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UNITED STATES SUBMARINE VETERANS INCORPORTATED PALMETTO BASE NEWSLETTER May 2014 OUR CREED: To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds, and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation toward greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States of America and its constitution. UNITED STATES SUBMARINE VETERANS INCORPORTATED PALMETTO BASE NEWSLETTER May 2014 1 Meeting Minutes 3 Members 5 Honorary Members 5 Base Contacts 6 Birthdays 6 Welcome 6 Binnacle List 6 Quote of the Month 6 Word of the Month 6 CO’s Stateroom 7 XO’S Stateroom 8 Lost Boats 10 Picture of the Month 18 Featured World War II Submarine Commanding Officer of the Month 19 Member Profile of the Month 20 Traditions of the Naval Service 23 Dates in U.S. Naval History 24 U.S. Submarine History 29 Submarine Memorials 50 Monthly Calendar 53 Submarine Trivia 54 Advertising Partners 55 2 No Muster Sheet Received • The meeting location is at Jillian’s in the Vista, due to the State Museum tour • Tolling of the boats by Base Commander, Vice Commander and COB • Motion made and seconded to accept the previous month’s minutes as emailed • When asked by the CO, the membership responds that the Hunley tour was interesting and seeing the museum’s construction will usher in a new era for that building. It will also have 2 bars for those needing hydration (after 5pm, of course). • Base Commander informed the membership: o Base is looking into purchasing polo shirts with our info on them. The shirts will have a pocket, and will be around $24. The CO is looking into this and will keep the base posted. o The Secretary of Defense is considering closing every military base in South Carolina. Will keep the base posted. o April 23, 2014 will be the Veteran’s Rally at the Statehouse, beginning at 10am. The guest speaker is Mr. Haley, the Governor’s husband. Parking passes are available. o The VA is issuing new VA cards, due to the current ones being susceptible to social security issues (demonstrated by the CO at the meeting). The new cards will be mailed out in May. The VA website says that 6 million cards will be mailed, so patience may be needed. • Jim Null will accompany JC (Our D-day guest speaker) to Normandy, France, for a 10 day trip to commemorate D-day. 3 • Vice Commander will be participating on a charity motorcycle ride for the Carolina Sunshine Charity and 100% of the funds go to the charity. • A motion is made and seconded to donate $100 to the Vice Commander’s charity ride. • Base Commander questions the base as to the fate of the iron replica 30-foot Hunley submarine sitting near the parking lot of the State museum. The membership expresses interest in its fate. He and LE will investigate. • Buzz reminds us that the Poultry Festival is on May 10. A motion is made and seconded to participate in the Poultry Festival. • A motion is made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. 4 Brian Steffen Vice CDR : Tom Paige Jr. Vice CDR : Randy Browning Secretary : George “Scram” Kokolis Treasurer : J. P. Watson Chief of the Boat : Jim “Snake” Stark Chaplain : Bob Miller Bereavement Chair : Randy Browning Committee Chair : Tom O’Brien Events Chair : Allen “Buzz” Danielson Fund Raising Chair : Ted R. Schneeberg Kap(SS) 4 Kid(SS) Chair : Don Van Borsch Newsletter Editor : Randy Browning Ship’s Photographer : Jim Null Storekeeper : Mark Morgan Webmaster : Mark Basnight Milt Berkey John Jeffries Larry Peay James L. Charbonneau James N. Kirby Tommy Richardson Tracy R. Charbonneau Arnold Kirk James P. Scott D. W. Eggleston Donald Kline Leonard M. Snell Ronald Friend John J. Krause John Solis Julian Galloway Harold R. Lane L. E. Spradlin Joseph E. Gawronski Terry Matlosz Jerry Stout Joseph L. Geiger Charles Mink Thomas N. Thompson Glenn E. Harris Robert Molcan Jeffro M. Wagner William Hicks Davie Morningstar Robin White Stoney Hilton David Nates Michael Hoadley John Nesbitt Judy Cline Charlie MacKenzie Medal of Honor Recipient, Holland Club, Plankowner, Past District Commander, Past Base Commander, Past Vice Commander, Past Junior Vice Commander, Past Secretary, Past Treasurer, Past Chaplain, Palmetto Base Hall of Fame, Palmetto Silver Star Award 5 Commander : Brian Steffen (803) 897-2480 [email protected] Vice CDR : Tom Paige (803) 808-1801 [email protected] Jr. Vice CDR. : Jeffro Wagner (803) 600-3393 [email protected] Secretary : George Kokolis (803) 460-5882 [email protected] Treasurer : J. P. Watson (803) 361-4193 [email protected] COB : Jim Stark (803) 957-7153 [email protected] Chaplain : Bob Miller (803) 603-0538 [email protected] Bereavement : Randy Browning (803) 808-7065 [email protected] Newsletter : Randy Browning (803) 808-7065 [email protected] Storekeeper : Mark Morgan (803) 356-4529 [email protected] Glenn Harris – May 7th Dick Lane – May 12th Mark Basnight – May 15th Bob Miller Bob Miller’s daughter Evelyn Fuhr Julian Galloway “Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing.” Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) Coterie \ KOH-tuh-ree \, noun; 1. a group of people who associate closely. 2. an exclusive group; clique. 3. a group of prairie dogs occupying a communal burrow. Origin: Coterie is French in origin, originally used to refer to an association of tenant farmers. It entered English in the mid-1700s. Source: http://dictionary.reference.com/wordoftheday 6 Good Afternoon Gentlemen, April has come and gone and it has been quite a month. We participated in the Massing of the Colors, we took a tour of the South Carolina Museum and its Hunley exhibit (thank you L.E.), and were present when the governor’s husband spoke, so passionately about, veterans needs and congressional votes vital to our continued support. We supported our organization and veterans in general. Our next meeting will thankfully be back at the Flight Deck, some of our service last month was questionable, to say the least. I have in my possession one hundred of the Best looking challenge coins I have ever seen, but I am prejudice. The BOD voiced approval that the coins will be $10 each, or three for $25. You can see pictures of how they came out on Facebook, on the Palmetto Base site. The first brings with it recertification for me as service officer. I will be in Columbia for the 1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd for the DAV service officer recert and the DAV convention. I will have my cell phone with me, so if any needs arise, call. My number will appear at the bottom of the page. Lastly, are you enrolled with the VA for medical, if not, Why? Christmas has come and gone and we are not getting any younger. Time and again I have met veterans that have gone years paying for meds that would be free or greatly reduced at the VA. Did you ever get hurt on active duty, spend any time in the hospital or break a bone? If so and it still effects you today, let’s file a claim. It gets you a check for compensation, medical care for that ailment, and will help your daily life. There is NO charge, except your time. No one gets anything out of it, except you. I wish you all a good night, God Bless and see you at Flight Deck on the 20 th . Brian Commander Palmetto Base 7 Brothers of the Fin, Last month I mentioned one of the charity groups I work with “Carolina Sunshine Fund”. A litter background; Carolina Sunshine Fund grants wishes to kids in SC that have sever illnesses and 100% of all funds goes towards the wish. All administrative cost and the cost of chaperons accompanying the individual on a trip are at the expense out of pocket of the board members and chaperons. This year they hosted a motorcycle charity ride with riders requesting sponsors to pledge so much per mile ridden or just a pledge of a flat amount. There are several bike groups already committed to the ride scheduled for 26 Apr for the designated 100 mile, 200 mile, or 300 mile ride. I want to thank you for the sponsorship of the base and donations from many of the members. I road 216 miles of back roads and pot holes on 26 Apr and raised a total of $1,395.00 and the total collected for this charity event was just under $14,000.00. That is on average to grant 5 wish trips to child. On the ride, I met several other riders and people at our rest stops that had family member’s current on Subs or served on Subs in the past. Go Navy Beat Army! If you would like more information about the Carolina Sunshine Fund, here is the web link: http://www.carolinasunshine.org/Carolinasunshine/Carolina_Sunshine.html Our last meeting, along with the tour of the State Museum and the presentation of the history of the Hunley, was very informative. We have the 1 st Honor Flight of the year returning back from Wash. DC on Wed 7 May at around 1900 @ Columbia Airport. Let’s get out there and welcome the heroes of WWII and 8 Korea back from a very moving experience. If you never been to one it is a very hart warming event to be a part of and witness the looks of surprise and gratitude on the faces of our heroes. We also have our 1 st parade (The Poultry Festival Parade) to participate in on Sat 10 May.
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