J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-22-04-19 on 1 April 1914. Downloaded from


APRIL, 1914. ESTABLISHMENTS. School of Army Sanitation: Major Harold B. Fawcus, M.B., Royal Army Medical Corps, from au Assistant Professor at the Royal Army Medical College, to be Instructor, vice Major C. E. P. Fowler, F.R.C.S., dated March 1, 1914. Royal Army Medical College: Major Percy S. Lelean, F.R.C.S., Royal Arn).y Medical Corps, to be an Assistant Professor, vice Major H. B. Fawcus, M.B., dated March 1, 1914: Protected by copyright. ARMY MEDICAL SERVICE. Surgeon. General George W. Robinson, C.B., is placed on retired pay, dated March 22, 1914. William G. Macpherson, C.M.G., M.B., K.H.P., to be Deputy Director­ General, and to be granted the temporary rank of Surgeon. General whilst so employed, vice Surgeon·General W. Bll>btie, V.C., C.B., C.M.G., M.B., dated March 6,1914. Colonel Robert W. Ford, D.S.O., from the half-pay list, is restored to the estab· lishment, vice Colonel W. G. Macpherson, C.M.G., M.B., K.H,P., appointed Deputy Director-General, dated March 6, 1914. Colonel Edward Butt, from the half. pay list, is placed on retired pay, dated March 4, 1914. ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. The undermentioned Oaptains to be Majors, dated March 1, 1914:­

Brevet-Major Arthur B. Smallman, M.D., Wentworth F. Tyndale, C.M.G., M.D., http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ William F. Ellis, Ralph B. Ainsworth, Charles A. J. A. Balck, M.B., Dudley S. Skelton, Philip G. Easton, Richard Rutherford, M.B. Captain Francis M. M. Ommanney retires with a gratuity, dated March 11, 1914. HIGHER RATE OF PAY.-Lieutenant-Colonel R. J. Windle has been selected for the increased pay under Article 358, Royal Warrant for Pay and Promotion. ARRIVALS HOME FOR DUTY.-From Jamaica: on March 2, Major H. P. W· Barrow, Captain S. Field. From : on March 5, Majors J. G. Gill, G. J. A. Ormsby, H. M. Nicholls, Captains O. It. McEwen, A. G. Wells; on March 10, Lieutenant·Colonel J. C. Connor, Majors A. G. Thompson, E. T. Inkson, V.C., Captains W. F. M. Loughnan, M. O. Wilson. From West Africa: on March 14, Majors W. J. Taylor, G. J. Houghton and T. B. Unwin. From Bermuda; on March 19, Lieutenant·Colonel R. H. Hall. ARRIYALS HOME ON LEAVE.-Major R. B. Black, Captains W. A. Spong and .J. D. Bowie. on September 24, 2021 by guest. POSTINGS.-Scottish Command; Major H. M. Nicholls, Captain A. G. Wells. Command: Major M. H. G. Fell. Eastern Command; Majors A. E. Hamerton, D.S.O., Captains W. F. M. Lougbnan, M. O. Wilson. Southern Command; Lieutenant·Colonel R. H. Hall, Majors A. G. Thompson, E. T. Inkson, V.C., J. G. Gill, Captains R. J. C. Thompson and M. Leckie. Irish Command; Lieutenant­ Colonel J. C. Connor, Major G. J. A. Ormsby, Captains J. T. McEntire, S. Field, O. R. McEwen. District: Majors J. O. B. Statham (temporarily, pending embarkation for West Africa) and H. P. W. Barrow. Major W. L. Baker has 'been posted to the London District instead of to the Eastern Command, ,as previously notified. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-22-04-19 on 1 April 1914. Downloaded from


TRANSFERS.-To London: Brevet-Oolonel S. Hickson, K.H.S., from Aldershot. To Ohatham: Lieutenant-Oolonel O. A. Young, 'from Shrewsbury. To Warley: Lieutenant-Colonel S. G. Moores, from Aldershot. To the Royal Military Oollege: Major F. E. Gunter, from Tidworth. To Aldershot: Major J. F. Martin, from the Royal Military College. To the Eastern Oommand: Major A. H. Safford, from Dublin. APPOINTMENTS.-Surgeon·General W. Babtie, V.O., O.B., O.M.G., Director of Medical Services in India. Lieutenant·Oolonel M. P. O. Holt, D.S.O., charge of the Cambridge Hospital, Aldershot. Lieutenant-Oolonel S. G. Moores, charge of the Military Hospital. Warley. Major F. E. Gunter, Assistant Surgeon, Royal Military College. Major M. H. G. Fell, D.A.D.M.S., Aldershot Oommand. Major W. L. Baker, a Medical Examiner of Recruits. London Recruiting Area. Oaptain W. C. Nimmo, Medical Oharge of Military Families, Wellington Lines, Aldershot (Specialist in Midwifery and Gynfficology). RETIRED PAY APPOINTMENTS.-Oolonel E. Butt, D.A.D.M.S., 2nd London Division, Territorial Force. Lieutenant-Oolonel W. Turner, D.A.D.M.S., Welsh Division, Territorial Force. The following 'retired pay appointments are vacant: Berehaven, Fort Efford and Mutley District, Golden Hill Fort, Netheravon, and Wrexham. QUALIFICATION.-Oaptain W. J. E. Bell has obtained the Diploma in Public Health of the Royal Oolleges of Physicians, London, and Surgeons, England. EMBARKATION.-For India: on March 6, Surgeon. General W. Babtie, V.O., O.B.,O.M.G.

