(Iowa City, Iowa), 1956-07-19
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owan \erving The State University of Iowa and ihe People of Iowa City Established in 1868 - Five Cents a Copy Member of Associated Pres - AP Leased Wire and Photo ServicE' Iowa City, Iowa, Thursday, July 19, 19.>6 Ike May 'Use I-H- A€t FIVE TEEN·AGE GIRLS 5urvey tn. flo~ flood on the upper·branch of Rolston CrHk in nortMut Iowa Ctty during Wodnesday's huvy rains. Tho crook, according to rHl.nt5 of tn. erea, hu 11M" "dry al • MIlo" until WeclnHday. From loft to right aro: J.nll S..-nler, 1192 Hem Avo., hor 5ilton Judy, Juno, and ...... ; and far ri<:Oht i5 Lindo Lorimer, 136 P.non5 Avo. In Steelworker Strike • The Weather Miller, Gives Insights, Cloudy Engine Trouble . - Highway Commission Management, Impressions.of ~ussia and OK's New Road Plans Union Told To DES !I10fNES ~The Iowa Highway Commission took the first steps A classless society ~n Russia is a myth, Harlan S. Miller, Des Moines Wedne day toward the initial $70 million worth of four-lane highways columnist, said ~n a panel interview Wednesday. Warm under the new federal interstate road Improvement program. Seffle Dispute "I think societY in Russia is definitely more stratified than in our The commls ion authorized its administrative tare to proceed with PITI'SBURyH I.fI - The Ei en· C9Untry ,' , Miller said. "SCientists, writ('rs, students, young soldiers and preliminary plans, studies and sur- • hower administration Wednesday artists are all an elite group," he More thunderstorms are pre· dicted for the Iowa City area to· veys and the purchase of right of "bluntly warned lhe steel compa· added. day with temperatures again way for relocations of segments of nies and the steelworkers union to The stratifioation is due in part U.SI climbing into the 80s. U.S. Highways 69, 6 and 75. settle their wage contract differen to the rise of education in Russia, Forces Hi gh temperatures today will The first work in the multi-mil W~rkshopper ces within a week," a Pittsburgh be indlcoted. Commenting on the range from 75 to 85 degrees, with lion-dolinI', sev('ral-YMr progrnm newspaper said Wednesday night. University of Moscow, Miller said, lows in the middle Gas . will be done on 69 and 6 near Dt>s The newsnllller said the admlnis· ''the buildings arc beautiful, as if In Far East Temperatures in Iowa City Moines, on 75 between Couneil traUon's sudden acUon in the na· built as' a symbol. They are a u~o· Play ( lied tlonwlde basic steel strike came Wednesday reached into the low BluH and Mi ouri Valley, in the pia when compared to other build· 80s, but rapidly fell when the Sioux City area, Osceola to near arter a meeting In Washington lap." · . Consolidate thunderstorms began. The Iowa by Martensdale, Dexter west on 6 Wednesday belw n the Pr sident Students are an alert, Lntelli City sewage plant reported an of· to U.S. 71, lind on 6 in the Daven· and his top economic advisors. gent . group and "have to buckle WASHINGTON LfI - The Defen.se Ciciall.4 inches of rain from Wed port orca. Entertaining The repo rt said there was on "implied threat" that President down and study if they expect. to Department, in a sweeping change, nesday's storm. Paving contracts nrc 8ch duled By IYARS LIEPINS CO very far," he stated_ Wednesday shifted command of all to be let in the summer and faJl EisQrthower would invoke the Taft· of 1957. and In the winter o( 1957· A complete high school cast Hartley Act II necessary to get the 1he appeal of education to the U.S. military Corces in the Far East 650.000 stTiking members of the ~lIISran people is the downfaJl of 58 in the sam order as the sched- showed a lack or confidence in its and the PaciCic to Hawaii. ule (or comroots for grodlni and COally Iowan Ph.~. by Bill N'~D) United Steelworkers back on the tile dictatorship, Miller said. "The Rain (auses . own performance in the first act, It placed a Navy man , Adm. Fe· bridge work. job. dictators created an adult group A C-47, OWNED BY tha 'United St .... D Q~a rtmf\'lt of Commerce, and now they have to deal with it." lix Stump, in over-all charge. Since The commission mnde no esti· but progressively gained assur A source close to David J. Me· mad. an em.rgency landing at the Iowa Cltv airport Wednuday Donald, president of the union, saj d ,!T\le Russians are intense book World War IT Army generals have male on when the improvements ance to provide a very entertain· whon troublo d.veloped in tho left englno while flying ovor Iowa City. wiU be ready for travel. Ing performance