
THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF HADROSAURIAN The First 150 : 1856 - 2006. complied by M.K. Brett-Surman © Smithsonian Institution 1985-2008

The Department of Paleobiology of the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, currently houses approximately 44 million , invertebrate, and in more than 480 separate collections. In addition, Paleobiology also maintains a reference collection of over 120,000 stratigraphic and sediment samples.

This listing represents a service provided to the public as part of our Outreach Program and as part of the Smithsonian Institution’s mission "for the increase and diffusion of knowledge...".

Papers are listed by author and . Author's names are capitalized. The viewer should be aware of any searches that are case sensitive. The papers listed here, in a majority of instances, do NOT contain abstracts, papers on ichnites, or popular articles or books, unless they present new information or cover an aspect of the history of . At present, some of the legacy software that was used to maintain this list only allowed basic ASCII characters, therefore foreign accents (such as in French and Spanish) did not translate. This will be fixed at a later date.

The Bibliography of Hadrosaurian Dinosaurs was written, compiled, and maintained by M.K. Brett-Surman, (Museum Specialist), P.O. Box 37012, Department of Paleobiology, National Museum of Natural History, MRC-121, Washington, DC 20013-7012. He can be reached electronically at: [email protected]., and by FAX at 202-786-2832. Please send all corrections and additions to the e-mail address. This file will be no longer be updated, except for entries prior to 2007. The latest version, and other reprints by M. Brett-Surman, can be requested directly by e-mail to “brettsur at si.edu”.

This file and compilation is provided by Collections Management of the Department of Paleobiology of the National Museum of Natural History. Copyrighted 2008 Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 20560 USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copying, distributing, or publishing the data in any manner or media for personal or corporate gain is not permitted. This Bibliography is presented for non-commercial personal use only.

Persons who wish to cite this file in a bibliography should follow the MLA/ACW protocols as follows: Brett-Surman, M.K., 2006. "The Bibliography of Hadrosaurian Dinosaurs". http://www.nmnh.si.edu/paleo/collections.html (99 XXX 9999). (Please note that "99 XXX 9999" is the date format for the date that YOU accessed or downloaded the file). ***************************************************************************** THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF HADROSAURIAN DINOSAURS compilation by M.K. Brett-Surman Ph.D. Copyright Smithsonian Institution 1985, 2006; ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (last update 5/2008) ***************************************************************************** THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF HADROSAURIAN DINOSAURS complied by M.K. Brett-Surman, Ph.D., Smithsonian Institution

ABEL, O., 1922. Kritik der früheren Rekonstruktionen und neue Rekonstruktion von . Paläeont. Zeitschr., 4:134-146.

ABEL, O., 1924. Die neuen Dinosaurierfunde in der Oberkriede . Naturwissenschaften, 12:709-716.

ADAMS, J.S. & ORGAN, C.L., 2005. Histologic determination of ontogenetic patterns and processes in hadrosaurian ossified . Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 25(3): 614-622.

ALEXANDER, R.M., 2006. Dinosaur Biomechanics. Royal Society of Proceedings, Series B - Biological Sciences 273(1596):1849-1855.

ALLMON, W.D., 2006. The pre-modern history of the post-modern dinosaur: Phases and causes in post-Darwinian dinosaur art. Earth Science History 25(1):5-36.

ANDERSON, B.G. and BARRICK, R.E., 1996. Petrographic and Geochemical analysis of hadrosaur impressions; pp. 121-134 in BOAZ, D. et al (eds.), Fourth Ann. Proceedings Fossils of Arizona Symposium. Mesa Southwest Museum and the City of Mesa, Arizona.

ANDERSON, B.G., LUCAS, S.G., BARRICK, R.E., HECKERT, A.B. & BASABILVASO, G.T., 1998. Dinosaur skin impressions and associated skeletal remains from the Upper of southwestern : New data on the integument morphology of hadrosaurs. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 18(4): 739-745.