RESULTS OF EXAMINATIONS.-The following results of examinations are Protected by copyright. notified for general information :- Passed for promotion to the rank of Lieutenant-Oolonel :- In Appendix xiv, R.R., Part 2: Majors J. P. Silver, H. W. Grattan, J. V. Forrest, P. MacKessack, E. T. Inkson, V.O., and R. S. H. Fuhr, D.S.O. In Appendix xi, K.R., Subheads (d) ii and (d) iii: Major W. L. Baker. In Appendix xi, K.R., Subhead (d) ii: Major A. E. Weld. In Appendix xi, K.R., Subhead (d) iii : Major J. Tobin. Passed for promotion to the rank of Major :- In Appendix xi, K.R., Subhead (b) : Oaptains G. H. J. Brown, G. W. G. Hughes, and G. F. Rugg. In Appendix xi, K.R., Subheads (d) ii and (d) iii: Oaptains R. R. Lewis and A. R. Wright. In Appendix xi, K.R., Subhead (d) iii: Oaptain T. E. Harty. Passed for promotion to the rank of Oaptain :- In Appendix xi, R.R., Subhead (c) ii: Lieutenants P. Hayes, W. B. Laird, H. S. Blackmore, F. R. B. Skrimshire, and C. J. H. Little. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/

LIST OF CAPTAINS TO JOIN THE ROYAL ARMY MEDICA~ COLLEGE, . ON OR ABOUT OCTOBER 31, 19111. Thomson, D. S. B. Wood, J. L. McNeill, A. N. R. Anderson, R. G. Ryles, O. Vaughan, E. V. Lucas, T. C. O'Brien-Butler, C. P. Amy, A. C. Byam, W. O'Keeffe, J. J. Caddell, E. D: Tbompson, O. P. Browne, T. W. Fairbairu, J. Heron, G. \V. Benett, A. M. Latbbury, E. B. Kelly, O. Ritchie, M. B. H. :Booster, J. R. Edmunds, C. T. Howlett, A. W. O'Connor, R. D. Fraser, A. E. G. Lochrin, M. J. Oasement, F. Pollard, A. M. Middleton, E. M .. Turner, F. T.

Purdon, W. B. Scott, T. H. on September 24, 2021 by guest. Rudkin, G. F. Tate, R. G. H. Waiting. Cooke, O. O. P. Thornpson, R. J. O. Langrishe, J. du P. Worthington, F. 'Stewart, P. S. Thompson, W. 1. Bowle, C. W. Heslop, A. H. Bennett, J. A. Elliott, A. O. Leckie, M. . Bradish, F. L. Mars ball, W. E. Beaman, W. K. Bracken, G. P. A. Lunn, W. E. O. Field, S. Jobnson, B. Mitcbell, W. McEwen, O. R. McEntire, J. T. O'Grady, D. de O. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-22-04-19 on 1 April 1914. Downloaded from




112251 Qmr.-Serjt. Bennett, A. . '118.2.14 Vice J. Woollard, to H.M. Oom­ mission. 11410 " Oonolly, W. .. 18.2.14 " E. E. Ward, to H.lYI. Oom­ mission. I I


69431 Boy ··1 Gilmour, A. W. J···I 16.2.14 I Vice A. G. Lever to the ranks.



FOR STAFF-SERJEANT. Protected by copyright. 12280 1 Serjeant Endacott, A. 14082 Serjeant Prince, G. 12264 Delamare, W. G. 14359 Thomas, J. G. 18110 Gibson, R. W. 17450 Elsey, W. J. 13661 Le Page. P. J. 12461 Oook, P. F. 17244 I McArthur, A. F. 15698 Oollier, H. O. F. 17091 Moore, J. FOR SERJEANT. 127751 Lce.-Serjt. Prett, H. O. 11 11566 Lce.-Serjt. 1 Brown, M. T. 12402 Oorporal .. 1 Rondel, T. E. 18340 Oorporal.. Rouse, J. 18675 I " .• Partridge, A. O. 16762 " 1 Price, F. 17834 I Lce. -Serjt. I Harman, F. FOR OORPORAL.

706 Private Allan, R. 5108 Private Westwood, O. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ 5202 Roughley, J. 1644 Flavell, 0, W. ,1724 Davey, H. F. 4682 Taylor, A. E. 4945 Forman, J. E. 5517 Andrews, W. G. E, 5544 Keep, F. 6756 Wheatley, F. 7049 Olack, H. O. 7055 Brendon, W. T. R. 7266 McNeill, J. E. 992 Killigrew, H. 5390 Tait, D. O.


14850 Oorporal .. Mayman, T. G. 18929 Oorporal .. Taylor, J. W. 15022 .. Woodward, F. 18383 " ., Hutchings, W. on September 24, 2021 by guest. 18061 Oairns, W. 15183 " ., Dewhurst, O. 1970 Pri~~te : : Brunt, W. J. G. Hynes, T. HJ030 Oorporal .. Mann, R. S. i~~~~ Lce::Oorpi: Ovenden, E. E. 1785 Private .. Phillips, W. J. 196 Priva te .. Kent, A. J. 17501 Oorporal .. Ohristie, J. 5648 " .. Smith, E. F. 19997 Lce.-Oorpl. Tilby, R. J. 19742\ Lce.-Oorpl. Oannon, F. G. 6062 Private .. Kirk, A. E. 6231 Private .. Martin, P. J. 6313 .. Smith, H. G. 1112. " •• Sheehan, J. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-22-04-19 on 1 April 1914. Downloaded from


,TRANSFERS FROM OTHER CORPS. , 7609 Private .. Gillingham, H. 19.2.14 From 12th Lancers. 7610 .. MoIden, J. 19.2.14 2nd Bn. Manchester Regt. 7611 " .. Kerry, W. 15.1.14 " 1st Bn. L. N. Lancs. Rgt. 7612 " .. Lauraine, G. 25.2.14 " R.F. Corps (M.W.) " "


5305 Pte. Killoran, M. " 7.2.14 5343 Pte. Crouch, S. .. 7.3.14 2181 Catling, E. J. .. 13.2.14 5346 Sumner, E. A ... 26.2.14 5311 " Fitzharris, G. oo 13.2.14 5344 " Busson, T. oo 7.3.14 5308 " Phillips, H. J. A. 13.2.14 5333 " Farley, W. H ... 1.3.14 5312 " Slater, R. G. 14.2.14 5340 " Tait, D. W. .. 2.3.14 " " " 5315 Stone, C. " 15.2.14 534n Cronin, T. F. oo 2.3.14 5314 " I Homer, W. A. " 12.2.14 5339 " Godfrey, W. K. 5.3.14 5323 " I Bailey, R. " 19.2.14 5359 " Davies, E. J. oo 10.3.14 " " 5324 I Wayman, H. " 21.2. 14 1 5342 Mason, A. oo 5.3.14 5327 " I White, L. oo 24.2.14 5356 " Short, J. .. 5.3.1-1 5326 " I Smith, W. oo 24.2.14 5361 " Orr, R. .. .. 5.3.14 5331 " I Shears, J. T. .. 26.2.14 5366 " Moores, .T. .. 10.3.14 6576 " I Sanderson, W. 1. 26.2.14 5371 " Dunne, D. .. 9.3.14 5328 " 26.2.14 " Protected by copyright. " ,Maydon, F. "


To GIBRALTAR, PER P. AND O. "ARABIA," FEBRUARY 27, 1914. 17825\ Lce .. Serjt. I Moore, N.


