Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae (2002), vol. 72: 1-65. ALBIAN CORALS FROM THE SUBPELAGONIAN ZONE OF CENTRAL GREECE (AGROSTYLIA, PARNASSOS REGION) Elżbieta MORYCOWA1 & Anastasia MARCOPOULOU-DIACANTONI2 1 Institute o f Geological Sciences, Jagiellonian University, Oleandry 2a, 30-063 Kraków, Poland, e-mail:
[email protected] 2 Department o f Historical Geology and Paleontology, University o f Athens, Panepistimioupoli, 15784 Athens, Greece, e-mail:
[email protected] Morycowa, E. & Marcopoulou-Diacantoni, A., 2002. Albian corals from the Subpelagonian Zone of Central Greece (Agrostylia, Pamassos region). Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 72: 1-65. Abstract: Shallow-water scleractinian corals from Cretaceous allochthonous sediments of the Subpelagonian Zone in Agrostylia (Pamassos region, Central Greece) represent 47 taxa belonging to 35 genera, 15 families and 8 suborders; of these 3 new genera and 9 new species are described. Among these taxa, 5 were identified only at the generic level. One octocorallian species has also been identified. This coral assemblage is representative for late Early Cretaceous Tethyan realm but also shows some endemism. A characteristic feature of this scleractinian coral assemblage is the abundance of specimens from the suborder Rhipidogyrina. The Albian age of the corals discussed is indicated by the whole studied coral fauna, associated foraminifers, calpionellids and calcareous dinoflagellates. Key words: Scleractinia, Octocorallia, Pamassos, Greece, Albian, taxonomy, palaeogeography. Manuscript received 3 December 2001, accepted 8 April 2002 INTRODUCTION Several occurrences of Cretaceous scleractinian corals and Morycowa & Kołodziej (2001) on corals from the from Greece have been mentioned in the literature (see e.g., Agrostylia valley in Pamassos (Albian, corrected from Al Celet, 1962), but not many taxonomic studies have been bian- ?Cenomanian).