ANDERSON, B.G., BARRICK, R.E., DROSER, M.L., STADTMAN, K.L., 1999. Hadrosaur skin impressions from the Upper Neslen Formation, , : morphology and paleoenvironmental context. In: Gillette, D.D. (ed.), Vertebrate Fossils of Utah. Utah Geol. Survey Miscellaneous Publication 99-1.

ANDERSON, B.G., LUCAS, S.G., BARRICK, R.E., HECKERT, A.B., BASABILVAZO, G.T., 1998. Dinosaur skin impressions and associated skeletal remains from the upper Campanian of southwestern New Mexico: New data on the integument morphology of hadrosaurs. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 18(4):739-745.

BAILEY, J.B., 1997. Neural spine elongation in dinosaurs: Sailbacks or buffalo-backs? Journal of Paleontology 71(6):1124-1146.

BAIRD, D., 1978. Pneumatoarthrus Cope, 1870, not a dinosaur but a sea-. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, 129(4):71-81.

BAIRD, D., 1984. Evidence of giant protostegid sea- in the Cretaceous of New Jersey. The , 2:135-140.

BAIRD, D., 1986. Upper Cretaceous from the Severn Formation of New Jersey. The Mosasaur, 3:63-86.

BAIRD, D. and HORNER, J.R., 1977. A fresh look at the dinosaurs of New Jersey and Delaware. New Jersey Academy of Science Bulletin , 22(2):50.

BAIRD, D. and HORNER, J.R., 1979. Cretaceous dinosaurs of North Carolina. Brimleyana, 2:1-28.

BAKKER, R.T., 1980. Dinosaur Heresy - : Why We Need Endothermic Archosaurs for a Comprehensive Theory of Bioenergetic . Pp.351-462 In:A Cold Look At the Warm-Blooded Dinosaurs, ed. by THOMAS, R.D.K. and OLSEN, E.C., AAAS, Washington, D.C.

BARRETO, C., and ALBRECHT, R.M., 1993. Preparation of dinosaur fossils for scanning electron microscope evaluation of . Scanning Microscopy 7(2):751-754.

BARRETO, C., ALBRECHT, R.M., BJORLING, D.E., HORNER, J.R., and WILSMAN, N.J., 1993. Evidence of growth plate and the growth of long in juvenile dinosaurs. Science, 262(5142):2020-2023.

BARRICK, R.E. AND SHOWERS, W.J., 1995. Oxygen isotope variability in juvenile dinosaurs (): evidence for thermoregulation. Paleobiology 21(4):552-560.

BARRICK, R.E., SHOWERS, W.J. and FISCHER, A.G., 1996. Comparison of thermoregulation of four ornithischian dinosaurs and a varanid lizard from the Cretaceous : Evidence from oxygen isotopes. Palaios 11:295-305.

BARTHOLOMAI, A. and MOLNAR, R.E., 1981. , A New Iguanodontid (: ) Dinosaur from the Lower Cretaceous of Queensland. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum, 20(2):319-349.

BEECHER, C.E., 1902. The Reconstruction of a Cretaceous Dinosaur, Claosaurus annectens Marsh. Transactions of the Connecticut Academy, 11:311-324.

BELAND, P. and RUSSELL, D., 1978. Paleoecology of (Cretaceous), , Interpreted from the Distribution of Articulated Vertebrate Remains. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 15(6):1012-1024.

BOCHERENS, H., FIZET, M., CUIF, J.-P., JAEGER, J.-J., MICHARD, J.-G., and MARIOTTI, A., Premieres Mesures d'Abondances Isotopiques Naturelles en 13C et 15N de la Matiere Organique Fossile de Dinosaure. Application a l'Etude du Regime Alimentaire du Genre Anatosaurus (Ornithischia, Hadrosauridae). C.R. Academy of Science , Ser.2, 306:1521-1525. BOLOTSKY, Yu.L. and MOISEENKO, V.G., 1988. On Pre-Amurian Dinosaurs. Akad. Nauk. SSSR, Dal'nevostkhnoe Otdelenie Amursky Kompleksn'y Naukno-Issledovatel'sky Institut, Blagoveshensk, Pp. 1-37.