FROM EGYPT, PER H.;r. "SOUDAN," FEBRUARY 19, 1914. 15591 Serjeant .. Harris, J. 12779 Serjeant .. Stubbs, C.

18984 Moore, E. 13086 Corporal .. Flood, S. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ 264 Lce.-CorpI." Trout, A. 109 Lce.-CorpI. Emment, A. G. 17400 Private Sarsfield, P. 10941 Private Moody, T. 4810 Wilkins, J. 943 Ball, A. H. 1486 Bullen, F. 501 Benson, O. 1216 " Dunne, J. 954 " Hallett, H. C. 1098 Wright, G. M. 257 Coles, R. J. 4743 Jeeves, T. 1410 Pratt, J. R. 11319 Smith, A. A. 1268 Gray, J. 6491 Jones, H. 1060 Burrell, A. J.

FROM MALTA, PER H.T. " SOUDAN," FEBRUARY 19, 1914. 8269 Qmr.-Serjt. Gibbs, G. A. 16399 S .. Serjeant Elliott, R. W. 16447 Serjeant .. Ashworth, J. W. 15859 Oorporal .. Arnold, P. 19747 Corporal .. Hyde, C. H. 19710 Lce.·CorpI. King, H. S. 113 Lce. -CorpI. Powell, J. D. 19776 Swaun, G. on September 24, 2021 by guest. 19630 Taylor, A. 11 Private" Andre, J. 1644 Pri;~te Flavell, C. W. 19749 Reynolds, J. FROM BERMUDA, PER S.S. "ORUBA," MARCH 2, 1914. 11066 [ Sjt .. Major [Lee, H. B. \1 109321 Qmr .. serjt·1 Ward, C. 17413 Serjeant .. Tweed, E. 12441 S.-Serjt. .. Hubbard, L. 18158 " " Pursey, G. P. I 1276 Private .. Cooper, H. 2151 Private .. Church, A. W. I. ' J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-22-04-19 on 1 April 1914. Downloaded from


FROM JAMAICA, 'PER S.S. " ORUBA," MARCH 2, 1914. 14464 S.-Serjt. .. Hurran, G. F. 14663 S.-Serjt ... .Snow, P. 18427 Corporal .. Barber, P. 2147 Oorporal .. Hampson, W. O. 12047 Lce.-Corpl. Eley, H. A. 19853 Lce.·Oorpl.' Bonehill, W. A. J. 19729 Private Tomlin, J. 2025 Private Dawson, S. 1866 Sugden, W. 1400 Bamber, E. 1746 ,; McLachlan, E. J. 2030 Tucker, G. H.

FROM MALTA, PER H.T. " DONGOLA," MARCH 10, 1914. 16323 Serjeant McKenna, W. 19211 Oorporal.. Bowen, G. 1097 Oorporal Herbert, R. 22 Lce.-Oorpl. Ohurch, W. R. 114~ Private Boxall, H. 19103 Private Noble, H. G. 1493 Parsons, J. 1420 Smith, S. 1662 Stanley, G. 19551 " Tims, A. 1111 W9rrad, W. P. 835 Jonathon, D. H. 18109 Bridge, F. R. 1131 Burge, F. V. 5843 Fraser; J. 1247 Buckland, F. E. 17898 Knagg, W. FROM GIBRALTAR, PER S,S. "GAIKA," FEBRUARY 26, 1914. 14538 1 Serjeant .. i Wells, H. 1 I


14505 Qmr.-Serjt. Jones, H. 31.1.14 Free after twelve years. Protected by copyright. 17227 Serjeant Blatter, J. 10.2.14 Termination of first period. 17215 Oorporal Lilley, W. A. 11.2.14 19354 Sanders, H. 28.2.14 Medically" unfit. " " 9985 , ,[ Rog""oo. E. J, 8.3.14 Termination of second period. 19446 .. Davies, D ... 12.3.14 On payment of £18. 17380 Private" .. Haigh, J. W. D. 5.3.14 Termination of first period. 17400 . . Sarsfield, P. 12.3.14 I "

NOTE FROM LONDON.-The Director-General and the officers of the Royal Army Medical Oorps entertained Surgeon-General Gorgas at dinner in the mess on Wednesday, March 18. Those present included Surgeon-General May (Director. General of the Royal Naval Medical Service), Sir William OsIer, Sir Ronald Ross, Professor Martin, Professor Nuttall, and Surgeon-General Evatt.

NOTES FROM SIERRA LEONE.-Major W. M. B. Sparkes writes, dated Feb­ http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ ruary 24, 1914: .. On Monday, February 2, the officers of the Royal Army Medical Oorps held their annual gymkhana on the recreation ground, Freetown. The gymkhana has now almost become looked upon as one of the recognized social events of the year. Our guests were received by Major Taylor, who is acting S.M.O. during the absence on leave of Lientenant-Oolonel Gerrard. "Tea was served at 4 p.m., the gymkhana commencing at 4.30. The entries for all the events were very good_ " The menagerie race was the most amusing event, there being ten entries; the animals at the starting point (dogs barred) were monkeys, a chimpanzee, a sheep, a duck, a rat, baboons, a hen. The race was won by Mr. Massey, of the West African Regiment, who drove the sheep, or I should say, the sheep pulled him. " At the conclusion of the races the prizes were presented to the winners by Mrs. Hollis, the wife of the Acting Governor.

" A word of praise is due to our non-commissioned officers for helping us with the on September 24, 2021 by guest. decorations and looking after the refreshments.

