Ruta Chalepensis L. Ruta Chalepensis L

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Ruta Chalepensis L. Ruta Chalepensis L Ruta chalepensis L. Ruta chalepensis L. Rutaceae Ruta bracteosa DC. ; Ruta graveolens L. var. angus- tifolia Hook. ; Ruta Frangiata (Ruta Chalepensis) The genus name "Ruta" comes from the Greek word "reuo", to set free, showing its reputation as a freer from disease. Arabic: Fijel, Fijla, fidjel, Fidjla, Bou ghans, Chedab, Sadhab, Sadab, Routsa, Rutsa, Ruta. Shazab, Fejel Jbel. Berber: Aourmi, Issin, Zent, Issel, Dje English: Aleppo rue, Syrian rue, Fringed rue, Egyptian rue, Ruda French: Rue d’Alep, Rue. I Ecology: This plant grows in rocky limestone areas and on Compiled by: Dr. Driss Lamnauer cliffs from sea level to 2 300 m. Edited by: Prof. Kamal Batanouny Cultivation: sunny, dry, rock crevices, protection against winter wet. I Morphological Description: Propagation: seed in spring; division in spring; A malodorous shrublet with much branched leafy cuttings in late summer. stems. Leaves bi- or tripinnatisect, glaucous leaflets narrowly oblong-lanceolate to obovate, to 6 mm I Status: wide, inflorescence glabrous, corolla with oblong, IUCN not threatened. ciliate petals. Color yellow. Fruit a globose capsule 6-9 mm. I Parts Used: Leaves, Flowering stems, Roots, I Geographical Distribution: Local: In Morocco, there are four varieties of Ruta I Constituents: chalepensis with some differences in geographical Phytochemical studies of root and aerial parts of distribution. the plant showed that Ruta chalepens is rich in • Var. angustifolia (Pers) Wilk.: Rif, Oranian sec- active alkaloids and furocoumarins and contain tor, western part of the central Morocco, occi- other coumarin classes, flavonoids, tannins, volatile dental Morocco, Macaronesian sector, Sous, oil, sterols and/or triterpenes. High Atlas, Several alkaloids were isolated from the aerial part • Var. bracteosa (DC) Bois.: Rif, North part of and/or root of Ruta chalepensis: arborinine, graveo- central Morocco, Macaronesian sector, Tingitane line, graveolinine, dictamnine, pteleine, skimmianine, peninsula. isogravacridonechlorine, maculosidine, and 4- • Var. intermedia Rouy.: Central Morocco. methoxy-1-methyl-2 (1H)-quinolinone, kokusagi- • Var. Jacobae Maire: mentioned in Talat nine, ribalinidine, rutacridone, isotaifine, 8-methyl- n’Yacoub (High Atlas), it is endemic to taifine, taifine, Chaloridone, 1-hydroxy-N-methy- Morocco. lacridone, 5-methoxy-dictammine and others. Regional: Morocco to Libya. Among these, some were also found in other Ruta Global: Europe, Mediterranean region, Asia Minor species like Rata graveolens, the cultivated species. A Guide to Medicinal Plants in North Africa 241 Coumarins and coumarin glucoides: xanthotoxin, chalepensis extracts and some coumarins bergapten, chalepensin, clausindine (= rutolide), (bergaptol, chalepensin, xanthotoxin, chalepin) was isopimpinelline psoralen, chalepine (= heliettine), established. Bergaptol beeing the most active chalepine acetete, rutarin, byakangelicine, compound. In Ruta graveolens, chalepinsin was the chalepensol, acethyl chalepensol rutalpine, xantile- most active principle. tine, angustifolin 7-methyj ether. rutarensine, daph- Chalepensin was shown, on the other hand, to have norine, and other coumarins : ombelliferone. This an effect on the sleeptime of hexobarbital in mice. species countain also rutin and 8-methoxypsoralen. Chalepensol had no effect whereas chalepin have Shikimic derivatives: moskachan A, B, C, D, dehydro- only relatively weak activity. The traditional use of moskachan C. Ruta chalepensis in Morocco to treat jaundice may Dry seeds contain 26.4 % protein and 33.2 % fat.. be related to the enzyme induction of its compo- nents and increased conjugation of bilirubine by I Pharmacological Action and liver. Toxicity: Chalepensin was also found to have molluscicidal The alkaloid, arborinine, has abortive, anti-inflamma- activity. On the other hand, ether extract, capric tory, antihistaminic, and spasmolytic properties. acid, xanthotoxin, and isopimpinellin were demon- The furanocoumarins, bergapten and xanthotoxin, strated to be active against insects of stored grains have spasmolytic effects on smooth muscles and have and confirm the traditional use of this plant as phototoxic properties useful in treating psoriasis. stored grain protector. Rutin is best known for its ability to decrease capil- In the Rutaceae Family, the species of toxicological lary permeability and fragility. It is also said to be importance are Ruta graveolens and Ruta cancer preventive. Rutin is also useful to counteract chalepensis. edema, atherogenesis, thrombogenesis, inflamma- Oral acute and chronic toxicity studies of the tion, spasms, and hypertension. It was once official ethanolic extracts of Ruta chalepensis aerial parts in U.S. for arteriosclerosis, hypertension diabetes, were