BOLOTSKY et al, 1989. Geology of the central Amur River Region (left bank of Amur). In:Geology and ecology of the Amur River Basin, USSR-CHINA Symposium, Field Trip Guidebook, pages 3-41, Blagoveshensk.

BOLOTSKY, Yu.L. & KURZANOV, S.K., 1991. The hadrosaurs of the Amur region. In: Geology of the Pacific Border, p.94-103.

BONAPARTE, J.F., 1983. Patagonia: Tierra de Dinosaurios. Revista Patagonica, 2(10):25-28.

BONAPARTE, J.F., 1984. El Intercambio Faunistico De Vertebrados Continentales Entre America Del Sur Y Del Norte A Fines Del Cretacico. Third Internat. Congress Latin-American Palaeo. Mem., Pp.438-450.

BONAPARTE, J.F., 1986. History of the Terrestrial Cretaceous of Gondwana. Fourth Congress, Palaeo. Biostrat. Mendoza, 2:63-95.

BONAPARTE, J.F., 1996. Cretaceous tetrapods of Argentina. Munchner Geowiss. Abhand. A30:73-130.

BONAPARTE, J.F., FRANCHI, M.R., POWELL, J.E., and SEPULVEDA, E.G., 1984. La Formacion los Alamitos (Campaniano - Maastrichtiano) del Sudeste de Rio Negro, con Descripcion de Kritosaurus australis n. sp. (Hadrosauridae). Significado Paleogeografico de los Vertebrados, Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina, 39(3-4):284-289.

BONAPARTE, J.F. and ROUGIER, G., 1987. The Fauna of Los Alamitos, Patagonia, Argentina, Part 7 - The Hadrosaurs, Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, 3(3):155-161.

BRAMAN, D.R., THERRIEN, F., KOPPELHUS, E.B., TAYLOR, W., (eds.) 2005. Dinosaur Park Symposium: Short papers, abstracts, and program. Royal Tyrrell Museum Special Publication. Drumheller, Alberta. Pp.151.

BRAY, E.S., 1999. Eggs and eggshell from the Upper Cretaceous North Formation, central Utah. In: Gillette, D.D. (ed.) Vertebrate Paleontology of Utah, Utah Geological Survey Miscellaneous Publication 99-1, p.361-375.

BRETT-SURMAN, M.K., 1975. The Appendicular Anatomy of Hadrosaurian Dinosaurs. Master’s Thesis, University of California, Berkeley.

BRETT-SURMAN, M.K., 1979. Phylogeny and Paleobiogeography of Hadrosaurian Dinosaurs. Nature, 277(5697):560-562. (PDF available from the author.) BRETT-SURMAN, M.K., 1980. The Iren Dabasu Fauna from Mongolia. Vertebrate Life, 1:19-22. (PDF available from the author.)

BRETT-SURMAN, M.K., 1984. Dinosaur . Anima, 134:29-33, (in Japanese). (PDF available from the author.)

BRETT-SURMAN, M.K., 1988(1989). Revision of the Hadrosauridae (Reptilia: Ornithischia) and their evolution during the Campanian and . Ph.D. Dissertation, George Washington University (available through University Microfilms International and as a PDF file on the Smithsonian Institution’s web site, or directly from the author.)

BRETT-SURMAN, M.K., 1997. Ornithopods. In: J.O. Farlow and M.K. Brett-Surman (eds.), The Complete Dinosaur, pp.330-346. Indiana University Press, Bloomington, IN. (PDF available from the author.)

BRETT-SURMAN, M.K., 2006(1985). The Bibliography of the Hadrosaurian Dinosaurs, Smithsonian Institution. (PDF available from the author.)