".PROGRAMME. " (15 Hammock Race. " (2) Blindfold Driving Race. "(3) Drawing Oompetition. "(4) Whistling Race. "(5) Orange Race. "(6)' Menagerie Race. " (7) Banana Race. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-22-04-19 on 1 April 1914. Downloaded from


"I regret to have to announce the death of Oaptam Farrant, from liver abscess, which took place at Tower Hill on February 10. Oaptain Farrant was one of the most popular men out here; his genial manner and good nature endeared him to all. " On February 21 the freightship , Batanga' arrived; bringing ont Major Pollock, Oaptains Brod, Oromie, and Ormrod, who relieve Majors Taylor, Houghton, and Unwin." . NOTES FROM DELHI. -Lieutenant-Oolonel A. P. Blenkinsop, R A.M. 0., Assistant­ Director, Medical Services (British Service), writes as follows, dated February 19, 1914: "Appointments.-Oolonel R. S, F. Henderson, K.H.P., British Service, has been appointed Assistant Director of Medical Services, 4th (Quetta) Division, with effect from March 6, 1914. " Oaptain A. G. Jones, R.A.M.O., has been appointed Staff Surgeon at Rawalpindi, temporarily. "Casualties.-Major F. A. Stevens has been transferred to the half-pay list from February 4, 1914, on account of ill-health. "Leave.-Generalleaveex India to the undermentioned officers has been concurred In :- "Lieutenant-Oolonel E. M. Hassard, six months from April 11, 1914, to October 10, 1914. , " Oaptain J. Start in, six months from March 25, 1914, to September 24, 1914. " Oaptain A. L. Stevenson, six months from May 1, 1914, to October 31, 1914. " Oaptain W. J. Dunn, six months from March 25, 1914, to September 24, 1914. "Oaptain O. G. Sherlock, six months from April 7, 1914, to October 6,1914. " Specialists.-The following officers have been appointed specialists in the subject and division noted against them :- . " Oaptain A. T. Frost, Dermatology, 6th (Poona) Division. "Lieutenant T. A. Weston, Advanced Operative Surgery, 8th (Lucknow) Division. Protected by copyright. "Lieutenant T. E. Osmond, Dermatology, 8th (Lucknow) Division." SPECIAL RESERYE OF OFFICERS. ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL OORPS. The undermentioned Lieutenants to be Oaptains: Sarsfield J. A. H. Walshe, M.B., dated February 15, 1914; Olarence E. Greeson, M.B., dated February 18, 1914; George H. Stevenson, M.B., dated March 1, 1914. The undermentioned Lieutenants resign their commissions: Oharles W. O. Myles, J\LB., dated January 7, 1914 ; John Fraser, dated February 7,1914; John H. O. Grene, J\LB., dated March 4, 1914. The undermentioned to be Lieutenants (on probation): Cadet-Serjeants John Patrick Huban and James O'Shaughnessy Beveridge, from the Royal Oollege of Surgeons in Ireland Oontingent, Officers Training Oorps, dated February 2, 1914; Albert Frederick Leopold Shields, late Oorporal, Belfa.,t University Oontingent,

Officers Training Oorps, Oadet-Serjeant Frederick McKibbin, from the Belfast Uni­ http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ versity Oontingent, Officers Training Oorps, and Oadet-Serjeant Thomas MacnaughtJl,n Davie, from the University Oontingent, Officers Training Oorps, dated February 5, 1914; Oadet-Serjeant Oampbell McNeill MacOormack, from the Belfast University Oontingent. Officers Training Oorps, dated February 12, 1914; O~det Oolour-Serjeant Evan Davies, from the Birmingham University Oontingent, Officers Training Oorps, dated February 19, 1914; Oadet-Oorporal Andrew John Horne, from the Dublin University Oontingent, Officers Training Oorps, and Oadet-Oorporal George Alexander MacDonald, from the Edinburgh University Oontingent, Officers Training Oorps, dated February 20, 1914; Oadet Joseph Henry Oranston Walker, from the Dublin University Oontingent, Officers Training Oorps, dated February 21, 1914; John Gray Ronaldson, lILB., dated February 23, 1914; Oadet Robert Forgan, from the Aberdeen University Oontingent, Officers Training Oorps, dated March 4, 1914.


ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL OORPS. on September 24, 2021 by guest. 3ni Home Oounties Field Ambulance.-Horace Townsend Newman Merrick, M.B., to be Lieutenant, dated March 4, 1914. . 2nd London CleaTing HospitaZ.-Oaptain Frederick William Higgs, M.D., from the List of Officers attached to other Units, to be Oaptain, dated January 29, 1914. South Midland Clearing Hospital.-Douglas Percy Taylor to he Quartermaster, with the honorary rank of Lieutenant, dated January 29, 1914. South Midland CleaTing Hospital.-Bernard Grainger Goodwin, F.R.O.S. (late Lieutenant, Royal Army Medical Oorps), to be Oaptain, dated December 4, 1913. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-22-04-19 on 1 April 1914. Downloaded from


3rd East Anglian Field Ambulance.-Lieutenant Alexander Graham, M.B., to be Captain, dated January 7, 1914 3rd Home Counties Field Ambulance.-Lieutenant James Barkley to be Captain, dated February 3, 1914. _ Notts and;Derby Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance.-Captain Alexander R. Tweedie, F.R.C.S., to be Major, dated March 14,1914. . Yorkshire M~ounted Brigade Field Ambulance.--John Downie, M.B., to be Lieutenant, dated January 24, 1914; Lieutenant Thomas E. Lister, M.B., resigns his commission, dated March 14, 1914; Edward Douglas Ellis to be Lieutenant, dated March 14, 1914. 5th London Field Ambulance.-William Bertram Hill, M.D., to be Lieutenant, dated February 17, 1914. _ 2nd Lowland Field Ambulance.-William His~op Manson, M.D., to be Lieutenant, dated February 17, 1914. Northwnbrian Clearing Hospital.-Captain William Thomas Harkness, M.B., from 1st Northumbrian }<'ield Ambulance, to be Captain, dated March 14, 1914. 2nd Smith Western Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance.-Captain John R. Benson, F.R.C.S., to be Major, dated March 15,1914. 2nd East Lancashire Field Ambulance.-Major Fred- D. Woalley resigns his com· mission, and is granted permission to retain his rank and to wear the prescribed uniform, dated March 21, 1914. 2nd Welsh Field Ambulance.-Charles William Chester Myles, M.B .. (late Lieutenant, Royal Army Medical Corps, Special Reserve), to be Lieutenant (to be supernumerary) dated March 25, 1914; lvor JonesDavies, J\LD., to be Lieutenant (to be supernumerary), dated February 16. 1914. 3rd Northern General Bospital.-Major Arthur M. Connell, F.R.C.S.Edin., to be Lieutenant-Colonel, dated February 20, 1914. Wessex'Clea1'ing Hospital.--Captain Clarence lsidore Ellis, M.D., from the list of Protected by copyright. officers attached to other units, to be Major, dated March 25, 1914.

