1 President’s Perspective Dear Florida Tech Alumni and Friends, You hear so often today that we live in a global economy in which every part is somehow connected to the whole. From my studies in systems analysis, this does not come as a surprise or particularly new infor- mation. What is new is the leveling of the playing field as best described by Thomas Friedman in his book, The World is Flat: a TODAY Brief History of the Twenty-First Century. Friedman’s main point is that http://today.fit.edu technology, transportation and communications have increased the Florida Institute of Technology speed of this transformation to “warp drive.” President Anthony James Catanese, Ph.D., FAICP Sr. Vice President for Advancement Kenneth P. Stackpoole, Ph.D. I am proud of the leadership that Florida Tech has taken in assoc. Vice President, university relations Wesley Sumner

this global transformation. Indeed, from our earliest beginnings, we Florida Tech TODAY is published three times a year have held a global view of education, research and service. We were by Florida Tech’s Office for Advancement and is distributed to over 50,000 readers. advancing technology, transportation and communication around MANAGING Editor/designer Judi Tintera, [email protected] Assistant Editor Karen Rhine, [email protected] the world from Ciudad Kennedy in Colombia to Beijing to Paris long COPY EDITOR Christena Callahan, [email protected] before the Internet, PDAs, cell phones and frequent flyer miles were Class Notes Reporter Verna Layman, [email protected] Contributing Writers Joan Bixby, Isabella D. Bunn, in vogue. Christena Callahan, Diane Deaton, Andy McIlwraith, Melinda Millsap, Ramon Torres Morales, Karen Rhine, My greatest surprise since becoming president has been the MaryEllen Roy, Rebecca Vick, Rosalind Weiss worldwide reputation of Florida Tech. Everywhere Provost Dwayne Production Marcos Delgado, Rob Gribbroek, Kristie Kwong Web LAYOUT Christena Callahan McCay and I have traveled, be it China, South America, Europe or CIRCULATION Julia Murray Photography Heather Emmert Cudmore, Ken Pacifica, we have discovered that Florida Tech is well-known and Droscher, Barry Eager, Peter Finger, Erin Frederick, highly regarded. Verna Layman, Billy Mims, Andrea Polito Photography, Inc., Florida Tech Athletic Communications staff In this issue of Florida Tech TODAY, we celebrate our long- Alumni Office held leadership in the global economy. AsSOCIATE Vice President for Advancement Sincerely yours, and Executive Director, Alumni Association Ken Droscher (321) 674-7191, [email protected] DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP, MARKETING AND PROGRAMS AND Associate Director, alumni association Diane Deaton (321) 674-7198, [email protected] A.J. Catanese, Ph.D., FAICP Assistant Alumni Director Marjorie Beckett ’98 (321) 674-7642, [email protected] President Administrative Clerk Hazel Rosskamp (321) 674-7190, [email protected] HOW TO KEEP IN TOUCH Florida Tech, Office of University Communications, 150 W. University Blvd., Melbourne, FL 32901-6975 (321) 674-6218, Fax (321) 674-6399, [email protected] Changing Addresses? Don’t leave copies of your alumni magazine behind. Send your new address to Florida Tech, Office of Alumni Affairs, 150 W. University Blvd., Melbourne, FL 32901-6975, [email protected] ADVERTISING SALES Ken Droscher, Office of Alumni Affairs, (321) 674-7191, [email protected]

At Charlton Park in Oxford, where College of President Catanese, center front, visits the town www.fit.edu Business Professor Isabella Bunn rents a flat, of Oxford with, from left: Charles Clemente, © Copyright 2009 by Florida Institute of Technology. are, from left: Ken Revay, Sara Catanese, Bunn, Provost T. Dwayne McCay, Phillip W. Farmer, All rights reserved. Reproduction by any means whole or in part without permission is prohibited. For reprint President Anthony J. Catanese, Mary Helen Dale Dettmer and Ken Revay. information, contact Florida Tech TODAY at (321) McCay and Pam Dettmer. 674-8963, Fax (321) 674-8606, or [email protected]. 2 In This Issue WINTER 2009 • Volume 17, Issue 3

Cover Story: Iceland is constructing a Feature: The extraordinary construction Members of the Caribbean Students state-of-the-art green campus. project at the Port of the Americas. Association at the homecoming barbecue. cover story 32 Energy and Achievement at the Crossroads of Europe and America alumni news Svafa Grönfeldt ’95 M.S., Ph.D., discusses building Iceland's international university. Travel Opportunities 9 features From the FTAA President 13 10 Lions and Tigers and Kangaroos ... oh my! Honorable Alumna 13 Alumna Monica Tyson ’86 M.B.A. reaches across the world to give to Florida Tech. On the Road 14

23 The Times They Are a-Changin’ Homecoming Fun! 16 Isabella D. Bunn, the Robert L. Long Professor of Ethics in the College of Business, In The Beginning ... 19 shares her perception of teaching in these turbulent times. 25 Where in the World is Sophia Carballo? EE Reunion Party 20 Catch up with some of our worldwide alumni in this trip around the globe. Delta Delta Tau Reunion 20

28 Up, Up and Away Physics and Space Sciences It's an experience of a lifetime for Nigerian students enrolled in our flight programs. Reunion and Symposium 20

30 Building the Future Logistics Hub for the Americas Alumni News Notes 61 Ramon Torres Morales ’89 M.B.A. discusses his role with Puerto Rico’s Port of the Americas Authority expansion project. 36 2007–2008 Honor Roll of Donors

Alumni Association departments Russ Ballagh ’74, President, Venice, FL (941) 493-1303; [email protected] President’s Perspective ...... 2 Faculty Profiles Loomis and Clapp . 21 Alan Prestwood ’73, ’80, Vice President, Mailbag ...... 4 Athletics ...... 58 West Melbourne, FL (321) 953-1541; On Campus ...... 5 Alumni News Notes ...... 61 [email protected] Mike Gordon ’94, ’00, Treasurer, Palm Bay, FL Advancement ...... 10 Calendar ...... 62 (321) 951-3826; [email protected] John Valente ’76, Secretary, Hampstead, NC (910) 270-8709; This issue’s cover: Svafa Grönfeldt is president of Iceland’s largest private university, Reykjavik University. [email protected]

Florida Tech TODAY | 3 Mailbag

Serious student on the upper left, is a group photo. Staying connected I attended Brevard Engineering The man in the dark shirt looks In addition to several responses College from 1960 through 1965 at like Ray Work, but lighter in body I got from alumni regarding my which time I received my B.S.E.E. weight than when I knew him. faculty profile in a recent Florida At that time all faculty and all I’d also met Dr. Keuper but didn’t Tech Today (Fall 2008), I students held full-time jobs at the really know him. received an e-mail message from Cape or at Patrick (AFB). There I don’t know if my reminis- one alumna who I hadn’t seen since was little, if any, free time for cences were interesting or not, but the mid-1980s. Patricia [Lindsay] either faculty or students, espe- I felt like writing them. Murphey (’85, marine biology) cially students. Most students RG Kunze ’65, electrical engineering wrote, “That was a great article— were in their 30s and had families. I did not realize you had been at To the best of my knowledge, all Missing organizations FIT for so long.” Trish told me students carried nine hours of I enjoyed reading the 50th about her family and her continu- classes and some carried even Anniversary issue of Florida Tech ing career in marine biology. Also, more. We were occupied with three TODAY. While perusing the list her contact with me allowed us to things: working, attending class of organizations which made/ make another connection, for she or doing homework. I was not the make FIT (I can’t stop calling it knew Beth Irlandi (DMES) when brightest bulb in the box but was that) great, one was conspicuously Dr. Irlandi was at the Institute of fortunate enough to do homework absent. The student chapter of the Marine Science at the University of with he who clearly was the bright- American Institute of Aeronautics North Carolina. Trish was my advi- est bulb in the box. That was John and Astronautics was, as I recall, see during her undergraduate years Krampert. He, Lou Bancroft and one of the largest organizations on here and had worked on physiology I regularly did homework together, campus back in the ’70s. It played a of brittlestars in my lab. and I dare say that both Lou and major role in my campus life at that I am glad the article gave me I learned as much from John time both because of the programs a chance to hear from Trish and Krampert as we did in class; presented (on and off campus) other alumni, and it is great to I am by no means belittling the and because of the opportunity know that many alumni remain BEC instructors. Except for one, it offered to network with “real connected with the university they were good people and good engineers” in the “space business.” through Alumni Affairs and are instructors. More specifically, membership in staying current with campus news. My memory of the campus, the AIAA was directly responsible Richard L. Turner, Ph.D. if you could call it that then, is of for my first job after graduating Associate Professor darkness and the barracks in which from FIT (oops, there I go again). Associate Department Head we attended classes. Most students Undergraduate Programs On a less serious note, I also Chair, Marine Biology Program were employed as technicians or noted the absence of DINK in engineers and already had more your list. Although this organiza- than a rudimentary understand- tion was not officially recognized Our apologies ing of things technical. One other by the school, it existed from In the last issue of Florida student and I were not part of that 1970 through at least 1974. The Tech TODAY, we failed to include group and therefore had difficulty bright purple and gold shirts could Alvaro Fuster as a member of the as the classes were tuned for the be seen on campus frequently 1991 men’s soccer team. Fuster and benefit of the larger number; that and membership included Greek his teammates were inducted into was the way it was and we lived brothers and sisters from multiple the Florida Tech Sports Hall of with it. fraternities and sororities (which is Fame on Oct. 17, 2008. While reading the magazine, I what upset the Greek community). was surprised to read on p.12 the The organization was formed as a statement that Harold Dibble counter to several fraternities actu- was the first dean. Could be, but ally forbidding pledges from having I’d never heard of him. For the five We'd love to hear from you. friends outside of the fraternity! Tell us what you'd like to see and give us years that I attended BEC, Ray Perhaps some mention of the omis- your responses to the articles you've read Work was the dean and inciden- sion can be made in the future. in the magazine. Send your comments to tally a fine gentleman. On p.16, Keep up the good work. Ken Droscher, [email protected]. Gary Bushko ’73, space sciences 4 On Campus

Shining Shah and volunteering. “My place,” For most international students, the transition to he says, “turned out to be university life is also a transition to American life, a everyplace.” combination of traditional growing pains and adjust- The electrical and computer ment woes with varying degrees of culture shock. engineering major from Kolkata, Kevin Shah’s was no exception. India, went on to become one of As a freshman, he wondered whether or not Florida Tech’s student orientation he had made the right decision in choosing Florida leaders and to co-found “37 Cents Tech. The people, the campus, the culture—every- Day,” a new campus tradition thing was a bit different than he’d expected. At one honoring Florida Tech’s inaugural point, he thought about transferring. contribution. But his anxiety didn’t last. According to Shah, Shah also hosted “Koffee Florida Tech’s large and active international student with Kevin,” a student-produced body, friendly community and wealth of opportuni- campus television talk-show, and ties not only helped him survive—they enabled him was named a “Student Leader of to thrive. the Year.” Today, the confident “The vast population of international students senior serves as president of the Kevin Shah serves as president of the provides a strong mix of perspectives, making this Student Government Association. Student Government Association. university a center for culture and learning. It’s a “I have made friends that I great venue in which to gain academic knowledge cherish. I have worked on numer- and new experiences,” says Shah. ous hands-on projects and learned so much that I So while his first year entailed “adjusting, learn- wouldn’t have any other place. And Florida Tech has ing the ways and finding my own place,” Shah spent allowed me to build a strong and diverse résumé,” every semester since getting involved in academic says Shah. “My experience here has been the best of clubs, participating in various student organizations my life.” Andy McIlwraith

How Old Are the Stars? Terry Oswalt, head of the department of phys- presents the 5th Annual Ruth Funk Lecturer in Textiles at ics and space sciences, won a National Science Foundation grant of more than Uncommon Threads: $380,000 for a unique approach to learning stars’ ages. He and Fashioning Kimono his team will determine ages by Featuring Annie Van Assche, Textile Artisan and Scholar studying the chromospheres, or Thursday, Feb. 19 outer atmospheres, of stars like Humanities Lecture Series “The Kimono and Western Dress in the Early 20th the sun. The research will take Century: A Revolution in Fashion” Free Admission, 7 p.m. several years because to view Gleason Performing Arts Center Terry Oswalt markers for activity and to get the Florida Tech Campus temperature of a white dwarf, each Friday, Feb. 20 10:30 a.m.: Lecture star’s light must spread out into a spectrum. Very 11:30 a.m.: Reception large telescopes are needed to gather enough light Noon: Luncheon Norma Canelas Roth, Honorary Chair to do this—an hour or two for each star is required. Detail of wedding Kimono; Taisho Period (1912–26); $60 per person Access time on the largest telescopes in the world Yuzen painted silk with gold couching and embroidery. (Proceeds to benefit Ruth Funk Center for Florida Tech Collection, 2007.23.11; Gift of William and Textile Arts at Florida Tech) is highly competitive. The research may also help to Norma Roth. Hartley Room, Homer Denius Student Center determine how much mass a white dwarf loses as it Florida Tech Campus Special guest: Annie Van Assche passes through the red giant stage. This is one of the A textile artisan and scholar, Annie Van Assche received an M.A. in Japanese Art History from the University of Hawaii. Her book, Fashioning Kimono: Dress and Modernity in Early most uncertain parts of stellar evolution theory. Twentieth-Century Japan (Milan, 2005), was published in conjunction with London’s More than a dozen undergraduates to date have Victoria & Albert Museum to accompany an international traveling exhibition. participated in Oswalt’s project. Graduate students Call Tama Johnson at (321) 674-6152 or Carla Funk at (321) 674-6129 or http://411.fit.edu/threads Merissa Rudkin and Kyle Johnston have under- taken dissertation projects directly related to it. Sponsors:

Florida Tech TODAY | 5 On Campus New Heights for Education with Governor’s School A $500,000 contract from the State of Florida Department of Education funded a joint initiative to plan the establishment of a Governor’s School for Science, Mathematics and Space Technology at or near Kennedy Space Center (KSC). The collaboration is between Florida Tech, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and Florida State University. The mission of the school, for grades 9–12, is to provide advanced educa- tional opportunities in the areas of science, biology, mathematics, engineering and technology in a resi- Research Explores Disturbed dential setting. Also, it will offer teachers summer David Cook with President Mark Bush Forest Bounce-back Time professional development Catanese Mark Bush, professor of biological sciences, opportunities in these subject areas. There are almost earned a coveted National Science Foundation Grant 20 such Governor’s Schools throughout the country. of $590,000 to research the extent to which indig- Thad Altman, chair of the House Innovation enous peoples impacted the Amazonian forest prior Appropriation Committee, and Florida Senator Steve Wise, chair of the Senate Education Appropriation to European arrival. Florida Tech’s portion of the Committee, led the effort to obtain the funding. grant is about $407,000; scientists at the University David Cook, head of the Florida Tech depart- of Florida and Wake Forest University will share the ment of science and mathematics education, balance. coordinates the effort. He and Florida Tech graduate students Crystal McMichael, Alejandra Restrepo and Marco Raczka will test the hypothesis of widespread human manipu- lation of the forest by conducting soil core analyses UA Enrollment Grows Fast across the entire length and breadth of Amazonia in Dale Robson is the first graduate of Florida two seasons. Their research will answer whether it Tech’s University Alliance undergraduate online takes a relatively short time for an Amazonian rainfor- program. Earning an associate degree in liberal arts, est to assemble, recovering from human disturbance Robson is office manager in the Charles and Ruth in a couple of hundred years, or that the Amazonian Clemente Center for Sports and Recreation. rainforests are essentially undisturbed over thousands Fifteen new undergraduate and graduate online of years and they would not necessarily bounce back degree programs have been launched since March well if disturbed by human activity. 2008 through the university’s partnership with The Amazon Basin, located primarily in Brazil, University Alliance, a division of Bisk Education. stretches into Peru and several other countries. Online enrollment for Fall 1 2008 was 1,031 under- Primarily dense tropical forest, the area has been graduate and 424 graduate students. For more continuously inhabited for more than 12,000 years. information visit www.floridatechonline.com.

LEGO Kick-off Event A group of National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) members attended the LEGO kick-off meeting in September. As part of their community outreach efforts, the students plan to mentor LEGO robotics classes at University Park Elementary School and Stone Middle School to help stimulate interest in engineering careers. Pictured from left are Christine Flemming, Charmaine Flemming, Jamarus Brooks, McKena Richardson, Mamie Taylor, Charles Anodjo and Ayuba Audu. 6 On Campus

Research Lab in Washington, D.C., demonstrat- Biology Inspires Computer ing the simulation environment that has begun to Security Research produce results. Richard Ford, computer sciences associ- ate professor and director of Florida Tech’s Harris Researcher Earns $589,000 Institute for Assured Information, was awarded a $1.85 million contract from the U.S. Army Research Homeland Security Grant Laboratory (ARL) to continue his research developing The Department of Homeland Security a biologically inspired tactical security infrastructure Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO) (BITSI) for military computing and disaster relief approved second-year funding of $589,000 operations. The funding continues work he began in to Marcus Hohlmann, associate professor 2007 under $954,000 from the ARL. of physics and space sciences, to continue Collaborating with him is a team led by Marco investigating the use of subatomic particles for Carvalho from the Institute for Human & Machine detecting hidden nuclear materials in cargo. Cognition (IHMC), a not-for-profit research laboratory. The funding extends the work Hohlmann “There is great technology out there on the began in 2007 with a DNDO investment. Marcus Hohlmann battlefield,” Ford said. “Information superiority allows The project now totals $818,000. for much smaller forces accomplishing incredible Hohlmann is principal investigator (PI) tasks.” However, soldiers on the field don’t want to be on the grant and Debasis Mitra, Florida network engineers—they want to do their job and get Tech associate professor of computer science, back home without having to worry how to manage is co-PI. Also on the team are Kondo their computers. Gnanvo, post-doctoral researcher; Richard To create systems that are more difficult to Hoch, master’s student; Amilkar Quintero compromise, Ford and his team are viewing a system Segovia, doctoral student; and undergradu- as you would the human body. When attacked, the ates Patrick Ford, Jennifer Helsby and Debasis Mitra immune system switches on. They’re building David Peña. Helsby recently received an award from artificial immune systems, stealing from Mother the Florida Academy of Sciences for a presentation Nature by design. on this research. On Ford’s team are department of computer For their simulations, the team is using Florida science faculty Gerald Marin and William Allen. Tech’s most powerful high-performance computing To date, the project has helped support nine under- cluster, which was built by students. The cluster is on graduate and graduate students. a national computing grid. The initial results, Ford says, are good. He has already presented and published papers on BITSI. Survey Confirms Parents’ His team has also briefed personnel at the Army Fears, Confusion Over Autism Poll Results Help Explain Growing Number of Measles Infections The first national survey of attitudes toward autism reveals that a small but significant percent- age of people still believe the disease is caused by childhood vaccines. The survey of 1,000 randomly selected adults was conducted by Florida Tech’s School of Psychology. Nearly one in four (24 percent) said that because vaccines may cause autism it was safer not to have children vaccinated at all. Another 19 percent were not sure. This comes at a time when the Centers for Disease Control reports that autism affects one in 150 children born in the United States. Scientists say there is no evidence linking vaccines and autism, but the lingering fear is leading Richard Ford was awarded a contract to continue his research. Continued on page 8 Florida Tech TODAY | 7 On Campus

Continued from page 7 The telephone interviews were conducted between to fewer parents having their children vaccinated and Aug. 1 and Aug. 29 by GDA Education Research, a growing number of measles infections. The New Mount Pleasant, S.C. York Times reported in August that measles cases In addition to asking whether a link exists in the first seven months of 2008 grew at the fast- between autism and childhood vaccines, the survey est rate in more than a decade and cases in Britain, explored people’s knowledge of the disease, their Switzerland, Israel and Italy are said to be soaring. exposure to people with autism and their support for The public’s concern over vaccines stems from early intervention programs. a controversial 1998 British study linking autism and the MMR vaccine. Other childhood vaccines at the time contained the mercury-based preserva- New Program Involves tive thimerosal. The British study was later retracted by most of its authors and thimerosal was removed Former Astronaut, from all childhood vaccines in 2001, but responses to the just-completed survey show the public is still Collaborates with Starfighters confused. Florida Tech was awarded $500,000 from the The survey asked specifically about the link Florida Governor’s Office of Tourism, Trade and between the preservative and autism. Nineteen Economic Development for the Florida Suborbital percent of the respondents agreed with the state- Commercial Research & Training Program. Former ment: “Autism is caused by a preservative once found astronaut Sam Durrance, Florida Tech in childhood vaccines.” An additional 43 percent professor of physics and space sciences, were not sure, meaning fewer than half (38 percent) will direct the effort. of the respondents believe no link exists between the The program was initiated to vaccine and autism. attract new business to the Kennedy Part of the confusion may stem from the fact Space Center (KSC) launch site. This that the cause of autism is unknown, according effort pursues the new suborbital to Florida Tech Assistant Professor of Psychology personal spaceflight industry by using Sam Durrance Celeste Harvey. More than three in four respon- Florida’s space assets and know-how in dents (76 percent) to the national survey agree with two key markets: space and tourism. the statement: “At this time, scientists don’t know Florida Tech is collaborating with Starfighters exactly what causes autism.” Inc. of Clearwater, Fla., using the company’s F-104 “Fear of the unknown, coupled with anxiety over former military jet. The private aircraft is capable of the growing incidence of the disease, may be leading simulating the path a horizontally launched space- people to draw their own conclusions,” said Harvey. flight might take out of KSC, as well as speeds that The poll has a plus or minus 3.1 percent confi- would create the sonic booms at a similar location dence interval at a 95 percent level of confidence. and altitude. The plane’s G-forces, altitude and speed support research projects in a high-stress flight envi- ronment. Add to this the disorientation created by the flight, and the plane can simulate for tourists a suborbital space mission. Joining in the program are the NASA KSC Technology Office, NASA’s Shuttle Landing Facility,

Melbourne International Airport, the Federal Aviation Authority, United States Air Force 45th

Space Wing and Brevard Regional Hyperbaric

Center’s therapy chamber.

Florida Tech and Starfighters will develop an

education outreach program for sixth through 12th grade students. The program’s focus will be on the use of the only commercially available sonic aircraft in the country to teach classes in aerodynamics, high altitude and sonic flight.

8 TM Alumni Association Exciting Travel Opportunities!

Peru: Ancient Land Bahamas Cruise—Oct. 12 California–New Year’s of Mysteries—June 23 Take a four-night cruise and Getaway—Dec. 29 Featuring Machu Picchu complete the week at the 2009 Enjoy the next holiday season in Florida Institute of Technology and Lake Titicaca leisure and experience once in a • Travel to Peru and experience some Homecoming Festivities! lifetime opportunities. • Take Royal Caribbean International Cruise of the world’s most intriguing and • Go behind the scenes to observe Lines’ Monarch of the Seas departing from mysterious cultures and beauty the magnificent floral floats being Cape Canaveral on Monday afternoon, Oct. • Enjoy the breathtaking voyage through decorated for the Tournament of Roses 12, 2009, and cruise to the Bahamas the Andes to Machu Picchu aboard the Parade • Return the morning of Friday, Oct. 16 and Vistadome train • Enjoy reserved seats at the amazing enjoy a weekend of fun and friendship with • Meet the indigenous Indians of the “Glory of Christmas Show” at the former students and faculty members during floating islands on Lake Titicaca and Crystal Cathedral Homecoming learn of their culture • Attend a New Year’s Eve Gala Dinner • Ports of Call include: Coco Cay–a private • Visit Cuzco, the former capital of the Dance with live entertainment and a island in the Bahamas and Nassau, Bahamas Inca Empire, and the Sacred Valley champagne toast to the New Year! • Ship features include: Rock climbing wall, of the Incas and experience a blend • Sit in reserved section seats and watch sushi bar, casino, two outdoor pools, teen- of Inca culture and Spanish colonial firsthand the Pasadena Tournament of only areas, day spa, fitness center and more! influence Roses Parade Fares: Inside Cabin $351 per person based on double occupancy. Land only tour: $2,499 per person based on double Land only tour: $1,249 per person based on double Cabin of four: $1,214 occupancy and includes 13 days and 20 meals (Air travel occupancy and includes five days and six meals. (Air Ocean view cabin: $376 per person based on double occupancy. priced separately through various gateway cities.) travel priced separately through various gateway cities.) Cabin of four: $1,264 Featured departure date: June 23, 2009, other dates Departure date: Dec. 29, 2009 Junior Suite with Balcony: $776 per person available as needed. One person in each cabin must be 21 years of age. Prices include port taxes, charges and fuel supplement. A deposit of $200 is due at booking and is fully refundable up to the due date for final payment on July 27, 2009. $50 from each passage will be returned to the Florida Institute of Technology Alumni Association.

For more information on these trips, contact Diane Deaton • [email protected] • (321) 674-7198

Florida Tech TODAY | 9 Monica Tyson hits the links at the Federal Golf Course in Canberra, Australia. Avoiding the kangaroo obstacles on the fairway is a highlight of Australian golfing!

Lions and Tigers and Kangaroos ... oh my! Alumna Reaches Across the World to Give to Florida Tech

Monica Tyson ’86 M.B.A. has given consis- Corp. I was interested in earning my M.B.A., as my tently to the Florida Tech Fund for nearly a focus has always been in working on the applied side of information technology … that is, utilizing decade, keeping in touch with the university technology to accomplish business goals. I obtained while pursuing a career in Australia. Donor my M.B.A. from Florida Tech while working full Relations Manager Melinda Millsap asked time, and without this flexibility, I would not have Tyson to share her thoughts about Florida been able to achieve this. The M.B.A. helped me Tech and charitable giving with Florida Tech further my knowledge of business. Though I did not rely on having a master’s degree to get my first job, TODAY readers. having the degree, combined with my work experi- ence, was certainly a factor in all other positions I Q: What inspires you to support Florida Institute have obtained over my career. An M.B.A. degree is of Technology? recognized worldwide as a level of accomplishment in The education I received (both bachelor’s business education. and M.B.A.) has served me well over the course of my career, and I believe the support I provide helps with Q: What do you remember most about your the education of the next generation. experience here? I really enjoyed the way the M.B.A. program Q: How has your education at Florida Tech helped used a combination of full-time professors and you in your successful career? adjunct professors from the community. I remember I received a Bachelor of Science in Business taking a project management class from a NASA Administration (BSBA) with a major in computer project manager—talk about bringing practical and information science (CIS) from the University experience to the classroom. of Florida. My first job out of school was at Harris 10 Advancement

Q: What led you to pursue a career in Australia? subsidiary company (Formation Data) to focus on the I initially moved to Australia just over three data management niche within IT. years ago for personal reasons. When I first Q: What would you like to say to the readers? arrived, I worked as a specialist consultant in Data I am a believer in education because of the Warehousing and Enterprise Reporting and my strong base my education gave me to not only start client was the Australian Taxation Office. After but sustain my career. I would like to challenge those two years of dedicated work at the Tax Office, I who have graduated to continue to give back. Also, was ready for a change, as I felt I had successfully the world is a small place. If you can travel, see other transitioned (both personally and professionally) to parts of the world. Obviously the Internet has living in Australia. I began to look for opportunities made the world reachable to everyone. Florida Tech and was introduced to the two owners of Dialog has always had a strong international focus—take Information Technology, a privately held consulting advantage of it! group. The timing was right to start up a specialty Melinda Millsap

Capital Campaign Continues Toward Successful Completion The Golden Anniversary Campaign for Florida In 2008, several awards became endowed when Tech is on course for successful completion by its donations reached the required $25,000 such as the target, September 2009. J. Clayton Baum Award, mentioned on the next page. The campaign is transformative in much the Many companies have come forward to match same way the F.W. Olin Foundation gifts of the gifts. One company that has matched employee gifts late 1990s changed our campus. Its goals are more for three years is Modus Operandi, an Indialantic far-reaching, affecting each of our six colleges with software products and consulting firm led by Peter plans for new buildings, more scholarships and Dyson ’85, chairman and CEO. Heading the compa- more fellowship opportunities for our students, and ny’s matching effort is Vic Ross ’90. The firm’s staff endowed chairs to lure the best and brightest faculty of 40 includes nine Florida Tech alumni. to campus. Also, at year’s end, Father Doug Bailey, Hundreds of donors with gifts large and small Catholic campus chaplain, received an unexpected are ensuring the campaign’s success. $100,000 gift to renovate the All Faiths Chapel. Major donations have made possible buildings Think of an academic unit, fraternity, club, going up on the campus today, such as the Scott service or fund. Picture in your mind the campus Center for Autism Treatment, Ruth Funk Center and think how the campaign is invigorating every for Textile Arts, Emil Buehler Center for Aviation corner. This campaign is leaving every inch of Florida Training and Research, and the Harris Center for Tech touched—for the better. Science and Engineering.

The Emil Buehler Center for Aviation Training and Research is about four weeks from completion in this photo. Dedication day is Feb. 20.

Florida Tech TODAY | 11 Speedy Endowment

Clayton Baum and under- graduate student Whitney Rieks in the glassblowing laboratory, making glass tubing connectors.

A professor’s popularity helped put an endowed have so quickly contributed to funding this impor- scholarship in his name over the top posthaste. tant award. This exceeded my expectations and The J. Clayton Baum Award, as all confirms how well Dr. Baum is regarded by alumni and friends. We have begun a tradition of giving by endowed scholarships, requires $25,000 to Florida Tech chemistry department alumni. I can’t become an endowment. think of a better way for alumni like myself to say Andrea Chase, a current chemistry graduate thank you to a current faculty member who has given student of Baum’s, expressed to her husband Scott so much to the students and university,” said Zung. Chase ’02 how much she appreciated her teacher Fueling the endowment campaign, a department and told him of the endowment fund. The couple of chemistry golden anniversary reception, given in wrote a check for $10,000, which brought the endow- honor of Baum, took place last August. Donations ment campaign to its goal. went to the chemistry award, which acknowledges Once set in motion, scholarship endowments Baum’s continuing dedication, devotion and service typically take about five years to establish. Baum’s to Florida Tech and the department of chemistry. endowment took just 18 months. At the university since 1979, Baum has been a “Professor Clayton Baum has conducted truly mentor and adviser to hundreds of undergraduate innovative molecular spectroscopy research and and graduate students. The scholarship honors his shared this passion with students at Florida Tech commitment and is the first award of its kind for the for nearly 30 years. Through the generous support department of chemistry. of Jonathan Zung ’86 and many other donors, the Zung is a vice president leading the global proj- endowment will allow our department of chemistry ect management organization at Bristol-Myers Squibb to reward outstanding chemistry students in Dr. in Princeton, N.J. Baum’s name,” said Kenneth Stackpoole, senior The Florida Tech department of chemistry vice president for advancement. graduated its first student in 1978 when there were Zung initiated the endowment, which will annu- only three faculty members in the department. In ally recognize an outstanding chemistry major in the 2009, with 14 faculty now teaching, the department junior year, based on academic and research achieve- will graduate its 150th chemistry student. Chemistry ments. faculty members publish an average of 40 papers “It is rewarding to see that alumni, friends of annually. Dr. Baum and current chemistry department faculty Karen Rhine 12 Alumni News from the FTAA President From the desk of Association President Russ Ballagh ’74 On behalf of the alumni association and its board of directors, I thank everyone who came home for our alma mater’s 50th anniversary! After three years of board member organizing and planning, led by John Valente ’76, chair of the alumni association’s 50th anniversary committee, my sense and that of others is that the events and activities of the week could not have been more rewarding. Congratulations to the organizing committee and to the entire board for going above and beyond to make the associa- tion-sponsored events truly reflective of the importance of this special anniversary. And, thank you to the scores of volunteers who performed magnificently. Special thanks also to the Office of Alumni Affairs team, the university’s food service, instructional technologies, auxiliary enterprises, security and facilities management. All of these organizations put in an extraordinary number of hours to make alumni, family and friends feel welcomed. Also deserving a big “thank you” are the folks who worked on: the Evans Library history exhibits, the department of physics and space sciences alumni reunion, all of the department of athletics’ outstanding events and special Sports Hall of Fame induction ceremony, the “Abstracted Views” art exhibit hosted by Liz Schafer ’85 and Frits van Eeden, the fabulous College of Aeronautics events, the department of science and math education open house and more. Over 80 entries joined in the parade as it snaked the 2.1-mile route through campus and out onto Babcock. The weather could not have been more cooperative. Where the parade ended, the all-campus and community barbecue began in Panther Plaza. More than 700 were served. The Saturday evening anniversary celebration dinner was a rousing success as 350 attendees enjoyed the performance of the Amazing Kreskin, brief presentations and a special perfor- mance led by President Catanese and his band, TWITCHY. The Office of Student Affairs and a large cast of students threw themselves into preparing for the week. Kudos go to the Student Homecoming Committee for the wonderful events they led. These were Wacky Wars, Caribbean Students Association Talent Show, King and Queen competition, ice hockey match, office decorating contest, and their organization and participation in the Homecoming Parade. The student King and Queen competition has become synon- ymous with community service. This year, more than $1,500 was raised during the course of Homecoming events to be donated evenly to the United Way and to Doctors Without Borders. I join you in being extremely proud of our students and this is just one more reason why. And to all the affinity groups who organized reunions—the DDTs, AEPis, Pikes, Caribbean Students Alumni Association, the ’73 electrical engineering alumni who were hosted by Dr. John and Fran Hadjilogiou (special thanks to Ben Arnold ’73) and more—thank you all! Finally, it was the great philosopher Yogi Berra who said, “It ain’t over ‘til it’s over.” More special activities are being planned, and we invite you to join us again over the coming year and at Homecoming 2009, Oct. 14–17, to participate. Coming soon are the dedication of the Keuper statue, the burial of a time capsule, an ending 50th anniversary celebra- tion banquet and more! See more Homecoming photos starting on page 16. Ad Astra per Scientiam! Honorable Alumna Confirmed in April 2008 by the United States Senate, Catharina Haynes ’83 received her judicial investiture to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit last September. Her court hears appeals from the federal district courts of Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. Formerly a state court judge in Texas as well as an attorney in private practice, Haynes graduated first in her class at Florida Tech at age 19 and from law school at age 22.

Florida Tech TODAY | 13 Alumni News Charlotte

Alumni Receptions Reconnect Old Friends and Make New Ones

President Anthony J. Catanese and Associate Vice President for Advancement Ken Droscher lunched in this Charlotte, N.C., airport restaurant. Hanging upside down above them was NASCAR icon Joe Nemechek’s car. Nemechek attended Florida Seattle Tech 1982–1984.

In the Space Needle, with a wide view of Seattle on a sunny day, are from left, Steve Stewart ’83 M.B.A. and Jerome ’00 Gathered round the table, from left, are: Kristopher Groble ’08, Alex and Marie King. Zambelli ’02, Phung and Terry Lentz ’02, Richard and Meghan Wright ’01, Mary Crawford and Dwayne Codrington ’04. San Francisco

Smiling sisters Alys Thomas ’04, left, and Myssa Thomas.

