Give Evince Date Is Set for Story of Mount Refused To
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HH EIGHT PAGES CLASSIFIED ADS 50 CENTS A MONTH 1 CENT A WORD VOL. 11 NELSON. B. C. FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 26, 1912 NO. 9 moulb shut" telegram but the witness PRESIDENT OF DISTRICT gangways and ladders were got ready said he did not know of It. He did EIGHTEEN RESIGNS to lower at-a moment's notice. It waq, remember, he said, the receipt of the not until 4:30 that we arrived at the message signed by Sammis, promising DATE IS SET FOR (By Dally News Leaped wire,) STORY OF MOUNT position of the Titanic having been REFUSED TO I lho operators "money In four figures" LETHBRIDGE, April £5.—Every much delayed liy the thick field of ice. for their story and "not to talk." He camp in district No. 18, United Al that- time wo saw no sign of the said that Brooke took It and he did not Mine Workers of America, is ill-fated ship nor any wreckage. At discuss the mailer with him. "I got a stirred this week over the news of ll 6:11 I hnd a call from the Calfornia TITANIC VICTIMS GIVE EVINCE the resignation of President W. B. and told them of tiie disaster and gave message asking me to meet Mr. Mar coni at the Strand hotel," said Cottam. Powell, who for .almost thre^ years the position in which it occurred. Soon has held that position. The news after the Frankfurt also cnlled me. "Did you keep your mouth shut?'' About 40 minutes later we saw the asked Senator Smith, "Certainly." came as a shock as there had been no previous intimation that the Carpathja and California with tho Skipper of Mount Temple "There was a persistent demand for Need for Weed Inspector to Lying on Bed When Heard Russian steamer Birma. There was Says^ Mount Temple Could news, was there not?" "There was, president had any intention of re signing. His action was purely a also a tramp steamer cruising about Summoned to Washington but I was busy taking 'messages for Be Urged on Council. Cry for Help, and apparently going in the same di Have Reached Liner in Time passengers and in sending their mes personal move, so far as can be iiarned, although it is impossible rection as us, but as she had no wire sages. The captain told me lo ignore less instrument and never approached passing ships and to refuse all calls to learn if thero is any ulterior near we could not find out what she lor details. We had the passengers motive behind tha action of the was. As soon as I saw the Carpathia to look after." chief official of the organization. I nsked for news of the Titanic and If OPERATORS TOLD CAN GET SHADE Mr. Powell says he will go back MOUNT TEMPLE slio had seen anything but got no re CAPTAIN FEARED Cottam said that when ho arrived to the mines and work as a miner. ut the New York dock lie went to the ply. Other ships asked the same ques tion but she kept sileht to all. It was TO SELL NEWS Strand hotel, but could not find Mr. TREES TOMORROW WINNIPEG WATER SUPPLY RUSHED TO SCENE TO FACE ICEBERGS Marconi or anyone connected with the not until 8:30 that the Carpathia gav. company. He waited around the hotel FAILS—FACTORIES CLOSE out anything and then only the Infor motion that she had picked up 20 and later called Mr. Marconi on the (Western Associated Press.) phone. Cottam said he bad sold his boats. There was not a word as lo Winnipeg. April 25—A shortage the number of survivors. At the time Marconi and Wireless Oper stury hut that he had not received Association Sees Need for of water is handicapping this city Says Vessel Was Twenty I received the first message I would Passenger Here Says Steam anything for It yet. He said he talked at the present time, so much so judge the Mount Temple to be 50 ator Give Evidence-Rival only to a reporter -and had been told Betterment of High that manufacturing concerns aro Miles Away When miles from the Titanic's position and er, Hove to, Would Not that It was all right for him to tell forced to shut down their plants when the big ship went down then ry Between Systems his story. He did not talk - about School Grounds. and insurance companies threaten Titanic Sank. Was still 20 or 25 miles between us.' Heed Distress Signals money from tlie story, relying on the to cancel their policies. City well message from Engineer Hummts. No. 5 which gives 5.000,000 gallons Asked whether there whs any rivalry a day out of a total of 7.500.000 Captain Wilt Testify 1 gallons is disabled the pumping or enmity between Marconi operator. *, Tuesday, Mpy 7 will be Arbor day, (I!y Dally News Leased Wire,) (By Daily Nows Leased Wire.) While in possession of wireless mes (Bn Dally News Leased Wire) and lho operators of other systems apparatus being out of business. ST. JOHN, N.B., April 2a—T. J. Du- "WASHINGTON, April 25.