OFFICERS ATTACHED TO OTHER UNITS. Lieutenant William J. Harrison, lVLB., to be Captain,dated October 29, 1913. Major William T. Hannah, M.D., resigns his commission, and is granted permission to retain his rank and to wear the prescribed uniform, dated :Thiarch 4, 1914. James Ettershank Gordon Thomson, M.B., to be Lieutenant, dated December 27, 1913. William Simpson McCune, M.B., to be Lieutenant, dated January 3,1914. Edmund Frederic Rose (late Surgeon-Lieutenant, 3rd Volunteer Battalion, The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regiment), to be Lieutenant, dated March 4, 1914. Captain Charles R. Browne, M.D., to be Major, dated January 5, 1914. Kenneth Douglas Wilkinson, M.B.(late Cadet Serjeant, Birmingham University Contingent, Senior Division, Officers' Training Oorps), to be Lieutenant, dated January 23,

1914. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ James Anderson, l\LB., to be Lieutenant, dated January 31, 1914. Lieutenant Cecil William Rowntree, M.B., F.R.C.S., from the 3rd London (Oity of London) Field Ambulance, to be Lieutenant, dated February 18, 1914. Lieutenant Outhbert D. S. Agassiz, M.B., to be Oaptain, dated October 30, 1913. Lieutenant Francis D. Blandy, M.D., to be Oaptain, dated November 3, 1913. Lieutenant Edward O. Libbey, to be Captain, dated February 16, 1914. Major William B. Fergusson, M.D., resigns his commission, and is granted per­ mission to retain his rank and to wear the prescribed uniform, dated March 21, 1914.

SUPERNUMERARY FOR SERVICE WITH THE OFFICERS' TRAINING CORPS. Quartermaster-Serjeant Philip Henry Mitchiner, M.B., F.R.O.S., serving with the University of London Oontingent, Senior Division, Officers' Training Corps, to be Lieutenant, for service with the medical unit of that contingent, dated March 4, 1914.

QUEEN ALEXllNDRA'S IMPERIAL MILITARY NURSING SERYICE. on September 24, 2021 by guest. Postings and Transfers.-Matron: Miss G. M. Richards, to London, from Aldershot. Staff Nurses: Miss E. Schafer, to Oosham, from Netley; Miss M. R. Casswell, to York, from Aldershot; Miss C. A. Stevens, to Netley, from York; Miss C. M. Pearce, to Aldershot, from York; Miss A. Bradley, to York, from Woolwich; Miss E. Gibson, to London; Miss G. Witter, to Woolwich; Miss E. V. L. Olarke, to Curragh, on provisional appointment. Appointments Oonfirnzed.-Staff Nurses: Miss M. J. Riddell, Miss I. Carruthers, Miss E. M. Davies, Miss A. M. E. C. Charles. Arrivals.-Miss M. Pedler, Sister, from Egypt; Miss M. German, Sister, from Egypt. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-22-04-19 on 1 April 1914. Downloaded from

92 ANNUAL DINNER. THE Annual Dinner of the Officers of the Royal Army Medical Corps will take place on Monday, June 15, 1914, in the "Empire and Alexandra Rooms," Trocadero Restaurant, Piccadilly Circus, W., at 8 o'clock. President: The Director-General, ArmyMedical Service. The price of dinner tickets to subscribers will be 7s. 6d. The price to non-subscribers will be £1 12s. 6d. It is particularly requested th"t early application for tickets be made, both by subscribers and non-subscribers, in order that the number attending may be approximately known as soon as possible. Non-subscribers when applying for tickets should forward the sum of £1 12s. 6d. by cheque or P.O.O., made payable to the Hon. Secretary. The price of the dinner ticket will be collected from sub­ scribers at the restaurant on the night of the dinner. The following officers will be regarded as subscribers:- (1) All existing subscribers to the old Royal Army Medical Corps Dinner Fund, provided they have paid their subscriptions to that fund for this year. (2) All subscribers to the Royal Army Medical Corps Fund,l provided their subscriptions are credited to the fund before the date of the dinner. Selected musicians from the Royal Army Medical Corps Band will perform during dinner. Besides one long table there will be small separate tables to allow of eight officers sitting at each, and these will be reserved for parties of eight officers who wish to dine together, if they will arrange to notify the names to the Hon. Secretary before Thursday, June 11. A plan of the tables will be on view at the restaurant on the day of the dinner, in order that officers who have not made up parties may select the places at which they wish to sit. A list of officers who have notified their intention of dining will also be on view. Protected by copyright. N.B.-The Monday in Ascot Week has been fixed as the day on which the dinner will be held each year. Miniature medals will be worn. G. B. STANISTREET, Liettt.-Colonel, B.A.M.C., Hon. Secretary B.A.M.C. Annual Dinner Committee, cia Messrs. Halt et Co., 3 Whitehall Place, S. W.

ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS CENTRAL MESS AND GAMES COMMITTEE. NOTICE. THE Committee, considering it highly desirable that, ultimately, all officers of the

Corps should become subscribers to tbe Central Mess Fund, will make recommenda­ http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ tions on the lines stated below (with possible additions to be published later) to the Annual General Meeting, which will be held in June next on the day of the Corps Dinner. Any officer desirous of submitting propositions connected with this Fund should send a statement of them to the Honorary Secretary before May 1, 1914. Such proposals should be accompanied by the names of proposer and seconder. If there is no valid objection to their discussion at the meeting they will be published in the June number of the CORPS JOURNAL. The following are the recommendations referred to above :- (1) That all officers joining the Corps after March 1, 1914, who wish to become subscribers to the Central Mess Fund shall pay an entrance fee of £5 58. and thereafter an annual SUbscription equivalent to one half of one day's pay of their rank and service, at British rates, on March 1, at which date their subscription shall be due in advance. (The above proposal is based on the fact that at present a young officer on joining pays £2 to the London mess, £2 16s. at Aldershot, and afterwards joining contributions to other messes at home and abroad. In days gone, by, when the officer on probation on September 24, 2021 by guest. drew 8s. a day, instead of 14s., he paid £5 5s. at Netley, and other contributions elsewhere.) . (2) That all other officers on the active, half-pay, and retired lists shall become

'Officers who have specially excluded the ,annnal dinner in the allocation of their subscription will of course be excepted. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-22-04-19 on 1 April 1914. Downloaded from

93 members on payment of the annual subscription only. (It will be remembered that at the last Annual Meeting a resolution was adopted" that officers on the retired and half· pay lists be eligible as subscribers to the Fund, and that their annual subscription be at the rate'of one half of one day's retired or half·pay of their rank. That messes be invited to accord the privilege of honorary membership to such subscribers.") (3) Quartermasters will be considered honorary members of the Oentral Mess Fund without the payment of an annual subscription. (4) That officers subscribing as above and the honorary· members tbere mentioned shall be relieved of all joining contributions to messes (including those paid on pro· motion), the payment of such to be a charge on the Oentral Fund. ' (5) That, as a tentative measure, such payment be made every quarter from the Oentral Fund, on requisition by the honorary secretaries of the various messes. , (6) That no increase in the existing rate of joining contributions be made without reference to the Oentral Mess Oommittee; and that the case of those messes which impose no joining contribution be specially considered. (7) That the above payments from the Oentral Fund take place, retrospectively, as from March I, 1914. Such joining contributions as may have been paid to messes between that date and the receipt of these resolutions be refunded direct to the members by the Honorary Secretary, Oentral Mess Oommittee, on production of a voucher. NOTES ON GAMES AND SPORT. Association Football.-Serjeant-Major Drury, Hon. Secretary R.A.M.O. Football Club, writes from Aldershot: "As stated in the last notes, we drew with Bromley on February 14 in the 3rd round Amateur Oup. We protested and won our case. The replay was ordered by the Association to take place at Aldershot on the 21st ult., and after a brilliant display of football on both sides we won by the excellent margin Protected by copyright. of 6 goals to 1. " Before going further I should like all to know that our protest was based on the fact that the game was not finished ·on the first occasion. Nearly all the papers stated we protested because our opponents were ten minutes late turning out in the field. At the inquiry the Referee stated: 'On the day of the match he was not aware that extra time had to be played in the event of a draw, but even if he had known, the light would not have permitted the game to finish on account of the Bromley team turning up ten minutes after time.' . " On February 25 we were to have met the Oonnaught Rangers in the Aldershot Senior League, but they scratched to us after our team were in the field. "On February 28 we met Barnet and Alston in the 4th round English Amateur Cup, and after a well contested game, on the worst ground we have ever played on, we won by 3 goals to 1, "On March 4 the team travelled to Oolchester, and were accommodated at the Military Hospital at that Station. (The Committee would like to take this opportunity of thanking the officer in charge, Serjeant-Major Genese, Quartermaster-Serjeant http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ Le Poidevin, Serjeant Blundell, and the Hospital staff for their kindness and hospitality on that occasion.) The next day we met the 1st Hampshire Regiment in the' Fatal Fifth' round Army Oup. This we lost by 5 clear goals. Our wing men, who depend upon their speed were handicapped by the small size of the ground. "On March 14 we met Bishop Auckland in the Semi-final English Amateur Oup at Stockton-on-Tees, the result being a goal.less draw. It was the finest exhibition of football given this year by the team. "The following paragraph from The Sports Gazette, Bishop Auckland, dated March 16, sums up the game in a few. words : " , The game was a very:fine one, fought in the most sportsmanship fashion by both sides; true there were failures by players on both sides, or goals would have been scored, but when the play is· taken as a whole it is certain the result was a fitting one to a stirring and interesting contest. Both goalkeepers acquitted themselves

splendidly.' . on September 24, 2021 by guest. "The Oorps team was defeated at Watford on the 21st inst. in the replayed semi­ final round of the F.A. Amateur Oup Oompetition by Bishop Auckland (3-1). Oorporal Prince and Private Morris have been chosen to play for the Army in England v. Army in Ireland. "We have withdrawn from the Aldershot Senior League, as the Oentral Oommittee only gave' us up to the 14th of March to complete our fixtures; this meant six matches in seven days with the Amateur Oup Semi.final thrown in. We regretted we were compelled to adopt this procedure." J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-22-04-19 on 1 April 1914. Downloaded from


Rugby Football.-Lieutenant J. L. Huggan, playing for the Army against the Navy, had a large share in the victory of the former by 4 goals and 2 tries to'l goal and 3 tries, as the following extract from the Times of March 9 will show ;- " Broadly, it was a game between the Army forwards and the Navyhalf.backs, where the balance was even; it was turned in favour of the Army by a wing three­ quarter back, J_ L. Huggan, who played the finest game in his career. His unerring fielding of the ball and his determination to get through were reminiscent of the play of V. H. M. Ooates last season. He is not fast, but avoids a tackle in his raking, ugly stride by calling forth extm pace when required. His cross-kicking, which he used just at the right times, was as accurate as that of T. W. Pearson, who perfected, if he did not invent, this manamvre in the early '90's. He was playing outside to R. M. Scobie, the Scottish International, and one may surmise that he will be included in the Scottish side against England in the match for the Oalcutta Oup in a fortnight's time." Lieutenant J. h Huggan played for v. England in the recent match. Golf.-The following notice has been received from the Hon. Secretary, Army Golfing Society, who would be glad to receive the names of any officers wishing to join the Society. Army Golfing Society meeting to be held on the links of the Woking Golf Club, May 11 and 12, 1914. May 11.-36 holes Medal Play, under handicap, for first and second prizes presented by the Society. There will also be a prize for the best scratch score. Open to all officers who are serving or who have served as regular officers in the regular Army. May 12.-Morning: 18 holes Medal Play, under handicap, for prize presented by the Society. Afternoon: Foursomes versus "Bogey," for prizes presented by the Society. Both events opeu to members of the Society only. There will be optional sweepstakes on all events.