John Compisi ’79, left, and Hafeez Raja ’85 enjoy a snack and conversation. Enjoying an evening get-together at famous Fisherman’s Wharf are, from left, Douglas Heath ’82, Hafeez Raja ’85, Glenn Woodson ’91, Karen Woodson, Ann Garbarino and Kouros Mohit ’77.

14 Alumni News Los Angeles Dallas

At a memorable reception on the Queen Mary are, from left, James “Jake” Jacobs ’89, Tiffany Jacobs, Greg DePaul and Anne Marie DePaul-Haddock ’02. The leader of the Panthers, President Anthony J. Catanese, left, chats at a Frisco ballpark with Panther-hatted Henry Heflich ’73, Joe Zinser ’70, Senior Vice President for Advancement Ken Stackpoole and Mike Huntsville Fladmark ’72. Pikes (Pi Kappa Alpha) Heflich, Zinser and Fladmark continue their community outreach with John McLellan ’69, building ramps for the disabled in the Texas Ramp Project. Miami

U.S. Army Capt. Jesse Rostveit ’04 joined in the alumni recep- tion in Huntsville, Ala., last May. He shared this photo of himself taken in Nairobi, Kenya, where he regularly goes to teach “The Military Decision-Making Process” as part of an exchange program with the Kenyan Army. Rostveit is currently based at Fort McPherson in Atlanta, Ga., where he works as an intelligence officer for the U.S. Army Central Command. The Miami Beach reception at the Hotel Ganesvoort South brought together alumni from the College of Aeronautics, College of Science and College of Engineering. On left, from front: Rebecca Cheng ’92, In Town Frank Cheng ’91, Anthony J. Catanese and Mary Droscher. On right, from front: Charles Cheng ’90, Ken Stackpoole, Martha Cheng and Edward Cheng ’95.

Pictured from left are Charles Cheng, Leila Ripich and Peter Ripich ’87. The Science and Mathematics Education Reunion on campus last August drew more than 70 alumni to campus for an evening of food, fun and reconnecting. From left are Kyle Melancon ’08, Erin Roberts-Melancon, David D’Agostino ’08, Carolyn (Salois) Horst ’08 and Joshua Horst ’03.

Guest speakers were Delilah Caryl and Steven Forma, Narvaez ’91, Brevard County 1974 graduates, show their 2008 Teacher of the Year, sense of fun by dressing in Joining former dean of the College of Aeronautics Ken Stackpoole and Tracey Bailey ’88, matching outfits. at left is a graduate of that college, Chris Larson ’85 and wife Rosa. ’95 M.S. Bailey was 1994 National Teacher of the Year. Florida Tech TODAY | 15 Homecoming Fun!

Members of the Caribbean Students Association, one of the largest campus organizations, pose at the homecoming barbecue.

Sanctuary, a primarily alumni band, performs at the Panthereum during the Homecoming barbeque. Lauren Cosentino, 2007 Palm Bay Idol and daughter of civil engineering professor Paul Cosentino, also sang. From left are Dan Tesenair on guitar, Michael Baranishyn ’08 MBA on bass, Reggie Campos ’93 on drums, John Karp ’87, vocals, and Jim Taylor ’92 on guitar.

Penny and Bill Creed ’72 M.S

An Alpha Tau Omega member or Jimi Hendrix?

Alpha Epsilon Pi on the parade route 16 at the PARADE, P I C N I C a n d Homecoming Fun! BANQUET

Florida Tech’s ROTC cadets join the parade. From left are President Anthony J. Catanese and Sara Catanese enjoying the festivities. Christopher Thompson, Anuska Boyd, Leslie Agudelo and Josiah Padowitz.

The Amazing Kreskin wows the audience at the 50th Anniversary Celebration Dinner. Diego Rincon is the 2008 Skurla Award winner.

U.S. Congressman Dave Weldon, left, enjoys the 50th Anniversary Celebration Back at their alma mater are, from left: Wilbur Rebecca Lambert ’91 and William Duffield ’76 Dinner with Ken Stackpoole, senior vice Mathurin ’99, ’01 M.S.; Georgiana Mathurin ’99; president for advancement. and Valentino Sawney ’07. Florida Tech TODAY | 17 Earn your choice of rewards with the ONLY card that supports Florida Institute of Technology!

The exclusive Florida Institute of Technology Select Available in two designs Rewards Visa® Card lets you support valuable alumni, that let you show your Panther Pride! student and athletic programs at the Florida Institute of Technology, while you earn points redeemable for virtually any type of reward. Select Rewards Card benefits: Apply Today! • 1,000 bonus points with your first purchase • Rewards points with every net purchase, and rewards CALL 888-327-2265 ext. 9344, or starting at just 1,500 points1 • Your choice of almost any reward—gift certificates, VISIT usbank.com/FIT1208 electronics, groceries, free travel…even cash back! Other cardmember benefits include: • Low introductory rate2 • No annual fee • 100% fraud protection2

1Accounts must be open and in good standing (not past due) to earn and redeem rewards. 2Some limitations may apply. Details will be provided when you become a cardmember. U.S. Bank National Association ND is creditor and issuer of the Florida Institute of Technology Alumni Association Visa Card. © 2008 U.S. Bank 18 Alumni News In the Beginning ... Thomas E. Bowman, Ph.D.

Thomas E. Bowman, Ph.D., is eight-to-10-foot one of those proverbial apples you hear sailboats as a about who didn’t fall too far from the hobby. As head tree. Robert Bowman, his dad, was of a household, an engineer who invested 22 years of he became inter- his life at Westinghouse Pittsburgh’s ested in bare- Nuclear Energy Division. Dad became boat chartering, Admiral Rickover’s director of engi- which allowed neering on the U.S. Navy’s first for many vaca- nuclear submarine contract. After leav- tions cruising the ing that job, he crowned another career Caribbean. The at Bechtel, developing peaceful uses of family’s interest nuclear power. in boating waned Bowman graduated from high after the kids school in San Francisco. He received grew up, though. both bachelor’s and master’s degrees He said he hasn’t in mechanical engineering from been out on the California Institute of Technology. family’s sailboat M.I.T. and Northwestern accepted him for four or five for a Ph.D. program, but Northwestern, years. coming through first with an assistant- After he ship, made his choice easier. graduated from He met Ritva, his future wife, Northwestern, at a New Year’s Eve dance. She was Bowman worked from Finland and loved sailing, as in aerospace he did. The couple’s four children, technology for Paul, Katrina, Mark and Tony, are Martin Marietta all grown now. Paul and Mark live in in Denver. When Pennsylvania, and Katrina and Tony research money Tech were spent directing the Office of live locally. dried up, he went overseas to England International Academic Programs, seek- Because the couple moved to and taught for a while at the University ing and developing international oppor- Florida with four children under eight- of Reading. Hoping to continue teach- tunities for the university. years-old, they practically selected a ing back in the States, he wrote to a Bowman looks back at what he home on the mainland instead of the former Cal Tech professor and learned believes was one of the university’s beach. However, the family has always that a new college in Florida was seek- strong points—the teamwork long ago enjoyed water sports, particularly ing faculty members. between the science and engineering boating. Bowman’s love of boating He applied and in 1969 Roman departments. “The groups functioning as dates back to college where he raced Johns hired him to teach in the one ensured an all-time high camarade- department of space tech- rie that brought strength to the univer- nology. In 1972 he became sity,” he recalls. the first faculty member The integration of science and in mechanical engineer- engineering inevitably caused some ing. When he retired in consternation, however. Working in the 2004, Bowman had served Crawford Building one day, he urgently as head, department of responded to screams in the building. mechanical engineering; It turned out that Florida Tech had dean, College of Science purchased a school, the International and Engineering; acting Graduate School for Behavioral Studies, dean, College of Science and they were practicing primal scream and Liberal Arts; dean, therapy. College of Engineering; Returning to past days, Bowman’s dean of the Graduate mind floods with memories of faculty School and associate picnics and parties at Christmas as vice president for academic well as baseball and softball games. MG fanciers Tom Bowman and Jerry Keuper in 1982. affairs. “Revay and Weber were both really The last 15 years of his good,” he recalls. “We had a lot of fun 35-year career at Florida in those days.” Joan Bixby ’75 M.S.

Florida Tech TODAY | 19 Alumni News

Electrical Engineering Reunion Party Delta Delta Tau Reunion

Ben Arnold ’73 organized a reunion for 1973 electrical engineer- The huge turnout from Delta Delta Tau is apparent in this ing graduates. At left, Professor John Hadjilogiou, who has taught photo taken at their Homecoming 2008 celebration at the in the department for 39 years, opens a gift from the class. The Crowne Plaza Beachside. party was held at “Dr. Hadj’s” Indian Harbour Beach home.

Physics and Space Sciences Reunion and Symposium To kick off the university’s Golden Anniversary Celebration, the department of physics and space sciences hosted its inaugu- ral Alumni Reunion and Symposium. About 150 attended the three-day event, held October 10–12. “It was fitting, as this was one of our original academic departments,” said Professor Terry Oswalt, department head. Today, it is one of the largest under- graduate programs of its kind in the nation. Photo at right: Speaking in the F.W. Olin Engineering Complex auditorium, Huey-Chin Ho earned Florida Tech’s first doctoral degree in physics. She is now vice president for operations at Gooch & Housego, an electro-optics firm.

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20 Faculty Profiles Real Life Meets Academic Studies

Ordering textbooks … participating in weekly chat sessions … leading military troops … it’s all in a day’s work for Florida Tech students serving in the military.

Two University College faculty members Robert Loomis and David Clapp share their experiences of teaching master’s degree courses to military personnel deployed in Iraq, including Baghdad and other areas. Both men are accomplished educators, are retired from military service and, most importantly, understand the demands of a military career. Florida Tech has a history of working with the military and aerospace. Current students and alumni are truly international in scope. From Canada to China, Greece to New Zealand, University College provides the opportunity for active military personnel and civilians to earn a degree wherever they may be located. One student explained, “… to be honest with you, reading the textbooks keeps me from drowning in the madness around here.”

Robert Loomis: David Clapp: On war-zone On what motivates assignment locations: military students: “I generally have “I am sure it gives several students per semes- them a real sense of ter who are either deployed accomplishment to make to a foreign location, on progress or even complete a maneuvers in the United degree while deployed in a States or at sea with the war zone. It is a remarkable Navy. One student request- effort.” ing to remain anonymous said, ‘I prefer not to On the primary mention my location or the challenges: assignment. I just don’t “Everyday challenges want the attention. I will say that I chose Florida Tech include emergencies that can arise in a war zone, access because the university is prestigious in the Army officer to the Internet can be spotty, finding time to complete ranks for its logistical management degree.’” assignments.” “What may seem like a simple exercise of ordering On the primary challenges: textbooks can be daunting, as shared in this e-mail: “In my view, the key challenge is integrating study- ing, doing homework, taking tests, etc., in an environment Dear Dr. Clapp, that may be very hostile. I frequently work with military I’m a military officer studying through distance learn- students to grant relief from project deadlines, test dates, ing … will be deployed to Afghanistan at the end of January etc., due to deployment requirements. If we were not able 2009. The main problem in Afghanistan is not a time for to help the military students integrate graduate learning studying but the Internet access. I have found that I need to and their primary mission, we would not be doing our job.” order the textbook much more in advance than U.S. resident “Another challenge for deployed students is obtaining students do. textbooks. If you were on patrol, would you want to lug around a seven-pound statistics text or extra ammunition? “I was recently asked to describe my students in one At Florida Tech, we have to be sensitive to those priorities.” word. That’s tough, but here is how I answered: deter- “Sometimes, I’ll get an e-mail from a student who mined. Florida Tech students are willing to put in the will say something like, ‘I am going to be somewhere for effort to master the course material even in the toughest the next two weeks that I can’t tell you about. Would it be and most challenging of circumstances. Our students are possible to extend my homework due dates?” truly international in scope. What they bring to the class- room is world viewpoints, a broader grasp of world culture and an immense realization of the world marketplace.” MaryEllen Roy

University College offers over 25 master’s degree and graduate certificate programs taught via distance learning through the Virtual Campus. This is in addition to the 10 off-campus locations within the United States. The Florida Tech presence at Fort Lee, Patuxent River, Kennedy Space Center, National Capital, Picatinny Arsenal, Hampton Roads, Redstone and Aberdeen are key factors in making prospective military students aware of our graduate degree programs. Students have the choice of enrolling at one of these off-campus sites or through the Virtual Campus. University College also offers nine online undergraduate degrees. Florida Tech TODAY | 21 22 The Times They Are a-Changin’

I drove down the beach road, listening to the classic-rock radio station. Bob Dylan’s lyrics echoed in my mind with a new awareness. The previous weeks had seen gallons of red For an academic, ink spilled across the ticker-tape, marking dire conditions in every economic indica- the perception of tor. The credit crunch in the U.S. mort- gage industry had spread to the financial change is inevitably markets, and from there across the world. followed by a A Bank of England official declared “a once-in-a-lifetime crisis, and possibly the practical question: largest financial crisis of its kind in human How will I cover history.” For an academic, the perception of this in class? change is inevitably followed by a practical question: How will I cover this in class? I teach a seminar on the Global, Legal and Ethical Environment of Business, a dynamic subject that draws heavily on the headlines in everything from corporate scandals to the status of trade negotiations. But what will I make of today’s news? as among the regional and international financial and As an international lawyer, I can identify some development institutions. of the normative trends in the global financial system. As the complex interconnections and influences I will tell my students that with the growing magni- of these norms unfold, they will reshape the global tude and duration of the problem, certain concepts economy. So the policy-makers and regulators and are becoming watchwords. There is a call for greater lawyers will have their hands full. But as an advocate transparency in transactions and record-keeping, so for international justice, I am mindful of the ethical that financial products are better analyzed and risks pressures of this economic re-ordering. In my class, I better understood. All actors in the process—whether will underscore the plight of vulnerable individuals, fund managers, rating agencies, bank executives or communities and countries. Those who have little corporate directors—will also face new standards of will be forced to cope with even less, in some cases accountability. facing threats to their livelihoods and security. While This heightened sense of responsibility will some governments are grappling with unprecedented revisit industry guidelines and decision-making shifts in monetary and fiscal policy, others are quite practices, the balance between short- and long-term literally confronting the prospect of bankruptcy. results, as well as compensation and bonus schemes. Private sector finance, investment and job-creation In the wave of finger pointing, we can no doubt are contracting—especially in emerging economies. expect enhanced regulatory oversight. A raft of new The voluntary sector—including the countless char- regulations will be enacted, along with more effective ity groups offering practical assistance throughout the means of implementation; tighter controls and stiffer world—is under strain. sanctions are anticipated. Given recent government Moreover, as attention and resources are diverted interventions, congressional and other forms of offi- to deal with economic turmoil, major global objec- cial supervision are likely. tives such as poverty reduction, disease prevention, Institutional reform will extend beyond the human rights promotion and environmental sustain- national level. The Bretton Woods system that estab- ability may get sidelined. The uncharted moral and lished the post-war economic architecture—including political consequences of this crisis will be with us the World Bank and International Monetary Fund— for decades to come. And so, even in a syllabus for a could be restructured to address global financial business seminar, the times they are a-changin’. flows and their impact. Finally, policy coordination will be demanded at all levels—within nations, Isabella D. Bunn, J.D., Ph.D. Robert L. Long Professor of Ethics, College of Business between various national agencies and banks, as well Florida Tech TODAY | 23 Florida Tech Consulting Results that matter. Florida Tech Consulting is a full-service consulting entity that harnesses the expertise of Florida Institute of Technology’s faculty, staff and alumni as well as the university’s facilities and external partners to assist organizations. Areas of specialization include: • Airport Planning and Operations • Biological Sciences • Marine and Environmental Systems • Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering • Systems Engineering With approximately 300 faculty members and 125 laboratories within the six colleges at Florida Institute of Technology, Florida Tech Consulting has the resources organizations need for success.

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24 Where in the World is Sophia Carballo?

Florida Tech students come from almost everywhere. In fall 2008, on-campus students came from 104 countries, making the Melbourne international student population 19 percent. Some international students stay in the United States after graduation; others return home. Some leave to work in yet another country. Our hands reach out across the water when U.S. graduates find positions and broadening horizons in foreign lands.

Turn the page to meet some of our worldwide alumni ...

Florida Tech TODAY | 25 Where in the World Is Sophia Carballo? . on providing the best level of tech- Hint: She's in Switzerland nical and humanistic education. Bahamas He is also director of the Drew Roberts ’81 hasn’t worked in Master in Finance Program his degree field of ocean at Francisco Marroquín engineering. Instead, University in Guatemala he is a computer City. His pride of accom- professional in plishment at Florida Tech Nassau who includes co-founding the also writes— Spanish Speaking Student everything from Society and his presidency of the a screenplay to IEEE student chapter. music lyrics to four novels. His screen- play, “Bahamian Idle,” Brazil can be viewed at http://pc.celtx.com/ Paulo Afonso Lopes ’89 is a profes- project/PzgvZiYlZvx3. He keeps in sor at the Military Institute of touch with Ed Kalajian, “who was Engineering and a consultant always great,” said Roberts. in picturesque Rio de Janeiro. “My Florida Tech degree has a Jeffrey Simmons ’02 returned to great meaning to me because it the Bahamas where he is now deputy was essential to my professional director of the Bahamas Department career here in Brazil,” said Lopes. of Meteorology. He is responsible He most fondly recalls Professor for the public, marine, aviation and Emeritus Fred Buoni, his former hurricane forecasting sections and professor who visited him in 2007. represents the Bahamas at the Spain Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as head of delegation. ”I Barbados –> England These alumni friends gathered would like to say thank you to Adjunct Jolene King ’03 M.S. returned to her together in Madrid for Professor Diane Barile ... and send native Barbados after graduation, but Luis Alonso’s regards to Professor George Maul a year later emigrated to England. She wedding. Back who has always been a source of currently is at work on a master’s row, from encouragement to me,” said Simmons. degree in human resource manage- left: Maria ment at the University of Derby. Gonzalez- “Dr. (Richard) Griffith, Dr. Guirado Canada (Lisa) Steelman and Dr. (Arthur) ’93, Michael Webb ’01 M.S., a gradu- Gutman were instrumental in Guillermo ate in space systems, is a senior providing me with an excellent, strong Vazquez ’96, business systems analyst at Rogers foundation in psychological theory and Juan Miguel Communications. Even more excit- techniques,” she said. Carreño ’94 and Luis ing, he is a candidate in the Canadian Alonso ’92. Front, from left: Emilio National Astronaut Recruitment Perez Nuñez ’94, Ignacio Arijon Campaign. “This is, no doubt, thanks Switzerland ’93 (married to Maria) and Gonzalo in a large part to my Florida Tech Sophia Carballo ’91 returned to her de las Penas ’96. Viva la España! degree,” said Webb. native Switzerland, earned a master’s . degree and currently is a qual- ity manager for a banking software Germany Guatemala development company in Geneva. “I Jorge Rojas ’89 earned an M.B.A. have great memories from my days at Klaus Dehmelt ’06 Ph.D. is a post- degree in his native country in 1993 Florida Tech. My best friends are still doc in Hamburg at the German and today owns and operates Elitech the ones I made there and we are still National Accelerator Laboratory. He Institute, a private high school focused in contact,” said Carballo. joins in worldwide efforts to research

26 Where in the World Is Sophia Carballo? Hint: She's in Switzerland in Brazil, and, with his wife, owns a restaurant in Northern China. Yap, Micronesia David Vecella ’87 worked in the Bahamas and the Florida Keys before arriving on Yap, a tiny Pacific island in western Micronesia. He owns and operates Beyond the Reef, a full-service dive shop. “Life is very good when you get to scuba dive in a tropical paradise every day for a living. And I have Florida Tech to thank for making it all possible,” said Vecella. The South Pacific Duncan Owen ’82 wrote from Fiji in August while sailing to Australia via New Caledonia. He was in New Zealand from 2004 to early 2008 helping New Zealand Trade and Enterprise improve their client management applications. “I delivered and develop a Zvi Lavie ’86 M.S. is dean of improvements that helped the trade detector for the the Institute for Supply Chain development agency to better enable, linear collider Management Studies of the Israeli track and manage New Zealand busi- ILC. “I owe Purchasing and Logistics Managers ness success in 38 locations around Florida Tech Association. He also teaches classes the globe,” said Owen, who also and its folks in Israeli academic taught at Auckland University in a lot; they not institutions 2007. He thinks he will move back to only gave me a and speaks California in 2009. Or he may stay in superb education at local Sydney. and preparation for and inter- leadership duties, but also influenced national Australia my personal life to a large extent,” said events. “My Dehmelt. studies at Doug Koontz ’76 returned to Florida Tech Australia after completing his envi- had a crucial ronmental technology degree at Israel impact on my career ... I am proud the Jensen Beach campus. In 1998 Elhanan Hacohen ’88 M.S. earned to be a Florida Tech graduate and he helped found an his logistics degree at the Fort Lee, alumnus,” said Lavie. Australian water Va., Extended Studies site. Today he resources and is vice president and director general environmental of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem China consultancy and earned the rank of Colonel in Paul Prescott ’76, in the oil and called Aquaterra. the Israeli Defense Force before gas business, has completed over The company retiring from the military. “My stud- $2 billion worth of projects in more has grown to 90 ies at Florida Tech gave me a strong than 33 countries. He is currently people with offices knowledge to deal with the issues I building two semi-submersible in Adelaide, Sydney, have in my career as a manager,” said drilling rigs for a Brazilian drilling England, Ireland and Ulan Bataar in Hacohen. contractor associated with Petrobras Mongolia.

Florida Tech TODAY | 27 Capt. Muhammad B. Jibrin ’84 enjoys fond memo- ries of his time spent at Florida Tech, which culmi- Up, Up nated in an aeronautical science bachelor’s degree.

he Nigerian, now an honorable commissioner, Ministry & Away of Works and Transport, for the West African country, was so pleased he sent his daughter Halima to Florida Tech last summer, accompanied by seven more Nigerian aviation students, all from Bauchi State. Two had already begun classes in the spring. All 10 of them, about 18 years old, are learning to fly. “They are excellent students, very motivated. I wish “This experience all our students were so diligent,” says Paul Davis, is something College of Aeronautics (COA) faculty member. He is their adviser for their first year. I never dreamt of. Continuing to forge bonds between his country and Florida Tech, Jibrin returned to campus last summer, It’s changed my life.” bringing with him the governor of the Bauchi State of Nigeria, the honorable Isa Yuguda, and eight Hannatu Dogo

28 other government dignitaries. Governor Yuguda spoke to the Nigerian students, Florida Tech administra- tors and faculty from the College of Aeronautics and College of Science about his desires for future academic exchanges. His visit bore fruit. Later in 2009 three more students from Bauchi State will arrive. The government sponsors the students and gives them the goal of completing their degree, either aeronautical science or aviation management—with flight—in three years. Because their official language is English, the students require no special English courses up front as do many other international students. Speaking English daily, however, is a chal- lenge for them. Their tribal language, Hausa, is their Florida Tech students from Nigeria, from left: Abdurrahman Yusuf, Ibrahim Miya, Bilal Yakubu, Ibrahim Dodoji, Umar Gwallameji, Yahaya Abubakar, language of choice when at home. Halima Jibrin, Hannatu Dogo and Abdullahi Shitu. Not pictured is One of the first two students to arrive and the Mustapha Bawa. only other female, Hannatu Dogo, is well on her way. In fact, she was the second in the group to earn her private pilot license in January. Like the other Nigerian students, she is somewhat “I will be the first female pilot in Bauchi State,” subdued and respectful of her teachers in class and she says with pride. surprised by students who talk out of turn and don’t Dogo comes from Bauchi, which is considered pay attention. a major city in Bauchi State and is about the size “The other (non-Nigerian) students are quite differ- of Melbourne, Fla. There is a lot she misses about ent,” she says, “but they are all really intelligent.” home, which reiterates what faculty have said about Considered by faculty and staff to be one of the these students. most outgoing of the Nigerian students, Dogo is forging “It’s a major culture shock,” says Davis. “The friendships and learning about still more cultures than food is very different, they are speaking English that of the United States. “Such a unique school,” she daily and many are wearing Western clothing for the says, “with so many countries.” first time.” She already counts among her friends students Mike Barker, an associate professor in the from India, Korea and Jamaica. As Florida Tech COA, was instrumental in setting up the program enrolled students from 104 countries in the fall 2008 with Nigeria. He says, “It’s a tremendous shock. semester, learning about many cultures is not difficult. They’ve traveled incredible economic and cultural The Nigerian students, as do all freshmen, live on distances. Some of these students have never been campus. Dogo shares space with Halima Jibrin, whose away from home at all, or driven in a car. They are, father initiated the effort to bring the students here. primarily, rural Muslims.” Barker says, “Jibrin has been very successful in the Dogo says she feels solid in her math and physics Nigerian government. He said, ‘Look what Florida Tech courses, but everything about aeronautics is brand did for me.’ He wanted other young people from his new. “I knew nothing, not even the words. The only country to have a transformational experience, too.” words I knew about airplanes were “wing,” “propeller” Just as faculty members like Barker and Davis and “tire,” she smiles. express their appreciation of the cultural exchange She is from a professional family with a tradition opportunities that go both ways, Dogo especially wants of education. Her father is a retired civil engineer it known that she values her opportunities here. and her mother runs her own catering and clothing “I want to thank the government who sent us here businesses. The ninth of 12 children, Dogo’s older and my parents. Typically, the Nigerian people would brothers and sisters also attended universities, either not send their son or daughter so far away—especially in Bauchi State or elsewhere in Nigeria. The only a daughter and only 18 years old. one, so far, to spread her wings beyond her native “This experience is something I never dreamt of. country, Dogo keeps in touch with family and friends It’s changed my life.” by chatting online. Karen Rhine Florida Tech TODAY | 29 The Port of the Americas Authority: Building the Future Logistics Hub for the Americas

Tell us about the Port of the Americas. Ramon Torres Morales The Port of the Americas Authority (APA), a ’89 M.B.A. recently public corporation and government instrumentality contacted Florida of the Commonwealth of Puerto Tech TODAY about an Rico, is developing a deep-draft port of international caliber in the Today, approximately 90% extraordinary project he southern region of Puerto Rico with of non-bulk cargo worldwide is leading as executive financing of up to $250 million. is transported by container, director of Puerto Rico’s When completed, the port will be and modern container ships can carry up to 15,000 TEUs. Port of the Americas capable of: • Servicing Post-Panamax vessels As a class, container ships Authority. Tasked with with a controlling depth of 50 feet now rival crude oil tankers and bulk carriers as the the development of a • Handling over 1.5 million TEUs* largest commercial vessels (twenty-foot-equivalent-units) per year world-class transshipment port in Ponce, on the ocean. • Handling over one million tons of Morales believes the project will offer Source: sdamovers.com general cargo with over 5,000 feet of significant economic benefits for Puerto pier surface Rico and present exciting opportunities for • Providing logistic support under the international maritime industry. As he the protection of a free trade zone and secure shared the progress of the project with us, he environment emphasized the importance of his Florida What will this project mean for Tech education in preparing him to effectively Puerto Rico? manage such a monumental venture. One of our main achievements is the completion of the Bay de Ponce dredging to 50 feet, the deepest 30 Post-Panamax describes ships that do not fit in in the Caribbean region. This draft What is the economic and workforce impact? the Panama Canal, such depth differentiates us from the The design of the terminal and equipment acquired as supertankers and the rest of the ports in the region and by APA will provide the level of operational performance largest modern container will allow us to service the largest required to be competitive in the maritime industry in ships. Today 30% ofthe vessels in the market, known as Latin America. These achievements have contributed to world's fleet, by capacity, is Post-Panamax. Post-Panamax*. generating and preserving 2,500 jobs with a public invest- These vessels surpass 900 feet ment of over $216 million. Source: globalsecurity.org in length and, with the capacity The total estimated investment may reach $750 to transport merchandise in large million and will directly and indirectly stimulate nearly volumes, will not only bring new 25,000 construction-related jobs in a 10-year period business opportunities to the island but will also help through the development of value-added industrial zones. position Puerto Rico as an important player in inter- The port should serve as a contingency port for the national commerce. island, enhancing the capabilities of the San Juan Port Furthermore, Puerto Rico’s strategic location— and improving the local value chain and the Caribbean with convenient access to the U.S. market, economic region. and political stability, a world-class infrastructure and a well-educated workforce—offers an excellent What type of cargo will be handled at opportunity for integration of the Latin American, the port? European, Panamanian, Suez and Asian maritime The business model will include international and routes. domestic cargo, bulk, liquids, pure transshipment* and transshipment with value added. We also plan What is the progress to date? to develop industrial parks to optimize logis- Transshipment is the Significant activities have been completed as tics activities using the port’s infrastructure. shipment of goods part of Phases I and II of the development. This A combined promotional effort from the Port to an intermediate includes rehabilitation of three existing piers, recon- of the Americas Authority, the Municipality of destination prior struction of a container terminal, improvements to Ponce, the Free Trade Zone CODEZOL, the to reaching their ultimate end use. the port’s access, environmental preservation of 600 Regional Economic Enterprise, DISUR and the Source: Informed Trade acres, acquisition of seven rubber tire gantries and PR Corporation of Industrial Development will International two ship-to-shore Super-Post-Panamax Twin Peak pursue development of industrial activities to gantry cranes, plus the recent acquisition of 300 optimize the port’s cargo critical mass. acres to consolidate the port’s expansion. Phases I and II provide the initial terminal How has your Florida Tech education capacity of 250,000 TEUs per year. Phase III is benefited you in this endeavor? under way, which will provide additional capacity to The academic development and professional knowl- 500,000 TEU and include an area for logistics and edge acquired through the M.B.A. program at Florida cargo consolidation activities. Tech provided a strong managerial framework to tackle the complex task at hand. This project has been managed under the most recent Lean Process Management CLOSER TO HOME ... Techniques with the minimal number of employees, limited to myself, while establishing an extraordinary Florida Tech’s Global Center for Preparedness outsourcing structure that will serve as a model for (GCP) presented the Second Annual Conference on future public service management in Puerto Rico. This National Preparedness on Dec. 8–9, 2008, at the well-defined, holistic approach to integrating government, Hilton Oceanfront in Melbourne Beach, Fla. private and academic sectors with the local community Enrollment doubled over last year with 191 attendees, representing has been the driving force behind this economic 21 states and three foreign countries (England, Japan and Canada). The initiative. exhibitor showcase featured 25 exhibitors from seven states including 18 businesses and seven government and non-profit organizations. Overall, the Port of the Americas will contribute Introduction of new products to enhance safety and security technology to the economic development of Puerto Rico’s southern were announced in conjunction with this conference. region, while improving local quality of life and preserv- Twenty-seven speakers were invited to present, from the military, ing environmental resources for future generations. government, academia, non-profits and businesses. For more information, contact Clifford Bragdon, AICP Dean, University College, Executive Director, Global Center for Preparedness, [email protected] To learn more about the Port of the Americas project, visit www.portoftheamericas.com. Florida Tech TODAY | 31 Energy and Achievement at the Crossroads of Europe and America

Svafa Grönfeldt ’95 M.S., Ph.D., greets me with a warm welcome and a firm handshake. She has the poise of a seasoned executive, yet the approachability of an old friend. Wearing jeans and a cotton top, she still looks the part of the youthful student. Yet, her dynamic accomplish- ments make her a fitting leader of Iceland’s largest private university, Reykjavik University (RU). Grönfeldt took the school’s helm as president in February 2007 after a distinguished career in strategic management and research. Tasked with developing the university from a local business and technical school into a respected international research partner, she has embraced the challenge and made huge strides.

32 Reykjavik University’s elite Energy and new campus, scheduled to open in fall 2009, is heated by geothermal systems and hydropower and is designed to Achievement be as ecofriendly as possible. at the Crossroads of Europe and America

Building ICELAND'S International University “Sustainability and energy [are among] the Iceland is a leader in sustainability. Bustling with biggest challenges the whole world is facing,” says clean energy from thundering hydroelectric waterfalls Grönfeldt. “Iceland is a very small country, very to boiling thermal reservoirs, pristine green land- homogeneous, so you can do a lot of research here scapes and a proud, vibrant culture, the country is a that you can’t do anywhere else in the world. That’s unique living laboratory. why [other] universities see the benefit in working And RU is channeling this heritage as it posi- with scientists in this country.” tions itself as a world-class institution with a platform RU is currently working with some of the best of sustainability. universities in the world to enhance both its inter- Under Grönfeldt’s leadership, RU has formed disciplinary and international appeal. It is also in an endowment (sustaining its future), is construct- the process of developing a world-class sustainability ing a state-of-the-art green campus (sustaining its center, focusing on energy as well as the business and environment) and partnering in focused sustainability technological aspects of sustainability. research (sustaining the Earth).

Florida Tech TODAY | 33 Green energy, via geothermal, hydropower and hydrogen, is the predominant energy source in Iceland.

“Our signature can combines the service focus of business with the The Crash Heard Round the World be sustainable energy and research rigor of science and engineering. Not unlike When research on this article began in August sustainability studies,” says Florida Tech’s commitment to high tech with a human Grönfeldt. “In order to make touch, one might conclude. There are many paral- 2008, Iceland was a prosperous and flourishing quantum leaps in our devel- lels between Florida Tech and RU, a private business country. In my interviews with Grönfeldt, opment, we must work with and technological institution with a student body she shared the plans and unique vision for the best and learn from the approaching 5,000 that is notably led by a proud Reykjavik University discussed here. Then, as best.” alumna who fondly recalls her time at Florida Tech as we approached press time, the unbelievable Step one was recruiting “two of the best years” of her life and has traveled the occurred—the financial collapse of the Icelandic academics and administra- globe practicing the principles of her studies. economy. The full ramifications of this event tors from around the world are still unknown, but Grönfeldt says one thing to serve on an international Learning the Tricks of the Trade is certain—the role of the university is more advisory board at RU. This Grönfeldt came to Florida Tech by way of important than ever, most specifically in the group identifies opportuni- Miami, so to speak. The Icelander earned a scholar- prevention of brain drain. Brain drain describes ties associated with RU’s ship to the University of Miami, but decided to check the process of losing bright minds abroad, as strengths and formulates out Florida Tech while she was in the States visiting talented young people leave their home country action plans to enhance the school. At the time, some 50 Icelandic students RU’s academic develop- had studied or were studying in Melbourne. Their to study and live elsewhere. Christena Callahan ment. The advisory board positive experiences had generated plenty of favorable members represent distin- word-of-mouth about Florida Tech in Iceland. guished institutions on “As soon as I went into the FIT offices, every- both sides of the Atlantic, including MIT, Columbia one was so nice, everyone was so inviting and the University, Northwestern University, Strathclyde program was so interesting. I applied there and then,” University in Scotland, IESE in Barcelona (Europe’s recalls Grönfeldt. number one business school) and Exeter, which was Accepted into the master’s selected 2007 University of the Year in England. program in technical and professional RU has also built an extensive network of univer- communication, she mastered course sities for student exchange and faculty collaboration. work and built friendships that “Currently our faculty come from 23 coun- have long outlasted her time at the tries, and our students can enroll in more than 100 university. programs worldwide. This is critical in enhancing our Grönfeldt still maintains a students’ intercultural skills and ability to work and close relationship with her Florida live in a globalized world,” maintains Grönfeldt. Tech adviser, Judy Strother, professor of applied Though RU is working hard to build its interna- linguistics and chair of the communication gradu- tional reputation, the university already has a niche ate program. The two even collaborated on a book, within Iceland. RU brought the customer service Service Leadership: The Quest for Competitive concept to Icelandic higher education. The school Advantage, in 2005. 34 The new campus organizes academic units around a central hub—maximizing the opportunities for interdisciplinary learning.

