Thick-Billed Siskin Carduelis Crassirostris
COTINGA 5 Photo Spot Thick-billed Siskin Carduelis crassirostris The Thick-billed Siskin Carduelis crassirostris cheh-cheht or ch-cht, ch-ch-cht…, etc., while occurs locally in the Andes from Peru to central perched and in flight. Chile, at elevations of 3000–4800 m3,10. Fjeldså The literature is somewhat at odds concern & Krabbe3 and Parker et al.8 describe the spe ing plumage variation in this species. I assumed cies as “locally common”, while other authors the three plumages (photos) to be adult male, consider it “uncommon to rare”10, “scarce or dif first-year male, and adult female. The birds’ be ficult to find”6, and “rare”5. Two subspecies are haviour supported this (adult and immature recognised: amadoni from Peru to N Bolivia, and males singing, adults chasing off immatures, nominate crassirostris from SW Bolivia to Chile; both tolerating females), as did the ratio of plum Fjeldså & Krabbe2 further consider northernmost age types, including the pair in 1992. Further, Peruvian birds to represent an unnamed sub most sources3,5,6,10 describe and/or illustrate C. species. crassirostris as similar to Hooded Siskin C. In Peru and Bolivia, C. crassirostris is char magellanica, i.e. lacking a dark hood. The immat acteristic of Polylepis woodland2,4,7,11, a threatened ure male appears to be undescribed as such, habitat that occurs from Ecuador to northern although mentioned in passing by George4. Fig Chile10. In central Chile, south of the range of ure 8d on Plate LXII of Fjeldså & Krabbe3 Polylepis woodland, I discovered the species in a matches quite closely this plumage but is la small valley at Juncalito, below Portillo, Los belled “am adoni female”; however, this Andes (formerly Aconcagua) province: a pair on contradicts their text3.
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