carried out in mice. The results showed a and allergic manifestations. It is suggested that it significant fall in RBC level in treated animals, but may be useful for stroke prevention. failed to show spermatotoxic effects. Male mice Ruta chalepensis is among other herbs used in the gained significant weight during chronic treatment traditional medicine of Arab countries for the treat- while a loss or no significant change in weight was ment of rheumatism, arthritis, gout and other forms noticed in the female mice treated with the same of inflammation were tested against carrageenan- extracts. induced acute inflammation in rats. The ethanol Perinatal toxicology of Ruta chalepensis studied in extract of this plant produced significant inhibition mice tends to confirm the embryotoxic effect of the of carrageenan-induced inflammation in rats and plant and its harmful use. also inhibited cotton pellet-induced exudation. All furanocoumarins are capable of inducing photo- An ethanolic extract of the aerial parts of Ruta sensitization such as psoralen, xanthotoxin, and chalepensis tested in laboratory animals produced bergapten. Furanocoumarins have long been used anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and CNS depressant for the treatment of vitiligous areas. After contact activities but was not analgesic and did not produce with juice of the plant, the skin can develop any significant changes in prothrombin time and erythema, hyperpigmentation, and occasionally fibrinogen level. However, the alcoholic extract of vesiculation upon exposure to sunlight. Ruta chalepensis was demonstrated to have a significant inhibitory effect on collagen-induced I Traditional Medicine and platelet aggregation of human blood in vitro. Indigenous Knowledge: In traditional medicine, plants are used in fertility Flowering branches are used as vulnerary, emmena- regulation. Extracts from Rutaceae are known to gogue, spasmodic. Fresh plant as scorpion and posses such activity. Among these Ruta chalepensis insects repellent, leaves and seeds boiled in olive oil has been used as an antifertility in Turkish and and the mixture is rubbed for rheumatism pains and Chinese cultures. Antifertility activity of Ruta swellings. 242 A Guide to Medicinal Plants in North Africa The infusion of the aerial part is used orally or in I References external application in respiratory affections, gout, Sekkat M. 1996. Ruta chalepensis : Composition edema, oliguria, paralysis, and menstruation with chimique et activités insecticides. These de pain, epistaxis, headache (poultice on the head). Troisième Cycle (DES), Faculté des Sciences, Oral administration of the infusion of entire plant Rabat. for colds, in abdominal pains, intestinal parasites, Brooker R.M., J.N. Eble, and N.A. Starkovsky, 1967. and scorpion bites. Calepensin, chalepin and Calepin acetate, three Plant boiled in milk and taken against nervousness; novel furocoumarins from Ruta chalepensis. dried plant used as snuff for nasal diseases. The Loyda, 30: 73-77. infusion of plant is cooled and used as eardrops for Kong Y.C., C.P. Lau, K.H. Wat et al. 1989. Antifertility earaches. It is also used as nose drops against principle of Ruta graveolens. Planta medica, 55: vomiting and fevers in children and babies. The 176-178. powder is snuffed to children in case of fever (east Gandhi M., R. Lal , A. Sankaranarayanan , and P.L. of Morocco). The infusion of the roots is used for Sharma, 1991. Post-coital antifertility action of treatment of hepatic diseases, especially jaundice Ruta graveolens in femal rats and hamsters. with 2 cups per day. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 34: 49-59. In fumigation the plant combined with harmel, Ulubelin A., L. Ertugrul, H. Birma, R. Yigit, G. coriander seeds, and cade oil is used to treat Erseven, and V. Olgac, 1994. Antifertility effects epilepsy, against the bad eye. of some coumarins isolated from Ruta chale- The toxic as well as abortive properties of the plant pensis and Ruta chalepensis var. latifolia in are well known by women, who use it for this rodents. Phytotherapy Research, 8: 233-236, purpose in decoction to drink or for vaginal injec- Ulubelen A., H. Guner, and M. Cetindag 1988. tions. Therefore, the plant is best avoided during Alkaloids and coumarins from the roots of Ruta pregnancy. chalepensis var. latifolia. Planta Medica, 54: 551-2. I History: Al-Said M.S., M. Tariq, M.A. Al-Yahya, S. Rafatullah, Ruta is known since ancient times for its medicinal O.T. Ginnawi, and A.M. Ageel, 1990. Studies on uses. HIPPOCRATE mentioned it as a remedy Ruta chalepensis, an ancient medicinal herb still against snake’s venom. RHAZES reported its use as used in traditional medicine. Journal of a constituent of asa fetida used against “colds Ethnopharmacology, 28: 305-12 poisons”. ABDEREZAQ mentioned
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