of "The Curious he did not know the President's f1!aders," Miller said. "My impres· headed tpe Far East Command. Traffic.Jams~ Loft i. Harold Jehle, .nd right il Charlio Pratt, employe. of tn. Iowa reported action. Industry sources s(db is they read the classics," he The total co t or these proj cts Savage" in the University Theatre Citv flying servico. Tho oilo" of the plane had tv "feather" the on· The department said it wlll abol . FI d Wednesday night. were not imm~jately available ~ed . "They also read books in ish the Far East Command in Ja· was estim~ted <It $70.8 million. Un gin' in order to m.ke the landln,. for comment. ·lfanslatlon." House 00 S Ider the Interstate program, thl' The play was a presentation of ---------------,---------- Eariier Wednesday in 'Washing. Commenting on cirinking in Rus· Pan and move the United Nations Although only 1.4 Inches of rain Cederal government will pay 90 per the 25th Annual High School Sum· lon, Murray Snyder, acting W~ite lia, "l never saw Khruschev so· Command rrom Japan to Korea. feU in Iowa City Wednesday, the cenl and the state 1~ per cent of m r Drama Workshop under the House press secrE:tary, said he The Pentagon said the general water collected in tr ts and low the cost. Payment WIll be pread ~r, ho\Vlver, I never saw him fupcrvision o( Dr. Hugh F. Sea· kn w of no plans for the govern· ~~nk," Miller said. 'Td say so· overhaul of its command §tructurc spots to cause traffic jams and over 1956, 1957 and 1958. Officer Condemns ment to invoke the Taft-Hartley bury, and was directed by Shirley ci~ly stimulated," he added. He will take effect next July 1 to flooded basementg throughout the Rights oC way costs are includ- Law or for the President to confer w~nt on to explain Russians have "simplify the command and organl- city. ed in th grading projects. None Gillespie. with officials oC management and Nong ties to the pre-revo)ution zation" of the Pacific Fleet Cor Rolston Creek; which flows of the land for the rights of way "The Curious Savage" is a the union . An' days, Including the drinking three years. through Iowa City, overnowed has been purchased yet. All of It comedy, which cnn very weJl also McKeon's Action Negotiators trying to end the ~f YQuth . "My impression is The Army has held the senior causing flooded basements in hou· will represent relocations of the be considered a seriou and touch walkout Wednesday held their long ~shchev will not be severely command in the Far East since ses near B nton Street Bnd South various highways. PARRIS ISLAND, S.C. LfI - A stern Marine lieutenant colonel said est meeting since the Is-day-old criticize<! for his drinking," he said Gen. Douglas MacArthur set up his Dubuque Strcet. Iowa City police Rights of way will provide Cor ing production, and the audience Wednesday the type march on which S. Sgt. Matthew C. McKeon led strike bega n but failed to make "I lhink lie is in complete control headquarters in Tokyo at the end i'eported city craws were pumping four·lane highways, except that which was generous with laughter six Marines to death could be called maltreatment. any :1pparent progress. of hilnselr," he added. or Worltl War II. The pres nt Far water out ot baseml!nts in that the commission plans to obtain in th begicning o( the play, sat Lt. Col. Robert A. Thompson of Syracuse, N. Y_, McKeon's former In a jOint statement the two pl)r· Eruit and UN commander it Gen. area .. enoueh property in mctropoman. ties said they will meet again 10- f'ro{~ Arthllt M. BaTnes, SUI lemnly for a rew minutes after uperior, appeared all 8 pro!eCU Lyman L. Lemnitzer, who has Parked cars and cars driving high-traffic areas so as to even· doy. <- ScIIooI of Journalism, served as the moving ending before bursting tlon witnes in the general court· moierator 01 the panel. Members headed both commands since July through low spots in tile streets tually make lhe roads six·lane, After the two·hour negotiating of th~ panel were Prof. Hugh E. 5, 1955. ' stalled, causlhg traffic jams and and even eight·lane highways. into appreciative applause. martial of the 31·year-old former session, both sides confer(ed sep· lelso. SUI Department of Political Tho Pentagon said a lesser head- delays. The commission said some pre- Most oC it was for Carol Willen· 'Little Stalin' drill instructor from Worcester, arately with the Federal Mediation Seielfce; Prof. William E. Porter, quarters will be set up in Japan to Highway 218 was blocked [or a limlnery stUdies have been made burg, who in the exceedingly diffi Mass.