“What I got from Judy was this enthusiasm for Making Wonderful what she’s doing and the integrity that she has in Things Happen every single thing she does,” says Grönfeldt. “No The culmination of her matter what she was doing, she approached it with many achievements is her leader- the attitude that it was all important.” ship at RU. This lesson is manifest in Grönfeldt, who seems “When the offer came to to multitask with unending enthusiasm. After gradu- take this school and transform it ating from Florida Tech, she returned to Iceland from a local university to a more where she and four colleagues started a Gallup orga- international university, I saw an nization franchise. Simultaneously, she was teaching opportunity to move back to my management at the University of Iceland and earning beautiful home country, spend her Ph.D. at the London School of Economics, jet- more time with my two wonder- setting between Reykjavik and London once a month. ful children and at the same Rather than being overwhelmed by competing time use all my experiences,” priorities, Grönfeldt describes the period as having says Grönfeldt. “I had been an a certain “synergy” because both her career and her entrepreneur, I loved my 10 years dissertation work involved data collection. of teaching, I had my Ph.D., I The Pearl, a And her energy didn’t wane after 10 years with had done a lot of writing and I had been running Reykjavik landmark, an international company for years—all this inter- overlooks the new Gallup. In 2004, she joined the genetic pharmaceuti- campus. This glass- cal company Actavis as chief executive of strategic disciplinary experience and I thought, ‘OK, maybe, domed building sits development and was promoted to deputy to the I can be of use in something like this.’” atop the city’s hot CEO a short time later. The dynamic company soon Her Florida Tech mentor has no doubts. Much water storage tanks. grew to be one of the top three genetic companies in like the focus of her university, Grönfeldt is the world with operations worldwide. Her Florida Tech remarkable in her energy, says Strother. course work gave her an advantage in this position, “She has this incredible, boundless energy,” specifically her study of intercultural communication. explains Strother. “She has this incredible spirit of “I traveled about 300 days a year. I did a lot of making wonderful things happen.” work in Eastern Europe, Asia and the United States. Even in the face of unprecedented chaos, like Probably the most fun was that you learned how to the recent financial crisis in Iceland, Grönfeldt is work in all these different cultures. You learned that undeterred. everyone is basically the same regardless of where “Luckily our university is strong and will not they are in the world, but the way they communicate be affected by this in a negative way,” she says. what they’re thinking and feeling, that is different. Adding, “now education and innovation are going to Being a communication major from FIT, this was be more important than ever.” very interesting to me.” And fortunately, Grönfeldt and her university are prepared to fuel that innovation. Christena Callahan