N.B.-(l) Oompetitors when entering must state their lowest official club haudi­ Protected by copyright. caps. If possessing no handicap, they must forward two cards (medal play) and state the" bogey" of the course on which the rounds were played. (2) Oompetitors must notify the Hon. Secretary when entering if they require a partner in any or all of the events; if they do not, who their partner will be. Play will start at 10 a.m. each day. Entries will close on May 4. Ton'ington, OAPTAIN L. NICHOLLS, Hoylake, Cheshire. Hon. Secretary. Note.-Anyofficer who is serving or has ser.. ed as a regular officer in the regular Army can join the Society at any time on payment of £lls. for life membership. Racing.-At the Grand Military Meeting at Sandown, Oaptain O'Brien-Butler rode the winner of the United Service Selling Handicap Steeplechase. He was third in the Past and Present Steeplechase, which race he has previously won three years in succession. 3, Homefield Road, J. T. OLAPHAM, Captain, . Wimbledon Common, S. W. Hon. Secretary. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/

UNITED SERVICES MEDICAL SOCIETY. THE next meeting of the above Society will be held at the Royal Army Medical Oollege, Grosvenor Road, S. W., on Thursday, April 9, 1914, at 5 p.m. Business, "The Scope of the Field Ambulance as a Training School," Major Josiah Oldfield, R.A.M.O. (T. F.). Synopsis of Paper.-Field ambulance medical officer~-·Regimental medical officer -Present insufficient training of the latter-:-Want of co-ordination of the two-Field ambulance to be the one portal for all medical officers' training-Medical officers to be posted from the field ambulance for regimental duties-All medical officers to be under the command of the commanding officer of the field ambulance when in camp together ·-Place of the band as stretcher-bearers-Training of the regimental stretcher-bearers

should be through the field ambulance-Regimental stretcher-bearers should drill with on September 24, 2021 by guest. the field ambulance when in camp together-Failure of regimental stretcher-bearers during field exercises-No co-ordination at present between regimental treatment and field ambulance treatment of wounded-Water-duty men, sanitary men, and the medical officer-Orderlies should all be provided by the field ambulance, should be trained in the field ambulance, and the officer commanding field ambulance should be responsible for their efficiency. E. O. STANFORD, Staff-Surgeon, R.N. 'G. A. D.HARVEY, Captain, R.A.M.C. Joint Hon. Secretaries. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-22-04-19 on 1 April 1914. Downloaded from

ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS FUND. NOTICE OF THE TWELFTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, 1914. THE Annmil General Meeting of the subscribers to this Fund will be beld in the Library of the Royal Army Medical College, Grosvenor Road, S.W., at 2 p.m., on Monday, June 15, 1914. The Director-General will preside. It is hoped that officers will freely express their views on any point connected with the Fund. Subscribers who wish for information on any special point are requested to communicate with the Secretary so that information may be furnished in response to any question asked. F. W. H. DAVIE HARRIS, Lieutenant-Colonel, 124, Victoria Street, S. W. Secreta-ry.

ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS OFFICERS' BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. THE Annual General Meeting of the subscribers to this Society will be held in the Library of the Royal Army Medic;!,l College, Grosvenor Road, S. W., at 3 p.m., on Monday, June 15, 191<10. The Director General will preside. It is hoped that officers will freely express their views on any point connected with the Society. Subscribers who wish for information on any special point are requested to communicate with the Secretary, so that information may be furnished in response to any question asked. F. W. H. DAVIE HARRIS, Lientenant-Colonel,

124, Victoria Street, S. W. Secretary. Protected by copyright.

R.A.M.C. WARRANT OFFICERS' AND SERJEANTS', PRESENT AND PAST, ANNUAL DINNER CLUB. THE Committee cordially thank and send greetings to all members at home and abroad for their loyal support during the year now closing and confidently appeal for a further continuance of encouragement for future years. The arrangements for the Sixth Annual Dinner under the presideucy of the Director-General at Anderton's Hotel, Fleet Street, on April 15 are now complete; all particulars can be obtained from the Hon. Secretary. Tickets 3s. 6d-. A plan is in hand whereby messes, &c., of the Corps have been invited to appoint local secretaries to assist in collecting subscriptions, notifying ch.,nges, &0., by which

means it is hoped still further to increase the club's sphere of usefulness; names and http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ particulars will be published later. . A full report of the Dinner, also notification of the Annual General Meeting, .will be published in the Corps Journal, and with regard to the General Meeting it is hoped the larger centres of the Corps will appoint and send representatives,who are cordially invited. In conclusion the Oommittee, in view of the success which has attended their efiorts daring the past year, sincerely hope, especially as the annual subscription is so small, that more mess members will see their way to join up the only link existing to further the goodwill and fraternal comradeship so essential to the welfare of the club, and feel confident this appeal will not pass unheeded. Royal Herbert Hospital, FRED G. COURT, Woolwich, S.E., StajJ-Serjeant, B.A. M. C., March, 1914. Hon. Secretary. The Chairman and Committee of the Veterans' Club, Bedford Row, W.C., have much pleasure in inviting all th~ members to consider themselves honorary members on September 24, 2021 by guest. of the club from April 14 to 21. Suggested means of identity for admission, production of dinner ticket. -

ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL COLLEGE. LIEUTENANT-GENERAL SIR JAMES GRIERSON, K.C.B., C.V.O., C.M.G., will dis­ tribute the prizes at the Royal Army Medical College, on Friday, May 1, at 4 p.m. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-22-04-19 on 1 April 1914. Downloaded from


