Naval Juniorreserve ()Hiders
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 219 280 SE 038 787 e $ . AUTHOR ' Omans, S. E.; And Others TITLE Workbook for Naval Science 3: An Illustrated Workbook for the NJROTC Sjudent. Focus. on the Trained Person. Technical Report 124. INSTITUTION University of Central Florida, Orlando.. -, SPONS AGENCY Naval %Training Analysis and Evaluation Group, Orlando, Fla. PUB DATE May f2 GRANT N61339-79-D-0105 4 NOTE if 348p.- 4 ,EDRS PRICE MF01/PC14 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Astronomy; Electricity; High Schools; Instructional -Materials; *Leadership; Meteotiology; Military Science; *Military Training; *Physical Sciences; ( *Remedial Reading; *Secondary School Science; Workbooks' _ IDENTIFIERS Navaleistory; *Naval JuniorReserve ()Hiders . ,-..\ Traiffing torps , '-'--..... ..,. ABSTRACT This workbook (first in a series of three) - supplements the textbook of the third year Naval Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (NJROTC),program and is designed for NJROTC students who do not have the reading skillsOlecessary to fully benefit from the regular curriculum materidls. The workbook is written at the eighth-grade readability level as detprmined by a Computer Readability Editing System'analysis. In addition to its use in the NJROTC program, the wdrkbook may be useful in 'several remedial programs such as Academic Remedial Training(ART) and;the Verbal' Skills Curriculum,\Jzoth of which are offered at each 'of the three . RecruitTraining Com?nands to recruits deficient in reading or oral English skills.' Topics' in the workbook include naval history (1920-1945), leadership.characteristiCs, meteorology, astronomy, sand introductory electricity.'Exercises-include'vocabulary development, matching, concept application, and -extending Yearning actrties. (Author/JN) V 1' ****************************.0***,*************************************** * * Reproductions suppled'bi EDRS are the best that can be made. from- the oryiginal% document.
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