Florida Tech TODAY | 35 TM 2007-2008 onor oll of onors Each year we honor trustees, alumni, faculty, staff, students, parents, corporations, foundations and other friends in the Honor Roll of Donors. This year’s Honor Roll of Donors consists of those who gave to the university between May 1, 2007 and April 30, 2008. We salute all who remembered Florida Tech during the 2008 fiscal year. Trustees Lois A. Kennedy Bjørnar K. Hermansen William A. Harr, D.P.M. Heather L. Cudmore Robert Niebuhr, Ph.D. Marilyn C. Link John R. Hopkins Lisa Hernacki Bruce E. Culliney, M.D. Mark Novak, Ph.D. Raymond A. Armstrong, Hortense H. Nunn Susan Hopkins Thomas R. Hernacki, PE Ernest E. Dell Jeanne Odermann Sr., M.D. Geraldine E. Phipps Erik E. Joh, Esq. James L. Lentz Ken Droscher Ashok Pandit, Ph.D. Richard N. Baney, Sr., M.D. Margo Pierce Victoria Joh Martha E. Lentz Mary Droscher Kumkum A. Pandit Harry E. Brandon Sharon Smith Jane Kirschenbaum Carol K. Maul William Eiswirth Gordon M. Patterson, Ph.D. Albino P. Campanini Linda Vopicka Malcolm R. George A. Maul, Ph.D. Daniel C. Fargnoli Joy B. Patterson Joseph Caruso, Sr. Kirschenbaum, J.D. Alfred B. Osterhout David Fassino Maria Peebles Anthony J. Catanese, Galaxy Society Herman J. Koch Barbara J. Oswalt, C.P.A. Eugene M. Fetner Marilyn J. Penn Ph.D., FAICP The Galaxy Society consists Michael E. Koch, USA Terry D. Oswalt, Ph.D. Suzanne F. Fetner Raymond H. Penn Andrew M. Clark, Ph.D. of Florida Tech's most elite (Ret.) Henry G. Peebles III James L. Fisher, Ph.D. Barbara G. Piercr, Ph.D. Charles C. Clemente group of donors who have Doris Koch Maria A. Peebles Leilla Fisher Janet A. Poirier Dale A. Dettmer, J.D. given at least $1,000 to the Marybeth H. Koch Julie Pinkerson Mary B. Folliard Richard M. Potter Phillip W. Farmer university over the course of James S. Laham, C.P.A. Scott G. Pinkerton Thomas J. Folliard Susan G. Potter Joseph M. Flammio, one fiscal year. All Galaxy Michelle Laham Julio Rodriguez-Cruz Mary Fox Betty P. Preece CFP, CIMC Society members listed Christine P. Lance Francis Ryan Thomas G. Fox, Ph.D. Raymond G. Preece (d) Ruth E. Funk below met the requirements Howard L. Lance Paula Savage-Harr David K. Frazier Victoria M. Putnam- John T. Hartley of membership as of Marilyn C. Link Eric Worden Michael Gelling Cantelmo Henry G. Heflich, Jr. April 30, 2008. Ann Luke Jonathan B. Zung George T. Gergora Jose A. Reilova, M.D. Allen S. Henry, Ph.D. Mary Helen McCay, Ph.D. Joan M. Gergora Paula J. Reilova Bjørnar K. Hermansen Hercules Andromeda T. Dwayne McCay, Ph.D. Michael S. Grace, Ph.D. Andrew W. Revay, Jr., Ph.D. Erik E. Joh, Esq. ($5,000 +) ($1,000–$2,499) Lois R. McNamara (d) Tanya K. Grace Jane B. Revay Malcolm R. Carolyn V. Baney Barbara Ausherman Thomas E. McNamara (d) Allen R. Green Dianne M. Rhodes Kirschenbaum, J.D. Richard N. Baney, Sr., M.D. Michael W. Ammen Richard P. McNeight Gary L. Hamme Donald G. Rhodes, M.D. Howard L. Lance Amelia S. Blake Teresa McNeight Vernon K. Ausherman Betty L. Henderson R. M. Blake, J.D. Julio Rodriguez-Cruz Richard P. McNeight Dione L. Negroni-Hendrick Douglas F. Bailey, Wilbur C. Henderson Harry E. Brandon Victor B. Ross William C. Potter, Esq. Brent E. Peoples SDS, Ph.D. Carol D. Holcomb Wendy S. Brandon Francis J. Ryan James E. Pruitt, Jr. Wendy L. Potter J. R. Bailey A. T. Hollingsworth, Ph.D. Albino P. Campanini Margaret Ryan Kenneth P. Revay, CM William C. Potter, Esq. Mary Anne Bailey Jacqueline E. Hollingsworth Patricia M. Campanini Beverly H. Sanders Michael Scafati James E. Pruitt, Jr. S. Ann Becker, Ph.D. Henry E. Holzbach Ernie L. Cantelmo Mark Sanders Edward W. Scott, Jr. Patricia D. Pruitt Jeffrey Benes Sally E. Holzbach Joseph Caruso, Sr. Theresia H. Schatz Scott J. Seymour Douglas C. Rauscher Debra S. Blenis Dorothy S. Johnson Lisa Caruso Douglas M. Schuler, PE John L. Slack Holly M. Rauscher Brian M. Blenis Ralph A. Johnson Anthony J. Catanese, Renee L. Sekersky-Zung F. Alan Smith Kenneth P. Revay, CM Catherine L. Blessing Susan Jurgens Ph.D., FAICP Lawrence F. Sietsma Elizabeth J. Swann Barbara Roy James M. Blessing William Jurgens, Jr. Sara Catanese Sheryl D. Sietsma James W. Thomas William G. Roy Dale E. Boger Larry Kenkel, Esq. Paul Chell Jolann M. Simciak Tom Vice Michael Scafati Donna J. Boger Mary Beth Kenkel, Ph.D. Daniel A. Copeland Walter C. Simciak Patricia Scafati Rodney B. Bowers Sasan A. Kermani, Ph.D. Denise Copeland Michael H. Slotkin, Ph.D. Legacy Society Clifford R. Bragdon, Ph.D. Melanie Keuper Edward S. Delaplaine II F. Alan Smith J. A. Smith Individuals who have Sarah V. Bragdon Edward C. Koenig III Dale A. Dettmer, J.D. Sharon Smith Elizabeth Soter included Florida Tech Jill A. Bunker Samuel Kozaitis, Ph.D. Pamela Dettmer Elizabeth J. Swann Soterios J. Soter, Ph.D. through estate planning via Stephen P. Bunker Suzanne L. Kozaitis Jeanne A. Farmer Jim T. Swann III Guy M. Spearman III a will, trust arrangement or Cheryl Byers Dennis J. Kulonda, Ph.D. Phillip W. Farmer James W. Thomas Kenneth P. Stackpoole, insurance policy compose David A. Byers, AICP Celine Lang, D.P.A. Joseph M. Flammio, CFP, Monica A. Thomas Ph.D. The Legacy Society. John H. Cain, Ph.D. Gary F. Lang CIMC Michael H. Williams Susan Stackpoole Raymond A. Armstrong, Lyn Cain Frank R. Leslie Dorothea Gatti Theresa T. Williams Gladys B. Steptoe Sr., M.D. Kenneth J. Calcatera Jerry Leslie Walter J. Gatti Steven B. Steptoe Juanita O. Brooks, Psy.D. Centaurus Eugene S. Cavallucci, J.D. Elinor S. McKee John T. Hartley ($2,500–$4,999) Joan G. Sugarman Connie Chiles-Cooke Rebecca S. Cavallucci Ralph D. McKee, USAF Martha Hartley Marguerite Arnold Janice B. Teegen Clarke O. Fowler John L. Chadwick Patricia G. Miller-Dell Henry G. Heflich, Jr. Willie J. Arnold Albert M. Thomas Ruth E. Funk Weyni A. Clacken Donn Miller-Kermani JoAnn Heflich Andrew M. Clark, Ph.D. Cindy Thomas Dorothea Gatti Mary S. Clark Luella C. Mills Donald J. Hendrick, Jr. G. D. Clark Kathy A. Turner J. Carey Gleason Brian S. Crane James P. Neal Allen S. Henry, Ph.D. Janet E. Clark Richard L. Turner, Ph.D. James A. Hersperger Diane W. Croteau Nancy T. Neal Sandra Henry Robert R. Fisk Tom W. Utley, Ph.D. Deborah Heystek Donald R. Croteau Jennifer I. Neuhard Bjørg Hermansen Ruth E. Funk B. A. Cudmore, Ph.D. Kitty Niebuhr Sharon K. Vaulman 36 Annmarie Waite Andrew M. Clark, Ph.D. Bjørnar K. Hermansen Mary Helen McCay, Ph.D. Paula Savage-Harr Abdullah M. Al-Subhi Thomas D. Waite, Ph.D. David L. Clayton Bjørg Hermansen T. Dwayne McCay, Ph.D. Michael Scafati Michael Ambacher Dennis W. Wilt Theresa Clayton Thomas R. Hernacki, PE Forest R. McDowell Patricia Scafati Douglas F. Anderson Donna F. Wilt, Ph.D. Charles C. Clemente James C. Hobin Elinor S. McKee Duane E. Schneider John J. Appleyard IV James S. Wong Mary B. Colson A. T. Hollingsworth, Ph.D. Ralph D. McKee, USAF Douglas M. Schuler, PE Kerry P. Armstrong Eric W. Worden Wendell H. Colson Jacqueline E. Hollingsworth Richard P. McNeight Edward W. Scott, Jr. Luis R. Arvelo Maricel M. Worden Kay Crawford Marylyn Holmes H. K. Mergler Richard Senn Matthew S. Ascroft Annette J. Wright Jocelyn W. Creech Thomas G. Holmes George E. Miller (d) Mark Senti Tracey E. Askew Dean E. Wright, USA (Ret.) Thomas G. Culbreth John R. Hopkins Charlotte B. Moore Marc D. Shapiro, M.D. Timothy J. Atkinson Milo Zonka, CFP Martin E. Dandridge Kate S. Hughes Richard B. Moore George S. Shaw Michael G. Bailey, Ph.D. Stephanie Dandridge Pauline E. Hyvonen Lucie Muns Helen Shephard (d) Karen A. Baker Ad Astra J. J. Davis Rodger L. Ingram William R. Muns Lawrence F. Sietsma Slayde S. Barnes Ad Astra is a lifetime giving Dennis M. Davitt Donald A. Jacobs Arthur R. Muzzin (d) Sheryl D. Sietsma Carol G. Batte society that consists of Edward S. Delaplaine II Erik E. Joh, Esq. Christopher S. Neese (d) Craig S. Silberman Corey A. Battistoni individuals who have given Michael Della-Cioppa Dorothy S. Johnson Dione L. Negroni-Hendrick John L. Slack Joan Beck a minimum of $10,000 to Sara N. Demetree Ralph A. Johnson Gordon L. Nelson, Ph.D. James C. Slaughter Marjorie A. Beckett Florida Tech. Thomas B. Deneen Darcia Jones-Francey Maxine Nohrr F. Alan Smith Rachel J. Beckett Bobbye S. Acopian Dale A. Dettmer, J.D. Donna Joyal Hortense H. Nunn J. A. Smith Kodi D. Belford Raymond A. Armstrong, Pamela Dettmer Paul M. Joyal Jeanne Odermann Ron Smith Sophie Y. Bellone Sr., M.D. Julie Dimond Susan Jurgens Alfred B. Osterhout Sharon Smith Amy L. Bennett Barbara Ausherman Keith A. Dimond, M.D. William K. Jurgens, Jr. Ravindran Palaniyandi, Alice Spinelli-Culbreth Benjamin K. Bennett Vernon K. Ausherman Dorothy W. Doller (d) Edward H. Kalajian M.D. Rita L. Starkweather (d) Marjorie A. Bishop Joseph W. Baggs, Jr. Ken Droscher Priscilla A. Kalajian Leon F. Parisoe Charles S. Stewart III Thomas P. Black Douglas F. Bailey, Mary Droscher Eloise L. Kalker Greg R. Parsons Palmer C. Stiles Matthew R. Boehme SDS, Ph.D. Marsha A. Duncan Alvin L. Kaltman Imre Paulovits Mary L. Stokes (d) Richard W. Botsford J. R. Bailey Leon R. Elrod Gwendolyn S. Kaltman Ralph R. Paylor Mark W. Stone Rodney B. Bowers Mary Anne Bailey Charles Entenmann Cem Kaner Theresa P. Paylor Patricia L. Stone Mfon C. Boyce Casey J. Baker Barbara Evans Jude M. Kaufmann Brent E. Peoples Richard H. Stottler, Jr. Anthony V. Branch Donna Baker J. N. Fairbanks Regina M. Kaufmann, M.D. Deborah Phebus Donna J. Sullivan Jonathan S. Bredemeyer Juanita N. Baker, Ph.D. Jeanne A. Farmer Sharon C. Kelly Robert L. Phebus, Jr. Robert E. Sullivan, Sr. Charlie C. Brooks Richard H. Baker Phillip W. Farmer James G. Kennedy, Jr. Iris L. Pitten Robert L. Sullivan, Ph.D. Derrick R. Brown Charles A. Baldwin Charles M. Fisher Patricia Kennedy William D. Pitten, Sr. Elizabeth J. Swann Jennifer C. Brown Elizabeth D. Baldwin James L. Fisher, Ph.D. Rita J. Kennedy Margaret W. Plum Jim T. Swann III Selina C. Browne Carolyn V. Baney Joseph M. Flammio, Annette Kessell Matthias Plum, Jr. Bruce J. Thomas II Susan M. Brownell Richard N. Baney, Sr., M.D. CFP, CIMC Kirk W. Kessell Randall E. Poliner James W. Thomas Jennifer L. Bruce- Patrick T. Biddix Evelyn Foster Jane Kirschenbaum William C. Potter, Esq. Kenn W. Thomas McGoldrick Nathan M. Bisk Warren F. Foster, Jr. Malcolm R. Wendy L. Potter Monica A. Thomas Susan C. Brundick Amelia S. Blake John J. Francey Kirschenbaum, J.D. Betty P. Preece Edward C. Tietig Joseph B. Buscetta R. M. Blake, J.D. Steven T. Freeman Karen W. Kramer Raymond G. Preece (d) Audrey Ulozas Owen W. Callard Joseph A. Boyd, Ph.D. Ruth E. Funk James S. Laham, C.P.A. Donna J. Pridmore John Ulozas Colleen M. Cannon Harry E. Brandon Dorothea Gatti V. Lakshmikantham, Ph.D. James E. Pruitt, Jr. Sandi D. Verma Christopher J. Carhuff Wendy S. Brandon Walter J. Gatti Helga Lamb Patricia D. Pruitt Vikram Verma Maria A. Carvalho, Ph.D. James R. Brenner Pamela A. Gatto-Gallo Vincent S. Lamb, Jr. Victoria M. Putnam- Timothy S. Wakefield Michael J. Casas Dorothy Brett Dominick Gebbia Timothy L. LaMunyon Cantelmo Nobue Wakura Julio C. Castillo Joseph J. Brett J. Carey Gleason Christine P. Lance Judith Randels Yasuji Wakura Rosanne A. Cattanach Ernest M. Briel, Jr. Barbara V. Glover Howard L. Lance M.R. Randels Anita G. Weaver Ahmed V. Charles Theresa P. Brown, Psy.D. Joseph H. Glover III Catherine D. Lane Douglas C. Rauscher Lynn E. Weaver, Ph.D. Ronald L. Chesley Hans P. Bruckner William N. Goodwin Douglas C. Lane Ambika Ravindran Gary M. Weiss, M.D. Carlos L. Chinfong Stephen P. Bunker Constance Gordon Gay Lane James Regan Mary B. Weiss Kristina M. Chuck Greg Burg Dudley Gordon, USA (Ret.) Nelson P. Lane Andrew W. Revay, Jr. Cornelius E. Whitaker Kimberly J. Church Eugene A. Buzzi Catherine J. Gourlay Celine Lang, D.P.A. Jane B. Revay Helen White (d) Weyni A. Clacken Judith H. Buzzi George J. Gourlay Gary F. Lang Kenneth P. Revay, CM Michael H. Williams Holly H. Clermond Corky Calhoun Pearl E. Grooms A. W. LaRose William P. Reynolds, Jr. Theresa T. Williams Dwayne R. Codrington LeRoy Callender William A. Harr, D.P.M. Margaret LaRose Dianne M. Rhodes Eric W. Worden Thomas G. Collier Albino P. Campanini John T. Hartley Janice Leong Donald G. Rhodes, M.D. Maricel M. Worden Aaron F. Collins Patricia M. Campanini Martha Hartley Richard W. Leong, Jr. Del Rose Martha P. Work David L. Corbin Ernie L. Cantelmo Marjorie C. Hayes Marilyn C. Link Adrienne B. Roth Richard A. Wright Michael A. Cote Joseph Caruso, Sr. Fleur De Lys Healy Phyllis C. Long Barbara L. Roth Jacqueline M. Courtney Lisa Caruso Judy F. Hedgecock (d) Lorraine M. Marin Patrick E. Roth G.O.L.D. Robert C. Crum II Anthony J. Catanese, Henry G. Heflich, Jr. Shirley J. Mataxis Bryan R. Roub Society Carol A. Daley Ph.D., FAICP JoAnn Heflich George A. Maul, Ph.D. Anne P. Rowe, Ph.D. Dominic P. Abadie Keitha Dattilo-Bain Sara Catanese Betty L. Henderson Mary E. McCarthy (d) William G. Roy Kevin A. Abergel Andria M. Davis Eugene S. Cavallucci, J.D. Wilbur C. Henderson Forrest S. McCartney, Robert A. Rupnik Jay P. Adams Elmer E. Dela Cruz Rebecca S. Cavallucci Allen S. Henry, Ph.D. USAF David Ryder Mark J. Aiken Heriberto J. Delgado Connie Chiles-Cooke Sandra Henry Ruth McCartney Judith Sample Smith Kenneth W. Delgado Florida Tech TODAY | 37 Luis Delgado David Jackson Michael O’Neill Pauline V. Tonsil 16 William K. Jurgens, Jr. 10 Donald D. Freeman Janet B. Dempsey Ryan P. Jackson Peter L. Osborne Gregory E. Tuckett 16 David B. Meyer 10 Wayne King Michelle L. Denito Sharon R. James James P. Palumberi Melissa A. Turner 16 James E. Pruitt, Jr. 10 John D. Quinlivan Robert Derveloy IV Parvez A. Javeed Gyanprakash G. Pandey Ronald J. Uhland III 16 Robert T. Rowe 10 Janet E. Stone, Ph.D. Michael L. DiPilato Anass Jerrari Sumeet C. Pandey Zeeshan U. Usmani 16 Jules Wetekamm 10 Judith B. Strother, Kerri L. Donaldson Hanna Jose Y. Jimenez Vance R. Parker Bobby S. Valacheryil 15 George M. Ammon Ph.D. Nikolas P. Doukellis Latonya N. Jordan Jeremy A. Parsons Cynthia Valdes 15 Betty P. Preece 10 Susan P. Trefry, Psy.D. Joni E. Dowling Joel K. Joseph Joy B. Patterson John D. Van Gilder 14 David J. McConnell, PE 9 Henry M. Biscardi, M.D. Roxanne L. Dunn Lucita D. Kahn Kenneth A. Patterson Kristi S. Van Sickle, Psy.D. 14 Nathern B. Priddy 9 Thomas W. Feick, Jr. Sarah L. Dunsford Woo Jun Kang Timothy A. Pelletier Anne Vandiver 14 William F. Sandusky III (Ret.) Michael S. Durham Danny C. Katsiyiannis Beverly K. Penaranda Gregory M. Varholy 14 Dale R. Setlak 9 Anthony Kioussis Christopher J. Durie John J. Kelly Ross N. Peralta Thomas Victorin 13 Hillard H. Allen 9 Semen Koksal, Ph.D. Kevin J. Dwyer Mark W. Kelsch Andrew J. Petersen Nicholas H. Wagner 13 Richard A. Ankener 9 Milton K. Lewis Kevin M. Ellis George D. Kennett Tong T. Phan Susan A. Weirick 13 Casey J. Baker 9 David A. Lyons Kelly A. Engel Sasan A. Kermani, Ph.D. Cecil L. Phillip Blake P. West 13 Rodney B. Bowers 9 William E. Mayer Douglas E. Engle Edward L. Kirchner Tiffany Poupart Holly B. West 13 Douglas M. Dunbar III 9 Stuart Mendelsohn Jeffrey R. Fairfax Christopher T. Knox Glenn O. Pringle Eric L. Whikehart 13 Jennifer E. Gladski 9 William B. Moon, Ph.D. Carl H. Fenty Gregory A. Koumbis Todd Rausch Aimee B. Wiegmann 13 David F. Hackett, Sr. 9 David C. Muh, Ph.D. Danise H. Fequiere Michelle La Torre Muriel Douglas C. Rauscher Sophia L. Wilberscheid 13 Frank R. Harris 9 Edward M. Mulhern, Efraim J. Fernandes Astrid C. Lahiere Andrea N. Reese Samuel F. Williams 13 David M. Hone, USN USNR (Ret.) Dirk Fieberg Anna Landman Jose A. Reilova Keith A. Wilson 13 Eric C. Mallen 9 Kenneth R. Peach Brian T. Fisher Thomas J. Laskowski Laurissa Reynolds William C. Wise III 13 Ralph D. McKee, USAF 9 Gregory J. Pifat Anne M. Forrest Mary E. Laubacher Anne Riquier James S. Wong 13 Alan G. Myers 9 Robert W. Pratt Christopher C. Foshay Kenneth L. Lee James C. Risner Michael G. Workman 13 Dale M. Pasonski 9 Robert M. Rivell Randall K. Francis Jonathan B. Lesieur Isaiah C. Robinson III Meghan C. Wright 13 James W. Plumb 9 David R. Schechter Eugene T. Furey Mark J. Lewin Eva R. Roche Christine A. Wujick 13 Lawrence P. Pollack 9 Laura F. Star Brandi L. Gancarz Earl J. Lewis Martin S. Rogers Feng Yang, Ph.D. 13 Christine C. Rushnell 8 Mary T. Bayers-Thering Melanie L. Gange Douglas Lightner Pablo R. Rosado Sindhu Yarlagadda 13 Kenneth A. Sawyer 8 Albino P. Campanini Marc E. Gange Elois B. Lindsey Catherine P. Roseland Susan N. Young 13 Lisa C. Turocy 8 Chris M. Chen Hadi S. Garib David B. Locuson Leighton S. Rowe Abdullah J. Zakareya 12 Thomas G. Bigelow 8 Christina M. Columbus Richard D. Garland Jeannie C. Lott Maryelen E. Samitas Zerique A. Zapata 12 William H. Creed, Sr. 8 Lynn E. Cooper, PE Gaelle L. Garozzo Todd N. Lundell Daniel P. Sandlin Tammy L. Ziccardi USA (Ret.) 8 Eileen P. Corelli Laura K. Gatz Brian E. Lundy Christopher K. Schaller Margaret J. Zuanich-Bunker 12 Donald P. Galya 8 Vance N. Cribb Karen B. Gill Michael J. MacDonald Richard R. Schmidt 12 David A. Golieri 8 Barbara De Simone Kelly L. Ginley Julie M. Mann Adam R. Scholfield Alumni 12 William G. Harris 8 Philip F.D. Devlin William T. Girton Christopher M. Marot Mark A. Schuster Consecutive 12 Duwayne W. Jones 8 Clarke O. Fowler Carolyn D. Goldberg Estelle M. Martin Samantha S. Sevcik Years 3+ 12 Paul M. Joyal 8 Steven J. Gertel Constance D. Graham Wilbur J. Mathurin Michael J. Shamet 12 Philip J. Kielkucki 8 Deborah Heystek Alumni who have given three James D. Gray, Jr. Willino J. Mathurin Stephanie A. Shankles 12 Patricia G. Miller 8 Richard L. Joossens or more years consecutively Richard A. Gray Ryan L. Maultsby Elizabeth J. Shea 12 Patricia A. Roskos 8 Frank F. Lane as of April 30, 2008. Desmond J. Greene Neville G. Maycock, Jr. Jason K. Shepard 12 Francis M. Rotella 8 W. M. Manduke 21 Carolyn V. Baney Ivan A. Guerra Jennifer L. McCoy Po-Yao Shih 12 Joel P. Stinson 8 John T. Oakes 21 J. Carey Gleason Christopher R. Han Randy E. McGee Donald L. Shires 12 James M. Torpey 8 Charles A. Rogers 21 Kenneth P. Revay, CM Stephanie E. Hanses Hannah B. Medd Mary A. Sikes 11 Eldon L. Bekkum 8 Jeffrey L. Schultes, AAE 21 Frank D. Walker Margaret A. Hansotte Shannon M. Medeiros Jolann M. Simciak 11 Richard J. Cloud 8 David H. Thering 19 Eugene C. Branson Kumari A. Hardy Terry W. Meier Jeffery D. Smith 11 Katharine L. Felson 8 James W. Thomas 19 Cameron M. G. Kirk C. Harris Alexandra S. Michaels Reginald E. Smith 11 Frederick J. Geiger 7 John A. Bester Donaldson Robin S. Harris Kathryn M. Miller Trent M. Smith 11 Daniel E. Hinton, Sr. 7 Ernest M. Briel, Jr. 19 Thomas J. Kunhart, Elizabeth A. Haupin Leslie G. Miller Thomas A. Snyder 11 Gary S. Kaminski 7 Gary S. Bushko USA (Ret.) Margie B. Hawkes George J. Moletz Sanjoy M. Som 11 Joseph J. Lavorgna 7 Eugene A. Buzzi 19 Frank R. Leslie Robert M. Herbst James O. Montague Rodney Spann 11 Harold O. Martin III 7 David L. Clayton 18 Thomas R. Jennifer B. Hickey Melissa S. Moreno James C. Sparks 11 William W. McGaw 7 James D. Dahmann Hernacki III, PE Peter K. Higginbotham Joseph P. Morrow Charissa R. Stair 11 Paul D. Parks 7 Jim E. Downey 18 Anthony X. Hoyer Lonnie D. Hill Melissa A. Morrow Ian J. Stifle 11 Stephen O. Peffer 7 Geoffrey S. Draper 18 Robert P. Mathewson Richard B. Hirsch III Suzette S. Mosley Lewin R. Stoute 11 Robert J. Pratt 7 E. M. Dubois 18 Mary Jane Schnoor Douglas K. Hoffman Illya L. Mowerman Ursula V. Strahm 11 Lawrence P. Rebel 7 Michael K. Duffy 17 Robert T. Cato Carol D. Holcomb Darren J. Mueller Robert G. Szrama 11 Donald C. Reynolds, Jr. 7 Katharine P. Dunlevy 17 Allen W. Davis III Nadine S. Holness Richard A. Nabors Matthew A. Taylor 11 Linda P. Reynolds 7 William L. Geary, Jr. 17 George J. Morstatt III Stephanie T. Hopper John J. Nagle Norris H. Taylor 11 Jolann M. Simciak 7 Michael S. Gottfried 17 Joy B. Patterson Thomas H. Hoskins Allison L. Nevin Jason H. Terreri 11 J. K. Snyder 7 Jon P. Hillen 17 Jeffrey M. Schiff Brian P. Howell Daniel S. Nicholson Ursula Thomas-Norris 11 Timothy D. Sutton, 7 Douglas R. Horde 17 Keith G. Troutman Clark A. Huffman Brian J. Noe, Ph.D. Mark W. Thompson USMC (Ret.) 7 Gregory B. Hunter 16 William P. Bukevicz Gregory A. A. Hughes James J. Nowicki Gary A. Thorpe 11 Raymond A. Wilkins 7 Eugene C. Kabana 16 Dale A. Dettmer, J.D. Carlene R. Jackson Amer F. Numan Adam C. Thorstad 10 Joan V. Bixby 7 Joseph A. Kasprzak 16 Pamela D. Hobson Clifford Jackson Shelley R. Ochs Sophia S. Tomadakis 10 Debra S. Blenis 7 Peter T. Kovacs 38 7 Richard R. Mishura 5 Julie L. Horton 4 Nancy W. Hunter 3 Susan L. Carlson 3 Jono Hren 3 Jeffery T. Sample, Ph.D. 7 Christopher J. Mitchell 5 Jeffrey W. Howland 4 Fletcher S. Johnston 3 Elaine A. Carlyle 3 Deborah W. Irland- 3 Sarah R. Sanvictores 7 Justin E. Moore 5 Ralph M. Johns 4 Dennis F. Karr 3 Joseph Caruso, Sr. Crawford 3 Michael R. Sassone 7 Donald C. Parsons 5 Robert O. Johnson 4 Carolyn D. 3 Lisa E. Chan 3 Jose Y. Jimenez 3 Elizabeth D. Schafer 7 Carl P. Ritter 5 Timothy P. LaBo Kinebrew-Bosa 3 Irene N. Chang 3 Julia E. Johnson 3 Shena J. Scott 7 Stanley Salek 5 James E. Lacy, Jr. 4 F. B. Kovacs 3 Shien-Chung Chiao 3 Lea J. Johnson 3 Bruce N. Shibles, Esq. 7 Tod M. Schuck 5 Robert J. Lorenz 4 Warren K. Lackie 3 Oswald J. Christ 3 Michael T. Johnson 3 Philip A. Shlossman 7 Amy A. Simon-Miller 5 Mark C. Lyons 4 Mark E. Lintz 3 Kimberly J. Church 3 Wilton L. Jordan II 3 Roger A. Sinigoi 7 Thomas F. Stewart III 5 William R. Muns 4 Jeffrey R. Lucas 3 James E. Clausner 3 Timothy R. Kain 3 Dean L. Smehil, 7 Scott R. Ulrey 5 Jeffrey D. Nelson 4 Susan E. McDonough 3 Ronald L. Cole, Jr. 3 Dean T. Kent NOAA (Ret.) 7 Hugh H. Wilson 5 Khalillolah K. Nemati 4 Michael J. Mengel 3 Wayne M. Cole 3 James M. Kentosh 3 J. A. Smith, Ph.D. 6 Carl K. Blank 5 John T. Pierce 4 Jim J. Minck, Jr. 3 Kevin A. Collette 3 Scott D. Kerr 3 J. K. Smith 6 Gail A. Blank 5 George E. Poidomani 4 Gerald E. Nostrand 3 James J. Conomea, Jr. 3 Scot B. Killen 3 Jeffery D. Smith 6 Michael N. Corey 5 James E. Preissner 4 James J. Nowicki 3 Patrick J. Cooper 3 Stephen F. Koca, PE 3 Kevin T. Smith 6 Andrew J. Coste 5 Alan L. Prestwood 4 Naomi C. Petteway 3 Gregory A. Corrigan 3 Jessica K. Koelsch 3 John Sodano 6 Jeffrey B. Dean 5 D. Travis Proctor 4 Jose M. Pinto, Jr., Ph.D. 3 Jerry W. Crafton 3 Gregory A. Koumbis 3 James C. Sparks 6 George A. Downey, Jr. 5 Herbert M. 4 Cynthia L. Pratt 3 Leo H. Craiglow, Jr. 3 Arun Krishnamurthy 3 Justin L. Spitzer 6 Sharon D. Draper Raybourn, PE 4 Victoria M. Putnam- 3 Barry F. Dano 3 Mario K. Kuhar 3 Gary M. Spurrier 6 Peter B. Dyson 5 Cynthia A. Razik Cantelmo 3 Charles A. Davis 3 Frank T. Lacorte 3 Gladys B. Steptoe 6 John P. Gagliardo 5 Edwin K. Retter 4 Kent J. Schollmeier 3 Richard B. Davis 3 Joseph E. Layton 3 Ann Stocker, Ph.D. 6 Patricia B. Gillen 5 Eva R. Roche 4 Rosemary L. Smith, 3 Glen E. Deal 3 Jonathan B. Lesieur 3 Richard P. Strompf 6 Quincy C. Hobbs, Jr. 5 Ling Rothrock Psy.D. 3 Mani V. Desik 3 James H. Little 3 Clifford R. Sturdivant 6 Sharon C. Kelly 5 Daniel P. Sandlin 4 Arthur H. Stadlin 3 Denise M. Devito 3 Gee-Hwa E. Loh 3 Albert M. Thomas 6 Philip A. King 5 Allyn R. Saunders, CPM 4 Harold A. Sullins 3 Jeremy M. Dick 3 George M. Lucas, RN 3 Joseph T. Thomas, Sr. 6 Cecilia A. Knoll, Ph.D. 5 Douglas M. Schuler, PE 4 Dale E. Thompson 3 Brent R. Doyle 3 Julie L. Lumpkins 3 Gary A. Thorpe 6 Suzanne L. Kozaitis 5 C. Todd Smith 4 Oscar L. Torres, Jr. 3 I. D. Duncan 3 William H. Lynch, PE 3 James G. Tonti 6 Susan F. Krabbe 5 Donald J. Stepnicka 4 Robert Trujillo 3 James F. Duncan 3 Cynthia R. Maris, Ph.D. 3 Wallace J. Tubell, Jr. 6 Eleyse T. Manley, Psy.D. 5 Thomas L. Tanel 4 Gregory E. Tuckett 3 Christopher Dupupet 3 Robert P. McDaniels USA 6 Richard J. Mazzaccaro, 5 Ozias Travis, Jr. 4 Richard P. Utyro 3 Douglas E. Engle 3 William P. McInnis 3 John D. Van Gilder M.D. Ph.D. 5 Jennifer L. Urbauer- 4 Anne Vandiver 3 Larry W. Falkie 3 Craig A. McKay 3 John A. Van Workum 6 Karla H. Micka Parsons 4 Jack R. Wierengo, Jr. 3 Susan L. Farnsworth 3 Vernotto C. McMillan 3 Gregory M. Varholy 6 David B. Montgomery 5 Terrence P. Vernes 4 Samuel F. Williams 3 Dirk Fieberg 3 Paul M. Merry 3 James J. Vega 6 Robert E. Neild 5 David B. Wisinger 3 Yolanta Abramowicz 3 Sara B. Fieberg 3 Stephen D. Michael 3 Kenneth D. Watts 6 Robert G. Pierce, Jr. 5 Feng Yang, Ph.D. McCune 3 Robert R. Fisk 3 Matthew C. Milligan 3 William Wavering 6 Paul A. Rice 5 Daryl Yee Litt 3 Stephen R. Alexander 3 Quinnie M. Flint 3 C. F. Morgan 3 Todd D. West 6 James C. Risner 5 Henry G. Zgutowicz 3 Charles S. Alliss 3 Michael J. Forader III 3 Harmon P. Morgan 3 Shelba S. Wetheral 6 Michael H. Ussak 5 Milo M. Zonka, CFP 3 Joseph Angelo III 3 Anne M. Forrest 3 Michael J. Morrison 3 Michelle K. 6 Ahmed I. Vanya 4 Mohammad S. 3 George T. Arnsmeyer 3 Christopher C. Foshay 3 Darren J. Mueller Whisenhant, USN 6 Daniel Wagman Al-Ghamdi 3 Matthew S. Ascroft 3 Michael S. Franck 3 Chester A. Murphy III 3 David L. White 5 James G. Aivalis 4 Terrence R. Applebee 3 Vernon K. Ausherman 3 Dwayne L. Free USA (Ret.) 3 Ronald R. Willey 5 Russell J. Ballagh 4 James T. Baker 3 Douglas F. Bailey, SDS, 3 Evan C. Futterman 3 Mary L. Murphy 3 Michael T. Williams 5 Carol G. Batte 4 Timothy R. Baker Ph.D. 3 Raymond H. Gaier III 3 Daniel S. Nicholson 3 Karen R. Windsor 5 Marjorie A. Beckett 4 Douglas J. Bayley, USAF 3 John D. Baker 3 Robert M. Garceau 3 Rowland J. Nicholson, 3 Dennis O. Wissinger 5 Donald A. Bee 4 Lona H. Bell 3 Stephen E. Bankert 3 Laura K. Gatz USA (Ret.) 3 Roy C. Wolff 5 David R. Berlin 4 George M. Boger 3 Vicki T. Bannon 3 Jeffrey J. Geuther 3 Carmen M. Nizzi- 3 Maricel M. Worden 5 Tom G. Byrd, Jr. 4 Richard W. Botsford 3 Bernard J. Beckmann 3 Matthew S. Godek Santiago, USA (Ret.) 3 Edward S. Wrasmann 5 Deborah S. Carstens, 4 H. J. Braul 3 John F. Belton, Jr. 3 Edwin M. Good, 3 Mehmet T. Odman 3 Kathleen C. Yhip Ph.D. 4 James E. Brethauer 3 Michael W. Belton USNR (Ret.) 3 Karol A. Patten 3 Sharie A. Youmans 5 Glenn P. Clinger III 4 Kenneth J. Calcatera 3 Jeffrey P. Benes 3 Barbro L. Goodman 3 Andrew Petrulak 3 Thomas A. Young, USAF 5 John J. Coulter III 4 Ernie L. Cantelmo 3 Charles P. Bennardo 3 Michael H. Graff 3 Denise L. Picard 3 Shisheng Zhao 5 Andria M. Davis 4 Michael J. Casas 3 Larry G. Bennett 3 Ivan A. Guerra 3 Harry Pillot 3 John A. Ziccardi 5 Kerri L. Donaldson- 4 Robin Chan 3 Bridget R. Berardinelli 3 Doris J. Guerrant, Ph.D. 3 Phillip D. Pittman 3 Tammy L. Ziccardi Hanna 4 Weyni A. Clacken 3 Lynn G. Biggs 3 Fitzgerald Haig 3 Warren W. Pryor 3 Eric A. Zillmer, Psy.D. 5 Laura L. Dues 4 Mary S. Clark 3 Stephen T. Black 3 Sundeep Handa 3 Alan L. Quimby, PE 3 Margaret J. Zuanich- 5 Sarah L. Dunsford 4 Scott A. Clary 3 Catherine L. Blessing 3 Thomas J. Harvey 3 Lori K. Racaniello Bunker 5 Andreas Goetzfried 4 Brian S. Crane 3 James M. Blessing 3 Elizabeth A. Haupin 3 Douglas C. Rauscher 3 Jonathan B. Zung, Ph.D. 5 Michael L. Gordon 4 Jeffrey J. Cyr 3 Juanita O. Brooks, Psy.D. 3 Maryanne E. Hazen 3 Holly M. Rauscher 5 Becky A. Hakim 4 Ronald J. Damiano 3 James T. Brown, Jr. 3 Roy F. Henderson II 3 Helayne T. Ray, Ph.D. Non-Alumni 5 Ziad A. Hakim 4 Gail S. Gonzalez 3 Stanley E. Bruner 3 Arecio A. Hernandez 3 Jose A. Reilova, M.D. Consecutive 5 Connie R. Hay 4 Robert T. Gunning, Jr. 3 Ian D. L. Bryan 3 Sergio A. Hernandez 3 Laurissa Reynolds Years 3+ 5 John R. Hay 4 Henry G. Heflich, Jr. 3 William T. Burton, Jr. 3 William S. Highsmith 3 Sandra D. Rice Non-alumni who have given 5 Henry G. Heflich, Jr. 4 Koji Hirano 3 John H. Cain, Ph.D. 3 Richard B. Hirsch III 3 Robert E. Richardson three or more years consecu- 5 Charles R. Hewitt, Jr. 4 Jeffrey S. Hoel 3 Owen W. Callard 3 Sabine K. Hirst 3 Claudia M. Roberts tively as of April 30, 2008. 5 Damian A. Hite 4 Sara B. Howze, Psy.D. 3 Jeffrey M. Capelli 3 Carol D. Holcomb 3 Ronald A. Roff 22 Randall L. Alford 5 Rosalene M. Holecheck 4 Gregory A. A. Hughes 3 John C. Carlson, Jr. 3 Brian L. Hollenbeck 3 Mario G. Ruiz Florida Tech TODAY | 39 22 J. Clayton Baum, Ph.D. 13 William R. Harris 10 John H. Trefry, Ph.D. 7 Janet Harazda 5 Selwyn M. Beach 5 Sarah O. Silvernail 22 Thomas E. Bowman, 13 Howell H. Heck III, 10 Michael H. Williams 7 Bjørg Hermansen 5 R. M. Blake, J.D. 5 Susan Simoes Ph.D., PE Ph.D. 9 Anonymous 7 Bjørnar K. Hermansen 5 Dawn H. Bohne 5 Thomas W. Sinclair 22 T. R. Manley 13 Phyllis C. Long 9 Richard D. Awe, C.P.A. 7 Lawrence B. Kenkel 5 Vicki L. Booth 5 John L. Slack 22 William C. Potter, Esq. 13 Jacqueline Manning 9 Laszlo A. Baksay, Ph.D. 7 Mary B. Kenkel, Ph.D. 5 Ann L. Broom 5 Michael H. Slotkin, 22 Richard L. Turner, Ph.D. 13 Jean-Paul Pinelli, Ph.D. 9 Mary E. Bonhomme, 7 Malcolm R. 5 Carolyn M. Cacciatore Ph.D. 22 John G. Windsor, Jr., 13 Lawrence P. Pollack Ph.D. Kirschenbaum, J.D. 5 S. S. Cacciatore, Esq. 5 Stacy S. Strickland Ph.D. 13 Mary A. Rankin 9 Raymond F. Bonhomme 7 Alfred B. Osterhout 5 Christopher J. Carlisle 5 Daniel P. Talarico 21 Richard N. Baney, Sr., 13 Reginald P. Rushnell 9 Bob Briggs 7 Robert J. Palazzi 5 Clarence A. Chapman 5 Mark G. Thompson M.D. 13 Thomas J. Saam 9 Dorothee A. Custer 7 Toni M. Policano 5 Charles E. Conrad 5 Nancy M. Thompson 21 John T. Hartley 13 Roger L. Schenk 9 Keith A. Dimond, M.D. 7 Lucille Serody 5 David E. Cook, Ph.D. 5 Ann M. Titus 21 Mark D. Vanstrum 13 Sara M. Schenk 9 Kathleen A. Ellis 7 Robert I. Serody 5 B. A. Cudmore, Ph.D. 5 Stephan A. Truhon 21 Lynn E. Weaver, Ph.D. 13 Richard Whitmore 9 William L. Finch 7 F. Alan Smith 5 Kimberly S. Dana 5 Ronald P. Trunzo 18 Thomas R. Hernacki 13 Matthew A. Wood, 9 Joseph M. Flammio, 7 Sharon Smith 5 James R. Daughtry, 5 Michael W. Welch III, PE Ph.D. CFP, CIMC 7 Rose Stodola TTEE 5 David A. White 18 A. T. Hollingsworth, 12 Frances M. Eckel 9 Lee Garner 7 Jim T. Swann III 5 Eric N. Davis 5 Robert E. Wiley Ph.D. 12 David C. Fleming, Ph.D. 9 Sylvia G. Garner 7 Donna M. Turner 5 Iver W. Duedall, Ph.D. 5 Amy S. Williams 18 Sharon Irvin, M.A. 12 Elizabeth L. Galya 9 Peggy Giesenschlag 7 Charlotte M. Young 5 Arturo E. Echarte 5 Ross F. Winebarger 18 Gordon L. Nelson, 12 John Hadjilogiou, Ph.D. 9 Linda Janse 6 Lois F. Anderson 5 Mary L. Elwell 5 Feng Yang, Ph.D. Ph.D. 12 James Lambright, Jr. 9 Joan B. Leake 6 Barbara E. Bingnear 5 Julie V. Fisher 4 Mohammad S. 17 William K. Gabrenya, 12 Jay M. Lamy 9 Margaret B. Moore 6 David Casey 5 Mary P. Fox Al-Ghamdi Jr., Ph.D. 12 Patricia G. Miller 9 Douglas A. Nolder 6 Anthony J. Catanese, 5 Thomas G. Fox, Ph.D. 4 Richard G. Alper 17 Robert J. Jaglowski 12 Claire K. Peffer 9 Barbara G. Pierce, Ph.D. Ph.D., FAICP 5 James J. Gerhauser 4 Nancy B. Austin 17 Paul A. Jennings, Ph.D. 12 Clarence Penn 9 Wesley C. Power 6 Sara Catanese 5 Kevin W. Graham 4 John A. Banks 17 Edward H. Kalajian, 12 Suzanne I. Penn 9 Cecil B. Smith 6 Cheryl A. Coletti 5 Sandra K. Hall 4 S. Ann Becker, Ph.D. Ph.D. 12 Brent E. Peoples 9 Robert A. Taylor, Ph.D. 6 Evelyn C. Cotton 5 William A. Harr, 4 Carla H. Boyer 17 Priscilla A. Kalajian 12 Michael Scafati 9 Virginia J. Taylor 6 Martin D. Cummings D.P.M., P. A . 4 Albino P. Campanini 17 John G. Morris, Ph.D. 12 Maynard R. Shope 9 Wayne E. Weber 6 Timothy W. Davis 5 David L. Henninger 4 Andrew M. Clark, Ph.D. 17 Gordon M. Patterson, 12 Jay R. Wherley 8 Anonymous 6 Anthony J. Dickerson 5 Jennifer Hosburgh 4 Theresa Clayton Ph.D. 12 Terri L. Wright 8 Michael C. Barron 6 Mary F. Dyer 5 James A. Hunt 4 Miriam Coleman-Small 17 John K. Roach 11 Stephen Andrew 8 Marjorie A. Beckett 6 James L. Fisher, Ph.D. 5 Marilyn M. Jarvis 4 Mary Anne Compton 17 Julia R. Roach 11 Donna C. Brown 8 Thomas V. Belanger 6 Anita E. Full 5 Judith A. Jensen 4 Carl D. Dalessandro 17 William D. Shoaff, 11 Jerry S. Hall 8 Patricia M. Campanini 6 John T. Full 5 Judith A. Kelliher 4 Chris K. Davis Ph.D. 11 Peter W. Heinen 8 Anne N. Carlson 6 Donna L. Garson 5 Christine P. Lance 4 Douglas A. Dieruf 17 Martha P. Work 11 Betty L. Henderson 8 Roy V. Carlson 6 Robert J. Gillen 5 Howard L. Lance 4 Frederick H. Dobbs 16 Eugene S. Cavallucci, 11 Matthew W. Jacobson 8 John J. Corelli 6 Thomas W. Hodges 5 Robert I. Lee 4 James M. Duffy J.D. 11 Peter E. Katsoulas 8 Julia M. Doyle 6 John R. Kaminski 5 Fred M. Markham 4 John W. Duncan 16 Rebecca S. Cavallucci 11 Thomas M. Knox 8 Ken Droscher 6 Doris W. King 5 Lynda C. Markham 4 David Fassino 16 Connie Chiles-Cooke 11 John J. Maney 8 Helen M. Duncan 6 Maxwell C. King 5 Rudolph Masaryk, Jr. 4 Gary Fitzgerald 16 Pamela Dettmer 11 Bryan Osterling 8 Susan Fitzgerald 6 Jill H. Klein 5 Mary Helen McCay, 4 Richard Follet 16 Joseph R. DiPrima 11 Douglas S. Parman 8 Brian P. Fox 6 Jane L. Koke Ph.D. 4 Carla L. Funk 16 Robert P. Gaarder 11 Rebecca L. Parman 8 Allen S. Henry, Ph.D. 6 Robert F. Koke 5 T. Dwayne McCay, Ph.D. 4 Pamela A. Gatto-Gallo 16 Donna J. Sullivan 11 Dianne M. Rhodes 8 Susan F. How 6 David G. McGinty 5 Grady McCoy 4 Lydia Gerhauser 16 Robert L. Sullivan, 11 Donald G. Rhodes, 8 Susannah M. Laney 6 Marion K. Merry 5 Patricia A. McCoy 4 Joy J. Gilliland Ph.D. M.D. 8 Andrew N. Mize 6 Luella C. Mills 5 Martin McEntaggart 4 Brooke D. Goldfarb 15 Juanita N. Baker, Ph.D. 11 John C. Schuler 8 Terry D. Oswalt, Ph.D. 6 Henry G. Peebles III 5 Michael A. McGirr 4 Sarah Goodnight 15 Richard H. Baker, Ph.D. 11 Walter C. Simciak 8 Patricia Scafati 6 David B. Peterson 5 Robert H. McLeran 4 Chris Hauck 15 Janice B. Teegen 11 John J. Talone, Jr. 8 Carol Schiff 6 Sheldon Prial 5 Robert A. Merrill 4 Joann Heflich 15 Manolis Tomadakis, 11 Beverly Zygmunt 8 Joel F. Sherman 6 John Regan 5 Marty Miller 4 James L. Henningsen Ph.D. 10 John C. Barranti, Ed.D. 8 Gregory H. Spake 6 Kenneth P. Revay, CM 5 Lisa K. Moore 4 Lisa Hernacki 15 Kathy A. Turner 10 Phillip Chan, Ph.D. 8 Jane R. Spake 6 John E. Reynolds, Jr. 5 Ilona Mueller 4 Lauren J. Hewton 15 Noreen Williams 10 Linda K. Dawson 8 Alice Spinelli-Culbreth 6 Muzaffar A. Shaikh, 5 Lucie Muns 4 Koji Hirano 14 Celine Lang, D.P.A. 10 Albert A. DeCaprio 8 Robert Sukolsky Ph.D. 5 Michael Neill 4 Mary Ann Hoel 14 Gary F. Lang 10 Novella S. Elderkin 8 Monica A. Thomas 6 Elizabeth J. Swann 5 Rodd A. Newcombe 4 Brenna M. Hoffman 14 George A. Maul, Ph.D. 10 Walter J. Gatti 8 Nathaniel E. Villaire, 6 Suzanne M. Valencia 5 Hubert C. Normile, 4 John R. Hopkins 14 Ronald R. Paesano 10 Richard L. Griffith, Ph.D., Ed.D. 6 Fontaine Wallace Jr., Esq. 4 Carol C. Hughes- 14 Hamid K. Rassoul, Ph.D. Ph.D. 7 Drew M. Bentley 6 James O. Wilson III 5 Wendy C. Oliver Duncan 14 James F. Roesch, Jr. 10 F. S. Guerin 7 Daniel P. Blom 6 Michelle Wilson 5 Bonnie Parks 4 Elizabeth A. Irlandi- 13 Donna Baker 10 Erik E. Joh, Esq. 7 Patricia H. Briel 6 John H. Young, Jr. 5 Richard M. Peoples Hyatt, Ph.D. 13 Alan B. Brown 10 Paul E. Kalinosky 7 Judith H. Buzzi 5 Raymond A. Armstrong, 5 J. W. Philp 4 Barbara J. Jacobs 13 Paul J. Cosentino, Ph.D. 10 Junda Lin, Ph.D. 7 William W. Carrigan Sr., M.D. 5 Kenneth W. Pichon 4 William E. Jacobs 13 Catherine A. Elder, 10 Nabil I. Matar, Ph.D. 7 Dean A. Curry 5 Joseph J. Armul 5 Margaret Ryan 4 Jimmie C. Johnson Ph.D. 10 Rachele A. Ross 7 Jacolyne A. Dale 5 Sharon Armul 5 Paula Savage-Harr 4 William M. Johnson III 13 Phillip W. Farmer 10 Craig A. Suman 7 Martin E. Dandridge 5 Jean K. Arnault 5 Jack M. Schluckebier 4 Marcia E. King 13 Richard L. Farr 10 Ruth M. Suman 7 Diane L. Deaton 5 Paul Battaglia 5 Douglas E. Siemers 4 Louis A. Korahais 40 4 James W. Lacey 3 Teresa A. Arnsmeyer 3 Judith J. Feucht 3 John Meyerholz 3 Katie H. Shuman 1965–1969 4 Ammi E. Lacy 3 Barbara Ausherman 3 Sara B. Fieberg 3 Andrew Milman 3 Richard Simmons William H. Dickson 4 James R. Lacy 3 Joseph L. Babb 3 Brian G. Fisher 3 Thomas N. Mittman 3 Brian E. Simpson Charles E. Fowler 4 James S. Laham, C.P.A. 3 Susan C. Babb 3 John J. Francey 3 Donald V. Moline 3 Christina M. Sims Hillard H. Allen 4 John J. Lally 3 Erin Bankert 3 Alan M. French 3 Gary L. Moline 3 Cynthia N. Smith Roy F. Henderson II 4 Verna F. Layman 3 Thomas J. Bannon 3 Shirley R. Friedland 3 Paula G. Molnar 3 Donna P. Smith Warren K. Lackie 4 William G. Lewis 3 Marcia Barnes 3 Freddie Garcia, Jr. 3 Thomas R. Molnar 3 Jessie Smith William J. Moroney 4 Marisa B. Magill 3 Mary L. Beckmann 3 Gregory Garcia, Jr. 3 Sara C. Morrison 3 Karen I. Smith John B. Watson 4 Arnold I. Marcus 3 Sandra L. Beckwith 3 George T. Gergora 3 Mary A. Murphy 3 Julie K. Song Eugene L. Berger, PE 4 Vincent A. Mathias 3 Cheryl A. Bester 3 Robert O. Ghiotto 3 Terri Myers 3 Karen L. Speed H. J. Braul 4 Sara C. Mayer 3 Elizabeth H. Biscardi 3 Peter J. Gilbert 3 Timothy J. Naddy 3 Kerry T. Speed George C. Carey 4 Robert McCown 3 Lynn M. Borlas 3 Joseph H. Glover III 3 Michael Nash 3 David F. Speer William B. Carey 4 Fred McCurry 3 Adam Bowers 3 Gary J. Guida 3 Martha C. Newton 3 Michael E. Splitt John J. Courtney III 4 Donald P. McGee, Jr. 3 Ritva T. Bowman 3 Johnnie M. Hackett 3 Mary B. Nicolay 3 Jennifer H. Stein Max I. Miller 4 George R. McGee 3 Clifford R. Bragdon 3 Pamela A. Hale 3 Karen Nierenberg 3 Leon J. Stein Shaw E. Pender 4 Judith McGinty 3 Sarah V. Bragdon 3 R. J. Hallenbeck 3 Jeanne Odermann 3 Carol F. Stinson Frank H. Sorum, Jr. 4 Robert L. Mills 3 Faye Braud 3 Elizabeth A. Halsema 3 Peter D. Ostrosser 3 David L. Stone Joel P. Stinson 4 Fred Natkin 3 Joan R. Brennan 3 Paul B. Halsema 3 Ann C. Paine 3 Patricia Sukrachand Harold A. Sullins 4 Rosi Oberlaender 3 John R. Brennan 3 Gene V. Hayes 3 Jackie Pantello 3 Mike Swenson Karl E. Bromm 4 Sigi O. Oberlaender 3 Judy C. Brown 3 JoAnn Heflich 3 Virgina L. Paterson 3 Joan Taddie Frederick C. Burgett, Jr. 4 Ashok Pandit, Ph.D. 3 Stephen B. Brown 3 Allison J. Heinen 3 John R. Patton II 3 Pete Taddie David W. Davis, PMP 4 Jayne I. Park 3 Nancy Buonanni 3 Stanley G. Heinricher 3 Maria A. Peebles 3 Mark Tate Jack B. Galpin Sr. 4 Charles W. Pekar 3 William S. Buonanni 3 Sandra Henry 3 James C. Phillips 3 Cindy Thomas Thomas W. George 4 Janet L. Pierce 3 Elisa C. Burden 3 Janice K. Hill 3 Donna J. Pichon 3 Patricia A. Thomas Anna M. Hamalainen 4 Shirley Plumb 3 Kay E. Burk 3 Jose Hixon 3 Julie Pinkerton 3 Gary A. Thorpe Frank R. Leslie 4 Wendy L. Potter 3 Warren W. C. Burk 3 Susan Hopkins 3 Scott G. Pinkerton 3 Judith E. Tintera Charles R. Mainville 4 Marjorie W. Pravden 3 Mark Bush, Ph.D. 3 Pei-Feng Hsu, Ph.D. 3 Mark A. Policano 3 R. E. Trawick John L. Rivard 4 Patrick A. Recore 3 Mary C. Butters 3 Charles M. Ivey III 3 Ellen C. F. Pryor 3 Annette M. Valyo J. K. Snyder 4 Karen Rhine 3 Cheryl C. Buzzelli 3 Mary L. Ivey 3 Terry W. Raney 3 Sharon Van Workum John G. Waring 4 Doris M. Richards 3 Stephan T. Carr 3 Denise M. Jackson 3 Tracy B. Ravin 3 Garry M. Varnes, Jr. W. A. Webb 4 David L. Rodgers 3 David J. Carroll, Ph.D. 3 Shirley M. Jin 3 Gerald B. Reeder 3 David A. Vosburgh Derald D. Beer 4 Ruth Schler 3 Jacquelyn R. Cartwright 3 Dorothy S. Johnson 3 Stacey M. Reeder 3 Annmarie V. Waite I. D. Duncan 4 Donald J. Schultz 3 Leslie J. Castaldi 3 Julia E. Johnson 3 Edward P. Reilly 3 Thomas D. Waite, Ph.D. James S. Henry 4 David A. Sekman 3 Peter P. Castello 3 Ralph A. Johnson 3 Andrew W. Revay, Jr., 3 Abigail Walters Charles J. Herbert, Sr. 4 Robert L. Selkow 3 Emily C. Cato 3 Tama L. Johnson Ph.D. 3 Linda J. Ward Victor Kukel 4 Doris R. Shope 3 Kenneth L. Chapin 3 Darcia Jones-Francey 3 Gloria H. Richards 3 Harry P. Weber, Ph.D. Frank F. Lane 4 Catherine P. Simon 3 Shien-Chung Chiao 3 Donna Joyal 3 Jim L. Ridenour 3 Harold B. West Peter J. Marciniak 4 Hampton O. Smith 3 City of Melbourne 3 Harold L. Jury 3 Sheila M. Rindge 3 Phyllis W. West William F. Sandusky III 4 Scott C. Smith 3 Pearlie Coates 3 Roger N. Kallet 3 Don F. Riordan, Jr. 3 Jodee C. Wilfong Ronald E. Szelist 4 D. B. Spath 3 Linda G. Coleman 3 Robert M. Kilianek 3 Rolingston Rodney 3 Robert C. Wilfong John J. Tori 4 Guy M. Spearman III 3 Carol G. Cook 3 Alan R. King 3 Helene M. Roesch 3 Judith D. Willey 1970 4 Frank D. Spino, Jr. 3 Nancy E. Cook 3 Robert C. Klaproth, Jr. 3 Joan L. Rokach 3 John M. Williams Eugene C. Branson 4 H. P. Stall 3 Robert L. Cook, Jr. 3 Suzanne L. Kozaitis 3 Joshua Rokach, Ph.D. 3 Pauline M. Williams John A. Carlson, Jr. 4 Mary S. Stall 3 Diane W. Croteau 3 Jane Krings 3 Irene Romero 3 Theresa T. Williams Priscilla C. Cooper 4 Janice E. Tannehill- 3 Michelle Damiano 3 Robb T. Laney 3 Marcos A. Romero 3 Carolyn P. Wilson Elbert O. Drumheller Spino 3 Paula C. Davis 3 Robin C. Lemonidis 3 Fred B. Rotz 3 R P. Wimmer Matthew S. Godek 4 Elaine N. Taylor 3 Rayanne L. Davis 3 Jonathan B. Lesieur 3 Bradley A. Roub 3 Franklin B. Wolking Charles L. Gross 4 Evelyn Taylor 3 Harry L. Deffebach III 3 John R. Lindeman, 3 Francis J. Ryan 3 Mary B. Wood Meridith M. Harrell 4 James W. Thomas 3 Kim P. Deffebach, Ph.D. D.D.S., P.A. 3 Joyce M. Sale 3 Eric W. Worden William F. Hartman 4 Cherie Thompson 3 Helene DeGroodt-Belt 3 Lois V. Lynn 3 Beverly H. Sanders 3 Michael Wuebbenhorst Larry D. Hughes 4 Kimberly Trujillo 3 Edward S. Delaplaine II 3 Alicia A. Macom 3 Mark S. Sanders 3 Donald A. Wylie Eddie J. Laplante 4 Joyce Vass 3 Catherine C. Demeyer 3 William C. Macom 3 Yolanda Santini 3 Grace R. Wylie Homer S. Maynard 4 Carol W. Waters 3 Lori A. Dennis 3 Richard P. Malvesti 3 Laurie Saunders 3 Linda A. Zitnik Hubert L. McCracken 4 Frank M. Webbe, Ph.D. 3 Keith A. Dimond, M.D. 3 Brian P. Masterson 3 Leslie L. Savoie Garry J. Miller 4 Rosalind E. Weiss 3 Julie Dimond 3 Carol K. Maul 3 Robert P. Schmidt Alumni Donors Richard R. Mishura 4 Steven K. Weiss 3 Evelyn E. Dolan 3 Nancy O. McCombs 3 Richard H. Schnoor By Year John T. Oakes 4 Priscilla C. Wiener 3 Patricia B. Doscher 3 John P. McCune 3 Alfred Scortino Dharmabhai M. Patel 4 Barbara W. Wilder 3 James M. Downey 3 Deborah A. McGauley 3 David Seares 1960–1964 Andrew Petrulak 4 Debra C. Wooldridge 3 Mary Duncan 3 Elinor S. McKee 3 Nancy E. Seares Lewis H. Bancroft Kurt A. Ramstine 3 Ravi Agarwal 3 Steve Dyer 3 Carolyn McLeod 3 Ann H. Sepri Troy L. McDavid William G. Roy 3 Ronald L. Aiken 3 Cynthia L. Earp 3 George McLeod III 3 Paavo Sepri, Ph.D. Paul I. Waite Bill L. Seatz 3 Lisa M. Alliss 3 James H. Earp 3 Malcolm E. McLouth 3 Susan H. Seybold Gary C. Gast, PE Bruce M. Strean 3 Toni Alper 3 Judith S. Eberle 3 Duane A. McMillen 3 Eugene M. Shepherd, James L. Walls, Jr. Timothy L. Wade 3 Janice T. Altieri 3 Tina Eiler 3 Adrienne G. Meyer M.D. Oswald J. Christ John T. Webb, PE 3 Jane A. Arens 3 Albert E. Feucht 3 Gerald Meyer 3 Jeffrey S. Shuman Donald L. Marquiss Florida Tech TODAY | 41 1971 Stephen T. Black Berniece E. Hower Norman A. McDaniel Susan K. Runco Richard H. Nunn Jerry D. Blevins Gary S. Bushko Gregory B. Hunter William B. Messersmith Anil Saigal Larry M. Ondic Robert S. Brucker Joseph Caruso, Sr. Julia E. Johnson Stephen D. Michael Allyn R. Saunders, CPM Cornell P. Proctor, Jr. Dale A. Dettmer, J.D. James Cates Samuel H. Jones, USA Marc H. Michalovsky Jeffrey L. Schultes, AAE Charles J. Reilly, Jr. Michael H. Graff Joseph M. Chapman, USA (Ret.) Martha J. Miller Philip A. Shlossman John T. Revelle William S. Gulick (Ret.) James M. Kentosh Guy A. Mirro Gardner W. Smith Robert M. Rivell Robert M. Hardy John R. Coppley, Jr. Philip A. Kinder Lawrence R. Mortland Kenneth J. Spangler Sharon D. Rodier Arecio A. Hernandez Mary A. Emmons, USA Rosann Kryczkowski David R. Motschman Arthur H. Stadlin Mario G. Ruiz Daniel E. Hinton, Sr. (Ret.) George S. Laslo, USA (Ret.) Karl R. Mueller Judith B. Strother, Ph.D. Kenneth A. Sawyer Hiroshi Ishiko Robert R. Fisk Jaime I. Leon Walter E. Mullaney Robert L. Swoyer Carol D. Seals Gary S. Lagerloef David L. Force Stephen J. Lewis Charles E. Owlett Deborah A. Terreault Alan J. Siegel Corliss U. Laisure Duane C. Futch Ricardo R. Lushington Lawrence P. Rebel John W. Thiltgen Gerald D. Smith W. M. Manduke George W. Gering III Mark C. Lyons Joseph C. Rhodes, Jr. Roy H. Tominaga J. K. Smith Robert P. Mathewson Marc Hawes John P. Mackin, Jr. William C. Roche Keith G. Troutman John D. Soderberg James I. Maxner Douglas L. Hutchens, USA Michael D. Malavolta Charles A. Rogers John A. Valente Brian R. Tevlin Harold K. McGinnis (Ret.) Craig D. Marquette Frank I. Saksa John K. Welton Oscar L. Torres, Jr. William P. McLachlen Vito A. Kaminskas William W. McGaw Robert C. Schaefer William M. Wesper John S. Twaddell III Victor J. Palmieri Gary S. Kaminski Stuart Mendelsohn Michael Shepherd David L. White James B. White James E. Preissner David P. Klementowski Paris Michaels Thomas F. Stewart III Glen O. Wilcox 1978 F. B. Kovacs Justin E. Moore Dale E. Thompson Darrel A. Williamson Robert E. Richardson John J. Ackerman Richard A. Lackey Harry Mortkowitz Kenneth R. Weiner Alan G. Wilson Alberto M. Santelices Carl F. Andren, Sr. James H. Little Gerald E. Nostrand Thomas J. Williams Roy C. Wolff Bhupendra R. Shah J. T. Armstrong Wayne C. Magley Constantino Pappas Dennis O. Wissinger Jeffrey T. Young Donald J. Singer David W. Arnold Michael T. Maiuri James B. Peterson Daryl Yee Litt James J. Thomas 1977 Harold C. Arrich Richard L. Martin Thomas A. Pugh John E. VanGilder 1976 Linda H. Arnold Robert J. Bachman Gregory J. McFerran Henry O. Sees, Jr. Kenneth D. Watts Richard A. Ankener Michael J. Benik Valerie A. Barber John B. McLellan Mahendra R. Shah Warren I. Wiley Daniel W. Baber Leonard P. Bienvenu Robert J. Bezek Robert A. Moore Dean L. Smehil, NOAA Craig A. Wilson Rebecca T. Bass Georgia E. Binns Eloise B. Boykin Rowland J. Nicholson, USA Stephen L. Smith Franklin H. Wilson Donald A. Bee Hanington David A. Byers, AICP (Ret.) Terry L. Smith Ned D. Yarger Jeffrey P. Benes Dann S. Blackwood Donald V. Charnasky George E. Poidomani Donald A. Stewart, Psy.D. 1972 Brian C. Benicewicz, Ph.D. James H. Brenna Martin P. Conricote Richard E. Poyer Clifford R. Sturdivant Alfred M. Barea Charles Birdie Daniel M. Cohn David C. Covalt Alan L. Prestwood Raymond A. Wilkins Ludwig A. Bezemek Ronald A. Buanno Gail A. Connery James R. David Donald C. Reynolds, Jr. Hugh H. Wilson Kenneth J. Calcatera John W. Buck Thomas L. Crossen Ronald C. Davis David R. Schechter Otis G. Wilson Chris A. Campbell William P. Bukevicz Leslie M. Davies-Hilliard Allen W. Davis III James D. Smith, USA (Ret.) Robert T. Cato 1975 Richard L. Campbell Randy A. Davis Eve G. Duddy John A. Tatarsky William H. Creed, Sr. A. R. Anzzolin Paul S. Capaldo Jeffrey M. Davis Brian G. Evans Gregory A. Deblasio 1974 Joan V. Bixby John C. Christopher Gregory S. Eaglin Katharine L. Felson George A. Downey, Jr. Steven J. Agid Carl K. Blank Charles A. Davis R. J. Edwards III Vincent Ferrando, Jr. William F. Downey, Jr. Robert M. Ball, AAE Gail A. Blank Diane G. De Luna Peter V. Gelzinis, Ph.D. Howard M. Fink Brent R. Doyle Russell J. Ballagh Virgil D. Bon Harold R. DeFrieze Joseph J. Grasela Edwin M. Good, USNR James F. Duncan Larry G. Bennett Paul D. Bowers Douglas M. Dunbar III H. Erich Groess William N. Gordon Rex A. Gage James L. Bortel John F. Bowyer Leonel E. Enriquez, Ph.D. Darel L. Gustafson Gary A. Gottlieb Gary L. Howman Louis J. Boston, USA (Ret.) Lance C. Butler Michael J. Forader III Charles C. Haury Greg W. Henry Brian L. James Glenn T. Bowman Kailash Chandra Evan C. Futterman Robert H. Hill William L. Heumann Paul E. Joas Stephen E. Boyce, PE Lynn E. Cooper, PE Ruthanne E. Hoppe Mark L. Houck David A. Huddleston Philip J. Kielkucki Richard P. Burns John J. Coulter III Jerry L. House Anthony X. Hoyer Marta S. Janauschek David A. Lyons Denis E. Catalano Robert L. Council William R. Johnson Paul J. Hughes Marvin S. Kasow John B. Mahoney James E. Clausner Vance N. Cribb Rodney L. Kostoff Nancy W. Hunter Leonard F. Kirkuff George J. Morstatt III Roland L. Devore William W. Critcher James E. Lacy, Jr. David S. Kearton Mark E. Lintz John T. Pierce Jim E. Downey Karyn M. Erickson Rafael V. Lopez Mark D. Koontz Thethel N. Locke, Jr. Donald S. Porterfield Bruce Dzadek Michael E. Feustel James A. Lowry, Jr. Timothy J. Larson Kenneth M. Matthews James E. Pruitt, Jr. Roy S. Ellzey Donald D. Geddes Eric C. Mallen Jennifer J. Latici Robert W. Maxson Thomas F. Ruth David K. Frazier Melforde A. Granger Judith A. Melnikoff Mark W. Lee Maurice M. McDonald Douglas M. Schuler, PE Dinorah D. Gabella Wilburn C. Griswold Daniel C. Mestayer, Jr. Ted W. Leonard Michael J. Mengel Keith J. Uniacke Joseph V. Galluzzo Ralph D. Johnson Russell G. Mortensen Wallace D. Long Steven J. Michael Michael H. Ussak Jeffrey J. Geuther Anthony Kioussis Edward M. Mulhern, USNR Mark A. Maris, Ph.D. Steven M. Misiaszek Jules Wetekamm Robert W. Goodrich Susan F. Krabbe Richard C. Noth, Jr. Steven J. Mason William M. Modrak Peter E. Winter Darryl J. Hatheway Barbara B. Larson Christopher B. Osterfeld Robert C. McCann James M. Moledo Michael P. Zaccardo Wayne F. Heim Alexis S. Loo, USN Anita L. Parisi Lowell McKinster, USA C. F. Morgan Philip J. Henderson Robert J. Lorenz David V. Peck Karla H. Micka David B. Ogilvie 1973 Rosalene M. Holecheck Jeffrey R. Lucas Victoria M. Putnam- Chris W. Modert Victor A. Oparah George M. Ammon William J. Hook Dennis P. McCann Cantelmo Daniel L. Moyer Keith G. Ott Terrence R. Applebee Douglas R. Horde Edward C. McCarthy Richard S. Rounds Stephanie Murphy Donald C. Parsons Craig L. Benson 42 James D. Passafaro Sontiratan Sangnill Mary J. Oliveri Joseph W. Unterkofler, Jr. 1983 Brian C. Twomey Keith W. Platenyk Robert C. Schuyler Enrigue O. Osorio Ahmed I. Vanya Susan D. Allison Terrence P. Vernes Paul A. Rice Paul M. Severance Armand M. Pelletier James J. Wheeler, Jr. Barry F. Benson Marilyn D. Willis Bruce E. Roberts Christopher W. Shepard Jose M. Pinto, Jr. 1982 Anders P. Bergmann Dean E. Wright Carlos J. Rodriguez Kenneth E. Shepard Robert J. Pratt Olusegun S. Yakubu Robert R. Arnold Eric A. Bienvenu Arthur E. Rogers Eric D. Simon Benjamin G. Henry G. Zgutowicz Chris A. Bell Barry S. Brown Robert V. Sarkissian Kurt W. Sopp Schladenhauffen Eric A. Zillmer, Psy.D. Thomas G. Bigelow Darrell R. Brown Mary Jane Schnoor Thomas L. Tanel Frederick Schuhmann Joan W. Zinober, Ph.D. Jaime Birmaher Ghitis Diane D. Carabetta Ferdinand P. Deborah A. Thomas John E. Schweppe John K. Bonner Chris M. Chen 1984 Schoedinger III Gizu Tseng Michael G. Shawcross Juanita O. Brooks, Psy.D. Timothy J. Clancy John B. Allen, Jr. William J. Selawsky Brian F. Walker Soterios J. Soter Napoleon A. Carroll Mary S. Clark Carolina Alvarez Norman D. Snyder Michael E. Wheeler Richard P. Strompf Anthony C. Ceglio David W. Clay Frederick W. Anderson Donald J. Stepnicka Roy J. Whitehead Timothy D. Sutton, USMC Irene N. Chang George M. De Roeck John D. Baker Raymond M. Walker Diana L. Willis David H. Thering Wayne M. Cole Andrea G. Deratany, Psy.D. Karen D. Barker Robert B. Washam Anthony J. Wulf James J. Vega Clara S. Davis Kristy J. Dodge Gordon E. Bassford Patrick F. Webb Paul R. Yeager Daniel E. Vernon Paul B. Davis John E. Evans Curtis W. Berger Carl A. Ward 1979 1980 Philip F.D. Devlin Leslie B. Feinberg Lynn G. Biggs Dennis R. Wylie Willie J. Arnold Nathan E. Acree Edward P. Donovan James E. Fletcher James L. Blackford Lee B. Zaretsky Mitra Aryanpour William S. Adam John C. Eager Leslie T. Flynn Christopher J. Boss Farzaneh Ashoori Nick Baldwin 1981 Philip C. Elliot Gregory S. Fogleman David K. Carlino James T. Baker Charlotte Bass James G. Aivalis Larry W. Falkie David Forcucci John C. Carlson, Jr. Vicki T. Bannon John A. Bester Steven G. Albertson Dalton M. Fogle, Ph.D. Thomas C. Freeberg Randall Chalkley Ann Maria N. Bontempo, Terri L. Birth Emin Asitanelioglu Barbro L. Goodman Henry D. Goodell Robert J. Chiplock Ph.D. Christopher A. Blazejowski Timothy R. Baker Bruce D. Graham Marcia M. Groh-Hammond Kevin A. Collette Kathy A. Brooks Dale E. Boger Roslyn E. Bates James N. Grotke David F. Hackett, Sr. Frank I. Coughenour Steven T. Butterfield Donald C. Bolser David J. Bluder Marvin H. Hauptman Wassim M. Haddad, Ph.D. Shawn M. Cuff Richard J. Cloud Jonathan J. Bowser Vern R. Buchanan Diane D. Hayward Richard R. Hamilton, Jr. Michael W. Daly Richard L. Combs Douglas W. Bradshaw, Tom G. Byrd, Jr. Jessie J. Hewett, Jr. Michael P. Hammer Mary W. Deese Daniel A. Copeland C.P. A . Juan Callejas Batres Robert W. Hudson Jon P. Hillen Gary W. Eastes Andrew J. Coste Carlos J. Bumanglag Joseph A. Carlson Kenneth J. Ingram Koji Hirano Wesley R. Eller Rose M. Dunn Wesley L. Carter Christina M. Columbus Donald J. Jancin, Jr. Gregory W. Hoffman William E. Ferguson Lynn A. Essig Michela A. Coffaro, Psy.D. Marvin J. Diaz Lester Jee Ralph M. Johns Gloria M. Filardi Thomas W. Feick, Jr. John M. Conway William H. Elder Philip A. King David D. Johnson Michael S. Franck Jeanne A. Flanagan James D. Dahmann Jeffrey B. Fore Joan S. LeMosy Karen E. Johnson Steven J. Gertel Ross C. Gaisor Martyn C. Eastwood Gregory A. Fox Mary R. Lidkea, Ph.D. Michael T. Johnson David A. Golieri Roger J. Gilmore Emanuel M. Fornah Susan J. Fraser Gaeton A. Long Joseph A. Kasprzak Doris J. Guerrant Lesley C. Gray Clarke O. Fowler Jill F. Gaupp Eleyse T. Manley, Psy.D. Dean T. Kent Wiriadi Hamidjaja Ziad A. Hakim Gary L. Freed, Ph.D. Colette Harrington-Kussel David M. Mauro Richard D. Kerrins Thomas R. Hernacki, PE John A. Halkitis D. Joe Griffen Jeffrey L. Hilbert Mark B. Maxwell Carolyn D. Kinebrew-Bosa Joseph L. Heyer Thomas J. Harvey Lawrence O. Hall Jefferey L. Hmara Susan E. McDonough Scott D. Kravis, Ph.D. Kevin B. Hill Charles R. Hewitt, Jr. Richard A. Halprin Pamela D. Hobson Alan R. Parris Bryant E. LaFoy Richard H. Hillyer Quincy C. Hobbs, Jr. Stephen H. Hansell Craig A. Holberger David J. Pellegrino Brian J. Lally, USAF Sandra P. Hoch Catherine M. Hoffman Frank R. Harris Vance L. Houston William C. Peters, Jr. Douglas R. MacCullagh Donald G. Hooper Gregory A. Hostetler Masato Hata Olumide G. Johnson Warren W. Pryor Alan K. Meeker Frank S. Howard Kevin L. Hylton Franklin C. Heim Thomas R. Kivinski Kenneth P. Revay, CM Michael J. Morrison Gregg A. Hunter William K. Jurgens, Jr. Anita L. Hudson Timothy P. LaBo Patricia A. Roskos James D. Nicholas Randall G. Jefferson Mark N. Kirsch Wilton L. Jordan II Victoria G. Lockard Daniel M. Saskowsky Gina L. Oliverio Senia Duwayne W. Jones Mario K. Kuhar Mukesh K. Khattar Mark P. MacDougall Jay L. Schlesinger, Ph.D. Matt J. Ottenberg Sharon C. Kelly Kristine J. Kuhl-Klinger Cecilia A. Knoll, Ph.D. Duane A. Mater Peter T. Schmitz Janet L. Panopulos Howard R. Klein Jeanne V. Ladewig Michael E. Koch Craig A. McKay Bruce E. Schwab Stephen J. Pelletier Kathryn LaMartina Edward B. Layne III Andrea L. Krikorian David B. Meyer Leonard L. Serratore Christina Pettit Peter J. Lamb Michael S. Leahy Thomas J. Kunhart Mark P. Michon Bruce N. Shibles, Esq. Ahmad D. Rahal William H. Lynch, PE Alex H. Lindsay Frank T. Lacorte John H. Miller James K. Smith Herbert L. Raiche Christopher McAdams Fredric A. Lombardo Gregory P. Lee Charles G. Millstein Ralph H. Sohl John H. Reed Kenneth J. McGuire Steven M. Luzkow Kenyon C. Lindeman Herbert A. Nieburg Thomas J. Sullivan Claudia M. Roberts Floyd D. McLamb Robert R. Morton Eileen M. Matthews Jorge A. Oliver Christopher S. Sweet David M. Roberts Robert J. McNeil, Jr. Chester A. Murphy III William E. Mayer Mark S. Peterson Johnathan Terrell Theresia H. Schatz Theodore B. Meade Thomas E. Neugebauer Jesse J. Merry Carol L. Philpot Robert Trujillo Alan J. Shawcross JoAnn A. Michalsky Olusegun O. Oni Robert G. Mitchard II Norman D. Polansky Jeffrey L. Vayda Peter C. Simons Kenneth Mitchell Naomi C. Petteway David W. Munion Alan L. Quimby, PE William Wavering John Sodano Paul H. Moeller Gregory J. Pifat Joseph M. Murphy Frank M. Roberts David B. Wisinger Alan W. Start William B. Moon, Ph.D. Deborah Pinkston Steven L. Murray Joseph Roman Doris A. Wright Janet E. Stone, Ph.D. Jay D. Moser, Sr. Charles A. Reed, Jr. Richard L. Myers Stanley Salek Kathleen C. Yhip Steven H. Streblow Donald F. Mudgett Jeffery T. Sample, Ph.D. Randy J. Norman Joan Stuart William R. Zak Peter B. Turner Amy M. Pierce