BRETT-SURMAN, M.K. & JONATHAN R. WAGNER, 2006. Discussion of character analysis of the appendicular anatomy in Campanian and Maastrichtian North American hadrosaurids - Variation and ontogeny. Pp:135-169. In: Horns and - Ceratopsian and Ornithopod Dinosaurs, Kenneth Carpenter (Ed.), Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indiana.

BRINKMAN, W., 1984. Erster Nachweis eines Hadrosauriers (Ornithischia) aus dem unteren Garumnium (Maastrichtium) des Beckens von Tremp (Provinz Lerida, Spanien). Paläeont. Zeitschr., 58(3/4):295-305.

BRINKMAN, W., 1988. Zur Fundgeschichte und Systematik der Ornithopoden (Ornithischia, Reptilia) aus der Ober-Kriede von Europa. Documenta Naturae, 45:1-157.

BROILI, F., 1922. Ueber den feineren Bau der verknöcherten Sehnen etc. von Trachodon. Anat. Anzeiger, 55(20/21):465-475.

BROUWERS, E.M. et al, 1987. Dinosaurs on the North Slope, Alaska: High Latitude, Latest Cretaceous Environments. Science, 237:1608-1610.

BROWN, B., 1907. Gastroliths. Science, N.S. 25(636:392.

BROWN, B., 1908. The Trachodon group. American Museum Journal, 8(4):50-56.

BROWN, B., 1910. The Cretaceous Ojo Alamo beds of New Mexico with Descripcion of the New Dinosaur Kritosaurus. American Museum Natural History Bulletin., 28(24):267-274.

BROWN, B., 1912A. The Osteology of the Manus in the Trachodontidae. American Museum Natural History Bulletin, 31(10):105-108. BROWN, B., 1912B. A Crested Dinosaur from the Edmonton Cretaceous. American Museum Natural History Bulletin, 31(14):131-136.

BROWN, B., 1913A. The Skeleton of , A Crested Duck-Bill Dinosaur From the Edmonton Cretaceous. American Museum Natural History Bulletin, 32(19):387-393.

BROWN, B., 1913B. A New Trachodont Dinosaur, Hypacrosaurus, From the Edmonton Cretaceous of Alberta. American Museum Natural History Bulletin, 32(20):395-406.

BROWN, B., 1914. casuarius, A New Crested Dinosaur from the Belly River Cretaceous with Provisional Classification of the Family Trachodontidae. American Museum Natural History Bulletin, 33:559-565.

BROWN, B., 1916A. A New Trachodont Dinosaur, maximus. American Museum Natural History Bulletin, 35:701-708.

BROWN, B., 1916B. Corythosaurus casuarius, Skeleton, Musculature, and Epidermis. American Museum Natural History Bulletin, 35:709-716.

BROWN, B., 1917. A Complete Skeleton of the Horned Dinosaur Monoclonius and a Description of a Second Skeleton Showing Skin Impressions. American Museum Natural History Bulletin, 37:281-306.

BROWN, B., 1938. The Mystery Dinosaur. Natural History Magazine, 41:190-202, 235.

BRYAN, J.R., FREDERICK, D.L., SCHWIMMER, D.R. and SIESSER, W.G., 1991. First Dinosaur Record From Tennessee: A Campanian hadrosaur. Journal of Paleontology 65(4):696-697.

BUFFETAUT, ERIC, 1991. On the age of the Cretaceous dinosaur-bearing beds of southern Laos. Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 24(½):59-73.

BUFFETAUT, E. and HAIYAN TONG, 1995. The Late Cretaceous Dinosaurs of Shandong, China: Old finds and new interpretations. In: AILING SUN and YUANQING WANG (eds.), Sixth Symposium on Mesozoic Terrestrial and Biota, Short Papers, China Ocean Press, Pp.139-142.

