraminifers from the fine sand­ zones and occurrences of lepidocyclinas stone conglomerate and green sandstone are correlated with Zone N. 4, Zone N. -comprise Trybliolepidina n. sp. aff. rutteni. 7, Zone N. 8 and Zone N. 12 (?)- to Zone Heterostegina 2 spp., Cycloclypeus indo­ N. 13 of the proposed zonal series of pacificus var. terhaari, Operculina cf. vic­ BLOW (1969). toriensis 0. sp., 0. n. sp. aff. complanata :and Amphistegina lessoni. The plank­ Lepidocyclinas studied tonic foraminifer from this locality of the W aiauan stage is Globorotalia mayeri The lepidocyclinas from the four local­ mayeri, and corresponds to the upper ities stated above are of two types. One :stage of Indonesia. type is a small shell, less than 3.3 mm in diameter of the megalospheric form Notes on the Geology and less than 5.4 mm in diameter of the microspheric form, with less than 62 The marine Tertiary of New Zealand percent in the deuteroconch enclosure is distributed in the North Island in the of the protoconch (=factor A). The Auckland and Hamilton region, the east other type is a large shell, more than -coast region of Gisborne, Hawke's bay 6 mm in diameter and with more than region and the southwest coast of 70 percent in factor A value. The former Wanganui. In the South Island, they type belongs to the genus Nephrolepidina are mainly distributed in the east coast and the latter to Eulepidina. The genus region of Canterbury, the west coast Nephrolepidina is used in this paper, region of Greymouth and the south coast when the structure of the embryonic region of Clifden. chambers is the nephrolepidine type and Many stages have been proposed for the number of specimens possessing such Tertiary rocks, and these comprise the type exceeds 80 percent of the total ·stratigraphical scale of New Zealand number of specimens from one locality. (FINLAY and MARWICK, 1940, 1947). Ac­ The following four species were iden­ -cording to HORNIBROOK (1958), the New tified from the four localities. 182 Kuniteru MATSUMARU Locality 1. Neplzrolepidina orakeiensis From the factor A data of Nephro­ (KARRER) lepidina howchini from Australia, and· Eulepidina dilalata dilatata Nephro!epidina japonica and N. angulos([ (MICHELOTTI) from many localities
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