Mockingbird Mourning Dove White Breasted Nuthatch
MOCKINGBIRD ROSE-BREASTED RANGE: From Canada to Gulf states. GROSBEAK Female is same color and size as RANGE: From southern Canada, east- male. Prefers brushy habitats, wood ern U.S. to lower south. Female margins or residential areas. FOOD: streaked like large sparrow. Inhabits Prefers insects, worms, and grubs. deciduous woods, orchards, groves ¤ and thickets. FOOD: Prefers sun- flower seed. MOURNING DOVE SONG SPARROW RANGE: From southern Alaska and RANGE: From Canada to south- Canada to Gulf states. Female is ern U.S. border. Female similar to same color and size as male. Inhabits male. Inhabits thickets, brush, farms, towns, open woods, scrub and marshes, roadsides, and gardens. grassland. FOOD: Prefers millet, FOOD: Prefers millet, wheat, and wheat, and milo. milo. WHITE BREASTED TUFTED TITMOUSE NUTHATCH RANGE: Southern Canada, east- RANGE: From Canada to southern ern half of U.S., to southern U.S. U.S. border. Female similar to male. border. Female is similar to male. Inhabits forests, groves, river woods, Inhabits woodlands, shade trees, and shade trees. FOOD: Prefers sun- groves, and bird feeders. FOOD: flower seed, suet, insects, worms, Prefers sunflower seed, insects, and grubs. worms, and grubs. PINE SISKIN RUFUS-SIDED TOWHEE RANGE: Southern Canada to south- RANGE: From Canadian border to ern U.S. Female is similar to male southern U.S. border. Female is with less yellow on wing bars. duller and brown-backed. Prefers Inhabits conifers, mixed woods and open woods, undergrowth and weedy areas. FOOD: Prefers sun- brushy edges. FOOD: Prefers flower seed and thistle. insects, worms, grubs, sunflower seed and suet.
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