
Worship Resource

for Mission Awareness Sunday April 29, 2012

Theme: Walk the Walk

And he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. The eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him. Then he began to say to them, “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” Luke 4: 20–21

Sessions and WMS/AMS groupss have worked together to promote mission through Mission Awareness Sunday since 2000. Call to Worship: Read responsively Leader: Come to the house of the Lord to worship our God. People: Let us bow down to the one who calls us to himself. Leader: Let us worship our God with songs, with prayer, and with fellowship. People: Our mouths are filled with praises for our God.

Prayers of Adoration and Confession: All praise and glory be unto you O Lord, most high. Lord, as we bow before you with humble hearts, we offer our prayers to you. What in this world can compare with you, O Lord? Where else can we find such wisdom and power? Who else shows us such and , and such mercy? To whom can we go for understanding and ? There is no one else Lord. You alone are God. In you alone do we . And so Lord, we lift your name high and worship you with body, soul, and spirit. May all glory and majesty be given unto you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—blessed Trinity—now and forever.

Confession: O merciful God, we confess that even though you have given us everything we need and your promises are more than sufficient, we have not lived as we should. You are always there to guide us, yet, too often we do not even ask for it. Even when we know what we should do, we turn away and do something else. We make mistakes. We are rebellious. We are selfish and arrogant. At times, we feel too small and insignificant, so we ourselves; or feel too big and arrogant, so we puff ourselves up with . We close our ears to your Word and to the needs of those around us. We want to hold too tightly to the things of this world, forgetting that you have given them to us so that we might help others. Lord, forgive us for our sinfulness. Forgive us when we do what we know we should not do or when we neglect things that we know we should do. Forgive us when we make complicated that which you have made to be simple or when we make difficult that which you have made to be easy. Forgive us when we confuse right and wrong and lead others astray by our . Forgive us for putting conditions on love and forgiveness when you have given us the capacity for, and the example of perfect love and forgiveness. Forgive us Lord, for all the ways we have gone wrong and help us also to forgive others. Grant us the grace of true repentance so that we may not only confess our sins, but also lament and forsake them with our whole hearts and then bear the fruit of righteousness, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Assurance of Pardon: The most amazing thing is this—that in Jesus Christ our sins are forgiven because Jesus died for us and cleanses us from all unrighteousness. We are made holy and righteous as members of God’s Kingdom. Praise be to God!

Children’s Story (see insert) Prayer of Illumination: Speak to us, Lord, through your Word read and preached. Open our ears, eyes, and hearts to the message you have for us today. Empower us by your Holy Spirit so that we may respond in ways that will bring glory to your name. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. Scripture Readings: Old Testament—Isaiah 61:1–2 (or Micah 6:8) Responsive Reading—Psalm 15 New Testament Epistle— 1 John 3:16–24 Gospel—Luke 4:14–21

Sermon: Walk the Walk (see insert) Offerings: As God has been generous to us, let us also generously give back for the sake of Christ’s Kingdom on earth. Our offerings will now be received. Dedication for the Offerings: Gracious God, we bring this offering, praying that our tithes and gifts will help all of the ministries of your church to be adequately sustained. As we share from the bounty you have given to us, we for a deepening of our commitment to serve you and your people. Help us to continue giving, here in the church and in the world. Amen. Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession: Read responsively Leader: Gracious and loving God we have so much to be thankful for. The fact that we can come to worship you freely this day is a privilege that many do not have. People: We give you thanks, Lord, for our lives and health, and for the gift of eternal life given through the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ who conquered death so that we might live forever.Leader: Lord, we thank you for the honour and privilege of being called to be your ambassadors, your representatives, your body, your Church, and members of the Kingdom of God on earth. People: Help us to BE your church in the world, ministering to those around us according to your call. Leader: Amidst all that you have given us, Lord, we thank you for eyes to see the beauty of your creation, the colourful panorama of each season, the tender babies and laughing children, and the wonders of love. People: Help us also to see you in the eyes of all children who are filled with your Spirit and in the eyes and faces of those who are in need, crying to you for help. (Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession continued)

Leader: We thank you for ears to hear your voice in the music, laughter, and of our world. People: Help us also to hear your voice in the cries of the poor and needy, the sick and hurt, the lonely and depressed. Lord speak through us your words of comfort and hope. Leader: We thank you for mouths to eat the wonderful food you have supplied to us, even though we often take it for granted. People: Help us also to remember those mouths that cry for food for there is hunger in the world around us. There are those who cannot find food or afford to choose what to eat, and those whose appetite or illness does not allow them to eat. Leader: As we sing praises to you we give thanks for voices to speak, sing, laugh, and pray. People: Help us to remember those who cannot walk because they are weak, hungry, or ill, and those who do not have the freedom to walk because they are bound or confined. Let us be Christ’s feet to bring them the message of the hope offered in Christ. Leader: Lord, with your help and the gifts of and understanding of the Gospel that you have given to us, People: we pray we will live each day so that we might truly BE your hands, feet, and voices in this world; bringing good news to the poor, release to the captive, sight to the blind, and freedom for the oppressed. May our lives truly proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. Unison: Unison - With thanks for all that you have given us, and called us to be, we praise your name forever. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Charge andBenediction: Our worship continues through service in Christ’s name. Walk the walk of faith. Be Christ’s hands, feet, and voice wherever you are, and may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen.

Hymn Suggestions: 761 – Who’s goin’ to tell the story 762 – When the poor ones 569 – O Jesus, I have promised 772 – Christ for the world we sing 592 – I, the Lord of sea and sky 778 – Lord, you give the great commission 672 – Jesus calls us, o’er the tumult 787 – The kingdom of God is justice and joy 758 – Christ’s is the world

The worship resources for Mission Awarenessw Sunday have been writen by the Rev. Arlene Onuoha. A graduate of both Ewart College and Knox College, Arlene began her ministry as a Church Extension Deaconess in West and East Toronto Presbyteries. From 1978 to 1986 and again from 1991 to 2009 she represented The Presbyterian Church In Canada as a missionary in Nigeria. Currently she works as a Regional Minister in the northern half of Temiskaming Presbytery in northern Ontario. She is a widow with three children, all presently in University.