BUFFETAUT, E. and LE LOEUFF, J., 1997. Late Cretaceous dinosaurs from the foothills of the Pyrenees. Geology Today, 1997(3-4):60-68.

BUFFETAUT, E., MEIJER, A.W.F., TAQUET, P., and WOUTERS, G., 1985. New Remains of Hadrosaurid Dinosaurs (Reptilia: Ornithischia) From the Maastrichtian of Dutch and Belgian Limburg. Revue du Palaeontologie 4(1):65-70.

BUFFETAUT, E. and TONG-BUFFETAUT, H., 1993. Tsintaosaurus spinorhinus YOUNG and sinensis Wiman: a preliminary comparative study of two hadrosaurs (Dinosauria) from the Upper Cretaceous of China. C.R. Academy of Science Paris, series 2, 317:1255-1261.

CAO, DUOCHEN, 1992. On the sternum of Tsintaosaurus spinorhinus. Investigatio et Studium Naturae Mus. Hist. Nat. Shanghaiense, 12:1-7.

CARPENTER, K., 1982. The Oldest Late Cretaceous Dinosaurs in ? Mississippi Geology, 3(2):11-17.

CARPENTER, K., 1983. Evidence Suggesting Gradual Extinction of Latest Cretaceous Dinosaurs. Naturwissenschaften, 70:611.

CARPENTER, K., 1992. Behavior of hadrosaurs as interpreted from footprints in the "Mesaverde" Group (Campanian) of , Utah, and . Contributions To Geology, 29(2):81-95.

CARPENTER, K., 2000. Eggs, nests and baby dinosaurs: A look at dinosaur reproduction. Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indiana.

CARPENTER, K., 2000 (1998). Evidence of predatory behavior by carnivorous dinosaurs. Gaia 15:135-144.

CARPENTER, KENNETH (Ed.), 2006. Horns and Beaks - Ceratopsian and Ornithopod Dinosaurs, Kenneth Carpenter, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indiana.

CARPENTER, K., HIRSH, K., and HORNER, J., (eds.), 1994. Dinosaur eggs and babies. Cambridge University Press, New York, 372 pages.

CARPENTER, K., DILKES, D., and WEISHAMPEL, D.B., 1995. The Dinosaurs of the Niobrara Chalk Formation (Upper Cretaceous, Kansas). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 15(2):275-297.

CARRANO, M.T., 2006. Body-Size evolution in the Dinosauria. Pp:225-268. In: Amniote Paleobiology - Perspectives on the Evolution of , Birds, and Reptiles. Matthew T. Carrano, T.J. Gaudin, R.W. Blob, J.R. Wible (Eds.), University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois.

CARRANO, M.T., JANIS, C.M., and SEPKOSKI-JR., J.J., 1999. Hadrosaurs as ungulate parallels: Lost lifestyles and deficient data. Acta Palaeontologia Polonica 44(3):237-261.

CASAMIQUELA, R.M., 1964. Sobre Un Dinosaurio Hadrosaurido De La Argentina. Ameghiniana, 3(9):285-308.

CASANOVAS-CLADELLAS, M.L., SANTAFE-LLOPIS, J.V., SANZ, J.L., and BUSCALIONI, A., 1985. ORTHOMERUS (Hadrosaurinae: Ornithopoda) del Cretacico superior del Yacimiento de 'Els Nerets' (Tremp, Espana). Paleont. Evolucio, 19:155-162 (in Spanish). CASANOVAS-CLADELLAS, M.L., SANTAFE-LLOPIS, J.V., SANZ, J.L., and POWELL, J.E., 1995. Nuevos restos de dinosaurios (Titanosauria y Ornithopoda) en El Cretacico Superior de las Cuencas de Tremp y Della (Lleida, Espana). Estudios Geol. 51:277-283.