OBITUARY. OOLONEL WALTER AUGUSTUS PARKER. OOLONEL W. A. PARKER died at Hastings on March 4, 1914, aged 64. He was educated at St. George's Hospital, and obtained the diplomas M.R.O.S.Eng. and L.R.O.P.Lond. in 1871. He joined the Army as Surgeon, Army Medical Department, on February 3, 1878, was promoted Surgeon-Major, Medical Staff, on February 3, 1890, and Surgeon Lieutenant-Oolonel, Army Medical Staff, on Febrnary 3, 1898. He served abroad in Jamaica, Barbados, Ohina, Straits Settlements, India, and Malta. Heretired on February 23, 1898 and held retired-pay appointments at Reading, Exeter, and Penally. On October 18, 1902, he was promoted Colonel on the retired list in recog­ nition of his services dnring the operations in . He had no war service. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL JAMES WILL. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL J. WILL died at Dunton Green, Kent, on March 9, 1914, aged 55. He was born at North Quillquox, Tarvas, Aberdeenshire, arid received his medical education at Aberdeen University. In 1883 he obtained the Senior Thompson Medical Bursary, and graduated M.B., C.M. with honours in 1884. He joined the Service as Surgeon, Medical Staff, on July 28, 1887, gaining the second prize'in pathology at the end of the course at Netley. He served abroad in Hong Kong, Barbados, and Uganda. On the occasion of the destruction of S. Pierre, Martinique, he rendered valuable assistance, for which he was thanked by the Secretary of State for the Colonies and received a "eulogistic public address" from the inhabitants of St. Vincent. He was promoted Major, Royal Army Medical Oorps, on July 28, 1898, and on February 20, 1904, was seconded for service under the Foreign Office and became P.M.O. in the East Africa and Uganda Protectorate, and a member of the Protected by copyright. Legislative Oonncil of British East Africa. He was commended by the G0vernor of East Africa for his services. He served in the Mandi Expedition 1905-6 and received the medal and clasp'. He was promoted Lieutenant-Oolonel on July 28, 1906, and selected for increased pay on September 13, 1913. He was appointed D.A.D.M. S. of the Northumbrian Territorial Division on March 1, 1911, and served in that capacity until his retirement on November 5, 1913. MAJOR JOHN GREER BLACK. MAJOR J. G. BLACK died at Portrush, Co. Antrim, on March 1, 1914. He was edncated at Queen's Oollege, Galway, and took the degree of M.D., R. U.I., in 1881 and M.Ch. in 1882. He joined the Army as Surgeon, Medical Staff, on January 30, 1886, and was promoted Surgeon-Major, Army Medical Staff, on January 30, 1898. He served abroad in India, Gibraltar, South Africa, and Wei-Hai-Wei. His war service was:

Relief of Ladysmith, including operations of February 17 to 24, 1900; operations http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ on Tugela Heights, February 14 to 17, 1900; operations in Natal, March to June, 1900. He was mentioned in dispatches and received the Queen's medal with five clasps, and the King's medal with two clasps. He was placed on retired pay on January 30, 1906. QUARTERMASTER AND HONORARY MAJOR DAV1D McINTYRE. MAJOR D. McINTYRE died on February 28, 1914, aged 71. He enlisted in the 2nd Battalion 2nd Regiment on June 21, 1860, and transferred to the Army Hospital Corps January 1, 1865. He received Her Majesty's Oommission as Lieutenant of Orderlies on June 9, 1877, and was promoted Honorary Captain June 9, 1887. He was granted the Honorary rank of Major, October 18, 1902, for service at home during the South African war.

BIRTHS. on September 24, 2021 by guest. PROBYN.-On December 24, 1913, at Denison Hall, Leeds, the wife of Major Percy J. Probyn, D.S.O., a daughter. OREE.-On February 28, at Harley Lodge, Oheltenham, the wife of Lieutenant­ Colonel G. Cree, a son . .WAY.-On March 6, at 7, Convent Road, Wynberg, South Africa, the wife of Oaptain Leslie Way, R.A.M.O., a son. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-22-04-19 on 1 April 1914. Downloaded from


GOLDEN WEDDING. ON March 9, 1864, at St. Paul's Church, Umballa, India, by the Rev. Fitz­ Henry W. Ellis, Chaplain, Alexander Frederick Bradshaw, Assistant Surgeon, 2nd Battalion the Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort's Own), to Ellen Charlotte, only daughter of Colonel Richard Sheridan Ewart, retired list, Bengal Army. Present Address, 111, Banbury Road, Oxford.

DEATHS. McINTYRE.-On February 28, at Portobello, Quartermaster and Honorary Major David Mclntyre, late Army Medical Staff. BLACK.-On March I, at Portrush, Co. Antrim, Major John Greer Black, M.D., retired pay, late Royal Army Medical Corps, aged 55. PAHKER.-On March 4, at Hastings, Colouel WaIter Augustus Parker, retired, Army Medical Staff, aged 64. WILL.-On March 9, at Dunton Green, Kent, Lieutenant·Oolonel James Will, M.B., retired pay, late Royal Army Medical Corps, aged 55. Protected by copyright.

EXCHANGES, &0. The charge for inserting Notices respecting Exchanges in the RO!Jal Army Medical Oorps is 5/- for not more than five lines, which shmtld be forwarded by Oheque or P.O.O., with the notice, to Messrs. G. STREET and 00., Ltd., 8, Serle Street, London, W.O., not later than the 22nd of the month.

Captain due for abroad next Trooping Season wishes to exchange http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ Home. Apply" C. E.," c/o Messrs. Holt & Co. Major due for foreign service Trooping Season 1916·17 willing to exchange to go Trooping Season 1914-15. Apply" J ehu," c/o Messrs. Holt & Co., 3, Whitehall Place, London, S.W. Majorprobably due for abroad late 1914-15 Trooping Season wishes to exchange with an officer low down on the foreign roster. Apply" .Tob," c/o Messrs. Holt & Co. Major due for foreign service next Trooping Season wishes to exchange with an officer: low down on roster. Apply "Aeroplane," c/o Messrfl.

Holt & Co., Whitehall, London. on September 24, 2021 by guest.

Captain who arrived home March, ~913, is willing to go abroad again this coming Trooping Season for suitable bonus. Apply" Travers," c/o Messrs. Holt & Co., Whitehall, London. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-22-04-19 on 1 April 1914. Downloaded from

A free issue of twenty-five reprints will be made to contributors of Original Communications, and of twenty-five excerpts of Lectures, Travels, and Proceedings of the United Services Medical Society. Any demand for excerpts, additional to the above, or for reprints, must be for· warded at the time of submission of the article for publication, and will be charged for at the following rates, and additional copies at proportionate rates ;-


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