—Tu learn the Nelson Improvement association at ST. JOHN, N.B., April 25—Capt sages which told him that the Titanic COttam said there was some feeling. Strenuous efforts ;>ro being ma:!e raut, Marconi wireless operator on tlie Moore of the C.P.R. steamer Mounl why a nearby steamer tlfd not offer a mooting last night deciding tjint this to repair it. Mull ut Temple, now lying at Sand was In distress, that the women and Senator Smith asked if any feeling date would be the most convenient Tor Temple, left tonight: for Washington children had been taken off in life aid to the sinking Titanic and to fix existed between tbe operators on the Point, tells the following story of the to give evidence before the • senate tho exact hour at which the lost liner the merchants and general public fur boats and that the giant liner was Titanic and the one on llie Frunkruri. l wireless calls lie picked up from Hie committee regarding h's action on the was warned that she was in the vlcln the annua! \onnlng up t f vncnnt lots, sinking Titanic. Mr. Durant explain sinking Capt. Moore of tbe Mount which was said not to have responded night of tho Titanic disaster. He feels Temple hove to and in spite of the en Hy of dangerous ice, Senator Smith, promptly lo tbo Titanic's C. Q. D, call. lanes and other places where refuse PREPARING FOR ed that on the Mount Temple there keenly what he calls the false and chu'rmun of the senate committee in has accumulated. The mayor, who lias was never any great necessity for cruel stories that he refused to go to treaties of his officers to go to the vestigating tlie disaster, today sum "No, sir," said Cut tarn*, "furthermore, aid of the 1,600 persons who drowned, the C. Q. D. should have been signal left tho fixing of the date of Arbor MACKAY BENNETT the operator lo sit up late at night the Titanic's aid and anticipates no nioned three important witnesses day to the improvement association, for all that he never retires much be difficulty in proving to the investiga kept his steamer stut'onary five miles They are .1. P. Moore, captain of the enough lor the operator to have re fore midnight, passing away the time from tho scene of the foundering of ported at once Ihe distress of the ves will be asked to declare the day a tors that everything possible was steamer Mount Temple, which passed Precautions Takfln to Prevent Rush of either writing letters or reading. < It tho leviathan. This was at about 2 sel." public holiday. done to reach the sinking ship. within a short distance of the Titanic Curious Crowd When Bodies was owing to this habit that he caught o'clock in the morning in plenty of when she was in extremity, and the Cotlnm told Senator Smith that he Want Weeds Eradicated Arrive. the "C.Q.D." message of the Titanic time for the Titanic to have been would have answered the operator of It was decided lhat the city council Said he-: "1 was lying In bed reading CAPTAIN GIVES STORY readied and the passengers and crew captain and wireless operator of the EMPHATIC DENIAL lhter C.illfnrniun, which scut the warn the Frankfurt the sumo way lhal the should lie urged to take strong meas (By Dally News Leased Wire.) with the telephone over my ears at escued. ing. AH. will be put on the stand to Titanic did, "Keep out, you fool," had ures for the eradlcat'on nf noxious HAi..iF„AA, April 2b.—To prevent a 10:25 ship's time, or 12:11 New York Speaking carefully and with an ob- it been his place to, when tho Frank wcetls in the city, members of Hie as time, when I caught the first call. Im (By Dally News Leased Wire.) morrow. ,-^.. crush uf a curious crowd the militia MONTREAL, April 2.r).—Tho follow 'lotis desire to place tho situation in furl operator answered the Titanic'; sociation urgh'tf particularly tho de department' lias acceded to a request mediately getting out of bed I ans its true light and wUh absolute fnlr- Summonses were issued for the mas C. Q, D. call 20 minutes late.