CASANOVAS-CLADELLAS, M.L., PEREDA-SUBERBIOLA, X.P., SANTAFE, J.V., and D.B. WEISHAMPEL, 1999. First lambeosaurine hadrosaurid from : palaeobiogeographical implications. Geological Magazine 136(2):205-211.

CASANOVAS-CLADELLAS, M.L., PEREDA-SUBERBIOLA, X.P., SANTAFE, J.V., and D.B. WEISHAMPEL, 1999. A primitive euhadrosaurian dinosaur from the uppermost Cretaceous of the Ager syncline (southern Pyrenees, Catalonia). Geologie en Mijnbouw 78(3/4): 345-356.

CASE, J.A., MARTIN, J.E., CHANEY, D.S., REGUERO, M., MARENSSI, S.A., SANTILLANA, S.M., and M.O. WOODBURNE, 2000. The first duck-billed dinosaur (Family Hadrosauridae) from Antarctica. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 20(3):612-614.

CASIER, E., 1978. Les Iguanodonts De . Inst. Royal Science Nat. Belgique, .

CHAPMAN, R.E., and BRETT-SURMAN, M.K., 1990. Morphometric observations on hadrosaurid dinosaurs (Chapter 12). In: CARPENTER, K. and CURRIE, P.J. (eds.) Dinosaurs Systematics: Perspectives and Approaches, Cambridge University Press, New York.

CHARIG, A.J., 1977. Dinosaur monophyly and a new class of Vertebrates : A critical review. Linnaean Society Symposium. Ser.3:64-104.

CHIN, K. and GILL, B.D., 1996. Dinosaurs, Dung Beetles, and : Participants in a Cretaceous Food Web. Palaios, 11:280-285.

CHINSAMY-TURIN, ANUSUYA, 2005. The microstructure of dinosaur bone: Deciphering biology with fine-scale techniques. The Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore, Maryland. 195pp.

CHRISTIANS, JON P., 1992. Taphonomy and of the Mason Dinosaur Quarry, , (Upper Cretaceous), South , Master's thesis, University of Wisconsin at Madison.

CHURE, D.J. and McINTOSH, J.S., 1989. A Bibliography of the Dinosauria (Exclusive of the Aves), Museum of Western Colorado Paleontology Series #1, Pp.226.

CLEMENS, W.A., 1982. Patterns of Extinction and Survival of the Terrestrial Biota During the Cretaceous/ Transition. In Silver and Schultz (eds.), G.S.A. Paper 90:407-413.

CLEMENS, W.A. and ARCHIBALD, J.D., 1980. Evolution of Terrestrial Faunas During the Cretaceous-Tertiary Transition. Memoir Geologic Society of , new series, 139:67-74. CLOUDSLEY-THOMAS, J.L., 1978. Why the Dinosaurs Became Extinct, Meadowfield Press, Durham, .

COE, M.J., DILCHER, D.L., FARLOW, J.O., JARZEN, D.M. and RUSSELL, D.A., 1987. Dinosaur and Land (Chapter 10, Pp. 225-258). In FRIIS, E.M. et al, The Origins of Angiosperms and Their Biological Consequences, Cambridge Univ. Press, New York.

COLBERT, E.H., 1948. A Hadrosaurian Dinosaur From New Jersey. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, 100:23-37.

COLBERT, E.H. and OSTROM, J.H., 1958. Dinosaur Stapes. American Museum Novitates, 1900:1-20.

COLSON, MARY C., COLSON, R.O., NELLERMOE, R., 2004. Stratigraphy and depositional environments of the upper Fox Hills and Hell Creek formations at the Concordia Hadrosaur Site in northwestern . Rocky Mountain Geology, 39(2):93-111.

COMPANY, J., GALOBART, A., and GAETE, R., 1998. First data on the hadrosaurid dinosaurs (Ornithischia, Dinosauria) from the Upper Cretaceous of Valencia, Spain. Oryctos 1:121-126.

COOMBS, W.P., 1978. Theoretical Aspects of Cursorial Adaptations in Dinosaurs. Quarterly Review of Biology 53:393-418.