Florida Tech TODAY | 43 Suzanne M. Preston Tricia W. Newsome David M. Harrah 1987 1988 1989 Stephanie L. Privette John B. Niles Houston C. Hayward Denis P. Bilodeau Luis M. Alvarez John J. Ackerman Tracy A. Rapp Phillip D. Pittman Francisco E. Hernandez Thomas J. Blome Colleen S. Amgott Grace Bancheri Mark V. Rice Sairam N. Pokala Joy M. Hess Cynthia A. Bolton Theodore J. Batlas Frederick V. Barhydt Michael E. Sears Lawrence P. Pollack Jose A. Hidalgo, Jr. Kim B. Bozik Val J. Bee Thomas E. Barthel William K. Simmons III Carter M. Quillen John H. Istvan Daniel A. Christoffersen Javier E. Benavente Christos A. Calogirou Joseph L. Small Bertha H. Realy Jon K. Johnston Stuart M. Cohen Joseph C. Bernier Angus W. Campbell Irvin R. Spoonhour John W. Rerucha John R. Kerns Dianne R. Donohue-Hand James T. Brown, Jr. Donald D. Chappell Robert G. Stewart Linda P. Reynolds Tammie S. Knight- John S. Eavenson Ian D. Bryan Katherine L. Childress Lucy B. Torres Sandra D. Rice Davenport Gerald M. Edmonds Steven J. Crowley Jack E. Clark II Wallace J. Tubell, Jr. Carl P. Ritter Zvi Lavie David A. Finley Craig J. Crump Gregory R. Clements Joe W. Ward Barry L. Rubel John A. Leonard Murali K. Gadde Michael B. DeZearn B. Joanne J. Clontz Donatus F. Weithman II Elizabeth D. Schafer Timothy A. Little Eleanor A. Garraway- Jeremy M. Dick Kevin T. Connelly James R. Wilder Rosemary L. Smith, Psy.D. John L. Loomis, Jr. Phillips Lita M. Donaldson James E. Constable Douglas J. Zwach Kevin J. Snyder Stephen F. Lynch, Jr. Frederick J. Geiger Anthony J. Donato Robin M. Cornell 1985 Deborah L. Springer John K. MacFarlane Karl E. Gelke Christine L. Feild David A. Corsetti John J. Talarico Jesus A. Mangual Stephen R. Alexander Elizabeth M. Gibson Jennifer J. Ferrell- Bruce R. Crain Barbara J. Teague Angelo G. Mavronis Nancy B. Alford William G. Harris Hanington Daniel T. Crane Kenneth W. Terrell William T. McLamb Metin Aydemir Robert W. Herbig Gregory L. Gaydosh Jeffrey J. Cyr Lawrence E. Thurman Michael T. McQuaig William R. Ball, Jr. Michael S. Hines Laine A. Giovanetto Lee P. De Armond James M. Torpey Janet J. Merrill Marguerite R. Berry Jeffrey S. Hoel Scott S. Goodwin Denise M. Devito Douglas E. Utley Gregory L. Mills Darrell C. Betterson Marsha L. Hosner John H. Groth Lilani J. Ellis Sean M. Vannoy Ronald A. Miraglia David J. Block John C. Intile Linda T. Hannett Terry L. Ellis W. T. Walden, Jr. Brian A. Monborne Rabih J. Boueri, MSCE Otto J. Judicke Christopher M. Hinkle Douglas L. Elmore James T. Watters Robert A. Mraz Catherine D. Bright Sheila R. King Robin K. Hoglievina Nancy S. English Edward G. Weed Nancy Neal David A. Carter Wayne King David M. Hone Holger Findling Ricky A. Wetta Mehmet T. Odman Jacqueline G. Conrecode Janice M. Krogh Pei-Gwo S. Jeng Katherine H. Fogle Robert L. Williamson Raymond W. Ogilvie Gregory A. Corrigan Joel A. Lobue Scot B. Killen Thomas J. Folliard Dennis W. Wilt Benjamin O. Parr Tressa C. Crook Frederick J. Maywald David A. Kirchner John P. Gagliardo Karen R. Windsor Emily D. Pearce Suzanne B. Dibartolo Bryan R. Meewes Peter T. Kovacs J. Carey Gleason Kristina A. Young Christa E. Poparad William P. Dwyer John J. Muldowney Arun Krishnamurthy Debra W. Gould Joyce A. Presser Peter B. Dyson 1986 Audrey D. Myers-Bernstein Thomas W. Krystock Joachim R. Gruber Bradley D. Reed Bonnie A. Elkins Dennis E. Andersen William L. Neill Steven E. Leitgeb Dinah S. Grubka Jorge L. Rivera Andrew B. Fitzgerald Eldon L. Bekkum Jeffrey D. Nelson Paul C. Mellinger Albert M. Hagopian, PE Janet Robertson Walter E. Fred, USAF Jeannette L. Bertossa Jane G. Oberwager, Psy.D. Richard S. Mermer, Jr. Eric W. Hess, Jr. John A. Roman Donald D. Freeman Jeffery S. Beyer Marco R. Oosterling Matthew C. Milligan Joseph L. Ilk Susan K. Ronick Lawrence W. Galloway Andrew S. Carson Susan M. Porter-Levy Richard B. Moore Rony Jabbour Daniel R. Rudolf Robert M. Garceau Christos D. Cosfol Bruce E. Przygocki Harmon P. Morgan James L. Jacobs Peter R. Sack Gaye D. Gargiula Scott T. Crawford Mary Riddell Michael R. Mullaney David I. Kasse Roland Schlierf Richard D. Gaskins Tyler W. Crickette Guido J. Rivas Mary L. Murphy Scott D. Kerr Kent J. Schollmeier Mark T. Hale Rodney W. Cromer Donald Rodgers Sylvia P. Nichols Douglas C. Klemm Michael D. Schubert Kristen L. Hanley Gary E. Crump Ronald L. Roncone Shannon E. Omark Gregory M. Knox Debra A. Seager Joseph C. Hauser Kenneth M. Culley Monica E. Ross-Green Kitiwat Pakdeesana Joseph J. Lavorgna Sara K. Sexton De’Edra F. Haynes Barbara De Simone Robert T. Rowe William D. Pattee Milton K. Lewis Todd A. Sorrow Oksana Z. Heck Walter E. Doehring George R. Ruff Karol A. Patten Timothy W. Ling, PE Richard J. Sprague Jeffrey W. Howland Limin L. Dong Paul E. Rutledge Michael J. Perry Davind T. Maharaj Jonathan F. Sprenger Cheng-Min Hwang Theodore S. Dunkle Rodney H. Schmidt Marsha L. Philips Roy D. Malac Charles D. Stetson David C. Johns Katharine P. Dunlevy Margo T. Singer Denise L. Picard Louis M. Mamo Glenn L. Strickland Michael T. Kell Matthew P. Durant C. Todd Smith Nathern B. Priddy Leslie V. McSoley Courtney E. Towle Coleman D. Kenison, Jr. James E. Fitzpatrick Dayle R. Stevens Patricia M. Rivera Megan M. Mellinger Monica L. Tyson Bart R. Kessler Quinnie M. Flint David A. Super John J. Sawyer, Psy.D. Andrew P. Mesle Raymond B. Unger, Jr. Christopher T. Kiely Jack W. Fountain Kelly B. Thomas Andrew C. Schelich Patricia G. Miller Sharon K. Vaulman Suzanne L. Kozaitis Bertram A. Fox III Nelvin E. Tyler, Jr. Todd R. Shier Gary F. Milton Barbara E. Warren Kuo-Chi Lan Henry G. Frampton III Carol A. Venice Venkata N. Sridhar Thomas J. Mira Andrew E. Wheeler, Jr. Huntley A. Lawrence Guy W. Frearson Frank D. Walker John W. Stark Bruce A. Moia Edward Whonic Lisa J. LeBlanc-Hutchings Suzanne Frendak Stephen Wallace Donald R. Street Kenneth S. Monroe Jack R. Wierengo, Jr. Rajiv R. Malkan Robert W. Fritz Yue-Eng Wang Donna G. Sweeney Douglas W. Mordaunt Michael T. Williams David G. Martin David M. Frost Kathy L. Whitcomb Jonathan P. Tate Pamela J. Nabors Eddie C. Williams William P. McInnis Georgia L. Fultz Harry D. Whitmer Jan E. Treise Carolyn C. Nenstiel Mark C. Wilson Neil W. Meischeid Martin F. Gaffey Joseph D. Wienand Joseph L. Walden Andrew J. Nikolatos Lisa I. Winterich Mary A. Meluso Ronald P. Galloni Kathleen M. Wojtas Susan M. Walters Carmen M. Nizzi-Santiago Lawrence M. Worley Jim J. Minck, Jr. William L. Geary, Jr. Kenneth B. Yancey Shelba S. Wetheral Kathleen M. Olson Jonathan B. Zung Alan G. Myers Austin O. Goh Jules A. Yasuna, Ph.D. Steve L. Wise Paul D. Parks Robert E. Neild Susan M. Goodrich Jose F. Pascual

44 Harry Pillot Francis M. Rotella Gary M. Spurrier Walter J. Sawyer Michael A. Meckley Steven J. Sullivan Lori K. Racaniello David Santiago Laura F. Star Marcia A. See Donald H. Miller Lisa C. Turocy Herbert M. Raybourn, PE Edward A. Scerbo, Jr. Ann Stocker, Ph.D. Christina L. Senft William F. Morgan, Jr. Wendell T. Watts, CPIM Jerry A. Rigby Sharon A. Scheer Charles S. Stockman Marian M. Sullivan Shirley A. Murphy Scott E. Webster Xavier F. Rosales Arthur T. Schofield Ozias Travis, Jr. Sidney W. Thurston III Richard S. Muscato Steven H. Wilhelm Sarah R. Sanvictores Ralf Seip, Ph.D. Richard P. Utyro Laura B. Valin Nancy E. Parker Cynthia A. Wilson Elizabeth C. Saxman Robert B. Shepard III Michael C. Warner Brant T. Venice Steven T. Payne 1995 Kenneth A. Scarborough, Jr. Thomas L. Smith Ralph H. Webber, Jr. Robert M. Wahl Kenneth R. Peach Scott Armstrong Karen A. Schrumpf Joseph R. Solar Angela D. Wenger Steven G. Woods Annette T. Polk Howard W. Berkowitz Shena J. Scott V. Vasudevan James R. Wierzbicki Thomas A. Young Kevin P. Power Tammy M. Borkowski Paulo A. Silva Michelle K. Whisenhant Donna T. Purcell, Psy.D. 1992 1993 Allan S. Boyce James C. Simpson, Ph.D. Lloyd B. Young Jody C. Rosier William J. Aguilar Sherry L. Acanfora- Jamie J. Breslin Lisa L. Sims Kevin P. Sebastian 1991 Alana H. Archangelo Ruohomaki Winston B. Cannicle Joseph T. Streleckis Veronica C. Sherard Mohammad S. Al-Ghamdi Alessandra C. Ashley, Psy.D. John W. Adams, Jr. Sara L. Corcoran Donald E. Strick Kimberly B. Simmons Julie J. Anderson Carolyn V. Baney Stephen E. Anstey Liston B. Cribb III Paul T. Strom Amy A. Simon-Miller Gloria J. Ayers Teresa L. Batick Charles P. Bennardo Rudolph V. Cross, Jr. Scott R. Ulrey Glen D. Simser Kelly L. Blair, Psy.D. Douglas J. Bayley Bridget R. Berardinelli Thomas E. Crowley, Jr. Frank A. Valenti, Jr. Lisa F. Sternfield Debra S. Blenis Amy M. Bell Jose S. Chaves Joanne M. Damato Deborah K. Ware Douglas G. Stiebing David E. Bogert George M. Boger Wendy Chaves Daniel F. Demers Brian W. Webster Renee M. Styles David M. Bolinski James E. Brethauer Deanne M. Chromy Laura L. Dues John H. White Betsi A. Taylor Keith J. Britton Michele Caram Scott A. Clary Karen J. Flores Rosemarie Whitley Harald G. Van Hoeken Rudolfo A. Brown Lisa E. Chan Emmanuel Coffy Corey Z. Gipson Guoping Zhu Darrell G. Vydra, Jr. Walter G. Butler, Jr. Teri G. Chaves James J. Conomea, Jr. Alberta W. Gross Jay W. Weeks 1990 Scott C. Cahall Shien-Chung Chiao Karim J. Courey David T. Guralchuk Kimberly C. Wilkinson Jean-Claude Amisial Michael J. Caires Daniel A. Delaurentis William J. Cunningham Maryanne E. Hazen Limin Wu Ronald H. Antioco Merrie A. Cartwright, Ph.D. Geoffrey S. Draper Karen L. Czarniak Michel A. Hodge Benjian Yang Kirk A. Baker Robin Chan Marilyn R. Epsky Glen E. Deal Julie L. Horton Yunfeng Yin Carlie G. Barbour Gerard H. Cline, Jr. Alice K. Fairey Thomas A. Dean Deborah W. Irland- Robert A. Young Michael W. Belton Glenn P. Clinger III Thomas L. Georges Natalie M. DiMisa, Psy.D. Crawford Lottie J. Bose Brian S. Crane Jennifer E. Gladski Robert E. Dufresne, Jr. 1994 Seiya Kato Isabel V. Budge Timothy J. Czysz Gail S. Gonzalez Philip J. Erbland Bradford L. Backus Sharon K. Kopp Michael F. Burns Robert V. Damato Fitzgerald Haig Paul A. Faber Catherine L. Blessing Sandra A. Latta Richardson C. Cameron Christopher Dupupet William V. Hanson Susan L. Farnsworth Stanley E. Bruner Michelle A. Mason Albino P. Campanini John P. Entsminger Matthew B. Hendrian Michael J. Fehn Theresa C. Cherry Scott E. McKay, Ph.D. Michael N. Corey Daniel C. Fargnoli Deborah L. Hendrickson, Patricia A. Fleming Patrick J. Cooper Shelley McPhatter Leo H. Craiglow, Jr. Dwayne L. Free Psy.D. William C. Frayser Ronnie J. Davis Melissa L. Meeker Janet T. Crawford Raymond H. Gaier III Thomas E. Hendricksen Alan D. Fredericks Douglas J. DiCarlo Janet R. Merkt Vidula N. Dave Francis P. Gavin James L. Herdt Patrick M. Gannon Charles L. Farris Thomas H. Michael Stefanie E. Deluca Seongwoo Hwang Sharolee A. Huet George Go William P. Fitzgerald Daniel C. Nazzaro Tina M. Dent Madeline E. Jean Douglas J. Iannelli Gregory A. Grober Rudolph Frazier John C. Nightingale David J. Dopp, Jr. Bret C. Johnson Donald C. Johnston Robert T. Gunning, Jr. Michael L. Gordon Eric F. Orquiola Denise P. Glass David J. Karlen Eugene C. Kabana Matthew R. Harris Janice M. Hagan Robert M. Pastorelli Edward Glowniak Jessica K. Koelsch Semen Koksal, Ph.D. Beverly C. Hartgrove Michael T. Henson Helayne T. Ray Darrel S. Goshorn Sherrick T. Kowalczik Michael J. Lamoreaux, PE Connie R. Hay Margaret A. Hough Linda C. Ross, Psy.D. Ann R. Hammond Rebecca J. Lambert Joseph E. Layton Bette J. Hecox-Lea Abdalla J. Khalfan Tod M. Schuck Sundeep Handa Wanda W. Maddox Todd C. Liebig John R. Heisley Kurt J. Kwitzky Sally Shearouse Brian L. Hollenbeck Angelo R. Manginelli Marion A. Livengood Penny L. Held Sophia Y. Lim Ross S. Shillingford, PE Cheng-Hsing H. Hou, Ph.D. Richard J. Mazzaccaro, Gee-Hwa E. Loh Kathleen A. Hiatt Frank C. Lin Jerry W. Thompson Jill Klucher M.D. Peter F. McCoy Catherine M. Houlahan Stephen M. Mango Thomas A. Verish Scott P. Lapointe Linda N. Milgrim Lisa McLeod Weimin Hu Michelle L. McNabb Brenda L. Wesp Wayne D. MacFarlane Kimberly D. Miller Sally C. Medley Kyle V. Hunneke, Psy.D. Christopher J. Mitchell Todd D. West William D. Marsh Jane B. Montgomery Kiersten M. Miles Mitchell D. Huskey Jonathan E. O’Hara, Sr. Donna F. Wilt Gerald S. McAlwee Herbert L. Morton, Jr. Maria M. Morgan Jay A. Johnson Fernando A. Otero William Wright III David J. McConnell, PE Sharon L. Nader Stephanie A. Nardei Vaughn A. Johnson James C. Pafford Jennifer C. Wronowski Mark W. Mellinger Dale M. Pasonski Onyema G. Ndukwe Fletcher S. Johnston Kimberly A. Patton Milo M. Zonka, CFP Roy E. Outerbridge III Harold R. Povenmire Peter C. Northup Richard L. Joossens Ann N. Rhoden-Rucker 1996 Kelvin G. Palmer David D. Prince Catherine B. Norvell Vikram Kapila Ronald A. Roff Yolanta Abramowicz- James A. Parsons Christopher D. Puma Rebecca L. Rizzo-Rogers, Sushil N. Keswani Karl L. Sachs, Psy.D. McCune Clara L. Patterson Antonio Quintana Ph.D. Kenneth R. Kinnear Paul S. Salamy John G. Brady Robert E. Purcell Cynthia A. Razik Rosalie M. Rogers John C. Kratt Marcia B. Samuels Jeffrey M. Capelli M. E. Ralston Earl K. Robinson Andres T. Ryan Louis J. Levner Susanne Schroll Deborah S. Carstens Scott R. Rein David W. Rochelle Helene B. Sanford George M. Lucas, RN Shea S. Shannon Andrew Cherry William E. Richard Paresh S. Shah George Santis Julie L. Lumpkins Paul T. Siefert Mani V. Desik Victor B. Ross III Justin L. Spitzer Michael R. Sassone Robert P. McDaniels Thomas R. Stautz

