Mayor Andy Foster Diary Summary 1 July 2020 – 30 August 2020 Disclaimer: This table shows scheduled meetings held by Mayor Andy Foster relating to Council business which is recorded in the Mayor’s diary. It does not include unscheduled meetings, personal appointments that have been included in the diary for organisational purposes, travel logistics, time allocated for emails and general office work. Time spent in Council or Committee meetings are also excluded as these are already a matter of public record and are available at: Please also note attendees to a meeting change frequently so this table may not contain an accurate record of all attendees. Meetings or events organised by parties external to the Council may not include a guest list. Matters that may not be included in this proactive release include information that might breach the privacy of a person, relate to decisions still under active consideration by the Council, or information which may be withheld from release under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. For more information contact:
[email protected] Date Meeting Location Purpose Attendees 1/7/2020 Interview with media Mayor’s Office Interview for radio Interview with media Phone Interview for radio Weekly media recording Phone Interview for radio Meeting about Wellington Zoo Mayor’s Office Discussion on zoo WCC CE, Karen Fifield Weekly Meeting with Deputy Mayor’s Office Discussion on major WCC CE, Deputy Mayor and Council