COOMBS, W.P., 1988. The Status of the Dinosaurian Genus Diclonius and the Taxonomic Utility of Hadrosaurian Teeth. Journal of Paleontology 62(5):812-818.

COOMBS, W.P. and GALTON, P.M., 1988. Dysganus, An Indeterminate Ceratopsian Dinosaur. Journal of Paleontology 62(5):818-821.

COPE, E.D., 1869A. Remarks on Holops brevispinus, Ornithotarsus immanis, and Macrosaurus proriger. Proceedings Academy of Natural Science, Philadelphia, 21:123.

COPE, E.D., 1869B. Remarks on Esschrichtius polyporus, crassicauda, tripos, and Polydectes biturgidus. Proceedings Academy of Natural Science Philadelphia, 21:192.

COPE, E.D., 1870. Observations on the Reptilia of the Formations of the Atlantic Region of the , American Philos. Soc. Proceedings, 71:444-446.

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COPE, E.D., 1875A. The Vertebrates of the Cretaceous Formations of the West, Rept. U.S. Geol. Survey Terr., 2:56-63.

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CREISLER, B.S., 2006. Deciphering duckbills: A history in nomenclature. Pp:185-210. In: Horns and Beaks - Ceratopsian and Ornithopod Dinosaurs, Kenneth Carpenter (Ed.), Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indiana.

CURRIE, P.J., 1983. Hadrosaur Trackways From The Lower Cretaceous of Alberta. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 28(1-2):63-73.

CURRIE, P.J., KOPPELHUS, E.B., and MUHAMMAD, A.F., 1995. "Stomach" contents of a hadrosaur from the (Campanian, Upper Cretaceous) of Alberta, . In: AILING SUN and YUANQING WANG (eds.), Sixth Symposium on Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems and Biota. Short Papers, China Ocean Press, Pp.111-114.

CURRIE, P.J., NADON, G.C., and LOCKLEY, M.G., 1991. Dinosaur Footprints With Skin Impressions From the Cretaceous of Alberta and Colorado. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 28:102-115.

CURRIE, P.J. and SARGEANT, W.A.S., 1979. Lower Cretaceous Dinosaur Footprints From the Peace River Canyon, British Columbia, Canada. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 28:103-115.

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DAL SASSO, CRISTIANO, 2005. The Dinosaurs of Italy. Indiana University Press. Bloomington, Indiana. 214pp.

DALLA VECCHIA, FABIO M., 2001. Terrestrial ecosystems on the Mesozoic per-Adriatic carbonate platforms: the vertebrate evidence. In: VII International Symposium on Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems, Asociación Paleontológica Argentina, Special Publ. 7:77-83, Buenos Aires.

DAVIES, KYLE L., 1983. Hadrosaurian Dinosaurs of Big Bend National Park, Brewster County, Texas. Masters Thesis, University of Texas at Austin.

DAVIES, K.L., 1987. Duck-bill dinosaurs (Hadrosauridae: Ornithischia) from the north slope of Alaska. Journal of Paleontology 61(1):198-200.

DILKES, DAVID W., 1993. Growth and locomotion in the hadrosaurian dinosaur peeblesorum from the Upper Cretaceous of Montana. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Toronto, 450 pages.

DILKES, DAVID W., 2000. Appendicular myology of the hadrosaurian dinosaur Maiasaura peeblesorum from the Late Cretaceous (Campanian) of Montana. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Earth Sciences, 90:87-125.

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DODSON, P.D., 1971. Sedimentology and taphonomy of the , Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 10:21-74.

DODSON, P.D., 1975. Taxonomic implications of relative growth in lambeosaurine dinosaurs. Systematic Zoology, 28:37-54.

DODSON, P.D., 1980. Comparative osteology of the American ornithopods Camptosaurus and . Memoir Geological Society of France, 139:81-85.

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