Florida Tech TODAY | 45 Christian Y. Drouet Kevin D. Wagner Ursula Thomas-Norris David B. Locuson Kelly L. Ginley David Jackson d’Aubigny Sharie A. Youmans Sophia S. Tomadakis Melissa A. Morrow Richard A. Gray Parvez A. Javeed Theresa M. Ertlmeier 1998 Pauline V. Tonsil Brian J. Noe, Ph.D. Margie B. Hawkes Edward L. Kirchner Robert E. Feury, Jr. Cynthia Valdes Beverly K. Penaranda Robert M. Herbst Gregory A. Koumbis Angela G. Bergeron Wendeline E. Glorioso Keith A. Wilson Tong T. Phan Clifford Jackson Leslie G. Miller Raymond C. Brown Jennifer A. Hanselman Eva R. Roche Jose Y. Jimenez George J. Moletz Terry J. Cattoi 2000 Frederic B. Hasle Daniel P. Sandlin Joel K. Joseph Melissa S. Moreno Juan C. Chipi-Rodriguez Abdullah M. Al-Subhi William M. Hearne Mark A. Schuster Astrid C. Lahiere Richard A. Nabors Andrew H. Cline Michael G. Bailey, Ph.D. Allison B. Heater Jolann M. Simciak Mary E. Laubacher Vance R. Parker Kenneth J. Connell Jennifer C. Brown Brandy S. Hein-Douglas Trent M. Smith Jonathan B. Lesieur Kenneth A. Patterson Jerry W. Crafton Maria A. Carvalho, Ph.D. Andrew P. Hicks Ursula V. Strahm Earl J. Lewis Ross N. Peralta William C. Crocker Holly H. Clermond Rena S. Hill Jason H. Terreri Estelle M. Martin Laurissa Reynolds Michael K. Duffy Kenneth W. Delgado Sabine K. Hirst Gary A. Thorpe Randy E. McGee Isaiah C. Robinson III David A. Hesse Sarah L. Dunsford Cynthia F. Hopson Adam C. Thorstad Joseph P. Morrow Richard R. Schmidt Danielle M. Hussey Randall K. Francis Patricia L. Leonard Susan A. Weirick Jeremy A. Parsons Samantha S. Sevcik Kirk H. Johnson Melanie L. Gange Rhonda L. Lindsey Sophia L. Wilberscheid Elizabeth J. Shea James C. Sparks James Kahl Laura K. Gatz Kathleen T. Love Michael G. Workman Rodney Spann Samuel F. Williams Roger P. Kelly James D. Gray, Jr. Vernotto C. McMillan Meghan C. Wright Robert G. Szrama William C. Wise III Steven W. Lingar Peter K. Higginbotham Luke P. Michaelson Feng Yang, Ph.D. Ronald J. Uhland III Zerique A. Zapata John L. Mafera, Jr. Thomas H. Hoskins Brijesh Mishra Kristi S. Van Sickle, Psy.D. Eric Miller, Jr. Ryan P. Jackson 2002 2006 David C. Muh, Ph.D. Nicholas H. Wagner Edward J. Nissley Sasan A. Kermani, Ph.D. Carol G. Batte Tracey E. Askew Khalillolah K. Nemati Susan N. Young Alan L. Norwood Mark J. Lewin Rodney B. Bowers Joan Beck James P. Panter, Sr. Tammy L. Ziccardi Jodi O. Owen, Psy.D. Christopher M. Marot Selina C. Browne Marjorie A. Bishop Jennifer W. Pelletier Margaret J. Zuanich-Bunker Kumkum A. Pandit Neville G. Maycock, Jr. Owen W. Callard Anthony V. Branch Alfredo R. Perez Christopher M. Peterson Kathryn M. Miller Rosanne A. Cattanach 2004 Jonathan S. Bredemeyer Tanya E. Plummer D. Travis Proctor Suzette S. Mosley Kristina M. Chuck John J. Appleyard IV Charlie C. Brooks Steven H. Polk Edwin K. Retter Illya L. Mowerman David L. Corbin Kerry P. Armstrong Joseph B. Buscetta Joel L. Poltun Richard T. Richardson Shelley R. Ochs Kevin M. Ellis Kodi D. Belford Ahmed V. Charles WenXiao Qian James V. Russo Joy B. Patterson Douglas E. Engle Michael J. Casas Michael A. Cote Joan F. Scott Edward L. Scott James C. Risner Richard D. Garland Dwayne R. Codrington Robert C. Crum II John T. Stenger Jimaye H. Sones Stephanie A. Shankles Carolyn D. Goldberg Thomas G. Collier Luis Delgado Burton R. Summerfield Pamela P. Steel Gregory E. Tuckett Robin S. Harris Jacqueline M. Courtney Nikolas P. Doukellis Tom W. Utley Anna C. Thompson Anne Vandiver Anna Landman Ivan A. Guerra Roxanne L. Dunn Christopher J. Wilson Eric T. Thurman Gregory M. Varholy Elois B. Lindsey Christopher R. Han Desmond J. Greene John J. Yurick III Penelope L. Vassar Abdullah J. Zakareya Michael J. MacDonald Kumari A. Hardy Margaret A. Hansotte Kate Yurick Chelsea K. Ward Willino J. Mathurin Brian P. Howell Jennifer B. Hickey Shisheng Zhao 2001 Jason A. Werking Hannah B. Medd John J. Nagle Nadine S. Holness Douglas F. Anderson 1997 Paul A. Wolff Shannon M. Medeiros Tiffany Poupart Sharon R. James Slayde S. Barnes Clifton M. Ables, Psy.D. Maricel M. Worden Terry W. Meier Douglas C. Rauscher Latonya N. Jordan Corey A. Battistoni Koffi A. Amefia Darren J. Mueller Leighton S. Rowe John J. Kelly 1999 Rachel J. Beckett Douglas F. Bailey, SDS, Allison L. Nevin Po-Yao Shih Mark W. Kelsch Mark J. Aiken Sophie Y. Bellone Ph.D. Daniel S. Nicholson Reginald E. Smith Christopher T. Knox Luis R. Arvelo Thomas P. Black Thomas R. Bullen James J. Nowicki Charissa R. Stair Michelle La Torre-Muriel Karen A. Baker Richard W. Botsford Dwayne A. Burns Peter L. Osborne Ian J. Stifle Douglas Lightner Susan M. Brownell Derrick R. Brown John H. Cain, Ph.D. Anne Riquier Eric L. Whikehart Todd N. Lundell Colleen M. Cannon Jennifer L. Bruce- Judith B. Connelly Donald L. Shires Aimee B. Wiegmann Julie M. Mann Kimberly J. Church McGoldrick Lewis M. Farkas Jeffery D. Smith Christine A. Wujick Ryan L. Maultsby Carol A. Daley Julio C. Castillo Brian M. Fischer Sanjoy M. Som Jennifer L. McCoy Keitha Dattilo-Bain Weyni A. Clacken 2005 Mark D. Gamble Lewin R. Stoute James O. Montague Kerri L. Donaldson Hanna Andria M. Davis Jay P. Adams Charles M. Grubbs Bobby S. Valacheryil Michael O’Neill Joni E. Dowling Janet B. Dempsey Christopher J. Carhuff Sergio A. Hernandez John D. Van Gilder Gyanprakash G. Pandey Christopher J. Durie Kelly A. Engel Ronald L. Chesley Damian A. Hite Thomas Victorin Sumeet C. Pandey Eugene T. Furey Jeffrey R. Fairfax Aaron F. Collins Stephen D. Kemblowski Timothy A. Pelletier Brandi L. Gancarz Carl H. Fenty 2003 Heriberto J. Delgado Fanghua Lin Andrew J. Petersen Constance D. Graham Dirk Fieberg Matthew S. Ascroft Robert Derveloy IV Karen A. Lowitz Cecil L. Phillip Douglas K. Hoffman Anne M. Forrest Timothy J. Atkinson Michael L. DiPilato John H. McKitrick Todd Rausch Lucita D. Kahn Marc E. Gange Benjamin K. Bennett Brian T. Fisher Cynthia L. Pratt Andrea N. Reese Woo Jun Kang Karen B. Gill Matthew R. Boehme Hadi S. Garib Glenn A. Price Pablo R. Rosado Thomas J. Laskowski Lonnie D. Hill Susan C. Brundick Gaelle L. Garozzo Tiffany M. Schmidt Maryelen E. Samitas Wilbur J. Mathurin Stephanie T. Hopper Carlos L. Chinfong William T. Girton Donald J. Smith Christopher K. Schaller Alexandra S. Michaels Clark A. Huffman Elmer E. De la Cruz Stephanie E. Hanses Stephen J. Spooner Adam R. Scholfield Jose A. Reilova Carlene R. Jackson Michael S. Durham Kirk C. Harris Joel L. Thomas Jason K. Shepard Martin S. Rogers Danny C. Katsiyiannis Kevin J. Dwyer Elizabeth A. Haupin Jerome Thomas Thomas A. Snyder Catherine P. Roseland George D. Kennett Efraim J. Fernandes Richard B. Hirsch III Timothy P. Twigg Norris H. Taylor Michael J. Shamet Kenneth L. Lee Christopher C. Foshay Carol D. Holcomb 46 Melissa A. Turner Anthony J. Catanese, Ph.D., Semen Koksal, Ph.D. Meredith W. Scholtens Carol J. Allen Katherine Baum Zeeshan U. Usmani FAICP Samuel P. Kozaitis, Ph.D. Jack W. Schwalbe John W. Allen Melissa P. Baum Blake P. West Janet L. Cavalla Suzanne L. Kozaitis Ann H. Sepri Edward J. Allen Jane Baxter 2007 Karen Chambliss, Ph.D. Dennis J. Kulonda, Ph.D. Paavo Sepri, Ph.D. Kenneth E. Allen Daniel Beard Phillip Chan, Ph.D. John J. Lally Muzaffar A. Shaikh, Ph.D. Wade S. Alliance Wendy Beatson Dominic P. Abadie Shien-Chung Chiao Pierre M. Larochelle, Ph.D. Jonathan M. Shenker, Ph.D. Lisa M. Alliss Jean A. Beaudoin Michael Ambacher David W. Clay, Ph.D. Verna F. Layman William D. Shoaff, Ph.D. Ruth S. Alman Mary L. Beckmann Amy L. Bennett Wilma Cohen Alan C. Leonard, Ph.D. Jolann M. Simciak Richard G. Alper Robert P. Beckner, P.A. Mfon C. Boyce David E. Cook, Ph.D. Frank R. Leslie Richard Sinden, Ph.D. Toni Alper Thomas R. Bedor, CFP Danise H. Fequiere Nancy E. Cook Junda Lin, Ph.D. Edmund Skellings Scott D. Altenhof Dave Beerman, Jr. Anass Jerrari Paul J. Cosentino, Ph.D. Alex H. Lindsay Michael H. Slotkin, Ph.D. Janice T. Altieri Martha L. Bekkum Jeannie C. Lott Kenneth E. Crooks, Ph.D. Suzee S. Louche Cheryl Smith Michael W. Ammen Bryan W. Benell Brian E. Lundy B. A. Cudmore, Ph.D. Linda M. Lundstedt Kenneth P. Stackpoole, Raymond F. Anderson Cathy L. Bennett Amer F. Numan Heather E. Cudmore T. R. Manley, Ph.D. Ph.D. Carol Andren Michael Bennett James P. Palumberi Martin D. Cummings Nabil I. Matar, Ph.D. Nolan T. Stephens, Ph.D. Louise M. Andsager Kathy Bennin Glenn O. Pringle Stephen K. Cusick Sara C. Mayer Wayne L. Storey Maria Angee Patricia E. Berg Mary A. Sikes Paul B. Davis Peter V. Mazzone Judith B. Strother, Ph.D. Carolyn T. Angell Ralph W. Berg Matthew A. Taylor Diane L. Deaton Mary Helen McCay, Ph.D. Elaine N. Taylor Edgar L. Angell Linda E. Bergmann Mark W. Thompson Arvind M. Dhople, Ph.D. T. Dwayne McCay, Ph.D. Elizabeth R. Taylor Vincent H. Angleton Nicole Berkemeier Holly B. West Ken Droscher John Mcenaney Robert A. Taylor, Ph.D. John Anselmo Robert R. Bert James S. Wong Jewgeni Dshalalow, Ph.D. Robert A. Merrill Janice B. Teegen Jane E. Antonsen Tabitha Best Sindhu Yarlagadda Iver W. Duedall, Ph.D. Paris Michaels Jerome Thomas Rosemary B. Araujo Cheryl A. Bester 2008 John W. Duncan John M. Milbourne Judith E. Tintera Rosemarie Argento Eric Betts Kevin A. Abergel Catherine A. Elder, Ph.D. Kunal Mitra, Ph.D. Manolis Tomadakis, Ph.D. Kerry P. Armstrong Donna L. Beyer Marjorie A. Beckett Richard T. Elmore, Jr., Margaret B. Moore John H. Trefry, Ph.D. Sharon Armul Shirley B. Biddle Michelle L. Denito Ph.D. John G. Morris, Ph.D. Kathy A. Turner David W. Arnold Lucy A. Bierlein Gregory A. A. Hughes Stephanie J. Enstice Ilona Mueller Richard L. Turner, Ph.D. Willie J. Arnold Elizabeth H. Biscardi Tristan J. Fiedler, Ph.D. Lloyd H. Muller Tom W. Utley, Ph.D. Teresa A. Arnsmeyer Kenneth Bishop Faculty and Holger Findling Timothy R. Muth Penelope L. Vassar Ruth E. Arthur Eugene K. Bjerning, C.P.A. Staff David C. Fleming, Ph.D. Gordon L. Nelson, Ph.D. Rebecca R. Vick Daniel E. Ater Amelia S. Blake Yolanta Abramowicz- Carla L. Funk Jennifer I. Neuhard Nathaniel E. Villaire, Ph.D. Richard T. Atwood R. M. Blake, J.D. McCune William K. Gabrenya, Jr., Rodd A. Newcombe Thomas D. Waite, Ph.D. Jessica A. Auman Ralph J. Blanchard Ravi Agarwal, Ph.D. Ph.D. J. R. Newman, Ph.D. Fontaine Wallace Barbara Ausherman Amy J. Blazejowski Randall L. Alford, Ph.D. William T. Girton, Ph.D. Robert Niebuhr, Ph.D. Linda J. Ward Barry D. Austin Dawn H. Bohne Jack Armul J. Carey Gleason Douglas A. Nolder Carol W. Waters Nancy B. Austin Judy R. Boll Douglas F. Bailey, SDS, Kevin W. Graham Mark Novak, Ph.D. Lynn E. Weaver, Ph.D. Nick Bahorich Marjorie Bollinger Ph.D. Tamara L. Gray Terry D. Oswalt, Ph.D. Frank M. Webbe, Ph.D. J. R. Bailey Marilyn J. Bollo Laszlo A. Baksay, Ph.D. Richard L. Griffith, Ph.D. Korhan Oyman Harry P. Weber, Ph.D. Donna Baker Daniel L. Bone John D. Ball John Hadjilogiou, Ph.D. Ashok Pandit, Ph.D. Rosalind E. Weiss Juanita N. Baker, Ph.D. Mary Bonenberger Monica H. Baloga, Ph.D. Sandra K. Hall Bernard C. Parenteau Priscilla C. Wiener Kimberly B. Baker Vicki L. Booth John C. Barranti, Ed.D. Gary L. Hamme Gordon M. Patterson, Ph.D. Amy S. Williams Richard H. Baker Brandan Borgias Paul Battaglia, Ph.D. Lee E. Harris, Ph.D., PE Thomas H. Peake, Ph.D. Donna F. Wilt, Ph.D. John D. Ball M C. Bowers, Jr. William R. Battin Deborah S. Hartegan Maria A. Peebles John G. Windsor, Jr. Macon Ballard Julia Bowlin J. Clayton Baum, Ph.D. Leslie R. Havery Michael J. Perry Debra R. Wolfard Brian E. Baney Ritva T. Bowman S. Ann Becker, Ph.D. Howell H. Heck, Ph.D. Delicia Phillips Matthew A. Wood, Ph.D. Richard N. Baney, Jr., M.D. Shelly Bowman Marjorie A. Beckett Franklin C. Heim Carol L. Philpot, Ph.D. Debra C. Wooldridge John A. Banks Joel E. Boyd Thomas V. Belanger, Ph.D. A. T. Hollingsworth, Ph.D. Jean-Paul Pinelli, Ph.D. Feng Yang, Ph.D. Thomas J. Bannon Victoria L. Boyts Howard W. Berkowitz David D. Hott, Ph.D. Ahmad D. Rahal Charlotte M. Young Steven C. Banta Louis Bracey Penny Bernard Pei-Feng Hsu, Ph.D. Terry W. Raney, Ph.D. Lois J. Zabor Carlos M. Barba Edward T. Brady Debra S. Blenis Elizabeth A. Irlandi-Hyatt, Hamid K. Rassoul, Ph.D. Jordan I. Zarren Charles G. Barger Eric J. Braga Mary E. Bonhomme, Ph.D. Ph.D. Johanna E. Regis Patrick K. Barker Mickey Bragman Raymond F. Bonhomme Sharon Irvin Andrew W. Revay, Jr., Ph.D. Friends Donald Barlow Wendy S. Brandon Rodney B. Bowers Paul A. Jennings, Ph.D. John E. Reynolds, Jr. Victor G. Abbey Russell M. Barnes Bobbye G. Brantley Thomas E. Bowman, Ph.D. Tama L. Johnson Karen Rhine Angela A. Abbott Peggy Barnes Regina Brantley Clifford R. Bragdon Lars R. Jones, Ph.D. Julio Rodriguez-Cruz Debra Abdo Jamie R. Barr Steven Brantley James R. Brenner, Ph.D. William K. Jurgens, Jr. Victor B. Ross III Henry S. Abercrombie Marcia C. Barrere Patricia A. Brashear Alan B. Brown, Ph.D. Edward H. Kalajian, Ph.D. Hazel A. Rosskamp Zelda E. Abercrombie Richard P. Barrere Faye Braud Mark Bush, Ph.D. Florence W. Kaslow, Ph.D. Robert T. Rowe Michael L. Acierno Diane L. Barrios Russell A. Bremmer John H. Cain, Ph.D. Judith A. Kelliher Mary Ellen Roy Jacques Aebli Nancy C. Barth William T. Brennan Pat Cappola Mary Beth Kenkel, Ph.D. Matthew Ruane Marat Akhmet Robert W. Barth James R. Brenner Elaine A. Carlyle Donn Miller-Kermani Rick Rummel Sheryl A. Alexander Thomas J. Barth Mary Brethour David J. Carroll, Ph.D. Sasan A. Kermani, Ph.D. Beverly H. Sanders Ioffe Alexander Unni T. Barton Patricia H. Briel Deborah S. Carstens, Ph.D. Frank L. Kinney Thomas J. Sanders, Ph.D. Joyce Alexy Judi Bates Bob Briggs Carmen R. Carvalho Melissa Klos Joanne M. Savage Richard C. Allabaugh Beau J. Baugh Stacy Brimer-McGinty Cecilia A. Knoll, Ph.D. Leslie L. Savoie Beth L. Allen Peggy J. Baugh Philip Brito Florida Tech TODAY | 47 William Brittner Sylbert Cheekan Sherman J. Curl Ann L. Downey Mary P. Fox Sandra L. Grutta Janice C. Broda Marie B. Chertok Suette Curry Robert B. Downey, D.M.D. Thomas G. Fox, Ph.D. Nancy T. Grzeski Jocelyn L. Bronson Wing-Sum W. Cheung Troy Curry Jeanette M. Doyle John J. Francey Sheila Gurr Phillip M. Bronson Connie Chiles-Cooke Stephen K. Cusick Mark I. Duedall Phyllis J. Francis Sharon D. Gustavel Ann L. Broom Mark W. Chimiak Barbara Cuva Helen M. Duncan Nick Frazier Kathleen A. Guyette Melton E. Broom Karen L. Chin R. S. Dahiya Mary Duncan Vermeda Fred Johnnie M. Hackett Justin Brown Cedric Ching Norma S. Dahlin Gayle A. Duncombe Caroline M. Fredrickson Lydia K. Haddad Kimberly A. Brown Sung K. Choi Dennis B. Dahlman Jay C. Duncombe Mary C. Frost Fran Hadjilogiou Walter Brown Elizabeth L. Christenson Donna Dalton Geneva S. Dunlap Anne G. Fuller Jerri A. Hafizi Peter H. Brownell Marla Christie Melody C. Damm David W. Dunn W. J. Fuller John H. Haire Robert E. Bruce Wayne Chrystal Kimberly S. Dana Midge Dunn Tetsuo Furumochi John N. Hamilton, Esq. Gerald W. Bruner Christine J. Chura Robert W. Daniel Peter Dunn June A. Gaarder Sharon G. Hamner Nina A. Bruner Edgar L. Clapp Shirley L. Darby Dawn Dunne Robert P. Gaarder Stephen Hand Floyd T. Bryan Brian D. Clark Judith A. Darin William M. Dunning John R. Galloway, Jr. James W. Handley Michael A. Bryan James B. Clark Marilyn K. Daucher Dave Duthie Elizabeth L. Galya Emma L. Hanna Sandra M. Bryan Tambre E. Clark James D. Davidson Bobbie Dyer David W. Gamblin Elisia M. Hanover Annette P. Buchanan Jorge O. Class Ursula M. Davidson Lillian Dyous Gary J. Ganiban Christopher G. Harber John A. Buckley Kelsey Clayton Eva D. Davis Susan Earles Freddie Garcia, Jr. Elphia A. Harden Jill A. Bunker Pamela J. Cleff Gene Davis Cynthia L. Earp Lawrence F. Garrison Joseph L. Harley, Jr. Nancy Buonanni Deborah B. Clough Gerald F. Davis James H. Earp Donald H. Garver Patsy S. Harper William S. Buonanni Harry W. Coates III Jacob A. Davis Joseph H. Edney Myles Garza William A. Harr, D.P.M. Judy L. Burden Beverly J. Cole Jacqueline K. Davis Patricia Edney Mary L. Gast Jerry Harrington Sandra A. Burge James H. Coleman Judy E. Davis Melissa L. Edwards Walter J. Gatti Regis A. Harrington Gregg Busch Linda G. Coleman Rayanne L. Davis Christian Ehret Pamela A. Gatto-Gallo Brenda H. Harris Cheryl C. Buzzelli Rebecca C. Collura Tom K. Davis Barbara Elsner Melody H. Gaudy Michael W. Harris Judith H. Buzzi Mary B. Colson Pamela H. Day Richard E. Enstice, Ph.D. Abhay Gaur William R. Harris Daniel J. Cacchio Wendell H. Colson Robert V. Day Wilma S. Ernsberger Shari Gay Elizabeth V. Harrison Carolyn M. Cacciatore Mary Anne Compton Walter J. Day II Robert A. Esposito Dominick Gebbia Kenneth B. Harsell S. S. Cacciatore, Esq. Robert Condell Manuel De la Sen Ernest C. Euler Greg Geiss Lou M. Hart Gunduz Caginalp Edward Conroy Jose De Oliveira Fernandes Susan A. Evander Elias Georgsson Rick Hartwell Patricia Cain James R. Constantine Carmen A. De Rodriguez John E. Evans George T. Gergora Dave Harvey Cristina Calestani Carol G. Cook George M. De Roeck Rosalind G. Evans Harry Gilbert Bryan Hatfield Helen K. Callaghan Donald M. Cook Terry Debello Barbara Ewart Lori Gilbert-White Maura Hawkes Lori Cameron Nancy E. Cook Johnny Debity Daniel P. Faherty Andrew Gillespie Richard W. Hawkes Patricia M. Campanini Robert L. Cook, Jr. Antoinette Deever Jeanne A. Farmer Elizabeth R. Gillette Michael S. Hayworth Debra L. Campos James M. Cooper Harry L. Deffebach Maureen E. Farmer Joy J. Gilliland Mildred S. Heab Scott Caples John H. Corcoran Djairo G. Defigueiredo David Fassino Wendy Gironda Barbara A. Healy Shirley A. Card Constantin Corduneanu Michael DeGrandis Judith A. Ferguson Barbara V. Glover JoAnn Heflich Siegfried Carl Virginia A. Corton Helene DeGroodt-Belt Gilberto Fernandez Joseph H. Glover III B. M. Hegde Sandra J. Carlson Kenneth A. Corwen Patricia A. Deighton Miguel Fernandez Russell P. Glover Seppo V. Heikkila Mark A. Carmen Jimmy L. Cowan Everett S. Dejong Donna R. Ferrara Scott Glover Belinda J. Henderson Helen M. Carnegie Troy Cox Kathleen H. Delaney Kristie A. Ferriell Lisa A. Goff Betty L. Henderson Henry Carnegie Richard A. Cozier Edward S. Delaplaine II Alison A. Fetner Mery Gomez de Clay Steve R. Hendrickson Tammy Carnegie Marc Craddock Mary B. Demunecas Eugene M. Fetner Mary Gonyer Vera Hennessy Sharon Carnohan Victor R. Craft Malcolm A. Denemark Suzanne F. Fetner Ada E. Gonzalez Diane L. Henry Darwin Carpenter, Jr. Karen R. Craig Lori A. Dennis Albert E. Feucht Charles H. Goodrich Sandra Henry Terri L. Carr Jeff Cramer Eugene P. Depatie Judith J. Feucht Mary J. Gould-Pod Bjørg Hermansen Vera Carson Barry M. Crane Pamela Dettmer Olympia Fiedler Kenneth S. Graff, M.D. Bjørnar K. Hermansen Jody Carter Audrey J. Creager Mary E. Dias Madeline A. Fielding Sharon F. Graff Lisa Hernacki Pamela Castellana John E. Creager Jeffrey S. Dick John W. Finafrock Jeryl Graham Thomas R. Hernacki, PE Manny Catalano Silvio Crespo Kelli R. Dinkel John S. Finlay III Judith D. Graham Virginia K. Herrman Sara Catanese Connie Crimi Joseph R. DiPrima Sheri L. Finn William Graham Calla Hess Emily C. Cato John E. Crimi Darryl Dixon James Finsted James I. Granger John W. Hesterman Eugene S. Cavallucci, J.D. Merry Crimi Winona J. Dixon Brian G. Fisher Allen R. Green Norma G. Hesterman Rebecca S. Cavallucci John L. Croes Frederick H. Dobbs James L. Fisher, Ph.D. Desmond J. Greene Alan L. Hetrick Michael S. Cerow Kathryn A. Cronenberg Sherrill R. Dobbs Gary Fitzgerald Mary E. Greene Georg Hetzer Richard C. Cerow, C.P.A. Terrence A. Cronin, M.D. Evelyn E. Dolan Susan Fitzgerald Michael A. Greene Frances M. Hidalgo Walter A. Cerrato Diane W. Croteau Alexander Domoshnitsky Melissa A. Flammio-Clark Donna R. Gretton Janice K. Hill John L. Chadwick Barbara F. Crouch Penny Donaldson Leasha D. Flammio-Watson F. C. Grieneisen Sandra E. Hillyer Les R. Chambers Laurel Crowe Patricia B. Doscher Michael J. Foley George D. Griepenburg Clifford G. Hirsch Glen E. Chaney Sara Crumpacker Gretchen S. Dougherty Irene T. Fonzi Arthur G. Griffin Patricia M. Hirsch Christine L. Chater Carlos Cuevas Martin E. Dougherty Bruce Ford Mary K. Grimaldi Mary Ann Hoel Helen M. Chater Scott C. Culbreth Donna K. Douglas Evelyn Foster Jim Grimes Joan M. Hoerning Gladys Chavez James C. Cullen Julia Douglas Warren F. Foster, Jr. Nita Grisham William J. Holland William H. Chavis William Cunningham Robert A. Dow, CFP Patricia Fouchet Marie-Louise Grundy Jacqueline E. Hollingsworth 48 Robert E. Hollis Stephen J. Kendall Anna C. Little George McLeod III Jeffrey E. Nelson Shannon T. Pitner, CFP Patricia G. Holmes Lawrence B. Kenkel Kenneth C. Liu Malcolm E. McLouth Paula G. Nelson Brenda L. Pitts Ronald L. Holmes Diane P. Kennedy Xinzhi Liu Lois R. McNamara John W. Neuberger Charles W. Platt Henry E. Holzbach William F. Kennedy David B. Locuson Thomas E. McNamara Scott Newland Jack L. Platt Sally E. Holzbach Claudia Kickery Melinda M. Lohr Gloria A. McNeil Vera I. Nickolas Scarlet C. Platt Jerry R. Hooper Susan E. Kilmer Aila K. Long Forman S. Meachem Mark Nicole Shirley Plumb John R. Hopkins Millard P. Kimball, Jr. Phyllis C. Long Alice Meaders Karen Nierenberg Deborah J. Plummer Susan Hopkins Arthur Kinberg Henry Lonski Barney E. Meaders Hubert C. Normile, Jr. Janet A. Poirier Brian P. Howell Doris W. King Linda Lovett John Mei Judy S. Nunn Jeffrey S. Pollack Eugene A. Howell Maxwell C. King Doris Lucas Karen C. Melcher Daleen O’Dell Lawrence P. Pollack Patricia Howlett Margaret S. Kinsey Ray Lugo Corey R. Menter Jeanne Odermann Tatiana S. Pommer Charles W. Hoyman, Jr. Judith A. Kinshaw-Ellis Ann Luke Matthew J. Mercurio Sarah A. O’Kelley Steven L. Poorbaugh Yvonne H. Hoyman Karen E. Kirkland Michelle Lyle Kathleen S. Messersmith Omer C. Oktar Justine F. Postal Guangye Hu Bert C. Klein Lois V. Lynn Adrienne G. Meyer Shelby B. Oktar Andrew E. Potter Donna L. Hubbell Erwin Klein Antonino L. Lyons Gerald Meyer Dayle R. Olson Richard M. Potter Brian Hubert Jill H. Klein Alicia A. Macom Sleighton F. Meyer Richard H. Oram Wendy L. Potter Grady M. Hudson Polly K. Knight William C. Macom John Meyerholz John D. Orcutt, Jr. William C. Potter, Esq. Dale Hunt Susan M. Knollinger Marisa B. Magill Holly R. Michaels Judy H. Orcutt Mihaela Predescu Seongwoo Hwang Sheila Knotts Patrick R. Malek Ricky Michelson William Orndorf Kevin Price Raymond Hyatt Wilhelmine Knox Betty Malinchak George Mikitarian Alfred B. Osterhout Sheila J. Price Richard A. Hynes, M.D. Janet O. Koca Walter M. Malinchak Susan M. Millen Lanette Ouellette Edward Prince Lynda T. Ingle Herman J. Koch Baudon C. Malmbeck Joel C. Miller Jodi O. Owen, Psy.D. Frank Proctor Lois Ingram Kattie R. Kocol Fran Mannion Patricia G. Miller Boyce W. Padgett Jessica Prodouz Kathy E. Inman Alice K. Kolakowska Brian Mannix Luella C. Mills Chia-Ven Pao Paul Proly Joseph C. Innis Lingju Kong Lance Marcus William M. Mims Bernard C. Parenteau Ellen C. Pryor Thomas E. Ipsen Namj i. Koo Deborah L. Marino Sharon Mischker Judy Parker Reginald J. Przybyl James N. Jacobson, M.D. Stanley Kooyenga Richard M. Marino David Mitchell Cindy Parks Gerald W. Pyles Bruce W. Jacobus Louis A. Korahais Rich Marooney James E. Mitchell Iris J. Parr James E. Pyles David H. Jacoby, Esq. Andrzej Korzeniowski Grady J. Marshall Lawrence J. Moebius Carla Parsons Karen L. Pyles Lynn N. Jaime Barbara J. Kostandinu Kenneth H. Marshall Sharon R. Mohler Dwight H. Pate Melissa R. Pyles Claude James Lisa B. Krajcik Ellen L. Martig Stanley Mohler Mary Pate Ronald L. Pyles Jason Jeffreys Fred Krauga Tony R. Marvier Donald V. Moline Dorothy A. Patton Changzheng Qu Barbara J. Jenkins David L. Krzywonos Charles J. Marzzacco Gary L. Moline J. S. Payne Perri C. Quattrociocchi Donnie Jenkins Rodrigue Kukurudz Rudolph Masaryk, Jr. Mary Ann Moline Thomas H. Peake, Ph.D. Mark Quitney Margaret A. Jennings Shirley Kunde Francis M. Mason Donald G. Moll Brenda Pearce Stephen W. Radcliffe Phillip E. Jennings Marian L. LaShure Amantha N. Massey- Paula G. Molnar Henry G. Peebles III William H. Rambeau Judith A. Jensen Jennifer G. Lacey McLaughlin Thomas R. Molnar Anthony H. Pelle Candice Ramirez Joseph Jerome Gerasimos Ladas Brian P. Masterson Carlos E. Morales Clarence Penn Joe Randolph Margaret Joffe Kimberly M. LaFrance Joanne Masterson Rita Moreno Marilyn J. Penn Douglas J. Rebhahn Betty E. Johnson Michael F. LaFrance Shirley J. Mataxis Michael Morin Raymond H. Penn Gerald B. Reeder Bill Johnson James S. Laham, C.P.A. Christina G. Matthews Sara C. Morrison Brent E. Peoples Stacey M. Reeder Bob Johnson Richard K. Laird Paul Matthews Mary A. Morrow Richard M. Peoples Paul Reeves Catherine Johnson Helga Lamb Carol K. Maul Patricia L. Mountcastle Kathleen M. Percival Deanna M. Reiter Charlton Johnson Nicholas H. Lambros Christopher A. Mavis Richard D. Mounts Alex Pereira Mary R. Renfro Charmein E. Johnson Gary F. Lang Linda J. May Lucie Muns Ashley F. Perers Robert M. Renfro Clay R. Johnson Phil Lange Randall L. May Mathew A. Muns Adam Perez Andrew W. Revay, Jr., Ph.D. Dorothy S. Johnson Barbara J. Lasher Jane McCallum William D. Muns Lila Perez Karen Revell Frank L. Johnson Anthony T. Lau Marilyn O. McCarthy Leigh J. Murchison Lou J. Petcovic Amarilis R. Reyes Jimmie C. Johnson Jeri Laufenberg Heather McCaslin Emerson L. Murray Melinda Peters-Jones Gloria Reynolds Ralph A. Johnson Kathy Laurenhue Bach McClure Lowell C. Murrell Allan Peterson Jason Reynolds Shelley F. Johnson Lauren M. Lawler Adrian McCollum Matthew S. Musgrave Howard W. Pettengill, Jr. Rebecca Reynolds Marjorie M. Johnston Destiny Lawson Grady McCoy Timothy R. Muth Harriett S. Pfrimmer Zachary Reynolds Elly J. Jones Maria F. Lea Patricia A. McCoy Lisa Myers Joyce B. Philemon Dianne M. Rhodes Darcia Jones-Francey Kenneth Lebron Erin E. McCullough Peter S. Myles James Phillips Donald G. Rhodes, M.D. Donna Joyal Yong-Hoon Lee John P. McCune Cynthia L. Najem Muff W. Philipps Jean V. Rhodes Tristan Judson James L. Lentz Fred McCurry David K. Nakamura Barbara G. Pierce, Ph.D. Nancy L. Rhonehouse Harold L. Jury Martha E. Lentz Monrie McDaniel Elizabeth Nance Janet L. Pierce Donald S. Richards Susan G. Kahn Glenn S. Leon Tony McDaniel James H. Nance, Esq. Margo Pierce Doris M. Richards Priscilla A. Kalajian Phillip S. Levine Wendell McDaniel Margarat B. Napolitan Sylvia Pillot Cathy Richardson Lynn L. Kaminskas Charine Lewis David G. McGinty Charles I. Nash, Esq. Michael Pilo William N. Richey Shellie Kaminski Patrica M. Lewis Judith McGinty James P. Neal IV Winifred T. Pilosi Ray Richter Kathleen Kane Christine M. Lighthill Elinor S. McKee Nancy T. Neal Charlotte E. Pinabell Jim L. Ridenour Florence W. Kaslow, Ph.D. John R. Lindeman, D.D.S. Beulah D. McLane-Carter Dione L. Negroni-Hendrick Julie Pinkerton William E. Riebsame Donald A. Keller Richard C. Lindmark Kathleen M. McLaughlin Heidi M. Neill Scott G. Pinkerton Juhani Riihentaus Shawna S. Kelsch Kay E. Linn Carolyn McLeod Russell L. Neill Roberta J. Piper George E. Rippis, M.D. Florida Tech TODAY | 49 Danielle Ritter Clifford W. Schoonmaker Scott T. Sorensen Cherie Thompson Danny L. Wertz Julie Dimond Steven R. Rivet Donna L. Schoonmaker Guy M. Spearman III Mark G. Thompson Harold B. West Keith A. Dimond, M.D. John K. Roach Karen S. Schulte Larry Speight Peter Thompson Marie L. West Eleanor P. Downey Julia R. Roach Laraine Schultz Anita N. Sperling Richard Thompsom Phyllis W. West James M. Downey George A. Roberts Frankie Schverak Majorie E. Spradley Susan Thompson Diane E. Wheatley Norman Gustavel Julie Roberts Jack W. Schwalbe Stephen H. Spragins Brian G. Throp Jay R. Wherley Sharon D. Gustavel Larry Robertson David Seares Laurie A. Spruill Richard L. Tillman Glen Whisler Meridith M. Harrell Sam J. Robertson Nancy E. Seares Susan Stackpoole James D. Tisdall David White Brenda H. Harris Jesus Rodriguez Yvette Sebetka Rebecca Stafford Ann M. Titus John E. White Michael W. Harris Mitchell A. Roffer Hassan Sedaghat Todd J. Starkey Stephen D. Titus John W. White Richard H. Hillyer Leonardo D. Rojas George B. Seifert Betty Lou Steen-Clarke David J. Tomczak John V. Wicklund, Jr. Sandra E. Hillyer Barbara Rolsing Renee L. Sekersky-Zung Jennifer H. Stein Deborah Tomczak Virginia Wiegand Susan Jurgens John R. Romanelli A. Sengupta Leon J. Stein Paul J. Toppi Judith D. Willey William K. Jurgens, Jr. Marcos A. Romero Jerry S. Senne Melissa Stephens Joann B. Torpey Bob Williams Edward H. Kalajian Clarence W. Ronk Ann H. Sepri Nolan T. Stephens Marc Tourville Caley V. Williams Priscilla A. Kalajian Frances Rosa Gabriell J. Severin Robert F. Stephens C. J. Townsend Carolyn Williams Margaret B. Moore Andrew J. Rosalsky Roger A. Sevigny Steven B. Steptoe Dorothy J. Tozour Judith T. William Ilona Mueller Karen T. Rose Sandra K. Sevigny C. L. Stewart Roberto Triggiani Lee Williams J. R. Newman, Ph.D. George W. Rosen Pauline Shadley Joan Stiles Guy L. Truicko Mary Williams Madeleine W. Newman Alexandra M. Roses Amit D. Shah Carol F. Stinson Cynthia K. Truitt Michael H. Williams James P. Panter, Sr. Scott J. Roslonowski Sally Shao Donald H. Strand Kimberly Trujillo Nina N. Williams Regina K. Panter Rachele A. Ross Mary Shapiro Peter J. Strazzo Achilles Tsairis Pauline M. Williams Margaret W. Plum Norma C. Roth George Shave Michael L. Stutts Ann N. Tschiemer Shellie Williams Richard M. Potter William D. Roth, P.A. Austin Shaw Yongtu Su Kathy A. Turner Theresa T. Williams Susan G. Potter Kate Rothra-Fleming George S. Shaw Sandra V. Suduikis John Tworkowski Brenda J. Wilmont Dorothea B. Retter Bradley A. Roub Sen-Yen Shaw Joan G. Sugarman Cecilia Tyne Richard K. Wilson Henry H. Retter Elena Roubachkina David E. Shein, Esq. Patricia Sukrachand Judith M. Ufferman Kathy Wilson Judith A. Sanders Carrie A. Rouleau-Cote Susan J. Shelby Donna Sullivan Robert C. Ufferman Michelle Wilson Thomas J. Sanders Tony D. Rowell Sandra P. Shenker Donna J. Sullivan Ronald J. Uhland III Misty Wilson Donna J. Sullivan Andrew P. Rowjohn Veronica C. Sherard Edward M. Sullivan David J. Underill R. P. Wimmer Robert L. Sullivan, Ph.D. William G. Roy John S. Sherman Linda Sullivan Georgiana Ungaro Lisa I. Winterich Glenda Van Gilder David C. Russell Onie D. Shinn Craig A. Suman Ina E. Usher-Gough Micalynn Wise John E. VanGilder Gilbert A. Russell James Shives Ruth M. Suman Luby Van Daalen Darla K. Wisinger Nathaniel E. Villaire, Ph.D. Sandra D. Russell Wendy I. Shlossman Yong-Ping Sun Frits Van Eeden Harry E. Wolford Sonja A. Villaire Sheldon Rutherford Michelle A. Shoaff Fred E. Sutton Matthew A. Vansomeren Patricia J. Wong Ellen K. Webbe Francis J. Ryan Alton Shoda Kerry E. Sutton Barbara Vaught Elizabeth H. Wood Frank M. Webbe, Ph.D. Margaret Ryan Doris R. Shope Meredith M. Sutton Carol N. Veneziano Joseph H. Wood, Jr. Amy S. Williams Felikss Sadirbajevs Maynard R. Shope Jim T. Swann III Karen Verrill Mary B. Wood Janet M. Saeger David W. Shropshire Darlene Swim Anthony J. Verzi Thomas E. Woodard Foundations Ziad H. Saleh Jeffrey S. Shuman Eva M. Swindall Elsie F. Visel Freddie L. Woodson Bristol-Myers Squibb Judith H. Samways Katie H. Shuman Paul M. Swindall Kate Vitolo Martha P. Work Foundation, Inc. Mark S. Sanders Scott V. Siebert Jeneral B. Swindell Robert C. Vogel Patricia M. Wright C3 Foundation, Inc. Judy A. Sands Lawrence F. Sietsma Harvey D. Taffet Kathleen M. Vogl Virginia L. Wright Creative Political Dixie N. Sansom Sheryl D. Sietsma Joan R. Taffet Betty K. Vogt Donald A. Wylie Foundations, Inc. Kathleen L. Sargent Sarah O. Silvernail Katsuo Takano Tami Vogt Grace R. Wylie French American Cultural Jennifer L. Sartori Walter C. Simciak Deanna M. Tangeman Stephen J. Volk Jurang Yan Exchange Elizabeth Saum John W. Simmons Debarah Tarnowski Annmarie V. Waite Pamela S. Yost General Electric Paula Savage-Harr Meghan W. Simpkins Jaimee Taylor Edward J. Walker Fadia Yousses Foundation Linda A. Savold Thomas W. Sinclair John R. Taylor Sandra M. Walker Jordan I. Zarren GlaxoSmithKline Patricia L. Sawyer William Sinclair Nancy R. Taylor Barbara C. Wall Michele J. Zavetz Foundation Patricia Scafati Cliff Skelton Robert Taylor Cynthia Walsh Diane S. Zeller Harris Foundation Eithne M. Scelzi Jeff Slone Virginia J. Taylor Ken Ward Gregory Zeller Illinois Tool Works Barbara Schading Anna C. Smith Ann Telling Linda J. Ward Joan Zeller Foundation Richard Schading Clifton Smith William L. Telling Dennis Watkins Fengquin Zhang Invest In Others Charitable Dale B. Schafer Dina M. Smith Judy A. Tellis Kathleen A. Watson Jianmin Zhu, Ph.D. Foundation Richard Scheffer Donna P. Smith John A. Testa Michael P. Watson, USN Donald E. Zimmerman Johnson Controls Paul T. Scheller Eileen F. Smith Elizabeth M. Thelemann- Patricia D. Watson Marijane Zimmerman Foundation Deborah Schenck Jessie Smith Zuniga Carolyn R. Webb Merle G. Zimmerman Kraft General Foods Carol Schiff Jimmie G. Smith R. T. Thole Ellen K. Webbe Regina E. Zimmerman Foundation Thomas Schinske Robert L. Smith Howard Thomas Scott P. Weber Martin R. Zung Lettie Pate Whitehead Daniel R. Schlegel Roderick S. Smith John V. Thomas Jack Weil Ruth Zung Foundation, Inc. La Verne A. Schmidt Sharon Smith Julie L. Thomas Steven K. Weiss Merrill Lynch & Co. Lynn Schmitz Diane Sohl Monica A. Thomas Michael W. Welch Parents Foundation Richard H. Schnoor Julie K. Song Patricia A. Thomas Feng Wenying Ritva T. Bowman Northrop Grumman Litton William R. Schoen Joan H. Sorensen C. Wayne Thompson Marian S. Wenzel Thomas E. Bowman, Ph.D. Foundation 50 Publix Super Markets Booz Allen Hamilton CTH Environmental, Inc. Florida Tech University Jimmy Johns Gourmet Nationwide Insurance Pete Charities, Inc. Botanical Journey Dan Ater, State Farm College Sandwiches Ballard Agency PSEG Foundation Boueri Engineers, Inc. Insurance FLORIDA TODAY Jim’s Orchid Supplies Neiman Marcus State Farm Co. Foundation Brevard Business News, Inc. Decoratifs FM Industrial & Marine Johnson & Johnson Netagy Technology The Devereux Foundation Brevard Cultural Digital Color Resources, Inc. Corp. Joy Gilliland Real Estate Solutions LLC The Emil Buehler Trust Alliance, Inc. Dillards Foster Women’s Care LLC Kalianas Neuropsychology & The University Financing Brevard Elderlearning Direct Seafood Outlet Four C’s Nursery Keller, Schleicher & Counseling Associates Foundation, Inc. Browning’s Pharmacy & Dogwood Blossom Frank Busshaus, Inc. Macwilliam Engineering LLC UPS Foundation–Matching Health Care Stationery Friendship Fellowship At and Testing, Inc. New Era Holdings Gift Buddha’s Garden Doubletree Guest Suites Pineda Kelly Potter Scholarship New Piper Aircraft Verizon Foundation Budget Printing Centers Melbourne Beach FSASCE Seminars Fund Noble Engineering Wachovia Foundation Burton Braswell Oceanfront Fujifilm Imaging Kenemuth Family Associates Wal-Mart Foundation Middlebrooks Dow Chemical USA Colorants, Inc. Chiropractic Northern Trust Bank Xerox Foundation Associates, Inc. East Central Florida Galaxy Skateway Kimley-Horn and Northrop Grumman Butler Coastal LLC Memory Clinic Gardino Nursery Corp. Associates, Inc. Corporation Integrated Organizations Cadence Design Eastern Aviation Fuels, Inc. Gatto’s Tires and Auto Kinberg & Associates LLC Systems 12 Baskets Farms, Inc. Systems, Inc. EDL General Contractors Service Laura Leigh Northrop Grumman 3M Corporation Canaveral Council of Edventure Partners Geico Direct Lavender Boutique Integrated Sys. Sector A 1 Faces Photography Technical Societies Elegant Fix Press George Dehne & Lightle Commercial, Inc. O’Brien, Riemenschneider, Advanced Motion Controls, Caribsea, Inc. Elemental Nursery Associates, Inc. Lockheed Martin Kancilia & Lemonidis, P.A. Inc. Carroll Distributing Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Glover Oil Company Corporation Oggi Salon & Spa Affordable Graphic Company University Godlove & Son Lugo’s Holdings, Inc. Old Town Solutions, Inc. Cemex Inc. Emerson Electric Company Orchids, Inc. M.H. Williams OMNI Healthcare, P.A. A-J Marine, Inc. Center For Cooperative Eng, Denman & Associates Going Bananas Construction, Inc. Orlando Magic Basketball Allan and Conrad, Inc. Medicine, P. A . Engler’s Intelligent Goldman, Sachs & Co. M.L.Wilson Co. Club American Business Interiors Center For Pediatric Solutions LLC Grainger Mac-Gray Services, Inc. Orlando Science Center American Electric Power Care, Inc. Essentials Spa Gray Robinson Malabar Mowers Our Vital Earth, Inc. Company, Inc. Central Florida Palm & Estate of Mary Ewing Green Turtle Market March-Westin Panera Bread American Honda Motor Cycad Society, Inc. EV Spa & Hair Studio, Inc. Grove Scientific & Company, Inc. Peoples Physical Company, Inc. Central Library Consortium, Exelon Engineering Co. Markel Corporation Therapy, Inc. American Insurance Inc. Falcon Realty & GTC of Brevard, Inc. Marketing World Specialties Petty’s Meat Market Administrators Certified Plumbing Air and Development Gulfstream Financial of Matrix Composites, Inc. Phantom Productions Of Andretti Thrill Park Heat, Inc. Falling Leaves Pottery Brevard Inc. Maxines Salon & Spa Florida LLC Angela’s Full Service Salon CFS Industries, Inc. Fergusons Automotive & Hamilton Beach Proctor- McCabe Software, Inc. Piccadilly Cafeteria Antiques Etcetera CH2M Hill, Inc. Marine Silex, Inc. Medical Staff CME Pinch-A-Penny Aquarion Company Chameleon Fusion Bistro Finney Properties Harris Corporation Melbourne Harbor Pita Pit Pinkerton Financial Archer Daniels Midland Chattanooga Engineers First State Bank (Corporate) Melbourne Podiatry Pirtek USA Company Club Florida Coca-Cola HD Supply Associates Port Malabar Garden Artemis IT Solutions Chevron USA, Inc. Bottling Co. Health First, Inc. Mercedes/Porsche/Audi of Precise Title, Inc. Associated Builders and Cinema World Florida Airports Council Holeman Suman Architects Melbourne Premiere Theaters-Oaks 10 Contractors, Inc. Circles Of Care, Inc. Florida Gardening Holiday Inn (West Merritt Island Public Prime Specialtlies, Inc. Associates In Psychology & City of Melbourne Press, Inc. Melbourne) Library Priority 1 Motors LLC Counseling Cleofar Millare Florida Independent Holy Land Stone Company Metro Signs Professional Collections AT&T Landscaping College Fund Hooters of Melbourne Advertising, Inc. Project Regreen Atlantic Business Systems Coastal Dominion Florida Power & Light Co. Hurricane Product MGI USA R.C. Stevens Atmospheric Research Capital LLC Florida Solar Energy Center Warehouse Inc. Michael’s for Men & Raytheon Company Systems Cobb and Walls Insurance Florida Tech Athletics Ibises Women RBC Centura Bank Baker Concrete Agency Florida Tech Bookstore IBM Matching Grants Microsoft Matching Gift Revolutions Cyclery Construction, Inc. Cold Spring Harbor Florida Tech Catholic Program Program Ricardo Arbesu Ballantyne Tennis, Inc. Laboratory Campus Ministry IC Seminars Missle, Space & Range Richard Flutie Photography Barnes & Noble Booksellers Commemorative Florida Tech Civil Imperial Salon & Spa Pioneers, Inc. Richard’s Paint Barnes & Noble Bookstore Brands, Inc. Engineering Indusa LLC Modus Operandi, Inc. Manufacturing Co., Inc. #798 Communications Florida Tech College of Institute of Museum and Morgan Stanley & Company, Ricker College Scholarship Batters Choice Concepts, Inc. Management Library Services Inc. Riverside National Bank BB & T Community Educators Florida Tech College of Insurance Center of Central Morgan Stanley Dean Riverside Professional BeautiControl Credit Union Psychology & Liberal Arts Florida, Inc. Witter Center Account Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Connie Chiles-Cooke Florida Tech College of Insurance Consultants of My Sports Dreams LLC Robert L. Lentz Corp. Best Buy Insurance Agency Science Central Florida MyMediaWorks.com Rockledge Gardens, Inc. Betton Hills Preparatory Cool Roses, Inc. Florida Tech College Interiorworks, Inc. National Collegiate Athletic Rotary Club Of Indialantic School, Inc. Cosmic Cafe Players Io Engineers, Inc. Association Rotroff, Fisher & Co., P.A., Bisk Education Courtyard by Marriott Florida Tech DMES J. G.’s Tropical Plants National Management C.P. A .’s Boeing Gift Matching Cribs & Cradles, Inc. Florida Tech Humanities Jack C. Jeffcoat, Inc. Resources Corp. Royal Highlands Program Crowne Plaza Melbourne Dept. Jack Jennings & Sons, Inc. National Semiconductor RuffaloCODY LLC Bonefish & Tarpon Oceanfront Florida Tech MAE JAG Enterprises & Corporation SAP America Unlimited, Inc. Department Associates, Inc. Florida Tech TODAY | 51 Shadow Technologies, Inc. Wachovia Corp. College of Business Dr. Walter M. Nunn, Jr. Herman Kessler Moore, Merit Loan Endowment Sign Design & Screen Wecker Chiropractic Center, Endowment Scholarship for Electrical M.D. Scholarship Michael Flammio Printing, Inc. P. A . College of Engineering Engineering Students Holzer-Lequear Endowment Scholarship Silhouette Hairlines, Inc. Welbro Building Endowment for Academic Edward W. Snowdon to support Medical Michael Scafati Scholarship Sinai Walk-in Clinic Corporation Programs and Lee Hill Snowdon Genetics Research National Defense Skinner, Inc. Wells Fargo College of Engineering Graduate Fellowship Hydro Aluminum Corp. Transportation Association Slice Of Life West Melbourne Public Research Endowment in Marine and College of Engineering (NDTA)/Space Coast SMRC, Inc. Library Commitment to Excellence Environmental Studies Scholarship Chapter Scholarship Sorensen Moving & Whistle Junction Computer Sciences Edwin A. Link Special Intercollegiate Rowing Northrop Grumman Storage, Inc. Whittaker & Cooper, P.A. Department Endowment Collections Endowment Program Endowment Scholarship in South Brevard Nursery Winestyles Construction Industry Environmental Education International Aerospace Engineering Studies Southeastern Honda WRNS STUDIO Advisory Board (CIAB) Program Endowment Lightning Conference Northrop Grumman/George Southern Janitor Supply & YTB Travel Network, Inc. Endowment Eric J. Primavera ASCE (IALC) Scholarship M. Skurla Engineering Services, Inc. Yumm Yumms, Inc. David L. and Theresa Student Chapter Isabelle and Lansing Scholarship Southern Photo Supply Zevest Development G. Clayton Graduate Endowment Gleason Scholarship NorthStar Capital Southwest Direct Corporation Fellowship in Marine and F. Alan Smith Visiting Jack and Pat Pruitt Management Scholarship Space Coast Credit Union Environmental Systems Executive Program Endowment Numerical Control Society Space Coast Early Endowments Deering Fellowship Fund (College of Business) James Constantine College Scholarship Intervention Center Admiral O.D. Waters Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity Faculty Enhancement of Aeronautics Endowment Paul André Hermansen State University System of Graduate Fellowship/ Scholarship Endowment James G. Kennedy, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Florida DMES Dent Smith Botanical Faculty Scholarship Library Endowment Paul L. Chell Endowment Stottler, Stagg & Associates Alan Edwin Paltzik Garden Fund Farmer Endowment Jane Gleason Madry Library Phebus Family Scholarship Strike-Zone Fishing Fellowship Department of Electrical Father Douglas F. Bailey, Endowment Philip and Eloise Kalker Sun Marketing Group, Inc. Allen S. Henry Presidential and Computer S.D.S., Endowment to Jeffrey Allen Dimond Family Scholarship Sun Microsystems, Inc. Award Endowment Engineering Endowment Support Catholic Campus Memorial Scholarship Physics and Space Sciences SunGard Higher Education Allen S. Henry Professor of Dettmer Family Scholarship Ministry John M. Williams Program Endowment Suntree Country Club, Inc. Engineering Endowment Don Creech Memorial FIT Equipment Fellowship/DMES President’s Scholars Fund Suntree Diversified Allen S. Henry Scholarship Scholarship Replacement Fund John Thomas and Martha Protestant Campus Funding Astronaut Scholarship Dr. Anne P. Rowe Flag Officers Leadership Hartley Scholarship Ministry Endowment SunTrust N.A. (Melbourne) Bank of America/Barnett Scholarship ROTC Scholarship Joseph Caruso Family Ravindran Palaniyandi, Syska Hennessy Group Bank Scholarship Dr. Carol L. Philpot Family Florida Tech Alumni Scholarship M.D. and Ambika T-Cyber, Inc. Bank of America/ Psychology Graduate Association Scholarship Karl and Ingeborg Sendler Ravindran Scholarship Thallo NationsBank/C&S Fellowship Francis O. Blume III ROTC Scholarship Robert A. Schilling/ The Institute of Electrical National Bank Scholarship Dr. Elizabeth B. Wolf- Scholarship Kenneth C. Long Paravant Computer and Electronics Barnes & Noble College Corman Fellowship/ Friends of the Evans Unrestricted Endowment Systems (COE) Engineers, Inc. Bookstores Scholarship Psychology Library (FOEL) Kenneth P. Revay Class Scholarship The Boeing Company Bill Morris Advanced Flight Dr. Frank M. Webbe Endowment of 1982 Scholarship in Robert L. Long The Gauzeway Scholarship Psychology Scholarship Future Educators of Mechanical Engineering Professorship in Ethics The Great Outdoors/ Bjørnar and Bjørg Dr. Gary N. Wells America (FEA) Endowed Legacy Soccer/Lever Bros. Sant Ram Sharma Nature Center Hermansen Scholarship Scholarship/Biology Scholarship Scholarship Endowment in The Palm Garden Nursery Blatt Chemistry Seminar Dr. Imre Paulovits Graduate General Endowment Leo A. Marin Memorial Environmental Chemistry & Landscaping, Inc. Endowment Fellowship General Scholarship Scholarship Sarkis Acopian Endowed The Printing House, Inc. Brevard Scholars Program Dr. J. Clayton Baum Endowment Link Foundation Ocean Chair in Environmental The Residence Inn Endowment Scholarship Gertrude E. Skelly Engineering Graduate Education Thompson’s Bamboo Farm Brevard Scholarship in Life Dr. James G. Potter Graduate Fellowship Fellowship Save Our Bays, Air and Tin Roof Popcorn Company Sciences Scholarship in Physics/ in Marine and Llewellyn Hewett, Jr. Canals/Waterways, Inc. Titan America Bryan J. LaRose Memorial Space Sciences Environmental Systems Engineering Scholarship (SOBAC) Fellowship Tristan’s Kool Dreemz LLC Scholarship Dr. Jerome P. Keuper H. Seeley and Ruth E. Funk Local 810–Local 875/ School of Psychology Tropical Plant Solutions Capt. Joseph Brayton Endowment Fund for the Textile Arts Hirsch Memorial Endowment Turner Construction, Inc. Perkins Scholarship Dr. Juanita Neal Baker Harbor City Volunteer Scholarship Science and Mathematics Major Mathew Earl Tuttle-Armfield-Wagner Chadley M. Rhodes Graduate Psychology Ambulance Squad Education Graduate Schram ALMC-LEDC/FT TWC Services, Inc. Memorial Scholarship Fellowship Scholarship Student Travel Fund Graduate Fellowship United Service Source, Inc. Charles A. Frueauff Dr. Kerry Bruce Clark Harris Endowed Chair in Shirley J. Mataxis Marion and Eric Preece United Space Alliance Foundation Revolving Memorial Scholarship Assured Information Engineering Scholarship Scholarship for Women Athletes (USA) Loan Fund Dr. Leonard S. Healy Harris Endowed Marion Clayton Link SkyCross Laboratory United Space Alliance Trust Chi Phi Scholarship Graduate Scholarship Professorships Library Information Endowment United Way of Brevard Chris Giddings Memorial Dr. Ruth L. Schmidt Harris Student Scholars Network (LINK) Software Engineering County, Inc. Scholarship Library Endowment Fellowship Endowment Scholarship Urban Properties Christine Antoinette Mead Dr. Sam Hughes and Health First Endowed Chair Marjorie Hayes Scholarship Sportfish Research Institute Valentino’s Athletic Scholarship Mrs. Kate Settle Hughes in Community Health Marsha A. Duncan Endowment Vanasse Hangen Christopher Sherman Neese Scholarship Henry L. and Grace Scholarship Steve Freeman College of Brustlin, Inc. Memorial Scholarship Dr. V. Lakshmikantham Doherty Endowed Visiting Melissa Lee Crist Honorary Business Student Support Via Consulting Civil Alumni Recruitment Scholarship in Professorship Scholarship Endowed by Endowment Vulcan Materials Company Endowment (C.A.R.E.) Mathematical Sciences Henry Paul Clausen Coca-Cola Scholarship Scholarship Thomas E. and Lois R. Steven Petrosky Memorial McNamara Scholarship 52 SunTrust Scholarship Susan H. Ascher Denise J. Best Teraset Brookes Center For Cooperative Joan B. Crutcher SunTrust/Reliance Bank/ Atlantic Plumbing & Solar George A. Best William J. Broussard Medicine, P. A . John C. Curran Huntington National Bank Engineering, Inc. Paul R. Biggs Anna L. Brown Jon Chace Dean A. Curry Scholarship Atlantic Strings Barbara E. Bingnear Donna C. Brown Sharon L. Chadwick Dorothee A. Custer Susan Galos Eason Barry D. Austin Ann P. Birch Judy C. Brown Amber R. Chang Jacolyne A. Dale Memorial Scholarship Terry Auter Barry R. Birdwell Pamela L. Brown Kenneth L. Chapin Carl D. Dalessandro Thomas E. and Lois R. Automatic Data Ramona J. Birmingham Stephen B. Brown Clarence A. Chapman Deborah Dalessandro McNamara Scholarship Processing, Inc. Richard K. Bissett Susan M. Brown Vickie Chase Theresa C. Daly Van Pelt Foundation Richard D. Awe, C.P.A. Joan V. Bixby Faust C. Browne, Jr. Diane C. Chasick Daniel Kell Telephone, Inc Research Endowment Nelle H. Ayres Diana M. Bjork Robert E. Bruce Denise A. Cherne James R. Daughtry, TTEE W. Lansing and Isabelle Joseph L. Babb William Bjork Bryan’s Landscaping, Inc. Ann Marie Chester Anne J. Davidson Gleason College of Susan C. Babb Andrew J. Black Robbin C. Buckelew David B. Chester Delores L. Davie Business Academic Award Diane Baccus-Horsley, Esq. Donald G. Black Patricia A. Budesa Joseph A. Chiarino William Davie Wachovia Corporation/ James H. Badger R. M. Blake, J.D. Stanley T. Budesa, Jr. Vanessa L. Chiarino Richard K. Davies First Union National Bank Michael P. Bailey Herbert P. Blauel Maryann C. Buehn Debra A. Chicorelli Davinci’s Computer Corp. Scholarship Suzan K. Bailey Susan B. Blauel Jill A. Bunker Lynn Chiodo Chris K. Davis Walter and Dorothea Gatti Charles A. Baird Daniel P. Blom Stephen P. Bunker Chips Irons Eric N. Davis Scholarship Mary E. Baird Mary Blucker T. D. Bunn Nicholas J. Chirico Gerald F. Davis Walter D. and Paula LeCler Elaine H. Baker William B. Blythe Elisa C. Burden Nathan Christian Harry Davis Wood Scholarship Juanita N. Baker, Ph.D. Charles Boardman Stanley H. Burdick Kathleen Chudoba Joette Davis Warren and Evelyn Foster Richard H. Baker Rebecca C. Boettcher Kay E. Burk Kimberly J. Church Keith Davis Scholarship John G. Baldwin William N. Boettcher Warren W. Burk John Chybion Paula C. Davis Wendell H. Colson Ruby E. Balough Linda J. Boldt Herbert Burnap City of Melbourne Timothy W. Davis Scholarship Richard N. Baney, Jr., M.D. Paul F. Boldt Catherine C. Burton J. D. Cival Linda K. Dawson William and Wendy Potter Erin Bankert Mary E. Bonhomme, Ph.D. William T. Burton, Jr. Ann M. Clark Albert A. De Caprio College of Business Stephen E. Bankert Hope A. Bookman Lisa H. Burrows William A. Clay Isabelle C. De Santis Scholarship Robert Barbor Mark T. Boone Mark Bush, Ph.D. Dani L. Clevens Donald E. Dean Marcia Barnes Jane G. Boot Mary C. Butters Charles H. Clinchard Jeffrey B. Dean WFIT Donors Richard E. Barrett, Jr. Lynn M. Borlas Meghan Byrne Justin J. Close Dean, Mead, Egerton, Anonymous Barrier Island Graphics Ty Botello C & H Merrill, Inc. Pearlie Coates Bloodworth, Capuoano & Abel Nursing Agency, Inc. Melinda Barron Richard W. Botsford C/S Solutions, Inc. Barbara M. Cofer Bozarth Dale H. Abrahams Michael C. Barron Tanya E. Boudreau Carolyn M. Cacciatore James R. Coffman John Dechmerowski Richard Abrahams Michael Bartley Barbara L. Bourke S. S. Cacciatore, Esq. Charles M. Coggeshall Harry L. Deffebach III Robert J. Acosta Gordon S. Baskin, M.D. John J. Bourke Charles W. Cain Gloria F. Cohen Kim P. Deffebach, Ph.D. Jonathan A. Adams J. C. Baum Adam Bowers Abbey Calhoun Miriam Coleman-Small Bradley R. Deharder Cathy Adams-Rodby Katherine Baum Rodney B. Bowers Andrew Cali Cheryl A. Coletti Catherine C. Demeyer Adamson Advertising Melissa P. Baum Barbara B. Bowman Brett Camper Collaborative Experience Fredric F. Derwitsch ADP Investments, Inc. Jane Baxter Robert M. Bowman Dale E. Cannon LLC Terry L. Derwitsch Advanced Hearing Care Porter Baxter Steve Bowman Mark E. Cannon J. G. Collier Shashin Desai Kimberly Africano Joseph E. Bayer Carla H. Boyer Guillermo Capote Kristin L. Collins Robert H. Desgrange, Jr. Kirk Aguero Lesly Bazelais Deborah Boyer Lynn Carey Mark A. Combs Edward J. Destefano III Ronald L. Aiken Selwyn M. Beach Dorothy Boyer Michael T. Carey Community Based Care of Dale A. Dettmer, J.D. R. S. Alberts Carey Beam Kathleen M. Bradford Christopher J. Carlisle Brevard Janet Devlin Jean M. Allan Douglas C. Beardmore Clifford R. Bragdon Anne N. Carlson Jackie Connor Robert M. Devries Britt Allen Carl W. Beaulac Sarah V. Bragdon Roy V. Carlson Charles E. Conrad Anthony J. Dickerson Susan L. Carlson Richard G. Alper Herman J. Bechtel Harry E. Brandon David E. Cook, Ph.D. Douglas A. Dieruf Julianne Carmody Toni Alper Judith L. Becke Wendy S. Brandon Deborah T. Cook Richard L. Digiacomo Timothy Carney Christine L. Alvar Sandra L. Beckwith Dawn Bray Nancy E. Cook Desislava S. Dikova Stephan T. Carr Anthony Amenta Robert Bedea Anton Brees Stuart Cooper Mihail Dikova William W. Carrigan Colleen S. Amgott Jonathan Beedham Joan R. Brennan Brian A. Cope Dimension 5, Inc. David J. Carroll, Ph.D. Theodore R. Amgott Mary Rose Beerman John R. Brennan Frank M. Corcoran Kelli R. Dinkel Anna C. Carson Srinidhi Anantharamiah Judy B. Bell Jo Ellen P. Brennan Eileen P. Corelli Steven L. Dion Jacquelyn R. Cartwright Fred R. Anderson Diane Bencze Brevard Carribean Margaret C. Caruso John J. Corelli Joseph R. DiPrima Lois F. Anderson Brenda S. Benevente Amercian Sports & David Casey Charles D. Corman DiPrima Construction Corp. Nancy P. Anderson Michael J. Benik Cultural Assn., Inc. Leslie J. Castaldi William J. Cory Robert V. DiTota Richard B. Anderson Richard A. Benne Brevard Community Pamela Castellana Cosmic Cafe Daniel Dittenhafer W. R. Anderson, Jr. Laura F. Bennett College Peter P. Castello Evelyn C. Cotton Mike Dobson A. J. Andrea Robert L. Bennett, Jr. Brevard Jazz Series Marcel Castin Nancy J. Cox Sharon Dolan Stephen Andrew Drew M. Bentley Brevard Optometry Lee A. Cataline Laura P. Craigie Cameron M. Donaldson Gordon Ansell Wallace G. Berger Associates Anthony J. Catanese, Ph.D., Janice Crawford Jeanette M. Donaldson Jane A. Arens David R. Berlin Leslie E. Brey FAICP Gilberto A. Creque Amy Donovan Ryan Arens Mary S. Berlin Bob Briggs Sara Catanese Shari A. Critchley Michael Doran Jean K. Arnault Joseph C. Bernier Cheryl A. Broadhurst A. V. Catterton, Jr. Dale A. Crites Susan Dore Brian Arnold Seth Bernstein Lance Broadhurst Eugene S. Cavallucci Michael Cronin Grace G. Doughtie Artemis IT Solutions Stephanie Berry-Woodrow Janice C. Broda Rebecca S. Cavallucci Kenneth Crowe Julia Douglas Florida Tech TODAY | 53 Ray Douglas Mark A. Figura Tenna Gates Johnnie M. Hackett Jacqueline A. Higgins William E. Jacobs Linda J. Downie William L. Finch Stephen J. Gaul Anita Haga John M. Higgins James F. Jacobsen Ann B. Downing Richard F. Fincke Dona E. Gaynor Bill Haggarty Timothy Higgins Mary C. Jacobson Julia M. Doyle Gerald M. Fine Peter V. Gelzinis, Ph.D. John D. Haiducek Patrick C. Higgs Matthew W. Jacobson John Draheim Fine Line Design Of Frank P. Genduso, Jr. Lucille N. Hainsworth Donna C. Hildebrand Robert J. Jaglowski Geoffrey S. Draper Central Florida, Inc. James J. Gerhauser Pamela A. Hale Robert C. Hildebrand T. M. Janney Sharon D. Draper Mike Finn Lydia Gerhauser Jerry S. Hall Kathleen M. Hill Linda Janse Jennifer Drew Tom E. Finnell Robert O. Ghiotto Laurence B. Hall Charles W. Hinton Lance P. Jarvis Ken Droscher Brian G. Fisher Anjan Ghosal Marsha G. Hall Jose Hixon Marilyn M. Jarvis James M. Duffy Julie V. Fisher Claire S. Giancaspro Sandra K. Hall J. H. Hobson, Jr. George T. Jenkins III Derek Duflo Gary Fitzgerald Charles Gibbs R. J. Hallenbeck Pamela D. Hobson Karen T. Jenkins Douglas M. Dunbar III Susan Fitzgerald Meredith A. Gibson Elizabeth A. Halsema Charles N. Hoch Sandra M. Jenkins Gail W. Dunbar Shlomo Fleischmann Peggy Giesenschlag Paul B. Halsema Rebecca S. Hoch Geraldine A. Jensen Elizabeth A. Duncan David C. Fleming, Ph.D. M. C. Giesenschlag Richard H. Hampson Thomas W. Hodges Clara R. Jewett William M. Dunning Florida Sleep E-ZZZ, Inc. Joel P. Gilbert Eileen Handrahan Brenna M. Hoffman Jewish Federation of Dennis L. Durkee Florida Public Broadcasting Peter J. Gilbert Russell E. Haney Beverly A. Holland Brevard, Inc. E. & D. Mainstreet Corp. Service, Inc. Patricia B. Gillen Hanley Hope Heidi Hollingsworth Jim Francher, Inc. E.A.R.T.H. Awareness of Florida’s Blood Centers Robert J. Gillen Harlan A. Hannah Sheina Holt Shirley M. Jin Brevard, Inc. Richard E. Floto J. Carey Gleason Phyllis E. Hansen William G. Hopton II Victoria Jinkins Kevin A. Earley Flytec Priscilla Glennon Phyllis Hanson Douglas R. Horde Johnathon’s Earl’s Hideaway Elizabeth C. Follet Andreas Goetzfried Janet Harazda Bradford S. Horn Landscaping, Inc. Lounge, Inc. Richard Follet Gold Mouse John B. Harbaugh Leslie M. Horn Daniel P. Johnson Daniel S. Earp Craig Ford Maier Goldberg Pamela D. Harbaugh Patrick V. Horn Diane M. Johnson Judith S. Eberle Andrew L. Forman Robert S. Goldberg Sara R. Hardy-Baloun Peggy A. Horsfield Peter T. Johnson Arturo E. Echarte Diana Forman Goldberg Family Trust Harrington, Hamilton, William C. Horsfield Robert O. Johnson Frances M. Eckel Cynthia Forstall Robert Golden, Esq. Heck Air, Inc. Brett L. Horsley Tama L. Johnson Michele F. Edgcomb Leslie R. Forster Frances Golden Judith W. Harris Jennifer Hosburgh William H. Johnson Heidi H. Edwards Robert Fowler Brooke D. Goldfarb William G. Harris Paul Hosburgh William M. Johnson III Richard M. Edwards, Jr. Brian P. Fox Doris L. Gonzalez William R. Harris Constance L. Houck Cindy L. Johnston David P. Eichner Richard Franck Sarah Goodnight Scott Hartcourt Mary E. Houghton Esther Johnston Tina Eiler Frank D. Zilaitis, P.A. Michael J. Goodrich James Hartwell Harold G. Houser Gregory T. Jones Grace Elaro Betsy S. Franz Tom Goodwin Kathleen E. Hasling Susan F. How L. J. Jones Ruth L. Elder Robert F. Frazer Audrey A. Gordon Robert F. Hasling, Jr. Sara B. Howze, Psy.D. Paul E. Kalinosky Novella S. Elderkin Dolores J. Fredrickson Richard A. Gordon Charles G. Hathaway, Jr. Thomas A. Hrkach Roger N. Kallet Electric Picture Display Walter G. Fredrickson Scott C. Gordon Chris Hauck Audrey L. Hughes Linda Kamholz Systems Alan M. French Michael S. Gottfried Frank T. Hausman Gregory A. A. Hughes Anne B. Kaminski Alice Elguindy Charles L. Frey Michael S. Grace, Ph.D. Lydia B. Hausman John V. Hughes III John R. Kaminski Ben Elliot Robert Frey Tanya K. Grace Michael R. Hawkins Maria A. Hughes Matthew J. Kaminski Kathleen A. Ellis Eric Fricker Kenneth S. Graff, M.D. Gene V. Hayes Michael Hughes Dennis F. Karr Sean P. Ellis Stephen Friederichs Sharon F. Graff Helen C. Hayes Sharon K. Hughes Peter E. Katsoulas Mary L. Elwell David Friedland Kimberly L. Graham Judy B. Healy Carol C. Hughes-Duncan Martin Kay Christopher J. Emerson Shirley R. Friedland Amy Gray George Hechtman Marjean M. Hull Ronald G. Keel Emma’s Flowers Tessa Friedrichs Douglas A. Gray Howell H. Heck, Ph.D. Michelle Humphrey Albert B. Keet, Jr. Enigma Thomas W. Fritz Michael D. Grayson Nancy T. Heckelman James A. Hunt Elisabeth K. Keimer Susan Erickson Julie A. Frost Jason Greave Donald W. Heine Stuart Hunt Dana T. Keller Marjory K. Erixson Paul F. Fuchs Dervette A. Green Elaine S. Heine Kenneth G. Hurto Jeanne P. Kelly Richard A. Erixson James Fulcher Dwight Greenberg Allison J. Heinen Vicki Impoco Sharon C. Kelly Lara E. Eventide Fulcher Home Services Mariam A. Greene Peter W. Heinen Indialantic Tutoring Thomas Kelly Bruce A. Fagan Anita E. Full Richard M. Greene Stanley G. Heinricher Indian River Electric Richard J. Kelosis John S. Fagan John T. Full Greene International Real Robert C. Hendry Indian River Irrigation Hans C. Kemmler Lynette Fagan Kathleen Fuller Estate, Inc. John R. Henkelman Systems, Inc. David D. Kendrick Michael S. Fagan Debra E. Fulton Barry J. Griesmeyer David L. Henninger Interior Design Assoc., Inc. Margaret A. Kendrick Falasiri Fine Oriental Rugs Michael Fuoco Arthur E. Griffin James L. Henningsen Interior Trim Lawrence B. Kenkel, J.D. Philip D. Farber Joan A. Furnello Virgil Griffin Angela G. Herbert David M. Iodice, Ph.D. Mary B. Kenkel, Ph.D. Richard L. Farr John Fuselier Priscilla P. Griffith Jacqueline K. Herbert Elizabeth A. Irlandi-Hyatt, James J. Kerrigan Colin J. Farthing G & S Pet Services Rita L. Griffith Coralee E. Herbst Ph.D. Mary K. Kerrigan Lisa M. Farthing William K. Gabrenya, Jr. Vincent A. Griffith, Jr. Sherry Hershepberger Sharon E. Irons David P. Kershaw Verena A. Faure Curtis E. Gallenbeck Todd W. Gross Walter S. Hersing Bernard Irvin Linda S. Kerwin Rebecca Feiler Maria Gangi F. S. Guerin Carol T. Hess Charles M. Ivey III Michael E. Kessler Norah Felton Robert M. Garceau Gary J. Guida Lauren J. Hewton Mary L. Ivey Roger Keyser Stuart M. Ferguson Gregory Garcia, Jr. Cathy Guilford Ann M. Heyer J. Michael Instruments, Inc. Claudia Kickery Anthony Ferretti Jose L. Garcia Debra A. Guitz Jennifer B. Hickey Denise M. Jackson Kip Kienstra Fidelity Charitable Gift Lee Garner Allen J. Gumm Suzanne V. Hickman Leonard Jackson Debra D. Kies Fund Sylvia G. Garner H. Simon Consulting Carol A. Higgins Robert L. Jackson Robert M. Kilianek Johanna Fievre Donna L. Garson David F. Hackett, Sr. Frances Higgins Barbara J. Jacobs Shari J. Killday 54 Patience E. Killen Frank R. Leslie Todd W. Mayer Roberta M. Moore Colleen Osterling Toni M. Policano Alan R. King Courtland S. Lewis Tom Mazur Thomas A. Moore Mark A. Ostermeier Albert T. Pollick Jill L. King William G. Lewis Martin F. McAlwee Gerald Moores Peter D. Ostrosser Mary Elizabeth Pollio John M. King Richard L. Lichtel Cathy J. McArthur Joan Morse Terry D. Oswalt, Ph.D. Laura Portlack K. King Leonard M. Lieberman John B. McArthur Bridget B. Morton Michael A. Otero Barry Portnowitz Marcia E. King Wendy Lightbody Ronald L. McClung Anirude Motie M. J. Ovens Patricia Portnowitz Diane Kirschenbaum Fanghua Lin Suzanne B. McClung Thomas D. Mudd Michael Paccione Tony Potter Jack A. Kirschenbaum Junda Lin, Ph.D. Nancy O. McCombs Peggy M. Mudd-Zahner Michele Paccione Virginia C. Potter June Kirwin Thomas J. Linder Thomas J. McCormack Ilona Mueller Sanito Padayhag Richard Powell Donald Kitt Deborah E. Lindsay Robert McCown Mugsy’s Ronald R. Paesano Wesley C. Power Lauritz T. Kjerulff Robert F. Lindsay Mary C. McCoy Jim Muir Kirsi E. Page Michael L. Powers Robert C. Klaproth, Jr. Heather Lingley Martin McEntaggart Sarah A. Munday Ann C. Paine Deborah A. Praeg Linda L. Klassen, TTEE Barbara H. Linton Eileen McFarland Martin W. Munnich, Jr. Robert J. Palazzi Marjorie W. Pravden Jill H. Klein Judith R. Lipofsky Deborah A. McGauley Rgenia G. Murdock Palm Bay Ford Joyce A. Presser Ana R. Klenz Jane D. Logsdon Donald P. McGee, Jr. Barbara A. Murphy Barbara A. Palmerino Michael Presutti Thomas M. Knox Phyllis C. Long George R. McGee Edward J. Murphy Margaret S. Panache Sheldon Prial Jane L. Koke Robert L. Long David G. McGinty Leslie Murphy Jackie Pantello Shari R. Price Robert F. Koke LoPressionism, Inc. Judith McGinty Mary A. Murphy Henry Papini Douglas Pritchard Franklin D. Kolb Michael A. Loschiaavo Michael A. McGirr Mary E. Murphy Jayne I. Park Katrina Pritchett Theodore R. Konkel Mary J. Lowitz Peter McGrath Tina Murray Randall W. Parkinson Jere C. Proctor Philip Kopala Christopher G. Lowrie Christine C. McKercher Norton Muzzone Bonnie Parks Suzanne M. Provost Mark B. Korpi Ron Lucas Zach McKinley Lisa Myers Douglas S. Parman Linda S. Pyne-Hufnagel Michael S. Krasny Luce Custom Remodeling Robert H. McLeran Terri Myers Rebecca L. Parman John D. Quinlivan Scott D. Krasny, Esq. & Design Duane A. McMillen Timothy J. Naddy William Parros R & R Morgan Krasny and Dettmer Sue Luley Laurie Q. McTavish Frank Nafe Michael Passariello Lynda M. Ralston Donald Krause Alfred R. Lutzeier Melbourne Art Festival, Inc. Jennifer Nafe Virgina L. Paterson Denise Ramirez John E. Krause David MacDonald Susan A. Melcher Michael Nash Beth Patterson Hector E. Ramirez Roderic L. Kreger Paula Macomber Thomas J. Melcher, Jr. Fred Natkin Gordon M. Patterson, Ph.D. Mary A. Rankin Jane Krings Michael C. MacPherson Leon Melnyczok D. J. Neal Joy B. Patterson Rachelle L. Raphael Gopa Kumar John T. Madura Susan Melton Michael Neill Phyllis I. Pawliw Alicia S. Rapp Steven N. Kundrat, Jr. Richard P. Malvesti Christine A. Merrill Sarah A. Neilly Monte P. Pay Deborah A. Ravel Suzan Kundrat John J. Maney Harley F. Merrill Frank C. Nelson Mary-Jo V. Payton Jay D. Ravel Barbara H. Kurtz Lisa Mangino-Friedland Marion K. Merry Janice P. Nemnich John Peach Tracy B. Ravin Cary T. Kuschel Mangroves Paul M. Merry Alan T. Nervig Pam Peach Helayne T. Ray John M. Labelle Bradley J. Manley John R. Messbauer Mark Newell Thomas H. Peake, Ph.D. Ray L. Pollock & Associates James W. Lacey Elaine A. Manley Karen L. Messitt Patricia M. Newquist Holger E. Pedersen Meg Rayder Warren K. Lackie William P. Manly Daniel C. Mestayer, Jr. Newtek Manufacturing, Inc. Claire K. Peffer Reasonable Auto Repair Ammi E. Lacy Joe Mann Lisa Meyer John E. Newton Stephen O. Peffer LLC James R. Lacy Sue Mann Robert C. Meyer Martha C. Newton Charles W. Pekar Katherine A. Recore Anne C. Lahr Jacqueline Manning J. Michael Stuart Nicholson Performance Software Patrick A. Recore James Lambright, Jr. Charles Mantle Karla H. Micka Hugh C. Nicolay Services William E. Redfoot Jay M. Lamy Rose Mantle Microsoft Matching Gift Mary B. Nicolay Paul C. Perryman Rex C. Redwing Christine P. Lance Henry Manwell Program Dana Niemeier Christopher Peters Jeffrey P. Reed Howard L. Lance Arnold I. Marcus Tom Milbourne Clemens P. Nijhof Donna J. Peters Mark S. Reed Pat Landers Howard J. Marcus Craig N. Miller Lorna L. Nimocks Joy C. Peters Norman P. Reed Robb T. Laney Jeffrey Marcus Danyell T. Miller Mary J. Nirella David B. Peterson Susan C. Reed Susannah M. Laney Curtis H. Marfuta Julianne Miller James Noble Robin Peterson John Reeve Dawn Lang Philip A. Markel Marty Miller Brian J. Noe, Ph.D. Rosalie M. Petralia John Regan Robert K. Lange Fred M. Markham Ronald L. Milligan Patricia A. Noe Joyce E. Petrone Nancy Rehwoldt Susan M. Langlais Lynda C. Markham Robert L. Mills Vance Norris Joanne M. Pfanninstiel Mary Reiley Joanna Langridge Alan Marote Andrew Milman Northrop Grumman Leslie Anne Phelps Edward P. Reilly Daniel R. Latt Robin Marshall Scott C. Minster Integrated Sys. Sector Wes Philip R. A. Rettich Michael Lauer Richard Martens James D. Mitchell Rosi Oberlaender Dale T. Phillips Kenneth P. Revay, CM Michele Lawrence Faith B. Martin Thomas N. Mittman Sigi O. Oberlaender James C. Phillips Karen Rhine John C. Leach Gayle P. Martin Andrew N. Mize Ocean Air & Heat Randal E. Phillips Gloria H. Richards Joan B. Leake Harold O. Martin III Sally Monroe Nancy O’Leary J. W. Philp Nancy L. Richards Laura B. Lee Richard Martinez David B. Montgomery Karin E. Oliver Carrie A. Philpot Roberta Richardson Robert I. Lee Mary E. Massey Paulette Monti-Wittbold Wendy C. Oliver Donna J. Pichon Mary Richner William A. Lee Shirley J. Mataxis Susan R. Moor Robert Olkkola Kenneth W. Pichon James R. Rieboldt Lee Engineering, Inc. Terry Mathews Wyatt R. Moor Judith Olszewski Barbara G. Pierce, Ph.D. William E. Riebsame Robert M. Lehman, Jr. Vincent A. Mathias Amy L. Moore Mike O’Neill Jean-Paul Pinelli, Ph.D. Gerianne S. Riley Sandra L. Lehman Warren A. Mattingly J. S. Moore Francisco Ortiz Vincent J. Pisani Meghan Riley Robin C. Lemonidis Carol K. Maul Jason H. Moore Macaulay E. Osaisai Shannon T. Pitner, CFP Robert M. Riley Nicholas A. Lenoci George A. Maul, Ph.D. John D. Moore Tony Osias David K. Poetker Sheila M. Rindge Rick D. Leonard Anne Mayer Lisa K. Moore Bryan Osterling Mark A. Policano Karen T. Rinehimer Florida Tech TODAY | 55 Don F. Riordan, Jr. Yolanda Schofield Doug Sorenson Mike Swenson Verizon Foundation Bonnie S. Worthy Nancy S. Ritter Clifford W. Schoonmaker Vladimir A. Sosnin Richard A. Szelag Vershire Riding School Edward S. Wrasmann Riverwalk Hearing Center Donna L. Schoonmaker Gregory H. Spake Joan Taddie Kathleen Vittitoe Catherine Wright Susan A. Rizzo John C. Schuler Jane R. Spake Pete Taddie Peter Volkert Larry Wright RMW Associated Donald J. Schultz Gary S. Spanke Daniel P. Talarico David A. Vosburgh Terri L. Wright Lacey M. Robbins Alfred Scortino Homer G. Sparks Talk of the Town Daniel Wagman Diane Wuebbenhorst John K. Roberts Dennis G. Scott Jeanette C. Sparks Hairstylists Mark W. Wagner Michael Wuebbenhorst Kevin Roberts Kathleen Scott Jim Sparks John J. Talone, Jr. Annmarie V. Waite Marlinda Wyatt Nancy H. Roberts Lisa H. Scott D. B. Spath Owen J. Tamburr, Jr. Thomas D. Waite, Ph.D. Paul Wyolles John Robertson Jenny Seal Brian T. Spatola Janice E. Tannehill-Spino Lea A. Waldrep D’Alta Y. Yacoub John P. Robertson David A. Sekman Judith D. Spedding Lara Tarrillo Evert C. Wallenfeldt Nazieh K. Yacoub Rocken Roll Irrigation Jonathan E. Selage Karen L. Speed Mark Tate Patricia E. Walsh Dale R. Yeager Thomas A. Rodby Leslie D. Selage Kerry T. Speed Carol L. Taylor Abigail Walters John H. Yoepp John A. Rodgaard, USNR Robert L. Selkow David F. Speer Elaine N. Taylor Yue-Eng Wang Charlotte M. Young David L. Rodgers Lucille Serody Ray Spelz Evelyn Taylor Johanna L. Waterhouse John H. Young, Jr. Rolingston Rodney Robert I. Serody Michael E. Spencer Jerry Taylor Joseph Waters Richard V. Young Helene M. Roesch Dale R. Setlak Anita N. Sperling Joel K. Taylor Bobby Webb Jamie A. Younkin James F. Roesch, Jr. Susan H. Seybold Alice Spinelli-Culbreth Bhaskar Tenali Karen L. Webb Regina K. Yuhas Ronald A. Roff Shannon T. Pitner & Frank D. Spino, Jr. The Flop Shop LLC Mike Weber Hank Zakhari Gary R. Rohrkaste Company Michael E. Splitt The Surf Gallery Wayne E. Weber George Zednek, Esq. Joan L. Rokach Karen Sharkey Ann E. Spurlin The Tolland Inn Susan H. Webster Deborah Zeit Joshua Rokach, Ph.D. Michael C. Sharkey Steve A. Spurlin, Jr. The Wireless Alliance Rudy Wehmschulte, Ph.D. Frederick A. Zeit Edwin R. Roman Marv E. Sharp H. P. Stall Theatre Support Systems Gary M. Weiss, M.D. Norma Ziegler Barbara Romano Anita Shaw Mary S. Stall Paula E. Thomas Jim Weiss Terry C. Ziegler Lauren Romeo Ian J. Shaw Elizabeth L. Stamper Roger W. Thomas Mary B. Weiss Kathy L. Zimmerman Peter E. Ronman Penny Shellhorn-Schutt Michael Stamper Nancy M. Thompson Weiss & Newberry Medical Marijane Zimmerman Roof Repairs Only, Inc. Sandra P. Shenker Sandra Stankiewicz Edward Thomson Associates Linda A. Zitnik Carol R. Rosasco Patricia S. Shenton Ryan D. Stansifer Allen N. Thorn Coralie Wells Beverly Zygmunt James E. Rosasco Eugene M. Shepherd, M.D. Catherine E. Stanton Cindy Throneburg Tim M. Wendland Katherine A. Rose Joel F. Sherman Ian Steele Scott Tilley, Ph.D. David A. White WFIT Dale Rosenquest Cel Sibayan Judith C. Steinfort Kevin A. Tinsley Eli E. White Underwriters Alice E. Ross Michael G. Sibons Jon M. Stern Beverly Tonti Lee E. White Abel Nursing Agency, Inc. James E. Ross Julia M. Sides Ronald J. Stern James G. Tonti Patti Whitlock Advanced Hearing Care Rachele A. Ross Julia S. Sides Nathan E. Steury Nancy T. Toolan Richard Whitmore Brevard Community Xochitl Ross Judith Siegler Robert F. Stewart James M. Torpey Terry Whitnell College Bernice Roth Douglas E. Siemers Jacie Stivers Joann B. Torpey Dorance W. Wicks Brevard Jazz Series Fred B. Rotz Mary Siemers James E. Stivers R. E. Trawick Douglas Wiesing Carroll Distributing Harvey M. Rubin Jolann M. Simciak Rose Stodola John H. Trefry Barbara W. Wilder Company Jeannine Ruhle Walter C. Simciak Thomas S. Stokes Susan P. Trefry, Psy.D. Robert E. Wiley Falasiri Fine Oriental Rugs Thomas H. Rushing Richard Simmons David L. Stone James L. Trombly III Jodee C. Wilfong Green Brothers Dining, Inc. Christine C. Rushnell Susan Simoes James F. Stottlar William J. Troy Robert C. Wilfong Hooters of Melbourne Reginald P. Rushnell Catherine P. Simon Patricia Stowell Stephan A. Truhon Clint Wilkinson Indian River Irrigation Thomas J. Saam Brian E. Simpson Kyle Straight Susan Truitt Daryl D. Williams Systems, Inc. Joyce M. Sale Judith V. Simpson James L. Stratford, USAF Timothy Truitt John M. Williams Interior Trim Lisa C. Saluck Micah H. Simpson-Madden (Ret.) Ronald P. Trunzo Mari Williams J. Michael Instruments, Inc. Beverly H. Sanders Christina M. Sims Stray Cat Enterprises, Inc. Elizabeth M. Turek Noreen Williams Joy Gilliland Real Estate Mark S. Sanders Richard Sinden, Ph.D. Stacy S. Strickland Donna M. Turner John Willison Meg O’Malley’s, Inc. Yolanda Santini Richard A. Singer Teresa L. Stricklin-Rowan Julie M. Turner Carl T. Wills Melbourne Art Festival, Inc. Allyn R. Saunders, CPM Roger A. Sinigoi Steven B. Stripling Robert D. Turner Andrew Wilson Riverside National Bank Brian D. Saunders Carmen E. Skinner Bruce M. Strong Nancy Twombly Carolyn P. Wilson Southern Janitor Supply & Laurie Saunders Skyline Home Repair Stacey Strum Fred Ubinger Charles A. Wilson Services, Inc. James A. Savage John L. Slack Joel N. Sturman Dennis F. Ufnar Patricia C. Wilson Southern Photo Supply Russell W. Schaad Michael C. Slayton Subaru of Palm Bay, Inc. James R. Underwood Edward W. Windle, Jr. Schaefer & Associates Betsy A. Smith Nicole Sublette Maria Uriondo Carl A. Winebarger Virginia Schafer Cecil B. Smith Tina E. Suiter Suzanne M. Valencia Elinor Winebarger Roger L. Schenk Hampton O. Smith William P. Suiter Annette M. Valyo Ross F. Winebarger Sara M. Schenk James R. Smith Robert Sukolsky John A. Van Workum Ron Winn Carol Schiff Janet L. Smith Lisa Sullivan Sharon Van Workum Daivd K. Winsten Jeffrey M. Schiff Karen I. Smith Craig A. Suman Kevin Vann Larry Wissig Ruth Schler Lisa H. Smith Ruth M. Suman Mark D. Vanstrum Debra R. Wolfard Jack M. Schluckebier Scott C. Smith Sunseed Food Co-Op, Inc. Garry M. Varnes, Jr. Franklin B. Wolking Robert P. Schmidt Steve Smith Suntree Animal Clinic Joan H. Varvaro Matthew A. Wood, Ph.D. Carol C. Schneider Trent M. Smith Timothy W. Sutton Joyce Vass Gail B. Wood-Dunbar Suzanne M. Schoemmer Martin S. Smithson David Svatik Roland F. Vereuyn John R. Woods Arnold A. Schofield Margaret A. Snider Beth Sweet Andrea Verier Woof Pet Care, Inc. 56 Our donors know that sound investments yield positive results. That’s why, year after year, they give to Florida Tech. Join our team of smart investors and give to your alma mater today.

the fund

an asset for all Contact Rosalind Weiss, Director of Annual Giving, at [email protected] or (321) 674-6849 for more information

Florida Tech Terrace

A permanent recognition program for graduates, students, parents and friends and a great way to invest in the future of the university. Purchase an inscription to memorialize or honor someone, or to applaud your own accomplishments at the university. Proceeds will support the alumni association’s endowed scholarships for Florida Institute of Technology students and increase opportunities for qualified students to attend our university.

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Florida Tech TODAY | 57 McNally Takes His Game International First team all-region player. First team all-conference honoree. The unofficial “Mayor of Cocoa Beach.” Those are just some of the names used to describe former Panther great Carl McNally ’08 during his time at Florida Tech. These days he’s known simply as International Superstar. In the first two months of his professional basketball career, McNally has proven to be very popular with the fans, now playing for the London Leopards. On a recent recruiting trip Tech head coach Billy Mims took to England, the young star spent a good 15 minutes following a game signing autographs and taking photos with young fans. “I think it’s an excellent opportu- nity for Carl to begin his professional playing career, to live in a foreign country and to experience a foreign culture. He seemed to really be enjoy- ing himself when I went to visit with him,” said Mims. McNally began his European experience with the Milton Keynes Lions of Milton Keynes, England, which is about 30 miles north of London. The Lions play in the British Basketball League, which is the high- est level of professional basketball played in Great Britain. Above: Carl McNally poses with a young fan after a game.

At left: During a recruiting trip, Coach Billy Mims got to see Carl play.

After two months, McNally “This experience has been pretty just didn’t seem to fit in with good,” said McNally. “I’m glad I came the Lions. Looking for a better to an English-speaking country my opportunity to play more first year, so the language wouldn’t be minutes, McNally contacted another barrier to me adjusting. I’m several European clubs about a still getting used to being a pro and not possible transfer. In mid- a college athlete that practices almost November, he found his new every day.” home just down the road in Some challenges he has had to England’s capital city. In a face so far include getting used to the strange twist of fate, Coach difference in climate. “I’ve been sick a Mims was part of the group that couple of times; its nothing like good originally founded the London ’ol Florida weather. Another challenge Leopards franchise. Mims is having to convert the money from coached the Leopards from dollars to GBP and weight from lbs 1994–2000 and led the club to to kgs.” three national championships during that spell. 58 Panther Athletics

Belen Pandre Coming to America McNally’s head coach is Jon Whoever first put a tennis racket Pandre was the best player in the Burnell, who has been with the in the hands of Belen Pandre ’06, ’08 lineup until Michaela Horvathova, Leopards for several seasons and M.B.A., likely did not imagine where whose skills were on a par with also worked very closely in the Great and how far that act would take the Pandre’s, joined the team in 2004. The Britain youth development set-up. four-year-old girl. For one thing, it led pair then combined forces to form one The Leopards’ assistant coach, Lloyd the native of Buenos Aires to Florida of the more successful doubles teams Gardner, is a former player of Mims’ Tech where she became one of the in the program’s history. with the London team. “Obviously, I university’s first female tennis stars of “It was very hard playing with have strong ties to the Leopards orga- the modern era. strong teams like Lynn University, nization, and they will always hold “I was looking for a university Rollins College and Barry University. a special place in my heart. The where I could receive a full scholarship We just knew going in that we didn’t club is run by very good people who and play competitive tennis against always have the best chance of are passionate about the game of teams in one of the toughest confer- winning,” she said. “So I began to basketball,” said Mims. ences in the country, while getting a focus more on singles play.” “On the recruiting trip I took to great education,” said the 24-year-old Looking to build her skills and England earlier this fall, I got to see Pandre. increase her motivation during her first Carl play against the Newcastle Eagles, When she arrived in 2003 and two years, Pandre spent a lot of her and although his team came out on the the women’s tennis team was new, practice time with the men’s team. short end of the game, McNally had a her talent allowed her to represent the continued on page 60 great performance, scoring 17 points in team as its top singles 21 minutes of action,” said Mims. player. “The game that Coach Mims “I had the best and (Florida Tech soccer player) Cara experience represent- Bortz got to come to, I played my best ing Florida Tech at #1. game as of yet and had a few dunks,” The beginning was McNally said. “It was nice to have hard because the team people there in the stands cheering was new and we didn’t for me who have a lot to do with me have a big budget, but being here. I felt I was helping “Playing at Florida Tech helped Florida Tech,” she said. me in that since I played for Coach “I helped the team Mims (who coached over here for develop, and I feel that many years), I’m used to the offensive I was the base for the sets and style of play,” McNally added. future of the program; “Getting my degree gives me an oppor- the one Florida Tech tunity to take a couple of grad classes has today.” while I’m here, but if I happen to get There were chal- hurt or just decide that I’m done play- lenges in those early ing one day, I have a degree from a days. “Belen’s dedica- great school to fall back on and start tion and commitment my career.” were very much needed Rebecca Vick when we began the program. She always performed at a very high level and was a great role model,” said For current news, scores Bill Jurgens, director of athletics. and schedules, visit the official Web site of Florida Tech Athletics Pandre was determined to excel and invested a lot of FloridaTechSports.com practice time honing her skills and increasing her motivation.

Florida Tech TODAY | 59 Panther Athletics

continued from page 59 Drivwith Panther Pridee “I’m glad that in my last year I was coached by Bill Macom,” said Pandre. “Being coached by him and getting a good education at Florida Tech are my best memories from my time there.” Macom remembers Pandre well. He not only coached her, but when she was a graduate student, she assisted the tennis coach. “Without a doubt, Belen was one of our strongest, top players,” said Macom. “She grew up in a family that played tennis and was well-schooled in technique and the mechanics. I also Show your school spirit, recall how, on her own time, she went out to help some of the players who and benefit Student were new to the game.” Scholarships Pandre’s tennis and business credentials have today taken her to To order your Florida Tech specialty South Florida, near Ft. Lauderdale. license plate She is a tennis manager and teaching visit your local Florida DMV office pro at the Weston Tennis Center. or order online at Karen Rhine and Rebecca Vick www.pointandpay.com/ Belen receiving her senior award from head coach Bill Macom. newweb/Dmv_smartcart.htm

Florida Tech’s 6th Annual Chopper Dropper Friday, March 13, 2009, 5:30 p.m. • Suntree Country Club For a donation of $50* you can have a BALL and a chance to win $25,000! Your ticket purchase also allows you and a guest to attend the reception Grand Prize and watch the action live! $25,000 or one of 15 runner-up prizes! Visit www.chopperdropper.com for more information or to buy tickets. *Suggested donation 60 Alumni News Notes 1997 share your news! Jennifer (Fox) Goslin and husband Submit your information at www.fit.edu/alumni/ftaaform.html Mike welcomed Luke in July 2008. She is a Class Notes are exclusively online at http://today.fit.edu/classnotes.html senior process engi- neer at Microchip in Tempe, Ariz., 1976 1992 and Mike works for Jeff Fleming is the Rob Damato Applied Materials. proud grandfather and Joanne to Noah Redmond, ( L o m u r n o ) Angelena (May) born 2007. Jeff’s Damato ’97 and Vitter and husband daughter, Angie big brother Dean Jim welcomed and her husband welcomed Luke in Kenna Hayden in Stephan Redmond July 2007. Joanne September 2008. live in Granite Bay, is with the National Angelena owns AV Calif., as does the Business Aviation Engineering LLC entire Fleming family. Association and in Vero Beach, Fla. Rob flies for Delta Airlines. The family 1987 resides in Northern Virginia. 2008

Danny Orser and wife Shana are parents Jim Taylor and wife Sheri are parents of Samuel, born September 2008, Rachel, of Casey James and Jake Anthony born 5, and Annika, 2. The family lives in December 2007. Jim owns Netagy Mohammed Alzahrani, M.S., and wife Kissimmee, Fla. Technology Solutions, a computer/network are parents of Abdulrahman, 4, and Fahd, 1989 consulting company. The couple also owns born September 2008. Mohammed is now the Tin Roof Popcorn Company in down- studying for a Ph.D. in operations research Tim Ling and Sue town Melbourne, Fla. at Florida Tech, where he is president of Tau Ling welcomed their Beta Pi. The family lives in Melbourne, Fla. firstborn, Nicholas 1996 Yes-Hann, in June 2008. Tim is the In Memorium corporate environ- mental manager Michael C. Doughty ’82, for Plaskolite in Columbus, Ohio. Sue is a former financial M.B.A., of Burke, Va., passed advisor turned stay-at-home mom. They can away in October while awaiting a be reached at [email protected]. heart transplant. After retirement from the Army, with 28 years of Dan Carter and wife Gita are proud parents of Shelley, 2 ½ years old, and Jayan, born in service, he was employed by SAIC September 2008. The family resides in until his untimely death. He is Calling all Chantilly, Va. survived by his wife Susan and three children. Panther Cubs! Congratulations on your new arrival! If you've recently welcomed a new Panther Cub to Christopher S. Martinson ’93, your family, contact us for your an honors graduate in free infant T-shirt. humanities, died unexpectedly on Your only obligation is to send us a photo of your Nov. 5, 2008, in Palm Bay, Fla. baby wearing the shirt— For more information, or if you we will proudly display it in this have memories to share, contact section of Florida Tech TODAY. his mother Judith Martinson at E-mail [email protected] to receive your shirt. [email protected].

Florida Tech TODAY | 61 Calendar

“SAVE THE DATE” events | HELD ON CAMPUS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED February 2—Alumni Reception, Washington D.C. area 20—Uncommon Threads Symposium/Luncheon 22—Third Annual International Festival

March 3–4—Sustainability Conference 2009: The Next Horizon 7—Fourth Annual Botanical Fest 10—Orlando Alumni Reception 13—17th Annual Sporting Affair 31—New York City Alumni Reception

April April 1— Boston Alumni Reception April 3—Student Design Showcase April 4—An Evening of Hope, Scott Center for Autism Treatment fundraiser* April 22—Atlanta Alumni Reception

May 8–9 —Philadelphia Alumni Reception 15 —Huntsville Alumni Reception

Contact the Alumni Office for more information on alumni events. * Call (321) 674-6076 for details.

ONGOING EVENTS | HELD ON CAMPUS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED WFIT Concerts and Special Events—Visit www.wfit.org Women's Business Center—Visit http://wbc.fit.edu The WBC provides training, counseling, mentoring and technical assis- tance targeting women entrepreneurs and women-owned small busi- nesses in Brevard, Indian River and St. Lucie counties.

An Evening of Hope to benefit

Friday, April 3 7–10 p.m.

Pumpkin Center Cocoa Beach

• • •



Artwork: Aidan Leary, Age 11 call (321) 674-6076 for information 62 Support the Keuper Statue Fund and Honor Florida Tech’s Visionary Founder

During the university’s golden anniversary, the legacy of Jerome P. Keuper, founder and first Florida Tech president, will be recognized in perpetuity with the dedica- tion of a life-size bronze statue.

Join us today by making a gift to this important and historic project! Contributions of any amount are welcome— and consider adding 37 cents to your gift as a reminder of our humble beginnings and Keuper’s unwavering vision.

Dr. Jerome P. Keuper

Statue Fund Artist's concept

— Statue Project Committee Leadership — $71,500—Goal Joe Brett, local retired businessman — Denton Clark, retired president of RCA and former trustee — Melanie Keuper, daughter of Jerry and Natalie Keuper Gene Fetner, retired RCA administrator — $60,000 Gene Buzzi ’65, chair of the association’s alumni relations committee — — $50,000—Today — Gifts may be securely made online at — $40,000 https://www.merchantamerica.com/fit/echopay. —

— $20,000 Or, send a check payable to the Florida Tech — Alumni Association designated to the Keuper — Statue Project to: — Florida Institute of Technology TM — Office of Alumni Affairs — 150 W. University Blvd. Melbourne, FL 32901

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